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PHP Decode
<?php goto tBIjd; mYyNn: if ($getKey->rowCount() <= 0) { goto JJnme; JJnme: echo "\131\15..
Decoded Output download
goto tBIjd; mYyNn: if ($getKey->rowCount() <= 0) { goto JJnme; JJnme: echo "Your key is invalid!\xa"; goto UA2sh; EiQKY: exit; goto VbSaW; UA2sh: echo "
"; goto EiQKY; VbSaW: } elseif ($userKey["banned"] == 1) { goto EYr2t; NvGd8: exit; goto yXS9o; pfuHe: echo "\x1b[0m"; goto NvGd8; EYr2t: echo "\x1b[1;91m"; goto Em0Bz; Em0Bz: echo "YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED! REASON: " . $userKey["ban_reason"] . "
"; goto pfuHe; yXS9o: } else { $UUID = getHwid(); if ($userKey[3] == 0) { goto rwttz; oEWH0: $setKey->bindParam(":PCNAME", $pcname); goto iXS3K; D4bVK: $setKey->execute(); goto KtyJb; rwttz: $pcname = php_uname("n"); goto WX4SD; iXS3K: $setKey->bindParam(":UUID", $UUID); goto rhLQd; rhLQd: $setKey->bindParam(":UserKey", $userKey[2]); goto D4bVK; KtyJb: echo "\x1b[36;1m"; goto GAUGm; WX4SD: $setKey = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE users SET Activated=1, UUID=:UUID, PCNAME=:PCNAME WHERE UserKey=:UserKey"); goto oEWH0; GAUGm: } elseif ($UUID != $userKey[4] && $userKey[6] != 1) { goto bMoBl; eAsjN: echo "Key has already been activated on another pc\xa"; goto aysp6; rnFjM: $ban->execute(); goto DDgNl; DDgNl: echo "\33[1;91m"; goto eAsjN; Oi3Bo: exit; goto B9H_u; bMoBl: $banReason = "ACCOUNT SHARING"; goto pMy7r; aysp6: echo "\33[0m"; goto Oi3Bo; pMy7r: $ban = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE users SET banned=1, ban_reason=:ban_reason WHERE UserKey=:UserKey"); goto ikl9p; ikl9p: $ban->bindParam(":ban_reason", $banReason); goto JTrNB; JTrNB: $ban->bindParam(":UserKey", $userKey[2]); goto rnFjM; B9H_u: } elseif ($userKey[6] == 1) { goto in3EQ; C39DS: if ($UUID != $userKey[4] && !in_array($UUID, $getUUID)) { goto YUtpw; V4JTR: $setKey->bindParam(":UserKey", $userKey[2]); goto oY6la; ja00G: $setKey->bindParam(":PCs", $insertNew); goto V4JTR; YUtpw: if ($userKey[8] >= 1) { goto YX7WA; YX7WA: echo "Max devices reached!
"; goto C7iEz; C7iEz: echo "\33[0m "; goto lwyhC; lwyhC: exit; goto n35k6; n35k6: } goto zsfa5; oY6la: $setKey->execute(); goto nrB0O; zsfa5: $setKey = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE users SET PCs = concat(PCs, :PCs) WHERE UserKey=:UserKey"); goto ja00G; RNVVg: $updatePc->execute(); goto PeZzp; mzqBM: $updatePc->bindParam(":UserKey", $userKey[2]); goto RNVVg; nrB0O: $updatePc = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE users SET PCcount=PCcount+1 WHERE UserKey=:UserKey"); goto mzqBM; PeZzp: } goto tt6BV; replL: $getUUID = explode(",", $checkUUIDs); goto EaAwz; in3EQ: $checkUUIDs = $userKey[7]; goto replL; EaAwz: $insertNew = $UUID . ","; goto C39DS; tt6BV: } } goto y2rQq; ZeSSB: try { $pdo = new PDO(";dbname=u653744347_maile;charset=utf8", "u653744347_redru", "kGAl0DUeqzs5"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (PDOException $e) { goto q318J; UYrl6: echo "\xd
"; goto vjVeD; vjVeD: exit; goto l_L0a; q318J: echo "Connection to database failed:"; goto UYrl6; l_L0a: } goto wtz2E; z0rxA: if (empty($config["AUTHKEY"])) { echo "Put your key in config.php\xa"; exit; } goto mYyNn; y2rQq: echo "
"; goto EFShM; zJo5z: require "config.php"; goto DM72r; Ls6ZT: echo "\33[1;92m | || || || |_| || |_| ||_ _|| _____|| |_| || _ || _ | \33[0m \xd\xa"; goto ZEZee; APmGQ: function getKeyLinux($salt = '') { $uniqueKey = shell_exec("sudo dmidecode -t 4 | grep ID | sed 's/.*ID://;s/ //g'"); return trim(md5($salt . md5($output))); } goto Sh1D6; l9RBm: echo "\x1b[1;92m |__| |__||__| |__||__| |__| |___| |_______||__| |__||___| |___| Checker \x1b[0m
\xa"; goto ykUiH; C8ZlE: echo "\33[1;91m ICQ:\33[0m \33[36;1m 666 40 28
\xa"; goto LPTc9; WOjbz: $userKey = $getKey->fetch(); goto z0rxA; ssk76: echo "
"; goto VO4uA; Sh1D6: $getKey = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserKey=:UserKey"); goto p4My2; LPTc9: echo "\x1b[0;101m\x1b[1;97m Whatsapp Checker \x1b[0m\x1b[46m\x1b[1;97m 1.0 \33[0m
"; goto ssk76; tBIjd: error_reporting(0); goto zJo5z; P1tBu: echo "\33[1;92m | _ || _ || _ | | | _____| || _ || | | | \33[0m
\xa"; goto l9RBm; wtz2E: function getHwid($salt = '') { goto HDZt0; HDZt0: $output = shell_exec("wmic csproduct get uuid"); goto mD1RJ; E2Cw8: return trim(md5($salt . md5($rest))); goto DOZ6v; mD1RJ: $rest = str_replace("UUID", '', $output); goto E2Cw8; DOZ6v: } goto APmGQ; EFShM: echo "\33[1;92m _ _ __ __ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ \x1b[0m \xd
"; goto ZgGGD; DM72r: $getOS = PHP_OS; goto ZeSSB; p4My2: $getKey->bindParam(":UserKey", $config["AUTHKEY"]); goto Bkx94; ykUiH: echo "\xd\xa"; goto ke5Wj; aktz2: echo "\x1b[1;92m | || || | | | |_____ || || ___|| ___| \x1b[0m
"; goto P1tBu; ke5Wj: echo "\x1b[1;91m RED SON \33[0m \xd\xa"; goto C8ZlE; ZEZee: echo "\33[1;92m | || || | | | | |_____ | || |_| || |_| | \x1b[0m
"; goto aktz2; ZgGGD: echo "\33[1;92m | | _ | || | | || _ || || || _ || || | \33[0m \xd
"; goto Ls6ZT; Bkx94: $getKey->execute(); goto WOjbz; VO4uA: if ($server == "public") { goto Fo3lH; KaiOt: $files = file("list.txt"); goto R44bT; l5Ffb: Z3MEP: goto RvDrd; pz6n1: $Mail_Recipents = 0; goto H6iWe; gpiHa: sylmz: goto ZPSf5; ZPSf5: if (feof($file)) { goto Z3MEP; } goto RUH7Y; RUH7Y: $Mail_Recipents++; goto bIS_C; bIS_C: $recipents = fgets($file); goto vsst4; R44bT: if (empty($files)) { goto PgI2O; y3_nh: echo "\33[0m"; goto Ga5MZ; PgI2O: echo "\33[1;91mVICTIMS LIST EMPTY\xa"; goto y3_nh; Ga5MZ: exit; goto VlfJX; VlfJX: } goto pz6n1; H6iWe: $toSend = 0; goto gpiHa; Fo3lH: $file = fopen("list.txt", "r"); goto KaiOt; RvDrd: foreach ($files as $recipent) { goto tQqbd; DhLmw: if (strpos($recipent, ":")) { $prefix = substr($recipent, 0, strrpos($recipent, ":")); } else { $prefix = $recipent; } goto MDin4; MDin4: $toSend++; goto LA4Nt; IZSU7: echo "\33[0m
"; goto JfuWH; DhxgC: jyXXL: goto R7H3g; rtmP6: if ($Debug == 1) { echo "\x1b[36;1m" . $result; } goto IZSU7; LA4Nt: $result = file_get_contents("{$Username}&apikey={$APIKey}&action=check&num={$prefix}&cod={$countrycode}"); goto fHywZ; JfuWH: if ($result2["code"] == "001") { goto JifBx; GwV48: fwrite($lastSend, $prefix . "\xd
"); goto IhM2q; JifBx: echo "\x1b[0;00;1;31m[\x1b[0;97m" . $toSend . "\x1b[0;00;1;31m/\x1b[0;97m" . $Mail_Recipents . "\33[0;00;1;31m]"; goto Oi2D2; tFe7O: file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url)); goto azBSk; p_SGJ: echo " Valid " . $prefix; goto ocKdG; nNmuQ: $img = "images/" . $prefix . ".jpg"; goto tFe7O; Oi2D2: echo "\33[1;92m"; goto p_SGJ; Injrd: fclose($file); goto fBxsN; xlXZW: fwrite($file, $prefix . "\xd
"); goto Injrd; eII1y: $file = fopen("results/Valid.txt", "a"); goto xlXZW; ocKdG: echo "\x1b[0m"; goto eII1y; IhM2q: if ($settings["DeleteChecked"] == true) { goto d_raV; V2n5j: $contents = str_replace($prefix, '', $contents); goto ByZhQ; d_raV: $dir = "list.txt"; goto hF6yF; ByZhQ: file_put_contents($dir, $contents); goto lu0Al; hF6yF: $contents = file_get_contents($dir); goto V2n5j; lu0Al: } goto PKSof; azBSk: $lastSend = fopen("results/lastchecked.txt", "w+"); goto GwV48; fBxsN: $url = $result2["picture"]; goto nNmuQ; PKSof: } else { if ($result2["code"] == "002") { goto S42tJ; H37Qr: fclose($file); goto YTbD6; hUOUn: fwrite($file, $prefix . "\xd\xa"); goto H37Qr; NTNoX: echo "\33[0m"; goto VsMUW; OLAXx: echo "\33[0;00;1;31m[\33[0;97m" . $toSend . "\x1b[0;00;1;31m/\33[0;97m" . $Mail_Recipents . "\x1b[0;00;1;31m]"; goto V7W1c; ZXcw_: if ($settings["DeleteChecked"] == true) { goto LpomU; XqG3R: file_put_contents($dir, $contents); goto JPj1L; cV124: $contents = file_get_contents($dir); goto u912V; LpomU: $dir = "list.txt"; goto cV124; u912V: $contents = str_replace($prefix, '', $contents); goto XqG3R; JPj1L: } goto zUifq; V7W1c: echo " Invalid " . $prefix; goto NTNoX; S42tJ: echo "\x1b[1;91m"; goto OLAXx; bANC1: fwrite($lastSend, $prefix . "
"); goto ZXcw_; VsMUW: $file = fopen("results/Invalid.txt", "a"); goto hUOUn; YTbD6: $lastSend = fopen("results/lastSent.txt", "w+"); goto bANC1; zUifq: } else { goto oz5QY; jt2HD: fwrite($file, $prefix . "\xd\xa"); goto pYxjr; oz5QY: echo "Check error Code
\xa001 : Use WhatsApp\xd\xa002 : Don\342\x80\x99t use WhatsApp
003 : Username or Password wrong\xd
004 : Unknow action\xd
005 : Number format incorrect\xd
006 : Credit limit exceeded
007 : Account disabled\xd\xa008 : Your queue is full, wait (Only for public servers)"; goto AlohS; pYxjr: fclose($file); goto hCzCF; AlohS: $file = fopen("results/error.txt", "a"); goto jt2HD; hCzCF: } } goto GuOeh; GuOeh: echo "\xd
"; goto nDwtP; nDwtP: sleep($config["SLEEP"]); goto DhxgC; fHywZ: $result2 = json_decode($result, true); goto rtmP6; tQqbd: $recipent = trim($recipent); goto DhLmw; R7H3g: } goto jxE2Q; vsst4: goto sylmz; goto l5Ffb; jxE2Q: bo5ir: goto qdwGd; qdwGd: } else { goto iUUdg; uLu9m: $file = fopen("list.txt", "r"); goto Y6OPB; l7xqm: if (empty($files)) { goto G4dRI; GO0yT: echo "\x1b[0m"; goto OSDec; G4dRI: echo "\x1b[1;91mVICTIMS LIST EMPTY\xa"; goto GO0yT; OSDec: exit; goto fDDUH; fDDUH: } goto MCC21; MCC21: $Mail_Recipents = 0; goto DI0ff; Ry4Rn: Yg79i: goto i59R0; MKk6d: NWXsy: goto GEeht; Uzx2f: $Mail_Recipents++; goto SuDSi; Rne_o: goto b9yhM; goto MKk6d; iUUdg: require "config.php"; goto uLu9m; DI0ff: $toSend = 0; goto cyb_d; cyb_d: b9yhM: goto P7aoU; Y6OPB: $files = file("list.txt"); goto l7xqm; SuDSi: $recipents = fgets($file); goto Rne_o; GEeht: foreach ($files as $recipent) { goto rjLMF; Du8c2: $curl = curl_init($url); goto qubm9; Rt5VC: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto e_PJ5; tsV5l: $lastSend = fopen("results/lastchecked.txt", "w+"); goto ltubF; ltubF: fwrite($lastSend, $prefix . "
"); goto tvnOg; UNV08: echo "\x1b[0;00;1;31m[\33[0;97m" . $toSend . "\x1b[0;00;1;31m/\x1b[0;97m" . $Mail_Recipents . "\33[0;00;1;31m]"; goto oDUst; JoPxi: echo "
\x1b[0m"; goto tsV5l; oDUst: echo "\33[1;92m"; goto p7_56; JihaP: $var = array("user" => "{$Username}", "apikey" => "{$APIKey}", "action" => "check", "token" => "{$token}", "callback" => "{$callback}", "num" => "{$prefix}", "cod" => "{$countrycode}", "server" => "{$serverid}"); goto wNKcN; EFuSz: $toSend++; goto UNV08; rwcLt: echo "\33[36;1m" . $result; goto taUG8; rjauQ: CoMoZ: goto KQHnp; D7P3v: curl_close($curl); goto rwcLt; e_PJ5: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $var); goto k3xG8; njGc1: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); goto HsWuL; g0_ko: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); goto Rt5VC; taUG8: echo "\x1b[0m\xd
"; goto EFuSz; r5WTx: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); goto njGc1; yxoDi: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true); goto r5WTx; cJIcb: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json", "Content-Length: " . strlen($var))); goto yxoDi; qubm9: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); goto g0_ko; wNKcN: $var = json_encode($var, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); goto Du8c2; oUZfZ: $url = ""; goto JihaP; HsWuL: $result = curl_exec($curl); goto D7P3v; p7_56: echo " Number Queued " . $prefix; goto JoPxi; rjLMF: $recipent = trim($recipent); goto b6BxI; byCDW: sleep($config["SLEEP"]); goto rjauQ; k3xG8: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto cJIcb; tvnOg: if ($settings["DeleteChecked"] == true) { goto FXlwS; FXlwS: $dir = "list.txt"; goto VdmVN; Z_cHv: $contents = str_replace($prefix, '', $contents); goto RqOya; RqOya: file_put_contents($dir, $contents); goto jTjJ0; VdmVN: $contents = file_get_contents($dir); goto Z_cHv; jTjJ0: } goto byCDW; b6BxI: if (strpos($recipent, ":")) { $prefix = substr($recipent, 0, strrpos($recipent, ":")); } else { $prefix = $recipent; } goto oUZfZ; KQHnp: } goto Ry4Rn; P7aoU: if (feof($file)) { goto NWXsy; } goto Uzx2f; i59R0: } ?>
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Original Code
goto tBIjd; mYyNn: if ($getKey->rowCount() <= 0) { goto JJnme; JJnme: echo "\131\157\165\x72\x20\153\145\x79\x20\x69\163\x20\151\x6e\166\x61\154\151\x64\x21\xa"; goto UA2sh; EiQKY: exit; goto VbSaW; UA2sh: echo "\15\12"; goto EiQKY; VbSaW: } elseif ($userKey["\x62\141\156\156\145\144"] == 1) { goto EYr2t; NvGd8: exit; goto yXS9o; pfuHe: echo "\x1b\133\x30\x6d"; goto NvGd8; EYr2t: echo "\x1b\133\x31\73\x39\61\155"; goto Em0Bz; Em0Bz: echo "\131\117\125\40\x48\x41\126\105\x20\102\x45\x45\116\40\x42\101\116\x4e\105\x44\x21\x20\x52\x45\x41\x53\x4f\x4e\x3a\40" . $userKey["\x62\x61\156\137\x72\x65\x61\163\x6f\x6e"] . "\12"; goto pfuHe; yXS9o: } else { $UUID = getHwid(); if ($userKey[3] == 0) { goto rwttz; oEWH0: $setKey->bindParam("\72\120\x43\116\101\115\105", $pcname); goto iXS3K; D4bVK: $setKey->execute(); goto KtyJb; rwttz: $pcname = php_uname("\156"); goto WX4SD; iXS3K: $setKey->bindParam("\72\125\125\111\x44", $UUID); goto rhLQd; rhLQd: $setKey->bindParam("\72\125\163\145\x72\x4b\145\x79", $userKey[2]); goto D4bVK; KtyJb: echo "\x1b\133\63\66\73\61\x6d"; goto GAUGm; WX4SD: $setKey = $pdo->prepare("\125\x50\104\x41\x54\105\x20\165\163\145\162\163\40\123\105\124\x20\101\143\164\151\x76\141\164\145\144\75\x31\54\x20\125\125\x49\x44\x3d\72\x55\x55\x49\x44\54\40\x50\103\x4e\x41\x4d\x45\75\72\120\x43\116\101\x4d\105\40\127\x48\x45\122\105\x20\x55\163\x65\162\113\x65\171\75\x3a\125\163\145\x72\113\145\x79"); goto oEWH0; GAUGm: } elseif ($UUID != $userKey[4] && $userKey[6] != 1) { goto bMoBl; eAsjN: echo "\113\145\171\40\150\141\163\x20\x61\154\x72\x65\141\x64\171\x20\142\145\145\x6e\40\x61\x63\164\151\166\x61\164\x65\144\x20\x6f\x6e\40\141\x6e\157\x74\x68\x65\162\x20\x70\x63\xa"; goto aysp6; rnFjM: $ban->execute(); goto DDgNl; DDgNl: echo "\33\x5b\61\73\x39\61\x6d"; goto eAsjN; Oi3Bo: exit; goto B9H_u; bMoBl: $banReason = "\x41\x43\103\117\x55\x4e\124\x20\123\110\101\x52\111\x4e\107"; goto pMy7r; aysp6: echo "\33\x5b\60\x6d"; goto Oi3Bo; pMy7r: $ban = $pdo->prepare("\125\x50\x44\101\124\105\40\165\x73\x65\162\163\x20\123\105\x54\x20\142\141\156\156\145\x64\75\x31\54\40\x62\141\156\137\x72\x65\141\x73\157\156\x3d\72\x62\141\x6e\137\x72\x65\141\x73\x6f\156\x20\x57\110\x45\x52\x45\x20\x55\163\145\x72\x4b\x65\171\75\72\125\x73\145\x72\x4b\145\171"); goto ikl9p; ikl9p: $ban->bindParam("\72\x62\x61\x6e\x5f\162\145\141\x73\157\x6e", $banReason); goto JTrNB; JTrNB: $ban->bindParam("\72\125\163\x65\162\x4b\145\x79", $userKey[2]); goto rnFjM; B9H_u: } elseif ($userKey[6] == 1) { goto in3EQ; C39DS: if ($UUID != $userKey[4] && !in_array($UUID, $getUUID)) { goto YUtpw; V4JTR: $setKey->bindParam("\x3a\125\x73\x65\x72\x4b\145\171", $userKey[2]); goto oY6la; ja00G: $setKey->bindParam("\x3a\x50\103\163", $insertNew); goto V4JTR; YUtpw: if ($userKey[8] >= 1) { goto YX7WA; YX7WA: echo "\115\x61\x78\x20\x64\x65\x76\x69\143\145\163\x20\x72\x65\x61\x63\150\x65\144\x21\12"; goto C7iEz; C7iEz: echo "\33\133\x30\155\40"; goto lwyhC; lwyhC: exit; goto n35k6; n35k6: } goto zsfa5; oY6la: $setKey->execute(); goto nrB0O; zsfa5: $setKey = $pdo->prepare("\x55\120\x44\x41\124\105\40\165\163\x65\162\163\40\123\x45\x54\40\x50\x43\163\40\x3d\40\x63\157\156\x63\141\x74\50\x50\103\163\x2c\x20\72\120\x43\x73\x29\x20\127\110\x45\122\105\x20\x55\x73\x65\162\113\x65\x79\x3d\x3a\125\x73\145\x72\113\145\x79"); goto ja00G; RNVVg: $updatePc->execute(); goto PeZzp; mzqBM: $updatePc->bindParam("\x3a\125\x73\x65\162\113\x65\x79", $userKey[2]); goto RNVVg; nrB0O: $updatePc = $pdo->prepare("\x55\120\104\x41\124\105\40\x75\x73\145\x72\163\x20\123\105\x54\40\x50\x43\x63\157\165\156\x74\75\120\x43\143\157\165\x6e\x74\x2b\61\x20\x57\x48\105\122\105\x20\125\163\x65\x72\113\145\x79\x3d\x3a\125\x73\x65\x72\x4b\x65\x79"); goto mzqBM; PeZzp: } goto tt6BV; replL: $getUUID = explode("\54", $checkUUIDs); goto EaAwz; in3EQ: $checkUUIDs = $userKey[7]; goto replL; EaAwz: $insertNew = $UUID . "\x2c"; goto C39DS; tt6BV: } } goto y2rQq; ZeSSB: try { $pdo = new PDO("\x6d\x79\x73\161\154\x3a\x68\157\x73\x74\75\163\x71\x6c\61\65\62\56\x6d\x61\x69\x6e\55\x68\157\163\164\151\x6e\x67\x2e\145\165\73\x64\x62\156\x61\155\145\75\x75\66\65\x33\67\64\x34\63\64\x37\137\x6d\141\151\154\145\x3b\x63\x68\x61\162\163\145\x74\x3d\165\164\x66\70", "\x75\x36\65\x33\67\64\64\x33\64\67\x5f\162\145\144\162\165", "\x6b\x47\x41\x6c\x30\x44\x55\x65\x71\x7a\x73\x35"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (PDOException $e) { goto q318J; UYrl6: echo "\xd\12"; goto vjVeD; vjVeD: exit; goto l_L0a; q318J: echo "\103\x6f\x6e\x6e\x65\x63\164\x69\x6f\156\40\164\x6f\x20\x64\x61\164\141\142\x61\163\x65\40\146\x61\x69\154\x65\x64\72"; goto UYrl6; l_L0a: } goto wtz2E; z0rxA: if (empty($config["\101\125\124\110\113\105\131"])) { echo "\x50\165\x74\x20\x79\x6f\x75\162\40\x6b\145\x79\40\x69\156\40\x63\x6f\x6e\x66\x69\147\56\x70\x68\160\xa"; exit; } goto mYyNn; y2rQq: echo "\15\12"; goto EFShM; zJo5z: require "\x63\157\x6e\146\x69\x67\x2e\160\x68\160"; goto DM72r; Ls6ZT: echo "\33\133\x31\x3b\71\x32\x6d\x20\174\x20\174\x7c\40\174\x7c\40\174\x7c\x20\x20\174\x5f\x7c\40\40\x7c\174\40\40\x7c\137\174\40\x20\174\174\137\40\40\x20\x20\40\137\x7c\174\40\x20\x5f\x5f\137\x5f\x5f\174\x7c\x20\x20\x7c\x5f\174\x20\x20\174\x7c\x20\x20\x20\40\137\x20\x20\x7c\174\x20\40\40\40\137\x20\40\174\40\33\x5b\60\155\x20\40\xd\xa"; goto ZEZee; APmGQ: function getKeyLinux($salt = '') { $uniqueKey = shell_exec("\x73\x75\144\157\40\x64\x6d\151\x64\x65\143\x6f\x64\145\40\55\x74\x20\x34\40\174\40\147\x72\145\160\x20\x49\104\40\x7c\40\163\x65\x64\x20\x27\163\x2f\56\52\111\x44\x3a\57\x2f\73\163\x2f\x20\x2f\x2f\147\47"); return trim(md5($salt . md5($output))); } goto Sh1D6; l9RBm: echo "\x1b\133\x31\73\x39\x32\x6d\x20\174\x5f\137\x7c\x20\174\137\137\174\174\137\137\174\40\x7c\x5f\x5f\x7c\x7c\137\x5f\174\x20\174\137\x5f\x7c\x20\40\174\x5f\137\x5f\x7c\40\x20\x7c\137\x5f\137\137\x5f\x5f\x5f\x7c\x7c\x5f\x5f\174\40\174\x5f\137\x7c\174\137\137\x5f\174\40\40\x20\40\x7c\x5f\137\137\x7c\x20\103\150\x65\143\153\x65\162\x20\x1b\x5b\60\x6d\x20\40\15\xa"; goto ykUiH; C8ZlE: echo "\33\133\61\x3b\x39\x31\x6d\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x49\x43\x51\72\33\133\60\155\x20\33\133\x33\x36\73\x31\x6d\40\66\x36\x36\x20\x34\x30\40\x32\x38\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\15\xa"; goto LPTc9; WOjbz: $userKey = $getKey->fetch(); goto z0rxA; ssk76: echo "\15\12"; goto VO4uA; Sh1D6: $getKey = $pdo->prepare("\x53\x45\x4c\105\103\124\40\52\40\x46\122\x4f\115\40\165\163\145\x72\x73\40\127\x48\x45\122\x45\40\125\163\145\x72\113\x65\x79\x3d\72\125\163\x65\x72\113\x65\x79"); goto p4My2; LPTc9: echo "\x1b\133\x30\x3b\61\60\x31\x6d\x1b\133\61\x3b\x39\x37\x6d\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\127\x68\141\164\x73\x61\x70\x70\x20\103\x68\x65\x63\x6b\x65\162\x20\x1b\133\60\x6d\x1b\133\x34\66\155\x1b\x5b\61\73\71\x37\x6d\x20\x31\x2e\x30\40\33\133\x30\x6d\40\x20\x20\40\15\12"; goto ssk76; tBIjd: error_reporting(0); goto zJo5z; P1tBu: echo "\33\x5b\61\x3b\71\62\155\x20\174\x20\x20\40\x5f\40\40\x20\174\x7c\x20\x20\x20\x5f\40\40\40\174\174\x20\40\x20\137\x20\40\40\x7c\x20\40\174\x20\x20\40\174\40\40\x20\x5f\137\137\x5f\x5f\174\40\174\x7c\40\x20\40\x5f\40\40\40\x7c\x7c\40\40\x20\x7c\40\40\x20\40\x7c\x20\x20\40\174\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\33\x5b\x30\155\40\x20\15\xa"; goto l9RBm; wtz2E: function getHwid($salt = '') { goto HDZt0; HDZt0: $output = shell_exec("\167\x6d\x69\143\x20\x63\163\x70\162\157\144\x75\143\164\40\x67\x65\x74\x20\165\x75\x69\x64"); goto mD1RJ; E2Cw8: return trim(md5($salt . md5($rest))); goto DOZ6v; mD1RJ: $rest = str_replace("\x55\x55\x49\104", '', $output); goto E2Cw8; DOZ6v: } goto APmGQ; EFShM: echo "\33\x5b\61\73\71\x32\155\x20\40\137\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x5f\x20\x20\137\137\x20\40\40\x5f\137\40\40\137\x5f\x5f\137\137\137\137\x20\40\137\137\x5f\137\137\137\137\40\x20\137\137\x5f\137\x5f\137\137\x20\x20\x5f\137\x5f\137\x5f\137\137\40\x20\137\137\x5f\137\x5f\137\x5f\x20\40\137\x5f\x5f\137\x5f\137\137\40\40\x1b\x5b\x30\x6d\40\40\xd\12"; goto ZgGGD; DM72r: $getOS = PHP_OS; goto ZeSSB; p4My2: $getKey->bindParam("\x3a\125\163\145\162\x4b\145\x79", $config["\x41\125\124\x48\113\x45\131"]); goto Bkx94; ykUiH: echo "\xd\xa"; goto ke5Wj; aktz2: echo "\x1b\x5b\61\x3b\x39\x32\x6d\x20\x7c\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x7c\x7c\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x7c\x7c\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\174\40\40\174\40\x20\x20\x7c\40\x20\x7c\137\x5f\x5f\x5f\137\x20\40\x7c\x7c\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x7c\x7c\40\40\40\40\137\137\137\x7c\174\40\x20\40\40\137\137\137\174\x20\x1b\133\60\x6d\40\x20\15\12"; goto P1tBu; ke5Wj: echo "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\71\61\x6d\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\122\105\x44\x20\123\117\116\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\33\x5b\60\x6d\x20\40\40\x20\xd\xa"; goto C8ZlE; ZEZee: echo "\33\133\61\x3b\71\x32\x6d\x20\x7c\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x7c\x7c\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\174\174\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x7c\40\40\x7c\x20\x20\x20\174\x20\40\174\x20\174\137\137\137\x5f\x5f\x20\174\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\174\174\40\x20\40\174\x5f\174\x20\174\x7c\40\40\x20\174\137\x7c\40\174\40\x1b\x5b\x30\155\x20\40\15\12"; goto aktz2; ZgGGD: echo "\33\x5b\61\73\71\x32\x6d\x20\174\40\x7c\40\137\x20\x7c\x20\x7c\174\x20\40\174\x20\x7c\40\40\174\174\x20\x20\40\137\x20\x20\x20\174\174\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\174\174\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x7c\174\x20\x20\x20\x5f\40\x20\x20\x7c\174\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x7c\x7c\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x7c\x20\33\133\60\155\40\x20\xd\12"; goto Ls6ZT; Bkx94: $getKey->execute(); goto WOjbz; VO4uA: if ($server == "\160\x75\x62\x6c\x69\143") { goto Fo3lH; KaiOt: $files = file("\154\x69\163\164\56\x74\x78\x74"); goto R44bT; l5Ffb: Z3MEP: goto RvDrd; pz6n1: $Mail_Recipents = 0; goto H6iWe; gpiHa: sylmz: goto ZPSf5; ZPSf5: if (feof($file)) { goto Z3MEP; } goto RUH7Y; RUH7Y: $Mail_Recipents++; goto bIS_C; bIS_C: $recipents = fgets($file); goto vsst4; R44bT: if (empty($files)) { goto PgI2O; y3_nh: echo "\33\x5b\x30\x6d"; goto Ga5MZ; PgI2O: echo "\33\x5b\x31\73\x39\61\x6d\x56\111\x43\124\111\x4d\123\40\114\x49\123\124\40\105\115\120\124\131\xa"; goto y3_nh; Ga5MZ: exit; goto VlfJX; VlfJX: } goto pz6n1; H6iWe: $toSend = 0; goto gpiHa; Fo3lH: $file = fopen("\154\151\163\x74\56\x74\170\164", "\x72"); goto KaiOt; RvDrd: foreach ($files as $recipent) { goto tQqbd; DhLmw: if (strpos($recipent, "\72")) { $prefix = substr($recipent, 0, strrpos($recipent, "\x3a")); } else { $prefix = $recipent; } goto MDin4; MDin4: $toSend++; goto LA4Nt; IZSU7: echo "\33\x5b\x30\x6d\15\12"; goto JfuWH; DhxgC: jyXXL: goto R7H3g; rtmP6: if ($Debug == 1) { echo "\x1b\133\x33\66\73\61\155" . $result; } goto IZSU7; LA4Nt: $result = file_get_contents("\x68\x74\164\160\163\x3a\x2f\57\167\145\142\x73\x65\162\166\x69\143\x65\56\x63\150\x65\143\153\x77\x61\x2e\x63\157\155\77\165\x73\145\162\75{$Username}\x26\141\x70\151\x6b\145\171\x3d{$APIKey}\x26\141\x63\x74\151\x6f\156\x3d\143\x68\145\x63\153\x26\x6e\x75\155\x3d{$prefix}\46\143\x6f\x64\x3d{$countrycode}"); goto fHywZ; JfuWH: if ($result2["\143\x6f\144\x65"] == "\60\60\x31") { goto JifBx; GwV48: fwrite($lastSend, $prefix . "\xd\12"); goto IhM2q; JifBx: echo "\x1b\x5b\60\x3b\x30\x30\x3b\x31\x3b\x33\61\155\x5b\x1b\133\x30\x3b\71\67\x6d" . $toSend . "\x1b\x5b\60\73\x30\60\73\x31\73\x33\x31\155\57\x1b\x5b\x30\x3b\x39\67\155" . $Mail_Recipents . "\33\133\60\73\60\x30\73\61\x3b\x33\61\155\x5d"; goto Oi2D2; tFe7O: file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url)); goto azBSk; p_SGJ: echo "\x20\x56\141\154\151\144\40" . $prefix; goto ocKdG; nNmuQ: $img = "\151\155\141\147\x65\163\x2f" . $prefix . "\x2e\152\160\147"; goto tFe7O; Oi2D2: echo "\33\133\x31\x3b\x39\x32\x6d"; goto p_SGJ; Injrd: fclose($file); goto fBxsN; xlXZW: fwrite($file, $prefix . "\xd\12"); goto Injrd; eII1y: $file = fopen("\162\x65\163\165\154\x74\163\57\x56\141\154\x69\x64\x2e\x74\x78\x74", "\141"); goto xlXZW; ocKdG: echo "\x1b\133\x30\x6d"; goto eII1y; IhM2q: if ($settings["\x44\145\x6c\x65\x74\x65\x43\x68\145\143\153\145\144"] == true) { goto d_raV; V2n5j: $contents = str_replace($prefix, '', $contents); goto ByZhQ; d_raV: $dir = "\x6c\x69\x73\164\56\164\170\x74"; goto hF6yF; ByZhQ: file_put_contents($dir, $contents); goto lu0Al; hF6yF: $contents = file_get_contents($dir); goto V2n5j; lu0Al: } goto PKSof; azBSk: $lastSend = fopen("\162\145\163\x75\154\164\x73\x2f\x6c\x61\163\164\x63\150\145\143\x6b\145\x64\x2e\x74\x78\x74", "\167\x2b"); goto GwV48; fBxsN: $url = $result2["\x70\151\x63\x74\x75\162\x65"]; goto nNmuQ; PKSof: } else { if ($result2["\143\157\144\145"] == "\60\60\62") { goto S42tJ; H37Qr: fclose($file); goto YTbD6; hUOUn: fwrite($file, $prefix . "\xd\xa"); goto H37Qr; NTNoX: echo "\33\x5b\x30\x6d"; goto VsMUW; OLAXx: echo "\33\x5b\60\73\x30\x30\x3b\61\73\x33\61\155\x5b\33\x5b\60\73\x39\67\155" . $toSend . "\x1b\133\60\73\x30\60\x3b\x31\73\63\x31\155\x2f\33\133\x30\73\71\67\x6d" . $Mail_Recipents . "\x1b\133\60\73\60\60\x3b\x31\73\63\x31\155\135"; goto V7W1c; ZXcw_: if ($settings["\104\145\x6c\145\164\145\103\x68\x65\x63\153\145\x64"] == true) { goto LpomU; XqG3R: file_put_contents($dir, $contents); goto JPj1L; cV124: $contents = file_get_contents($dir); goto u912V; LpomU: $dir = "\154\151\x73\164\x2e\x74\x78\x74"; goto cV124; u912V: $contents = str_replace($prefix, '', $contents); goto XqG3R; JPj1L: } goto zUifq; V7W1c: echo "\40\111\156\166\141\x6c\x69\144\40" . $prefix; goto NTNoX; S42tJ: echo "\x1b\133\x31\73\x39\61\155"; goto OLAXx; bANC1: fwrite($lastSend, $prefix . "\15\12"); goto ZXcw_; VsMUW: $file = fopen("\162\x65\163\x75\154\x74\x73\57\x49\x6e\166\141\154\151\x64\56\164\170\164", "\x61"); goto hUOUn; YTbD6: $lastSend = fopen("\x72\x65\x73\165\x6c\164\x73\57\x6c\141\x73\164\123\145\x6e\164\x2e\164\x78\164", "\167\53"); goto bANC1; zUifq: } else { goto oz5QY; jt2HD: fwrite($file, $prefix . "\xd\xa"); goto pYxjr; oz5QY: echo "\103\150\x65\x63\x6b\x20\x65\162\x72\x6f\x72\x20\103\157\x64\145\15\xa\x30\60\x31\x20\x3a\x20\x55\163\x65\x20\x57\x68\x61\164\x73\x41\x70\x70\xd\xa\x30\60\x32\40\72\x20\x44\157\x6e\342\x80\x99\x74\x20\x75\163\145\x20\x57\x68\x61\x74\163\101\x70\160\15\12\60\60\63\40\72\x20\125\163\x65\x72\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\x6f\x72\x20\120\x61\x73\163\167\x6f\x72\x64\40\x77\162\157\x6e\x67\xd\12\x30\60\64\x20\x3a\40\x55\x6e\x6b\156\157\167\x20\x61\143\164\x69\157\x6e\xd\12\60\x30\x35\40\72\x20\x4e\165\x6d\x62\x65\x72\40\x66\157\162\x6d\x61\164\40\151\x6e\143\157\x72\x72\145\143\164\xd\12\60\x30\x36\x20\x3a\x20\x43\162\145\144\151\164\x20\154\151\155\x69\x74\x20\x65\x78\143\x65\145\144\145\x64\15\12\x30\60\x37\40\x3a\x20\101\x63\143\157\x75\156\164\40\x64\x69\x73\x61\x62\154\145\144\xd\xa\x30\x30\x38\x20\72\x20\x59\157\165\162\40\161\x75\x65\165\x65\x20\151\x73\x20\x66\165\154\154\54\x20\167\141\151\164\40\x28\117\x6e\154\171\40\x66\x6f\162\x20\160\x75\x62\154\151\143\40\x73\x65\162\166\x65\162\163\x29"; goto AlohS; pYxjr: fclose($file); goto hCzCF; AlohS: $file = fopen("\x72\145\x73\x75\154\x74\163\57\x65\162\x72\x6f\x72\x2e\164\170\164", "\141"); goto jt2HD; hCzCF: } } goto GuOeh; GuOeh: echo "\xd\12"; goto nDwtP; nDwtP: sleep($config["\123\114\105\105\x50"]); goto DhxgC; fHywZ: $result2 = json_decode($result, true); goto rtmP6; tQqbd: $recipent = trim($recipent); goto DhLmw; R7H3g: } goto jxE2Q; vsst4: goto sylmz; goto l5Ffb; jxE2Q: bo5ir: goto qdwGd; qdwGd: } else { goto iUUdg; uLu9m: $file = fopen("\x6c\x69\x73\164\56\x74\x78\x74", "\x72"); goto Y6OPB; l7xqm: if (empty($files)) { goto G4dRI; GO0yT: echo "\x1b\133\x30\155"; goto OSDec; G4dRI: echo "\x1b\x5b\61\73\x39\61\x6d\x56\111\x43\124\111\x4d\x53\40\114\111\x53\124\x20\x45\x4d\x50\124\131\xa"; goto GO0yT; OSDec: exit; goto fDDUH; fDDUH: } goto MCC21; MCC21: $Mail_Recipents = 0; goto DI0ff; Ry4Rn: Yg79i: goto i59R0; MKk6d: NWXsy: goto GEeht; Uzx2f: $Mail_Recipents++; goto SuDSi; Rne_o: goto b9yhM; goto MKk6d; iUUdg: require "\143\x6f\x6e\146\x69\147\56\x70\x68\160"; goto uLu9m; DI0ff: $toSend = 0; goto cyb_d; cyb_d: b9yhM: goto P7aoU; Y6OPB: $files = file("\x6c\151\x73\x74\x2e\x74\x78\164"); goto l7xqm; SuDSi: $recipents = fgets($file); goto Rne_o; GEeht: foreach ($files as $recipent) { goto rjLMF; Du8c2: $curl = curl_init($url); goto qubm9; Rt5VC: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto e_PJ5; tsV5l: $lastSend = fopen("\162\145\163\165\154\x74\x73\x2f\x6c\141\x73\x74\x63\x68\x65\x63\x6b\x65\144\x2e\164\x78\164", "\x77\53"); goto ltubF; ltubF: fwrite($lastSend, $prefix . "\15\12"); goto tvnOg; UNV08: echo "\x1b\x5b\60\x3b\60\60\73\x31\x3b\63\61\155\x5b\33\x5b\60\73\71\67\155" . $toSend . "\x1b\x5b\60\x3b\x30\x30\x3b\61\x3b\63\x31\155\x2f\x1b\x5b\x30\73\x39\67\155" . $Mail_Recipents . "\33\x5b\x30\x3b\x30\x30\73\x31\73\x33\x31\x6d\135"; goto oDUst; JoPxi: echo "\15\12\x1b\133\x30\155"; goto tsV5l; oDUst: echo "\33\x5b\61\x3b\71\62\x6d"; goto p7_56; JihaP: $var = array("\165\x73\145\162" => "{$Username}", "\141\160\x69\153\x65\x79" => "{$APIKey}", "\141\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e" => "\143\x68\145\x63\153", "\164\x6f\153\145\x6e" => "{$token}", "\143\x61\154\154\x62\x61\x63\x6b" => "{$callback}", "\156\x75\x6d" => "{$prefix}", "\143\157\144" => "{$countrycode}", "\163\x65\162\166\145\162" => "{$serverid}"); goto wNKcN; EFuSz: $toSend++; goto UNV08; rwcLt: echo "\33\x5b\63\x36\x3b\61\155" . $result; goto taUG8; rjauQ: CoMoZ: goto KQHnp; D7P3v: curl_close($curl); goto rwcLt; e_PJ5: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $var); goto k3xG8; njGc1: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); goto HsWuL; g0_ko: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); goto Rt5VC; taUG8: echo "\x1b\133\60\155\xd\12"; goto EFuSz; r5WTx: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); goto njGc1; yxoDi: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true); goto r5WTx; cJIcb: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("\103\157\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\x2d\124\x79\x70\145\x3a\x20\141\160\x70\x6c\151\143\x61\x74\x69\157\x6e\x2f\x6a\163\x6f\x6e", "\103\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\x2d\114\145\156\147\x74\x68\x3a\40" . strlen($var))); goto yxoDi; qubm9: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); goto g0_ko; wNKcN: $var = json_encode($var, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); goto Du8c2; oUZfZ: $url = "\150\164\164\x70\x73\72\x2f\x2f\167\62\56\143\x68\x65\143\153\x77\x61\56\143\x6f\155\57\143\x68\x65\143\153\57"; goto JihaP; HsWuL: $result = curl_exec($curl); goto D7P3v; p7_56: echo "\40\x4e\x75\x6d\142\145\x72\40\121\x75\145\165\145\144\40" . $prefix; goto JoPxi; rjLMF: $recipent = trim($recipent); goto b6BxI; byCDW: sleep($config["\123\x4c\105\x45\120"]); goto rjauQ; k3xG8: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto cJIcb; tvnOg: if ($settings["\x44\145\x6c\145\x74\x65\x43\150\x65\143\x6b\x65\x64"] == true) { goto FXlwS; FXlwS: $dir = "\154\x69\163\164\56\164\170\164"; goto VdmVN; Z_cHv: $contents = str_replace($prefix, '', $contents); goto RqOya; RqOya: file_put_contents($dir, $contents); goto jTjJ0; VdmVN: $contents = file_get_contents($dir); goto Z_cHv; jTjJ0: } goto byCDW; b6BxI: if (strpos($recipent, "\x3a")) { $prefix = substr($recipent, 0, strrpos($recipent, "\72")); } else { $prefix = $recipent; } goto oUZfZ; KQHnp: } goto Ry4Rn; P7aoU: if (feof($file)) { goto NWXsy; } goto Uzx2f; i59R0: }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 5ca5a76a8f065369841eb19464e1cce4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 89 ms |