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session_start(); class User { private $cabd6 = ""; private $e8e43 = ""; public function create_password($Cef70, $D31fa, $D05d6) { goto eb4a7; e8030: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto Ddcef; Bbeee: goto D92e8; goto c90fa; ed901: goto Af3ec; goto A751b; Ddcef: $b08a0["message"] = "Key is expired!"; goto b985d; aa4e9: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto Ad2c4; b985d: goto Afd82; goto B52cd; eb4a7: $Cef70 = $this->escapeString($Cef70); goto b1a04; d3ee6: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto Fd08e; ea252: $config["password"] = $Cef70; goto dd05e; c5d5d: $b08a0["message"] = "Folder name must be alphabetic only."; goto aa4e9; A4e12: Afd82: goto B0cae; Ad2c4: die; goto ed901; Fd08e: $b08a0["message"] = $Cb428["error"]; goto da416; C003a: $ff14f = array("code" => $D31fa); goto A3178; ae2e9: $b08a0["message"] = "Minimal password length is 8."; goto Bbeee; da416: goto eeb25; goto Fad16; dc298: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto E68dc; Ff9ec: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto ae2e9; C88b6: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto A9a63; dd05e: $ecc19 = "<?php\xa
$config = " . var_export($config, true) . ";
return $config;\xa"; goto dca7b; E8e1d: $fb264 = $this->renameFolder(__DIR__ . "/../admin", __DIR__ . "/../" . $D05d6); goto Dadbb; cb193: if (!$Cb428["expired"]) { goto E12e1; } goto e8030; eb410: $c513c = $this->cabd6; goto C003a; ec4a0: D92e8: goto ca4fe; A751b: Bf1e5: goto B519e; D7d65: $Cb428 = json_decode($Cb428, true); goto ff3b6; a8203: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto Baef1; B519e: if (!($D05d6 != "admin")) { goto C50ab; } goto E8e1d; f1e1b: $b08a0["status"] = "success"; goto c5495; c5495: $b08a0["message"] = "Login successful!"; goto C3b91; Bba24: Af3ec: goto E2165; E2165: $config["key"] = $D31fa; goto f6521; d1e1c: C50ab: goto Bba24; C3b91: $_SESSION["login"] = true; goto A4e12; Dadbb: if ($fb264["success"]) { goto e01e1; } goto C88b6; C40cc: $D31fa = $this->escapeString($D31fa); goto eb410; ca4fe: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto e1c86; B0cae: eeb25: goto ec4a0; A9a63: $b08a0["message"] = $fb264["reason"]; goto a8203; fdb0f: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto c5d5d; Baef1: die; goto ff286; ff3b6: if ($Cb428["live"]) { goto ba6af; } goto d3ee6; c90fa: b66c9: goto C40cc; Fad16: ba6af: goto cb193; b1a04: if ($this->isStrongPassword($Cef70)) { goto b66c9; } goto Ff9ec; dca7b: file_put_contents("../config.php", $ecc19); goto f1e1b; ff286: e01e1: goto d1e1c; B52cd: E12e1: goto dc298; A3178: $Cb428 = $this->curl("POST", $c513c, $ff14f); goto D7d65; f6521: $config["folder"] = $D05d6; goto ea252; E68dc: if ($this->isAlphaOnly($D05d6)) { goto Bf1e5; } goto fdb0f; e1c86: } public function isAlphaOnly($ed625) { return preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]+$/", $ed625); } private function SendMessageTelegram($bf847, $e9b3c, $b1f2e) { goto a9fa9; D0b16: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]); goto dc6e0; ec518: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($ff14f)); goto D0b16; Ea1c7: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto cb7bc; a91e8: curl_close($ee0e5); goto dd323; dd323: return json_decode($afc38, true); goto ff365; F951b: $ee0e5 = curl_init($c513c); goto Ea1c7; Bb644: d90e2: goto a91e8; a9fa9: $c513c = "{$bf847}/sendMessage"; goto Bb4bf; dc6e0: $afc38 = curl_exec($ee0e5); goto Decd4; Bb4bf: $ff14f = ["chat_id" => $e9b3c, "text" => $b1f2e, "parse_mode" => "HTML"]; goto F951b; B1688: echo "Error:" . curl_error($ee0e5); goto Bb644; cb7bc: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto ec518; Decd4: if (!curl_errno($ee0e5)) { goto d90e2; } goto B1688; ff365: } public function renameFolder($c558a, $D5962) { goto D5518; F2c8b: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $Fd76a]; goto b8682; Efd2f: b1f54: goto F68e4; f5d13: Bfced: goto a70e4; e2b3f: if (!(is_dir($D5962) && !is_writable($D5962))) { goto Fb218; } goto Fdde9; b71ac: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $Fd76a]; goto E851b; E9135: if (is_dir($c558a)) { goto b1f54; } goto Cb713; Fe4a2: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $Fd76a]; goto b480b; Fdde9: $Fd76a = "New folder exists and is not writable."; goto Fe4a2; b480b: Fb218: goto c915c; a70e4: $Fd76a = "Failed to rename folder."; goto b71ac; a6a62: return ["success" => true, "reason" => '']; goto f5d13; Bddcf: $Fd76a = "Old folder is not writable."; goto F2c8b; D5518: $Fd76a = ''; goto E9135; b8682: ab67d: goto e2b3f; Cb713: $Fd76a = "Old folder does not exist."; goto A548a; A548a: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $Fd76a]; goto Efd2f; F68e4: if (is_writable($c558a)) { goto ab67d; } goto Bddcf; c915c: if (!rename($c558a, $D5962)) { goto Bfced; } goto a6a62; E851b: } public function sendCode() { goto b09c0; b09c0: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto Fc449; B37d8: $this->SendMessageTelegram($config["telegram"]["bot_token"], $config["telegram"]["chat_id"], $b1f2e); goto E3701; f67d4: $b1f2e = "<b>Kratos</b> Admin Panel
Code : <code>{$b2c6d}</code>"; goto B37d8; E3701: F8d0e: goto Bd656; A073a: $_SESSION["code"] = $b2c6d; goto f67d4; Fc449: if (!$config["telegram"]["twofactor"]) { goto F8d0e; } goto d8427; d8427: $b2c6d = $this->generateRandomString(); goto A073a; Bd656: } public function isStrongPassword($Cef70) { goto Aeb38; Aeb38: $F37ea = 8; goto a3c5b; A3981: return true; goto ac9be; B6f51: return false; goto cbdc8; cbdc8: dc7ee: goto A3981; a3c5b: if (!(strlen($Cef70) < $F37ea)) { goto dc7ee; } goto B6f51; ac9be: } public function generateRandomString($b8030 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($aab15 = "abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", ceil($b8030 / strlen($aab15)))), 1, $b8030); } public function removeUrlParameters($c513c) { goto ce03b; b4fe8: return $b16f4; goto f7370; ce03b: $e4d49 = parse_url($c513c); goto b9abd; Af998: $b16f4 .= isset($e4d49["path"]) ? $e4d49["path"] : ''; goto b4fe8; ec6cc: $b16f4 .= isset($e4d49["host"]) ? $e4d49["host"] : ''; goto Af998; b9abd: $b16f4 = isset($e4d49["scheme"]) ? $e4d49["scheme"] . "://" : ''; goto ec6cc; f7370: } public function removeLastTwoDirectories($c513c) { goto C64e2; Df305: $b47a1 = explode("/", trim($e4d49["path"], "/")); goto C6515; ad110: Ad744: goto d9157; cce22: $bf4ad .= "?" . $e4d49["query"]; goto ad110; C64e2: $e4d49 = parse_url($c513c); goto Df305; E41f5: if (!isset($e4d49["query"])) { goto Ad744; } goto cce22; d9157: return rtrim($bf4ad, "/"); goto D7e5c; Bd1c0: $Bdb30 = "/" . implode("/", $Aa42a); goto b8347; C6515: $Aa42a = array_slice($b47a1, 0, -2); goto Bd1c0; b8347: $bf4ad = (isset($e4d49["scheme"]) ? $e4d49["scheme"] . "://" : '') . (isset($e4d49["host"]) ? $e4d49["host"] : '') . $Bdb30; goto E41f5; D7e5c: } public function getLastSegmentFromUrl() { goto f8a89; f322a: $F171e = explode("/", $b1b08); goto F7d55; B5b18: return null; goto f25b7; f8a89: $c513c = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto D8b09; bbdcd: return $F171e[count($F171e) - 2]; goto B6546; F7d55: if (!(count($F171e) > 1)) { goto a3771; } goto bbdcd; D8b09: $b1b08 = parse_url($c513c, PHP_URL_PATH); goto B53ae; B53ae: $b1b08 = trim($b1b08, "/"); goto f322a; B6546: a3771: goto B5b18; f25b7: } public function login($Cef70) { goto D2818; e8612: Fdaeb: goto f50eb; f5445: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto acf2d; E7e09: $_SESSION["login"] = true; goto e8612; F986f: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto aa947; aa947: $b08a0["message"] = "Password incorrect"; goto B92b3; abac1: $b08a0["message"] = "Login successful!"; goto E7e09; f50eb: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto a7bea; B2431: ab6d4: goto cbc2c; acf2d: if ($config["password"] == $Cef70) { goto ab6d4; } goto F986f; D2818: $Cef70 = $this->escapeString($Cef70); goto f5445; cbc2c: $b08a0["status"] = "success"; goto abac1; B92b3: goto Fdaeb; goto B2431; a7bea: } public function login_2fa($Cef70, $c61aa) { goto Da532; E69cc: if ($config["password"] == $Cef70 && $c61aa == $_SESSION["code"]) { goto F51ea; } goto b0782; C2874: goto Bcb79; goto aba9e; A5cdb: Bcb79: goto F5196; Fbc2a: $b08a0["message"] = "Password or Code incorrect"; goto C2874; Ff363: $c61aa = $this->escapeString($c61aa); goto Ba297; Ba297: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto E69cc; Da532: $Cef70 = $this->escapeString($Cef70); goto Ff363; b2935: $_SESSION["login"] = true; goto A5cdb; F5196: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto E0752; aa777: $b08a0["message"] = "Login successful!"; goto b2935; aba9e: F51ea: goto f40b3; b0782: $b08a0["status"] = "error"; goto Fbc2a; f40b3: $b08a0["status"] = "success"; goto aa777; E0752: } public function logout() { goto Ccd47; Ccd47: if (!isset($_SESSION["login"])) { goto B3765; } goto Eb315; Eb315: session_destroy(); goto dc5e1; dc5e1: B3765: goto F6e7f; F6e7f: } public function check() { goto Ed0ca; a7749: F12d3: goto e0344; Ed0ca: if (isset($_SESSION["login"])) { goto F12d3; } goto c6100; c6100: header("Location: login"); goto be3a8; be3a8: die; goto a7749; e0344: } public function curl($F1a85, $c513c, $ff14f) { goto Eedac; Ac872: $Cb428 = curl_exec($ee0e5); goto ff0e5; f02ee: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($ff14f)); goto Ec1e8; aa3f3: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Ac872; d8a46: echo "cURL error: " . curl_error($ee0e5); goto aad37; Bb98c: if (!($F1a85 == "POST")) { goto bb2cb; } goto c9bbe; Ec1e8: bb2cb: goto aa3f3; Eedac: $ee0e5 = curl_init(); goto cddda; d5c88: return $Cb428; goto E65fe; f8123: curl_close($ee0e5); goto d5c88; ff0e5: if (!($Cb428 === false)) { goto Da616; } goto d8a46; cddda: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_URL, $c513c); goto Bb98c; c9bbe: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto f02ee; aad37: Da616: goto f8123; E65fe: } public function emptyFile($c1373) { goto B2097; fd412: $b4c8e = fopen($a2390, "w"); goto a82cd; Bb904: c6073: goto Ff978; ab41f: F6ce2: goto Bb904; Ebd19: if (!(file_exists($a2390) && is_writable($a2390))) { goto F6ce2; } goto fd412; D4881: $a2390 = "../" . $f2edc[$c1373]; goto D1d61; a82cd: if (!$b4c8e) { goto cde02; } goto A8102; A8102: fclose($b4c8e); goto d25ed; b22ab: $f2edc = ["visitor" => $config["files"]["visit"], "invalid" => $config["files"]["invalid"], "valid" => $config["files"]["valid"]]; goto A3048; d25ed: cde02: goto ab41f; A3048: if (!array_key_exists($c1373, $f2edc)) { goto c6073; } goto D4881; B2097: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto b22ab; D1d61: echo $a2390; goto Ebd19; Ff978: } public function getServerIp() { goto Cc8e2; F2f04: $Cb428 = json_decode($Cb428, true); goto d6638; d6638: return $Cb428["ip"]; goto ff892; f9394: $Cb428 = $this->curl("GET", $c513c, ''); goto F2f04; Cc8e2: $c513c = $this->e8e43; goto f9394; ff892: } private function escapeString($b2738) { goto aed49; c6f3d: $b2738 = str_replace("<", '', $b2738); goto Adb2d; Adb2d: $b2738 = str_replace("'", '', $b2738); goto a3cdc; a3cdc: return $b2738; goto f659e; aed49: $b2738 = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($b2738), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); goto c6f3d; f659e: } public function readJsonFile($config, $ded27) { goto C737c; f9e34: $ff14f = json_decode($D381c, true); goto C4cbc; A2805: $b4c8e = $A8418 . "/../" . $config["files"]["visit"]; goto D0e7e; A89a7: $b4c8e = $A8418 . "/../" . $config["files"]["invalid"]; goto d8c6d; d040d: foreach ($ff14f as $C8963) { goto C6059; Ea2e0: if (!($ded27 == "valid" || $ded27 == "invalid")) { goto Dcf0e; } goto aab47; fd797: d0310: goto efcc0; e0012: $f3763 = array_merge($C8963, $C8963["info"]); goto F5b47; c1e40: $afc38["data"][$afc38["recordsTotal"]] = $f3763; goto A1be2; B09a3: unset($f3763["details"]); goto c1e40; aab47: $f3763 = array_merge($afc38["data"][$afc38["recordsTotal"]], $afc38["data"][$afc38["recordsTotal"]]["details"]); goto B09a3; F5b47: unset($f3763["info"]); goto F64fc; E8748: $afc38["botCount"]++; goto B619b; A1be2: Dcf0e: goto edd9f; edd9f: $afc38["recordsTotal"]++; goto fd797; F64fc: $afc38["data"][$afc38["recordsTotal"]] = $f3763; goto Ea2e0; e23ff: if (!$C8963["info"]["is_bot"]) { goto a3f19; } goto E8748; B619b: a3f19: goto e0012; C6059: $C8963 = $this->checkUserSecurity($config, $C8963); goto e23ff; efcc0: } goto e2825; C4cbc: $afc38["draw"] = 1; goto Cf41b; Aebf1: $afc38["botCount"] = 0; goto fd182; bfbb9: if (file_exists($b4c8e)) { goto f1e56; } goto E4022; c9e98: cc688: goto A2805; Cf41b: $afc38["recordsTotal"] = 0; goto cf516; cf516: $afc38["recordsFiltered"] = 0; goto Aebf1; a8049: $D381c = file_get_contents($b4c8e); goto f9e34; F1776: return []; goto B2fc8; d8c6d: a1b78: goto aa335; d57a6: b3182: goto abf6e; e2825: ff311: goto d57a6; B2fc8: f1e56: goto a8049; D0e7e: f3793: goto bfbb9; C1ed7: if (!is_array($ff14f)) { goto b3182; } goto d040d; fd182: $afc38["data"] = []; goto C1ed7; C737c: $A8418 = dirname(__FILE__); goto ee79e; ee79e: if ($ded27 == "visit") { goto cc688; } goto D778a; D778a: if ($ded27 == "valid") { goto b9208; } goto E11c4; E11c4: if (!($ded27 == "invalid")) { goto a1b78; } goto A89a7; acc48: goto f3793; goto c9e98; F22ed: d14c3: goto acc48; E4022: file_put_contents($b4c8e, json_encode([])); goto F1776; cd6d2: b9208: goto bb5fb; bb5fb: $b4c8e = $A8418 . "/../" . $config["files"]["valid"]; goto F22ed; abf6e: return is_array($afc38) ? $afc38 : []; goto D5c34; aa335: goto d14c3; goto cd6d2; D5c34: } public function getFullUrl() { goto Ba6f7; adbdb: return $f13ef; goto D647a; Ba6f7: $Ddf68 = !empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off" ? "https://" : "http://"; goto a9ab9; a9ab9: $f13ef = $Ddf68 . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto adbdb; D647a: } public function generateRandomStringChar($b8030 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($aab15 = "abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", ceil($b8030 / strlen($aab15)))), 1, $b8030); } public function checkUserSecurity($config, $afc38) { goto ec0cd; A2413: if (!($config["bot"]["crawler"] == 1 && $afc38["info"]["is_crawler"])) { goto B469a; } goto cf9fd; cf9fd: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto fd448; d87a6: if (!($config["bot"]["abuser"] == 1 && $afc38["info"]["is_abuser"])) { goto Da6fe; } goto dfe0d; F910e: goto A85d8; goto Eae8d; Fc760: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto A3d5f; A3d5f: a7662: goto bf0bf; b4fb0: if (!($afc38["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false && $config["bot"]["datacenter"] == 1 && $afc38["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] == true)) { goto eaa14; } goto bb993; Fae05: c8c4a: goto C8746; e364c: eaa14: goto F910e; Fb2bd: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto B282c; fd448: B469a: goto A0f9c; C8746: if (!($config["bot"]["vpn"] == 1 && $afc38["info"]["is_vpn"])) { goto b3a6a; } goto Fa960; A65b1: if ($afc38["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false && $config["bot"]["datacenter"] == 2) { goto cfc3a; } goto b4fb0; dfe0d: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto d38bc; d38bc: Da6fe: goto E2a31; E2a31: Fa25c: goto b64a3; bf0bf: return $afc38; goto D7364; Eae8d: cfc3a: goto Fb2bd; E1f57: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto ae6f2; ec0cd: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = false; goto F23d9; ae6f2: b2c5b: goto d87a6; b64a3: if ($afc38["valid_captcha"]) { goto a7662; } goto Fc760; F23d9: if (!$afc38["info"]["status"]) { goto Fa25c; } goto A2413; bb993: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto e364c; B282c: A85d8: goto Fae05; Ca4d7: if (!($config["bot"]["proxy"] == 1 && $afc38["info"]["is_proxy"])) { goto b2c5b; } goto E1f57; Fa960: $afc38["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto A6e2e; A6e2e: b3a6a: goto Ca4d7; A0f9c: if (!($config["bot"]["datacenter"] != 0)) { goto c8c4a; } goto A65b1; D7364: } public function getCountry() { $A9d4e = ["AF" => "Afghanistan", "AL" => "Albania", "DZ" => "Algeria", "AD" => "Andorra", "AO" => "Angola", "AG" => "Antigua and Barbuda", "AR" => "Argentina", "AM" => "Armenia", "AU" => "Australia", "AT" => "Austria", "AZ" => "Azerbaijan", "BS" => "Bahamas", "BH" => "Bahrain", "BD" => "Bangladesh", "BB" => "Barbados", "BY" => "Belarus", "BE" => "Belgium", "BZ" => "Belize", "BJ" => "Benin", "BT" => "Bhutan", "BO" => "Bolivia", "BA" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BW" => "Botswana", "BR" => "Brazil", "BN" => "Brunei", "BG" => "Bulgaria", "BF" => "Burkina Faso", "BI" => "Burundi", "CV" => "Cabo Verde", "KH" => "Cambodia", "CM" => "Cameroon", "CA" => "Canada", "CF" => "Central African Republic", "TD" => "Chad", "CL" => "Chile", "CN" => "China", "CO" => "Colombia", "KM" => "Comoros", "CD" => "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "CG" => "Congo, Republic of the", "CR" => "Costa Rica", "HR" => "Croatia", "CU" => "Cuba", "CY" => "Cyprus", "CZ" => "Czech Republic", "DK" => "Denmark", "DJ" => "Djibouti", "DM" => "Dominica", "DO" => "Dominican Republic", "EC" => "Ecuador", "EG" => "Egypt", "SV" => "El Salvador", "GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea", "ER" => "Eritrea", "EE" => "Estonia", "SZ" => "Eswatini", "ET" => "Ethiopia", "FJ" => "Fiji", "FI" => "Finland", "FR" => "France", "GA" => "Gabon", "GM" => "Gambia", "GE" => "Georgia", "DE" => "Germany", "GH" => "Ghana", "GR" => "Greece", "GD" => "Grenada", "GT" => "Guatemala", "GN" => "Guinea", "GW" => "Guinea-Bissau", "GY" => "Guyana", "HT" => "Haiti", "HN" => "Honduras", "HU" => "Hungary", "IS" => "Iceland", "IN" => "India", "ID" => "Indonesia", "IR" => "Iran", "IQ" => "Iraq", "IE" => "Ireland", "IL" => "Israel", "IT" => "Italy", "JM" => "Jamaica", "JP" => "Japan", "JE" => "Jersey", "JO" => "Jordan", "KZ" => "Kazakhstan", "KE" => "Kenya", "KI" => "Kiribati", "KP" => "Korea, North", "KR" => "Korea, South", "KW" => "Kuwait", "KG" => "Kyrgyzstan", "LA" => "Laos", "LV" => "Latvia", "LB" => "Lebanon", "LS" => "Lesotho", "LR" => "Liberia", "LY" => "Libya", "LI" => "Liechtenstein", "LT" => "Lithuania", "LU" => "Luxembourg", "MG" => "Madagascar", "MW" => "Malawi", "MY" => "Malaysia", "MV" => "Maldives", "ML" => "Mali", "MT" => "Malta", "MH" => "Marshall Islands", "MR" => "Mauritania", "MU" => "Mauritius", "MX" => "Mexico", "FM" => "Micronesia", "MD" => "Moldova", "MC" => "Monaco", "MN" => "Mongolia", "ME" => "Montenegro", "MA" => "Morocco", "MZ" => "Mozambique", "MM" => "Myanmar", "NA" => "Namibia", "NR" => "Nauru", "NP" => "Nepal", "NL" => "Netherlands", "NZ" => "New Zealand", "NI" => "Nicaragua", "NE" => "Niger", "NG" => "Nigeria", "MK" => "North Macedonia", "NO" => "Norway", "OM" => "Oman", "PK" => "Pakistan", "PW" => "Palau", "PS" => "Palestine", "PA" => "Panama", "PG" => "Papua New Guinea", "PY" => "Paraguay", "PE" => "Peru", "PH" => "Philippines", "PL" => "Poland", "PT" => "Portugal", "QA" => "Qatar", "RE" => "R\303\xa9union", "RO" => "Romania", "RU" => "Russia", "RW" => "Rwanda", "WS" => "Samoa", "SM" => "San Marino", "ST" => "Sao Tome and Principe", "SA" => "Saudi Arabia", "SN" => "Senegal", "RS" => "Serbia", "SC" => "Seychelles", "SL" => "Sierra Leone", "SG" => "Singapore", "SK" => "Slovakia", "SI" => "Slovenia", "SB" => "Solomon Islands", "SO" => "Somalia", "ZA" => "South Africa", "SS" => "South Sudan", "ES" => "Spain", "LK" => "Sri Lanka", "SD" => "Sudan", "SR" => "Suriname", "SZ" => "Sweden", "CH" => "Switzerland", "SY" => "Syria", "TW" => "Taiwan", "TJ" => "Tajikistan", "TZ" => "Tanzania", "TH" => "Thailand", "TL" => "Timor-Leste", "TG" => "Togo", "TO" => "Tonga", "TT" => "Trinidad and Tobago", "TN" => "Tunisia", "TR" => "Turkey", "TM" => "Turkmenistan", "TV" => "Tuvalu", "UG" => "Uganda", "UA" => "Ukraine", "AE" => "United Arab Emirates", "GB" => "United Kingdom", "US" => "United States", "UY" => "Uruguay", "UZ" => "Uzbekistan", "VU" => "Vanuatu", "VE" => "Venezuela", "VN" => "Vietnam", "YE" => "Yemen", "ZM" => "Zambia", "ZW" => "Zimbabwe"]; return $A9d4e; } }
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session_start(); class User { private $cabd6 = "\150\164\x74\160\72\57\57\x31\60\x31\56\x39\x39\x2e\71\62\56\62\x32\67\x2f\x61\x70\151\57\x6b\x65\x79"; private $e8e43 = "\150\x74\x74\160\72\57\57\x31\x30\x31\56\x39\71\x2e\x39\62\x2e\x32\x32\67\57\141\160\151\x2f\147\145\x74\x2d\x69\160"; public function create_password($Cef70, $D31fa, $D05d6) { goto eb4a7; e8030: $b08a0["\x73\x74\x61\164\x75\163"] = "\x65\162\x72\157\x72"; goto Ddcef; Bbeee: goto D92e8; goto c90fa; ed901: goto Af3ec; goto A751b; Ddcef: $b08a0["\x6d\x65\x73\163\141\x67\145"] = "\x4b\145\171\40\151\x73\40\145\x78\160\x69\x72\x65\144\x21"; goto b985d; aa4e9: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto Ad2c4; b985d: goto Afd82; goto B52cd; eb4a7: $Cef70 = $this->escapeString($Cef70); goto b1a04; d3ee6: $b08a0["\163\164\x61\x74\x75\x73"] = "\145\162\162\x6f\162"; goto Fd08e; ea252: $config["\x70\141\x73\x73\x77\x6f\x72\x64"] = $Cef70; goto dd05e; c5d5d: $b08a0["\x6d\145\x73\163\141\x67\145"] = "\x46\157\154\x64\145\162\40\156\x61\x6d\145\x20\x6d\x75\x73\x74\40\142\x65\40\141\154\x70\150\x61\x62\145\x74\151\143\x20\x6f\x6e\x6c\171\x2e"; goto aa4e9; A4e12: Afd82: goto B0cae; Ad2c4: die; goto ed901; Fd08e: $b08a0["\155\145\163\x73\141\147\145"] = $Cb428["\145\162\x72\157\162"]; goto da416; C003a: $ff14f = array("\143\157\144\x65" => $D31fa); goto A3178; ae2e9: $b08a0["\x6d\145\x73\163\141\x67\x65"] = "\x4d\x69\x6e\x69\x6d\141\x6c\x20\x70\141\x73\163\167\x6f\162\144\x20\x6c\145\156\x67\164\x68\x20\x69\163\40\70\x2e"; goto Bbeee; da416: goto eeb25; goto Fad16; dc298: $config = (require "\56\x2e\x2f\x63\x6f\x6e\146\x69\147\56\x70\x68\160"); goto E68dc; Ff9ec: $b08a0["\x73\164\x61\x74\165\x73"] = "\145\162\162\157\x72"; goto ae2e9; C88b6: $b08a0["\163\x74\141\x74\x75\163"] = "\x65\x72\x72\157\x72"; goto A9a63; dd05e: $ecc19 = "\x3c\x3f\160\x68\x70\xa\12\x24\143\x6f\156\146\151\x67\40\x3d\40" . var_export($config, true) . "\73\12\162\145\164\165\x72\156\x20\44\143\x6f\156\x66\151\147\73\xa"; goto dca7b; E8e1d: $fb264 = $this->renameFolder(__DIR__ . "\57\56\56\x2f\141\x64\155\x69\156", __DIR__ . "\57\56\56\57" . $D05d6); goto Dadbb; cb193: if (!$Cb428["\x65\170\160\x69\162\x65\x64"]) { goto E12e1; } goto e8030; eb410: $c513c = $this->cabd6; goto C003a; ec4a0: D92e8: goto ca4fe; A751b: Bf1e5: goto B519e; D7d65: $Cb428 = json_decode($Cb428, true); goto ff3b6; a8203: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto Baef1; B519e: if (!($D05d6 != "\141\144\x6d\151\156")) { goto C50ab; } goto E8e1d; f1e1b: $b08a0["\x73\x74\x61\164\x75\163"] = "\x73\x75\x63\143\145\163\x73"; goto c5495; c5495: $b08a0["\155\x65\x73\163\141\147\x65"] = "\x4c\157\x67\151\x6e\x20\x73\x75\x63\x63\145\x73\163\146\165\154\x21"; goto C3b91; Bba24: Af3ec: goto E2165; E2165: $config["\x6b\x65\x79"] = $D31fa; goto f6521; d1e1c: C50ab: goto Bba24; C3b91: $_SESSION["\154\157\x67\x69\x6e"] = true; goto A4e12; Dadbb: if ($fb264["\163\x75\x63\x63\x65\163\x73"]) { goto e01e1; } goto C88b6; C40cc: $D31fa = $this->escapeString($D31fa); goto eb410; ca4fe: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto e1c86; B0cae: eeb25: goto ec4a0; A9a63: $b08a0["\x6d\x65\x73\163\x61\147\145"] = $fb264["\162\x65\x61\163\157\156"]; goto a8203; fdb0f: $b08a0["\163\164\x61\x74\165\163"] = "\x65\162\162\x6f\x72"; goto c5d5d; Baef1: die; goto ff286; ff3b6: if ($Cb428["\x6c\x69\166\145"]) { goto ba6af; } goto d3ee6; c90fa: b66c9: goto C40cc; Fad16: ba6af: goto cb193; b1a04: if ($this->isStrongPassword($Cef70)) { goto b66c9; } goto Ff9ec; dca7b: file_put_contents("\56\x2e\x2f\x63\x6f\156\146\151\147\x2e\x70\x68\x70", $ecc19); goto f1e1b; ff286: e01e1: goto d1e1c; B52cd: E12e1: goto dc298; A3178: $Cb428 = $this->curl("\120\x4f\x53\124", $c513c, $ff14f); goto D7d65; f6521: $config["\146\x6f\x6c\144\x65\x72"] = $D05d6; goto ea252; E68dc: if ($this->isAlphaOnly($D05d6)) { goto Bf1e5; } goto fdb0f; e1c86: } public function isAlphaOnly($ed625) { return preg_match("\x2f\x5e\x5b\141\55\x7a\101\x2d\x5a\x5d\53\44\x2f", $ed625); } private function SendMessageTelegram($bf847, $e9b3c, $b1f2e) { goto a9fa9; D0b16: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["\103\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\55\164\x79\160\x65\72\x20\141\160\160\154\151\143\141\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\57\170\x2d\167\x77\x77\55\146\x6f\x72\x6d\x2d\165\x72\x6c\145\x6e\x63\x6f\x64\145\x64"]); goto dc6e0; ec518: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($ff14f)); goto D0b16; Ea1c7: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto cb7bc; a91e8: curl_close($ee0e5); goto dd323; dd323: return json_decode($afc38, true); goto ff365; F951b: $ee0e5 = curl_init($c513c); goto Ea1c7; Bb644: d90e2: goto a91e8; a9fa9: $c513c = "\x68\x74\164\x70\163\72\x2f\x2f\x61\160\x69\56\x74\x65\154\145\147\162\x61\155\56\x6f\x72\147\x2f\x62\x6f\x74{$bf847}\57\x73\x65\x6e\x64\x4d\145\163\163\141\147\145"; goto Bb4bf; dc6e0: $afc38 = curl_exec($ee0e5); goto Decd4; Bb4bf: $ff14f = ["\143\150\x61\x74\x5f\151\144" => $e9b3c, "\x74\145\170\164" => $b1f2e, "\160\141\x72\x73\x65\x5f\x6d\157\144\145" => "\x48\x54\x4d\x4c"]; goto F951b; B1688: echo "\x45\x72\x72\x6f\162\72" . curl_error($ee0e5); goto Bb644; cb7bc: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto ec518; Decd4: if (!curl_errno($ee0e5)) { goto d90e2; } goto B1688; ff365: } public function renameFolder($c558a, $D5962) { goto D5518; F2c8b: return ["\x73\165\x63\x63\145\163\x73" => false, "\162\x65\141\x73\157\x6e" => $Fd76a]; goto b8682; Efd2f: b1f54: goto F68e4; f5d13: Bfced: goto a70e4; e2b3f: if (!(is_dir($D5962) && !is_writable($D5962))) { goto Fb218; } goto Fdde9; b71ac: return ["\163\x75\143\x63\145\x73\x73" => false, "\x72\145\141\163\x6f\156" => $Fd76a]; goto E851b; E9135: if (is_dir($c558a)) { goto b1f54; } goto Cb713; Fe4a2: return ["\163\x75\143\143\x65\163\163" => false, "\x72\x65\x61\x73\157\x6e" => $Fd76a]; goto b480b; Fdde9: $Fd76a = "\116\145\167\x20\146\157\154\x64\x65\x72\40\145\170\x69\163\164\163\40\x61\156\144\40\x69\x73\x20\156\157\x74\40\x77\162\x69\x74\x61\x62\x6c\145\x2e"; goto Fe4a2; b480b: Fb218: goto c915c; a70e4: $Fd76a = "\x46\141\151\154\x65\x64\x20\x74\157\40\162\145\156\x61\155\x65\40\146\x6f\x6c\x64\x65\x72\x2e"; goto b71ac; a6a62: return ["\163\165\143\143\145\163\x73" => true, "\x72\x65\x61\163\157\x6e" => '']; goto f5d13; Bddcf: $Fd76a = "\117\154\144\40\146\157\x6c\x64\x65\162\40\x69\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\164\40\167\x72\151\x74\141\x62\x6c\145\x2e"; goto F2c8b; D5518: $Fd76a = ''; goto E9135; b8682: ab67d: goto e2b3f; Cb713: $Fd76a = "\x4f\x6c\x64\x20\146\x6f\x6c\x64\x65\x72\x20\144\157\x65\x73\40\156\x6f\164\x20\145\x78\x69\x73\164\56"; goto A548a; A548a: return ["\x73\165\x63\143\x65\163\x73" => false, "\x72\145\141\163\157\x6e" => $Fd76a]; goto Efd2f; F68e4: if (is_writable($c558a)) { goto ab67d; } goto Bddcf; c915c: if (!rename($c558a, $D5962)) { goto Bfced; } goto a6a62; E851b: } public function sendCode() { goto b09c0; b09c0: $config = (require "\x2e\x2e\x2f\x63\x6f\156\x66\x69\x67\x2e\160\x68\160"); goto Fc449; B37d8: $this->SendMessageTelegram($config["\x74\145\154\x65\x67\x72\x61\x6d"]["\x62\157\x74\137\164\x6f\153\x65\156"], $config["\164\x65\x6c\145\147\162\141\x6d"]["\x63\x68\141\x74\137\151\x64"], $b1f2e); goto E3701; f67d4: $b1f2e = "\74\142\x3e\x4b\x72\141\x74\157\163\74\57\142\76\x20\x41\x64\x6d\151\x6e\x20\x50\141\x6e\145\154\12\12\103\157\x64\x65\x20\72\x20\x3c\143\x6f\144\x65\x3e{$b2c6d}\x3c\x2f\x63\157\144\145\76"; goto B37d8; E3701: F8d0e: goto Bd656; A073a: $_SESSION["\x63\x6f\144\145"] = $b2c6d; goto f67d4; Fc449: if (!$config["\x74\145\x6c\145\147\x72\x61\x6d"]["\164\x77\x6f\x66\141\x63\164\x6f\x72"]) { goto F8d0e; } goto d8427; d8427: $b2c6d = $this->generateRandomString(); goto A073a; Bd656: } public function isStrongPassword($Cef70) { goto Aeb38; Aeb38: $F37ea = 8; goto a3c5b; A3981: return true; goto ac9be; B6f51: return false; goto cbdc8; cbdc8: dc7ee: goto A3981; a3c5b: if (!(strlen($Cef70) < $F37ea)) { goto dc7ee; } goto B6f51; ac9be: } public function generateRandomString($b8030 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($aab15 = "\x61\142\143\144\x65\x66\147\150\151\152\x6b\154\x6f\155\x6e\x6f\x70\161\x72\x73\164\x75\166\167\170\x79\x7a\x41\x42\x43\104\x45\x46\x47\110\111\x4a\113\x4c\115\116\x4f\x50\121\122\x53\124\x55\126\x57\130\131\132\x30\61\62\63\x34\x35\x36\67\x38\71", ceil($b8030 / strlen($aab15)))), 1, $b8030); } public function removeUrlParameters($c513c) { goto ce03b; b4fe8: return $b16f4; goto f7370; ce03b: $e4d49 = parse_url($c513c); goto b9abd; Af998: $b16f4 .= isset($e4d49["\x70\141\x74\x68"]) ? $e4d49["\160\x61\x74\150"] : ''; goto b4fe8; ec6cc: $b16f4 .= isset($e4d49["\150\157\x73\164"]) ? $e4d49["\x68\x6f\x73\x74"] : ''; goto Af998; b9abd: $b16f4 = isset($e4d49["\x73\143\x68\145\155\x65"]) ? $e4d49["\163\143\150\x65\155\x65"] . "\72\57\57" : ''; goto ec6cc; f7370: } public function removeLastTwoDirectories($c513c) { goto C64e2; Df305: $b47a1 = explode("\x2f", trim($e4d49["\160\x61\164\150"], "\x2f")); goto C6515; ad110: Ad744: goto d9157; cce22: $bf4ad .= "\77" . $e4d49["\161\165\145\x72\x79"]; goto ad110; C64e2: $e4d49 = parse_url($c513c); goto Df305; E41f5: if (!isset($e4d49["\161\165\145\162\171"])) { goto Ad744; } goto cce22; d9157: return rtrim($bf4ad, "\x2f"); goto D7e5c; Bd1c0: $Bdb30 = "\x2f" . implode("\57", $Aa42a); goto b8347; C6515: $Aa42a = array_slice($b47a1, 0, -2); goto Bd1c0; b8347: $bf4ad = (isset($e4d49["\163\143\x68\x65\x6d\145"]) ? $e4d49["\163\143\150\145\155\x65"] . "\72\x2f\x2f" : '') . (isset($e4d49["\150\x6f\x73\164"]) ? $e4d49["\150\x6f\x73\x74"] : '') . $Bdb30; goto E41f5; D7e5c: } public function getLastSegmentFromUrl() { goto f8a89; f322a: $F171e = explode("\x2f", $b1b08); goto F7d55; B5b18: return null; goto f25b7; f8a89: $c513c = $_SERVER["\x52\105\x51\125\x45\123\x54\x5f\125\x52\111"]; goto D8b09; bbdcd: return $F171e[count($F171e) - 2]; goto B6546; F7d55: if (!(count($F171e) > 1)) { goto a3771; } goto bbdcd; D8b09: $b1b08 = parse_url($c513c, PHP_URL_PATH); goto B53ae; B53ae: $b1b08 = trim($b1b08, "\57"); goto f322a; B6546: a3771: goto B5b18; f25b7: } public function login($Cef70) { goto D2818; e8612: Fdaeb: goto f50eb; f5445: $config = (require "\56\56\x2f\x63\x6f\x6e\x66\151\147\x2e\160\150\x70"); goto acf2d; E7e09: $_SESSION["\154\157\147\x69\x6e"] = true; goto e8612; F986f: $b08a0["\163\x74\x61\164\x75\163"] = "\145\x72\162\157\162"; goto aa947; aa947: $b08a0["\155\145\163\x73\141\x67\145"] = "\120\141\x73\163\167\x6f\162\144\40\151\x6e\x63\x6f\x72\x72\145\x63\x74"; goto B92b3; abac1: $b08a0["\155\x65\163\x73\141\147\x65"] = "\114\157\147\x69\156\x20\x73\x75\x63\143\x65\163\x73\x66\x75\x6c\41"; goto E7e09; f50eb: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto a7bea; B2431: ab6d4: goto cbc2c; acf2d: if ($config["\x70\141\x73\163\167\x6f\162\x64"] == $Cef70) { goto ab6d4; } goto F986f; D2818: $Cef70 = $this->escapeString($Cef70); goto f5445; cbc2c: $b08a0["\x73\164\x61\164\165\163"] = "\163\x75\143\143\x65\x73\x73"; goto abac1; B92b3: goto Fdaeb; goto B2431; a7bea: } public function login_2fa($Cef70, $c61aa) { goto Da532; E69cc: if ($config["\160\x61\x73\163\167\x6f\x72\x64"] == $Cef70 && $c61aa == $_SESSION["\143\157\x64\145"]) { goto F51ea; } goto b0782; C2874: goto Bcb79; goto aba9e; A5cdb: Bcb79: goto F5196; Fbc2a: $b08a0["\x6d\145\163\x73\x61\147\145"] = "\x50\x61\163\163\x77\157\x72\x64\x20\x6f\162\40\103\157\144\x65\x20\x69\x6e\143\x6f\x72\162\145\x63\x74"; goto C2874; Ff363: $c61aa = $this->escapeString($c61aa); goto Ba297; Ba297: $config = (require "\x2e\x2e\57\143\x6f\156\x66\x69\x67\x2e\x70\x68\160"); goto E69cc; Da532: $Cef70 = $this->escapeString($Cef70); goto Ff363; b2935: $_SESSION["\x6c\x6f\x67\151\156"] = true; goto A5cdb; F5196: echo json_encode($b08a0); goto E0752; aa777: $b08a0["\x6d\x65\163\163\x61\147\145"] = "\x4c\x6f\x67\151\x6e\40\163\165\x63\143\145\x73\x73\x66\x75\154\41"; goto b2935; aba9e: F51ea: goto f40b3; b0782: $b08a0["\x73\164\x61\164\x75\163"] = "\145\162\162\x6f\162"; goto Fbc2a; f40b3: $b08a0["\163\164\x61\x74\165\x73"] = "\163\x75\143\x63\145\163\163"; goto aa777; E0752: } public function logout() { goto Ccd47; Ccd47: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x6c\x6f\x67\151\x6e"])) { goto B3765; } goto Eb315; Eb315: session_destroy(); goto dc5e1; dc5e1: B3765: goto F6e7f; F6e7f: } public function check() { goto Ed0ca; a7749: F12d3: goto e0344; Ed0ca: if (isset($_SESSION["\x6c\x6f\147\x69\156"])) { goto F12d3; } goto c6100; c6100: header("\114\x6f\143\x61\164\x69\157\156\72\40\x6c\157\x67\151\156"); goto be3a8; be3a8: die; goto a7749; e0344: } public function curl($F1a85, $c513c, $ff14f) { goto Eedac; Ac872: $Cb428 = curl_exec($ee0e5); goto ff0e5; f02ee: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($ff14f)); goto Ec1e8; aa3f3: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Ac872; d8a46: echo "\143\125\122\114\40\145\162\x72\157\x72\x3a\40" . curl_error($ee0e5); goto aad37; Bb98c: if (!($F1a85 == "\x50\117\x53\124")) { goto bb2cb; } goto c9bbe; Ec1e8: bb2cb: goto aa3f3; Eedac: $ee0e5 = curl_init(); goto cddda; d5c88: return $Cb428; goto E65fe; f8123: curl_close($ee0e5); goto d5c88; ff0e5: if (!($Cb428 === false)) { goto Da616; } goto d8a46; cddda: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_URL, $c513c); goto Bb98c; c9bbe: curl_setopt($ee0e5, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto f02ee; aad37: Da616: goto f8123; E65fe: } public function emptyFile($c1373) { goto B2097; fd412: $b4c8e = fopen($a2390, "\x77"); goto a82cd; Bb904: c6073: goto Ff978; ab41f: F6ce2: goto Bb904; Ebd19: if (!(file_exists($a2390) && is_writable($a2390))) { goto F6ce2; } goto fd412; D4881: $a2390 = "\x2e\x2e\57" . $f2edc[$c1373]; goto D1d61; a82cd: if (!$b4c8e) { goto cde02; } goto A8102; A8102: fclose($b4c8e); goto d25ed; b22ab: $f2edc = ["\x76\x69\x73\151\x74\x6f\x72" => $config["\146\x69\x6c\x65\163"]["\x76\151\x73\x69\164"], "\x69\156\x76\141\x6c\151\x64" => $config["\x66\x69\x6c\145\163"]["\x69\156\166\x61\154\x69\144"], "\166\x61\x6c\151\x64" => $config["\146\x69\154\145\x73"]["\166\x61\x6c\151\x64"]]; goto A3048; d25ed: cde02: goto ab41f; A3048: if (!array_key_exists($c1373, $f2edc)) { goto c6073; } goto D4881; B2097: $config = (require "\56\x2e\x2f\143\157\156\x66\151\x67\x2e\160\150\160"); goto b22ab; D1d61: echo $a2390; goto Ebd19; Ff978: } public function getServerIp() { goto Cc8e2; F2f04: $Cb428 = json_decode($Cb428, true); goto d6638; d6638: return $Cb428["\151\x70"]; goto ff892; f9394: $Cb428 = $this->curl("\x47\x45\x54", $c513c, ''); goto F2f04; Cc8e2: $c513c = $this->e8e43; goto f9394; ff892: } private function escapeString($b2738) { goto aed49; c6f3d: $b2738 = str_replace("\74", '', $b2738); goto Adb2d; Adb2d: $b2738 = str_replace("\x27", '', $b2738); goto a3cdc; a3cdc: return $b2738; goto f659e; aed49: $b2738 = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($b2738), ENT_QUOTES, "\125\124\x46\x2d\x38"); goto c6f3d; f659e: } public function readJsonFile($config, $ded27) { goto C737c; f9e34: $ff14f = json_decode($D381c, true); goto C4cbc; A2805: $b4c8e = $A8418 . "\57\x2e\56\57" . $config["\146\x69\154\145\163"]["\166\x69\163\x69\x74"]; goto D0e7e; A89a7: $b4c8e = $A8418 . "\57\x2e\x2e\57" . $config["\x66\151\x6c\x65\163"]["\151\x6e\x76\x61\154\151\144"]; goto d8c6d; d040d: foreach ($ff14f as $C8963) { goto C6059; Ea2e0: if (!($ded27 == "\x76\x61\x6c\151\144" || $ded27 == "\x69\156\x76\x61\x6c\151\x64")) { goto Dcf0e; } goto aab47; fd797: d0310: goto efcc0; e0012: $f3763 = array_merge($C8963, $C8963["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]); goto F5b47; c1e40: $afc38["\144\x61\164\x61"][$afc38["\x72\x65\x63\x6f\162\144\x73\124\157\x74\x61\x6c"]] = $f3763; goto A1be2; B09a3: unset($f3763["\144\145\x74\141\151\154\163"]); goto c1e40; aab47: $f3763 = array_merge($afc38["\144\x61\x74\x61"][$afc38["\x72\x65\143\x6f\x72\x64\x73\124\157\x74\x61\x6c"]], $afc38["\144\141\164\141"][$afc38["\162\x65\143\x6f\x72\144\163\x54\157\164\141\154"]]["\144\145\164\141\151\154\163"]); goto B09a3; F5b47: unset($f3763["\x69\156\x66\x6f"]); goto F64fc; E8748: $afc38["\x62\157\164\x43\x6f\x75\156\164"]++; goto B619b; A1be2: Dcf0e: goto edd9f; edd9f: $afc38["\x72\145\x63\157\x72\144\x73\x54\x6f\x74\x61\x6c"]++; goto fd797; F64fc: $afc38["\144\141\164\x61"][$afc38["\162\x65\x63\157\x72\x64\163\124\x6f\164\141\x6c"]] = $f3763; goto Ea2e0; e23ff: if (!$C8963["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\151\163\x5f\x62\157\164"]) { goto a3f19; } goto E8748; B619b: a3f19: goto e0012; C6059: $C8963 = $this->checkUserSecurity($config, $C8963); goto e23ff; efcc0: } goto e2825; C4cbc: $afc38["\144\162\141\167"] = 1; goto Cf41b; Aebf1: $afc38["\142\x6f\164\103\157\165\156\164"] = 0; goto fd182; bfbb9: if (file_exists($b4c8e)) { goto f1e56; } goto E4022; c9e98: cc688: goto A2805; Cf41b: $afc38["\x72\x65\143\157\162\x64\x73\124\157\x74\x61\x6c"] = 0; goto cf516; cf516: $afc38["\x72\x65\x63\x6f\x72\x64\163\x46\x69\x6c\x74\145\x72\x65\144"] = 0; goto Aebf1; a8049: $D381c = file_get_contents($b4c8e); goto f9e34; F1776: return []; goto B2fc8; d8c6d: a1b78: goto aa335; d57a6: b3182: goto abf6e; e2825: ff311: goto d57a6; B2fc8: f1e56: goto a8049; D0e7e: f3793: goto bfbb9; C1ed7: if (!is_array($ff14f)) { goto b3182; } goto d040d; fd182: $afc38["\144\x61\164\141"] = []; goto C1ed7; C737c: $A8418 = dirname(__FILE__); goto ee79e; ee79e: if ($ded27 == "\166\151\x73\x69\164") { goto cc688; } goto D778a; D778a: if ($ded27 == "\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64") { goto b9208; } goto E11c4; E11c4: if (!($ded27 == "\151\x6e\166\141\154\x69\144")) { goto a1b78; } goto A89a7; acc48: goto f3793; goto c9e98; F22ed: d14c3: goto acc48; E4022: file_put_contents($b4c8e, json_encode([])); goto F1776; cd6d2: b9208: goto bb5fb; bb5fb: $b4c8e = $A8418 . "\57\x2e\x2e\57" . $config["\146\x69\x6c\x65\163"]["\x76\x61\x6c\x69\144"]; goto F22ed; abf6e: return is_array($afc38) ? $afc38 : []; goto D5c34; aa335: goto d14c3; goto cd6d2; D5c34: } public function getFullUrl() { goto Ba6f7; adbdb: return $f13ef; goto D647a; Ba6f7: $Ddf68 = !empty($_SERVER["\110\x54\124\x50\x53"]) && $_SERVER["\110\x54\x54\120\x53"] !== "\157\146\x66" ? "\x68\164\164\160\x73\72\57\x2f" : "\x68\x74\164\x70\x3a\x2f\57"; goto a9ab9; a9ab9: $f13ef = $Ddf68 . $_SERVER["\110\124\124\x50\137\110\117\x53\x54"] . $_SERVER["\122\x45\x51\x55\x45\123\x54\x5f\x55\122\x49"]; goto adbdb; D647a: } public function generateRandomStringChar($b8030 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($aab15 = "\141\142\143\144\x65\x66\x67\150\151\152\153\154\157\x6d\x6e\157\160\x71\x72\x73\164\165\x76\x77\x78\171\x7a\x41\x42\103\x44\105\x46\107\x48\111\x4a\x4b\x4c\115\x4e\x4f\120\121\x52\x53\124\125\x56\x57\x58\131\132", ceil($b8030 / strlen($aab15)))), 1, $b8030); } public function checkUserSecurity($config, $afc38) { goto ec0cd; A2413: if (!($config["\x62\x6f\x74"]["\x63\162\x61\x77\x6c\145\x72"] == 1 && $afc38["\151\x6e\146\x6f"]["\x69\163\137\143\x72\x61\167\x6c\x65\x72"])) { goto B469a; } goto cf9fd; cf9fd: $afc38["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\x5f\x62\157\164"] = true; goto fd448; d87a6: if (!($config["\142\x6f\x74"]["\141\x62\x75\163\145\x72"] == 1 && $afc38["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\151\x73\137\x61\x62\165\x73\145\162"])) { goto Da6fe; } goto dfe0d; F910e: goto A85d8; goto Eae8d; Fc760: $afc38["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\x69\163\x5f\x62\157\164"] = true; goto A3d5f; A3d5f: a7662: goto bf0bf; b4fb0: if (!($afc38["\151\156\x66\x6f"]["\151\x73\x5f\144\x61\x74\141\x63\145\x6e\164\x65\x72"] != false && $config["\142\157\x74"]["\144\141\x74\141\x63\145\156\x74\x65\162"] == 1 && $afc38["\151\x6e\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\137\142\154\x6f\x63\x6b\145\x64\x5f\x64\x61\164\x61\x63\x65\156\164\x65\x72"] == true)) { goto eaa14; } goto bb993; Fae05: c8c4a: goto C8746; e364c: eaa14: goto F910e; Fb2bd: $afc38["\x69\156\146\157"]["\x69\163\x5f\142\x6f\x74"] = true; goto B282c; fd448: B469a: goto A0f9c; C8746: if (!($config["\x62\157\x74"]["\x76\x70\156"] == 1 && $afc38["\x69\156\146\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x76\160\x6e"])) { goto b3a6a; } goto Fa960; A65b1: if ($afc38["\151\156\146\x6f"]["\151\x73\137\x64\x61\164\x61\x63\x65\156\164\x65\162"] != false && $config["\142\x6f\164"]["\144\x61\164\x61\x63\145\x6e\164\x65\162"] == 2) { goto cfc3a; } goto b4fb0; dfe0d: $afc38["\x69\x6e\146\x6f"]["\x69\163\137\x62\x6f\164"] = true; goto d38bc; d38bc: Da6fe: goto E2a31; E2a31: Fa25c: goto b64a3; bf0bf: return $afc38; goto D7364; Eae8d: cfc3a: goto Fb2bd; E1f57: $afc38["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\x69\163\x5f\142\x6f\164"] = true; goto ae6f2; ec0cd: $afc38["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x62\157\164"] = false; goto F23d9; ae6f2: b2c5b: goto d87a6; b64a3: if ($afc38["\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64\137\143\141\x70\164\143\x68\141"]) { goto a7662; } goto Fc760; F23d9: if (!$afc38["\151\x6e\146\x6f"]["\163\x74\141\164\165\x73"]) { goto Fa25c; } goto A2413; bb993: $afc38["\151\x6e\146\157"]["\x69\163\137\x62\x6f\x74"] = true; goto e364c; B282c: A85d8: goto Fae05; Ca4d7: if (!($config["\142\157\x74"]["\160\x72\x6f\x78\x79"] == 1 && $afc38["\x69\x6e\x66\157"]["\151\163\x5f\x70\162\157\170\x79"])) { goto b2c5b; } goto E1f57; Fa960: $afc38["\151\156\x66\157"]["\x69\163\137\x62\157\x74"] = true; goto A6e2e; A6e2e: b3a6a: goto Ca4d7; A0f9c: if (!($config["\142\x6f\164"]["\x64\141\x74\141\143\145\156\x74\x65\x72"] != 0)) { goto c8c4a; } goto A65b1; D7364: } public function getCountry() { $A9d4e = ["\101\106" => "\x41\146\x67\x68\141\156\151\163\x74\141\x6e", "\101\x4c" => "\x41\154\x62\x61\x6e\x69\141", "\x44\132" => "\101\154\147\x65\x72\151\141", "\101\x44" => "\101\x6e\x64\157\x72\x72\141", "\101\117" => "\x41\x6e\x67\157\x6c\141", "\101\107" => "\x41\156\164\151\147\x75\x61\x20\x61\156\144\x20\x42\x61\x72\x62\165\144\141", "\x41\122" => "\101\x72\x67\145\156\164\151\x6e\x61", "\101\115" => "\101\x72\155\145\x6e\151\141", "\101\x55" => "\x41\x75\163\164\162\x61\154\151\x61", "\x41\x54" => "\101\165\x73\x74\x72\x69\x61", "\101\x5a" => "\101\x7a\145\162\x62\x61\151\x6a\x61\156", "\x42\x53" => "\102\141\x68\x61\155\x61\x73", "\x42\x48" => "\x42\141\x68\162\x61\x69\x6e", "\102\x44" => "\x42\141\156\x67\154\141\144\145\x73\150", "\x42\102" => "\x42\x61\162\x62\x61\144\157\163", "\102\x59" => "\102\145\154\x61\x72\165\x73", "\102\105" => "\x42\x65\x6c\x67\151\165\x6d", "\102\x5a" => "\102\x65\x6c\151\x7a\x65", "\x42\112" => "\x42\145\156\x69\x6e", "\102\124" => "\102\x68\x75\164\x61\156", "\102\x4f" => "\102\x6f\154\151\166\x69\141", "\102\101" => "\102\x6f\x73\x6e\x69\141\40\141\156\x64\x20\x48\x65\162\172\x65\x67\157\x76\x69\x6e\x61", "\102\127" => "\x42\157\164\163\x77\141\x6e\x61", "\102\122" => "\102\x72\141\172\151\154", "\x42\116" => "\x42\162\165\156\145\x69", "\x42\107" => "\x42\165\x6c\x67\x61\x72\151\x61", "\102\106" => "\102\x75\162\x6b\151\156\x61\40\x46\x61\x73\157", "\x42\x49" => "\102\x75\162\165\x6e\x64\x69", "\103\x56" => "\103\x61\x62\157\40\126\145\162\144\145", "\x4b\110" => "\103\141\x6d\x62\x6f\x64\151\141", "\103\115" => "\x43\141\155\x65\162\157\157\x6e", "\103\101" => "\103\141\x6e\x61\144\x61", "\x43\x46" => "\x43\145\x6e\164\162\141\154\40\101\146\162\151\143\141\156\40\122\x65\x70\165\142\x6c\151\143", "\124\104" => "\103\x68\x61\144", "\x43\114" => "\x43\x68\x69\x6c\x65", "\x43\x4e" => "\x43\x68\151\156\x61", "\103\117" => "\103\157\x6c\157\x6d\x62\x69\141", "\x4b\115" => "\103\x6f\155\x6f\162\157\163", "\103\x44" => "\103\x6f\156\x67\x6f\54\40\104\x65\x6d\x6f\x63\x72\x61\164\151\143\x20\122\145\x70\x75\142\x6c\x69\x63\x20\x6f\x66\x20\164\x68\145", "\103\107" => "\103\x6f\156\147\157\x2c\40\x52\x65\160\x75\142\x6c\151\x63\x20\x6f\146\x20\x74\x68\145", "\103\x52" => "\103\157\163\164\141\x20\122\151\x63\x61", "\110\x52" => "\x43\162\x6f\x61\x74\x69\141", "\x43\x55" => "\x43\165\142\x61", "\103\131" => "\x43\171\x70\162\x75\163", "\103\132" => "\103\x7a\145\143\150\x20\x52\x65\x70\x75\x62\x6c\x69\143", "\x44\x4b" => "\104\145\156\x6d\141\x72\153", "\x44\112" => "\104\x6a\151\142\157\165\164\x69", "\x44\x4d" => "\104\157\x6d\x69\156\151\x63\x61", "\x44\117" => "\104\157\x6d\151\156\x69\143\141\156\40\122\145\160\x75\142\154\x69\143", "\105\x43" => "\105\143\165\x61\x64\157\x72", "\x45\x47" => "\x45\x67\171\160\164", "\123\x56" => "\x45\154\40\123\141\154\166\141\144\157\162", "\x47\121" => "\x45\161\x75\x61\x74\157\162\151\141\154\x20\107\165\x69\x6e\145\141", "\105\x52" => "\105\x72\151\164\162\145\141", "\x45\x45" => "\x45\x73\164\157\x6e\x69\141", "\x53\x5a" => "\x45\163\x77\141\164\x69\x6e\x69", "\105\x54" => "\105\x74\x68\x69\157\160\x69\141", "\106\112" => "\106\x69\x6a\151", "\x46\111" => "\106\151\156\154\141\x6e\144", "\x46\x52" => "\106\162\x61\x6e\x63\145", "\x47\101" => "\x47\x61\x62\x6f\x6e", "\107\x4d" => "\x47\x61\x6d\142\x69\141", "\107\105" => "\107\145\157\162\x67\x69\x61", "\104\x45" => "\x47\x65\162\155\x61\x6e\171", "\x47\110" => "\107\150\141\x6e\x61", "\107\x52" => "\107\162\x65\145\x63\x65", "\x47\104" => "\107\162\x65\x6e\x61\144\x61", "\107\x54" => "\107\x75\x61\164\x65\x6d\x61\x6c\141", "\107\x4e" => "\107\x75\x69\156\x65\x61", "\x47\127" => "\107\x75\x69\x6e\x65\141\55\102\x69\x73\163\141\165", "\x47\x59" => "\x47\165\x79\141\x6e\x61", "\x48\124" => "\x48\141\151\x74\x69", "\110\116" => "\x48\157\156\x64\165\162\x61\163", "\x48\125" => "\110\165\x6e\x67\141\162\171", "\x49\123" => "\x49\143\x65\x6c\x61\156\x64", "\x49\116" => "\111\156\144\151\141", "\111\104" => "\111\156\144\157\x6e\145\x73\x69\141", "\111\122" => "\x49\x72\141\156", "\111\x51" => "\111\162\x61\161", "\111\x45" => "\x49\162\145\154\141\x6e\144", "\111\x4c" => "\x49\163\162\x61\x65\x6c", "\x49\124" => "\111\164\141\x6c\x79", "\x4a\x4d" => "\112\141\x6d\141\x69\x63\141", "\x4a\120" => "\112\x61\160\141\156", "\x4a\x45" => "\x4a\x65\x72\163\x65\x79", "\x4a\x4f" => "\x4a\157\x72\144\x61\156", "\x4b\132" => "\113\141\x7a\x61\x6b\150\163\x74\x61\x6e", "\113\105" => "\x4b\x65\x6e\x79\141", "\113\x49" => "\113\151\x72\151\x62\141\164\151", "\x4b\x50" => "\x4b\157\x72\145\141\54\x20\x4e\157\x72\164\x68", "\113\x52" => "\113\x6f\x72\145\141\54\40\x53\157\x75\x74\x68", "\113\x57" => "\x4b\x75\167\141\x69\x74", "\113\x47" => "\113\171\x72\147\x79\172\x73\x74\x61\x6e", "\114\x41" => "\x4c\x61\157\x73", "\114\126" => "\x4c\x61\164\166\151\x61", "\114\x42" => "\x4c\x65\142\141\x6e\157\x6e", "\x4c\123" => "\114\x65\163\157\164\x68\x6f", "\114\x52" => "\114\x69\142\x65\x72\x69\x61", "\x4c\x59" => "\x4c\x69\x62\171\x61", "\114\111" => "\x4c\x69\145\143\x68\164\145\156\x73\164\x65\x69\156", "\114\x54" => "\114\x69\x74\150\165\x61\156\x69\x61", "\114\x55" => "\x4c\165\170\145\x6d\142\x6f\165\162\147", "\x4d\x47" => "\115\141\x64\141\147\x61\x73\x63\x61\x72", "\115\127" => "\x4d\141\154\141\x77\x69", "\x4d\131" => "\x4d\x61\x6c\x61\171\163\151\x61", "\115\126" => "\x4d\x61\154\x64\x69\x76\145\163", "\115\114" => "\115\141\154\x69", "\x4d\x54" => "\x4d\141\x6c\x74\x61", "\x4d\110" => "\x4d\141\162\x73\x68\141\x6c\154\40\111\163\154\141\x6e\144\163", "\x4d\122" => "\115\x61\x75\x72\151\x74\x61\x6e\151\x61", "\115\125" => "\115\x61\165\162\151\x74\151\165\x73", "\115\130" => "\x4d\x65\170\x69\x63\x6f", "\x46\115" => "\115\x69\x63\x72\157\x6e\145\x73\151\141", "\115\x44" => "\x4d\157\x6c\x64\157\x76\141", "\115\x43" => "\115\x6f\x6e\141\x63\157", "\x4d\116" => "\115\157\x6e\x67\x6f\x6c\x69\141", "\115\105" => "\x4d\157\x6e\164\145\156\145\x67\x72\x6f", "\115\101" => "\x4d\x6f\162\x6f\143\143\157", "\115\x5a" => "\115\x6f\x7a\141\x6d\142\x69\x71\165\145", "\x4d\x4d" => "\x4d\171\x61\x6e\155\141\162", "\116\x41" => "\116\141\x6d\151\142\x69\141", "\x4e\x52" => "\x4e\x61\165\x72\165", "\x4e\120" => "\116\145\160\141\x6c", "\116\x4c" => "\x4e\145\164\x68\145\x72\154\x61\156\x64\x73", "\116\x5a" => "\116\x65\x77\x20\x5a\145\x61\154\x61\156\144", "\x4e\x49" => "\116\x69\143\x61\162\141\147\x75\141", "\116\x45" => "\116\151\x67\x65\162", "\116\x47" => "\116\151\147\x65\x72\x69\141", "\x4d\x4b" => "\x4e\157\x72\x74\150\40\115\141\143\145\x64\157\x6e\x69\x61", "\x4e\x4f" => "\x4e\x6f\x72\167\x61\x79", "\x4f\115" => "\x4f\155\141\156", "\120\x4b" => "\x50\141\153\151\x73\x74\x61\156", "\120\127" => "\x50\x61\x6c\x61\165", "\x50\123" => "\120\x61\x6c\145\163\x74\x69\156\x65", "\120\x41" => "\120\141\156\x61\155\141", "\120\107" => "\x50\141\160\x75\141\40\x4e\x65\167\x20\107\x75\151\156\x65\x61", "\x50\131" => "\120\x61\x72\141\147\x75\x61\x79", "\x50\x45" => "\120\x65\162\x75", "\x50\x48" => "\120\150\x69\x6c\151\160\x70\x69\156\145\163", "\x50\114" => "\120\157\154\141\x6e\144", "\120\x54" => "\120\x6f\162\164\165\x67\141\154", "\x51\x41" => "\x51\x61\164\141\x72", "\122\x45" => "\122\303\xa9\165\x6e\151\x6f\x6e", "\x52\117" => "\122\157\x6d\x61\x6e\151\x61", "\122\125" => "\122\165\x73\x73\151\x61", "\122\x57" => "\x52\167\141\156\x64\x61", "\127\123" => "\123\x61\x6d\157\141", "\x53\115" => "\123\x61\x6e\x20\115\x61\x72\151\x6e\157", "\x53\x54" => "\x53\141\157\x20\x54\x6f\x6d\x65\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\x50\162\x69\156\143\151\160\145", "\x53\x41" => "\x53\x61\x75\144\151\40\101\162\x61\x62\x69\141", "\123\116" => "\123\145\156\x65\x67\x61\x6c", "\122\x53" => "\123\145\x72\142\x69\x61", "\123\103" => "\x53\145\x79\143\150\145\x6c\x6c\145\163", "\x53\114" => "\123\x69\x65\x72\x72\141\x20\x4c\145\157\x6e\x65", "\x53\107" => "\x53\x69\x6e\147\141\160\x6f\162\x65", "\x53\x4b" => "\x53\x6c\157\x76\x61\x6b\151\141", "\123\111" => "\x53\x6c\157\x76\x65\156\x69\x61", "\123\102" => "\x53\157\154\157\x6d\x6f\x6e\40\111\x73\x6c\141\156\x64\x73", "\x53\117" => "\123\157\155\x61\x6c\x69\x61", "\132\x41" => "\123\157\165\x74\x68\40\101\146\x72\151\x63\141", "\123\x53" => "\x53\x6f\165\164\x68\x20\123\165\x64\x61\x6e", "\x45\123" => "\x53\x70\x61\151\156", "\x4c\113" => "\x53\x72\x69\x20\x4c\x61\x6e\153\x61", "\123\x44" => "\x53\x75\x64\141\156", "\x53\x52" => "\123\x75\162\151\156\x61\x6d\x65", "\x53\132" => "\x53\x77\145\144\x65\156", "\103\x48" => "\123\x77\x69\164\x7a\x65\x72\x6c\x61\x6e\x64", "\123\131" => "\x53\x79\x72\x69\x61", "\x54\127" => "\x54\x61\x69\167\x61\x6e", "\x54\112" => "\x54\x61\x6a\151\x6b\x69\x73\164\141\156", "\124\x5a" => "\124\x61\x6e\172\141\x6e\151\141", "\x54\110" => "\124\150\x61\x69\x6c\141\x6e\144", "\x54\x4c" => "\x54\151\x6d\157\162\55\114\x65\163\x74\x65", "\x54\x47" => "\x54\157\x67\157", "\124\117" => "\x54\157\x6e\x67\x61", "\x54\x54" => "\124\162\151\x6e\x69\144\141\144\40\141\x6e\144\x20\124\157\142\x61\x67\x6f", "\x54\x4e" => "\124\x75\x6e\x69\163\x69\x61", "\x54\x52" => "\x54\x75\162\153\x65\171", "\x54\x4d" => "\x54\165\x72\153\155\x65\156\151\x73\x74\x61\156", "\x54\126" => "\x54\165\166\141\x6c\x75", "\125\x47" => "\x55\x67\141\156\144\x61", "\x55\x41" => "\125\x6b\x72\141\151\156\x65", "\101\x45" => "\125\156\x69\x74\145\x64\x20\101\x72\x61\142\x20\x45\155\151\162\x61\x74\145\163", "\x47\x42" => "\x55\156\151\x74\x65\x64\x20\x4b\151\x6e\x67\144\x6f\x6d", "\125\x53" => "\x55\x6e\x69\x74\x65\x64\x20\123\x74\x61\164\x65\x73", "\125\x59" => "\125\x72\165\147\x75\x61\x79", "\125\132" => "\125\172\x62\145\153\x69\x73\164\141\x6e", "\126\x55" => "\126\141\156\165\141\164\x75", "\x56\x45" => "\x56\145\x6e\145\172\x75\145\x6c\141", "\x56\x4e" => "\x56\151\145\x74\x6e\x61\x6d", "\x59\105" => "\x59\145\155\145\x6e", "\x5a\x4d" => "\132\141\155\x62\151\141", "\x5a\127" => "\x5a\151\x6d\x62\x61\x62\x77\145"]; return $A9d4e; } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 91c40d00aa50f22e7865fbd92a57abe4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 109 ms |