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<? /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ Copyr..

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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ 
	Copyright 2007-2014 Your Company ltd. All rights reserved 
\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ 
abstract class F11ab1c49 
public $msg=''; 
public $sql=''; 
protected $V36c712da; 
protected $V4bdda913 = array(); 
protected $Ve9d65212 = array(); 
protected $V2b847bec; 
protected $Vc6cafee7 = array(); 
protected $V71f7be02; 
protected $V77d3e4dc = '__LAST_INSERT_ID__'; 
protected $V834aacdd = array(); 
private $Vbf1d4eff = '`'; 
private $V062f067e = '`'; 
public function __construct() 
if (empty($this->Vc6cafee7)) 
{ throw new Exception('pv_aliasNames2colNames is empty'); 
} $this->V71f7be02= array_flip($this->Vc6cafee7); 
private function F4ce4015e($Vdf6eeb13) 
{ if (isset($this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13])) 
{ return $this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13]; 
} return $Vdf6eeb13; 
private function Fe940998f($V7e287edc) 
{ if (isset($this->V71f7be02[$V7e287edc])) 
{ return $this->V71f7be02[$V7e287edc]; 
} return $V7e287edc; 
private function F42858f10($Vdf6eeb13) 
{ $V8193fdf0 = ''; 
$V7e287edc = $this->F4ce4015e($Vdf6eeb13); 
$Vbccbf69d = array(); 
if (preg_match('#(.+?)\.(.+)#', $V7e287edc, $Vbccbf69d)) 
{ $V8193fdf0 = $Vbccbf69d[1]; 
$V7e287edc = $Vbccbf69d[2]; 
} return array( 
'tbl' => $V8193fdf0, 
'col' => $V7e287edc 
private function Fd0475041($V3ba4cf23, $Vd75b70be=array()) 
{ $V2bf298f9 = array(); 
if (!empty($V3ba4cf23)) 
{ foreach ($V3ba4cf23 as $Vf71a2b7d => &$V94309e6b) 
if (!empty($Vd75b70be) && in_array($Vf71a2b7d, $Vd75b70be)) 
{ continue; 
$V94309e6b = $this->Fdd854504($Vf71a2b7d, $V94309e6b); 
$Vaeb948e0 = $this->F42858f10($Vf71a2b7d); 
$V8193fdf0 = $Vaeb948e0['tbl']; 
$Vae1d8f33 = $Vaeb948e0['col']; 
if (!isset($V2bf298f9[$V8193fdf0])) 
{ $V2bf298f9[$V8193fdf0] = array(); 
} $V2bf298f9[$V8193fdf0][$Vae1d8f33] = $V94309e6b; 
} } return $V2bf298f9; 
protected function F71555a34($V3ba4cf23, $Vd75b70be=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true) 
{ $V2bf298f9 = array(); 
if (!empty($V3ba4cf23)) 
{ foreach ($V3ba4cf23 as $Vf71a2b7d => &$V94309e6b) 
if (!empty($Vd75b70be) && in_array($Vf71a2b7d, $Vd75b70be)) 
{ continue; 
$V61f65f3c = '='; 
if (is_array($V94309e6b)) 
if (!isset($V94309e6b[0]) || !isset($V94309e6b[1]) || !preg_match('#^([<>=!RLIKE ]+|IN|NOT IN|IS|IS NOT)$#', $V94309e6b[0])) 
{ continue; 
} $V61f65f3c = $V94309e6b[0]; 
$V94309e6b = $V94309e6b[1]; 
if ($V61f65f3c == 'IN' || $V61f65f3c == 'NOT IN') 
{ $V94309e6b = $this->F6407631e($Vf71a2b7d, $V94309e6b); 
} else 
{ $V94309e6b = $this->Fdd854504($Vf71a2b7d, $V94309e6b); 
} $V7e287edc = $this->F4ce4015e($Vf71a2b7d); 
if ($V5d5ce40a) 
{ if ($V61f65f3c == 'IN' || $V61f65f3c == 'NOT IN') 
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' ('.$V94309e6b.')'; 
} elseif ($V61f65f3c == 'IS' || $V61f65f3c == 'IS NOT') 
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' NULL'; 
} elseif (is_string($V94309e6b)) 
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' \''.$V94309e6b.'\''; 
} else 
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' '.$V94309e6b.''; 
} } else 
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' LIKE \''.$V94309e6b.'\''; 
} } } return $V2bf298f9; 
protected function F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, $Vd75b70be=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true) 
{ $Vaaebcfff = $this->F71555a34($Vdb64e12f, $Vd75b70be, $V5d5ce40a); 
if (!empty($Vaaebcfff)) 
{ $V4ecc28f5='WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $Vaaebcfff) .')'; 
} else 
{ $V4ecc28f5=''; 
} return $V4ecc28f5; 
protected function F8798a4a9($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be=array()) 
{ $Vcdbd1ded = $this->F71555a34($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be); 
if (!empty($Vcdbd1ded)) 
{ $V5f3968da='SET ' . implode(', ', $Vcdbd1ded); 
} else 
{ $V5f3968da=''; 
} return $V5f3968da; 
protected function Ff56b3f7f($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be=array()) 
{ $Vb235b783 = $this->Fd0475041($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be); 
$V25fe9a70 = array(); 
if (!empty($Vb235b783)) 
{ foreach ($Vb235b783 as $V8193fdf0=>$Vbc1e6e5e) 
{ $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0] = array( 
foreach ($Vbc1e6e5e as $Vf71a2b7d=>$V94309e6b) 
{ $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['keys'][] = $Vf71a2b7d; 
$V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['vals'][] = $V94309e6b; 
} $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['vals'] = "VALUES ('". implode("', '", $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['vals']) ."')"; 
$V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['keys'] = '('.$this->Vbf1d4eff 
. implode($this->V062f067e.', '.$this->Vbf1d4eff, $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['keys']) 
. $this->V062f067e.')'; 
} } return $V25fe9a70; 
protected function F8a2ce552($V995dc27a, $Vd75b70be=array()) 
{ $V52d6f3b1 = array(); 
foreach ($V995dc27a as $Vdf6eeb13) 
if (!empty($Vd75b70be) && in_array($Vdf6eeb13, $Vd75b70be)) 
{ continue; 
if (isset($this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13])) 
{ $V7e287edc = $this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13]; 
$V52d6f3b1[] = "$V7e287edc as '$Vdf6eeb13'"; 
} } if (empty($V52d6f3b1)) 
{ $V52d6f3b1 = ''; 
} else 
{ $V52d6f3b1 = implode(', ', $V52d6f3b1); 
} return $V52d6f3b1; 
protected function Fdd854504($Vdf6eeb13, $V94309e6b) 
{ if (!is_integer($V94309e6b)) 
{ if (!empty($this->V4bdda913) && array_search($Vdf6eeb13, $this->V4bdda913)!==false) 
{ $V94309e6b = intval($V94309e6b); 
} else 
{ $V94309e6b = mysql_real_escape_string($V94309e6b); 
} } return $V94309e6b; 
private function F6407631e($Vdf6eeb13, $V94309e6b) 
{ if (!is_array($V94309e6b)) 
{ $V94309e6b = explode(',', $V94309e6b); 
} $V7979ddd7 = array(); 
foreach ($V94309e6b as $v) 
{ $v = $this->Fdd854504($Vdf6eeb13, $v); 
if (is_string($v)) 
{ $v = '\''.$v.'\''; 
} $V7979ddd7[] = $v; 
} return implode(',', $V7979ddd7); 
protected function F01892f00(&$V31e2122f, $V9289ac9b) 
{ $V31e2122f = strtr($V31e2122f, array($this->V77d3e4dc=> $V9289ac9b)); 
private function F018065a9($V652f0465) 
{ $this->sql = $V652f0465; 
$this->msg = mysql_error(); 
SQL error: {$this->msg}
protected function F8ac2c982(&$Vedc28599, $V652f0465, $Vd1df70ec = false) 
{ $V62934996 = mysql_query($V652f0465); 
if ($V62934996==false) 
{ $this->F018065a9($V652f0465); 
return false; 
} if (empty($this->V4bdda913) || $Vd1df70ec) 
{ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($V62934996, MYSQL_ASSOC)) 
{ $Vedc28599[] = $row; 
} } else 
{ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($V62934996, MYSQL_ASSOC)) 
{ foreach ($row as $Vdf6eeb13=>&$val) 
{ if (array_search($Vdf6eeb13, $this->V4bdda913)!==false) 
{ $row[$Vdf6eeb13] = intval($row[$Vdf6eeb13]); 
} } $Vedc28599[] = $row; 
} } mysql_free_result ($V62934996); 
return true; 
protected function Fac5546b9($V652f0465) 
{ $V62934996 = mysql_query($V652f0465); 
if ($V62934996==false) 
{ $this->F018065a9($V652f0465); 
return false; 
} return mysql_affected_rows(); 
protected function F849f9f5d() 
{ return mysql_insert_id(); 
protected function F1bf8b4f1(&$V4ba49586) 
{ }  
protected function F21375b94(&$V4ba49586) 
{ }  
public function F606b94b2(&$Vedc28599, $V14bd4c8f, $Vdb64e12f=array()) 
{ $Vedc28599 = array(); 
if (empty($this->V834aacdd) || !isset($this->V834aacdd[$V14bd4c8f])) 
{ $this->msg = 'Unknown template'; 
return 0; 
} $V652f0465 = $this->V834aacdd[$V14bd4c8f]; 
$V567b024c = '#\{(?:pv_constraints|pv_ograniczenia)(\|([\s\S]+?))?\}#'; 
$V7e707a32 = array(); 
if (preg_match($V567b024c, $V652f0465, $V7e707a32)) 
{ $V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f); 
$Vcab7b8f3 = ''; 
if (!empty($V4ecc28f5)) 
{ $Vcab7b8f3 = preg_replace('#^WHERE\s+(.+)$#', '($1)', $V4ecc28f5); 
else if (count($V7e707a32)>2) 
{ $Vcab7b8f3 = $V7e707a32[2]; 
$V652f0465 = preg_replace($V567b024c, $Vcab7b8f3, $V652f0465); 
$this->F8ac2c982($Vedc28599, $V652f0465); 
if (!empty($Vedc28599)) 
{ return 1; 
} else 
{ return 0; 
} }  
public function Fa7fb9317($V4ba49586) 
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da)) 
{ throw new Exception("Tabel name is empty"); 
$V25fe9a70 = $this->Ff56b3f7f($V4ba49586, $this->Ve9d65212); 
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->V36c712da} {$V25fe9a70['']['keys']} {$V25fe9a70['']['vals']}"; 
$Vd1b7dd14 = $this->Fac5546b9($sql); 
if ($Vd1b7dd14==0) 
{ $this->msg = 'DB error while inserting record!'; 
return 0; 
} return 1; 
public function Fc5660b2b($Vdb64e12f=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true) 
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da)) 
{ throw new Exception("Table name is empty"); 
$V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, array(), $V5d5ce40a); 
$sql = "DELETE 
FROM {$this->V36c712da} $V4ecc28f5" 
$Vd1b7dd14 = $this->Fac5546b9($sql); 
if ($Vd1b7dd14===false) 
{ $this->msg = 'DB error while deleting record(s)!'; 
return 0; 
} return 1; 
public function F6e07282d($V4ba49586, $Vdb64e12f=array(), $Vd75b70be=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true) 
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da)) 
{ throw new Exception("Table name is empty"); 
$V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, array(), $V5d5ce40a); 
$V5f3968da = $this->F8798a4a9($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be); 
$sql = "UPDATE {$this->V36c712da} $V5f3968da 
$Vd1b7dd14 = $this->Fac5546b9($sql); 
if ($Vd1b7dd14===false) 
{ $this->msg = 'DB error while updating record(s)!'; 
return 0; 
} return 1; 
public function F633c953d(&$Vedc28599, $V995dc27a=array(), $Vdb64e12f=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true) 
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da)) 
{ throw new Exception("Table name is empty"); 
} $Vedc28599 = array(); 
$V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, array(), $V5d5ce40a); 
$V3b215a83 = empty($this->V2b847bec) ? "" : $this->V2b847bec; 
if (empty($V995dc27a)) 
{ $V995dc27a = array_keys($this->Vc6cafee7); 
} $Vf668e29f = $this->F8a2ce552($V995dc27a); 
$sql = "SELECT $Vf668e29f 
FROM {$this->V36c712da} $V4ecc28f5 
$this->F8ac2c982($Vedc28599, $sql); 
return !empty($Vedc28599) ? 1 : 0; 
} ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
	Copyright 2007-2014 Your Company ltd. All rights reserved
\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
abstract class F11ab1c49
public $msg='';
public $sql='';
protected $V36c712da;
protected $V4bdda913 = array();
protected $Ve9d65212 = array();
protected $V2b847bec;
protected $Vc6cafee7 = array();
protected $V71f7be02;
protected $V77d3e4dc = '__LAST_INSERT_ID__';
protected $V834aacdd = array();
private $Vbf1d4eff = '`';
private $V062f067e = '`';
public function __construct()
if (empty($this->Vc6cafee7))
{ throw new Exception('pv_aliasNames2colNames is empty');
} $this->V71f7be02= array_flip($this->Vc6cafee7);
private function F4ce4015e($Vdf6eeb13)
{ if (isset($this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13]))
{ return $this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13];
} return $Vdf6eeb13;
private function Fe940998f($V7e287edc)
{ if (isset($this->V71f7be02[$V7e287edc]))
{ return $this->V71f7be02[$V7e287edc];
} return $V7e287edc;
private function F42858f10($Vdf6eeb13)
{ $V8193fdf0 = '';
$V7e287edc = $this->F4ce4015e($Vdf6eeb13);
$Vbccbf69d = array();
if (preg_match('#(.+?)\.(.+)#', $V7e287edc, $Vbccbf69d))
{ $V8193fdf0 = $Vbccbf69d[1];
$V7e287edc = $Vbccbf69d[2];
} return array(
'tbl' => $V8193fdf0,
'col' => $V7e287edc
private function Fd0475041($V3ba4cf23, $Vd75b70be=array())
{ $V2bf298f9 = array();
if (!empty($V3ba4cf23))
{ foreach ($V3ba4cf23 as $Vf71a2b7d => &$V94309e6b)
if (!empty($Vd75b70be) && in_array($Vf71a2b7d, $Vd75b70be))
{ continue;
$V94309e6b = $this->Fdd854504($Vf71a2b7d, $V94309e6b);
$Vaeb948e0 = $this->F42858f10($Vf71a2b7d);
$V8193fdf0 = $Vaeb948e0['tbl'];
$Vae1d8f33 = $Vaeb948e0['col'];
if (!isset($V2bf298f9[$V8193fdf0]))
{ $V2bf298f9[$V8193fdf0] = array();
} $V2bf298f9[$V8193fdf0][$Vae1d8f33] = $V94309e6b;
} } return $V2bf298f9;
protected function F71555a34($V3ba4cf23, $Vd75b70be=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true)
{ $V2bf298f9 = array();
if (!empty($V3ba4cf23))
{ foreach ($V3ba4cf23 as $Vf71a2b7d => &$V94309e6b)
if (!empty($Vd75b70be) && in_array($Vf71a2b7d, $Vd75b70be))
{ continue;
$V61f65f3c = '=';
if (is_array($V94309e6b))
if (!isset($V94309e6b[0]) || !isset($V94309e6b[1]) || !preg_match('#^([<>=!RLIKE ]+|IN|NOT IN|IS|IS NOT)$#', $V94309e6b[0]))
{ continue;
} $V61f65f3c = $V94309e6b[0];
$V94309e6b = $V94309e6b[1];
if ($V61f65f3c == 'IN' || $V61f65f3c == 'NOT IN')
{ $V94309e6b = $this->F6407631e($Vf71a2b7d, $V94309e6b);
} else
{ $V94309e6b = $this->Fdd854504($Vf71a2b7d, $V94309e6b);
} $V7e287edc = $this->F4ce4015e($Vf71a2b7d);
if ($V5d5ce40a)
{ if ($V61f65f3c == 'IN' || $V61f65f3c == 'NOT IN')
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' ('.$V94309e6b.')';
} elseif ($V61f65f3c == 'IS' || $V61f65f3c == 'IS NOT')
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' NULL';
} elseif (is_string($V94309e6b))
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' \''.$V94309e6b.'\'';
} else
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' '.$V61f65f3c.' '.$V94309e6b.'';
} } else
{ $V2bf298f9[] = $V7e287edc.' LIKE \''.$V94309e6b.'\'';
} } } return $V2bf298f9;
protected function F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, $Vd75b70be=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true)
{ $Vaaebcfff = $this->F71555a34($Vdb64e12f, $Vd75b70be, $V5d5ce40a);
if (!empty($Vaaebcfff))
{ $V4ecc28f5='WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $Vaaebcfff) .')';
} else
{ $V4ecc28f5='';
} return $V4ecc28f5;
protected function F8798a4a9($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be=array())
{ $Vcdbd1ded = $this->F71555a34($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be);
if (!empty($Vcdbd1ded))
{ $V5f3968da='SET ' . implode(', ', $Vcdbd1ded);
} else
{ $V5f3968da='';
} return $V5f3968da;
protected function Ff56b3f7f($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be=array())
{ $Vb235b783 = $this->Fd0475041($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be);
$V25fe9a70 = array();
if (!empty($Vb235b783))
{ foreach ($Vb235b783 as $V8193fdf0=>$Vbc1e6e5e)
{ $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0] = array(
foreach ($Vbc1e6e5e as $Vf71a2b7d=>$V94309e6b)
{ $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['keys'][] = $Vf71a2b7d;
$V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['vals'][] = $V94309e6b;
} $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['vals'] = "VALUES ('". implode("', '", $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['vals']) ."')";
$V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['keys'] = '('.$this->Vbf1d4eff
. implode($this->V062f067e.', '.$this->Vbf1d4eff, $V25fe9a70[$V8193fdf0]['keys'])
. $this->V062f067e.')';
} } return $V25fe9a70;
protected function F8a2ce552($V995dc27a, $Vd75b70be=array())
{ $V52d6f3b1 = array();
foreach ($V995dc27a as $Vdf6eeb13)
if (!empty($Vd75b70be) && in_array($Vdf6eeb13, $Vd75b70be))
{ continue;
if (isset($this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13]))
{ $V7e287edc = $this->Vc6cafee7[$Vdf6eeb13];
$V52d6f3b1[] = "$V7e287edc as '$Vdf6eeb13'";
} } if (empty($V52d6f3b1))
{ $V52d6f3b1 = '';
} else
{ $V52d6f3b1 = implode(', ', $V52d6f3b1);
} return $V52d6f3b1;
protected function Fdd854504($Vdf6eeb13, $V94309e6b)
{ if (!is_integer($V94309e6b))
{ if (!empty($this->V4bdda913) && array_search($Vdf6eeb13, $this->V4bdda913)!==false)
{ $V94309e6b = intval($V94309e6b);
} else
{ $V94309e6b = mysql_real_escape_string($V94309e6b);
} } return $V94309e6b;
private function F6407631e($Vdf6eeb13, $V94309e6b)
{ if (!is_array($V94309e6b))
{ $V94309e6b = explode(',', $V94309e6b);
} $V7979ddd7 = array();
foreach ($V94309e6b as $v)
{ $v = $this->Fdd854504($Vdf6eeb13, $v);
if (is_string($v))
{ $v = '\''.$v.'\'';
} $V7979ddd7[] = $v;
} return implode(',', $V7979ddd7);
protected function F01892f00(&$V31e2122f, $V9289ac9b)
{ $V31e2122f = strtr($V31e2122f, array($this->V77d3e4dc=> $V9289ac9b));
private function F018065a9($V652f0465)
{ $this->sql = $V652f0465;
$this->msg = mysql_error();
trigger_error("\nSQL error: {$this->msg}\nSQL:{$this->sql}\n", E_USER_ERROR);
protected function F8ac2c982(&$Vedc28599, $V652f0465, $Vd1df70ec = false)
{ $V62934996 = mysql_query($V652f0465);
if ($V62934996==false)
{ $this->F018065a9($V652f0465);
return false;
} if (empty($this->V4bdda913) || $Vd1df70ec)
{ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($V62934996, MYSQL_ASSOC))
{ $Vedc28599[] = $row;
} } else
{ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($V62934996, MYSQL_ASSOC))
{ foreach ($row as $Vdf6eeb13=>&$val)
{ if (array_search($Vdf6eeb13, $this->V4bdda913)!==false)
{ $row[$Vdf6eeb13] = intval($row[$Vdf6eeb13]);
} } $Vedc28599[] = $row;
} } mysql_free_result ($V62934996);
return true;
protected function Fac5546b9($V652f0465)
{ $V62934996 = mysql_query($V652f0465);
if ($V62934996==false)
{ $this->F018065a9($V652f0465);
return false;
} return mysql_affected_rows();
protected function F849f9f5d()
{ return mysql_insert_id();
protected function F1bf8b4f1(&$V4ba49586)
{ } 
protected function F21375b94(&$V4ba49586)
{ } 
public function F606b94b2(&$Vedc28599, $V14bd4c8f, $Vdb64e12f=array())
{ $Vedc28599 = array();
if (empty($this->V834aacdd) || !isset($this->V834aacdd[$V14bd4c8f]))
{ $this->msg = 'Unknown template';
return 0;
} $V652f0465 = $this->V834aacdd[$V14bd4c8f];
$V567b024c = '#\{(?:pv_constraints|pv_ograniczenia)(\|([\s\S]+?))?\}#';
$V7e707a32 = array();
if (preg_match($V567b024c, $V652f0465, $V7e707a32))
{ $V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f);
$Vcab7b8f3 = '';
if (!empty($V4ecc28f5))
{ $Vcab7b8f3 = preg_replace('#^WHERE\s+(.+)$#', '($1)', $V4ecc28f5);
else if (count($V7e707a32)>2)
{ $Vcab7b8f3 = $V7e707a32[2];
$V652f0465 = preg_replace($V567b024c, $Vcab7b8f3, $V652f0465);
$this->F8ac2c982($Vedc28599, $V652f0465);
if (!empty($Vedc28599))
{ return 1;
} else
{ return 0;
} } 
public function Fa7fb9317($V4ba49586)
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da))
{ throw new Exception("Tabel name is empty");
$V25fe9a70 = $this->Ff56b3f7f($V4ba49586, $this->Ve9d65212);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->V36c712da} {$V25fe9a70['']['keys']} {$V25fe9a70['']['vals']}";
$Vd1b7dd14 = $this->Fac5546b9($sql);
if ($Vd1b7dd14==0)
{ $this->msg = 'DB error while inserting record!';
return 0;
} return 1;
public function Fc5660b2b($Vdb64e12f=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true)
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da))
{ throw new Exception("Table name is empty");
$V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, array(), $V5d5ce40a);
$sql = "DELETE
FROM {$this->V36c712da} $V4ecc28f5"
$Vd1b7dd14 = $this->Fac5546b9($sql);
if ($Vd1b7dd14===false)
{ $this->msg = 'DB error while deleting record(s)!';
return 0;
} return 1;
public function F6e07282d($V4ba49586, $Vdb64e12f=array(), $Vd75b70be=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true)
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da))
{ throw new Exception("Table name is empty");
$V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, array(), $V5d5ce40a);
$V5f3968da = $this->F8798a4a9($V4ba49586, $Vd75b70be);
$sql = "UPDATE {$this->V36c712da} $V5f3968da
$Vd1b7dd14 = $this->Fac5546b9($sql);
if ($Vd1b7dd14===false)
{ $this->msg = 'DB error while updating record(s)!';
return 0;
} return 1;
public function F633c953d(&$Vedc28599, $V995dc27a=array(), $Vdb64e12f=array(), $V5d5ce40a=true)
{ if (empty($this->V36c712da))
{ throw new Exception("Table name is empty");
} $Vedc28599 = array();
$V4ecc28f5 = $this->F0be0c9c1($Vdb64e12f, array(), $V5d5ce40a);
$V3b215a83 = empty($this->V2b847bec) ? "" : $this->V2b847bec;
if (empty($V995dc27a))
{ $V995dc27a = array_keys($this->Vc6cafee7);
} $Vf668e29f = $this->F8a2ce552($V995dc27a);
$sql = "SELECT $Vf668e29f
FROM {$this->V36c712da} $V4ecc28f5
$this->F8ac2c982($Vedc28599, $sql);
return !empty($Vedc28599) ? 1 : 0;
} ?>

Function Calls





MD5 6342c560e2d9afa63b8dabcba54ae2bc
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 143 ms