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PHP Decode
<?php /** * * GLOBAL CONFIG * =============== * global configuration file * ..
Decoded Output download
* ===============
* global configuration file
* - initialize modules
* - initialize global resources (db, session, [cache] etc)
* - module settings will override global settings
return array(
'modules' => array(
'locale' => array(
'default' => 'en_US',
'db' => array(
'adapter' => '\Cube\Db\Adapter\PDO\Mysql',
'host' => '%DB_HOST%',
'dbname' => '%DB_NAME%',
'username' => '%DB_USERNAME%',
'password' => '%DB_PASSWORD%',
'prefix' => '%TABLES_PREFIX%',
'charset' => 'utf8'
'cache' => array(
'folder' => __DIR__ . '/../cache',
'queries' => false,
'metadata' => true,
/* mail is global for all modules */
'mail' => array(
'transport' => 'mail',
'layouts_path' => __DIR__ . '/../themes/standard',
'views_path' => __DIR__ . '/../module/App/view/emails',
'layout_file' => 'email.phtml',
/* navigation is global for all modules except Admin */
'navigation' => array(
'data_type' => 'xml',
'data_file' => __DIR__ . '/../module/App/config/data/navigation/navigation.xml',
'views_path' => __DIR__ . '/../module/App/view',
/* session is global for all modules except Admin */
'session' => array(
'namespace' => '%SESSION_NAMESPACE%',
'secret' => '%SESSION_SECRET%',
/* set folders used by the application (relative paths) */
'folders' => array(
'themes' => 'themes', // themes folder (relative path)
'img' => 'img', // global images folder (relative path)
'uploads' => 'uploads', // media uploads folder
'cache' => 'uploads/cache', // media uploads folder
/* set paths used by the application (absolute) */
'paths' => array(
'base' => __DIR__ . '/..', // base path of the application
'languages' => __DIR__ . '/data/language', // languages folder
'themes' => __DIR__ . '/../themes',
'img' => __DIR__ . '/../img', // global images folder
'uploads' => __DIR__ . '/../uploads', // media uploads folder
'cache' => __DIR__ . '/../uploads/cache', // cached images folder
'translate' => array(
'adapter' => '\Ppb\Translate\Adapter\Composite',
'translations' => array(
'locale' => 'en_US',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/data/language/en_US',
'img' => 'flags/en_US.png',
'desc' => 'English',
'sources' => array(
'adapter' => '\Cube\Translate\Adapter\Gettext',
'extension' => 'mo',
'adapter' => '\Cube\Translate\Adapter\ArrayAdapter',
'extension' => 'php',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* ===============
* global configuration file
* - initialize modules
* - initialize global resources (db, session, [cache] etc)
* - module settings will override global settings
return array(
'modules' => array(
'locale' => array(
'default' => 'en_US',
'db' => array(
'adapter' => '\\Cube\\Db\\Adapter\\PDO\\Mysql',
'host' => '%DB_HOST%',
'dbname' => '%DB_NAME%',
'username' => '%DB_USERNAME%',
'password' => '%DB_PASSWORD%',
'prefix' => '%TABLES_PREFIX%',
'charset' => 'utf8'
'cache' => array(
'folder' => __DIR__ . '/../cache',
'queries' => false,
'metadata' => true,
/* mail is global for all modules */
'mail' => array(
'transport' => 'mail',
'layouts_path' => __DIR__ . '/../themes/standard',
'views_path' => __DIR__ . '/../module/App/view/emails',
'layout_file' => 'email.phtml',
/* navigation is global for all modules except Admin */
'navigation' => array(
'data_type' => 'xml',
'data_file' => __DIR__ . '/../module/App/config/data/navigation/navigation.xml',
'views_path' => __DIR__ . '/../module/App/view',
/* session is global for all modules except Admin */
'session' => array(
'namespace' => '%SESSION_NAMESPACE%',
'secret' => '%SESSION_SECRET%',
/* set folders used by the application (relative paths) */
'folders' => array(
'themes' => 'themes', // themes folder (relative path)
'img' => 'img', // global images folder (relative path)
'uploads' => 'uploads', // media uploads folder
'cache' => 'uploads/cache', // media uploads folder
/* set paths used by the application (absolute) */
'paths' => array(
'base' => __DIR__ . '/..', // base path of the application
'languages' => __DIR__ . '/data/language', // languages folder
'themes' => __DIR__ . '/../themes',
'img' => __DIR__ . '/../img', // global images folder
'uploads' => __DIR__ . '/../uploads', // media uploads folder
'cache' => __DIR__ . '/../uploads/cache', // cached images folder
'translate' => array(
'adapter' => '\\Ppb\\Translate\\Adapter\\Composite',
'translations' => array(
'locale' => 'en_US',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/data/language/en_US',
'img' => 'flags/en_US.png',
'desc' => 'English',
'sources' => array(
'adapter' => '\\Cube\\Translate\\Adapter\\Gettext',
'extension' => 'mo',
'adapter' => '\\Cube\\Translate\\Adapter\\ArrayAdapter',
'extension' => 'php',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 844855b4c5f45202bdd594cfb5bcc6b3 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 122 ms |