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<?php goto aZsZH; weLHg: class SendSmsRequest extends RpcAcsRequest { public function __..

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 goto aZsZH; weLHg: class SendSmsRequest extends RpcAcsRequest { public function __construct() { parent::__construct("Dysmsapi", "2017-05-25", "SendSms"); $this->setMethod("POST"); } private $templateCode; private $phoneNumbers; private $signName; private $resourceOwnerAccount; private $templateParam; private $resourceOwnerId; private $ownerId; private $outId; private $smsUpExtendCode; public function getTemplateCode() { return $this->templateCode; } public function setTemplateCode($templateCode) { $this->templateCode = $templateCode; $this->queryParameters["TemplateCode"] = $templateCode; } public function getPhoneNumbers() { return $this->phoneNumbers; } public function setPhoneNumbers($phoneNumbers) { $this->phoneNumbers = $phoneNumbers; $this->queryParameters["PhoneNumbers"] = $phoneNumbers; } public function getSignName() { return $this->signName; } public function setSignName($signName) { $this->signName = $signName; $this->queryParameters["SignName"] = $signName; } public function getResourceOwnerAccount() { return $this->resourceOwnerAccount; } public function setResourceOwnerAccount($resourceOwnerAccount) { $this->resourceOwnerAccount = $resourceOwnerAccount; $this->queryParameters["ResourceOwnerAccount"] = $resourceOwnerAccount; } public function getTemplateParam() { return $this->templateParam; } public function setTemplateParam($templateParam) { $this->templateParam = $templateParam; $this->queryParameters["TemplateParam"] = $templateParam; } public function getResourceOwnerId() { return $this->resourceOwnerId; } public function setResourceOwnerId($resourceOwnerId) { $this->resourceOwnerId = $resourceOwnerId; $this->queryParameters["ResourceOwnerId"] = $resourceOwnerId; } public function getOwnerId() { return $this->ownerId; } public function setOwnerId($ownerId) { $this->ownerId = $ownerId; $this->queryParameters["OwnerId"] = $ownerId; } public function getOutId() { return $this->outId; } public function setOutId($outId) { $this->outId = $outId; $this->queryParameters["OutId"] = $outId; } public function getSmsUpExtendCode() { return $this->smsUpExtendCode; } public function setSmsUpExtendCode($smsUpExtendCode) { $this->smsUpExtendCode = $smsUpExtendCode; $this->queryParameters["SmsUpExtendCode"] = $smsUpExtendCode; } } goto pqJOi; RAFH1: $json = json_encode($xml); goto JVW2m; SDIjJ: interface IClientProfile { public function getSigner(); public function getRegionId(); public function getFormat(); public function getCredential(); } goto gEc9Q; WOH1P: class HttpHelper { public static $connectTimeout = 30; public static $readTimeout = 80; public static function curl($url, $httpMethod = "GET", $postFields = null, $headers = null) { goto J_aSX; MDlXt: BpYD0: goto mLxKY; FLdZx: $httpHeaders = self::getHttpHearders($headers); goto Zwtqc; F2CaU: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto GLbBo; J_aSX: $ch = curl_init(); goto XQyKr; oqEPn: if (!ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY) { goto z4uWt; } goto HOtDP; VmuNG: Zpzaw: goto Brfkm; YOoRy: if (!(is_array($headers) && 0 < count($headers))) { goto Zpzaw; } goto FLdZx; rfk7i: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, is_array($postFields) ? self::getPostHttpBody($postFields) : $postFields); goto jbkln; F3Xih: return $httpResponse; goto owOYq; dQTno: z4uWt: goto oYprb; GLbBo: rvg1S: goto YOoRy; MSSTk: if (!self::$connectTimeout) { goto BpYD0; } goto H8dyX; QztnP: curl_close($ch); goto F3Xih; R2DFY: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); goto dQTno; tIB0p: if (!curl_errno($ch)) { goto F5eiD; } goto jqdH_; mLxKY: if (!(strlen($url) > 5 && strtolower(substr($url, 0, 5)) == "https")) { goto rvg1S; } goto elGAX; EiiGC: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, HTTP_PROXY_PORT); goto R2DFY; Brfkm: $httpResponse = new xcHttpResponse(); goto NFfwY; NlS7C: F5eiD: goto QztnP; XQyKr: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $httpMethod); goto oqEPn; elGAX: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto F2CaU; l2EE3: zP2dA: goto MSSTk; jqdH_: throw new ClientException("Server unreachable: Errno: " . curl_errno($ch) . " " . curl_error($ch), "SDK.ServerUnreachable"); goto NlS7C; Bgfux: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY_IP); goto EiiGC; NFfwY: $httpResponse->setBody(curl_exec($ch)); goto VaxMH; rFblX: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto rfk7i; eSe5M: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, self::$readTimeout); goto l2EE3; ivuuV: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false); goto rFblX; VaxMH: $httpResponse->setStatus(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)); goto tIB0p; jbkln: if (!self::$readTimeout) { goto zP2dA; } goto eSe5M; oYprb: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); goto ivuuV; H8dyX: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, self::$connectTimeout); goto MDlXt; HOtDP: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); goto Bgfux; Zwtqc: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $httpHeaders); goto VmuNG; owOYq: } static function getPostHttpBody($postFildes) { goto P3IWk; jd0ip: UpvYe: goto EODBv; P3IWk: $content = ''; goto BQJiz; EODBv: return substr($content, 0, -1); goto X5lPR; BQJiz: foreach ($postFildes as $apiParamKey => $apiParamValue) { $content .= "{$apiParamKey}=" . urlencode($apiParamValue) . "&"; lXHbl: } goto jd0ip; X5lPR: } static function getHttpHearders($headers) { goto qNlVd; PTN6a: foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { array_push($httpHeader, $key . ":" . $value); jeesa: } goto hGvZz; qNlVd: $httpHeader = array(); goto PTN6a; hGvZz: uEVNI: goto TRLwg; TRLwg: return $httpHeader; goto cAyF1; cAyF1: } } goto jJoNb; KfT0m: abstract class AcsRequest { protected $version; protected $product; protected $actionName; protected $regionId; protected $acceptFormat; protected $method; protected $protocolType = "http"; protected $content; protected $queryParameters = array(); protected $headers = array(); function __construct($product, $version, $actionName) { goto ek7qf; Adh1A: $this->actionName = $actionName; goto KYgXK; QPAbl: $this->version = $version; goto Adh1A; kL9ix: $this->product = $product; goto QPAbl; ek7qf: $this->headers["x-sdk-client"] = "php/2.0.0"; goto kL9ix; KYgXK: } public abstract function composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain); public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $version; } public function getProduct() { return $this->product; } public function setProduct($product) { $this->product = $product; } public function getActionName() { return $this->actionName; } public function setActionName($actionName) { $this->actionName = $actionName; } public function getAcceptFormat() { return $this->acceptFormat; } public function setAcceptFormat($acceptFormat) { $this->acceptFormat = $acceptFormat; } public function getQueryParameters() { return $this->queryParameters; } public function getHeaders() { return $this->headers; } public function getMethod() { return $this->method; } public function setMethod($method) { $this->method = $method; } public function getProtocol() { return $this->protocolType; } public function setProtocol($protocol) { $this->protocolType = $protocol; } public function getRegionId() { return $this->regionId; } public function setRegionId($region) { $this->regionId = $region; } public function getContent() { return $this->content; } public function setContent($content) { $this->content = $content; } public function addHeader($headerKey, $headerValue) { $this->headers[$headerKey] = $headerValue; } } goto H1mAM; pqJOi: class xcap_SmsDemo { static $acsClient = null; public static function getAcsClient($AccessKeyId, $AccessKeySecret) { goto a11Du; jNHhI: $profile = DefaultProfile::getProfile($region, $accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret); goto bqFl7; VjXSg: $region = "cn-hangzhou"; goto k8Qk8; DqFrT: if (!(static::$acsClient == null)) { goto C855r; } goto jNHhI; nqX3o: $domain = ""; goto FhcxE; NQjr4: return static::$acsClient; goto jtjcj; YR6Rl: $accessKeySecret = $AccessKeySecret; goto VjXSg; a11Du: $product = "Dysmsapi"; goto nqX3o; TxF_r: static::$acsClient = new DefaultAcsClient($profile); goto bR3SO; FhcxE: $accessKeyId = $AccessKeyId; goto YR6Rl; bR3SO: C855r: goto NQjr4; k8Qk8: $endPointName = "cn-hangzhou"; goto DqFrT; bqFl7: DefaultProfile::addEndpoint($endPointName, $region, $product, $domain); goto TxF_r; jtjcj: } public static function sendSms($AccessKeyId, $AccessKeySecret, $signName, $templateCode, $phoneNumbers, $templateParam = null, $outId = null, $smsUpExtendCode = null) { goto nOTEu; wQvB6: return $acsResponse; goto rmPht; waULM: ozI4l: goto VN8Iz; VN8Iz: $acsResponse = static::getAcsClient($AccessKeyId, $AccessKeySecret)->getAcsResponse($request); goto wQvB6; cZeTu: $request->setSmsUpExtendCode($smsUpExtendCode); goto waULM; oaUHX: $request->setTemplateCode($templateCode); goto JiM1g; ci_lx: $request->setTemplateParam(json_encode($templateParam)); goto N6WlH; nJEaQ: if (!$outId) { goto LZhrP; } goto vgXjZ; nOTEu: $request = new SendSmsRequest(); goto gGBbM; N6WlH: oqqpX: goto nJEaQ; gGBbM: $request->setPhoneNumbers($phoneNumbers); goto i2iKs; cpDUp: LZhrP: goto smhxM; smhxM: if (!$smsUpExtendCode) { goto ozI4l; } goto cZeTu; vgXjZ: $request->setOutId($outId); goto cpDUp; i2iKs: $request->setSignName($signName); goto oaUHX; JiM1g: if (!$templateParam) { goto oqqpX; } goto ci_lx; rmPht: } public function queryDetails($phoneNumbers, $sendDate, $pageSize = 10, $currentPage = 1, $bizId = null) { goto oqpAk; qdWHr: $acsResponse = static::getAcsClient()->getAcsResponse($request); goto cEVeu; oqpAk: $request = new QuerySendDetailsRequest(); goto sp5bH; cEVeu: return $acsResponse; goto rdCX6; sp5bH: $request->setPhoneNumber($phoneNumbers); goto C7AN9; C7AN9: $request->setBizId($bizId); goto yYYZ1; ezk0K: $request->setCurrentPage($currentPage); goto qdWHr; yYYZ1: $request->setSendDate($sendDate); goto qGSxE; qGSxE: $request->setPageSize($pageSize); goto ezk0K; rdCX6: } } goto sMuOR; k8KZH: define("HTTP_PROXY_IP", ""); goto Vivy1; QhorF: interface ISigner { public function getSignatureMethod(); public function getSignatureVersion(); public function signString($source, $accessSecret); } goto HN0Kc; jJoNb: class ClientException extends \Exception { function __construct($errorMessage, $errorCode) { goto gWrpF; gWrpF: parent::__construct($errorMessage); goto RIzad; RIzad: $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; goto Pf_NA; YZEB9: $this->setErrorType("Client"); goto G9zGe; Pf_NA: $this->errorCode = $errorCode; goto YZEB9; G9zGe: } private $errorCode; private $errorMessage; private $errorType; public function getErrorCode() { return $this->errorCode; } public function setErrorCode($errorCode) { $this->errorCode = $errorCode; } public function getErrorMessage() { return $this->errorMessage; } public function setErrorMessage($errorMessage) { $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; } public function getErrorType() { return $this->errorType; } public function setErrorType($errorType) { $this->errorType = $errorType; } } goto QhorF; HN0Kc: class ShaHmac1Signer implements ISigner { public function signString($source, $accessSecret) { return base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1", $source, $accessSecret, true)); } public function getSignatureMethod() { return "HMAC-SHA1"; } public function getSignatureVersion() { return "1.0"; } } goto DRn8A; dJ2Op: $endpoints = array(); goto InPfX; Ki6Hp: ini_set("display_errors", 0); goto Two7P; sMuOR: set_time_limit(0); goto LKEOV; GzBcP: class Endpoint { private $name; private $regionIds; private $productDomains; function __construct($name, $regionIds, $productDomains) { goto cyuzC; x437b: $this->regionIds = $regionIds; goto n6Cst; cyuzC: $this->name = $name; goto x437b; n6Cst: $this->productDomains = $productDomains; goto gHghF; gHghF: } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getRegionIds() { return $this->regionIds; } public function setRegionIds($regionIds) { $this->regionIds = $regionIds; } public function getProductDomains() { return $this->productDomains; } public function setProductDomains($productDomains) { $this->productDomains = $productDomains; } } goto sYslz; vk5xx: $xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($endpoint_filename)); goto RAFH1; MqxG5: class HttpResponse { public $curlErrorCode; public $curlErrorMessage; public $statusCode; public $headers; public $body; } goto ydylz; eNeOW: class xcHttpResponse { private $body; private $status; public function getBody() { return $this->body; } public function setBody($body) { $this->body = $body; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function isSuccess() { goto nB2_p; eR_UI: KU60f: goto Up1TU; Up1TU: return false; goto wS_gy; nB2_p: if (!(200 <= $this->status && 300 > $this->status)) { goto KU60f; } goto XCr3O; XCr3O: return true; goto eR_UI; wS_gy: } } goto WOH1P; sYslz: class ProductDomain { private $productName; private $domainName; function __construct($product, $domain) { $this->productName = $product; $this->domainName = $domain; } public function getProductName() { return $this->productName; } public function setProductName($productName) { $this->productName = $productName; } public function getDomainName() { return $this->domainName; } public function setDomainName($domainName) { $this->domainName = $domainName; } } goto AxbDC; LKEOV: header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); goto E5grQ; Two7P: define("ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY", FALSE); goto k8KZH; pI2fX: HdaNf: goto nidyU; E5grQ: $endpoint_filename = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "endpoints.xml"; goto vk5xx; H1mAM: abstract class RpcAcsRequest extends AcsRequest { private $dateTimeFormat = "Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"; private $domainParameters = array(); function __construct($product, $version, $actionName) { parent::__construct($product, $version, $actionName); $this->initialize(); } private function initialize() { $this->setMethod("GET"); $this->setAcceptFormat("JSON"); } private function prepareValue($value) { goto Qs9qO; cSOHD: JU5x5: goto pnIF2; noS26: if ($value) { goto ykig2; } goto h9vtz; h9vtz: return "false"; goto Ie_db; Qs9qO: if (is_bool($value)) { goto BIR5v; } goto R_mMZ; R_mMZ: return $value; goto KXVvi; pnIF2: UKIuV: goto FyOf0; mmcDl: ykig2: goto GYsBB; KXVvi: goto UKIuV; goto O0G18; Ie_db: goto JU5x5; goto mmcDl; GYsBB: return "true"; goto cSOHD; O0G18: BIR5v: goto noS26; FyOf0: } public function composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain) { goto TeS4j; pb3Cs: $apiParams["SignatureVersion"] = $iSigner->getSignatureVersion(); goto N3409; RBZHI: AVvt_: goto Quw7T; AiNPd: fZsY8: goto xr1Sr; TeS4j: $apiParams = parent::getQueryParameters(); goto cC6o9; Quw7T: return $requestUrl; goto Ka7mw; JyGUZ: $requestUrl = $this->getProtocol() . "://" . $domain . "/"; goto qyx1z; fCUJ8: $apiParams["Signature"] = $this->computeSignature($apiParams, $credential->getAccessSecret(), $iSigner); goto Lyr1U; xr1Sr: return substr($requestUrl, 0, -1); goto TXncq; cC6o9: foreach ($apiParams as $key => $value) { $apiParams[$key] = $this->prepareValue($value); vPhar: } goto x3qZQ; wBb7A: $apiParams["Timestamp"] = date($this->dateTimeFormat); goto Jfrxt; Ka7mw: braqu: goto qmb0_; y2LPI: date_default_timezone_set("GMT"); goto wBb7A; x3qZQ: w3EKz: goto C1NoC; Hu3cj: k7CrF: goto JyGUZ; oq9r8: foreach ($apiParams as $apiParamKey => $apiParamValue) { $requestUrl .= "{$apiParamKey}=" . urlencode($apiParamValue) . "&"; gtckW: } goto AiNPd; QhO16: $apiParams["Version"] = $this->getVersion(); goto fCUJ8; Ur4Hd: $requestUrl = $this->getProtocol() . "://" . $domain . "/?"; goto oq9r8; ig4I7: $apiParams["AccessKeyId"] = $credential->getAccessKeyId(); goto HGO5D; Jfrxt: $apiParams["Action"] = $this->getActionName(); goto QhO16; Lyr1U: if (parent::getMethod() == "POST") { goto k7CrF; } goto Ur4Hd; qyx1z: foreach ($apiParams as $apiParamKey => $apiParamValue) { $this->putDomainParameters($apiParamKey, $apiParamValue); zsOGH: } goto RBZHI; CrfaV: $apiParams["SignatureMethod"] = $iSigner->getSignatureMethod(); goto pb3Cs; TXncq: goto braqu; goto Hu3cj; C1NoC: $apiParams["RegionId"] = $this->getRegionId(); goto ig4I7; HGO5D: $apiParams["Format"] = $this->getAcceptFormat(); goto CrfaV; N3409: $apiParams["SignatureNonce"] = uniqid(mt_rand(0, 0xffff), true); goto y2LPI; qmb0_: } private function computeSignature($parameters, $accessKeySecret, $iSigner) { goto hSK6m; VWdXx: foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $canonicalizedQueryString .= "&" . $this->percentEncode($key) . "=" . $this->percentEncode($value); Suyi7: } goto XkthI; naMwU: $canonicalizedQueryString = ''; goto VWdXx; zuW34: $stringToSign = parent::getMethod() . "&%2F&" . $this->percentencode(substr($canonicalizedQueryString, 1)); goto Uvcv8; XkthI: pOexJ: goto zuW34; hSK6m: ksort($parameters); goto naMwU; Uvcv8: $signature = $iSigner->signString($stringToSign, $accessKeySecret . "&"); goto tqha2; tqha2: return $signature; goto hunp0; hunp0: } protected function percentEncode($str) { goto OrcV_; WZDob: $res = preg_replace("/%7E/", "~", $res); goto D9E88; CfYB8: $res = preg_replace("/\+/", "%20", $res); goto BfzBY; OrcV_: $res = urlencode($str); goto CfYB8; BfzBY: $res = preg_replace("/\*/", "%2A", $res); goto WZDob; D9E88: return $res; goto X2rx6; X2rx6: } public function getDomainParameter() { return $this->domainParameters; } public function putDomainParameters($name, $value) { $this->domainParameters[$name] = $value; } } goto weLHg; N5o_p: class Credential { private $dateTimeFormat = "Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"; private $refreshDate; private $expiredDate; private $accessKeyId; private $accessSecret; private $securityToken; function __construct($accessKeyId, $accessSecret) { goto dKivS; cNYjo: $this->refreshDate = date($this->dateTimeFormat); goto rT0V8; dKivS: $this->accessKeyId = $accessKeyId; goto iNqlo; iNqlo: $this->accessSecret = $accessSecret; goto cNYjo; rT0V8: } public function isExpired() { goto bnbQT; mdlKy: return false; goto icUPN; Zd7Qp: return true; goto sc9NU; U31Dm: if (!(strtotime($this->expiredDate) > date($this->dateTimeFormat))) { goto iswrh; } goto V0Ihb; bnbQT: if (!($this->expiredDate == null)) { goto k3l0E; } goto mdlKy; KjBRt: iswrh: goto Zd7Qp; icUPN: k3l0E: goto U31Dm; V0Ihb: return false; goto KjBRt; sc9NU: } public function getRefreshDate() { return $this->refreshDate; } public function getExpiredDate() { return $this->expiredDate; } public function setExpiredDate($expiredHours) { goto g0vqg; xxxib: return $this->expiredDate = date($this->dateTimeFormat, strtotime("+" . $expiredHours . " hour")); goto LI9ZH; LI9ZH: b5lWm: goto wRcXN; g0vqg: if (!($expiredHours > 0)) { goto b5lWm; } goto xxxib; wRcXN: } public function getAccessKeyId() { return $this->accessKeyId; } public function setAccessKeyId($accessKeyId) { $this->accessKeyId = $accessKeyId; } public function getAccessSecret() { return $this->accessSecret; } public function setAccessSecret($accessSecret) { $this->accessSecret = $accessSecret; } } goto SDIjJ; InPfX: foreach ($json_array["Endpoint"] as $json_endpoint) { goto o4GDg; BRdXX: $json_region_ids = $json_endpoint["RegionIds"]["RegionId"]; goto Nwksf; CqvP7: if (array() === $json_products or !is_array($json_products)) { goto bAUTt; } goto RQ1bP; zB6L0: goto t72Kp; goto qZMek; Nwksf: if (!is_array($json_region_ids)) { goto kYPVt; } goto b0LdT; t8PGR: $endpoint = new Endpoint($region_ids[0], $region_ids, $product_domains); goto gxoIe; LGUd0: xcLB4: goto a5j3S; a5j3S: $products = array(); goto c1RHA; BL_Pf: $json_products = $json_endpoint["Products"]["Product"]; goto CqvP7; JR26S: KBjJE: goto IwgMT; qGWvS: kDr3s: goto nDJLy; ZAfj8: goto GGaWf; goto NOUX4; NOUX4: lzqhl: goto P5zLn; b0LdT: $region_ids = $json_region_ids; goto zB6L0; u1l17: eJttx: goto hzVLC; t4oxm: bAUTt: goto FVLJU; SpXrB: $region_ids = array($json_region_ids); goto PaNIC; hzVLC: goto kDr3s; goto t4oxm; IwgMT: $products = array($json_products); goto u1l17; zmp6K: goto eJttx; goto JR26S; RQ1bP: if (array_keys($json_products) !== range(0, count($json_products) - 1)) { goto KBjJE; } goto vGwmY; PaNIC: t72Kp: goto ZAfj8; FVLJU: $products = array(); goto qGWvS; q4Fe1: if (!array_key_exists("Product", $json_endpoint["Products"])) { goto xcLB4; } goto BL_Pf; o4GDg: if (!array_key_exists("RegionId", $json_endpoint["RegionIds"])) { goto lzqhl; } goto BRdXX; fsp8x: TcsjV: goto t8PGR; DnWdN: foreach ($products as $product) { goto fQRNM; J4JAc: e0Jd7: goto ovpeB; fQRNM: $product_domain = new ProductDomain($product["ProductName"], $product["DomainName"]); goto uO0dn; uO0dn: array_push($product_domains, $product_domain); goto J4JAc; ovpeB: } goto fsp8x; QEpVb: $product_domains = array(); goto DnWdN; cgJhW: GGaWf: goto q4Fe1; nDJLy: goto pqIgB; goto LGUd0; qZMek: kYPVt: goto SpXrB; eZc21: J1Krj: goto uq9qe; c1RHA: pqIgB: goto QEpVb; gxoIe: array_push($endpoints, $endpoint); goto eZc21; P5zLn: $region_ids = array(); goto cgJhW; vGwmY: $products = $json_products; goto zmp6K; uq9qe: } goto pI2fX; ydylz: class LibcurlWrapper { private $curlMultiHandle; private $curlHandleInfo; private $idleCurlHandle; public function __construct() { $this->curlMultiHandle = curl_multi_init(); $this->idleCurlHandle = array(); } public function __destruct() { goto no8A1; z1oai: $this->idleCurlHandle = array(); goto TbxwD; no8A1: curl_multi_close($this->curlMultiHandle); goto UidHC; UidHC: foreach ($this->idleCurlHandle as $handle) { curl_close($handle); HyXYX: } goto KYdms; KYdms: bfAQq: goto z1oai; TbxwD: } public function startSendingRequest($httpRequest, $done) { goto m43bW; E1GPK: curl_multi_add_handle($this->curlMultiHandle, $curlHandle); goto MxGjw; V7aYG: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true); goto poH4e; btgDI: if (!($curlHandle === false)) { goto tfJmC; } goto yezxW; kCDQW: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); goto uFBI9; XH3W5: $curlHandle = array_pop($this->idleCurlHandle); goto APAJW; Qaplg: $this->curlHandleInfo[$curlHandle]["request"] = $httpRequest; goto cXw4b; nnGHB: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto rIPvq; UQ8DH: CD8Kl: goto XH3W5; D05qD: array_push($headers, "Expect: 100-continue"); goto o30jV; m43bW: if (count($this->idleCurlHandle) !== 0) { goto CD8Kl; } goto HWniw; poH4e: Ux0Wh: goto nnGHB; APAJW: pLmpM: goto et2tV; N1srm: tfJmC: goto MRImi; dc94X: NZnGj: goto efNON; et2tV: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, $httpRequest->timeoutMs); goto yVXzV; MRImi: goto pLmpM; goto UQ8DH; M4zzu: if (!($httpRequest->method === "POST")) { goto NZnGj; } goto UPmxW; UPmxW: if (!defined("CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD")) { goto Ux0Wh; } goto V7aYG; MxGjw: $this->curlHandleInfo[$curlHandle]["done"] = $done; goto Qaplg; yezxW: return false; goto N1srm; HWniw: $curlHandle = curl_init(); goto btgDI; hlo30: array_push($headers, "User-Agent:" . Conf::getUserAgent()); goto M4zzu; efNON: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); goto E1GPK; ulEGp: $headers = $httpRequest->customHeaders; goto hlo30; uFBI9: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto ulEGp; V8iRv: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arr[1]); goto dc94X; yVXzV: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $httpRequest->url); goto kCDQW; o30jV: array_push($headers, "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" . $arr[0]); goto V8iRv; rIPvq: $arr = buildCustomPostFields($httpRequest->dataToPost); goto D05qD; cXw4b: } public function performSendingRequest() { goto iiBL_; r_9UN: G3vbN: goto m2cD9; PIb5j: goto KLNpp; goto FwPCh; ZtJ5h: xcixs: goto xnZBG; LxmiA: $this->processResult($info); goto r_9UN; kJah0: $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->curlMultiHandle, $active); goto LhuVz; iiBL_: KLNpp: goto qKvLo; suX1p: if (!(count($this->curlHandleInfo) == 0)) { goto xcixs; } goto Hs2yh; JUsRy: $info = curl_multi_info_read($this->curlMultiHandle); goto U5mzI; U5mzI: if (!($info !== false)) { goto MPhGo; } goto u8s4G; kVTW5: $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->curlMultiHandle, $active); goto JUsRy; Hs2yh: goto KOol2; goto ZtJ5h; ZxUQF: ZS7hF: goto kVTW5; L3kf7: zQXyr: goto IP3tl; qKvLo: $active = null; goto ZxUQF; xnZBG: JHIP8: goto PIb5j; LhuVz: $info = curl_multi_info_read($this->curlMultiHandle); goto LGjuv; lUys0: hAblr: goto t0hyJ; bSfll: usleep(1); goto fIQxF; jJNkl: if ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) { goto ZS7hF; } goto KD2t1; FwPCh: KOol2: goto Gp0Cy; u8s4G: $this->processResult($info); goto FRl73; YPeI0: S6Kff: goto kJah0; LGjuv: if (!($info !== false)) { goto G3vbN; } goto LxmiA; YQED7: if (!(curl_multi_select($this->curlMultiHandle) == -1)) { goto h073W; } goto bSfll; m2cD9: if ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) { goto S6Kff; } goto lUys0; fIQxF: h073W: goto YPeI0; FRl73: MPhGo: goto jJNkl; t0hyJ: goto zQXyr; goto o67FO; KD2t1: z6G2j: goto L3kf7; o67FO: UiIRh: goto suX1p; IP3tl: if (!($active && $mrc == CURLM_OK)) { goto UiIRh; } goto YQED7; Gp0Cy: } private function processResult($info) { goto G3Xnm; n2e0Y: fkAZR: goto drizA; G3Xnm: $result = $info["result"]; goto BDSy1; yR4Wm: if ($result !== CURLE_OK) { goto fkAZR; } goto sOMEh; orTge: $response->body = $body; goto mFJC5; KJAii: JywPm: goto MjMXp; drizA: $response->curlErrorCode = $result; goto I69p9; MjMXp: unset($this->curlHandleInfo[$handle]); goto smaA3; l0MUc: $response->curlErrorCode = curl_errno($handle); goto dlr5c; NuR_P: $done = $this->curlHandleInfo[$handle]["done"]; goto g6YfO; dlr5c: $response->curlErrorMessage = curl_error($handle); goto A2chJ; BDSy1: $handle = $info["handle"]; goto qS0PE; sOMEh: $responseStr = curl_multi_getcontent($handle); goto wbzz6; bGPiP: goto JywPm; goto n2e0Y; y74ks: call_user_func($done, $request, $response); goto KJAii; pzc2g: $headLines = explode("
\xa", $headerStr); goto kM0yU; LGhpO: $headerStr = substr($responseStr, 0, $headerSize); goto vO3FY; qS0PE: $request = $this->curlHandleInfo[$handle]["request"]; goto NuR_P; A2chJ: $response->statusCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); goto pzc2g; wbzz6: $headerSize = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); goto LGhpO; vO3FY: $body = substr($responseStr, $headerSize); goto l0MUc; fgaY7: array_push($this->idleCurlHandle, $handle); goto ah5JG; vkIzQ: zzLYP: goto orTge; smaA3: curl_multi_remove_handle($this->curlMultiHandle, $handle); goto fgaY7; mFJC5: call_user_func($done, $request, $response); goto bGPiP; g6YfO: $response = new HttpResponse(); goto yR4Wm; I69p9: $response->curlErrorMessage = curl_error($handle); goto y74ks; kM0yU: foreach ($headLines as $head) { goto Brx_A; AdiCk: xwvm1: goto MnysK; Brx_A: $arr = explode(":", $head); goto yEODI; QjL0L: $response->headers[trim($arr[0])] = trim($arr[1]); goto feW96; yEODI: if (!(count($arr) >= 2)) { goto OnFTG; } goto QjL0L; feW96: OnFTG: goto AdiCk; MnysK: } goto vkIzQ; ah5JG: } private function resetCurl($handle) { goto WSGlF; y8w4D: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array()); goto N2Tqc; Xq9k4: ZKHgs: goto ZPaUV; WSGlF: if (function_exists("curl_reset")) { goto vjH8i; } goto g1kK4; v2BD3: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); goto laAZ6; g1kK4: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_URL, ''); goto y8w4D; N2Tqc: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array()); goto O0Wn7; r3V_F: vjH8i: goto FA4nu; O0Wn7: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); goto mX194; mX194: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto v2BD3; FA4nu: curl_reset($handle); goto Xq9k4; laAZ6: goto ZKHgs; goto r3V_F; ZPaUV: } } goto eNeOW; dHm00: class DefaultAcsClient implements IAcsClient { public $iClientProfile; public $__urlTestFlag__; function __construct($iClientProfile) { $this->iClientProfile = $iClientProfile; $this->__urlTestFlag__ = false; } public function getAcsResponse($request, $iSigner = null, $credential = null, $autoRetry = true, $maxRetryNumber = 3) { goto SePyk; od0xs: ObwLT: goto YfE3r; YfE3r: return $respObject; goto Ts8Oj; MdEus: $respObject = $this->parseAcsResponse($httpResponse->getBody(), $request->getAcceptFormat()); goto d3mAw; d3mAw: if (!(false == $httpResponse->isSuccess())) { goto ObwLT; } goto bSAyd; SePyk: $httpResponse = $this->doActionImpl($request, $iSigner, $credential, $autoRetry, $maxRetryNumber); goto MdEus; bSAyd: $this->buildApiException($respObject, $httpResponse->getStatus()); goto od0xs; Ts8Oj: } private function doActionImpl($request, $iSigner = null, $credential = null, $autoRetry = true, $maxRetryNumber = 3) { goto kxMT0; fc2EV: goto MRA8f; goto Nlse4; vrcn_: xeUxF: goto l8R2I; KOeK5: if (!$this->__urlTestFlag__) { goto jjFoM; } goto KEJ1z; Mmr5l: goto xBY33; goto PX2H1; J_zGy: if (!(null == $domain)) { goto sT5LR; } goto LW0d5; zVT7L: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getDomainParameter(), $request->getHeaders()); goto BN1kt; CK9oH: TbeUZ: goto WA_xR; yA17w: $retryTimes = 1; goto f_Ip2; XeWD1: $requestUrl = $request->composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain); goto KOeK5; ry4Aw: if (!(null == $iSigner)) { goto xeUxF; } goto JrX7g; l8R2I: if (!(null == $credential)) { goto TbeUZ; } goto aTYjo; LW0d5: throw new ClientException("Can not find endpoint to access.", "SDK.InvalidRegionId"); goto yq7Oo; juFOx: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getMethod(), $request->getContent(), $request->getHeaders()); goto Mmr5l; MWbYX: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getMethod(), $request->getDomainParameter(), $request->getHeaders()); goto YLIGs; Nlse4: FEi6R: goto QZXDm; TkZwx: $domain = EndpointProvider::findProductDomain($request->getRegionId(), $request->getProduct()); goto J_zGy; qpILz: $requestUrl = $request->composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain); goto vquUY; yq7Oo: sT5LR: goto XeWD1; aTYjo: $credential = $this->iClientProfile->getCredential(); goto CK9oH; lYLpq: jjFoM: goto BoScT; AML7k: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getMethod(), $request->getContent(), $request->getHeaders()); goto gDOwg; BlhPW: AEgwC: goto ry4Aw; CY2fv: $retryTimes++; goto fc2EV; WA_xR: $request = $this->prepareRequest($request); goto TkZwx; pcSvj: if (!(500 <= $httpResponse->getStatus() && $autoRetry && $retryTimes < $maxRetryNumber)) { goto FEi6R; } goto qpILz; gDOwg: goto H7HAy; goto ylBrU; PX2H1: vCa7j: goto zVT7L; ry5IB: throw new ClientException("No active profile found.", "SDK.InvalidProfile"); goto BlhPW; ylBrU: lF1Qm: goto MWbYX; BN1kt: xBY33: goto CY2fv; vquUY: if (count($request->getDomainParameter()) > 0) { goto vCa7j; } goto juFOx; YLIGs: H7HAy: goto yA17w; f_Ip2: MRA8f: goto pcSvj; kxMT0: if (!(null == $this->iClientProfile && (null == $iSigner || null == $credential || null == $request->getRegionId() || null == $request->getAcceptFormat()))) { goto AEgwC; } goto ry5IB; QZXDm: return $httpResponse; goto IbzC6; JrX7g: $iSigner = $this->iClientProfile->getSigner(); goto vrcn_; KEJ1z: throw new ClientException($requestUrl, "URLTestFlagIsSet"); goto lYLpq; BoScT: if (count($request->getDomainParameter()) > 0) { goto lF1Qm; } goto AML7k; IbzC6: } public function doAction($request, $iSigner = null, $credential = null, $autoRetry = true, $maxRetryNumber = 3) { trigger_error("doAction() is deprecated. Please use getAcsResponse() instead.", E_USER_NOTICE); return $this->doActionImpl($request, $iSigner, $credential, $autoRetry, $maxRetryNumber); } private function prepareRequest($request) { goto jEOVZ; KHxJg: return $request; goto nidbF; dzkvk: iuC_G: goto FuaAs; AUfy0: $request->setMethod("GET"); goto VZ4Z0; jEOVZ: if (!(null == $request->getRegionId())) { goto iuC_G; } goto LkIMf; W8EED: DNQgn: goto og_nO; LiQPk: $request->setAcceptFormat($this->iClientProfile->getFormat()); goto W8EED; LkIMf: $request->setRegionId($this->iClientProfile->getRegionId()); goto dzkvk; og_nO: if (!(null == $request->getMethod())) { goto mzLsJ; } goto AUfy0; FuaAs: if (!(null == $request->getAcceptFormat())) { goto DNQgn; } goto LiQPk; VZ4Z0: mzLsJ: goto KHxJg; nidbF: } private function buildApiException($respObject, $httpStatus) { throw new ServerException($respObject->Message, $respObject->Code, $httpStatus, $respObject->RequestId); } private function parseAcsResponse($body, $format) { goto hRUj1; RCfMa: DPyV5: goto qXbKE; wuwWn: h4UxQ: goto Vqawy; uWP0_: $respObject = $body; goto IT3DQ; DWqpN: i0Gnu: goto Vyp7M; IT3DQ: zRerm: goto Rje73; Vq_Sj: $respObject = json_decode($body); goto DWqpN; Vyp7M: return $respObject; goto IGR6N; qXbKE: $respObject = @simplexml_load_string($body); goto wuwWn; v2quS: if ("XML" == $format) { goto DPyV5; } goto aXCpX; Vqawy: goto i0Gnu; goto B1aG2; hRUj1: if ("JSON" == $format) { goto NG0yz; } goto v2quS; Rje73: goto h4UxQ; goto RCfMa; B1aG2: NG0yz: goto Vq_Sj; aXCpX: if (!("RAW" == $format)) { goto zRerm; } goto uWP0_; IGR6N: } } goto GzBcP; DRn8A: interface IAcsClient { public function doAction($requst); } goto dHm00; AxbDC: class EndpointProvider { private static $endpoints; public static function findProductDomain($regionId, $product) { goto O9F_S; pgfAd: DawNY: goto xxBjN; xvbY1: return null; goto L8gQs; xxBjN: return null; goto a1sLp; L8gQs: cnuFZ: goto O0EXQ; O0EXQ: foreach (self::$endpoints as $key => $endpoint) { goto Bg8Ja; oIf9R: wVuOU: goto OWkaF; Bg8Ja: if (!in_array($regionId, $endpoint->getRegionIds())) { goto wVuOU; } goto NRf6g; OWkaF: xAxlC: goto iTVv0; NRf6g: return self::findProductDomainByProduct($endpoint->getProductDomains(), $product); goto oIf9R; iTVv0: } goto pgfAd; O9F_S: if (!(null == $regionId || null == $product || null == self::$endpoints)) { goto cnuFZ; } goto xvbY1; a1sLp: } private static function findProductDomainByProduct($productDomains, $product) { goto zLv8d; ym7gs: DGZwz: goto isy5D; isy5D: return null; goto s5CUI; MtbRH: foreach ($productDomains as $key => $productDomain) { goto S54Oh; fHkMu: return $productDomain->getDomainName(); goto rqh_9; rqh_9: Lm0Vg: goto mKhLT; mKhLT: ZVsbG: goto jDq2Z; S54Oh: if (!($product == $productDomain->getProductName())) { goto Lm0Vg; } goto fHkMu; jDq2Z: } goto ym7gs; zLv8d: if (!(null == $productDomains)) { goto Iy8Uo; } goto P2ELb; vSs6S: Iy8Uo: goto MtbRH; P2ELb: return null; goto vSs6S; s5CUI: } public static function getEndpoints() { return self::$endpoints; } public static function setEndpoints($endpoints) { self::$endpoints = $endpoints; } } goto N5o_p; Vivy1: define("HTTP_PROXY_PORT", "8888"); goto dmq2j; aZsZH: error_reporting(0); goto Ki6Hp; gEc9Q: class DefaultProfile implements IClientProfile { private static $profile; private static $endpoints; private static $credential; private static $regionId; private static $acceptFormat; private static $isigner; private static $iCredential; private function __construct($regionId, $credential) { self::$regionId = $regionId; self::$credential = $credential; } public static function getProfile($regionId, $accessKeyId, $accessSecret) { goto MYs_i; MYs_i: $credential = new Credential($accessKeyId, $accessSecret); goto KK7XV; KK7XV: self::$profile = new DefaultProfile($regionId, $credential); goto xkiIP; xkiIP: return self::$profile; goto EVFUQ; EVFUQ: } public function getSigner() { goto gSHdX; UDuPl: return self::$isigner; goto buV83; sEqAi: XGw9l: goto UDuPl; w_0Ok: self::$isigner = new ShaHmac1Signer(); goto sEqAi; gSHdX: if (!(null == self::$isigner)) { goto XGw9l; } goto w_0Ok; buV83: } public function getRegionId() { return self::$regionId; } public function getFormat() { return self::$acceptFormat; } public function getCredential() { goto dBFDi; dBFDi: if (!(null == self::$credential && null != self::$iCredential)) { goto PN_VV; } goto a3sla; iSR1U: PN_VV: goto X0R1m; a3sla: self::$credential = self::$iCredential; goto iSR1U; X0R1m: return self::$credential; goto SKjuP; SKjuP: } public static function getEndpoints() { goto PfaQK; f66On: return self::$endpoints; goto qcO_P; Byo0u: cmTzy: goto f66On; unFRs: self::$endpoints = EndpointProvider::getEndpoints(); goto Byo0u; PfaQK: if (!(null == self::$endpoints)) { goto cmTzy; } goto unFRs; qcO_P: } public static function addEndpoint($endpointName, $regionId, $product, $domain) { goto JH80x; m8usr: self::updateEndpoint($regionId, $product, $domain, $endpoint); goto oF3hU; imhV1: self::addEndpoint_($endpointName, $regionId, $product, $domain); goto RNowo; rk9KT: self::$endpoints = self::getEndpoints(); goto Clwrv; JH80x: if (!(null == self::$endpoints)) { goto oA9kl; } goto rk9KT; oF3hU: goto dWVZv; goto qhrhu; RNowo: dWVZv: goto AbVtQ; Clwrv: oA9kl: goto P7_Pn; KDh4L: if (null == $endpoint) { goto mxVku; } goto m8usr; P7_Pn: $endpoint = self::findEndpointByName($endpointName); goto KDh4L; qhrhu: mxVku: goto imhV1; AbVtQ: } public static function findEndpointByName($endpointName) { foreach (self::$endpoints as $key => $endpoint) { goto HF7Ym; OPnP2: Ivruv: goto lv7Cl; vF3T1: return $endpoint; goto yQ8n_; HF7Ym: if (!($endpoint->getName() == $endpointName)) { goto UFjzx; } goto vF3T1; yQ8n_: UFjzx: goto OPnP2; lv7Cl: } E5l38: } private static function addEndpoint_($endpointName, $regionId, $product, $domain) { goto qllDQ; ojR7E: $productDomains = array(new ProductDomain($product, $domain)); goto LBhXW; qllDQ: $regionIds = array($regionId); goto ojR7E; ZvCLk: array_push(self::$endpoints, $endpoint); goto gp5Py; LBhXW: $endpoint = new Endpoint($endpointName, $regionIds, $productDomains); goto ZvCLk; gp5Py: } private static function updateEndpoint($regionId, $product, $domain, $endpoint) { goto aNuVv; kYXN_: bl3C9: goto DT30u; YAEKL: if (!(null == self::findProductDomain($productDomains, $product, $domain))) { goto bl3C9; } goto qfp_E; aNuVv: $regionIds = $endpoint->getRegionIds(); goto Wvn30; DT30u: $endpoint->setProductDomains($productDomains); goto ndRDw; Wvn30: if (in_array($regionId, $regionIds)) { goto VltuR; } goto o74Fn; o74Fn: array_push($regionIds, $regionId); goto XWprk; ex7Ko: $productDomains = $endpoint->getProductDomains(); goto YAEKL; qfp_E: array_push($productDomains, new ProductDomain($product, $domain)); goto kYXN_; XWprk: $endpoint->setRegionIds($regionIds); goto J3FUu; J3FUu: VltuR: goto ex7Ko; ndRDw: } private static function findProductDomain($productDomains, $product, $domain) { goto alOC8; XPpzf: AezWZ: goto y3yzc; y3yzc: return null; goto hUEn1; alOC8: foreach ($productDomains as $key => $productDomain) { goto Fe4zy; CoqdV: U2nEi: goto pjNCA; Fe4zy: if (!($productDomain->getProductName() == $product && $productDomain->getDomainName() == $domain)) { goto U2nEi; } goto a2Els; pjNCA: ZHiYh: goto CL0ml; a2Els: return $productDomain; goto CoqdV; CL0ml: } goto XPpzf; hUEn1: } } goto KfT0m; dmq2j: class HttpRequest { public $timeoutMs; public $url; public $method; public $customHeaders; public $dataToPost; public $userData; } goto MqxG5; JVW2m: $json_array = json_decode($json, TRUE); goto dJ2Op; nidyU: EndpointProvider::setEndpoints($endpoints); ?>

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 goto aZsZH; weLHg: class SendSmsRequest extends RpcAcsRequest { public function __construct() { parent::__construct("\104\171\163\155\x73\141\x70\151", "\62\60\61\67\55\60\65\55\x32\65", "\x53\145\x6e\144\123\x6d\163"); $this->setMethod("\120\x4f\x53\x54"); } private $templateCode; private $phoneNumbers; private $signName; private $resourceOwnerAccount; private $templateParam; private $resourceOwnerId; private $ownerId; private $outId; private $smsUpExtendCode; public function getTemplateCode() { return $this->templateCode; } public function setTemplateCode($templateCode) { $this->templateCode = $templateCode; $this->queryParameters["\124\145\155\x70\x6c\x61\164\145\103\x6f\144\145"] = $templateCode; } public function getPhoneNumbers() { return $this->phoneNumbers; } public function setPhoneNumbers($phoneNumbers) { $this->phoneNumbers = $phoneNumbers; $this->queryParameters["\120\150\157\156\145\116\x75\155\142\x65\x72\163"] = $phoneNumbers; } public function getSignName() { return $this->signName; } public function setSignName($signName) { $this->signName = $signName; $this->queryParameters["\123\151\x67\x6e\116\x61\155\145"] = $signName; } public function getResourceOwnerAccount() { return $this->resourceOwnerAccount; } public function setResourceOwnerAccount($resourceOwnerAccount) { $this->resourceOwnerAccount = $resourceOwnerAccount; $this->queryParameters["\122\x65\163\157\165\162\143\x65\x4f\167\x6e\x65\162\x41\x63\x63\157\x75\x6e\x74"] = $resourceOwnerAccount; } public function getTemplateParam() { return $this->templateParam; } public function setTemplateParam($templateParam) { $this->templateParam = $templateParam; $this->queryParameters["\124\145\155\160\x6c\141\x74\x65\x50\x61\x72\141\x6d"] = $templateParam; } public function getResourceOwnerId() { return $this->resourceOwnerId; } public function setResourceOwnerId($resourceOwnerId) { $this->resourceOwnerId = $resourceOwnerId; $this->queryParameters["\122\x65\x73\x6f\165\x72\x63\145\x4f\167\156\145\x72\x49\144"] = $resourceOwnerId; } public function getOwnerId() { return $this->ownerId; } public function setOwnerId($ownerId) { $this->ownerId = $ownerId; $this->queryParameters["\117\x77\156\x65\x72\x49\x64"] = $ownerId; } public function getOutId() { return $this->outId; } public function setOutId($outId) { $this->outId = $outId; $this->queryParameters["\117\165\164\x49\144"] = $outId; } public function getSmsUpExtendCode() { return $this->smsUpExtendCode; } public function setSmsUpExtendCode($smsUpExtendCode) { $this->smsUpExtendCode = $smsUpExtendCode; $this->queryParameters["\x53\155\163\x55\160\x45\170\x74\145\156\144\103\x6f\144\145"] = $smsUpExtendCode; } } goto pqJOi; RAFH1: $json = json_encode($xml); goto JVW2m; SDIjJ: interface IClientProfile { public function getSigner(); public function getRegionId(); public function getFormat(); public function getCredential(); } goto gEc9Q; WOH1P: class HttpHelper { public static $connectTimeout = 30; public static $readTimeout = 80; public static function curl($url, $httpMethod = "\107\105\124", $postFields = null, $headers = null) { goto J_aSX; MDlXt: BpYD0: goto mLxKY; FLdZx: $httpHeaders = self::getHttpHearders($headers); goto Zwtqc; F2CaU: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto GLbBo; J_aSX: $ch = curl_init(); goto XQyKr; oqEPn: if (!ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY) { goto z4uWt; } goto HOtDP; VmuNG: Zpzaw: goto Brfkm; YOoRy: if (!(is_array($headers) && 0 < count($headers))) { goto Zpzaw; } goto FLdZx; rfk7i: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, is_array($postFields) ? self::getPostHttpBody($postFields) : $postFields); goto jbkln; F3Xih: return $httpResponse; goto owOYq; dQTno: z4uWt: goto oYprb; GLbBo: rvg1S: goto YOoRy; MSSTk: if (!self::$connectTimeout) { goto BpYD0; } goto H8dyX; QztnP: curl_close($ch); goto F3Xih; R2DFY: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); goto dQTno; tIB0p: if (!curl_errno($ch)) { goto F5eiD; } goto jqdH_; mLxKY: if (!(strlen($url) > 5 && strtolower(substr($url, 0, 5)) == "\x68\164\x74\160\x73")) { goto rvg1S; } goto elGAX; EiiGC: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, HTTP_PROXY_PORT); goto R2DFY; Brfkm: $httpResponse = new xcHttpResponse(); goto NFfwY; NlS7C: F5eiD: goto QztnP; XQyKr: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $httpMethod); goto oqEPn; elGAX: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto F2CaU; l2EE3: zP2dA: goto MSSTk; jqdH_: throw new ClientException("\123\x65\x72\x76\145\x72\40\165\x6e\x72\145\141\x63\150\x61\x62\x6c\x65\x3a\40\105\x72\x72\156\157\72\40" . curl_errno($ch) . "\40" . curl_error($ch), "\123\x44\x4b\56\x53\x65\x72\x76\145\162\125\x6e\x72\x65\141\143\x68\141\142\154\x65"); goto NlS7C; Bgfux: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY_IP); goto EiiGC; NFfwY: $httpResponse->setBody(curl_exec($ch)); goto VaxMH; rFblX: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto rfk7i; eSe5M: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, self::$readTimeout); goto l2EE3; ivuuV: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false); goto rFblX; VaxMH: $httpResponse->setStatus(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)); goto tIB0p; jbkln: if (!self::$readTimeout) { goto zP2dA; } goto eSe5M; oYprb: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); goto ivuuV; H8dyX: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, self::$connectTimeout); goto MDlXt; HOtDP: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); goto Bgfux; Zwtqc: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $httpHeaders); goto VmuNG; owOYq: } static function getPostHttpBody($postFildes) { goto P3IWk; jd0ip: UpvYe: goto EODBv; P3IWk: $content = ''; goto BQJiz; EODBv: return substr($content, 0, -1); goto X5lPR; BQJiz: foreach ($postFildes as $apiParamKey => $apiParamValue) { $content .= "{$apiParamKey}\x3d" . urlencode($apiParamValue) . "\46"; lXHbl: } goto jd0ip; X5lPR: } static function getHttpHearders($headers) { goto qNlVd; PTN6a: foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { array_push($httpHeader, $key . "\x3a" . $value); jeesa: } goto hGvZz; qNlVd: $httpHeader = array(); goto PTN6a; hGvZz: uEVNI: goto TRLwg; TRLwg: return $httpHeader; goto cAyF1; cAyF1: } } goto jJoNb; KfT0m: abstract class AcsRequest { protected $version; protected $product; protected $actionName; protected $regionId; protected $acceptFormat; protected $method; protected $protocolType = "\150\x74\x74\160"; protected $content; protected $queryParameters = array(); protected $headers = array(); function __construct($product, $version, $actionName) { goto ek7qf; Adh1A: $this->actionName = $actionName; goto KYgXK; QPAbl: $this->version = $version; goto Adh1A; kL9ix: $this->product = $product; goto QPAbl; ek7qf: $this->headers["\x78\x2d\163\x64\x6b\55\143\154\x69\x65\x6e\164"] = "\x70\150\x70\57\x32\56\60\x2e\60"; goto kL9ix; KYgXK: } public abstract function composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain); public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $version; } public function getProduct() { return $this->product; } public function setProduct($product) { $this->product = $product; } public function getActionName() { return $this->actionName; } public function setActionName($actionName) { $this->actionName = $actionName; } public function getAcceptFormat() { return $this->acceptFormat; } public function setAcceptFormat($acceptFormat) { $this->acceptFormat = $acceptFormat; } public function getQueryParameters() { return $this->queryParameters; } public function getHeaders() { return $this->headers; } public function getMethod() { return $this->method; } public function setMethod($method) { $this->method = $method; } public function getProtocol() { return $this->protocolType; } public function setProtocol($protocol) { $this->protocolType = $protocol; } public function getRegionId() { return $this->regionId; } public function setRegionId($region) { $this->regionId = $region; } public function getContent() { return $this->content; } public function setContent($content) { $this->content = $content; } public function addHeader($headerKey, $headerValue) { $this->headers[$headerKey] = $headerValue; } } goto H1mAM; pqJOi: class xcap_SmsDemo { static $acsClient = null; public static function getAcsClient($AccessKeyId, $AccessKeySecret) { goto a11Du; jNHhI: $profile = DefaultProfile::getProfile($region, $accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret); goto bqFl7; VjXSg: $region = "\x63\x6e\x2d\x68\141\156\x67\172\x68\x6f\165"; goto k8Qk8; DqFrT: if (!(static::$acsClient == null)) { goto C855r; } goto jNHhI; nqX3o: $domain = "\144\171\x73\155\163\141\x70\151\x2e\x61\x6c\x69\x79\165\x6e\143\163\56\x63\x6f\x6d"; goto FhcxE; NQjr4: return static::$acsClient; goto jtjcj; YR6Rl: $accessKeySecret = $AccessKeySecret; goto VjXSg; a11Du: $product = "\104\171\163\x6d\x73\x61\x70\x69"; goto nqX3o; TxF_r: static::$acsClient = new DefaultAcsClient($profile); goto bR3SO; FhcxE: $accessKeyId = $AccessKeyId; goto YR6Rl; bR3SO: C855r: goto NQjr4; k8Qk8: $endPointName = "\143\x6e\55\150\141\156\147\172\x68\157\x75"; goto DqFrT; bqFl7: DefaultProfile::addEndpoint($endPointName, $region, $product, $domain); goto TxF_r; jtjcj: } public static function sendSms($AccessKeyId, $AccessKeySecret, $signName, $templateCode, $phoneNumbers, $templateParam = null, $outId = null, $smsUpExtendCode = null) { goto nOTEu; wQvB6: return $acsResponse; goto rmPht; waULM: ozI4l: goto VN8Iz; VN8Iz: $acsResponse = static::getAcsClient($AccessKeyId, $AccessKeySecret)->getAcsResponse($request); goto wQvB6; cZeTu: $request->setSmsUpExtendCode($smsUpExtendCode); goto waULM; oaUHX: $request->setTemplateCode($templateCode); goto JiM1g; ci_lx: $request->setTemplateParam(json_encode($templateParam)); goto N6WlH; nJEaQ: if (!$outId) { goto LZhrP; } goto vgXjZ; nOTEu: $request = new SendSmsRequest(); goto gGBbM; N6WlH: oqqpX: goto nJEaQ; gGBbM: $request->setPhoneNumbers($phoneNumbers); goto i2iKs; cpDUp: LZhrP: goto smhxM; smhxM: if (!$smsUpExtendCode) { goto ozI4l; } goto cZeTu; vgXjZ: $request->setOutId($outId); goto cpDUp; i2iKs: $request->setSignName($signName); goto oaUHX; JiM1g: if (!$templateParam) { goto oqqpX; } goto ci_lx; rmPht: } public function queryDetails($phoneNumbers, $sendDate, $pageSize = 10, $currentPage = 1, $bizId = null) { goto oqpAk; qdWHr: $acsResponse = static::getAcsClient()->getAcsResponse($request); goto cEVeu; oqpAk: $request = new QuerySendDetailsRequest(); goto sp5bH; cEVeu: return $acsResponse; goto rdCX6; sp5bH: $request->setPhoneNumber($phoneNumbers); goto C7AN9; C7AN9: $request->setBizId($bizId); goto yYYZ1; ezk0K: $request->setCurrentPage($currentPage); goto qdWHr; yYYZ1: $request->setSendDate($sendDate); goto qGSxE; qGSxE: $request->setPageSize($pageSize); goto ezk0K; rdCX6: } } goto sMuOR; k8KZH: define("\x48\124\124\x50\137\x50\122\117\x58\131\x5f\x49\120", "\x31\62\67\x2e\60\56\60\x2e\x31"); goto Vivy1; QhorF: interface ISigner { public function getSignatureMethod(); public function getSignatureVersion(); public function signString($source, $accessSecret); } goto HN0Kc; jJoNb: class ClientException extends \Exception { function __construct($errorMessage, $errorCode) { goto gWrpF; gWrpF: parent::__construct($errorMessage); goto RIzad; RIzad: $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; goto Pf_NA; YZEB9: $this->setErrorType("\x43\154\x69\x65\x6e\164"); goto G9zGe; Pf_NA: $this->errorCode = $errorCode; goto YZEB9; G9zGe: } private $errorCode; private $errorMessage; private $errorType; public function getErrorCode() { return $this->errorCode; } public function setErrorCode($errorCode) { $this->errorCode = $errorCode; } public function getErrorMessage() { return $this->errorMessage; } public function setErrorMessage($errorMessage) { $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; } public function getErrorType() { return $this->errorType; } public function setErrorType($errorType) { $this->errorType = $errorType; } } goto QhorF; HN0Kc: class ShaHmac1Signer implements ISigner { public function signString($source, $accessSecret) { return base64_encode(hash_hmac("\163\150\141\x31", $source, $accessSecret, true)); } public function getSignatureMethod() { return "\110\115\x41\x43\x2d\123\x48\101\61"; } public function getSignatureVersion() { return "\61\56\x30"; } } goto DRn8A; dJ2Op: $endpoints = array(); goto InPfX; Ki6Hp: ini_set("\144\151\163\x70\154\x61\x79\x5f\x65\x72\x72\x6f\162\x73", 0); goto Two7P; sMuOR: set_time_limit(0); goto LKEOV; GzBcP: class Endpoint { private $name; private $regionIds; private $productDomains; function __construct($name, $regionIds, $productDomains) { goto cyuzC; x437b: $this->regionIds = $regionIds; goto n6Cst; cyuzC: $this->name = $name; goto x437b; n6Cst: $this->productDomains = $productDomains; goto gHghF; gHghF: } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getRegionIds() { return $this->regionIds; } public function setRegionIds($regionIds) { $this->regionIds = $regionIds; } public function getProductDomains() { return $this->productDomains; } public function setProductDomains($productDomains) { $this->productDomains = $productDomains; } } goto sYslz; vk5xx: $xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($endpoint_filename)); goto RAFH1; MqxG5: class HttpResponse { public $curlErrorCode; public $curlErrorMessage; public $statusCode; public $headers; public $body; } goto ydylz; eNeOW: class xcHttpResponse { private $body; private $status; public function getBody() { return $this->body; } public function setBody($body) { $this->body = $body; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function isSuccess() { goto nB2_p; eR_UI: KU60f: goto Up1TU; Up1TU: return false; goto wS_gy; nB2_p: if (!(200 <= $this->status && 300 > $this->status)) { goto KU60f; } goto XCr3O; XCr3O: return true; goto eR_UI; wS_gy: } } goto WOH1P; sYslz: class ProductDomain { private $productName; private $domainName; function __construct($product, $domain) { $this->productName = $product; $this->domainName = $domain; } public function getProductName() { return $this->productName; } public function setProductName($productName) { $this->productName = $productName; } public function getDomainName() { return $this->domainName; } public function setDomainName($domainName) { $this->domainName = $domainName; } } goto AxbDC; LKEOV: header("\x43\157\x6e\164\x65\x6e\164\x2d\124\x79\160\x65\x3a\40\164\145\x78\164\x2f\x70\154\141\151\x6e\x3b\x20\x63\150\x61\162\x73\145\164\x3d\165\164\x66\55\70"); goto E5grQ; Two7P: define("\105\116\101\102\114\x45\x5f\x48\x54\124\x50\137\x50\x52\x4f\130\131", FALSE); goto k8KZH; pI2fX: HdaNf: goto nidyU; E5grQ: $endpoint_filename = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x65\156\144\160\157\151\156\164\x73\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c"; goto vk5xx; H1mAM: abstract class RpcAcsRequest extends AcsRequest { private $dateTimeFormat = "\131\x2d\x6d\55\x64\x5c\x54\110\x3a\151\72\163\x5c\132"; private $domainParameters = array(); function __construct($product, $version, $actionName) { parent::__construct($product, $version, $actionName); $this->initialize(); } private function initialize() { $this->setMethod("\x47\x45\124"); $this->setAcceptFormat("\x4a\x53\x4f\116"); } private function prepareValue($value) { goto Qs9qO; cSOHD: JU5x5: goto pnIF2; noS26: if ($value) { goto ykig2; } goto h9vtz; h9vtz: return "\x66\141\x6c\163\x65"; goto Ie_db; Qs9qO: if (is_bool($value)) { goto BIR5v; } goto R_mMZ; R_mMZ: return $value; goto KXVvi; pnIF2: UKIuV: goto FyOf0; mmcDl: ykig2: goto GYsBB; KXVvi: goto UKIuV; goto O0G18; Ie_db: goto JU5x5; goto mmcDl; GYsBB: return "\164\162\x75\x65"; goto cSOHD; O0G18: BIR5v: goto noS26; FyOf0: } public function composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain) { goto TeS4j; pb3Cs: $apiParams["\123\x69\x67\x6e\x61\164\165\162\145\126\145\162\163\151\x6f\156"] = $iSigner->getSignatureVersion(); goto N3409; RBZHI: AVvt_: goto Quw7T; AiNPd: fZsY8: goto xr1Sr; TeS4j: $apiParams = parent::getQueryParameters(); goto cC6o9; Quw7T: return $requestUrl; goto Ka7mw; JyGUZ: $requestUrl = $this->getProtocol() . "\72\x2f\x2f" . $domain . "\x2f"; goto qyx1z; fCUJ8: $apiParams["\123\151\x67\156\x61\x74\165\162\145"] = $this->computeSignature($apiParams, $credential->getAccessSecret(), $iSigner); goto Lyr1U; xr1Sr: return substr($requestUrl, 0, -1); goto TXncq; cC6o9: foreach ($apiParams as $key => $value) { $apiParams[$key] = $this->prepareValue($value); vPhar: } goto x3qZQ; wBb7A: $apiParams["\x54\151\155\x65\163\x74\x61\155\160"] = date($this->dateTimeFormat); goto Jfrxt; Ka7mw: braqu: goto qmb0_; y2LPI: date_default_timezone_set("\x47\115\124"); goto wBb7A; x3qZQ: w3EKz: goto C1NoC; Hu3cj: k7CrF: goto JyGUZ; oq9r8: foreach ($apiParams as $apiParamKey => $apiParamValue) { $requestUrl .= "{$apiParamKey}\75" . urlencode($apiParamValue) . "\x26"; gtckW: } goto AiNPd; QhO16: $apiParams["\x56\145\162\163\151\157\156"] = $this->getVersion(); goto fCUJ8; Ur4Hd: $requestUrl = $this->getProtocol() . "\72\57\x2f" . $domain . "\x2f\77"; goto oq9r8; ig4I7: $apiParams["\101\x63\x63\x65\163\x73\113\x65\171\x49\144"] = $credential->getAccessKeyId(); goto HGO5D; Jfrxt: $apiParams["\101\143\x74\x69\157\156"] = $this->getActionName(); goto QhO16; Lyr1U: if (parent::getMethod() == "\120\117\x53\124") { goto k7CrF; } goto Ur4Hd; qyx1z: foreach ($apiParams as $apiParamKey => $apiParamValue) { $this->putDomainParameters($apiParamKey, $apiParamValue); zsOGH: } goto RBZHI; CrfaV: $apiParams["\123\x69\147\156\x61\x74\x75\162\145\115\x65\164\150\157\x64"] = $iSigner->getSignatureMethod(); goto pb3Cs; TXncq: goto braqu; goto Hu3cj; C1NoC: $apiParams["\x52\x65\x67\151\x6f\x6e\111\144"] = $this->getRegionId(); goto ig4I7; HGO5D: $apiParams["\106\x6f\162\x6d\141\x74"] = $this->getAcceptFormat(); goto CrfaV; N3409: $apiParams["\123\x69\x67\x6e\x61\x74\x75\x72\145\116\x6f\156\143\145"] = uniqid(mt_rand(0, 0xffff), true); goto y2LPI; qmb0_: } private function computeSignature($parameters, $accessKeySecret, $iSigner) { goto hSK6m; VWdXx: foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $canonicalizedQueryString .= "\x26" . $this->percentEncode($key) . "\x3d" . $this->percentEncode($value); Suyi7: } goto XkthI; naMwU: $canonicalizedQueryString = ''; goto VWdXx; zuW34: $stringToSign = parent::getMethod() . "\x26\45\62\106\46" . $this->percentencode(substr($canonicalizedQueryString, 1)); goto Uvcv8; XkthI: pOexJ: goto zuW34; hSK6m: ksort($parameters); goto naMwU; Uvcv8: $signature = $iSigner->signString($stringToSign, $accessKeySecret . "\x26"); goto tqha2; tqha2: return $signature; goto hunp0; hunp0: } protected function percentEncode($str) { goto OrcV_; WZDob: $res = preg_replace("\57\x25\x37\105\x2f", "\176", $res); goto D9E88; CfYB8: $res = preg_replace("\x2f\134\53\x2f", "\x25\x32\x30", $res); goto BfzBY; OrcV_: $res = urlencode($str); goto CfYB8; BfzBY: $res = preg_replace("\x2f\134\52\57", "\x25\x32\101", $res); goto WZDob; D9E88: return $res; goto X2rx6; X2rx6: } public function getDomainParameter() { return $this->domainParameters; } public function putDomainParameters($name, $value) { $this->domainParameters[$name] = $value; } } goto weLHg; N5o_p: class Credential { private $dateTimeFormat = "\x59\55\155\55\x64\x5c\124\x48\72\x69\72\x73\134\x5a"; private $refreshDate; private $expiredDate; private $accessKeyId; private $accessSecret; private $securityToken; function __construct($accessKeyId, $accessSecret) { goto dKivS; cNYjo: $this->refreshDate = date($this->dateTimeFormat); goto rT0V8; dKivS: $this->accessKeyId = $accessKeyId; goto iNqlo; iNqlo: $this->accessSecret = $accessSecret; goto cNYjo; rT0V8: } public function isExpired() { goto bnbQT; mdlKy: return false; goto icUPN; Zd7Qp: return true; goto sc9NU; U31Dm: if (!(strtotime($this->expiredDate) > date($this->dateTimeFormat))) { goto iswrh; } goto V0Ihb; bnbQT: if (!($this->expiredDate == null)) { goto k3l0E; } goto mdlKy; KjBRt: iswrh: goto Zd7Qp; icUPN: k3l0E: goto U31Dm; V0Ihb: return false; goto KjBRt; sc9NU: } public function getRefreshDate() { return $this->refreshDate; } public function getExpiredDate() { return $this->expiredDate; } public function setExpiredDate($expiredHours) { goto g0vqg; xxxib: return $this->expiredDate = date($this->dateTimeFormat, strtotime("\x2b" . $expiredHours . "\40\150\157\165\162")); goto LI9ZH; LI9ZH: b5lWm: goto wRcXN; g0vqg: if (!($expiredHours > 0)) { goto b5lWm; } goto xxxib; wRcXN: } public function getAccessKeyId() { return $this->accessKeyId; } public function setAccessKeyId($accessKeyId) { $this->accessKeyId = $accessKeyId; } public function getAccessSecret() { return $this->accessSecret; } public function setAccessSecret($accessSecret) { $this->accessSecret = $accessSecret; } } goto SDIjJ; InPfX: foreach ($json_array["\x45\x6e\144\160\x6f\151\x6e\x74"] as $json_endpoint) { goto o4GDg; BRdXX: $json_region_ids = $json_endpoint["\122\145\x67\151\157\x6e\111\x64\x73"]["\122\145\147\x69\157\156\111\144"]; goto Nwksf; CqvP7: if (array() === $json_products or !is_array($json_products)) { goto bAUTt; } goto RQ1bP; zB6L0: goto t72Kp; goto qZMek; Nwksf: if (!is_array($json_region_ids)) { goto kYPVt; } goto b0LdT; t8PGR: $endpoint = new Endpoint($region_ids[0], $region_ids, $product_domains); goto gxoIe; LGUd0: xcLB4: goto a5j3S; a5j3S: $products = array(); goto c1RHA; BL_Pf: $json_products = $json_endpoint["\x50\x72\157\x64\165\x63\164\x73"]["\x50\x72\x6f\x64\x75\143\x74"]; goto CqvP7; JR26S: KBjJE: goto IwgMT; qGWvS: kDr3s: goto nDJLy; ZAfj8: goto GGaWf; goto NOUX4; NOUX4: lzqhl: goto P5zLn; b0LdT: $region_ids = $json_region_ids; goto zB6L0; u1l17: eJttx: goto hzVLC; t4oxm: bAUTt: goto FVLJU; SpXrB: $region_ids = array($json_region_ids); goto PaNIC; hzVLC: goto kDr3s; goto t4oxm; IwgMT: $products = array($json_products); goto u1l17; zmp6K: goto eJttx; goto JR26S; RQ1bP: if (array_keys($json_products) !== range(0, count($json_products) - 1)) { goto KBjJE; } goto vGwmY; PaNIC: t72Kp: goto ZAfj8; FVLJU: $products = array(); goto qGWvS; q4Fe1: if (!array_key_exists("\x50\x72\157\144\x75\143\x74", $json_endpoint["\x50\x72\x6f\144\x75\143\x74\x73"])) { goto xcLB4; } goto BL_Pf; o4GDg: if (!array_key_exists("\122\145\147\x69\x6f\156\x49\x64", $json_endpoint["\122\x65\x67\x69\157\156\x49\x64\163"])) { goto lzqhl; } goto BRdXX; fsp8x: TcsjV: goto t8PGR; DnWdN: foreach ($products as $product) { goto fQRNM; J4JAc: e0Jd7: goto ovpeB; fQRNM: $product_domain = new ProductDomain($product["\x50\x72\157\144\x75\143\x74\116\141\155\145"], $product["\x44\x6f\x6d\x61\151\156\116\x61\x6d\145"]); goto uO0dn; uO0dn: array_push($product_domains, $product_domain); goto J4JAc; ovpeB: } goto fsp8x; QEpVb: $product_domains = array(); goto DnWdN; cgJhW: GGaWf: goto q4Fe1; nDJLy: goto pqIgB; goto LGUd0; qZMek: kYPVt: goto SpXrB; eZc21: J1Krj: goto uq9qe; c1RHA: pqIgB: goto QEpVb; gxoIe: array_push($endpoints, $endpoint); goto eZc21; P5zLn: $region_ids = array(); goto cgJhW; vGwmY: $products = $json_products; goto zmp6K; uq9qe: } goto pI2fX; ydylz: class LibcurlWrapper { private $curlMultiHandle; private $curlHandleInfo; private $idleCurlHandle; public function __construct() { $this->curlMultiHandle = curl_multi_init(); $this->idleCurlHandle = array(); } public function __destruct() { goto no8A1; z1oai: $this->idleCurlHandle = array(); goto TbxwD; no8A1: curl_multi_close($this->curlMultiHandle); goto UidHC; UidHC: foreach ($this->idleCurlHandle as $handle) { curl_close($handle); HyXYX: } goto KYdms; KYdms: bfAQq: goto z1oai; TbxwD: } public function startSendingRequest($httpRequest, $done) { goto m43bW; E1GPK: curl_multi_add_handle($this->curlMultiHandle, $curlHandle); goto MxGjw; V7aYG: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true); goto poH4e; btgDI: if (!($curlHandle === false)) { goto tfJmC; } goto yezxW; kCDQW: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); goto uFBI9; XH3W5: $curlHandle = array_pop($this->idleCurlHandle); goto APAJW; Qaplg: $this->curlHandleInfo[$curlHandle]["\x72\x65\x71\x75\x65\163\164"] = $httpRequest; goto cXw4b; nnGHB: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto rIPvq; UQ8DH: CD8Kl: goto XH3W5; D05qD: array_push($headers, "\x45\170\x70\145\x63\164\x3a\40\61\x30\60\x2d\x63\157\156\x74\151\156\x75\x65"); goto o30jV; m43bW: if (count($this->idleCurlHandle) !== 0) { goto CD8Kl; } goto HWniw; poH4e: Ux0Wh: goto nnGHB; APAJW: pLmpM: goto et2tV; N1srm: tfJmC: goto MRImi; dc94X: NZnGj: goto efNON; et2tV: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, $httpRequest->timeoutMs); goto yVXzV; MRImi: goto pLmpM; goto UQ8DH; M4zzu: if (!($httpRequest->method === "\x50\117\x53\124")) { goto NZnGj; } goto UPmxW; UPmxW: if (!defined("\103\125\122\114\117\120\x54\x5f\123\101\106\105\137\x55\120\114\117\x41\104")) { goto Ux0Wh; } goto V7aYG; MxGjw: $this->curlHandleInfo[$curlHandle]["\x64\x6f\x6e\145"] = $done; goto Qaplg; yezxW: return false; goto N1srm; HWniw: $curlHandle = curl_init(); goto btgDI; hlo30: array_push($headers, "\125\x73\145\162\x2d\x41\147\x65\156\164\x3a" . Conf::getUserAgent()); goto M4zzu; efNON: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); goto E1GPK; ulEGp: $headers = $httpRequest->customHeaders; goto hlo30; uFBI9: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto ulEGp; V8iRv: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arr[1]); goto dc94X; yVXzV: curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $httpRequest->url); goto kCDQW; o30jV: array_push($headers, "\x43\x6f\156\164\x65\156\x74\55\x54\x79\x70\145\x3a\x20\x6d\x75\154\164\x69\160\141\162\x74\x2f\146\x6f\162\x6d\55\144\x61\164\141\x3b\40\142\x6f\x75\x6e\144\x61\162\x79\x3d" . $arr[0]); goto V8iRv; rIPvq: $arr = buildCustomPostFields($httpRequest->dataToPost); goto D05qD; cXw4b: } public function performSendingRequest() { goto iiBL_; r_9UN: G3vbN: goto m2cD9; PIb5j: goto KLNpp; goto FwPCh; ZtJ5h: xcixs: goto xnZBG; LxmiA: $this->processResult($info); goto r_9UN; kJah0: $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->curlMultiHandle, $active); goto LhuVz; iiBL_: KLNpp: goto qKvLo; suX1p: if (!(count($this->curlHandleInfo) == 0)) { goto xcixs; } goto Hs2yh; JUsRy: $info = curl_multi_info_read($this->curlMultiHandle); goto U5mzI; U5mzI: if (!($info !== false)) { goto MPhGo; } goto u8s4G; kVTW5: $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->curlMultiHandle, $active); goto JUsRy; Hs2yh: goto KOol2; goto ZtJ5h; ZxUQF: ZS7hF: goto kVTW5; L3kf7: zQXyr: goto IP3tl; qKvLo: $active = null; goto ZxUQF; xnZBG: JHIP8: goto PIb5j; LhuVz: $info = curl_multi_info_read($this->curlMultiHandle); goto LGjuv; lUys0: hAblr: goto t0hyJ; bSfll: usleep(1); goto fIQxF; jJNkl: if ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) { goto ZS7hF; } goto KD2t1; FwPCh: KOol2: goto Gp0Cy; u8s4G: $this->processResult($info); goto FRl73; YPeI0: S6Kff: goto kJah0; LGjuv: if (!($info !== false)) { goto G3vbN; } goto LxmiA; YQED7: if (!(curl_multi_select($this->curlMultiHandle) == -1)) { goto h073W; } goto bSfll; m2cD9: if ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) { goto S6Kff; } goto lUys0; fIQxF: h073W: goto YPeI0; FRl73: MPhGo: goto jJNkl; t0hyJ: goto zQXyr; goto o67FO; KD2t1: z6G2j: goto L3kf7; o67FO: UiIRh: goto suX1p; IP3tl: if (!($active && $mrc == CURLM_OK)) { goto UiIRh; } goto YQED7; Gp0Cy: } private function processResult($info) { goto G3Xnm; n2e0Y: fkAZR: goto drizA; G3Xnm: $result = $info["\162\145\163\165\x6c\x74"]; goto BDSy1; yR4Wm: if ($result !== CURLE_OK) { goto fkAZR; } goto sOMEh; orTge: $response->body = $body; goto mFJC5; KJAii: JywPm: goto MjMXp; drizA: $response->curlErrorCode = $result; goto I69p9; MjMXp: unset($this->curlHandleInfo[$handle]); goto smaA3; l0MUc: $response->curlErrorCode = curl_errno($handle); goto dlr5c; NuR_P: $done = $this->curlHandleInfo[$handle]["\x64\x6f\156\x65"]; goto g6YfO; dlr5c: $response->curlErrorMessage = curl_error($handle); goto A2chJ; BDSy1: $handle = $info["\150\141\x6e\144\x6c\145"]; goto qS0PE; sOMEh: $responseStr = curl_multi_getcontent($handle); goto wbzz6; bGPiP: goto JywPm; goto n2e0Y; y74ks: call_user_func($done, $request, $response); goto KJAii; pzc2g: $headLines = explode("\15\xa", $headerStr); goto kM0yU; LGhpO: $headerStr = substr($responseStr, 0, $headerSize); goto vO3FY; qS0PE: $request = $this->curlHandleInfo[$handle]["\162\x65\x71\x75\x65\163\x74"]; goto NuR_P; A2chJ: $response->statusCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); goto pzc2g; wbzz6: $headerSize = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); goto LGhpO; vO3FY: $body = substr($responseStr, $headerSize); goto l0MUc; fgaY7: array_push($this->idleCurlHandle, $handle); goto ah5JG; vkIzQ: zzLYP: goto orTge; smaA3: curl_multi_remove_handle($this->curlMultiHandle, $handle); goto fgaY7; mFJC5: call_user_func($done, $request, $response); goto bGPiP; g6YfO: $response = new HttpResponse(); goto yR4Wm; I69p9: $response->curlErrorMessage = curl_error($handle); goto y74ks; kM0yU: foreach ($headLines as $head) { goto Brx_A; AdiCk: xwvm1: goto MnysK; Brx_A: $arr = explode("\x3a", $head); goto yEODI; QjL0L: $response->headers[trim($arr[0])] = trim($arr[1]); goto feW96; yEODI: if (!(count($arr) >= 2)) { goto OnFTG; } goto QjL0L; feW96: OnFTG: goto AdiCk; MnysK: } goto vkIzQ; ah5JG: } private function resetCurl($handle) { goto WSGlF; y8w4D: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array()); goto N2Tqc; Xq9k4: ZKHgs: goto ZPaUV; WSGlF: if (function_exists("\x63\165\x72\x6c\x5f\162\145\163\145\164")) { goto vjH8i; } goto g1kK4; v2BD3: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); goto laAZ6; g1kK4: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_URL, ''); goto y8w4D; N2Tqc: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array()); goto O0Wn7; r3V_F: vjH8i: goto FA4nu; O0Wn7: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); goto mX194; mX194: curl_setopt($handler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto v2BD3; FA4nu: curl_reset($handle); goto Xq9k4; laAZ6: goto ZKHgs; goto r3V_F; ZPaUV: } } goto eNeOW; dHm00: class DefaultAcsClient implements IAcsClient { public $iClientProfile; public $__urlTestFlag__; function __construct($iClientProfile) { $this->iClientProfile = $iClientProfile; $this->__urlTestFlag__ = false; } public function getAcsResponse($request, $iSigner = null, $credential = null, $autoRetry = true, $maxRetryNumber = 3) { goto SePyk; od0xs: ObwLT: goto YfE3r; YfE3r: return $respObject; goto Ts8Oj; MdEus: $respObject = $this->parseAcsResponse($httpResponse->getBody(), $request->getAcceptFormat()); goto d3mAw; d3mAw: if (!(false == $httpResponse->isSuccess())) { goto ObwLT; } goto bSAyd; SePyk: $httpResponse = $this->doActionImpl($request, $iSigner, $credential, $autoRetry, $maxRetryNumber); goto MdEus; bSAyd: $this->buildApiException($respObject, $httpResponse->getStatus()); goto od0xs; Ts8Oj: } private function doActionImpl($request, $iSigner = null, $credential = null, $autoRetry = true, $maxRetryNumber = 3) { goto kxMT0; fc2EV: goto MRA8f; goto Nlse4; vrcn_: xeUxF: goto l8R2I; KOeK5: if (!$this->__urlTestFlag__) { goto jjFoM; } goto KEJ1z; Mmr5l: goto xBY33; goto PX2H1; J_zGy: if (!(null == $domain)) { goto sT5LR; } goto LW0d5; zVT7L: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getDomainParameter(), $request->getHeaders()); goto BN1kt; CK9oH: TbeUZ: goto WA_xR; yA17w: $retryTimes = 1; goto f_Ip2; XeWD1: $requestUrl = $request->composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain); goto KOeK5; ry4Aw: if (!(null == $iSigner)) { goto xeUxF; } goto JrX7g; l8R2I: if (!(null == $credential)) { goto TbeUZ; } goto aTYjo; LW0d5: throw new ClientException("\x43\141\156\40\156\x6f\x74\x20\146\x69\x6e\x64\x20\145\156\144\x70\x6f\x69\156\164\x20\x74\157\x20\141\143\143\x65\x73\x73\56", "\123\104\113\x2e\x49\156\x76\x61\154\x69\x64\x52\145\x67\x69\157\x6e\111\x64"); goto yq7Oo; juFOx: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getMethod(), $request->getContent(), $request->getHeaders()); goto Mmr5l; MWbYX: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getMethod(), $request->getDomainParameter(), $request->getHeaders()); goto YLIGs; Nlse4: FEi6R: goto QZXDm; TkZwx: $domain = EndpointProvider::findProductDomain($request->getRegionId(), $request->getProduct()); goto J_zGy; qpILz: $requestUrl = $request->composeUrl($iSigner, $credential, $domain); goto vquUY; yq7Oo: sT5LR: goto XeWD1; aTYjo: $credential = $this->iClientProfile->getCredential(); goto CK9oH; lYLpq: jjFoM: goto BoScT; AML7k: $httpResponse = HttpHelper::curl($requestUrl, $request->getMethod(), $request->getContent(), $request->getHeaders()); goto gDOwg; BlhPW: AEgwC: goto ry4Aw; CY2fv: $retryTimes++; goto fc2EV; WA_xR: $request = $this->prepareRequest($request); goto TkZwx; pcSvj: if (!(500 <= $httpResponse->getStatus() && $autoRetry && $retryTimes < $maxRetryNumber)) { goto FEi6R; } goto qpILz; gDOwg: goto H7HAy; goto ylBrU; PX2H1: vCa7j: goto zVT7L; ry5IB: throw new ClientException("\116\157\40\141\x63\164\151\166\145\40\x70\x72\157\146\x69\154\145\x20\146\x6f\165\156\144\56", "\123\x44\x4b\56\x49\x6e\166\141\x6c\x69\x64\x50\162\x6f\x66\151\154\145"); goto BlhPW; ylBrU: lF1Qm: goto MWbYX; BN1kt: xBY33: goto CY2fv; vquUY: if (count($request->getDomainParameter()) > 0) { goto vCa7j; } goto juFOx; YLIGs: H7HAy: goto yA17w; f_Ip2: MRA8f: goto pcSvj; kxMT0: if (!(null == $this->iClientProfile && (null == $iSigner || null == $credential || null == $request->getRegionId() || null == $request->getAcceptFormat()))) { goto AEgwC; } goto ry5IB; QZXDm: return $httpResponse; goto IbzC6; JrX7g: $iSigner = $this->iClientProfile->getSigner(); goto vrcn_; KEJ1z: throw new ClientException($requestUrl, "\125\x52\x4c\124\x65\x73\164\106\154\x61\x67\111\163\123\x65\x74"); goto lYLpq; BoScT: if (count($request->getDomainParameter()) > 0) { goto lF1Qm; } goto AML7k; IbzC6: } public function doAction($request, $iSigner = null, $credential = null, $autoRetry = true, $maxRetryNumber = 3) { trigger_error("\144\157\101\143\164\x69\x6f\156\x28\x29\40\151\x73\40\144\145\x70\162\x65\x63\141\x74\x65\x64\x2e\x20\120\x6c\145\x61\163\145\x20\165\x73\x65\40\x67\x65\x74\101\143\163\x52\145\x73\x70\x6f\156\x73\x65\50\x29\x20\x69\x6e\x73\x74\145\141\144\56", E_USER_NOTICE); return $this->doActionImpl($request, $iSigner, $credential, $autoRetry, $maxRetryNumber); } private function prepareRequest($request) { goto jEOVZ; KHxJg: return $request; goto nidbF; dzkvk: iuC_G: goto FuaAs; AUfy0: $request->setMethod("\x47\x45\x54"); goto VZ4Z0; jEOVZ: if (!(null == $request->getRegionId())) { goto iuC_G; } goto LkIMf; W8EED: DNQgn: goto og_nO; LiQPk: $request->setAcceptFormat($this->iClientProfile->getFormat()); goto W8EED; LkIMf: $request->setRegionId($this->iClientProfile->getRegionId()); goto dzkvk; og_nO: if (!(null == $request->getMethod())) { goto mzLsJ; } goto AUfy0; FuaAs: if (!(null == $request->getAcceptFormat())) { goto DNQgn; } goto LiQPk; VZ4Z0: mzLsJ: goto KHxJg; nidbF: } private function buildApiException($respObject, $httpStatus) { throw new ServerException($respObject->Message, $respObject->Code, $httpStatus, $respObject->RequestId); } private function parseAcsResponse($body, $format) { goto hRUj1; RCfMa: DPyV5: goto qXbKE; wuwWn: h4UxQ: goto Vqawy; uWP0_: $respObject = $body; goto IT3DQ; DWqpN: i0Gnu: goto Vyp7M; IT3DQ: zRerm: goto Rje73; Vq_Sj: $respObject = json_decode($body); goto DWqpN; Vyp7M: return $respObject; goto IGR6N; qXbKE: $respObject = @simplexml_load_string($body); goto wuwWn; v2quS: if ("\130\x4d\x4c" == $format) { goto DPyV5; } goto aXCpX; Vqawy: goto i0Gnu; goto B1aG2; hRUj1: if ("\112\x53\117\x4e" == $format) { goto NG0yz; } goto v2quS; Rje73: goto h4UxQ; goto RCfMa; B1aG2: NG0yz: goto Vq_Sj; aXCpX: if (!("\x52\x41\127" == $format)) { goto zRerm; } goto uWP0_; IGR6N: } } goto GzBcP; DRn8A: interface IAcsClient { public function doAction($requst); } goto dHm00; AxbDC: class EndpointProvider { private static $endpoints; public static function findProductDomain($regionId, $product) { goto O9F_S; pgfAd: DawNY: goto xxBjN; xvbY1: return null; goto L8gQs; xxBjN: return null; goto a1sLp; L8gQs: cnuFZ: goto O0EXQ; O0EXQ: foreach (self::$endpoints as $key => $endpoint) { goto Bg8Ja; oIf9R: wVuOU: goto OWkaF; Bg8Ja: if (!in_array($regionId, $endpoint->getRegionIds())) { goto wVuOU; } goto NRf6g; OWkaF: xAxlC: goto iTVv0; NRf6g: return self::findProductDomainByProduct($endpoint->getProductDomains(), $product); goto oIf9R; iTVv0: } goto pgfAd; O9F_S: if (!(null == $regionId || null == $product || null == self::$endpoints)) { goto cnuFZ; } goto xvbY1; a1sLp: } private static function findProductDomainByProduct($productDomains, $product) { goto zLv8d; ym7gs: DGZwz: goto isy5D; isy5D: return null; goto s5CUI; MtbRH: foreach ($productDomains as $key => $productDomain) { goto S54Oh; fHkMu: return $productDomain->getDomainName(); goto rqh_9; rqh_9: Lm0Vg: goto mKhLT; mKhLT: ZVsbG: goto jDq2Z; S54Oh: if (!($product == $productDomain->getProductName())) { goto Lm0Vg; } goto fHkMu; jDq2Z: } goto ym7gs; zLv8d: if (!(null == $productDomains)) { goto Iy8Uo; } goto P2ELb; vSs6S: Iy8Uo: goto MtbRH; P2ELb: return null; goto vSs6S; s5CUI: } public static function getEndpoints() { return self::$endpoints; } public static function setEndpoints($endpoints) { self::$endpoints = $endpoints; } } goto N5o_p; Vivy1: define("\x48\124\124\120\137\x50\122\117\130\x59\x5f\x50\x4f\x52\x54", "\70\70\70\x38"); goto dmq2j; aZsZH: error_reporting(0); goto Ki6Hp; gEc9Q: class DefaultProfile implements IClientProfile { private static $profile; private static $endpoints; private static $credential; private static $regionId; private static $acceptFormat; private static $isigner; private static $iCredential; private function __construct($regionId, $credential) { self::$regionId = $regionId; self::$credential = $credential; } public static function getProfile($regionId, $accessKeyId, $accessSecret) { goto MYs_i; MYs_i: $credential = new Credential($accessKeyId, $accessSecret); goto KK7XV; KK7XV: self::$profile = new DefaultProfile($regionId, $credential); goto xkiIP; xkiIP: return self::$profile; goto EVFUQ; EVFUQ: } public function getSigner() { goto gSHdX; UDuPl: return self::$isigner; goto buV83; sEqAi: XGw9l: goto UDuPl; w_0Ok: self::$isigner = new ShaHmac1Signer(); goto sEqAi; gSHdX: if (!(null == self::$isigner)) { goto XGw9l; } goto w_0Ok; buV83: } public function getRegionId() { return self::$regionId; } public function getFormat() { return self::$acceptFormat; } public function getCredential() { goto dBFDi; dBFDi: if (!(null == self::$credential && null != self::$iCredential)) { goto PN_VV; } goto a3sla; iSR1U: PN_VV: goto X0R1m; a3sla: self::$credential = self::$iCredential; goto iSR1U; X0R1m: return self::$credential; goto SKjuP; SKjuP: } public static function getEndpoints() { goto PfaQK; f66On: return self::$endpoints; goto qcO_P; Byo0u: cmTzy: goto f66On; unFRs: self::$endpoints = EndpointProvider::getEndpoints(); goto Byo0u; PfaQK: if (!(null == self::$endpoints)) { goto cmTzy; } goto unFRs; qcO_P: } public static function addEndpoint($endpointName, $regionId, $product, $domain) { goto JH80x; m8usr: self::updateEndpoint($regionId, $product, $domain, $endpoint); goto oF3hU; imhV1: self::addEndpoint_($endpointName, $regionId, $product, $domain); goto RNowo; rk9KT: self::$endpoints = self::getEndpoints(); goto Clwrv; JH80x: if (!(null == self::$endpoints)) { goto oA9kl; } goto rk9KT; oF3hU: goto dWVZv; goto qhrhu; RNowo: dWVZv: goto AbVtQ; Clwrv: oA9kl: goto P7_Pn; KDh4L: if (null == $endpoint) { goto mxVku; } goto m8usr; P7_Pn: $endpoint = self::findEndpointByName($endpointName); goto KDh4L; qhrhu: mxVku: goto imhV1; AbVtQ: } public static function findEndpointByName($endpointName) { foreach (self::$endpoints as $key => $endpoint) { goto HF7Ym; OPnP2: Ivruv: goto lv7Cl; vF3T1: return $endpoint; goto yQ8n_; HF7Ym: if (!($endpoint->getName() == $endpointName)) { goto UFjzx; } goto vF3T1; yQ8n_: UFjzx: goto OPnP2; lv7Cl: } E5l38: } private static function addEndpoint_($endpointName, $regionId, $product, $domain) { goto qllDQ; ojR7E: $productDomains = array(new ProductDomain($product, $domain)); goto LBhXW; qllDQ: $regionIds = array($regionId); goto ojR7E; ZvCLk: array_push(self::$endpoints, $endpoint); goto gp5Py; LBhXW: $endpoint = new Endpoint($endpointName, $regionIds, $productDomains); goto ZvCLk; gp5Py: } private static function updateEndpoint($regionId, $product, $domain, $endpoint) { goto aNuVv; kYXN_: bl3C9: goto DT30u; YAEKL: if (!(null == self::findProductDomain($productDomains, $product, $domain))) { goto bl3C9; } goto qfp_E; aNuVv: $regionIds = $endpoint->getRegionIds(); goto Wvn30; DT30u: $endpoint->setProductDomains($productDomains); goto ndRDw; Wvn30: if (in_array($regionId, $regionIds)) { goto VltuR; } goto o74Fn; o74Fn: array_push($regionIds, $regionId); goto XWprk; ex7Ko: $productDomains = $endpoint->getProductDomains(); goto YAEKL; qfp_E: array_push($productDomains, new ProductDomain($product, $domain)); goto kYXN_; XWprk: $endpoint->setRegionIds($regionIds); goto J3FUu; J3FUu: VltuR: goto ex7Ko; ndRDw: } private static function findProductDomain($productDomains, $product, $domain) { goto alOC8; XPpzf: AezWZ: goto y3yzc; y3yzc: return null; goto hUEn1; alOC8: foreach ($productDomains as $key => $productDomain) { goto Fe4zy; CoqdV: U2nEi: goto pjNCA; Fe4zy: if (!($productDomain->getProductName() == $product && $productDomain->getDomainName() == $domain)) { goto U2nEi; } goto a2Els; pjNCA: ZHiYh: goto CL0ml; a2Els: return $productDomain; goto CoqdV; CL0ml: } goto XPpzf; hUEn1: } } goto KfT0m; dmq2j: class HttpRequest { public $timeoutMs; public $url; public $method; public $customHeaders; public $dataToPost; public $userData; } goto MqxG5; JVW2m: $json_array = json_decode($json, TRUE); goto dJ2Op; nidyU: EndpointProvider::setEndpoints($endpoints);

Function Calls





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