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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro..

Decoded Output download

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:44:20              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 declare (strict_types=1); use function P7Zmf\VBsWk\muqZG; use function p7zmFBswK\z0hsE; use function p7zMF\VbsWk\peHts; use function P7zMf\VbSwK\APYHu; goto VwqSh; HWFqf: hTku0()->PN3yM("toBe", function ($mPoRw, $NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { goto t1Kni; t1Kni: $GJn0g->cXLTe["symbol"]++; goto Pg_28; QDwJb: $GJn0g->KwNRo["symbol"]++; goto pjF_d; pjF_d: pehtS(SnSNa::class, $NaiAZ); goto Rzczf; XzQuI: $mPoRw(); goto LTVTg; DjcBG: EWr5s: goto XzQuI; Pg_28: if (!$this->b044M instanceof sNsnA) { goto EWr5s; } goto QDwJb; Ct_eE: return; goto DjcBG; Rzczf: MUQZg($this->b044M->b044M, $NaiAZ->b044M); goto Ct_eE; LTVTg: }); goto s7rW2; h9xaH: Pfsle("pipe is run and can let the pipeline keep going", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); Htku0(3)->kkooW(3)->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->k0CNy(["char" => 1, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 1])->KwNRo->K0CNy(["char" => 0, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0]); }); goto tPGMw; orwZX: hTkU0()->JZkrn("toBe", pjYNM::class, function ($NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { goto C7vi6; x96Iv: $GJn0g->KwNRo["number"]++; goto PqyvD; PqyvD: pEHts(PjYnm::class, $NaiAZ); goto rI5R9; C7vi6: $GJn0g->cXLTe["number"]++; goto x96Iv; rI5R9: MuqzG($this->b044M->b044M, $NaiAZ->b044M); goto x8Cb4; x8Cb4: }); goto BFm2D; lZ8Jy: PfSle("interceptor is called only when filter is met", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); htKU0(1)->kKOow(1)->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->YRyhm("number", 0)->KwNRo->yrYHm("number", 0); }); goto vmzTF; jkhtV: class HCRLd { public function __construct(public string $Vi8xX) { } } goto RVnvn; EWQpw: class WmoPl { public array $cXLTe = []; public array $KwNRo = []; public function __construct() { $this->reset(); } public function reset() : void { $this->KwNRo = $this->cXLTe = ["char" => 0, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0]; } } goto LB0rF; At2sM: PFSLe("interceptor can be filter the expected parameter as well", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); HtKU0("*")->kKOow("*")->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->YRyhm("wildcard", 0)->KwNRo->yrYhm("wildcard", 0); }); goto ASi_Z; RVnvn: class SNSna { public function __construct(public string $Vi8xX) { } } goto EWQpw; dGh2k: pFSLe("interceptor stops the pipeline", function () use($GJn0g) { goto Sfox_; kkxD3: $GJn0g->reset(); goto d1UNP; d1UNP: HTKU0($r69Og)->kkoOw(new PjYnM(1))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->K0cNy(["char" => 1, "number" => 1, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0])->KwNRo->k0CNy(["char" => 0, "number" => 1, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0]); goto Rvmyg; Sfox_: $r69Og = new pJynm(1); goto kkxD3; Rvmyg: }); goto lZ8Jy; jpDH2: HtkU0()->Pn3Ym("toBe", function ($mPoRw, $NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { goto vND_A; BDL4s: S3s_j: goto XAJv1; M5cWb: if (!$this->b044M instanceof hCRLd) { goto S3s_j; } goto L8fJ7; L8fJ7: $GJn0g->KwNRo["char"]++; goto I9nLG; I9nLG: PehTs(HcRLD::class, $NaiAZ); goto FPgSq; FPgSq: mUQzg($this->b044M->b044M, $NaiAZ->b044M); goto OK4aQ; OK4aQ: return; goto BDL4s; vND_A: $GJn0g->cXLTe["char"]++; goto M5cWb; XAJv1: $mPoRw(); goto GcLxM; GcLxM: }); goto orwZX; s7rW2: hTKu0()->jZkRN("toBe", fn($Vi8xX) => is_string($Vi8xX), function ($NaiAZ, $E982H = false) { goto WvahX; pSm4O: cBldF: goto nqL1i; WvahX: if ($E982H) { goto cBldF; } goto jYxdY; jYxdY: apYHu($NaiAZ, $this->b044M); goto ittGA; rq7Md: t3ujn: goto i3iy8; ittGA: goto t3ujn; goto pSm4O; nqL1i: Z0hSE($NaiAZ, $this->b044M); goto rq7Md; i3iy8: }); goto o1b5l; tPGMw: PfSLE("pipe works with negated expectation", function () use($GJn0g) { goto nBX01; nBX01: $HEtZG = new hCrLd("A"); goto xZYra; grLqv: hTKu0($HEtZG)->rwUli->kkOOW(new HcRlD("B"))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->k0CNY(["char" => 1, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0])->KwNRo->K0CnY(["char" => 1, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0]); goto VUr3Y; xZYra: $GJn0g->reset(); goto grLqv; VUr3Y: }); goto iIKaK; VwqSh: class pJYNm { public function __construct(public int $Vi8xX) { } } goto jkhtV; LB0rF: $GJn0g = new wMopl(); goto jpDH2; vmzTF: PFsLe("interceptor can be filtered with a closure", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); HTku0("*")->kKOow(1)->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->Yryhm("wildcard", 1)->KwNRo->yryHm("wildcard", 1); }); goto At2sM; o1b5l: pFsLE("pipe is applied and can stop pipeline", function () use($GJn0g) { goto OZRLy; OZRLy: $HEtZG = new HcRLd("A"); goto eyN15; eyN15: $GJn0g->reset(); goto qWxhq; qWxhq: hTKu0($HEtZG)->KKooW(new HcRLD("A"))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->k0CnY(["char" => 1, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0])->KwNRo->k0cNy(["char" => 1, "number" => 0, "wildcard" => 0, "symbol" => 0]); goto GQc5g; GQc5g: }); goto h9xaH; iIKaK: pfsLe("interceptor is applied", function () use($GJn0g) { goto bzGQz; bzGQz: $r69Og = new pJyNm(1); goto NUVxY; SNkKa: hTKU0($r69Og)->KkOoW(new PJyNm(1))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->yryhM("number", 1)->KwNRo->yryhM("number", 1); goto UvO7a; NUVxY: $GJn0g->reset(); goto SNkKa; UvO7a: }); goto dGh2k; ASi_Z: PFSle("interceptor works with negated expectation", function () { $HEtZG = new PJYNm(1); Htku0($HEtZG)->rwUli->KKOOW(new hCrlD("B")); }); goto fedDt; BFm2D: hTku0()->jZKrN("toBe", fn($Vi8xX, $NaiAZ) => $Vi8xX === "*" && is_numeric($NaiAZ), function ($NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->cXLTe["wildcard"]++; $GJn0g->KwNRo["wildcard"]++; }); goto HWFqf; fedDt: pFSle("intercept can add new parameters to the expectation", function () { $E982H = true; hTKu0("Foo")->kkOOw("foo", $E982H); }); ?>

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Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:44:20              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 declare (strict_types=1); use function P7Zmf\VBsWk\muqZG; use function p7zmF\vBswK\z0hsE; use function p7zMF\VbsWk\peHts; use function P7zMf\VbSwK\APYHu; goto VwqSh; HWFqf: hTku0()->PN3yM("\x74\157\102\145", function ($mPoRw, $NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { goto t1Kni; t1Kni: $GJn0g->cXLTe["\163\x79\x6d\142\157\154"]++; goto Pg_28; QDwJb: $GJn0g->KwNRo["\x73\x79\x6d\x62\157\154"]++; goto pjF_d; pjF_d: pehtS(SnSNa::class, $NaiAZ); goto Rzczf; XzQuI: $mPoRw(); goto LTVTg; DjcBG: EWr5s: goto XzQuI; Pg_28: if (!$this->b044M instanceof sNsnA) { goto EWr5s; } goto QDwJb; Ct_eE: return; goto DjcBG; Rzczf: MUQZg($this->b044M->b044M, $NaiAZ->b044M); goto Ct_eE; LTVTg: }); goto s7rW2; h9xaH: Pfsle("\x70\151\160\x65\40\x69\163\40\162\x75\x6e\x20\x61\156\144\x20\143\141\156\x20\x6c\x65\x74\40\x74\150\x65\40\x70\x69\x70\x65\154\x69\156\145\x20\153\145\x65\160\x20\147\x6f\x69\x6e\147", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); Htku0(3)->kkooW(3)->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->k0CNy(["\x63\x68\141\x72" => 1, "\156\165\x6d\142\x65\162" => 0, "\167\x69\154\x64\x63\141\162\x64" => 0, "\163\x79\x6d\x62\157\x6c" => 1])->KwNRo->K0CNy(["\143\150\x61\162" => 0, "\x6e\x75\x6d\142\145\162" => 0, "\x77\151\x6c\144\143\141\162\x64" => 0, "\163\171\x6d\142\157\x6c" => 0]); }); goto tPGMw; orwZX: hTkU0()->JZkrn("\x74\157\102\145", pjYNM::class, function ($NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { goto C7vi6; x96Iv: $GJn0g->KwNRo["\156\x75\155\x62\145\162"]++; goto PqyvD; PqyvD: pEHts(PjYnm::class, $NaiAZ); goto rI5R9; C7vi6: $GJn0g->cXLTe["\156\165\x6d\x62\145\162"]++; goto x96Iv; rI5R9: MuqzG($this->b044M->b044M, $NaiAZ->b044M); goto x8Cb4; x8Cb4: }); goto BFm2D; lZ8Jy: PfSle("\151\x6e\164\145\x72\x63\x65\160\164\x6f\x72\x20\151\163\40\x63\141\x6c\154\145\x64\40\x6f\156\x6c\x79\40\167\150\x65\x6e\40\146\151\154\x74\145\x72\40\x69\163\x20\155\145\x74", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); htKU0(1)->kKOow(1)->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->YRyhm("\x6e\x75\155\x62\x65\x72", 0)->KwNRo->yrYHm("\x6e\165\x6d\x62\x65\162", 0); }); goto vmzTF; jkhtV: class HCRLd { public function __construct(public string $Vi8xX) { } } goto RVnvn; EWQpw: class WmoPl { public array $cXLTe = []; public array $KwNRo = []; public function __construct() { $this->reset(); } public function reset() : void { $this->KwNRo = $this->cXLTe = ["\x63\x68\141\x72" => 0, "\x6e\x75\x6d\142\145\162" => 0, "\167\x69\154\x64\x63\141\x72\x64" => 0, "\163\x79\x6d\x62\x6f\x6c" => 0]; } } goto LB0rF; At2sM: PFSLe("\151\x6e\x74\145\162\143\145\x70\164\x6f\162\x20\x63\141\156\x20\142\x65\x20\x66\151\x6c\x74\x65\162\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\145\x78\x70\x65\143\x74\x65\x64\40\160\141\x72\141\155\x65\164\x65\x72\x20\x61\163\x20\167\145\154\x6c", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); HtKU0("\x2a")->kKOow("\52")->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->YRyhm("\x77\151\x6c\144\143\141\162\x64", 0)->KwNRo->yrYhm("\167\x69\x6c\144\x63\141\x72\144", 0); }); goto ASi_Z; RVnvn: class SNSna { public function __construct(public string $Vi8xX) { } } goto EWQpw; dGh2k: pFSLe("\151\x6e\x74\x65\x72\143\145\x70\164\157\162\x20\x73\x74\x6f\x70\x73\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\160\x69\x70\145\x6c\x69\x6e\x65", function () use($GJn0g) { goto Sfox_; kkxD3: $GJn0g->reset(); goto d1UNP; d1UNP: HTKU0($r69Og)->kkoOw(new PjYnM(1))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->K0cNy(["\x63\x68\x61\x72" => 1, "\x6e\165\x6d\142\145\x72" => 1, "\167\151\x6c\144\143\x61\162\x64" => 0, "\163\x79\155\142\x6f\154" => 0])->KwNRo->k0CNy(["\x63\x68\x61\x72" => 0, "\x6e\165\155\x62\x65\x72" => 1, "\167\151\154\144\143\141\x72\144" => 0, "\x73\171\155\142\x6f\x6c" => 0]); goto Rvmyg; Sfox_: $r69Og = new pJynm(1); goto kkxD3; Rvmyg: }); goto lZ8Jy; jpDH2: HtkU0()->Pn3Ym("\x74\157\102\145", function ($mPoRw, $NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { goto vND_A; BDL4s: S3s_j: goto XAJv1; M5cWb: if (!$this->b044M instanceof hCRLd) { goto S3s_j; } goto L8fJ7; L8fJ7: $GJn0g->KwNRo["\x63\x68\141\162"]++; goto I9nLG; I9nLG: PehTs(HcRLD::class, $NaiAZ); goto FPgSq; FPgSq: mUQzg($this->b044M->b044M, $NaiAZ->b044M); goto OK4aQ; OK4aQ: return; goto BDL4s; vND_A: $GJn0g->cXLTe["\143\x68\x61\162"]++; goto M5cWb; XAJv1: $mPoRw(); goto GcLxM; GcLxM: }); goto orwZX; s7rW2: hTKu0()->jZkRN("\x74\x6f\x42\x65", fn($Vi8xX) => is_string($Vi8xX), function ($NaiAZ, $E982H = false) { goto WvahX; pSm4O: cBldF: goto nqL1i; WvahX: if ($E982H) { goto cBldF; } goto jYxdY; jYxdY: apYHu($NaiAZ, $this->b044M); goto ittGA; rq7Md: t3ujn: goto i3iy8; ittGA: goto t3ujn; goto pSm4O; nqL1i: Z0hSE($NaiAZ, $this->b044M); goto rq7Md; i3iy8: }); goto o1b5l; tPGMw: PfSLE("\160\x69\160\145\40\167\157\x72\x6b\x73\40\167\x69\x74\x68\40\156\145\x67\x61\x74\x65\x64\40\x65\170\x70\145\x63\164\141\x74\x69\157\x6e", function () use($GJn0g) { goto nBX01; nBX01: $HEtZG = new hCrLd("\101"); goto xZYra; grLqv: hTKu0($HEtZG)->rwUli->kkOOW(new HcRlD("\102"))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->k0CNY(["\143\x68\141\x72" => 1, "\156\x75\x6d\142\x65\162" => 0, "\167\151\154\x64\143\141\162\x64" => 0, "\x73\171\x6d\x62\157\x6c" => 0])->KwNRo->K0CnY(["\x63\150\x61\162" => 1, "\156\165\155\142\145\162" => 0, "\x77\x69\154\x64\143\x61\x72\x64" => 0, "\163\171\x6d\142\x6f\154" => 0]); goto VUr3Y; xZYra: $GJn0g->reset(); goto grLqv; VUr3Y: }); goto iIKaK; VwqSh: class pJYNm { public function __construct(public int $Vi8xX) { } } goto jkhtV; LB0rF: $GJn0g = new wMopl(); goto jpDH2; vmzTF: PFsLe("\x69\156\164\x65\162\x63\145\x70\x74\157\x72\40\x63\x61\156\x20\x62\x65\x20\x66\151\154\x74\145\162\x65\x64\40\167\x69\164\150\x20\x61\x20\143\x6c\x6f\x73\x75\162\x65", function () use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->reset(); HTku0("\x2a")->kKOow(1)->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->Yryhm("\167\x69\x6c\x64\143\141\162\144", 1)->KwNRo->yryHm("\x77\x69\x6c\x64\143\x61\x72\144", 1); }); goto At2sM; o1b5l: pFsLE("\160\x69\160\x65\x20\151\163\x20\x61\x70\x70\154\151\145\144\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\143\x61\156\x20\163\164\x6f\x70\x20\x70\x69\160\145\x6c\151\x6e\x65", function () use($GJn0g) { goto OZRLy; OZRLy: $HEtZG = new HcRLd("\x41"); goto eyN15; eyN15: $GJn0g->reset(); goto qWxhq; qWxhq: hTKu0($HEtZG)->KKooW(new HcRLD("\x41"))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->k0CnY(["\143\150\141\162" => 1, "\156\165\155\142\x65\162" => 0, "\167\x69\154\144\143\x61\x72\144" => 0, "\x73\x79\x6d\142\157\154" => 0])->KwNRo->k0cNy(["\143\150\141\162" => 1, "\156\x75\155\x62\x65\x72" => 0, "\167\151\x6c\144\x63\x61\162\144" => 0, "\163\171\x6d\142\157\154" => 0]); goto GQc5g; GQc5g: }); goto h9xaH; iIKaK: pfsLe("\151\x6e\x74\x65\162\x63\x65\160\164\157\x72\x20\151\163\40\141\160\x70\154\x69\145\x64", function () use($GJn0g) { goto bzGQz; bzGQz: $r69Og = new pJyNm(1); goto NUVxY; SNkKa: hTKU0($r69Og)->KkOoW(new PJyNm(1))->and($GJn0g)->cXLTe->yryhM("\x6e\165\155\x62\x65\162", 1)->KwNRo->yryhM("\x6e\165\x6d\142\x65\x72", 1); goto UvO7a; NUVxY: $GJn0g->reset(); goto SNkKa; UvO7a: }); goto dGh2k; ASi_Z: PFSle("\151\156\164\x65\x72\x63\145\160\x74\157\x72\40\x77\157\162\153\x73\40\167\151\164\x68\40\156\x65\147\141\164\x65\x64\40\145\x78\x70\x65\143\x74\141\164\x69\157\156", function () { $HEtZG = new PJYNm(1); Htku0($HEtZG)->rwUli->KKOOW(new hCrlD("\102")); }); goto fedDt; BFm2D: hTku0()->jZKrN("\x74\x6f\x42\145", fn($Vi8xX, $NaiAZ) => $Vi8xX === "\52" && is_numeric($NaiAZ), function ($NaiAZ) use($GJn0g) { $GJn0g->cXLTe["\167\151\154\144\x63\x61\162\144"]++; $GJn0g->KwNRo["\x77\x69\x6c\x64\143\x61\162\144"]++; }); goto HWFqf; fedDt: pFSle("\x69\x6e\x74\145\162\143\145\160\x74\x20\x63\141\156\40\141\x64\x64\40\x6e\x65\167\40\160\x61\162\x61\155\x65\x74\145\x72\163\40\x74\x6f\40\x74\150\145\x20\x65\170\160\145\143\164\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e", function () { $E982H = true; hTKu0("\x46\157\157")->kkOOw("\146\157\x6f", $E982H); });

Function Calls





MD5 8b9d51c603406fec670a592ba8935869
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 99 ms