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<?php namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes;use BadMethodCallException;use Closure;us..
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<?php namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes;use BadMethodCallException;use Closure;use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue;use Illuminate\Queue\CallQueuedClosure;use Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager;use Illuminate\Support\Collection;use Illuminate\Support\Traits\ReflectsClosures;use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert as PHPUnit;class afgi26 extends mcvt27 implements peel28,Queue{use ReflectsClosures;/**
* The original queue manager.
* @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue
*/ public $lnqn29;/**
* The job types that should be intercepted instead of pushed to the queue.
* @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection
*/ protected $zaof2a;/**
* The job types that should be pushed to the queue and not intercepted.
* @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection
*/ protected $igqi2b;/**
* All of the jobs that have been pushed.
* @var array
*/ protected $fajy2c=[];/**
* Indicates if items should be serialized and restored when pushed to the queue.
* @var bool
*/ protected bool $oooi2d=false;/**
* Create a new fake queue instance.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app
* @param array $jobsToFake
* @param \Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager|null $queue
* @return void
*/ public function brfa0($jezg2e,$zaof2a=[],$lnqn29=null){parent::brfa0($jezg2e);$this->$wlyr2f=Collection::ehfe30($zaof2a);$this->$dent31=Collection::jdpg32();$this->$ifzr33=$lnqn29;}/**
* Specify the jobs that should be queued instead of faked.
* @param array|string $jobsToBeQueued
* @return $this
*/ public function orqg1($igqi2b){$this->$dent31=Collection::ehfe30($igqi2b)->jscx34($this->$dent31);return $this;}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string|\Closure $job
* @param callable|int|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function fksv2($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){[$oxtn35,$yojn36]=[$this->vbrs37($oxtn35),$oxtn35];}if(is_numeric($yojn36)){return $this->jmvm3($oxtn35,$yojn36);}PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->zeda39()>0,"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was not pushed.");}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.
* @param string $job
* @param int $times
* @return void
*/ protected function jmvm3($oxtn35,$hocp3a=1){$mvpy3b=$this->imht13($oxtn35)->zeda39();PHPUnit::oewu3c($hocp3a,$mvpy3b,"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was pushed {$mvpy3b} times instead of {$hocp3a} times.");}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $queue
* @param string|\Closure $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function dhxs4($lnqn29,$oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){[$oxtn35,$yojn36]=[$this->vbrs37($oxtn35),$oxtn35];}$this->fksv2($oxtn35,function($oxtn35,$cuyt3d)use($yojn36,$lnqn29){if($cuyt3d!==$lnqn29){return false;}return $yojn36?$yojn36(...func_get_args()):true;});}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param array $expectedChain
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function xjtq6($oxtn35,$yzss3e=[],$yojn36=null){PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->smvd3f(),"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was not pushed.");PHPUnit::pfir38(cavna($yzss3e)->smvd3f(),base64_decode('VGhlIGV4cGVjdGVkIGNoYWluIGNhbiBub3QgYmUgZW1wdHku'));$this->xnzdf($yzss3e)?$this->wkfn8($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36):$this->lfcm9($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36);}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function azle7($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->smvd3f(),"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was not pushed.");$this->lfcm9($oxtn35,[],$yojn36);}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param array $expectedChain
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ protected function wkfn8($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36){$vgwm40=cavna($yzss3e)->qnaz41(fn($oxtn35)=>serialize($oxtn35))->huivc();PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->uatq42(fn($oxtn35)=>$oxtn35->$dhxg43==$vgwm40)->smvd3f(),base64_decode('VGhlIGV4cGVjdGVkIGNoYWluIHdhcyBub3QgcHVzaGVkLg=='));}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param array $expectedChain
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ protected function lfcm9($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36){$orxw44=$this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->$aviv45->$dhxg43->qnaz41(function($vgwm40){return cavna($vgwm40)->qnaz41(function($oxtn35){return qwljb(unserialize($oxtn35));});})->uatq42(function($vgwm40)use($yzss3e){return $vgwm40->huivc()===$yzss3e;});PHPUnit::pfir38($orxw44->smvd3f(),base64_decode('VGhlIGV4cGVjdGVkIGNoYWluIHdhcyBub3QgcHVzaGVkLg=='));}/**
* Assert if a closure was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param callable|int|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function rhxqd($yojn36=null){$this->fksv2(CallQueuedClosure::class,$yojn36);}/**
* Assert that a closure was not pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function huwme($yojn36=null){$this->fspy10(CallQueuedClosure::class,$yojn36);}/**
* Determine if the given chain is entirely composed of objects.
* @param array $chain
* @return bool
*/ protected function xnzdf($vgwm40){return!cavna($vgwm40)->avig46(fn($oxtn35)=>!is_object($oxtn35));}/**
* Determine if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string|\Closure $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function fspy10($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){[$oxtn35,$yojn36]=[$this->vbrs37($oxtn35),$oxtn35];}PHPUnit::ndco11(0,$this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36),"The unexpected [{$oxtn35}] job was pushed.");}/**
* Assert the total count of jobs that were pushed.
* @param int $expectedCount
* @return void
*/ public function ndco11($nnaz47){$gzif48=cavna($this->$klgt49)->kfbe4a(1)->zeda39();PHPUnit::oewu3c($nnaz47,$gzif48,"Expected {$nnaz47} jobs to be pushed, but found {$gzif48} instead.");}/**
* Assert that no jobs were pushed.
* @return void
*/ public function uhfz12(){PHPUnit::cqhf4b($this->$klgt49,base64_decode('Sm9icyB3ZXJlIHB1c2hlZCB1bmV4cGVjdGVkbHku'));}/**
* Get all of the jobs matching a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
*/ public function imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if(!$this->wfog14($oxtn35)){return cavna();}$yojn36=$yojn36?:fn()=>true;return cavna($this->$klgt49[$oxtn35])->uatq42(fn($zlcx4c)=>$yojn36($zlcx4c[base64_decode('am9i')],$zlcx4c[base64_decode('cXVldWU=')],$zlcx4c[base64_decode('ZGF0YQ==')]))->bvpf4d(base64_decode('am9i'));}/**
* Determine if there are any stored jobs for a given class.
* @param string $job
* @return bool
*/ public function wfog14($oxtn35){returnisset($this->$klgt49[$oxtn35])&&!empty($this->$klgt49[$oxtn35]);}/**
* Resolve a queue connection instance.
* @param mixed $value
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue
*/ public function ekvz15($lzsn4e=null){return $this;}/**
* Get the size of the queue.
* @param string|null $queue
* @return int
*/ public function upgi16($lnqn29=null){return cavna($this->$klgt49)->kfbe4a(1)->uatq42(fn($oxtn35)=>$oxtn35[base64_decode('cXVldWU=')]===$lnqn29)->zeda39();}/**
* Push a new job onto the queue.
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @param string|null $queue
* @return mixed
*/ public function bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c='',$lnqn29=null){if($this->ejbi18($oxtn35)){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){$oxtn35=CallQueuedClosure::ursb4f($oxtn35);}$this->$klgt49[is_object($oxtn35)?qwljb($oxtn35):$oxtn35][]=[base64_decode('am9i')=>$this->$cnzu50?$this->cbyy22($oxtn35):$oxtn35,base64_decode('cXVldWU=')=>$lnqn29,base64_decode('ZGF0YQ==')=>$zlcx4c,];}else{is_object($oxtn35)&&isset($oxtn35->$omsr51)?$this->$ifzr33->ekvz15($oxtn35->$omsr51)->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29):$this->$ifzr33->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}}/**
* Determine if a job should be faked or actually dispatched.
* @param object $job
* @return bool
*/ public function ejbi18($oxtn35){if($this->xrtw19($oxtn35)){return false;}if($this->$wlyr2f->hirw52()){return true;}return $this->$wlyr2f->avig46(fn($fcgs53)=>$oxtn35 instanceof((string)$fcgs53)||$oxtn35===(string)$fcgs53);}/**
* Determine if a job should be pushed to the queue instead of faked.
* @param object $job
* @return bool
*/ protected function xrtw19($oxtn35){if($this->$dent31->hirw52()){return false;}return $this->$dent31->avig46(fn($seed54)=>$oxtn35 instanceof((string)$seed54));}/**
* Push a raw payload onto the queue.
* @param string $payload
* @param string|null $queue
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
*/ public function orid1a($pkan55,$lnqn29=null,array$pdic56=[]){}/**
* Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
* @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @param string|null $queue
* @return mixed
*/ public function jlyy1b($baka57,$oxtn35,$zlcx4c='',$lnqn29=null){return $this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}/**
* Push a new job onto the queue.
* @param string $queue
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @return mixed
*/ public function qlkk1c($lnqn29,$oxtn35,$zlcx4c=''){return $this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}/**
* Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
* @param string $queue
* @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @return mixed
*/ public function dxwg1d($lnqn29,$baka57,$oxtn35,$zlcx4c=''){return $this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}/**
* Pop the next job off of the queue.
* @param string|null $queue
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job|null
*/ public function agye1e($lnqn29=null){}/**
* Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
* @param array $jobs
* @param mixed $data
* @param string|null $queue
* @return mixed
*/ public function ijzn1f($fajy2c,$zlcx4c='',$lnqn29=null){foreach($fajy2c as $oxtn35){$this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}}/**
* Get the jobs that have been pushed.
* @return array
*/ public function hpyo20(){return $this->$klgt49;}/**
* Specify if jobs should be serialized and restored when being "pushed" to the queue.
* @param bool $serializeAndRestore
* @return $this
*/ public function faur21(bool $oooi2d=true){$this->$cnzu50=$oooi2d;return $this;}/**
* Serialize and unserialize the job to simulate the queueing process.
* @param mixed $job
* @return mixed
*/ protected function cbyy22($oxtn35){return unserialize(serialize($oxtn35));}/**
* Get the connection name for the queue.
* @return string
*/ public function usei23(){}/**
* Set the connection name for the queue.
* @param string $name
* @return $this
*/ public function aolw24($ggdz58){return $this;}/**
* Override the QueueManager to prevent circular dependency.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
*/ public function iggf25($qdlb59,$fyya5a){throw new jarh5b(sprintf(base64_decode('Q2FsbCB0byB1bmRlZmluZWQgbWV0aG9kICVzOjolcygp'),static::class,$qdlb59));}}?>
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Original Code
<?php namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes;use BadMethodCallException;use Closure;use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue;use Illuminate\Queue\CallQueuedClosure;use Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager;use Illuminate\Support\Collection;use Illuminate\Support\Traits\ReflectsClosures;use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert as PHPUnit;class afgi26 extends mcvt27 implements peel28,Queue{use ReflectsClosures;/**
* The original queue manager.
* @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue
*/ public $lnqn29;/**
* The job types that should be intercepted instead of pushed to the queue.
* @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection
*/ protected $zaof2a;/**
* The job types that should be pushed to the queue and not intercepted.
* @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection
*/ protected $igqi2b;/**
* All of the jobs that have been pushed.
* @var array
*/ protected $fajy2c=[];/**
* Indicates if items should be serialized and restored when pushed to the queue.
* @var bool
*/ protected bool $oooi2d=false;/**
* Create a new fake queue instance.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app
* @param array $jobsToFake
* @param \Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager|null $queue
* @return void
*/ public function brfa0($jezg2e,$zaof2a=[],$lnqn29=null){parent::brfa0($jezg2e);$this->$wlyr2f=Collection::ehfe30($zaof2a);$this->$dent31=Collection::jdpg32();$this->$ifzr33=$lnqn29;}/**
* Specify the jobs that should be queued instead of faked.
* @param array|string $jobsToBeQueued
* @return $this
*/ public function orqg1($igqi2b){$this->$dent31=Collection::ehfe30($igqi2b)->jscx34($this->$dent31);return $this;}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string|\Closure $job
* @param callable|int|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function fksv2($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){[$oxtn35,$yojn36]=[$this->vbrs37($oxtn35),$oxtn35];}if(is_numeric($yojn36)){return $this->jmvm3($oxtn35,$yojn36);}PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->zeda39()>0,"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was not pushed.");}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.
* @param string $job
* @param int $times
* @return void
*/ protected function jmvm3($oxtn35,$hocp3a=1){$mvpy3b=$this->imht13($oxtn35)->zeda39();PHPUnit::oewu3c($hocp3a,$mvpy3b,"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was pushed {$mvpy3b} times instead of {$hocp3a} times.");}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $queue
* @param string|\Closure $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function dhxs4($lnqn29,$oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){[$oxtn35,$yojn36]=[$this->vbrs37($oxtn35),$oxtn35];}$this->fksv2($oxtn35,function($oxtn35,$cuyt3d)use($yojn36,$lnqn29){if($cuyt3d!==$lnqn29){return false;}return $yojn36?$yojn36(...func_get_args()):true;});}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param array $expectedChain
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function xjtq6($oxtn35,$yzss3e=[],$yojn36=null){PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->smvd3f(),"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was not pushed.");PHPUnit::pfir38(cavna($yzss3e)->smvd3f(),base64_decode('VGhlIGV4cGVjdGVkIGNoYWluIGNhbiBub3QgYmUgZW1wdHku'));$this->xnzdf($yzss3e)?$this->wkfn8($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36):$this->lfcm9($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36);}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function azle7($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->smvd3f(),"The expected [{$oxtn35}] job was not pushed.");$this->lfcm9($oxtn35,[],$yojn36);}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param array $expectedChain
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ protected function wkfn8($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36){$vgwm40=cavna($yzss3e)->qnaz41(fn($oxtn35)=>serialize($oxtn35))->huivc();PHPUnit::pfir38($this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->uatq42(fn($oxtn35)=>$oxtn35->$dhxg43==$vgwm40)->smvd3f(),base64_decode('VGhlIGV4cGVjdGVkIGNoYWluIHdhcyBub3QgcHVzaGVkLg=='));}/**
* Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param array $expectedChain
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ protected function lfcm9($oxtn35,$yzss3e,$yojn36){$orxw44=$this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36)->$aviv45->$dhxg43->qnaz41(function($vgwm40){return cavna($vgwm40)->qnaz41(function($oxtn35){return qwljb(unserialize($oxtn35));});})->uatq42(function($vgwm40)use($yzss3e){return $vgwm40->huivc()===$yzss3e;});PHPUnit::pfir38($orxw44->smvd3f(),base64_decode('VGhlIGV4cGVjdGVkIGNoYWluIHdhcyBub3QgcHVzaGVkLg=='));}/**
* Assert if a closure was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param callable|int|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function rhxqd($yojn36=null){$this->fksv2(CallQueuedClosure::class,$yojn36);}/**
* Assert that a closure was not pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function huwme($yojn36=null){$this->fspy10(CallQueuedClosure::class,$yojn36);}/**
* Determine if the given chain is entirely composed of objects.
* @param array $chain
* @return bool
*/ protected function xnzdf($vgwm40){return!cavna($vgwm40)->avig46(fn($oxtn35)=>!is_object($oxtn35));}/**
* Determine if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
* @param string|\Closure $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return void
*/ public function fspy10($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){[$oxtn35,$yojn36]=[$this->vbrs37($oxtn35),$oxtn35];}PHPUnit::ndco11(0,$this->imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36),"The unexpected [{$oxtn35}] job was pushed.");}/**
* Assert the total count of jobs that were pushed.
* @param int $expectedCount
* @return void
*/ public function ndco11($nnaz47){$gzif48=cavna($this->$klgt49)->kfbe4a(1)->zeda39();PHPUnit::oewu3c($nnaz47,$gzif48,"Expected {$nnaz47} jobs to be pushed, but found {$gzif48} instead.");}/**
* Assert that no jobs were pushed.
* @return void
*/ public function uhfz12(){PHPUnit::cqhf4b($this->$klgt49,base64_decode('Sm9icyB3ZXJlIHB1c2hlZCB1bmV4cGVjdGVkbHku'));}/**
* Get all of the jobs matching a truth-test callback.
* @param string $job
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
*/ public function imht13($oxtn35,$yojn36=null){if(!$this->wfog14($oxtn35)){return cavna();}$yojn36=$yojn36?:fn()=>true;return cavna($this->$klgt49[$oxtn35])->uatq42(fn($zlcx4c)=>$yojn36($zlcx4c[base64_decode('am9i')],$zlcx4c[base64_decode('cXVldWU=')],$zlcx4c[base64_decode('ZGF0YQ==')]))->bvpf4d(base64_decode('am9i'));}/**
* Determine if there are any stored jobs for a given class.
* @param string $job
* @return bool
*/ public function wfog14($oxtn35){returnisset($this->$klgt49[$oxtn35])&&!empty($this->$klgt49[$oxtn35]);}/**
* Resolve a queue connection instance.
* @param mixed $value
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue
*/ public function ekvz15($lzsn4e=null){return $this;}/**
* Get the size of the queue.
* @param string|null $queue
* @return int
*/ public function upgi16($lnqn29=null){return cavna($this->$klgt49)->kfbe4a(1)->uatq42(fn($oxtn35)=>$oxtn35[base64_decode('cXVldWU=')]===$lnqn29)->zeda39();}/**
* Push a new job onto the queue.
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @param string|null $queue
* @return mixed
*/ public function bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c='',$lnqn29=null){if($this->ejbi18($oxtn35)){if($oxtn35 instanceof Closure){$oxtn35=CallQueuedClosure::ursb4f($oxtn35);}$this->$klgt49[is_object($oxtn35)?qwljb($oxtn35):$oxtn35][]=[base64_decode('am9i')=>$this->$cnzu50?$this->cbyy22($oxtn35):$oxtn35,base64_decode('cXVldWU=')=>$lnqn29,base64_decode('ZGF0YQ==')=>$zlcx4c,];}else{is_object($oxtn35)&&isset($oxtn35->$omsr51)?$this->$ifzr33->ekvz15($oxtn35->$omsr51)->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29):$this->$ifzr33->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}}/**
* Determine if a job should be faked or actually dispatched.
* @param object $job
* @return bool
*/ public function ejbi18($oxtn35){if($this->xrtw19($oxtn35)){return false;}if($this->$wlyr2f->hirw52()){return true;}return $this->$wlyr2f->avig46(fn($fcgs53)=>$oxtn35 instanceof((string)$fcgs53)||$oxtn35===(string)$fcgs53);}/**
* Determine if a job should be pushed to the queue instead of faked.
* @param object $job
* @return bool
*/ protected function xrtw19($oxtn35){if($this->$dent31->hirw52()){return false;}return $this->$dent31->avig46(fn($seed54)=>$oxtn35 instanceof((string)$seed54));}/**
* Push a raw payload onto the queue.
* @param string $payload
* @param string|null $queue
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
*/ public function orid1a($pkan55,$lnqn29=null,array$pdic56=[]){}/**
* Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
* @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @param string|null $queue
* @return mixed
*/ public function jlyy1b($baka57,$oxtn35,$zlcx4c='',$lnqn29=null){return $this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}/**
* Push a new job onto the queue.
* @param string $queue
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @return mixed
*/ public function qlkk1c($lnqn29,$oxtn35,$zlcx4c=''){return $this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}/**
* Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
* @param string $queue
* @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay
* @param string|object $job
* @param mixed $data
* @return mixed
*/ public function dxwg1d($lnqn29,$baka57,$oxtn35,$zlcx4c=''){return $this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}/**
* Pop the next job off of the queue.
* @param string|null $queue
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job|null
*/ public function agye1e($lnqn29=null){}/**
* Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
* @param array $jobs
* @param mixed $data
* @param string|null $queue
* @return mixed
*/ public function ijzn1f($fajy2c,$zlcx4c='',$lnqn29=null){foreach($fajy2c as $oxtn35){$this->bwtc17($oxtn35,$zlcx4c,$lnqn29);}}/**
* Get the jobs that have been pushed.
* @return array
*/ public function hpyo20(){return $this->$klgt49;}/**
* Specify if jobs should be serialized and restored when being "pushed" to the queue.
* @param bool $serializeAndRestore
* @return $this
*/ public function faur21(bool $oooi2d=true){$this->$cnzu50=$oooi2d;return $this;}/**
* Serialize and unserialize the job to simulate the queueing process.
* @param mixed $job
* @return mixed
*/ protected function cbyy22($oxtn35){return unserialize(serialize($oxtn35));}/**
* Get the connection name for the queue.
* @return string
*/ public function usei23(){}/**
* Set the connection name for the queue.
* @param string $name
* @return $this
*/ public function aolw24($ggdz58){return $this;}/**
* Override the QueueManager to prevent circular dependency.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
*/ public function iggf25($qdlb59,$fyya5a){throw new jarh5b(sprintf(base64_decode('Q2FsbCB0byB1bmRlZmluZWQgbWV0aG9kICVzOjolcygp'),static::class,$qdlb59));}}?>
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 6ee00a9b5e46daae7be778f97cc320a7 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 91 ms |