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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:24:31              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace xCjRD\HQv79; use JsonSerializable; use RuntimeException; use stdClass; use Throwable; use xcJrd\EBD4e\CXqj2; use xcJrD\fvpHn\o84G4\u2ofg; use XcJRd\FVphn\f1yMq; use Xcjrd\drXiL; use function ceil; use function count; use function fclose; use function feof; use function fread; use function function_exists; use function fwrite; use function is_object; use function is_resource; use function key; use function method_exists; use function posix_getpid; use function restore_error_handler; use function set_error_handler; use function stream_set_blocking; use function stream_set_read_buffer; use function stream_socket_enable_crypto; use function stream_socket_get_name; use function strlen; use function strrchr; use function strrpos; use function substr; use function var_export; use const zP7dz; use const xdOb4; use const lgEpU; use const u9GbX; use const nuApy; class By5O1 extends jyTY3 implements JsonSerializable { public const gvil4 = 87380; public const q6f7_ = 0; public const iM3Ch = 1; public const PGTPr = 2; public const C29dc = 4; public const Whlcj = 8; public $cTGoT = null; public $Jo3mJ = null; public $A4U4W = null; public $gI8g1 = null; public $V5xeO = null; public $hEtYR = null; public $T62Sl = null; public string $DdaF4 = "tcp"; public ?Worker $wZq1B = null; public int $E6osT = 0; public int $TNqxE = 0; public int $id = 0; protected int $NZgj0 = 0; public int $fsajF = 1048576; public ?stdClass $gcvbT = null; public array $LIrhU = []; public ?Request $RMVf3 = null; public static int $Br0Dh = 1048576; public int $un0WZ = 1048576; public static int $gyZWE = 10485760; protected static int $Q7J8l = 1; protected static bool $yAmdH = true; protected $ZZZED = null; protected string $qMgQS = ''; protected string $W9F2O = ''; protected int $zMJWf = 0; protected int $lK22Z = self::PGTPr; protected string $mOXVg = ''; protected bool $JOIcw = false; protected bool|int $EFqJU = false; public static array $OkhXb = []; public const ftbcO = [self::q6f7_ => "INITIAL", self::iM3Ch => "CONNECTING", self::PGTPr => "ESTABLISHED", self::C29dc => "CLOSING", self::Whlcj => "CLOSED"]; public function __construct(cXQJ2 $pIe7W, $XXinT, string $kYDUi = '') { goto IiQ14; aWcv7: if (!(self::$Q7J8l === PHP_INT_MAX)) { goto FeprN; } goto XuSsP; jxu3Q: stream_set_read_buffer($this->ZZZED, 0); goto hebSJ; nj5WT: $this->un0WZ = self::$gyZWE; goto AO0ht; XuSsP: self::$Q7J8l = 0; goto xErlD; AlzYj: $this->fsajF = self::$Br0Dh; goto nj5WT; AO0ht: $this->mOXVg = $kYDUi; goto c2rwu; jiNay: $this->id = $this->NZgj0 = self::$Q7J8l++; goto aWcv7; hebSJ: OBEq0: goto b0Rv2; dpOKO: if (!function_exists("stream_set_read_buffer")) { goto OBEq0; } goto jxu3Q; b0Rv2: $this->LGWjs = $pIe7W; goto cONa6; cONa6: $this->LGWjs->Zv_Ax($this->ZZZED, $this->sfNdu(...)); goto AlzYj; xErlD: FeprN: goto AZ5EZ; EaFn0: $this->gcvbT = new stdClass(); goto ksFQf; hNxyG: stream_set_blocking($this->ZZZED, false); goto dpOKO; IiQ14: ++self::$mVeXl["connection_count"]; goto jiNay; c2rwu: static::$OkhXb[$this->id] = $this; goto EaFn0; AZ5EZ: $this->ZZZED = $XXinT; goto hNxyG; ksFQf: } public function XSaMo(bool $ponQv = true) : int|string { goto H6qKl; GU8q3: return $this->lK22Z; goto tJjBR; tJjBR: hHJ_s: goto MXBv3; MXBv3: return self::ftbcO[$this->lK22Z]; goto Yena5; H6qKl: if (!$ponQv) { goto hHJ_s; } goto GU8q3; Yena5: } public function send(mixed $cxhHW, bool $hWGTF = false) : bool|null { goto XrvKv; H51Nj: if (!($this->qMgQS && $this->oDScr())) { goto GacgB; } goto HUU2Q; KeXGR: if ($ZpJ_q > 0) { goto PzTsi; } goto MSHk5; V4dL9: $this->WmB36(); goto FTF7o; v1AU2: if (!$this->OdsCR()) { goto D_toh; } goto ZOpqi; uDhat: if (!(false === $hWGTF && $this->rp3Zi !== null)) { goto ZfqZe; } goto nDxq9; sRumT: if (!($this->qMgQS === '')) { goto aORod; } goto G72Cp; TQKoY: try { ($this->V5xeO)($this, static::EHlPR, "client closed"); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VqfrL($IOreM); } goto kWWDZ; at6lV: if (!($this->lK22Z !== self::PGTPr || $this->DdaF4 === "ssl" && $this->EFqJU !== true)) { goto ybDH2; } goto H51Nj; XrvKv: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::C29dc || $this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto RVLOl; } goto qkj8Z; FIHQg: return false; goto Rbk3g; E1azl: return null; goto cuNpG; xaszJ: $this->LGWjs->mQ9AU($this->ZZZED, $this->CKkD6(...)); goto K7WQu; DIMby: try { $cxhHW = $yTX6G::uTd6Z($cxhHW, $this); } catch (\Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqFRl($IOreM); } goto LMgqj; krtp4: $this->LGWjs->MQ9au($this->ZZZED, $this->Ckkd6(...)); goto pA8GW; phkok: return false; goto ONyd7; OK9dQ: return false; goto UU6rm; XOtvT: return null; goto jh9m0; K7WQu: $this->qMgQS = $cxhHW; goto IHOTz; pstEb: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto HFIJ7; HkRw7: H0Fz4: goto KeXGR; tzQ65: PzTsi: goto OBfO0; LWy3r: RVLOl: goto uDhat; ONyd7: D_toh: goto KW2TO; lYHzH: if (!$this->V5xeO) { goto r7kFJ; } goto TQKoY; INJ6o: if (!($ZpJ_q === strlen($cxhHW))) { goto H0Fz4; } goto dBJo9; uUkx4: return true; goto HkRw7; qkj8Z: return false; goto LWy3r; ZOpqi: ++self::$mVeXl["send_fail"]; goto phkok; dBJo9: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto uUkx4; XZmCK: $ZpJ_q = 0; goto I3L_g; PyjiF: ++self::$mVeXl["send_fail"]; goto lYHzH; b9vMr: ZfqZe: goto at6lV; nDxq9: $yTX6G = $this->rp3Zi; goto DIMby; I3L_g: try { $ZpJ_q = @fwrite($this->ZZZED, $cxhHW); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { drXiL::log($IOreM); } goto INJ6o; Ly7ee: $this->destroy(); goto OK9dQ; jh9m0: aORod: goto v1AU2; Ju3Wu: $this->qMgQS = $cxhHW; goto O5ylj; FTF7o: return null; goto XMbxm; ztPfc: return null; goto XdY7g; O5ylj: goto u6d4b; goto tzQ65; s318f: $this->wMB36(); goto ztPfc; MSHk5: if (!(!is_resource($this->ZZZED) || feof($this->ZZZED))) { goto z2ewM; } goto PyjiF; G72Cp: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "ssl")) { goto Uu3Oz; } goto xaszJ; HFIJ7: u6d4b: goto krtp4; kWWDZ: r7kFJ: goto Ly7ee; pA8GW: $this->wmb36(); goto XOtvT; BN1EX: $this->qMgQS .= $cxhHW; goto s318f; ZGkIx: Uu3Oz: goto XZmCK; HUU2Q: ++self::$mVeXl["send_fail"]; goto FIHQg; IHOTz: $this->WMB36(); goto fqHrp; Rbk3g: GacgB: goto BN1EX; XdY7g: ybDH2: goto sRumT; LMgqj: if (!($cxhHW === '')) { goto V26MN; } goto E1azl; KW2TO: $this->qMgQS .= $cxhHW; goto V4dL9; UU6rm: z2ewM: goto Ju3Wu; cuNpG: V26MN: goto b9vMr; OBfO0: $this->qMgQS = substr($cxhHW, $ZpJ_q); goto pstEb; fqHrp: return null; goto ZGkIx; XMbxm: } public function RAKZc() : string { goto Pz4Og; DOzm2: if (!$O8z3E) { goto OmCWP; } goto DoLBq; Pz4Og: $O8z3E = strrpos($this->mOXVg, ":"); goto DOzm2; PiqT3: OmCWP: goto WrzCY; WrzCY: return ''; goto eeqjZ; DoLBq: return substr($this->mOXVg, 0, $O8z3E); goto PiqT3; eeqjZ: } public function ejgBT() : int { goto FOFLm; FOFLm: if (!$this->mOXVg) { goto t74LW; } goto jrors; XPOh2: return 0; goto pvnh0; ENOke: t74LW: goto XPOh2; jrors: return (int) substr(strrchr($this->mOXVg, ":"), 1); goto ENOke; pvnh0: } public function fBSJp() : string { return $this->mOXVg; } public function eQca8() : string { goto xIH21; xIH21: $hr2mL = $this->bt8dL(); goto iowQm; TGKAx: if ($O8z3E) { goto JgGJ5; } goto iHHS9; QU1Lq: return substr($hr2mL, 0, $O8z3E); goto YHvGM; iowQm: $O8z3E = strrpos($hr2mL, ":"); goto TGKAx; iHHS9: return ''; goto jlfLz; jlfLz: JgGJ5: goto QU1Lq; YHvGM: } public function hUcD_() : int { goto uO3qh; afTpr: if ($O8z3E) { goto RNsBl; } goto MK_EE; MK_EE: return 0; goto IAqPW; IAqPW: RNsBl: goto G_NXz; G_NXz: return (int) substr(strrchr($hr2mL, ":"), 1); goto HRHKE; wCjcP: $O8z3E = strrpos($hr2mL, ":"); goto afTpr; uO3qh: $hr2mL = $this->BT8dl(); goto wCjcP; HRHKE: } public function bt8dL() : string { goto a0J0U; rnsNJ: return ''; goto hsOIs; hsOIs: yH5pN: goto QYbIE; a0J0U: if (is_resource($this->ZZZED)) { goto yH5pN; } goto rnsNJ; QYbIE: return (string) @stream_socket_get_name($this->ZZZED, false); goto UoSfG; UoSfG: } public function U2JAs() : int { return strlen($this->qMgQS); } public function wf8gk() : int { return strlen($this->W9F2O); } public function gLTaZ() : void { $this->LGWjs->ZaKeB($this->ZZZED); $this->JOIcw = true; } public function kewCE() : void { goto CHiLt; yGHI8: $this->JOIcw = false; goto Hd4ct; CHiLt: if (!($this->JOIcw === true)) { goto v5TWc; } goto R_aUT; Hd4ct: $this->SFnDu($this->ZZZED, false); goto UFe0H; UFe0H: v5TWc: goto IL1qg; R_aUT: $this->LGWjs->zV_AX($this->ZZZED, $this->sfndU(...)); goto yGHI8; IL1qg: } public function sfndu($XXinT, bool $RJTCg = true) : void { goto V1Teb; JAt1J: try { $X7T1y = @fread($XXinT, self::gvil4); } catch (Throwable) { } goto Ch4cW; Ch4cW: if ($X7T1y === '' || $X7T1y === false) { goto MLCI2; } goto Dy0zJ; xYs3Q: BYpxJ: goto sm881; PPzTJ: hAyB7: goto Ea3MX; nLAAq: goto C6rx8; goto ombsa; ugBDC: goto C6rx8; goto FC94y; bPd6Y: $vXuU0 = $J0B4E[$X7T1y]; goto cSjb1; E1XLk: goto hAyB7; goto NUnfD; dgcim: C6rx8: goto bcy30; eqH4Z: goto WnxWi; goto nLAAq; zBn_B: $this->W9F2O = ''; goto ghSZt; ghSZt: lQ1gm: goto eaPx3; S8SqN: $this->W9F2O = $X7T1y; goto RstJA; tBWo4: if ($this->zMJWf > 0 && $this->zMJWf <= $this->un0WZ) { goto Gg_SY; } goto Tw4b1; qlhFG: $X7T1y = ''; goto JAt1J; Hwk6L: try { $yTX6G = $this->rp3Zi; $this->zMJWf = $yTX6G::CpQjw($this->W9F2O, $this); } catch (Throwable) { } goto AMrCU; ZKjjX: goto WnxWi; goto duUAO; F1AAc: jAls1: goto S8SqN; hRUxP: $this->W9F2O = substr($this->W9F2O, $this->zMJWf); goto Cxt8M; O0sz4: if (!($this->W9F2O === '' || $this->JOIcw)) { goto hTxMA; } goto XWGHp; ad6vp: try { goto zhx6L; Z3ivy: ($this->A4U4W)($this, $vXuU0); goto GW89J; slPlj: if (!(count($J0B4E) > 512)) { goto srzWN; } goto JXzdh; N2oYK: if (!(static::$yAmdH && (!is_object($vXuU0) || $vXuU0 instanceof u2OFg) && $x_ZCq && !isset($oAwKt[512]))) { goto N3YXO; } goto ix0L6; zhx6L: $yTX6G = $this->rp3Zi; goto phR7J; phR7J: $vXuU0 = $yTX6G::UeVez($oAwKt, $this); goto N2oYK; ix0L6: $J0B4E[$oAwKt] = $vXuU0; goto slPlj; rfIyl: N3YXO: goto Z3ivy; JXzdh: unset($J0B4E[key($J0B4E)]); goto RKZBD; RKZBD: srzWN: goto rfIyl; GW89J: } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqfRL($IOreM); } goto iLgsz; YL9RU: $this->destroy(); goto Iu3rQ; IJwMm: return; goto ZUtyb; bcy30: goto zOiVg; goto t8PHI; Iu3rQ: return; goto BDS3T; nVuZU: return; goto ugBDC; bT_nj: mkTHE: goto O0sz4; V1Teb: static $J0B4E = []; goto OZxR4; Dy0zJ: $this->E6osT += strlen($X7T1y); goto Y_66Z; mknw1: $oAwKt = $this->W9F2O; goto zBn_B; ykZE0: if (!($RJTCg && (feof($XXinT) || !is_resource($XXinT) || $X7T1y === false))) { goto XGbPg; } goto YL9RU; dfcC4: ++self::$mVeXl["total_request"]; goto L2oqN; KUfap: $oAwKt = substr($this->W9F2O, 0, $this->zMJWf); goto hRUxP; t8PHI: qp3My: goto bH285; naRzF: return; goto F1AAc; BDS3T: XGbPg: goto PPzTJ; MCf8x: if (!($this->W9F2O !== '' && !$this->JOIcw)) { goto WnxWi; } goto VtDot; L2oqN: try { ($this->A4U4W)($this, $this->W9F2O); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VQfRL($IOreM); } goto KyaRq; wN3sg: $vXuU0 = clone $vXuU0; goto U5GJ0; ZTasi: if (!($this->zMJWf > strlen($this->W9F2O))) { goto As7sP; } goto bmPHd; gSS40: MSjBo: goto V4fca; RWDO2: $vXuU0->qKw1g = []; goto r5p3r; XWGHp: return; goto eq6cq; Hh3Y2: ++self::$mVeXl["total_request"]; goto bPd6Y; x5fAL: goto cjVhE; goto gSS40; jr3iX: nfSBd: goto MCf8x; iLgsz: goto nfSBd; goto rBIxB; bw_M8: $this->destroy(); goto nVuZU; wxUgb: Kq5Oa: goto qlhFG; l_qNy: zOiVg: goto dpWx0; VtDot: if ($this->zMJWf) { goto qp3My; } goto Hwk6L; eaPx3: $this->zMJWf = 0; goto ad6vp; rBIxB: WnxWi: goto EAOjh; nB7gw: if (!$this->qMgQS) { goto vtZd8; } goto YWo1P; sjyLr: XrpAS: goto mknw1; r5p3r: G7Ahn: goto Akz08; ZUtyb: goto KJ91l; goto xYs3Q; YWo1P: $this->LGWjs->MQ9au($XXinT, $this->cKkd6(...)); goto oq9t3; FEMWF: As7sP: goto dgcim; FC94y: tHRGo: goto eqH4Z; bmPHd: goto WnxWi; goto FEMWF; bH285: if (!($this->zMJWf > strlen($this->W9F2O))) { goto s3rUy; } goto ZKjjX; fnO8h: if ($x_ZCq = strlen($this->W9F2O) === $this->zMJWf) { goto XrpAS; } goto KUfap; Cxt8M: goto lQ1gm; goto sjyLr; NUnfD: MLCI2: goto ykZE0; NO8YB: $vXuU0->kxYAM = $this; goto cOTUj; U5GJ0: $J0B4E[$X7T1y] = $vXuU0; goto NO8YB; OZxR4: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "ssl" && $this->EFqJU !== true)) { goto Kq5Oa; } goto Wo6rP; RstJA: cjVhE: goto E1XLk; sm881: $this->EFqJU = true; goto nB7gw; cOTUj: $this->RMVf3 = $vXuU0; goto RWDO2; Wo6rP: if ($this->muKSk($XXinT)) { goto BYpxJ; } goto IJwMm; oq9t3: vtZd8: goto vdarG; EAOjh: return; goto bT_nj; Y_66Z: if ($this->W9F2O === '') { goto MSjBo; } goto QP5C1; vdarG: KJ91l: goto wxUgb; ombsa: Gg_SY: goto ZTasi; KyaRq: $this->W9F2O = ''; goto abgRy; Akz08: try { ($this->A4U4W)($this, $vXuU0); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vQfRL($IOreM); } goto naRzF; QP5C1: $this->W9F2O .= $X7T1y; goto x5fAL; V4fca: if (!(static::$yAmdH && !isset($X7T1y[512]) && isset($J0B4E[$X7T1y]))) { goto jAls1; } goto Hh3Y2; duUAO: s3rUy: goto l_qNy; cSjb1: if (!$vXuU0 instanceof u2ofG) { goto G7Ahn; } goto wN3sg; eq6cq: hTxMA: goto dfcC4; Ea3MX: if (!($this->rp3Zi !== null)) { goto mkTHE; } goto jr3iX; dpWx0: ++self::$mVeXl["total_request"]; goto fnO8h; AMrCU: if ($this->zMJWf === 0) { goto tHRGo; } goto tBWo4; Tw4b1: dRXil::kxU7Q((string) new RuntimeException("Protocol {$this->rp3Zi} Error package. package_length=" . var_export($this->zMJWf, true))); goto bw_M8; abgRy: } public function ckkD6() : void { goto rmEwN; xg5h3: $this->qMgQS = ''; goto Yt_Kj; CADKU: uQeLg: goto ngfbL; rmEwN: $ZpJ_q = 0; goto h12bH; bJO81: return; goto V3UaX; y_iMV: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::C29dc)) { goto UMj1k; } goto FscRB; Mx6Lx: try { ($this->T62Sl)($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqFRL($IOreM); } goto YIuaD; FscRB: if (empty($this->gcvbT->azJ1i)) { goto NeOb_; } goto bJO81; eB0kw: if ($ZpJ_q > 0) { goto uQeLg; } goto ONs2i; nldM9: UMj1k: goto cx8D8; ojdBa: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto jhhiP; ngfbL: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto uZ7lP; h12bH: try { goto kj_TX; XArbN: $ZpJ_q = @fwrite($this->ZZZED, $this->qMgQS, 8192); goto N9VE3; N9VE3: i3j3u: goto YQ9qf; kj_TX: if ($this->DdaF4 === "ssl") { goto QUCAe; } goto fCY1F; P0JCb: goto i3j3u; goto ibOu9; fCY1F: $ZpJ_q = @fwrite($this->ZZZED, $this->qMgQS); goto P0JCb; ibOu9: QUCAe: goto XArbN; YQ9qf: } catch (Throwable) { } goto LMor_; V3UaX: NeOb_: goto eIseo; LMor_: if (!($ZpJ_q === strlen($this->qMgQS))) { goto obnNa; } goto ojdBa; cx8D8: return; goto Z12dH; YIuaD: i4ZOk: goto y_iMV; jhhiP: $this->LGWjs->Mnoyb($this->ZZZED); goto xg5h3; PfSzS: OE2Vm: goto thGu0; Yt_Kj: if (!$this->T62Sl) { goto i4ZOk; } goto Mx6Lx; uZ7lP: $this->qMgQS = substr($this->qMgQS, $ZpJ_q); goto PfSzS; lJelt: goto OE2Vm; goto CADKU; ONs2i: ++self::$mVeXl["send_fail"]; goto IK6x9; eIseo: $this->destroy(); goto nldM9; IK6x9: $this->destroy(); goto lJelt; Z12dH: obnNa: goto eB0kw; thGu0: } public function MukSK($XXinT) : bool|int { goto KjSSq; BlvKv: return false; goto WJ6My; i8vdr: mv7fw: goto mUhjd; EIPzi: restore_error_handler(); goto T0JWz; kbm3F: return 0; goto Rz43C; yVIyY: if (!(0 === $j8cLK)) { goto nIKKl; } goto kbm3F; fVJog: if ($l6TcO) { goto mv7fw; } goto uMUgy; mUhjd: $sEofj = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_CLIENT | STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT; goto E4BkE; WJ6My: aE0n1: goto yVIyY; E4BkE: D0aZC: goto yKFLO; KjSSq: if (!feof($XXinT)) { goto yTNC4; } goto jZXQp; T0JWz: if (!(false === $j8cLK)) { goto aE0n1; } goto agwCy; H2XCu: return true; goto frZBC; Rz43C: nIKKl: goto H2XCu; mEeja: goto D0aZC; goto i8vdr; yKFLO: set_error_handler(static function (int $cfqXb, string $Ie93x) : bool { goto d0RwG; FW7dM: return true; goto jFYPu; DmyIv: DRxil::Kxu7q(sprintf("SSL handshake error: %s
", $Ie93x)); goto zNKp2; zNKp2: rf3E1: goto FW7dM; d0RwG: if (drXiL::$f7JDi) { goto rf3E1; } goto DmyIv; jFYPu: }); goto SwTFv; y2ErE: return false; goto CnY8O; agwCy: $this->destroy(); goto BlvKv; uMUgy: $sEofj = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_SERVER | STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_SERVER; goto mEeja; llZuk: $l6TcO = $this instanceof rExHh; goto fVJog; jZXQp: $this->destroy(); goto y2ErE; SwTFv: $j8cLK = stream_socket_enable_crypto($XXinT, true, $sEofj); goto EIPzi; CnY8O: yTNC4: goto llZuk; frZBC: } public function leIz3(self $PTs0W) : void { goto cStfx; UD37f: $PTs0W->T62Sl = function () use($HWQnU) { $HWQnU->KewcE(); }; goto kb08Y; tkAWc: $this->A4U4W = function ($HWQnU, $DCzRb) use($PTs0W) { $PTs0W->send($DCzRb); }; goto Vlhos; wOqD6: $PTs0W->hEtYR = function () use($HWQnU) { $HWQnU->GltaZ(); }; goto UD37f; Vlhos: $this->gI8g1 = function () use($PTs0W) { $PTs0W->close(); }; goto wOqD6; cStfx: $HWQnU = $this; goto tkAWc; kb08Y: } public function LlJ94(int $vcI3W) : void { $this->W9F2O = substr($this->W9F2O, $vcI3W); } public function close(mixed $DCzRb = null, bool $hWGTF = false) : void { goto oi61O; ZqhmP: if (!($DCzRb !== null)) { goto mYDVm; } goto FNZjb; nfAWn: sog7c: goto ZqhmP; oG1Na: mYDVm: goto vAewA; UTsnx: xHQXh: goto lXXfs; oi61O: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::iM3Ch)) { goto xHQXh; } goto UzVVr; UzVVr: $this->destroy(); goto pprBm; lXXfs: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::C29dc || $this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto sog7c; } goto l6gJ3; pprBm: return; goto UTsnx; bt0bP: iZKF0: goto rOsUw; s6oFO: if ($this->qMgQS === '') { goto iZKF0; } goto xNv9S; l6gJ3: return; goto nfAWn; xNv9S: $this->gLTaz(); goto xULTO; xULTO: goto i7RA8; goto bt0bP; rOsUw: $this->destroy(); goto qPQ_I; qPQ_I: i7RA8: goto LyUlF; vAewA: $this->lK22Z = self::C29dc; goto s6oFO; FNZjb: $this->send($DCzRb, $hWGTF); goto oG1Na; LyUlF: } public function EUxmx() : bool { goto VtVOp; ia3gP: BX2yd: goto fV_IH; fV_IH: return !str_contains($this->rAKzc(), ":"); goto CSlhj; VtVOp: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "unix")) { goto BX2yd; } goto F1Wu8; F1Wu8: return false; goto ia3gP; CSlhj: } public function yb1yO() : bool { goto NX2MA; e5lci: Eia0k: goto o2p2U; NX2MA: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "unix")) { goto Eia0k; } goto KFAvs; o2p2U: return str_contains($this->raKzC(), ":"); goto tkgp3; KFAvs: return false; goto e5lci; tkgp3: } public function PGsd1() { return $this->ZZZED; } protected function wmB36() : void { goto vgPm9; M6Cdp: try { ($this->hEtYR)($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqFrL($IOreM); } goto hzS5C; vgPm9: if (!($this->hEtYR && $this->fsajF <= strlen($this->qMgQS))) { goto hBjq2; } goto M6Cdp; hzS5C: hBjq2: goto p0htu; p0htu: } protected function OdScr() : bool { goto gWb0s; m8v02: tl6Ff: goto HPeUH; GLTji: if (!$this->V5xeO) { goto tl6Ff; } goto sUuTL; sUuTL: try { ($this->V5xeO)($this, static::EHlPR, "send buffer full and drop package"); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VQFRl($IOreM); } goto m8v02; magx9: G2nqc: goto GGtwd; HPeUH: return true; goto magx9; gWb0s: if (!($this->fsajF <= strlen($this->qMgQS))) { goto G2nqc; } goto GLTji; GGtwd: return false; goto R2UPc; R2UPc: } public function J0PRE() : bool { return empty($this->qMgQS); } public function destroy() : void { goto CN_Xg; eA7cW: jsAVA: goto uKdgb; I0d4z: $this->JOIcw = $this->EFqJU = false; goto Zd34l; Ae4YW: try { ($this->gI8g1)($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VqFrL($IOreM); } goto MbqIr; JG67M: if (!$this->gI8g1) { goto PTEJc; } goto Ae4YW; myGyQ: $this->A4U4W = $this->gI8g1 = $this->V5xeO = $this->hEtYR = $this->T62Sl = $this->LGWjs = $this->DZ7ez = null; goto XndUL; SHChA: ii1lt: goto r1ich; ouLae: if (!($this->rp3Zi && method_exists($this->rp3Zi, "onClose"))) { goto jsAVA; } goto wsG2z; zHgyb: unset(static::$OkhXb[$this->NZgj0]); goto SHChA; wsG2z: try { $this->rp3Zi::onClose($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VqfRL($IOreM); } goto eA7cW; MbqIr: PTEJc: goto ouLae; lvomq: if (!(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === "\" && method_exists($this->LGWjs, "offExcept"))) { goto lAIl3; } goto S_bqr; ndGY7: return; goto xSAto; XFSYv: lAIl3: goto ytvZi; KA6F5: $this->LGWjs->ZaKEb($this->ZZZED); goto KQhiA; ytvZi: try { @fclose($this->ZZZED); } catch (Throwable) { } goto lKMp_; E8FnZ: cKRoP: goto zHgyb; i24be: $this->zMJWf = 0; goto I0d4z; S_bqr: $this->LGWjs->j4VgC($this->ZZZED); goto XFSYv; VNVlo: unset($this->wZq1B->OkhXb[$this->NZgj0]); goto E8FnZ; CN_Xg: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto rDDUQ; } goto ndGY7; uKdgb: $this->qMgQS = $this->W9F2O = ''; goto i24be; lKMp_: $this->lK22Z = self::Whlcj; goto JG67M; XndUL: if (!$this->wZq1B) { goto cKRoP; } goto VNVlo; KQhiA: $this->LGWjs->mnoyb($this->ZZZED); goto lvomq; Zd34l: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto ii1lt; } goto myGyQ; xSAto: rDDUQ: goto KA6F5; r1ich: } public static function mgffb(bool $ExdnA = true) : void { static::$yAmdH = $ExdnA; } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return ["id" => $this->id, "status" => $this->XSAMO(), "transport" => $this->DdaF4, "getRemoteIp" => $this->raKzc(), "remotePort" => $this->EJgbt(), "getRemoteAddress" => $this->fBSjp(), "getLocalIp" => $this->EqcA8(), "getLocalPort" => $this->hUCd_(), "getLocalAddress" => $this->BT8dl(), "isIpV4" => $this->euXmx(), "isIpV6" => $this->yb1Yo()]; } public function __destruct() { goto REeX_; YVMPH: gFh2H: goto vdGm_; nVKLV: $FYMsP = function_exists("posix_getpid") ? posix_getpid() : 0; goto wsb1u; ORT5a: tfyQ9: goto HVY32; wsb1u: dRXIl::log("worker[" . $FYMsP . "] remains " . self::$mVeXl["connection_count"] . " connection(s)"); goto ORT5a; REeX_: static $czZBV; goto LDH6q; Q43jV: DrxIL::noCOm(); goto YVMPH; HVY32: if (!(0 === self::$mVeXl["connection_count"])) { goto gFh2H; } goto Q43jV; NK3J5: if (!(0 === self::$mVeXl["connection_count"] % $czZBV)) { goto tfyQ9; } goto nVKLV; NYmUO: $czZBV ??= ceil((self::$mVeXl["connection_count"] + 1) / 3); goto NK3J5; bQqOx: if (!DrxiL::C96ps()) { goto t6tPh; } goto NYmUO; LDH6q: self::$mVeXl["connection_count"]--; goto bQqOx; vdGm_: t6tPh: goto KAIDr; KAIDr: } } ?>

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:24:31              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace xCjRD\HQv79; use JsonSerializable; use RuntimeException; use stdClass; use Throwable; use xcJrd\EBD4e\CXqj2; use xcJrD\fvpHn\o84G4\u2ofg; use XcJRd\FVphn\f1yMq; use Xcjrd\drXiL; use function ceil; use function count; use function fclose; use function feof; use function fread; use function function_exists; use function fwrite; use function is_object; use function is_resource; use function key; use function method_exists; use function posix_getpid; use function restore_error_handler; use function set_error_handler; use function stream_set_blocking; use function stream_set_read_buffer; use function stream_socket_enable_crypto; use function stream_socket_get_name; use function strlen; use function strrchr; use function strrpos; use function substr; use function var_export; use const zP7dz; use const xdOb4; use const lgEpU; use const u9GbX; use const nuApy; class By5O1 extends jyTY3 implements JsonSerializable { public const gvil4 = 87380; public const q6f7_ = 0; public const iM3Ch = 1; public const PGTPr = 2; public const C29dc = 4; public const Whlcj = 8; public $cTGoT = null; public $Jo3mJ = null; public $A4U4W = null; public $gI8g1 = null; public $V5xeO = null; public $hEtYR = null; public $T62Sl = null; public string $DdaF4 = "\164\x63\160"; public ?Worker $wZq1B = null; public int $E6osT = 0; public int $TNqxE = 0; public int $id = 0; protected int $NZgj0 = 0; public int $fsajF = 1048576; public ?stdClass $gcvbT = null; public array $LIrhU = []; public ?Request $RMVf3 = null; public static int $Br0Dh = 1048576; public int $un0WZ = 1048576; public static int $gyZWE = 10485760; protected static int $Q7J8l = 1; protected static bool $yAmdH = true; protected $ZZZED = null; protected string $qMgQS = ''; protected string $W9F2O = ''; protected int $zMJWf = 0; protected int $lK22Z = self::PGTPr; protected string $mOXVg = ''; protected bool $JOIcw = false; protected bool|int $EFqJU = false; public static array $OkhXb = []; public const ftbcO = [self::q6f7_ => "\111\x4e\111\x54\111\x41\x4c", self::iM3Ch => "\x43\117\x4e\x4e\105\x43\x54\111\116\x47", self::PGTPr => "\x45\123\124\x41\x42\114\111\x53\x48\x45\x44", self::C29dc => "\103\x4c\x4f\123\x49\x4e\x47", self::Whlcj => "\103\x4c\117\x53\105\104"]; public function __construct(cXQJ2 $pIe7W, $XXinT, string $kYDUi = '') { goto IiQ14; aWcv7: if (!(self::$Q7J8l === PHP_INT_MAX)) { goto FeprN; } goto XuSsP; jxu3Q: stream_set_read_buffer($this->ZZZED, 0); goto hebSJ; nj5WT: $this->un0WZ = self::$gyZWE; goto AO0ht; XuSsP: self::$Q7J8l = 0; goto xErlD; AlzYj: $this->fsajF = self::$Br0Dh; goto nj5WT; AO0ht: $this->mOXVg = $kYDUi; goto c2rwu; jiNay: $this->id = $this->NZgj0 = self::$Q7J8l++; goto aWcv7; hebSJ: OBEq0: goto b0Rv2; dpOKO: if (!function_exists("\163\164\x72\x65\x61\x6d\137\163\145\164\x5f\x72\x65\141\144\x5f\142\165\x66\146\x65\162")) { goto OBEq0; } goto jxu3Q; b0Rv2: $this->LGWjs = $pIe7W; goto cONa6; cONa6: $this->LGWjs->Zv_Ax($this->ZZZED, $this->sfNdu(...)); goto AlzYj; xErlD: FeprN: goto AZ5EZ; EaFn0: $this->gcvbT = new stdClass(); goto ksFQf; hNxyG: stream_set_blocking($this->ZZZED, false); goto dpOKO; IiQ14: ++self::$mVeXl["\x63\157\x6e\x6e\x65\x63\x74\151\157\x6e\x5f\143\157\x75\156\x74"]; goto jiNay; c2rwu: static::$OkhXb[$this->id] = $this; goto EaFn0; AZ5EZ: $this->ZZZED = $XXinT; goto hNxyG; ksFQf: } public function XSaMo(bool $ponQv = true) : int|string { goto H6qKl; GU8q3: return $this->lK22Z; goto tJjBR; tJjBR: hHJ_s: goto MXBv3; MXBv3: return self::ftbcO[$this->lK22Z]; goto Yena5; H6qKl: if (!$ponQv) { goto hHJ_s; } goto GU8q3; Yena5: } public function send(mixed $cxhHW, bool $hWGTF = false) : bool|null { goto XrvKv; H51Nj: if (!($this->qMgQS && $this->oDScr())) { goto GacgB; } goto HUU2Q; KeXGR: if ($ZpJ_q > 0) { goto PzTsi; } goto MSHk5; V4dL9: $this->WmB36(); goto FTF7o; v1AU2: if (!$this->OdsCR()) { goto D_toh; } goto ZOpqi; uDhat: if (!(false === $hWGTF && $this->rp3Zi !== null)) { goto ZfqZe; } goto nDxq9; sRumT: if (!($this->qMgQS === '')) { goto aORod; } goto G72Cp; TQKoY: try { ($this->V5xeO)($this, static::EHlPR, "\x63\x6c\x69\x65\x6e\x74\x20\x63\154\x6f\x73\145\144"); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VqfrL($IOreM); } goto kWWDZ; at6lV: if (!($this->lK22Z !== self::PGTPr || $this->DdaF4 === "\163\x73\x6c" && $this->EFqJU !== true)) { goto ybDH2; } goto H51Nj; XrvKv: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::C29dc || $this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto RVLOl; } goto qkj8Z; FIHQg: return false; goto Rbk3g; E1azl: return null; goto cuNpG; xaszJ: $this->LGWjs->mQ9AU($this->ZZZED, $this->CKkD6(...)); goto K7WQu; DIMby: try { $cxhHW = $yTX6G::uTd6Z($cxhHW, $this); } catch (\Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqFRl($IOreM); } goto LMgqj; krtp4: $this->LGWjs->MQ9au($this->ZZZED, $this->Ckkd6(...)); goto pA8GW; phkok: return false; goto ONyd7; OK9dQ: return false; goto UU6rm; XOtvT: return null; goto jh9m0; K7WQu: $this->qMgQS = $cxhHW; goto IHOTz; pstEb: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto HFIJ7; HkRw7: H0Fz4: goto KeXGR; tzQ65: PzTsi: goto OBfO0; LWy3r: RVLOl: goto uDhat; ONyd7: D_toh: goto KW2TO; lYHzH: if (!$this->V5xeO) { goto r7kFJ; } goto TQKoY; INJ6o: if (!($ZpJ_q === strlen($cxhHW))) { goto H0Fz4; } goto dBJo9; uUkx4: return true; goto HkRw7; qkj8Z: return false; goto LWy3r; ZOpqi: ++self::$mVeXl["\x73\145\x6e\x64\137\x66\141\x69\154"]; goto phkok; dBJo9: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto uUkx4; XZmCK: $ZpJ_q = 0; goto I3L_g; PyjiF: ++self::$mVeXl["\163\x65\156\144\137\146\141\151\x6c"]; goto lYHzH; b9vMr: ZfqZe: goto at6lV; nDxq9: $yTX6G = $this->rp3Zi; goto DIMby; I3L_g: try { $ZpJ_q = @fwrite($this->ZZZED, $cxhHW); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { drXiL::log($IOreM); } goto INJ6o; Ly7ee: $this->destroy(); goto OK9dQ; jh9m0: aORod: goto v1AU2; Ju3Wu: $this->qMgQS = $cxhHW; goto O5ylj; FTF7o: return null; goto XMbxm; ztPfc: return null; goto XdY7g; O5ylj: goto u6d4b; goto tzQ65; s318f: $this->wMB36(); goto ztPfc; MSHk5: if (!(!is_resource($this->ZZZED) || feof($this->ZZZED))) { goto z2ewM; } goto PyjiF; G72Cp: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "\163\163\154")) { goto Uu3Oz; } goto xaszJ; HFIJ7: u6d4b: goto krtp4; kWWDZ: r7kFJ: goto Ly7ee; pA8GW: $this->wmb36(); goto XOtvT; BN1EX: $this->qMgQS .= $cxhHW; goto s318f; ZGkIx: Uu3Oz: goto XZmCK; HUU2Q: ++self::$mVeXl["\163\x65\156\x64\137\x66\141\x69\154"]; goto FIHQg; IHOTz: $this->WMB36(); goto fqHrp; Rbk3g: GacgB: goto BN1EX; XdY7g: ybDH2: goto sRumT; LMgqj: if (!($cxhHW === '')) { goto V26MN; } goto E1azl; KW2TO: $this->qMgQS .= $cxhHW; goto V4dL9; UU6rm: z2ewM: goto Ju3Wu; cuNpG: V26MN: goto b9vMr; OBfO0: $this->qMgQS = substr($cxhHW, $ZpJ_q); goto pstEb; fqHrp: return null; goto ZGkIx; XMbxm: } public function RAKZc() : string { goto Pz4Og; DOzm2: if (!$O8z3E) { goto OmCWP; } goto DoLBq; Pz4Og: $O8z3E = strrpos($this->mOXVg, "\72"); goto DOzm2; PiqT3: OmCWP: goto WrzCY; WrzCY: return ''; goto eeqjZ; DoLBq: return substr($this->mOXVg, 0, $O8z3E); goto PiqT3; eeqjZ: } public function ejgBT() : int { goto FOFLm; FOFLm: if (!$this->mOXVg) { goto t74LW; } goto jrors; XPOh2: return 0; goto pvnh0; ENOke: t74LW: goto XPOh2; jrors: return (int) substr(strrchr($this->mOXVg, "\72"), 1); goto ENOke; pvnh0: } public function fBSJp() : string { return $this->mOXVg; } public function eQca8() : string { goto xIH21; xIH21: $hr2mL = $this->bt8dL(); goto iowQm; TGKAx: if ($O8z3E) { goto JgGJ5; } goto iHHS9; QU1Lq: return substr($hr2mL, 0, $O8z3E); goto YHvGM; iowQm: $O8z3E = strrpos($hr2mL, "\72"); goto TGKAx; iHHS9: return ''; goto jlfLz; jlfLz: JgGJ5: goto QU1Lq; YHvGM: } public function hUcD_() : int { goto uO3qh; afTpr: if ($O8z3E) { goto RNsBl; } goto MK_EE; MK_EE: return 0; goto IAqPW; IAqPW: RNsBl: goto G_NXz; G_NXz: return (int) substr(strrchr($hr2mL, "\72"), 1); goto HRHKE; wCjcP: $O8z3E = strrpos($hr2mL, "\x3a"); goto afTpr; uO3qh: $hr2mL = $this->BT8dl(); goto wCjcP; HRHKE: } public function bt8dL() : string { goto a0J0U; rnsNJ: return ''; goto hsOIs; hsOIs: yH5pN: goto QYbIE; a0J0U: if (is_resource($this->ZZZED)) { goto yH5pN; } goto rnsNJ; QYbIE: return (string) @stream_socket_get_name($this->ZZZED, false); goto UoSfG; UoSfG: } public function U2JAs() : int { return strlen($this->qMgQS); } public function wf8gk() : int { return strlen($this->W9F2O); } public function gLTaZ() : void { $this->LGWjs->ZaKeB($this->ZZZED); $this->JOIcw = true; } public function kewCE() : void { goto CHiLt; yGHI8: $this->JOIcw = false; goto Hd4ct; CHiLt: if (!($this->JOIcw === true)) { goto v5TWc; } goto R_aUT; Hd4ct: $this->SFnDu($this->ZZZED, false); goto UFe0H; UFe0H: v5TWc: goto IL1qg; R_aUT: $this->LGWjs->zV_AX($this->ZZZED, $this->sfndU(...)); goto yGHI8; IL1qg: } public function sfndu($XXinT, bool $RJTCg = true) : void { goto V1Teb; JAt1J: try { $X7T1y = @fread($XXinT, self::gvil4); } catch (Throwable) { } goto Ch4cW; Ch4cW: if ($X7T1y === '' || $X7T1y === false) { goto MLCI2; } goto Dy0zJ; xYs3Q: BYpxJ: goto sm881; PPzTJ: hAyB7: goto Ea3MX; nLAAq: goto C6rx8; goto ombsa; ugBDC: goto C6rx8; goto FC94y; bPd6Y: $vXuU0 = $J0B4E[$X7T1y]; goto cSjb1; E1XLk: goto hAyB7; goto NUnfD; dgcim: C6rx8: goto bcy30; eqH4Z: goto WnxWi; goto nLAAq; zBn_B: $this->W9F2O = ''; goto ghSZt; ghSZt: lQ1gm: goto eaPx3; S8SqN: $this->W9F2O = $X7T1y; goto RstJA; tBWo4: if ($this->zMJWf > 0 && $this->zMJWf <= $this->un0WZ) { goto Gg_SY; } goto Tw4b1; qlhFG: $X7T1y = ''; goto JAt1J; Hwk6L: try { $yTX6G = $this->rp3Zi; $this->zMJWf = $yTX6G::CpQjw($this->W9F2O, $this); } catch (Throwable) { } goto AMrCU; ZKjjX: goto WnxWi; goto duUAO; F1AAc: jAls1: goto S8SqN; hRUxP: $this->W9F2O = substr($this->W9F2O, $this->zMJWf); goto Cxt8M; O0sz4: if (!($this->W9F2O === '' || $this->JOIcw)) { goto hTxMA; } goto XWGHp; ad6vp: try { goto zhx6L; Z3ivy: ($this->A4U4W)($this, $vXuU0); goto GW89J; slPlj: if (!(count($J0B4E) > 512)) { goto srzWN; } goto JXzdh; N2oYK: if (!(static::$yAmdH && (!is_object($vXuU0) || $vXuU0 instanceof u2OFg) && $x_ZCq && !isset($oAwKt[512]))) { goto N3YXO; } goto ix0L6; zhx6L: $yTX6G = $this->rp3Zi; goto phR7J; phR7J: $vXuU0 = $yTX6G::UeVez($oAwKt, $this); goto N2oYK; ix0L6: $J0B4E[$oAwKt] = $vXuU0; goto slPlj; rfIyl: N3YXO: goto Z3ivy; JXzdh: unset($J0B4E[key($J0B4E)]); goto RKZBD; RKZBD: srzWN: goto rfIyl; GW89J: } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqfRL($IOreM); } goto iLgsz; YL9RU: $this->destroy(); goto Iu3rQ; IJwMm: return; goto ZUtyb; bcy30: goto zOiVg; goto t8PHI; Iu3rQ: return; goto BDS3T; nVuZU: return; goto ugBDC; bT_nj: mkTHE: goto O0sz4; V1Teb: static $J0B4E = []; goto OZxR4; Dy0zJ: $this->E6osT += strlen($X7T1y); goto Y_66Z; mknw1: $oAwKt = $this->W9F2O; goto zBn_B; ykZE0: if (!($RJTCg && (feof($XXinT) || !is_resource($XXinT) || $X7T1y === false))) { goto XGbPg; } goto YL9RU; dfcC4: ++self::$mVeXl["\164\x6f\x74\141\154\x5f\x72\145\161\165\145\163\x74"]; goto L2oqN; KUfap: $oAwKt = substr($this->W9F2O, 0, $this->zMJWf); goto hRUxP; t8PHI: qp3My: goto bH285; naRzF: return; goto F1AAc; BDS3T: XGbPg: goto PPzTJ; MCf8x: if (!($this->W9F2O !== '' && !$this->JOIcw)) { goto WnxWi; } goto VtDot; L2oqN: try { ($this->A4U4W)($this, $this->W9F2O); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VQfRL($IOreM); } goto KyaRq; wN3sg: $vXuU0 = clone $vXuU0; goto U5GJ0; ZTasi: if (!($this->zMJWf > strlen($this->W9F2O))) { goto As7sP; } goto bmPHd; gSS40: MSjBo: goto V4fca; RWDO2: $vXuU0->qKw1g = []; goto r5p3r; XWGHp: return; goto eq6cq; Hh3Y2: ++self::$mVeXl["\164\157\x74\141\x6c\x5f\x72\x65\161\x75\x65\x73\164"]; goto bPd6Y; x5fAL: goto cjVhE; goto gSS40; jr3iX: nfSBd: goto MCf8x; iLgsz: goto nfSBd; goto rBIxB; bw_M8: $this->destroy(); goto nVuZU; wxUgb: Kq5Oa: goto qlhFG; l_qNy: zOiVg: goto dpWx0; VtDot: if ($this->zMJWf) { goto qp3My; } goto Hwk6L; eaPx3: $this->zMJWf = 0; goto ad6vp; rBIxB: WnxWi: goto EAOjh; nB7gw: if (!$this->qMgQS) { goto vtZd8; } goto YWo1P; sjyLr: XrpAS: goto mknw1; r5p3r: G7Ahn: goto Akz08; ZUtyb: goto KJ91l; goto xYs3Q; YWo1P: $this->LGWjs->MQ9au($XXinT, $this->cKkd6(...)); goto oq9t3; FEMWF: As7sP: goto dgcim; FC94y: tHRGo: goto eqH4Z; bmPHd: goto WnxWi; goto FEMWF; bH285: if (!($this->zMJWf > strlen($this->W9F2O))) { goto s3rUy; } goto ZKjjX; fnO8h: if ($x_ZCq = strlen($this->W9F2O) === $this->zMJWf) { goto XrpAS; } goto KUfap; Cxt8M: goto lQ1gm; goto sjyLr; NUnfD: MLCI2: goto ykZE0; NO8YB: $vXuU0->kxYAM = $this; goto cOTUj; U5GJ0: $J0B4E[$X7T1y] = $vXuU0; goto NO8YB; OZxR4: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "\x73\163\x6c" && $this->EFqJU !== true)) { goto Kq5Oa; } goto Wo6rP; RstJA: cjVhE: goto E1XLk; sm881: $this->EFqJU = true; goto nB7gw; cOTUj: $this->RMVf3 = $vXuU0; goto RWDO2; Wo6rP: if ($this->muKSk($XXinT)) { goto BYpxJ; } goto IJwMm; oq9t3: vtZd8: goto vdarG; EAOjh: return; goto bT_nj; Y_66Z: if ($this->W9F2O === '') { goto MSjBo; } goto QP5C1; vdarG: KJ91l: goto wxUgb; ombsa: Gg_SY: goto ZTasi; KyaRq: $this->W9F2O = ''; goto abgRy; Akz08: try { ($this->A4U4W)($this, $vXuU0); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vQfRL($IOreM); } goto naRzF; QP5C1: $this->W9F2O .= $X7T1y; goto x5fAL; V4fca: if (!(static::$yAmdH && !isset($X7T1y[512]) && isset($J0B4E[$X7T1y]))) { goto jAls1; } goto Hh3Y2; duUAO: s3rUy: goto l_qNy; cSjb1: if (!$vXuU0 instanceof u2ofG) { goto G7Ahn; } goto wN3sg; eq6cq: hTxMA: goto dfcC4; Ea3MX: if (!($this->rp3Zi !== null)) { goto mkTHE; } goto jr3iX; dpWx0: ++self::$mVeXl["\164\x6f\164\141\x6c\x5f\162\x65\x71\165\145\x73\x74"]; goto fnO8h; AMrCU: if ($this->zMJWf === 0) { goto tHRGo; } goto tBWo4; Tw4b1: dRXil::kxU7Q((string) new RuntimeException("\120\162\157\164\x6f\143\x6f\154\x20{$this->rp3Zi}\x20\x45\x72\162\x6f\x72\40\x70\141\x63\x6b\x61\x67\145\56\40\x70\x61\143\153\x61\147\x65\137\x6c\145\156\x67\x74\x68\x3d" . var_export($this->zMJWf, true))); goto bw_M8; abgRy: } public function ckkD6() : void { goto rmEwN; xg5h3: $this->qMgQS = ''; goto Yt_Kj; CADKU: uQeLg: goto ngfbL; rmEwN: $ZpJ_q = 0; goto h12bH; bJO81: return; goto V3UaX; y_iMV: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::C29dc)) { goto UMj1k; } goto FscRB; Mx6Lx: try { ($this->T62Sl)($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqFRL($IOreM); } goto YIuaD; FscRB: if (empty($this->gcvbT->azJ1i)) { goto NeOb_; } goto bJO81; eB0kw: if ($ZpJ_q > 0) { goto uQeLg; } goto ONs2i; nldM9: UMj1k: goto cx8D8; ojdBa: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto jhhiP; ngfbL: $this->TNqxE += $ZpJ_q; goto uZ7lP; h12bH: try { goto kj_TX; XArbN: $ZpJ_q = @fwrite($this->ZZZED, $this->qMgQS, 8192); goto N9VE3; N9VE3: i3j3u: goto YQ9qf; kj_TX: if ($this->DdaF4 === "\x73\x73\154") { goto QUCAe; } goto fCY1F; P0JCb: goto i3j3u; goto ibOu9; fCY1F: $ZpJ_q = @fwrite($this->ZZZED, $this->qMgQS); goto P0JCb; ibOu9: QUCAe: goto XArbN; YQ9qf: } catch (Throwable) { } goto LMor_; V3UaX: NeOb_: goto eIseo; LMor_: if (!($ZpJ_q === strlen($this->qMgQS))) { goto obnNa; } goto ojdBa; cx8D8: return; goto Z12dH; YIuaD: i4ZOk: goto y_iMV; jhhiP: $this->LGWjs->Mnoyb($this->ZZZED); goto xg5h3; PfSzS: OE2Vm: goto thGu0; Yt_Kj: if (!$this->T62Sl) { goto i4ZOk; } goto Mx6Lx; uZ7lP: $this->qMgQS = substr($this->qMgQS, $ZpJ_q); goto PfSzS; lJelt: goto OE2Vm; goto CADKU; ONs2i: ++self::$mVeXl["\x73\145\x6e\x64\x5f\146\x61\151\x6c"]; goto IK6x9; eIseo: $this->destroy(); goto nldM9; IK6x9: $this->destroy(); goto lJelt; Z12dH: obnNa: goto eB0kw; thGu0: } public function MukSK($XXinT) : bool|int { goto KjSSq; BlvKv: return false; goto WJ6My; i8vdr: mv7fw: goto mUhjd; EIPzi: restore_error_handler(); goto T0JWz; kbm3F: return 0; goto Rz43C; yVIyY: if (!(0 === $j8cLK)) { goto nIKKl; } goto kbm3F; fVJog: if ($l6TcO) { goto mv7fw; } goto uMUgy; mUhjd: $sEofj = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_CLIENT | STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT; goto E4BkE; WJ6My: aE0n1: goto yVIyY; E4BkE: D0aZC: goto yKFLO; KjSSq: if (!feof($XXinT)) { goto yTNC4; } goto jZXQp; T0JWz: if (!(false === $j8cLK)) { goto aE0n1; } goto agwCy; H2XCu: return true; goto frZBC; Rz43C: nIKKl: goto H2XCu; mEeja: goto D0aZC; goto i8vdr; yKFLO: set_error_handler(static function (int $cfqXb, string $Ie93x) : bool { goto d0RwG; FW7dM: return true; goto jFYPu; DmyIv: DRxil::Kxu7q(sprintf("\123\123\114\x20\x68\x61\x6e\x64\x73\150\x61\153\145\40\x65\x72\x72\157\x72\x3a\x20\x25\163\12", $Ie93x)); goto zNKp2; zNKp2: rf3E1: goto FW7dM; d0RwG: if (drXiL::$f7JDi) { goto rf3E1; } goto DmyIv; jFYPu: }); goto SwTFv; y2ErE: return false; goto CnY8O; agwCy: $this->destroy(); goto BlvKv; uMUgy: $sEofj = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_SERVER | STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_SERVER; goto mEeja; llZuk: $l6TcO = $this instanceof rExHh; goto fVJog; jZXQp: $this->destroy(); goto y2ErE; SwTFv: $j8cLK = stream_socket_enable_crypto($XXinT, true, $sEofj); goto EIPzi; CnY8O: yTNC4: goto llZuk; frZBC: } public function leIz3(self $PTs0W) : void { goto cStfx; UD37f: $PTs0W->T62Sl = function () use($HWQnU) { $HWQnU->KewcE(); }; goto kb08Y; tkAWc: $this->A4U4W = function ($HWQnU, $DCzRb) use($PTs0W) { $PTs0W->send($DCzRb); }; goto Vlhos; wOqD6: $PTs0W->hEtYR = function () use($HWQnU) { $HWQnU->GltaZ(); }; goto UD37f; Vlhos: $this->gI8g1 = function () use($PTs0W) { $PTs0W->close(); }; goto wOqD6; cStfx: $HWQnU = $this; goto tkAWc; kb08Y: } public function LlJ94(int $vcI3W) : void { $this->W9F2O = substr($this->W9F2O, $vcI3W); } public function close(mixed $DCzRb = null, bool $hWGTF = false) : void { goto oi61O; ZqhmP: if (!($DCzRb !== null)) { goto mYDVm; } goto FNZjb; nfAWn: sog7c: goto ZqhmP; oG1Na: mYDVm: goto vAewA; UTsnx: xHQXh: goto lXXfs; oi61O: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::iM3Ch)) { goto xHQXh; } goto UzVVr; UzVVr: $this->destroy(); goto pprBm; lXXfs: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::C29dc || $this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto sog7c; } goto l6gJ3; pprBm: return; goto UTsnx; bt0bP: iZKF0: goto rOsUw; s6oFO: if ($this->qMgQS === '') { goto iZKF0; } goto xNv9S; l6gJ3: return; goto nfAWn; xNv9S: $this->gLTaz(); goto xULTO; xULTO: goto i7RA8; goto bt0bP; rOsUw: $this->destroy(); goto qPQ_I; qPQ_I: i7RA8: goto LyUlF; vAewA: $this->lK22Z = self::C29dc; goto s6oFO; FNZjb: $this->send($DCzRb, $hWGTF); goto oG1Na; LyUlF: } public function EUxmx() : bool { goto VtVOp; ia3gP: BX2yd: goto fV_IH; fV_IH: return !str_contains($this->rAKzc(), "\x3a"); goto CSlhj; VtVOp: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "\x75\x6e\151\170")) { goto BX2yd; } goto F1Wu8; F1Wu8: return false; goto ia3gP; CSlhj: } public function yb1yO() : bool { goto NX2MA; e5lci: Eia0k: goto o2p2U; NX2MA: if (!($this->DdaF4 === "\x75\x6e\x69\170")) { goto Eia0k; } goto KFAvs; o2p2U: return str_contains($this->raKzC(), "\72"); goto tkgp3; KFAvs: return false; goto e5lci; tkgp3: } public function PGsd1() { return $this->ZZZED; } protected function wmB36() : void { goto vgPm9; M6Cdp: try { ($this->hEtYR)($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->vqFrL($IOreM); } goto hzS5C; vgPm9: if (!($this->hEtYR && $this->fsajF <= strlen($this->qMgQS))) { goto hBjq2; } goto M6Cdp; hzS5C: hBjq2: goto p0htu; p0htu: } protected function OdScr() : bool { goto gWb0s; m8v02: tl6Ff: goto HPeUH; GLTji: if (!$this->V5xeO) { goto tl6Ff; } goto sUuTL; sUuTL: try { ($this->V5xeO)($this, static::EHlPR, "\163\145\156\144\x20\142\x75\146\x66\x65\162\40\146\x75\154\154\40\141\x6e\144\x20\144\x72\x6f\x70\x20\x70\141\x63\153\x61\147\145"); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VQFRl($IOreM); } goto m8v02; magx9: G2nqc: goto GGtwd; HPeUH: return true; goto magx9; gWb0s: if (!($this->fsajF <= strlen($this->qMgQS))) { goto G2nqc; } goto GLTji; GGtwd: return false; goto R2UPc; R2UPc: } public function J0PRE() : bool { return empty($this->qMgQS); } public function destroy() : void { goto CN_Xg; eA7cW: jsAVA: goto uKdgb; I0d4z: $this->JOIcw = $this->EFqJU = false; goto Zd34l; Ae4YW: try { ($this->gI8g1)($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VqFrL($IOreM); } goto MbqIr; JG67M: if (!$this->gI8g1) { goto PTEJc; } goto Ae4YW; myGyQ: $this->A4U4W = $this->gI8g1 = $this->V5xeO = $this->hEtYR = $this->T62Sl = $this->LGWjs = $this->DZ7ez = null; goto XndUL; SHChA: ii1lt: goto r1ich; ouLae: if (!($this->rp3Zi && method_exists($this->rp3Zi, "\x6f\156\x43\x6c\x6f\x73\x65"))) { goto jsAVA; } goto wsG2z; zHgyb: unset(static::$OkhXb[$this->NZgj0]); goto SHChA; wsG2z: try { $this->rp3Zi::onClose($this); } catch (Throwable $IOreM) { $this->VqfRL($IOreM); } goto eA7cW; MbqIr: PTEJc: goto ouLae; lvomq: if (!(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === "\134" && method_exists($this->LGWjs, "\157\x66\x66\x45\x78\143\x65\x70\x74"))) { goto lAIl3; } goto S_bqr; ndGY7: return; goto xSAto; XFSYv: lAIl3: goto ytvZi; KA6F5: $this->LGWjs->ZaKEb($this->ZZZED); goto KQhiA; ytvZi: try { @fclose($this->ZZZED); } catch (Throwable) { } goto lKMp_; E8FnZ: cKRoP: goto zHgyb; i24be: $this->zMJWf = 0; goto I0d4z; S_bqr: $this->LGWjs->j4VgC($this->ZZZED); goto XFSYv; VNVlo: unset($this->wZq1B->OkhXb[$this->NZgj0]); goto E8FnZ; CN_Xg: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto rDDUQ; } goto ndGY7; uKdgb: $this->qMgQS = $this->W9F2O = ''; goto i24be; lKMp_: $this->lK22Z = self::Whlcj; goto JG67M; XndUL: if (!$this->wZq1B) { goto cKRoP; } goto VNVlo; KQhiA: $this->LGWjs->mnoyb($this->ZZZED); goto lvomq; Zd34l: if (!($this->lK22Z === self::Whlcj)) { goto ii1lt; } goto myGyQ; xSAto: rDDUQ: goto KA6F5; r1ich: } public static function mgffb(bool $ExdnA = true) : void { static::$yAmdH = $ExdnA; } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return ["\x69\144" => $this->id, "\163\164\141\x74\165\163" => $this->XSAMO(), "\164\162\x61\x6e\163\160\157\162\164" => $this->DdaF4, "\147\x65\x74\x52\x65\x6d\x6f\164\145\111\x70" => $this->raKzc(), "\x72\x65\155\157\164\145\x50\x6f\162\164" => $this->EJgbt(), "\x67\145\164\122\x65\155\x6f\x74\x65\x41\x64\x64\x72\x65\163\163" => $this->fBSjp(), "\x67\x65\164\114\157\x63\x61\154\111\160" => $this->EqcA8(), "\x67\x65\164\114\157\143\141\x6c\x50\157\162\164" => $this->hUCd_(), "\x67\145\164\x4c\x6f\143\x61\x6c\x41\144\144\162\145\163\163" => $this->BT8dl(), "\151\x73\111\x70\x56\64" => $this->euXmx(), "\151\x73\x49\160\x56\66" => $this->yb1Yo()]; } public function __destruct() { goto REeX_; YVMPH: gFh2H: goto vdGm_; nVKLV: $FYMsP = function_exists("\x70\157\163\x69\170\137\147\x65\x74\160\x69\144") ? posix_getpid() : 0; goto wsb1u; ORT5a: tfyQ9: goto HVY32; wsb1u: dRXIl::log("\167\157\162\153\145\162\x5b" . $FYMsP . "\x5d\x20\162\x65\x6d\x61\151\x6e\163\40" . self::$mVeXl["\143\157\x6e\x6e\x65\x63\164\x69\157\156\137\143\157\165\156\x74"] . "\40\x63\157\x6e\156\145\143\164\x69\157\156\x28\x73\51"); goto ORT5a; REeX_: static $czZBV; goto LDH6q; Q43jV: DrxIL::noCOm(); goto YVMPH; HVY32: if (!(0 === self::$mVeXl["\x63\157\x6e\x6e\x65\143\164\151\x6f\x6e\137\x63\157\x75\x6e\x74"])) { goto gFh2H; } goto Q43jV; NK3J5: if (!(0 === self::$mVeXl["\143\157\156\x6e\145\x63\x74\151\157\x6e\x5f\143\x6f\165\156\164"] % $czZBV)) { goto tfyQ9; } goto nVKLV; NYmUO: $czZBV ??= ceil((self::$mVeXl["\x63\x6f\x6e\156\145\x63\x74\x69\x6f\156\x5f\x63\x6f\165\x6e\x74"] + 1) / 3); goto NK3J5; bQqOx: if (!DrxiL::C96ps()) { goto t6tPh; } goto NYmUO; LDH6q: self::$mVeXl["\143\157\156\x6e\145\143\164\151\157\x6e\x5f\143\x6f\165\156\x74"]--; goto bQqOx; vdGm_: t6tPh: goto KAIDr; KAIDr: } }

Function Calls





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