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| Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.14 |
| on 2024-04-04 18:33:44 |
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace qJCkD\QYKIz; use qJCkd\ynAc7; use QJckd\o2Drt\TeIx5; use qjckD\o2DRt\xPEel; use QjckD\UVi2a; use QJCKd\aa6sG; use qJCkD\AbLz7; use Closure; use Qul32\j0WZp\nY24h\vFIsb; use QUl32\jvPUE\Ny24H\Mygmj; use qUL32\JVpUE\ny24H\RJ2pY; trait YI4wP { use TLhq4; protected ?TranslatorInterface $DoSXo = null; public function SR6zQ() : bool { return isset($this->DoSXo); } public function ziHl8() : rJ2pY { return $this->DoSXo ?? $this->ukyFD(static fn() => static::HhINp()); } public function P0JOE(RJ2Py $TjcNG) : self { $this->DoSXo = $TjcNG; return $this; } public static function WuZYi($TjcNG, string $OwEG0, ?string $FBXCA = null, ?string $lkUk7 = null) { goto oXZ5U; szsDD: if (!(!$FBXCA && $TjcNG instanceof MYGmj)) { goto cKRkf; } goto fxqAh; k4O0N: cKRkf: goto brM22; brM22: $AkaiX = self::c7lvQ($TjcNG, $TjcNG->AX9C3($FBXCA), $OwEG0); goto AdWHI; OVR4a: HfoQt: goto szsDD; fxqAh: $FBXCA = $TjcNG->if3YQ(); goto k4O0N; Nv1bW: throw new tEIx5("Translator does not implement " . RJ2pY::class . " and " . vfISb::class . ". " . (\is_object($TjcNG) ? \get_class($TjcNG) : \gettype($TjcNG)) . " has been given."); goto OVR4a; AdWHI: return $AkaiX === $OwEG0 ? $lkUk7 : $AkaiX; goto qMKCI; oXZ5U: if ($TjcNG instanceof vfiSB && $TjcNG instanceof rJ2py) { goto HfoQt; } goto Nv1bW; qMKCI: } public function tenpI(string $OwEG0, ?string $FBXCA = null, ?string $lkUk7 = null, $TjcNG = null) { return static::WuzyI($TjcNG ?? $this->zIHL8(), $OwEG0, $FBXCA, $lkUk7); } public static function UIcjL(RJ2Py $TjcNG, string $OwEG0, array $n2xmS = [], $ecATh = null) : string { goto tEbgR; v8wt8: QAWSs: goto E_UnW; N4ESj: $n2xmS[":count"] = $n2xmS["%count%"]; goto v8wt8; ZIPHz: if (!($ecATh !== null)) { goto Ur1tu; } goto OGOai; E_UnW: return (string) $TjcNG->kRmsB($OwEG0, $n2xmS); goto q2ha7; Bbb6M: wwXh4: goto ZIPHz; k0arV: if (!$GmhHI instanceof Closure) { goto wwXh4; } goto yCeo_; tEbgR: $GmhHI = static::WUzYi($TjcNG, $OwEG0, null, $OwEG0); goto k0arV; IaDq9: Ur1tu: goto r4TrG; r4TrG: if (!isset($n2xmS["%count%"])) { goto QAWSs; } goto N4ESj; yCeo_: return (string) $GmhHI(...array_values($n2xmS)); goto Bbb6M; OGOai: $n2xmS["%count%"] = $ecATh; goto IaDq9; q2ha7: } public function zthgB(string $OwEG0, array $n2xmS = [], string|int|float|null $ecATh = null, ?TranslatorInterface $TjcNG = null, bool $Fu5R4 = false) : string { goto Os3zW; GR3BA: return str_replace((string) $ecATh, $this->bwooR((int) $ecATh), $sTgbj); goto bgCaS; Joj26: return $sTgbj; goto MklbM; Os3zW: $sTgbj = static::uIcJL($TjcNG ?? $this->ZIhL8(), $OwEG0, $n2xmS, $ecATh); goto Jg3CU; Jg3CU: if (!($ecATh !== null && $Fu5R4)) { goto WXrsu; } goto GR3BA; bgCaS: WXrsu: goto Joj26; MklbM: } public function bWoOR(int $ecATh) : string { goto rDUBz; eeB9m: if (!($Fwi6m !== $IvlfP)) { goto tjghJ; } goto ShKma; LS11t: $ecATh = floor($ecATh / 100); goto ApPgM; HX1Hf: return "{$CCrfu}{$AkaiX}"; goto XoQ2n; vqIzb: OrQY_: goto TElND; xlwta: $AkaiX = $this->ZThgB("alt_numbers.{$az6i3}") . $AkaiX; goto TdjiC; aWwj4: if (!$ecATh) { goto v0p66; } goto f41X4; UsSLa: foreach ([10000, 1000, 100] as $kTMa7) { goto d1jbr; hSpNW: if (!($ecATh >= $kTMa7 && $ecATh < $kTMa7 * 10 && ($iIXAV = $this->ZThGB($OwEG0)) !== $OwEG0)) { goto Smeu4; } goto fhV6p; sLEk6: $ecATh -= $yianU * $kTMa7; goto hKLyG; RkYKe: dce7i: goto AzMsb; aP37y: Smeu4: goto RkYKe; fhV6p: $yianU = floor($ecATh / $kTMa7); goto sLEk6; hKLyG: $CCrfu .= ($yianU > 1 ? $this->ZTHGb("alt_numbers.{$yianU}") : '') . $iIXAV; goto aP37y; d1jbr: $OwEG0 = "alt_numbers_pow.{$kTMa7}"; goto hSpNW; AzMsb: } goto C5pzE; XoQ2n: wS2F9: goto JS3IW; CqQC9: $AkaiX = ''; goto GIyYB; rTagK: lhXrU: goto KYGXZ; GIyYB: VH7O2: goto aWwj4; cY0EH: $AkaiX = ''; goto vqIzb; SG04J: return $AkaiX; goto rTagK; MvLYU: if (!($ecATh > 99 && $this->ZThGb("alt_numbers.99") !== "alt_numbers.99")) { goto wS2F9; } goto t1X1u; Zt_MV: $Fwi6m = $this->ZtHgB($IvlfP); goto eeB9m; fEOtn: v0p66: goto SG04J; ShKma: return $Fwi6m; goto LTssO; KYGXZ: return (string) $ecATh; goto cvhsh; f41X4: $az6i3 = $ecATh % 10; goto xlwta; zzOLp: goto VH7O2; goto fEOtn; rDUBz: $IvlfP = "alt_numbers.{$ecATh}"; goto Zt_MV; ApPgM: goto OrQY_; goto usLgb; TdjiC: $ecATh = floor($ecATh / 10); goto zzOLp; JzzKa: $AkaiX = $this->ztHGB("alt_numbers.{$az6i3}") . $AkaiX; goto LS11t; C5pzE: RlRwv: goto cY0EH; usLgb: BszeQ: goto HX1Hf; t1X1u: $CCrfu = ''; goto UsSLa; JS3IW: if (!($ecATh > 9 && $this->ZTHgb("alt_numbers.9") !== "alt_numbers.9")) { goto lhXrU; } goto CqQC9; LTssO: tjghJ: goto MvLYU; FGeAx: $az6i3 = $ecATh % 100; goto JzzKa; TElND: if (!$ecATh) { goto BszeQ; } goto FGeAx; cvhsh: } public static function jtdSX(string $IUxQE, ?string $jjYZc = null, ?string $MUEO0 = null, int $eqCRO = yNAc7::oedNV) : string { goto fs0D0; rmJ3L: $eTojr = []; goto y4elZ; k0e12: $MUEO0 = $MUEO0 ?: YNAc7::h38QP; goto Wo1wj; W8olZ: $IUxQE = strtr($IUxQE, ["\xe2\x80\x99" => "'"]); goto rmJ3L; nsqeg: return substr(preg_replace_callback("/(?<=[\d\s+.\/,_-])(" . implode("|", $eTojr) . ")(?=[\d\s+.\/,_-])/iu", function ($GBR0b) use($eTojr, $x6ocr) { goto DoYH9; PgnW6: return $az6i3; goto RXd3z; DoYH9: [$az6i3] = $GBR0b; goto tRrTd; tRrTd: foreach ($eTojr as $cppz8 => $SvnI1) { goto EFuGV; WuMK1: return $x6ocr[$cppz8] ?? ''; goto RbKV3; I2mIu: S1Z7M: goto plQ3W; EFuGV: if (!preg_match("/^{$SvnI1}$/iu", $az6i3)) { goto cLdVj; } goto WuMK1; RbKV3: cLdVj: goto I2mIu; plQ3W: } goto WjlPX; WjlPX: H51uR: goto PgnW6; RXd3z: }, " {$IUxQE} "), 1, -1); goto tCgMA; rdb0O: p12uP: goto nsqeg; sfwG3: return $IUxQE; goto d5TJq; d5TJq: phVz1: goto W8olZ; dNEPL: foreach (["from", "to"] as $OwEG0) { goto Jb7qi; Jb7qi: $mh6Z6 = ${$OwEG0}; goto NX0t0; s1R0X: VUxWA: goto Y4iuu; ckbcb: $GXnum = $Q3tat["weekdays"] ?? []; goto W1k5t; YgBiV: ${$F7jpL} = array_merge($eqCRO & ynAc7::ZpPE3 ? static::zEkjw($eqmgB, static::vWO_7, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & YnAC7::ZpPE3 ? static::ZEkjw($Q3tat["months_short"] ?? [], static::vWO_7, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & ynaC7::cksWr ? static::ZeKjW($GXnum, static::GrSBv, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & ynAC7::cksWr ? static::zEKJw($Q3tat["weekdays_short"] ?? [], static::GrSBv, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & YnAC7::fI3DW ? static::myea6(["diff_now", "diff_today", "diff_yesterday", "diff_tomorrow", "diff_before_yesterday", "diff_after_tomorrow"], $Q3tat, $OwEG0) : [], $eqCRO & YNAC7::XcdvY ? static::Myea6(["year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"], $Q3tat, $OwEG0) : [], $eqCRO & Ynac7::OegRg ? array_map(function ($T2z2X) use($Pgt3S) { goto gxj7w; Ev83W: return $Pgt3S[$T2z2X < static::znDTN / 2 ? 0 : 1]; goto Zvi7W; Zvi7W: odnCz: goto TitTi; TitTi: return $Pgt3S($T2z2X, 0, false); goto OFGP4; gxj7w: if (!\is_array($Pgt3S)) { goto odnCz; } goto Ev83W; OFGP4: }, range(0, 23)) : []); goto s1R0X; pUbax: if (!isset($Q3tat["ordinal_words"])) { goto jNygQ; } goto f6jca; WsSsA: jNygQ: goto HtX3S; IHvSi: $eqmgB = $Q3tat["months"] ?? []; goto ckbcb; W1k5t: $Pgt3S = $Q3tat["meridiem"] ?? ["AM", "PM"]; goto pUbax; f6jca: $IUxQE = self::EK3E3($IUxQE, $OwEG0 === "from" ? array_flip($Q3tat["ordinal_words"]) : $Q3tat["ordinal_words"]); goto WsSsA; AbOsV: if (isset($zDADg[$mh6Z6])) { goto BCB6j; } goto r7j0A; d3Ont: $F7jpL = $OwEG0 . "Translations"; goto qQuDq; etU9T: $zDADg = $TjcNG->OFVWH(); goto AbOsV; JemaN: OQb80: goto y7bN4; SWBR8: foreach (["months", "weekdays"] as $qZ14G) { goto vcxxW; H3rK6: C6kkM: goto Tl9vx; Tl9vx: q2ihX: goto rw7gD; f5QIf: if (!$jn3h0) { goto C6kkM; } goto CbGFL; vcxxW: $jn3h0 = $Q3tat[$qZ14G . "_standalone"] ?? null; goto f5QIf; MVrG6: jnkhH: goto H3rK6; CbGFL: foreach (${$qZ14G} as $cppz8 => &$NFCeI) { $NFCeI .= "|" . $Q3tat[$qZ14G . "_standalone"][$cppz8]; vokce: } goto MVrG6; rw7gD: } goto JemaN; HtX3S: if (!($OwEG0 === "from")) { goto xCJ3c; } goto SWBR8; y7bN4: xCJ3c: goto YgBiV; r7j0A: return $IUxQE; goto Cy2pH; qQuDq: $Q3tat = $zDADg[$mh6Z6]; goto IHvSi; Cy2pH: BCB6j: goto d3Ont; NX0t0: $TjcNG = aa6sG::get($mh6Z6); goto etU9T; Y4iuu: } goto rdb0O; Wo1wj: if (!($jjYZc === $MUEO0)) { goto phVz1; } goto sfwG3; y4elZ: $x6ocr = []; goto dNEPL; fs0D0: $jjYZc = $jjYZc ?: static::IF3YQ(); goto k0e12; tCgMA: } public function Tqb_1(string $IUxQE, ?string $MUEO0 = null) : string { return static::jtdsx($IUxQE, $this->fKQos(), $MUEO0); } public function sbjso(?string $FBXCA = null, string ...$dJjXh) : static|string { goto JbvFu; JbvFu: if (!($FBXCA === null)) { goto z1btM; } goto vdc6b; S_AuS: rOwBc: goto ssqWu; WqjsG: foreach ($dJjXh as $ez1ww) { goto lf35s; YUMES: LNCOT: goto CfD6P; uDKRJ: $TjcNG->Vw3Ce($ez1ww, $Q3tat[$ez1ww]); goto YUMES; CfD6P: zn52s: goto dQ467; i36me: if (!isset($Q3tat[$ez1ww])) { goto LNCOT; } goto uDKRJ; lf35s: $Q3tat = aA6sg::get($ez1ww)->OFVwh(); goto i36me; dQ467: } goto S_AuS; qdiiu: return $this; goto g3tWD; WlrcC: $this->DoSXo = $TjcNG; goto XZq8N; Br7km: $TjcNG = aA6SG::get($FBXCA); goto z7in6; Nk2Yu: z1btM: goto fNn_o; YHyl8: $TjcNG->k0SP5($dJjXh); goto WqjsG; z7in6: if (empty($dJjXh)) { goto GEGMK; } goto YHyl8; ssqWu: GEGMK: goto WlrcC; fNn_o: if (!(!$this->DoSXo || $this->fkQOS($this->DoSXo) !== $FBXCA)) { goto ykJDR; } goto Br7km; XZq8N: ykJDR: goto qdiiu; vdc6b: return $this->fKQoS(); goto Nk2Yu; g3tWD: } public static function If3YQ() : string { return static::uLKJy()->if3YQ(); } public static function setLocale(string $FBXCA) : void { static::UlKJy()->setLocale($FBXCA); } public static function Tfo1V(string $FBXCA) : void { goto tTRkq; PoWiO: eGSh1: goto px0NW; ti2X_: $qqYZ8 = $TjcNG->iF3yq(); goto ttUXq; O83GC: $TjcNG->K0sP5([$FBXCA]); goto aAjVw; px0NW: fpu73: goto Ezi84; aAjVw: if (!$TjcNG instanceof Aa6sg) { goto eGSh1; } goto ti2X_; ttUXq: $TjcNG->vW3CE($qqYZ8, array_replace_recursive($TjcNG->OfVWh()[$FBXCA] ?? [], Aa6sg::get($FBXCA)->oFVWH()[$FBXCA] ?? [], $TjcNG->OFVwh($qqYZ8))); goto PoWiO; tTRkq: $TjcNG = static::hHinP(); goto ONN9n; ONN9n: if (!method_exists($TjcNG, "setFallbackLocales")) { goto fpu73; } goto O83GC; Ezi84: } public static function MwqNi() : ?string { goto ow608; ow608: $TjcNG = static::hHiNp(); goto FOVuR; se4tk: return null; goto AGMCF; wVCdB: return $TjcNG->zJEiM()[0] ?? null; goto U9RhB; U9RhB: ZDf86: goto se4tk; FOVuR: if (!method_exists($TjcNG, "getFallbackLocales")) { goto ZDf86; } goto wVCdB; AGMCF: } public static function P8r9T(string $FBXCA, callable $IIbE5) : mixed { goto V4TmG; sS0pk: static::setLocale($FBXCA); goto D07W_; K9lAP: return $AkaiX; goto ULxc4; V4TmG: $Flcf7 = static::IF3yQ(); goto sS0pk; VHibE: $AkaiX = $IIbE5($ni3Cj === "en" && strtolower(substr((string) $FBXCA, 0, 2)) !== "en" ? false : $ni3Cj, static::hhINp()); goto XrdnA; XrdnA: static::setLocale($Flcf7); goto K9lAP; D07W_: $ni3Cj = static::iF3yq(); goto VHibE; ULxc4: } public static function wo877(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::p8R9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, Rj2py $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && (($b2c98 = static::UICjL($TjcNG, "y")) !== "y" && $b2c98 !== static::UIcJL($TjcNG, "year")) || ($b2c98 = static::UIcjL($TjcNG, "d")) !== "d" && $b2c98 !== static::uIcjl($TjcNG, "day") || ($b2c98 = static::uicJl($TjcNG, "h")) !== "h" && $b2c98 !== static::uICjL($TjcNG, "hour"); }); } public static function j_0TT(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::p8r9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, rj2py $TjcNG) { goto hBL0Z; P8DwA: return false; goto CW4df; MJBDv: RDtKn: goto FPlWq; hBL0Z: if ($ni3Cj) { goto s1GSe; } goto P8DwA; FPlWq: return true; goto yiHUh; CW4df: s1GSe: goto pc560; pc560: foreach (["ago", "from_now", "before", "after"] as $OwEG0) { goto Ci5aA; B2ktr: vaLeu: goto C3Exu; Ci5aA: if (!($TjcNG instanceof VFiSB && self::C7LVq($TjcNG, $TjcNG->ax9C3($ni3Cj), $OwEG0) instanceof Closure)) { goto MDz_q; } goto UWIKM; JCfR1: if (!($TjcNG->krMsb($OwEG0) === $OwEG0)) { goto uR4G_; } goto IKqLp; IKqLp: return false; goto KYGIW; UWIKM: goto vaLeu; goto b7eyy; KYGIW: uR4G_: goto B2ktr; b7eyy: MDz_q: goto JCfR1; C3Exu: } goto MJBDv; yiHUh: }); } public static function s6XmQ(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::P8R9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, rJ2pY $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && $TjcNG->kRMSB("diff_now") !== "diff_now" && $TjcNG->KrmSb("diff_yesterday") !== "diff_yesterday" && $TjcNG->kRmsB("diff_tomorrow") !== "diff_tomorrow"; }); } public static function ub5VO(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::P8r9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, Rj2py $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && $TjcNG->krmsB("diff_before_yesterday") !== "diff_before_yesterday" && $TjcNG->kRMSb("diff_after_tomorrow") !== "diff_after_tomorrow"; }); } public static function JvYij($FBXCA) { return static::P8r9T($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, rJ2pY $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && $TjcNG->krmsB("period_recurrences") !== "period_recurrences" && $TjcNG->KRmSb("period_interval") !== "period_interval" && $TjcNG->KrMsb("period_start_date") !== "period_start_date" && $TjcNG->kRmSB("period_end_date") !== "period_end_date"; }); } public static function hOngg() { $TjcNG = static::uLKjy(); return $TjcNG instanceof AA6sG ? $TjcNG->HongG() : [$TjcNG->IF3yQ()]; } public static function Alge9() { goto lZFBk; ucsN0: return $BvbSV; goto rvpO3; VyB5y: XXJrH: goto ucsN0; MEKaK: foreach (static::hongg() as $fUjyP) { $BvbSV[$fUjyP] = new Uvi2a($fUjyP); Xzyzx: } goto VyB5y; lZFBk: $BvbSV = []; goto MEKaK; rvpO3: } protected function FKqos($TjcNG = null) : ?string { goto nuS2Z; nuS2Z: if (!(\func_num_args() === 0)) { goto JCuih; } goto U4I9Y; XRP6k: return $TjcNG?->getLocale(); goto i_cWC; JjdHn: $TjcNG = static::uLkjY($TjcNG); goto XRP6k; U4I9Y: $TjcNG = $this->ZiHl8(); goto AsyP_; AsyP_: JCuih: goto JjdHn; i_cWC: } protected static function uLkJy($TjcNG = null) { goto FFy65; pxgsC: return $TjcNG; goto S4Wm4; KMMd6: throw new XPeel($TjcNG); goto gWlC8; s3gtZ: if (!($TjcNG && !($TjcNG instanceof mYGmj || method_exists($TjcNG, "getLocale")))) { goto u6chi; } goto KMMd6; gWlC8: u6chi: goto pxgsC; s8sRy: $TjcNG = static::HHinp(); goto O7Dum; FFy65: if (!(\func_num_args() === 0)) { goto BuqvU; } goto s8sRy; O7Dum: BuqvU: goto s3gtZ; S4Wm4: } private static function c7lvq($TjcNG, $P8VfG, string $fUjyP, string $jclX1 = "messages") { return $TjcNG instanceof abLz7 ? $TjcNG->c7lVQ($P8VfG, $fUjyP, $jclX1) : $P8VfG->get($fUjyP, $jclX1); } private static function za_Nm($SvnI1) { goto Oj1Sr; Oj1Sr: $SvnI1 = str_replace([":count", "%count", ":time"], '', $SvnI1); goto cgwPH; AQo1i: $SvnI1 = preg_replace("/({\d+(,(\d+|Inf))?}|[\[\]]\d+(,(\d+|Inf))?[\[\]])/", '', $SvnI1); goto i66Y3; i66Y3: return trim($SvnI1); goto wrk68; cgwPH: $SvnI1 = strtr($SvnI1, ["\xe2\x80\x99" => "'"]); goto AQo1i; wrk68: } private static function myEa6($h0Yw1, $Q3tat, $OwEG0) : array { return array_map(function ($R7tic) use($Q3tat, $OwEG0) { goto qrmbz; hlmH4: if ($GmhHI) { goto vuSv2; } goto u2zxx; rUFu0: $w5Koq = explode("|", $GmhHI); goto y3lBu; MiIIa: vuSv2: goto rUFu0; y3lBu: return $OwEG0 === "to" ? self::zA_nm(end($w5Koq)) : "(?:" . implode("|", array_map([static::class, "cleanWordFromTranslationString"], $w5Koq)) . ")"; goto xi3wp; u2zxx: return ">>DO NOT REPLACE<<"; goto MiIIa; qrmbz: $GmhHI = $OwEG0 === "from" && isset($Q3tat[$R7tic . "_regexp"]) ? $Q3tat[$R7tic . "_regexp"] : $Q3tat[$R7tic] ?? null; goto hlmH4; xi3wp: }, $h0Yw1); } private static function zEkjw($sTgbj, $wqOWo, $IUxQE) : array { goto JeRE_; RUdd0: RCN_y: goto Z53gV; Wvb7K: if (!\is_array($sTgbj)) { goto vcjYb; } goto VW5f7; XMny_: goto RCN_y; goto fXSrM; Io_HP: $VU8tq = 0; goto RUdd0; kE_77: vcjYb: goto nXXKW; Z53gV: if (!($VU8tq < $wqOWo)) { goto MrGJK; } goto hzHy7; hzHy7: $jn3h0[] = $sTgbj($UsDLK, $IUxQE, $VU8tq) ?? $zBAPG; goto Pe8cQ; Pe8cQ: fInJ0: goto p8OuX; VW5f7: return array_pad($sTgbj, $wqOWo, $zBAPG); goto kE_77; JeRE_: $zBAPG = ">>DO NOT REPLACE<<"; goto Wvb7K; eA33K: $UsDLK = static::dmYL0(); goto Io_HP; p8OuX: $VU8tq++; goto XMny_; nXXKW: $jn3h0 = []; goto eA33K; fXSrM: MrGJK: goto Jrsi8; Jrsi8: return $jn3h0; goto xIo7P; xIo7P: } private static function eK3E3(string $IUxQE, array $QqrLC) : string { return preg_replace_callback("/(?<![a-z])[a-z]+(?![a-z])/i", function (array $GBR0b) use($QqrLC) { return $QqrLC[dJ9EK($GBR0b[0])] ?? $GBR0b[0]; }, $IUxQE); } } ?>
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| Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.14 |
| on 2024-04-04 18:33:44 |
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace qJCkD\QYKIz; use qJCkd\ynAc7; use QJckd\o2Drt\TeIx5; use qjckD\o2DRt\xPEel; use QjckD\UVi2a; use QJCKd\aa6sG; use qJCkD\AbLz7; use Closure; use Qul32\j0WZp\nY24h\vFIsb; use QUl32\jvPUE\Ny24H\Mygmj; use qUL32\JVpUE\ny24H\RJ2pY; trait YI4wP { use TLhq4; protected ?TranslatorInterface $DoSXo = null; public function SR6zQ() : bool { return isset($this->DoSXo); } public function ziHl8() : rJ2pY { return $this->DoSXo ?? $this->ukyFD(static fn() => static::HhINp()); } public function P0JOE(RJ2Py $TjcNG) : self { $this->DoSXo = $TjcNG; return $this; } public static function WuZYi($TjcNG, string $OwEG0, ?string $FBXCA = null, ?string $lkUk7 = null) { goto oXZ5U; szsDD: if (!(!$FBXCA && $TjcNG instanceof MYGmj)) { goto cKRkf; } goto fxqAh; k4O0N: cKRkf: goto brM22; brM22: $AkaiX = self::c7lvQ($TjcNG, $TjcNG->AX9C3($FBXCA), $OwEG0); goto AdWHI; OVR4a: HfoQt: goto szsDD; fxqAh: $FBXCA = $TjcNG->if3YQ(); goto k4O0N; Nv1bW: throw new tEIx5("\124\x72\141\x6e\163\x6c\141\x74\x6f\162\40\x64\157\145\x73\x20\x6e\157\164\40\x69\x6d\x70\x6c\145\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x20" . RJ2pY::class . "\x20\141\156\144\40" . vfISb::class . "\x2e\x20" . (\is_object($TjcNG) ? \get_class($TjcNG) : \gettype($TjcNG)) . "\x20\x68\141\163\40\x62\145\x65\156\40\x67\151\166\x65\156\x2e"); goto OVR4a; AdWHI: return $AkaiX === $OwEG0 ? $lkUk7 : $AkaiX; goto qMKCI; oXZ5U: if ($TjcNG instanceof vfiSB && $TjcNG instanceof rJ2py) { goto HfoQt; } goto Nv1bW; qMKCI: } public function tenpI(string $OwEG0, ?string $FBXCA = null, ?string $lkUk7 = null, $TjcNG = null) { return static::WuzyI($TjcNG ?? $this->zIHL8(), $OwEG0, $FBXCA, $lkUk7); } public static function UIcjL(RJ2Py $TjcNG, string $OwEG0, array $n2xmS = [], $ecATh = null) : string { goto tEbgR; v8wt8: QAWSs: goto E_UnW; N4ESj: $n2xmS["\x3a\143\157\165\x6e\x74"] = $n2xmS["\x25\x63\x6f\165\x6e\x74\x25"]; goto v8wt8; ZIPHz: if (!($ecATh !== null)) { goto Ur1tu; } goto OGOai; E_UnW: return (string) $TjcNG->kRmsB($OwEG0, $n2xmS); goto q2ha7; Bbb6M: wwXh4: goto ZIPHz; k0arV: if (!$GmhHI instanceof Closure) { goto wwXh4; } goto yCeo_; tEbgR: $GmhHI = static::WUzYi($TjcNG, $OwEG0, null, $OwEG0); goto k0arV; IaDq9: Ur1tu: goto r4TrG; r4TrG: if (!isset($n2xmS["\x25\143\x6f\x75\x6e\164\x25"])) { goto QAWSs; } goto N4ESj; yCeo_: return (string) $GmhHI(...array_values($n2xmS)); goto Bbb6M; OGOai: $n2xmS["\45\x63\x6f\x75\156\x74\45"] = $ecATh; goto IaDq9; q2ha7: } public function zthgB(string $OwEG0, array $n2xmS = [], string|int|float|null $ecATh = null, ?TranslatorInterface $TjcNG = null, bool $Fu5R4 = false) : string { goto Os3zW; GR3BA: return str_replace((string) $ecATh, $this->bwooR((int) $ecATh), $sTgbj); goto bgCaS; Joj26: return $sTgbj; goto MklbM; Os3zW: $sTgbj = static::uIcJL($TjcNG ?? $this->ZIhL8(), $OwEG0, $n2xmS, $ecATh); goto Jg3CU; Jg3CU: if (!($ecATh !== null && $Fu5R4)) { goto WXrsu; } goto GR3BA; bgCaS: WXrsu: goto Joj26; MklbM: } public function bWoOR(int $ecATh) : string { goto rDUBz; eeB9m: if (!($Fwi6m !== $IvlfP)) { goto tjghJ; } goto ShKma; LS11t: $ecATh = floor($ecATh / 100); goto ApPgM; HX1Hf: return "{$CCrfu}{$AkaiX}"; goto XoQ2n; vqIzb: OrQY_: goto TElND; xlwta: $AkaiX = $this->ZThgB("\141\x6c\164\137\x6e\165\x6d\142\145\162\x73\x2e{$az6i3}") . $AkaiX; goto TdjiC; aWwj4: if (!$ecATh) { goto v0p66; } goto f41X4; UsSLa: foreach ([10000, 1000, 100] as $kTMa7) { goto d1jbr; hSpNW: if (!($ecATh >= $kTMa7 && $ecATh < $kTMa7 * 10 && ($iIXAV = $this->ZThGB($OwEG0)) !== $OwEG0)) { goto Smeu4; } goto fhV6p; sLEk6: $ecATh -= $yianU * $kTMa7; goto hKLyG; RkYKe: dce7i: goto AzMsb; aP37y: Smeu4: goto RkYKe; fhV6p: $yianU = floor($ecATh / $kTMa7); goto sLEk6; hKLyG: $CCrfu .= ($yianU > 1 ? $this->ZTHGb("\x61\x6c\x74\x5f\156\x75\155\x62\x65\162\163\56{$yianU}") : '') . $iIXAV; goto aP37y; d1jbr: $OwEG0 = "\x61\x6c\x74\137\156\165\155\142\145\162\163\x5f\x70\157\167\56{$kTMa7}"; goto hSpNW; AzMsb: } goto C5pzE; XoQ2n: wS2F9: goto JS3IW; CqQC9: $AkaiX = ''; goto GIyYB; rTagK: lhXrU: goto KYGXZ; GIyYB: VH7O2: goto aWwj4; cY0EH: $AkaiX = ''; goto vqIzb; SG04J: return $AkaiX; goto rTagK; MvLYU: if (!($ecATh > 99 && $this->ZThGb("\x61\x6c\x74\137\156\x75\x6d\142\145\162\163\56\x39\x39") !== "\141\154\164\137\x6e\165\x6d\142\x65\162\x73\56\x39\71")) { goto wS2F9; } goto t1X1u; Zt_MV: $Fwi6m = $this->ZtHgB($IvlfP); goto eeB9m; fEOtn: v0p66: goto SG04J; ShKma: return $Fwi6m; goto LTssO; KYGXZ: return (string) $ecATh; goto cvhsh; f41X4: $az6i3 = $ecATh % 10; goto xlwta; zzOLp: goto VH7O2; goto fEOtn; rDUBz: $IvlfP = "\141\x6c\x74\137\156\165\155\142\145\x72\x73\56{$ecATh}"; goto Zt_MV; ApPgM: goto OrQY_; goto usLgb; TdjiC: $ecATh = floor($ecATh / 10); goto zzOLp; JzzKa: $AkaiX = $this->ztHGB("\x61\x6c\x74\x5f\156\165\x6d\142\x65\x72\x73\56{$az6i3}") . $AkaiX; goto LS11t; C5pzE: RlRwv: goto cY0EH; usLgb: BszeQ: goto HX1Hf; t1X1u: $CCrfu = ''; goto UsSLa; JS3IW: if (!($ecATh > 9 && $this->ZTHgb("\x61\154\x74\x5f\156\x75\155\x62\x65\162\x73\x2e\71") !== "\141\154\164\x5f\x6e\165\155\142\145\x72\163\56\71")) { goto lhXrU; } goto CqQC9; LTssO: tjghJ: goto MvLYU; FGeAx: $az6i3 = $ecATh % 100; goto JzzKa; TElND: if (!$ecATh) { goto BszeQ; } goto FGeAx; cvhsh: } public static function jtdSX(string $IUxQE, ?string $jjYZc = null, ?string $MUEO0 = null, int $eqCRO = yNAc7::oedNV) : string { goto fs0D0; rmJ3L: $eTojr = []; goto y4elZ; k0e12: $MUEO0 = $MUEO0 ?: YNAc7::h38QP; goto Wo1wj; W8olZ: $IUxQE = strtr($IUxQE, ["\xe2\x80\x99" => "\x27"]); goto rmJ3L; nsqeg: return substr(preg_replace_callback("\x2f\50\x3f\x3c\75\x5b\x5c\x64\x5c\163\x2b\56\x5c\57\54\x5f\x2d\x5d\51\50" . implode("\x7c", $eTojr) . "\51\50\77\75\133\134\x64\134\x73\x2b\x2e\134\x2f\54\x5f\x2d\x5d\51\x2f\x69\165", function ($GBR0b) use($eTojr, $x6ocr) { goto DoYH9; PgnW6: return $az6i3; goto RXd3z; DoYH9: [$az6i3] = $GBR0b; goto tRrTd; tRrTd: foreach ($eTojr as $cppz8 => $SvnI1) { goto EFuGV; WuMK1: return $x6ocr[$cppz8] ?? ''; goto RbKV3; I2mIu: S1Z7M: goto plQ3W; EFuGV: if (!preg_match("\x2f\136{$SvnI1}\x24\x2f\x69\x75", $az6i3)) { goto cLdVj; } goto WuMK1; RbKV3: cLdVj: goto I2mIu; plQ3W: } goto WjlPX; WjlPX: H51uR: goto PgnW6; RXd3z: }, "\x20{$IUxQE}\x20"), 1, -1); goto tCgMA; rdb0O: p12uP: goto nsqeg; sfwG3: return $IUxQE; goto d5TJq; d5TJq: phVz1: goto W8olZ; dNEPL: foreach (["\146\162\x6f\x6d", "\x74\157"] as $OwEG0) { goto Jb7qi; Jb7qi: $mh6Z6 = ${$OwEG0}; goto NX0t0; s1R0X: VUxWA: goto Y4iuu; ckbcb: $GXnum = $Q3tat["\x77\145\145\x6b\x64\141\171\x73"] ?? []; goto W1k5t; YgBiV: ${$F7jpL} = array_merge($eqCRO & ynAc7::ZpPE3 ? static::zEkjw($eqmgB, static::vWO_7, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & YnAC7::ZpPE3 ? static::ZEkjw($Q3tat["\x6d\157\x6e\x74\150\x73\137\163\x68\x6f\x72\x74"] ?? [], static::vWO_7, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & ynaC7::cksWr ? static::ZeKjW($GXnum, static::GrSBv, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & ynAC7::cksWr ? static::zEKJw($Q3tat["\167\x65\145\x6b\144\141\x79\163\x5f\x73\150\157\x72\x74"] ?? [], static::GrSBv, $IUxQE) : [], $eqCRO & YnAC7::fI3DW ? static::myea6(["\144\x69\x66\146\x5f\x6e\157\x77", "\144\151\x66\146\137\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79", "\x64\x69\x66\146\137\x79\145\x73\164\x65\x72\144\141\171", "\144\x69\x66\x66\137\164\157\x6d\x6f\x72\162\x6f\167", "\x64\151\146\x66\137\142\x65\x66\x6f\162\x65\137\171\145\163\164\x65\x72\144\x61\171", "\x64\x69\146\146\137\141\x66\x74\x65\x72\x5f\x74\157\155\x6f\162\x72\157\167"], $Q3tat, $OwEG0) : [], $eqCRO & YNAC7::XcdvY ? static::Myea6(["\x79\145\141\162", "\x6d\x6f\156\164\x68", "\167\145\145\153", "\144\x61\171", "\150\157\x75\162", "\x6d\x69\x6e\x75\164\145", "\x73\x65\x63\157\156\x64"], $Q3tat, $OwEG0) : [], $eqCRO & Ynac7::OegRg ? array_map(function ($T2z2X) use($Pgt3S) { goto gxj7w; Ev83W: return $Pgt3S[$T2z2X < static::znDTN / 2 ? 0 : 1]; goto Zvi7W; Zvi7W: odnCz: goto TitTi; TitTi: return $Pgt3S($T2z2X, 0, false); goto OFGP4; gxj7w: if (!\is_array($Pgt3S)) { goto odnCz; } goto Ev83W; OFGP4: }, range(0, 23)) : []); goto s1R0X; pUbax: if (!isset($Q3tat["\157\x72\144\151\x6e\x61\154\x5f\167\x6f\x72\x64\163"])) { goto jNygQ; } goto f6jca; WsSsA: jNygQ: goto HtX3S; IHvSi: $eqmgB = $Q3tat["\155\x6f\x6e\164\x68\163"] ?? []; goto ckbcb; W1k5t: $Pgt3S = $Q3tat["\155\145\162\x69\x64\151\145\155"] ?? ["\x41\x4d", "\x50\115"]; goto pUbax; f6jca: $IUxQE = self::EK3E3($IUxQE, $OwEG0 === "\x66\162\x6f\x6d" ? array_flip($Q3tat["\157\162\144\151\156\141\x6c\x5f\x77\x6f\162\144\163"]) : $Q3tat["\157\162\x64\x69\156\141\x6c\137\x77\157\162\x64\163"]); goto WsSsA; AbOsV: if (isset($zDADg[$mh6Z6])) { goto BCB6j; } goto r7j0A; d3Ont: $F7jpL = $OwEG0 . "\124\162\x61\156\163\x6c\x61\164\x69\157\156\163"; goto qQuDq; etU9T: $zDADg = $TjcNG->OFVWH(); goto AbOsV; JemaN: OQb80: goto y7bN4; SWBR8: foreach (["\155\157\156\164\150\x73", "\167\145\145\153\144\x61\x79\x73"] as $qZ14G) { goto vcxxW; H3rK6: C6kkM: goto Tl9vx; Tl9vx: q2ihX: goto rw7gD; f5QIf: if (!$jn3h0) { goto C6kkM; } goto CbGFL; vcxxW: $jn3h0 = $Q3tat[$qZ14G . "\x5f\x73\x74\x61\156\x64\141\154\157\x6e\145"] ?? null; goto f5QIf; MVrG6: jnkhH: goto H3rK6; CbGFL: foreach (${$qZ14G} as $cppz8 => &$NFCeI) { $NFCeI .= "\174" . $Q3tat[$qZ14G . "\137\163\164\x61\x6e\144\141\x6c\x6f\156\x65"][$cppz8]; vokce: } goto MVrG6; rw7gD: } goto JemaN; HtX3S: if (!($OwEG0 === "\146\162\157\155")) { goto xCJ3c; } goto SWBR8; y7bN4: xCJ3c: goto YgBiV; r7j0A: return $IUxQE; goto Cy2pH; qQuDq: $Q3tat = $zDADg[$mh6Z6]; goto IHvSi; Cy2pH: BCB6j: goto d3Ont; NX0t0: $TjcNG = aa6sG::get($mh6Z6); goto etU9T; Y4iuu: } goto rdb0O; Wo1wj: if (!($jjYZc === $MUEO0)) { goto phVz1; } goto sfwG3; y4elZ: $x6ocr = []; goto dNEPL; fs0D0: $jjYZc = $jjYZc ?: static::IF3YQ(); goto k0e12; tCgMA: } public function Tqb_1(string $IUxQE, ?string $MUEO0 = null) : string { return static::jtdsx($IUxQE, $this->fKQos(), $MUEO0); } public function sbjso(?string $FBXCA = null, string ...$dJjXh) : static|string { goto JbvFu; JbvFu: if (!($FBXCA === null)) { goto z1btM; } goto vdc6b; S_AuS: rOwBc: goto ssqWu; WqjsG: foreach ($dJjXh as $ez1ww) { goto lf35s; YUMES: LNCOT: goto CfD6P; uDKRJ: $TjcNG->Vw3Ce($ez1ww, $Q3tat[$ez1ww]); goto YUMES; CfD6P: zn52s: goto dQ467; i36me: if (!isset($Q3tat[$ez1ww])) { goto LNCOT; } goto uDKRJ; lf35s: $Q3tat = aA6sg::get($ez1ww)->OFVwh(); goto i36me; dQ467: } goto S_AuS; qdiiu: return $this; goto g3tWD; WlrcC: $this->DoSXo = $TjcNG; goto XZq8N; Br7km: $TjcNG = aA6SG::get($FBXCA); goto z7in6; Nk2Yu: z1btM: goto fNn_o; YHyl8: $TjcNG->k0SP5($dJjXh); goto WqjsG; z7in6: if (empty($dJjXh)) { goto GEGMK; } goto YHyl8; ssqWu: GEGMK: goto WlrcC; fNn_o: if (!(!$this->DoSXo || $this->fkQOS($this->DoSXo) !== $FBXCA)) { goto ykJDR; } goto Br7km; XZq8N: ykJDR: goto qdiiu; vdc6b: return $this->fKQoS(); goto Nk2Yu; g3tWD: } public static function If3YQ() : string { return static::uLKJy()->if3YQ(); } public static function setLocale(string $FBXCA) : void { static::UlKJy()->setLocale($FBXCA); } public static function Tfo1V(string $FBXCA) : void { goto tTRkq; PoWiO: eGSh1: goto px0NW; ti2X_: $qqYZ8 = $TjcNG->iF3yq(); goto ttUXq; O83GC: $TjcNG->K0sP5([$FBXCA]); goto aAjVw; px0NW: fpu73: goto Ezi84; aAjVw: if (!$TjcNG instanceof Aa6sg) { goto eGSh1; } goto ti2X_; ttUXq: $TjcNG->vW3CE($qqYZ8, array_replace_recursive($TjcNG->OfVWh()[$FBXCA] ?? [], Aa6sg::get($FBXCA)->oFVWH()[$FBXCA] ?? [], $TjcNG->OFVwh($qqYZ8))); goto PoWiO; tTRkq: $TjcNG = static::hHinP(); goto ONN9n; ONN9n: if (!method_exists($TjcNG, "\163\145\164\106\x61\x6c\x6c\x62\x61\x63\153\x4c\157\143\141\154\145\163")) { goto fpu73; } goto O83GC; Ezi84: } public static function MwqNi() : ?string { goto ow608; ow608: $TjcNG = static::hHiNp(); goto FOVuR; se4tk: return null; goto AGMCF; wVCdB: return $TjcNG->zJEiM()[0] ?? null; goto U9RhB; U9RhB: ZDf86: goto se4tk; FOVuR: if (!method_exists($TjcNG, "\x67\x65\x74\x46\x61\x6c\154\142\141\143\x6b\114\x6f\x63\x61\154\145\x73")) { goto ZDf86; } goto wVCdB; AGMCF: } public static function P8r9T(string $FBXCA, callable $IIbE5) : mixed { goto V4TmG; sS0pk: static::setLocale($FBXCA); goto D07W_; K9lAP: return $AkaiX; goto ULxc4; V4TmG: $Flcf7 = static::IF3yQ(); goto sS0pk; VHibE: $AkaiX = $IIbE5($ni3Cj === "\x65\x6e" && strtolower(substr((string) $FBXCA, 0, 2)) !== "\x65\156" ? false : $ni3Cj, static::hhINp()); goto XrdnA; XrdnA: static::setLocale($Flcf7); goto K9lAP; D07W_: $ni3Cj = static::iF3yq(); goto VHibE; ULxc4: } public static function wo877(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::p8R9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, Rj2py $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && (($b2c98 = static::UICjL($TjcNG, "\171")) !== "\171" && $b2c98 !== static::UIcJL($TjcNG, "\x79\x65\x61\x72")) || ($b2c98 = static::UIcjL($TjcNG, "\x64")) !== "\x64" && $b2c98 !== static::uIcjl($TjcNG, "\144\x61\171") || ($b2c98 = static::uicJl($TjcNG, "\x68")) !== "\150" && $b2c98 !== static::uICjL($TjcNG, "\150\157\165\x72"); }); } public static function j_0TT(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::p8r9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, rj2py $TjcNG) { goto hBL0Z; P8DwA: return false; goto CW4df; MJBDv: RDtKn: goto FPlWq; hBL0Z: if ($ni3Cj) { goto s1GSe; } goto P8DwA; FPlWq: return true; goto yiHUh; CW4df: s1GSe: goto pc560; pc560: foreach (["\141\147\x6f", "\146\162\157\x6d\137\x6e\157\167", "\x62\145\x66\157\162\x65", "\141\146\x74\145\x72"] as $OwEG0) { goto Ci5aA; B2ktr: vaLeu: goto C3Exu; Ci5aA: if (!($TjcNG instanceof VFiSB && self::C7LVq($TjcNG, $TjcNG->ax9C3($ni3Cj), $OwEG0) instanceof Closure)) { goto MDz_q; } goto UWIKM; JCfR1: if (!($TjcNG->krMsb($OwEG0) === $OwEG0)) { goto uR4G_; } goto IKqLp; IKqLp: return false; goto KYGIW; UWIKM: goto vaLeu; goto b7eyy; KYGIW: uR4G_: goto B2ktr; b7eyy: MDz_q: goto JCfR1; C3Exu: } goto MJBDv; yiHUh: }); } public static function s6XmQ(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::P8R9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, rJ2pY $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && $TjcNG->kRMSB("\x64\x69\146\x66\137\156\x6f\167") !== "\x64\151\146\146\137\156\157\x77" && $TjcNG->KrmSb("\x64\151\146\x66\137\x79\145\163\x74\145\162\x64\141\x79") !== "\x64\151\146\x66\x5f\x79\x65\163\164\x65\162\144\141\171" && $TjcNG->kRmsB("\144\151\146\x66\x5f\164\157\155\x6f\x72\x72\x6f\167") !== "\144\151\x66\x66\x5f\x74\157\155\x6f\x72\x72\x6f\167"; }); } public static function ub5VO(string $FBXCA) : bool { return static::P8r9t($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, Rj2py $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && $TjcNG->krmsB("\144\x69\x66\x66\137\x62\x65\146\x6f\162\145\x5f\x79\145\163\x74\145\162\x64\x61\171") !== "\144\x69\146\146\137\x62\x65\x66\x6f\x72\145\137\x79\145\163\164\x65\x72\x64\141\x79" && $TjcNG->kRMSb("\x64\151\146\146\x5f\x61\146\x74\x65\x72\x5f\x74\157\155\x6f\x72\162\157\x77") !== "\144\x69\x66\x66\137\x61\146\164\145\x72\x5f\164\x6f\x6d\157\162\x72\x6f\167"; }); } public static function JvYij($FBXCA) { return static::P8r9T($FBXCA, function ($ni3Cj, rJ2pY $TjcNG) { return $ni3Cj && $TjcNG->krmsB("\160\145\x72\151\x6f\144\x5f\x72\145\143\x75\162\x72\x65\x6e\143\145\163") !== "\x70\145\162\x69\157\144\137\162\145\x63\165\x72\x72\x65\x6e\x63\145\x73" && $TjcNG->KRmSb("\160\145\162\151\x6f\144\137\x69\156\164\145\162\x76\x61\x6c") !== "\160\145\162\x69\157\x64\137\x69\156\164\145\x72\x76\141\x6c" && $TjcNG->KrMsb("\160\x65\x72\x69\157\144\x5f\x73\x74\x61\162\x74\137\144\x61\x74\x65") !== "\160\145\x72\x69\157\144\137\163\164\x61\162\164\x5f\x64\141\164\145" && $TjcNG->kRmSB("\x70\145\162\x69\157\144\137\145\x6e\144\x5f\144\x61\x74\x65") !== "\x70\145\x72\x69\157\x64\x5f\x65\x6e\144\x5f\144\x61\x74\x65"; }); } public static function hOngg() { $TjcNG = static::uLKjy(); return $TjcNG instanceof AA6sG ? $TjcNG->HongG() : [$TjcNG->IF3yQ()]; } public static function Alge9() { goto lZFBk; ucsN0: return $BvbSV; goto rvpO3; VyB5y: XXJrH: goto ucsN0; MEKaK: foreach (static::hongg() as $fUjyP) { $BvbSV[$fUjyP] = new Uvi2a($fUjyP); Xzyzx: } goto VyB5y; lZFBk: $BvbSV = []; goto MEKaK; rvpO3: } protected function FKqos($TjcNG = null) : ?string { goto nuS2Z; nuS2Z: if (!(\func_num_args() === 0)) { goto JCuih; } goto U4I9Y; XRP6k: return $TjcNG?->getLocale(); goto i_cWC; JjdHn: $TjcNG = static::uLkjY($TjcNG); goto XRP6k; U4I9Y: $TjcNG = $this->ZiHl8(); goto AsyP_; AsyP_: JCuih: goto JjdHn; i_cWC: } protected static function uLkJy($TjcNG = null) { goto FFy65; pxgsC: return $TjcNG; goto S4Wm4; KMMd6: throw new XPeel($TjcNG); goto gWlC8; s3gtZ: if (!($TjcNG && !($TjcNG instanceof mYGmj || method_exists($TjcNG, "\147\145\164\114\x6f\x63\141\154\x65")))) { goto u6chi; } goto KMMd6; gWlC8: u6chi: goto pxgsC; s8sRy: $TjcNG = static::HHinp(); goto O7Dum; FFy65: if (!(\func_num_args() === 0)) { goto BuqvU; } goto s8sRy; O7Dum: BuqvU: goto s3gtZ; S4Wm4: } private static function c7lvq($TjcNG, $P8VfG, string $fUjyP, string $jclX1 = "\x6d\x65\163\x73\141\147\145\x73") { return $TjcNG instanceof abLz7 ? $TjcNG->c7lVQ($P8VfG, $fUjyP, $jclX1) : $P8VfG->get($fUjyP, $jclX1); } private static function za_Nm($SvnI1) { goto Oj1Sr; Oj1Sr: $SvnI1 = str_replace(["\72\143\157\x75\156\x74", "\x25\x63\x6f\165\x6e\x74", "\x3a\x74\x69\x6d\145"], '', $SvnI1); goto cgwPH; AQo1i: $SvnI1 = preg_replace("\x2f\x28\x7b\x5c\x64\53\x28\54\x28\134\x64\x2b\x7c\x49\x6e\146\51\x29\77\x7d\x7c\133\134\x5b\134\135\135\x5c\144\x2b\50\54\x28\x5c\x64\x2b\x7c\x49\156\x66\51\x29\x3f\133\x5c\133\x5c\135\x5d\51\x2f", '', $SvnI1); goto i66Y3; i66Y3: return trim($SvnI1); goto wrk68; cgwPH: $SvnI1 = strtr($SvnI1, ["\xe2\x80\x99" => "\47"]); goto AQo1i; wrk68: } private static function myEa6($h0Yw1, $Q3tat, $OwEG0) : array { return array_map(function ($R7tic) use($Q3tat, $OwEG0) { goto qrmbz; hlmH4: if ($GmhHI) { goto vuSv2; } goto u2zxx; rUFu0: $w5Koq = explode("\174", $GmhHI); goto y3lBu; MiIIa: vuSv2: goto rUFu0; y3lBu: return $OwEG0 === "\x74\x6f" ? self::zA_nm(end($w5Koq)) : "\x28\x3f\72" . implode("\x7c", array_map([static::class, "\143\x6c\145\x61\156\x57\x6f\162\x64\x46\x72\157\155\124\162\141\x6e\163\154\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\123\164\162\x69\x6e\147"], $w5Koq)) . "\51"; goto xi3wp; u2zxx: return "\x3e\x3e\104\117\x20\116\x4f\x54\x20\x52\105\120\x4c\101\x43\105\x3c\x3c"; goto MiIIa; qrmbz: $GmhHI = $OwEG0 === "\146\x72\x6f\x6d" && isset($Q3tat[$R7tic . "\x5f\x72\145\147\145\170\160"]) ? $Q3tat[$R7tic . "\137\x72\145\147\145\170\160"] : $Q3tat[$R7tic] ?? null; goto hlmH4; xi3wp: }, $h0Yw1); } private static function zEkjw($sTgbj, $wqOWo, $IUxQE) : array { goto JeRE_; RUdd0: RCN_y: goto Z53gV; Wvb7K: if (!\is_array($sTgbj)) { goto vcjYb; } goto VW5f7; XMny_: goto RCN_y; goto fXSrM; Io_HP: $VU8tq = 0; goto RUdd0; kE_77: vcjYb: goto nXXKW; Z53gV: if (!($VU8tq < $wqOWo)) { goto MrGJK; } goto hzHy7; hzHy7: $jn3h0[] = $sTgbj($UsDLK, $IUxQE, $VU8tq) ?? $zBAPG; goto Pe8cQ; Pe8cQ: fInJ0: goto p8OuX; VW5f7: return array_pad($sTgbj, $wqOWo, $zBAPG); goto kE_77; JeRE_: $zBAPG = "\x3e\x3e\x44\117\40\116\117\124\x20\x52\105\120\114\101\103\x45\74\x3c"; goto Wvb7K; eA33K: $UsDLK = static::dmYL0(); goto Io_HP; p8OuX: $VU8tq++; goto XMny_; nXXKW: $jn3h0 = []; goto eA33K; fXSrM: MrGJK: goto Jrsi8; Jrsi8: return $jn3h0; goto xIo7P; xIo7P: } private static function eK3E3(string $IUxQE, array $QqrLC) : string { return preg_replace_callback("\x2f\x28\x3f\74\41\133\141\x2d\172\135\x29\133\141\55\172\x5d\x2b\50\x3f\41\x5b\x61\x2d\x7a\x5d\x29\x2f\x69", function (array $GBR0b) use($QqrLC) { return $QqrLC[dJ9EK($GBR0b[0])] ?? $GBR0b[0]; }, $IUxQE); } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 7acd7f3195b4fa67d33e2d99837fd157 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 98 ms |