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PHP Decode

include_once("../admin/core/"); $network_name = "(Revlum)"; $subId = i..

Decoded Output download

$network_name = "(Revlum)"; 
$subId = isset($_REQUEST['subId']) ? $_REQUEST['subId'] : null; 
$transId = isset($_REQUEST['transId']) ? $_REQUEST['transId'] : null; 
$reward = isset($_REQUEST['reward']) ? $_REQUEST['reward'] : null; 
$signature = isset($_REQUEST['signature']) ? $_REQUEST['signature'] : null; 
$reward_name = isset($_REQUEST['offerName']) ? $_REQUEST['offerName'] : null; 
$payout = isset($_REQUEST['payout']) ? $_REQUEST['payout'] : null; 
$ipuser = isset($_REQUEST['userIp']) ? $_REQUEST['userIp'] : ""; 
$country = isset($_REQUEST['country']) ? $_REQUEST['country'] : null; 
$offerName = isset($_REQUEST['offerName']) ? $_REQUEST['offerName'] : null; 
$status = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : null; 
$timeCurrent = time(); 
$configs = new functions($dbo); 
$type = $network_name . " Offer Name: (" . ($reward_name) . ")// Country: (" . ($country) . ")// IP Address: (" . ($ipuser) . ")"; 
$account = new account($dbo, 1); 
$userdata = $account->getuserdata($subId); 
// Check if the user exists 
if ($userdata['username'] != $subId) { 
    api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Account mismatch"); 
    // Send an error value in case of signature mismatch 
    echo 0; 
if($status == 2) 
    //  2 = Chargeback, substract reward from user 
    $reward = -abs($reward); 
else { 
          // User Exists, Getting user current points .. 
            $newBalance = $userdata['points'] + $reward; 
            // Updating user Points 
            $sql = "UPDATE users SET points = '$newBalance' WHERE login = '$subId'"; 
            $stmt = $dbo->prepare($sql); 
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tracker(username, points, type, date) values ('$subId', '$reward', '$type', '$timeCurrent')"; 
    $stmt = $dbo->prepare($sql); 
    // Send a success value in case of signature match 
    echo 1; 
    // Send a message via Telegram 
    $telegramBotToken = '6499731852:AAHnPUWxz546T0Y5l_Ii8d9qFFVj_8Tuorw'; 
    $chatId = '-1001612179912'; 
    $url = '' . $telegramBotToken . '/sendMessage'; 
    $data = array( 
        'chat_id' => $chatId, 
        'text' => 'Update successful!' . PHP_EOL . 
            'Username: ' . $subId . PHP_EOL . 
  'network: ' . $network_name . PHP_EOL . 
  'New Points: ' . $reward . PHP_EOL . 
  'Status: ' . $status . PHP_EOL . 
  'userIp: ' . $ipuser . PHP_EOL . 
            'Offer Name: ' . $offerName . PHP_EOL 
    $options = array( 
        'http' => array( 
            'method' => 'POST', 
            'header' => "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
            'content' => http_build_query($data) 
    $context = stream_context_create($options); 
    $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); 
    if ($result === false) { 
        echo 'Failed to send message via Telegram.'; 
    } else { 
        echo 'Message sent successfully via Telegram.'; 
} ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


$network_name = "(Revlum)";

$subId = isset($_REQUEST['subId']) ? $_REQUEST['subId'] : null;
$transId = isset($_REQUEST['transId']) ? $_REQUEST['transId'] : null;
$reward = isset($_REQUEST['reward']) ? $_REQUEST['reward'] : null;
$signature = isset($_REQUEST['signature']) ? $_REQUEST['signature'] : null;
$reward_name = isset($_REQUEST['offerName']) ? $_REQUEST['offerName'] : null;
$payout = isset($_REQUEST['payout']) ? $_REQUEST['payout'] : null;
$ipuser = isset($_REQUEST['userIp']) ? $_REQUEST['userIp'] : "";
$country = isset($_REQUEST['country']) ? $_REQUEST['country'] : null;
$offerName = isset($_REQUEST['offerName']) ? $_REQUEST['offerName'] : null;
$status = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : null;

$timeCurrent = time();

$configs = new functions($dbo);
$type = $network_name . " Offer Name: (" . ($reward_name) . ")// Country: (" . ($country) . ")// IP Address: (" . ($ipuser) . ")";

$account = new account($dbo, 1);
$userdata = $account->getuserdata($subId);

// Check if the user exists
if ($userdata['username'] != $subId) {
    api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Account mismatch");
    // Send an error value in case of signature mismatch
    echo 0;
if($status == 2)
    //  2 = Chargeback, substract reward from user
    $reward = -abs($reward);
else {
          // User Exists, Getting user current points ..
            $newBalance = $userdata['points'] + $reward;
            // Updating user Points
            $sql = "UPDATE users SET points = '$newBalance' WHERE login = '$subId'";
            $stmt = $dbo->prepare($sql);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tracker(username, points, type, date) values ('$subId', '$reward', '$type', '$timeCurrent')";
    $stmt = $dbo->prepare($sql);

    // Send a success value in case of signature match
    echo 1;

    // Send a message via Telegram
    $telegramBotToken = '6499731852:AAHnPUWxz546T0Y5l_Ii8d9qFFVj_8Tuorw';
    $chatId = '-1001612179912';

    $url = '' . $telegramBotToken . '/sendMessage';

    $data = array(
        'chat_id' => $chatId,
        'text' => 'Update successful!' . PHP_EOL .
            'Username: ' . $subId . PHP_EOL .
  'network: ' . $network_name . PHP_EOL .
  'New Points: ' . $reward . PHP_EOL .
  'Status: ' . $status . PHP_EOL .
  'userIp: ' . $ipuser . PHP_EOL .
            'Offer Name: ' . $offerName . PHP_EOL

    $options = array(
        'http' => array(
            'method' => 'POST',
            'header' => "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
            'content' => http_build_query($data)

    $context = stream_context_create($options);
    $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

    if ($result === false) {
        echo 'Failed to send message via Telegram.';
    } else {
        echo 'Message sent successfully via Telegram.';


Function Calls





MD5 895014264003342f193262fd3b60cd36
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 42 ms