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PHP Decode
<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Th..
Decoded Output download
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Roundcube utilities |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <[email protected]> |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <[email protected]> |
* Roundcube utilities
class rcmail_utils
public static $db;
* Initialize database object and connect
* @return rcube_db Database instance
public static function db()
if (self::$db === null) {
$rc = rcube::get_instance();
$db = rcube_db::factory($rc->config->get('db_dsnw'));
$db->set_debug((bool) $rc->config->get('sql_debug'));
// Connect to database
if (!$db->is_connected()) {
rcube::raise_error('Failed to connect to database', false, true);
self::$db = $db;
return self::$db;
* Initialize database schema
* @param string $dir Directory with sql files
public static function db_init($dir)
$db = self::db();
$error = null;
$file = $dir . '/' . $db->db_provider . '.initial.sql';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
rcube::raise_error("DDL file {$file} not found", false, true);
echo 'Creating database schema... ';
if ($sql = file_get_contents($file)) {
if (!$db->exec_script($sql)) {
$error = $db->is_error();
} else {
$error = "Unable to read file {$file} or it is empty";
if ($error) {
echo "[FAILED]
rcube::raise_error($error, false, true);
} else {
echo "[OK]
* Update database schema
* @param string $dir Directory with sql files
* @param string $package Component name
* @param string $ver Optional current version number
* @param array $opts Parameters (errors, quiet)
* @return bool True on success, False on failure
public static function db_update($dir, $package, $ver = null, $opts = [])
// Check if directory exists
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
if (!empty($opts['errors'])) {
rcube::raise_error("Specified database schema directory doesn't exist.", false, true);
return false;
$db = self::db();
// Read DB schema version from database (if 'system' table exists)
if (in_array($db->table_name('system'), (array) $db->list_tables())) {
$version = self::db_version($package);
// DB version not found, but release version is specified
if (empty($version) && $ver) {
// Map old release version string to DB schema version
// Note: This is for backward compat. only, do not need to be updated
$map = [
'0.1-stable' => 1,
'0.1.1' => 2008030300,
'0.2-alpha' => 2008040500,
'0.2-beta' => 2008060900,
'0.2-stable' => 2008092100,
'0.2.1' => 2008092100,
'0.2.2' => 2008092100,
'0.3-stable' => 2008092100,
'0.3.1' => 2009090400,
'0.4-beta' => 2009103100,
'0.4' => 2010042300,
'0.4.1' => 2010042300,
'0.4.2' => 2010042300,
'0.5-beta' => 2010100600,
'0.5' => 2010100600,
'0.5.1' => 2010100600,
'0.5.2' => 2010100600,
'0.5.3' => 2010100600,
'0.5.4' => 2010100600,
'0.6-beta' => 2011011200,
'0.6' => 2011011200,
'0.7-beta' => 2011092800,
'0.7' => 2011111600,
'0.7.1' => 2011111600,
'0.7.2' => 2011111600,
'0.7.3' => 2011111600,
'0.7.4' => 2011111600,
'0.8-beta' => 2011121400,
'0.8-rc' => 2011121400,
'0.8.0' => 2011121400,
'0.8.1' => 2011121400,
'0.8.2' => 2011121400,
'0.8.3' => 2011121400,
'0.8.4' => 2011121400,
'0.8.5' => 2011121400,
'0.8.6' => 2011121400,
'0.9-beta' => 2012080700,
$version = $map[$ver];
// Assume last version before the 'system' table was added
if (empty($version)) {
$version = 2012080700;
$dir .= '/' . $db->db_provider;
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
if (!empty($opts['errors'])) {
rcube::raise_error('DDL Upgrade files for ' . $db->db_provider . ' driver not found.', false, true);
return false;
$dh = opendir($dir);
$result = [];
while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)\.sql$/', $file, $m) && $m[1] > $version) {
$result[] = $m[1];
sort($result, \SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($result as $v) {
if (empty($opts['quiet'])) {
echo "Updating database schema for {$package} ({$v})... ";
// Ignore errors here to print the error only once
$db->set_option('ignore_errors', true);
$error = self::db_update_schema($package, $v, "{$dir}/{$v}.sql");
$db->set_option('ignore_errors', false);
if ($error) {
if (empty($opts['quiet'])) {
echo "[FAILED]
if (!empty($opts['errors'])) {
rcube::raise_error("Error in DDL upgrade {$v}: {$error}", false, true);
return false;
} elseif (empty($opts['quiet'])) {
echo "[OK]
return true;
* Run database update from a single sql file
protected static function db_update_schema($package, $version, $file)
$db = self::db();
// read DDL file
if ($sql = file_get_contents($file)) {
if (!$db->exec_script($sql)) {
return $db->is_error();
// escape if 'system' table does not exist
if ($version < 2013011000) {
$system_table = $db->table_name('system', true);
$db->query('UPDATE ' . $system_table
. ' SET `value` = ?'
. ' WHERE `name` = ?',
$version, $package . '-version');
if (!$db->is_error() && !$db->affected_rows()) {
$db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $system_table
. ' (`name`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)',
$package . '-version', $version);
return $db->is_error();
* Get version string for the specified package
* @param string $package Package name
* @return string|null Version string
public static function db_version($package = 'roundcube')
$db = self::db();
$db->query('SELECT `value`'
. ' FROM ' . $db->table_name('system', true)
. ' WHERE `name` = ?',
$package . '-version');
$row = $db->fetch_array();
if ($row === false) {
return null;
$version = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $row[0]);
return $version;
* Removes all deleted records older than X days
* @param int $days Number of days
public static function db_clean($days)
$db = self::db();
$threshold = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time() - $days * 86400);
$tables = [
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$sqltable = $db->table_name($table, true);
// delete outdated records
$db->query("DELETE FROM {$sqltable} WHERE `del` = 1 AND `changed` < ?", $threshold);
echo $db->affected_rows() . " records deleted from '{$table}'
* Get the user hostname from a command line
public static function get_host($args)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
if (empty($args['host'])) {
$hosts = $rcmail->config->get('imap_host');
if (is_string($hosts)) {
$args['host'] = $hosts;
} elseif (is_array($hosts) && count($hosts) == 1) {
$args['host'] = reset($hosts);
} else {
rcube::raise_error('Specify a host name', false, true);
// host can be a URL like tls://
$host_url = parse_url($args['host'], \PHP_URL_HOST);
if ($host_url) {
$args['host'] = $host_url;
return $args['host'];
* Reindex contacts
public static function indexcontacts()
$db = self::db();
// iterate over all users
$sql_result = $db->query('SELECT `user_id` FROM ' . $db->table_name('users', true) . ' ORDER BY `user_id`');
while ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) {
echo 'Indexing contacts for user ' . $sql_arr['user_id'] . "...
$contacts = new rcube_contacts($db, $sql_arr['user_id']);
foreach ($contacts->list_records() as $row) {
$contacts->update($row['ID'], $row);
echo "done.
* Modify user preferences
* @param string $name Option name
* @param string $value Option value
* @param int $userid Optional user identifier
* @param string $type Optional value type (bool, int, string)
public static function mod_pref($name, $value, $userid = null, $type = 'string')
$db = self::db();
if ($userid) {
$query = '`user_id` = ' . intval($userid);
} else {
$query = '1=1';
$type = strtolower($type);
if ($type == 'bool' || $type == 'boolean') {
$value = rcube_utils::get_boolean($value);
} elseif ($type == 'int' || $type == 'integer') {
$value = (int) $value;
// iterate over all users
$sql_result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $db->table_name('users', true) . " WHERE {$query}");
while ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) {
echo 'Updating prefs for user ' . $sql_arr['user_id'] . '...';
$user = new rcube_user($sql_arr['user_id'], $sql_arr);
$prefs = $old_prefs = $user->get_prefs();
$prefs[$name] = $value;
if ($prefs != $old_prefs) {
$user->save_prefs($prefs, true);
echo "saved.
} else {
echo "nothing changed.
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Roundcube utilities |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <[email protected]> |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <[email protected]> |
* Roundcube utilities
class rcmail_utils
public static $db;
* Initialize database object and connect
* @return rcube_db Database instance
public static function db()
if (self::$db === null) {
$rc = rcube::get_instance();
$db = rcube_db::factory($rc->config->get('db_dsnw'));
$db->set_debug((bool) $rc->config->get('sql_debug'));
// Connect to database
if (!$db->is_connected()) {
rcube::raise_error('Failed to connect to database', false, true);
self::$db = $db;
return self::$db;
* Initialize database schema
* @param string $dir Directory with sql files
public static function db_init($dir)
$db = self::db();
$error = null;
$file = $dir . '/' . $db->db_provider . '.initial.sql';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
rcube::raise_error("DDL file {$file} not found", false, true);
echo 'Creating database schema... ';
if ($sql = file_get_contents($file)) {
if (!$db->exec_script($sql)) {
$error = $db->is_error();
} else {
$error = "Unable to read file {$file} or it is empty";
if ($error) {
echo "[FAILED]\n";
rcube::raise_error($error, false, true);
} else {
echo "[OK]\n";
* Update database schema
* @param string $dir Directory with sql files
* @param string $package Component name
* @param string $ver Optional current version number
* @param array $opts Parameters (errors, quiet)
* @return bool True on success, False on failure
public static function db_update($dir, $package, $ver = null, $opts = [])
// Check if directory exists
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
if (!empty($opts['errors'])) {
rcube::raise_error("Specified database schema directory doesn't exist.", false, true);
return false;
$db = self::db();
// Read DB schema version from database (if 'system' table exists)
if (in_array($db->table_name('system'), (array) $db->list_tables())) {
$version = self::db_version($package);
// DB version not found, but release version is specified
if (empty($version) && $ver) {
// Map old release version string to DB schema version
// Note: This is for backward compat. only, do not need to be updated
$map = [
'0.1-stable' => 1,
'0.1.1' => 2008030300,
'0.2-alpha' => 2008040500,
'0.2-beta' => 2008060900,
'0.2-stable' => 2008092100,
'0.2.1' => 2008092100,
'0.2.2' => 2008092100,
'0.3-stable' => 2008092100,
'0.3.1' => 2009090400,
'0.4-beta' => 2009103100,
'0.4' => 2010042300,
'0.4.1' => 2010042300,
'0.4.2' => 2010042300,
'0.5-beta' => 2010100600,
'0.5' => 2010100600,
'0.5.1' => 2010100600,
'0.5.2' => 2010100600,
'0.5.3' => 2010100600,
'0.5.4' => 2010100600,
'0.6-beta' => 2011011200,
'0.6' => 2011011200,
'0.7-beta' => 2011092800,
'0.7' => 2011111600,
'0.7.1' => 2011111600,
'0.7.2' => 2011111600,
'0.7.3' => 2011111600,
'0.7.4' => 2011111600,
'0.8-beta' => 2011121400,
'0.8-rc' => 2011121400,
'0.8.0' => 2011121400,
'0.8.1' => 2011121400,
'0.8.2' => 2011121400,
'0.8.3' => 2011121400,
'0.8.4' => 2011121400,
'0.8.5' => 2011121400,
'0.8.6' => 2011121400,
'0.9-beta' => 2012080700,
$version = $map[$ver];
// Assume last version before the 'system' table was added
if (empty($version)) {
$version = 2012080700;
$dir .= '/' . $db->db_provider;
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
if (!empty($opts['errors'])) {
rcube::raise_error('DDL Upgrade files for ' . $db->db_provider . ' driver not found.', false, true);
return false;
$dh = opendir($dir);
$result = [];
while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)\.sql$/', $file, $m) && $m[1] > $version) {
$result[] = $m[1];
sort($result, \SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($result as $v) {
if (empty($opts['quiet'])) {
echo "Updating database schema for {$package} ({$v})... ";
// Ignore errors here to print the error only once
$db->set_option('ignore_errors', true);
$error = self::db_update_schema($package, $v, "{$dir}/{$v}.sql");
$db->set_option('ignore_errors', false);
if ($error) {
if (empty($opts['quiet'])) {
echo "[FAILED]\n";
if (!empty($opts['errors'])) {
rcube::raise_error("Error in DDL upgrade {$v}: {$error}", false, true);
return false;
} elseif (empty($opts['quiet'])) {
echo "[OK]\n";
return true;
* Run database update from a single sql file
protected static function db_update_schema($package, $version, $file)
$db = self::db();
// read DDL file
if ($sql = file_get_contents($file)) {
if (!$db->exec_script($sql)) {
return $db->is_error();
// escape if 'system' table does not exist
if ($version < 2013011000) {
$system_table = $db->table_name('system', true);
$db->query('UPDATE ' . $system_table
. ' SET `value` = ?'
. ' WHERE `name` = ?',
$version, $package . '-version');
if (!$db->is_error() && !$db->affected_rows()) {
$db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $system_table
. ' (`name`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)',
$package . '-version', $version);
return $db->is_error();
* Get version string for the specified package
* @param string $package Package name
* @return string|null Version string
public static function db_version($package = 'roundcube')
$db = self::db();
$db->query('SELECT `value`'
. ' FROM ' . $db->table_name('system', true)
. ' WHERE `name` = ?',
$package . '-version');
$row = $db->fetch_array();
if ($row === false) {
return null;
$version = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $row[0]);
return $version;
* Removes all deleted records older than X days
* @param int $days Number of days
public static function db_clean($days)
$db = self::db();
$threshold = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time() - $days * 86400);
$tables = [
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$sqltable = $db->table_name($table, true);
// delete outdated records
$db->query("DELETE FROM {$sqltable} WHERE `del` = 1 AND `changed` < ?", $threshold);
echo $db->affected_rows() . " records deleted from '{$table}'\n";
* Get the user hostname from a command line
public static function get_host($args)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
if (empty($args['host'])) {
$hosts = $rcmail->config->get('imap_host');
if (is_string($hosts)) {
$args['host'] = $hosts;
} elseif (is_array($hosts) && count($hosts) == 1) {
$args['host'] = reset($hosts);
} else {
rcube::raise_error('Specify a host name', false, true);
// host can be a URL like tls://
$host_url = parse_url($args['host'], \PHP_URL_HOST);
if ($host_url) {
$args['host'] = $host_url;
return $args['host'];
* Reindex contacts
public static function indexcontacts()
$db = self::db();
// iterate over all users
$sql_result = $db->query('SELECT `user_id` FROM ' . $db->table_name('users', true) . ' ORDER BY `user_id`');
while ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) {
echo 'Indexing contacts for user ' . $sql_arr['user_id'] . "...\n";
$contacts = new rcube_contacts($db, $sql_arr['user_id']);
foreach ($contacts->list_records() as $row) {
$contacts->update($row['ID'], $row);
echo "done.\n";
* Modify user preferences
* @param string $name Option name
* @param string $value Option value
* @param int $userid Optional user identifier
* @param string $type Optional value type (bool, int, string)
public static function mod_pref($name, $value, $userid = null, $type = 'string')
$db = self::db();
if ($userid) {
$query = '`user_id` = ' . intval($userid);
} else {
$query = '1=1';
$type = strtolower($type);
if ($type == 'bool' || $type == 'boolean') {
$value = rcube_utils::get_boolean($value);
} elseif ($type == 'int' || $type == 'integer') {
$value = (int) $value;
// iterate over all users
$sql_result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $db->table_name('users', true) . " WHERE {$query}");
while ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) {
echo 'Updating prefs for user ' . $sql_arr['user_id'] . '...';
$user = new rcube_user($sql_arr['user_id'], $sql_arr);
$prefs = $old_prefs = $user->get_prefs();
$prefs[$name] = $value;
if ($prefs != $old_prefs) {
$user->save_prefs($prefs, true);
echo "saved.\n";
} else {
echo "nothing changed.\n";
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 5d9f3b41a3d539a03a825a3da1e251f5 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 106 ms |