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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace yyaCj\QV9ge\KYp2Y; use yyACJ\qv9ge\jhcxM; use Y..
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace yyaCj\QV9ge\KYp2Y; use yyACJ\qv9ge\jhcxM; use YYaCJ\qV9gE\Exception\ttj7x\EJmPj; use yYacj\qV9GE\hWwAu; use yyacj\Qv9GE\kyP2Y\q2hXm\KyrfK; use YYAcj\qV9Ge\kYp2Y\Q2hXm\wafKE; use YYACj\qv9gE\kYp2Y\iGsyt\gz0UA\BTumK\sTl6K; use YYAcj\Qv9GE\O4PGx\B_NHI; use yyaCJ\qv9Ge\O4PGx\fhw31; use YYACj\QV9ge\O4PgX\LdpZ3; use YYaCJ\QV9GE\o4pgX\YJifF; use yYACj\qV9ge\o4pGx\ghmSA; use yyAcj\QV9ge\O4pgX\gqrEa; use YyaCj\Qv9GE\O4pgX\NOYUk; use YyACJ\qV9ge\gZ0ua\btUMK\Hj4hF; use yyAcJ\qV9Ge\f30Gw; use YYACJ\qV9gE\HoeGh\HoEGH; use InvalidArgumentException; use function array_merge; use function array_unique; use function array_values; use function explode; use function implode; use function is_array; use function is_bool; use function is_numeric; use function preg_match; use function preg_match_all; use function sprintf; use function str_contains; use function str_replace; use function strtoupper; use function substr_count; use const Ch2qP; class P7_n2 extends sTMsQ { public const hivjN = "default_constraint_name"; public function LE11V() : SelectSQLBuilder { return new STl6k($this); } public function WimaF() : string { return $this->ZW8bV("date", "GETDATE()"); } public function vDnxV() : string { return $this->Zw8Bv("time", "GETDATE()"); } private function Zw8BV(string $omCUY, string $WTaWR) : string { return sprintf("CONVERT(%s, %s)", $omCUY, $WTaWR); } protected function j56vo(string $VjRwg, string $PldqF, string $QnyhW, gK7bM $z0X8m) : string { goto S2COg; GgRkE: $nF5tM = "-1 * "; goto EcAqB; tlzDG: return "DATEADD(" . $z0X8m->vyWPt . ", " . $nF5tM . $QnyhW . ", " . $VjRwg . ")"; goto A8Ofw; EcAqB: G7cDV: goto tlzDG; S2COg: $nF5tM = ''; goto MsyVK; MsyVK: if (!($PldqF === "-")) { goto G7cDV; } goto GgRkE; A8Ofw: } public function QLIL2(string $lHYU7, string $JqI7R) : string { return "DATEDIFF(day, " . $JqI7R . "," . $lHYU7 . ")"; } public function lHqha() : bool { return true; } public function lXriC() : bool { return false; } public function X0DG0() : bool { return true; } public function EoUzv() : bool { return true; } public function o1TT6() : bool { return true; } public function bBCFk(gHmSa $ixB16) : string { return "ALTER SEQUENCE " . $ixB16->Vy5Uh($this) . " INCREMENT BY " . $ixB16->YdylU(); } public function K1qe9(gHMsA $ixB16) : string { return "CREATE SEQUENCE " . $ixB16->Vy5Uh($this) . " START WITH " . $ixB16->mEfIP() . " INCREMENT BY " . $ixB16->YdYLu() . " MINVALUE " . $ixB16->MeFip(); } public function iX3Mp(string $Hm0Pt) : string { return "SELECT,
CAST(\xa seq.increment AS VARCHAR(MAX)\xa ) AS increment, -- CAST avoids driver error for sql_variant type
seq.start_value AS VARCHAR(MAX)\xa ) AS start_value -- CAST avoids driver error for sql_variant type\xa FROM sys.sequences AS seq"; } public function kP3CL(string $ixB16) : string { return "SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR " . $ixB16; } public function XD5L4(string $Uq4FJ, string $f_RVE) : string { return $this->cqgUi($Uq4FJ, $f_RVE); } public function e74iQ(string $bV8Y8, string $f_RVE) : string { return "DROP INDEX " . $bV8Y8 . " ON " . $f_RVE; } protected function qWBg5(string $bV8Y8, array $PsvaF, array $hZBqJ = []) : array { goto T90Zt; dOfs3: $fNS_v = " NONCLUSTERED"; goto GaLRr; SFlHf: foreach ($hZBqJ["uniqueConstraints"] as $xy9TK) { $I9KXP .= ", " . $this->qhhSz($xy9TK); mTvXB: } goto t2F5g; PlyLn: UyAU4: goto eYXTD; yqTz5: GlTU2: goto MZYet; D0mko: $cYSA9 = []; goto yqMGa; vqbKh: if (!isset($hZBqJ["foreignKeys"])) { goto L2Afg; } goto RJuPK; UcQvw: foreach ($PsvaF as &$HHaeq) { goto z5Uiz; Lndgv: $rFkj7[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $bV8Y8 . " ADD" . $this->HVz1A($HHaeq); goto Eyb2P; qxbE4: OnWtk: goto feIrD; UQCEk: if (!(empty($HHaeq["comment"]) && !is_numeric($HHaeq["comment"]))) { goto jYiaa; } goto zRHV9; V9vIZ: $HHaeq["notnull"] = true; goto rc9AM; hZ0c6: $cYSA9[] = $this->PLHUM($bV8Y8, $HHaeq["name"], $HHaeq["comment"]); goto qxbE4; rc9AM: O69QK: goto deNSO; deNSO: if (!isset($HHaeq["default"])) { goto UVdn5; } goto Lndgv; zRHV9: goto OnWtk; goto L022T; z5Uiz: if (empty($HHaeq["primary"])) { goto O69QK; } goto V9vIZ; Eyb2P: UVdn5: goto UQCEk; L022T: jYiaa: goto hZ0c6; feIrD: } goto VZ0rq; VZ0rq: ngjDz: goto gbgcu; RJuPK: foreach ($hZBqJ["foreignKeys"] as $xy9TK) { $vgbn2[] = $this->GBjDM($xy9TK, $bV8Y8); TBNCh: } goto yqTz5; rIjrI: $x8YWh .= ")"; goto iAF3I; eYXTD: xl0hA: goto vqbKh; YG5iQ: $I9KXP .= ", PRIMARY KEY" . $fNS_v . " (" . implode(", ", array_unique(array_values($hZBqJ["primary"]))) . ")"; goto cFHsQ; TgYaW: $x8YWh .= ", " . $o4p8x; goto tGgGt; F9I8j: $o4p8x = $this->qWBRF($PsvaF); goto QSAvH; PLN7D: ruORq: goto lfB5b; lfB5b: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["primary"]) && !empty($hZBqJ["primary"]))) { goto sFVP9; } goto BJ8MF; pY6jb: return array_merge($vgbn2, $cYSA9, $rFkj7); goto ClbPy; lPxzM: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["indexes"]) && !empty($hZBqJ["indexes"]))) { goto xl0hA; } goto SR6j1; gbgcu: $I9KXP = $this->RuWVD($PsvaF); goto A0nPH; BJ8MF: $fNS_v = ''; goto bEVZi; J99Ln: $x8YWh = "CREATE TABLE " . $bV8Y8 . " (" . $I9KXP; goto F9I8j; yqMGa: $Hyei3 = $hZBqJ["comment"] ?? null; goto Zi7Ku; tGgGt: zad3I: goto rIjrI; IbBNj: $cYSA9[] = $this->QHIM_($bV8Y8, $Hyei3); goto KYA2x; bEVZi: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["primary_index"]) && $hZBqJ["primary_index"]->eHRV4("nonclustered"))) { goto x3rhQ; } goto dOfs3; A0nPH: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["uniqueConstraints"]) && !empty($hZBqJ["uniqueConstraints"]))) { goto ruORq; } goto SFlHf; QSAvH: if (empty($o4p8x)) { goto zad3I; } goto TgYaW; SR6j1: foreach ($hZBqJ["indexes"] as $kkejM) { $vgbn2[] = $this->R3Upv($kkejM, $bV8Y8); lp7jb: } goto PlyLn; t2F5g: Ul2eo: goto PLN7D; iAF3I: $vgbn2 = [$x8YWh]; goto lPxzM; T90Zt: $rFkj7 = []; goto D0mko; GaLRr: x3rhQ: goto YG5iQ; MZYet: L2Afg: goto pY6jb; Zi7Ku: if (!($Hyei3 !== null)) { goto OUoAL; } goto IbBNj; cFHsQ: sFVP9: goto J99Ln; KYA2x: OUoAL: goto UcQvw; ClbPy: } public function W9JPD(yJiff $kkejM, string $f_RVE) : string { goto iz7nC; RxXLs: return $vgbn2 . " (" . implode(", ", $kkejM->wpWUW($this)) . ")"; goto CHXi2; ney7Q: if (!$kkejM->ehrV4("nonclustered")) { goto PrBju; } goto bEoxw; iz7nC: $vgbn2 = "ALTER TABLE " . $f_RVE . " ADD PRIMARY KEY"; goto ney7Q; ygKIS: PrBju: goto RxXLs; bEoxw: $vgbn2 .= " NONCLUSTERED"; goto ygKIS; CHXi2: } protected function plhum(string $ETvBG, string $BWDBF, string $x4LSG) : string { goto eCcDf; J1xZq: zdp2_: goto mqrmp; skqUt: goto YVhyl; goto J1xZq; a6vKB: $Fp8LQ = "'dbo'"; goto JFWPb; oUljK: $RnLC8 = $this->u9IHA($RnLC8); goto NrS4f; IdjdZ: return $this->XIpAF("MS_Description", $x4LSG, "SCHEMA", $Fp8LQ, "TABLE", $RnLC8, "COLUMN", $BWDBF); goto WerQA; sA4De: $Fp8LQ = $this->u9iha($Fp8LQ); goto oUljK; mqrmp: [$Fp8LQ, $RnLC8] = explode(".", $ETvBG); goto sA4De; JFWPb: $RnLC8 = $this->U9iha($ETvBG); goto skqUt; eCcDf: if (str_contains($ETvBG, ".")) { goto zdp2_; } goto a6vKB; NrS4f: YVhyl: goto IdjdZ; WerQA: } protected function hvZ1a(array $HHaeq) : string { goto l50ZI; cAGkJ: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete column definition. "default" required."); goto Z3Xco; l50ZI: if (isset($HHaeq["default"])) { goto IFVh0; } goto cAGkJ; Z3Xco: IFVh0: goto lHocz; lHocz: $BWDBF = new ldPz3($HHaeq["name"]); goto Q_ZuQ; Q_ZuQ: return $this->sSj0Q($HHaeq) . " FOR " . $BWDBF->VY5uH($this); goto KoDh5; KoDh5: } public function R3upv(yjifF $kkejM, string $f_RVE) : string { goto QuVrm; U_aVm: IKp4E: goto VpSh8; uEw48: $g3VrL = $this->rRzln($g3VrL, $kkejM); goto U_aVm; VpSh8: return $g3VrL; goto qbAvM; J1Az9: if (!($kkejM->q3A08() && !$kkejM->vxg_m())) { goto IKp4E; } goto uEw48; QuVrm: $g3VrL = KxTVI::r3uPv($kkejM, $f_RVE); goto J1Az9; qbAvM: } protected function ljQZo(Yjiff $kkejM) : string { goto ht4Pf; nbIAN: $Q40g6 .= "CLUSTERED "; goto HHAY_; dMpn9: Dk5GP: goto XdIFx; R8UKk: $Q40g6 .= "UNIQUE "; goto dMpn9; XdIFx: if ($kkejM->EhRv4("clustered")) { goto bevKF; } goto M1lg2; XTXaZ: bevKF: goto nbIAN; ht4Pf: $Q40g6 = ''; goto UELH9; ku1Wh: goto mwKsV; goto XTXaZ; UELH9: if (!$kkejM->Q3a08()) { goto Dk5GP; } goto R8UKk; HHAY_: goto mwKsV; goto C4rF7; M1lg2: if ($kkejM->ehRv4("nonclustered")) { goto P1QSp; } goto ku1Wh; C4rF7: P1QSp: goto AMTNC; AMTNC: $Q40g6 .= "NONCLUSTERED "; goto UlSqn; UlSqn: mwKsV: goto brYdQ; brYdQ: return $Q40g6; goto R4MS9; R4MS9: } private function RRzLN(string $vgbn2, YjIfF $kkejM) : string { goto HfuvL; cmpmf: s4VnW: goto bfchv; bfchv: return $vgbn2 . " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $SWaC4); goto CIlwA; HfuvL: $SWaC4 = []; goto uN3Wk; uN3Wk: foreach ($kkejM->wpwUw($this) as $IOc4m) { $SWaC4[] = $IOc4m . " IS NOT NULL"; msM5B: } goto cmpmf; CIlwA: } public function XFS21(noyUk $tgIXI) : array { goto vjdAA; Luo4l: YS31S: goto IxLLo; qx3d9: Oixhi: goto c7cGc; HMwTm: n_PIJ: goto uS090; R029C: foreach ($tgIXI->RTiJr() as $HHaeq) { goto doEbf; w0lFc: kfPWk: goto syWrJ; syWrJ: $D3FZB[] = "DROP COLUMN " . $HHaeq->Vy5UH($this); goto ma5JL; doEbf: if (!($HHaeq->djR8u() !== null)) { goto kfPWk; } goto gV31a; gV31a: $D3FZB[] = $this->rycKI($HHaeq); goto w0lFc; ma5JL: D4sRm: goto FaxFZ; FaxFZ: } goto nxJ_8; c7cGc: return array_merge($this->TBipj($tgIXI), $vgbn2, $cYSA9, $this->NIXH9($tgIXI), $B4nYT); goto kp3Ya; uS090: foreach ($D3FZB as $x8YWh) { $vgbn2[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $lBzkD . " " . $x8YWh; ym4yC: } goto qx3d9; AuPGp: $f_RVE = $tgIXI->lf2Jy(); goto c2P2y; vjdAA: $D3FZB = []; goto bffdO; ypA3G: foreach ($tgIXI->oVoti() as $zfpea => $O2wP6) { goto w9oy4; Lvwi3: $vgbn2[] = sprintf("sp_rename '%s.%s', '%s', 'COLUMN'", $lBzkD, $zfpea->vY5Uh($this), $O2wP6->VY5Uh($this)); goto jK6Ow; w9oy4: $zfpea = new lDpz3($zfpea); goto Lvwi3; jK6Ow: GhfMl: goto KnI6o; KnI6o: } goto HMwTm; TBw2q: $cYSA9 = []; goto AuPGp; lTtLR: foreach ($tgIXI->oZfIZ() as $Rr2AF) { goto HbcGI; BHTeK: $NLqwY = $O2wP6->Vy5Uh($this); goto zyZSL; g9Kcn: OCLcu: goto BHTeK; zi1ZJ: if (!($O2wP6->djR8U() === null || !$rpoY2 && !$oMnB8)) { goto r9I3x; } goto rbcOS; Vo4hW: if (!$nCTES && $D_Lys) { goto Ko6je; } goto INiab; gmejf: KzvJ2: goto UeSfT; ip1JX: $rpoY2 = $this->Xrn3S($Rr2AF); goto KXoNV; DPWnj: goto OCLcu; goto Y0yQH; rbcOS: goto XBkN9; goto Wu0CN; yhLGE: goto OCLcu; goto a9KmO; Wu0CN: r9I3x: goto YyLZ_; Y0yQH: RbDpw: goto bw10I; A7tPm: wpu9q: goto pRXga; Hlcfx: $nCTES = $FxqTY !== ''; goto AMRa3; UeSfT: $cYSA9[] = $this->ePg_6($ETvBG, $O2wP6->VY5UH($this), $oVXY2); goto DPWnj; kwMYe: $cYSA9[] = $this->pLhuM($ETvBG, $O2wP6->vy5uh($this), $oVXY2); goto g9Kcn; UemHm: CJHLI: goto zi1ZJ; r2Ncq: $D3FZB[] = $this->RYcki($mrgXj); goto A7tPm; KXoNV: if (!$rpoY2) { goto wpu9q; } goto r2Ncq; T_UeN: $FxqTY = $mrgXj->v1iom(); goto Hlcfx; zyZSL: $ZPmYC = $this->Ijz6x($NLqwY, $mrgXj->toArray()); goto RlvyS; a9KmO: Ko6je: goto kwMYe; co93l: if (!(!$KDTpk && !$oMnB8)) { goto PUdON; } goto YgBag; wkEIQ: $oMnB8 = $Rr2AF->TKlNw(); goto co93l; rq98Y: if ($nCTES && !$D_Lys) { goto RbDpw; } goto Vo4hW; KhDu3: $mrgXj = $Rr2AF->NFE46(); goto T_UeN; ylEIg: $KDTpk = $zq0RE !== $ZPmYC; goto wkEIQ; AMRa3: if ($nCTES && $D_Lys && $oVXY2 !== $FxqTY) { goto KzvJ2; } goto rq98Y; bw10I: $cYSA9[] = $this->cwjgj($ETvBG, $O2wP6->Vy5uH($this)); goto yhLGE; VKwv3: $oVXY2 = $O2wP6->V1iOm(); goto fQcRA; wl5Ja: PUdON: goto ip1JX; shLoT: XBkN9: goto EAYi5; HbcGI: $O2wP6 = $Rr2AF->mdy6x(); goto VKwv3; YyLZ_: $D3FZB[] = $this->HXIW6($ETvBG, $O2wP6); goto shLoT; YgBag: goto XBkN9; goto wl5Ja; INiab: goto OCLcu; goto gmejf; pRXga: if (!$KDTpk) { goto CJHLI; } goto ZyMe5; ZyMe5: $D3FZB[] = "ALTER COLUMN " . $zq0RE; goto UemHm; RlvyS: $zq0RE = $this->ijz6X($NLqwY, $O2wP6->toArray()); goto ylEIg; fQcRA: $D_Lys = $oVXY2 !== ''; goto KhDu3; EAYi5: } goto Luo4l; c2P2y: $ETvBG = $f_RVE->getName(); goto iY4WA; IxLLo: $lBzkD = $f_RVE->VY5Uh($this); goto ypA3G; vsY8R: YVR8p: goto R029C; bffdO: $vgbn2 = []; goto ouI8y; ouI8y: $B4nYT = []; goto TBw2q; nxJ_8: Elv9Q: goto lTtLR; iY4WA: foreach ($tgIXI->LnMJL() as $HHaeq) { goto IoHQM; se8X0: Oou3Z: goto M4rIS; QYrtJ: $D3FZB[] = $zGxJ7; goto vu1wz; AcTI4: $cYSA9[] = $this->pLHUm($ETvBG, $HHaeq->vy5UH($this), $x4LSG); goto se8X0; MDPfx: if (!($x4LSG === '')) { goto H8bAk; } goto hlt2y; l7jdH: H8bAk: goto AcTI4; j51ee: cUL6g: goto QYrtJ; IoHQM: $cJC3A = $HHaeq->toArray(); goto hXNwB; hlt2y: goto Oou3Z; goto l7jdH; t5nEc: $zGxJ7 .= $this->Ssj0q($cJC3A); goto j51ee; ZLnd3: if (!isset($cJC3A["default"])) { goto cUL6g; } goto t5nEc; hXNwB: $zGxJ7 = "ADD " . $this->IjZ6x($HHaeq->vy5uh($this), $cJC3A); goto ZLnd3; vu1wz: $x4LSG = $HHaeq->v1iOm(); goto MDPfx; M4rIS: } goto vsY8R; kp3Ya: } public function ry0Bz(string $TvABQ, string $X339a) : string { return sprintf("sp_rename %s, %s", $this->u9iHa($TvABQ), $this->u9IHa($X339a)); } private function HxiW6(string $ETvBG, b_nHi $HHaeq) : string { goto yTDqL; yTDqL: $TroPN = $HHaeq->toArray(); goto nJpiu; uPwpH: return "ADD" . $this->hvZ1A($TroPN); goto ilgo9; nJpiu: $TroPN["name"] = $HHaeq->Vy5uh($this); goto uPwpH; ilgo9: } private function RYCKI(b_nhI $HHaeq) : string { goto Vr9th; H_Szx: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Column " . $HHaeq->getName() . " was not properly introspected as it has a default value" . " but does not have the default constraint name."); goto OQEzo; OQEzo: cBYuX: goto kRY1A; kRY1A: return "DROP CONSTRAINT " . $this->IIObj($HHaeq->majwA(oqhC1::hivjN)); goto FDfYi; Vr9th: if ($HHaeq->v40sm(oqHc1::hivjN)) { goto cBYuX; } goto H_Szx; FDfYi: } private function XRN3s(fHW31 $Rr2AF) : bool { goto JTvlY; JTvlY: if (!($Rr2AF->nFe46()->DJR8u() === null)) { goto gkvLB; } goto WYFBH; i_Keh: gkvLB: goto yFD1z; yFD1z: if (!$Rr2AF->TKLnW()) { goto r4Dq7; } goto XHjVi; WYFBH: return false; goto i_Keh; HEYyS: r4Dq7: goto Ekw4f; Ekw4f: return $Rr2AF->BfwpY() || $Rr2AF->CJ4of(); goto yT5eY; XHjVi: return true; goto HEYyS; yT5eY: } protected function Epg_6(string $ETvBG, string $BWDBF, string $x4LSG) : string { goto ax0up; z6LRJ: pfcOD: goto ldUWe; J1VcV: $Fp8LQ = "'dbo'"; goto EOHdl; EOHdl: $RnLC8 = $this->u9IHa($ETvBG); goto Gx_fO; nD1nN: return $this->fE0kk("MS_Description", $x4LSG, "SCHEMA", $Fp8LQ, "TABLE", $RnLC8, "COLUMN", $BWDBF); goto dQ9KT; ldUWe: [$Fp8LQ, $RnLC8] = explode(".", $ETvBG); goto ctIoy; CvRqc: xMham: goto nD1nN; ax0up: if (str_contains($ETvBG, ".")) { goto pfcOD; } goto J1VcV; f3wxA: $RnLC8 = $this->U9IHa($RnLC8); goto CvRqc; ctIoy: $Fp8LQ = $this->u9iHa($Fp8LQ); goto f3wxA; Gx_fO: goto xMham; goto z6LRJ; dQ9KT: } protected function CwJGj(string $ETvBG, string $BWDBF) : string { goto Vzb6n; DK3TA: $Fp8LQ = "'dbo'"; goto n2EN0; cgocd: XiBS2: goto umm4g; wg4Pf: goto XiBS2; goto jkP3M; LjQ55: $Fp8LQ = $this->u9iHa($Fp8LQ); goto crrIj; n2EN0: $RnLC8 = $this->U9IHa($ETvBG); goto wg4Pf; umm4g: return $this->NtHpS("MS_Description", "SCHEMA", $Fp8LQ, "TABLE", $RnLC8, "COLUMN", $BWDBF); goto PqMzh; dSLZp: [$Fp8LQ, $RnLC8] = explode(".", $ETvBG); goto LjQ55; jkP3M: e0jcm: goto dSLZp; Vzb6n: if (str_contains($ETvBG, ".")) { goto e0jcm; } goto DK3TA; crrIj: $RnLC8 = $this->U9IhA($RnLC8); goto cgocd; PqMzh: } protected function kD7ce(string $FyCw1, yjIff $kkejM, string $ETvBG) : array { return [sprintf("EXEC sp_rename N'%s.%s', N'%s', N'INDEX'", $ETvBG, $FyCw1, $kkejM->Vy5uh($this))]; } protected function XIPaf(string $bV8Y8, ?string $QhdJl = null, ?string $JrrY9 = null, ?string $oldPW = null, ?string $yqfMt = null, ?string $yNhmY = null, ?string $aTAnq = null, ?string $nm2zF = null) : string { return "EXEC sp_addextendedproperty " . "N" . $this->u9IhA($bV8Y8) . ", N" . $this->U9IHa((string) $QhdJl) . ", " . "N" . $this->u9IHa((string) $JrrY9) . ", " . $oldPW . ", " . "N" . $this->u9IhA((string) $yqfMt) . ", " . $yNhmY . ", " . "N" . $this->U9iHA((string) $aTAnq) . ", " . $nm2zF; } protected function NtHPs(string $bV8Y8, ?string $JrrY9 = null, ?string $oldPW = null, ?string $yqfMt = null, ?string $yNhmY = null, ?string $aTAnq = null, ?string $nm2zF = null) : string { return "EXEC sp_dropextendedproperty " . "N" . $this->U9iHA($bV8Y8) . ", " . "N" . $this->U9IHa((string) $JrrY9) . ", " . $oldPW . ", " . "N" . $this->u9iHa((string) $yqfMt) . ", " . $yNhmY . ", " . "N" . $this->U9ihA((string) $aTAnq) . ", " . $nm2zF; } protected function fe0kk(string $bV8Y8, ?string $QhdJl = null, ?string $JrrY9 = null, ?string $oldPW = null, ?string $yqfMt = null, ?string $yNhmY = null, ?string $aTAnq = null, ?string $nm2zF = null) : string { return "EXEC sp_updateextendedproperty " . "N" . $this->U9iHA($bV8Y8) . ", N" . $this->U9IHa((string) $QhdJl) . ", " . "N" . $this->u9IHA((string) $JrrY9) . ", " . $oldPW . ", " . "N" . $this->U9Iha((string) $yqfMt) . ", " . $yNhmY . ", " . "N" . $this->u9iHA((string) $aTAnq) . ", " . $nm2zF; } public function KXVxa(string $hr84B, string $fmofq) : string { return "INSERT INTO " . $hr84B . " DEFAULT VALUES"; } public function abgEy(string $Hm0Pt) : string { return "SELECT name, definition FROM sysobjects\xa INNER JOIN sys.sql_modules ON = sys.sql_modules.object_id\xa WHERE type = 'V' ORDER BY name"; } public function sQnN_(string $QUii8, string $bDVcv, ?string $IQN12 = null) : string { goto Cz4zP; Cz4zP: if (!($IQN12 === null)) { goto LYiqJ; } goto pouO6; pouO6: return sprintf("CHARINDEX(%s, %s)", $bDVcv, $QUii8); goto ys2BC; EdVX5: return sprintf("CHARINDEX(%s, %s, %s)", $bDVcv, $QUii8, $IQN12); goto jbZQY; ys2BC: LYiqJ: goto EdVX5; jbZQY: } public function YkPZB(string $A5EVe, string $lDMKH) : string { return $A5EVe . " % " . $lDMKH; } public function HyAVO(string $m1S66, r2Km3 $pfIYd = r2kM3::dmfR_, ?string $ZVJMJ = null) : string { goto afk50; Z2X0n: ktkM_: goto wvjEE; Kp2DI: return "reverse(stuff(reverse(stuff(" . $m1S66 . ", 1, patindex(" . $FbLkl . ", " . $m1S66 . ") - 1, null)), 1, " . "patindex(" . $FbLkl . ", reverse(stuff(" . $m1S66 . ", 1, patindex(" . $FbLkl . ", " . $m1S66 . ") - 1, null))) - 1, null))"; goto oksJY; K9XYa: return "stuff(" . $m1S66 . ", 1, patindex(" . $FbLkl . ", " . $m1S66 . ") - 1, null)"; goto AXDWH; AXDWH: uBa0m: goto E_h54; jmKdd: if (!($pfIYd === R2km3::dhqb1)) { goto uBa0m; } goto K9XYa; kOuhX: A40C1: goto Kp2DI; afk50: if (!($ZVJMJ === null)) { goto ktkM_; } goto sPU7O; sPU7O: return match ($pfIYd) { R2km3::dhqb1 => "LTRIM(" . $m1S66 . ")", r2KM3::dv_YK => "RTRIM(" . $m1S66 . ")", default => "LTRIM(RTRIM(" . $m1S66 . "))", }; goto Z2X0n; dONsc: return "reverse(stuff(reverse(" . $m1S66 . "), 1, " . "patindex(" . $FbLkl . ", reverse(" . $m1S66 . ")) - 1, null))"; goto kOuhX; E_h54: if (!($pfIYd === R2km3::dv_YK)) { goto A40C1; } goto dONsc; wvjEE: $FbLkl = "'%[^' + " . $ZVJMJ . " + ']%'"; goto jmKdd; oksJY: } public function CEfKJ(string ...$QUii8) : string { return sprintf("CONCAT(%s)", implode(", ", $QUii8)); } public function cRAYd() : string { return "SELECT * FROM sys.databases"; } public function llmGc(string $QUii8, string $IQN12, ?string $BUk2G = null) : string { goto o0lNI; jp7_4: return sprintf("SUBSTRING(%s, %s, LEN(%s) - %s + 1)", $QUii8, $IQN12, $QUii8, $IQN12); goto sWrYu; sWrYu: dtzMT: goto m7ltL; m7ltL: return sprintf("SUBSTRING(%s, %s, %s)", $QUii8, $IQN12, $BUk2G); goto Lsne7; o0lNI: if (!($BUk2G === null)) { goto dtzMT; } goto jp7_4; Lsne7: } public function GXHpF(string $QUii8) : string { return "LEN(" . $QUii8 . ")"; } public function nRAD6() : string { return "DB_NAME()"; } public function CIThB(f30Gw $ER_rd) : string { return "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " . $this->xZJZH($ER_rd); } public function svugo(array $HHaeq) : string { return "INT" . $this->AwLn8($HHaeq); } public function gA8bl(array $HHaeq) : string { return "BIGINT" . $this->aWlN8($HHaeq); } public function EiWT0(array $HHaeq) : string { return "SMALLINT" . $this->aWLN8($HHaeq); } public function Ea4eB(array $HHaeq) : string { return "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER"; } public function lfq4_(array $HHaeq) : string { return "DATETIMEOFFSET(6)"; } protected function s8YJz(?int $BUk2G) : string { goto BFQJv; ifYMx: XhSz3: goto SKgBr; YOJei: if (!($BUk2G !== null)) { goto XhSz3; } goto Tst6_; SKgBr: return $vgbn2; goto gsBxU; BFQJv: $vgbn2 = "NCHAR"; goto YOJei; Tst6_: $vgbn2 .= sprintf("(%d)", $BUk2G); goto ifYMx; gsBxU: } protected function jzPIc(?int $BUk2G) : string { goto jeKqv; rJH3D: return sprintf("NVARCHAR(%d)", $BUk2G); goto aR8fu; UZrpY: throw EJmPJ::new($this, "NVARCHAR"); goto puc3i; jeKqv: if (!($BUk2G === null)) { goto IPPH0; } goto UZrpY; puc3i: IPPH0: goto rJH3D; aR8fu: } public function gfQza(array $HHaeq) : string { goto NQKbJ; NQKbJ: $BUk2G = $HHaeq["length"] ?? null; goto Yt95V; n80sX: vgzAv: goto pmGc5; pmGc5: return kXTvi::S8yjZ($BUk2G); goto fgUD4; Yt95V: if (!empty($HHaeq["fixed"])) { goto vgzAv; } goto MvM6Z; MvM6Z: return kXtvI::JZPIC($BUk2G); goto n80sX; fgUD4: } public function iyT1I(array $HHaeq) : string { return "VARCHAR(MAX)"; } protected function AwLn8(array $HHaeq) : string { return !empty($HHaeq["autoincrement"]) ? " IDENTITY" : ''; } public function iQ4oS(array $HHaeq) : string { return "DATETIME2(6)"; } public function DVmL1(array $HHaeq) : string { return "DATE"; } public function vVUFE(array $HHaeq) : string { return "TIME(0)"; } public function voxkn(array $HHaeq) : string { return "BIT"; } protected function URPxn(string $x8YWh, ?int $W4TRj, int $OsfUd) : string { goto Fv0tI; xEe23: HA9_0: goto XanVP; XsEQj: return $x8YWh; goto wq82p; w1YYL: $x8YWh .= " ORDER BY (SELECT 0)"; goto REc69; VlRPw: YikRe: goto bYNBM; CApPv: caAI3: goto vOC9B; REc69: goto I_Qdr; goto VlRPw; BqZ85: return $x8YWh; goto CApPv; EcSyG: hGCaE: goto XsEQj; jbewA: $x8YWh .= sprintf(" FETCH NEXT %d ROWS ONLY", $W4TRj); goto EcSyG; Fv0tI: if (!($W4TRj === null && $OsfUd <= 0)) { goto caAI3; } goto BqZ85; M1w9K: if (preg_match("/^SELECT\s+DISTINCT/im", $x8YWh) > 0) { goto YikRe; } goto w1YYL; jPpWO: I_Qdr: goto xEe23; XanVP: $x8YWh .= sprintf(" OFFSET %d ROWS", $OsfUd); goto Rjqyz; bYNBM: $x8YWh .= " ORDER BY 1"; goto jPpWO; Rjqyz: if (!($W4TRj !== null)) { goto hGCaE; } goto jbewA; vOC9B: if (!$this->ir_fY($x8YWh)) { goto HA9_0; } goto M1w9K; wq82p: } public function Zjmcn(mixed $jaLzX) : mixed { goto oMtrJ; P5da8: goto Na47w; goto eQnRN; Q10W_: u2bpX: goto mudv1; mudv1: $jaLzX = (int) (bool) $jaLzX; goto Ruihh; l0m5K: iX99P: goto YOd9H; sFOkj: if (is_bool($jaLzX) || is_numeric($jaLzX)) { goto u2bpX; } goto P5da8; oMtrJ: if (is_array($jaLzX)) { goto LTuCg; } goto sFOkj; eQnRN: LTuCg: goto oep24; oep24: foreach ($jaLzX as $sSDVW => $QhdJl) { goto LAk4Z; LAk4Z: if (!(!is_bool($QhdJl) && !is_numeric($QhdJl))) { goto nVaQV; } goto YBeS8; YBeS8: goto zdp1N; goto Xd2h0; Xd2h0: nVaQV: goto yZshW; OCR9w: zdp1N: goto rJV6n; yZshW: $jaLzX[$sSDVW] = (int) (bool) $QhdJl; goto OCR9w; rJV6n: } goto l0m5K; YOd9H: goto Na47w; goto Q10W_; ZuszI: return $jaLzX; goto Z4ga7; Ruihh: Na47w: goto ZuszI; Z4ga7: } public function kB2iB() : string { return "CREATE TABLE"; } public function M7iCC(string $ETvBG) : string { return "#" . $ETvBG; } public function n3lKB() : string { return "Y-m-d H:i:s.u"; } public function Bfdma() : string { return "Y-m-d"; } public function BqlHL() : string { return "H:i:s"; } public function msJh9() : string { return "Y-m-d H:i:s.u P"; } protected function M0JBw() : void { $this->ioaqW = ["bigint" => hOEGh::GFsqs, "binary" => hOEGh::b9WmN, "bit" => hOeGH::ZfbX7, "blob" => hOeGH::T1Zsd, "char" => HOEGH::HaeOY, "date" => hoeGH::VI9a3, "datetime" => hoeGh::lVHQV, "datetime2" => HOegh::lVHQV, "datetimeoffset" => HOEGH::OdcJ4, "decimal" => HoeGH::daEXc, "double" => hoEGh::mftqW, "double precision" => HoEGh::mftqW, "float" => HoEgh::mftqW, "image" => HOeGh::T1Zsd, "int" => hoegh::g2WLB, "money" => hoeGH::g2WLB, "nchar" => HoegH::HaeOY, "ntext" => HOEgH::p5GwK, "numeric" => HoeGH::daEXc, "nvarchar" => HoEGH::HaeOY, "real" => HoegH::mftqW, "smalldatetime" => HoEgh::lVHQV, "smallint" => hoegH::pGWs3, "smallmoney" => hOeGh::g2WLB, "text" => Hoegh::p5GwK, "time" => hOEgH::NO0Fj, "tinyint" => hoegh::pGWs3, "uniqueidentifier" => HoeGh::GTCkk, "varbinary" => hoeGh::b9WmN, "varchar" => HOeGh::HaeOY]; } public function Vnw2K(string $KZDVa) : string { return "SAVE TRANSACTION " . $KZDVa; } public function cL_az(string $KZDVa) : string { return ''; } public function PBYez(string $KZDVa) : string { return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION " . $KZDVa; } public function PEndZ(string $BsfT_) : string { goto i0L8Y; T8tVK: return KXtvi::pendZ($BsfT_); goto cBfqc; homOd: return "NO ACTION"; goto Xz8Od; i0L8Y: if (!(strtoupper($BsfT_) === "RESTRICT")) { goto W0eh9; } goto homOd; Xz8Od: W0eh9: goto T8tVK; cBfqc: } public function ys7pW(string $fknMl, Hwwau $wcQ4C) : string { return match ($wcQ4C) { HwWAU::NONE, HwwaU::zISkI => $fknMl, hWwAu::K6hxW => $fknMl . " WITH (HOLDLOCK, ROWLOCK)", hwwAu::ykO66 => $fknMl . " WITH (UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK)", }; } protected function cw6L6() : KeywordList { return new waFke(); } public function P6O6O(string $m1S66) : string { return "[" . str_replace("]", "]]", $m1S66) . "]"; } public function NL4Bs(string $ETvBG, bool $o4U52 = false) : string { $poZm6 = new ldpZ3($ETvBG); return "TRUNCATE TABLE " . $poZm6->vy5uh($this); } public function xYeKj(array $HHaeq) : string { return "VARBINARY(MAX)"; } public function Ijz6x(string $bV8Y8, array $HHaeq) : string { goto w99GS; w99GS: if (isset($HHaeq["columnDefinition"])) { goto y1y8b; } goto IK5Yl; Ud3Oz: y1y8b: goto EHt2p; prHJS: goto i82Xf; goto Ud3Oz; JWZb7: $YweaD = $HHaeq["type"]->I3i3Z($HHaeq, $this); goto ss3ui; EHt2p: $fE1u9 = $HHaeq["columnDefinition"]; goto mIVQz; mIVQz: i82Xf: goto ILmn6; zcxHe: $x4NWB = !empty($HHaeq["notnull"]) ? " NOT NULL" : ''; goto JWZb7; ILmn6: return $bV8Y8 . " " . $fE1u9; goto xCOTU; ss3ui: $fE1u9 = $YweaD . $GTZ6V . $x4NWB; goto prHJS; IK5Yl: $GTZ6V = !empty($HHaeq["collation"]) ? " " . $this->UZr9h($HHaeq["collation"]) : ''; goto zcxHe; xCOTU: } public function UZr9h(string $GTZ6V) : string { return "COLLATE " . $GTZ6V; } public function W_7HI(b_Nhi $kT8Hy, B_NHi $BsKlD) : bool { goto vRHIq; H8ect: return false; goto Fq3MU; Fq3MU: tK9kc: goto Tb332; vRHIq: if (kXtVI::w_7hi($kT8Hy, $BsKlD)) { goto tK9kc; } goto H8ect; Tb332: return $this->sSJ0Q($kT8Hy->toArray()) === $this->sSJ0q($BsKlD->toArray()); goto pzJHV; pzJHV: } protected function tEdqk() : string { return Kxtvi::teDQK() . "[]^"; } protected function qHiM_(string $ETvBG, string $x4LSG) : string { return sprintf("EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description',\xa @value=N%s, @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo',
@level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N%s", $this->u9IHa($x4LSG), $this->U9iHa($ETvBG)); } private function iR_FY(string $x8YWh) : bool { goto zL4Y8; x19OQ: nlTuw: goto kfSb2; M0Iyt: $oXFEh = $ad03g[0][--$dJFy9][1]; goto Orv20; JO_Ii: return false; goto RQ8zL; SBMq0: VnaM7: goto x19OQ; YBCSD: return true; goto SBMq0; zL4Y8: $ad03g = []; goto Wkmzn; kfSb2: if (!($dJFy9 > 0)) { goto kgRGk; } goto M0Iyt; r0VP6: goto nlTuw; goto iAzf_; TNMe0: if (!($zs2le === $XQQWq)) { goto vyc2Y; } goto JO_Ii; Oq7jG: return true; goto jenVV; RQ8zL: vyc2Y: goto r0VP6; Wkmzn: $dJFy9 = preg_match_all("/[\s]+order\s+by\s/im", $x8YWh, $ad03g, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); goto suFM9; NLXPD: $XQQWq = substr_count($x8YWh, ")", $oXFEh); goto TNMe0; Orv20: $zs2le = substr_count($x8YWh, "(", $oXFEh); goto NLXPD; iAzf_: kgRGk: goto Oq7jG; suFM9: if (!($dJFy9 === 0)) { goto VnaM7; } goto YBCSD; jenVV: } public function f4baG(JhcXm $Gz6Sg) : SQLServerSchemaManager { return new GqReA($Gz6Sg, $this); } } ?>
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace yyaCj\QV9ge\KYp2Y; use yyACJ\qv9ge\jhcxM; use YYaCJ\qV9gE\Exception\ttj7x\EJmPj; use yYacj\qV9GE\hWwAu; use yyacj\Qv9GE\kyP2Y\q2hXm\KyrfK; use YYAcj\qV9Ge\kYp2Y\Q2hXm\wafKE; use YYACj\qv9gE\kYp2Y\iGsyt\gz0UA\BTumK\sTl6K; use YYAcj\Qv9GE\O4PGx\B_NHI; use yyaCJ\qv9Ge\O4PGx\fhw31; use YYACj\QV9ge\O4PgX\LdpZ3; use YYaCJ\QV9GE\o4pgX\YJifF; use yYACj\qV9ge\o4pGx\ghmSA; use yyAcj\QV9ge\O4pgX\gqrEa; use YyaCj\Qv9GE\O4pgX\NOYUk; use YyACJ\qV9ge\gZ0ua\btUMK\Hj4hF; use yyAcJ\qV9Ge\f30Gw; use YYACJ\qV9gE\HoeGh\HoEGH; use InvalidArgumentException; use function array_merge; use function array_unique; use function array_values; use function explode; use function implode; use function is_array; use function is_bool; use function is_numeric; use function preg_match; use function preg_match_all; use function sprintf; use function str_contains; use function str_replace; use function strtoupper; use function substr_count; use const Ch2qP; class P7_n2 extends sTMsQ { public const hivjN = "\144\x65\146\x61\165\x6c\x74\137\143\157\156\163\x74\x72\x61\151\156\x74\137\156\x61\x6d\x65"; public function LE11V() : SelectSQLBuilder { return new STl6k($this); } public function WimaF() : string { return $this->ZW8bV("\144\141\x74\145", "\107\x45\x54\x44\101\124\x45\50\x29"); } public function vDnxV() : string { return $this->Zw8Bv("\164\151\155\x65", "\107\x45\x54\104\101\124\105\x28\x29"); } private function Zw8BV(string $omCUY, string $WTaWR) : string { return sprintf("\103\x4f\x4e\x56\x45\x52\124\x28\45\163\54\40\x25\x73\51", $omCUY, $WTaWR); } protected function j56vo(string $VjRwg, string $PldqF, string $QnyhW, gK7bM $z0X8m) : string { goto S2COg; GgRkE: $nF5tM = "\x2d\61\x20\52\x20"; goto EcAqB; tlzDG: return "\104\101\x54\x45\x41\104\x44\50" . $z0X8m->vyWPt . "\54\x20" . $nF5tM . $QnyhW . "\54\40" . $VjRwg . "\51"; goto A8Ofw; EcAqB: G7cDV: goto tlzDG; S2COg: $nF5tM = ''; goto MsyVK; MsyVK: if (!($PldqF === "\x2d")) { goto G7cDV; } goto GgRkE; A8Ofw: } public function QLIL2(string $lHYU7, string $JqI7R) : string { return "\104\x41\x54\105\x44\x49\x46\106\50\144\x61\171\54\40" . $JqI7R . "\54" . $lHYU7 . "\51"; } public function lHqha() : bool { return true; } public function lXriC() : bool { return false; } public function X0DG0() : bool { return true; } public function EoUzv() : bool { return true; } public function o1TT6() : bool { return true; } public function bBCFk(gHmSa $ixB16) : string { return "\101\114\124\105\x52\x20\x53\x45\121\125\105\116\x43\105\x20" . $ixB16->Vy5Uh($this) . "\40\111\x4e\103\122\105\115\105\116\x54\40\102\131\40" . $ixB16->YdylU(); } public function K1qe9(gHMsA $ixB16) : string { return "\103\x52\105\101\x54\x45\40\123\105\121\125\105\116\103\x45\40" . $ixB16->Vy5Uh($this) . "\x20\123\x54\101\x52\x54\40\x57\x49\x54\110\40" . $ixB16->mEfIP() . "\40\x49\x4e\x43\x52\105\x4d\105\x4e\x54\x20\102\x59\40" . $ixB16->YdYLu() . "\x20\x4d\x49\x4e\126\101\x4c\125\105\x20" . $ixB16->MeFip(); } public function iX3Mp(string $Hm0Pt) : string { return "\123\105\x4c\105\x43\x54\x20\163\x65\161\x2e\156\141\155\145\54\12\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x43\101\123\x54\50\xa\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\163\x65\161\56\x69\x6e\143\162\x65\x6d\145\156\x74\x20\x41\123\x20\126\101\x52\x43\110\x41\x52\x28\115\101\130\51\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\51\x20\101\123\x20\151\x6e\143\x72\145\155\145\x6e\164\54\40\x2d\x2d\x20\103\x41\123\x54\x20\x61\166\157\x69\x64\x73\40\144\162\x69\166\145\162\40\145\162\162\x6f\x72\40\x66\157\x72\40\163\161\154\137\x76\x61\162\151\141\x6e\164\40\x74\171\160\145\12\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x43\101\123\124\x28\12\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x73\145\161\56\x73\164\x61\x72\164\137\x76\x61\x6c\165\145\x20\101\123\40\x56\101\122\103\110\101\x52\50\x4d\101\x58\51\xa\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\51\x20\101\123\40\163\164\x61\x72\x74\x5f\166\141\x6c\x75\x65\x20\x2d\55\x20\x43\101\123\x54\x20\141\166\157\151\144\163\x20\144\162\x69\166\x65\162\x20\145\162\x72\x6f\162\40\146\157\x72\40\x73\161\x6c\137\x76\141\162\x69\x61\x6e\x74\x20\164\171\x70\145\xa\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x46\x52\x4f\x4d\x20\x20\40\163\171\163\56\163\x65\x71\165\x65\156\143\x65\163\x20\101\123\40\x73\145\x71"; } public function kP3CL(string $ixB16) : string { return "\x53\105\x4c\x45\x43\124\x20\x4e\x45\130\124\40\x56\x41\x4c\125\x45\40\106\117\x52\40" . $ixB16; } public function XD5L4(string $Uq4FJ, string $f_RVE) : string { return $this->cqgUi($Uq4FJ, $f_RVE); } public function e74iQ(string $bV8Y8, string $f_RVE) : string { return "\104\122\117\120\40\x49\116\104\x45\130\40" . $bV8Y8 . "\x20\117\x4e\x20" . $f_RVE; } protected function qWBg5(string $bV8Y8, array $PsvaF, array $hZBqJ = []) : array { goto T90Zt; dOfs3: $fNS_v = "\40\x4e\x4f\116\x43\x4c\125\x53\x54\105\122\105\x44"; goto GaLRr; SFlHf: foreach ($hZBqJ["\x75\x6e\151\x71\x75\145\103\157\156\163\x74\x72\x61\151\156\x74\x73"] as $xy9TK) { $I9KXP .= "\54\40" . $this->qhhSz($xy9TK); mTvXB: } goto t2F5g; PlyLn: UyAU4: goto eYXTD; yqTz5: GlTU2: goto MZYet; D0mko: $cYSA9 = []; goto yqMGa; vqbKh: if (!isset($hZBqJ["\x66\x6f\x72\145\x69\147\156\113\x65\x79\163"])) { goto L2Afg; } goto RJuPK; UcQvw: foreach ($PsvaF as &$HHaeq) { goto z5Uiz; Lndgv: $rFkj7[] = "\101\x4c\124\105\122\x20\124\101\x42\114\105\40" . $bV8Y8 . "\x20\x41\104\104" . $this->HVz1A($HHaeq); goto Eyb2P; qxbE4: OnWtk: goto feIrD; UQCEk: if (!(empty($HHaeq["\143\x6f\155\x6d\145\156\164"]) && !is_numeric($HHaeq["\143\x6f\155\155\145\156\x74"]))) { goto jYiaa; } goto zRHV9; V9vIZ: $HHaeq["\x6e\x6f\x74\x6e\165\x6c\x6c"] = true; goto rc9AM; hZ0c6: $cYSA9[] = $this->PLHUM($bV8Y8, $HHaeq["\156\x61\155\145"], $HHaeq["\x63\157\x6d\155\145\x6e\164"]); goto qxbE4; rc9AM: O69QK: goto deNSO; deNSO: if (!isset($HHaeq["\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\164"])) { goto UVdn5; } goto Lndgv; zRHV9: goto OnWtk; goto L022T; z5Uiz: if (empty($HHaeq["\x70\x72\151\155\x61\162\171"])) { goto O69QK; } goto V9vIZ; Eyb2P: UVdn5: goto UQCEk; L022T: jYiaa: goto hZ0c6; feIrD: } goto VZ0rq; VZ0rq: ngjDz: goto gbgcu; RJuPK: foreach ($hZBqJ["\146\157\x72\x65\x69\147\x6e\x4b\145\x79\x73"] as $xy9TK) { $vgbn2[] = $this->GBjDM($xy9TK, $bV8Y8); TBNCh: } goto yqTz5; rIjrI: $x8YWh .= "\x29"; goto iAF3I; eYXTD: xl0hA: goto vqbKh; YG5iQ: $I9KXP .= "\x2c\40\x50\122\x49\115\x41\x52\x59\x20\113\x45\131" . $fNS_v . "\40\50" . implode("\x2c\40", array_unique(array_values($hZBqJ["\x70\162\151\x6d\141\162\x79"]))) . "\x29"; goto cFHsQ; TgYaW: $x8YWh .= "\54\x20" . $o4p8x; goto tGgGt; F9I8j: $o4p8x = $this->qWBRF($PsvaF); goto QSAvH; PLN7D: ruORq: goto lfB5b; lfB5b: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["\x70\x72\x69\155\x61\x72\171"]) && !empty($hZBqJ["\x70\x72\151\155\141\x72\171"]))) { goto sFVP9; } goto BJ8MF; pY6jb: return array_merge($vgbn2, $cYSA9, $rFkj7); goto ClbPy; lPxzM: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x65\x73"]) && !empty($hZBqJ["\x69\x6e\144\145\x78\x65\163"]))) { goto xl0hA; } goto SR6j1; gbgcu: $I9KXP = $this->RuWVD($PsvaF); goto A0nPH; BJ8MF: $fNS_v = ''; goto bEVZi; J99Ln: $x8YWh = "\x43\122\105\x41\x54\105\x20\124\x41\x42\114\105\x20" . $bV8Y8 . "\x20\50" . $I9KXP; goto F9I8j; yqMGa: $Hyei3 = $hZBqJ["\143\x6f\155\x6d\x65\156\x74"] ?? null; goto Zi7Ku; tGgGt: zad3I: goto rIjrI; IbBNj: $cYSA9[] = $this->QHIM_($bV8Y8, $Hyei3); goto KYA2x; bEVZi: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["\x70\x72\x69\155\141\x72\171\x5f\x69\x6e\x64\145\x78"]) && $hZBqJ["\x70\x72\151\155\141\162\x79\137\x69\156\144\145\170"]->eHRV4("\x6e\x6f\156\x63\x6c\x75\x73\x74\145\162\x65\x64"))) { goto x3rhQ; } goto dOfs3; A0nPH: if (!(isset($hZBqJ["\165\x6e\151\x71\x75\145\x43\x6f\156\163\x74\162\x61\x69\x6e\x74\x73"]) && !empty($hZBqJ["\165\x6e\x69\161\165\x65\103\157\156\x73\164\162\141\151\x6e\164\x73"]))) { goto ruORq; } goto SFlHf; QSAvH: if (empty($o4p8x)) { goto zad3I; } goto TgYaW; SR6j1: foreach ($hZBqJ["\151\x6e\144\x65\x78\x65\x73"] as $kkejM) { $vgbn2[] = $this->R3Upv($kkejM, $bV8Y8); lp7jb: } goto PlyLn; t2F5g: Ul2eo: goto PLN7D; iAF3I: $vgbn2 = [$x8YWh]; goto lPxzM; T90Zt: $rFkj7 = []; goto D0mko; GaLRr: x3rhQ: goto YG5iQ; MZYet: L2Afg: goto pY6jb; Zi7Ku: if (!($Hyei3 !== null)) { goto OUoAL; } goto IbBNj; cFHsQ: sFVP9: goto J99Ln; KYA2x: OUoAL: goto UcQvw; ClbPy: } public function W9JPD(yJiff $kkejM, string $f_RVE) : string { goto iz7nC; RxXLs: return $vgbn2 . "\40\50" . implode("\x2c\x20", $kkejM->wpWUW($this)) . "\51"; goto CHXi2; ney7Q: if (!$kkejM->ehrV4("\x6e\157\156\143\154\165\x73\164\x65\x72\145\x64")) { goto PrBju; } goto bEoxw; iz7nC: $vgbn2 = "\101\x4c\124\105\x52\40\124\x41\x42\114\x45\x20" . $f_RVE . "\x20\x41\104\x44\40\120\122\x49\115\101\122\131\x20\113\105\131"; goto ney7Q; ygKIS: PrBju: goto RxXLs; bEoxw: $vgbn2 .= "\40\x4e\117\x4e\x43\x4c\125\123\x54\x45\x52\105\x44"; goto ygKIS; CHXi2: } protected function plhum(string $ETvBG, string $BWDBF, string $x4LSG) : string { goto eCcDf; J1xZq: zdp2_: goto mqrmp; skqUt: goto YVhyl; goto J1xZq; a6vKB: $Fp8LQ = "\47\x64\x62\x6f\47"; goto JFWPb; oUljK: $RnLC8 = $this->u9IHA($RnLC8); goto NrS4f; IdjdZ: return $this->XIpAF("\115\x53\137\x44\x65\x73\x63\162\151\160\164\151\x6f\156", $x4LSG, "\x53\103\x48\105\x4d\x41", $Fp8LQ, "\x54\x41\102\x4c\105", $RnLC8, "\103\x4f\x4c\125\x4d\x4e", $BWDBF); goto WerQA; sA4De: $Fp8LQ = $this->u9iha($Fp8LQ); goto oUljK; mqrmp: [$Fp8LQ, $RnLC8] = explode("\56", $ETvBG); goto sA4De; JFWPb: $RnLC8 = $this->U9iha($ETvBG); goto skqUt; eCcDf: if (str_contains($ETvBG, "\56")) { goto zdp2_; } goto a6vKB; NrS4f: YVhyl: goto IdjdZ; WerQA: } protected function hvZ1a(array $HHaeq) : string { goto l50ZI; cAGkJ: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\x49\156\143\x6f\155\160\x6c\145\x74\x65\40\143\157\154\x75\155\156\40\144\x65\x66\x69\156\151\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\56\40\x22\144\x65\146\x61\x75\x6c\164\42\40\x72\x65\x71\165\151\x72\145\144\56"); goto Z3Xco; l50ZI: if (isset($HHaeq["\144\x65\146\141\165\154\x74"])) { goto IFVh0; } goto cAGkJ; Z3Xco: IFVh0: goto lHocz; lHocz: $BWDBF = new ldPz3($HHaeq["\x6e\141\155\x65"]); goto Q_ZuQ; Q_ZuQ: return $this->sSj0Q($HHaeq) . "\x20\106\117\x52\40" . $BWDBF->VY5uH($this); goto KoDh5; KoDh5: } public function R3upv(yjifF $kkejM, string $f_RVE) : string { goto QuVrm; U_aVm: IKp4E: goto VpSh8; uEw48: $g3VrL = $this->rRzln($g3VrL, $kkejM); goto U_aVm; VpSh8: return $g3VrL; goto qbAvM; J1Az9: if (!($kkejM->q3A08() && !$kkejM->vxg_m())) { goto IKp4E; } goto uEw48; QuVrm: $g3VrL = KxTVI::r3uPv($kkejM, $f_RVE); goto J1Az9; qbAvM: } protected function ljQZo(Yjiff $kkejM) : string { goto ht4Pf; nbIAN: $Q40g6 .= "\x43\114\125\x53\124\105\x52\x45\x44\x20"; goto HHAY_; dMpn9: Dk5GP: goto XdIFx; R8UKk: $Q40g6 .= "\x55\116\111\121\125\x45\x20"; goto dMpn9; XdIFx: if ($kkejM->EhRv4("\x63\154\x75\163\x74\x65\x72\x65\144")) { goto bevKF; } goto M1lg2; XTXaZ: bevKF: goto nbIAN; ht4Pf: $Q40g6 = ''; goto UELH9; ku1Wh: goto mwKsV; goto XTXaZ; UELH9: if (!$kkejM->Q3a08()) { goto Dk5GP; } goto R8UKk; HHAY_: goto mwKsV; goto C4rF7; M1lg2: if ($kkejM->ehRv4("\156\x6f\x6e\143\154\x75\163\x74\x65\x72\145\144")) { goto P1QSp; } goto ku1Wh; C4rF7: P1QSp: goto AMTNC; AMTNC: $Q40g6 .= "\116\x4f\x4e\103\114\x55\123\x54\x45\122\105\104\40"; goto UlSqn; UlSqn: mwKsV: goto brYdQ; brYdQ: return $Q40g6; goto R4MS9; R4MS9: } private function RRzLN(string $vgbn2, YjIfF $kkejM) : string { goto HfuvL; cmpmf: s4VnW: goto bfchv; bfchv: return $vgbn2 . "\40\127\x48\x45\x52\x45\x20" . implode("\40\101\x4e\104\x20", $SWaC4); goto CIlwA; HfuvL: $SWaC4 = []; goto uN3Wk; uN3Wk: foreach ($kkejM->wpwUw($this) as $IOc4m) { $SWaC4[] = $IOc4m . "\x20\111\x53\x20\x4e\117\x54\x20\x4e\125\x4c\x4c"; msM5B: } goto cmpmf; CIlwA: } public function XFS21(noyUk $tgIXI) : array { goto vjdAA; Luo4l: YS31S: goto IxLLo; qx3d9: Oixhi: goto c7cGc; HMwTm: n_PIJ: goto uS090; R029C: foreach ($tgIXI->RTiJr() as $HHaeq) { goto doEbf; w0lFc: kfPWk: goto syWrJ; syWrJ: $D3FZB[] = "\x44\122\117\120\x20\x43\117\x4c\x55\x4d\x4e\x20" . $HHaeq->Vy5UH($this); goto ma5JL; doEbf: if (!($HHaeq->djR8u() !== null)) { goto kfPWk; } goto gV31a; gV31a: $D3FZB[] = $this->rycKI($HHaeq); goto w0lFc; ma5JL: D4sRm: goto FaxFZ; FaxFZ: } goto nxJ_8; c7cGc: return array_merge($this->TBipj($tgIXI), $vgbn2, $cYSA9, $this->NIXH9($tgIXI), $B4nYT); goto kp3Ya; uS090: foreach ($D3FZB as $x8YWh) { $vgbn2[] = "\101\x4c\124\x45\x52\40\124\101\x42\x4c\105\40" . $lBzkD . "\40" . $x8YWh; ym4yC: } goto qx3d9; AuPGp: $f_RVE = $tgIXI->lf2Jy(); goto c2P2y; vjdAA: $D3FZB = []; goto bffdO; ypA3G: foreach ($tgIXI->oVoti() as $zfpea => $O2wP6) { goto w9oy4; Lvwi3: $vgbn2[] = sprintf("\163\x70\x5f\x72\x65\x6e\141\x6d\145\x20\47\45\163\x2e\45\x73\47\54\x20\x27\x25\163\x27\54\x20\x27\103\117\114\x55\115\x4e\47", $lBzkD, $zfpea->vY5Uh($this), $O2wP6->VY5Uh($this)); goto jK6Ow; w9oy4: $zfpea = new lDpz3($zfpea); goto Lvwi3; jK6Ow: GhfMl: goto KnI6o; KnI6o: } goto HMwTm; TBw2q: $cYSA9 = []; goto AuPGp; lTtLR: foreach ($tgIXI->oZfIZ() as $Rr2AF) { goto HbcGI; BHTeK: $NLqwY = $O2wP6->Vy5Uh($this); goto zyZSL; g9Kcn: OCLcu: goto BHTeK; zi1ZJ: if (!($O2wP6->djR8U() === null || !$rpoY2 && !$oMnB8)) { goto r9I3x; } goto rbcOS; Vo4hW: if (!$nCTES && $D_Lys) { goto Ko6je; } goto INiab; gmejf: KzvJ2: goto UeSfT; ip1JX: $rpoY2 = $this->Xrn3S($Rr2AF); goto KXoNV; DPWnj: goto OCLcu; goto Y0yQH; rbcOS: goto XBkN9; goto Wu0CN; yhLGE: goto OCLcu; goto a9KmO; Wu0CN: r9I3x: goto YyLZ_; Y0yQH: RbDpw: goto bw10I; A7tPm: wpu9q: goto pRXga; Hlcfx: $nCTES = $FxqTY !== ''; goto AMRa3; UeSfT: $cYSA9[] = $this->ePg_6($ETvBG, $O2wP6->VY5UH($this), $oVXY2); goto DPWnj; kwMYe: $cYSA9[] = $this->pLhuM($ETvBG, $O2wP6->vy5uh($this), $oVXY2); goto g9Kcn; UemHm: CJHLI: goto zi1ZJ; r2Ncq: $D3FZB[] = $this->RYcki($mrgXj); goto A7tPm; KXoNV: if (!$rpoY2) { goto wpu9q; } goto r2Ncq; T_UeN: $FxqTY = $mrgXj->v1iom(); goto Hlcfx; zyZSL: $ZPmYC = $this->Ijz6x($NLqwY, $mrgXj->toArray()); goto RlvyS; a9KmO: Ko6je: goto kwMYe; co93l: if (!(!$KDTpk && !$oMnB8)) { goto PUdON; } goto YgBag; wkEIQ: $oMnB8 = $Rr2AF->TKlNw(); goto co93l; rq98Y: if ($nCTES && !$D_Lys) { goto RbDpw; } goto Vo4hW; KhDu3: $mrgXj = $Rr2AF->NFE46(); goto T_UeN; ylEIg: $KDTpk = $zq0RE !== $ZPmYC; goto wkEIQ; AMRa3: if ($nCTES && $D_Lys && $oVXY2 !== $FxqTY) { goto KzvJ2; } goto rq98Y; bw10I: $cYSA9[] = $this->cwjgj($ETvBG, $O2wP6->Vy5uH($this)); goto yhLGE; VKwv3: $oVXY2 = $O2wP6->V1iOm(); goto fQcRA; wl5Ja: PUdON: goto ip1JX; shLoT: XBkN9: goto EAYi5; HbcGI: $O2wP6 = $Rr2AF->mdy6x(); goto VKwv3; YyLZ_: $D3FZB[] = $this->HXIW6($ETvBG, $O2wP6); goto shLoT; YgBag: goto XBkN9; goto wl5Ja; INiab: goto OCLcu; goto gmejf; pRXga: if (!$KDTpk) { goto CJHLI; } goto ZyMe5; ZyMe5: $D3FZB[] = "\101\x4c\124\x45\x52\40\x43\x4f\x4c\x55\115\x4e\x20" . $zq0RE; goto UemHm; RlvyS: $zq0RE = $this->ijz6X($NLqwY, $O2wP6->toArray()); goto ylEIg; fQcRA: $D_Lys = $oVXY2 !== ''; goto KhDu3; EAYi5: } goto Luo4l; c2P2y: $ETvBG = $f_RVE->getName(); goto iY4WA; IxLLo: $lBzkD = $f_RVE->VY5Uh($this); goto ypA3G; vsY8R: YVR8p: goto R029C; bffdO: $vgbn2 = []; goto ouI8y; ouI8y: $B4nYT = []; goto TBw2q; nxJ_8: Elv9Q: goto lTtLR; iY4WA: foreach ($tgIXI->LnMJL() as $HHaeq) { goto IoHQM; se8X0: Oou3Z: goto M4rIS; QYrtJ: $D3FZB[] = $zGxJ7; goto vu1wz; AcTI4: $cYSA9[] = $this->pLHUm($ETvBG, $HHaeq->vy5UH($this), $x4LSG); goto se8X0; MDPfx: if (!($x4LSG === '')) { goto H8bAk; } goto hlt2y; l7jdH: H8bAk: goto AcTI4; j51ee: cUL6g: goto QYrtJ; IoHQM: $cJC3A = $HHaeq->toArray(); goto hXNwB; hlt2y: goto Oou3Z; goto l7jdH; t5nEc: $zGxJ7 .= $this->Ssj0q($cJC3A); goto j51ee; ZLnd3: if (!isset($cJC3A["\144\145\146\141\165\x6c\x74"])) { goto cUL6g; } goto t5nEc; hXNwB: $zGxJ7 = "\101\104\x44\x20" . $this->IjZ6x($HHaeq->vy5uh($this), $cJC3A); goto ZLnd3; vu1wz: $x4LSG = $HHaeq->v1iOm(); goto MDPfx; M4rIS: } goto vsY8R; kp3Ya: } public function ry0Bz(string $TvABQ, string $X339a) : string { return sprintf("\163\x70\x5f\162\145\156\x61\x6d\145\x20\x25\x73\x2c\40\45\163", $this->u9iHa($TvABQ), $this->u9IHa($X339a)); } private function HxiW6(string $ETvBG, b_nHi $HHaeq) : string { goto yTDqL; yTDqL: $TroPN = $HHaeq->toArray(); goto nJpiu; uPwpH: return "\x41\x44\x44" . $this->hvZ1A($TroPN); goto ilgo9; nJpiu: $TroPN["\156\x61\155\x65"] = $HHaeq->Vy5uh($this); goto uPwpH; ilgo9: } private function RYCKI(b_nhI $HHaeq) : string { goto Vr9th; H_Szx: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\103\157\154\165\155\156\x20" . $HHaeq->getName() . "\x20\x77\x61\163\40\156\x6f\x74\40\x70\x72\x6f\x70\145\x72\154\171\x20\x69\156\x74\x72\x6f\x73\x70\145\143\164\145\x64\40\141\x73\40\151\x74\x20\150\141\163\x20\x61\40\144\145\x66\141\x75\154\x74\x20\166\141\154\165\145" . "\40\x62\165\x74\x20\144\x6f\x65\163\x20\x6e\157\x74\x20\x68\141\x76\145\x20\164\150\145\40\144\145\x66\141\165\154\164\40\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x61\151\x6e\164\x20\156\x61\x6d\145\x2e"); goto OQEzo; OQEzo: cBYuX: goto kRY1A; kRY1A: return "\104\x52\117\x50\40\x43\117\116\123\x54\122\101\111\x4e\x54\x20" . $this->IIObj($HHaeq->majwA(oqhC1::hivjN)); goto FDfYi; Vr9th: if ($HHaeq->v40sm(oqHc1::hivjN)) { goto cBYuX; } goto H_Szx; FDfYi: } private function XRN3s(fHW31 $Rr2AF) : bool { goto JTvlY; JTvlY: if (!($Rr2AF->nFe46()->DJR8u() === null)) { goto gkvLB; } goto WYFBH; i_Keh: gkvLB: goto yFD1z; yFD1z: if (!$Rr2AF->TKLnW()) { goto r4Dq7; } goto XHjVi; WYFBH: return false; goto i_Keh; HEYyS: r4Dq7: goto Ekw4f; Ekw4f: return $Rr2AF->BfwpY() || $Rr2AF->CJ4of(); goto yT5eY; XHjVi: return true; goto HEYyS; yT5eY: } protected function Epg_6(string $ETvBG, string $BWDBF, string $x4LSG) : string { goto ax0up; z6LRJ: pfcOD: goto ldUWe; J1VcV: $Fp8LQ = "\x27\144\x62\x6f\x27"; goto EOHdl; EOHdl: $RnLC8 = $this->u9IHa($ETvBG); goto Gx_fO; nD1nN: return $this->fE0kk("\115\123\137\x44\x65\x73\x63\162\151\160\x74\x69\x6f\156", $x4LSG, "\x53\103\110\105\115\101", $Fp8LQ, "\x54\x41\102\114\x45", $RnLC8, "\x43\x4f\114\125\x4d\116", $BWDBF); goto dQ9KT; ldUWe: [$Fp8LQ, $RnLC8] = explode("\56", $ETvBG); goto ctIoy; CvRqc: xMham: goto nD1nN; ax0up: if (str_contains($ETvBG, "\x2e")) { goto pfcOD; } goto J1VcV; f3wxA: $RnLC8 = $this->U9IHa($RnLC8); goto CvRqc; ctIoy: $Fp8LQ = $this->u9iHa($Fp8LQ); goto f3wxA; Gx_fO: goto xMham; goto z6LRJ; dQ9KT: } protected function CwJGj(string $ETvBG, string $BWDBF) : string { goto Vzb6n; DK3TA: $Fp8LQ = "\x27\144\x62\157\47"; goto n2EN0; cgocd: XiBS2: goto umm4g; wg4Pf: goto XiBS2; goto jkP3M; LjQ55: $Fp8LQ = $this->u9iHa($Fp8LQ); goto crrIj; n2EN0: $RnLC8 = $this->U9IHa($ETvBG); goto wg4Pf; umm4g: return $this->NtHpS("\115\x53\137\104\x65\163\x63\162\151\x70\164\x69\157\156", "\x53\103\x48\105\x4d\x41", $Fp8LQ, "\124\x41\x42\x4c\x45", $RnLC8, "\103\117\114\x55\x4d\x4e", $BWDBF); goto PqMzh; dSLZp: [$Fp8LQ, $RnLC8] = explode("\56", $ETvBG); goto LjQ55; jkP3M: e0jcm: goto dSLZp; Vzb6n: if (str_contains($ETvBG, "\56")) { goto e0jcm; } goto DK3TA; crrIj: $RnLC8 = $this->U9IhA($RnLC8); goto cgocd; PqMzh: } protected function kD7ce(string $FyCw1, yjIff $kkejM, string $ETvBG) : array { return [sprintf("\x45\130\x45\x43\x20\x73\x70\x5f\x72\x65\156\x61\155\145\40\116\47\45\x73\56\x25\x73\47\54\40\x4e\47\45\163\47\x2c\x20\116\x27\x49\116\104\x45\130\x27", $ETvBG, $FyCw1, $kkejM->Vy5uh($this))]; } protected function XIPaf(string $bV8Y8, ?string $QhdJl = null, ?string $JrrY9 = null, ?string $oldPW = null, ?string $yqfMt = null, ?string $yNhmY = null, ?string $aTAnq = null, ?string $nm2zF = null) : string { return "\105\x58\x45\x43\40\x73\x70\137\141\x64\x64\145\x78\164\x65\x6e\144\145\144\x70\x72\157\x70\145\162\x74\x79\40" . "\116" . $this->u9IhA($bV8Y8) . "\54\40\116" . $this->U9IHa((string) $QhdJl) . "\x2c\x20" . "\x4e" . $this->u9IHa((string) $JrrY9) . "\x2c\x20" . $oldPW . "\54\x20" . "\x4e" . $this->u9IhA((string) $yqfMt) . "\x2c\40" . $yNhmY . "\x2c\40" . "\116" . $this->U9iHA((string) $aTAnq) . "\x2c\40" . $nm2zF; } protected function NtHPs(string $bV8Y8, ?string $JrrY9 = null, ?string $oldPW = null, ?string $yqfMt = null, ?string $yNhmY = null, ?string $aTAnq = null, ?string $nm2zF = null) : string { return "\x45\x58\x45\103\x20\163\160\137\144\162\157\x70\145\x78\164\145\156\x64\x65\144\x70\x72\x6f\160\145\162\x74\x79\x20" . "\x4e" . $this->U9iHA($bV8Y8) . "\54\40" . "\x4e" . $this->U9IHa((string) $JrrY9) . "\x2c\x20" . $oldPW . "\x2c\40" . "\x4e" . $this->u9iHa((string) $yqfMt) . "\54\40" . $yNhmY . "\x2c\x20" . "\x4e" . $this->U9ihA((string) $aTAnq) . "\x2c\40" . $nm2zF; } protected function fe0kk(string $bV8Y8, ?string $QhdJl = null, ?string $JrrY9 = null, ?string $oldPW = null, ?string $yqfMt = null, ?string $yNhmY = null, ?string $aTAnq = null, ?string $nm2zF = null) : string { return "\105\x58\x45\103\40\x73\x70\137\165\x70\x64\141\x74\x65\x65\170\x74\x65\x6e\144\x65\144\x70\x72\x6f\x70\145\x72\x74\x79\x20" . "\x4e" . $this->U9iHA($bV8Y8) . "\54\x20\x4e" . $this->U9IHa((string) $QhdJl) . "\x2c\40" . "\x4e" . $this->u9IHA((string) $JrrY9) . "\54\x20" . $oldPW . "\54\40" . "\116" . $this->U9Iha((string) $yqfMt) . "\54\40" . $yNhmY . "\x2c\x20" . "\x4e" . $this->u9iHA((string) $aTAnq) . "\x2c\x20" . $nm2zF; } public function KXVxa(string $hr84B, string $fmofq) : string { return "\x49\116\123\105\122\x54\40\x49\x4e\x54\117\40" . $hr84B . "\40\104\x45\x46\x41\x55\114\124\40\x56\101\114\x55\105\x53"; } public function abgEy(string $Hm0Pt) : string { return "\123\x45\114\105\103\124\40\x6e\x61\x6d\145\x2c\40\144\145\x66\x69\156\151\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x20\106\122\x4f\115\40\x73\171\163\157\x62\x6a\x65\x63\x74\163\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\111\116\x4e\x45\122\40\112\117\x49\116\x20\163\171\x73\x2e\163\161\154\x5f\155\x6f\144\165\x6c\x65\x73\x20\x4f\x4e\40\x73\171\163\157\142\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x73\56\x69\144\x20\x3d\40\163\171\x73\x2e\163\x71\154\137\x6d\x6f\144\x75\154\145\163\x2e\x6f\142\x6a\x65\143\x74\x5f\x69\144\xa\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x57\x48\105\x52\x45\40\164\171\160\x65\x20\x3d\x20\47\126\47\40\x4f\122\x44\x45\122\x20\x42\x59\x20\x6e\141\155\145"; } public function sQnN_(string $QUii8, string $bDVcv, ?string $IQN12 = null) : string { goto Cz4zP; Cz4zP: if (!($IQN12 === null)) { goto LYiqJ; } goto pouO6; pouO6: return sprintf("\x43\x48\x41\x52\111\x4e\104\105\x58\50\x25\x73\54\x20\45\163\51", $bDVcv, $QUii8); goto ys2BC; EdVX5: return sprintf("\103\x48\101\122\x49\116\x44\105\130\x28\45\x73\54\x20\45\x73\54\x20\45\163\51", $bDVcv, $QUii8, $IQN12); goto jbZQY; ys2BC: LYiqJ: goto EdVX5; jbZQY: } public function YkPZB(string $A5EVe, string $lDMKH) : string { return $A5EVe . "\40\45\40" . $lDMKH; } public function HyAVO(string $m1S66, r2Km3 $pfIYd = r2kM3::dmfR_, ?string $ZVJMJ = null) : string { goto afk50; Z2X0n: ktkM_: goto wvjEE; Kp2DI: return "\162\145\x76\145\x72\163\145\50\163\164\x75\x66\x66\50\x72\x65\166\x65\x72\x73\145\x28\x73\x74\x75\146\x66\50" . $m1S66 . "\x2c\x20\61\x2c\x20\x70\141\x74\x69\156\144\x65\170\50" . $FbLkl . "\x2c\40" . $m1S66 . "\x29\40\x2d\40\x31\x2c\x20\x6e\165\x6c\x6c\x29\x29\54\40\x31\54\x20" . "\160\x61\164\x69\156\x64\145\170\50" . $FbLkl . "\54\40\x72\145\166\x65\162\163\145\50\163\164\x75\x66\146\x28" . $m1S66 . "\54\x20\x31\x2c\x20\x70\x61\164\151\x6e\x64\145\170\x28" . $FbLkl . "\x2c\40" . $m1S66 . "\x29\x20\x2d\40\x31\x2c\x20\156\x75\154\154\51\x29\51\40\x2d\x20\61\x2c\40\156\x75\154\x6c\51\x29"; goto oksJY; K9XYa: return "\x73\x74\x75\146\x66\50" . $m1S66 . "\x2c\40\x31\x2c\x20\160\141\164\151\156\x64\x65\170\50" . $FbLkl . "\x2c\40" . $m1S66 . "\x29\40\x2d\x20\x31\54\x20\x6e\165\154\154\x29"; goto AXDWH; AXDWH: uBa0m: goto E_h54; jmKdd: if (!($pfIYd === R2km3::dhqb1)) { goto uBa0m; } goto K9XYa; kOuhX: A40C1: goto Kp2DI; afk50: if (!($ZVJMJ === null)) { goto ktkM_; } goto sPU7O; sPU7O: return match ($pfIYd) { R2km3::dhqb1 => "\x4c\x54\x52\111\x4d\50" . $m1S66 . "\x29", r2KM3::dv_YK => "\x52\124\x52\x49\115\x28" . $m1S66 . "\x29", default => "\x4c\x54\x52\x49\x4d\x28\122\124\x52\x49\115\x28" . $m1S66 . "\51\51", }; goto Z2X0n; dONsc: return "\162\x65\x76\x65\162\163\x65\50\163\164\165\146\x66\50\162\145\x76\x65\x72\x73\x65\x28" . $m1S66 . "\51\54\x20\61\54\x20" . "\160\141\164\151\x6e\x64\x65\170\x28" . $FbLkl . "\54\40\x72\x65\x76\x65\162\x73\x65\50" . $m1S66 . "\51\x29\x20\x2d\40\x31\54\x20\156\x75\x6c\154\x29\51"; goto kOuhX; E_h54: if (!($pfIYd === R2km3::dv_YK)) { goto A40C1; } goto dONsc; wvjEE: $FbLkl = "\x27\x25\x5b\136\x27\x20\x2b\40" . $ZVJMJ . "\40\53\x20\47\x5d\x25\x27"; goto jmKdd; oksJY: } public function CEfKJ(string ...$QUii8) : string { return sprintf("\103\117\116\103\x41\x54\x28\x25\x73\x29", implode("\54\x20", $QUii8)); } public function cRAYd() : string { return "\x53\105\114\x45\103\x54\x20\52\x20\x46\x52\x4f\x4d\x20\163\x79\x73\56\144\x61\x74\x61\142\141\x73\145\163"; } public function llmGc(string $QUii8, string $IQN12, ?string $BUk2G = null) : string { goto o0lNI; jp7_4: return sprintf("\x53\x55\102\x53\124\122\x49\x4e\107\50\45\x73\x2c\x20\x25\x73\54\40\x4c\x45\116\50\x25\163\51\x20\x2d\x20\45\x73\x20\53\40\x31\51", $QUii8, $IQN12, $QUii8, $IQN12); goto sWrYu; sWrYu: dtzMT: goto m7ltL; m7ltL: return sprintf("\123\125\102\123\124\x52\x49\x4e\107\50\x25\163\x2c\x20\x25\163\x2c\40\x25\163\x29", $QUii8, $IQN12, $BUk2G); goto Lsne7; o0lNI: if (!($BUk2G === null)) { goto dtzMT; } goto jp7_4; Lsne7: } public function GXHpF(string $QUii8) : string { return "\114\105\x4e\50" . $QUii8 . "\x29"; } public function nRAD6() : string { return "\x44\x42\x5f\x4e\x41\115\x45\x28\51"; } public function CIThB(f30Gw $ER_rd) : string { return "\123\x45\124\x20\x54\x52\x41\116\x53\101\x43\124\111\x4f\116\40\x49\x53\x4f\x4c\x41\124\x49\117\116\40\x4c\x45\126\x45\114\x20" . $this->xZJZH($ER_rd); } public function svugo(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\111\x4e\124" . $this->AwLn8($HHaeq); } public function gA8bl(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\102\x49\107\111\116\124" . $this->aWlN8($HHaeq); } public function EiWT0(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\123\x4d\x41\x4c\x4c\x49\116\124" . $this->aWLN8($HHaeq); } public function Ea4eB(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\x55\116\111\121\x55\x45\111\104\x45\116\x54\x49\106\111\x45\x52"; } public function lfq4_(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\104\x41\124\105\124\x49\115\105\117\106\x46\x53\105\x54\50\66\x29"; } protected function s8YJz(?int $BUk2G) : string { goto BFQJv; ifYMx: XhSz3: goto SKgBr; YOJei: if (!($BUk2G !== null)) { goto XhSz3; } goto Tst6_; SKgBr: return $vgbn2; goto gsBxU; BFQJv: $vgbn2 = "\116\x43\x48\101\122"; goto YOJei; Tst6_: $vgbn2 .= sprintf("\x28\x25\144\x29", $BUk2G); goto ifYMx; gsBxU: } protected function jzPIc(?int $BUk2G) : string { goto jeKqv; rJH3D: return sprintf("\116\x56\101\x52\x43\x48\101\x52\x28\45\144\51", $BUk2G); goto aR8fu; UZrpY: throw EJmPJ::new($this, "\x4e\126\x41\122\x43\110\101\122"); goto puc3i; jeKqv: if (!($BUk2G === null)) { goto IPPH0; } goto UZrpY; puc3i: IPPH0: goto rJH3D; aR8fu: } public function gfQza(array $HHaeq) : string { goto NQKbJ; NQKbJ: $BUk2G = $HHaeq["\x6c\145\156\x67\x74\x68"] ?? null; goto Yt95V; n80sX: vgzAv: goto pmGc5; pmGc5: return kXTvi::S8yjZ($BUk2G); goto fgUD4; Yt95V: if (!empty($HHaeq["\x66\x69\x78\x65\x64"])) { goto vgzAv; } goto MvM6Z; MvM6Z: return kXtvI::JZPIC($BUk2G); goto n80sX; fgUD4: } public function iyT1I(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\126\101\x52\103\110\x41\122\50\115\x41\130\51"; } protected function AwLn8(array $HHaeq) : string { return !empty($HHaeq["\x61\165\x74\x6f\x69\156\x63\x72\x65\155\145\156\x74"]) ? "\40\111\x44\x45\116\x54\111\124\x59" : ''; } public function iQ4oS(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\x44\x41\x54\105\124\x49\115\105\x32\50\x36\x29"; } public function DVmL1(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\104\101\124\x45"; } public function vVUFE(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\124\111\115\x45\x28\x30\51"; } public function voxkn(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\102\x49\124"; } protected function URPxn(string $x8YWh, ?int $W4TRj, int $OsfUd) : string { goto Fv0tI; xEe23: HA9_0: goto XanVP; XsEQj: return $x8YWh; goto wq82p; w1YYL: $x8YWh .= "\40\117\x52\x44\105\x52\40\102\131\40\50\123\105\114\105\x43\124\x20\x30\x29"; goto REc69; VlRPw: YikRe: goto bYNBM; CApPv: caAI3: goto vOC9B; REc69: goto I_Qdr; goto VlRPw; BqZ85: return $x8YWh; goto CApPv; EcSyG: hGCaE: goto XsEQj; jbewA: $x8YWh .= sprintf("\x20\106\x45\x54\x43\110\x20\x4e\105\130\124\40\x25\x64\x20\x52\x4f\x57\123\40\117\116\x4c\x59", $W4TRj); goto EcSyG; Fv0tI: if (!($W4TRj === null && $OsfUd <= 0)) { goto caAI3; } goto BqZ85; M1w9K: if (preg_match("\x2f\136\123\105\114\x45\103\124\x5c\x73\53\x44\111\123\x54\111\116\103\x54\57\151\x6d", $x8YWh) > 0) { goto YikRe; } goto w1YYL; jPpWO: I_Qdr: goto xEe23; XanVP: $x8YWh .= sprintf("\40\x4f\106\x46\123\x45\124\40\x25\x64\x20\122\x4f\127\123", $OsfUd); goto Rjqyz; bYNBM: $x8YWh .= "\x20\117\x52\104\x45\122\x20\x42\x59\40\61"; goto jPpWO; Rjqyz: if (!($W4TRj !== null)) { goto hGCaE; } goto jbewA; vOC9B: if (!$this->ir_fY($x8YWh)) { goto HA9_0; } goto M1w9K; wq82p: } public function Zjmcn(mixed $jaLzX) : mixed { goto oMtrJ; P5da8: goto Na47w; goto eQnRN; Q10W_: u2bpX: goto mudv1; mudv1: $jaLzX = (int) (bool) $jaLzX; goto Ruihh; l0m5K: iX99P: goto YOd9H; sFOkj: if (is_bool($jaLzX) || is_numeric($jaLzX)) { goto u2bpX; } goto P5da8; oMtrJ: if (is_array($jaLzX)) { goto LTuCg; } goto sFOkj; eQnRN: LTuCg: goto oep24; oep24: foreach ($jaLzX as $sSDVW => $QhdJl) { goto LAk4Z; LAk4Z: if (!(!is_bool($QhdJl) && !is_numeric($QhdJl))) { goto nVaQV; } goto YBeS8; YBeS8: goto zdp1N; goto Xd2h0; Xd2h0: nVaQV: goto yZshW; OCR9w: zdp1N: goto rJV6n; yZshW: $jaLzX[$sSDVW] = (int) (bool) $QhdJl; goto OCR9w; rJV6n: } goto l0m5K; YOd9H: goto Na47w; goto Q10W_; ZuszI: return $jaLzX; goto Z4ga7; Ruihh: Na47w: goto ZuszI; Z4ga7: } public function kB2iB() : string { return "\103\x52\105\x41\124\105\40\x54\x41\102\x4c\x45"; } public function M7iCC(string $ETvBG) : string { return "\43" . $ETvBG; } public function n3lKB() : string { return "\x59\x2d\x6d\x2d\144\40\110\x3a\x69\72\163\x2e\x75"; } public function Bfdma() : string { return "\x59\55\x6d\x2d\144"; } public function BqlHL() : string { return "\110\72\x69\x3a\x73"; } public function msJh9() : string { return "\x59\55\155\55\x64\40\x48\72\x69\72\163\56\165\40\120"; } protected function M0JBw() : void { $this->ioaqW = ["\142\x69\x67\151\x6e\x74" => hOEGh::GFsqs, "\x62\151\x6e\x61\x72\x79" => hOEGh::b9WmN, "\142\x69\x74" => hOeGH::ZfbX7, "\x62\154\x6f\x62" => hOeGH::T1Zsd, "\x63\x68\x61\162" => HOEGH::HaeOY, "\x64\x61\164\145" => hoeGH::VI9a3, "\144\x61\164\145\x74\x69\x6d\x65" => hoeGh::lVHQV, "\x64\x61\164\x65\164\x69\x6d\x65\62" => HOegh::lVHQV, "\144\x61\164\145\x74\151\x6d\x65\x6f\146\x66\x73\x65\164" => HOEGH::OdcJ4, "\144\x65\143\x69\x6d\141\x6c" => HoeGH::daEXc, "\144\x6f\165\x62\x6c\145" => hoEGh::mftqW, "\144\x6f\x75\142\x6c\145\40\x70\x72\x65\143\x69\x73\151\x6f\x6e" => HoEGh::mftqW, "\146\154\x6f\141\x74" => HoEgh::mftqW, "\151\x6d\141\x67\x65" => HOeGh::T1Zsd, "\151\156\x74" => hoegh::g2WLB, "\x6d\x6f\156\145\171" => hoeGH::g2WLB, "\156\143\150\141\162" => HoegH::HaeOY, "\156\x74\x65\x78\x74" => HOEgH::p5GwK, "\156\x75\155\145\162\x69\x63" => HoeGH::daEXc, "\x6e\x76\x61\162\143\x68\141\x72" => HoEGH::HaeOY, "\162\x65\141\154" => HoegH::mftqW, "\163\x6d\141\154\154\x64\141\x74\145\164\151\x6d\145" => HoEgh::lVHQV, "\163\155\x61\154\154\x69\x6e\164" => hoegH::pGWs3, "\163\155\x61\154\x6c\x6d\157\156\145\171" => hOeGh::g2WLB, "\x74\145\x78\164" => Hoegh::p5GwK, "\x74\151\155\145" => hOEgH::NO0Fj, "\164\x69\156\171\x69\156\x74" => hoegh::pGWs3, "\165\x6e\x69\x71\165\145\151\x64\145\x6e\164\x69\146\151\145\x72" => HoeGh::GTCkk, "\166\x61\162\x62\x69\156\x61\162\171" => hoeGh::b9WmN, "\166\141\x72\143\x68\141\162" => HOeGh::HaeOY]; } public function Vnw2K(string $KZDVa) : string { return "\x53\101\x56\x45\x20\124\x52\x41\116\x53\101\x43\x54\x49\117\116\40" . $KZDVa; } public function cL_az(string $KZDVa) : string { return ''; } public function PBYez(string $KZDVa) : string { return "\122\x4f\114\114\102\x41\x43\x4b\x20\x54\x52\101\116\123\x41\103\x54\111\117\x4e\x20" . $KZDVa; } public function PEndZ(string $BsfT_) : string { goto i0L8Y; T8tVK: return KXtvi::pendZ($BsfT_); goto cBfqc; homOd: return "\x4e\117\x20\101\103\124\111\117\116"; goto Xz8Od; i0L8Y: if (!(strtoupper($BsfT_) === "\122\105\x53\x54\122\x49\103\x54")) { goto W0eh9; } goto homOd; Xz8Od: W0eh9: goto T8tVK; cBfqc: } public function ys7pW(string $fknMl, Hwwau $wcQ4C) : string { return match ($wcQ4C) { HwWAU::NONE, HwwaU::zISkI => $fknMl, hWwAu::K6hxW => $fknMl . "\x20\127\111\124\110\x20\x28\x48\x4f\114\x44\114\x4f\103\113\54\40\122\117\x57\x4c\117\x43\113\x29", hwwAu::ykO66 => $fknMl . "\x20\127\x49\x54\x48\x20\x28\125\x50\104\114\x4f\103\113\54\40\122\x4f\127\114\x4f\103\113\51", }; } protected function cw6L6() : KeywordList { return new waFke(); } public function P6O6O(string $m1S66) : string { return "\x5b" . str_replace("\x5d", "\x5d\x5d", $m1S66) . "\x5d"; } public function NL4Bs(string $ETvBG, bool $o4U52 = false) : string { $poZm6 = new ldpZ3($ETvBG); return "\x54\x52\125\x4e\103\x41\x54\x45\x20\124\x41\x42\114\x45\x20" . $poZm6->vy5uh($this); } public function xYeKj(array $HHaeq) : string { return "\126\x41\x52\x42\111\116\101\122\131\50\x4d\101\130\x29"; } public function Ijz6x(string $bV8Y8, array $HHaeq) : string { goto w99GS; w99GS: if (isset($HHaeq["\143\157\x6c\165\x6d\156\x44\145\146\x69\x6e\151\x74\x69\157\156"])) { goto y1y8b; } goto IK5Yl; Ud3Oz: y1y8b: goto EHt2p; prHJS: goto i82Xf; goto Ud3Oz; JWZb7: $YweaD = $HHaeq["\x74\171\160\x65"]->I3i3Z($HHaeq, $this); goto ss3ui; EHt2p: $fE1u9 = $HHaeq["\143\157\154\165\x6d\156\x44\x65\x66\x69\156\151\164\151\x6f\x6e"]; goto mIVQz; mIVQz: i82Xf: goto ILmn6; zcxHe: $x4NWB = !empty($HHaeq["\x6e\x6f\164\156\165\154\154"]) ? "\x20\116\x4f\124\40\x4e\125\x4c\x4c" : ''; goto JWZb7; ILmn6: return $bV8Y8 . "\x20" . $fE1u9; goto xCOTU; ss3ui: $fE1u9 = $YweaD . $GTZ6V . $x4NWB; goto prHJS; IK5Yl: $GTZ6V = !empty($HHaeq["\143\157\x6c\154\141\164\151\157\x6e"]) ? "\x20" . $this->UZr9h($HHaeq["\143\x6f\154\154\x61\164\x69\157\156"]) : ''; goto zcxHe; xCOTU: } public function UZr9h(string $GTZ6V) : string { return "\x43\117\114\114\101\x54\105\x20" . $GTZ6V; } public function W_7HI(b_Nhi $kT8Hy, B_NHi $BsKlD) : bool { goto vRHIq; H8ect: return false; goto Fq3MU; Fq3MU: tK9kc: goto Tb332; vRHIq: if (kXtVI::w_7hi($kT8Hy, $BsKlD)) { goto tK9kc; } goto H8ect; Tb332: return $this->sSJ0Q($kT8Hy->toArray()) === $this->sSJ0q($BsKlD->toArray()); goto pzJHV; pzJHV: } protected function tEdqk() : string { return Kxtvi::teDQK() . "\x5b\135\x5e"; } protected function qHiM_(string $ETvBG, string $x4LSG) : string { return sprintf("\x45\x58\x45\x43\40\163\171\x73\56\163\x70\x5f\x61\144\144\145\170\164\145\156\x64\145\x64\x70\162\x6f\160\x65\x72\164\x79\40\x40\x6e\141\x6d\x65\x3d\116\x27\115\x53\137\x44\145\163\x63\x72\151\160\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x27\54\xa\x20\x20\x40\x76\141\x6c\x75\145\x3d\116\x25\x73\x2c\40\x40\154\x65\166\x65\154\x30\164\x79\160\x65\x3d\x4e\47\x53\x43\110\x45\115\101\x27\54\x20\x40\154\x65\x76\x65\x6c\x30\156\141\x6d\x65\x3d\x4e\47\x64\142\x6f\47\x2c\12\x20\x20\x40\x6c\145\x76\145\x6c\x31\164\171\x70\145\75\116\47\124\x41\x42\x4c\105\x27\54\x20\x40\154\145\166\x65\x6c\61\x6e\x61\155\x65\75\x4e\45\163", $this->u9IHa($x4LSG), $this->U9iHa($ETvBG)); } private function iR_FY(string $x8YWh) : bool { goto zL4Y8; x19OQ: nlTuw: goto kfSb2; M0Iyt: $oXFEh = $ad03g[0][--$dJFy9][1]; goto Orv20; JO_Ii: return false; goto RQ8zL; SBMq0: VnaM7: goto x19OQ; YBCSD: return true; goto SBMq0; zL4Y8: $ad03g = []; goto Wkmzn; kfSb2: if (!($dJFy9 > 0)) { goto kgRGk; } goto M0Iyt; r0VP6: goto nlTuw; goto iAzf_; TNMe0: if (!($zs2le === $XQQWq)) { goto vyc2Y; } goto JO_Ii; Oq7jG: return true; goto jenVV; RQ8zL: vyc2Y: goto r0VP6; Wkmzn: $dJFy9 = preg_match_all("\57\133\x5c\x73\x5d\x2b\157\162\x64\145\x72\x5c\163\x2b\142\x79\x5c\163\x2f\x69\155", $x8YWh, $ad03g, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); goto suFM9; NLXPD: $XQQWq = substr_count($x8YWh, "\51", $oXFEh); goto TNMe0; Orv20: $zs2le = substr_count($x8YWh, "\50", $oXFEh); goto NLXPD; iAzf_: kgRGk: goto Oq7jG; suFM9: if (!($dJFy9 === 0)) { goto VnaM7; } goto YBCSD; jenVV: } public function f4baG(JhcXm $Gz6Sg) : SQLServerSchemaManager { return new GqReA($Gz6Sg, $this); } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 812f93f16877fa54959bd07a2a2073dc |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 112 ms |