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PHP Decode

<?php /** * - - * @author WEBOA <[email protected]> <[email protected]> * @crea..

Decoded Output download

 *  -  -  
 * @author WEBOA <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 
 * @created 2017-04-11 18:10:23 
namespace fw\module\media\model\base; 
use fw\lib\core\modelBase; 
use fw\lib\core\core; 
use fw\lib\verify; 
class article extends modelBase { 
    public function __construct() { 
        parent::__construct('media', true); 
        $this->table = 'oat_article'; 
     * @param $data 
     * @return array 
    public function addArticle($data) { 
        if (!$this->db->insert($this->table, $data)) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        return returnVal('', true); 
     * emoji 
    public function userTextEncode($str) { 
        if (!is_string($str)) { 
            return $str; 
        if (!$str || $str == 'undefined') { 
            return ''; 
        $text = json_encode($str); //unicode 
        $text = preg_replace_callback("/(\\\u[ed][0-9a-f]{3})/i", function ($str) { 
            return addslashes($str[0]); 
        }, $text); //emojiunicodedemoji\ud\ue 
        return json_decode($text); 
    public function userTextDecode($text) { 
        $text = preg_replace_callback("/(\\\u[ed][0-9a-f]{3})/i", function ($str) { 
            return addslashes($str[0]); 
        }, $text); 
        $text = stripcslashes($text); 
        $text = json_encode($text); //unicode 
        $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\\\\\/i', function ($text) { 
            return '\\'; 
        }, $text); // 
        return json_decode($text); 
     * @param $article_id 
     * @return array 
    public function deleteArticle($article_id) { 
        if (!$articleData = $this->getArticle($article_id)) { 
            return returnVal(','); 
        if ($articleData['staff_id'] != getUserID() && !isSuper()) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        if ($articleData['like_num'] > 0) { 
            if (!$this->db->query("update oat_account_detail set like_num = like_num - " . $articleData['like_num'] . " where staff_id = ?", array(getUserID()))) { 
                return returnVal(''); 
        $array = array( 
            'article_id' => $article_id, 
            'valid_flag' => 0 
        if (!$this->db->update($this->table, 'article_id', $array)) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        return returnVal('', true); 
     * @param $article_id 
     * @return array 
    public function getArticle($article_id) { 
        if (!$article_id) { 
            return false; 
        $data = $this->db->fetch("select * from " . $this->table . " where article_id = ? and valid_flag = 1", array($article_id)); 
        if ($data) { 
            $data['the_content'] = $this->userTextDecode($data['the_content']); 
        return $data; 
     * @param $data 
     * @return array 
    public function markLike($data) { 
        if (!$articleData = $this->getArticle($data['article_id'])) { 
            return returnVal(','); 
        if ($articleData['valid_flag'] != 1) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        // ,, 
        if (!$this->checkArticlePur($data['staff_id'], $articleData['staff_id'])) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        if ($likeData = $this->db->fetch("select * from oat_article_like_detail where article_id = ? and staff_id = ?", array($data['article_id'], $data['staff_id']))) { 
            return returnVal(','); 
        if (!$this->db->query("update oat_article set like_num = like_num + 1 where article_id = ?", array($data['article_id']))) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        if (!$this->db->insert("oat_article_like_detail", $data)) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        // , 
        if (!$this->db->query("update oat_account_detail set like_num = like_num + 1 where staff_id = ?", array($articleData['staff_id']))) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        $reportData = $this->getMonthReport($articleData['staff_id'], date("Y-m")); 
        if ($reportData == -1) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        if ($reportData) { 
            if (!$this->db->query("update oat_like_num_report_month set like_num = like_num + 1 where staff_id = ? and the_month = ?", array($articleData['staff_id'], date("Y-m")))) { 
                return returnVal('2,'); 
        } else { 
            $array = array( 
                'staff_id' => $articleData['staff_id'], 
                'the_month' => date("Y-m"), 
                'like_num' => 1 
            if (!$this->db->insert("oat_like_num_report_month", $array)) { 
                return returnVal(','); 
        $the_date = substr(date('Y-m-d w', strtotime('this week')), 0, 10); 
        $reportData = $this->getWeekReport($articleData['staff_id'], $the_date); 
        if ($reportData == -1) { 
            return returnVal(''); 
        if ($reportData) { 
            if (!$this->db->query("update oat_like_num_report_week set like_num = like_num + 1 where staff_id = ? and the_date = ?", array($articleData['staff_id'], $the_date))) { 
                return returnVal('2,'); 
        } else { 
            $array = array( 
                'staff_id' => $articleData['staff_id'], 
                'the_date' => $the_date, 
                'like_num' => 1 
            if (!$this->db->insert("oat_like_num_report_week", $array)) { 
                return returnVal(','); 
        return returnVal('', true); 
     * @param $staff_id  
     * @param $pre_staff_id  
     * @return bool 
    public function checkArticlePur($staff_id, $pre_staff_id) { 
        if (!$this->db->fetch("select * from oat_focus_detail where staff_id = ? and pre_staff_id = ?", array($staff_id, $pre_staff_id))) { 
            return false; 
        return true; 
     * @param $staff_id 
     * @param $month 
     * @return array 
    public function getMonthReport($staff_id, $month) { 
        if (!$staff_id || !verify::isDate($month . '-01')) { 
            return -1; 
        $reportData = $this->db->fetch("select * from oat_like_num_report_month where staff_id = ? and the_month = ?", array($staff_id, $month)); 
        if (!$reportData) { 
            return false; 
        return $reportData; 
     * @param $staff_id 
     * @param $the_date  
     * @return array 
    public function getWeekReport($staff_id, $the_date) { 
        if (!$staff_id || !verify::isDate($the_date)) { 
            return -1; 
        $reportData = $this->db->fetch("select * from oat_like_num_report_week where staff_id = ? and the_date = ?", array($staff_id, $the_date)); 
        if (!$reportData) { 
            return false; 
        return $reportData; 
     * () 
     * @param $options 
     * @param $staff_id 
     * @return array 
    public function getArticleList($options, $staff_id = 0) { 
        $offset = intval(max($options['offset'], 0)); 
        $limit = intval(max($options['limit'], 10)); 
        if ($staff_id) { 
            $tempStr = "a.staff_id = " . $staff_id; 
        } else { 
            if ($myFocusData = core::model('media_base_account')->getMyFocusList(getUserID())) { 
                $list = array_column($myFocusData, 'staff_id'); 
                $list = implode(',', $list); 
            $list = ($list ? ($list . ",") : "") . getUserID(); 
            $tempStr = "a.staff_id in (" . $list . ")"; 
        $sql = "select a.*, b.user_nick, case when ifnull(c.staff_id, 0) > 0 then 1 else 0 end like_flag 
                  from oat_article a left join oat_article_like_detail c on (a.article_id = c.article_id and c.staff_id = " . getUserID() . "), oat_account_detail b 
                 where a.valid_flag = 1 
                   and a.staff_id = b.staff_id and " . $tempStr; 
        $sql .= " order by a.created desc limit {$offset},{$limit}"; 
        $data = $this->db->fetchAll($sql); 
        if ($data) { 
            foreach ($data as $k => $v) { 
                $data[$k]['created'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['created']); 
                $data[$k]['the_content'] = $this->userTextDecode($v['the_content']); 
        return core::model('media_base_account')->formatAvatarList($data); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


 *  -  - 
 * @author WEBOA <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
 * @created 2017-04-11 18:10:23

namespace fw\module\media\model\base;

use fw\lib\core\modelBase;
use fw\lib\core\core;
use fw\lib\verify;

class article extends modelBase {

    public function __construct() {
        parent::__construct('media', true);
        $this->table = 'oat_article';

     * @param $data
     * @return array
    public function addArticle($data) {
        if (!$this->db->insert($this->table, $data)) {
            return returnVal('');
        return returnVal('', true);

     * emoji
    public function userTextEncode($str) {
        if (!is_string($str)) {
            return $str;
        if (!$str || $str == 'undefined') {
            return '';
        $text = json_encode($str); //unicode
        $text = preg_replace_callback("/(\\\u[ed][0-9a-f]{3})/i", function ($str) {
            return addslashes($str[0]);
        }, $text); //emojiunicodedemoji\ud\ue
        return json_decode($text);

    public function userTextDecode($text) {
        $text = preg_replace_callback("/(\\\u[ed][0-9a-f]{3})/i", function ($str) {
            return addslashes($str[0]);
        }, $text);
        $text = stripcslashes($text);
        $text = json_encode($text); //unicode
        $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\\\\\/i', function ($text) {
            return '\\';
        }, $text); //
        return json_decode($text);

     * @param $article_id
     * @return array
    public function deleteArticle($article_id) {
        if (!$articleData = $this->getArticle($article_id)) {
            return returnVal(',');
        if ($articleData['staff_id'] != getUserID() && !isSuper()) {
            return returnVal('');
        if ($articleData['like_num'] > 0) {
            if (!$this->db->query("update oat_account_detail set like_num = like_num - " . $articleData['like_num'] . " where staff_id = ?", array(getUserID()))) {
                return returnVal('');
        $array = array(
            'article_id' => $article_id,
            'valid_flag' => 0
        if (!$this->db->update($this->table, 'article_id', $array)) {
            return returnVal('');
        return returnVal('', true);

     * @param $article_id
     * @return array
    public function getArticle($article_id) {
        if (!$article_id) {
            return false;
        $data = $this->db->fetch("select * from " . $this->table . " where article_id = ? and valid_flag = 1", array($article_id));
        if ($data) {
            $data['the_content'] = $this->userTextDecode($data['the_content']);
        return $data;

     * @param $data
     * @return array
    public function markLike($data) {
        if (!$articleData = $this->getArticle($data['article_id'])) {
            return returnVal(',');
        if ($articleData['valid_flag'] != 1) {
            return returnVal('');
        // ,,
        if (!$this->checkArticlePur($data['staff_id'], $articleData['staff_id'])) {
            return returnVal('');
        if ($likeData = $this->db->fetch("select * from oat_article_like_detail where article_id = ? and staff_id = ?", array($data['article_id'], $data['staff_id']))) {
            return returnVal(',');
        if (!$this->db->query("update oat_article set like_num = like_num + 1 where article_id = ?", array($data['article_id']))) {
            return returnVal('');
        if (!$this->db->insert("oat_article_like_detail", $data)) {
            return returnVal('');
        // ,
        if (!$this->db->query("update oat_account_detail set like_num = like_num + 1 where staff_id = ?", array($articleData['staff_id']))) {
            return returnVal('');
        $reportData = $this->getMonthReport($articleData['staff_id'], date("Y-m"));
        if ($reportData == -1) {
            return returnVal('');
        if ($reportData) {
            if (!$this->db->query("update oat_like_num_report_month set like_num = like_num + 1 where staff_id = ? and the_month = ?", array($articleData['staff_id'], date("Y-m")))) {
                return returnVal('2,');
        } else {
            $array = array(
                'staff_id' => $articleData['staff_id'],
                'the_month' => date("Y-m"),
                'like_num' => 1
            if (!$this->db->insert("oat_like_num_report_month", $array)) {
                return returnVal(',');
        $the_date = substr(date('Y-m-d w', strtotime('this week')), 0, 10);
        $reportData = $this->getWeekReport($articleData['staff_id'], $the_date);
        if ($reportData == -1) {
            return returnVal('');
        if ($reportData) {
            if (!$this->db->query("update oat_like_num_report_week set like_num = like_num + 1 where staff_id = ? and the_date = ?", array($articleData['staff_id'], $the_date))) {
                return returnVal('2,');
        } else {
            $array = array(
                'staff_id' => $articleData['staff_id'],
                'the_date' => $the_date,
                'like_num' => 1
            if (!$this->db->insert("oat_like_num_report_week", $array)) {
                return returnVal(',');
        return returnVal('', true);

     * @param $staff_id 
     * @param $pre_staff_id 
     * @return bool
    public function checkArticlePur($staff_id, $pre_staff_id) {
        if (!$this->db->fetch("select * from oat_focus_detail where staff_id = ? and pre_staff_id = ?", array($staff_id, $pre_staff_id))) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param $staff_id
     * @param $month
     * @return array
    public function getMonthReport($staff_id, $month) {
        if (!$staff_id || !verify::isDate($month . '-01')) {
            return -1;
        $reportData = $this->db->fetch("select * from oat_like_num_report_month where staff_id = ? and the_month = ?", array($staff_id, $month));
        if (!$reportData) {
            return false;
        return $reportData;

     * @param $staff_id
     * @param $the_date 
     * @return array
    public function getWeekReport($staff_id, $the_date) {
        if (!$staff_id || !verify::isDate($the_date)) {
            return -1;
        $reportData = $this->db->fetch("select * from oat_like_num_report_week where staff_id = ? and the_date = ?", array($staff_id, $the_date));
        if (!$reportData) {
            return false;
        return $reportData;

     * ()
     * @param $options
     * @param $staff_id
     * @return array
    public function getArticleList($options, $staff_id = 0) {
        $offset = intval(max($options['offset'], 0));
        $limit = intval(max($options['limit'], 10));
        if ($staff_id) {
            $tempStr = "a.staff_id = " . $staff_id;
        } else {
            if ($myFocusData = core::model('media_base_account')->getMyFocusList(getUserID())) {
                $list = array_column($myFocusData, 'staff_id');
                $list = implode(',', $list);
            $list = ($list ? ($list . ",") : "") . getUserID();
            $tempStr = "a.staff_id in (" . $list . ")";
        $sql = "select a.*, b.user_nick, case when ifnull(c.staff_id, 0) > 0 then 1 else 0 end like_flag
                  from oat_article a left join oat_article_like_detail c on (a.article_id = c.article_id and c.staff_id = " . getUserID() . "), oat_account_detail b
                 where a.valid_flag = 1
                   and a.staff_id = b.staff_id and " . $tempStr;
        $sql .= " order by a.created desc limit {$offset},{$limit}";
        $data = $this->db->fetchAll($sql);
        if ($data) {
            foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                $data[$k]['created'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['created']);
                $data[$k]['the_content'] = $this->userTextDecode($v['the_content']);
        return core::model('media_base_account')->formatAvatarList($data);


Function Calls





MD5 69adcdb588df81527373de667f525b00
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 120 ms