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PHP Decode
<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace Od3LB\j8WN2; use Od3lB\OD3LB; use oD3lb\PXNZZ; ..
Decoded Output download
declare (strict_types=1); namespace Od3LB\j8WN2; use Od3lB\OD3LB; use oD3lb\PXNZZ; use Od3lb\Ehjkr; use Od3lB\puZ0N; use OD3lB\PO2mU; use OD3Lb\mecTF; use Od3lB\JwkDX\y3xMh; use Closure; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; trait q0tWc { use GEWce; public function format(string $vIIgV) : string { goto ZJ3I9; Fp5fp: if ($W8h6I) { goto P9mfC; } goto eyiqn; hH579: if (!(\is_string($W8h6I) && method_exists($this, $W8h6I))) { goto xihps; } goto YMi_z; eyiqn: return $this->bZ2LZ($vIIgV); goto Ehf9O; YMi_z: $W8h6I = [$this, $W8h6I]; goto iixer; Am1zy: return $W8h6I(...unc_get_args()); goto JjpPm; iixer: xihps: goto Am1zy; ZJ3I9: $W8h6I = $this->YLJvl ?? $this->kkwar()->Lksny()["formatFunction"] ?? static::$N6Ltx; goto Fp5fp; Ehf9O: P9mfC: goto hH579; JjpPm: } public function Bz2lZ(string $vIIgV) : string { return J2gHz::format($vIIgV); } public function __toString() : string { $vIIgV = $this->pny2l ?? $this->kKWar()->lksny()["toStringFormat"] ?? null; return $vIIgV instanceof Closure ? $vIIgV($this) : $this->BZ2LZ($vIIgV ?: (\defined("static::DEFAULT_TO_STRING_FORMAT") ? static::l8R4g : EHjkR::l8R4g)); } public function Jb9ww() : string { return $this->Bz2lz("Y-m-d"); } public function UyhN_() : string { return $this->bz2LZ("M j, Y"); } public function MgIPR() : string { return $this->Bz2lz("D, M j, Y"); } public function Tb3RR(string $YLAqa = "second") : string { return $this->Bz2Lz(static::RWwb2($YLAqa)); } public function FGNTC(string $YLAqa = "second") : string { return $this->bz2lZ("Y-m-d " . static::RwWB2($YLAqa)); } public static function rwWB2(string $YLAqa) : string { return match (static::POrQV($YLAqa)) { "minute" => "H:i", "second" => "H:i:s", "m", "millisecond" => "H:i:s.v", "", "microsecond" => "H:i:s.u", default => throw new y3xmh("Precision unit expected among: minute, second, millisecond and microsecond."), }; } public function EZkt5(string $YLAqa = "second") : string { return $this->bZ2LZ("Y-m-d\T" . static::rWWB2($YLAqa)); } public function Sole2() : string { return $this->Bz2Lz("D, M j, Y g:i A"); } public function xzEJg() : string { return $this->Bz2lz(DateTime::ATOM); } public function XT1wV() : string { return $this->Bz2lz(DateTimeInterface::COOKIE); } public function FUcNE() : string { return $this->XzEjg(); } public function JLn3x() : string { return $this->BZ2Lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC822); } public function cGImp(string $YLAqa = "second") : string { return $this->G28gu()->RGMLN()->Bz2LZ("Y-m-d\T" . static::rwwb2($YLAqa) . "\Z"); } public function pwB6z() : string { return $this->BZ2Lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC850); } public function Z6sBq() : string { return $this->bz2lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC1036); } public function PESCL() : string { return $this->bZ2lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC1123); } public function bT1rD() : string { return $this->BZ2LZ(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822); } public function aJ7R9(bool $tXF_r = false) : string { return $this->bZ2lZ($tXF_r ? DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED : DateTimeInterface::RFC3339); } public function ZserG() : string { return $this->bz2lZ(DateTimeInterface::RSS); } public function w12Y4() : string { return $this->bz2Lz(DateTimeInterface::W3C); } public function epfEZ() : string { return $this->g28gu()->setTimezone("GMT")->Bz2LZ(\defined("static::RFC7231_FORMAT") ? static::hogns : ehJKr::hogns); } public function toArray() : array { return ["year" => $this->NKc2s, "month" => $this->jZ20c, "day" => $this->C4E55, "dayOfWeek" => $this->FYqTd, "dayOfYear" => $this->UcCxk, "hour" => $this->aXvG3, "minute" => $this->ToI3C, "second" => $this->PLOO2, "micro" => $this->NP8Q2, "timestamp" => $this->WewRj, "formatted" => $this->bZ2LZ(\defined("static::DEFAULT_TO_STRING_FORMAT") ? static::l8R4g : ehjkr::l8R4g), "timezone" => $this->hrk8_]; } public function EOP1h() : object { return (object) $this->toArray(); } public function m8_OP() : string { return $this->G28gu()->h_ZaQ("en")->cr7iC("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ"); } public function kKvR4(bool $o1ZJu = false) : ?string { goto X3ZED; zR4KS: $Z3bD1 = $o1ZJu ? $this : $this->g28GU()->rGMLN(); goto XD3D7; Bjeg5: t1p9r: goto G1xq5; G1xq5: $MxdCY = $this->NKc2s < 0 || $this->NKc2s > 9999 ? "YYYYYY" : "YYYY"; goto Lba7H; XD3D7: return $Z3bD1->cR7IC("{$MxdCY}-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS{$k21y_}"); goto dPs4X; X3ZED: if ($this->J1z7B()) { goto t1p9r; } goto UtVlg; Lba7H: $k21y_ = $o1ZJu ? "Z" : "[Z]"; goto zR4KS; UtVlg: return null; goto Bjeg5; dPs4X: } public function ZIUko() : ?string { return $this->kKvr4(); } public function XM8v1() : DateTime { return new DateTime($this->Bz2Lz("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function d6Ne3() : DateTimeImmutable { return new DateTimeImmutable($this->bZ2lz("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function zUAdx() : DateTime { return $this->xM8v1(); } public function m7zOE($Z1hKv = null, $WEQkh = null, $denRU = null) : CarbonPeriod { goto pZ_kY; fgqBB: if (\is_int($Z1hKv)) { goto S6V33; } goto xwzsk; jSigN: $Z1hKv ??= 1; goto fgqBB; fGDMh: $WEQkh ??= puZ0N::Gtxe9(); goto KOJ3_; pZ_kY: if (!$denRU) { goto LIMTf; } goto S9wRw; aISwi: S6V33: goto URr35; URr35: return new $a7NmL(raw: [$this, PUz0n::ce_3H($WEQkh), $Z1hKv], dateClass: static::class, isDefaultInterval: $Pq9_X); goto Z5LGv; LP0qv: LIMTf: goto pzM3T; Qa11N: $Z1hKv = (int) $Z1hKv; goto ejkKI; KOJ3_: $a7NmL = $this->ZeYSH() ? PO2MU::class : mEctf::class; goto Q2R9_; xwzsk: $Z1hKv = $this->a9heb($Z1hKv); goto aISwi; pzM3T: $Pq9_X = !$WEQkh; goto fGDMh; S9wRw: $WEQkh = PUz0n::ce_3h("{$WEQkh} " . static::yWUYm($denRU)); goto LP0qv; ejkKI: r1Fvs: goto jSigN; Q2R9_: if (!(\is_int($Z1hKv) || \is_string($Z1hKv) && ctype_digit($Z1hKv))) { goto r1Fvs; } goto Qa11N; Z5LGv: } public function range($Z1hKv = null, $WEQkh = null, $denRU = null) : CarbonPeriod { return $this->M7zOE($Z1hKv, $WEQkh, $denRU); } } ?>
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Original Code
declare (strict_types=1); namespace Od3LB\j8WN2; use Od3lB\OD3LB; use oD3lb\PXNZZ; use Od3lb\Ehjkr; use Od3lB\puZ0N; use OD3lB\PO2mU; use OD3Lb\mecTF; use Od3lB\JwkDX\y3xMh; use Closure; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; trait q0tWc { use GEWce; public function format(string $vIIgV) : string { goto ZJ3I9; Fp5fp: if ($W8h6I) { goto P9mfC; } goto eyiqn; hH579: if (!(\is_string($W8h6I) && method_exists($this, $W8h6I))) { goto xihps; } goto YMi_z; eyiqn: return $this->bZ2LZ($vIIgV); goto Ehf9O; YMi_z: $W8h6I = [$this, $W8h6I]; goto iixer; Am1zy: return $W8h6I(...\func_get_args()); goto JjpPm; iixer: xihps: goto Am1zy; ZJ3I9: $W8h6I = $this->YLJvl ?? $this->kkwar()->Lksny()["\x66\x6f\162\155\x61\x74\106\x75\x6e\x63\x74\x69\157\x6e"] ?? static::$N6Ltx; goto Fp5fp; Ehf9O: P9mfC: goto hH579; JjpPm: } public function Bz2lZ(string $vIIgV) : string { return J2gHz::format($vIIgV); } public function __toString() : string { $vIIgV = $this->pny2l ?? $this->kKWar()->lksny()["\x74\x6f\x53\164\x72\x69\156\147\106\157\x72\x6d\141\164"] ?? null; return $vIIgV instanceof Closure ? $vIIgV($this) : $this->BZ2LZ($vIIgV ?: (\defined("\x73\164\141\164\151\x63\x3a\x3a\104\105\x46\101\125\114\x54\x5f\124\x4f\137\123\124\122\111\x4e\107\x5f\x46\x4f\122\115\x41\x54") ? static::l8R4g : EHjkR::l8R4g)); } public function Jb9ww() : string { return $this->Bz2lz("\x59\x2d\155\55\144"); } public function UyhN_() : string { return $this->bz2LZ("\115\40\152\x2c\40\131"); } public function MgIPR() : string { return $this->Bz2lz("\104\x2c\x20\x4d\40\x6a\x2c\x20\131"); } public function Tb3RR(string $YLAqa = "\x73\x65\143\x6f\x6e\x64") : string { return $this->Bz2Lz(static::RWwb2($YLAqa)); } public function FGNTC(string $YLAqa = "\163\x65\143\x6f\156\x64") : string { return $this->bz2lZ("\131\x2d\155\55\144\x20" . static::RwWB2($YLAqa)); } public static function rwWB2(string $YLAqa) : string { return match (static::POrQV($YLAqa)) { "\x6d\x69\x6e\165\x74\145" => "\x48\72\151", "\x73\x65\x63\157\156\144" => "\x48\72\x69\x3a\163", "\x6d", "\x6d\x69\x6c\x6c\x69\163\145\x63\157\x6e\144" => "\110\x3a\x69\72\163\x2e\166", "\302\265", "\155\151\143\162\x6f\x73\x65\143\157\156\x64" => "\110\72\x69\x3a\x73\x2e\x75", default => throw new y3xmh("\x50\162\145\x63\151\x73\151\x6f\x6e\40\x75\156\x69\x74\x20\145\x78\160\x65\143\x74\145\144\40\x61\x6d\157\156\x67\x3a\40\x6d\151\156\165\x74\145\x2c\40\x73\145\143\157\x6e\144\x2c\x20\155\151\154\154\151\163\x65\143\x6f\x6e\144\40\x61\156\144\40\155\x69\143\x72\x6f\x73\x65\x63\x6f\x6e\x64\x2e"), }; } public function EZkt5(string $YLAqa = "\x73\145\143\157\156\144") : string { return $this->bZ2LZ("\131\55\x6d\x2d\144\x5c\124" . static::rWWB2($YLAqa)); } public function Sole2() : string { return $this->Bz2Lz("\104\54\x20\115\40\x6a\54\40\x59\40\x67\x3a\151\40\101"); } public function xzEJg() : string { return $this->Bz2lz(DateTime::ATOM); } public function XT1wV() : string { return $this->Bz2lz(DateTimeInterface::COOKIE); } public function FUcNE() : string { return $this->XzEjg(); } public function JLn3x() : string { return $this->BZ2Lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC822); } public function cGImp(string $YLAqa = "\163\x65\143\x6f\156\144") : string { return $this->G28gu()->RGMLN()->Bz2LZ("\131\x2d\155\55\x64\x5c\x54" . static::rwwb2($YLAqa) . "\x5c\x5a"); } public function pwB6z() : string { return $this->BZ2Lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC850); } public function Z6sBq() : string { return $this->bz2lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC1036); } public function PESCL() : string { return $this->bZ2lz(DateTimeInterface::RFC1123); } public function bT1rD() : string { return $this->BZ2LZ(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822); } public function aJ7R9(bool $tXF_r = false) : string { return $this->bZ2lZ($tXF_r ? DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED : DateTimeInterface::RFC3339); } public function ZserG() : string { return $this->bz2lZ(DateTimeInterface::RSS); } public function w12Y4() : string { return $this->bz2Lz(DateTimeInterface::W3C); } public function epfEZ() : string { return $this->g28gu()->setTimezone("\x47\115\x54")->Bz2LZ(\defined("\163\x74\141\164\151\x63\72\72\x52\x46\x43\67\x32\63\x31\x5f\x46\x4f\122\115\x41\124") ? static::hogns : ehJKr::hogns); } public function toArray() : array { return ["\171\x65\x61\162" => $this->NKc2s, "\155\x6f\x6e\x74\x68" => $this->jZ20c, "\144\x61\x79" => $this->C4E55, "\144\141\171\117\146\x57\145\145\x6b" => $this->FYqTd, "\x64\x61\x79\x4f\x66\x59\x65\x61\x72" => $this->UcCxk, "\150\x6f\165\162" => $this->aXvG3, "\x6d\x69\156\165\164\145" => $this->ToI3C, "\163\145\143\x6f\x6e\x64" => $this->PLOO2, "\155\x69\x63\x72\x6f" => $this->NP8Q2, "\x74\151\155\x65\163\x74\141\x6d\160" => $this->WewRj, "\146\157\162\155\x61\164\164\145\144" => $this->bZ2LZ(\defined("\163\x74\x61\x74\x69\143\x3a\72\104\105\106\x41\125\x4c\x54\x5f\x54\x4f\x5f\123\124\122\111\116\107\x5f\106\117\x52\x4d\101\x54") ? static::l8R4g : ehjkr::l8R4g), "\164\x69\x6d\x65\x7a\x6f\x6e\145" => $this->hrk8_]; } public function EOP1h() : object { return (object) $this->toArray(); } public function m8_OP() : string { return $this->G28gu()->h_ZaQ("\x65\x6e")->cr7iC("\144\144\x64\40\115\x4d\115\x20\104\x44\40\x59\131\x59\131\x20\110\x48\x3a\155\155\72\163\163\40\x5b\107\115\x54\135\x5a\132"); } public function kKvR4(bool $o1ZJu = false) : ?string { goto X3ZED; zR4KS: $Z3bD1 = $o1ZJu ? $this : $this->g28GU()->rGMLN(); goto XD3D7; Bjeg5: t1p9r: goto G1xq5; G1xq5: $MxdCY = $this->NKc2s < 0 || $this->NKc2s > 9999 ? "\131\131\131\131\131\x59" : "\131\131\131\x59"; goto Lba7H; XD3D7: return $Z3bD1->cR7IC("{$MxdCY}\55\115\x4d\55\104\104\x5b\x54\135\110\x48\72\155\155\x3a\163\163\56\x53\123\123\123\123\x53{$k21y_}"); goto dPs4X; X3ZED: if ($this->J1z7B()) { goto t1p9r; } goto UtVlg; Lba7H: $k21y_ = $o1ZJu ? "\x5a" : "\133\132\x5d"; goto zR4KS; UtVlg: return null; goto Bjeg5; dPs4X: } public function ZIUko() : ?string { return $this->kKvr4(); } public function XM8v1() : DateTime { return new DateTime($this->Bz2Lz("\x59\55\155\x2d\144\40\110\72\151\x3a\163\56\x75"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function d6Ne3() : DateTimeImmutable { return new DateTimeImmutable($this->bZ2lz("\x59\55\x6d\55\144\x20\110\72\151\x3a\x73\x2e\165"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function zUAdx() : DateTime { return $this->xM8v1(); } public function m7zOE($Z1hKv = null, $WEQkh = null, $denRU = null) : CarbonPeriod { goto pZ_kY; fgqBB: if (\is_int($Z1hKv)) { goto S6V33; } goto xwzsk; jSigN: $Z1hKv ??= 1; goto fgqBB; fGDMh: $WEQkh ??= puZ0N::Gtxe9(); goto KOJ3_; pZ_kY: if (!$denRU) { goto LIMTf; } goto S9wRw; aISwi: S6V33: goto URr35; URr35: return new $a7NmL(raw: [$this, PUz0n::ce_3H($WEQkh), $Z1hKv], dateClass: static::class, isDefaultInterval: $Pq9_X); goto Z5LGv; LP0qv: LIMTf: goto pzM3T; Qa11N: $Z1hKv = (int) $Z1hKv; goto ejkKI; KOJ3_: $a7NmL = $this->ZeYSH() ? PO2MU::class : mEctf::class; goto Q2R9_; xwzsk: $Z1hKv = $this->a9heb($Z1hKv); goto aISwi; pzM3T: $Pq9_X = !$WEQkh; goto fGDMh; S9wRw: $WEQkh = PUz0n::ce_3h("{$WEQkh}\x20" . static::yWUYm($denRU)); goto LP0qv; ejkKI: r1Fvs: goto jSigN; Q2R9_: if (!(\is_int($Z1hKv) || \is_string($Z1hKv) && ctype_digit($Z1hKv))) { goto r1Fvs; } goto Qa11N; Z5LGv: } public function range($Z1hKv = null, $WEQkh = null, $denRU = null) : CarbonPeriod { return $this->M7zOE($Z1hKv, $WEQkh, $denRU); } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 84378374990d7cdbfff41e00aba84b4b |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 90 ms |