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<?php /* * 2007-2017 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to t..

Decoded Output download

* 2007-2017 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2017 PrestaShop SA
*  @license  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

class AddressFormatCore extends ObjectModel
    /** @var int */
    public $id_address_format;

    /** @var int */
    public $id_country;

    /** @var string */
    public $format;

    protected $_errorFormatList = array();

     * @see ObjectModel::$definition
    public static $definition = array(
        'table' => 'address_format',
        'primary' => 'id_country',
        'fields' => array(
            'format' =>    array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true),
            'id_country' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT),

    public static $requireFormFieldsList = array(

    public static $forbiddenPropertyList = array(

    public static $forbiddenClassList = array(

    const _CLEANING_REGEX_ = '#([^\w:_]+)#i';

     * Check if the the association of the field name and a class name
     * is valide
     * @className is the name class
     * @fieldName is a property name
     * @isIdField boolean to know if we have to allowed a property name started by 'id_'
    protected function _checkValidateClassField($className, $fieldName, $isIdField)
        $isValide = false;

        if (!class_exists($className)) {
            $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This class name does not exist.').
            ': '.$className;
        } else {
            $obj = new $className();
            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($obj);

            // Check if the property is accessible
            $publicProperties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($publicProperties as $property) {
                $propertyName = $property->getName();
                if (($propertyName == $fieldName) && ($isIdField ||
                        (!preg_match('/id|id_\w+|id[A-Z]\w+/', $propertyName)))) {
                    $isValide = true;

            if (!$isValide) {
                $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This property does not exist in the class or is forbidden.').
                ': '.$className.': '.$fieldName;

        return $isValide;

     * Verify the existence of a field name and check the availability
     * of an association between a field name and a class (ClassName:fieldName)
     * if the separator is overview
     * @patternName is the composition of the class and field name
     * @fieldsValidate contains the list of available field for the Address class
    protected function _checkLiableAssociation($patternName, $fieldsValidate)
        $patternName = trim($patternName);

        if ($associationName = explode(':', $patternName)) {
            $totalNameUsed = count($associationName);
            if ($totalNameUsed > 2) {
                $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This association has too many elements.');
            } elseif ($totalNameUsed == 1) {
                $associationName[0] = strtolower($associationName[0]);
                if (in_array($associationName[0], self::$forbiddenPropertyList) ||
                    !$this->_checkValidateClassField('Address', $associationName[0], false)) {
                    $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This name is not allowed.').': '.
            } elseif ($totalNameUsed == 2) {
                if (empty($associationName[0]) || empty($associationName[1])) {
                    $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('Syntax error with this pattern.').': '.$patternName;
                } else {
                    $associationName[0] = ucfirst($associationName[0]);
                    $associationName[1] = strtolower($associationName[1]);

                    if (in_array($associationName[0], self::$forbiddenClassList)) {
                        $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This name is not allowed.').': '.
                    } else {
                        // Check if the id field name exist in the Address class
                        // Don't check this attribute on Address (no sense)
                        if ($associationName[0] != 'Address') {
                            $this->_checkValidateClassField('Address', 'id_'.strtolower($associationName[0]), true);

                        // Check if the field name exist in the class write by the user
                        $this->_checkValidateClassField($associationName[0], $associationName[1], false);

     * Check if the set fields are valide
    public function checkFormatFields()
        $this->_errorFormatList = array();
        $fieldsValidate = Address::getFieldsValidate();
        $usedKeyList = array();

        $multipleLineFields = explode("
", $this->format);
        if ($multipleLineFields && is_array($multipleLineFields)) {
            foreach ($multipleLineFields as $lineField) {
                if (($patternsName = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $lineField, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                    if (is_array($patternsName)) {
                        foreach ($patternsName as $patternName) {
                            if (!in_array($patternName, $usedKeyList)) {
                                $this->_checkLiableAssociation($patternName, $fieldsValidate);
                                $usedKeyList[] = $patternName;
                            } else {
                                $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This key has already been used.').
                                    ': '.$patternName;

        return (count($this->_errorFormatList)) ? false : true;

     * Returns the error list
    public function getErrorList()
        return $this->_errorFormatList;

    ** Set the layout key with the liable value
    ** example : (firstname) => 'Presta' will result (Presta)
    **         : (firstname-lastname) => 'Presta' and 'Shop' result '(Presta-Shop)'
    protected static function _setOriginalDisplayFormat(&$formattedValueList, $currentLine, $currentKeyList)
        if ($currentKeyList && is_array($currentKeyList)) {
            if ($originalFormattedPatternList = explode(' ', $currentLine)) {
                // Foreach the available pattern
                foreach ($originalFormattedPatternList as $patternNum => $pattern) {
                    // Var allows to modify the good formatted key value when multiple key exist into the same pattern
                    $mainFormattedKey = '';

                    // Multiple key can be found in the same pattern
                    foreach ($currentKeyList as $key) {
                        // Check if we need to use an older modified pattern if a key has already be matched before
                        $replacedValue = empty($mainFormattedKey) ? $pattern : $formattedValueList[$mainFormattedKey];

                        $chars = $start = $end = str_replace($key, '', $replacedValue);
                        if (preg_match(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $chars)) {
                            if (Tools::substr($replacedValue, 0, Tools::strlen($chars)) == $chars) {
                                $end = '';
                            } else {
                                $start = '';

                            if ($chars) {
                                $replacedValue = str_replace($chars, '', $replacedValue);

                        if ($formattedValue = preg_replace('/^'.$key.'$/', $formattedValueList[$key], $replacedValue, -1, $count)) {
                            if ($count) {
                                // Allow to check multiple key in the same pattern,
                                if (empty($mainFormattedKey)) {
                                    $mainFormattedKey = $key;
                                // Set the pattern value to an empty string if an older key has already been matched before
                                if ($mainFormattedKey != $key) {
                                    $formattedValueList[$key] = '';
                                // Store the new pattern value
                                $formattedValueList[$mainFormattedKey] = $start.$formattedValue.$end;

    ** Cleaned the layout set by the user
    public static function cleanOrderedAddress(&$orderedAddressField)
        foreach ($orderedAddressField as &$line) {
            $cleanedLine = '';
            if (($keyList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                foreach ($keyList as $key) {
                    $cleanedLine .= $key.' ';
                $cleanedLine = trim($cleanedLine);
                $line = $cleanedLine;

     * Returns the formatted fields with associated values
     * @address is an instancied Address object
     * @addressFormat is the format
     * @return double Array
    public static function getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, $addressFormat, $id_lang = null)
        if (!$id_lang) {
            $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $tab = array();
        $temporyObject = array();

        // Check if $address exist and it's an instanciate object of Address
        if ($address && ($address instanceof Address)) {
            foreach ($addressFormat as $line) {
                if (($keyList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) && is_array($keyList)) {
                    foreach ($keyList as $pattern) {
                        if ($associateName = explode(':', $pattern)) {
                            $totalName = count($associateName);
                            if ($totalName == 1 && isset($address->{$associateName[0]})) {
                                $tab[$associateName[0]] = $address->{$associateName[0]};
                            } else {
                                $tab[$pattern] = '';

                                // Check if the property exist in both classes
                                if (($totalName == 2) && class_exists($associateName[0]) &&
                                    property_exists($associateName[0], $associateName[1]) &&
                                    property_exists($address, 'id_'.strtolower($associateName[0]))) {
                                    $idFieldName = 'id_'.strtolower($associateName[0]);

                                    if (!isset($temporyObject[$associateName[0]])) {
                                        $temporyObject[$associateName[0]] = new $associateName[0]($address->{$idFieldName});
                                    if ($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]) {
                                        $tab[$pattern] = (is_array($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]})) ?
                                            ((isset($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]}[$id_lang])) ?
                                            $temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]}[$id_lang] : '') :
                    AddressFormat::_setOriginalDisplayFormat($tab, $line, $keyList);
        // Free the instanciate objects
        foreach ($temporyObject as &$object) {
        return $tab;

     * Generates the full address text
     * @param Address $address
     * @param array $patternRules A defined rules array to avoid some pattern
     * @param string $newLine A string containing the newLine format
     * @param string $separator A string containing the separator format
     * @param array $style
     * @return string
    public static function generateAddress(Address $address, $patternRules = array(), $newLine = "
", $separator = ' ', $style = array())
        $addressFields = AddressFormat::getOrderedAddressFields($address->id_country);
        $addressFormatedValues = AddressFormat::getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, $addressFields);

        $addressText = '';
        foreach ($addressFields as $line) {
            if (($patternsList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                $tmpText = '';
                foreach ($patternsList as $pattern) {
                    if ((!array_key_exists('avoid', $patternRules)) ||
                                (is_array($patternRules) && array_key_exists('avoid', $patternRules) && !in_array($pattern, $patternRules['avoid']))) {
                        $tmpText .= (isset($addressFormatedValues[$pattern]) && !empty($addressFormatedValues[$pattern])) ?
                                (((isset($style[$pattern])) ?
                                    (sprintf($style[$pattern], $addressFormatedValues[$pattern])) :
                                    $addressFormatedValues[$pattern]).$separator) : '';
                $tmpText = trim($tmpText);
                $addressText .= (!empty($tmpText)) ? $tmpText.$newLine: '';

        $addressText = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($newLine, '/').'$/i', '', $addressText);
        $addressText = rtrim($addressText, $separator);

        return $addressText;

    public static function generateAddressSmarty($params, &$smarty)
        return AddressFormat::generateAddress(
            (isset($params['patternRules']) ? $params['patternRules'] : array()),
            (isset($params['newLine']) ? $params['newLine'] : "
            (isset($params['separator']) ? $params['separator'] : ' '),
            (isset($params['style']) ? $params['style'] : array())

    * Returns selected fields required for an address in an array according to a selection hash
    * @return array String values
    public static function getValidateFields($className)
        $propertyList = array();

        if (class_exists($className)) {
            $object = new $className();
            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($object);

            // Check if the property is accessible
            $publicProperties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($publicProperties as $property) {
                $propertyName = $property->getName();
                if ((!in_array($propertyName, AddressFormat::$forbiddenPropertyList)) &&
                        (!preg_match('#id|id_\w#', $propertyName))) {
                    $propertyList[] = $propertyName;
        return $propertyList;

     * Return a list of liable class of the className
    public static function getLiableClass($className)
        $objectList = array();

        if (class_exists($className)) {
            $object = new $className();
            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($object);

            // Get all the name object liable to the Address class
            $publicProperties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($publicProperties as $property) {
                $propertyName = $property->getName();
                if (preg_match('#id_\w#', $propertyName) && strlen($propertyName) > 3) {
                    $nameObject = ucfirst(substr($propertyName, 3));
                    if (!in_array($nameObject, self::$forbiddenClassList) &&
                            class_exists($nameObject)) {
                        $objectList[$nameObject] = new $nameObject();
        return $objectList;

     * Returns address format fields in array by country
     * @param int $id_country If null using PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT
     * @param bool $split_all
     * @param bool $cleaned
     * @return Array String field address format
    public static function getOrderedAddressFields($id_country = 0, $split_all = false, $cleaned = false)
        $out = array();
        $field_set = explode("
", AddressFormat::getAddressCountryFormat($id_country));
        foreach ($field_set as $field_item) {
            if ($split_all) {
                if ($cleaned) {
                    $keyList = ($cleaned) ? preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $field_item, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) :
                        explode(' ', $field_item);
                foreach ($keyList as $word_item) {
                    $out[] = trim($word_item);
            } else {
                $out[] = ($cleaned) ? implode(' ', preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, trim($field_item), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))
                    : trim($field_item);
        return $out;

    ** Return a data array containing ordered, formatedValue and object fields
    public static function getFormattedLayoutData($address)
        $layoutData = array();

        if ($address && $address instanceof Address) {
            $layoutData['ordered'] = AddressFormat::getOrderedAddressFields((int)$address->id_country);
            $layoutData['formated'] = AddressFormat::getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, $layoutData['ordered']);
            $layoutData['object'] = array();

            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($address);
            $public_properties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($public_properties as $property) {
                if (isset($address->{$property->getName()})) {
                    $layoutData['object'][$property->getName()] = $address->{$property->getName()};
        return $layoutData;

     * Returns address format by country if not defined using default country
     * @param int $id_country
     * @return String field address format
    public static function getAddressCountryFormat($id_country = 0)
        $id_country = (int)$id_country;

        $tmp_obj = new AddressFormat();
        $tmp_obj->id_country = $id_country;
        $out = $tmp_obj->getFormat($tmp_obj->id_country);
        return $out;

     * Returns address format by country
     * @param int $id_country
     * @return String field address format
    public function getFormat($id_country)
        $out = $this->_getFormatDB($id_country);
        if (empty($out)) {
            $out = $this->_getFormatDB(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'));
        return $out;

    protected function _getFormatDB($id_country)
        if (!Cache::isStored('AddressFormat::_getFormatDB'.$id_country)) {
            $format = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
			SELECT format
			FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->def['table'].'`
			WHERE `id_country` = '.(int)$id_country);
            $format = trim($format);
            Cache::store('AddressFormat::_getFormatDB'.$id_country, $format);
            return $format;
        return Cache::retrieve('AddressFormat::_getFormatDB'.$id_country);

    public static function getFieldsRequired()
        $address = new Address;
        return array_unique(array_merge($address->getFieldsRequiredDB(), AddressFormat::$requireFormFieldsList));

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Original Code

* 2007-2017 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2017 PrestaShop SA
*  @license  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

class AddressFormatCore extends ObjectModel
    /** @var int */
    public $id_address_format;

    /** @var int */
    public $id_country;

    /** @var string */
    public $format;

    protected $_errorFormatList = array();

     * @see ObjectModel::$definition
    public static $definition = array(
        'table' => 'address_format',
        'primary' => 'id_country',
        'fields' => array(
            'format' =>    array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true),
            'id_country' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT),

    public static $requireFormFieldsList = array(

    public static $forbiddenPropertyList = array(

    public static $forbiddenClassList = array(

    const _CLEANING_REGEX_ = '#([^\w:_]+)#i';

     * Check if the the association of the field name and a class name
     * is valide
     * @className is the name class
     * @fieldName is a property name
     * @isIdField boolean to know if we have to allowed a property name started by 'id_'
    protected function _checkValidateClassField($className, $fieldName, $isIdField)
        $isValide = false;

        if (!class_exists($className)) {
            $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This class name does not exist.').
            ': '.$className;
        } else {
            $obj = new $className();
            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($obj);

            // Check if the property is accessible
            $publicProperties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($publicProperties as $property) {
                $propertyName = $property->getName();
                if (($propertyName == $fieldName) && ($isIdField ||
                        (!preg_match('/\bid\b|id_\w+|\bid[A-Z]\w+/', $propertyName)))) {
                    $isValide = true;

            if (!$isValide) {
                $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This property does not exist in the class or is forbidden.').
                ': '.$className.': '.$fieldName;

        return $isValide;

     * Verify the existence of a field name and check the availability
     * of an association between a field name and a class (ClassName:fieldName)
     * if the separator is overview
     * @patternName is the composition of the class and field name
     * @fieldsValidate contains the list of available field for the Address class
    protected function _checkLiableAssociation($patternName, $fieldsValidate)
        $patternName = trim($patternName);

        if ($associationName = explode(':', $patternName)) {
            $totalNameUsed = count($associationName);
            if ($totalNameUsed > 2) {
                $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This association has too many elements.');
            } elseif ($totalNameUsed == 1) {
                $associationName[0] = strtolower($associationName[0]);
                if (in_array($associationName[0], self::$forbiddenPropertyList) ||
                    !$this->_checkValidateClassField('Address', $associationName[0], false)) {
                    $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This name is not allowed.').': '.
            } elseif ($totalNameUsed == 2) {
                if (empty($associationName[0]) || empty($associationName[1])) {
                    $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('Syntax error with this pattern.').': '.$patternName;
                } else {
                    $associationName[0] = ucfirst($associationName[0]);
                    $associationName[1] = strtolower($associationName[1]);

                    if (in_array($associationName[0], self::$forbiddenClassList)) {
                        $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This name is not allowed.').': '.
                    } else {
                        // Check if the id field name exist in the Address class
                        // Don't check this attribute on Address (no sense)
                        if ($associationName[0] != 'Address') {
                            $this->_checkValidateClassField('Address', 'id_'.strtolower($associationName[0]), true);

                        // Check if the field name exist in the class write by the user
                        $this->_checkValidateClassField($associationName[0], $associationName[1], false);

     * Check if the set fields are valide
    public function checkFormatFields()
        $this->_errorFormatList = array();
        $fieldsValidate = Address::getFieldsValidate();
        $usedKeyList = array();

        $multipleLineFields = explode("\n", $this->format);
        if ($multipleLineFields && is_array($multipleLineFields)) {
            foreach ($multipleLineFields as $lineField) {
                if (($patternsName = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $lineField, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                    if (is_array($patternsName)) {
                        foreach ($patternsName as $patternName) {
                            if (!in_array($patternName, $usedKeyList)) {
                                $this->_checkLiableAssociation($patternName, $fieldsValidate);
                                $usedKeyList[] = $patternName;
                            } else {
                                $this->_errorFormatList[] = Tools::displayError('This key has already been used.').
                                    ': '.$patternName;

        return (count($this->_errorFormatList)) ? false : true;

     * Returns the error list
    public function getErrorList()
        return $this->_errorFormatList;

    ** Set the layout key with the liable value
    ** example : (firstname) => 'Presta' will result (Presta)
    **         : (firstname-lastname) => 'Presta' and 'Shop' result '(Presta-Shop)'
    protected static function _setOriginalDisplayFormat(&$formattedValueList, $currentLine, $currentKeyList)
        if ($currentKeyList && is_array($currentKeyList)) {
            if ($originalFormattedPatternList = explode(' ', $currentLine)) {
                // Foreach the available pattern
                foreach ($originalFormattedPatternList as $patternNum => $pattern) {
                    // Var allows to modify the good formatted key value when multiple key exist into the same pattern
                    $mainFormattedKey = '';

                    // Multiple key can be found in the same pattern
                    foreach ($currentKeyList as $key) {
                        // Check if we need to use an older modified pattern if a key has already be matched before
                        $replacedValue = empty($mainFormattedKey) ? $pattern : $formattedValueList[$mainFormattedKey];

                        $chars = $start = $end = str_replace($key, '', $replacedValue);
                        if (preg_match(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $chars)) {
                            if (Tools::substr($replacedValue, 0, Tools::strlen($chars)) == $chars) {
                                $end = '';
                            } else {
                                $start = '';

                            if ($chars) {
                                $replacedValue = str_replace($chars, '', $replacedValue);

                        if ($formattedValue = preg_replace('/^'.$key.'$/', $formattedValueList[$key], $replacedValue, -1, $count)) {
                            if ($count) {
                                // Allow to check multiple key in the same pattern,
                                if (empty($mainFormattedKey)) {
                                    $mainFormattedKey = $key;
                                // Set the pattern value to an empty string if an older key has already been matched before
                                if ($mainFormattedKey != $key) {
                                    $formattedValueList[$key] = '';
                                // Store the new pattern value
                                $formattedValueList[$mainFormattedKey] = $start.$formattedValue.$end;

    ** Cleaned the layout set by the user
    public static function cleanOrderedAddress(&$orderedAddressField)
        foreach ($orderedAddressField as &$line) {
            $cleanedLine = '';
            if (($keyList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                foreach ($keyList as $key) {
                    $cleanedLine .= $key.' ';
                $cleanedLine = trim($cleanedLine);
                $line = $cleanedLine;

     * Returns the formatted fields with associated values
     * @address is an instancied Address object
     * @addressFormat is the format
     * @return double Array
    public static function getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, $addressFormat, $id_lang = null)
        if (!$id_lang) {
            $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $tab = array();
        $temporyObject = array();

        // Check if $address exist and it's an instanciate object of Address
        if ($address && ($address instanceof Address)) {
            foreach ($addressFormat as $line) {
                if (($keyList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) && is_array($keyList)) {
                    foreach ($keyList as $pattern) {
                        if ($associateName = explode(':', $pattern)) {
                            $totalName = count($associateName);
                            if ($totalName == 1 && isset($address->{$associateName[0]})) {
                                $tab[$associateName[0]] = $address->{$associateName[0]};
                            } else {
                                $tab[$pattern] = '';

                                // Check if the property exist in both classes
                                if (($totalName == 2) && class_exists($associateName[0]) &&
                                    property_exists($associateName[0], $associateName[1]) &&
                                    property_exists($address, 'id_'.strtolower($associateName[0]))) {
                                    $idFieldName = 'id_'.strtolower($associateName[0]);

                                    if (!isset($temporyObject[$associateName[0]])) {
                                        $temporyObject[$associateName[0]] = new $associateName[0]($address->{$idFieldName});
                                    if ($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]) {
                                        $tab[$pattern] = (is_array($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]})) ?
                                            ((isset($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]}[$id_lang])) ?
                                            $temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]}[$id_lang] : '') :
                    AddressFormat::_setOriginalDisplayFormat($tab, $line, $keyList);
        // Free the instanciate objects
        foreach ($temporyObject as &$object) {
        return $tab;

     * Generates the full address text
     * @param Address $address
     * @param array $patternRules A defined rules array to avoid some pattern
     * @param string $newLine A string containing the newLine format
     * @param string $separator A string containing the separator format
     * @param array $style
     * @return string
    public static function generateAddress(Address $address, $patternRules = array(), $newLine = "\r\n", $separator = ' ', $style = array())
        $addressFields = AddressFormat::getOrderedAddressFields($address->id_country);
        $addressFormatedValues = AddressFormat::getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, $addressFields);

        $addressText = '';
        foreach ($addressFields as $line) {
            if (($patternsList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                $tmpText = '';
                foreach ($patternsList as $pattern) {
                    if ((!array_key_exists('avoid', $patternRules)) ||
                                (is_array($patternRules) && array_key_exists('avoid', $patternRules) && !in_array($pattern, $patternRules['avoid']))) {
                        $tmpText .= (isset($addressFormatedValues[$pattern]) && !empty($addressFormatedValues[$pattern])) ?
                                (((isset($style[$pattern])) ?
                                    (sprintf($style[$pattern], $addressFormatedValues[$pattern])) :
                                    $addressFormatedValues[$pattern]).$separator) : '';
                $tmpText = trim($tmpText);
                $addressText .= (!empty($tmpText)) ? $tmpText.$newLine: '';

        $addressText = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($newLine, '/').'$/i', '', $addressText);
        $addressText = rtrim($addressText, $separator);

        return $addressText;

    public static function generateAddressSmarty($params, &$smarty)
        return AddressFormat::generateAddress(
            (isset($params['patternRules']) ? $params['patternRules'] : array()),
            (isset($params['newLine']) ? $params['newLine'] : "\r\n"),
            (isset($params['separator']) ? $params['separator'] : ' '),
            (isset($params['style']) ? $params['style'] : array())

    * Returns selected fields required for an address in an array according to a selection hash
    * @return array String values
    public static function getValidateFields($className)
        $propertyList = array();

        if (class_exists($className)) {
            $object = new $className();
            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($object);

            // Check if the property is accessible
            $publicProperties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($publicProperties as $property) {
                $propertyName = $property->getName();
                if ((!in_array($propertyName, AddressFormat::$forbiddenPropertyList)) &&
                        (!preg_match('#id|id_\w#', $propertyName))) {
                    $propertyList[] = $propertyName;
        return $propertyList;

     * Return a list of liable class of the className
    public static function getLiableClass($className)
        $objectList = array();

        if (class_exists($className)) {
            $object = new $className();
            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($object);

            // Get all the name object liable to the Address class
            $publicProperties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($publicProperties as $property) {
                $propertyName = $property->getName();
                if (preg_match('#id_\w#', $propertyName) && strlen($propertyName) > 3) {
                    $nameObject = ucfirst(substr($propertyName, 3));
                    if (!in_array($nameObject, self::$forbiddenClassList) &&
                            class_exists($nameObject)) {
                        $objectList[$nameObject] = new $nameObject();
        return $objectList;

     * Returns address format fields in array by country
     * @param int $id_country If null using PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT
     * @param bool $split_all
     * @param bool $cleaned
     * @return Array String field address format
    public static function getOrderedAddressFields($id_country = 0, $split_all = false, $cleaned = false)
        $out = array();
        $field_set = explode("\n", AddressFormat::getAddressCountryFormat($id_country));
        foreach ($field_set as $field_item) {
            if ($split_all) {
                if ($cleaned) {
                    $keyList = ($cleaned) ? preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $field_item, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) :
                        explode(' ', $field_item);
                foreach ($keyList as $word_item) {
                    $out[] = trim($word_item);
            } else {
                $out[] = ($cleaned) ? implode(' ', preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, trim($field_item), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))
                    : trim($field_item);
        return $out;

    ** Return a data array containing ordered, formatedValue and object fields
    public static function getFormattedLayoutData($address)
        $layoutData = array();

        if ($address && $address instanceof Address) {
            $layoutData['ordered'] = AddressFormat::getOrderedAddressFields((int)$address->id_country);
            $layoutData['formated'] = AddressFormat::getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, $layoutData['ordered']);
            $layoutData['object'] = array();

            $reflect = new ReflectionObject($address);
            $public_properties = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
            foreach ($public_properties as $property) {
                if (isset($address->{$property->getName()})) {
                    $layoutData['object'][$property->getName()] = $address->{$property->getName()};
        return $layoutData;

     * Returns address format by country if not defined using default country
     * @param int $id_country
     * @return String field address format
    public static function getAddressCountryFormat($id_country = 0)
        $id_country = (int)$id_country;

        $tmp_obj = new AddressFormat();
        $tmp_obj->id_country = $id_country;
        $out = $tmp_obj->getFormat($tmp_obj->id_country);
        return $out;

     * Returns address format by country
     * @param int $id_country
     * @return String field address format
    public function getFormat($id_country)
        $out = $this->_getFormatDB($id_country);
        if (empty($out)) {
            $out = $this->_getFormatDB(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'));
        return $out;

    protected function _getFormatDB($id_country)
        if (!Cache::isStored('AddressFormat::_getFormatDB'.$id_country)) {
            $format = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
			SELECT format
			FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.$this->def['table'].'`
			WHERE `id_country` = '.(int)$id_country);
            $format = trim($format);
            Cache::store('AddressFormat::_getFormatDB'.$id_country, $format);
            return $format;
        return Cache::retrieve('AddressFormat::_getFormatDB'.$id_country);

    public static function getFieldsRequired()
        $address = new Address;
        return array_unique(array_merge($address->getFieldsRequiredDB(), AddressFormat::$requireFormFieldsList));

Function Calls





MD5 8cd5a3085df72ca11251da3ca5d81596
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 133 ms