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PHP Decode

/* LiveImport (c) MaxD, 2018. Write to [email protected] for support and purchase. */ ..

Decoded Output download

<?  /* 
LiveImport (c) MaxD, 2018. Write to [email protected] for support and purchase. 
 goto cf; Cb: die("Disk free space too low ({$e0} Mb)"); b8: a7: function EE($ec) { header("Location: " . be() . $ec); die; } if (!(@$_GET["route"] == "tasks" || @$_GET["route"] == "ins" || @$_GET["route"] == "tree" || @$_GET["delete_entities"] || @$_GET["add"] || !D1())) { goto e0; } goto F7; C0: if (empty($_POST)) { goto bc; } foreach ($_POST as &$Bd) { $Bd = str_replace(".//", "://", $Bd); d3: } a2: bc: if (@$_GET["route"]) { goto af; } goto Ab; cf: define("b6", "lib/tpl/"); define("a1", getcwd() . "/"); $A4 = array("ajax" => "7a49.php", "feed" => "f536.php", "upload" => "bc81.php", "css" => "5542.php", "ltree" => "7b9d.php", "wiz" => "68c2.php", "test" => "a586.php", "widget" => "e69a.php", "db" => "c452.php", "editor" => "7705.php", "howcron" => "80b6.php", "import" => "717b.php", "import2" => "5267.php", "ins" => "d028.php", "log" => "3d2a.php", "login" => "ef85.php", "newsite" => "9111.php", "replace" => "596f.php", "script" => "a45f.php", "settings" => "b52c.php", "tasks" => "2ade.php", "title" => "c7aa.php", "tree" => "99f4.php", "wizard1" => "cc08.php", "wizard2" => "af94.php"); if (!($B8 = @$_GET["op"])) { goto A0; } require "lib/code/" . $A4[$B8]; goto e5; ef: die("ACCESS DENIED. Log into your system as Admin"); Ad: ee("login"); e9: if (empty($_GET["view_file"])) { goto Df; } goto F9; F7: define("full_platform_load", true); e0: require_once "lib/code/c09a.php"; if (!(@$_GET["route"] != "login" && !dA())) { goto e9; } if (!function_exists("HaveAdminAccess")) { goto Ad; } goto ef; e5: die; A0: $e0 = @disk_free_space("."); if (!($e0 > 1)) { goto a7; } if (!(($e0 = round(disk_free_space(".") / 1024 / 1024)) < 50)) { goto b8; } goto Cb; Bd: require a1 . "lib/code/5706.php"; function dd($name) { goto Bb; B1: $C4 = substr($C4, 0, $cd) . $ed . substr($C4, $cd + 1); $C6 = !$C6; goto ce; C1: file_put_contents(b6 . $name, $C4); goto cd; cd: Fc: return b6 . $name; goto D8; da: $C6 = false; $cd = 0; ce: if (!($cd = strpos($C4, "`", $cd))) { goto C1; } if (!$C6) { goto c9; } goto ec; ec: $ed = "') ?>"; goto c4; c9: $ed = "<?php echo t('"; c4: goto B1; Bb: if (!(substr($name, -4) != ".tpl")) { goto e3; } $name .= ".tpl"; e3: if (!(file_exists($name) and filemtime($name) > @filemtime(b6 . $name))) { goto Fc; } $C4 = file_get_contents($name); goto bd; bd: $E6 = "<@#&"; $C4 = str_replace("<?php", $E6, $C4); $C4 = str_replace("<?", "<?php echo ", $C4); $C4 = str_replace("<?php echo  ", "<?php echo ", $C4); $C4 = str_replace($E6, "<?php", $C4); goto da; D8: } goto E2; Ab: require a1 . "lib/code/c7aa.php"; goto C7; af: require "lib/code/" . $A4[$_GET["route"]]; C7: goto Bd; F9: eC($_GET["view_file"]); Df: $http_cache = true; $hash_cache_maxtime = 30 * 60; if (!@(!$_GET["route"])) { goto C2; } goto Bf; Bf: ba(); C2: $E4 = @$A6; function ab() { echo Be(); } function be() { return "index.php?rd=" . (rand(1, 10000000) * 2 + @$_GET["rd"] % 2) . "&route="; } goto C0; E2: function D1() { $bc = sha1(PHP_VERSION_ID . filemtime("index.php")); return @$_COOKIE["liid"] == $bc; } 

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Original Code

LiveImport (c) MaxD, 2018. Write to [email protected] for support and purchase.
 goto cf; Cb: die("\x44\x69\x73\153\40\146\162\145\x65\40\163\x70\x61\x63\145\40\x74\157\x6f\x20\x6c\x6f\167\40\50{$e0}\x20\x4d\142\51"); b8: a7: function EE($ec) { header("\x4c\157\x63\x61\164\151\157\x6e\x3a\x20" . be() . $ec); die; } if (!(@$_GET["\x72\x6f\x75\x74\145"] == "\x74\141\163\x6b\163" || @$_GET["\x72\x6f\165\x74\145"] == "\151\x6e\x73" || @$_GET["\x72\x6f\x75\x74\x65"] == "\x74\162\145\145" || @$_GET["\144\x65\x6c\145\x74\145\137\145\x6e\x74\x69\x74\151\x65\x73"] || @$_GET["\x61\x64\144"] || !D1())) { goto e0; } goto F7; C0: if (empty($_POST)) { goto bc; } foreach ($_POST as &$Bd) { $Bd = str_replace("\56\57\57", "\72\x2f\57", $Bd); d3: } a2: bc: if (@$_GET["\162\x6f\x75\164\x65"]) { goto af; } goto Ab; cf: define("\x62\x36", "\154\x69\142\x2f\x74\160\x6c\x2f"); define("\141\x31", getcwd() . "\57"); $A4 = array("\141\x6a\141\x78" => "\x37\x61\64\71\x2e\160\x68\x70", "\x66\145\145\144" => "\146\65\63\x36\x2e\x70\150\x70", "\x75\160\154\157\141\144" => "\x62\143\70\x31\56\160\150\160", "\x63\x73\x73" => "\65\x35\64\x32\x2e\x70\150\x70", "\x6c\x74\162\145\x65" => "\x37\x62\71\144\x2e\x70\150\x70", "\167\151\x7a" => "\x36\70\x63\x32\x2e\x70\x68\x70", "\x74\145\163\164" => "\141\x35\x38\66\56\160\150\x70", "\x77\151\144\147\145\164" => "\145\66\71\141\x2e\160\150\160", "\144\x62" => "\143\64\65\62\56\160\x68\160", "\145\144\151\164\x6f\x72" => "\x37\x37\60\65\x2e\160\150\160", "\150\157\x77\143\x72\x6f\156" => "\x38\60\x62\x36\56\x70\x68\160", "\151\x6d\x70\x6f\162\164" => "\x37\x31\67\142\56\x70\x68\x70", "\x69\x6d\x70\x6f\162\x74\x32" => "\x35\62\66\x37\56\x70\x68\160", "\151\x6e\x73" => "\144\x30\x32\70\x2e\x70\150\x70", "\154\x6f\147" => "\63\x64\x32\x61\56\160\x68\x70", "\154\157\x67\151\156" => "\145\146\70\x35\x2e\160\x68\160", "\156\x65\167\163\x69\x74\145" => "\71\x31\x31\61\56\x70\150\160", "\162\145\x70\154\x61\143\x65" => "\65\x39\66\x66\56\x70\x68\x70", "\163\x63\162\151\x70\x74" => "\141\x34\x35\146\x2e\160\x68\160", "\163\x65\164\x74\151\156\147\163" => "\x62\x35\62\x63\x2e\x70\x68\160", "\164\x61\163\153\163" => "\62\141\x64\x65\x2e\160\x68\160", "\164\151\x74\154\x65" => "\x63\x37\x61\x61\56\160\150\x70", "\164\162\145\145" => "\x39\x39\146\x34\x2e\160\x68\x70", "\x77\x69\x7a\141\162\x64\61" => "\143\x63\x30\70\x2e\160\150\160", "\x77\151\172\141\x72\x64\62" => "\141\x66\x39\64\x2e\x70\150\x70"); if (!($B8 = @$_GET["\157\160"])) { goto A0; } require "\x6c\x69\142\x2f\x63\x6f\x64\145\57" . $A4[$B8]; goto e5; ef: die("\101\103\103\x45\123\x53\40\x44\105\x4e\111\105\x44\x2e\40\114\x6f\147\x20\151\x6e\x74\x6f\x20\171\157\x75\162\40\163\171\x73\x74\145\x6d\40\x61\x73\40\x41\x64\155\151\x6e"); Ad: ee("\x6c\157\x67\151\156"); e9: if (empty($_GET["\x76\151\145\167\x5f\x66\151\x6c\145"])) { goto Df; } goto F9; F7: define("\x66\165\x6c\154\x5f\160\x6c\141\x74\146\x6f\x72\155\x5f\x6c\x6f\x61\x64", true); e0: require_once "\154\x69\142\57\x63\157\x64\x65\57\x63\60\x39\x61\x2e\x70\x68\x70"; if (!(@$_GET["\x72\157\x75\164\145"] != "\154\157\147\151\156" && !dA())) { goto e9; } if (!function_exists("\x48\141\166\x65\x41\144\x6d\x69\x6e\x41\143\143\145\x73\163")) { goto Ad; } goto ef; e5: die; A0: $e0 = @disk_free_space("\56"); if (!($e0 > 1)) { goto a7; } if (!(($e0 = round(disk_free_space("\x2e") / 1024 / 1024)) < 50)) { goto b8; } goto Cb; Bd: require a1 . "\154\151\142\x2f\x63\157\144\x65\x2f\65\67\x30\66\x2e\x70\x68\x70"; function dd($name) { goto Bb; B1: $C4 = substr($C4, 0, $cd) . $ed . substr($C4, $cd + 1); $C6 = !$C6; goto ce; C1: file_put_contents(b6 . $name, $C4); goto cd; cd: Fc: return b6 . $name; goto D8; da: $C6 = false; $cd = 0; ce: if (!($cd = strpos($C4, "\140", $cd))) { goto C1; } if (!$C6) { goto c9; } goto ec; ec: $ed = "\x27\51\40\77\x3e"; goto c4; c9: $ed = "\74\77\160\x68\x70\x20\x65\x63\150\x6f\x20\x74\50\x27"; c4: goto B1; Bb: if (!(substr($name, -4) != "\x2e\x74\160\154")) { goto e3; } $name .= "\56\x74\x70\154"; e3: if (!(file_exists($name) and filemtime($name) > @filemtime(b6 . $name))) { goto Fc; } $C4 = file_get_contents($name); goto bd; bd: $E6 = "\x3c\100\43\x26"; $C4 = str_replace("\74\77\160\150\160", $E6, $C4); $C4 = str_replace("\74\x3f", "\x3c\x3f\160\150\160\40\145\143\150\157\40", $C4); $C4 = str_replace("\74\x3f\x70\x68\160\40\145\x63\150\x6f\40\40", "\x3c\x3f\x70\150\160\40\145\143\x68\x6f\40", $C4); $C4 = str_replace($E6, "\74\x3f\x70\150\160", $C4); goto da; D8: } goto E2; Ab: require a1 . "\154\x69\142\57\143\157\x64\145\57\x63\x37\141\141\56\160\x68\160"; goto C7; af: require "\x6c\151\142\x2f\143\x6f\144\x65\x2f" . $A4[$_GET["\x72\x6f\x75\164\x65"]]; C7: goto Bd; F9: eC($_GET["\166\151\x65\167\x5f\146\x69\154\x65"]); Df: $http_cache = true; $hash_cache_maxtime = 30 * 60; if (!@(!$_GET["\162\157\x75\164\x65"])) { goto C2; } goto Bf; Bf: ba(); C2: $E4 = @$A6; function ab() { echo Be(); } function be() { return "\x69\156\144\145\x78\x2e\x70\x68\x70\77\162\144\x3d" . (rand(1, 10000000) * 2 + @$_GET["\162\x64"] % 2) . "\x26\x72\x6f\165\164\145\75"; } goto C0; E2: function D1() { $bc = sha1(PHP_VERSION_ID . filemtime("\x69\x6e\144\145\170\x2e\x70\x68\x70")); return @$_COOKIE["\154\151\x69\x64"] == $bc; }

Function Calls





MD5 7711eb7d629b31e9694561c243bf1779
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 93 ms