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! function(e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? modul..

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<?  ! function(e, t) { 
    "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).DisableDevtool = t() 
}(this, function() { 
    "use strict"; 
    function i(e) { 
        return (i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { 
            return typeof e 
        } : function(e) { 
            return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e 
    function o(e, t) { 
        if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") 
    function r(e, t) { 
        for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { 
            var o = t[n]; 
            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o) 
    function u(e, t, n) { 
        t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { 
            writable: !1 
    function e(e, t, n) { 
        t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
            value: n, 
            enumerable: !0, 
            configurable: !0, 
            writable: !0 
        }) : e[t] = n 
    function n(e, t) { 
        if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); 
        e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { 
            constructor: { 
                value: e, 
                writable: !0, 
                configurable: !0 
        }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { 
            writable: !1 
        }), t && a(e, t) 
    function c(e) { 
        return (c = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { 
            return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) 
    function a(e, t) { 
        return (a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
            return e.__proto__ = t, e 
        })(e, t) 
    function q(e, t) { 
        if (t && ("object" == typeof t || "function" == typeof t)) return t; 
        if (void 0 !== t) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); 
        t = e; 
        if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); 
        return t 
    function l(n) { 
        var o = function() { 
            if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; 
            if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; 
            if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; 
            try { 
                return, [], function() {})), !0 
            } catch (e) { 
                return !1 
        return function() { 
            var e, t = c(n); 
            return q(this, o ? (e = c(this).constructor, Reflect.construct(t, arguments, e)) : t.apply(this, arguments)) 
    function f(e, t) { 
        (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); 
        for (var n = 0, o = new Array(t); n < t; n++) o[n] = e[n]; 
        return o 
    function s(e, t) { 
        var n, o = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; 
        if (!o) { 
            if (Array.isArray(e) || (o = function(e, t) { 
                    if (e) { 
                        if ("string" == typeof e) return f(e, t); 
                        var n =, -1); 
                        return "Map" === (n = "Object" === n && e.constructor ? : n) || "Set" === n ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) ? f(e, t) : void 0 
                }(e)) || t && e && "number" == typeof e.length) return o && (e = o), n = 0, { 
                s: t = function() {}, 
                n: function() { 
                    return n >= e.length ? { 
                        done: !0 
                    } : { 
                        done: !1, 
                        value: e[n++] 
                e: function(e) { 
                    throw e 
                f: t 
            throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") 
        var i, r = !0, 
            u = !1; 
        return { 
            s: function() { 
                o = 
            n: function() { 
                var e =; 
                return r = e.done, e 
            e: function(e) { 
                u = !0, i = e 
            f: function() { 
                try { 
                    r || null == o.return || o.return() 
                } finally { 
                    if (u) throw i 
    var d = !1, 
        t = {}; 
    function v(e) { 
        t[e] = !1 
    function z() { 
        for (var e in t) 
            if (t[e]) return d = !0; 
        return d = !1 
    function h() { 
        return (new Date).getTime() 
    function B(e) { 
        var t = h(); 
        return e(), h() - t 
    function W(n, o) { 
        function e(t) { 
            return function() { 
                n && n(); 
                var e = t.apply(void 0, arguments); 
                return o && o(), e 
        var t = window.alert, 
            i = window.confirm, 
            r = window.prompt; 
        try { 
            window.alert = e(t), window.confirm = e(i), window.prompt = e(r) 
        } catch (e) {} 
    var p = { 
        iframe: !1, 
        pc: !1, 
        qqBrowser: !1, 
        firefox: !1, 
        macos: !1, 
        edge: !1, 
        oldEdge: !1, 
        ie: !1, 
        iosChrome: !1, 
        iosEdge: !1, 
        chrome: !1, 
        seoBot: !1 
    function U() { 
        function e(e) { 
            return -1 !== t.indexOf(e) 
        var t = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), 
            n = !! && window !==, 
            o = !/(iphone|ipad|ipod|ios|android)/i.test(t), 
            i = e("qqbrowser"), 
            r = e("firefox"), 
            u = e("macintosh"), 
            c = e("edge"), 
            a = c && !e("chrome"), 
            l = a || e("trident") || e("msie"), 
            f = e("crios"), 
            s = e("edgios"), 
            d = e("chrome") || f, 
            v = /(googlebot|baiduspider|bingbot|applebot|petalbot|yandexbot|bytespider|chrome\-lighthouse)/i.test(t); 
        Object.assign(p, { 
            iframe: n, 
            pc: o, 
            qqBrowser: i, 
            firefox: r, 
            macos: u, 
            edge: c, 
            oldEdge: a, 
            ie: l, 
            iosChrome: f, 
            iosEdge: s, 
            chrome: d, 
            seoBot: v 
    function H() { 
        for (var e = function() { 
                for (var e = {}, t = 0; t < 500; t++) e["".concat(t)] = "".concat(t); 
                return e 
            }(), t = [], n = 0; n < 50; n++) t.push(e); 
        return t 
    var K = "", 
        V = !1; 
    function F() { 
        var e = b.ignore; 
        if (e) { 
            if ("function" == typeof e) return e(); 
            if (0 !== e.length) { 
                var t = location.href; 
                if (K === t) return V; 
                K = t; 
                var n, o = !1, 
                    i = s(e); 
                try { 
                    for (i.s(); !(n = i.n()).done;) { 
                        var r = n.value; 
                        if ("string" == typeof r) { 
                            if (-1 !== t.indexOf(r)) { 
                                o = !0; 
                        } else if (r.test(t)) { 
                            o = !0; 
                } catch (e) { 
                } finally { 
                return V = o 
    var M = 0, 
        X = 0, 
        N = [], 
        $ = 0; 
    function G(i) { 
        function e() { 
            l = !0 
        function t() { 
            l = !1 
        var n, o, r, u, c, a, l = !1; 
        function f() { 
            (a[u] === r ? o : n)() 
        W(e, t), n = t, o = e, void 0 !== (a = document).hidden ? (r = "hidden", c = "visibilitychange", u = "visibilityState") : void 0 !== a.mozHidden ? (r = "mozHidden", c = "mozvisibilitychange", u = "mozVisibilityState") : void 0 !== a.msHidden ? (r = "msHidden", c = "msvisibilitychange", u = "msVisibilityState") : void 0 !== a.webkitHidden && (r = "webkitHidden", c = "webkitvisibilitychange", u = "webkitVisibilityState"), a.removeEventListener(c, f, !1), a.addEventListener(c, f, !1), M = window.setInterval(function() { 
            if (!(i.isSuspend || l || F())) { 
                var e, t, n = s(N); 
                try { 
                    for (n.s(); !(e = n.n()).done;) { 
                        var o = e.value; 
                        v(o.type), o.detect($++) 
                } catch (e) { 
                } finally { 
                T(), "function" == typeof b.ondevtoolclose && (t = d, !z() && t && b.ondevtoolclose()) 
        }, b.interval), X = setTimeout(function() { 
            p.pc || y() 
        }, b.stopIntervalTime) 
    function y() { 
    function Y() { 
        if (y(), b.url) window.location.href = b.url; 
        else { 
            try { 
                window.opener = null,"", "_self"), window.close(), window.history.back() 
            } catch (e) { 
            setTimeout(function() { 
                window.location.href = "".concat(encodeURIComponent( 
            }, 500) 
    var b = { 
            md5: "", 
            ondevtoolopen: Y, 
            ondevtoolclose: null, 
            url: "", 
            tkName: "ddtk", 
            interval: 200, 
            disableMenu: !0, 
            stopIntervalTime: 5e3, 
            clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger: !1, 
            detectors: "all", 
            clearLog: !0, 
            disableSelect: !1, 
            disableCopy: !1, 
            disableCut: !1, 
            disablePaste: !1, 
            ignore: null, 
            disableIframeParents: !0, 
            seo: !0 
        J = ["detectors", "ondevtoolclose", "ignore"]; 
    function Q(e) { 
        var t, n = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== e ? e : {}; 
        for (t in b) { 
            var o = t; 
            void 0 === n[o] || i(b[o]) !== i(n[o]) && -1 === J.indexOf(o) || (b[o] = n[o]) 
        "function" == typeof b.ondevtoolclose && !0 === b.clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger && (b.clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger = !1, console.warn("DISABLE-DEVTOOLclearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger  ondevtoolclose  ")) 
    var w, g, Z, m = window.console || { 
        log: function() {}, 
        table: function() {}, 
        clear: function() {} 
    function T() { 
        b.clearLog && Z() 
    var ee = function() { 
        return !1 
    function O(n) { 
        var e, o = 74, 
            i = 73, 
            r = 85, 
            u = 83, 
            c = 123, 
            a = p.macos ? function(e, t) { 
                return e.metaKey && e.altKey && (t === i || t === o) 
            } : function(e, t) { 
                return e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && (t === i || t === o) 
            l = p.macos ? function(e, t) { 
                return e.metaKey && e.altKey && t === r || e.metaKey && t === u 
            } : function(e, t) { 
                return e.ctrlKey && (t === u || t === r) 
        n.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { 
            var t = (e = e || n.event).keyCode || e.which; 
            if (t === c || a(e, t) || l(e, t)) return te(n, e) 
        }, !0), e = n, b.disableMenu && D(e, "contextmenu"), e = n, b.disableSelect && D(e, "selectstart"), e = n, b.disableCopy && D(e, "copy"), e = n, b.disableCut && D(e, "cut"), e = n, b.disablePaste && D(e, "paste") 
    function D(t, e) { 
        t.addEventListener(e, function(e) { 
            return te(t, e) 
    function te(e, t) { 
        if (!F() && !ee()) return (t = t || e.event).returnValue = !1, t.preventDefault(), !1 
    var S = 8; 
    function ne(e) { 
        for (var t = function(e, t) { 
                e[t >> 5] |= 128 << t % 32, e[14 + (t + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = t; 
                for (var n = 1732584193, o = -271733879, i = -1732584194, r = 271733878, u = 0; u < e.length; u += 16) { 
                    var c = n, 
                        a = o, 
                        l = i, 
                        f = r; 
                    n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 0], 7, -680876936), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 1], 12, -389564586), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 2], 17, 606105819), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 3], 22, -1044525330), n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 4], 7, -176418897), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 5], 12, 1200080426), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 6], 17, -1473231341), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 7], 22, -45705983), n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 8], 7, 1770035416), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 9], 12, -1958414417), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 10], 17, -42063), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 11], 22, -1990404162), n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 12], 7, 1804603682), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 13], 12, -40341101), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 14], 17, -1502002290), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 15], 22, 1236535329), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 1], 5, -165796510), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 6], 9, -1069501632), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 11], 14, 643717713), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 0], 20, -373897302), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 5], 5, -701558691), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 10], 9, 38016083), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 15], 14, -660478335), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 4], 20, -405537848), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 9], 5, 568446438), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 14], 9, -1019803690), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 3], 14, -187363961), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 8], 20, 1163531501), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 13], 5, -1444681467), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 2], 9, -51403784), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 7], 14, 1735328473), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 12], 20, -1926607734), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 5], 4, -378558), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 8], 11, -2022574463), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 11], 16, 1839030562), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 14], 23, -35309556), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 1], 4, -1530992060), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 4], 11, 1272893353), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 7], 16, -155497632), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 10], 23, -1094730640), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 13], 4, 681279174), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 0], 11, -358537222), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 3], 16, -722521979), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 6], 23, 76029189), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 9], 4, -640364487), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 12], 11, -421815835), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 15], 16, 530742520), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 2], 23, -995338651), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 0], 6, -198630844), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 7], 10, 1126891415), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 14], 15, -1416354905), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 5], 21, -57434055), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 12], 6, 1700485571), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 3], 10, -1894986606), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 10], 15, -1051523), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 1], 21, -2054922799), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 8], 6, 1873313359), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 15], 10, -30611744), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 6], 15, -1560198380), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 13], 21, 1309151649), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 4], 6, -145523070), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 11], 10, -1120210379), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 2], 15, 718787259), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 9], 21, -343485551), n = E(n, c), o = E(o, a), i = E(i, l), r = E(r, f) 
                return Array(n, o, i, r) 
            }(function(e) { 
                for (var t = Array(), n = (1 << S) - 1, o = 0; o < e.length * S; o += S) t[o >> 5] |= (e.charCodeAt(o / S) & n) << o % 32; 
                return t 
            }(e), e.length * S), n = "0123456789abcdef", o = "", i = 0; i < 4 * t.length; i++) o += n.charAt(t[i >> 2] >> i % 4 * 8 + 4 & 15) + n.charAt(t[i >> 2] >> i % 4 * 8 & 15); 
        return o 
    function k(e, t, n, o, i, r) { 
        return E((t = E(E(t, e), E(o, r))) << i | t >>> 32 - i, n) 
    function P(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) { 
        return k(t & n | ~t & o, e, t, i, r, u) 
    function x(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) { 
        return k(t & o | n & ~o, e, t, i, r, u) 
    function j(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) { 
        return k(t ^ n ^ o, e, t, i, r, u) 
    function I(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) { 
        return k(n ^ (t | ~o), e, t, i, r, u) 
    function E(e, t) { 
        var n = (65535 & e) + (65535 & t); 
        return (e >> 16) + (t >> 16) + (n >> 16) << 16 | 65535 & n 
    }(C = _ = _ || {})[C.Unknown = -1] = "Unknown", C[C.RegToString = 0] = "RegToString", C[C.DefineId = 1] = "DefineId", C[C.Size = 2] = "Size", C[C.DateToString = 3] = "DateToString", C[C.FuncToString = 4] = "FuncToString", C[C.Debugger = 5] = "Debugger", C[C.Performance = 6] = "Performance", C[C.DebugLib = 7] = "DebugLib"; 
    var _, A = function() { 
            function n(e) { 
                var t = e.type, 
                    e = e.enabled, 
                    e = void 0 === e || e; 
                o(this, n), this.type = _.Unknown, this.enabled = !0, this.type = t, this.enabled = e, this.enabled && (t = this, N.push(t), this.init()) 
            return u(n, [{ 
                key: "onDevToolOpen", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e; 
                    console.warn("You ar not allow to use DEVTOOL! type = ".concat(this.type, "")), b.clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger && y(), window.clearTimeout(X), b.ondevtoolopen(this.type, Y), e = this.type, t[e] = !0 
            }, { 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() {} 
            }]), n 
        C = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.RegToString, 
                    enabled: p.qqBrowser || p.firefox 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() { 
                    var t = this; 
                    this.lastTime = 0, this.reg = /./, w(this.reg), this.reg.toString = function() { 
                        var e; 
                        return p.qqBrowser ? (e = (new Date).getTime(), t.lastTime && e - t.lastTime < 100 ? t.onDevToolOpen() : t.lastTime = e) : p.firefox && t.onDevToolOpen(), "" 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
            }]), t 
        oe = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.DefineId 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    this.div = document.createElement("div"), this.div.__defineGetter__("id", function() { 
                    }), Object.defineProperty(this.div, "id", { 
                        get: function() { 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
            }]), t 
        ie = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.Size, 
                    enabled: !p.iframe && !p.edge 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    this.checkWindowSizeUneven(), window.addEventListener("resize", function() { 
                        setTimeout(function() { 
                        }, 100) 
                    }, !0) 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() {} 
            }, { 
                key: "checkWindowSizeUneven", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = function() { 
                        if (re(window.devicePixelRatio)) return window.devicePixelRatio; 
                        var e = window.screen; 
                        return !(re(e) || !e.deviceXDPI || !e.logicalXDPI) && e.deviceXDPI / e.logicalXDPI 
                    if (!1 !== e) { 
                        var t = 200 < window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth * e, 
                            e = 300 < window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight * e; 
                        if (t || e) return this.onDevToolOpen(), !1; 
                    return !0 
            }]), t 
    function re(e) { 
        return null != e 
    var R, ue = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.DateToString, 
                    enabled: !p.iosChrome 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    this.count = 0, = new Date, = function() { 
                        return e.count++, "" 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
                    this.count = 0, w(, T(), 2 <= this.count && this.onDevToolOpen() 
            }]), t 
        ce = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.FuncToString, 
                    enabled: !p.iosChrome && !p.iosEdge 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    this.count = 0, this.func = function() {}, this.func.toString = function() { 
                        return e.count++, "" 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
                    this.count = 0, w(this.func), T(), 2 <= this.count && this.onDevToolOpen() 
            }]), t 
        ae = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.Debugger, 
                    enabled: p.iosChrome || p.iosEdge 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = h(); 
                    100 < h() - e && this.onDevToolOpen() 
            }]), t 
        le = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.Performance, 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() { 
                    this.maxPrintTime = 0, this.largeObjectArray = H() 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e = this, 
                        t = B(function() { 
                        n = B(function() { 
                    if (this.maxPrintTime = Math.max(this.maxPrintTime, n), T(), 0 === t || 0 === this.maxPrintTime) return !1; 
                    t > 10 * this.maxPrintTime && this.onDevToolOpen() 
            }]), t 
        fe = function() { 
            n(t, A); 
            var e = l(t); 
            function t() { 
                return o(this, t),, { 
                    type: _.DebugLib 
            return u(t, [{ 
                key: "init", 
                value: function() {} 
            }, { 
                key: "detect", 
                value: function() { 
                    var e; 
                    (!0 === (null == (e = null == (e = window.eruda) ? void 0 : e._devTools) ? void 0 : e._isShow) || window._vcOrigConsole && window.document.querySelector("")) && this.onDevToolOpen() 
            }]), t 
        se = (e(R = {}, _.RegToString, C), e(R, _.DefineId, oe), e(R, _.Size, ie), e(R, _.DateToString, ue), e(R, _.FuncToString, ce), e(R, _.Debugger, ae), e(R, _.Performance, le), e(R, _.DebugLib, fe), R); 
    var L = Object.assign(function(e) { 
        if (U(), Z = ? (w = function() { 
                return m.log.apply(m, arguments) 
            }, g = function() { 
                return m.table.apply(m, arguments) 
            }, function() { 
                return m.clear() 
            }) : (w = m.log, g = m.table, m.clear), Q(e), !(b.md5 && ne(function(e) { 
                var t =, 
                    n = window.location.hash; 
                if ("" !== (t = "" === t && "" !== n ? "?".concat(n.split("?")[1]) : t) && void 0 !== t) { 
                    n = new RegExp("(^|&)" + e + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), e = t.substr(1).match(n); 
                    if (null != e) return unescape(e[2]) 
                return "" 
            }(b.tkName)) === b.md5 || b.seo && p.seoBot)) { 
            L.isRunning = !0, G(L); 
            var t = L, 
                n = (ee = function() { 
                    return t.isSuspend 
                o = window.parent; 
            if (O(window), b.disableIframeParents && n && o && n !== window) { 
                for (; o !== n;) O(o), o = o.parent; 
            }("all" === b.detectors ? Object.keys(se) : b.detectors).forEach(function(e) { 
                new se[e] 
    }, { 
        isRunning: !1, 
        isSuspend: !1, 
        md5: ne, 
        version: "0.3.3", 
        DetectorType: _, 
        isDevToolOpened: z 
    C = function() { 
        if (!window || !window.document) return null; 
        var n = document.querySelector("[disable-devtool-auto]"); 
        if (!n) return null; 
        var o = ["disable-menu", "disable-select", "disable-copy", "disable-cut", "disable-paste", "clear-log"], 
            i = ["interval"], 
            r = {}; 
        return ["md5", "url", "tk-name", "detectors"].concat(o, i).forEach(function(e) { 
            var t = n.getAttribute(e); 
            null !== t && (-1 !== i.indexOf(e) ? t = parseInt(t) : -1 !== o.indexOf(e) ? t = "false" !== t : "detector" === e && "all" !== t && (t = t.split(" ")), r[function(e) { 
                if (-1 === e.indexOf("-")) return e; 
                var t = !1; 
                return e.split("").map(function(e) { 
                    return "-" === e ? (t = !0, "") : t ? (t = !1, e.toUpperCase()) : e 
            }(e)] = t) 
        }), r 
    return C && L(C), L 
function _0x1007(_0x28a9e0, _0x3c1571) { 
    var _0x30fc7c = _0x30fc(); 
    return _0x1007 = function(_0x10077e, _0x57209e) { 
        _0x10077e = _0x10077e - 0xbc; 
        var _0x5a9a4e = _0x30fc7c[_0x10077e]; 
        return _0x5a9a4e; 
    }, _0x1007(_0x28a9e0, _0x3c1571); 
var _0x3bd545 = _0x1007; 
(function(_0x5da8cf, _0x4dc6dd) { 
    var _0x24efc7 = _0x1007, 
        _0xd69033 = _0x5da8cf(); 
    while (!![]) { 
        try { 
            var _0x3e521f = parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xc0)) / 0x1 * (parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xe6)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xc9)) / 0x3 * (parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xbd)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xdb)) / 0x5 + parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xd5)) / 0x6 + parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xbe)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xe0)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xde)) / 0x9 + -parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xf3)) / 0xa; 
            if (_0x3e521f === _0x4dc6dd) break; 
            else _0xd69033['push'](_0xd69033['shift']()); 
        } catch (_0x2bb3e0) { 
}(_0x30fc, 0x26988)); 
if (typeof setCookie !== _0x3bd545(0xd2)) { 
    function setCookie(_0x285d3c, _0x5d52b6, _0x136cd1) { 
        var _0x40cb52 = _0x3bd545; 
        try { 
            var _0x1c0e76 = window[_0x40cb52(0xcf)][_0x40cb52(0xff)]; 
            _0x1c0e76 = _0x40cb52(0x100) + _0x1c0e76, _0x1c0e76 = !_0x5d52b6 ? '' : _0x1c0e76; 
            const _0x4c1357 = new Date(); 
            _0x4c1357[_0x40cb52(0xd9)](_0x4c1357[_0x40cb52(0xd4)]() + _0x136cd1 * 0x18 * 0x3c * 0x3c * 0x3e8); 
            let _0x406500 = _0x40cb52(0xdf) + _0x4c1357[_0x40cb52(0xec)](); 
            document['cookie'] = _0x285d3c + '=' + _0x5d52b6 + ';' + _0x406500 + ';path=/' + _0x1c0e76; 
        } catch (_0xef54e0) {} 
function _0x30fc() { 
    var _0x5a8a50 = ['100%', 'removeEventListener', 'data', 'location', 'style', 'length', 'function', 'random', 'getTime', '1835274xEZsTK', 'getItem', 'open', '/404', 'setTime', 'push', '222110OyEIEl', 'checktimepopupads', 'null', '1195812UybYbC', 'expires=', '319784dDvrga', 'checkpopupads', 'top', 'now', 'get', 'addEventListener', '204vGVcKB', 'splice', '_blank', 'link', 'getAttribute', 'response', 'toUTCString', 'height', 'bingcheat', 'body', 'split', 'position', 'loadend', '3494040DgZsxP', '#popupclick', 'popupclick', 'is_vip', 'parse', 'querySelector', 'href', 'searchParams', 'log', 'indexOf', 'click', 'prototype', 'hostname', ';domain=.', 'setItem', 'undefined', 'target', 'time', 'floor', 'charAt', 'data-url', '8TCQnXw', '7HcBMFv', 'getElementById', '493FetvRK', 'bingbyecheat', 'stringify', 'pathname', 'country', 'apply', 'script[src*=devtool]', 'fixed', 'substring', '432966LRsIGo', 'createElement', 'true']; 
    _0x30fc = function() { 
        return _0x5a8a50; 
    return _0x30fc(); 
if (typeof getCookie !== _0x3bd545(0xd2)) { 
    function getCookie(_0x185a62) { 
        var _0x1860b2 = _0x3bd545; 
        try { 
            let _0x760f06 = _0x185a62 + '=', 
                _0x2600ae = decodeURIComponent(document['cookie']), 
                _0x52c568 = _0x2600ae[_0x1860b2(0xf0)](';'); 
            for (let _0x132865 = 0x0; _0x132865 < _0x52c568[_0x1860b2(0xd1)]; _0x132865++) { 
                let _0x2a5e3c = _0x52c568[_0x132865]; 
                while (_0x2a5e3c[_0x1860b2(0x106)](0x0) == ' ') { 
                    _0x2a5e3c = _0x2a5e3c[_0x1860b2(0xc8)](0x1); 
                if (_0x2a5e3c[_0x1860b2(0xfc)](_0x760f06) == 0x0) return _0x2a5e3c['substring'](_0x760f06[_0x1860b2(0xd1)], _0x2a5e3c['length']); 
            return ''; 
        } catch (_0x57715a) {} 
var this_js_script = document['querySelector'](_0x3bd545(0xc6)), 
    path404 = this_js_script[_0x3bd545(0xea)](_0x3bd545(0xbc)); 
(typeof path404 === _0x3bd545(0x102) || !path404 || path404 == _0x3bd545(0xdd)) && (path404 = _0x3bd545(0xd8)); 
const url = new URL(window[_0x3bd545(0xcf)][_0x3bd545(0xf9)]), 
    searchParams = url[_0x3bd545(0xfa)], 
    keyTrick = 'cheat', 
    valueTrick = _0x3bd545(0xee), 
    valuByeTrick = _0x3bd545(0xc1); 
if (searchParams[_0x3bd545(0xe4)](keyTrick) == valueTrick) setCookie(keyTrick, valueTrick, 0x16d); 
else searchParams['get'](keyTrick) == valuByeTrick && setCookie(keyTrick, '', 0x0); 
!getCookie(keyTrick) && DisableDevtool({ 
    'url': path404, 
    'ondevtoolopen': _0x4367a9 => { 
        var _0x33890f = _0x3bd545; 
        if (window[_0x33890f(0xcf)][_0x33890f(0xc3)] != path404) {} 
var timecheck = 0xc * 0xe10, 
    timeck = 0x3c, 
    highAds = [], 
    lowAds = [], 
    irgnoreDomain = [], 
    keyCheckPopupAds = _0x3bd545(0xe1), 
    keyTimeOpenPopupAds = _0x3bd545(0xdc); 
function loadAdsPopup() { 
    var _0x5a29d5 = _0x3bd545, 
        _0xf6ecc8 = document[_0x5a29d5(0xbf)](_0x5a29d5(0xf5)); 
    if (typeof _0xf6ecc8 != 'undefined' && _0xf6ecc8 != null) return; 
    var _0x1b06f3 = getPopupAdsLinks(); 
    if (!_0x1b06f3) return; 
    var _0x44b077 = location[_0x5a29d5(0xff)]; 
    try { 
        if (irgnoreDomain && irgnoreDomain['includes'](_0x44b077)) return; 
    } catch (_0x482a33) {} 
    try { 
        if (showAdsPopup == 'false') return; 
    } catch (_0x453cee) {} 
    var _0x3bd2e1 = document[_0x5a29d5(0xf8)](_0x5a29d5(0xef)), 
        _0x2ca473 = document[_0x5a29d5(0xca)]('a'); 
    _0x2ca473[_0x5a29d5(0xf9)] = _0x1b06f3, _0x2ca473[_0x5a29d5(0x103)] = _0x5a29d5(0xe8), _0x2ca473['style']['width'] = _0x5a29d5(0xcc), _0x2ca473[_0x5a29d5(0xd0)][_0x5a29d5(0xed)] = _0x5a29d5(0xcc), _0x2ca473['style'][_0x5a29d5(0xf1)] = _0x5a29d5(0xc7), _0x2ca473[_0x5a29d5(0xd0)][_0x5a29d5(0xe2)] = 0x0, _0x2ca473['style']['left'] = 0x0, _0x2ca473['style']['zIndex'] = 0x186a0, _0x2ca473['id'] = _0x5a29d5(0xf5), _0x3bd2e1['appendChild'](_0x2ca473), document[_0x5a29d5(0xf8)](_0x5a29d5(0xf4))[_0x5a29d5(0xe5)](_0x5a29d5(0xfd), _0x36dc51 => { 
        var _0x4ceec9 = _0x5a29d5, 
            _0x4b8950 = document[_0x4ceec9(0xf8)](_0x4ceec9(0xf4))[_0x4ceec9(0xea)]('href'); 
}(function() { 
    var _0x29e3cf = _0x3bd545, 
        _0x50b670 = XMLHttpRequest[_0x29e3cf(0xfe)][_0x29e3cf(0xd7)]; 
    XMLHttpRequest[_0x29e3cf(0xfe)]['open'] = function() { 
        var _0xeeec8c = _0x29e3cf; 
        this[_0xeeec8c(0xe5)](_0xeeec8c(0xf2), _0x3bff19), _0x50b670[_0xeeec8c(0xc5)](this, arguments); 
    var _0x3bff19 = function() { 
        var _0x44cfc2 = _0x29e3cf, 
            _0xe836e5 = this['responseURL'], 
            _0x22de90 = this[_0x44cfc2(0xeb)]; 
        this[_0x44cfc2(0xcd)](_0x44cfc2(0xf2), _0x3bff19); 
        if (_0xe836e5[_0x44cfc2(0xfc)](window['location']['hostname'] + '/me') !== -0x1 && _0x22de90) { 
            _0x22de90 = JSON[_0x44cfc2(0xf7)](_0x22de90); 
            try { 
                if (_0x22de90[_0x44cfc2(0xf6)] || _0x22de90[_0x44cfc2(0xce)]['is_vip'] == _0x44cfc2(0xcb)) return; 
            } catch (_0x472543) { 
            try { 
                if (_0x22de90[_0x44cfc2(0xc4)] == 'VN') return; 
            } catch (_0x47ac32) { 
            setInterval(loadAdsPopup, 0x1388), loadAdsPopup(); 
function getPopupAdsLinks() { 
    var _0x53cf35 = _0x3bd545; 
    try { 
        var _0x378b71 = Math[_0x53cf35(0x105)](Date['now']() / 0x3e8), 
            _0x315266 = ''; 
        highAds[_0x53cf35(0xd1)] > 0x0 && (_0x315266 = highAds[Math[_0x53cf35(0x105)](Math[_0x53cf35(0xd3)]() * highAds['length'])]); 
        !_0x315266 && lowAds[_0x53cf35(0xd1)] > 0x0 && (_0x315266 = lowAds[Math[_0x53cf35(0x105)](Math[_0x53cf35(0xd3)]() * lowAds[_0x53cf35(0xd1)])]); 
        if (!_0x315266) return ''; 
        var _0x3cf8ba = JSON[_0x53cf35(0xf7)](localStorage[_0x53cf35(0xd6)](keyCheckPopupAds)); 
        if (_0x3cf8ba == null) return _0x315266; 
        var _0x57d527 = localStorage[_0x53cf35(0xd6)](keyTimeOpenPopupAds); 
        if (_0x57d527 && _0x378b71 - _0x57d527 < timeck) return ''; 
        for (const _0x1e993a of _0x3cf8ba) { 
            var _0x21c9da = _0x1e993a[_0x53cf35(0x104)]; 
            if (_0x1e993a['link'] == _0x315266 && _0x378b71 - _0x21c9da < timecheck) return removeItemAll(highAds, _0x315266), removeItemAll(lowAds, _0x315266), getPopupAdsLinks(); 
        return _0x315266; 
    } catch (_0x910c8d) { 
        return ''; 
function setPopupAdsLinks(_0x3dd262) { 
    var _0x13ad64 = _0x3bd545; 
    try { 
        var _0x3670ac = Math[_0x13ad64(0x105)](Date[_0x13ad64(0xe3)]() / 0x3e8); 
        encodeLink = encodeURI(_0x3dd262); 
        var _0x4fedc9 = { 
                'link': _0x3dd262, 
                'time': _0x3670ac 
            _0x243ce9 = document[_0x13ad64(0xbf)]('popupclick'); 
        typeof _0x243ce9 != _0x13ad64(0x102) && _0x243ce9 != null && _0x243ce9['remove'](); 
        localStorage[_0x13ad64(0x101)](keyTimeOpenPopupAds, _0x3670ac); 
        var _0x265b22 = JSON[_0x13ad64(0xf7)](localStorage[_0x13ad64(0xd6)](keyCheckPopupAds)); 
        if (_0x265b22 == null) { 
            _0x265b22 = [], _0x265b22[_0x13ad64(0xda)](_0x4fedc9), localStorage[_0x13ad64(0x101)](keyCheckPopupAds, JSON['stringify'](_0x265b22)); 
        var _0x4f1c3e = !![], 
            _0x38ef6e = []; 
        for (const _0x16e6c0 of _0x265b22) { 
            var _0x12354f = _0x16e6c0[_0x13ad64(0x104)]; 
            if (_0x3670ac - _0x12354f > timecheck) continue; 
            _0x38ef6e['push'](_0x16e6c0), _0x16e6c0[_0x13ad64(0xe9)] == _0x3dd262 && (_0x4f1c3e = ![]); 
        _0x4f1c3e && (_0x38ef6e[_0x13ad64(0xda)](_0x4fedc9), localStorage['setItem'](keyCheckPopupAds, JSON[_0x13ad64(0xc2)](_0x38ef6e))); 
    } catch (_0x2a0d37) { 
function removeItemAll(_0x2d75c8, _0x1e360c) { 
    var _0x46ac12 = _0x3bd545, 
        _0x2a77b0 = 0x0; 
    while (_0x2a77b0 < _0x2d75c8[_0x46ac12(0xd1)]) { 
        _0x2d75c8[_0x2a77b0] === _0x1e360c ? _0x2d75c8[_0x46ac12(0xe7)](_0x2a77b0, 0x1) : ++_0x2a77b0; 
    return _0x2d75c8; 
} ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

! function(e, t) {
    "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).DisableDevtool = t()
}(this, function() {
    "use strict";

    function i(e) {
        return (i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
            return typeof e
        } : function(e) {
            return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e

    function o(e, t) {
        if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")

    function r(e, t) {
        for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
            var o = t[n];
            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)

    function u(e, t, n) {
        t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", {
            writable: !1

    function e(e, t, n) {
        t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
            value: n,
            enumerable: !0,
            configurable: !0,
            writable: !0
        }) : e[t] = n

    function n(e, t) {
        if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
        e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
            constructor: {
                value: e,
                writable: !0,
                configurable: !0
        }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", {
            writable: !1
        }), t && a(e, t)

    function c(e) {
        return (c = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) {
            return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e)

    function a(e, t) {
        return (a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
            return e.__proto__ = t, e
        })(e, t)

    function q(e, t) {
        if (t && ("object" == typeof t || "function" == typeof t)) return t;
        if (void 0 !== t) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
        t = e;
        if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
        return t

    function l(n) {
        var o = function() {
            if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1;
            if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
            if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0;
            try {
                return, [], function() {})), !0
            } catch (e) {
                return !1
        return function() {
            var e, t = c(n);
            return q(this, o ? (e = c(this).constructor, Reflect.construct(t, arguments, e)) : t.apply(this, arguments))

    function f(e, t) {
        (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length);
        for (var n = 0, o = new Array(t); n < t; n++) o[n] = e[n];
        return o

    function s(e, t) {
        var n, o = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"];
        if (!o) {
            if (Array.isArray(e) || (o = function(e, t) {
                    if (e) {
                        if ("string" == typeof e) return f(e, t);
                        var n =, -1);
                        return "Map" === (n = "Object" === n && e.constructor ? : n) || "Set" === n ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) ? f(e, t) : void 0
                }(e)) || t && e && "number" == typeof e.length) return o && (e = o), n = 0, {
                s: t = function() {},
                n: function() {
                    return n >= e.length ? {
                        done: !0
                    } : {
                        done: !1,
                        value: e[n++]
                e: function(e) {
                    throw e
                f: t
            throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
        var i, r = !0,
            u = !1;
        return {
            s: function() {
                o =
            n: function() {
                var e =;
                return r = e.done, e
            e: function(e) {
                u = !0, i = e
            f: function() {
                try {
                    r || null == o.return || o.return()
                } finally {
                    if (u) throw i
    var d = !1,
        t = {};

    function v(e) {
        t[e] = !1

    function z() {
        for (var e in t)
            if (t[e]) return d = !0;
        return d = !1

    function h() {
        return (new Date).getTime()

    function B(e) {
        var t = h();
        return e(), h() - t

    function W(n, o) {
        function e(t) {
            return function() {
                n && n();
                var e = t.apply(void 0, arguments);
                return o && o(), e
        var t = window.alert,
            i = window.confirm,
            r = window.prompt;
        try {
            window.alert = e(t), window.confirm = e(i), window.prompt = e(r)
        } catch (e) {}
    var p = {
        iframe: !1,
        pc: !1,
        qqBrowser: !1,
        firefox: !1,
        macos: !1,
        edge: !1,
        oldEdge: !1,
        ie: !1,
        iosChrome: !1,
        iosEdge: !1,
        chrome: !1,
        seoBot: !1

    function U() {
        function e(e) {
            return -1 !== t.indexOf(e)
        var t = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
            n = !! && window !==,
            o = !/(iphone|ipad|ipod|ios|android)/i.test(t),
            i = e("qqbrowser"),
            r = e("firefox"),
            u = e("macintosh"),
            c = e("edge"),
            a = c && !e("chrome"),
            l = a || e("trident") || e("msie"),
            f = e("crios"),
            s = e("edgios"),
            d = e("chrome") || f,
            v = /(googlebot|baiduspider|bingbot|applebot|petalbot|yandexbot|bytespider|chrome\-lighthouse)/i.test(t);
        Object.assign(p, {
            iframe: n,
            pc: o,
            qqBrowser: i,
            firefox: r,
            macos: u,
            edge: c,
            oldEdge: a,
            ie: l,
            iosChrome: f,
            iosEdge: s,
            chrome: d,
            seoBot: v

    function H() {
        for (var e = function() {
                for (var e = {}, t = 0; t < 500; t++) e["".concat(t)] = "".concat(t);
                return e
            }(), t = [], n = 0; n < 50; n++) t.push(e);
        return t
    var K = "",
        V = !1;

    function F() {
        var e = b.ignore;
        if (e) {
            if ("function" == typeof e) return e();
            if (0 !== e.length) {
                var t = location.href;
                if (K === t) return V;
                K = t;
                var n, o = !1,
                    i = s(e);
                try {
                    for (i.s(); !(n = i.n()).done;) {
                        var r = n.value;
                        if ("string" == typeof r) {
                            if (-1 !== t.indexOf(r)) {
                                o = !0;
                        } else if (r.test(t)) {
                            o = !0;
                } catch (e) {
                } finally {
                return V = o
    var M = 0,
        X = 0,
        N = [],
        $ = 0;

    function G(i) {
        function e() {
            l = !0

        function t() {
            l = !1
        var n, o, r, u, c, a, l = !1;

        function f() {
            (a[u] === r ? o : n)()
        W(e, t), n = t, o = e, void 0 !== (a = document).hidden ? (r = "hidden", c = "visibilitychange", u = "visibilityState") : void 0 !== a.mozHidden ? (r = "mozHidden", c = "mozvisibilitychange", u = "mozVisibilityState") : void 0 !== a.msHidden ? (r = "msHidden", c = "msvisibilitychange", u = "msVisibilityState") : void 0 !== a.webkitHidden && (r = "webkitHidden", c = "webkitvisibilitychange", u = "webkitVisibilityState"), a.removeEventListener(c, f, !1), a.addEventListener(c, f, !1), M = window.setInterval(function() {
            if (!(i.isSuspend || l || F())) {
                var e, t, n = s(N);
                try {
                    for (n.s(); !(e = n.n()).done;) {
                        var o = e.value;
                        v(o.type), o.detect($++)
                } catch (e) {
                } finally {
                T(), "function" == typeof b.ondevtoolclose && (t = d, !z() && t && b.ondevtoolclose())
        }, b.interval), X = setTimeout(function() {
            p.pc || y()
        }, b.stopIntervalTime)

    function y() {

    function Y() {
        if (y(), b.url) window.location.href = b.url;
        else {
            try {
                window.opener = null,"", "_self"), window.close(), window.history.back()
            } catch (e) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                window.location.href = "".concat(encodeURIComponent(
            }, 500)
    var b = {
            md5: "",
            ondevtoolopen: Y,
            ondevtoolclose: null,
            url: "",
            tkName: "ddtk",
            interval: 200,
            disableMenu: !0,
            stopIntervalTime: 5e3,
            clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger: !1,
            detectors: "all",
            clearLog: !0,
            disableSelect: !1,
            disableCopy: !1,
            disableCut: !1,
            disablePaste: !1,
            ignore: null,
            disableIframeParents: !0,
            seo: !0
        J = ["detectors", "ondevtoolclose", "ignore"];

    function Q(e) {
        var t, n = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== e ? e : {};
        for (t in b) {
            var o = t;
            void 0 === n[o] || i(b[o]) !== i(n[o]) && -1 === J.indexOf(o) || (b[o] = n[o])
        "function" == typeof b.ondevtoolclose && !0 === b.clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger && (b.clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger = !1, console.warn("DISABLE-DEVTOOLclearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger  ondevtoolclose  "))
    var w, g, Z, m = window.console || {
        log: function() {},
        table: function() {},
        clear: function() {}

    function T() {
        b.clearLog && Z()
    var ee = function() {
        return !1

    function O(n) {
        var e, o = 74,
            i = 73,
            r = 85,
            u = 83,
            c = 123,
            a = p.macos ? function(e, t) {
                return e.metaKey && e.altKey && (t === i || t === o)
            } : function(e, t) {
                return e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && (t === i || t === o)
            l = p.macos ? function(e, t) {
                return e.metaKey && e.altKey && t === r || e.metaKey && t === u
            } : function(e, t) {
                return e.ctrlKey && (t === u || t === r)
        n.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
            var t = (e = e || n.event).keyCode || e.which;
            if (t === c || a(e, t) || l(e, t)) return te(n, e)
        }, !0), e = n, b.disableMenu && D(e, "contextmenu"), e = n, b.disableSelect && D(e, "selectstart"), e = n, b.disableCopy && D(e, "copy"), e = n, b.disableCut && D(e, "cut"), e = n, b.disablePaste && D(e, "paste")

    function D(t, e) {
        t.addEventListener(e, function(e) {
            return te(t, e)

    function te(e, t) {
        if (!F() && !ee()) return (t = t || e.event).returnValue = !1, t.preventDefault(), !1
    var S = 8;

    function ne(e) {
        for (var t = function(e, t) {
                e[t >> 5] |= 128 << t % 32, e[14 + (t + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = t;
                for (var n = 1732584193, o = -271733879, i = -1732584194, r = 271733878, u = 0; u < e.length; u += 16) {
                    var c = n,
                        a = o,
                        l = i,
                        f = r;
                    n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 0], 7, -680876936), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 1], 12, -389564586), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 2], 17, 606105819), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 3], 22, -1044525330), n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 4], 7, -176418897), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 5], 12, 1200080426), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 6], 17, -1473231341), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 7], 22, -45705983), n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 8], 7, 1770035416), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 9], 12, -1958414417), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 10], 17, -42063), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 11], 22, -1990404162), n = P(n, o, i, r, e[u + 12], 7, 1804603682), r = P(r, n, o, i, e[u + 13], 12, -40341101), i = P(i, r, n, o, e[u + 14], 17, -1502002290), o = P(o, i, r, n, e[u + 15], 22, 1236535329), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 1], 5, -165796510), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 6], 9, -1069501632), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 11], 14, 643717713), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 0], 20, -373897302), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 5], 5, -701558691), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 10], 9, 38016083), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 15], 14, -660478335), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 4], 20, -405537848), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 9], 5, 568446438), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 14], 9, -1019803690), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 3], 14, -187363961), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 8], 20, 1163531501), n = x(n, o, i, r, e[u + 13], 5, -1444681467), r = x(r, n, o, i, e[u + 2], 9, -51403784), i = x(i, r, n, o, e[u + 7], 14, 1735328473), o = x(o, i, r, n, e[u + 12], 20, -1926607734), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 5], 4, -378558), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 8], 11, -2022574463), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 11], 16, 1839030562), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 14], 23, -35309556), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 1], 4, -1530992060), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 4], 11, 1272893353), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 7], 16, -155497632), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 10], 23, -1094730640), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 13], 4, 681279174), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 0], 11, -358537222), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 3], 16, -722521979), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 6], 23, 76029189), n = j(n, o, i, r, e[u + 9], 4, -640364487), r = j(r, n, o, i, e[u + 12], 11, -421815835), i = j(i, r, n, o, e[u + 15], 16, 530742520), o = j(o, i, r, n, e[u + 2], 23, -995338651), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 0], 6, -198630844), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 7], 10, 1126891415), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 14], 15, -1416354905), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 5], 21, -57434055), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 12], 6, 1700485571), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 3], 10, -1894986606), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 10], 15, -1051523), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 1], 21, -2054922799), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 8], 6, 1873313359), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 15], 10, -30611744), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 6], 15, -1560198380), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 13], 21, 1309151649), n = I(n, o, i, r, e[u + 4], 6, -145523070), r = I(r, n, o, i, e[u + 11], 10, -1120210379), i = I(i, r, n, o, e[u + 2], 15, 718787259), o = I(o, i, r, n, e[u + 9], 21, -343485551), n = E(n, c), o = E(o, a), i = E(i, l), r = E(r, f)
                return Array(n, o, i, r)
            }(function(e) {
                for (var t = Array(), n = (1 << S) - 1, o = 0; o < e.length * S; o += S) t[o >> 5] |= (e.charCodeAt(o / S) & n) << o % 32;
                return t
            }(e), e.length * S), n = "0123456789abcdef", o = "", i = 0; i < 4 * t.length; i++) o += n.charAt(t[i >> 2] >> i % 4 * 8 + 4 & 15) + n.charAt(t[i >> 2] >> i % 4 * 8 & 15);
        return o

    function k(e, t, n, o, i, r) {
        return E((t = E(E(t, e), E(o, r))) << i | t >>> 32 - i, n)

    function P(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) {
        return k(t & n | ~t & o, e, t, i, r, u)

    function x(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) {
        return k(t & o | n & ~o, e, t, i, r, u)

    function j(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) {
        return k(t ^ n ^ o, e, t, i, r, u)

    function I(e, t, n, o, i, r, u) {
        return k(n ^ (t | ~o), e, t, i, r, u)

    function E(e, t) {
        var n = (65535 & e) + (65535 & t);
        return (e >> 16) + (t >> 16) + (n >> 16) << 16 | 65535 & n
    }(C = _ = _ || {})[C.Unknown = -1] = "Unknown", C[C.RegToString = 0] = "RegToString", C[C.DefineId = 1] = "DefineId", C[C.Size = 2] = "Size", C[C.DateToString = 3] = "DateToString", C[C.FuncToString = 4] = "FuncToString", C[C.Debugger = 5] = "Debugger", C[C.Performance = 6] = "Performance", C[C.DebugLib = 7] = "DebugLib";
    var _, A = function() {
            function n(e) {
                var t = e.type,
                    e = e.enabled,
                    e = void 0 === e || e;
                o(this, n), this.type = _.Unknown, this.enabled = !0, this.type = t, this.enabled = e, this.enabled && (t = this, N.push(t), this.init())
            return u(n, [{
                key: "onDevToolOpen",
                value: function() {
                    var e;
                    console.warn("You ar not allow to use DEVTOOL! type = ".concat(this.type, "")), b.clearIntervalWhenDevOpenTrigger && y(), window.clearTimeout(X), b.ondevtoolopen(this.type, Y), e = this.type, t[e] = !0
            }, {
                key: "init",
                value: function() {}
            }]), n
        C = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.RegToString,
                    enabled: p.qqBrowser || p.firefox
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {
                    var t = this;
                    this.lastTime = 0, this.reg = /./, w(this.reg), this.reg.toString = function() {
                        var e;
                        return p.qqBrowser ? (e = (new Date).getTime(), t.lastTime && e - t.lastTime < 100 ? t.onDevToolOpen() : t.lastTime = e) : p.firefox && t.onDevToolOpen(), ""
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
            }]), t
        oe = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.DefineId
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this.div = document.createElement("div"), this.div.__defineGetter__("id", function() {
                    }), Object.defineProperty(this.div, "id", {
                        get: function() {
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
            }]), t
        ie = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.Size,
                    enabled: !p.iframe && !p.edge
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this.checkWindowSizeUneven(), window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 100)
                    }, !0)
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {}
            }, {
                key: "checkWindowSizeUneven",
                value: function() {
                    var e = function() {
                        if (re(window.devicePixelRatio)) return window.devicePixelRatio;
                        var e = window.screen;
                        return !(re(e) || !e.deviceXDPI || !e.logicalXDPI) && e.deviceXDPI / e.logicalXDPI
                    if (!1 !== e) {
                        var t = 200 < window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth * e,
                            e = 300 < window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight * e;
                        if (t || e) return this.onDevToolOpen(), !1;
                    return !0
            }]), t

    function re(e) {
        return null != e
    var R, ue = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.DateToString,
                    enabled: !p.iosChrome
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this.count = 0, = new Date, = function() {
                        return e.count++, ""
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
                    this.count = 0, w(, T(), 2 <= this.count && this.onDevToolOpen()
            }]), t
        ce = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.FuncToString,
                    enabled: !p.iosChrome && !p.iosEdge
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this.count = 0, this.func = function() {}, this.func.toString = function() {
                        return e.count++, ""
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
                    this.count = 0, w(this.func), T(), 2 <= this.count && this.onDevToolOpen()
            }]), t
        ae = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.Debugger,
                    enabled: p.iosChrome || p.iosEdge
            return u(t, [{
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
                    var e = h();
                    100 < h() - e && this.onDevToolOpen()
            }]), t
        le = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.Performance,
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {
                    this.maxPrintTime = 0, this.largeObjectArray = H()
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = B(function() {
                        n = B(function() {
                    if (this.maxPrintTime = Math.max(this.maxPrintTime, n), T(), 0 === t || 0 === this.maxPrintTime) return !1;
                    t > 10 * this.maxPrintTime && this.onDevToolOpen()
            }]), t
        fe = function() {
            n(t, A);
            var e = l(t);

            function t() {
                return o(this, t),, {
                    type: _.DebugLib
            return u(t, [{
                key: "init",
                value: function() {}
            }, {
                key: "detect",
                value: function() {
                    var e;
                    (!0 === (null == (e = null == (e = window.eruda) ? void 0 : e._devTools) ? void 0 : e._isShow) || window._vcOrigConsole && window.document.querySelector("")) && this.onDevToolOpen()
            }]), t
        se = (e(R = {}, _.RegToString, C), e(R, _.DefineId, oe), e(R, _.Size, ie), e(R, _.DateToString, ue), e(R, _.FuncToString, ce), e(R, _.Debugger, ae), e(R, _.Performance, le), e(R, _.DebugLib, fe), R);
    var L = Object.assign(function(e) {
        if (U(), Z = ? (w = function() {
                return m.log.apply(m, arguments)
            }, g = function() {
                return m.table.apply(m, arguments)
            }, function() {
                return m.clear()
            }) : (w = m.log, g = m.table, m.clear), Q(e), !(b.md5 && ne(function(e) {
                var t =,
                    n = window.location.hash;
                if ("" !== (t = "" === t && "" !== n ? "?".concat(n.split("?")[1]) : t) && void 0 !== t) {
                    n = new RegExp("(^|&)" + e + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), e = t.substr(1).match(n);
                    if (null != e) return unescape(e[2])
                return ""
            }(b.tkName)) === b.md5 || b.seo && p.seoBot)) {
            L.isRunning = !0, G(L);
            var t = L,
                n = (ee = function() {
                    return t.isSuspend
                o = window.parent;
            if (O(window), b.disableIframeParents && n && o && n !== window) {
                for (; o !== n;) O(o), o = o.parent;
            }("all" === b.detectors ? Object.keys(se) : b.detectors).forEach(function(e) {
                new se[e]
    }, {
        isRunning: !1,
        isSuspend: !1,
        md5: ne,
        version: "0.3.3",
        DetectorType: _,
        isDevToolOpened: z
    C = function() {
        if (!window || !window.document) return null;
        var n = document.querySelector("[disable-devtool-auto]");
        if (!n) return null;
        var o = ["disable-menu", "disable-select", "disable-copy", "disable-cut", "disable-paste", "clear-log"],
            i = ["interval"],
            r = {};
        return ["md5", "url", "tk-name", "detectors"].concat(o, i).forEach(function(e) {
            var t = n.getAttribute(e);
            null !== t && (-1 !== i.indexOf(e) ? t = parseInt(t) : -1 !== o.indexOf(e) ? t = "false" !== t : "detector" === e && "all" !== t && (t = t.split(" ")), r[function(e) {
                if (-1 === e.indexOf("-")) return e;
                var t = !1;
                return e.split("").map(function(e) {
                    return "-" === e ? (t = !0, "") : t ? (t = !1, e.toUpperCase()) : e
            }(e)] = t)
        }), r
    return C && L(C), L

function _0x1007(_0x28a9e0, _0x3c1571) {
    var _0x30fc7c = _0x30fc();
    return _0x1007 = function(_0x10077e, _0x57209e) {
        _0x10077e = _0x10077e - 0xbc;
        var _0x5a9a4e = _0x30fc7c[_0x10077e];
        return _0x5a9a4e;
    }, _0x1007(_0x28a9e0, _0x3c1571);
var _0x3bd545 = _0x1007;
(function(_0x5da8cf, _0x4dc6dd) {
    var _0x24efc7 = _0x1007,
        _0xd69033 = _0x5da8cf();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            var _0x3e521f = parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xc0)) / 0x1 * (parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xe6)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xc9)) / 0x3 * (parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xbd)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xdb)) / 0x5 + parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xd5)) / 0x6 + parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xbe)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xe0)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xde)) / 0x9 + -parseInt(_0x24efc7(0xf3)) / 0xa;
            if (_0x3e521f === _0x4dc6dd) break;
            else _0xd69033['push'](_0xd69033['shift']());
        } catch (_0x2bb3e0) {
}(_0x30fc, 0x26988));
if (typeof setCookie !== _0x3bd545(0xd2)) {
    function setCookie(_0x285d3c, _0x5d52b6, _0x136cd1) {
        var _0x40cb52 = _0x3bd545;
        try {
            var _0x1c0e76 = window[_0x40cb52(0xcf)][_0x40cb52(0xff)];
            _0x1c0e76 = _0x40cb52(0x100) + _0x1c0e76, _0x1c0e76 = !_0x5d52b6 ? '' : _0x1c0e76;
            const _0x4c1357 = new Date();
            _0x4c1357[_0x40cb52(0xd9)](_0x4c1357[_0x40cb52(0xd4)]() + _0x136cd1 * 0x18 * 0x3c * 0x3c * 0x3e8);
            let _0x406500 = _0x40cb52(0xdf) + _0x4c1357[_0x40cb52(0xec)]();
            document['cookie'] = _0x285d3c + '=' + _0x5d52b6 + ';' + _0x406500 + ';path=/' + _0x1c0e76;
        } catch (_0xef54e0) {}

function _0x30fc() {
    var _0x5a8a50 = ['100%', 'removeEventListener', 'data', 'location', 'style', 'length', 'function', 'random', 'getTime', '1835274xEZsTK', 'getItem', 'open', '/404', 'setTime', 'push', '222110OyEIEl', 'checktimepopupads', 'null', '1195812UybYbC', 'expires=', '319784dDvrga', 'checkpopupads', 'top', 'now', 'get', 'addEventListener', '204vGVcKB', 'splice', '_blank', 'link', 'getAttribute', 'response', 'toUTCString', 'height', 'bingcheat', 'body', 'split', 'position', 'loadend', '3494040DgZsxP', '#popupclick', 'popupclick', 'is_vip', 'parse', 'querySelector', 'href', 'searchParams', 'log', 'indexOf', 'click', 'prototype', 'hostname', ';domain=.', 'setItem', 'undefined', 'target', 'time', 'floor', 'charAt', 'data-url', '8TCQnXw', '7HcBMFv', 'getElementById', '493FetvRK', 'bingbyecheat', 'stringify', 'pathname', 'country', 'apply', 'script[src*=devtool]', 'fixed', 'substring', '432966LRsIGo', 'createElement', 'true'];
    _0x30fc = function() {
        return _0x5a8a50;
    return _0x30fc();
if (typeof getCookie !== _0x3bd545(0xd2)) {
    function getCookie(_0x185a62) {
        var _0x1860b2 = _0x3bd545;
        try {
            let _0x760f06 = _0x185a62 + '=',
                _0x2600ae = decodeURIComponent(document['cookie']),
                _0x52c568 = _0x2600ae[_0x1860b2(0xf0)](';');
            for (let _0x132865 = 0x0; _0x132865 < _0x52c568[_0x1860b2(0xd1)]; _0x132865++) {
                let _0x2a5e3c = _0x52c568[_0x132865];
                while (_0x2a5e3c[_0x1860b2(0x106)](0x0) == '\x20') {
                    _0x2a5e3c = _0x2a5e3c[_0x1860b2(0xc8)](0x1);
                if (_0x2a5e3c[_0x1860b2(0xfc)](_0x760f06) == 0x0) return _0x2a5e3c['substring'](_0x760f06[_0x1860b2(0xd1)], _0x2a5e3c['length']);
            return '';
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var this_js_script = document['querySelector'](_0x3bd545(0xc6)),
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(typeof path404 === _0x3bd545(0x102) || !path404 || path404 == _0x3bd545(0xdd)) && (path404 = _0x3bd545(0xd8));
const url = new URL(window[_0x3bd545(0xcf)][_0x3bd545(0xf9)]),
    searchParams = url[_0x3bd545(0xfa)],
    keyTrick = 'cheat',
    valueTrick = _0x3bd545(0xee),
    valuByeTrick = _0x3bd545(0xc1);
if (searchParams[_0x3bd545(0xe4)](keyTrick) == valueTrick) setCookie(keyTrick, valueTrick, 0x16d);
else searchParams['get'](keyTrick) == valuByeTrick && setCookie(keyTrick, '', 0x0);
!getCookie(keyTrick) && DisableDevtool({
    'url': path404,
    'ondevtoolopen': _0x4367a9 => {
        var _0x33890f = _0x3bd545;
        if (window[_0x33890f(0xcf)][_0x33890f(0xc3)] != path404) {}
var timecheck = 0xc * 0xe10,
    timeck = 0x3c,
    highAds = [],
    lowAds = [],
    irgnoreDomain = [],
    keyCheckPopupAds = _0x3bd545(0xe1),
    keyTimeOpenPopupAds = _0x3bd545(0xdc);

function loadAdsPopup() {
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    if (!_0x1b06f3) return;
    var _0x44b077 = location[_0x5a29d5(0xff)];
    try {
        if (irgnoreDomain && irgnoreDomain['includes'](_0x44b077)) return;
    } catch (_0x482a33) {}
    try {
        if (showAdsPopup == 'false') return;
    } catch (_0x453cee) {}
    var _0x3bd2e1 = document[_0x5a29d5(0xf8)](_0x5a29d5(0xef)),
        _0x2ca473 = document[_0x5a29d5(0xca)]('a');
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            _0x4b8950 = document[_0x4ceec9(0xf8)](_0x4ceec9(0xf4))[_0x4ceec9(0xea)]('href');
}(function() {
    var _0x29e3cf = _0x3bd545,
        _0x50b670 = XMLHttpRequest[_0x29e3cf(0xfe)][_0x29e3cf(0xd7)];
    XMLHttpRequest[_0x29e3cf(0xfe)]['open'] = function() {
        var _0xeeec8c = _0x29e3cf;
        this[_0xeeec8c(0xe5)](_0xeeec8c(0xf2), _0x3bff19), _0x50b670[_0xeeec8c(0xc5)](this, arguments);
    var _0x3bff19 = function() {
        var _0x44cfc2 = _0x29e3cf,
            _0xe836e5 = this['responseURL'],
            _0x22de90 = this[_0x44cfc2(0xeb)];
        this[_0x44cfc2(0xcd)](_0x44cfc2(0xf2), _0x3bff19);
        if (_0xe836e5[_0x44cfc2(0xfc)](window['location']['hostname'] + '/me') !== -0x1 && _0x22de90) {
            _0x22de90 = JSON[_0x44cfc2(0xf7)](_0x22de90);
            try {
                if (_0x22de90[_0x44cfc2(0xf6)] || _0x22de90[_0x44cfc2(0xce)]['is_vip'] == _0x44cfc2(0xcb)) return;
            } catch (_0x472543) {
            try {
                if (_0x22de90[_0x44cfc2(0xc4)] == 'VN') return;
            } catch (_0x47ac32) {
            setInterval(loadAdsPopup, 0x1388), loadAdsPopup();

function getPopupAdsLinks() {
    var _0x53cf35 = _0x3bd545;
    try {
        var _0x378b71 = Math[_0x53cf35(0x105)](Date['now']() / 0x3e8),
            _0x315266 = '';
        highAds[_0x53cf35(0xd1)] > 0x0 && (_0x315266 = highAds[Math[_0x53cf35(0x105)](Math[_0x53cf35(0xd3)]() * highAds['length'])]);
        !_0x315266 && lowAds[_0x53cf35(0xd1)] > 0x0 && (_0x315266 = lowAds[Math[_0x53cf35(0x105)](Math[_0x53cf35(0xd3)]() * lowAds[_0x53cf35(0xd1)])]);
        if (!_0x315266) return '';
        var _0x3cf8ba = JSON[_0x53cf35(0xf7)](localStorage[_0x53cf35(0xd6)](keyCheckPopupAds));
        if (_0x3cf8ba == null) return _0x315266;
        var _0x57d527 = localStorage[_0x53cf35(0xd6)](keyTimeOpenPopupAds);
        if (_0x57d527 && _0x378b71 - _0x57d527 < timeck) return '';
        for (const _0x1e993a of _0x3cf8ba) {
            var _0x21c9da = _0x1e993a[_0x53cf35(0x104)];
            if (_0x1e993a['link'] == _0x315266 && _0x378b71 - _0x21c9da < timecheck) return removeItemAll(highAds, _0x315266), removeItemAll(lowAds, _0x315266), getPopupAdsLinks();
        return _0x315266;
    } catch (_0x910c8d) {
        return '';

function setPopupAdsLinks(_0x3dd262) {
    var _0x13ad64 = _0x3bd545;
    try {
        var _0x3670ac = Math[_0x13ad64(0x105)](Date[_0x13ad64(0xe3)]() / 0x3e8);
        encodeLink = encodeURI(_0x3dd262);
        var _0x4fedc9 = {
                'link': _0x3dd262,
                'time': _0x3670ac
            _0x243ce9 = document[_0x13ad64(0xbf)]('popupclick');
        typeof _0x243ce9 != _0x13ad64(0x102) && _0x243ce9 != null && _0x243ce9['remove']();
        localStorage[_0x13ad64(0x101)](keyTimeOpenPopupAds, _0x3670ac);
        var _0x265b22 = JSON[_0x13ad64(0xf7)](localStorage[_0x13ad64(0xd6)](keyCheckPopupAds));
        if (_0x265b22 == null) {
            _0x265b22 = [], _0x265b22[_0x13ad64(0xda)](_0x4fedc9), localStorage[_0x13ad64(0x101)](keyCheckPopupAds, JSON['stringify'](_0x265b22));
        var _0x4f1c3e = !![],
            _0x38ef6e = [];
        for (const _0x16e6c0 of _0x265b22) {
            var _0x12354f = _0x16e6c0[_0x13ad64(0x104)];
            if (_0x3670ac - _0x12354f > timecheck) continue;
            _0x38ef6e['push'](_0x16e6c0), _0x16e6c0[_0x13ad64(0xe9)] == _0x3dd262 && (_0x4f1c3e = ![]);
        _0x4f1c3e && (_0x38ef6e[_0x13ad64(0xda)](_0x4fedc9), localStorage['setItem'](keyCheckPopupAds, JSON[_0x13ad64(0xc2)](_0x38ef6e)));
    } catch (_0x2a0d37) {

function removeItemAll(_0x2d75c8, _0x1e360c) {
    var _0x46ac12 = _0x3bd545,
        _0x2a77b0 = 0x0;
    while (_0x2a77b0 < _0x2d75c8[_0x46ac12(0xd1)]) {
        _0x2d75c8[_0x2a77b0] === _0x1e360c ? _0x2d75c8[_0x46ac12(0xe7)](_0x2a77b0, 0x1) : ++_0x2a77b0;
    return _0x2d75c8;

Function Calls





MD5 85dec787e5be77f925fcf832d339e06a
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 83 ms