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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace MRXVS; use mRxVs\DLLW3\QKCNg; use mrxvS\dLLW3\C..

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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace MRXVS; use mRxVs\DLLW3\QKCNg; use mrxvS\dLLW3\CodcE; use mrXVs\dllw3\YFz4T; use MRXvs\DlLw3\wccgu; use mRXVS\DLLw3\dlOdI; use mRxvs\DLLW3\veYuR; use MrxvS\dllW3\GnxQB; use mrXvs\DlLW3\o2IG0; use MRxvs\DlLw3\DVlCp; use mRXVs\DLLW3\TStux; use MrXVs\UpLaa\bjg8p; use MRXvs\UpLAA\MEstM; use mrxvS\Uplaa\dTZ1Z; use mrXvS\uplAa\kFgB3; use MrxVs\uplaa\uFM5R; use mRxvs\uPlaA\hCNlC; use Closure; use Countable; use DateInterval; use DatePeriod; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use Generator; use InvalidArgumentException; use JsonSerializable; use ReflectionException; use ReturnTypeWillChange; use RuntimeException; use Throwable; use TypeError; require PHP_VERSION < 8.199999999999999 ? __DIR__ . "/../../lazy/Carbon/ProtectedDatePeriod.php" : __DIR__ . "/../../lazy/Carbon/UnprotectedDatePeriod.php"; class VHLo3 extends daBhB implements Countable, JsonSerializable { use DTz1Z; use MeSTm; use kfgB3 { Mixin::mixin as baseMixin; } use UfM5R { Options::__debugInfo as baseDebugInfo; } use hCnLC; public const kkjzj = [WtHN6::class, "filterRecurrences"]; public const PKT4A = [WthN6::class, "filterEndDate"]; public const nsv1H = [wthn6::class, "endIteration"]; public const EXCLUDE_START_DATE = 1; public const SHbAX = 8; public const fuQdG = 4; public const hr540 = 1000; public const RK2tQ = 10000; protected const H9N4S = mrxvs::class; protected static array $W5BGH = []; protected string $Rs6Sq = MrXvS::class; protected ?CarbonInterval $Eutyk = null; protected bool $UDLvq = false; protected bool $d4JVc = false; protected array $o0ff7 = []; protected ?CarbonInterface $xxOXR = null; protected ?CarbonInterface $vGIjP = null; protected int|float|null $BNbZl = null; protected ?int $n5B37 = null; protected int $Ih8GU = 0; protected ?CarbonInterface $EKJiI = null; protected ?DateTimeZone $INEV4 = null; protected array|string|bool|null $xYDyq = null; protected DateTimeZone|string|int|null $gxOFj = null; public function getIterator() : Generator { goto Xpq42; Xpq42: $this->rewind(); goto EpGNp; CwWde: (yield $GESws => $Xk6su); goto ElCZc; ElCZc: $this->next(); goto UsdUq; l7TXf: Oj4sH: goto gxYxa; UsdUq: goto POl0r; goto l7TXf; UJqIK: $GESws = $this->key(); goto Hyc30; Hyc30: $Xk6su = $this->current(); goto CwWde; Ot1pM: if (!$this->valid()) { goto Oj4sH; } goto UJqIK; EpGNp: POl0r: goto Ot1pM; gxYxa: } public static function G0V47(mixed $NYB0O) : ?static { try { return static::cJIfG($NYB0O); } catch (gnxQB) { return static::create($NYB0O); } } public static function Cjifg(mixed $KMsJ9) : static { goto u8zwD; Nnz31: Jy7OW: goto Muy1X; b5WjM: $Wyt9E = \gettype($KMsJ9); goto MZT6V; C_r4g: d0gMa: goto V6csu; u8zwD: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof static) { goto Jy7OW; } goto DQO3n; SlThH: return new static($KMsJ9->start, $KMsJ9->end ?: $KMsJ9->recurrences - 1, $KMsJ9->interval, $KMsJ9->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); goto C_r4g; D6F6A: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof DatePeriod) { goto d0gMa; } goto SlThH; W5QIX: throw new GNXQb("Argument 1 passed to " . $yla3M . "::" . end($LbZ7o) . "() " . "must be an instance of DatePeriod or " . $yla3M . ", " . ($Wyt9E === "object" ? "instance of " . \get_class($KMsJ9) : $Wyt9E) . " given."); goto AUSJm; Muy1X: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof WTHn6) { goto AzSZs; } goto Jk5X4; V6csu: $yla3M = static::class; goto b5WjM; Jk5X4: return new static($KMsJ9->getStartDate(), $KMsJ9->getEndDate() ?? $KMsJ9->getRecurrences(), $KMsJ9->getDateInterval(), $KMsJ9->LdlIW()); goto xiYc4; MZT6V: $LbZ7o = explode("::", __METHOD__); goto W5QIX; DQO3n: return $KMsJ9->copy(); goto Nnz31; xiYc4: AzSZs: goto D6F6A; AUSJm: } public static function create(...$qT2SL) : static { return static::cGVQp($qT2SL); } public static function cgVqp(array $qT2SL) : static { return new static(...$qT2SL); } public static function GvgKw(string $PbXp8, ?int $mhcfU = null) : static { goto PjeHH; K5rrW: $k11ZI->HyTGR(); goto CpSBu; CpSBu: orfEu: goto B7HVr; Kxaz6: if (!($mhcfU !== null)) { goto orfEu; } goto W38Wx; PjeHH: $qT2SL = static::CSPPU($PbXp8); goto tg9Pe; tg9Pe: $k11ZI = static::cGVQP($qT2SL); goto Kxaz6; W38Wx: $k11ZI->n5B37 = $mhcfU; goto K5rrW; B7HVr: return $k11ZI; goto ibOCv; ibOCv: } protected static function lxXHF(DateInterval $KDWyp) : bool { return $KDWyp->EzXgs || $KDWyp->KcTDr || $KDWyp->ijYtJ || $KDWyp->uu9PZ; } protected static function V41mp(mixed $NYB0O) : bool { goto aA_IM; H860S: return false; goto VzPXB; AH_aC: $sfkH1 = "[a-z]+(?:[_-][a-z]+)*"; goto leNrs; aA_IM: if (\is_string($NYB0O)) { goto lgczM; } goto H860S; VzPXB: lgczM: goto AH_aC; zbd6u: return isset($DWXyP[1]); goto G6Upj; leNrs: preg_match("#\b{$sfkH1}/{$sfkH1}\b|(/)#i", $NYB0O, $DWXyP); goto zbd6u; G6Upj: } protected static function CSPPu(string $PbXp8) : array { goto qMIVP; lI0yr: wYclR: goto c3Lb1; qMIVP: $Z6D3p = []; goto KwPqy; KwPqy: $KDWyp = null; goto NSCcz; cPp6G: $XdhEV = null; goto F3iLb; LYMHA: foreach (explode("/", $PbXp8) as $GESws => $sfkH1) { goto TSMqu; b6Zy0: $XdhEV = $sfkH1; goto Ayrin; Ayrin: P9ytQ: goto T1Ztt; edwBu: if ($KDWyp === null && ($tvUYp = wthn6::N5h_5($sfkH1))) { goto ORXyv; } goto Qvj58; nVVgx: $KDWyp = $sfkH1; goto YofZy; fXyzM: rcROO: goto ispHl; SJWb5: ORXyv: goto nVVgx; T1Ztt: $Z6D3p[] = $tvUYp; goto fXyzM; dAUQR: goto P9ytQ; goto SJWb5; TSMqu: if ($GESws === 0 && preg_match("/^R(\d*|INF)$/", $sfkH1, $DWXyP)) { goto NSiUE; } goto edwBu; wLjkd: dlMMO: goto b6Zy0; tFuxe: $tvUYp = \strlen($DWXyP[1]) ? $DWXyP[1] !== "INF" ? (int) $DWXyP[1] : INF : null; goto dAUQR; Qvj58: if ($IqQed === null && ($tvUYp = $UZr2Q::g0v47($sfkH1))) { goto i9vl_; } goto r_E32; RlwvE: i9vl_: goto dVhwe; p01EK: goto P9ytQ; goto rFP4v; rvFdA: throw new dLOdi("Invalid ISO 8601 specification: {$PbXp8}."); goto p01EK; rFP4v: NSiUE: goto tFuxe; ooFEg: goto P9ytQ; goto wLjkd; YofZy: goto P9ytQ; goto RlwvE; r_E32: if ($XdhEV === null && ($tvUYp = $UZr2Q::g0V47(static::nK0NY($IqQed ?? '', $sfkH1)))) { goto dlMMO; } goto rvFdA; dVhwe: $IqQed = $sfkH1; goto ooFEg; ispHl: } goto lI0yr; NSCcz: $IqQed = null; goto cPp6G; F3iLb: $UZr2Q = static::H9N4S; goto LYMHA; c3Lb1: return $Z6D3p; goto wgL8v; wgL8v: } protected static function Nk0Ny(string $F1OeU, string $dcXgD) : string { goto er1N4; DFiJS: $Z6D3p = preg_replace($KObfK, $dcXgD, $F1OeU, 1, $d3RlL); goto dEwoq; dEwoq: return $d3RlL ? $Z6D3p : $dcXgD; goto oqEdf; er1N4: $KObfK = "/" . preg_replace("/\d+/", "[0-9]+", preg_quote($dcXgD, "/")) . "$/"; goto DFiJS; oqEdf: } private static function n5h_5(mixed $VbiuP) : ?CarbonInterval { try { return VmWIf::g0V47($VbiuP); } catch (Throwable) { return null; } } public static function hxP20(string $Av14K, ?callable $BFFK1) : void { static::$W5BGH[$Av14K] = $BFFK1; } public static function y4sls(object|string $QDAvM) : void { static::ObLCC($QDAvM); } public static function w1ba2(string $Av14K) : bool { return isset(static::$W5BGH[$Av14K]); } public static function __callStatic(string $xkheS, array $tjzto) : mixed { goto My4IX; X3Lv9: return static::wAfcu(null, static fn() => $JPBWf->cIoSD($xkheS, $tjzto)); goto xWW78; BKu4u: return $JPBWf->{$xkheS}(...$tjzto); goto pR37J; xWW78: qVJOm: goto BKu4u; My4IX: $JPBWf = new static(); goto z8bGj; z8bGj: if (!static::w1ba2($xkheS)) { goto qVJOm; } goto X3Lv9; pR37J: } public function __construct(...$SVIXR) { goto QA6nd; ymFWm: if (!isset($tBJ3e["options"])) { goto vqV78; } goto gooEv; KYu3O: $this->Rs6Sq = $SVIXR["dateClass"]; goto ul5H3; VAEbh: usURs: goto xooCT; qpkpl: $SVIXR = [$SVIXR[0]->getStartDate(), $SVIXR[0]->getEndDate() ?? $SVIXR[0]->getRecurrences(), $SVIXR[0]->getDateInterval(), $SVIXR[0]->LDLIW()]; goto U62HG; n5PAw: YQDZP: goto qEdSi; eEbek: $this->bJSWN(VmWif::tPv2v()); goto axAJp; n34Nw: L6QwL: goto dsof0; YsWDp: $SVIXR = [$SVIXR[0]->start, $SVIXR[0]->end ?: $SVIXR[0]->recurrences - 1, $SVIXR[0]->interval, $SVIXR[0]->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE]; goto AqZa8; bM9Tn: $XVtVF = false; goto oA_E2; jE25R: qPmxE: goto eoClk; gsy7P: ee0Kz: goto C07XG; U62HG: goto dHFcV; goto U2HIw; OoVn_: if (!($NIUog === null && isset($tBJ3e["start"]))) { goto YQDZP; } goto hd7hp; GRMXi: $this->B0dpJ($tBJ3e["start"]); goto s8qHM; MzM25: if (!is_a($this->Rs6Sq, DateTimeImmutable::class, true)) { goto B0pyU; } goto fYITr; AQ6Ih: if (!isset($SVIXR["raw"])) { goto IWPyi; } goto Q38Zu; rndnG: $SVIXR = $NIUog; goto UZoig; Vj0GG: nlq6b: goto hu30t; zkTs4: if (!isset($tBJ3e["start"])) { goto u3g53; } goto GRMXi; anXXZ: FSYch: goto OoVn_; lmuXv: $XdhEV = $XdhEV === INF ? PHP_INT_MAX : (int) round($XdhEV); goto jE25R; s3Nzz: $NIUog = [$SVIXR[0]]; goto Rbtwn; NnLnE: $jYNJx = \count($SVIXR); goto IOAL_; pGwGc: foreach ($SVIXR as $mDmsm) { goto BUq5M; WYbdo: $tBJ3e["recurrences"] = $mDmsm; goto SsA6D; guy0j: v5ES_: goto s2X1k; yBmdB: $XVtVF = true; goto qcgez; cU5RS: if (!isset($tBJ3e["recurrences"]) && !isset($tBJ3e["end"]) && (\is_int($mDmsm) || \is_float($mDmsm)) && $mDmsm >= 0) { goto ueLfD; } goto GUXZb; CrOKN: nW0uw: goto yBmdB; P4Lc3: $tBJ3e["interval"] = $u86DM; goto b2hzQ; UL25l: if (!isset($tBJ3e["end"]) && ($hfMoM = $hfMoM ?? $this->kCW4f($mDmsm))) { goto Ckt2Z; } goto cU5RS; J4p_X: throw new Dlodi("Invalid constructor parameters."); goto zi19S; BUq5M: $hfMoM = null; goto GWzv9; ytqcy: if (!isset($tBJ3e["interval"]) && (\is_string($mDmsm) && preg_match("/^(-?\d(\d(?![\/-])|[^\d\/-]([\/-])?)*|P[T\d].*|(?:\h*\d+(?:\.\d+)?\h*[a-z]+)+)$/i", $mDmsm) || $mDmsm instanceof DateInterval || $mDmsm instanceof Closure || $mDmsm instanceof Wn6tH) && ($u86DM = wThn6::n5h_5($mDmsm))) { goto xFDHg; } goto TatFT; qcgez: $tBJ3e["options"] = (int) $this->n5B37 | (int) $mDmsm; goto x1NVK; vKA4_: ueLfD: goto WYbdo; GUXZb: if (!$XVtVF && (\is_int($mDmsm) || $mDmsm === null)) { goto nW0uw; } goto J4p_X; SsA6D: goto m9zZj; goto CrOKN; s2X1k: $this->setTimezone($mDmsm); goto nj7Cl; up_1Q: ffQ1X: goto pYOgP; GWzv9: if ($mDmsm instanceof DateTimeZone) { goto v5ES_; } goto ytqcy; nj7Cl: goto m9zZj; goto YCMmF; hXUH9: goto m9zZj; goto vKA4_; Ew4rK: $tBJ3e["start"] = $hfMoM; goto naIm6; Fb_Ai: wS4IZ: goto Ew4rK; zi19S: goto m9zZj; goto guy0j; TatFT: if (!isset($tBJ3e["start"]) && ($hfMoM = $this->Kcw4F($mDmsm))) { goto wS4IZ; } goto UL25l; EMnBJ: Ckt2Z: goto hmPxD; b2hzQ: goto m9zZj; goto Fb_Ai; hmPxD: $tBJ3e["end"] = $hfMoM; goto hXUH9; x1NVK: m9zZj: goto up_1Q; YCMmF: xFDHg: goto P4Lc3; naIm6: goto m9zZj; goto EMnBJ; pYOgP: } goto anXXZ; hu30t: if ($lgBZk) { goto gLOA1; } goto THGsZ; dsof0: if (!($jYNJx === 1)) { goto QrSx1; } goto jQtp9; xFrQQ: $this->WVfXO($tBJ3e["recurrences"]); goto c_FZH; DhAVe: if (!($this->Eutyk === null)) { goto w2aRf; } goto eEbek; FSNgS: B0pyU: goto bM9Tn; Q38Zu: $NIUog = $SVIXR["raw"]; goto Uf1N8; stQZu: $lgBZk = false; goto s6pY6; WSa73: if (!isset($tBJ3e["start"])) { goto usURs; } goto qZTQq; xcYYR: $this->UDLvq = true; goto eCeJB; Qzj3d: if ($SVIXR[0] instanceof DatePeriod) { goto jJiBs; } goto cFMnt; nLgsm: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto K5Jiz; gooEv: $this->IWZ2m($tBJ3e["options"]); goto AWSFA; axAJp: $this->d4JVc = true; goto dW8wl; c_FZH: XR_kW: goto Mskt7; uWSPB: QrSx1: goto MzM25; C07XG: if (!isset($tBJ3e["recurrences"])) { goto XR_kW; } goto xFrQQ; kI6RC: j3ya8: goto DhAVe; oA_E2: $tBJ3e = []; goto pGwGc; fTrxK: if (!($this->xxOXR === null)) { goto j3ya8; } goto nLgsm; s6pY6: if (!($NIUog !== null)) { goto nlq6b; } goto ORFFb; dW8wl: w2aRf: goto xk6nH; qZTQq: $this->B0DpJ($tBJ3e["start"]); goto VAEbh; hd7hp: $XdhEV = $tBJ3e["end"] ?? max(1, $tBJ3e["recurrences"] ?? 1); goto f0vr2; ORFFb: try { xqwuG::__construct(...$NIUog); $lgBZk = true; } catch (TypeError) { } goto Vj0GG; s8qHM: u3g53: goto WSa73; UZoig: IWPyi: goto NnLnE; AqZa8: dHFcV: goto uWSPB; f0vr2: if (!\is_float($XdhEV)) { goto qPmxE; } goto lmuXv; AWSFA: vqV78: goto fTrxK; ul5H3: xCQ11: goto rndnG; QA6nd: $NIUog = null; goto AQ6Ih; K5Jiz: $this->b0DPj($UZr2Q::o2bn0()); goto kI6RC; KIRF6: $this->BJSWN($tBJ3e["interval"]); goto b3Fsa; a2_uu: $this->Iwz2M(0); goto UGYfu; xooCT: if (!isset($tBJ3e["end"])) { goto ee0Kz; } goto P7m3p; qEdSi: if (!($NIUog === null && \is_string($SVIXR[0] ?? null) && substr_count($SVIXR[0], "/") >= 1)) { goto Hr6iz; } goto s3Nzz; P7m3p: $this->ijWRr($tBJ3e["end"]); goto gsy7P; THGsZ: XqwuG::__construct("R1/2000-01-01T00:00:00Z/P1D"); goto u1mYj; Uf1N8: $this->d4JVc = $SVIXR["isDefaultInterval"] ?? false; goto vpMax; xk6nH: if (!($this->n5B37 === null)) { goto EwKvr; } goto a2_uu; x894P: array_splice($SVIXR, 0, 1, static::CSpPU($PbXp8)); goto n34Nw; fDwBR: Ztvzp: goto qpkpl; IOAL_: if (!($jYNJx && static::V41MP($PbXp8 = $SVIXR[0]))) { goto L6QwL; } goto x894P; U2HIw: jJiBs: goto YsWDp; Rbtwn: Hr6iz: goto stQZu; u1mYj: gLOA1: goto zkTs4; vpMax: if (!isset($SVIXR["dateClass"])) { goto xCQ11; } goto KYu3O; eoClk: $NIUog = [$tBJ3e["start"], $tBJ3e["interval"] ?? VmWIf::TPv2V(), $XdhEV]; goto n5PAw; UGYfu: EwKvr: goto xcYYR; fYITr: $this->n5B37 = static::fuQdG; goto FSNgS; cFMnt: goto dHFcV; goto fDwBR; b3Fsa: ZIF5l: goto ymFWm; Mskt7: if (!isset($tBJ3e["interval"])) { goto ZIF5l; } goto KIRF6; jQtp9: if ($SVIXR[0] instanceof WthN6) { goto Ztvzp; } goto Qzj3d; eCeJB: } public function copy() : static { return clone $this; } protected function kacTG() : static { return $this; } protected function yfH2X(string $Av14K) : ?callable { return match (strtolower(preg_replace("/[A-Z]/", "_$0", $Av14K))) { "start", "start_date" => [$this, "getStartDate"], "end", "end_date" => [$this, "getEndDate"], "interval", "date_interval" => [$this, "getDateInterval"], "recurrences" => [$this, "getRecurrences"], "include_start_date" => [$this, "isStartIncluded"], "include_end_date" => [$this, "isEndIncluded"], "current" => [$this, "current"], "locale" => [$this, "locale"], "tzname", "tz_name" => fn() => match (true) { $this->gxOFj === null => null, \is_string($this->gxOFj) => $this->gxOFj, $this->gxOFj instanceof DateTimeZone => $this->gxOFj->getName(), default => LBVid::CJiFg($this->gxOFj)->getName(), }, default => null, }; } public function get(string $Av14K) { goto oip1U; qpTTo: return $HPdpQ(); goto oPYdn; lCq5H: if (!$HPdpQ) { goto K7bP7; } goto qpTTo; oip1U: $HPdpQ = $this->YFH2x($Av14K); goto lCq5H; oPYdn: K7bP7: goto JGs1x; JGs1x: throw new o2Ig0($Av14K); goto IOh7V; IOh7V: } public function __get(string $Av14K) { return $this->get($Av14K); } public function __isset(string $Av14K) : bool { return $this->YFH2X($Av14K) !== null; } public function clone() { return clone $this; } public function bGGN1(string $UZr2Q) { goto ud2BV; gzJxY: if (is_a($UZr2Q, wDh4I::class, true)) { goto zy_Ut; } goto Ru6uw; XXMf8: $pyPmh->n5B37 = $pyPmh->n5B37 | static::fuQdG; goto JLiXb; ME082: aKgif: goto e7VDR; IsuU8: zy_Ut: goto XXMf8; xWlz3: $pyPmh->n5B37 = $pyPmh->n5B37 & ~static::fuQdG; goto aDVLb; Ru6uw: goto wMVqs; goto NiVyb; mXojc: return $pyPmh; goto K7Nns; JLiXb: wMVqs: goto mXojc; aDVLb: goto wMVqs; goto IsuU8; NiVyb: OkG_U: goto xWlz3; ud2BV: if (is_a($UZr2Q, Xvk7F::class, true)) { goto aKgif; } goto wUBM2; GAjAv: if (is_a($UZr2Q, mrxvS::class, true)) { goto OkG_U; } goto gzJxY; wUBM2: throw new VeYUR($UZr2Q); goto ME082; CPTo9: $pyPmh->Rs6Sq = $UZr2Q; goto GAjAv; e7VDR: $pyPmh = $this->KaCTG(); goto CPTo9; K7Nns: } public function GkStY() : string { return $this->Rs6Sq; } public function BJswN(mixed $KDWyp, Unit|string|null $UEuqV = null) : static { goto Zate_; Zate_: if (!$KDWyp instanceof wn6TH) { goto F8Ijg; } goto a2ELD; PQz1l: $pyPmh->Eutyk = $KDWyp; goto P1_vX; fIv3l: if (!$UEuqV instanceof wN6th) { goto ksX6q; } goto cFq56; Vtt14: if (!($KDWyp->AXRaT() === "PT0S" && !$KDWyp->uu9PZ && !$KDWyp->cP9Fj())) { goto AOvgG; } goto vWha1; vWha1: throw new yFz4t("Empty interval is not accepted."); goto fuBjO; V51FE: if ($KDWyp = vMWif::g0V47($KDWyp, $UEuqV)) { goto zOYol; } goto YSQbu; fuBjO: AOvgG: goto ozADx; cFq56: $UEuqV = $UEuqV->name; goto z5bUb; z5bUb: ksX6q: goto V51FE; kKKnD: $pyPmh->hYtgr(); goto JVYnm; Oca9t: F8Ijg: goto fIv3l; iAaOP: zOYol: goto Vtt14; P1_vX: $pyPmh->d4JVc = false; goto kKKnD; a2ELD: $KDWyp = $KDWyp->ZDsz3(); goto Oca9t; ozADx: $pyPmh = $this->KacTg(); goto PQz1l; JVYnm: return $pyPmh; goto OkYqM; YSQbu: throw new YFz4t("Invalid interval."); goto iAaOP; OkYqM: } public function p18W5() : static { goto KFylT; IRfRz: $pyPmh->d4JVc = true; goto mW_l1; nx_CX: $pyPmh->bjSWN(VMwIF::TpV2V()); goto IRfRz; mW_l1: return $pyPmh; goto JCC83; KFylT: $pyPmh = $this->KActG(); goto nx_CX; JCC83: } public function J_NeP() : static { return $this->bjsWn($this->Eutyk->XPoYL()); } public function ve2ts(mixed $IqQed, mixed $XdhEV) : static { return $this->B0dpJ($IqQed)->iJwRr($XdhEV); } public function IWz2M(?int $mhcfU) : static { goto dcja8; PN4AO: $pyPmh->hYtgr(); goto xj7D5; dcja8: $pyPmh = $this->kaCtg(); goto gZtB7; xj7D5: return $pyPmh; goto Fa_l3; gZtB7: $pyPmh->n5B37 = $mhcfU ?? 0; goto PN4AO; Fa_l3: } public function lDliW() : int { return $this->n5B37 ?? 0; } public function Cd4oj(int $mhcfU, ?bool $OJcVE = null) : static { goto LqKlo; Th8Iv: BiM7H: goto CJ7VQ; LqKlo: if (!($OJcVE === null)) { goto BiM7H; } goto BkM4S; CJ7VQ: return $this->Iwz2M($OJcVE ? $this->n5B37 | $mhcfU : $this->n5B37 & ~$mhcfU); goto CCbWb; BkM4S: $OJcVE = ($this->n5B37 & $mhcfU) !== $mhcfU; goto Th8Iv; CCbWb: } public function qmCvT(bool $OJcVE = true) : static { return $this->CD4oJ(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, $OJcVE); } public function eFFzQ(bool $OJcVE = true) : static { return $this->CD4oJ(static::SHbAX, $OJcVE); } public function getDateInterval() : CarbonInterval { return $this->Eutyk->copy(); } public function getStartDate(?string $zlqvm = null) : CarbonInterface { $JPBWf = $this->xxOXR->zVjMn(); return $zlqvm ? $JPBWf->round($this->getDateInterval(), $zlqvm) : $JPBWf; } public function getEndDate(?string $zlqvm = null) : ?CarbonInterface { goto hnZl8; oOATS: return $zlqvm ? $JPBWf->round($this->getDateInterval(), $zlqvm) : $JPBWf; goto IAf1S; EYI1p: $JPBWf = $this->vGIjP->ZvjmN(); goto oOATS; hnZl8: if ($this->vGIjP) { goto V0Ais; } goto R7x1E; A8cin: V0Ais: goto EYI1p; R7x1E: return null; goto A8cin; IAf1S: } #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getRecurrences() : int|float|null { return $this->BNbZl; } public function HT03f() : bool { return ($this->n5B37 & static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE) !== 0; } public function cgbxz() : bool { return ($this->n5B37 & static::SHbAX) !== 0; } public function EXls_() : bool { return !$this->hT03f(); } public function uRV73() : bool { return !$this->cGBXz(); } public function lPlwn() : CarbonInterface { goto Yr07i; t9hbq: return $IqQed; goto AaZwg; Yr07i: $IqQed = $this->getStartDate(); goto Gm9KG; RN4Pr: A6OA6: goto t9hbq; Gm9KG: if (!$this->HT03f()) { goto A6OA6; } goto yRLHa; yRLHa: return $IqQed->add($this->getDateInterval()); goto RN4Pr; AaZwg: } public function Xp30B() : CarbonInterface { goto FyO3k; hOCli: return $XdhEV; goto lbhuQ; FyO3k: $XdhEV = $this->getEndDate(); goto ONCuE; ONCuE: if ($XdhEV) { goto o_yXt; } goto EZZA0; AhxKi: return $XdhEV->sub($this->getDateInterval()); goto aYXg1; jRWwd: o_yXt: goto x02co; x02co: if (!$this->cGbXZ()) { goto jBA0E; } goto AhxKi; EZZA0: return $this->mMvOV(); goto jRWwd; aYXg1: jBA0E: goto hOCli; lbhuQ: } public function ILZTi(callable|string $uZVEH, ?string $Av14K = null) : static { goto GQxyQ; GQxyQ: $pyPmh = $this->kACTg(); goto V3S0N; V3S0N: $c07ST = $pyPmh->E06zq(\func_get_args()); goto AGmcm; M3Fdg: $pyPmh->hyTgr(); goto Gnx4O; AGmcm: $pyPmh->o0ff7[] = $c07ST; goto M3Fdg; Gnx4O: return $pyPmh; goto x8fQL; x8fQL: } public function tE9hC(callable|string $uZVEH, ?string $Av14K = null) : static { goto z8baj; AY1nt: array_unshift($pyPmh->o0ff7, $c07ST); goto NXdXK; EPhGw: $c07ST = $pyPmh->e06ZQ(\func_get_args()); goto AY1nt; z8baj: $pyPmh = $this->KacTg(); goto EPhGw; IbWT3: return $pyPmh; goto u_yvP; NXdXK: $pyPmh->HYTGr(); goto IbWT3; u_yvP: } public function PiUeA(callable|string $yneTX) : static { goto mEzyy; ZXEB0: $pyPmh->Dk1Li(); goto QWAhu; QWAhu: $pyPmh->hYtGR(); goto rHXKa; tAMpi: $GESws = \is_callable($yneTX) ? 0 : 1; goto LQFc5; LQFc5: $pyPmh->o0ff7 = array_values(array_filter($this->o0ff7, static fn($c07ST) => $c07ST[$GESws] !== $yneTX)); goto ZXEB0; mEzyy: $pyPmh = $this->KACTg(); goto tAMpi; rHXKa: return $pyPmh; goto djMkv; djMkv: } public function y4mGB(callable|string $yneTX) : bool { goto lgwJr; Lz5FE: s_9aE: goto uNhpo; lgwJr: $GESws = \is_callable($yneTX) ? 0 : 1; goto MFvS5; MFvS5: foreach ($this->o0ff7 as $c07ST) { goto HIZTH; awqmG: jxNr_: goto TXKnb; HIZTH: if (!($c07ST[$GESws] === $yneTX)) { goto jxNr_; } goto Yj9lf; Yj9lf: return true; goto awqmG; TXKnb: BNqvi: goto IVISU; IVISU: } goto Lz5FE; uNhpo: return false; goto dm82O; dm82O: } public function b3oIb() : array { return $this->o0ff7; } public function ikbvW(array $zBRzK) : static { goto GhCOg; gQ8zX: $pyPmh->dk1Li(); goto Qgv2T; Ev4dE: return $pyPmh; goto yiRhM; GhCOg: $pyPmh = $this->KaCtg(); goto sdaRK; Qgv2T: $pyPmh->HYTGr(); goto Ev4dE; sdaRK: $pyPmh->o0ff7 = $zBRzK; goto gQ8zX; yiRhM: } public function ZyMk4() : static { goto poFiX; B2Sjn: $pyPmh->hYtgr(); goto f4bNP; KYnIf: $pyPmh->o0ff7[] = [static::PKT4A, null]; goto r_KDf; loaIk: if (!($pyPmh->BNbZl !== null)) { goto Q2Std; } goto owiO7; poFiX: $pyPmh = $this->KacTg(); goto qAdPS; owiO7: $pyPmh->o0ff7[] = [static::kkjzj, null]; goto SUAaw; SUAaw: Q2Std: goto B2Sjn; f4bNP: return $pyPmh; goto CuiqT; rKvBc: if (!($pyPmh->vGIjP !== null)) { goto n5A6d; } goto KYnIf; qAdPS: $pyPmh->o0ff7 = []; goto rKvBc; r_KDf: n5A6d: goto loaIk; CuiqT: } public function wvFXO(int|float|null $Lj5j0) : static { goto e1qzN; khxb_: $pyPmh->HYTgR(); goto B7vww; iQEVe: CulcC: goto g_AQI; B7vww: return $pyPmh; goto wAMRA; g_AQI: if (!($Lj5j0 < 0)) { goto YDKKC; } goto x3G0v; x3G0v: throw new Dlodi("Invalid number of recurrences."); goto wF2Bi; ToksH: return $pyPmh->ilZtI(static::kkjzj); goto T4HhY; iJI4x: return $this->PiUEa(static::kkjzj); goto iQEVe; HsqvU: $pyPmh->BNbZl = $Lj5j0 === INF ? INF : (int) $Lj5j0; goto VQCHZ; wF2Bi: YDKKC: goto KlJmA; VQCHZ: if ($pyPmh->y4mGB(static::kkjzj)) { goto REzON; } goto ToksH; e1qzN: if (!($Lj5j0 === null)) { goto CulcC; } goto iJI4x; KlJmA: $pyPmh = $this->kactg(); goto HsqvU; T4HhY: REzON: goto khxb_; wAMRA: } public function B0dPJ(mixed $JPBWf, ?bool $qRqOm = null) : static { goto zeM_i; O51oW: yeEkv: goto bIei2; n_jgz: if (!($qRqOm !== null)) { goto yeEkv; } goto bhnrG; yHfpH: X9P1a: goto Ud0ug; zeM_i: if (!(!$this->JU4Gn($JPBWf) && !($JPBWf = [$this->Rs6Sq, "make"]($JPBWf)))) { goto X9P1a; } goto IboP9; bIei2: return $pyPmh; goto yXXm4; Ud0ug: $pyPmh = $this->KaCtG(); goto p2hes; IboP9: throw new wCCGU("Invalid start date."); goto yHfpH; p2hes: $pyPmh->xxOXR = $JPBWf; goto n_jgz; bhnrG: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->cd4OJ(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, !$qRqOm); goto O51oW; yXXm4: } public function iJwrR(mixed $JPBWf, ?bool $qRqOm = null) : static { goto Szg_I; zUTI8: if ($pyPmh->y4mgb(static::PKT4A)) { goto oWSyx; } goto Jang1; QOOcp: throw new wccGU("Invalid end date."); goto GjU_7; D8L6p: $pyPmh = $this->kactg(); goto vJtqF; QWilS: oWSyx: goto z_tsV; XINod: UZPoX: goto zUTI8; z_tsV: $pyPmh->hYTGR(); goto mmmK2; NdFSr: NR0pb: goto D8L6p; vJtqF: $pyPmh->vGIjP = $JPBWf; goto fXGC2; f1g5Q: return $this->PIUeA(static::PKT4A); goto NdFSr; mmmK2: return $pyPmh; goto hflgV; Szg_I: if (!($JPBWf !== null && !$this->ju4GN($JPBWf) && !($JPBWf = [$this->Rs6Sq, "make"]($JPBWf)))) { goto kiF0p; } goto QOOcp; x73gP: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->cd4Oj(static::SHbAX, !$qRqOm); goto XINod; aiYIc: if ($JPBWf) { goto NR0pb; } goto f1g5Q; Jang1: return $pyPmh->ILZTi(static::PKT4A); goto QWilS; fXGC2: if (!($qRqOm !== null)) { goto UZPoX; } goto x73gP; GjU_7: kiF0p: goto aiYIc; hflgV: } public function valid() : bool { return $this->kCM7I() === true; } public function key() : ?int { return $this->valid() ? $this->Ih8GU : null; } public function current() : ?CarbonInterface { return $this->valid() ? $this->ruU0J($this->EKJiI) : null; } public function next() : void { goto hMcsh; sbAYl: RSoEX: goto flLaR; IHNdR: $this->rewind(); goto sbAYl; BKwMk: XdkVJ: goto YSYIN; flLaR: if (!($this->xYDyq !== static::nsv1H)) { goto XdkVJ; } goto RSYn1; RSYn1: $this->Ih8GU++; goto CbeGA; hMcsh: if (!($this->EKJiI === null)) { goto RSoEX; } goto IHNdR; CbeGA: $this->UruSs(); goto BKwMk; YSYIN: } public function rewind() : void { goto HSAu1; JnZbh: $this->INEV4 = static::LXxhF($this->Eutyk) ? $this->EKJiI->getTimezone() : null; goto JxMkN; aHTOQ: $glNe5 = $this->tSVUN(); goto NPTeh; HSAu1: $this->Ih8GU = 0; goto nWYRb; D9IPh: $this->xYDyq = null; goto Hf109; O3r_Z: $this->URUSs(); goto ezXNy; nWYRb: $this->EKJiI = [$this->Rs6Sq, "make"]($this->xxOXR); goto aHTOQ; SDmQr: TGm2o: goto kKFSs; NPTeh: if (!$this->K1v0x()) { goto TGm2o; } goto qQq2Z; JxMkN: if (!$this->INEV4) { goto A99TQ; } goto KJNAM; ezXNy: wC1Q5: goto nrLOk; jqU6o: A99TQ: goto D9IPh; kKFSs: $this->EKJiI->UIF2V($glNe5); goto JnZbh; Hf109: if (!($this->hT03f() || $this->kCm7i() === false)) { goto wC1Q5; } goto O3r_Z; qQq2Z: $glNe5["locale"] = $this->Q7ty3(); goto SDmQr; KJNAM: $this->EKJiI = $this->EKJiI->v_jHz(); goto jqU6o; nrLOk: } public function TIoDd(int $d3RlL = 1) : bool { goto bQ5eY; rXbGi: RN52E: goto Cfm1N; l_JM5: t9oyT: goto IsL11; laB6N: $xjQE5--; goto sbvCD; sbvCD: goto t9oyT; goto rXbGi; idvS8: $this->next(); goto JwrWJ; Cfm1N: return $this->valid(); goto je4h3; IsL11: if (!($this->valid() && $xjQE5 > 0)) { goto RN52E; } goto idvS8; bQ5eY: $xjQE5 = $d3RlL; goto l_JM5; JwrWJ: jb42z: goto laB6N; je4h3: } public function MmkKe() : string { goto mUtA1; mUtA1: $rAPT3 = []; goto JIq9B; JIq9B: if (!($this->BNbZl !== null)) { goto hB3s4; } goto OsrZx; U78eU: $rAPT3[] = $this->xxOXR->MMKKe(); goto S3ll9; LenVE: if (!($this->vGIjP !== null)) { goto SJwCQ; } goto DgfYT; S3ll9: if ($this->d4JVc) { goto aC2HW; } goto eMBAO; eMBAO: $rAPT3[] = $this->Eutyk->Axrat(); goto nETjJ; GIDHg: return implode("/", $rAPT3); goto OMPVP; RJXaC: SJwCQ: goto GIDHg; U7P6P: hB3s4: goto U78eU; DgfYT: $rAPT3[] = $this->vGIjP->mMKKe(); goto RJXaC; OsrZx: $rAPT3[] = "R" . $this->BNbZl; goto U7P6P; nETjJ: aC2HW: goto LenVE; OMPVP: } public function X9Egd() : string { goto AN5SX; h00Ro: $rAPT3 = []; goto Qyew2; kgakt: kAbTm: goto dNgDI; umem_: if (!($this->BNbZl !== null)) { goto pxyZG; } goto K6gYD; aUyTe: if (!($this->vGIjP !== null)) { goto pdaoc; } goto VUSRP; HFgM1: $rAPT3[] = $this->zeb21("period_start_date", [":date" => $this->xxOXR->kUQqP($kLsTl)], null, $QYfhn); goto aUyTe; jgozt: return p9McD(Ml_2b($Z6D3p, 0, 1)) . ml_2B($Z6D3p, 1); goto Vocmw; rC4oy: pxyZG: goto mzz8W; ic4BW: $Z6D3p = implode(" ", $rAPT3); goto jgozt; mYDLT: pdaoc: goto ic4BW; AN5SX: $kLsTl = $this->XA7UE ?? $this->OebGR()->tsVUN()["toStringFormat"] ?? null; goto SXDb5; Iqu48: return $kLsTl($this); goto kgakt; VUSRP: $rAPT3[] = $this->zeB21("period_end_date", [":date" => $this->vGIjP->KUQQp($kLsTl)], null, $QYfhn); goto mYDLT; K6gYD: $rAPT3[] = $this->zEb21("period_recurrences", [], $this->BNbZl, $QYfhn); goto rC4oy; Qyew2: $kLsTl = $kLsTl ?? (!$this->xxOXR->E6_ba() || $this->vGIjP && !$this->vGIjP->E6_bA() ? "Y-m-d H:i:s" : "Y-m-d"); goto umem_; mzz8W: $rAPT3[] = $this->zeB21("period_interval", [":interval" => $this->Eutyk->VoFVU(["join" => true])], null, $QYfhn); goto HFgM1; SXDb5: if (!$kLsTl instanceof Closure) { goto kAbTm; } goto Iqu48; dNgDI: $QYfhn = [$this->Rs6Sq, "getTranslator"](); goto h00Ro; Vocmw: } public function aXrAt() : string { return $this->MmkKe(); } public function cast(string $nkh36) : object { goto BLYEb; BLYEb: if (method_exists($nkh36, "instance")) { goto VrDIl; } goto Jci7y; dNAHp: VrDIl: goto mCv7m; NG6oM: MqSI0: goto IsgQF; IsgQF: throw new CoDCE("{$nkh36} has not the instance() method needed to cast the date."); goto dNAHp; mCv7m: return $nkh36::CJifG($this); goto m1s0S; MhJkH: return new $nkh36($this->i1YB_($this->getStartDate()), $this->getDateInterval(), $this->getEndDate() ? $this->I1yB_($this->xP30b()) : $this->getRecurrences(), $this->ht03f() ? DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE : 0); goto NG6oM; Jci7y: if (!is_a($nkh36, DatePeriod::class, true)) { goto MqSI0; } goto MhJkH; m1s0S: } public function eHNQD() : DatePeriod { return $this->cast(DatePeriod::class); } public function YiZjd() : bool { goto jrq7_; Iqhop: return true; goto CdpG0; jrq7_: foreach ($this->o0ff7 as $yneTX) { goto uPI5W; X0MeK: nyZq0: goto iJIHr; RV7Wo: aSw7k: goto X0MeK; iJIHr: YRcjR: goto gHYcm; uPI5W: switch ($yneTX) { case [static::kkjzj, null]: goto Du7RH; R0tdd: return false; goto sdC31; qTw38: goto nyZq0; goto v1cQp; sdC31: lK6Au: goto qTw38; Du7RH: if (!($this->BNbZl !== null && is_finite($this->BNbZl))) { goto lK6Au; } goto R0tdd; v1cQp: case [static::PKT4A, null]: goto LGHDe; Q6vLW: return false; goto Z7uir; LGHDe: if (!($this->vGIjP !== null && !$this->vGIjP->OW_wD())) { goto wOx7C; } goto Q6vLW; Z7uir: wOx7C: goto YFCmN; YFCmN: goto nyZq0; goto dbgYg; dbgYg: default: return false; } goto RV7Wo; gHYcm: } goto bWxTM; bWxTM: SJ04_: goto Iqhop; CdpG0: } public function toArray() : array { goto Ezgpk; lnjO3: $OJcVE = [$this->Ih8GU, $this->EKJiI ? $this->EKJiI->ZVJMN() : null, $this->xYDyq]; goto bjXaf; C_cCC: LGZZM: goto lnjO3; Ezgpk: if (!$this->yIZJd()) { goto LGZZM; } goto dNPKm; YUaP6: return $Z6D3p; goto ZKsh2; zJWmh: [$this->Ih8GU, $this->EKJiI, $this->xYDyq] = $OJcVE; goto YUaP6; bjXaf: $Z6D3p = iterator_to_array($this); goto zJWmh; dNPKm: throw new QkCnG("Endless period can't be converted to array nor counted."); goto C_cCC; ZKsh2: } public function count() : int { return \count($this->toArray()); } public function ivPNP() : ?CarbonInterface { goto Dfzts; kusz0: return null; goto CWzP0; Dfzts: if (!$this->YIZJd()) { goto dePZp; } goto gc5vO; gc5vO: foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { goto Yug9c; cMlpF: xXJ8P: goto ErnxG; bWknO: return $JPBWf; goto cMlpF; Yug9c: $this->rewind(); goto bWknO; ErnxG: } goto FezOM; FezOM: G91LK: goto kusz0; NPApO: return ($this->toArray() ?: [])[0] ?? null; goto v1aMm; CWzP0: dePZp: goto NPApO; v1aMm: } public function ePC50() : ?CarbonInterface { $cOjWq = $this->toArray(); return $cOjWq ? $cOjWq[\count($cOjWq) - 1] : null; } public function __toString() : string { return $this->X9egD(); } public function __call(string $xkheS, array $tjzto) : mixed { goto wBKE0; hRewo: iyVej: goto W_wYI; tHzf2: JD2qG: goto hRewo; PP8pE: switch ($xkheS) { case "start": case "since": goto iNKPR; Ob05x: wTHN6::nZfwC($tjzto, [[0, "date", null]]); goto XTF88; vK8_H: return $this->getStartDate(); goto vUKsG; iNKPR: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto XWB6K; } goto vK8_H; XTF88: return $this->b0DPJ(...$tjzto); goto VTEyu; vUKsG: XWB6K: goto Ob05x; VTEyu: case "sinceNow": return $this->B0dPj(new MrXVs(), ...$tjzto); case "end": case "until": goto aq0wW; CQYHM: return $this->getEndDate(); goto uD9WK; iShPh: WTHN6::nZfwC($tjzto, [[0, "date", null]]); goto DLy2P; aq0wW: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto n04EJ; } goto CQYHM; DLy2P: return $this->IJWrr(...$tjzto); goto JSW9i; uD9WK: n04EJ: goto iShPh; JSW9i: case "untilNow": return $this->IJWrR(new mrxVS(), ...$tjzto); case "dates": case "between": WThn6::nzfwC($tjzto, [[0, "start", null], [1, "end", null]]); return $this->VE2TS(...$tjzto); case "recurrences": case "times": goto RnhEE; RSgG5: bZTA2: goto z80ne; z80ne: wThn6::NzFWC($tjzto, [[0, "recurrences", null]]); goto Ltb7U; RnhEE: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto bZTA2; } goto AxdxK; AxdxK: return $this->getRecurrences(); goto RSgG5; Ltb7U: return $this->WVFxo(...$tjzto); goto Ro_eA; Ro_eA: case "options": goto SaVFp; SaVFp: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto qRho4; } goto u074z; NVQmf: return $this->IwZ2M(...$tjzto); goto RNfuq; u074z: return $this->ldLiw(); goto pSA_p; qhull: WtHn6::nzFwc($tjzto, [[0, "options", null]]); goto NVQmf; pSA_p: qRho4: goto qhull; RNfuq: case "toggle": WTHn6::NZFWc($tjzto, [[0, "options", null]]); return $this->cd4OJ(...$tjzto); case "filter": case "push": return $this->iLZti(...$tjzto); case "prepend": return $this->te9HC(...$tjzto); case "filters": goto yLxWh; AenEt: WtHn6::NZFwc($tjzto, [[0, "filters", []]]); goto qDIr8; mx1xf: tLmUN: goto AenEt; qDIr8: return $this->iKBVw(...$tjzto); goto laWC7; yLxWh: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto tLmUN; } goto pJXLf; pJXLf: return $this->B3Oib(); goto mx1xf; laWC7: case "interval": case "each": case "every": case "step": case "stepBy": goto U7odx; nbFTn: return $this->BJSwN(...$tjzto); goto q6IGr; pOKKx: pV0v3: goto nbFTn; U7odx: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto pV0v3; } goto iA5HC; iA5HC: return $this->getDateInterval(); goto pOKKx; q6IGr: case "invert": return $this->J_nep(); case "years": case "year": case "months": case "month": case "weeks": case "week": case "days": case "dayz": case "day": case "hours": case "hour": case "minutes": case "minute": case "seconds": case "second": case "milliseconds": case "millisecond": case "microseconds": case "microsecond": return $this->bJsWN([$this->d4JVc ? new VMwiF("PT0S") : $this->Eutyk, $xkheS](...$tjzto)); } goto tHzf2; Acacm: keu3H: goto HP30F; YDe_3: return $i3I1R; goto Acacm; ieRau: return $this; goto BN3Ll; N23ZB: if (!($this->KVT3l ?? $UZr2Q::qoqsu())) { goto AdWcx; } goto BPDAQ; mqTsS: AdWcx: goto ieRau; OGDqu: if (!($i3I1R !== null)) { goto keu3H; } goto YDe_3; wBKE0: if (!static::w1BA2($xkheS)) { goto UtHeG; } goto yReO0; HP30F: $d3RlL = \count($tjzto); goto PP8pE; yReO0: return static::wAfCU($this, fn() => $this->cIOsd($xkheS, $tjzto)); goto O5087; Jovm7: $i3I1R = $this->jnWBz($xkheS, $tjzto); goto OGDqu; O5087: UtHeG: goto Jovm7; W_wYI: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto N23ZB; BPDAQ: throw new dvlcp($xkheS); goto mqTsS; BN3Ll: } public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone|string|int $aIRj_) : static { goto pP4Bq; ejioz: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->IJWrr($pyPmh->vGIjP->setTimezone($aIRj_)); goto maGps; qwmwJ: $pyPmh->INEV4 = lbViD::cjifg($aIRj_); goto Knv3Z; caKKd: return $pyPmh; goto shQCy; xloVH: if (!$pyPmh->vGIjP) { goto lEWWw; } goto ejioz; a9AeU: $pyPmh->gxOFj = $aIRj_; goto qwmwJ; SMp3t: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->B0DpJ($pyPmh->xxOXR->setTimezone($aIRj_)); goto vwU7d; vwU7d: f2nLz: goto xloVH; Knv3Z: if (!$pyPmh->xxOXR) { goto f2nLz; } goto SMp3t; pP4Bq: $pyPmh = $this->kACtG(); goto a9AeU; maGps: lEWWw: goto caKKd; shQCy: } public function oUbY0(DateTimeZone|string|int $aIRj_) : static { goto pB2Xx; V29Rj: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->B0dpJ($pyPmh->xxOXR->OuBy0($aIRj_)); goto qv96d; xQbQ2: $pyPmh->INEV4 = Lbvid::cJiFg($aIRj_); goto D9gUl; UCibc: if (!$pyPmh->vGIjP) { goto VidUF; } goto KSOZ8; D9gUl: if (!$pyPmh->xxOXR) { goto z3KDU; } goto V29Rj; hNFW9: $pyPmh->gxOFj = $aIRj_; goto xQbQ2; FZJAx: return $pyPmh; goto H7Qdb; qv96d: z3KDU: goto UCibc; pB2Xx: $pyPmh = $this->KAcTg(); goto hNFW9; KSOZ8: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->IjWRR($pyPmh->vGIjP->oubY0($aIRj_)); goto fazFW; fazFW: VidUF: goto FZJAx; H7Qdb: } public function mmVOV(?string $zlqvm = null) : CarbonInterface { goto CEpMi; G87Ir: m0763: goto ainvq; GwiGG: return $JPBWf; goto CRhoO; UpM3m: ILz3k: goto GwiGG; cGFvr: $JPBWf = $JPBWf->zVjmn()->round($this->getDateInterval(), $zlqvm); goto UpM3m; uuash: if (!($JPBWf && $zlqvm)) { goto ILz3k; } goto cGFvr; zE_wD: return $this->getStartDate($zlqvm); goto eHVPM; eHVPM: zf_fk: goto J9Kvc; CEpMi: if (!($XdhEV = $this->getEndDate($zlqvm))) { goto m0763; } goto dIR4u; dIR4u: return $XdhEV; goto G87Ir; J9Kvc: $JPBWf = $this->NCgSz() ?? $this->i9E56(); goto uuash; ainvq: if (!$this->Eutyk->isEmpty()) { goto zf_fk; } goto zE_wD; CRhoO: } private function ncgsZ() : ?CarbonInterface { goto hQtWK; LB1vW: if (!($this->o0ff7 === [[static::kkjzj, null]])) { goto LDAnY; } goto OsfxU; IPGZe: return null; goto XuCsi; TT94R: iEF1_: goto LB1vW; CWoPT: return $IqQed < $IqQed->ZVJmn()->add($this->getDateInterval()) ? wDh4I::UTNuz() : WdH4i::Yn5ZK(); goto TT94R; OEsij: $IqQed = $this->getStartDate(); goto CWoPT; vbnmK: if (!($this->BNbZl === INF)) { goto iEF1_; } goto OEsij; R1ZML: throw new TSTux("Could not calculate period end without either explicit end or recurrences.
" . "If you're looking for a forever-period, use ->setRecurrences(INF)."); goto Bt7xX; Bt7xX: oZAR9: goto vbnmK; OsfxU: return $this->getStartDate()->ZVJMn()->add($this->getDateInterval()->IycVS($this->BNbZl - ($this->Ht03F() ? 0 : 1))); goto JB0Id; JB0Id: LDAnY: goto IPGZe; hQtWK: if (!($this->BNbZl === null)) { goto oZAR9; } goto R1ZML; XuCsi: } private function i9e56() : ?CarbonInterface { goto qHjTL; GaxDX: $JPBWf = null; goto KljDM; KljDM: foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { goto S3Rpn; pOr9G: sEKHd: goto zC68k; QwUQD: throw new tstUx("Could not calculate period end after iterating " . static::RK2tQ . " times."); goto pOr9G; zC68k: h3auY: goto qjEea; S3Rpn: if (!(++$VdFHr > static::RK2tQ)) { goto sEKHd; } goto QwUQD; qjEea: } goto MC5qs; jcwiB: return $JPBWf; goto sKI3T; MC5qs: x_s0J: goto jcwiB; qHjTL: $VdFHr = 0; goto GaxDX; sKI3T: } public function e5eew(mixed $vRkl0, mixed $gsh_B = null) : bool { goto WZ67q; JpbLa: W5TVV: goto B0RUG; WZ67q: $O5Glr = $gsh_B ? static::create($vRkl0, $gsh_B) : $vRkl0; goto eCrz6; pBsG7: $O5Glr = static::create($O5Glr); goto JpbLa; B0RUG: [$IqQed, $XdhEV] = $this->E4EIf($this->getStartDate(), $this->MMvOv()); goto oLjVU; eCrz6: if ($O5Glr instanceof WThn6) { goto W5TVV; } goto pBsG7; oLjVU: [$X1JEZ, $gsh_B] = $this->E4eIf($O5Glr->getStartDate(), $O5Glr->MmvoV()); goto wLiIh; wLiIh: return $XdhEV > $X1JEZ && $gsh_B > $IqQed; goto czA7P; czA7P: } public function forEach(callable $uZVEH) : void { foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { $uZVEH($JPBWf); uvJtm: } gMwBm: } public function u6BBU(callable $uZVEH) : Generator { foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { (yield $uZVEH($JPBWf)); KN1Yr: } ftWCl: } public function UTq4F(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { return $this->xQDnp($KMsJ9); } public function XqDNp(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { goto lSQpj; lSQpj: if ($KMsJ9 instanceof wThn6) { goto R8Hur; } goto FdxrX; NDHVQ: $XdhEV = $this->getEndDate(); goto SJBzz; SJBzz: return $KMsJ9 !== null && $this->getDateInterval()->UTq4f($KMsJ9->getDateInterval()) && $this->getStartDate()->UTq4F($KMsJ9->getStartDate()) && ($XdhEV ? $XdhEV->uTq4F($KMsJ9->getEndDate()) : $this->getRecurrences() === $KMsJ9->getRecurrences()) && ($this->ldliw() & ~static::fuQdG) === ($KMsJ9->lDLIW() & ~static::fuQdG); goto Wrvz0; sX4sI: R8Hur: goto NDHVQ; FdxrX: $KMsJ9 = wThn6::G0V47($KMsJ9); goto sX4sI; Wrvz0: } public function Ja0tm(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { return $this->c77_W($KMsJ9); } public function C77_W(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { return !$this->utq4F($KMsJ9); } public function NeU5E(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->LWhiy($this->VjbdO($JPBWf)); } public function vGOur(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->CiSBv($this->vJBDO($JPBWf)); } public function ukawh(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->sjuMo($this->VJbDO($JPBWf)); } public function ZZ1Vg(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->IUCRX($this->vJBdo($JPBWf)); } public function IdY8q(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->xqDnp($this->VjBDo($JPBWf)); } public function kFauo(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->mMvov()->Lwhiy($this->vjbdo($JPBWf)); } public function GOhcV(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->MMvOv()->CIsbv($this->vJBDO($JPBWf)); } public function OQGKo(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->MMVOv()->sjuMO($this->vjbdO($JPBWf)); } public function L2nZj(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->mmvOV()->IUCRX($this->VjBDO($JPBWf)); } public function PVoxS(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->MMvoV()->XQDnp($this->VjbDO($JPBWf)); } public function isStarted() : bool { return $this->VgoUr(); } public function piJuc() : bool { return $this->GohCV(); } public function a2CgH() : bool { return $this->isStarted() && !$this->PiJuc(); } public function HsF96(string $UEuqV, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = 1, callable|string $FpI2X = "round") : static { goto B7kqM; qqNax: return $pyPmh->BjSwn($pyPmh->getDateInterval()->hSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, $FpI2X)); goto I8_dd; B7kqM: $pyPmh = $this->kactG(); goto GPqP3; l_22K: if (!$pyPmh->vGIjP) { goto zEb2P; } goto ALY2p; GPqP3: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->B0dpj($pyPmh->getStartDate()->HSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, $FpI2X)); goto l_22K; JgAZI: zEb2P: goto qqNax; ALY2p: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->iJWRR($pyPmh->getEndDate()->HSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, $FpI2X)); goto JgAZI; I8_dd: } public function d9Iki(string $UEuqV, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = 1) : static { return $this->hsF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, "floor"); } public function ogKHN(string $UEuqV, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = 1) : static { return $this->hSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, "ceil"); } public function round(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = null, callable|string $FpI2X = "round") : static { return $this->lta3o($wXwHj ?? $this->getDateInterval()->qByEB(BDtey::get("en"))->VoFVU(), $FpI2X); } public function floor(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = null) : static { return $this->round($wXwHj, "floor"); } public function ceil(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = null) : static { return $this->round($wXwHj, "ceil"); } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return $this->toArray(); } public function contains(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { goto EtTcN; g1TQa: return $this->{$Hje8r}($JPBWf) && $this->{$mwKMl}($JPBWf); goto Bgu_z; EtTcN: $Hje8r = "startsBefore" . ($this->eXLs_() ? "OrAt" : ''); goto Ww1Jm; Ww1Jm: $mwKMl = "endsAfter" . ($this->urv73() ? "OrAt" : ''); goto g1TQa; Bgu_z: } public function LXK8x(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : bool { $KMsJ9 = $this->VRySH($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); return $this->lPLWN()->xqdNP($KMsJ9->xp30B()->add($KMsJ9->getDateInterval())); } public function GSf3Q(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : bool { $KMsJ9 = $this->vRysH($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); return $KMsJ9->lXk8x($this); } public function brnqA(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : bool { return $this->LXK8x($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR) || $this->gSf3Q($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); } public function __debugInfo() : array { goto FtBvp; bafGN: unset($XVSwq["start"], $XVSwq["end"], $XVSwq["interval"], $XVSwq["include_start_date"], $XVSwq["include_end_date"]); goto RUj0N; FtBvp: $XVSwq = $this->iHiz8(); goto bafGN; RUj0N: return $XVSwq; goto cFr1Z; cFr1Z: } protected function dK1li() : void { goto AoA0p; e7EQ7: if ($this->y4MgB(static::kkjzj)) { goto B3PfT; } goto z6v73; sZfZE: $this->vGIjP = null; goto x2QgM; anc_a: B3PfT: goto Yfibk; z6v73: $this->BNbZl = null; goto anc_a; AoA0p: if ($this->Y4mGB(static::PKT4A)) { goto ViUxZ; } goto sZfZE; x2QgM: ViUxZ: goto e7EQ7; Yfibk: } protected function E06Zq(array $tjzto) : array { goto P02sA; xYJJL: return [$xkheS, array_shift($tjzto)]; goto xCT6X; ESczH: if ($this->r3JWx($xkheS)) { goto vsQQb; } goto xYJJL; P02sA: $xkheS = array_shift($tjzto); goto ESczH; xCT6X: vsQQb: goto FcVXC; FcVXC: return [static fn($JPBWf) => [$JPBWf, $xkheS](...$tjzto), $xkheS]; goto Z9FOo; Z9FOo: } protected function r3JWx(callable|string $gMHM9) : bool { return \is_string($gMHM9) && str_starts_with($gMHM9, "is") && (method_exists($this->Rs6Sq, $gMHM9) || [$this->Rs6Sq, "hasMacro"]($gMHM9)); } protected function KGqqs(xVk7f $djkBZ, int $GESws) : bool|callable { goto qaXnw; eRc19: G1b6x: goto k8HX8; qaXnw: if (!($GESws < $this->BNbZl)) { goto G1b6x; } goto wrAbT; wrAbT: return true; goto eRc19; k8HX8: return static::nsv1H; goto kDBLv; kDBLv: } protected function b6nyG(xVk7f $djkBZ) : bool|callable { goto cqpW2; nXbPq: VuJsF: goto psqQ5; Nxtdx: return true; goto nXbPq; psqQ5: return static::nsv1H; goto TSBHt; qE2DG: IzoUK: goto L6iRG; L6iRG: if (!($this->Eutyk->qryW3 ? $djkBZ > $this->vGIjP : $djkBZ < $this->vGIjP)) { goto VuJsF; } goto Nxtdx; Q6nTB: return true; goto qE2DG; cqpW2: if (!(!$this->CGbxZ() && $djkBZ == $this->vGIjP)) { goto IzoUK; } goto Q6nTB; TSBHt: } protected function endIteration() : callable { return static::nsv1H; } protected function HYtGR() : void { goto wcGmn; hfV1x: $this->Rs6Sq = wDh4I::class; goto b8Mec; Z1kCr: nNAtv: goto N_TGQ; WILki: eDx5F: goto ZP6YW; gq00r: if (!($this->LDLIw() & static::fuQdG) && $this->Rs6Sq === wDh4i::class) { goto nNAtv; } goto Pb7yf; N_TGQ: $this->Rs6Sq = mrxvS::class; goto WILki; wcGmn: if ($this->LDLIW() & static::fuQdG && $this->Rs6Sq === mrXvS::class) { goto Kcqt3; } goto gq00r; Uj17j: Kcqt3: goto hfV1x; b8Mec: goto eDx5F; goto Z1kCr; Pb7yf: goto eDx5F; goto Uj17j; ZP6YW: $this->xYDyq = null; goto neq5B; neq5B: } protected function kCM7i() : bool|callable { goto Yuvza; lAIe4: return $this->xYDyq ?? ($this->xYDyq = $this->hoQ4A()); goto kmhwr; RQnOz: $this->rewind(); goto WyTmH; Yuvza: if (!($this->EKJiI === null)) { goto MRtTi; } goto RQnOz; WyTmH: MRtTi: goto lAIe4; kmhwr: } protected function hOq4A() : bool|callable { goto IPNOf; H9Hn1: return true; goto R2Qqs; IPNOf: $djkBZ = $this->ruU0j($this->EKJiI); goto gj4_U; gj4_U: foreach ($this->o0ff7 as $c07ST) { goto KLXFe; dnxt5: return false; goto aDkaF; Nhbdo: if ($Z6D3p) { goto wgitD; } goto dnxt5; aDkaF: wgitD: goto gReNt; I32wB: return static::nsv1H; goto AuFPM; KLXFe: $Z6D3p = \call_user_func($c07ST[0], $djkBZ->Zvjmn(), $this->Ih8GU, $this); goto fsFJG; gReNt: Mb7bG: goto d7abD; fsFJG: if (!($Z6D3p === static::nsv1H)) { goto bUieR; } goto I32wB; AuFPM: bUieR: goto Nhbdo; d7abD: } goto IKW7V; IKW7V: XwiX_: goto H9Hn1; R2Qqs: } protected function RUU0j(xvk7F $JPBWf) { goto J27xh; Zoug4: W4qfR: goto cmGu3; N038z: if (!$this->INEV4) { goto W4qfR; } goto gz5up; cmGu3: return $JPBWf; goto GDd1c; J27xh: $JPBWf = [$this->Rs6Sq, "make"]($JPBWf); goto N038z; gz5up: $JPBWf = $JPBWf->setTimezone($this->INEV4); goto Zoug4; GDd1c: } protected function URUSS() : void { goto e4NcW; kZUFe: if ($this->kcM7i() === false) { goto SK5Bo; } goto f2DZe; KdOZJ: throw new TstUX("Could not find next valid date."); goto ButIG; QN740: $this->xYDyq = null; goto k61RZ; k61RZ: if (!(++$VdFHr > static::hr540)) { goto vGKp3; } goto KdOZJ; xZf5b: SK5Bo: goto gSJAD; e4NcW: $VdFHr = 0; goto xZf5b; gSJAD: $this->EKJiI = $this->EKJiI->add($this->Eutyk); goto QN740; ButIG: vGKp3: goto kZUFe; f2DZe: e8gbd: goto YD2sC; YD2sC: } protected function CIOsd(string $Av14K, array $tjzto) : mixed { goto cWTGh; fUYF8: $HOBNg = @$BFFK1->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$BFFK1->bindTo(null, static::class); goto Fojo4; tyQ_i: return $BFFK1(...$tjzto); goto wF21B; a3dd6: EOljY: goto tyQ_i; Fojo4: return ($HOBNg ?: $BFFK1)(...$tjzto); goto a3dd6; cWTGh: $BFFK1 = static::$W5BGH[$Av14K]; goto cZkD9; cZkD9: if (!$BFFK1 instanceof Closure) { goto EOljY; } goto fUYF8; wF21B: } protected function VjBdO($JPBWf = null) { return $this->getStartDate()->jQB61()->rFP7L($JPBWf); } protected function vRYsh(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : self { goto kpnAF; I5YF6: FnlQ8: goto In5hY; kpnAF: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof wtHn6) { goto FnlQ8; } goto QDu6e; QDu6e: return $KMsJ9; goto I5YF6; In5hY: return $KMsJ9 instanceof DatePeriod ? static::cJiFg($KMsJ9) : static::create($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); goto EaOdV; EaOdV: } private function e4EIF($cNj37, $F3qI0) : array { return $cNj37 > $F3qI0 ? [$F3qI0, $cNj37] : [$cNj37, $F3qI0]; } private function KCW4F($Xk6su) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto KFz72; ule4S: return new $UZr2Q($Xk6su, $this->gxOFj); goto X37FZ; vNEJD: return null; goto L9BWW; uQUlS: if (!(!preg_match("/^P[\dT]/", $Xk6su) && !preg_match("/^R\d/", $Xk6su) && preg_match("/[a-z\d]/i", $Xk6su))) { goto wN9dt; } goto QSG12; LLD20: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto ule4S; DvOjL: return $Xk6su; goto V9DnR; V9DnR: minME: goto eGHsU; KFz72: if (!$Xk6su instanceof DateTimeInterface) { goto minME; } goto DvOjL; QSG12: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto XKJAm; OvvPF: if (!\is_string($Xk6su)) { goto FDQXF; } goto FOAy1; X37FZ: NG3mA: goto OvvPF; XKJAm: return $UZr2Q::AM7lB($Xk6su, $this->gxOFj); goto eb1H4; eb1H4: wN9dt: goto CaPv1; CaPv1: FDQXF: goto vNEJD; FOAy1: $Xk6su = trim($Xk6su); goto uQUlS; eGHsU: if (!($Xk6su instanceof VsNVb || $Xk6su instanceof ajoye)) { goto NG3mA; } goto LLD20; L9BWW: } private function ju4GN($JPBWf) : bool { return $JPBWf instanceof XVk7f && ($JPBWf->Ow_WD() || $JPBWf->n4r66()); } private function I1yB_($JPBWf) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto eyOeX; sJclG: if (!$JPBWf instanceof XVK7f) { goto geHCS; } goto KvWqR; UVm0I: YzU5K: goto sJclG; kFeuz: w44Rm: goto rT8CG; dIu46: return null; goto UVm0I; TInOS: geHCS: goto u50Cb; Mt_9b: return new $yla3M($JPBWf->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $JPBWf->getTimezone()); goto cejyT; KvWqR: return $JPBWf->gj9BG() ? $JPBWf->J4LjG() : $JPBWf->Yx1rE(); goto TInOS; eyOeX: if (!($JPBWf === false || $JPBWf === null)) { goto YzU5K; } goto dIu46; u50Cb: if (!\in_array(\get_class($JPBWf), [DateTime::class, DateTimeImmutable::class], true)) { goto w44Rm; } goto TMzfF; TMzfF: return $JPBWf; goto kFeuz; rT8CG: $yla3M = $JPBWf instanceof DateTime ? DateTime::class : DateTimeImmutable::class; goto Mt_9b; cejyT: } private static function nzFWC(array &$tjzto, array $G6bzA) : void { foreach ($G6bzA as [$aYRAA, $Av14K, $Xk6su]) { goto Fxvuw; hTHSr: RcWtl: goto Ct5rw; Fxvuw: if (!(!\array_key_exists($aYRAA, $tjzto) && !\array_key_exists($Av14K, $tjzto))) { goto RcWtl; } goto aqdrU; aqdrU: $tjzto[$aYRAA] = $Xk6su; goto hTHSr; Ct5rw: a3dva: goto d8wQw; d8wQw: } IAiOE: } } ?>

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Original Code

 declare (strict_types=1); namespace MRXVS; use mRxVs\DLLW3\QKCNg; use mrxvS\dLLW3\CodcE; use mrXVs\dllw3\YFz4T; use MRXvs\DlLw3\wccgu; use mRXVS\DLLw3\dlOdI; use mRxvs\DLLW3\veYuR; use MrxvS\dllW3\GnxQB; use mrXvs\DlLW3\o2IG0; use MRxvs\DlLw3\DVlCp; use mRXVs\DLLW3\TStux; use MrXVs\UpLaa\bjg8p; use MRXvs\UpLAA\MEstM; use mrxvS\Uplaa\dTZ1Z; use mrXvS\uplAa\kFgB3; use MrxVs\uplaa\uFM5R; use mRxvs\uPlaA\hCNlC; use Closure; use Countable; use DateInterval; use DatePeriod; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use Generator; use InvalidArgumentException; use JsonSerializable; use ReflectionException; use ReturnTypeWillChange; use RuntimeException; use Throwable; use TypeError; require PHP_VERSION < 8.199999999999999 ? __DIR__ . "\x2f\x2e\56\57\56\x2e\57\x6c\141\x7a\x79\57\103\141\162\142\157\156\57\120\x72\x6f\164\x65\x63\164\x65\144\104\x61\164\145\120\145\x72\x69\157\144\56\x70\150\160" : __DIR__ . "\57\56\x2e\57\x2e\x2e\57\x6c\x61\172\171\57\x43\x61\x72\x62\157\x6e\x2f\125\156\160\162\x6f\164\x65\143\x74\145\144\x44\x61\x74\145\120\x65\x72\151\157\144\x2e\160\x68\160"; class VHLo3 extends daBhB implements Countable, JsonSerializable { use DTz1Z; use MeSTm; use kfgB3 { Mixin::mixin as baseMixin; } use UfM5R { Options::__debugInfo as baseDebugInfo; } use hCnLC; public const kkjzj = [WtHN6::class, "\146\151\154\164\145\162\x52\145\143\x75\x72\162\145\x6e\x63\145\x73"]; public const PKT4A = [WthN6::class, "\x66\151\x6c\164\145\162\x45\x6e\144\104\141\x74\145"]; public const nsv1H = [wthn6::class, "\145\156\x64\x49\164\145\162\x61\x74\x69\x6f\156"]; public const EXCLUDE_START_DATE = 1; public const SHbAX = 8; public const fuQdG = 4; public const hr540 = 1000; public const RK2tQ = 10000; protected const H9N4S = mrxvs::class; protected static array $W5BGH = []; protected string $Rs6Sq = MrXvS::class; protected ?CarbonInterval $Eutyk = null; protected bool $UDLvq = false; protected bool $d4JVc = false; protected array $o0ff7 = []; protected ?CarbonInterface $xxOXR = null; protected ?CarbonInterface $vGIjP = null; protected int|float|null $BNbZl = null; protected ?int $n5B37 = null; protected int $Ih8GU = 0; protected ?CarbonInterface $EKJiI = null; protected ?DateTimeZone $INEV4 = null; protected array|string|bool|null $xYDyq = null; protected DateTimeZone|string|int|null $gxOFj = null; public function getIterator() : Generator { goto Xpq42; Xpq42: $this->rewind(); goto EpGNp; CwWde: (yield $GESws => $Xk6su); goto ElCZc; ElCZc: $this->next(); goto UsdUq; l7TXf: Oj4sH: goto gxYxa; UsdUq: goto POl0r; goto l7TXf; UJqIK: $GESws = $this->key(); goto Hyc30; Hyc30: $Xk6su = $this->current(); goto CwWde; Ot1pM: if (!$this->valid()) { goto Oj4sH; } goto UJqIK; EpGNp: POl0r: goto Ot1pM; gxYxa: } public static function G0V47(mixed $NYB0O) : ?static { try { return static::cJIfG($NYB0O); } catch (gnxQB) { return static::create($NYB0O); } } public static function Cjifg(mixed $KMsJ9) : static { goto u8zwD; Nnz31: Jy7OW: goto Muy1X; b5WjM: $Wyt9E = \gettype($KMsJ9); goto MZT6V; C_r4g: d0gMa: goto V6csu; u8zwD: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof static) { goto Jy7OW; } goto DQO3n; SlThH: return new static($KMsJ9->start, $KMsJ9->end ?: $KMsJ9->recurrences - 1, $KMsJ9->interval, $KMsJ9->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); goto C_r4g; D6F6A: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof DatePeriod) { goto d0gMa; } goto SlThH; W5QIX: throw new GNXQb("\x41\x72\147\165\x6d\x65\156\x74\x20\61\x20\x70\141\163\x73\x65\144\x20\164\157\40" . $yla3M . "\72\x3a" . end($LbZ7o) . "\50\51\x20" . "\155\165\163\164\40\x62\145\x20\141\x6e\40\x69\156\x73\x74\x61\x6e\143\x65\x20\157\x66\40\104\x61\x74\x65\120\x65\162\151\x6f\x64\40\157\162\x20" . $yla3M . "\x2c\x20" . ($Wyt9E === "\157\x62\x6a\145\143\x74" ? "\151\x6e\x73\164\x61\156\x63\x65\x20\157\146\x20" . \get_class($KMsJ9) : $Wyt9E) . "\x20\147\x69\166\145\x6e\x2e"); goto AUSJm; Muy1X: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof WTHn6) { goto AzSZs; } goto Jk5X4; V6csu: $yla3M = static::class; goto b5WjM; Jk5X4: return new static($KMsJ9->getStartDate(), $KMsJ9->getEndDate() ?? $KMsJ9->getRecurrences(), $KMsJ9->getDateInterval(), $KMsJ9->LdlIW()); goto xiYc4; MZT6V: $LbZ7o = explode("\x3a\x3a", __METHOD__); goto W5QIX; DQO3n: return $KMsJ9->copy(); goto Nnz31; xiYc4: AzSZs: goto D6F6A; AUSJm: } public static function create(...$qT2SL) : static { return static::cGVQp($qT2SL); } public static function cgVqp(array $qT2SL) : static { return new static(...$qT2SL); } public static function GvgKw(string $PbXp8, ?int $mhcfU = null) : static { goto PjeHH; K5rrW: $k11ZI->HyTGR(); goto CpSBu; CpSBu: orfEu: goto B7HVr; Kxaz6: if (!($mhcfU !== null)) { goto orfEu; } goto W38Wx; PjeHH: $qT2SL = static::CSPPU($PbXp8); goto tg9Pe; tg9Pe: $k11ZI = static::cGVQP($qT2SL); goto Kxaz6; W38Wx: $k11ZI->n5B37 = $mhcfU; goto K5rrW; B7HVr: return $k11ZI; goto ibOCv; ibOCv: } protected static function lxXHF(DateInterval $KDWyp) : bool { return $KDWyp->EzXgs || $KDWyp->KcTDr || $KDWyp->ijYtJ || $KDWyp->uu9PZ; } protected static function V41mp(mixed $NYB0O) : bool { goto aA_IM; H860S: return false; goto VzPXB; AH_aC: $sfkH1 = "\x5b\141\55\x7a\x5d\x2b\x28\77\x3a\133\x5f\x2d\135\133\141\x2d\172\135\x2b\x29\x2a"; goto leNrs; aA_IM: if (\is_string($NYB0O)) { goto lgczM; } goto H860S; VzPXB: lgczM: goto AH_aC; zbd6u: return isset($DWXyP[1]); goto G6Upj; leNrs: preg_match("\x23\x5c\142{$sfkH1}\x2f{$sfkH1}\134\x62\x7c\x28\x2f\x29\x23\x69", $NYB0O, $DWXyP); goto zbd6u; G6Upj: } protected static function CSPPu(string $PbXp8) : array { goto qMIVP; lI0yr: wYclR: goto c3Lb1; qMIVP: $Z6D3p = []; goto KwPqy; KwPqy: $KDWyp = null; goto NSCcz; cPp6G: $XdhEV = null; goto F3iLb; LYMHA: foreach (explode("\x2f", $PbXp8) as $GESws => $sfkH1) { goto TSMqu; b6Zy0: $XdhEV = $sfkH1; goto Ayrin; Ayrin: P9ytQ: goto T1Ztt; edwBu: if ($KDWyp === null && ($tvUYp = wthn6::N5h_5($sfkH1))) { goto ORXyv; } goto Qvj58; nVVgx: $KDWyp = $sfkH1; goto YofZy; fXyzM: rcROO: goto ispHl; SJWb5: ORXyv: goto nVVgx; T1Ztt: $Z6D3p[] = $tvUYp; goto fXyzM; dAUQR: goto P9ytQ; goto SJWb5; TSMqu: if ($GESws === 0 && preg_match("\x2f\136\122\50\134\x64\52\x7c\x49\116\x46\x29\44\x2f", $sfkH1, $DWXyP)) { goto NSiUE; } goto edwBu; wLjkd: dlMMO: goto b6Zy0; tFuxe: $tvUYp = \strlen($DWXyP[1]) ? $DWXyP[1] !== "\x49\116\x46" ? (int) $DWXyP[1] : INF : null; goto dAUQR; Qvj58: if ($IqQed === null && ($tvUYp = $UZr2Q::g0v47($sfkH1))) { goto i9vl_; } goto r_E32; RlwvE: i9vl_: goto dVhwe; p01EK: goto P9ytQ; goto rFP4v; rvFdA: throw new dLOdi("\x49\156\x76\141\x6c\151\x64\x20\x49\x53\117\x20\70\66\60\x31\x20\163\160\x65\x63\151\x66\151\143\141\164\151\157\156\x3a\x20{$PbXp8}\x2e"); goto p01EK; rFP4v: NSiUE: goto tFuxe; ooFEg: goto P9ytQ; goto wLjkd; YofZy: goto P9ytQ; goto RlwvE; r_E32: if ($XdhEV === null && ($tvUYp = $UZr2Q::g0V47(static::nK0NY($IqQed ?? '', $sfkH1)))) { goto dlMMO; } goto rvFdA; dVhwe: $IqQed = $sfkH1; goto ooFEg; ispHl: } goto lI0yr; NSCcz: $IqQed = null; goto cPp6G; F3iLb: $UZr2Q = static::H9N4S; goto LYMHA; c3Lb1: return $Z6D3p; goto wgL8v; wgL8v: } protected static function Nk0Ny(string $F1OeU, string $dcXgD) : string { goto er1N4; DFiJS: $Z6D3p = preg_replace($KObfK, $dcXgD, $F1OeU, 1, $d3RlL); goto dEwoq; dEwoq: return $d3RlL ? $Z6D3p : $dcXgD; goto oqEdf; er1N4: $KObfK = "\57" . preg_replace("\57\134\x64\53\57", "\133\60\x2d\x39\x5d\x2b", preg_quote($dcXgD, "\57")) . "\44\57"; goto DFiJS; oqEdf: } private static function n5h_5(mixed $VbiuP) : ?CarbonInterval { try { return VmWIf::g0V47($VbiuP); } catch (Throwable) { return null; } } public static function hxP20(string $Av14K, ?callable $BFFK1) : void { static::$W5BGH[$Av14K] = $BFFK1; } public static function y4sls(object|string $QDAvM) : void { static::ObLCC($QDAvM); } public static function w1ba2(string $Av14K) : bool { return isset(static::$W5BGH[$Av14K]); } public static function __callStatic(string $xkheS, array $tjzto) : mixed { goto My4IX; X3Lv9: return static::wAfcu(null, static fn() => $JPBWf->cIoSD($xkheS, $tjzto)); goto xWW78; BKu4u: return $JPBWf->{$xkheS}(...$tjzto); goto pR37J; xWW78: qVJOm: goto BKu4u; My4IX: $JPBWf = new static(); goto z8bGj; z8bGj: if (!static::w1ba2($xkheS)) { goto qVJOm; } goto X3Lv9; pR37J: } public function __construct(...$SVIXR) { goto QA6nd; ymFWm: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\x6f\160\164\x69\157\x6e\163"])) { goto vqV78; } goto gooEv; KYu3O: $this->Rs6Sq = $SVIXR["\x64\x61\164\x65\x43\154\x61\x73\x73"]; goto ul5H3; VAEbh: usURs: goto xooCT; qpkpl: $SVIXR = [$SVIXR[0]->getStartDate(), $SVIXR[0]->getEndDate() ?? $SVIXR[0]->getRecurrences(), $SVIXR[0]->getDateInterval(), $SVIXR[0]->LDLIW()]; goto U62HG; n5PAw: YQDZP: goto qEdSi; eEbek: $this->bJSWN(VmWif::tPv2v()); goto axAJp; n34Nw: L6QwL: goto dsof0; YsWDp: $SVIXR = [$SVIXR[0]->start, $SVIXR[0]->end ?: $SVIXR[0]->recurrences - 1, $SVIXR[0]->interval, $SVIXR[0]->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE]; goto AqZa8; bM9Tn: $XVtVF = false; goto oA_E2; jE25R: qPmxE: goto eoClk; gsy7P: ee0Kz: goto C07XG; U62HG: goto dHFcV; goto U2HIw; OoVn_: if (!($NIUog === null && isset($tBJ3e["\163\164\x61\x72\x74"]))) { goto YQDZP; } goto hd7hp; GRMXi: $this->B0dpJ($tBJ3e["\x73\164\x61\162\164"]); goto s8qHM; MzM25: if (!is_a($this->Rs6Sq, DateTimeImmutable::class, true)) { goto B0pyU; } goto fYITr; AQ6Ih: if (!isset($SVIXR["\162\141\167"])) { goto IWPyi; } goto Q38Zu; rndnG: $SVIXR = $NIUog; goto UZoig; Vj0GG: nlq6b: goto hu30t; zkTs4: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\163\x74\x61\162\164"])) { goto u3g53; } goto GRMXi; anXXZ: FSYch: goto OoVn_; lmuXv: $XdhEV = $XdhEV === INF ? PHP_INT_MAX : (int) round($XdhEV); goto jE25R; s3Nzz: $NIUog = [$SVIXR[0]]; goto Rbtwn; NnLnE: $jYNJx = \count($SVIXR); goto IOAL_; pGwGc: foreach ($SVIXR as $mDmsm) { goto BUq5M; WYbdo: $tBJ3e["\x72\x65\143\165\x72\162\x65\156\143\145\x73"] = $mDmsm; goto SsA6D; guy0j: v5ES_: goto s2X1k; yBmdB: $XVtVF = true; goto qcgez; cU5RS: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\162\145\x63\165\x72\162\145\x6e\143\x65\x73"]) && !isset($tBJ3e["\x65\x6e\144"]) && (\is_int($mDmsm) || \is_float($mDmsm)) && $mDmsm >= 0) { goto ueLfD; } goto GUXZb; CrOKN: nW0uw: goto yBmdB; P4Lc3: $tBJ3e["\151\156\x74\x65\x72\166\x61\154"] = $u86DM; goto b2hzQ; UL25l: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\145\x6e\144"]) && ($hfMoM = $hfMoM ?? $this->kCW4f($mDmsm))) { goto Ckt2Z; } goto cU5RS; J4p_X: throw new Dlodi("\x49\156\166\x61\154\x69\x64\40\143\157\156\x73\164\x72\165\143\164\x6f\x72\x20\x70\x61\162\x61\x6d\145\164\145\x72\x73\x2e"); goto zi19S; BUq5M: $hfMoM = null; goto GWzv9; ytqcy: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\x69\x6e\164\x65\x72\166\141\x6c"]) && (\is_string($mDmsm) && preg_match("\57\x5e\50\x2d\x3f\x5c\144\x28\134\144\50\77\41\x5b\134\x2f\x2d\x5d\x29\174\133\136\134\x64\x5c\x2f\x2d\135\x28\x5b\x5c\57\x2d\135\x29\77\x29\x2a\x7c\120\133\124\134\x64\x5d\56\52\174\x28\x3f\72\x5c\x68\x2a\134\144\x2b\x28\x3f\x3a\x5c\x2e\134\x64\x2b\51\77\x5c\x68\x2a\133\141\55\x7a\x5d\x2b\x29\53\x29\44\x2f\151", $mDmsm) || $mDmsm instanceof DateInterval || $mDmsm instanceof Closure || $mDmsm instanceof Wn6tH) && ($u86DM = wThn6::n5h_5($mDmsm))) { goto xFDHg; } goto TatFT; qcgez: $tBJ3e["\x6f\160\x74\151\157\156\163"] = (int) $this->n5B37 | (int) $mDmsm; goto x1NVK; vKA4_: ueLfD: goto WYbdo; GUXZb: if (!$XVtVF && (\is_int($mDmsm) || $mDmsm === null)) { goto nW0uw; } goto J4p_X; SsA6D: goto m9zZj; goto CrOKN; s2X1k: $this->setTimezone($mDmsm); goto nj7Cl; up_1Q: ffQ1X: goto pYOgP; GWzv9: if ($mDmsm instanceof DateTimeZone) { goto v5ES_; } goto ytqcy; nj7Cl: goto m9zZj; goto YCMmF; hXUH9: goto m9zZj; goto vKA4_; Ew4rK: $tBJ3e["\x73\x74\x61\x72\164"] = $hfMoM; goto naIm6; Fb_Ai: wS4IZ: goto Ew4rK; zi19S: goto m9zZj; goto guy0j; TatFT: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\163\164\x61\162\x74"]) && ($hfMoM = $this->Kcw4F($mDmsm))) { goto wS4IZ; } goto UL25l; EMnBJ: Ckt2Z: goto hmPxD; b2hzQ: goto m9zZj; goto Fb_Ai; hmPxD: $tBJ3e["\145\x6e\144"] = $hfMoM; goto hXUH9; x1NVK: m9zZj: goto up_1Q; YCMmF: xFDHg: goto P4Lc3; naIm6: goto m9zZj; goto EMnBJ; pYOgP: } goto anXXZ; hu30t: if ($lgBZk) { goto gLOA1; } goto THGsZ; dsof0: if (!($jYNJx === 1)) { goto QrSx1; } goto jQtp9; xFrQQ: $this->WVfXO($tBJ3e["\162\145\143\x75\x72\x72\145\x6e\x63\x65\163"]); goto c_FZH; DhAVe: if (!($this->Eutyk === null)) { goto w2aRf; } goto eEbek; FSNgS: B0pyU: goto bM9Tn; Q38Zu: $NIUog = $SVIXR["\162\x61\167"]; goto Uf1N8; stQZu: $lgBZk = false; goto s6pY6; WSa73: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\x73\164\141\x72\x74"])) { goto usURs; } goto qZTQq; xcYYR: $this->UDLvq = true; goto eCeJB; Qzj3d: if ($SVIXR[0] instanceof DatePeriod) { goto jJiBs; } goto cFMnt; nLgsm: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto K5Jiz; gooEv: $this->IWZ2m($tBJ3e["\x6f\x70\164\x69\x6f\156\163"]); goto AWSFA; axAJp: $this->d4JVc = true; goto dW8wl; c_FZH: XR_kW: goto Mskt7; uWSPB: QrSx1: goto MzM25; C07XG: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\x72\145\x63\x75\x72\x72\x65\156\x63\145\x73"])) { goto XR_kW; } goto xFrQQ; kI6RC: j3ya8: goto DhAVe; oA_E2: $tBJ3e = []; goto pGwGc; fTrxK: if (!($this->xxOXR === null)) { goto j3ya8; } goto nLgsm; s6pY6: if (!($NIUog !== null)) { goto nlq6b; } goto ORFFb; dW8wl: w2aRf: goto xk6nH; qZTQq: $this->B0DpJ($tBJ3e["\x73\164\x61\162\x74"]); goto VAEbh; hd7hp: $XdhEV = $tBJ3e["\145\x6e\x64"] ?? max(1, $tBJ3e["\x72\145\143\x75\162\162\x65\156\x63\x65\x73"] ?? 1); goto f0vr2; ORFFb: try { xqwuG::__construct(...$NIUog); $lgBZk = true; } catch (TypeError) { } goto Vj0GG; s8qHM: u3g53: goto WSa73; UZoig: IWPyi: goto NnLnE; AqZa8: dHFcV: goto uWSPB; f0vr2: if (!\is_float($XdhEV)) { goto qPmxE; } goto lmuXv; AWSFA: vqV78: goto fTrxK; ul5H3: xCQ11: goto rndnG; QA6nd: $NIUog = null; goto AQ6Ih; K5Jiz: $this->b0DPj($UZr2Q::o2bn0()); goto kI6RC; KIRF6: $this->BJSWN($tBJ3e["\x69\156\x74\145\162\166\x61\x6c"]); goto b3Fsa; a2_uu: $this->Iwz2M(0); goto UGYfu; xooCT: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\145\156\x64"])) { goto ee0Kz; } goto P7m3p; qEdSi: if (!($NIUog === null && \is_string($SVIXR[0] ?? null) && substr_count($SVIXR[0], "\57") >= 1)) { goto Hr6iz; } goto s3Nzz; P7m3p: $this->ijWRr($tBJ3e["\145\x6e\x64"]); goto gsy7P; THGsZ: XqwuG::__construct("\x52\61\x2f\62\x30\60\60\55\x30\61\x2d\x30\x31\124\60\x30\72\x30\60\x3a\x30\60\x5a\x2f\x50\61\x44"); goto u1mYj; Uf1N8: $this->d4JVc = $SVIXR["\x69\x73\104\x65\x66\x61\165\x6c\164\111\156\164\145\162\166\141\154"] ?? false; goto vpMax; xk6nH: if (!($this->n5B37 === null)) { goto EwKvr; } goto a2_uu; x894P: array_splice($SVIXR, 0, 1, static::CSpPU($PbXp8)); goto n34Nw; fDwBR: Ztvzp: goto qpkpl; IOAL_: if (!($jYNJx && static::V41MP($PbXp8 = $SVIXR[0]))) { goto L6QwL; } goto x894P; U2HIw: jJiBs: goto YsWDp; Rbtwn: Hr6iz: goto stQZu; u1mYj: gLOA1: goto zkTs4; vpMax: if (!isset($SVIXR["\144\x61\164\x65\103\x6c\x61\x73\163"])) { goto xCQ11; } goto KYu3O; eoClk: $NIUog = [$tBJ3e["\x73\164\141\162\x74"], $tBJ3e["\151\156\x74\145\x72\x76\x61\x6c"] ?? VmWIf::TPv2V(), $XdhEV]; goto n5PAw; UGYfu: EwKvr: goto xcYYR; fYITr: $this->n5B37 = static::fuQdG; goto FSNgS; cFMnt: goto dHFcV; goto fDwBR; b3Fsa: ZIF5l: goto ymFWm; Mskt7: if (!isset($tBJ3e["\x69\156\164\145\162\x76\141\154"])) { goto ZIF5l; } goto KIRF6; jQtp9: if ($SVIXR[0] instanceof WthN6) { goto Ztvzp; } goto Qzj3d; eCeJB: } public function copy() : static { return clone $this; } protected function kacTG() : static { return $this; } protected function yfH2X(string $Av14K) : ?callable { return match (strtolower(preg_replace("\57\133\x41\x2d\132\135\57", "\137\44\60", $Av14K))) { "\x73\164\141\x72\164", "\x73\x74\x61\162\x74\x5f\x64\141\x74\x65" => [$this, "\x67\145\x74\123\x74\141\x72\x74\x44\x61\164\x65"], "\145\156\144", "\145\156\x64\137\144\x61\x74\x65" => [$this, "\147\x65\x74\x45\156\x64\x44\141\x74\145"], "\x69\156\x74\x65\x72\x76\141\x6c", "\144\x61\x74\145\x5f\151\156\x74\x65\162\166\141\x6c" => [$this, "\147\145\x74\104\x61\x74\145\x49\x6e\164\x65\x72\x76\141\x6c"], "\162\145\x63\x75\x72\162\145\x6e\x63\145\163" => [$this, "\x67\x65\x74\x52\145\x63\165\162\x72\x65\x6e\143\145\x73"], "\151\x6e\143\154\x75\144\145\137\x73\164\141\162\164\x5f\144\141\x74\145" => [$this, "\x69\x73\x53\x74\x61\162\x74\x49\156\x63\x6c\165\144\145\x64"], "\x69\x6e\143\x6c\x75\144\145\137\145\156\x64\137\144\x61\x74\x65" => [$this, "\x69\163\105\x6e\144\111\156\x63\x6c\165\x64\145\x64"], "\143\x75\x72\162\x65\156\164" => [$this, "\143\x75\x72\x72\x65\x6e\164"], "\154\157\143\x61\154\x65" => [$this, "\154\157\x63\x61\x6c\x65"], "\164\x7a\x6e\141\x6d\145", "\164\172\137\x6e\x61\x6d\145" => fn() => match (true) { $this->gxOFj === null => null, \is_string($this->gxOFj) => $this->gxOFj, $this->gxOFj instanceof DateTimeZone => $this->gxOFj->getName(), default => LBVid::CJiFg($this->gxOFj)->getName(), }, default => null, }; } public function get(string $Av14K) { goto oip1U; qpTTo: return $HPdpQ(); goto oPYdn; lCq5H: if (!$HPdpQ) { goto K7bP7; } goto qpTTo; oip1U: $HPdpQ = $this->YFH2x($Av14K); goto lCq5H; oPYdn: K7bP7: goto JGs1x; JGs1x: throw new o2Ig0($Av14K); goto IOh7V; IOh7V: } public function __get(string $Av14K) { return $this->get($Av14K); } public function __isset(string $Av14K) : bool { return $this->YFH2X($Av14K) !== null; } public function clone() { return clone $this; } public function bGGN1(string $UZr2Q) { goto ud2BV; gzJxY: if (is_a($UZr2Q, wDh4I::class, true)) { goto zy_Ut; } goto Ru6uw; XXMf8: $pyPmh->n5B37 = $pyPmh->n5B37 | static::fuQdG; goto JLiXb; ME082: aKgif: goto e7VDR; IsuU8: zy_Ut: goto XXMf8; xWlz3: $pyPmh->n5B37 = $pyPmh->n5B37 & ~static::fuQdG; goto aDVLb; Ru6uw: goto wMVqs; goto NiVyb; mXojc: return $pyPmh; goto K7Nns; JLiXb: wMVqs: goto mXojc; aDVLb: goto wMVqs; goto IsuU8; NiVyb: OkG_U: goto xWlz3; ud2BV: if (is_a($UZr2Q, Xvk7F::class, true)) { goto aKgif; } goto wUBM2; GAjAv: if (is_a($UZr2Q, mrxvS::class, true)) { goto OkG_U; } goto gzJxY; wUBM2: throw new VeYUR($UZr2Q); goto ME082; CPTo9: $pyPmh->Rs6Sq = $UZr2Q; goto GAjAv; e7VDR: $pyPmh = $this->KaCTG(); goto CPTo9; K7Nns: } public function GkStY() : string { return $this->Rs6Sq; } public function BJswN(mixed $KDWyp, Unit|string|null $UEuqV = null) : static { goto Zate_; Zate_: if (!$KDWyp instanceof wn6TH) { goto F8Ijg; } goto a2ELD; PQz1l: $pyPmh->Eutyk = $KDWyp; goto P1_vX; fIv3l: if (!$UEuqV instanceof wN6th) { goto ksX6q; } goto cFq56; Vtt14: if (!($KDWyp->AXRaT() === "\120\x54\60\123" && !$KDWyp->uu9PZ && !$KDWyp->cP9Fj())) { goto AOvgG; } goto vWha1; vWha1: throw new yFz4t("\105\x6d\160\164\x79\40\x69\x6e\164\145\162\x76\x61\154\40\151\x73\40\156\157\x74\x20\141\143\x63\145\160\x74\x65\x64\x2e"); goto fuBjO; V51FE: if ($KDWyp = vMWif::g0V47($KDWyp, $UEuqV)) { goto zOYol; } goto YSQbu; fuBjO: AOvgG: goto ozADx; cFq56: $UEuqV = $UEuqV->name; goto z5bUb; z5bUb: ksX6q: goto V51FE; kKKnD: $pyPmh->hYtgr(); goto JVYnm; Oca9t: F8Ijg: goto fIv3l; iAaOP: zOYol: goto Vtt14; P1_vX: $pyPmh->d4JVc = false; goto kKKnD; a2ELD: $KDWyp = $KDWyp->ZDsz3(); goto Oca9t; ozADx: $pyPmh = $this->KacTg(); goto PQz1l; JVYnm: return $pyPmh; goto OkYqM; YSQbu: throw new YFz4t("\x49\x6e\166\x61\154\x69\144\x20\x69\156\x74\145\162\x76\141\x6c\x2e"); goto iAaOP; OkYqM: } public function p18W5() : static { goto KFylT; IRfRz: $pyPmh->d4JVc = true; goto mW_l1; nx_CX: $pyPmh->bjSWN(VMwIF::TpV2V()); goto IRfRz; mW_l1: return $pyPmh; goto JCC83; KFylT: $pyPmh = $this->KActG(); goto nx_CX; JCC83: } public function J_NeP() : static { return $this->bjsWn($this->Eutyk->XPoYL()); } public function ve2ts(mixed $IqQed, mixed $XdhEV) : static { return $this->B0dpJ($IqQed)->iJwRr($XdhEV); } public function IWz2M(?int $mhcfU) : static { goto dcja8; PN4AO: $pyPmh->hYtgr(); goto xj7D5; dcja8: $pyPmh = $this->kaCtg(); goto gZtB7; xj7D5: return $pyPmh; goto Fa_l3; gZtB7: $pyPmh->n5B37 = $mhcfU ?? 0; goto PN4AO; Fa_l3: } public function lDliW() : int { return $this->n5B37 ?? 0; } public function Cd4oj(int $mhcfU, ?bool $OJcVE = null) : static { goto LqKlo; Th8Iv: BiM7H: goto CJ7VQ; LqKlo: if (!($OJcVE === null)) { goto BiM7H; } goto BkM4S; CJ7VQ: return $this->Iwz2M($OJcVE ? $this->n5B37 | $mhcfU : $this->n5B37 & ~$mhcfU); goto CCbWb; BkM4S: $OJcVE = ($this->n5B37 & $mhcfU) !== $mhcfU; goto Th8Iv; CCbWb: } public function qmCvT(bool $OJcVE = true) : static { return $this->CD4oJ(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, $OJcVE); } public function eFFzQ(bool $OJcVE = true) : static { return $this->CD4oJ(static::SHbAX, $OJcVE); } public function getDateInterval() : CarbonInterval { return $this->Eutyk->copy(); } public function getStartDate(?string $zlqvm = null) : CarbonInterface { $JPBWf = $this->xxOXR->zVjMn(); return $zlqvm ? $JPBWf->round($this->getDateInterval(), $zlqvm) : $JPBWf; } public function getEndDate(?string $zlqvm = null) : ?CarbonInterface { goto hnZl8; oOATS: return $zlqvm ? $JPBWf->round($this->getDateInterval(), $zlqvm) : $JPBWf; goto IAf1S; EYI1p: $JPBWf = $this->vGIjP->ZvjmN(); goto oOATS; hnZl8: if ($this->vGIjP) { goto V0Ais; } goto R7x1E; A8cin: V0Ais: goto EYI1p; R7x1E: return null; goto A8cin; IAf1S: } #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getRecurrences() : int|float|null { return $this->BNbZl; } public function HT03f() : bool { return ($this->n5B37 & static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE) !== 0; } public function cgbxz() : bool { return ($this->n5B37 & static::SHbAX) !== 0; } public function EXls_() : bool { return !$this->hT03f(); } public function uRV73() : bool { return !$this->cGBXz(); } public function lPlwn() : CarbonInterface { goto Yr07i; t9hbq: return $IqQed; goto AaZwg; Yr07i: $IqQed = $this->getStartDate(); goto Gm9KG; RN4Pr: A6OA6: goto t9hbq; Gm9KG: if (!$this->HT03f()) { goto A6OA6; } goto yRLHa; yRLHa: return $IqQed->add($this->getDateInterval()); goto RN4Pr; AaZwg: } public function Xp30B() : CarbonInterface { goto FyO3k; hOCli: return $XdhEV; goto lbhuQ; FyO3k: $XdhEV = $this->getEndDate(); goto ONCuE; ONCuE: if ($XdhEV) { goto o_yXt; } goto EZZA0; AhxKi: return $XdhEV->sub($this->getDateInterval()); goto aYXg1; jRWwd: o_yXt: goto x02co; x02co: if (!$this->cGbXZ()) { goto jBA0E; } goto AhxKi; EZZA0: return $this->mMvOV(); goto jRWwd; aYXg1: jBA0E: goto hOCli; lbhuQ: } public function ILZTi(callable|string $uZVEH, ?string $Av14K = null) : static { goto GQxyQ; GQxyQ: $pyPmh = $this->kACTg(); goto V3S0N; V3S0N: $c07ST = $pyPmh->E06zq(\func_get_args()); goto AGmcm; M3Fdg: $pyPmh->hyTgr(); goto Gnx4O; AGmcm: $pyPmh->o0ff7[] = $c07ST; goto M3Fdg; Gnx4O: return $pyPmh; goto x8fQL; x8fQL: } public function tE9hC(callable|string $uZVEH, ?string $Av14K = null) : static { goto z8baj; AY1nt: array_unshift($pyPmh->o0ff7, $c07ST); goto NXdXK; EPhGw: $c07ST = $pyPmh->e06ZQ(\func_get_args()); goto AY1nt; z8baj: $pyPmh = $this->KacTg(); goto EPhGw; IbWT3: return $pyPmh; goto u_yvP; NXdXK: $pyPmh->HYTGr(); goto IbWT3; u_yvP: } public function PiUeA(callable|string $yneTX) : static { goto mEzyy; ZXEB0: $pyPmh->Dk1Li(); goto QWAhu; QWAhu: $pyPmh->hYtGR(); goto rHXKa; tAMpi: $GESws = \is_callable($yneTX) ? 0 : 1; goto LQFc5; LQFc5: $pyPmh->o0ff7 = array_values(array_filter($this->o0ff7, static fn($c07ST) => $c07ST[$GESws] !== $yneTX)); goto ZXEB0; mEzyy: $pyPmh = $this->KACTg(); goto tAMpi; rHXKa: return $pyPmh; goto djMkv; djMkv: } public function y4mGB(callable|string $yneTX) : bool { goto lgwJr; Lz5FE: s_9aE: goto uNhpo; lgwJr: $GESws = \is_callable($yneTX) ? 0 : 1; goto MFvS5; MFvS5: foreach ($this->o0ff7 as $c07ST) { goto HIZTH; awqmG: jxNr_: goto TXKnb; HIZTH: if (!($c07ST[$GESws] === $yneTX)) { goto jxNr_; } goto Yj9lf; Yj9lf: return true; goto awqmG; TXKnb: BNqvi: goto IVISU; IVISU: } goto Lz5FE; uNhpo: return false; goto dm82O; dm82O: } public function b3oIb() : array { return $this->o0ff7; } public function ikbvW(array $zBRzK) : static { goto GhCOg; gQ8zX: $pyPmh->dk1Li(); goto Qgv2T; Ev4dE: return $pyPmh; goto yiRhM; GhCOg: $pyPmh = $this->KaCtg(); goto sdaRK; Qgv2T: $pyPmh->HYTGr(); goto Ev4dE; sdaRK: $pyPmh->o0ff7 = $zBRzK; goto gQ8zX; yiRhM: } public function ZyMk4() : static { goto poFiX; B2Sjn: $pyPmh->hYtgr(); goto f4bNP; KYnIf: $pyPmh->o0ff7[] = [static::PKT4A, null]; goto r_KDf; loaIk: if (!($pyPmh->BNbZl !== null)) { goto Q2Std; } goto owiO7; poFiX: $pyPmh = $this->KacTg(); goto qAdPS; owiO7: $pyPmh->o0ff7[] = [static::kkjzj, null]; goto SUAaw; SUAaw: Q2Std: goto B2Sjn; f4bNP: return $pyPmh; goto CuiqT; rKvBc: if (!($pyPmh->vGIjP !== null)) { goto n5A6d; } goto KYnIf; qAdPS: $pyPmh->o0ff7 = []; goto rKvBc; r_KDf: n5A6d: goto loaIk; CuiqT: } public function wvFXO(int|float|null $Lj5j0) : static { goto e1qzN; khxb_: $pyPmh->HYTgR(); goto B7vww; iQEVe: CulcC: goto g_AQI; B7vww: return $pyPmh; goto wAMRA; g_AQI: if (!($Lj5j0 < 0)) { goto YDKKC; } goto x3G0v; x3G0v: throw new Dlodi("\x49\x6e\166\141\154\x69\x64\x20\156\x75\155\142\145\x72\x20\x6f\x66\x20\162\x65\143\x75\162\162\x65\156\143\145\x73\56"); goto wF2Bi; ToksH: return $pyPmh->ilZtI(static::kkjzj); goto T4HhY; iJI4x: return $this->PiUEa(static::kkjzj); goto iQEVe; HsqvU: $pyPmh->BNbZl = $Lj5j0 === INF ? INF : (int) $Lj5j0; goto VQCHZ; wF2Bi: YDKKC: goto KlJmA; VQCHZ: if ($pyPmh->y4mGB(static::kkjzj)) { goto REzON; } goto ToksH; e1qzN: if (!($Lj5j0 === null)) { goto CulcC; } goto iJI4x; KlJmA: $pyPmh = $this->kactg(); goto HsqvU; T4HhY: REzON: goto khxb_; wAMRA: } public function B0dPJ(mixed $JPBWf, ?bool $qRqOm = null) : static { goto zeM_i; O51oW: yeEkv: goto bIei2; n_jgz: if (!($qRqOm !== null)) { goto yeEkv; } goto bhnrG; yHfpH: X9P1a: goto Ud0ug; zeM_i: if (!(!$this->JU4Gn($JPBWf) && !($JPBWf = [$this->Rs6Sq, "\x6d\141\x6b\145"]($JPBWf)))) { goto X9P1a; } goto IboP9; bIei2: return $pyPmh; goto yXXm4; Ud0ug: $pyPmh = $this->KaCtG(); goto p2hes; IboP9: throw new wCCGU("\111\x6e\166\141\x6c\151\144\x20\163\164\141\x72\164\x20\x64\x61\x74\x65\56"); goto yHfpH; p2hes: $pyPmh->xxOXR = $JPBWf; goto n_jgz; bhnrG: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->cd4OJ(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, !$qRqOm); goto O51oW; yXXm4: } public function iJwrR(mixed $JPBWf, ?bool $qRqOm = null) : static { goto Szg_I; zUTI8: if ($pyPmh->y4mgb(static::PKT4A)) { goto oWSyx; } goto Jang1; QOOcp: throw new wccGU("\111\156\166\x61\154\x69\144\40\x65\156\144\x20\144\141\164\145\x2e"); goto GjU_7; D8L6p: $pyPmh = $this->kactg(); goto vJtqF; QWilS: oWSyx: goto z_tsV; XINod: UZPoX: goto zUTI8; z_tsV: $pyPmh->hYTGR(); goto mmmK2; NdFSr: NR0pb: goto D8L6p; vJtqF: $pyPmh->vGIjP = $JPBWf; goto fXGC2; f1g5Q: return $this->PIUeA(static::PKT4A); goto NdFSr; mmmK2: return $pyPmh; goto hflgV; Szg_I: if (!($JPBWf !== null && !$this->ju4GN($JPBWf) && !($JPBWf = [$this->Rs6Sq, "\155\141\153\145"]($JPBWf)))) { goto kiF0p; } goto QOOcp; x73gP: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->cd4Oj(static::SHbAX, !$qRqOm); goto XINod; aiYIc: if ($JPBWf) { goto NR0pb; } goto f1g5Q; Jang1: return $pyPmh->ILZTi(static::PKT4A); goto QWilS; fXGC2: if (!($qRqOm !== null)) { goto UZPoX; } goto x73gP; GjU_7: kiF0p: goto aiYIc; hflgV: } public function valid() : bool { return $this->kCM7I() === true; } public function key() : ?int { return $this->valid() ? $this->Ih8GU : null; } public function current() : ?CarbonInterface { return $this->valid() ? $this->ruU0J($this->EKJiI) : null; } public function next() : void { goto hMcsh; sbAYl: RSoEX: goto flLaR; IHNdR: $this->rewind(); goto sbAYl; BKwMk: XdkVJ: goto YSYIN; flLaR: if (!($this->xYDyq !== static::nsv1H)) { goto XdkVJ; } goto RSYn1; RSYn1: $this->Ih8GU++; goto CbeGA; hMcsh: if (!($this->EKJiI === null)) { goto RSoEX; } goto IHNdR; CbeGA: $this->UruSs(); goto BKwMk; YSYIN: } public function rewind() : void { goto HSAu1; JnZbh: $this->INEV4 = static::LXxhF($this->Eutyk) ? $this->EKJiI->getTimezone() : null; goto JxMkN; aHTOQ: $glNe5 = $this->tSVUN(); goto NPTeh; HSAu1: $this->Ih8GU = 0; goto nWYRb; D9IPh: $this->xYDyq = null; goto Hf109; O3r_Z: $this->URUSs(); goto ezXNy; nWYRb: $this->EKJiI = [$this->Rs6Sq, "\x6d\141\153\145"]($this->xxOXR); goto aHTOQ; SDmQr: TGm2o: goto kKFSs; NPTeh: if (!$this->K1v0x()) { goto TGm2o; } goto qQq2Z; JxMkN: if (!$this->INEV4) { goto A99TQ; } goto KJNAM; ezXNy: wC1Q5: goto nrLOk; jqU6o: A99TQ: goto D9IPh; kKFSs: $this->EKJiI->UIF2V($glNe5); goto JnZbh; Hf109: if (!($this->hT03f() || $this->kCm7i() === false)) { goto wC1Q5; } goto O3r_Z; qQq2Z: $glNe5["\154\x6f\143\141\154\x65"] = $this->Q7ty3(); goto SDmQr; KJNAM: $this->EKJiI = $this->EKJiI->v_jHz(); goto jqU6o; nrLOk: } public function TIoDd(int $d3RlL = 1) : bool { goto bQ5eY; rXbGi: RN52E: goto Cfm1N; l_JM5: t9oyT: goto IsL11; laB6N: $xjQE5--; goto sbvCD; sbvCD: goto t9oyT; goto rXbGi; idvS8: $this->next(); goto JwrWJ; Cfm1N: return $this->valid(); goto je4h3; IsL11: if (!($this->valid() && $xjQE5 > 0)) { goto RN52E; } goto idvS8; bQ5eY: $xjQE5 = $d3RlL; goto l_JM5; JwrWJ: jb42z: goto laB6N; je4h3: } public function MmkKe() : string { goto mUtA1; mUtA1: $rAPT3 = []; goto JIq9B; JIq9B: if (!($this->BNbZl !== null)) { goto hB3s4; } goto OsrZx; U78eU: $rAPT3[] = $this->xxOXR->MMKKe(); goto S3ll9; LenVE: if (!($this->vGIjP !== null)) { goto SJwCQ; } goto DgfYT; S3ll9: if ($this->d4JVc) { goto aC2HW; } goto eMBAO; eMBAO: $rAPT3[] = $this->Eutyk->Axrat(); goto nETjJ; GIDHg: return implode("\x2f", $rAPT3); goto OMPVP; RJXaC: SJwCQ: goto GIDHg; U7P6P: hB3s4: goto U78eU; DgfYT: $rAPT3[] = $this->vGIjP->mMKKe(); goto RJXaC; OsrZx: $rAPT3[] = "\x52" . $this->BNbZl; goto U7P6P; nETjJ: aC2HW: goto LenVE; OMPVP: } public function X9Egd() : string { goto AN5SX; h00Ro: $rAPT3 = []; goto Qyew2; kgakt: kAbTm: goto dNgDI; umem_: if (!($this->BNbZl !== null)) { goto pxyZG; } goto K6gYD; aUyTe: if (!($this->vGIjP !== null)) { goto pdaoc; } goto VUSRP; HFgM1: $rAPT3[] = $this->zeb21("\x70\x65\162\x69\x6f\x64\137\163\x74\x61\x72\x74\x5f\x64\x61\164\145", ["\x3a\144\x61\x74\145" => $this->xxOXR->kUQqP($kLsTl)], null, $QYfhn); goto aUyTe; jgozt: return p9McD(Ml_2b($Z6D3p, 0, 1)) . ml_2B($Z6D3p, 1); goto Vocmw; rC4oy: pxyZG: goto mzz8W; ic4BW: $Z6D3p = implode("\x20", $rAPT3); goto jgozt; mYDLT: pdaoc: goto ic4BW; AN5SX: $kLsTl = $this->XA7UE ?? $this->OebGR()->tsVUN()["\x74\x6f\x53\164\x72\151\156\147\x46\x6f\162\x6d\x61\x74"] ?? null; goto SXDb5; Iqu48: return $kLsTl($this); goto kgakt; VUSRP: $rAPT3[] = $this->zeB21("\x70\145\162\x69\x6f\x64\137\x65\156\144\137\144\141\x74\x65", ["\72\x64\141\164\x65" => $this->vGIjP->KUQQp($kLsTl)], null, $QYfhn); goto mYDLT; K6gYD: $rAPT3[] = $this->zEb21("\160\x65\x72\151\x6f\x64\x5f\x72\x65\143\165\162\162\145\156\143\x65\163", [], $this->BNbZl, $QYfhn); goto rC4oy; Qyew2: $kLsTl = $kLsTl ?? (!$this->xxOXR->E6_ba() || $this->vGIjP && !$this->vGIjP->E6_bA() ? "\x59\x2d\x6d\55\x64\40\x48\x3a\x69\x3a\x73" : "\131\55\x6d\55\144"); goto umem_; mzz8W: $rAPT3[] = $this->zeB21("\x70\x65\x72\151\157\144\x5f\x69\156\x74\x65\162\x76\141\x6c", ["\72\x69\156\x74\145\162\x76\x61\154" => $this->Eutyk->VoFVU(["\152\x6f\x69\156" => true])], null, $QYfhn); goto HFgM1; SXDb5: if (!$kLsTl instanceof Closure) { goto kAbTm; } goto Iqu48; dNgDI: $QYfhn = [$this->Rs6Sq, "\x67\145\x74\x54\162\x61\156\x73\154\141\164\157\x72"](); goto h00Ro; Vocmw: } public function aXrAt() : string { return $this->MmkKe(); } public function cast(string $nkh36) : object { goto BLYEb; BLYEb: if (method_exists($nkh36, "\151\x6e\x73\x74\x61\156\x63\145")) { goto VrDIl; } goto Jci7y; dNAHp: VrDIl: goto mCv7m; NG6oM: MqSI0: goto IsgQF; IsgQF: throw new CoDCE("{$nkh36}\40\x68\x61\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x74\150\145\x20\151\x6e\163\164\141\x6e\x63\x65\50\x29\40\x6d\x65\x74\150\x6f\x64\x20\156\145\145\144\145\x64\40\164\157\40\143\x61\163\x74\x20\x74\x68\145\40\144\141\x74\x65\x2e"); goto dNAHp; mCv7m: return $nkh36::CJifG($this); goto m1s0S; MhJkH: return new $nkh36($this->i1YB_($this->getStartDate()), $this->getDateInterval(), $this->getEndDate() ? $this->I1yB_($this->xP30b()) : $this->getRecurrences(), $this->ht03f() ? DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE : 0); goto NG6oM; Jci7y: if (!is_a($nkh36, DatePeriod::class, true)) { goto MqSI0; } goto MhJkH; m1s0S: } public function eHNQD() : DatePeriod { return $this->cast(DatePeriod::class); } public function YiZjd() : bool { goto jrq7_; Iqhop: return true; goto CdpG0; jrq7_: foreach ($this->o0ff7 as $yneTX) { goto uPI5W; X0MeK: nyZq0: goto iJIHr; RV7Wo: aSw7k: goto X0MeK; iJIHr: YRcjR: goto gHYcm; uPI5W: switch ($yneTX) { case [static::kkjzj, null]: goto Du7RH; R0tdd: return false; goto sdC31; qTw38: goto nyZq0; goto v1cQp; sdC31: lK6Au: goto qTw38; Du7RH: if (!($this->BNbZl !== null && is_finite($this->BNbZl))) { goto lK6Au; } goto R0tdd; v1cQp: case [static::PKT4A, null]: goto LGHDe; Q6vLW: return false; goto Z7uir; LGHDe: if (!($this->vGIjP !== null && !$this->vGIjP->OW_wD())) { goto wOx7C; } goto Q6vLW; Z7uir: wOx7C: goto YFCmN; YFCmN: goto nyZq0; goto dbgYg; dbgYg: default: return false; } goto RV7Wo; gHYcm: } goto bWxTM; bWxTM: SJ04_: goto Iqhop; CdpG0: } public function toArray() : array { goto Ezgpk; lnjO3: $OJcVE = [$this->Ih8GU, $this->EKJiI ? $this->EKJiI->ZVJMN() : null, $this->xYDyq]; goto bjXaf; C_cCC: LGZZM: goto lnjO3; Ezgpk: if (!$this->yIZJd()) { goto LGZZM; } goto dNPKm; YUaP6: return $Z6D3p; goto ZKsh2; zJWmh: [$this->Ih8GU, $this->EKJiI, $this->xYDyq] = $OJcVE; goto YUaP6; bjXaf: $Z6D3p = iterator_to_array($this); goto zJWmh; dNPKm: throw new QkCnG("\x45\156\x64\x6c\x65\163\x73\40\160\145\162\x69\157\x64\40\143\x61\x6e\47\x74\40\142\145\40\143\157\156\166\x65\x72\x74\x65\144\x20\x74\157\40\141\x72\162\141\x79\x20\x6e\157\162\x20\143\157\x75\x6e\x74\145\x64\56"); goto C_cCC; ZKsh2: } public function count() : int { return \count($this->toArray()); } public function ivPNP() : ?CarbonInterface { goto Dfzts; kusz0: return null; goto CWzP0; Dfzts: if (!$this->YIZJd()) { goto dePZp; } goto gc5vO; gc5vO: foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { goto Yug9c; cMlpF: xXJ8P: goto ErnxG; bWknO: return $JPBWf; goto cMlpF; Yug9c: $this->rewind(); goto bWknO; ErnxG: } goto FezOM; FezOM: G91LK: goto kusz0; NPApO: return ($this->toArray() ?: [])[0] ?? null; goto v1aMm; CWzP0: dePZp: goto NPApO; v1aMm: } public function ePC50() : ?CarbonInterface { $cOjWq = $this->toArray(); return $cOjWq ? $cOjWq[\count($cOjWq) - 1] : null; } public function __toString() : string { return $this->X9egD(); } public function __call(string $xkheS, array $tjzto) : mixed { goto wBKE0; hRewo: iyVej: goto W_wYI; tHzf2: JD2qG: goto hRewo; PP8pE: switch ($xkheS) { case "\163\x74\141\162\164": case "\x73\x69\156\143\x65": goto iNKPR; Ob05x: wTHN6::nZfwC($tjzto, [[0, "\x64\141\164\145", null]]); goto XTF88; vK8_H: return $this->getStartDate(); goto vUKsG; iNKPR: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto XWB6K; } goto vK8_H; XTF88: return $this->b0DPJ(...$tjzto); goto VTEyu; vUKsG: XWB6K: goto Ob05x; VTEyu: case "\163\151\156\143\x65\116\x6f\167": return $this->B0dPj(new MrXVs(), ...$tjzto); case "\145\x6e\x64": case "\x75\x6e\164\151\x6c": goto aq0wW; CQYHM: return $this->getEndDate(); goto uD9WK; iShPh: WTHN6::nZfwC($tjzto, [[0, "\x64\x61\x74\x65", null]]); goto DLy2P; aq0wW: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto n04EJ; } goto CQYHM; DLy2P: return $this->IJWrr(...$tjzto); goto JSW9i; uD9WK: n04EJ: goto iShPh; JSW9i: case "\x75\156\164\x69\x6c\116\x6f\x77": return $this->IJWrR(new mrxVS(), ...$tjzto); case "\144\x61\164\145\x73": case "\142\x65\x74\x77\x65\145\x6e": WThn6::nzfwC($tjzto, [[0, "\x73\x74\141\162\164", null], [1, "\x65\156\x64", null]]); return $this->VE2TS(...$tjzto); case "\162\145\x63\x75\162\162\145\x6e\x63\x65\x73": case "\x74\151\x6d\145\163": goto RnhEE; RSgG5: bZTA2: goto z80ne; z80ne: wThn6::NzFWC($tjzto, [[0, "\162\x65\143\165\x72\x72\145\156\143\145\x73", null]]); goto Ltb7U; RnhEE: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto bZTA2; } goto AxdxK; AxdxK: return $this->getRecurrences(); goto RSgG5; Ltb7U: return $this->WVFxo(...$tjzto); goto Ro_eA; Ro_eA: case "\x6f\160\164\151\x6f\156\x73": goto SaVFp; SaVFp: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto qRho4; } goto u074z; NVQmf: return $this->IwZ2M(...$tjzto); goto RNfuq; u074z: return $this->ldLiw(); goto pSA_p; qhull: WtHn6::nzFwc($tjzto, [[0, "\157\x70\x74\151\157\156\163", null]]); goto NVQmf; pSA_p: qRho4: goto qhull; RNfuq: case "\164\x6f\x67\x67\x6c\145": WTHn6::NZFWc($tjzto, [[0, "\157\x70\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x73", null]]); return $this->cd4OJ(...$tjzto); case "\x66\151\x6c\x74\145\162": case "\x70\x75\x73\x68": return $this->iLZti(...$tjzto); case "\160\162\145\x70\145\156\x64": return $this->te9HC(...$tjzto); case "\146\x69\154\x74\145\162\163": goto yLxWh; AenEt: WtHn6::NZFwc($tjzto, [[0, "\146\x69\154\164\145\x72\163", []]]); goto qDIr8; mx1xf: tLmUN: goto AenEt; qDIr8: return $this->iKBVw(...$tjzto); goto laWC7; yLxWh: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto tLmUN; } goto pJXLf; pJXLf: return $this->B3Oib(); goto mx1xf; laWC7: case "\x69\x6e\x74\145\x72\x76\141\x6c": case "\x65\x61\143\150": case "\145\166\145\162\171": case "\163\164\145\x70": case "\x73\164\145\160\x42\x79": goto U7odx; nbFTn: return $this->BJSwN(...$tjzto); goto q6IGr; pOKKx: pV0v3: goto nbFTn; U7odx: if (!($d3RlL === 0)) { goto pV0v3; } goto iA5HC; iA5HC: return $this->getDateInterval(); goto pOKKx; q6IGr: case "\151\x6e\x76\145\162\x74": return $this->J_nep(); case "\x79\x65\x61\162\x73": case "\x79\x65\141\x72": case "\155\x6f\x6e\164\x68\163": case "\x6d\157\156\x74\x68": case "\x77\x65\145\153\163": case "\167\x65\x65\x6b": case "\x64\x61\171\x73": case "\144\141\171\x7a": case "\144\x61\x79": case "\x68\x6f\x75\162\x73": case "\150\157\165\x72": case "\155\151\156\165\x74\145\163": case "\155\x69\156\165\x74\x65": case "\163\145\143\157\x6e\x64\x73": case "\x73\145\143\x6f\156\x64": case "\x6d\151\154\x6c\151\x73\145\x63\157\156\144\x73": case "\x6d\151\x6c\154\151\163\x65\143\x6f\x6e\x64": case "\x6d\151\x63\x72\x6f\x73\x65\143\x6f\x6e\144\163": case "\x6d\x69\x63\162\x6f\163\145\x63\157\x6e\x64": return $this->bJsWN([$this->d4JVc ? new VMwiF("\120\x54\x30\123") : $this->Eutyk, $xkheS](...$tjzto)); } goto tHzf2; Acacm: keu3H: goto HP30F; YDe_3: return $i3I1R; goto Acacm; ieRau: return $this; goto BN3Ll; N23ZB: if (!($this->KVT3l ?? $UZr2Q::qoqsu())) { goto AdWcx; } goto BPDAQ; mqTsS: AdWcx: goto ieRau; OGDqu: if (!($i3I1R !== null)) { goto keu3H; } goto YDe_3; wBKE0: if (!static::w1BA2($xkheS)) { goto UtHeG; } goto yReO0; HP30F: $d3RlL = \count($tjzto); goto PP8pE; yReO0: return static::wAfCU($this, fn() => $this->cIOsd($xkheS, $tjzto)); goto O5087; Jovm7: $i3I1R = $this->jnWBz($xkheS, $tjzto); goto OGDqu; O5087: UtHeG: goto Jovm7; W_wYI: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto N23ZB; BPDAQ: throw new dvlcp($xkheS); goto mqTsS; BN3Ll: } public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone|string|int $aIRj_) : static { goto pP4Bq; ejioz: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->IJWrr($pyPmh->vGIjP->setTimezone($aIRj_)); goto maGps; qwmwJ: $pyPmh->INEV4 = lbViD::cjifg($aIRj_); goto Knv3Z; caKKd: return $pyPmh; goto shQCy; xloVH: if (!$pyPmh->vGIjP) { goto lEWWw; } goto ejioz; a9AeU: $pyPmh->gxOFj = $aIRj_; goto qwmwJ; SMp3t: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->B0DpJ($pyPmh->xxOXR->setTimezone($aIRj_)); goto vwU7d; vwU7d: f2nLz: goto xloVH; Knv3Z: if (!$pyPmh->xxOXR) { goto f2nLz; } goto SMp3t; pP4Bq: $pyPmh = $this->kACtG(); goto a9AeU; maGps: lEWWw: goto caKKd; shQCy: } public function oUbY0(DateTimeZone|string|int $aIRj_) : static { goto pB2Xx; V29Rj: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->B0dpJ($pyPmh->xxOXR->OuBy0($aIRj_)); goto qv96d; xQbQ2: $pyPmh->INEV4 = Lbvid::cJiFg($aIRj_); goto D9gUl; UCibc: if (!$pyPmh->vGIjP) { goto VidUF; } goto KSOZ8; D9gUl: if (!$pyPmh->xxOXR) { goto z3KDU; } goto V29Rj; hNFW9: $pyPmh->gxOFj = $aIRj_; goto xQbQ2; FZJAx: return $pyPmh; goto H7Qdb; qv96d: z3KDU: goto UCibc; pB2Xx: $pyPmh = $this->KAcTg(); goto hNFW9; KSOZ8: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->IjWRR($pyPmh->vGIjP->oubY0($aIRj_)); goto fazFW; fazFW: VidUF: goto FZJAx; H7Qdb: } public function mmVOV(?string $zlqvm = null) : CarbonInterface { goto CEpMi; G87Ir: m0763: goto ainvq; GwiGG: return $JPBWf; goto CRhoO; UpM3m: ILz3k: goto GwiGG; cGFvr: $JPBWf = $JPBWf->zVjmn()->round($this->getDateInterval(), $zlqvm); goto UpM3m; uuash: if (!($JPBWf && $zlqvm)) { goto ILz3k; } goto cGFvr; zE_wD: return $this->getStartDate($zlqvm); goto eHVPM; eHVPM: zf_fk: goto J9Kvc; CEpMi: if (!($XdhEV = $this->getEndDate($zlqvm))) { goto m0763; } goto dIR4u; dIR4u: return $XdhEV; goto G87Ir; J9Kvc: $JPBWf = $this->NCgSz() ?? $this->i9E56(); goto uuash; ainvq: if (!$this->Eutyk->isEmpty()) { goto zf_fk; } goto zE_wD; CRhoO: } private function ncgsZ() : ?CarbonInterface { goto hQtWK; LB1vW: if (!($this->o0ff7 === [[static::kkjzj, null]])) { goto LDAnY; } goto OsfxU; IPGZe: return null; goto XuCsi; TT94R: iEF1_: goto LB1vW; CWoPT: return $IqQed < $IqQed->ZVJmn()->add($this->getDateInterval()) ? wDh4I::UTNuz() : WdH4i::Yn5ZK(); goto TT94R; OEsij: $IqQed = $this->getStartDate(); goto CWoPT; vbnmK: if (!($this->BNbZl === INF)) { goto iEF1_; } goto OEsij; R1ZML: throw new TSTux("\x43\x6f\x75\x6c\x64\x20\x6e\157\x74\40\143\141\x6c\x63\165\x6c\141\x74\x65\40\x70\x65\162\x69\x6f\x64\40\x65\156\x64\40\167\x69\164\150\157\165\x74\x20\x65\x69\x74\x68\145\162\x20\145\170\x70\154\x69\x63\x69\164\x20\x65\x6e\144\40\157\x72\40\162\x65\143\165\162\162\145\x6e\143\x65\163\56\12" . "\x49\x66\x20\x79\x6f\x75\x27\162\x65\x20\154\157\x6f\x6b\151\156\x67\40\146\157\x72\40\141\40\146\157\162\145\x76\145\x72\x2d\x70\145\x72\151\x6f\x64\x2c\40\x75\x73\x65\40\x2d\x3e\x73\x65\x74\122\x65\143\165\162\162\x65\x6e\x63\145\163\50\x49\x4e\106\51\56"); goto Bt7xX; Bt7xX: oZAR9: goto vbnmK; OsfxU: return $this->getStartDate()->ZVJMn()->add($this->getDateInterval()->IycVS($this->BNbZl - ($this->Ht03F() ? 0 : 1))); goto JB0Id; JB0Id: LDAnY: goto IPGZe; hQtWK: if (!($this->BNbZl === null)) { goto oZAR9; } goto R1ZML; XuCsi: } private function i9e56() : ?CarbonInterface { goto qHjTL; GaxDX: $JPBWf = null; goto KljDM; KljDM: foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { goto S3Rpn; pOr9G: sEKHd: goto zC68k; QwUQD: throw new tstUx("\103\157\165\x6c\144\x20\x6e\x6f\164\x20\143\141\154\143\165\154\141\x74\x65\x20\160\145\162\x69\157\144\40\145\x6e\144\x20\x61\146\164\x65\x72\40\151\164\145\x72\x61\164\x69\156\x67\40" . static::RK2tQ . "\40\164\x69\155\x65\163\56"); goto pOr9G; zC68k: h3auY: goto qjEea; S3Rpn: if (!(++$VdFHr > static::RK2tQ)) { goto sEKHd; } goto QwUQD; qjEea: } goto MC5qs; jcwiB: return $JPBWf; goto sKI3T; MC5qs: x_s0J: goto jcwiB; qHjTL: $VdFHr = 0; goto GaxDX; sKI3T: } public function e5eew(mixed $vRkl0, mixed $gsh_B = null) : bool { goto WZ67q; JpbLa: W5TVV: goto B0RUG; WZ67q: $O5Glr = $gsh_B ? static::create($vRkl0, $gsh_B) : $vRkl0; goto eCrz6; pBsG7: $O5Glr = static::create($O5Glr); goto JpbLa; B0RUG: [$IqQed, $XdhEV] = $this->E4EIf($this->getStartDate(), $this->MMvOv()); goto oLjVU; eCrz6: if ($O5Glr instanceof WThn6) { goto W5TVV; } goto pBsG7; oLjVU: [$X1JEZ, $gsh_B] = $this->E4eIf($O5Glr->getStartDate(), $O5Glr->MmvoV()); goto wLiIh; wLiIh: return $XdhEV > $X1JEZ && $gsh_B > $IqQed; goto czA7P; czA7P: } public function forEach(callable $uZVEH) : void { foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { $uZVEH($JPBWf); uvJtm: } gMwBm: } public function u6BBU(callable $uZVEH) : Generator { foreach ($this as $JPBWf) { (yield $uZVEH($JPBWf)); KN1Yr: } ftWCl: } public function UTq4F(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { return $this->xQDnp($KMsJ9); } public function XqDNp(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { goto lSQpj; lSQpj: if ($KMsJ9 instanceof wThn6) { goto R8Hur; } goto FdxrX; NDHVQ: $XdhEV = $this->getEndDate(); goto SJBzz; SJBzz: return $KMsJ9 !== null && $this->getDateInterval()->UTq4f($KMsJ9->getDateInterval()) && $this->getStartDate()->UTq4F($KMsJ9->getStartDate()) && ($XdhEV ? $XdhEV->uTq4F($KMsJ9->getEndDate()) : $this->getRecurrences() === $KMsJ9->getRecurrences()) && ($this->ldliw() & ~static::fuQdG) === ($KMsJ9->lDLIW() & ~static::fuQdG); goto Wrvz0; sX4sI: R8Hur: goto NDHVQ; FdxrX: $KMsJ9 = wThn6::G0V47($KMsJ9); goto sX4sI; Wrvz0: } public function Ja0tm(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { return $this->c77_W($KMsJ9); } public function C77_W(mixed $KMsJ9) : bool { return !$this->utq4F($KMsJ9); } public function NeU5E(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->LWhiy($this->VjbdO($JPBWf)); } public function vGOur(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->CiSBv($this->vJBDO($JPBWf)); } public function ukawh(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->sjuMo($this->VJbDO($JPBWf)); } public function ZZ1Vg(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->IUCRX($this->vJBdo($JPBWf)); } public function IdY8q(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->xqDnp($this->VjBDo($JPBWf)); } public function kFauo(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->mMvov()->Lwhiy($this->vjbdo($JPBWf)); } public function GOhcV(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->MMvOv()->CIsbv($this->vJBDO($JPBWf)); } public function OQGKo(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->MMVOv()->sjuMO($this->vjbdO($JPBWf)); } public function L2nZj(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->mmvOV()->IUCRX($this->VjBDO($JPBWf)); } public function PVoxS(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { return $this->MMvoV()->XQDnp($this->VjbDO($JPBWf)); } public function isStarted() : bool { return $this->VgoUr(); } public function piJuc() : bool { return $this->GohCV(); } public function a2CgH() : bool { return $this->isStarted() && !$this->PiJuc(); } public function HsF96(string $UEuqV, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = 1, callable|string $FpI2X = "\162\x6f\x75\x6e\144") : static { goto B7kqM; qqNax: return $pyPmh->BjSwn($pyPmh->getDateInterval()->hSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, $FpI2X)); goto I8_dd; B7kqM: $pyPmh = $this->kactG(); goto GPqP3; l_22K: if (!$pyPmh->vGIjP) { goto zEb2P; } goto ALY2p; GPqP3: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->B0dpj($pyPmh->getStartDate()->HSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, $FpI2X)); goto l_22K; JgAZI: zEb2P: goto qqNax; ALY2p: $pyPmh = $pyPmh->iJWRR($pyPmh->getEndDate()->HSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, $FpI2X)); goto JgAZI; I8_dd: } public function d9Iki(string $UEuqV, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = 1) : static { return $this->hsF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, "\x66\x6c\x6f\157\162"); } public function ogKHN(string $UEuqV, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = 1) : static { return $this->hSF96($UEuqV, $wXwHj, "\143\x65\151\154"); } public function round(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = null, callable|string $FpI2X = "\162\x6f\165\156\144") : static { return $this->lta3o($wXwHj ?? $this->getDateInterval()->qByEB(BDtey::get("\x65\156"))->VoFVU(), $FpI2X); } public function floor(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = null) : static { return $this->round($wXwHj, "\x66\x6c\157\x6f\x72"); } public function ceil(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $wXwHj = null) : static { return $this->round($wXwHj, "\x63\x65\x69\154"); } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return $this->toArray(); } public function contains(mixed $JPBWf = null) : bool { goto EtTcN; g1TQa: return $this->{$Hje8r}($JPBWf) && $this->{$mwKMl}($JPBWf); goto Bgu_z; EtTcN: $Hje8r = "\x73\x74\x61\x72\164\x73\102\145\x66\157\x72\145" . ($this->eXLs_() ? "\x4f\162\x41\164" : ''); goto Ww1Jm; Ww1Jm: $mwKMl = "\145\156\144\x73\x41\146\x74\145\x72" . ($this->urv73() ? "\117\162\x41\x74" : ''); goto g1TQa; Bgu_z: } public function LXK8x(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : bool { $KMsJ9 = $this->VRySH($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); return $this->lPLWN()->xqdNP($KMsJ9->xp30B()->add($KMsJ9->getDateInterval())); } public function GSf3Q(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : bool { $KMsJ9 = $this->vRysH($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); return $KMsJ9->lXk8x($this); } public function brnqA(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : bool { return $this->LXK8x($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR) || $this->gSf3Q($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); } public function __debugInfo() : array { goto FtBvp; bafGN: unset($XVSwq["\163\164\141\x72\x74"], $XVSwq["\145\156\144"], $XVSwq["\151\x6e\x74\145\x72\166\141\x6c"], $XVSwq["\x69\x6e\143\154\165\x64\145\137\163\x74\141\162\164\x5f\144\141\164\x65"], $XVSwq["\151\x6e\x63\x6c\165\144\145\137\x65\x6e\x64\x5f\x64\x61\164\145"]); goto RUj0N; FtBvp: $XVSwq = $this->iHiz8(); goto bafGN; RUj0N: return $XVSwq; goto cFr1Z; cFr1Z: } protected function dK1li() : void { goto AoA0p; e7EQ7: if ($this->y4MgB(static::kkjzj)) { goto B3PfT; } goto z6v73; sZfZE: $this->vGIjP = null; goto x2QgM; anc_a: B3PfT: goto Yfibk; z6v73: $this->BNbZl = null; goto anc_a; AoA0p: if ($this->Y4mGB(static::PKT4A)) { goto ViUxZ; } goto sZfZE; x2QgM: ViUxZ: goto e7EQ7; Yfibk: } protected function E06Zq(array $tjzto) : array { goto P02sA; xYJJL: return [$xkheS, array_shift($tjzto)]; goto xCT6X; ESczH: if ($this->r3JWx($xkheS)) { goto vsQQb; } goto xYJJL; P02sA: $xkheS = array_shift($tjzto); goto ESczH; xCT6X: vsQQb: goto FcVXC; FcVXC: return [static fn($JPBWf) => [$JPBWf, $xkheS](...$tjzto), $xkheS]; goto Z9FOo; Z9FOo: } protected function r3JWx(callable|string $gMHM9) : bool { return \is_string($gMHM9) && str_starts_with($gMHM9, "\151\x73") && (method_exists($this->Rs6Sq, $gMHM9) || [$this->Rs6Sq, "\150\141\x73\115\141\143\162\x6f"]($gMHM9)); } protected function KGqqs(xVk7f $djkBZ, int $GESws) : bool|callable { goto qaXnw; eRc19: G1b6x: goto k8HX8; qaXnw: if (!($GESws < $this->BNbZl)) { goto G1b6x; } goto wrAbT; wrAbT: return true; goto eRc19; k8HX8: return static::nsv1H; goto kDBLv; kDBLv: } protected function b6nyG(xVk7f $djkBZ) : bool|callable { goto cqpW2; nXbPq: VuJsF: goto psqQ5; Nxtdx: return true; goto nXbPq; psqQ5: return static::nsv1H; goto TSBHt; qE2DG: IzoUK: goto L6iRG; L6iRG: if (!($this->Eutyk->qryW3 ? $djkBZ > $this->vGIjP : $djkBZ < $this->vGIjP)) { goto VuJsF; } goto Nxtdx; Q6nTB: return true; goto qE2DG; cqpW2: if (!(!$this->CGbxZ() && $djkBZ == $this->vGIjP)) { goto IzoUK; } goto Q6nTB; TSBHt: } protected function endIteration() : callable { return static::nsv1H; } protected function HYtGR() : void { goto wcGmn; hfV1x: $this->Rs6Sq = wDh4I::class; goto b8Mec; Z1kCr: nNAtv: goto N_TGQ; WILki: eDx5F: goto ZP6YW; gq00r: if (!($this->LDLIw() & static::fuQdG) && $this->Rs6Sq === wDh4i::class) { goto nNAtv; } goto Pb7yf; N_TGQ: $this->Rs6Sq = mrxvS::class; goto WILki; wcGmn: if ($this->LDLIW() & static::fuQdG && $this->Rs6Sq === mrXvS::class) { goto Kcqt3; } goto gq00r; Uj17j: Kcqt3: goto hfV1x; b8Mec: goto eDx5F; goto Z1kCr; Pb7yf: goto eDx5F; goto Uj17j; ZP6YW: $this->xYDyq = null; goto neq5B; neq5B: } protected function kCM7i() : bool|callable { goto Yuvza; lAIe4: return $this->xYDyq ?? ($this->xYDyq = $this->hoQ4A()); goto kmhwr; RQnOz: $this->rewind(); goto WyTmH; Yuvza: if (!($this->EKJiI === null)) { goto MRtTi; } goto RQnOz; WyTmH: MRtTi: goto lAIe4; kmhwr: } protected function hOq4A() : bool|callable { goto IPNOf; H9Hn1: return true; goto R2Qqs; IPNOf: $djkBZ = $this->ruU0j($this->EKJiI); goto gj4_U; gj4_U: foreach ($this->o0ff7 as $c07ST) { goto KLXFe; dnxt5: return false; goto aDkaF; Nhbdo: if ($Z6D3p) { goto wgitD; } goto dnxt5; aDkaF: wgitD: goto gReNt; I32wB: return static::nsv1H; goto AuFPM; KLXFe: $Z6D3p = \call_user_func($c07ST[0], $djkBZ->Zvjmn(), $this->Ih8GU, $this); goto fsFJG; gReNt: Mb7bG: goto d7abD; fsFJG: if (!($Z6D3p === static::nsv1H)) { goto bUieR; } goto I32wB; AuFPM: bUieR: goto Nhbdo; d7abD: } goto IKW7V; IKW7V: XwiX_: goto H9Hn1; R2Qqs: } protected function RUU0j(xvk7F $JPBWf) { goto J27xh; Zoug4: W4qfR: goto cmGu3; N038z: if (!$this->INEV4) { goto W4qfR; } goto gz5up; cmGu3: return $JPBWf; goto GDd1c; J27xh: $JPBWf = [$this->Rs6Sq, "\155\x61\153\x65"]($JPBWf); goto N038z; gz5up: $JPBWf = $JPBWf->setTimezone($this->INEV4); goto Zoug4; GDd1c: } protected function URUSS() : void { goto e4NcW; kZUFe: if ($this->kcM7i() === false) { goto SK5Bo; } goto f2DZe; KdOZJ: throw new TstUX("\x43\157\x75\x6c\144\x20\156\x6f\164\x20\146\x69\156\144\x20\156\145\x78\164\x20\x76\x61\x6c\151\144\x20\x64\x61\x74\x65\x2e"); goto ButIG; QN740: $this->xYDyq = null; goto k61RZ; k61RZ: if (!(++$VdFHr > static::hr540)) { goto vGKp3; } goto KdOZJ; xZf5b: SK5Bo: goto gSJAD; e4NcW: $VdFHr = 0; goto xZf5b; gSJAD: $this->EKJiI = $this->EKJiI->add($this->Eutyk); goto QN740; ButIG: vGKp3: goto kZUFe; f2DZe: e8gbd: goto YD2sC; YD2sC: } protected function CIOsd(string $Av14K, array $tjzto) : mixed { goto cWTGh; fUYF8: $HOBNg = @$BFFK1->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$BFFK1->bindTo(null, static::class); goto Fojo4; tyQ_i: return $BFFK1(...$tjzto); goto wF21B; a3dd6: EOljY: goto tyQ_i; Fojo4: return ($HOBNg ?: $BFFK1)(...$tjzto); goto a3dd6; cWTGh: $BFFK1 = static::$W5BGH[$Av14K]; goto cZkD9; cZkD9: if (!$BFFK1 instanceof Closure) { goto EOljY; } goto fUYF8; wF21B: } protected function VjBdO($JPBWf = null) { return $this->getStartDate()->jQB61()->rFP7L($JPBWf); } protected function vRYsh(mixed $KMsJ9, mixed ...$SVIXR) : self { goto kpnAF; I5YF6: FnlQ8: goto In5hY; kpnAF: if (!$KMsJ9 instanceof wtHn6) { goto FnlQ8; } goto QDu6e; QDu6e: return $KMsJ9; goto I5YF6; In5hY: return $KMsJ9 instanceof DatePeriod ? static::cJiFg($KMsJ9) : static::create($KMsJ9, ...$SVIXR); goto EaOdV; EaOdV: } private function e4EIF($cNj37, $F3qI0) : array { return $cNj37 > $F3qI0 ? [$F3qI0, $cNj37] : [$cNj37, $F3qI0]; } private function KCW4F($Xk6su) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto KFz72; ule4S: return new $UZr2Q($Xk6su, $this->gxOFj); goto X37FZ; vNEJD: return null; goto L9BWW; uQUlS: if (!(!preg_match("\x2f\136\x50\133\134\144\x54\x5d\57", $Xk6su) && !preg_match("\x2f\136\x52\x5c\144\x2f", $Xk6su) && preg_match("\x2f\x5b\x61\x2d\x7a\134\144\x5d\x2f\151", $Xk6su))) { goto wN9dt; } goto QSG12; LLD20: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto ule4S; DvOjL: return $Xk6su; goto V9DnR; V9DnR: minME: goto eGHsU; KFz72: if (!$Xk6su instanceof DateTimeInterface) { goto minME; } goto DvOjL; QSG12: $UZr2Q = $this->Rs6Sq; goto XKJAm; OvvPF: if (!\is_string($Xk6su)) { goto FDQXF; } goto FOAy1; X37FZ: NG3mA: goto OvvPF; XKJAm: return $UZr2Q::AM7lB($Xk6su, $this->gxOFj); goto eb1H4; eb1H4: wN9dt: goto CaPv1; CaPv1: FDQXF: goto vNEJD; FOAy1: $Xk6su = trim($Xk6su); goto uQUlS; eGHsU: if (!($Xk6su instanceof VsNVb || $Xk6su instanceof ajoye)) { goto NG3mA; } goto LLD20; L9BWW: } private function ju4GN($JPBWf) : bool { return $JPBWf instanceof XVk7f && ($JPBWf->Ow_WD() || $JPBWf->n4r66()); } private function I1yB_($JPBWf) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto eyOeX; sJclG: if (!$JPBWf instanceof XVK7f) { goto geHCS; } goto KvWqR; UVm0I: YzU5K: goto sJclG; kFeuz: w44Rm: goto rT8CG; dIu46: return null; goto UVm0I; TInOS: geHCS: goto u50Cb; Mt_9b: return new $yla3M($JPBWf->format("\131\55\x6d\55\x64\40\110\x3a\x69\72\163\x2e\x75"), $JPBWf->getTimezone()); goto cejyT; KvWqR: return $JPBWf->gj9BG() ? $JPBWf->J4LjG() : $JPBWf->Yx1rE(); goto TInOS; eyOeX: if (!($JPBWf === false || $JPBWf === null)) { goto YzU5K; } goto dIu46; u50Cb: if (!\in_array(\get_class($JPBWf), [DateTime::class, DateTimeImmutable::class], true)) { goto w44Rm; } goto TMzfF; TMzfF: return $JPBWf; goto kFeuz; rT8CG: $yla3M = $JPBWf instanceof DateTime ? DateTime::class : DateTimeImmutable::class; goto Mt_9b; cejyT: } private static function nzFWC(array &$tjzto, array $G6bzA) : void { foreach ($G6bzA as [$aYRAA, $Av14K, $Xk6su]) { goto Fxvuw; hTHSr: RcWtl: goto Ct5rw; Fxvuw: if (!(!\array_key_exists($aYRAA, $tjzto) && !\array_key_exists($Av14K, $tjzto))) { goto RcWtl; } goto aqdrU; aqdrU: $tjzto[$aYRAA] = $Xk6su; goto hTHSr; Ct5rw: a3dva: goto d8wQw; d8wQw: } IAiOE: } }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 130 ms