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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro..

Decoded Output download

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:37:43              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 declare (strict_types=1); namespace EHXByaRaa; use eHXBY\ehxby; use EHXBy\EXXOK; use EhxbY\wWbYy; use eHXby\oqPQU; use EHxby\IoRWm; use EhXby\ZcTHl; use ehXby\sUJP1\GTYSc; use Closure; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; trait F3lZz { use Zkpcv; public function format(string $wEsyO) : string { goto FvTQa; n_6KY: $jDJA0 = [$this, $jDJA0]; goto K4whH; FvTQa: $jDJA0 = $this->Jyph3 ?? $this->BOJAl()->vpPIE()["formatFunction"] ?? static::$OhSkp; goto qoFz9; K4whH: DCYFb: goto ajYOl; SKycO: return $this->ZzwF0($wEsyO); goto yf1m7; NC9LX: if (!(\is_string($jDJA0) && method_exists($this, $jDJA0))) { goto DCYFb; } goto n_6KY; yf1m7: zg__f: goto NC9LX; qoFz9: if ($jDJA0) { goto zg__f; } goto SKycO; ajYOl: return $jDJA0(...unc_get_args()); goto FFjAI; FFjAI: } public function ZZwF0(string $wEsyO) : string { return parent::format($wEsyO); } public function __toString() : string { $wEsyO = $this->C9DP2 ?? $this->BojAl()->vPPie()["toStringFormat"] ?? null; return $wEsyO instanceof Closure ? $wEsyO($this) : $this->zzwf0($wEsyO ?: (\defined("P6Pbv") ? static::zaNDz : wWbyy::zaNDz)); } public function fv_WN() : string { return $this->ZzwF0("Y-m-d"); } public function e6Crc() : string { return $this->Zzwf0("M j, Y"); } public function qNq2V() : string { return $this->zzWF0("D, M j, Y"); } public function BTF_q(string $YTQci = "second") : string { return $this->Zzwf0(static::qVmCs($YTQci)); } public function sQhFs(string $YTQci = "second") : string { return $this->ZZwf0("Y-m-d " . static::QvMCS($YTQci)); } public static function QVMCs(string $YTQci) : string { return match (static::mJtb4($YTQci)) { "minute" => "H:i", "second" => "H:i:s", "m", "millisecond" => "H:i:s.v", "", "microsecond" => "H:i:s.u", default => throw new gTYSC("Precision unit expected among: minute, second, millisecond and microsecond."), }; } public function GLR0x(string $YTQci = "second") : string { return $this->ZZWf0("Y-m-d\T" . static::QVMCs($YTQci)); } public function r3dkx() : string { return $this->ZzWf0("D, M j, Y g:i A"); } public function uP9FT() : string { return $this->zZWF0(DateTime::ATOM); } public function iaJJQ() : string { return $this->zzWf0(DateTimeInterface::COOKIE); } public function RRzOs() : string { return $this->UP9ft(); } public function y4di3() : string { return $this->ZZWF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC822); } public function yZgn9(string $YTQci = "second") : string { return $this->qZzEf()->kDMBa()->ZZWF0("Y-m-d\T" . static::qVMcS($YTQci) . "\Z"); } public function S6hgo() : string { return $this->ZZwF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC850); } public function ejWDM() : string { return $this->ZZWF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC1036); } public function f4372() : string { return $this->ZZWF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC1123); } public function vTggx() : string { return $this->ZZwf0(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822); } public function d5Yib(bool $tA0_i = false) : string { return $this->Zzwf0($tA0_i ? DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED : DateTimeInterface::RFC3339); } public function c8ZDE() : string { return $this->ZzwF0(DateTimeInterface::RSS); } public function sn5cl() : string { return $this->ZzWF0(DateTimeInterface::W3C); } public function vBcov() : string { return $this->QZzef()->setTimezone("GMT")->ZZWf0(\defined("iUzVK") ? static::mUdeE : wwByy::mUdeE); } public function toArray() : array { return ["year" => $this->BHylG, "month" => $this->FQEsj, "day" => $this->TwJA5, "dayOfWeek" => $this->KbeKg, "dayOfYear" => $this->tX3Ks, "hour" => $this->cKmmY, "minute" => $this->SjqQq, "second" => $this->F_Fa0, "micro" => $this->rPZj6, "timestamp" => $this->PGHk5, "formatted" => $this->zzWf0(\defined("P6Pbv") ? static::zaNDz : wWbYy::zaNDz), "timezone" => $this->JXJbB]; } public function cxz2Q() : object { return (object) $this->toArray(); } public function YS3mk() : string { return $this->qZZeF()->IvF6g("en")->ihqOs("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ"); } public function hFd0a(bool $mMHDO = false) : ?string { goto Y5PV7; MjIXm: $iiH83 = $this->BHylG < 0 || $this->BHylG > 9999 ? "YYYYYY" : "YYYY"; goto oWYe5; rnJeO: $DX2Vf = $mMHDO ? $this : $this->qzZeF()->KDMBA(); goto NsXg5; eH5mW: kQer6: goto MjIXm; oWYe5: $ObnSK = $mMHDO ? "Z" : "[Z]"; goto rnJeO; x20fR: return null; goto eH5mW; NsXg5: return $DX2Vf->ihQOs("{$iiH83}-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS{$ObnSK}"); goto LRH9I; Y5PV7: if ($this->IwFhC()) { goto kQer6; } goto x20fR; LRH9I: } public function RLBhB() : ?string { return $this->Hfd0a(); } public function UxPa4() : DateTime { return new DateTime($this->zZwF0("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function XTexu() : DateTimeImmutable { return new DateTimeImmutable($this->zZWf0("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function tN1qB() : DateTime { return $this->UxPA4(); } public function DmFMY($iUYdO = null, $bL9tC = null, $puh5U = null) : iorwM { goto pCnC4; GskNP: $bL9tC ??= oQpQu::pcWHu(); goto wGD2y; a7KiL: $iUYdO = (int) $iUYdO; goto hZ5hW; HvYVH: if (\is_int($iUYdO)) { goto eO_pT; } goto o9GeF; CGwf3: return new $HCTvI(raw: [$this, oqPQu::HKVAN($bL9tC), $iUYdO], dateClass: static::class, isDefaultInterval: $Y7tlv); goto M2j4q; hZ5hW: BvmZK: goto O6Kr2; wGD2y: $HCTvI = $this->j2AV0() ? ioRwM::class : zCThL::class; goto jE9Ee; L3fhw: $bL9tC = OqpQu::hkvan("{$bL9tC} " . static::lEJAQ($puh5U)); goto q1vva; q1vva: V__dB: goto GhKj3; o9GeF: $iUYdO = $this->iADkP($iUYdO); goto XE15i; GhKj3: $Y7tlv = !$bL9tC; goto GskNP; jE9Ee: if (!(\is_int($iUYdO) || \is_string($iUYdO) && ctype_digit($iUYdO))) { goto BvmZK; } goto a7KiL; XE15i: eO_pT: goto CGwf3; O6Kr2: $iUYdO ??= 1; goto HvYVH; pCnC4: if (!$puh5U) { goto V__dB; } goto L3fhw; M2j4q: } public function range($iUYdO = null, $bL9tC = null, $puh5U = null) : iorwM { return $this->DMFMy($iUYdO, $bL9tC, $puh5U); } } ?>

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Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:37:43              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 declare (strict_types=1); namespace EHXBy\faRaa; use eHXBY\ehxby; use EHXBy\EXXOK; use EhxbY\wWbYy; use eHXby\oqPQU; use EHxby\IoRWm; use EhXby\ZcTHl; use ehXby\sUJP1\GTYSc; use Closure; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; trait F3lZz { use Zkpcv; public function format(string $wEsyO) : string { goto FvTQa; n_6KY: $jDJA0 = [$this, $jDJA0]; goto K4whH; FvTQa: $jDJA0 = $this->Jyph3 ?? $this->BOJAl()->vpPIE()["\x66\x6f\162\155\141\164\106\x75\x6e\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e"] ?? static::$OhSkp; goto qoFz9; K4whH: DCYFb: goto ajYOl; SKycO: return $this->ZzwF0($wEsyO); goto yf1m7; NC9LX: if (!(\is_string($jDJA0) && method_exists($this, $jDJA0))) { goto DCYFb; } goto n_6KY; yf1m7: zg__f: goto NC9LX; qoFz9: if ($jDJA0) { goto zg__f; } goto SKycO; ajYOl: return $jDJA0(...\func_get_args()); goto FFjAI; FFjAI: } public function ZZwF0(string $wEsyO) : string { return parent::format($wEsyO); } public function __toString() : string { $wEsyO = $this->C9DP2 ?? $this->BojAl()->vPPie()["\x74\x6f\123\x74\162\151\156\147\106\x6f\162\x6d\141\164"] ?? null; return $wEsyO instanceof Closure ? $wEsyO($this) : $this->zzwf0($wEsyO ?: (\defined("\120\x36\x50\x62\x76") ? static::zaNDz : wWbyy::zaNDz)); } public function fv_WN() : string { return $this->ZzwF0("\x59\55\x6d\55\144"); } public function e6Crc() : string { return $this->Zzwf0("\115\40\152\x2c\x20\x59"); } public function qNq2V() : string { return $this->zzWF0("\104\54\x20\x4d\40\152\x2c\x20\131"); } public function BTF_q(string $YTQci = "\163\145\143\157\x6e\144") : string { return $this->Zzwf0(static::qVmCs($YTQci)); } public function sQhFs(string $YTQci = "\x73\145\x63\x6f\x6e\x64") : string { return $this->ZZwf0("\x59\55\155\55\x64\x20" . static::QvMCS($YTQci)); } public static function QVMCs(string $YTQci) : string { return match (static::mJtb4($YTQci)) { "\x6d\x69\156\x75\164\145" => "\x48\x3a\151", "\163\x65\x63\157\156\144" => "\x48\72\x69\x3a\163", "\x6d", "\x6d\151\x6c\154\x69\163\145\143\157\x6e\x64" => "\110\x3a\151\x3a\163\x2e\x76", "\302\xb5", "\x6d\x69\143\162\x6f\163\145\143\157\156\x64" => "\110\72\151\72\x73\x2e\165", default => throw new gTYSC("\120\162\145\x63\x69\163\x69\x6f\156\40\165\x6e\x69\164\40\x65\x78\x70\145\143\164\x65\144\x20\x61\x6d\157\156\147\x3a\x20\x6d\x69\x6e\165\164\145\54\x20\163\145\143\x6f\156\x64\54\x20\x6d\x69\154\154\x69\x73\145\143\157\156\144\40\141\x6e\x64\x20\x6d\151\143\x72\157\x73\145\143\x6f\x6e\x64\56"), }; } public function GLR0x(string $YTQci = "\x73\x65\143\157\156\x64") : string { return $this->ZZWf0("\131\x2d\x6d\x2d\144\x5c\x54" . static::QVMCs($YTQci)); } public function r3dkx() : string { return $this->ZzWf0("\x44\54\40\115\x20\x6a\x2c\x20\x59\40\x67\x3a\x69\40\x41"); } public function uP9FT() : string { return $this->zZWF0(DateTime::ATOM); } public function iaJJQ() : string { return $this->zzWf0(DateTimeInterface::COOKIE); } public function RRzOs() : string { return $this->UP9ft(); } public function y4di3() : string { return $this->ZZWF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC822); } public function yZgn9(string $YTQci = "\x73\x65\143\x6f\156\144") : string { return $this->qZzEf()->kDMBa()->ZZWF0("\x59\55\x6d\55\144\x5c\124" . static::qVMcS($YTQci) . "\x5c\x5a"); } public function S6hgo() : string { return $this->ZZwF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC850); } public function ejWDM() : string { return $this->ZZWF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC1036); } public function f4372() : string { return $this->ZZWF0(DateTimeInterface::RFC1123); } public function vTggx() : string { return $this->ZZwf0(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822); } public function d5Yib(bool $tA0_i = false) : string { return $this->Zzwf0($tA0_i ? DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED : DateTimeInterface::RFC3339); } public function c8ZDE() : string { return $this->ZzwF0(DateTimeInterface::RSS); } public function sn5cl() : string { return $this->ZzWF0(DateTimeInterface::W3C); } public function vBcov() : string { return $this->QZzef()->setTimezone("\x47\115\124")->ZZWf0(\defined("\151\x55\x7a\126\x4b") ? static::mUdeE : wwByy::mUdeE); } public function toArray() : array { return ["\x79\x65\x61\x72" => $this->BHylG, "\x6d\157\x6e\164\x68" => $this->FQEsj, "\x64\141\171" => $this->TwJA5, "\x64\x61\171\117\x66\127\145\x65\x6b" => $this->KbeKg, "\x64\141\x79\x4f\x66\x59\145\x61\x72" => $this->tX3Ks, "\150\157\165\x72" => $this->cKmmY, "\x6d\151\x6e\x75\x74\x65" => $this->SjqQq, "\163\x65\x63\157\156\x64" => $this->F_Fa0, "\155\x69\x63\162\x6f" => $this->rPZj6, "\x74\x69\155\145\163\x74\x61\x6d\160" => $this->PGHk5, "\146\157\162\155\141\164\x74\x65\x64" => $this->zzWf0(\defined("\120\x36\120\142\166") ? static::zaNDz : wWbYy::zaNDz), "\x74\x69\155\145\x7a\157\x6e\x65" => $this->JXJbB]; } public function cxz2Q() : object { return (object) $this->toArray(); } public function YS3mk() : string { return $this->qZZeF()->IvF6g("\x65\156")->ihqOs("\x64\144\144\x20\x4d\x4d\115\40\104\104\40\x59\131\131\131\x20\110\x48\72\155\155\x3a\163\163\40\x5b\x47\x4d\124\135\x5a\x5a"); } public function hFd0a(bool $mMHDO = false) : ?string { goto Y5PV7; MjIXm: $iiH83 = $this->BHylG < 0 || $this->BHylG > 9999 ? "\131\x59\131\131\x59\131" : "\x59\x59\x59\x59"; goto oWYe5; rnJeO: $DX2Vf = $mMHDO ? $this : $this->qzZeF()->KDMBA(); goto NsXg5; eH5mW: kQer6: goto MjIXm; oWYe5: $ObnSK = $mMHDO ? "\132" : "\x5b\x5a\x5d"; goto rnJeO; x20fR: return null; goto eH5mW; NsXg5: return $DX2Vf->ihQOs("{$iiH83}\55\x4d\x4d\55\104\x44\x5b\x54\x5d\110\110\x3a\155\155\72\163\163\56\123\x53\123\123\123\123{$ObnSK}"); goto LRH9I; Y5PV7: if ($this->IwFhC()) { goto kQer6; } goto x20fR; LRH9I: } public function RLBhB() : ?string { return $this->Hfd0a(); } public function UxPa4() : DateTime { return new DateTime($this->zZwF0("\131\x2d\155\x2d\144\x20\x48\72\151\x3a\163\x2e\x75"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function XTexu() : DateTimeImmutable { return new DateTimeImmutable($this->zZWf0("\x59\55\x6d\55\x64\x20\x48\x3a\151\x3a\163\x2e\x75"), $this->getTimezone()); } public function tN1qB() : DateTime { return $this->UxPA4(); } public function DmFMY($iUYdO = null, $bL9tC = null, $puh5U = null) : iorwM { goto pCnC4; GskNP: $bL9tC ??= oQpQu::pcWHu(); goto wGD2y; a7KiL: $iUYdO = (int) $iUYdO; goto hZ5hW; HvYVH: if (\is_int($iUYdO)) { goto eO_pT; } goto o9GeF; CGwf3: return new $HCTvI(raw: [$this, oqPQu::HKVAN($bL9tC), $iUYdO], dateClass: static::class, isDefaultInterval: $Y7tlv); goto M2j4q; hZ5hW: BvmZK: goto O6Kr2; wGD2y: $HCTvI = $this->j2AV0() ? ioRwM::class : zCThL::class; goto jE9Ee; L3fhw: $bL9tC = OqpQu::hkvan("{$bL9tC}\x20" . static::lEJAQ($puh5U)); goto q1vva; q1vva: V__dB: goto GhKj3; o9GeF: $iUYdO = $this->iADkP($iUYdO); goto XE15i; GhKj3: $Y7tlv = !$bL9tC; goto GskNP; jE9Ee: if (!(\is_int($iUYdO) || \is_string($iUYdO) && ctype_digit($iUYdO))) { goto BvmZK; } goto a7KiL; XE15i: eO_pT: goto CGwf3; O6Kr2: $iUYdO ??= 1; goto HvYVH; pCnC4: if (!$puh5U) { goto V__dB; } goto L3fhw; M2j4q: } public function range($iUYdO = null, $bL9tC = null, $puh5U = null) : iorwM { return $this->DMFMy($iUYdO, $bL9tC, $puh5U); } }

Function Calls





MD5 945241a50a5de7a5190e1087537ad764
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 109 ms