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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:35:32              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace oMhP1\Reflection; use IU9Lg\bwMFp\DOmkA; use InvalidArgumentException; use oMhp1\Reflection\QJK9c\RWRzS; use OmHp1\Reflection\qJK9c\ffvve; use OMhp1\Reflection\QJk9c\tYsGU; use OmHp1\Reflection\QJk9c\M3eYG; use OMHP1\Reflection\QJK9C\uRqZN; use OMHP1\Reflection\qjK9c\Q3KQ5; use OmHp1\Reflection\qjk9C\tiV0t; use OMhp1\Reflection\qjK9C\tn1F2; use omhP1\Reflection\qjK9C\OCYUJ; use OmhP1\Reflection\qjK9c\ddxnE; use oMHP1\Reflection\QjK9C\jbjpp; use OmHP1\Reflection\Qjk9c\B4gM2; use Omhp1\Reflection\QjK9c\g6SQZ; use oMhP1\Reflection\QJk9c\G90XT; use Omhp1\Reflection\qjk9c\sqHSM; use Omhp1\Reflection\QJK9C\PQi0H; use OmhP1\Reflection\QJK9C\R0ihz; use OmHp1\Reflection\qJk9C\omUwc; use Omhp1\Reflection\QJK9c\ElveX; use OmhP1\Reflection\qJK9c\eNk5q; use OmhP1\Reflection\qjK9c\GlHun; use OMHP1\Reflection\qjK9C\uDGZY; use OmHp1\Reflection\QJK9c\hGlpD; use oMHP1\Reflection\Qjk9c\CxPSL; use OMHp1\Reflection\qJK9c\eYH3M; use omHP1\Reflection\Qjk9c\T0uPE; use omHp1\Reflection\qjK9C\gP2QI; use omHP1\Reflection\SH2Db\LjI0o; use oMHp1\Reflection\Sh2DB\lWX_R; use OMHp1\Reflection\sh2Db\MrhrV; use OmHp1\Reflection\sH2db\Ic3D3; use omHp1\Reflection\sH2Db\yLVjM; use OmHP1\Reflection\sh2dB\BbBG6; use oMHp1\Reflection\sh2db\UnFpm; use OMHp1\Reflection\SH2dB\AaXCt; use oMhP1\Reflection\sH2db\TBMFf; use omHp1\Reflection\Sh2DB\ja29Q; use omHp1\Reflection\sH2DB\dEzxl; use OMHP1\Reflection\sh2dB\JSKu1; use OMhp1\Reflection\sh2Db\OOyA_; use Omhp1\Reflection\sH2DB\Y7RHB; use Omhp1\Reflection\SH2Db\PAk8u; use Omhp1\Reflection\SH2Db\AMy28; use oMhP1\Reflection\Sh2dB\KKQiL; use OmHp1\Reflection\Sh2db\MUHUS; use oMHP1\Reflection\SH2db\R0B3r; use OMhP1\Reflection\SH2dB\fBsVr; use oMhP1\Reflection\sh2DB\WP6xb; use Omhp1\Reflection\SH2Db\nT5eM; use OmHp1\Reflection\Sh2dB\BuaJ2; use omhp1\Reflection\SH2db\Scalar; use oMhP1\Reflection\Sh2Db\M3Tq4; use oMhp1\Reflection\SH2db\xlri7; use oMhP1\Reflection\sh2Db\Cv1Yx; use OmhP1\Reflection\sH2DB\This; use oMhp1\Reflection\Sh2Db\eLJkV; use YDz35\IAKs6\qYMnv\xh63P\EjFi0; use yDz35\IAKS6\qyMNV\xh63p\X0JRd; use ydz35\IaKS6\Qymnv\xh63P\QWosX; use yDZ35\IAKs6\qymnV\Xh63P\U1G3_; use yDZ35\IAKs6\qYmNV\ip8yb\A0yN3; use yDZ35\IAKS6\QYmnV\ip8yB\g2rm4; use YDZ35\IaKS6\qymnV\Ip8Yb\kx0Ai; use ydz35\iAKs6\qymnv\Ip8yb\boZbQ; use YdZ35\iaKs6\QYMNV\IP8Yb\h3JQw; use YDz35\iAKs6\qyMNv\Ip8yb\hOyTa; use ydZ35\Iaks6\QyMnV\iP8yB\C5pYp; use Ydz35\IakS6\qYmnV\Ip8Yb\MxySI; use yDz35\IaKs6\QYmNv\iP8YB\it8Dl; use yDZ35\iAKs6\QYMnv\Ip8YB\whfGD; use Ydz35\IAKs6\QYMnV\IP8Yb\NmVqP; use YDz35\iakS6\QYmNV\iP8yB\NYw3d; use YdZ35\IAkS6\qyMnv\iP8yb\wxPdG; use yDz35\IakS6\qymNv\ip8yb\Ra1Zv; use Ydz35\iaKs6\qYmNV\iP8yb\cCF8n; use Ydz35\iAKs6\qymnv\IP8Yb\YsCC0; use YDZ35\Iaks6\qYMNV\ip8Yb\mjc4e; use YDz35\iaks6\QYMnV\Ip8yB\jPemO; use Ydz35\iAkS6\pzZwT\PzZWT; use ydZ35\iAKs6\WFR3r\Mabh6; use yDz35\iakS6\WFr3R\Hw417; use yDZ35\iakS6\wFR3R\OkQLb; use ydZ35\iakS6\wfr3r\C93MN; use RuntimeException; use function array_filter; use function array_key_exists; use function array_map; use function array_reverse; use function class_exists; use function class_implements; use function get_class; use function in_array; use function sprintf; use function strpos; use function strtolower; use function trim; final class kU_EQ { private const wQYHR = "\"; private $yexJt = ["string" => Cv1YX::class, "class-string" => unFPM::class, "interface-string" => Y7RHb::class, "html-escaped-string" => tiV0t::class, "lowercase-string" => g90xT::class, "non-empty-lowercase-string" => OmuWc::class, "non-empty-string" => elVeX::class, "numeric-string" => gLHUn::class, "numeric" => ENk5q::class, "trait-string" => T0upe::class, "int" => Ooya_::class, "integer" => oOya_::class, "positive-int" => CxpSl::class, "negative-int" => SqhsM::class, "bool" => Ic3d3::class, "boolean" => ic3D3::class, "real" => JSku1::class, "float" => Jsku1::class, "double" => jskU1::class, "object" => wP6xB::class, "mixed" => kKqIL::class, "array" => lWx_R::class, "array-key" => mRHRv::class, "non-empty-array" => pqi0H::class, "resource" => buAJ2::class, "void" => eljKV::class, "null" => r0b3R::class, "scalar" => Scalar::class, "callback" => YlVjm::class, "callable" => YlVJM::class, "callable-string" => TYsGu::class, "false" => UrQzN::class, "true" => GP2qI::class, "literal-string" => G6sqZ::class, "self" => M3tq4::class, "$this" => This::class, "static" => XLrI7::class, "parent" => Nt5em::class, "iterable" => Amy28::class, "never" => MuHus::class, "list" => ddxNe::class, "non-empty-list" => R0ihz::class]; private $kAVvy; private $twohD; private $bO9oF; public function __construct(?FqsenResolver $PGGCx = null) { goto FHGdj; PKTFJ: $this->twohD = new C93Mn(new MaBH6()); goto Eg3lq; Eg3lq: $this->bO9oF = new pZZWT(); goto evQiq; FHGdj: $this->kAVvy = $PGGCx ?: new PgJgM(); goto PKTFJ; evQiq: } public function eugSS(string $UQtQS, ?Context $Fg4WV = null) : ip8yB { goto VQTDK; bbU06: $Gk_DD = new OkQlB($DwX70); goto GfbQU; GfbQU: $h_FXe = $this->FbJy2($Gk_DD); goto ybVHk; ybVHk: $UQtQS = $this->spEqE($h_FXe, $Fg4WV); goto dPHXA; Ftkd4: vEZwO: goto jhNp_; tRI9L: if ($UQtQS) { goto SdLuT; } goto LtUnm; jhNp_: $DwX70 = $this->bO9oF->tokenize($UQtQS); goto bbU06; VQTDK: $UQtQS = trim($UQtQS); goto tRI9L; SwbJ1: $Fg4WV = new jA29q(''); goto Ftkd4; z20i2: SdLuT: goto r9VGG; LtUnm: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Attempted to resolve "" . $UQtQS . "" but it appears to be empty"); goto z20i2; r9VGG: if (!($Fg4WV === null)) { goto vEZwO; } goto SwbJ1; dPHXA: return $this->Q0U7F($Gk_DD, $Fg4WV, $UQtQS); goto hWW9y; hWW9y: } public function SpEQE(?TypeNode $UQtQS, JA29q $Fg4WV) : ip8yb { goto qOpRQ; vV9zH: LfaAb: goto tYc8c; NNRRG: Vvw3L: goto nB0kj; cZb08: fhZco: goto vV9zH; UOfSQ: return new KKQIL(); goto NNRRG; qOpRQ: if (!($UQtQS === null)) { goto Vvw3L; } goto UOfSQ; nB0kj: switch (get_class($UQtQS)) { case Kx0aI::class: return new LWX_r($this->SPeQE($UQtQS->npD1q, $Fg4WV)); case G2RM4::class: goto oDPV3; oDPV3: switch ($UQtQS->JqYtt) { case G2rm4::gOYT3: return new rwRzs(...array_map(function (A0yN3 $bbNNw) use($Fg4WV) : ArrayShapeItem { return new fFVVe((string) $bbNNw->bHdne, $this->spEqE($bbNNw->TqnZH, $Fg4WV), $bbNNw->uYbtI); }, $UQtQS->wg_6S)); case G2Rm4::zp38J: return new JBJPp(...array_map(function (A0yn3 $bbNNw) use($Fg4WV) : ListShapeItem { return new b4GM2(null, $this->SpeQe($bbNNw->TqnZH, $Fg4WV), $bbNNw->uYbtI); }, $UQtQS->wg_6S)); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported array shape kind"); } goto gLrvq; kRW1s: o71Yp: goto uqis1; gLrvq: nALeo: goto kRW1s; uqis1: case Ra1Zv::class: return new UdGZy(...array_map(function (wXPDg $bbNNw) use($Fg4WV) : ObjectShapeItem { return new HGlpD((string) $bbNNw->bHdne, $this->SPeqe($bbNNw->TqnZH, $Fg4WV), $bbNNw->uYbtI); }, $UQtQS->wg_6S)); case boZBq::class: return $this->homNX($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); case mXYsi::class: return $this->qKk9P($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); case IT8dL::class: return $this->x9jmq($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); case whfgD::class: return $this->Z7YmT($UQtQS->name, $Fg4WV); case nmvqp::class: return new pAk8U(array_filter(array_map(function (mjC4E $wDNzm) use($Fg4WV) : Type { goto sKBS2; uwRZK: PXxiB: goto Z7d_5; DBrm1: if (!$UQtQS instanceof lJi0O) { goto PXxiB; } goto QPY6b; sKBS2: $UQtQS = $this->sPeqe($wDNzm, $Fg4WV); goto DBrm1; Z7d_5: return $UQtQS; goto PJv03; QPY6b: return new dEZXl($UQtQS); goto uwRZK; PJv03: }, $UQtQS->KwVeJ))); case NYW3D::class: $wDNzm = $this->sPEqE($UQtQS->npD1q, $Fg4WV); return new fBsvR($wDNzm); case jPeMO::class: return new Tbmff(array_filter(array_map(function (Mjc4E $wDNzm) use($Fg4WV) : Type { goto RXzc6; RXzc6: $UQtQS = $this->SPEqE($wDNzm, $Fg4WV); goto p36P2; rK5kX: return $UQtQS; goto RCFZr; jMhE9: return new dEzxL($UQtQS); goto IxY2n; p36P2: if (!$UQtQS instanceof Lji0o) { goto Q6u6_; } goto jMhE9; IxY2n: Q6u6_: goto rK5kX; RCFZr: }, $UQtQS->KwVeJ))); case YsCC0::class: return new This(); case c5pYP::class: case HoYtA::class: case Ccf8N::class: default: return new kkqiL(); } goto cZb08; tYc8c: } private function X9JMQ(IT8dl $UQtQS, JA29q $Fg4WV) : iP8Yb { goto BzKxc; BzKxc: switch (strtolower($UQtQS->npD1q->name)) { case "array": return $this->RjEsl($UQtQS->IXkib, $Fg4WV); case "class-string": goto OIOwt; QLiNu: if (!(!$uvVsx instanceof Wp6XB || $uvVsx->RKUqh() === null)) { goto F0ua0; } goto BzRDj; sgrc7: return new UNFpm($uvVsx->rKUQH()); goto KhPUL; LjfTJ: F0ua0: goto sgrc7; OIOwt: $uvVsx = $this->spEqe($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV); goto QLiNu; BzRDj: throw new RuntimeException($uvVsx . " is not a class string"); goto LjfTJ; KhPUL: case "interface-string": goto SEzi8; hFz5j: throw new RuntimeException($uvVsx . " is not a class string"); goto ynkkp; ACbT5: if (!(!$uvVsx instanceof WP6XB || $uvVsx->rkUqh() === null)) { goto qKXu6; } goto hFz5j; ynkkp: qKXu6: goto siRVJ; siRVJ: return new Y7rhb($uvVsx->Rkuqh()); goto Kt9Cj; SEzi8: $uvVsx = $this->sPeqe($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV); goto ACbT5; Kt9Cj: case "list": return new DDXne($this->sPEqE($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV)); case "non-empty-list": return new r0ihz($this->speQE($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV)); case "int": goto EU2QE; EU2QE: if (!(isset($UQtQS->IXkib[1]) === false)) { goto FV9Zg; } goto rJPAH; rJPAH: throw new RuntimeException("int<min,max> has not the correct format"); goto IEoHs; Qrz88: return new Tn1F2((string) $UQtQS->IXkib[0], (string) $UQtQS->IXkib[1]); goto AuMBZ; IEoHs: FV9Zg: goto Qrz88; AuMBZ: case "iterable": return new AMy28(...array_reverse(array_map(function (mjc4e $P0sWj) use($Fg4WV) : Type { return $this->sPeQe($P0sWj, $Fg4WV); }, $UQtQS->IXkib))); default: goto TH_YB; thzps: K4Psj: goto Ed4Bz; WXpiP: if (!($JHYH5 instanceof wP6XB === false)) { goto K4Psj; } goto GhutO; Ed4Bz: return new aAxct($JHYH5->rkuQH(), ...array_reverse(array_map(function (MJc4e $P0sWj) use($Fg4WV) : Type { return $this->SPEQe($P0sWj, $Fg4WV); }, $UQtQS->IXkib))); goto co4j9; TH_YB: $JHYH5 = $this->speQe($UQtQS->npD1q, $Fg4WV); goto WXpiP; GhutO: throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("%s is not a collection", (string) $JHYH5)); goto thzps; co4j9: } goto hkk0d; hkk0d: dtAVQ: goto dzIZl; dzIZl: cLv6N: goto Stsmt; Stsmt: } private function HomnX(boZbQ $UQtQS, jA29q $Fg4WV) : ylvjm { return new ylvjM(array_map(function (H3JQw $czg1K) use($Fg4WV) : CallableParameter { return new BbbG6($this->speqE($czg1K->npD1q, $Fg4WV), $czg1K->D9_RL !== '' ? trim($czg1K->D9_RL, "$") : null, $czg1K->jHx9m, $czg1K->rBvz2, $czg1K->ldGyk); }, $UQtQS->bsOiv), $this->speQe($UQtQS->e3ITd, $Fg4WV)); } private function QkK9p(mxYsI $UQtQS, Ja29Q $Fg4WV) : Ip8YB { goto O5sKD; WFZdm: N3zKw: goto Jd6k3; O5sKD: switch (true) { case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof X0JrD: return new OcyUj((int) $UQtQS->Jhs0V->vf_lX); case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof ejfI0: return new Q3Kq5((float) $UQtQS->Jhs0V->vf_lX); case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof QwOSX: return new EyH3m($UQtQS->Jhs0V->vf_lX); case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof u1G3_: return new M3Eyg($this->EuGSS($UQtQS->Jhs0V->YoZaW, $Fg4WV), $UQtQS->Jhs0V->name); default: throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unsupported constant type %s", get_class($UQtQS))); } goto WFZdm; Jd6k3: ZM3Sb: goto AazVc; AazVc: } private function z7ymT(string $UQtQS, ja29q $Fg4WV) : object { goto K9ou7; Scan1: y32UN: goto b4KkU; K9ou7: switch (true) { case $this->T5uY7($UQtQS): return $this->RAjbr($UQtQS); case $this->u6MLW($UQtQS): return $this->GfgPO($UQtQS); case $this->YVDxM($UQtQS): return $this->Gfgpo($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve type "" . $UQtQS . "", there is no known method to resolve it"); } goto xZ6dQ; xZ6dQ: s1wf3: goto Scan1; b4KkU: } public function YX7Y3(string $Tqw3a, string $Qd3pq) : void { goto HWXEl; E5_16: if (in_array(Ip8Yb::class, $ANPDb, true)) { goto ko3fu; } goto qGymn; APtpt: throw new InvalidArgumentException("The Value Object that needs to be created with a keyword "" . $Tqw3a . "" must be an existing class" . " but we could not find the class " . $Qd3pq); goto L_Tl1; b8r4j: throw new InvalidArgumentException("The Value Object that needs to be created with a keyword "" . $Tqw3a . "" must be an existing class" . " but we could not find the class " . $Qd3pq); goto XOTnA; HWXEl: if (class_exists($Qd3pq)) { goto SlYeN; } goto APtpt; OH479: $this->yexJt[$Tqw3a] = $Qd3pq; goto WOt19; pPxNm: ko3fu: goto OH479; qGymn: throw new InvalidArgumentException("The class "" . $Qd3pq . "" must implement the interface "phpDocumentor\Reflection\Type""); goto pPxNm; BdiU7: $ANPDb = class_implements($Qd3pq); goto kQqYK; L_Tl1: SlYeN: goto BdiU7; kQqYK: if (!($ANPDb === false)) { goto h2nFw; } goto b8r4j; XOTnA: h2nFw: goto E5_16; WOt19: } private function T5Uy7(string $UQtQS) : bool { return array_key_exists(strtolower($UQtQS), $this->yexJt); } private function yVDXm(string $UQtQS) : bool { return isset($UQtQS[0]) && $UQtQS[0] !== self::wQYHR && !$this->t5UY7($UQtQS); } private function U6MlW(string $UQtQS) : bool { return strpos($UQtQS, self::wQYHR) === 0; } private function rajBR(string $UQtQS) : ip8YB { $NNLzW = $this->yexJt[strtolower($UQtQS)]; return new $NNLzW(); } private function GfGPO(string $UQtQS, ?Context $Fg4WV = null) : Wp6XB { return new wp6Xb($this->kAVvy->EUGSs($UQtQS, $Fg4WV)); } private function RjeSL(array $PIxx9, ja29Q $Fg4WV) : lwx_r { goto IaSa1; ctGYt: gSBgx: goto MD97F; kkbx3: return new lwX_R(...$H3cmg); goto ctGYt; TLGYt: if (!($this->mOc4m($H3cmg[1]) || $H3cmg[1] instanceof MrHRV)) { goto gSBgx; } goto kkbx3; Bb4Ef: throw new RuntimeException("An array can have only integers or strings as keys"); goto JP180; Fu1XH: e0ZtK: goto TLGYt; GxFpV: GtClL: goto Bb4Ef; ynrBq: return new lwx_r(...$H3cmg); goto Fu1XH; KnQIA: if (!(isset($H3cmg[1]) === false)) { goto e0ZtK; } goto ynrBq; C0A9J: XAsCR: goto GxFpV; ZIDT3: return new Lwx_R(...$H3cmg); goto C0A9J; MD97F: if (!($H3cmg[1] instanceof tBMFF && $H3cmg[1]->getIterator()->count() === 2)) { goto GtClL; } goto jj32L; IaSa1: $H3cmg = array_reverse(array_map(function (MJc4e $eVlLe) use($Fg4WV) : Type { return $this->speQE($eVlLe, $Fg4WV); }, $PIxx9)); goto KnQIA; jj32L: if (!($this->Moc4m($H3cmg[1]->get(0)) && $this->moc4M($H3cmg[1]->get(1)))) { goto XAsCR; } goto ZIDT3; JP180: } private function mOC4m(?Type $UQtQS) : bool { return $UQtQS instanceof Cv1yx || $UQtQS instanceof ooyA_; } private function FbJY2(oKQlb $Gk_DD) : mJC4E { try { $h_FXe = $this->twohD->FBjy2($Gk_DD); } catch (Hw417 $SnVUs) { throw new RuntimeException($SnVUs->getMessage(), 0, $SnVUs); } return $h_FXe; } private function q0U7F(OKqLb $Gk_DD, ja29Q $Fg4WV, Ip8Yb $UQtQS) : ip8YB { goto VKTUp; wLcNB: if (!$Gk_DD->JCEOz(PzZWt::icei5)) { goto FyQH6; } goto SYyk6; hzdxU: goto KopZr; goto d14QR; WG9Ov: $UQtQS = new Tbmff([$UQtQS, $tkD8k]); goto yQTiW; YAL51: $tkD8k = $this->SPeQe($h_FXe, $Fg4WV); goto zttRd; Lc0CD: DOmKA::gEEQY("phpdocumentor/type-resolver", "", "Legacy nullable type detected, please update your code as\xa                you are using nullable types in a docblock. support will be removed in v2.0.0"); goto BFNEM; jzbna: $h_FXe = $this->fBJy2($Gk_DD); goto Iw0Xa; S3AL9: if (!$Gk_DD->JcEOZ(PzZWt::DOx93)) { goto Tv9m5; } goto jzbna; Iw0Xa: $tkD8k = $this->sPeQE($h_FXe, $Fg4WV); goto WG9Ov; Hevaw: KopZr: goto qp7zU; qp7zU: if (!$DySMw) { goto xM6mT; } goto x5R84; SYyk6: $h_FXe = $this->twohD->FBjy2($Gk_DD); goto YAL51; eE5BD: $DySMw = true; goto pHBJ3; zttRd: $UQtQS = new PAK8u([$UQtQS, $tkD8k]); goto eE5BD; AStO9: Uvw5d: goto wLcNB; Jn8Qi: $DySMw = true; goto Hevaw; VKTUp: if (!($Gk_DD->gEDoG(pzZWT::DOx93) || $Gk_DD->gedoG(PZzWT::icei5))) { goto EtWj8; } goto Lc0CD; NvadF: Tv9m5: goto AStO9; x5R84: $DySMw = false; goto bQkog; g3FBY: goto j3SrZ; goto NvadF; BFNEM: EtWj8: goto Jn8Qi; bQkog: j3SrZ: goto S3AL9; y1_mn: return $UQtQS; goto TwQxJ; YtiDs: FyQH6: goto hzdxU; d14QR: xM6mT: goto y1_mn; pHBJ3: goto Uvw5d; goto YtiDs; yQTiW: $DySMw = true; goto g3FBY; TwQxJ: } } ?>

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:35:32              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace oMhP1\Reflection; use IU9Lg\bwMFp\DOmkA; use InvalidArgumentException; use oMhp1\Reflection\QJK9c\RWRzS; use OmHp1\Reflection\qJK9c\ffvve; use OMhp1\Reflection\QJk9c\tYsGU; use OmHp1\Reflection\QJk9c\M3eYG; use OMHP1\Reflection\QJK9C\uRqZN; use OMHP1\Reflection\qjK9c\Q3KQ5; use OmHp1\Reflection\qjk9C\tiV0t; use OMhp1\Reflection\qjK9C\tn1F2; use omhP1\Reflection\qjK9C\OCYUJ; use OmhP1\Reflection\qjK9c\ddxnE; use oMHP1\Reflection\QjK9C\jbjpp; use OmHP1\Reflection\Qjk9c\B4gM2; use Omhp1\Reflection\QjK9c\g6SQZ; use oMhP1\Reflection\QJk9c\G90XT; use Omhp1\Reflection\qjk9c\sqHSM; use Omhp1\Reflection\QJK9C\PQi0H; use OmhP1\Reflection\QJK9C\R0ihz; use OmHp1\Reflection\qJk9C\omUwc; use Omhp1\Reflection\QJK9c\ElveX; use OmhP1\Reflection\qJK9c\eNk5q; use OmhP1\Reflection\qjK9c\GlHun; use OMHP1\Reflection\qjK9C\uDGZY; use OmHp1\Reflection\QJK9c\hGlpD; use oMHP1\Reflection\Qjk9c\CxPSL; use OMHp1\Reflection\qJK9c\eYH3M; use omHP1\Reflection\Qjk9c\T0uPE; use omHp1\Reflection\qjK9C\gP2QI; use omHP1\Reflection\SH2Db\LjI0o; use oMHp1\Reflection\Sh2DB\lWX_R; use OMHp1\Reflection\sh2Db\MrhrV; use OmHp1\Reflection\sH2db\Ic3D3; use omHp1\Reflection\sH2Db\yLVjM; use OmHP1\Reflection\sh2dB\BbBG6; use oMHp1\Reflection\sh2db\UnFpm; use OMHp1\Reflection\SH2dB\AaXCt; use oMhP1\Reflection\sH2db\TBMFf; use omHp1\Reflection\Sh2DB\ja29Q; use omHp1\Reflection\sH2DB\dEzxl; use OMHP1\Reflection\sh2dB\JSKu1; use OMhp1\Reflection\sh2Db\OOyA_; use Omhp1\Reflection\sH2DB\Y7RHB; use Omhp1\Reflection\SH2Db\PAk8u; use Omhp1\Reflection\SH2Db\AMy28; use oMhP1\Reflection\Sh2dB\KKQiL; use OmHp1\Reflection\Sh2db\MUHUS; use oMHP1\Reflection\SH2db\R0B3r; use OMhP1\Reflection\SH2dB\fBsVr; use oMhP1\Reflection\sh2DB\WP6xb; use Omhp1\Reflection\SH2Db\nT5eM; use OmHp1\Reflection\Sh2dB\BuaJ2; use omhp1\Reflection\SH2db\Scalar; use oMhP1\Reflection\Sh2Db\M3Tq4; use oMhp1\Reflection\SH2db\xlri7; use oMhP1\Reflection\sh2Db\Cv1Yx; use OmhP1\Reflection\sH2DB\This; use oMhp1\Reflection\Sh2Db\eLJkV; use YDz35\IAKs6\qYMnv\xh63P\EjFi0; use yDz35\IAKS6\qyMNV\xh63p\X0JRd; use ydz35\IaKS6\Qymnv\xh63P\QWosX; use yDZ35\IAKs6\qymnV\Xh63P\U1G3_; use yDZ35\IAKs6\qYmNV\ip8yb\A0yN3; use yDZ35\IAKS6\QYmnV\ip8yB\g2rm4; use YDZ35\IaKS6\qymnV\Ip8Yb\kx0Ai; use ydz35\iAKs6\qymnv\Ip8yb\boZbQ; use YdZ35\iaKs6\QYMNV\IP8Yb\h3JQw; use YDz35\iAKs6\qyMNv\Ip8yb\hOyTa; use ydZ35\Iaks6\QyMnV\iP8yB\C5pYp; use Ydz35\IakS6\qYmnV\Ip8Yb\MxySI; use yDz35\IaKs6\QYmNv\iP8YB\it8Dl; use yDZ35\iAKs6\QYMnv\Ip8YB\whfGD; use Ydz35\IAKs6\QYMnV\IP8Yb\NmVqP; use YDz35\iakS6\QYmNV\iP8yB\NYw3d; use YdZ35\IAkS6\qyMnv\iP8yb\wxPdG; use yDz35\IakS6\qymNv\ip8yb\Ra1Zv; use Ydz35\iaKs6\qYmNV\iP8yb\cCF8n; use Ydz35\iAKs6\qymnv\IP8Yb\YsCC0; use YDZ35\Iaks6\qYMNV\ip8Yb\mjc4e; use YDz35\iaks6\QYMnV\Ip8yB\jPemO; use Ydz35\iAkS6\pzZwT\PzZWT; use ydZ35\iAKs6\WFR3r\Mabh6; use yDz35\iakS6\WFr3R\Hw417; use yDZ35\iakS6\wFR3R\OkQLb; use ydZ35\iakS6\wfr3r\C93MN; use RuntimeException; use function array_filter; use function array_key_exists; use function array_map; use function array_reverse; use function class_exists; use function class_implements; use function get_class; use function in_array; use function sprintf; use function strpos; use function strtolower; use function trim; final class kU_EQ { private const wQYHR = "\x5c"; private $yexJt = ["\x73\x74\x72\151\156\147" => Cv1YX::class, "\x63\x6c\x61\x73\163\55\x73\x74\x72\x69\156\147" => unFPM::class, "\x69\156\164\x65\162\x66\141\x63\x65\55\163\x74\x72\151\156\x67" => Y7RHb::class, "\150\164\155\x6c\x2d\145\163\x63\x61\x70\x65\144\55\163\x74\x72\151\x6e\x67" => tiV0t::class, "\x6c\157\x77\145\x72\143\x61\163\145\x2d\163\x74\x72\151\156\147" => g90xT::class, "\156\157\156\55\x65\155\160\164\171\x2d\154\x6f\x77\145\x72\x63\x61\163\145\55\x73\x74\x72\151\x6e\147" => OmuWc::class, "\x6e\157\x6e\55\145\155\160\164\x79\55\163\x74\162\151\156\x67" => elVeX::class, "\x6e\165\x6d\x65\x72\x69\143\55\x73\164\162\151\156\x67" => gLHUn::class, "\156\165\155\145\162\x69\143" => ENk5q::class, "\x74\x72\x61\x69\x74\55\163\x74\162\x69\x6e\147" => T0upe::class, "\x69\156\164" => Ooya_::class, "\151\x6e\x74\145\x67\x65\162" => oOya_::class, "\x70\157\163\x69\x74\151\x76\x65\x2d\151\x6e\x74" => CxpSl::class, "\156\x65\147\x61\164\x69\166\145\55\151\156\x74" => SqhsM::class, "\x62\157\x6f\154" => Ic3d3::class, "\142\157\x6f\154\145\x61\x6e" => ic3D3::class, "\162\x65\141\x6c" => JSku1::class, "\x66\x6c\157\x61\164" => Jsku1::class, "\144\x6f\165\x62\154\x65" => jskU1::class, "\x6f\142\152\x65\143\x74" => wP6xB::class, "\155\x69\x78\x65\144" => kKqIL::class, "\141\x72\162\x61\x79" => lWx_R::class, "\x61\162\162\141\x79\55\x6b\145\x79" => mRHRv::class, "\x6e\x6f\156\55\x65\x6d\x70\164\x79\55\x61\162\x72\x61\x79" => pqi0H::class, "\162\x65\x73\157\x75\x72\143\x65" => buAJ2::class, "\166\157\151\x64" => eljKV::class, "\x6e\x75\154\x6c" => r0b3R::class, "\x73\x63\x61\154\x61\x72" => Scalar::class, "\x63\x61\154\154\x62\141\143\153" => YlVjm::class, "\143\141\x6c\154\x61\x62\154\145" => YlVJM::class, "\x63\x61\x6c\154\x61\142\x6c\x65\55\x73\164\x72\x69\156\x67" => TYsGu::class, "\146\x61\154\x73\x65" => UrQzN::class, "\164\162\x75\x65" => GP2qI::class, "\154\151\x74\145\162\141\x6c\55\163\164\162\151\x6e\147" => G6sqZ::class, "\163\x65\154\146" => M3tq4::class, "\x24\164\150\151\x73" => This::class, "\163\164\x61\164\x69\x63" => XLrI7::class, "\x70\x61\x72\145\156\x74" => Nt5em::class, "\151\x74\145\162\x61\x62\x6c\145" => Amy28::class, "\156\x65\x76\x65\162" => MuHus::class, "\x6c\151\x73\x74" => ddxNe::class, "\x6e\157\156\55\x65\x6d\x70\164\x79\x2d\x6c\151\163\164" => R0ihz::class]; private $kAVvy; private $twohD; private $bO9oF; public function __construct(?FqsenResolver $PGGCx = null) { goto FHGdj; PKTFJ: $this->twohD = new C93Mn(new MaBH6()); goto Eg3lq; Eg3lq: $this->bO9oF = new pZZWT(); goto evQiq; FHGdj: $this->kAVvy = $PGGCx ?: new PgJgM(); goto PKTFJ; evQiq: } public function eugSS(string $UQtQS, ?Context $Fg4WV = null) : ip8yB { goto VQTDK; bbU06: $Gk_DD = new OkQlB($DwX70); goto GfbQU; GfbQU: $h_FXe = $this->FbJy2($Gk_DD); goto ybVHk; ybVHk: $UQtQS = $this->spEqE($h_FXe, $Fg4WV); goto dPHXA; Ftkd4: vEZwO: goto jhNp_; tRI9L: if ($UQtQS) { goto SdLuT; } goto LtUnm; jhNp_: $DwX70 = $this->bO9oF->tokenize($UQtQS); goto bbU06; VQTDK: $UQtQS = trim($UQtQS); goto tRI9L; SwbJ1: $Fg4WV = new jA29q(''); goto Ftkd4; z20i2: SdLuT: goto r9VGG; LtUnm: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\x41\164\164\145\155\160\164\145\144\40\164\x6f\x20\162\145\x73\x6f\154\166\x65\x20\x22" . $UQtQS . "\x22\40\142\x75\164\40\151\164\40\x61\x70\160\x65\141\x72\163\x20\164\x6f\x20\142\145\40\x65\x6d\x70\x74\x79"); goto z20i2; r9VGG: if (!($Fg4WV === null)) { goto vEZwO; } goto SwbJ1; dPHXA: return $this->Q0U7F($Gk_DD, $Fg4WV, $UQtQS); goto hWW9y; hWW9y: } public function SpEQE(?TypeNode $UQtQS, JA29q $Fg4WV) : ip8yb { goto qOpRQ; vV9zH: LfaAb: goto tYc8c; NNRRG: Vvw3L: goto nB0kj; cZb08: fhZco: goto vV9zH; UOfSQ: return new KKQIL(); goto NNRRG; qOpRQ: if (!($UQtQS === null)) { goto Vvw3L; } goto UOfSQ; nB0kj: switch (get_class($UQtQS)) { case Kx0aI::class: return new LWX_r($this->SPeQE($UQtQS->npD1q, $Fg4WV)); case G2RM4::class: goto oDPV3; oDPV3: switch ($UQtQS->JqYtt) { case G2rm4::gOYT3: return new rwRzs(...array_map(function (A0yN3 $bbNNw) use($Fg4WV) : ArrayShapeItem { return new fFVVe((string) $bbNNw->bHdne, $this->spEqE($bbNNw->TqnZH, $Fg4WV), $bbNNw->uYbtI); }, $UQtQS->wg_6S)); case G2Rm4::zp38J: return new JBJPp(...array_map(function (A0yn3 $bbNNw) use($Fg4WV) : ListShapeItem { return new b4GM2(null, $this->SpeQe($bbNNw->TqnZH, $Fg4WV), $bbNNw->uYbtI); }, $UQtQS->wg_6S)); default: throw new RuntimeException("\125\x6e\x73\165\160\160\x6f\162\x74\x65\x64\40\141\x72\162\141\x79\x20\163\150\141\160\145\40\153\x69\x6e\x64"); } goto gLrvq; kRW1s: o71Yp: goto uqis1; gLrvq: nALeo: goto kRW1s; uqis1: case Ra1Zv::class: return new UdGZy(...array_map(function (wXPDg $bbNNw) use($Fg4WV) : ObjectShapeItem { return new HGlpD((string) $bbNNw->bHdne, $this->SPeqe($bbNNw->TqnZH, $Fg4WV), $bbNNw->uYbtI); }, $UQtQS->wg_6S)); case boZBq::class: return $this->homNX($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); case mXYsi::class: return $this->qKk9P($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); case IT8dL::class: return $this->x9jmq($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); case whfgD::class: return $this->Z7YmT($UQtQS->name, $Fg4WV); case nmvqp::class: return new pAk8U(array_filter(array_map(function (mjC4E $wDNzm) use($Fg4WV) : Type { goto sKBS2; uwRZK: PXxiB: goto Z7d_5; DBrm1: if (!$UQtQS instanceof lJi0O) { goto PXxiB; } goto QPY6b; sKBS2: $UQtQS = $this->sPeqe($wDNzm, $Fg4WV); goto DBrm1; Z7d_5: return $UQtQS; goto PJv03; QPY6b: return new dEZXl($UQtQS); goto uwRZK; PJv03: }, $UQtQS->KwVeJ))); case NYW3D::class: $wDNzm = $this->sPEqE($UQtQS->npD1q, $Fg4WV); return new fBsvR($wDNzm); case jPeMO::class: return new Tbmff(array_filter(array_map(function (Mjc4E $wDNzm) use($Fg4WV) : Type { goto RXzc6; RXzc6: $UQtQS = $this->SPEqE($wDNzm, $Fg4WV); goto p36P2; rK5kX: return $UQtQS; goto RCFZr; jMhE9: return new dEzxL($UQtQS); goto IxY2n; p36P2: if (!$UQtQS instanceof Lji0o) { goto Q6u6_; } goto jMhE9; IxY2n: Q6u6_: goto rK5kX; RCFZr: }, $UQtQS->KwVeJ))); case YsCC0::class: return new This(); case c5pYP::class: case HoYtA::class: case Ccf8N::class: default: return new kkqiL(); } goto cZb08; tYc8c: } private function X9JMQ(IT8dl $UQtQS, JA29q $Fg4WV) : iP8Yb { goto BzKxc; BzKxc: switch (strtolower($UQtQS->npD1q->name)) { case "\141\x72\x72\141\x79": return $this->RjEsl($UQtQS->IXkib, $Fg4WV); case "\x63\x6c\141\163\163\x2d\x73\164\x72\151\x6e\147": goto OIOwt; QLiNu: if (!(!$uvVsx instanceof Wp6XB || $uvVsx->RKUqh() === null)) { goto F0ua0; } goto BzRDj; sgrc7: return new UNFpm($uvVsx->rKUQH()); goto KhPUL; LjfTJ: F0ua0: goto sgrc7; OIOwt: $uvVsx = $this->spEqe($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV); goto QLiNu; BzRDj: throw new RuntimeException($uvVsx . "\40\151\163\x20\156\x6f\164\40\x61\40\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73\40\x73\164\x72\151\156\x67"); goto LjfTJ; KhPUL: case "\151\156\164\145\x72\x66\x61\x63\145\x2d\x73\x74\162\151\x6e\147": goto SEzi8; hFz5j: throw new RuntimeException($uvVsx . "\40\151\163\x20\x6e\157\x74\x20\x61\x20\143\154\141\x73\163\40\163\x74\x72\151\x6e\x67"); goto ynkkp; ACbT5: if (!(!$uvVsx instanceof WP6XB || $uvVsx->rkUqh() === null)) { goto qKXu6; } goto hFz5j; ynkkp: qKXu6: goto siRVJ; siRVJ: return new Y7rhb($uvVsx->Rkuqh()); goto Kt9Cj; SEzi8: $uvVsx = $this->sPeqe($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV); goto ACbT5; Kt9Cj: case "\154\151\x73\164": return new DDXne($this->sPEqE($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV)); case "\156\157\156\55\145\155\x70\164\171\x2d\154\151\163\x74": return new r0ihz($this->speQE($UQtQS->IXkib[0], $Fg4WV)); case "\151\x6e\164": goto EU2QE; EU2QE: if (!(isset($UQtQS->IXkib[1]) === false)) { goto FV9Zg; } goto rJPAH; rJPAH: throw new RuntimeException("\x69\x6e\164\x3c\x6d\151\x6e\54\155\x61\x78\x3e\x20\150\x61\163\40\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x74\x68\x65\40\143\x6f\x72\x72\x65\143\164\x20\x66\157\162\x6d\x61\x74"); goto IEoHs; Qrz88: return new Tn1F2((string) $UQtQS->IXkib[0], (string) $UQtQS->IXkib[1]); goto AuMBZ; IEoHs: FV9Zg: goto Qrz88; AuMBZ: case "\151\x74\145\162\x61\x62\154\x65": return new AMy28(...array_reverse(array_map(function (mjc4e $P0sWj) use($Fg4WV) : Type { return $this->sPeQe($P0sWj, $Fg4WV); }, $UQtQS->IXkib))); default: goto TH_YB; thzps: K4Psj: goto Ed4Bz; WXpiP: if (!($JHYH5 instanceof wP6XB === false)) { goto K4Psj; } goto GhutO; Ed4Bz: return new aAxct($JHYH5->rkuQH(), ...array_reverse(array_map(function (MJc4e $P0sWj) use($Fg4WV) : Type { return $this->SPEQe($P0sWj, $Fg4WV); }, $UQtQS->IXkib))); goto co4j9; TH_YB: $JHYH5 = $this->speQe($UQtQS->npD1q, $Fg4WV); goto WXpiP; GhutO: throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("\45\163\x20\151\x73\x20\156\157\164\40\x61\40\x63\157\x6c\154\145\x63\x74\151\x6f\156", (string) $JHYH5)); goto thzps; co4j9: } goto hkk0d; hkk0d: dtAVQ: goto dzIZl; dzIZl: cLv6N: goto Stsmt; Stsmt: } private function HomnX(boZbQ $UQtQS, jA29q $Fg4WV) : ylvjm { return new ylvjM(array_map(function (H3JQw $czg1K) use($Fg4WV) : CallableParameter { return new BbbG6($this->speqE($czg1K->npD1q, $Fg4WV), $czg1K->D9_RL !== '' ? trim($czg1K->D9_RL, "\x24") : null, $czg1K->jHx9m, $czg1K->rBvz2, $czg1K->ldGyk); }, $UQtQS->bsOiv), $this->speQe($UQtQS->e3ITd, $Fg4WV)); } private function QkK9p(mxYsI $UQtQS, Ja29Q $Fg4WV) : Ip8YB { goto O5sKD; WFZdm: N3zKw: goto Jd6k3; O5sKD: switch (true) { case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof X0JrD: return new OcyUj((int) $UQtQS->Jhs0V->vf_lX); case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof ejfI0: return new Q3Kq5((float) $UQtQS->Jhs0V->vf_lX); case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof QwOSX: return new EyH3m($UQtQS->Jhs0V->vf_lX); case $UQtQS->Jhs0V instanceof u1G3_: return new M3Eyg($this->EuGSS($UQtQS->Jhs0V->YoZaW, $Fg4WV), $UQtQS->Jhs0V->name); default: throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("\125\156\163\x75\x70\160\157\162\x74\x65\x64\40\143\x6f\x6e\x73\164\141\156\x74\40\164\x79\160\x65\40\45\x73", get_class($UQtQS))); } goto WFZdm; Jd6k3: ZM3Sb: goto AazVc; AazVc: } private function z7ymT(string $UQtQS, ja29q $Fg4WV) : object { goto K9ou7; Scan1: y32UN: goto b4KkU; K9ou7: switch (true) { case $this->T5uY7($UQtQS): return $this->RAjbr($UQtQS); case $this->u6MLW($UQtQS): return $this->GfgPO($UQtQS); case $this->YVDxM($UQtQS): return $this->Gfgpo($UQtQS, $Fg4WV); default: throw new RuntimeException("\125\156\141\142\154\x65\40\x74\x6f\x20\x72\x65\163\157\x6c\x76\x65\40\x74\x79\160\x65\x20\x22" . $UQtQS . "\x22\x2c\x20\x74\150\145\x72\145\40\151\163\x20\x6e\x6f\x20\x6b\156\157\167\x6e\40\155\x65\x74\x68\x6f\x64\40\164\x6f\x20\162\x65\x73\157\x6c\166\x65\40\151\164"); } goto xZ6dQ; xZ6dQ: s1wf3: goto Scan1; b4KkU: } public function YX7Y3(string $Tqw3a, string $Qd3pq) : void { goto HWXEl; E5_16: if (in_array(Ip8Yb::class, $ANPDb, true)) { goto ko3fu; } goto qGymn; APtpt: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\x54\150\x65\x20\126\x61\x6c\x75\x65\x20\117\142\x6a\145\143\164\40\164\150\141\x74\x20\156\145\x65\x64\163\x20\164\x6f\x20\142\x65\x20\143\162\145\141\164\x65\144\40\x77\x69\164\x68\40\x61\x20\x6b\x65\171\167\157\x72\144\x20\42" . $Tqw3a . "\42\x20\155\165\163\x74\40\142\x65\x20\x61\156\x20\145\x78\x69\163\x74\151\156\147\40\x63\154\141\163\163" . "\40\x62\165\164\x20\167\x65\x20\x63\157\165\154\144\40\156\x6f\164\x20\146\x69\x6e\144\x20\164\x68\x65\40\143\x6c\x61\x73\163\40" . $Qd3pq); goto L_Tl1; b8r4j: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\x54\150\x65\40\126\141\x6c\165\x65\40\117\142\x6a\145\x63\x74\x20\164\x68\x61\x74\x20\156\145\145\x64\x73\40\164\157\x20\142\x65\40\x63\x72\145\141\x74\145\x64\x20\167\x69\x74\150\x20\x61\40\x6b\x65\171\167\157\162\144\40\42" . $Tqw3a . "\42\x20\155\x75\x73\x74\x20\142\x65\40\x61\x6e\40\145\170\151\x73\x74\151\156\x67\40\x63\x6c\141\x73\x73" . "\40\142\165\164\x20\x77\x65\40\x63\x6f\165\154\144\40\156\157\x74\40\x66\151\x6e\x64\40\x74\150\x65\40\x63\154\x61\163\163\40" . $Qd3pq); goto XOTnA; HWXEl: if (class_exists($Qd3pq)) { goto SlYeN; } goto APtpt; OH479: $this->yexJt[$Tqw3a] = $Qd3pq; goto WOt19; pPxNm: ko3fu: goto OH479; qGymn: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\124\x68\145\40\143\154\141\x73\x73\x20\x22" . $Qd3pq . "\42\40\155\165\163\x74\x20\151\155\160\154\x65\155\145\x6e\x74\x20\164\x68\145\40\x69\x6e\x74\145\x72\x66\141\143\x65\40\42\160\x68\x70\x44\157\143\x75\155\145\x6e\164\x6f\162\134\122\x65\x66\x6c\x65\143\164\x69\x6f\156\134\x54\x79\x70\145\x22"); goto pPxNm; BdiU7: $ANPDb = class_implements($Qd3pq); goto kQqYK; L_Tl1: SlYeN: goto BdiU7; kQqYK: if (!($ANPDb === false)) { goto h2nFw; } goto b8r4j; XOTnA: h2nFw: goto E5_16; WOt19: } private function T5Uy7(string $UQtQS) : bool { return array_key_exists(strtolower($UQtQS), $this->yexJt); } private function yVDXm(string $UQtQS) : bool { return isset($UQtQS[0]) && $UQtQS[0] !== self::wQYHR && !$this->t5UY7($UQtQS); } private function U6MlW(string $UQtQS) : bool { return strpos($UQtQS, self::wQYHR) === 0; } private function rajBR(string $UQtQS) : ip8YB { $NNLzW = $this->yexJt[strtolower($UQtQS)]; return new $NNLzW(); } private function GfGPO(string $UQtQS, ?Context $Fg4WV = null) : Wp6XB { return new wp6Xb($this->kAVvy->EUGSs($UQtQS, $Fg4WV)); } private function RjeSL(array $PIxx9, ja29Q $Fg4WV) : lwx_r { goto IaSa1; ctGYt: gSBgx: goto MD97F; kkbx3: return new lwX_R(...$H3cmg); goto ctGYt; TLGYt: if (!($this->mOc4m($H3cmg[1]) || $H3cmg[1] instanceof MrHRV)) { goto gSBgx; } goto kkbx3; Bb4Ef: throw new RuntimeException("\x41\156\x20\141\x72\x72\x61\171\x20\x63\141\x6e\40\x68\141\x76\145\40\157\156\154\x79\x20\151\156\x74\145\x67\145\x72\163\x20\x6f\x72\x20\x73\x74\162\x69\156\147\163\x20\141\163\40\153\145\x79\163"); goto JP180; Fu1XH: e0ZtK: goto TLGYt; GxFpV: GtClL: goto Bb4Ef; ynrBq: return new lwx_r(...$H3cmg); goto Fu1XH; KnQIA: if (!(isset($H3cmg[1]) === false)) { goto e0ZtK; } goto ynrBq; C0A9J: XAsCR: goto GxFpV; ZIDT3: return new Lwx_R(...$H3cmg); goto C0A9J; MD97F: if (!($H3cmg[1] instanceof tBMFF && $H3cmg[1]->getIterator()->count() === 2)) { goto GtClL; } goto jj32L; IaSa1: $H3cmg = array_reverse(array_map(function (MJc4e $eVlLe) use($Fg4WV) : Type { return $this->speQE($eVlLe, $Fg4WV); }, $PIxx9)); goto KnQIA; jj32L: if (!($this->Moc4m($H3cmg[1]->get(0)) && $this->moc4M($H3cmg[1]->get(1)))) { goto XAsCR; } goto ZIDT3; JP180: } private function mOC4m(?Type $UQtQS) : bool { return $UQtQS instanceof Cv1yx || $UQtQS instanceof ooyA_; } private function FbJY2(oKQlb $Gk_DD) : mJC4E { try { $h_FXe = $this->twohD->FBjy2($Gk_DD); } catch (Hw417 $SnVUs) { throw new RuntimeException($SnVUs->getMessage(), 0, $SnVUs); } return $h_FXe; } private function q0U7F(OKqLb $Gk_DD, ja29Q $Fg4WV, Ip8Yb $UQtQS) : ip8YB { goto VKTUp; wLcNB: if (!$Gk_DD->JCEOz(PzZWt::icei5)) { goto FyQH6; } goto SYyk6; hzdxU: goto KopZr; goto d14QR; WG9Ov: $UQtQS = new Tbmff([$UQtQS, $tkD8k]); goto yQTiW; YAL51: $tkD8k = $this->SPeQe($h_FXe, $Fg4WV); goto zttRd; Lc0CD: DOmKA::gEEQY("\160\x68\x70\x64\x6f\143\x75\x6d\145\156\x74\157\x72\57\x74\171\x70\x65\x2d\x72\145\163\x6f\x6c\x76\x65\162", "\x68\164\164\160\x73\72\57\57\147\151\164\x68\165\x62\56\143\157\x6d\57\160\150\160\x44\157\x63\x75\155\x65\156\x74\x6f\162\x2f\124\171\x70\x65\x52\145\163\157\x6c\x76\x65\x72\x2f\x69\x73\163\x75\x65\x73\x2f\61\x38\64", "\114\x65\x67\x61\143\171\40\x6e\x75\x6c\x6c\x61\x62\154\x65\40\x74\x79\160\x65\x20\144\145\x74\x65\x63\164\x65\144\54\x20\160\x6c\145\141\163\x65\x20\x75\160\144\x61\x74\x65\40\x79\x6f\165\162\x20\x63\157\x64\145\40\x61\163\xa\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\171\x6f\x75\x20\141\162\145\x20\165\163\x69\x6e\x67\40\156\165\154\154\x61\x62\154\145\40\164\x79\x70\x65\163\40\151\x6e\40\141\40\144\157\x63\142\154\x6f\x63\153\56\x20\x73\165\x70\x70\157\x72\164\x20\167\x69\154\154\x20\142\145\x20\162\x65\155\x6f\x76\x65\x64\40\x69\x6e\x20\166\62\x2e\x30\56\x30"); goto BFNEM; jzbna: $h_FXe = $this->fBJy2($Gk_DD); goto Iw0Xa; S3AL9: if (!$Gk_DD->JcEOZ(PzZWt::DOx93)) { goto Tv9m5; } goto jzbna; Iw0Xa: $tkD8k = $this->sPeQE($h_FXe, $Fg4WV); goto WG9Ov; Hevaw: KopZr: goto qp7zU; qp7zU: if (!$DySMw) { goto xM6mT; } goto x5R84; SYyk6: $h_FXe = $this->twohD->FBjy2($Gk_DD); goto YAL51; eE5BD: $DySMw = true; goto pHBJ3; zttRd: $UQtQS = new PAK8u([$UQtQS, $tkD8k]); goto eE5BD; AStO9: Uvw5d: goto wLcNB; Jn8Qi: $DySMw = true; goto Hevaw; VKTUp: if (!($Gk_DD->gEDoG(pzZWT::DOx93) || $Gk_DD->gedoG(PZzWT::icei5))) { goto EtWj8; } goto Lc0CD; NvadF: Tv9m5: goto AStO9; x5R84: $DySMw = false; goto bQkog; g3FBY: goto j3SrZ; goto NvadF; BFNEM: EtWj8: goto Jn8Qi; bQkog: j3SrZ: goto S3AL9; y1_mn: return $UQtQS; goto TwQxJ; YtiDs: FyQH6: goto hzdxU; d14QR: xM6mT: goto y1_mn; pHBJ3: goto Uvw5d; goto YtiDs; yQTiW: $DySMw = true; goto g3FBY; TwQxJ: } }

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 113 ms