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<?php namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Variable; use Ph..
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namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Variable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class NonPeriodic
const FINANCIAL_PRECISION = 1.0e-08;
const DEFAULT_GUESS = 0.1;
* Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
* Excel Function:
* =XIRR(values,dates,guess)
* @param float[] $values A series of cash flow payments
* The series of values must contain at least one positive value & one negative value
* @param mixed[] $dates A series of payment dates
* The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments
* All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order
* @param mixed $guess An optional guess at the expected answer
public static function rate(array $values, array $dates, mixed $guess = self::DEFAULT_GUESS): float|string
$rslt = self::xirrPart1($values, $dates);
if ($rslt !== '') {
return $rslt;
// create an initial range, with a root somewhere between 0 and guess
$guess = Functions::flattenSingleValue($guess) ?? self::DEFAULT_GUESS;
if (!is_numeric($guess)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$guess = ($guess + 0.0) ?: self::DEFAULT_GUESS;
$x1 = 0.0;
$x2 = $guess + 0.0;
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false);
$found = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
if (!is_numeric($f1)) {
return $f1;
if (!is_numeric($f2)) {
return $f2;
$f1 = (float) $f1;
$f2 = (float) $f2;
if (($f1 * $f2) < 0.0) {
$found = true;
} elseif (abs($f1) < abs($f2)) {
$x1 += 1.6 * ($x1 - $x2);
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
} else {
$x2 += 1.6 * ($x2 - $x1);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false);
if ($found) {
return self::xirrPart3($values, $dates, $x1, $x2);
// Newton-Raphson didn't work - try bisection
$x1 = $guess - 0.5;
$x2 = $guess + 0.5;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false, true);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($f1) || !is_numeric($f2)) {
if ($f1 * $f2 <= 0) {
$found = true;
$x1 -= 0.5;
$x2 += 0.5;
if ($found) {
return self::xirrBisection($values, $dates, $x1, $x2);
return ExcelError::NAN();
* Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
* To calculate the net present value for a series of cash flows that is periodic, use the NPV function.
* Excel Function:
* =XNPV(rate,values,dates)
* @param array|float $rate the discount rate to apply to the cash flows
* @param float[] $values A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates.
* The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs
* at the beginning of the investment.
* If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value.
* All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year.
* The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value.
* @param mixed[] $dates A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments.
* The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments.
* All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order.
public static function presentValue(array|float $rate, array $values, array $dates): float|string
return self::xnpvOrdered($rate, $values, $dates, true);
private static function bothNegAndPos(bool $neg, bool $pos): bool
return $neg && $pos;
private static function xirrPart1(mixed &$values, mixed &$dates): string
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$dates = Functions::flattenArray($dates);
$valuesIsArray = count($values) > 1;
$datesIsArray = count($dates) > 1;
if (!$valuesIsArray && !$datesIsArray) {
return ExcelError::NA();
if (count($values) != count($dates)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$datesCount = count($dates);
for ($i = 0; $i < $datesCount; ++$i) {
try {
$dates[$i] = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return self::xirrPart2($values);
private static function xirrPart2(array &$values): string
$valCount = count($values);
$foundpos = false;
$foundneg = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $valCount; ++$i) {
$fld = $values[$i];
if (!is_numeric($fld)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
} elseif ($fld > 0) {
$foundpos = true;
} elseif ($fld < 0) {
$foundneg = true;
if (!self::bothNegAndPos($foundneg, $foundpos)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return '';
private static function xirrPart3(array $values, array $dates, float $x1, float $x2): float|string
$f = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
if ($f < 0.0) {
$rtb = $x1;
$dx = $x2 - $x1;
} else {
$rtb = $x2;
$dx = $x1 - $x2;
$rslt = ExcelError::VALUE();
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$dx *= 0.5;
$x_mid = $rtb + $dx;
$f_mid = (float) self::xnpvOrdered($x_mid, $values, $dates, false);
if ($f_mid <= 0.0) {
$rtb = $x_mid;
if ((abs($f_mid) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) || (abs($dx) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION)) {
$rslt = $x_mid;
return $rslt;
private static function xirrBisection(array $values, array $dates, float $x1, float $x2): string|float
$rslt = ExcelError::NAN();
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$rslt = ExcelError::NAN();
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false, true);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($f1) || !is_numeric($f2)) {
$f1 = (float) $f1;
$f2 = (float) $f2;
if (abs($f1) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION && abs($f2) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) {
if ($f1 * $f2 > 0) {
$rslt = ($x1 + $x2) / 2;
$f3 = self::xnpvOrdered($rslt, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_float($f3)) {
if ($f3 * $f1 < 0) {
$x2 = $rslt;
} else {
$x1 = $rslt;
if (abs($f3) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) {
return $rslt;
private static function xnpvOrdered(mixed $rate, mixed $values, mixed $dates, bool $ordered = true, bool $capAtNegative1 = false): float|string
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$dates = Functions::flattenArray($dates);
$valCount = count($values);
try {
self::validateXnpv($rate, $values, $dates);
if ($capAtNegative1 && $rate <= -1) {
$rate = -1.0 + 1.0E-10;
$date0 = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[0]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$xnpv = 0.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $valCount; ++$i) {
if (!is_numeric($values[$i])) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
try {
$datei = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($date0 > $datei) {
$dif = $ordered ? ExcelError::NAN() : -((int) DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($datei, $date0, 'd'));
} else {
$dif = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($date0, $datei, 'd'));
if (!is_numeric($dif)) {
return $dif;
if ($rate <= -1.0) {
$xnpv += -abs($values[$i]) / (-1 - $rate) ** ($dif / 365);
} else {
$xnpv += $values[$i] / (1 + $rate) ** ($dif / 365);
return is_finite($xnpv) ? $xnpv : ExcelError::VALUE();
private static function validateXnpv(mixed $rate, array $values, array $dates): void
if (!is_numeric($rate)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$valCount = count($values);
if ($valCount != count($dates)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
if ($valCount > 1 && ((min($values) > 0) || (max($values) < 0))) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
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Original Code
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Variable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class NonPeriodic
const FINANCIAL_PRECISION = 1.0e-08;
const DEFAULT_GUESS = 0.1;
* Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
* Excel Function:
* =XIRR(values,dates,guess)
* @param float[] $values A series of cash flow payments
* The series of values must contain at least one positive value & one negative value
* @param mixed[] $dates A series of payment dates
* The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments
* All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order
* @param mixed $guess An optional guess at the expected answer
public static function rate(array $values, array $dates, mixed $guess = self::DEFAULT_GUESS): float|string
$rslt = self::xirrPart1($values, $dates);
if ($rslt !== '') {
return $rslt;
// create an initial range, with a root somewhere between 0 and guess
$guess = Functions::flattenSingleValue($guess) ?? self::DEFAULT_GUESS;
if (!is_numeric($guess)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$guess = ($guess + 0.0) ?: self::DEFAULT_GUESS;
$x1 = 0.0;
$x2 = $guess + 0.0;
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false);
$found = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
if (!is_numeric($f1)) {
return $f1;
if (!is_numeric($f2)) {
return $f2;
$f1 = (float) $f1;
$f2 = (float) $f2;
if (($f1 * $f2) < 0.0) {
$found = true;
} elseif (abs($f1) < abs($f2)) {
$x1 += 1.6 * ($x1 - $x2);
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
} else {
$x2 += 1.6 * ($x2 - $x1);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false);
if ($found) {
return self::xirrPart3($values, $dates, $x1, $x2);
// Newton-Raphson didn't work - try bisection
$x1 = $guess - 0.5;
$x2 = $guess + 0.5;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false, true);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($f1) || !is_numeric($f2)) {
if ($f1 * $f2 <= 0) {
$found = true;
$x1 -= 0.5;
$x2 += 0.5;
if ($found) {
return self::xirrBisection($values, $dates, $x1, $x2);
return ExcelError::NAN();
* Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
* To calculate the net present value for a series of cash flows that is periodic, use the NPV function.
* Excel Function:
* =XNPV(rate,values,dates)
* @param array|float $rate the discount rate to apply to the cash flows
* @param float[] $values A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates.
* The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs
* at the beginning of the investment.
* If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value.
* All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year.
* The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value.
* @param mixed[] $dates A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments.
* The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments.
* All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order.
public static function presentValue(array|float $rate, array $values, array $dates): float|string
return self::xnpvOrdered($rate, $values, $dates, true);
private static function bothNegAndPos(bool $neg, bool $pos): bool
return $neg && $pos;
private static function xirrPart1(mixed &$values, mixed &$dates): string
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$dates = Functions::flattenArray($dates);
$valuesIsArray = count($values) > 1;
$datesIsArray = count($dates) > 1;
if (!$valuesIsArray && !$datesIsArray) {
return ExcelError::NA();
if (count($values) != count($dates)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$datesCount = count($dates);
for ($i = 0; $i < $datesCount; ++$i) {
try {
$dates[$i] = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return self::xirrPart2($values);
private static function xirrPart2(array &$values): string
$valCount = count($values);
$foundpos = false;
$foundneg = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $valCount; ++$i) {
$fld = $values[$i];
if (!is_numeric($fld)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
} elseif ($fld > 0) {
$foundpos = true;
} elseif ($fld < 0) {
$foundneg = true;
if (!self::bothNegAndPos($foundneg, $foundpos)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return '';
private static function xirrPart3(array $values, array $dates, float $x1, float $x2): float|string
$f = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
if ($f < 0.0) {
$rtb = $x1;
$dx = $x2 - $x1;
} else {
$rtb = $x2;
$dx = $x1 - $x2;
$rslt = ExcelError::VALUE();
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$dx *= 0.5;
$x_mid = $rtb + $dx;
$f_mid = (float) self::xnpvOrdered($x_mid, $values, $dates, false);
if ($f_mid <= 0.0) {
$rtb = $x_mid;
if ((abs($f_mid) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) || (abs($dx) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION)) {
$rslt = $x_mid;
return $rslt;
private static function xirrBisection(array $values, array $dates, float $x1, float $x2): string|float
$rslt = ExcelError::NAN();
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$rslt = ExcelError::NAN();
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false, true);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($f1) || !is_numeric($f2)) {
$f1 = (float) $f1;
$f2 = (float) $f2;
if (abs($f1) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION && abs($f2) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) {
if ($f1 * $f2 > 0) {
$rslt = ($x1 + $x2) / 2;
$f3 = self::xnpvOrdered($rslt, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_float($f3)) {
if ($f3 * $f1 < 0) {
$x2 = $rslt;
} else {
$x1 = $rslt;
if (abs($f3) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) {
return $rslt;
private static function xnpvOrdered(mixed $rate, mixed $values, mixed $dates, bool $ordered = true, bool $capAtNegative1 = false): float|string
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$dates = Functions::flattenArray($dates);
$valCount = count($values);
try {
self::validateXnpv($rate, $values, $dates);
if ($capAtNegative1 && $rate <= -1) {
$rate = -1.0 + 1.0E-10;
$date0 = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[0]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$xnpv = 0.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $valCount; ++$i) {
if (!is_numeric($values[$i])) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
try {
$datei = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($date0 > $datei) {
$dif = $ordered ? ExcelError::NAN() : -((int) DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($datei, $date0, 'd'));
} else {
$dif = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($date0, $datei, 'd'));
if (!is_numeric($dif)) {
return $dif;
if ($rate <= -1.0) {
$xnpv += -abs($values[$i]) / (-1 - $rate) ** ($dif / 365);
} else {
$xnpv += $values[$i] / (1 + $rate) ** ($dif / 365);
return is_finite($xnpv) ? $xnpv : ExcelError::VALUE();
private static function validateXnpv(mixed $rate, array $values, array $dates): void
if (!is_numeric($rate)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$valCount = count($values);
if ($valCount != count($dates)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
if ($valCount > 1 && ((min($values) > 0) || (max($values) < 0))) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 6f789e4698d015bbc61400b4d0a51780 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 83 ms |