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PHP Decode

<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams ..

Decoded Output download


 * Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams
 * Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
 * Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 of the or any later version.
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
 * @license AGPL License
 * @link Passbolt(tm)
 * @since         3.1.0
namespace App\Command;

use App\Service\Command\ProcessUserService;
use Cake\Command\Command;
use Cake\Console\Arguments;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleIo;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser;
use Cake\Core\Configure;

 * Passbolt command.
class PassboltCommand extends Command
     * The Passbolt welcome banner should be shown only once.
     * This is a memory cell to that aim.
     * @var bool
    public static $welcomeBannerWasAlreadyShown = false;

     * List of popular webserver usernames.
     * @var string[]
    public const KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS = [

     * @inheritDoc
    public function initialize(): void


     * All commands are extend the present command.
     * There execution in the console should called by "passbolt this-command".
     * This method prepends the name of the command if required.
     * @return string
    public static function defaultName(): string
        $consoleName = parent::defaultName();
        if (strtolower($consoleName) !== 'passbolt') {
            $consoleName = 'passbolt ' . $consoleName;

        return $consoleName;

     * Hook method for defining this command's option parser.
     * @see
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser $parser The parser to be defined
     * @return \Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser The built parser.
    public function buildOptionParser(ConsoleOptionParser $parser): ConsoleOptionParser
            __('The Passbolt CLI offers an access to the passbolt API directly from the console.')

        $parser->addArgument('cleanup', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Identify and fix database relational integrity issues.'),

        $parser->addArgument('datacheck', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Revalidate the data of the passbolt installation.'),

        $parser->addArgument('drop_tables', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Drop all the tables. Dangerous but useful for a full reinstall.'),

        $parser->addArgument('healthcheck', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Run a healthcheck for this passbolt instance.'),

        $parser->addArgument('install', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Installation shell for the passbolt application.'),

        $parser->addArgument('keyring_init', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Init the GnuPG keyring.'),

        if (Configure::read('passbolt.plugins.license')) {
            $parser->addArgument('license_check', [
                'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Check the license.'),

        $parser->addArgument('migrate', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Run database migrations.'),

        $parser->addArgument('mysql_export', [
            'help' =>
                __d('cake_console', 'Utility to export mysql database backups.') . ' ' .
                __d('cake_console', 'Deprecated, use instead sql_export.'),

        $parser->addArgument('mysql_import', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Utility to import mysql database backups.'),

        $parser->addArgument('purge_email_queue', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Purge email queue table content.'),

        $parser->addArgument('recover_user', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Get an existing account recovery token, or create a new one.'),

        $parser->addArgument('register_user', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Register a new user.'),

        $parser->addArgument('send_test_email', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Try to send a test email and display debug information.'),

        $parser->addArgument('show_logs_path', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Show application logs.'),

        $parser->addArgument('show_queued_emails', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Shows records from email_queue table.'),

        $parser->addArgument('sql_export', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Utility to export sql database backups.'),

        $parser->addArgument('version', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Provide version number'),

        return $parser;

     * Implement this method with your command's logic.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args The command arguments.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io The console io
     * @return null|int The exit code or null for success
    public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io): ?int
        if ($this->skipPassboltWelcome($args)) {
            return $this->successCode();

        $io->out('     ____                  __          ____  ');
        $io->out('    / __ \____  _____ ____/ /_  ____  / / /_ ');
        $io->out('   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ / __/ ');
        $io->out('  / ____/ /_/ (__  |__  ) /_/ / /_/ / / /    ');
        $io->out(' /_/    \__,_/____/____/_.___/\____/_/\__/   ');
        $io->out(' Open source password manager for teams');

        self::$welcomeBannerWasAlreadyShown = true;

        $this->showHelp($args, $io);

        return $this->successCode();

     * Appends a series of options to the options provided.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args Arguments.
     * @param array $options Options to append.
     * @return array
    public function formatOptions(Arguments $args, array $options = []): array
        if ($args->getOption('quiet') && !in_array('-q', $options)) {
            $options[] = '-q';

        return $options;

     * Display an error message
     * @param string $msg message
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return void
    public function error(string $msg, ConsoleIo $io): void
        $io->out('<error>' . $msg . '</error>');

     * Display a success message
     * @param string $msg message
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return void
    protected function success(string $msg, ConsoleIo $io): void
        $io->out('<success>' . $msg . '</success>');

     * Checks if user running the command is valid or not. If not, aborts or shows warning depending on severity.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io IO object.
     * @param \App\Service\Command\ProcessUserService $processUserService process user service
     * @return void
    protected function assertCurrentProcessUser(ConsoleIo $io, ProcessUserService $processUserService)
        if (!$this->assertNotRoot($processUserService, $io)) {
            $this->error(__('aborting'), $io);

        $isWebserverUser = in_array($processUserService->getName(), self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS);
        if (!$isWebserverUser) {
            $io->warning(__('Passbolt commands should only be executed as the web server user.'));
            $io->info(__('The command should be executed with the same user as your web server. By instance:'));
            $io->info('su -s /bin/bash -c "' . ROOT . '/bin/cake COMMAND" HTTP_USER');
                    'where HTTP_USER match your web server user: {0}',
                    implode(', ', self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS)

     * Some of the passbolt commands shouldn't be executed as root.
     * By instance it's the case of the healthcheck command that needs to be executed with the same user as your web server.
     * @param \App\Service\Command\ProcessUserService $processUserService Process user service.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return bool true if user is root
    protected function assertNotRoot(ProcessUserService $processUserService, ConsoleIo $io): bool
        if ($processUserService->getName() === 'root') {
            $this->error('Passbolt commands cannot be executed as root.', $io);
            $io->out('The command should be executed with the same user as your web server. By instance:');
            $io->out('su -s /bin/bash -c "' . ROOT . '/bin/cake COMMAND" HTTP_USER');
                    'where HTTP_USER match your web server user: {0}',
                    implode(', ', self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS)

            return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if current process user is known webserver user or not.
     * @return bool Returns `true` if known webserver user, `false` otherwise.
    protected function isWebserverUser(): bool
        return in_array(PROCESS_USER, self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS);

     * Return error code
     * @return int
    protected function errorCode(): int
        return self::CODE_ERROR;

     * Return success code
     * @return int
    protected function successCode(): int
        return self::CODE_SUCCESS;

     * Skip the Passbolt welcome message.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args Arguments.
     * @return bool
    protected function skipPassboltWelcome(Arguments $args): bool
        if ($args->getOption('quiet') || self::$welcomeBannerWasAlreadyShown) {
            return true;

        return in_array(static::class, [

     * Display help options if "bin/cake passbolt" is called.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args Arguments.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return void
    private function showHelp(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io): void
        $command = static::class;
        if (!$args->getOption('help') && ($command === PassboltCommand::class)) {
            $this->displayHelp($this->getOptionParser(), $args, $io);

     * Abort command if not in debug mode.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO
     * @return void
    protected function abortIfNotInDebugMode(ConsoleIo $io): void
        if (Configure::read('debug') !== true) {
            $io->error('This command is available in debug mode only.');

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


 * Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams
 * Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
 * Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 of the or any later version.
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
 * @license AGPL License
 * @link Passbolt(tm)
 * @since         3.1.0
namespace App\Command;

use App\Service\Command\ProcessUserService;
use Cake\Command\Command;
use Cake\Console\Arguments;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleIo;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser;
use Cake\Core\Configure;

 * Passbolt command.
class PassboltCommand extends Command
     * The Passbolt welcome banner should be shown only once.
     * This is a memory cell to that aim.
     * @var bool
    public static $welcomeBannerWasAlreadyShown = false;

     * List of popular webserver usernames.
     * @var string[]
    public const KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS = [

     * @inheritDoc
    public function initialize(): void


     * All commands are extend the present command.
     * There execution in the console should called by "passbolt this-command".
     * This method prepends the name of the command if required.
     * @return string
    public static function defaultName(): string
        $consoleName = parent::defaultName();
        if (strtolower($consoleName) !== 'passbolt') {
            $consoleName = 'passbolt ' . $consoleName;

        return $consoleName;

     * Hook method for defining this command's option parser.
     * @see
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser $parser The parser to be defined
     * @return \Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser The built parser.
    public function buildOptionParser(ConsoleOptionParser $parser): ConsoleOptionParser
            __('The Passbolt CLI offers an access to the passbolt API directly from the console.')

        $parser->addArgument('cleanup', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Identify and fix database relational integrity issues.'),

        $parser->addArgument('datacheck', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Revalidate the data of the passbolt installation.'),

        $parser->addArgument('drop_tables', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Drop all the tables. Dangerous but useful for a full reinstall.'),

        $parser->addArgument('healthcheck', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Run a healthcheck for this passbolt instance.'),

        $parser->addArgument('install', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Installation shell for the passbolt application.'),

        $parser->addArgument('keyring_init', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Init the GnuPG keyring.'),

        if (Configure::read('passbolt.plugins.license')) {
            $parser->addArgument('license_check', [
                'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Check the license.'),

        $parser->addArgument('migrate', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Run database migrations.'),

        $parser->addArgument('mysql_export', [
            'help' =>
                __d('cake_console', 'Utility to export mysql database backups.') . ' ' .
                __d('cake_console', 'Deprecated, use instead sql_export.'),

        $parser->addArgument('mysql_import', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Utility to import mysql database backups.'),

        $parser->addArgument('purge_email_queue', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Purge email queue table content.'),

        $parser->addArgument('recover_user', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Get an existing account recovery token, or create a new one.'),

        $parser->addArgument('register_user', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Register a new user.'),

        $parser->addArgument('send_test_email', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Try to send a test email and display debug information.'),

        $parser->addArgument('show_logs_path', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Show application logs.'),

        $parser->addArgument('show_queued_emails', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Shows records from email_queue table.'),

        $parser->addArgument('sql_export', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Utility to export sql database backups.'),

        $parser->addArgument('version', [
            'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Provide version number'),

        return $parser;

     * Implement this method with your command's logic.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args The command arguments.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io The console io
     * @return null|int The exit code or null for success
    public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io): ?int
        if ($this->skipPassboltWelcome($args)) {
            return $this->successCode();

        $io->out('     ____                  __          ____  ');
        $io->out('    / __ \____  _____ ____/ /_  ____  / / /_ ');
        $io->out('   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ / __/ ');
        $io->out('  / ____/ /_/ (__  |__  ) /_/ / /_/ / / /    ');
        $io->out(' /_/    \__,_/____/____/_.___/\____/_/\__/   ');
        $io->out(' Open source password manager for teams');

        self::$welcomeBannerWasAlreadyShown = true;

        $this->showHelp($args, $io);

        return $this->successCode();

     * Appends a series of options to the options provided.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args Arguments.
     * @param array $options Options to append.
     * @return array
    public function formatOptions(Arguments $args, array $options = []): array
        if ($args->getOption('quiet') && !in_array('-q', $options)) {
            $options[] = '-q';

        return $options;

     * Display an error message
     * @param string $msg message
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return void
    public function error(string $msg, ConsoleIo $io): void
        $io->out('<error>' . $msg . '</error>');

     * Display a success message
     * @param string $msg message
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return void
    protected function success(string $msg, ConsoleIo $io): void
        $io->out('<success>' . $msg . '</success>');

     * Checks if user running the command is valid or not. If not, aborts or shows warning depending on severity.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io IO object.
     * @param \App\Service\Command\ProcessUserService $processUserService process user service
     * @return void
    protected function assertCurrentProcessUser(ConsoleIo $io, ProcessUserService $processUserService)
        if (!$this->assertNotRoot($processUserService, $io)) {
            $this->error(__('aborting'), $io);

        $isWebserverUser = in_array($processUserService->getName(), self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS);
        if (!$isWebserverUser) {
            $io->warning(__('Passbolt commands should only be executed as the web server user.'));
            $io->info(__('The command should be executed with the same user as your web server. By instance:'));
            $io->info('su -s /bin/bash -c "' . ROOT . '/bin/cake COMMAND" HTTP_USER');
                    'where HTTP_USER match your web server user: {0}',
                    implode(', ', self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS)

     * Some of the passbolt commands shouldn't be executed as root.
     * By instance it's the case of the healthcheck command that needs to be executed with the same user as your web server.
     * @param \App\Service\Command\ProcessUserService $processUserService Process user service.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return bool true if user is root
    protected function assertNotRoot(ProcessUserService $processUserService, ConsoleIo $io): bool
        if ($processUserService->getName() === 'root') {
            $this->error('Passbolt commands cannot be executed as root.', $io);
            $io->out('The command should be executed with the same user as your web server. By instance:');
            $io->out('su -s /bin/bash -c "' . ROOT . '/bin/cake COMMAND" HTTP_USER');
                    'where HTTP_USER match your web server user: {0}',
                    implode(', ', self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS)

            return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if current process user is known webserver user or not.
     * @return bool Returns `true` if known webserver user, `false` otherwise.
    protected function isWebserverUser(): bool
        return in_array(PROCESS_USER, self::KNOWN_WEBSERVER_USERS);

     * Return error code
     * @return int
    protected function errorCode(): int
        return self::CODE_ERROR;

     * Return success code
     * @return int
    protected function successCode(): int
        return self::CODE_SUCCESS;

     * Skip the Passbolt welcome message.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args Arguments.
     * @return bool
    protected function skipPassboltWelcome(Arguments $args): bool
        if ($args->getOption('quiet') || self::$welcomeBannerWasAlreadyShown) {
            return true;

        return in_array(static::class, [

     * Display help options if "bin/cake passbolt" is called.
     * @param \Cake\Console\Arguments $args Arguments.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO.
     * @return void
    private function showHelp(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io): void
        $command = static::class;
        if (!$args->getOption('help') && ($command === PassboltCommand::class)) {
            $this->displayHelp($this->getOptionParser(), $args, $io);

     * Abort command if not in debug mode.
     * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io Console IO
     * @return void
    protected function abortIfNotInDebugMode(ConsoleIo $io): void
        if (Configure::read('debug') !== true) {
            $io->error('This command is available in debug mode only.');

Function Calls





MD5 711d394a65adf65fd73fea2d308b7c3d
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 88 ms