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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Alias;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\SetTypeToCastFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\SetTypeToCastFixer>
final class SetTypeToCastFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'null cast' => [
'<?php $foo = null;',
'<?php settype($foo, "null");',
yield 'null cast comments' => [
# 0
$foo = null# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9
# 10
# 0
settype# 1
# 2
(# 3
# 4
$foo# 5
# 6
,# 7
# 8
"null"# 9
)# 10
yield 'array + spacing' => [
'<?php $foo = (array) $foo;',
'<?php settype ( $foo , \'array\');',
yield 'bool + casing' => [
'<?php $foo = (bool) $foo;',
'<?php settype ( $foo , "Bool");',
yield 'boolean with extra space' => [
'<?php $foo = (bool) $foo;',
'<?php settype ( $foo , "boolean");',
yield 'double' => [
'<?php $foo = (float) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "double");',
yield 'float' => [
'<?php $foo = (float) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "float");',
yield 'float in loop' => [
'<?php while(a()){$foo = (float) $foo;}',
'<?php while(a()){settype($foo, "float");}',
yield 'int full caps' => [
'<?php $foo = (int) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "INT");',
yield 'integer (simple)' => [
'<?php $foo = (int) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'object' => [
'<?php echo 1; $foo = (object) $foo;',
'<?php echo 1; settype($foo, "object");',
yield 'string' => [
'<?php $foo = (string) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "string");',
yield 'string in function body' => [
'<?php function A(){ $foo = (string) $foo; return $foo; }',
'<?php function A(){ settype($foo, "string"); return $foo; }',
yield 'integer + no space' => [
'<?php $foo = (int) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo,"integer");',
yield 'no space comments' => [
'<?php /*0*//*1*/$foo = (int) $foo/*2*//*3*//*4*//*5*//*6*//*7*/;/*8*/',
'<?php /*0*//*1*/settype/*2*/(/*3*/$foo/*4*/,/*5*/"integer"/*6*/)/*7*/;/*8*/',
yield 'comments with line breaks' => [
'<?php #0
$foo = (int) $foo#2
'<?php #0
// do not fix cases
yield 'first argument is not a variable' => [
namespace A\B; // comment
function settype($a, $b){} // "
settype(1, "double");
yield 'first argument is variable followed by operation' => [
namespace A\B; // comment
function settype($a, $b){} // "
settype($foo + 1, "integer"); // function must be overridden, so do not fix it
yield 'wrong numbers of arguments' => [
'<?php settype($foo, "integer", $a);',
yield 'other namespace I' => [
'<?php a\settype($foo, "integer", $a);',
yield 'other namespace II' => [
'<?php \settype($foo, "integer", $a);',
yield 'static call' => [
'<?php A::settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'member call' => [
'<?php $a->settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'unknown type' => [
'<?php $a->settype($foo, "foo");',
yield 'return value used I' => [
'<?php $a = settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'return value used II' => [
'<?php a(settype($foo, "integer"));',
yield 'return value used III' => [
'<?php $a = "123"; $b = [settype($a, "integer")];',
yield 'return value used IV' => [
'<?php $a = "123"; $b = [3 => settype($a, "integer")];',
yield 'return value used V' => [
'<?= settype($foo, "object");',
yield 'wrapped statements, fixable after removing the useless parenthesis brace' => [
settype(/*1*//*2*/($a), \'int\');
settype($b, (\'int\'));
settype(($c), (\'int\'));
settype((($d)), ((\'int\')));
yield 'wrapped statements, not-fixable, even after removing the useless parenthesis brace' => [
namespace A\B; // comment
function settype($a, $b){} // "
settype($foo1, (("integer")."1"));
settype($foo2, ("1".("integer")));
settype($foo3, ((("integer")."1")));
settype((($foo)+1), "integer");
yield 'nested is not an issue for this fixer, as these non may be fixed' => [
settype($foo, settype($foo, "double"));
settype(settype($foo, "double"), "double");
yield 'unknown type II' => [
'<?php settype($foo, "stringX");',
yield 'boolean' => [
'<?php $foo = (bool) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "boolean", );',
yield 'comments with line breaks II' => [
'<?php #0
$foo = (int) $foo#2
'<?php #0
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Alias;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\SetTypeToCastFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\SetTypeToCastFixer>
final class SetTypeToCastFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'null cast' => [
'<?php $foo = null;',
'<?php settype($foo, "null");',
yield 'null cast comments' => [
# 0
$foo = null# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9
# 10
# 0
settype# 1
# 2
(# 3
# 4
$foo# 5
# 6
,# 7
# 8
"null"# 9
)# 10
yield 'array + spacing' => [
'<?php $foo = (array) $foo;',
'<?php settype ( $foo , \'array\');',
yield 'bool + casing' => [
'<?php $foo = (bool) $foo;',
'<?php settype ( $foo , "Bool");',
yield 'boolean with extra space' => [
'<?php $foo = (bool) $foo;',
'<?php settype ( $foo , "boolean");',
yield 'double' => [
'<?php $foo = (float) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "double");',
yield 'float' => [
'<?php $foo = (float) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "float");',
yield 'float in loop' => [
'<?php while(a()){$foo = (float) $foo;}',
'<?php while(a()){settype($foo, "float");}',
yield 'int full caps' => [
'<?php $foo = (int) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "INT");',
yield 'integer (simple)' => [
'<?php $foo = (int) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'object' => [
'<?php echo 1; $foo = (object) $foo;',
'<?php echo 1; settype($foo, "object");',
yield 'string' => [
'<?php $foo = (string) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "string");',
yield 'string in function body' => [
'<?php function A(){ $foo = (string) $foo; return $foo; }',
'<?php function A(){ settype($foo, "string"); return $foo; }',
yield 'integer + no space' => [
'<?php $foo = (int) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo,"integer");',
yield 'no space comments' => [
'<?php /*0*//*1*/$foo = (int) $foo/*2*//*3*//*4*//*5*//*6*//*7*/;/*8*/',
'<?php /*0*//*1*/settype/*2*/(/*3*/$foo/*4*/,/*5*/"integer"/*6*/)/*7*/;/*8*/',
yield 'comments with line breaks' => [
'<?php #0
$foo = (int) $foo#2
'<?php #0
// do not fix cases
yield 'first argument is not a variable' => [
namespace A\B; // comment
function settype($a, $b){} // "
settype(1, "double");
yield 'first argument is variable followed by operation' => [
namespace A\B; // comment
function settype($a, $b){} // "
settype($foo + 1, "integer"); // function must be overridden, so do not fix it
yield 'wrong numbers of arguments' => [
'<?php settype($foo, "integer", $a);',
yield 'other namespace I' => [
'<?php a\b\settype($foo, "integer", $a);',
yield 'other namespace II' => [
'<?php \b\settype($foo, "integer", $a);',
yield 'static call' => [
'<?php A::settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'member call' => [
'<?php $a->settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'unknown type' => [
'<?php $a->settype($foo, "foo");',
yield 'return value used I' => [
'<?php $a = settype($foo, "integer");',
yield 'return value used II' => [
'<?php a(settype($foo, "integer"));',
yield 'return value used III' => [
'<?php $a = "123"; $b = [settype($a, "integer")];',
yield 'return value used IV' => [
'<?php $a = "123"; $b = [3 => settype($a, "integer")];',
yield 'return value used V' => [
'<?= settype($foo, "object");',
yield 'wrapped statements, fixable after removing the useless parenthesis brace' => [
settype(/*1*//*2*/($a), \'int\');
settype($b, (\'int\'));
settype(($c), (\'int\'));
settype((($d)), ((\'int\')));
yield 'wrapped statements, not-fixable, even after removing the useless parenthesis brace' => [
namespace A\B; // comment
function settype($a, $b){} // "
settype($foo1, (("integer")."1"));
settype($foo2, ("1".("integer")));
settype($foo3, ((("integer")."1")));
settype((($foo)+1), "integer");
yield 'nested is not an issue for this fixer, as these non may be fixed' => [
settype($foo, settype($foo, "double"));
settype(settype($foo, "double"), "double");
yield 'unknown type II' => [
'<?php settype($foo, "stringX");',
yield 'boolean' => [
'<?php $foo = (bool) $foo;',
'<?php settype($foo, "boolean", );',
yield 'comments with line breaks II' => [
'<?php #0
$foo = (int) $foo#2
'<?php #0
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 6bef1e2b6360c0402eee8735b4986441 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 86 ms |