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PHP Decode
_DELIM*/ "use strict"; (function() { var a = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" &&..
Decoded Output download
<? _DELIM*/
"use strict";
(function() {
var a = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && globalThis || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof global !== "undefined" && global;
if (typeof a.AbortController !== "undefined")
var b = function() {
function a() {
this.__listeners = new Map()
a.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype);
a.prototype.addEventListener = function(a, b, c) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new TypeError("TypeError: Failed to execute 'addEventListener' on 'CustomEventTarget': 2 arguments required, but only " + arguments.length + " present.");
var d = this.__listeners
, e = a.toString();
d.has(e) || d.set(e, new Map());
var f = d.get(e);
f.has(b) || f.set(b, c)
a.prototype.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new TypeError("TypeError: Failed to execute 'addEventListener' on 'CustomEventTarget': 2 arguments required, but only " + arguments.length + " present.");
var d = this.__listeners
, e = a.toString();
if (d.has(e)) {
var f = d.get(e);
f.has(b) && f["delete"](b)
a.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
if (!(a instanceof Event))
throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'dispatchEvent' on 'CustomEventTarget': parameter 1 is not of type 'Event'.");
var b = a.type
, c = this.__listeners;
c = c.get(b);
if (c)
for (var b = c.entries(), d = Array.isArray(b), e = 0, b = d ? b : b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var f;
if (d) {
if (e >= b.length)
f = b[e++]
} else {
e =;
if (e.done)
f = e.value
f = f;
var g = f[0];
f = f[1];
try {
typeof g === "function" ?, a) : g && typeof g.handleEvent === "function" && g.handleEvent(a)
} catch (a) {
setTimeout(function() {
throw a
f && f.once && c["delete"](g)
return !0
return a
, c = {};
a.AbortSignal = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a !== c)
throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor.");;
this._aborted = !1
a.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "onabort", {
get: function() {
return this._onabort
set: function(a) {
var b = this._onabort;
b && this.removeEventListener("abort", b);
this._onabort = a;
this.addEventListener("abort", a)
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "aborted", {
get: function() {
return this._aborted
return a
a.AbortController = function() {
function a() {
this._signal = new AbortSignal(c)
a.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "signal", {
get: function() {
return this._signal
a.prototype.abort = function() {
var a = this.signal;
a.aborted || (a._aborted = !0,
a.dispatchEvent(new Event("abort")))
return a
"use strict"; == null && ( = function(a) {
a = parseInt(a, 10);
Number.isInteger(a) || (a = 0);
if (a >= 0 && a < this.length)
return this[a];
return this[this.length + a]
"use strict";
(function() {
if (!Array.prototype.flat) {
var a = function b(a) {
return a < 1 ? :, function(c, d) {
Array.isArray(d) ? c.push.apply(c,, a - 1)) : c.push(d);
return c
}, [])
Array.prototype.flat = function() {
return, isNaN(arguments[0]) ? 1 : Number(arguments[0]))
if (!Array.prototype.flatMap) {
var b = function(a, b) {
var c = [];
if (typeof b !== "function")
throw new TypeError("Callback function must be callable.");
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e =, a[d], d, a);
Array.isArray(e) ? c.push.apply(c, e) : c.push(e)
return c
Array.prototype.flatMap = function(a) {
var c = arguments[1] || this;
return b(c, a)
(function() {
"use strict";
var a = Array.prototype.indexOf;
Array.prototype.includes || (Array.prototype.includes = function(d) {
"use strict";
if (d !== void 0 && Array.isArray(this) && !Number.isNaN(d))
return a.apply(this, arguments) !== -1;
var e = Object(this)
, f = e.length ? b(e.length) : 0;
if (f === 0)
return !1;
var g = arguments.length > 1 ? c(arguments[1]) : 0
, h = g < 0 ? Math.max(f + g, 0) : g
, i = Number.isNaN(d);
while (h < f) {
var j = e[h];
if (j === d || i && Number.isNaN(j))
return !0;
return !1
function b(a) {
return Math.min(Math.max(c(a), 0), Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
function c(a) {
a = Number(a);
return Number.isFinite(a) && a !== 0 ? d(a) * Math.floor(Math.abs(a)) : a
function d(a) {
return a >= 0 ? 1 : -1
if (!Array.prototype.values) {
var e = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"
, f = function() {
function a(a) {
this.$1 = void 0;
this.$2 = 0;
if (a == null)
throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
this.$1 = Object(a)
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
if (this.$1 == null || this.$2 >= this.$1.length) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var a = this.$1[this.$2];
return {
value: a,
done: !1
b[e] = function() {
return this
return a
Array.prototype.values = function() {
return new f(this)
Array.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] || (Array.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = Array.prototype.values)
"use strict";
Array.prototype.findLast == null && (Array.prototype.findLast = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
for (var d = c.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
var e = c[d]
, f =, e, d, c);
if (f)
return e
return void 0
"use strict";
Array.prototype.findLastIndex == null && (Array.prototype.findLastIndex = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
for (var d = c.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
var e = c[d];
e =, e, d, c);
if (e)
return d
return -1
"use strict";
Array.prototype.toReversed == null && (Array.prototype.toReversed = function() {
return this.slice().reverse()
"use strict";
Array.prototype.toSorted == null && (Array.prototype.toSorted = function(a) {
return this.slice().sort(a)
"use strict";
Array.prototype.toSpliced == null && (Array.prototype.toSpliced = function() {
var a = this.slice();
a.splice.apply(a, arguments);
return a
"use strict";
if (Array.prototype["with"] == null) {
var toIntegerOrInfinity = function(a) {
if (Number.isNaN(a) || a === 0)
return 0;
return a === Infinity || a === -Infinity ? a : Math.trunc(a)
Array.prototype["with"] = function(a, b) {
var c = this.length;
a = toIntegerOrInfinity(a);
var d;
a >= 0 ? d = a : d = c + a;
if (d >= c || d < 0)
throw new RangeError("Invalid index");
a = this.slice();
a[d] = b;
return a
(function(a) {
a.__t = function(a) {
return a[0]
a.__w = function(a) {
return a
)(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
(function(a) {
var b = {}
, c = function(a, b) {
if (!a && !b)
return null;
var c = {};
typeof a !== "undefined" && (c.type = a);
typeof b !== "undefined" && (c.signature = b);
return c
, d = function(a, b) {
return c(a && /^[A-Z]/.test(a) ? a : void 0, b && (b.params && b.params.length || b.returns) ? "function(" + (b.params ? {
return /\?/.test(a) ? "?" + a.replace("?", "") : a
}).join(",") : "") + ")" + (b.returns ? ":" + b.returns : "") : void 0)
, e = function(a, b, c) {
return a
, f = function(a, b, c) {
"sourcemeta"in __transform_includes && (a.__SMmeta = b);
if ("typechecks"in __transform_includes) {
b = d(b ? : void 0, c);
b && __w(a, b)
return a
, g = function(a, b, c) {
return c.apply(a, b)
, h = function(a, c, d, e, f) {
if (f) {
f.callId || (f.callId = f.module + ":" + (f.line || 0) + ":" + (f.column || 0));
e = f.callId;
b[e] = (b[e] || 0) + 1
return d.apply(a, c)
typeof __transform_includes === "undefined" ? (a.__annotator = e,
a.__bodyWrapper = g) : (a.__annotator = f,
"codeusage"in __transform_includes ? (a.__annotator = e,
a.__bodyWrapper = h,
a.__bodyWrapper.getCodeUsage = function() {
return b
a.__bodyWrapper.clearCodeUsage = function() {
b = {}
) : a.__bodyWrapper = g)
)(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
self.__DEV__ = self.__DEV__ || 0,
self.emptyFunction = function() {}
(function(a, b) {
var c = "keys"
, d = "values"
, e = "entries"
, f = function() {
var a = h(Array), b;
a || (b = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b) {
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = b,
this.$3 = 0
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
if (this.$1 == null)
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var a = this.$1
, b = this.$1.length
, f = this.$3
, g = this.$2;
if (f >= b) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
this.$3 = f + 1;
if (g === c)
return {
value: f,
done: !1
else if (g === d)
return {
value: a[f],
done: !1
else if (g === e)
return {
value: [f, a[f]],
done: !1
b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
return a
return {
keys: a ? function(a) {
return a.keys()
: function(a) {
return new b(a,c)
values: a ? function(a) {
return a.values()
: function(a) {
return new b(a,d)
entries: a ? function(a) {
return a.entries()
: function(a) {
return new b(a,e)
, g = function() {
var a = h(String), b;
a || (b = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a) {
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = 0
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
if (this.$1 == null)
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var a = this.$2
, b = this.$1
, c = b.length;
if (a >= c) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var d = b.charCodeAt(a);
if (d < 55296 || d > 56319 || a + 1 === c)
d = b[a];
else {
c = b.charCodeAt(a + 1);
c < 56320 || c > 57343 ? d = b[a] : d = b[a] + b[a + 1]
this.$2 = a + d.length;
return {
value: d,
done: !1
b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
return a
return {
keys: function() {
throw TypeError("Strings default iterator doesn't implement keys.")
values: a ? function(a) {
return a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"]()
: function(a) {
return new b(a)
entries: function() {
throw TypeError("Strings default iterator doesn't implement entries.")
function h(a) {
return typeof a.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] === "function" && typeof a.prototype.values === "function" && typeof a.prototype.keys === "function" && typeof a.prototype.entries === "function"
var i = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b) {
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = b,
this.$3 = Object.keys(a),
this.$4 = 0
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
var a = this.$3.length
, b = this.$4
, f = this.$2
, g = this.$3[b];
if (b >= a) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
this.$4 = b + 1;
if (f === c)
return {
value: g,
done: !1
else if (f === d)
return {
value: this.$1[g],
done: !1
else if (f === e)
return {
value: [g, this.$1[g]],
done: !1
b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
return a
, j = {
keys: function(a) {
return new i(a,c)
values: function(a) {
return new i(a,d)
entries: function(a) {
return new i(a,e)
function k(a, b) {
if (typeof a === "string")
return g[b || d](a);
else if (Array.isArray(a))
return f[b || d](a);
else if (a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"])
return a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"]();
return j[b || e](a)
Object.assign(k, {
keys: function(a) {
return k(a, c)
values: function(a) {
return k(a, d)
entries: function(a) {
return k(a, e)
generic: j.entries
a.FB_enumerate = k
)(typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof this === "object" ? this : typeof window === "object" ? window : typeof self === "object" ? self : {});
"use strict";
(function() {
if (typeof Element === "undefined" || Element.prototype.scroll)
function a(a, b) {
b === void 0 && (b = !1);
if (a.length === 0)
var c = a[0]
, d = a[1];
c = Number(c) || 0;
d = Number(d) || 0;
if (a.length === 1) {
a = a[0];
if (a == null)
c = a.left;
d =;
c !== void 0 && (c = Number(c) || 0);
d !== void 0 && (d = Number(d) || 0)
c !== void 0 && (this.scrollLeft = (b ? this.scrollLeft : 0) + c);
d !== void 0 && (this.scrollTop = (b ? this.scrollTop : 0) + d)
Element.prototype.scroll = Element.prototype.scrollTo = function() {, arguments)
Element.prototype.scrollBy = function() {, arguments, !0)
(function() {
function a() {
if (typeof JSON !== "object" || typeof JSON.stringify !== "function")
return !1;
if (typeof navigator === "undefined" || !navigator.userAgent)
return !0;
var a = navigator.userAgent, b;
if (a.indexOf("Firefox/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Firefox\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 62)
} else if (a.indexOf("Edg/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Edg\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 79)
} else if (a.indexOf("Chrome/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Chrome\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 66)
} else if (a.indexOf("CriOS/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/CriOS\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 66)
} else if (a.indexOf("Safari/") > -1 && a.indexOf("Version/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Version\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 12)
return !0
function b() {
return JSON.stringify([""]) === '["\u2028\u2029"]'
a() && !b() && (JSON.stringify = function(a) {
var b = //g
, c = //g;
return function(d, e, f) {
d =, d, e, f);
d && (-1 < d.indexOf("") && (d = d.replace(b, "\u2028")),
-1 < d.indexOf("") && (d = d.replace(c, "\u2029")));
return d
(function() {
var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
Object.entries = function(b) {
if (b == null)
throw new TypeError("Object.entries called on non-object");
var c = [];
for (var d in b), d) && c.push([d, b[d]]);
return c
typeof Object.fromEntries !== "function" && (Object.fromEntries = function(a) {
var b = {};
for (var a = a, c = Array.isArray(a), d = 0, a = c ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var e;
if (c) {
if (d >= a.length)
e = a[d++]
} else {
d =;
if (d.done)
e = d.value
e = e;
var f = e[0];
e = e[1];
b[f] = e
return b
Object.values = function(b) {
if (b == null)
throw new TypeError("Object.values called on non-object");
var c = [];
for (var d in b), d) && c.push(b[d]);
return c
(function(a) {
a.__m = function(a, b) {
a.__SMmeta = b;
return a
)(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
String.prototype.contains || (String.prototype.contains = String.prototype.includes);
String.prototype.padStart || (String.prototype.padStart = function(a, b) {
a = a >> 0;
b = String(b || " ");
if (this.length > a)
return String(this);
else {
a = a - this.length;
a > b.length && (b += b.repeat(a / b.length));
return b.slice(0, a) + String(this)
String.prototype.padEnd || (String.prototype.padEnd = function(a, b) {
a = a >> 0;
b = String(b || " ");
if (this.length > a)
return String(this);
else {
a = a - this.length;
a > b.length && (b += b.repeat(a / b.length));
return String(this) + b.slice(0, a)
if (!String.prototype.matchAll) {
var MAX_CALLS_TO_EXEC = 250;
String.prototype.matchAll = function(a) {
if (!
throw new TypeError("String.prototype.matchAll called with a non-global RegExp argument");
var b = String(this), c = [], d, e = 0;
while ((d = a.exec(b)) && e++ < MAX_CALLS_TO_EXEC)
return c
String.prototype.trimLeft || (String.prototype.trimLeft = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/, "")
String.prototype.trimRight || (String.prototype.trimRight = function() {
return this.replace(/\s+$/, "")
"use strict";
(function(a) {
function a() {
if (typeof URL !== "function")
return !1;
if (typeof URL.createObjectURL !== "function" || typeof URL.revokeObjectURL !== "function")
return !1;
return typeof File !== "function" || typeof Blob !== "function" ? !1 : !0
if (!a())
var b = {}
, c = URL.createObjectURL
, d = URL.revokeObjectURL;
URL.createObjectURL = function(a) {
var d = null
, e = 0;
a instanceof File ? (d = "File",
e = a.size) : a instanceof Blob ? (d = "Blob",
e = a.size) : typeof MediaSource === "function" && a instanceof MediaSource && (d = "MediaSource",
e = 0);
a =, a);
d !== null && (b[a] = {
type: d,
size: e
return a
URL.revokeObjectURL = function(a) {, a),
delete b[a]
URL._fbRegisteredObjectURL = function() {
return Object.values(b)
(function(a) {
var b = a.babelHelpers = {}
, c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && !(typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator") && (Symbol.asyncIterator = Symbol("Symbol.asyncIterator"));
function d(a) {
this.wrapped = a
function e(a) {
var b, c;
function e(a, d) {
return new Promise(function(e, g) {
e = {
key: a,
arg: d,
resolve: e,
reject: g,
next: null
c ? c = = e : (b = c = e,
f(a, d))
function f(b, c) {
try {
var e = a[b](c);
c = e.value;
var h = c instanceof d;
Promise.resolve(h ? c.wrapped : c).then(function(a) {
if (h) {
f(b === "return" ? "return" : "next", a);
g(e.done ? "return" : "normal", a)
}, function(a) {
f("throw", a)
} catch (a) {
g("throw", a)
function g(a, d) {
switch (a) {
case "return":
value: d,
done: !0
case "throw":
value: d,
done: !1
b =;
b ? f(b.key, b.arg) : c = null
this._invoke = e;
typeof a["return"] !== "function" && (this["return"] = void 0)
typeof Symbol === "function" && (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator") && (e.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator"] = function() {
return this
); = function(a) {
return this._invoke("next", a)
e.prototype["throw"] = function(a) {
return this._invoke("throw", a)
e.prototype["return"] = function(a) {
return this._invoke("return", a)
b.createClass = function() {
function a(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1;
d.configurable = !0;
"value"in d && (d.writable = !0);
Object.defineProperty(a, d.key, d)
return function(b, c, d) {
c && a(b.prototype, c);
d && a(b, d);
return b
b.inheritsLoose = function(a, b) {
Object.assign(a, b);
a.prototype = Object.create(b && b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.__superConstructor__ = b;
return b
b.wrapNativeSuper = function(a) {
var c = typeof Map === "function" ? new Map() : void 0;
b.wrapNativeSuper = function(a) {
if (a === null)
return null;
if (typeof a !== "function")
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
if (c !== void 0) {
if (c.has(a))
return c.get(a);
c.set(a, d)
b.inheritsLoose(d, a);
function d() {
a.apply(this, arguments)
return d
return b.wrapNativeSuper(a)
b.assertThisInitialized = function(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a
b._extends = Object.assign;
b["extends"] = b._extends;
b.construct = function(a, b) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(a, [null].concat(b)))()
b.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose = function(a, b) {
var d = {};
for (var e in a) {
if (!, e) || b.indexOf(e) >= 0)
d[e] = a[e]
return d
b.taggedTemplateLiteralLoose = function(a, b) {
b || (b = a.slice(0));
a.raw = b;
return a
b.bind = Function.prototype.bind;
b.wrapAsyncGenerator = function(a) {
return function() {
return new e(a.apply(this, arguments))
b.awaitAsyncGenerator = function(a) {
return new d(a)
b.asyncIterator = function(a) {
var b;
if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined") {
if (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator") {
b = a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator"];
if (b != null)
if (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator") {
b = a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"];
if (b != null)
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable")
b.asyncGeneratorDelegate = function(a, b) {
var c = {}
, d = !1;
function e(c, e) {
d = !0;
e = new Promise(function(b) {
return {
done: !1,
value: b(e)
typeof Symbol === "function" && (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator") && (c[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
); = function(a) {
if (d) {
d = !1;
return a
return e("next", a)
typeof a["throw"] === "function" && (c["throw"] = function(a) {
if (d) {
d = !1;
throw a
return e("throw", a)
typeof a["return"] === "function" && (c["return"] = function(a) {
if (d) {
d = !1;
return a
return e("return", a)
return c
)(typeof global === "undefined" ? self : global);
(function(a) {
if (a.require != null)
var b = null
, c = null
, d = []
, e = {}
, f = {}
, g = 0
, h = 0
, i = 0
, j = 0
, k = 0
, l = 1
, m = 2
, n = 4
, o = 8
, p = 16
, aa = 32
, ba = 64
, q = 128
, ca = {}
, r = {}
, s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
, t = Object.prototype.toString;
function u(a) {
a =;
var b = {}, c, d, f, g;
while (a.length) {
d = a.shift();
if (b[d])
b[d] = !0;
f = e[d];
if (!f || V(f))
if (f.dependencies)
for (c = 0; c < f.dependencies.length; c++)
g = f.dependencies[c],
V(g) || a.push(
for (d in b), d) && a.push(d);
b = [];
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
d = a[c];
var h = d;
f = e[d];
d = f ? f.dependencies : null;
if (!f || !d)
h += " is not defined";
else if (V(f))
h += " is ready";
else {
f = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
g = d[i],
V(g) || f.push(;
h += " is waiting for " + f.join(", ")
return b.join("
function v(b) {
var a = new Error(b); = "ModuleError";
a.messageFormat = b;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
a.messageParams = {
return String(a)
a.taalOpcodes = [2, 2];
return a
$ = a.Env || {};
var w = !!$.gk_require_when_ready_in_order, da = !!$.clear_js_factory_after_used, x = !!$.profile_require_factories, y = a.performance || {}, z;
if ( && y.timing && y.timing.navigationStart) {
var A = y.timing.navigationStart;
z = function() {
return + A
} else
z = function() {
var B = 0;
function C(a) {
var b = e[a];
(!b || b.exports == null && !b.factoryFinished) && (H(a),
b = e[a]);
b && b.refcount-- === 1 && (e[a] = null);
return b
function D(a) {
return a.defaultExport !== r ? a.defaultExport : a.exports
function E(a) {
a = C(a);
if (a)
return D(a)
function F(a) {
a = C(a);
if (a)
return a.defaultExport !== r ? a.defaultExport : null
function G(a) {
a = C(a);
if (a)
return a.exports
function ea(a) {
a.factoryLength === -1 && (a.factoryLength = a.factory.length);
return a.factoryLength
function H(d) {
var g = a.ErrorGuard;
if (g && !g.inGuard())
return g.applyWithGuard(H, null, [d]);
g = e[d];
if (!g) {
var h = 'Requiring unknown module "%s"';
throw v(h, d)
a.__onBeforeModuleFactory == null ? void 0 : a.__onBeforeModuleFactory(g);
var i, j;
if (g.hasError)
if (g.error == null)
throw v('Requiring module "%s" which threw an exception', d);
else {
h = I(g.error);
J(h, {
messageFormat: 'Requiring module "%s" which threw an exception',
messageParams: [d]
throw h
if (!V(g))
throw v('Requiring module "%s" with unresolved dependencies: %s', d, u([d]));
h = g.exports = {};
var k = g.factory
, l = g.dependencies;
if ( === "[object Function]" && l != null) {
var n = l.length, p, q;
try {
try {
} catch (a) {
K(a, d)
var r = []
, w = n;
if (g.special & o) {
var y = g.special & aa ? c : b;
r = y.slice(0);
r[y.length - 2] = g;
r[y.length - 1] = h;
w += r.length
if (g.special & m) {
y = ea(g);
w = Math.min(n + r.length, y)
for (h = 0; h < n; h++) {
y = l[h];
r.length < w && r.push(,
var A;
x && (A = z());
f[].factoryRun = !0;
try {
y = g.context != null ? g.context : a;
p = k.apply(y, r)
} catch (a) {
K(a, d)
} finally {
if (x) {
w = z();
l = f[];
l.factoryTime = w - (A || 0);
l.factoryEnd = w;
l.factoryStart = A;
if (k.__SMmeta)
for (n in k.__SMmeta), n) && (l[n] = k.__SMmeta[n])
} catch (a) {
g.hasError = !0;
g.error = a;
g.exports = null;
throw a
} finally {}
p && (g.exports = p);
var B;
g.special & ba ? g.exports != null &&, "default") && (g.defaultExport = B = g.exports["default"]) : g.defaultExport = B = g.exports;
if (typeof B === "function") {
h = B.__superConstructor__;
if (!B.displayName || h && h.displayName === B.displayName)
try {
B.displayName = ( || "(anonymous)") + " [from " + d + "]"
} catch (a) {}
g.factoryFinished = !0;
da && (g.factory = null,
k = void 0)
} else
g.exports = k;
y = "__isRequired__" + d;
r = e[y];
r && !V(r) && T(y, ca);
a.__onAfterModuleFactory == null ? void 0 : a.__onAfterModuleFactory(g)
function I(b) {
if (a.getErrorSafe != null)
return a.getErrorSafe(b);
return b != null && typeof b === "object" && typeof b.message === "string" ? b : v("Non-error thrown: %s", String(b))
function J(b, c) {
var d = a.ErrorSerializer;
d && d.aggregateError(b, c)
function K(a, b) {
a = I(a);
J(a, {
messageFormat: 'Module "%s"',
messageParams: [b],
forcedKey: b.startsWith("__") ? null : b
throw a
function fa() {
return B
function ga() {
var a = {};
for (var b in f), b) && (a[b] = f[b]);
return a
function L(a) {
if (a.nonJSDeps)
a.nonJSDeps = !0;
a.dependencies && a.dependencies.forEach(L)
var M = !!(a != null && a.document != null && "createElement"in a.document)
, N = typeof WorkerGlobalScope === "function";
M = M || N;
var O = $.use_fbt_virtual_modules === !0 && M
, ha = "$fbt_virtual"
, P = {}
, Q = null
, R = 6e4;
function ia(a) {
!(a in e) && !(a in P) && (P[a] = z()),
Q || (Q = setTimeout(Z()(S, "_checkFbtVirtualModuleTimeout"), R))
function S() {
Q = null;
var a = z()
, b = Object.keys(P).filter(function(b) {
var c = a - P[b] > R;
c && delete P[b];
return c
Object.keys(P).length > 0 && (Q = setTimeout(Z()(S, "_checkFbtVirtualModuleTimeout"), R));
b.length > 0 && U.apply(null, [["FBLogger"], function(a) {
a("binary_transparency", "vmod_timeout").warn("The following virtual modules are taking over %sms to be defined: %s...", R, b.join(",").slice(0, 300))
function ja(a, b, c) {
if (O && c != null && c & q) {
c = a + ha;
function T(b, c, e, g, h, i, l) {
c === void 0 ? (c = [],
e = b,
b = na()) : e === void 0 && (e = c, === "[object Array]" ? (c = b,
b = na(c.join(","))) : c = []);
var m = {
cancel: ma.bind(this, b)
, n = ka(b);
if (!c && !e && i) {
n.refcount += i;
return m
O && (b in P && delete P[b],
Array.isArray(c) && ja(b, c, g));
f[b] = {
id: b,
dependencies: c,
meta: l,
category: g,
defined: x ? z() : null,
factoryTime: null,
factoryStart: null,
factoryEnd: null,
factoryRun: !1
if (n.dependencies && n.reload !== !0) {
b.indexOf(":") != -1 ? k++ : j++;
return m
i && (n.refcount += i);
l =;
n.factory = e;
n.dependencies = l;
n.context = h;
n.special = g;
(n.nonJSDeps || ua(n)) && (n.nonJSDeps = !1,
if (d.length > 0) {
var o = d;
d = [];
b = a.ScheduleJSWork ? a.ScheduleJSWork : za;
b(function() {
if (w) {
for (var a = 0; a < o.length; a++), o[a].id);
o.length = 0
} else
while (o.length > 0), o.pop().id)
return m
function ka(a) {
var b = e[a];
if (b)
return b;
b = new la(a,0);
e[a] = b;
return b
function la(a, b, c) { = a,
this.refcount = b,
this.exports = c || null,
this.defaultExport = c || r,
this.factory = void 0,
this.factoryLength = -1,
this.factoryFinished = !1,
this.dependencies = void 0,
this.depPosition = 0,
this.context = void 0,
this.special = 0,
this.hasError = !1,
this.error = null,
this.ranRecursiveSideEffects = !1,
this.sideEffectDependencyException = null,
this.nextDepWaitingHead = null,
this.nextDepWaitingNext = null,
this.tarjanGeneration = -1,
this.tarjanLow = 0,
this.tarjanIndex = 0,
this.tarjanOnStack = !1,
this.nonJSDeps = !1
function ma(a) {
if (!e[a])
var b = e[a];
e[a] = null;
if (b.dependencies)
for (a = 0; a < b.dependencies.length; a++) {
var c = b.dependencies[a];
c.refcount-- === 1 && ma(
function U(a, b, c) {
var d = "__requireLazy__x__" + g++;
return T("__requireLazy__" + d, a, Z()(b, "requireLazy", {
propagationType: 0
}), l | p, c, 1)
function na(a) {
return "__mod__" + (a != null ? a + "__" : "") + g++
function oa(a, b, c) {
c.tarjanGeneration != h && (c.tarjanGeneration = h,
c.tarjanLow = c.tarjanIndex = i++,
c.tarjanOnStack = !0,
if (c.dependencies != null)
for (var d = c.depPosition; d < c.dependencies.length; d++) {
var e = c.dependencies[d];
e.tarjanGeneration != h ? (oa(a, b, e),
c.tarjanLow = Math.min(c.tarjanLow, e.tarjanLow)) : e.tarjanOnStack && (c.tarjanLow = Math.min(c.tarjanLow, e.tarjanIndex))
if (c.tarjanLow == c.tarjanIndex) {
e = [];
do {
d = b.pop();
d.tarjanOnStack = !1;
if (c == b[0] && d != c && d.dependencies != null)
for (var f = d.depPosition; f < d.dependencies.length; f++) {
var g = d.dependencies[f];
!V(g) && a.indexOf(g) == -1 && b.indexOf(g) == -1 && e.indexOf(g) == -1 && a.push(g)
} while (d != c)
function pa(a) {
var b = a.dependencies;
if (!b)
throw v("Called _replaceCycleLinkWithSCCDeps on an undefined module");
oa(b, [], a);
function qa(a, b) {
var c = b;
while (!0) {
if (c.dependencies && c.depPosition != c.dependencies.length)
c = c.dependencies[c.depPosition];
if (c == a) {
a.nextDepWaitingNext = b.nextDepWaitingHead;
b.nextDepWaitingHead = a
function V(a) {
return a.dependencies != null && a.depPosition >= a.dependencies.length
function ra(a) {
function sa(a) {
var b = a.nextDepWaitingHead;
a.nextDepWaitingHead = null;
while (b != null) {
var c = b;
c.nonJSDeps && L(a);
b = c.nextDepWaitingNext;
c.nextDepWaitingNext = null;
var d = !e[];
d || ra(c)
function ta(a) {
return a.special & l
function ua(a) {
return a.special & p
function W(a) {
while (a.dependencies != null && a.depPosition < a.dependencies.length) {
var b = a.dependencies[a.depPosition]
, c = V(b);
if (!c && a != b) {
qa(a, b);
ta(a) && d.push(a);
a.nextDepWaitingHead !== null && sa(a)
function va(a) {
if (a.sideEffectDependencyException != null)
throw a.sideEffectDependencyException;
if (a.ranRecursiveSideEffects)
a.ranRecursiveSideEffects = !0;
var b = a.dependencies;
if (b)
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
try {
} catch (b) {
a.sideEffectDependencyException = b;
throw b
if (d.special & n)
try {,
} catch (b) {
a.sideEffectDependencyException = b;
throw b
function X(a, b) {
e[a] = new la(a,0,b),
f[a] = {
id: a,
dependencies: [],
category: 0,
factoryLengthAccessTime: null,
factoryTime: null,
factoryStart: null,
factoryEnd: null,
factoryRun: !1
X("module", 0);
X("exports", 0);
X("define", T);
X("global", a);
X("require", E);
X("requireInterop", E);
X("importDefault", F);
X("importNamespace", G);
X("requireDynamic", wa);
X("requireLazy", U);
X("requireWeak", Y);
X("ifRequired", xa);
X("ifRequireable", ya);
b = [, "global"),, "require"),, "requireDynamic"),, "requireLazy"),, "requireInterop"), null];
c = [, "global"),, "require"),, "importDefault"),, "importNamespace"),, "requireLazy"),, "requireInterop"), null];
T.amd = {};
a.define = T;
a.require = E;
a.requireInterop = E;
a.importDefault = F;
a.importNamespace = G;
a.requireDynamic = wa;
a.requireLazy = U;
a.__onBeforeModuleFactory = null;
a.__onAfterModuleFactory = null;
function wa(a, b) {
throw new ReferenceError("requireDynamic is not defined")
function Y(a, b) {, a, function(a) {
}, function() {
T("__requireWeak__" + a + "__" + g++, ["__isRequired__" + a], Z()(function() {
return b(D(e[a]))
}, "requireWeak"), l, null, 1)
function xa(a, b, c) {
a = e[a];
if (a && a.factoryFinished) {
if (typeof b === "function")
return b(D(a))
} else if (typeof c === "function")
return c()
function ya(a, b, c) {
var d = e[a];
if (d && d.nonJSDeps && V(d)) {
if (typeof b === "function")
return b(, a))
} else if (typeof c === "function")
return c()
N = {
getDupCount: function() {
return [j, k]
getModules: function() {
var a = {};
for (var b in e)
e[b] &&, b) && (a[b] = e[b]);
return a
modulesMap: e,
debugUnresolvedDependencies: u
function za(a) {
return a
function Z() {
var b = a.TimeSlice && a.TimeSlice.guard ? a.TimeSlice.guard : za;
return function() {
return b.apply(void 0, arguments)
X("__getTotalRequireCalls", fa);
X("__getModuleTimeDetails", ga);
X("__debug", N);
a.__d = function(a, b, c, d) {
Z()(function() {
T(a, b, c, (d || m) | o, null, null, null)
}, "define " + a, {
root: !0
function $(a, b) {
return !0
if (a.__d_stub) {
for ($ = 0; $ < a.__d_stub.length; $++)
a.__d.apply(null, a.__d_stub[$]);
delete a.__d_stub
if (a.__rl_stub) {
for (M = 0; M < a.__rl_stub.length; M++)
U.apply(null, a.__rl_stub[M]);
delete a.__rl_stub
Y = function() {}
a.$RefreshReg$ = Y;
a.$RefreshSig$ = function() {
return function(a) {
return a
)(typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
(function(a) {
var b = a.performance;
b && b.setResourceTimingBufferSize && (b.setResourceTimingBufferSize(1e5),
b.onresourcetimingbufferfull = function() {
a.__isresourcetimingbufferfull = !0
b.setResourceTimingBufferSize = function() {}
)(typeof this === "object" ? this : typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof window === "object" ? window : typeof self === "object" ? self : {});
__d("ExecutionEnvironment", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
b = !!(a !== void 0 && a.document && a.document.createElement);
c = typeof WorkerGlobalScope === "function";
d = typeof SharedWorkerGlobalScope === "function" && self instanceof SharedWorkerGlobalScope;
e = !c && b;
a = {
canUseDOM: b,
canUseEventListeners: b && !!(a.addEventListener || a.attachEvent),
canUseViewport: b && !!window.screen,
canUseWorkers: typeof Worker !== "undefined",
isInBrowser: b || c,
isInMainThread: e,
isInSharedWorker: d,
isInWorker: c
b = a;
f["default"] = b
), 66);
__d("BootloaderDocumentInserter", ["ExecutionEnvironment"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
var h, i = null;
function j() {
i || (i = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.body);
return i
function a(a) {
if ((h || (h = c("ExecutionEnvironment"))).isInWorker) {
var b = document.createDocumentFragment();
g.getDOMContainerNode = j;
g.batchDOMInsert = a
), 98);
__d("Env", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = {
ajaxpipe_token: null,
compat_iframe_token: null,
iframeKey: "",
iframeTarget: "",
iframeToken: "",
isCQuick: !1,
jssp_header_sent: !1,
jssp_targeting_enabled: !1,
loadHyperion: !1,
nocatch: !1,
useTrustedTypes: !1,
isTrustedTypesReportOnly: !1,
enableDefaultTrustedTypesPolicy: !1,
ig_server_override: "",
barcelona_server_override: "",
ig_mqtt_wss_endpoint: "",
ig_mqtt_polling_endpoint: ""
a.Env && Object.assign(b, a.Env);
a.Env = b;
c = b;
f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("fb-error-lite", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
var g = {
function a(a) {
var b = new Error(a);
if (b.stack === void 0)
try {
throw b
} catch (a) {}
b.messageFormat = a;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
b.messageParams = {
return String(a)
b.taalOpcodes = [g.PREVIOUS_FRAME];
return b
b = {
err: a,
TAALOpcode: g
f["default"] = b
), 66);
__d("sprintf", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
function a(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
var e = 0;
return a.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return String(c[e++])
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("invariant", ["Env", "fb-error-lite", "sprintf"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
var h;
function a(a, b) {
if (!a) {
var d = b;
for (var e = arguments.length, f = new Array(e > 2 ? e - 2 : 0), g = 2; g < e; g++)
f[g - 2] = arguments[g];
if (typeof d === "number") {
var h = i(d, f)
, j = h.message
, k = h.decoderLink;
d = j;
} else if (d === void 0) {
d = "Invariant: ";
for (var l = 0; l < f.length; l++)
d += "%s,"
var m = d
, n = new Error(m); = "Invariant Violation";
n.messageFormat = d;
n.messageParams = {
return String(a)
n.taalOpcodes = [c("fb-error-lite").TAALOpcode.PREVIOUS_FRAME];
throw n
function i(a, b) {
var d = "Minified invariant #" + a + "; %s";
b.length > 0 && (d += " Params: " + {
return "%s"
}).join(", "));
a = (h || (h = c("Env"))).show_invariant_decoder === !0 ? "visit " + j(a, b) + " to see the full message." : "";
return {
message: d,
decoderLink: a
function j(a, b) {
a = "" + a + "/";
b.length > 0 && (a += "?" +, b) {
return "args[" + b + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(String(a))
return a
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ArbiterToken", ["invariant"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a(a, b) {
this.unsubscribe = function() {
for (var a = 0; a < this.$2.length; a++)
this.$2.length = 0
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = b
var b = a.prototype;
b.isForArbiterInstance = function(a) {
this.$1 || h(0, 2506);
return this.$1 === a
return a
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("performance", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
b = a.performance || a.msPerformance || a.webkitPerformance || {};
c = b;
f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("performanceNow", ["performance"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
if ((h || (h = c("performance"))).now)
b = function() {
return (h || (h = c("performance"))).now()
else {
d = a._cstart;
e =;
var i = typeof d === "number" && d < e ? d : e
, j = 0;
b = function() {
var a =
, b = a - i;
b < j && (i -= j - b,
b = a - i);
j = b;
return b
f = b;
g["default"] = f
), 98);
__d("performanceNowSinceAppStart", ["performanceNow"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
g["default"] = h || c("performanceNow")
), 98);
__d("removeFromArray", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
function a(a, b) {
b = a.indexOf(b);
b !== -1 && a.splice(b, 1)
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("fb-error", ["performanceNowSinceAppStart", "removeFromArray"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
var g = {
function h(b) {
var a = new Error(b);
if (a.stack === void 0)
try {
throw a
} catch (a) {}
a.messageFormat = b;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
a.messageParams = {
return String(a)
a.taalOpcodes = [g.PREVIOUS_FRAME];
return a
var i = !1
, j = {
errorListener: function(b) {
var c = a.console
, d = c[b.type] ? b.type : "error";
if (b.type === "fatal" || d === "error" && !i) {
d = b.message;
c.error("ErrorUtils caught an error:
" + d + "
Subsequent non-fatal errors won't be logged; see");
i = !0
, k = {
skipDupErrorGuard: !1
, l = {
config: k,
setup: c
, m = !1;
function c(a) {
m === !1 && (m = !0,
l.config = Object.freeze(a))
var n = {
access_token: null
, o = 6
, p = 6e4
, q = 10 * p
, r = new Map()
, s = 0;
function t() {
var a = b("performanceNowSinceAppStart")();
if (a > s + p) {
var c = a - q;
for (var d = r, e = Array.isArray(d), f = 0, d = e ? d : d[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var g;
if (e) {
if (f >= d.length)
g = d[f++]
} else {
f =;
if (f.done)
g = f.value
g = g;
var h = g[0];
g = g[1];
g.lastAccessed < c && r["delete"](h)
s = a
function aa(a) {
var c = b("performanceNowSinceAppStart")()
, d = r.get(a);
if (d == null) {
r.set(a, {
dropped: 0,
logged: [c],
lastAccessed: c
return 1
a = d.dropped;
var e = d.logged;
d.lastAccessed = c;
while (e[0] < c - p)
if (e.length < o) {
d.dropped = 0;
return a + 1
} else {
return null
var u = {
shouldLog: function(a) {
return aa(a.hash)
, ba = "RE_EXN_ID";
function v(a) {
var b = null;
a == null || typeof a !== "object" ? b = h("Non-object thrown: %s", String(a)) :, ba) ? b = h("Rescript exception thrown: %s", JSON.stringify(a)) : typeof (a === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.then) === "function" ? b = h("Promise thrown: %s", JSON.stringify(a)) : typeof a.message !== "string" ? b = h("Non-error thrown: %s, keys: %s", String(a), JSON.stringify(Object.keys(a).sort())) : a.messageFormat != null && typeof a.messageFormat !== "string" ? b = h("Error with non-string messageFormat thrown: %s, %s, keys: %s", String(a.message), String(a), JSON.stringify(Object.keys(a).sort())) : Object.isExtensible && !Object.isExtensible(a) && (b = h("Non-extensible thrown: %s", String(a.message)));
if (b != null) {
b.taalOpcodes = b.taalOpcodes || [];
return b
return a
var ca = typeof window === "undefined" ? "<self.onerror>" : "<window.onerror>", w;
function da(a) {
var b = a.error != null ? v(a.error) : h(a.message || "");
b.fileName == null && a.filename != null && (b.fileName = a.filename);
b.line == null && a.lineno != null && (b.line = a.lineno);
b.column == null && a.colno != null && (b.column = a.colno);
b.guardList = [ca];
b.loggingSource = "ONERROR";
(a = w) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.reportError(b)
var x = {
setup: function(b) {
if (typeof a.addEventListener !== "function")
if (w != null)
w = b;
a.addEventListener("error", da)
, y = []
, z = {
pushGuard: function(a) {
popGuard: function() {
inGuard: function() {
return y.length !== 0
cloneGuardList: function() {
return {
findDeferredSource: function() {
for (var a = 0; a < y.length; a++) {
var b = y[a];
if (b.deferredSource != null)
return b.deferredSource
function ea(a) {
if (a.type != null)
return a.type;
if (a.loggingSource == "GUARDED" || a.loggingSource == "ERROR_BOUNDARY")
return "fatal";
if ( == "SyntaxError")
return "fatal";
if (a.loggingSource == "ONERROR" && a.message.indexOf("ResizeObserver loop") >= 0)
return "warn";
return a.stack != null && a.stack.indexOf("chrome-extension://") >= 0 ? "warn" : "error"
var A = []
, B = function() {
function a() {
this.metadata = [].concat(A)
var b = a.prototype;
b.addEntries = function() {
var a;
(a = this.metadata).push.apply(a, arguments);
return this
b.addEntry = function(a, b, c) {
this.metadata.push([a, b, c]);
return this
b.isEmpty = function() {
return this.metadata.length === 0
b.clearEntries = function() {
this.metadata = []
b.format = function() {
var a = [];
this.metadata.forEach(function(b) {
if (b && b.length) {
b = {
return a != null ? String(a).replace(/:/g, "_") : ""
return a
b.getAll = function() {
return this.metadata
a.addGlobalMetadata = function(a, b, c) {
A.push([a, b, c])
a.getGlobalMetadata = function() {
return A
a.unsetGlobalMetadata = function(a, b) {
A = A.filter(function(c) {
return !(Array.isArray(c) && c[0] === a && c[1] === b)
return a
, C = {
debug: 1,
info: 2,
warn: 3,
error: 4,
fatal: 5
function d(a, b) {
if (Object.isFrozen(a))
b.type && ((!a.type || C[a.type] > C[b.type]) && (a.type = b.type));
var c = b.metadata;
if (c != null) {
var d;
d = (d = a.metadata) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : new B();
c != null && d.addEntries.apply(d, c.getAll());
a.metadata = d
b.project != null && (a.project = b.project);
b.errorName != null && (a.errorName = b.errorName);
b.componentStack != null && (a.componentStack = b.componentStack);
b.deferredSource != null && (a.deferredSource = b.deferredSource);
b.blameModule != null && (a.blameModule = b.blameModule);
b.loggingSource != null && (a.loggingSource = b.loggingSource);
d = (c = a.messageFormat) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : a.message;
c = (c = a.messageParams) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : [];
if (d !== b.messageFormat && b.messageFormat != null) {
var e;
d += " [Caught in: " + b.messageFormat + "]";
c.push.apply(c, (e = b.messageParams) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : [])
a.messageFormat = d;
a.messageParams = c;
e = b.forcedKey;
d = a.forcedKey;
c = e != null && d != null ? e + "_" + d : e !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : d;
a.forcedKey = c
function f(a) {
var b;
return fa((b = a.messageFormat) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : a.message, a.messageParams || [])
function fa(a, b) {
var c = 0;
a = String(a);
a = a.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return c < b.length ? b[c++] : "NOPARAM"
c < b.length && (a += " PARAMS" + JSON.stringify(b.slice(c)));
return a
function ga(a) {
return (a !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : []).map(function(a) {
return String(a)
var D = {
aggregateError: d,
toReadableMessage: f,
toStringParams: ga
, ha = 5
, E = [];
function F(a) {
E.length > ha && E.shift()
function ia(a) {
var b = a.getAllResponseHeaders();
if (b != null && b.indexOf("X-FB-Debug") >= 0) {
b = a.getResponseHeader("X-FB-Debug");
b && F(b)
function ja() {
return E
var G = {
add: F,
addFromXHR: ia,
getAll: ja
, ka = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345";
function H() {
var a = 0;
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++)
c[d] = arguments[d];
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e];
if (f != null) {
var g = f.length;
for (var h = 0; h < g; h++)
a = (a << 5) - a + f.charCodeAt(h)
var i = "";
for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++)
i = ka.charAt(a & 31) + i,
a >>= 5;
return i
var I = [/\(([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)\)$/, /@([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)$/, /^([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)$/, /^at ([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)$/]
, la = /^\w+:\s.*?
Error.stackTraceLimit != null && Error.stackTraceLimit < 80 && (Error.stackTraceLimit = 80);
function ma(a) {
var b =
, c = a.message;
a = a.stack;
if (a == null)
return null;
if (b != null && c != null && c !== "") {
var d = b + ": " + c + "
if (a.startsWith(d))
return a.substr(d.length);
if (a === b + ": " + c)
return null
if (b != null) {
d = b + "
if (a.startsWith(d))
return a.substr(d.length)
if (c != null && c !== "") {
b = ": " + c + "
d = a.indexOf(b);
c = a.substring(0, d);
if (/^\w+$/.test(c))
return a.substring(d + b.length)
return a.replace(la, "")
function J(a) {
a = a.trim();
var b;
var c, d, e;
if (a.includes("charset=utf-8;base64,"))
b = "<inlined-file>";
else {
var f;
for (var g = 0; g < I.length; g++) {
var h = I[g];
f = a.match(h);
if (f != null)
f != null && f.length === 4 ? (c = f[1],
d = parseInt(f[2], 10),
e = parseInt(f[3], 10),
b = a.substring(0, a.length - f[0].length)) : b = a;
b = b.replace(/^at /, "").trim()
h = {
identifier: b,
script: c,
line: d,
column: e
h.text = K(h);
return h
function na(a) {
return a == null || a === "" ? [] : a.split(/
function oa(a) {
a = ma(a);
return na(a)
function pa(a) {
if (a == null || a === "")
return null;
a = a.split("
a.splice(0, 1);
return {
return a.trim()
function K(a) {
var b = a.identifier
, c = a.script
, d = a.line;
a = a.column;
b = " at " + (b !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "<unknown>");
c != null && d != null && a != null && (b += " (" + c + ":" + d + ":" + a + ")");
return b
function L(c) {
var d, e, f, h, i, j, k = oa(c);
d = (d = c.taalOpcodes) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : [];
var l = c.framesToPop;
if (l != null) {
l = Math.min(l, k.length);
while (l-- > 0)
l = (l = c.messageFormat) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : c.message;
e = ((e = c.messageParams) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : []).map(function(a) {
return String(a)
var m = pa(c.componentStack)
, n = m == null ? null :
, o = c.metadata ? c.metadata.format() : new B().format();
o.length === 0 && (o = void 0);
var p = {
return a.text
f = (f = c.errorName) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f :;
var q = ea(c)
, r = c.loggingSource
, s = c.project;
h = (h = c.lineNumber) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : c.line;
i = (i = c.columnNumber) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : c.column;
j = (j = c.fileName) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : c.sourceURL;
var t = k.length > 0;
t && h == null && (h = k[0].line);
t && i == null && (i = k[0].column);
t && j == null && (j = k[0].script);
n = {
blameModule: c.blameModule,
column: i == null ? null : String(i),
clientTime: Math.floor( / 1e3),
componentStackFrames: n,
deferredSource: c.deferredSource != null ? L(c.deferredSource) : null,
extra: (t = c.extra) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : {},
fbtrace_id: c.fbtrace_id,
guardList: (i = c.guardList) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : [],
hash: H(f, p, q, s, r),
isNormalizedError: !0,
line: h == null ? null : String(h),
loggingSource: r,
message: D.toReadableMessage(c),
messageFormat: l,
messageParams: e,
metadata: o,
name: f,
page_time: Math.floor(b("performanceNowSinceAppStart")()),
project: s,
reactComponentStack: m,
script: j,
serverHash: c.serverHash,
stack: p,
stackFrames: k,
type: q,
xFBDebug: G.getAll()
c.forcedKey != null && (n.forcedKey = c.forcedKey);
d.length > 0 && (n.taalOpcodes = d);
t = a.location;
t && (n.windowLocationURL = t.href);
for (i in n)
n[i] == null && delete n[i];
return n
function qa(a) {
return a != null && typeof a === "object" && a.isNormalizedError === !0 ? a : null
var M = {
formatStackFrame: K,
normalizeError: L,
ifNormalizedError: qa
, ra = "<global.react>"
, N = []
, O = []
, P = 50
, Q = !1
, R = {
history: O,
addListener: function(a, b) {
b === void 0 && (b = !1),
b || O.forEach(function(b) {
return a(b, (b = b.loggingSource) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "DEPRECATED")
unshiftListener: function(a) {
removeListener: function(a) {
b("removeFromArray")(N, a)
reportError: function(a) {
a = M.normalizeError(a);
reportNormalizedError: function(b) {
if (Q)
return !1;
var a = z.cloneGuardList();
b.componentStackFrames && a.unshift(ra);
a.length > 0 && (b.guardList = a);
if (b.deferredSource == null) {
a = z.findDeferredSource();
a != null && (b.deferredSource = M.normalizeError(a))
O.length > P && O.splice(P / 2, 1);
Q = !0;
for (a = 0; a < N.length; a++)
try {
var c;
N[a](b, (c = b.loggingSource) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "DEPRECATED")
} catch (a) {}
Q = !1;
return !0
var sa = "<anonymous guard>"
, S = !1
, T = {
applyWithGuard: function(a, b, c, d) {
if (l.config.skipDupErrorGuard && "__isMetaErrorGuarded"in a)
return a.apply(b, c);
name: ((d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : != null ? : null) || ( ? "func_name:" + : null) || sa,
deferredSource: d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.deferredSource
if (S)
try {
return a.apply(b, c)
} finally {
try {
return, b, c)
} catch (h) {
try {
b = d !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : babelHelpers["extends"]({}, null);
var e = b.deferredSource
, f = b.onError;
b = b.onNormalizedError;
var g = v(h);
e = {
deferredSource: e,
loggingSource: "GUARDED",
project: (e = d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.project) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : "ErrorGuard",
type: d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.errorType
D.aggregateError(g, e);
d = M.normalizeError(g);
g == null && a && (d.extra[a.toString().substring(0, 100)] = "function",
c != null && c.length && (d.extra[Array.from(c).toString().substring(0, 100)] = "args"));
d.guardList = z.cloneGuardList();
f && f(g);
b && b(d);
} catch (a) {}
} finally {
guard: function(a, b) {
function c() {
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c), e = 0; e < c; e++)
d[e] = arguments[e];
return T.applyWithGuard(a, this, d, b)
c.__isMetaErrorGuarded = !0;
a.__SMmeta && (c.__SMmeta = a.__SMmeta);
return c
inGuard: function() {
return z.inGuard()
skipGuardGlobal: function(a) {
S = a
, U = 1024
, V = []
, W = 0;
function X(a) {
return String(a)
function Y(a) {
return a == null ? null : String(a)
function ta(a, b) {
var c = {};
b && b.forEach(function(a) {
c[a] = !0
Object.keys(a).forEach(function(b) {
a[b] ? c[b] = !0 : c[b] && delete c[b]
return Object.keys(c)
function Z(a) {
return (a !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : []).map(function(a) {
return {
column: Y(a.column),
identifier: a.identifier,
line: Y(a.line),
script: a.script
function ua(a) {
a = String(a);
return a.length > U ? a.substring(0, U - 3) + "..." : a
function va(a, b) {
var c;
c = {
appId: Y(b.appId),
cavalry_lid: b.cavalry_lid,
access_token: n.access_token,
ancestor_hash: a.hash,
bundle_variant: (c = b.bundle_variant) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : null,
clientTime: X(a.clientTime),
column: a.column,
componentStackFrames: Z(a.componentStackFrames),
extra: ta(a.extra, b.extra),
forcedKey: a.forcedKey,
frontend_env: (c = b.frontend_env) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : null,
guardList: a.guardList,
line: a.line,
loggingFramework: b.loggingFramework,
messageFormat: ua(a.messageFormat),
sample_weight: Y(b.sample_weight),
script: a.script,
site_category: b.site_category,
stackFrames: Z(a.stackFrames),
type: a.type,
page_time: Y(a.page_time),
project: a.project,
push_phase: b.push_phase,
report_source: b.report_source,
report_source_ref: b.report_source_ref,
rollout_hash: (c = b.rollout_hash) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : null,
script_path: b.script_path,
server_revision: Y(b.server_revision),
spin: Y(b.spin),
svn_rev: String(b.client_revision),
additional_client_revisions: Array.from((c = b.additional_client_revisions) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : []).map(X),
taalOpcodes: a.taalOpcodes == null ? null : {
return a
web_session_id: b.web_session_id,
version: "3",
xFBDebug: a.xFBDebug
b = a.blameModule;
var d = a.deferredSource;
b != null && (c.blameModule = String(b));
d && d.stackFrames && (c.deferredSource = {
stackFrames: Z(d.stackFrames)
a.metadata && (c.metadata = a.metadata);
a.loadingUrls && (c.loadingUrls = a.loadingUrls);
a.serverHash != null && (c.serverHash = a.serverHash);
a.windowLocationURL != null && (c.windowLocationURL = a.windowLocationURL);
a.loggingSource != null && (c.loggingSource = a.loggingSource);
return c
function wa(a, b, c) {
var d;
if (b.sample_weight === 0)
return !1;
var e = u.shouldLog(a);
if (e == null)
return !1;
if ((d = b.projectBlocklist) !== null && d !== void 0 && d.includes(a.project))
return !1;
d = va(a, b);
Object.assign(d, {
ancestors: V.slice(),
clientWeight: X(e),
page_position: X(W)
V.length < 15 && V.push(a.hash);
return !0
var xa = {
createErrorPayload: va,
postError: wa
, $ = null
, ya = !1;
function za(a) {
if ($ == null)
var b = $, c = a.reason, d, e = v(c), f = null;
if (c !== e && typeof c === "object" && c !== null) {
d = Object.keys(c).sort().slice(0, 3);
typeof c.message !== "string" && typeof c.messageFormat === "string" && (c.message = c.messageFormat,
e = v(c));
if (typeof c.message !== "string" && typeof c.errorMsg === "string")
if (/^\s*\<!doctype/i.test(c.errorMsg)) {
var g = /<title>([^<]+)<\/title>(?:(?:.|
if (g) {
var i;
e = h('HTML document with title="%s" and h1="%s"', (i = g[1]) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", (i = g[2]) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "")
} else
e = h("HTML document sanitized")
} else
/^\s*<\?xml/i.test(c.errorMsg) ? e = h("XML document sanitized") : (c.message = c.errorMsg,
e = v(c));
e !== c && typeof === "string" && (f =;
typeof !== "string" && typeof c.errorCode === "string" && (f = "UnhandledRejectionWith_errorCode_" + c.errorCode);
typeof !== "string" && typeof c.error === "number" && (f = "UnhandledRejectionWith_error_" + String(c.error))
try {
f = e === c && f != null && f !== "" ? f : typeof (c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : === "string" && !== "" ? : d != null && d.length > 0 ? "UnhandledRejectionWith_" + d.join("_") : "UnhandledRejection_" + (c === null ? "null" : typeof c), = f
} catch (a) {}
try {
g = c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.stack;
(typeof g !== "string" || g === "") && (g = e.stack);
(typeof g !== "string" || g === "") && (g = h("").stack);
e.stack = + ": " + e.message + "
" + g.split("
} catch (a) {}
try {
i = a.promise;
e.stack = e.stack + (i != null && typeof i.settledStack === "string" ? "
at <promise_settled_stack_below>
" + i.settledStack : "") + (i != null && typeof i.createdStack === "string" ? "
at <promise_created_stack_below>
" + i.createdStack : "")
} catch (a) {}
function Aa(b) {
$ = b,
typeof a.addEventListener === "function" && !ya && (ya = !0,
a.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", za))
var Ba = {
onunhandledrejection: za,
setup: Aa
k = {
preSetup: function(a) {
(a == null || a.ignoreOnError !== !0) && x.setup(R),
(a == null || a.ignoreOnUnahndledRejection !== !0) && Ba.setup(R)
setup: function(a, b, c) {
R.addListener(function(d) {
var e;
e = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, (e = c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c()) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : {});
xa.postError(d, e, b)
var Ca = 20
, Da = function() {
function a(a) {
this.project = a, = [],
this.metadata = new B(),
this.taalOpcodes = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.$1 = function(b, c) {
var d = String(c), e =, f = this.project, h = this.metadata, i = this.blameModule, j = this.forcedKey, k = this.error, l;
for (var m = arguments.length, n = new Array(m > 2 ? m - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < m; o++)
n[o - 2] = arguments[o];
if (this.normalizedError)
l = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.normalizedError, {
messageFormat: this.normalizedError.messageFormat + " [Caught in: " + d + "]",
messageParams: D.toStringParams([].concat(this.normalizedError.messageParams, n)),
project: f,
type: b,
loggingSource: "FBLOGGER"
l.message = D.toReadableMessage(l),
j != null && (l.forcedKey = l.forcedKey != null ? j + "_" + l.forcedKey : j);
else if (k)
this.taalOpcodes.length > 0 && new a("fblogger").blameToPreviousFrame().blameToPreviousFrame().warn("Blame helpers do not work with catching"),
D.aggregateError(k, {
messageFormat: d,
messageParams: D.toStringParams(n),
forcedKey: j,
project: f,
type: b,
loggingSource: "FBLOGGER"
l = M.normalizeError(k);
else {
k = new Error(d);
if (k.stack === void 0)
try {
throw k
} catch (a) {}
k.messageFormat = d;
k.messageParams = D.toStringParams(n);
k.blameModule = i;
k.forcedKey = j;
k.project = f;
k.type = b;
k.loggingSource = "FBLOGGER";
k.taalOpcodes = [g.PREVIOUS_FRAME, g.PREVIOUS_FRAME].concat(this.taalOpcodes);
l = M.normalizeError(k); = "FBLogger"
if (!h.isEmpty())
if (l.metadata == null)
l.metadata = h.format();
else {
var p = l.metadata.concat(h.format())
, q = new Set(p);
l.metadata = Array.from(q.values())
if (e.length > 0) {
if ( != null) {
var r;
(r =, e)
} else = [].concat(e);
if ( != null && > Ca) {
var s = - Ca;, s + 1, "<first " + s + " events omitted>")
return k
b.fatal = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["fatal", a].concat(c))
b.mustfix = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["error", a].concat(c))
b.warn = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["warn", a].concat(c))
; = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["info", a].concat(c))
b.debug = function(a) {}
b.mustfixThrow = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
var e = this.$1.apply(this, ["error", a].concat(c));
e || (e = h("mustfixThrow does not support catchingNormalizedError"),
e.taalOpcodes = e.taalOpcodes || [],
try {
e.message = D.toReadableMessage(e)
} catch (a) {}
throw e
b.catching = function(b) {
!(b instanceof Error) ? new a("fblogger").blameToPreviousFrame().warn("Catching non-Error object is not supported") : this.error = b;
return this
b.catchingNormalizedError = function(a) {
this.normalizedError = a;
return this
b.event = function(a) {;
return this
b.blameToModule = function(a) {
this.blameModule = a;
return this
b.blameToPreviousFile = function() {
return this
b.blameToPreviousFrame = function() {
return this
b.blameToPreviousDirectory = function() {
return this
b.addToCategoryKey = function(a) {
this.forcedKey = a;
return this
b.addMetadata = function(a, b, c) {
this.metadata.addEntry(a, b, c);
return this
return a
c = function(a, b) {
var c = new Da(a);
return b != null ? c.event(a + "." + b) : c
c.addGlobalMetadata = function(a, b, c) {
B.addGlobalMetadata(a, b, c)
var Ea = "<CUSTOM_NAME:"
, Fa = ">";
function Ga(a, b) {
if (a != null && b != null)
try {
Object.defineProperty(a, "name", {
value: Ea + " " + b + Fa
} catch (a) {}
return a
d = {
blameToPreviousFile: function(a) {
var b;
a.taalOpcodes = (b = a.taalOpcodes) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : [];
return a
blameToPreviousFrame: function(a) {
var b;
a.taalOpcodes = (b = a.taalOpcodes) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : [];
return a
blameToPreviousDirectory: function(a) {
var b;
a.taalOpcodes = (b = a.taalOpcodes) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : [];
return a
f = {
err: h,
ErrorBrowserConsole: j,
ErrorConfig: l,
ErrorDynamicData: n,
ErrorFilter: u,
ErrorGlobalEventHandler: x,
ErrorGuard: T,
ErrorGuardState: z,
ErrorMetadata: B,
ErrorNormalizeUtils: M,
ErrorPoster: xa,
ErrorPubSub: R,
ErrorSerializer: D,
ErrorSetup: k,
ErrorXFBDebug: G,
FBLogger: c,
getErrorSafe: v,
getSimpleHash: H,
TAAL: d,
TAALOpcode: g,
renameFunction: Ga
e.exports = f
), null);
__d("ErrorGuard", ["fb-error"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
g["default"] = c("fb-error").ErrorGuard
), 98);
__d("CallbackDependencyManager", ["ErrorGuard"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g;
a = function() {
"use strict";
function a() {
this.$1 = new Map(),
this.$2 = new Map(),
this.$3 = 1,
this.$4 = new Map()
var c = a.prototype;
c.$5 = function(a, b) {
var c = 0
, d = new Set();
for (var e = 0, f = b.length; e < f; e++)
for (b = d.keys(),
e = Array.isArray(b),
f = 0,
b = e ? b : b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
if (e) {
if (f >= b.length)
d = b[f++]
} else {
f =;
if (f.done)
d = f.value
d = d;
if (this.$4.get(d))
var g = this.$1.get(d);
g === void 0 && (g = new Map(),
this.$1.set(d, g));
g.set(a, (g.get(a) || 0) + 1)
return c
c.$6 = function(a) {
a = this.$1.get(a);
if (!a)
for (var c = a.entries(), d = Array.isArray(c), e = 0, c = d ? c : c[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var f;
if (d) {
if (e >= c.length)
f = c[e++]
} else {
e =;
if (e.done)
f = e.value
f = f;
var h = f[0];
f = f[1] - 1;
a.set(h, f);
f <= 0 && a["delete"](h);
f = this.$2.get(h);
if (f !== void 0) {
if (f.$7 <= 0) {
f = f.$8;
(g || (g = b("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(f, null, [])
c.addDependenciesToExistingCallback = function(a, b) {
var c = this.$2.get(a);
if (!c)
return null;
b = this.$5(a, b);
c.$7 += b;
return a
c.isPersistentDependencySatisfied = function(a) {
return !!this.$4.get(a)
c.satisfyPersistentDependency = function(a) {
this.$4.set(a, 1),
c.satisfyNonPersistentDependency = function(a) {
var b = this.$4.get(a) === 1;
b || this.$4.set(a, 1);
b || this.$4["delete"](a)
c.registerCallback = function(a, c) {
var d = this.$3;
c = this.$5(d, c);
if (c === 0) {
(g || (g = b("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(a, null, []);
return null
this.$2.set(d, {
$8: a,
$7: c
return d
return a
e.exports = a
), null);
__d("EventSubscription", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
a = function(a) {
var b = this;
this.remove = function() {
b.subscriber && (b.subscriber.removeSubscription(b),
b.subscriber = null)
this.subscriber = a
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("EmitterSubscription", ["EventSubscription"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
a = function(a) {
babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
function b(b, c, d) {
b =, b) || this;
b.listener = c;
b.context = d;
return b
return b
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("EventSubscriptionVendor", ["invariant"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a() {
this.$1 = {}
var b = a.prototype;
b.addSubscription = function(a, b) {
b.subscriber === this || g(0, 2828);
this.$1[a] || (this.$1[a] = []);
var c = this.$1[a].length;
b.eventType = a;
b.key = c;
return b
b.removeAllSubscriptions = function(a) {
a === void 0 ? this.$1 = {} : delete this.$1[a]
b.removeSubscription = function(a) {
var b = a.eventType;
a = a.key;
b = this.$1[b];
b && delete b[a]
b.getSubscriptionsForType = function(a) {
return this.$1[a]
return a
e.exports = a
), null);
__d("emptyFunction", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
function a(a) {
return function() {
return a
b = function() {}
b.thatReturns = a;
b.thatReturnsFalse = a(!1);
b.thatReturnsTrue = a(!0);
b.thatReturnsNull = a(null);
b.thatReturnsThis = function() {
return this
b.thatReturnsArgument = function(a) {
return a
c = b;
f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("FBLogger", ["fb-error"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
g["default"] = c("fb-error").FBLogger
), 98);
__d("unrecoverableViolation", ["FBLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
function a(a, b, d, e) {
d = d === void 0 ? {} : d;
d = d.error;
b = c("FBLogger")(b);
d ? b = b.catching(d) : b = b.blameToPreviousFrame();
for (d = 0; d < ((f = e == null ? void 0 : e.blameToPreviousFrame) != null ? f : 0); ++d) {
var f;
b = b.blameToPreviousFrame()
f = e == null ? void 0 : e.categoryKey;
f != null && (b = b.addToCategoryKey(f));
return b.mustfixThrow(a)
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("BaseEventEmitter", ["EmitterSubscription", "ErrorGuard", "EventSubscriptionVendor", "emptyFunction", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g;
a = function() {
"use strict";
function a() {
this.$2 = new (b("EventSubscriptionVendor"))(),
this.$1 = null
var c = a.prototype;
c.addListener = function(a, c, d) {
return this.$2.addSubscription(a, new (b("EmitterSubscription"))(this.$2,c,d))
c.removeListener = function(a) {
c.once = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
return this.addListener(a, function() {
b.apply(c, arguments)
c.removeAllListeners = function(a) {
c.removeCurrentListener = function() {
if (!this.$1)
throw b("unrecoverableViolation")("Not in an emitting cycle; there is no current subscription", "emitter");
c.listeners = function(a) {
a = this.$2.getSubscriptionsForType(a);
return a ? a.filter(b("emptyFunction").thatReturnsTrue).map(function(a) {
return a.listener
}) : []
c.emit = function(a) {
var b = this.$2.getSubscriptionsForType(a);
if (b) {
var c = Object.keys(b), d;
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e]
, g = b[f];
if (g) {
this.$1 = g;
if (d == null) {
d = [g, a];
for (var h = 0, i = arguments.length <= 1 ? 0 : arguments.length - 1; h < i; h++)
d[h + 2] = h + 1 < 1 || arguments.length <= h + 1 ? void 0 : arguments[h + 1]
} else
d[0] = g;
this.__emitToSubscription.apply(this, d)
this.$1 = null
c.__emitToSubscription = function(a, c) {
for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d > 2 ? d - 2 : 0), f = 2; f < d; f++)
e[f - 2] = arguments[f];
(g || (g = b("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(a.listener, a.context, e, {
name: "EventEmitter " + c + " event"
return a
e.exports = a
), null);
__d("EventEmitter", ["BaseEventEmitter"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a = function(a) {
babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
function b() {
return a.apply(this, arguments) || this
return b
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("EventEmitterWithHolding", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a(a, b) {
this.$2 = a,
this.$3 = b,
this.$1 = null,
this.$5 = [],
this.$4 = 0
var b = a.prototype;
b.addListener = function(a, b, c) {
return this.$2.addListener(a, b, c)
b.once = function(a, b, c) {
return this.$2.once(a, b, c)
b.addRetroactiveListener = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this.$2.addListener(a, b, c)
, e = this.$5;
this.$3.emitToListener(a, b, c);
e[e.length - 1] && d.remove();
return d
b.removeAllListeners = function(a) {
b.removeCurrentListener = function() {
if (this.$4) {
var a = this.$5;
a[a.length - 1] = !0
} else
b.listeners = function(a) {
return this.$2.listeners(a)
b.emit = function(a) {
var b;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
(b = this.$2).emit.apply(b, [a].concat(d))
b.emitAndHold = function(a) {
var b, c;
for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d > 1 ? d - 1 : 0), f = 1; f < d; f++)
e[f - 1] = arguments[f];
this.$1 = (b = this.$3).holdEvent.apply(b, [a].concat(e));
(c = this.$2).emit.apply(c, [a].concat(e));
this.$1 = null
b.releaseCurrentEvent = function() {
this.$1 != null ? this.$3.releaseEvent(this.$1) : this.$4 > 0 && this.$3.releaseCurrentEvent()
b.releaseHeldEventType = function(a) {
return a
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("EventHolder", ["invariant"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a() {
this.$1 = {},
this.$2 = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.holdEvent = function(a) {
this.$1[a] = this.$1[a] || [];
var b = this.$1[a]
, c = {
eventType: a,
index: b.length
for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d > 1 ? d - 1 : 0), f = 1; f < d; f++)
e[f - 1] = arguments[f];
return c
b.emitToListener = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this
, e = this.$1[a];
if (!e)
e.forEach(function(e, f) {
if (!e)
eventType: a,
index: f
b.apply(c, e);
b.releaseCurrentEvent = function() {
this.$2.length || h(0, 1764),
this.releaseEvent(this.$2[this.$2.length - 1])
b.releaseEvent = function(a) {
delete this.$1[a.eventType][a.index]
b.releaseEventType = function(a) {
this.$1[a] = []
return a
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("Arbiter", ["invariant", "ArbiterToken", "CallbackDependencyManager", "ErrorGuard", "EventEmitter", "EventEmitterWithHolding", "EventHolder"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
"use strict";
var i;
function j(a) {
return Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]
function k(a) {
return a instanceof l || a === l ? a : l
var l = function() {
function a() {
var a = new (c("EventEmitter"))();
this.$3 = new m();
this.$2 = new (c("EventEmitterWithHolding"))(a,this.$3);
this.$1 = new (c("CallbackDependencyManager"))();
this.$4 = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.subscribe = function(a, b, d) {
var e = this;
a = j(a);
a.forEach(function(a) {
a && typeof a === "string" || h(0, 1966, a)
typeof b === "function" || h(0, 1967, b);
d = d || "all";
d === "new" || d === "all" || h(0, 1968, d);
a = {
var c = function(c) {
return e.$5(b, a, c)
c.__SMmeta = b.__SMmeta;
if (d === "new")
return e.$2.addListener(a, c);
c = e.$2.addRetroactiveListener(a, c);
return c
return new (c("ArbiterToken"))(this,a)
b.$5 = function(a, b, d) {
var e = this.$4[this.$4.length - 1];
if (e[b] === !1)
a = (i || (i = c("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(a, null, [b, d]);
a === !1 && this.$2.releaseCurrentEvent();
e[b] = a
b.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription = function() {
b.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent = function() {
b.subscribeOnce = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
a = this.subscribe(a, function(a, c) {
return b(a, c)
}, c);
return a
b.unsubscribe = function(a) {
a.isForArbiterInstance(this) || h(0, 1969),
b.inform = function(a, b, c) {
var d = Array.isArray(a);
a = j(a);
c = c || "event";
var e = c === "state" || c === "persistent";
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
var g = a[f];
g || h(0, 1970, g);
this.$3.setHoldingBehavior(g, c);
this.$2.emitAndHold(g, b);
this.$6(g, b, e)
g = this.$4.pop();
return d ? g : g[a[0]]
b.query = function(a) {
var b = this.$3.getHoldingBehavior(a);
!b || b === "state" || h(0, 1971, a);
b = null;
this.$3.emitToListener(a, function(a) {
b = a
return b
b.registerCallback = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === "function")
return this.$1.registerCallback(a, b);
return this.$1.addDependenciesToExistingCallback(a, b)
b.$6 = function(a, b, c) {
if (b === null)
c ? this.$1.satisfyPersistentDependency(a) : this.$1.satisfyNonPersistentDependency(a)
a.subscribe = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.subscribe.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription = function() {
return a.prototype.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription.apply(k(this))
a.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent = function() {
return a.prototype.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent.apply(k(this))
a.subscribeOnce = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.subscribeOnce.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.unsubscribe = function(b) {
return a.prototype.unsubscribe.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.inform = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.inform.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.informSingle = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.inform.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.query = function(b) {
return a.prototype.query.apply(k(this), arguments)
; ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
"use strict";
(function() {
var a = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && globalThis || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof global !== "undefined" && global;
if (typeof a.AbortController !== "undefined")
var b = function() {
function a() {
this.__listeners = new Map()
a.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype);
a.prototype.addEventListener = function(a, b, c) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new TypeError("TypeError: Failed to execute 'addEventListener' on 'CustomEventTarget': 2 arguments required, but only " + arguments.length + " present.");
var d = this.__listeners
, e = a.toString();
d.has(e) || d.set(e, new Map());
var f = d.get(e);
f.has(b) || f.set(b, c)
a.prototype.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new TypeError("TypeError: Failed to execute 'addEventListener' on 'CustomEventTarget': 2 arguments required, but only " + arguments.length + " present.");
var d = this.__listeners
, e = a.toString();
if (d.has(e)) {
var f = d.get(e);
f.has(b) && f["delete"](b)
a.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
if (!(a instanceof Event))
throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'dispatchEvent' on 'CustomEventTarget': parameter 1 is not of type 'Event'.");
var b = a.type
, c = this.__listeners;
c = c.get(b);
if (c)
for (var b = c.entries(), d = Array.isArray(b), e = 0, b = d ? b : b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var f;
if (d) {
if (e >= b.length)
f = b[e++]
} else {
e =;
if (e.done)
f = e.value
f = f;
var g = f[0];
f = f[1];
try {
typeof g === "function" ?, a) : g && typeof g.handleEvent === "function" && g.handleEvent(a)
} catch (a) {
setTimeout(function() {
throw a
f && f.once && c["delete"](g)
return !0
return a
, c = {};
a.AbortSignal = function() {
function a(a) {
if (a !== c)
throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor.");;
this._aborted = !1
a.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "onabort", {
get: function() {
return this._onabort
set: function(a) {
var b = this._onabort;
b && this.removeEventListener("abort", b);
this._onabort = a;
this.addEventListener("abort", a)
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "aborted", {
get: function() {
return this._aborted
return a
a.AbortController = function() {
function a() {
this._signal = new AbortSignal(c)
a.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "signal", {
get: function() {
return this._signal
a.prototype.abort = function() {
var a = this.signal;
a.aborted || (a._aborted = !0,
a.dispatchEvent(new Event("abort")))
return a
"use strict"; == null && ( = function(a) {
a = parseInt(a, 10);
Number.isInteger(a) || (a = 0);
if (a >= 0 && a < this.length)
return this[a];
return this[this.length + a]
"use strict";
(function() {
if (!Array.prototype.flat) {
var a = function b(a) {
return a < 1 ? :, function(c, d) {
Array.isArray(d) ? c.push.apply(c,, a - 1)) : c.push(d);
return c
}, [])
Array.prototype.flat = function() {
return, isNaN(arguments[0]) ? 1 : Number(arguments[0]))
if (!Array.prototype.flatMap) {
var b = function(a, b) {
var c = [];
if (typeof b !== "function")
throw new TypeError("Callback function must be callable.");
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e =, a[d], d, a);
Array.isArray(e) ? c.push.apply(c, e) : c.push(e)
return c
Array.prototype.flatMap = function(a) {
var c = arguments[1] || this;
return b(c, a)
(function() {
"use strict";
var a = Array.prototype.indexOf;
Array.prototype.includes || (Array.prototype.includes = function(d) {
"use strict";
if (d !== void 0 && Array.isArray(this) && !Number.isNaN(d))
return a.apply(this, arguments) !== -1;
var e = Object(this)
, f = e.length ? b(e.length) : 0;
if (f === 0)
return !1;
var g = arguments.length > 1 ? c(arguments[1]) : 0
, h = g < 0 ? Math.max(f + g, 0) : g
, i = Number.isNaN(d);
while (h < f) {
var j = e[h];
if (j === d || i && Number.isNaN(j))
return !0;
return !1
function b(a) {
return Math.min(Math.max(c(a), 0), Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
function c(a) {
a = Number(a);
return Number.isFinite(a) && a !== 0 ? d(a) * Math.floor(Math.abs(a)) : a
function d(a) {
return a >= 0 ? 1 : -1
if (!Array.prototype.values) {
var e = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"
, f = function() {
function a(a) {
this.$1 = void 0;
this.$2 = 0;
if (a == null)
throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
this.$1 = Object(a)
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
if (this.$1 == null || this.$2 >= this.$1.length) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var a = this.$1[this.$2];
return {
value: a,
done: !1
b[e] = function() {
return this
return a
Array.prototype.values = function() {
return new f(this)
Array.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] || (Array.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = Array.prototype.values)
"use strict";
Array.prototype.findLast == null && (Array.prototype.findLast = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
for (var d = c.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
var e = c[d]
, f =, e, d, c);
if (f)
return e
return void 0
"use strict";
Array.prototype.findLastIndex == null && (Array.prototype.findLastIndex = function(a, b) {
var c = this;
for (var d = c.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
var e = c[d];
e =, e, d, c);
if (e)
return d
return -1
"use strict";
Array.prototype.toReversed == null && (Array.prototype.toReversed = function() {
return this.slice().reverse()
"use strict";
Array.prototype.toSorted == null && (Array.prototype.toSorted = function(a) {
return this.slice().sort(a)
"use strict";
Array.prototype.toSpliced == null && (Array.prototype.toSpliced = function() {
var a = this.slice();
a.splice.apply(a, arguments);
return a
"use strict";
if (Array.prototype["with"] == null) {
var toIntegerOrInfinity = function(a) {
if (Number.isNaN(a) || a === 0)
return 0;
return a === Infinity || a === -Infinity ? a : Math.trunc(a)
Array.prototype["with"] = function(a, b) {
var c = this.length;
a = toIntegerOrInfinity(a);
var d;
a >= 0 ? d = a : d = c + a;
if (d >= c || d < 0)
throw new RangeError("Invalid index");
a = this.slice();
a[d] = b;
return a
(function(a) {
a.__t = function(a) {
return a[0]
a.__w = function(a) {
return a
)(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
(function(a) {
var b = {}
, c = function(a, b) {
if (!a && !b)
return null;
var c = {};
typeof a !== "undefined" && (c.type = a);
typeof b !== "undefined" && (c.signature = b);
return c
, d = function(a, b) {
return c(a && /^[A-Z]/.test(a) ? a : void 0, b && (b.params && b.params.length || b.returns) ? "function(" + (b.params ? {
return /\?/.test(a) ? "?" + a.replace("?", "") : a
}).join(",") : "") + ")" + (b.returns ? ":" + b.returns : "") : void 0)
, e = function(a, b, c) {
return a
, f = function(a, b, c) {
"sourcemeta"in __transform_includes && (a.__SMmeta = b);
if ("typechecks"in __transform_includes) {
b = d(b ? : void 0, c);
b && __w(a, b)
return a
, g = function(a, b, c) {
return c.apply(a, b)
, h = function(a, c, d, e, f) {
if (f) {
f.callId || (f.callId = f.module + ":" + (f.line || 0) + ":" + (f.column || 0));
e = f.callId;
b[e] = (b[e] || 0) + 1
return d.apply(a, c)
typeof __transform_includes === "undefined" ? (a.__annotator = e,
a.__bodyWrapper = g) : (a.__annotator = f,
"codeusage"in __transform_includes ? (a.__annotator = e,
a.__bodyWrapper = h,
a.__bodyWrapper.getCodeUsage = function() {
return b
a.__bodyWrapper.clearCodeUsage = function() {
b = {}
) : a.__bodyWrapper = g)
)(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
self.__DEV__ = self.__DEV__ || 0,
self.emptyFunction = function() {}
(function(a, b) {
var c = "keys"
, d = "values"
, e = "entries"
, f = function() {
var a = h(Array), b;
a || (b = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b) {
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = b,
this.$3 = 0
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
if (this.$1 == null)
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var a = this.$1
, b = this.$1.length
, f = this.$3
, g = this.$2;
if (f >= b) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
this.$3 = f + 1;
if (g === c)
return {
value: f,
done: !1
else if (g === d)
return {
value: a[f],
done: !1
else if (g === e)
return {
value: [f, a[f]],
done: !1
b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
return a
return {
keys: a ? function(a) {
return a.keys()
: function(a) {
return new b(a,c)
values: a ? function(a) {
return a.values()
: function(a) {
return new b(a,d)
entries: a ? function(a) {
return a.entries()
: function(a) {
return new b(a,e)
, g = function() {
var a = h(String), b;
a || (b = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a) {
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = 0
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
if (this.$1 == null)
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var a = this.$2
, b = this.$1
, c = b.length;
if (a >= c) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
var d = b.charCodeAt(a);
if (d < 55296 || d > 56319 || a + 1 === c)
d = b[a];
else {
c = b.charCodeAt(a + 1);
c < 56320 || c > 57343 ? d = b[a] : d = b[a] + b[a + 1]
this.$2 = a + d.length;
return {
value: d,
done: !1
b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
return a
return {
keys: function() {
throw TypeError("Strings default iterator doesn't implement keys.")
values: a ? function(a) {
return a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"]()
: function(a) {
return new b(a)
entries: function() {
throw TypeError("Strings default iterator doesn't implement entries.")
function h(a) {
return typeof a.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] === "function" && typeof a.prototype.values === "function" && typeof a.prototype.keys === "function" && typeof a.prototype.entries === "function"
var i = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b) {
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = b,
this.$3 = Object.keys(a),
this.$4 = 0
var b = a.prototype; = function() {
var a = this.$3.length
, b = this.$4
, f = this.$2
, g = this.$3[b];
if (b >= a) {
this.$1 = void 0;
return {
value: void 0,
done: !0
this.$4 = b + 1;
if (f === c)
return {
value: g,
done: !1
else if (f === d)
return {
value: this.$1[g],
done: !1
else if (f === e)
return {
value: [g, this.$1[g]],
done: !1
b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
return a
, j = {
keys: function(a) {
return new i(a,c)
values: function(a) {
return new i(a,d)
entries: function(a) {
return new i(a,e)
function k(a, b) {
if (typeof a === "string")
return g[b || d](a);
else if (Array.isArray(a))
return f[b || d](a);
else if (a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"])
return a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"]();
return j[b || e](a)
Object.assign(k, {
keys: function(a) {
return k(a, c)
values: function(a) {
return k(a, d)
entries: function(a) {
return k(a, e)
generic: j.entries
a.FB_enumerate = k
)(typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof this === "object" ? this : typeof window === "object" ? window : typeof self === "object" ? self : {});
"use strict";
(function() {
if (typeof Element === "undefined" || Element.prototype.scroll)
function a(a, b) {
b === void 0 && (b = !1);
if (a.length === 0)
var c = a[0]
, d = a[1];
c = Number(c) || 0;
d = Number(d) || 0;
if (a.length === 1) {
a = a[0];
if (a == null)
c = a.left;
d =;
c !== void 0 && (c = Number(c) || 0);
d !== void 0 && (d = Number(d) || 0)
c !== void 0 && (this.scrollLeft = (b ? this.scrollLeft : 0) + c);
d !== void 0 && (this.scrollTop = (b ? this.scrollTop : 0) + d)
Element.prototype.scroll = Element.prototype.scrollTo = function() {, arguments)
Element.prototype.scrollBy = function() {, arguments, !0)
(function() {
function a() {
if (typeof JSON !== "object" || typeof JSON.stringify !== "function")
return !1;
if (typeof navigator === "undefined" || !navigator.userAgent)
return !0;
var a = navigator.userAgent, b;
if (a.indexOf("Firefox/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Firefox\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 62)
} else if (a.indexOf("Edg/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Edg\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 79)
} else if (a.indexOf("Chrome/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Chrome\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 66)
} else if (a.indexOf("CriOS/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/CriOS\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 66)
} else if (a.indexOf("Safari/") > -1 && a.indexOf("Version/") > -1) {
b = a.match(/Version\/([0-9]+)/);
return b == null || !(parseInt(b[1], 10) >= 12)
return !0
function b() {
return JSON.stringify(["\u2028\u2029"]) === '["\\u2028\\u2029"]'
a() && !b() && (JSON.stringify = function(a) {
var b = /\u2028/g
, c = /\u2029/g;
return function(d, e, f) {
d =, d, e, f);
d && (-1 < d.indexOf("\u2028") && (d = d.replace(b, "\\u2028")),
-1 < d.indexOf("\u2029") && (d = d.replace(c, "\\u2029")));
return d
(function() {
var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
Object.entries = function(b) {
if (b == null)
throw new TypeError("Object.entries called on non-object");
var c = [];
for (var d in b), d) && c.push([d, b[d]]);
return c
typeof Object.fromEntries !== "function" && (Object.fromEntries = function(a) {
var b = {};
for (var a = a, c = Array.isArray(a), d = 0, a = c ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var e;
if (c) {
if (d >= a.length)
e = a[d++]
} else {
d =;
if (d.done)
e = d.value
e = e;
var f = e[0];
e = e[1];
b[f] = e
return b
Object.values = function(b) {
if (b == null)
throw new TypeError("Object.values called on non-object");
var c = [];
for (var d in b), d) && c.push(b[d]);
return c
(function(a) {
a.__m = function(a, b) {
a.__SMmeta = b;
return a
)(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
String.prototype.contains || (String.prototype.contains = String.prototype.includes);
String.prototype.padStart || (String.prototype.padStart = function(a, b) {
a = a >> 0;
b = String(b || " ");
if (this.length > a)
return String(this);
else {
a = a - this.length;
a > b.length && (b += b.repeat(a / b.length));
return b.slice(0, a) + String(this)
String.prototype.padEnd || (String.prototype.padEnd = function(a, b) {
a = a >> 0;
b = String(b || " ");
if (this.length > a)
return String(this);
else {
a = a - this.length;
a > b.length && (b += b.repeat(a / b.length));
return String(this) + b.slice(0, a)
if (!String.prototype.matchAll) {
var MAX_CALLS_TO_EXEC = 250;
String.prototype.matchAll = function(a) {
if (!
throw new TypeError("String.prototype.matchAll called with a non-global RegExp argument");
var b = String(this), c = [], d, e = 0;
while ((d = a.exec(b)) && e++ < MAX_CALLS_TO_EXEC)
return c
String.prototype.trimLeft || (String.prototype.trimLeft = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/, "")
String.prototype.trimRight || (String.prototype.trimRight = function() {
return this.replace(/\s+$/, "")
"use strict";
(function(a) {
function a() {
if (typeof URL !== "function")
return !1;
if (typeof URL.createObjectURL !== "function" || typeof URL.revokeObjectURL !== "function")
return !1;
return typeof File !== "function" || typeof Blob !== "function" ? !1 : !0
if (!a())
var b = {}
, c = URL.createObjectURL
, d = URL.revokeObjectURL;
URL.createObjectURL = function(a) {
var d = null
, e = 0;
a instanceof File ? (d = "File",
e = a.size) : a instanceof Blob ? (d = "Blob",
e = a.size) : typeof MediaSource === "function" && a instanceof MediaSource && (d = "MediaSource",
e = 0);
a =, a);
d !== null && (b[a] = {
type: d,
size: e
return a
URL.revokeObjectURL = function(a) {, a),
delete b[a]
URL._fbRegisteredObjectURL = function() {
return Object.values(b)
(function(a) {
var b = a.babelHelpers = {}
, c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && !(typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator") && (Symbol.asyncIterator = Symbol("Symbol.asyncIterator"));
function d(a) {
this.wrapped = a
function e(a) {
var b, c;
function e(a, d) {
return new Promise(function(e, g) {
e = {
key: a,
arg: d,
resolve: e,
reject: g,
next: null
c ? c = = e : (b = c = e,
f(a, d))
function f(b, c) {
try {
var e = a[b](c);
c = e.value;
var h = c instanceof d;
Promise.resolve(h ? c.wrapped : c).then(function(a) {
if (h) {
f(b === "return" ? "return" : "next", a);
g(e.done ? "return" : "normal", a)
}, function(a) {
f("throw", a)
} catch (a) {
g("throw", a)
function g(a, d) {
switch (a) {
case "return":
value: d,
done: !0
case "throw":
value: d,
done: !1
b =;
b ? f(b.key, b.arg) : c = null
this._invoke = e;
typeof a["return"] !== "function" && (this["return"] = void 0)
typeof Symbol === "function" && (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator") && (e.prototype[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator"] = function() {
return this
); = function(a) {
return this._invoke("next", a)
e.prototype["throw"] = function(a) {
return this._invoke("throw", a)
e.prototype["return"] = function(a) {
return this._invoke("return", a)
b.createClass = function() {
function a(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1;
d.configurable = !0;
"value"in d && (d.writable = !0);
Object.defineProperty(a, d.key, d)
return function(b, c, d) {
c && a(b.prototype, c);
d && a(b, d);
return b
b.inheritsLoose = function(a, b) {
Object.assign(a, b);
a.prototype = Object.create(b && b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.__superConstructor__ = b;
return b
b.wrapNativeSuper = function(a) {
var c = typeof Map === "function" ? new Map() : void 0;
b.wrapNativeSuper = function(a) {
if (a === null)
return null;
if (typeof a !== "function")
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
if (c !== void 0) {
if (c.has(a))
return c.get(a);
c.set(a, d)
b.inheritsLoose(d, a);
function d() {
a.apply(this, arguments)
return d
return b.wrapNativeSuper(a)
b.assertThisInitialized = function(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a
b._extends = Object.assign;
b["extends"] = b._extends;
b.construct = function(a, b) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(a, [null].concat(b)))()
b.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose = function(a, b) {
var d = {};
for (var e in a) {
if (!, e) || b.indexOf(e) >= 0)
d[e] = a[e]
return d
b.taggedTemplateLiteralLoose = function(a, b) {
b || (b = a.slice(0));
a.raw = b;
return a
b.bind = Function.prototype.bind;
b.wrapAsyncGenerator = function(a) {
return function() {
return new e(a.apply(this, arguments))
b.awaitAsyncGenerator = function(a) {
return new d(a)
b.asyncIterator = function(a) {
var b;
if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined") {
if (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator") {
b = a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.asyncIterator : "@@asyncIterator"];
if (b != null)
if (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator") {
b = a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"];
if (b != null)
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable")
b.asyncGeneratorDelegate = function(a, b) {
var c = {}
, d = !1;
function e(c, e) {
d = !0;
e = new Promise(function(b) {
return {
done: !1,
value: b(e)
typeof Symbol === "function" && (typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator") && (c[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"] = function() {
return this
); = function(a) {
if (d) {
d = !1;
return a
return e("next", a)
typeof a["throw"] === "function" && (c["throw"] = function(a) {
if (d) {
d = !1;
throw a
return e("throw", a)
typeof a["return"] === "function" && (c["return"] = function(a) {
if (d) {
d = !1;
return a
return e("return", a)
return c
)(typeof global === "undefined" ? self : global);
(function(a) {
if (a.require != null)
var b = null
, c = null
, d = []
, e = {}
, f = {}
, g = 0
, h = 0
, i = 0
, j = 0
, k = 0
, l = 1
, m = 2
, n = 4
, o = 8
, p = 16
, aa = 32
, ba = 64
, q = 128
, ca = {}
, r = {}
, s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
, t = Object.prototype.toString;
function u(a) {
a =;
var b = {}, c, d, f, g;
while (a.length) {
d = a.shift();
if (b[d])
b[d] = !0;
f = e[d];
if (!f || V(f))
if (f.dependencies)
for (c = 0; c < f.dependencies.length; c++)
g = f.dependencies[c],
V(g) || a.push(
for (d in b), d) && a.push(d);
b = [];
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
d = a[c];
var h = d;
f = e[d];
d = f ? f.dependencies : null;
if (!f || !d)
h += " is not defined";
else if (V(f))
h += " is ready";
else {
f = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
g = d[i],
V(g) || f.push(;
h += " is waiting for " + f.join(", ")
return b.join("\n")
function v(b) {
var a = new Error(b); = "ModuleError";
a.messageFormat = b;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
a.messageParams = {
return String(a)
a.taalOpcodes = [2, 2];
return a
$ = a.Env || {};
var w = !!$.gk_require_when_ready_in_order, da = !!$.clear_js_factory_after_used, x = !!$.profile_require_factories, y = a.performance || {}, z;
if ( && y.timing && y.timing.navigationStart) {
var A = y.timing.navigationStart;
z = function() {
return + A
} else
z = function() {
var B = 0;
function C(a) {
var b = e[a];
(!b || b.exports == null && !b.factoryFinished) && (H(a),
b = e[a]);
b && b.refcount-- === 1 && (e[a] = null);
return b
function D(a) {
return a.defaultExport !== r ? a.defaultExport : a.exports
function E(a) {
a = C(a);
if (a)
return D(a)
function F(a) {
a = C(a);
if (a)
return a.defaultExport !== r ? a.defaultExport : null
function G(a) {
a = C(a);
if (a)
return a.exports
function ea(a) {
a.factoryLength === -1 && (a.factoryLength = a.factory.length);
return a.factoryLength
function H(d) {
var g = a.ErrorGuard;
if (g && !g.inGuard())
return g.applyWithGuard(H, null, [d]);
g = e[d];
if (!g) {
var h = 'Requiring unknown module "%s"';
throw v(h, d)
a.__onBeforeModuleFactory == null ? void 0 : a.__onBeforeModuleFactory(g);
var i, j;
if (g.hasError)
if (g.error == null)
throw v('Requiring module "%s" which threw an exception', d);
else {
h = I(g.error);
J(h, {
messageFormat: 'Requiring module "%s" which threw an exception',
messageParams: [d]
throw h
if (!V(g))
throw v('Requiring module "%s" with unresolved dependencies: %s', d, u([d]));
h = g.exports = {};
var k = g.factory
, l = g.dependencies;
if ( === "[object Function]" && l != null) {
var n = l.length, p, q;
try {
try {
} catch (a) {
K(a, d)
var r = []
, w = n;
if (g.special & o) {
var y = g.special & aa ? c : b;
r = y.slice(0);
r[y.length - 2] = g;
r[y.length - 1] = h;
w += r.length
if (g.special & m) {
y = ea(g);
w = Math.min(n + r.length, y)
for (h = 0; h < n; h++) {
y = l[h];
r.length < w && r.push(,
var A;
x && (A = z());
f[].factoryRun = !0;
try {
y = g.context != null ? g.context : a;
p = k.apply(y, r)
} catch (a) {
K(a, d)
} finally {
if (x) {
w = z();
l = f[];
l.factoryTime = w - (A || 0);
l.factoryEnd = w;
l.factoryStart = A;
if (k.__SMmeta)
for (n in k.__SMmeta), n) && (l[n] = k.__SMmeta[n])
} catch (a) {
g.hasError = !0;
g.error = a;
g.exports = null;
throw a
} finally {}
p && (g.exports = p);
var B;
g.special & ba ? g.exports != null &&, "default") && (g.defaultExport = B = g.exports["default"]) : g.defaultExport = B = g.exports;
if (typeof B === "function") {
h = B.__superConstructor__;
if (!B.displayName || h && h.displayName === B.displayName)
try {
B.displayName = ( || "(anonymous)") + " [from " + d + "]"
} catch (a) {}
g.factoryFinished = !0;
da && (g.factory = null,
k = void 0)
} else
g.exports = k;
y = "__isRequired__" + d;
r = e[y];
r && !V(r) && T(y, ca);
a.__onAfterModuleFactory == null ? void 0 : a.__onAfterModuleFactory(g)
function I(b) {
if (a.getErrorSafe != null)
return a.getErrorSafe(b);
return b != null && typeof b === "object" && typeof b.message === "string" ? b : v("Non-error thrown: %s", String(b))
function J(b, c) {
var d = a.ErrorSerializer;
d && d.aggregateError(b, c)
function K(a, b) {
a = I(a);
J(a, {
messageFormat: 'Module "%s"',
messageParams: [b],
forcedKey: b.startsWith("__") ? null : b
throw a
function fa() {
return B
function ga() {
var a = {};
for (var b in f), b) && (a[b] = f[b]);
return a
function L(a) {
if (a.nonJSDeps)
a.nonJSDeps = !0;
a.dependencies && a.dependencies.forEach(L)
var M = !!(a != null && a.document != null && "createElement"in a.document)
, N = typeof WorkerGlobalScope === "function";
M = M || N;
var O = $.use_fbt_virtual_modules === !0 && M
, ha = "$fbt_virtual"
, P = {}
, Q = null
, R = 6e4;
function ia(a) {
!(a in e) && !(a in P) && (P[a] = z()),
Q || (Q = setTimeout(Z()(S, "_checkFbtVirtualModuleTimeout"), R))
function S() {
Q = null;
var a = z()
, b = Object.keys(P).filter(function(b) {
var c = a - P[b] > R;
c && delete P[b];
return c
Object.keys(P).length > 0 && (Q = setTimeout(Z()(S, "_checkFbtVirtualModuleTimeout"), R));
b.length > 0 && U.apply(null, [["FBLogger"], function(a) {
a("binary_transparency", "vmod_timeout").warn("The following virtual modules are taking over %sms to be defined: %s...", R, b.join(",").slice(0, 300))
function ja(a, b, c) {
if (O && c != null && c & q) {
c = a + ha;
function T(b, c, e, g, h, i, l) {
c === void 0 ? (c = [],
e = b,
b = na()) : e === void 0 && (e = c, === "[object Array]" ? (c = b,
b = na(c.join(","))) : c = []);
var m = {
cancel: ma.bind(this, b)
, n = ka(b);
if (!c && !e && i) {
n.refcount += i;
return m
O && (b in P && delete P[b],
Array.isArray(c) && ja(b, c, g));
f[b] = {
id: b,
dependencies: c,
meta: l,
category: g,
defined: x ? z() : null,
factoryTime: null,
factoryStart: null,
factoryEnd: null,
factoryRun: !1
if (n.dependencies && n.reload !== !0) {
b.indexOf(":") != -1 ? k++ : j++;
return m
i && (n.refcount += i);
l =;
n.factory = e;
n.dependencies = l;
n.context = h;
n.special = g;
(n.nonJSDeps || ua(n)) && (n.nonJSDeps = !1,
if (d.length > 0) {
var o = d;
d = [];
b = a.ScheduleJSWork ? a.ScheduleJSWork : za;
b(function() {
if (w) {
for (var a = 0; a < o.length; a++), o[a].id);
o.length = 0
} else
while (o.length > 0), o.pop().id)
return m
function ka(a) {
var b = e[a];
if (b)
return b;
b = new la(a,0);
e[a] = b;
return b
function la(a, b, c) { = a,
this.refcount = b,
this.exports = c || null,
this.defaultExport = c || r,
this.factory = void 0,
this.factoryLength = -1,
this.factoryFinished = !1,
this.dependencies = void 0,
this.depPosition = 0,
this.context = void 0,
this.special = 0,
this.hasError = !1,
this.error = null,
this.ranRecursiveSideEffects = !1,
this.sideEffectDependencyException = null,
this.nextDepWaitingHead = null,
this.nextDepWaitingNext = null,
this.tarjanGeneration = -1,
this.tarjanLow = 0,
this.tarjanIndex = 0,
this.tarjanOnStack = !1,
this.nonJSDeps = !1
function ma(a) {
if (!e[a])
var b = e[a];
e[a] = null;
if (b.dependencies)
for (a = 0; a < b.dependencies.length; a++) {
var c = b.dependencies[a];
c.refcount-- === 1 && ma(
function U(a, b, c) {
var d = "__requireLazy__x__" + g++;
return T("__requireLazy__" + d, a, Z()(b, "requireLazy", {
propagationType: 0
}), l | p, c, 1)
function na(a) {
return "__mod__" + (a != null ? a + "__" : "") + g++
function oa(a, b, c) {
c.tarjanGeneration != h && (c.tarjanGeneration = h,
c.tarjanLow = c.tarjanIndex = i++,
c.tarjanOnStack = !0,
if (c.dependencies != null)
for (var d = c.depPosition; d < c.dependencies.length; d++) {
var e = c.dependencies[d];
e.tarjanGeneration != h ? (oa(a, b, e),
c.tarjanLow = Math.min(c.tarjanLow, e.tarjanLow)) : e.tarjanOnStack && (c.tarjanLow = Math.min(c.tarjanLow, e.tarjanIndex))
if (c.tarjanLow == c.tarjanIndex) {
e = [];
do {
d = b.pop();
d.tarjanOnStack = !1;
if (c == b[0] && d != c && d.dependencies != null)
for (var f = d.depPosition; f < d.dependencies.length; f++) {
var g = d.dependencies[f];
!V(g) && a.indexOf(g) == -1 && b.indexOf(g) == -1 && e.indexOf(g) == -1 && a.push(g)
} while (d != c)
function pa(a) {
var b = a.dependencies;
if (!b)
throw v("Called _replaceCycleLinkWithSCCDeps on an undefined module");
oa(b, [], a);
function qa(a, b) {
var c = b;
while (!0) {
if (c.dependencies && c.depPosition != c.dependencies.length)
c = c.dependencies[c.depPosition];
if (c == a) {
a.nextDepWaitingNext = b.nextDepWaitingHead;
b.nextDepWaitingHead = a
function V(a) {
return a.dependencies != null && a.depPosition >= a.dependencies.length
function ra(a) {
function sa(a) {
var b = a.nextDepWaitingHead;
a.nextDepWaitingHead = null;
while (b != null) {
var c = b;
c.nonJSDeps && L(a);
b = c.nextDepWaitingNext;
c.nextDepWaitingNext = null;
var d = !e[];
d || ra(c)
function ta(a) {
return a.special & l
function ua(a) {
return a.special & p
function W(a) {
while (a.dependencies != null && a.depPosition < a.dependencies.length) {
var b = a.dependencies[a.depPosition]
, c = V(b);
if (!c && a != b) {
qa(a, b);
ta(a) && d.push(a);
a.nextDepWaitingHead !== null && sa(a)
function va(a) {
if (a.sideEffectDependencyException != null)
throw a.sideEffectDependencyException;
if (a.ranRecursiveSideEffects)
a.ranRecursiveSideEffects = !0;
var b = a.dependencies;
if (b)
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
try {
} catch (b) {
a.sideEffectDependencyException = b;
throw b
if (d.special & n)
try {,
} catch (b) {
a.sideEffectDependencyException = b;
throw b
function X(a, b) {
e[a] = new la(a,0,b),
f[a] = {
id: a,
dependencies: [],
category: 0,
factoryLengthAccessTime: null,
factoryTime: null,
factoryStart: null,
factoryEnd: null,
factoryRun: !1
X("module", 0);
X("exports", 0);
X("define", T);
X("global", a);
X("require", E);
X("requireInterop", E);
X("importDefault", F);
X("importNamespace", G);
X("requireDynamic", wa);
X("requireLazy", U);
X("requireWeak", Y);
X("ifRequired", xa);
X("ifRequireable", ya);
b = [, "global"),, "require"),, "requireDynamic"),, "requireLazy"),, "requireInterop"), null];
c = [, "global"),, "require"),, "importDefault"),, "importNamespace"),, "requireLazy"),, "requireInterop"), null];
T.amd = {};
a.define = T;
a.require = E;
a.requireInterop = E;
a.importDefault = F;
a.importNamespace = G;
a.requireDynamic = wa;
a.requireLazy = U;
a.__onBeforeModuleFactory = null;
a.__onAfterModuleFactory = null;
function wa(a, b) {
throw new ReferenceError("requireDynamic is not defined")
function Y(a, b) {, a, function(a) {
}, function() {
T("__requireWeak__" + a + "__" + g++, ["__isRequired__" + a], Z()(function() {
return b(D(e[a]))
}, "requireWeak"), l, null, 1)
function xa(a, b, c) {
a = e[a];
if (a && a.factoryFinished) {
if (typeof b === "function")
return b(D(a))
} else if (typeof c === "function")
return c()
function ya(a, b, c) {
var d = e[a];
if (d && d.nonJSDeps && V(d)) {
if (typeof b === "function")
return b(, a))
} else if (typeof c === "function")
return c()
N = {
getDupCount: function() {
return [j, k]
getModules: function() {
var a = {};
for (var b in e)
e[b] &&, b) && (a[b] = e[b]);
return a
modulesMap: e,
debugUnresolvedDependencies: u
function za(a) {
return a
function Z() {
var b = a.TimeSlice && a.TimeSlice.guard ? a.TimeSlice.guard : za;
return function() {
return b.apply(void 0, arguments)
X("__getTotalRequireCalls", fa);
X("__getModuleTimeDetails", ga);
X("__debug", N);
a.__d = function(a, b, c, d) {
Z()(function() {
T(a, b, c, (d || m) | o, null, null, null)
}, "define " + a, {
root: !0
function $(a, b) {
return !0
if (a.__d_stub) {
for ($ = 0; $ < a.__d_stub.length; $++)
a.__d.apply(null, a.__d_stub[$]);
delete a.__d_stub
if (a.__rl_stub) {
for (M = 0; M < a.__rl_stub.length; M++)
U.apply(null, a.__rl_stub[M]);
delete a.__rl_stub
Y = function() {}
a.$RefreshReg$ = Y;
a.$RefreshSig$ = function() {
return function(a) {
return a
)(typeof this !== "undefined" ? this : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {});
(function(a) {
var b = a.performance;
b && b.setResourceTimingBufferSize && (b.setResourceTimingBufferSize(1e5),
b.onresourcetimingbufferfull = function() {
a.__isresourcetimingbufferfull = !0
b.setResourceTimingBufferSize = function() {}
)(typeof this === "object" ? this : typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof window === "object" ? window : typeof self === "object" ? self : {});
__d("ExecutionEnvironment", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
b = !!(a !== void 0 && a.document && a.document.createElement);
c = typeof WorkerGlobalScope === "function";
d = typeof SharedWorkerGlobalScope === "function" && self instanceof SharedWorkerGlobalScope;
e = !c && b;
a = {
canUseDOM: b,
canUseEventListeners: b && !!(a.addEventListener || a.attachEvent),
canUseViewport: b && !!window.screen,
canUseWorkers: typeof Worker !== "undefined",
isInBrowser: b || c,
isInMainThread: e,
isInSharedWorker: d,
isInWorker: c
b = a;
f["default"] = b
), 66);
__d("BootloaderDocumentInserter", ["ExecutionEnvironment"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
var h, i = null;
function j() {
i || (i = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.body);
return i
function a(a) {
if ((h || (h = c("ExecutionEnvironment"))).isInWorker) {
var b = document.createDocumentFragment();
g.getDOMContainerNode = j;
g.batchDOMInsert = a
), 98);
__d("Env", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = {
ajaxpipe_token: null,
compat_iframe_token: null,
iframeKey: "",
iframeTarget: "",
iframeToken: "",
isCQuick: !1,
jssp_header_sent: !1,
jssp_targeting_enabled: !1,
loadHyperion: !1,
nocatch: !1,
useTrustedTypes: !1,
isTrustedTypesReportOnly: !1,
enableDefaultTrustedTypesPolicy: !1,
ig_server_override: "",
barcelona_server_override: "",
ig_mqtt_wss_endpoint: "",
ig_mqtt_polling_endpoint: ""
a.Env && Object.assign(b, a.Env);
a.Env = b;
c = b;
f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("fb-error-lite", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
var g = {
function a(a) {
var b = new Error(a);
if (b.stack === void 0)
try {
throw b
} catch (a) {}
b.messageFormat = a;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
b.messageParams = {
return String(a)
b.taalOpcodes = [g.PREVIOUS_FRAME];
return b
b = {
err: a,
TAALOpcode: g
f["default"] = b
), 66);
__d("sprintf", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
function a(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
var e = 0;
return a.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return String(c[e++])
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("invariant", ["Env", "fb-error-lite", "sprintf"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
var h;
function a(a, b) {
if (!a) {
var d = b;
for (var e = arguments.length, f = new Array(e > 2 ? e - 2 : 0), g = 2; g < e; g++)
f[g - 2] = arguments[g];
if (typeof d === "number") {
var h = i(d, f)
, j = h.message
, k = h.decoderLink;
d = j;
} else if (d === void 0) {
d = "Invariant: ";
for (var l = 0; l < f.length; l++)
d += "%s,"
var m = d
, n = new Error(m); = "Invariant Violation";
n.messageFormat = d;
n.messageParams = {
return String(a)
n.taalOpcodes = [c("fb-error-lite").TAALOpcode.PREVIOUS_FRAME];
throw n
function i(a, b) {
var d = "Minified invariant #" + a + "; %s";
b.length > 0 && (d += " Params: " + {
return "%s"
}).join(", "));
a = (h || (h = c("Env"))).show_invariant_decoder === !0 ? "visit " + j(a, b) + " to see the full message." : "";
return {
message: d,
decoderLink: a
function j(a, b) {
a = "" + a + "/";
b.length > 0 && (a += "?" +, b) {
return "args[" + b + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(String(a))
return a
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ArbiterToken", ["invariant"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a(a, b) {
this.unsubscribe = function() {
for (var a = 0; a < this.$2.length; a++)
this.$2.length = 0
this.$1 = a,
this.$2 = b
var b = a.prototype;
b.isForArbiterInstance = function(a) {
this.$1 || h(0, 2506);
return this.$1 === a
return a
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("performance", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
b = a.performance || a.msPerformance || a.webkitPerformance || {};
c = b;
f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("performanceNow", ["performance"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
if ((h || (h = c("performance"))).now)
b = function() {
return (h || (h = c("performance"))).now()
else {
d = a._cstart;
e =;
var i = typeof d === "number" && d < e ? d : e
, j = 0;
b = function() {
var a =
, b = a - i;
b < j && (i -= j - b,
b = a - i);
j = b;
return b
f = b;
g["default"] = f
), 98);
__d("performanceNowSinceAppStart", ["performanceNow"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
g["default"] = h || c("performanceNow")
), 98);
__d("removeFromArray", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
function a(a, b) {
b = a.indexOf(b);
b !== -1 && a.splice(b, 1)
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("fb-error", ["performanceNowSinceAppStart", "removeFromArray"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
var g = {
function h(b) {
var a = new Error(b);
if (a.stack === void 0)
try {
throw a
} catch (a) {}
a.messageFormat = b;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
a.messageParams = {
return String(a)
a.taalOpcodes = [g.PREVIOUS_FRAME];
return a
var i = !1
, j = {
errorListener: function(b) {
var c = a.console
, d = c[b.type] ? b.type : "error";
if (b.type === "fatal" || d === "error" && !i) {
d = b.message;
c.error("ErrorUtils caught an error:\n\n" + d + "\n\nSubsequent non-fatal errors won't be logged; see");
i = !0
, k = {
skipDupErrorGuard: !1
, l = {
config: k,
setup: c
, m = !1;
function c(a) {
m === !1 && (m = !0,
l.config = Object.freeze(a))
var n = {
access_token: null
, o = 6
, p = 6e4
, q = 10 * p
, r = new Map()
, s = 0;
function t() {
var a = b("performanceNowSinceAppStart")();
if (a > s + p) {
var c = a - q;
for (var d = r, e = Array.isArray(d), f = 0, d = e ? d : d[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var g;
if (e) {
if (f >= d.length)
g = d[f++]
} else {
f =;
if (f.done)
g = f.value
g = g;
var h = g[0];
g = g[1];
g.lastAccessed < c && r["delete"](h)
s = a
function aa(a) {
var c = b("performanceNowSinceAppStart")()
, d = r.get(a);
if (d == null) {
r.set(a, {
dropped: 0,
logged: [c],
lastAccessed: c
return 1
a = d.dropped;
var e = d.logged;
d.lastAccessed = c;
while (e[0] < c - p)
if (e.length < o) {
d.dropped = 0;
return a + 1
} else {
return null
var u = {
shouldLog: function(a) {
return aa(a.hash)
, ba = "RE_EXN_ID";
function v(a) {
var b = null;
a == null || typeof a !== "object" ? b = h("Non-object thrown: %s", String(a)) :, ba) ? b = h("Rescript exception thrown: %s", JSON.stringify(a)) : typeof (a === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.then) === "function" ? b = h("Promise thrown: %s", JSON.stringify(a)) : typeof a.message !== "string" ? b = h("Non-error thrown: %s, keys: %s", String(a), JSON.stringify(Object.keys(a).sort())) : a.messageFormat != null && typeof a.messageFormat !== "string" ? b = h("Error with non-string messageFormat thrown: %s, %s, keys: %s", String(a.message), String(a), JSON.stringify(Object.keys(a).sort())) : Object.isExtensible && !Object.isExtensible(a) && (b = h("Non-extensible thrown: %s", String(a.message)));
if (b != null) {
b.taalOpcodes = b.taalOpcodes || [];
return b
return a
var ca = typeof window === "undefined" ? "<self.onerror>" : "<window.onerror>", w;
function da(a) {
var b = a.error != null ? v(a.error) : h(a.message || "");
b.fileName == null && a.filename != null && (b.fileName = a.filename);
b.line == null && a.lineno != null && (b.line = a.lineno);
b.column == null && a.colno != null && (b.column = a.colno);
b.guardList = [ca];
b.loggingSource = "ONERROR";
(a = w) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.reportError(b)
var x = {
setup: function(b) {
if (typeof a.addEventListener !== "function")
if (w != null)
w = b;
a.addEventListener("error", da)
, y = []
, z = {
pushGuard: function(a) {
popGuard: function() {
inGuard: function() {
return y.length !== 0
cloneGuardList: function() {
return {
findDeferredSource: function() {
for (var a = 0; a < y.length; a++) {
var b = y[a];
if (b.deferredSource != null)
return b.deferredSource
function ea(a) {
if (a.type != null)
return a.type;
if (a.loggingSource == "GUARDED" || a.loggingSource == "ERROR_BOUNDARY")
return "fatal";
if ( == "SyntaxError")
return "fatal";
if (a.loggingSource == "ONERROR" && a.message.indexOf("ResizeObserver loop") >= 0)
return "warn";
return a.stack != null && a.stack.indexOf("chrome-extension://") >= 0 ? "warn" : "error"
var A = []
, B = function() {
function a() {
this.metadata = [].concat(A)
var b = a.prototype;
b.addEntries = function() {
var a;
(a = this.metadata).push.apply(a, arguments);
return this
b.addEntry = function(a, b, c) {
this.metadata.push([a, b, c]);
return this
b.isEmpty = function() {
return this.metadata.length === 0
b.clearEntries = function() {
this.metadata = []
b.format = function() {
var a = [];
this.metadata.forEach(function(b) {
if (b && b.length) {
b = {
return a != null ? String(a).replace(/:/g, "_") : ""
return a
b.getAll = function() {
return this.metadata
a.addGlobalMetadata = function(a, b, c) {
A.push([a, b, c])
a.getGlobalMetadata = function() {
return A
a.unsetGlobalMetadata = function(a, b) {
A = A.filter(function(c) {
return !(Array.isArray(c) && c[0] === a && c[1] === b)
return a
, C = {
debug: 1,
info: 2,
warn: 3,
error: 4,
fatal: 5
function d(a, b) {
if (Object.isFrozen(a))
b.type && ((!a.type || C[a.type] > C[b.type]) && (a.type = b.type));
var c = b.metadata;
if (c != null) {
var d;
d = (d = a.metadata) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : new B();
c != null && d.addEntries.apply(d, c.getAll());
a.metadata = d
b.project != null && (a.project = b.project);
b.errorName != null && (a.errorName = b.errorName);
b.componentStack != null && (a.componentStack = b.componentStack);
b.deferredSource != null && (a.deferredSource = b.deferredSource);
b.blameModule != null && (a.blameModule = b.blameModule);
b.loggingSource != null && (a.loggingSource = b.loggingSource);
d = (c = a.messageFormat) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : a.message;
c = (c = a.messageParams) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : [];
if (d !== b.messageFormat && b.messageFormat != null) {
var e;
d += " [Caught in: " + b.messageFormat + "]";
c.push.apply(c, (e = b.messageParams) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : [])
a.messageFormat = d;
a.messageParams = c;
e = b.forcedKey;
d = a.forcedKey;
c = e != null && d != null ? e + "_" + d : e !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : d;
a.forcedKey = c
function f(a) {
var b;
return fa((b = a.messageFormat) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : a.message, a.messageParams || [])
function fa(a, b) {
var c = 0;
a = String(a);
a = a.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return c < b.length ? b[c++] : "NOPARAM"
c < b.length && (a += " PARAMS" + JSON.stringify(b.slice(c)));
return a
function ga(a) {
return (a !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : []).map(function(a) {
return String(a)
var D = {
aggregateError: d,
toReadableMessage: f,
toStringParams: ga
, ha = 5
, E = [];
function F(a) {
E.length > ha && E.shift()
function ia(a) {
var b = a.getAllResponseHeaders();
if (b != null && b.indexOf("X-FB-Debug") >= 0) {
b = a.getResponseHeader("X-FB-Debug");
b && F(b)
function ja() {
return E
var G = {
add: F,
addFromXHR: ia,
getAll: ja
, ka = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345";
function H() {
var a = 0;
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++)
c[d] = arguments[d];
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e];
if (f != null) {
var g = f.length;
for (var h = 0; h < g; h++)
a = (a << 5) - a + f.charCodeAt(h)
var i = "";
for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++)
i = ka.charAt(a & 31) + i,
a >>= 5;
return i
var I = [/\(([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)\)$/, /@([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)$/, /^([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)$/, /^at ([^\s\)\()]+):(\d+):(\d+)$/]
, la = /^\w+:\s.*?\n/g;
Error.stackTraceLimit != null && Error.stackTraceLimit < 80 && (Error.stackTraceLimit = 80);
function ma(a) {
var b =
, c = a.message;
a = a.stack;
if (a == null)
return null;
if (b != null && c != null && c !== "") {
var d = b + ": " + c + "\n";
if (a.startsWith(d))
return a.substr(d.length);
if (a === b + ": " + c)
return null
if (b != null) {
d = b + "\n";
if (a.startsWith(d))
return a.substr(d.length)
if (c != null && c !== "") {
b = ": " + c + "\n";
d = a.indexOf(b);
c = a.substring(0, d);
if (/^\w+$/.test(c))
return a.substring(d + b.length)
return a.replace(la, "")
function J(a) {
a = a.trim();
var b;
var c, d, e;
if (a.includes("charset=utf-8;base64,"))
b = "<inlined-file>";
else {
var f;
for (var g = 0; g < I.length; g++) {
var h = I[g];
f = a.match(h);
if (f != null)
f != null && f.length === 4 ? (c = f[1],
d = parseInt(f[2], 10),
e = parseInt(f[3], 10),
b = a.substring(0, a.length - f[0].length)) : b = a;
b = b.replace(/^at /, "").trim()
h = {
identifier: b,
script: c,
line: d,
column: e
h.text = K(h);
return h
function na(a) {
return a == null || a === "" ? [] : a.split(/\n\n/)[0].split("\n").map(J)
function oa(a) {
a = ma(a);
return na(a)
function pa(a) {
if (a == null || a === "")
return null;
a = a.split("\n");
a.splice(0, 1);
return {
return a.trim()
function K(a) {
var b = a.identifier
, c = a.script
, d = a.line;
a = a.column;
b = " at " + (b !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "<unknown>");
c != null && d != null && a != null && (b += " (" + c + ":" + d + ":" + a + ")");
return b
function L(c) {
var d, e, f, h, i, j, k = oa(c);
d = (d = c.taalOpcodes) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : [];
var l = c.framesToPop;
if (l != null) {
l = Math.min(l, k.length);
while (l-- > 0)
l = (l = c.messageFormat) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : c.message;
e = ((e = c.messageParams) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : []).map(function(a) {
return String(a)
var m = pa(c.componentStack)
, n = m == null ? null :
, o = c.metadata ? c.metadata.format() : new B().format();
o.length === 0 && (o = void 0);
var p = {
return a.text
f = (f = c.errorName) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f :;
var q = ea(c)
, r = c.loggingSource
, s = c.project;
h = (h = c.lineNumber) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : c.line;
i = (i = c.columnNumber) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : c.column;
j = (j = c.fileName) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : c.sourceURL;
var t = k.length > 0;
t && h == null && (h = k[0].line);
t && i == null && (i = k[0].column);
t && j == null && (j = k[0].script);
n = {
blameModule: c.blameModule,
column: i == null ? null : String(i),
clientTime: Math.floor( / 1e3),
componentStackFrames: n,
deferredSource: c.deferredSource != null ? L(c.deferredSource) : null,
extra: (t = c.extra) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : {},
fbtrace_id: c.fbtrace_id,
guardList: (i = c.guardList) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : [],
hash: H(f, p, q, s, r),
isNormalizedError: !0,
line: h == null ? null : String(h),
loggingSource: r,
message: D.toReadableMessage(c),
messageFormat: l,
messageParams: e,
metadata: o,
name: f,
page_time: Math.floor(b("performanceNowSinceAppStart")()),
project: s,
reactComponentStack: m,
script: j,
serverHash: c.serverHash,
stack: p,
stackFrames: k,
type: q,
xFBDebug: G.getAll()
c.forcedKey != null && (n.forcedKey = c.forcedKey);
d.length > 0 && (n.taalOpcodes = d);
t = a.location;
t && (n.windowLocationURL = t.href);
for (i in n)
n[i] == null && delete n[i];
return n
function qa(a) {
return a != null && typeof a === "object" && a.isNormalizedError === !0 ? a : null
var M = {
formatStackFrame: K,
normalizeError: L,
ifNormalizedError: qa
, ra = "<global.react>"
, N = []
, O = []
, P = 50
, Q = !1
, R = {
history: O,
addListener: function(a, b) {
b === void 0 && (b = !1),
b || O.forEach(function(b) {
return a(b, (b = b.loggingSource) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "DEPRECATED")
unshiftListener: function(a) {
removeListener: function(a) {
b("removeFromArray")(N, a)
reportError: function(a) {
a = M.normalizeError(a);
reportNormalizedError: function(b) {
if (Q)
return !1;
var a = z.cloneGuardList();
b.componentStackFrames && a.unshift(ra);
a.length > 0 && (b.guardList = a);
if (b.deferredSource == null) {
a = z.findDeferredSource();
a != null && (b.deferredSource = M.normalizeError(a))
O.length > P && O.splice(P / 2, 1);
Q = !0;
for (a = 0; a < N.length; a++)
try {
var c;
N[a](b, (c = b.loggingSource) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "DEPRECATED")
} catch (a) {}
Q = !1;
return !0
var sa = "<anonymous guard>"
, S = !1
, T = {
applyWithGuard: function(a, b, c, d) {
if (l.config.skipDupErrorGuard && "__isMetaErrorGuarded"in a)
return a.apply(b, c);
name: ((d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : != null ? : null) || ( ? "func_name:" + : null) || sa,
deferredSource: d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.deferredSource
if (S)
try {
return a.apply(b, c)
} finally {
try {
return, b, c)
} catch (h) {
try {
b = d !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : babelHelpers["extends"]({}, null);
var e = b.deferredSource
, f = b.onError;
b = b.onNormalizedError;
var g = v(h);
e = {
deferredSource: e,
loggingSource: "GUARDED",
project: (e = d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.project) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : "ErrorGuard",
type: d === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.errorType
D.aggregateError(g, e);
d = M.normalizeError(g);
g == null && a && (d.extra[a.toString().substring(0, 100)] = "function",
c != null && c.length && (d.extra[Array.from(c).toString().substring(0, 100)] = "args"));
d.guardList = z.cloneGuardList();
f && f(g);
b && b(d);
} catch (a) {}
} finally {
guard: function(a, b) {
function c() {
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c), e = 0; e < c; e++)
d[e] = arguments[e];
return T.applyWithGuard(a, this, d, b)
c.__isMetaErrorGuarded = !0;
a.__SMmeta && (c.__SMmeta = a.__SMmeta);
return c
inGuard: function() {
return z.inGuard()
skipGuardGlobal: function(a) {
S = a
, U = 1024
, V = []
, W = 0;
function X(a) {
return String(a)
function Y(a) {
return a == null ? null : String(a)
function ta(a, b) {
var c = {};
b && b.forEach(function(a) {
c[a] = !0
Object.keys(a).forEach(function(b) {
a[b] ? c[b] = !0 : c[b] && delete c[b]
return Object.keys(c)
function Z(a) {
return (a !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : []).map(function(a) {
return {
column: Y(a.column),
identifier: a.identifier,
line: Y(a.line),
script: a.script
function ua(a) {
a = String(a);
return a.length > U ? a.substring(0, U - 3) + "..." : a
function va(a, b) {
var c;
c = {
appId: Y(b.appId),
cavalry_lid: b.cavalry_lid,
access_token: n.access_token,
ancestor_hash: a.hash,
bundle_variant: (c = b.bundle_variant) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : null,
clientTime: X(a.clientTime),
column: a.column,
componentStackFrames: Z(a.componentStackFrames),
extra: ta(a.extra, b.extra),
forcedKey: a.forcedKey,
frontend_env: (c = b.frontend_env) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : null,
guardList: a.guardList,
line: a.line,
loggingFramework: b.loggingFramework,
messageFormat: ua(a.messageFormat),
sample_weight: Y(b.sample_weight),
script: a.script,
site_category: b.site_category,
stackFrames: Z(a.stackFrames),
type: a.type,
page_time: Y(a.page_time),
project: a.project,
push_phase: b.push_phase,
report_source: b.report_source,
report_source_ref: b.report_source_ref,
rollout_hash: (c = b.rollout_hash) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : null,
script_path: b.script_path,
server_revision: Y(b.server_revision),
spin: Y(b.spin),
svn_rev: String(b.client_revision),
additional_client_revisions: Array.from((c = b.additional_client_revisions) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : []).map(X),
taalOpcodes: a.taalOpcodes == null ? null : {
return a
web_session_id: b.web_session_id,
version: "3",
xFBDebug: a.xFBDebug
b = a.blameModule;
var d = a.deferredSource;
b != null && (c.blameModule = String(b));
d && d.stackFrames && (c.deferredSource = {
stackFrames: Z(d.stackFrames)
a.metadata && (c.metadata = a.metadata);
a.loadingUrls && (c.loadingUrls = a.loadingUrls);
a.serverHash != null && (c.serverHash = a.serverHash);
a.windowLocationURL != null && (c.windowLocationURL = a.windowLocationURL);
a.loggingSource != null && (c.loggingSource = a.loggingSource);
return c
function wa(a, b, c) {
var d;
if (b.sample_weight === 0)
return !1;
var e = u.shouldLog(a);
if (e == null)
return !1;
if ((d = b.projectBlocklist) !== null && d !== void 0 && d.includes(a.project))
return !1;
d = va(a, b);
Object.assign(d, {
ancestors: V.slice(),
clientWeight: X(e),
page_position: X(W)
V.length < 15 && V.push(a.hash);
return !0
var xa = {
createErrorPayload: va,
postError: wa
, $ = null
, ya = !1;
function za(a) {
if ($ == null)
var b = $, c = a.reason, d, e = v(c), f = null;
if (c !== e && typeof c === "object" && c !== null) {
d = Object.keys(c).sort().slice(0, 3);
typeof c.message !== "string" && typeof c.messageFormat === "string" && (c.message = c.messageFormat,
e = v(c));
if (typeof c.message !== "string" && typeof c.errorMsg === "string")
if (/^\s*\<!doctype/i.test(c.errorMsg)) {
var g = /<title>([^<]+)<\/title>(?:(?:.|\n)*<h1>([^<]+)<\/h1>)?/im.exec(c.errorMsg);
if (g) {
var i;
e = h('HTML document with title="%s" and h1="%s"', (i = g[1]) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", (i = g[2]) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "")
} else
e = h("HTML document sanitized")
} else
/^\s*<\?xml/i.test(c.errorMsg) ? e = h("XML document sanitized") : (c.message = c.errorMsg,
e = v(c));
e !== c && typeof === "string" && (f =;
typeof !== "string" && typeof c.errorCode === "string" && (f = "UnhandledRejectionWith_errorCode_" + c.errorCode);
typeof !== "string" && typeof c.error === "number" && (f = "UnhandledRejectionWith_error_" + String(c.error))
try {
f = e === c && f != null && f !== "" ? f : typeof (c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : === "string" && !== "" ? : d != null && d.length > 0 ? "UnhandledRejectionWith_" + d.join("_") : "UnhandledRejection_" + (c === null ? "null" : typeof c), = f
} catch (a) {}
try {
g = c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.stack;
(typeof g !== "string" || g === "") && (g = e.stack);
(typeof g !== "string" || g === "") && (g = h("").stack);
e.stack = + ": " + e.message + "\n" + g.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n")
} catch (a) {}
try {
i = a.promise;
e.stack = e.stack + (i != null && typeof i.settledStack === "string" ? "\n at <promise_settled_stack_below>\n" + i.settledStack : "") + (i != null && typeof i.createdStack === "string" ? "\n at <promise_created_stack_below>\n" + i.createdStack : "")
} catch (a) {}
function Aa(b) {
$ = b,
typeof a.addEventListener === "function" && !ya && (ya = !0,
a.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", za))
var Ba = {
onunhandledrejection: za,
setup: Aa
k = {
preSetup: function(a) {
(a == null || a.ignoreOnError !== !0) && x.setup(R),
(a == null || a.ignoreOnUnahndledRejection !== !0) && Ba.setup(R)
setup: function(a, b, c) {
R.addListener(function(d) {
var e;
e = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, (e = c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c()) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : {});
xa.postError(d, e, b)
var Ca = 20
, Da = function() {
function a(a) {
this.project = a, = [],
this.metadata = new B(),
this.taalOpcodes = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.$1 = function(b, c) {
var d = String(c), e =, f = this.project, h = this.metadata, i = this.blameModule, j = this.forcedKey, k = this.error, l;
for (var m = arguments.length, n = new Array(m > 2 ? m - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < m; o++)
n[o - 2] = arguments[o];
if (this.normalizedError)
l = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.normalizedError, {
messageFormat: this.normalizedError.messageFormat + " [Caught in: " + d + "]",
messageParams: D.toStringParams([].concat(this.normalizedError.messageParams, n)),
project: f,
type: b,
loggingSource: "FBLOGGER"
l.message = D.toReadableMessage(l),
j != null && (l.forcedKey = l.forcedKey != null ? j + "_" + l.forcedKey : j);
else if (k)
this.taalOpcodes.length > 0 && new a("fblogger").blameToPreviousFrame().blameToPreviousFrame().warn("Blame helpers do not work with catching"),
D.aggregateError(k, {
messageFormat: d,
messageParams: D.toStringParams(n),
forcedKey: j,
project: f,
type: b,
loggingSource: "FBLOGGER"
l = M.normalizeError(k);
else {
k = new Error(d);
if (k.stack === void 0)
try {
throw k
} catch (a) {}
k.messageFormat = d;
k.messageParams = D.toStringParams(n);
k.blameModule = i;
k.forcedKey = j;
k.project = f;
k.type = b;
k.loggingSource = "FBLOGGER";
k.taalOpcodes = [g.PREVIOUS_FRAME, g.PREVIOUS_FRAME].concat(this.taalOpcodes);
l = M.normalizeError(k); = "FBLogger"
if (!h.isEmpty())
if (l.metadata == null)
l.metadata = h.format();
else {
var p = l.metadata.concat(h.format())
, q = new Set(p);
l.metadata = Array.from(q.values())
if (e.length > 0) {
if ( != null) {
var r;
(r =, e)
} else = [].concat(e);
if ( != null && > Ca) {
var s = - Ca;, s + 1, "<first " + s + " events omitted>")
return k
b.fatal = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["fatal", a].concat(c))
b.mustfix = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["error", a].concat(c))
b.warn = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["warn", a].concat(c))
; = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
this.$1.apply(this, ["info", a].concat(c))
b.debug = function(a) {}
b.mustfixThrow = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length, c = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), d = 1; d < b; d++)
c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
var e = this.$1.apply(this, ["error", a].concat(c));
e || (e = h("mustfixThrow does not support catchingNormalizedError"),
e.taalOpcodes = e.taalOpcodes || [],
try {
e.message = D.toReadableMessage(e)
} catch (a) {}
throw e
b.catching = function(b) {
!(b instanceof Error) ? new a("fblogger").blameToPreviousFrame().warn("Catching non-Error object is not supported") : this.error = b;
return this
b.catchingNormalizedError = function(a) {
this.normalizedError = a;
return this
b.event = function(a) {;
return this
b.blameToModule = function(a) {
this.blameModule = a;
return this
b.blameToPreviousFile = function() {
return this
b.blameToPreviousFrame = function() {
return this
b.blameToPreviousDirectory = function() {
return this
b.addToCategoryKey = function(a) {
this.forcedKey = a;
return this
b.addMetadata = function(a, b, c) {
this.metadata.addEntry(a, b, c);
return this
return a
c = function(a, b) {
var c = new Da(a);
return b != null ? c.event(a + "." + b) : c
c.addGlobalMetadata = function(a, b, c) {
B.addGlobalMetadata(a, b, c)
var Ea = "<CUSTOM_NAME:"
, Fa = ">";
function Ga(a, b) {
if (a != null && b != null)
try {
Object.defineProperty(a, "name", {
value: Ea + " " + b + Fa
} catch (a) {}
return a
d = {
blameToPreviousFile: function(a) {
var b;
a.taalOpcodes = (b = a.taalOpcodes) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : [];
return a
blameToPreviousFrame: function(a) {
var b;
a.taalOpcodes = (b = a.taalOpcodes) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : [];
return a
blameToPreviousDirectory: function(a) {
var b;
a.taalOpcodes = (b = a.taalOpcodes) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : [];
return a
f = {
err: h,
ErrorBrowserConsole: j,
ErrorConfig: l,
ErrorDynamicData: n,
ErrorFilter: u,
ErrorGlobalEventHandler: x,
ErrorGuard: T,
ErrorGuardState: z,
ErrorMetadata: B,
ErrorNormalizeUtils: M,
ErrorPoster: xa,
ErrorPubSub: R,
ErrorSerializer: D,
ErrorSetup: k,
ErrorXFBDebug: G,
FBLogger: c,
getErrorSafe: v,
getSimpleHash: H,
TAAL: d,
TAALOpcode: g,
renameFunction: Ga
e.exports = f
), null);
__d("ErrorGuard", ["fb-error"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
g["default"] = c("fb-error").ErrorGuard
), 98);
__d("CallbackDependencyManager", ["ErrorGuard"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g;
a = function() {
"use strict";
function a() {
this.$1 = new Map(),
this.$2 = new Map(),
this.$3 = 1,
this.$4 = new Map()
var c = a.prototype;
c.$5 = function(a, b) {
var c = 0
, d = new Set();
for (var e = 0, f = b.length; e < f; e++)
for (b = d.keys(),
e = Array.isArray(b),
f = 0,
b = e ? b : b[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
if (e) {
if (f >= b.length)
d = b[f++]
} else {
f =;
if (f.done)
d = f.value
d = d;
if (this.$4.get(d))
var g = this.$1.get(d);
g === void 0 && (g = new Map(),
this.$1.set(d, g));
g.set(a, (g.get(a) || 0) + 1)
return c
c.$6 = function(a) {
a = this.$1.get(a);
if (!a)
for (var c = a.entries(), d = Array.isArray(c), e = 0, c = d ? c : c[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
var f;
if (d) {
if (e >= c.length)
f = c[e++]
} else {
e =;
if (e.done)
f = e.value
f = f;
var h = f[0];
f = f[1] - 1;
a.set(h, f);
f <= 0 && a["delete"](h);
f = this.$2.get(h);
if (f !== void 0) {
if (f.$7 <= 0) {
f = f.$8;
(g || (g = b("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(f, null, [])
c.addDependenciesToExistingCallback = function(a, b) {
var c = this.$2.get(a);
if (!c)
return null;
b = this.$5(a, b);
c.$7 += b;
return a
c.isPersistentDependencySatisfied = function(a) {
return !!this.$4.get(a)
c.satisfyPersistentDependency = function(a) {
this.$4.set(a, 1),
c.satisfyNonPersistentDependency = function(a) {
var b = this.$4.get(a) === 1;
b || this.$4.set(a, 1);
b || this.$4["delete"](a)
c.registerCallback = function(a, c) {
var d = this.$3;
c = this.$5(d, c);
if (c === 0) {
(g || (g = b("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(a, null, []);
return null
this.$2.set(d, {
$8: a,
$7: c
return d
return a
e.exports = a
), null);
__d("EventSubscription", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
a = function(a) {
var b = this;
this.remove = function() {
b.subscriber && (b.subscriber.removeSubscription(b),
b.subscriber = null)
this.subscriber = a
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("EmitterSubscription", ["EventSubscription"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
a = function(a) {
babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
function b(b, c, d) {
b =, b) || this;
b.listener = c;
b.context = d;
return b
return b
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("EventSubscriptionVendor", ["invariant"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a() {
this.$1 = {}
var b = a.prototype;
b.addSubscription = function(a, b) {
b.subscriber === this || g(0, 2828);
this.$1[a] || (this.$1[a] = []);
var c = this.$1[a].length;
b.eventType = a;
b.key = c;
return b
b.removeAllSubscriptions = function(a) {
a === void 0 ? this.$1 = {} : delete this.$1[a]
b.removeSubscription = function(a) {
var b = a.eventType;
a = a.key;
b = this.$1[b];
b && delete b[a]
b.getSubscriptionsForType = function(a) {
return this.$1[a]
return a
e.exports = a
), null);
__d("emptyFunction", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
function a(a) {
return function() {
return a
b = function() {}
b.thatReturns = a;
b.thatReturnsFalse = a(!1);
b.thatReturnsTrue = a(!0);
b.thatReturnsNull = a(null);
b.thatReturnsThis = function() {
return this
b.thatReturnsArgument = function(a) {
return a
c = b;
f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("FBLogger", ["fb-error"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
g["default"] = c("fb-error").FBLogger
), 98);
__d("unrecoverableViolation", ["FBLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
function a(a, b, d, e) {
d = d === void 0 ? {} : d;
d = d.error;
b = c("FBLogger")(b);
d ? b = b.catching(d) : b = b.blameToPreviousFrame();
for (d = 0; d < ((f = e == null ? void 0 : e.blameToPreviousFrame) != null ? f : 0); ++d) {
var f;
b = b.blameToPreviousFrame()
f = e == null ? void 0 : e.categoryKey;
f != null && (b = b.addToCategoryKey(f));
return b.mustfixThrow(a)
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("BaseEventEmitter", ["EmitterSubscription", "ErrorGuard", "EventSubscriptionVendor", "emptyFunction", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g;
a = function() {
"use strict";
function a() {
this.$2 = new (b("EventSubscriptionVendor"))(),
this.$1 = null
var c = a.prototype;
c.addListener = function(a, c, d) {
return this.$2.addSubscription(a, new (b("EmitterSubscription"))(this.$2,c,d))
c.removeListener = function(a) {
c.once = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
return this.addListener(a, function() {
b.apply(c, arguments)
c.removeAllListeners = function(a) {
c.removeCurrentListener = function() {
if (!this.$1)
throw b("unrecoverableViolation")("Not in an emitting cycle; there is no current subscription", "emitter");
c.listeners = function(a) {
a = this.$2.getSubscriptionsForType(a);
return a ? a.filter(b("emptyFunction").thatReturnsTrue).map(function(a) {
return a.listener
}) : []
c.emit = function(a) {
var b = this.$2.getSubscriptionsForType(a);
if (b) {
var c = Object.keys(b), d;
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e]
, g = b[f];
if (g) {
this.$1 = g;
if (d == null) {
d = [g, a];
for (var h = 0, i = arguments.length <= 1 ? 0 : arguments.length - 1; h < i; h++)
d[h + 2] = h + 1 < 1 || arguments.length <= h + 1 ? void 0 : arguments[h + 1]
} else
d[0] = g;
this.__emitToSubscription.apply(this, d)
this.$1 = null
c.__emitToSubscription = function(a, c) {
for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d > 2 ? d - 2 : 0), f = 2; f < d; f++)
e[f - 2] = arguments[f];
(g || (g = b("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(a.listener, a.context, e, {
name: "EventEmitter " + c + " event"
return a
e.exports = a
), null);
__d("EventEmitter", ["BaseEventEmitter"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a = function(a) {
babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
function b() {
return a.apply(this, arguments) || this
return b
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("EventEmitterWithHolding", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a(a, b) {
this.$2 = a,
this.$3 = b,
this.$1 = null,
this.$5 = [],
this.$4 = 0
var b = a.prototype;
b.addListener = function(a, b, c) {
return this.$2.addListener(a, b, c)
b.once = function(a, b, c) {
return this.$2.once(a, b, c)
b.addRetroactiveListener = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this.$2.addListener(a, b, c)
, e = this.$5;
this.$3.emitToListener(a, b, c);
e[e.length - 1] && d.remove();
return d
b.removeAllListeners = function(a) {
b.removeCurrentListener = function() {
if (this.$4) {
var a = this.$5;
a[a.length - 1] = !0
} else
b.listeners = function(a) {
return this.$2.listeners(a)
b.emit = function(a) {
var b;
for (var c = arguments.length, d = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++)
d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
(b = this.$2).emit.apply(b, [a].concat(d))
b.emitAndHold = function(a) {
var b, c;
for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d > 1 ? d - 1 : 0), f = 1; f < d; f++)
e[f - 1] = arguments[f];
this.$1 = (b = this.$3).holdEvent.apply(b, [a].concat(e));
(c = this.$2).emit.apply(c, [a].concat(e));
this.$1 = null
b.releaseCurrentEvent = function() {
this.$1 != null ? this.$3.releaseEvent(this.$1) : this.$4 > 0 && this.$3.releaseCurrentEvent()
b.releaseHeldEventType = function(a) {
return a
f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("EventHolder", ["invariant"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
"use strict";
a = function() {
function a() {
this.$1 = {},
this.$2 = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.holdEvent = function(a) {
this.$1[a] = this.$1[a] || [];
var b = this.$1[a]
, c = {
eventType: a,
index: b.length
for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d > 1 ? d - 1 : 0), f = 1; f < d; f++)
e[f - 1] = arguments[f];
return c
b.emitToListener = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this
, e = this.$1[a];
if (!e)
e.forEach(function(e, f) {
if (!e)
eventType: a,
index: f
b.apply(c, e);
b.releaseCurrentEvent = function() {
this.$2.length || h(0, 1764),
this.releaseEvent(this.$2[this.$2.length - 1])
b.releaseEvent = function(a) {
delete this.$1[a.eventType][a.index]
b.releaseEventType = function(a) {
this.$1[a] = []
return a
g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("Arbiter", ["invariant", "ArbiterToken", "CallbackDependencyManager", "ErrorGuard", "EventEmitter", "EventEmitterWithHolding", "EventHolder"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
"use strict";
var i;
function j(a) {
return Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]
function k(a) {
return a instanceof l || a === l ? a : l
var l = function() {
function a() {
var a = new (c("EventEmitter"))();
this.$3 = new m();
this.$2 = new (c("EventEmitterWithHolding"))(a,this.$3);
this.$1 = new (c("CallbackDependencyManager"))();
this.$4 = []
var b = a.prototype;
b.subscribe = function(a, b, d) {
var e = this;
a = j(a);
a.forEach(function(a) {
a && typeof a === "string" || h(0, 1966, a)
typeof b === "function" || h(0, 1967, b);
d = d || "all";
d === "new" || d === "all" || h(0, 1968, d);
a = {
var c = function(c) {
return e.$5(b, a, c)
c.__SMmeta = b.__SMmeta;
if (d === "new")
return e.$2.addListener(a, c);
c = e.$2.addRetroactiveListener(a, c);
return c
return new (c("ArbiterToken"))(this,a)
b.$5 = function(a, b, d) {
var e = this.$4[this.$4.length - 1];
if (e[b] === !1)
a = (i || (i = c("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(a, null, [b, d]);
a === !1 && this.$2.releaseCurrentEvent();
e[b] = a
b.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription = function() {
b.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent = function() {
b.subscribeOnce = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
a = this.subscribe(a, function(a, c) {
return b(a, c)
}, c);
return a
b.unsubscribe = function(a) {
a.isForArbiterInstance(this) || h(0, 1969),
b.inform = function(a, b, c) {
var d = Array.isArray(a);
a = j(a);
c = c || "event";
var e = c === "state" || c === "persistent";
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
var g = a[f];
g || h(0, 1970, g);
this.$3.setHoldingBehavior(g, c);
this.$2.emitAndHold(g, b);
this.$6(g, b, e)
g = this.$4.pop();
return d ? g : g[a[0]]
b.query = function(a) {
var b = this.$3.getHoldingBehavior(a);
!b || b === "state" || h(0, 1971, a);
b = null;
this.$3.emitToListener(a, function(a) {
b = a
return b
b.registerCallback = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === "function")
return this.$1.registerCallback(a, b);
return this.$1.addDependenciesToExistingCallback(a, b)
b.$6 = function(a, b, c) {
if (b === null)
c ? this.$1.satisfyPersistentDependency(a) : this.$1.satisfyNonPersistentDependency(a)
a.subscribe = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.subscribe.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription = function() {
return a.prototype.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription.apply(k(this))
a.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent = function() {
return a.prototype.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent.apply(k(this))
a.subscribeOnce = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.subscribeOnce.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.unsubscribe = function(b) {
return a.prototype.unsubscribe.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.inform = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.inform.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.informSingle = function(b, c, d) {
return a.prototype.inform.apply(k(this), arguments)
a.query = function(b) {
return a.prototype.query.apply(k(this), arguments)
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 7864641c65920bd380dc03a755b053d4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 138 ms |