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PHP Decode

<?php /*********************************************** * * @author Webservice We..

Decoded Output download

*     @author   Webservice Weiden 
// Wird ber GXModules ZMM Controller eingebunden 
class KalkulatorManager{ 
    public static function isKonfigurator($products_id){ 
		$return = false; 
		$is_konfigurator = xtc_db_query("SELECT products_id, products_qm FROM products WHERE products_id = '".$products_id."' AND products_qm = 1"); 
		if (xtc_db_fetch_array($is_konfigurator)) $return = true; 
        return $return; 
	public static function calculateKonfiguratorPrice($products_id){ 
		$return = false; 
		$neuer_preis = 0; 
		$basic_preis = 0; 
		$qm_price = xtc_db_fetch_array(xtc_db_query("SELECT products_id, products_qm, products_qm_min_l, products_qm_min_b, products_qm_min_h, products_flaeche_wert0, products_price FROM products WHERE products_id = '".$products_id."' ")); 
		$taxrate = xtc_db_fetch_array(xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM tax_rates WHERE tax_rates_id = 1 ")); 
		$tax = 1 + ($taxrate['tax_rate'] / 100); 
		$zuschlag = $qm_price['products_flaeche_wert0']; 
		$preis = $qm_price['products_price']; 
		$laenge = $qm_price['products_qm_min_h']; 
		$breite = $qm_price['products_qm_min_b']; 
		$hoehe = $qm_price['products_qm_min_l']; 
		if ($laenge) $neuer_preis = $laenge * $preis / 100; 
		if ($laenge && $breite) $neuer_preis = ($laenge + $breite) * $preis / 100; 
		if ($laenge && $breite && $hoehe) $neuer_preis = ($laenge + $breite + $hoehe) * $preis / 100; 
		$neuer_preis = $neuer_preis + $zuschlag/$tax; 
		$basic_preis = $preis; 
		$return = array($neuer_preis, $basic_preis); 
        return $return; 
	public static function getKonfiguratorFields($prid_products_id){ 
		$return = false; 
		$products_fields = xtc_db_fetch_array(xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM additional_konfigurator_fields WHERE products_id = '".$prid_products_id."'")); 
		$flaechen_price = $products_fields['konfigurator_price']; 
		$laenge = $products_fields['laenge']; 
		$breite = $products_fields['breite']; 
		$hoehe = $products_fields['hoehe']; 
		$flaechengewicht = $products_fields['konfigurator_weight']; 
		$return = array($flaechen_price, $laenge, $breite, $hoehe, $flaechengewicht); 
		return $return; 

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Original Code

*     @author   Webservice Weiden

// Wird ber GXModules ZMM Controller eingebunden

class KalkulatorManager{
    public static function isKonfigurator($products_id){
		$return = false;
		$is_konfigurator = xtc_db_query("SELECT products_id, products_qm FROM products WHERE products_id = '".$products_id."' AND products_qm = 1");
		if (xtc_db_fetch_array($is_konfigurator)) $return = true;
        return $return;
	public static function calculateKonfiguratorPrice($products_id){
		$return = false;
		$neuer_preis = 0;
		$basic_preis = 0;
		$qm_price = xtc_db_fetch_array(xtc_db_query("SELECT products_id, products_qm, products_qm_min_l, products_qm_min_b, products_qm_min_h, products_flaeche_wert0, products_price FROM products WHERE products_id = '".$products_id."' "));
		$taxrate = xtc_db_fetch_array(xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM tax_rates WHERE tax_rates_id = 1 "));
		$tax = 1 + ($taxrate['tax_rate'] / 100);
		$zuschlag = $qm_price['products_flaeche_wert0'];
		$preis = $qm_price['products_price'];
		$laenge = $qm_price['products_qm_min_h'];
		$breite = $qm_price['products_qm_min_b'];
		$hoehe = $qm_price['products_qm_min_l'];
		if ($laenge) $neuer_preis = $laenge * $preis / 100;
		if ($laenge && $breite) $neuer_preis = ($laenge + $breite) * $preis / 100;
		if ($laenge && $breite && $hoehe) $neuer_preis = ($laenge + $breite + $hoehe) * $preis / 100;
		$neuer_preis = $neuer_preis + $zuschlag/$tax;
		$basic_preis = $preis;
		$return = array($neuer_preis, $basic_preis);
        return $return;
	public static function getKonfiguratorFields($prid_products_id){
		$return = false;
		$products_fields = xtc_db_fetch_array(xtc_db_query("SELECT * FROM additional_konfigurator_fields WHERE products_id = '".$prid_products_id."'"));
		$flaechen_price = $products_fields['konfigurator_price'];
		$laenge = $products_fields['laenge'];
		$breite = $products_fields['breite'];
		$hoehe = $products_fields['hoehe'];
		$flaechengewicht = $products_fields['konfigurator_weight'];
		$return = array($flaechen_price, $laenge, $breite, $hoehe, $flaechengewicht);
		return $return;

Function Calls





MD5 86f295493ffadf7f3fdb156ed42e2561
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 70 ms