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PHP Decode

<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro -..

Decoded Output download

/*   __________________________________________________ 
|  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.5   | 
|              on 2019-09-20 17:43:15              | 
|    GitHub:    | 
class jvbk4 { private static $xLvsy; private static $t_fGo; private static $r1h3A; public static function mg976(String $OvqUl) { goto UNsVK; Dt51m: return false; goto yxYkE; wIzb3: b1hD4: goto j0rik; JYwpb: tdUER: goto eYjSF; dP1a6: return false; goto wIzb3; XrKJ9: $fpISL = self::PEtDM(); goto lOi8p; yxYkE: goto I4jcP; goto JYwpb; PmO4_: uur5C::u_x1I("CONF", "Invalid configFile given: {$OvqUl}"); goto Dt51m; j0rik: return true; goto H8CYP; eYjSF: self::$xLvsy = $OvqUl; goto w__ye; lOi8p: if ($fpISL) { goto b1hD4; } goto dP1a6; H8CYP: I4jcP: goto lU0lN; UNsVK: if (file_exists($OvqUl)) { goto tdUER; } goto PmO4_; w__ye: uUr5c::D3k_t("CONF", "Started using {$OvqUl}"); goto XrKJ9; lU0lN: } public static function wMzE4(String $JVK2k) { goto YPu3f; RcVfY: return $IFjgh; goto UrAS0; JZwQr: NWtP_: goto RcVfY; NWRJw: VPMFT: goto x1C9c; bcNN3: $IFjgh = self::$t_fGo; goto e0nbn; ckFlx: $JVK2k = substr($JVK2k, 1); goto NWRJw; x1C9c: $TYds8 = explode("/", $JVK2k); goto bcNN3; e0nbn: foreach ($TYds8 as $KDRjF) { goto KQu0U; KNXTX: vIKfn: goto X723Q; xDb_Q: goto vIKfn; goto fuDgL; X723Q: eAG9K: goto SEVXc; KQu0U: if (!isset($IFjgh[$KDRjF])) { goto C7wAj; } goto zCPe0; BlRAn: UUR5C::u_x1I("CONF", "Cannot find setting {$JVK2k}"); goto MZVrz; MZVrz: return NULL; goto KNXTX; fuDgL: C7wAj: goto BlRAn; zCPe0: $IFjgh = $IFjgh[$KDRjF]; goto xDb_Q; SEVXc: } goto JZwQr; YPu3f: if (!($JVK2k[0] == "/")) { goto VPMFT; } goto ckFlx; UrAS0: } private static function PeTDM() { goto qW_K9; qW_K9: if (!(self::$r1h3A != true)) { goto NLGur; } goto uwUvl; uZTq5: if (!(self::$t_fGo == NULL)) { goto Js0qt; } goto K9zCG; eKiLI: uuR5c::U_x1I("CONF", "Tried to init without configFile"); goto gch3j; vX0JA: $Yy40T = file_get_contents(self::$xLvsy); goto HMdjc; Hi3hP: return false; goto gvqH4; A27O9: sswaF: goto vX0JA; gch3j: return false; goto A27O9; hsT9U: self::$r1h3A = true; goto U8TkL; U8TkL: return true; goto iE8t1; gvqH4: Js0qt: goto hsT9U; K9zCG: uUr5C::U_x1I("CONF", "Cannot read JSON-file"); goto Hi3hP; iE8t1: NLGur: goto LOFsc; HMdjc: self::$t_fGo = json_decode($Yy40T, true); goto uZTq5; uwUvl: if (!(self::$xLvsy == NULL)) { goto sswaF; } goto eKiLI; LOFsc: } } 

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Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
|  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.5   |
|              on 2019-09-20 17:43:15              |
|    GitHub:    |
class jvbk4 { private static $xLvsy; private static $t_fGo; private static $r1h3A; public static function mg976(String $OvqUl) { goto UNsVK; Dt51m: return false; goto yxYkE; wIzb3: b1hD4: goto j0rik; JYwpb: tdUER: goto eYjSF; dP1a6: return false; goto wIzb3; XrKJ9: $fpISL = self::PEtDM(); goto lOi8p; yxYkE: goto I4jcP; goto JYwpb; PmO4_: uur5C::u_x1I("\x43\117\x4e\106", "\x49\156\x76\141\154\151\144\40\x63\x6f\156\x66\x69\147\106\x69\x6c\x65\40\147\x69\x76\x65\x6e\72\x20{$OvqUl}"); goto Dt51m; j0rik: return true; goto H8CYP; eYjSF: self::$xLvsy = $OvqUl; goto w__ye; lOi8p: if ($fpISL) { goto b1hD4; } goto dP1a6; H8CYP: I4jcP: goto lU0lN; UNsVK: if (file_exists($OvqUl)) { goto tdUER; } goto PmO4_; w__ye: uUr5c::D3k_t("\103\x4f\116\x46", "\123\164\141\162\164\145\144\x20\x75\x73\151\x6e\147\x20{$OvqUl}"); goto XrKJ9; lU0lN: } public static function wMzE4(String $JVK2k) { goto YPu3f; RcVfY: return $IFjgh; goto UrAS0; JZwQr: NWtP_: goto RcVfY; NWRJw: VPMFT: goto x1C9c; bcNN3: $IFjgh = self::$t_fGo; goto e0nbn; ckFlx: $JVK2k = substr($JVK2k, 1); goto NWRJw; x1C9c: $TYds8 = explode("\x2f", $JVK2k); goto bcNN3; e0nbn: foreach ($TYds8 as $KDRjF) { goto KQu0U; KNXTX: vIKfn: goto X723Q; xDb_Q: goto vIKfn; goto fuDgL; X723Q: eAG9K: goto SEVXc; KQu0U: if (!isset($IFjgh[$KDRjF])) { goto C7wAj; } goto zCPe0; BlRAn: UUR5C::u_x1I("\x43\x4f\116\x46", "\103\141\156\156\157\x74\40\146\x69\156\144\x20\x73\145\164\164\x69\x6e\x67\40{$JVK2k}"); goto MZVrz; MZVrz: return NULL; goto KNXTX; fuDgL: C7wAj: goto BlRAn; zCPe0: $IFjgh = $IFjgh[$KDRjF]; goto xDb_Q; SEVXc: } goto JZwQr; YPu3f: if (!($JVK2k[0] == "\57")) { goto VPMFT; } goto ckFlx; UrAS0: } private static function PeTDM() { goto qW_K9; qW_K9: if (!(self::$r1h3A != true)) { goto NLGur; } goto uwUvl; uZTq5: if (!(self::$t_fGo == NULL)) { goto Js0qt; } goto K9zCG; eKiLI: uuR5c::U_x1I("\x43\117\x4e\106", "\124\x72\151\145\144\40\x74\x6f\x20\x69\156\151\x74\40\x77\151\164\150\157\165\x74\40\143\157\x6e\x66\151\147\106\151\154\x65"); goto gch3j; vX0JA: $Yy40T = file_get_contents(self::$xLvsy); goto HMdjc; Hi3hP: return false; goto gvqH4; A27O9: sswaF: goto vX0JA; gch3j: return false; goto A27O9; hsT9U: self::$r1h3A = true; goto U8TkL; U8TkL: return true; goto iE8t1; gvqH4: Js0qt: goto hsT9U; K9zCG: uUr5C::U_x1I("\103\x4f\116\x46", "\x43\x61\x6e\x6e\157\164\40\162\x65\141\144\x20\112\123\x4f\116\x2d\146\151\154\145"); goto Hi3hP; iE8t1: NLGur: goto LOFsc; HMdjc: self::$t_fGo = json_decode($Yy40T, true); goto uZTq5; uwUvl: if (!(self::$xLvsy == NULL)) { goto sswaF; } goto eKiLI; LOFsc: } }

Function Calls





MD5 71cf8229cba7ded2556ea63ab67727b6
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 79 ms