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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> document.title = 'Verification De..
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document.title = 'Verification Device';
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h2 {
<!-- Prevent Right Click and View Source -->
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function _0xdeea(_0x566323, _0x144bfd) {
var _0x45e25a = _0x45e2();
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_0xdeea3e = _0xdeea3e - 0x103;
var _0x32b57e = _0x45e25a[_0xdeea3e];
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var _0x369569 = _0xdeea;
(function(_0x552a20, _0x17400a) {
var _0x31aa9a = _0xdeea,
_0x29b281 = _0x552a20();
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_0x45e2 = function() {
return _0x3287c4;
return _0x45e2();
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<p>Mohon Menunggu</p>
<p>Akun Anda Sedang Disiapkan</p>
<p id=pcon></p>
<img src="" alt="slot-gacor" width="255" height="55">
function _0x2e49() {
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_0x2e49 = function() {
return _0x3f7e5e;
return _0x2e49();
var _0x5d5125 = _0x533a;
(function(_0x444a10, _0x598869) {
var _0x480a45 = _0x533a,
_0x5afb3c = _0x444a10();
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x4f38e3 = parseInt(_0x480a45(0x136)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(_0x480a45(0x128)) / 0x2 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x12c)) / 0x3 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x12a)) / 0x4 * (-parseInt(_0x480a45(0x137)) / 0x5) + -parseInt(_0x480a45(0x124)) / 0x6 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x139)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x130)) / 0x8;
if (_0x4f38e3 === _0x598869) break;
else _0x5afb3c['push'](_0x5afb3c['shift']());
} catch (_0x105a2a) {
}(_0x2e49, 0x18ad9));
function _0x533a(_0x5e741c, _0x1fba62) {
var _0x2e49c8 = _0x2e49();
return _0x533a = function(_0x533a6b, _0x1caf26) {
_0x533a6b = _0x533a6b - 0x124;
var _0x2b0604 = _0x2e49c8[_0x533a6b];
return _0x2b0604;
}, _0x533a(_0x5e741c, _0x1fba62);
var totalTime = 0x1,
str1 = _0x5d5125(0x138),
str2 = 'reputasi teratas ',
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_0x1a5a = function() {
return _0x182b39;
return _0x1a5a();
function _0xafa6(_0x44ee0b, _0x1fd9d9) {
var _0x1a5aa3 = _0x1a5a();
return _0xafa6 = function(_0xafa60f, _0x30c224) {
_0xafa60f = _0xafa60f - 0xa7;
var _0x256b12 = _0x1a5aa3[_0xafa60f];
return _0x256b12;
}, _0xafa6(_0x44ee0b, _0x1fd9d9);
}(function(_0x49a270, _0x238a8f) {
var _0x1dce5b = _0xafa6,
_0x292ca9 = _0x49a270();
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x5812d6 = parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb1)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb3)) / 0x2) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb4)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xbc)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xbd)) / 0x5 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb0)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xad)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb8)) / 0x8 + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb6)) / 0x9 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xa9)) / 0xa) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb2)) / 0xb * (parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb9)) / 0xc);
if (_0x5812d6 === _0x238a8f) break;
else _0x292ca9['push'](_0x292ca9['shift']());
} catch (_0x44a23d) {
}(_0x1a5a, 0x61a20));
function alertSet(_0x2509ef) {
var _0x2f6896 = _0xafa6;
document['getElementById'](_0x2f6896(0xaa))[_0x2f6896(0xa7)][_0x2f6896(0xae)] = _0x2f6896(0xbb), document[_0x2f6896(0xb7)](_0x2f6896(0xab))[_0x2f6896(0xb5)] = _0x2509ef;
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_0x30e361 = document['getElementById'](_0x2f6896(0xa8));
document[_0x2f6896(0xb7)]('js-sec-text')[_0x2f6896(0xb5)] = _0x5274bd, setInterval(function() {
var _0x553797 = _0x2f6896;
if (0x0 == _0x5274bd) location['href'] = ''; //isi link Moneysite atau Refferal disini!
else {
_0x5274bd -= 0x1, document[_0x553797(0xb7)](_0x553797(0xba))[_0x553797(0xb5)] = _0x5274bd;
var _0x50cc16 = Math[_0x553797(0xac)](_0x5274bd / 0xa * 0x2df);
_0x30e361[_0x553797(0xa7)][_0x553797(0xaf)] = _0x50cc16 - 0x2df;
}, 0x3ca);
alertSet('MENUJU SITUS');
<h4 style="text-align: center;">SENPAI Copyright 2024 All Right Reserved</h4>
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Original Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
document.title = 'Verification Device';
<meta charset=UTF-8 />
<meta http-equiv=Cache-Control content=no-siteapp />
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color: #fff
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h2 {
<!-- Prevent Right Click and View Source -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function _0xdeea(_0x566323, _0x144bfd) {
var _0x45e25a = _0x45e2();
return _0xdeea = function(_0xdeea3e, _0x3ca42e) {
_0xdeea3e = _0xdeea3e - 0x103;
var _0x32b57e = _0x45e25a[_0xdeea3e];
return _0x32b57e;
}, _0xdeea(_0x566323, _0x144bfd);
var _0x369569 = _0xdeea;
(function(_0x552a20, _0x17400a) {
var _0x31aa9a = _0xdeea,
_0x29b281 = _0x552a20();
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x12bded = parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x10a)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x103)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x104)) / 0x3 + -parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x10c)) / 0x4 + -parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x10e)) / 0x5 * (-parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x106)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x108)) / 0x7 + -parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x10b)) / 0x8 + parseInt(_0x31aa9a(0x105)) / 0x9;
if (_0x12bded === _0x17400a) break;
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} catch (_0x3f5b3a) {
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}), document['onkeydown'] = function(_0x2c5e4f) {
var _0x339511 = _0x369569;
if (_0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x10f)] == 0x7b) return ![];
if (_0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x109)] && _0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x107)] && _0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x10f)] == 'I' ['charCodeAt'](0x0)) return ![];
if (_0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x109)] && _0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x107)] && _0x2c5e4f['keyCode'] == 'C' ['charCodeAt'](0x0)) return ![];
if (_0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x109)] && _0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x107)] && _0x2c5e4f['keyCode'] == 'J' [_0x339511(0x10d)](0x0)) return ![];
if (_0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x109)] && _0x2c5e4f[_0x339511(0x10f)] == 'U' [_0x339511(0x10d)](0x0)) return ![];
function _0x45e2() {
var _0x3287c4 = ['2593200SjiAzN', 'charCodeAt', '25aHeyYJ', 'keyCode', 'contextmenu', '248802EOXyPi', '1591467xxYidb', '6856722ImVSBf', '217758zdchgr', 'shiftKey', '1018402aNchip', 'ctrlKey', '1Cfgjhw', '1453408BJHChj'];
_0x45e2 = function() {
return _0x3287c4;
return _0x45e2();
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<div class=alert-concent>
<p>Mohon Menunggu</p>
<p>Akun Anda Sedang Disiapkan</p>
<p id=pcon></p>
<img src="" alt="slot-gacor" width="255" height="55">
function _0x2e49() {
var _0x3f7e5e = ['style', 'js-alert-head', 'round', '', '140642NcSfbp', '85kYcxvp', 'Peramban\x20Aman', '23646mwjmfs', 'offsetWidth', '881778yXUjTd', 'getElementById', 'js-alert-box', 'display', '193778FylqhF', 'innerHTML', '116jleJbg', 'Verifikasi...', '133650iFQgsO', 'klik\x20masuk', 'left', 'js-alert-btn', '1254848pvENfi', 'pcon'];
_0x2e49 = function() {
return _0x3f7e5e;
return _0x2e49();
var _0x5d5125 = _0x533a;
(function(_0x444a10, _0x598869) {
var _0x480a45 = _0x533a,
_0x5afb3c = _0x444a10();
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x4f38e3 = parseInt(_0x480a45(0x136)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(_0x480a45(0x128)) / 0x2 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x12c)) / 0x3 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x12a)) / 0x4 * (-parseInt(_0x480a45(0x137)) / 0x5) + -parseInt(_0x480a45(0x124)) / 0x6 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x139)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x480a45(0x130)) / 0x8;
if (_0x4f38e3 === _0x598869) break;
else _0x5afb3c['push'](_0x5afb3c['shift']());
} catch (_0x105a2a) {
}(_0x2e49, 0x18ad9));
function _0x533a(_0x5e741c, _0x1fba62) {
var _0x2e49c8 = _0x2e49();
return _0x533a = function(_0x533a6b, _0x1caf26) {
_0x533a6b = _0x533a6b - 0x124;
var _0x2b0604 = _0x2e49c8[_0x533a6b];
return _0x2b0604;
}, _0x533a(_0x5e741c, _0x1fba62);
var totalTime = 0x1,
str1 = _0x5d5125(0x138),
str2 = 'reputasi\x20teratas\x20',
completedTitle = _0x5d5125(0x135),
pcon = _0x5d5125(0x12b),
btnText = _0x5d5125(0x12d),
bodyWidth = document['body']['offsetWidth'],
boxWidth = document[_0x5d5125(0x125)](_0x5d5125(0x126))[_0x5d5125(0x13a)],
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function _0x1a5a() {
var _0x182b39 = ['21fEIcYH', 'innerHTML', '96246vTfbwA', 'getElementById', '1129144hukgOY', '4908avRYIM', 'js-sec-text', 'block', '273572rVbAYp', '3667045OKseDi', 'style', 'js-sec-circle', '710iPAYDi', 'js-alert-box', 'js-alert-head', 'round', '1109444UCVHbP', 'display', 'strokeDashoffset', '6CPkjaD', '648246ZjBGGP', '24365DbvoEB', '2wNayIX'];
_0x1a5a = function() {
return _0x182b39;
return _0x1a5a();
function _0xafa6(_0x44ee0b, _0x1fd9d9) {
var _0x1a5aa3 = _0x1a5a();
return _0xafa6 = function(_0xafa60f, _0x30c224) {
_0xafa60f = _0xafa60f - 0xa7;
var _0x256b12 = _0x1a5aa3[_0xafa60f];
return _0x256b12;
}, _0xafa6(_0x44ee0b, _0x1fd9d9);
}(function(_0x49a270, _0x238a8f) {
var _0x1dce5b = _0xafa6,
_0x292ca9 = _0x49a270();
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x5812d6 = parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb1)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb3)) / 0x2) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb4)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xbc)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xbd)) / 0x5 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb0)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xad)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb8)) / 0x8 + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb6)) / 0x9 * (-parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xa9)) / 0xa) + -parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb2)) / 0xb * (parseInt(_0x1dce5b(0xb9)) / 0xc);
if (_0x5812d6 === _0x238a8f) break;
else _0x292ca9['push'](_0x292ca9['shift']());
} catch (_0x44a23d) {
}(_0x1a5a, 0x61a20));
function alertSet(_0x2509ef) {
var _0x2f6896 = _0xafa6;
document['getElementById'](_0x2f6896(0xaa))[_0x2f6896(0xa7)][_0x2f6896(0xae)] = _0x2f6896(0xbb), document[_0x2f6896(0xb7)](_0x2f6896(0xab))[_0x2f6896(0xb5)] = _0x2509ef;
var _0x5274bd = 0x3,
_0x30e361 = document['getElementById'](_0x2f6896(0xa8));
document[_0x2f6896(0xb7)]('js-sec-text')[_0x2f6896(0xb5)] = _0x5274bd, setInterval(function() {
var _0x553797 = _0x2f6896;
if (0x0 == _0x5274bd) location['href'] = ''; //isi link Moneysite atau Refferal disini!
else {
_0x5274bd -= 0x1, document[_0x553797(0xb7)](_0x553797(0xba))[_0x553797(0xb5)] = _0x5274bd;
var _0x50cc16 = Math[_0x553797(0xac)](_0x5274bd / 0xa * 0x2df);
_0x30e361[_0x553797(0xa7)][_0x553797(0xaf)] = _0x50cc16 - 0x2df;
}, 0x3ca);
alertSet('MENUJU SITUS');
<h4 style="text-align: center;">SENPAI Copyright 2024 All Right Reserved</h4>
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 89f3f33fe0f515ba0698c1502dad70fc |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 60 ms |