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PHP Decode

<div style="Visibility: Hidden; Position: Absolute;"> <? $open = fsockopen("

Decoded Output download

<div style="Visibility: Hidden; Position: Absolute;"> 
$open = fsockopen("","11550"); 
if ($open) { 
fputs($open,"GET /7.html HTTP/1.1

$read = fread($open,1000); 
$text = explode("content-type:text/html",$read); 
$text = explode(",",$text[1]); 
} else { $er="Connection Refused!"; } 
if ($text[1]==1) { $state = "OnAir"; } else { $state = "Offline"; } 
if ($er) { echo $er; exit; } 
echo "<font face=verdana size=2> 
Radio: <b>$state</b> | Zuhrer: $text[0] of $text[3] ($text[4] Unique) <br><br> 
<b>Aktueller Titel:</B> $text[6] 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

<div style="Visibility: Hidden; Position: Absolute;">
$open = fsockopen("","11550");
if ($open) {
fputs($open,"GET /7.html HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n");
$read = fread($open,1000);
$text = explode("content-type:text/html",$read);
$text = explode(",",$text[1]);
} else { $er="Connection Refused!"; }
if ($text[1]==1) { $state = "OnAir"; } else { $state = "Offline"; }
if ($er) { echo $er; exit; }
echo "<font face=verdana size=2>
Radio: <b>$state</b> | Zuhrer: $text[0] of $text[3] ($text[4] Unique) <br><br>
<b>Aktueller Titel:</B> $text[6]

Function Calls

fsockopen 1




MD5 7c2d748a7b0e9a480e5454a63e85e5b8
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 140 ms