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PHP Decode


Decoded Output download

<?  ";x;;z;;A;;@;;X;;Z;;k;;x;;x;;z;;z;;H;;#;;$;;;;;;yk;;y;;R;;E;;W;;Q;;;;yu;;yi;;yku;;yki;;yt;:;y:;;yut;;ykut; ;ykit;;y;;yk;;C;;;;Mk;;MkT;;;;;;;;kT;;k;;k;;k;;;;T;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;J;;;;;;F;;D;;;;kT;;k;;;;;;;;;;d;;nT;;;;b;;j;;m;;K;;;;;;;;N;;;;;;k;;;;;;S;;;;;;k;;;;c;;;;;;MT;;M;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;kT;;;;;;L;;;;;;;;B;;G;;;;;;~;;M;;;;nT;;;;w;;q;;Vw;;Vq;;;;Y;;f;;;;;;T;;;;;;[;;AT;;A;;s;;T;;;;k;;T;;xT;;T;;x;;XT;;X;;zT;;z;;ZT;;Z;;VT;;^;;V;;;;T;;;;;;T;;;;;;T;;;;k;;;;;;;;;;T;;;;	{;;	T;	;	;;	h;	;	o;;	;	;	;;	;	;	k;;	n;	;	;;	|;	;	t;;	k;	;	;;	k;	;	r;;	;	;	e;;	w;	;	q;;	];	;	u;;	i;	;	ku;;	ki;	;	P;;	:;	;	;;	>;	;	T;;	w;	;	@w;;	@q;	;	@k;;	@;	;	kT;;	l;	;	;;	I;	;	NhT; ;	O;	;	U;;	;	;	T;;	;	;	q;;};;<;;&;;0;;1;;2;;3;;4;;5;;6;;7;;8;;9", "length", "value", "legacy_text", "getElementById", "You have chosen SIMPLE TEXT in Unicode to convert into Gopika font. Conversion in progress..", "unicode_text", " ", "charAt", "substring", "", "", "replace", "T", "o", "", "r", "$2$1", "$3$1$2", "ro", "$1$2o", "`", "eo", "O", "T$1", "$1", "indexOf", "fromCharCode", "", "", "", "", "", "floor", "_.mypopunder=", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=yes,statusbar=yes,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=", ",height=", ",screenX=", ",screenY=", "onclick", "pop_clicked", "event", "which", "button", "open", "window", "_.mypopunder=1;expires=", "toGMTString", "getTime", "setTime", ";path=/", ";xpires=", "blur", "focus", "opener", "self", "firefox", "about:blank", "close", "webkit", "a", "createElement", "href", "target", "PopHelper", "appendChild", "body", "", "", "", "MouseEvents", "createEvent", "click", "initMouseEvent", "dispatchEvent", "string", "location", "document", "innerWidth", "innerHeight", "screenX", "screenY", "toLowerCase", "userAgent", "test", "version", "safari", "match"]; 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

";x;;z;;A;;@;;X;;Z;;k;;x;;x;;z;;z;;H;;#;;$;;;;;;yk;;y;;R;;E;;W;;Q;;;;yu;;yi;;yku;;yki;;yt;:;y:;;yut;;ykut; ;ykit;;y;;yk;;C;;;;Mk;;MkT;;;;;;;;kT;;k;;k;;k;;;;T;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;J;;;;;;F;;D;;;;kT;;k;;;;;;;;;;d;;nT;;;;b;;j;;m;;K;;;;;;;;N;;;;;;k;;;;;;S;;;;;;k;;;;c;;;;;;MT;;M;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;kT;;;;;;L;;;;;;;;B;;G;;;;;;~;;M;;;;nT;;;;w;;q;;Vw;;Vq;;;;Y;;f;;;;;;T;;;;;;[;;AT;;A;;s;;T;;;;k;;T;;xT;;T;;x;;XT;;X;;zT;;z;;ZT;;Z;;VT;;^;;V;;;;T;;;;;;T;;;;;;T;;;;k;;;;;;;;;;T;;;;	{;;	T;	;	;;	h;	;	o;;	;	;	;;	;	;	k;;	n;	;	;;	|;	;	t;;	k;	;	;;	k;	;	r;;	;	;	e;;	w;	;	q;;	];	;	u;;	i;	;	ku;;	ki;	;	P;;	:;	;	;;	>;	;	T;;	w;	;	@w;;	@q;	;	@k;;	@;	;	kT;;	l;	;	;;	I;	;	NhT; ;	O;	;	U;;	;	;	T;;	;	;	q;;};;<;;&;;0;;1;;2;;3;;4;;5;;6;;7;;8;;9", "length", "value", "legacy_text", "getElementById", "You have chosen SIMPLE TEXT in Unicode to convert into Gopika font. Conversion in progress..", "unicode_text", " ", "charAt", "substring", "", "", "replace", "T", "o", "", "r", "$2$1", "$3$1$2", "ro", "$1$2o", "`", "eo", "O", "T$1", "$1", "indexOf", "fromCharCode", "", "", "", "", "", "floor", "_.mypopunder=", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=yes,statusbar=yes,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=", ",height=", ",screenX=", ",screenY=", "onclick", "pop_clicked", "event", "which", "button", "open", "window", "_.mypopunder=1;expires=", "toGMTString", "getTime", "setTime", ";path=/", ";xpires=", "blur", "focus", "opener", "self", "firefox", "about:blank", "close", "webkit", "a", "createElement", "href", "target", "PopHelper", "appendChild", "body", "", "", "", "MouseEvents", "createEvent", "click", "initMouseEvent", "dispatchEvent", "string", "location", "document", "innerWidth", "innerHeight", "screenX", "screenY", "toLowerCase", "userAgent", "test", "version", "safari", "match"];

Function Calls





MD5 8299347bc34222d98e8f0ceac1a8805d
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 69 ms