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PHP Decode
(function a0_0x3d93ef(_0x5d2edf, _0x7c8b32) { if (typeof exports === 'object' && type..
Decoded Output download
<? (function a0_0x3d93ef(_0x5d2edf, _0x7c8b32) {
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module['exports'] = _0x7c8b32();
else {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd'])
define('Adblock for pornhub', [], _0x7c8b32);
else {
if (typeof exports === 'object')
exports['Adblock for pornhub'] = _0x7c8b32();
_0x5d2edf['Adblock for pornhub'] = _0x7c8b32();
}(self, function () {
return function () {
'use strict';
var _0x1e356e = {
610: function (_0x515676, _0x225aa8, _0x4aaab8) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x225aa8, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x225aa8['configuration'] = void 0;
var _0x3065dd = _0x4aaab8(901), _0x18bb8a = {
'containerName': _0x3065dd['General']['createSpecialElement'](5),
'containerNameFooter': _0x3065dd['General']['createSpecialElement'](5),
'debug': !![],
'linkProxyUrl': '',
'pornhub': {
'footer': '.pre-footer',
'hdR': '#hd-rightColVideoPage',
'pages': {
'albums': '#photosAlbumsSection.withAd',
'pornstar': '.pornstar_container .topTrendingPornstars',
'pornstarCategory': '.pornstar_container :not(.topTrendingPornstars)',
'search': '.showingCounter'
'sniper': '.sniperModeEngaged',
'underplayer': '#hd-leftColVideoPage #player'
'redtube': {
'videoLeftSection': '#video_left_section',
'videoRightCol': '#video_right_col'
'tube8': {
'footer': '.footerBanner',
'underplayer': 'div[data-esp-node="under_player_ad"] div div div'
_0x225aa8['configuration'] = _0x18bb8a;
733: function (_0x208cd8, _0x99e5bb, _0x551b50) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x99e5bb, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x99e5bb['Creative'] = void 0;
var _0xed2a46 = _0x551b50(610), _0x7b0c9d = _0x551b50(901), _0x17c6b1 = function () {
function _0x49c3ec(_0x40f8e7, _0x2d5993) {
var _0x546cb7 = this;
this['useBlobs'] = !![], this['run'] = function () {
var _0x44c6f0 = _0x7b0c9d['General']['find'](_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_container_id']);
if (!_0x44c6f0)
var _0x186552 = _0x546cb7['getContainer'](_0x44c6f0);
if (!_0x186552)
}, this['getDimension'] = function () {
return {
'height': _0x7b0c9d['General']['getSize'](_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_height']),
'width': _0x7b0c9d['General']['getSize'](_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_width'])
}, this['hideBlockedAd'] = function (_0x3a5a76) {
if (!_0x3a5a76)
var _0x4c4ee6 = _0x3a5a76['getElementsByTagName']('IFRAME')[0];
if (!_0x4c4ee6)
_0x4c4ee6['setAttribute']('style', 'display: none !important;');
}, this['isFooter'] = function () {
return Number(_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_width']) > 400;
}, this['getContainerChild'] = function (_0x310bb1) {
var _0x2817ef = _0x546cb7['getDimension'](), _0x280cde = document['createElement']('div'), _0x1a4e2d = _0x7b0c9d['General']['createSpecialElement'](10);
_0x280cde['className'] = _0x1a4e2d;
var _0x1067e3 = '
.' + _0x1a4e2d + ' {
width: ' + _0x2817ef['width'] + ';
height: ' + _0x2817ef['height'] + ';
border: none;
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
}', _0x49e4f7 = document['createElement']('style');
return document['head']['appendChild'](_0x49e4f7), _0x49e4f7['appendChild'](document['createTextNode'](_0x1067e3)), _0x310bb1['appendChild'](_0x280cde), _0x280cde;
}, this['render'] = function (_0x27d072) {
var _0x3b37f9 = _0x546cb7['getContainerChild'](_0x27d072);
_0x3b37f9['innerHTML'] = _0x546cb7['getPayload'](), _0x546cb7['didMount'](_0x3b37f9);
}, this['getContainer'] = function (_0x3ee763) {
var _0x32c22a = _0xed2a46['configuration']['containerName'];
_0x546cb7['isFooter']() && (_0x32c22a = _0xed2a46['configuration']['containerNameFooter']);
var _0x183f30 = document['createElement'](_0x32c22a);
return _0x546cb7['addContainer'](_0x3ee763, _0x183f30), _0x546cb7['hideBlockedAd'](_0x3ee763), _0x183f30;
}, this['addContainer'] = function (_0xb10f5a, _0x38e58c) {
}, this['zone'] = _0x40f8e7, this['ad'] = _0x2d5993, this['innerDivId'] = this['zone']['tj_ad_container_id'] + new Date()['getTime']();
return _0x49c3ec['prototype']['didMount'] = function (_0x170d5a) {
var _0x4b1020 = this, _0x16f13d = _0x170d5a['querySelector']('.' + this['innerDivId']);
_0x16f13d['addEventListener']('click', function () {
}, _0x49c3ec;
_0x99e5bb['Creative'] = _0x17c6b1;
47: function (_0x4da6a9, _0x1e4be9, _0x400095) {
var _0x544050 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x129afa = function (_0x922376, _0x25a6f8) {
return _0x129afa = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x44fc04, _0x3f890b) {
_0x44fc04['__proto__'] = _0x3f890b;
} || function (_0x126cd7, _0x5ab347) {
for (var _0x1c13a2 in _0x5ab347)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x5ab347, _0x1c13a2))
_0x126cd7[_0x1c13a2] = _0x5ab347[_0x1c13a2];
}, _0x129afa(_0x922376, _0x25a6f8);
return function (_0x1c4015, _0xb803b) {
if (typeof _0xb803b !== 'function' && _0xb803b !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0xb803b) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x129afa(_0x1c4015, _0xb803b);
function _0x2511c7() {
this['constructor'] = _0x1c4015;
_0x1c4015['prototype'] = _0xb803b === null ? Object['create'](_0xb803b) : (_0x2511c7['prototype'] = _0xb803b['prototype'], new _0x2511c7());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x1e4be9, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x1e4be9['ImageCreative'] = void 0;
var _0x4a2ac1 = _0x400095(733), _0x348322 = _0x400095(901), _0x1940e1 = function (_0x5c4274) {
_0x544050(_0xcb2149, _0x5c4274);
function _0xcb2149() {
var _0x51b9b8 = _0x5c4274 !== null && _0x5c4274['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x51b9b8['getPayload'] = function () {
var _0x1de764 = _0x51b9b8['getDimension'](), _0x3f66a3 = function (_0x87d0cb, _0x400812, _0x3fe30c) {
var _0x1720ff = _0x3fe30c;
return navigator['userAgent']['toLowerCase']()['indexOf']('firefox') > -1 && (_0x1720ff = '
data:' + _0x87d0cb + ';base64,' + _0x400812), _0x1720ff;
return _0x348322['General']['addBlobURL']('data:' + _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_type'] + ';base64,' + _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_data'], function (_0x3b486b) {
var _0x59dfbb, _0x5b53c5;
(_0x59dfbb = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ' img')) === null || _0x59dfbb === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x59dfbb['setAttribute']('srcset', _0x3f66a3(_0x51b9b8['ad']['img_type'], _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_data'], _0x3b486b));
var _0x4bac84 = document['createElement']('style');
_0x4bac84['append']('.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ':before { background: url(' + _0x3f66a3(_0x51b9b8['ad']['img_type'], _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_data'], _0x3b486b) + ') no-repeat;width:' + _0x1de764['width'] + ';height:' + _0x1de764['height'] + ';content:"";display:inline-block;}'), (_0x5b53c5 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'])) === null || _0x5b53c5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x5b53c5['appendChild'](_0x4bac84);
}), '<style>
.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ' {
margin:0 auto;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;
width:' + _0x1de764['width'] + ';height:' + _0x1de764['height'] + ';
display:block!important; cursor:pointer; margin-bottom:15px;clear:both;
.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ' img {
content:\'\';position:absolute; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;
<div class="' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + '">
}, _0x51b9b8;
return _0xcb2149;
_0x1e4be9['ImageCreative'] = _0x1940e1;
279: function (_0x39c9e6, _0x162358, _0x1baa35) {
var _0x497bb2 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x136e3a = function (_0x2c1b05, _0x5e87d6) {
return _0x136e3a = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0xdeff48, _0x59a18f) {
_0xdeff48['__proto__'] = _0x59a18f;
} || function (_0x2ede79, _0xde2201) {
for (var _0x9d367a in _0xde2201)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0xde2201, _0x9d367a))
_0x2ede79[_0x9d367a] = _0xde2201[_0x9d367a];
}, _0x136e3a(_0x2c1b05, _0x5e87d6);
return function (_0x3f92e3, _0x3b8c39) {
if (typeof _0x3b8c39 !== 'function' && _0x3b8c39 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x3b8c39) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x136e3a(_0x3f92e3, _0x3b8c39);
function _0x5dc873() {
this['constructor'] = _0x3f92e3;
_0x3f92e3['prototype'] = _0x3b8c39 === null ? Object['create'](_0x3b8c39) : (_0x5dc873['prototype'] = _0x3b8c39['prototype'], new _0x5dc873());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x162358, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x162358['VideoCreative'] = void 0;
var _0xf3d580 = _0x1baa35(733), _0x5e3083 = _0x1baa35(901), _0x5ba985 = function (_0x3010d1) {
_0x497bb2(_0x4ef030, _0x3010d1);
function _0x4ef030() {
var _0x500069 = _0x3010d1 !== null && _0x3010d1['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x500069['getPayload'] = function () {
var _0x5eeaf1 = _0x500069['getDimension']();
return _0x500069['addBlobs'](), _0x500069['setVideoAttributes'](), '<style>
.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ' > video {
.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ' {
margin:0 auto;
width:' + _0x5eeaf1['width'] + ';
height:' + _0x5eeaf1['height'] + ';
.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ':before {
<div class="' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + '">
<video loop muted />
}, _0x500069['addBlobs'] = function () {
var _0x4de761 = _0x500069['ad'], _0x27ab84 = function (_0x22c443, _0x123e9a, _0x538dc4) {
var _0x1995a7 = _0x538dc4;
return navigator['userAgent']['toLowerCase']()['indexOf']('firefox') > -1 && (_0x1995a7 = '
data:' + _0x22c443 + ';base64,' + _0x123e9a), _0x1995a7;
_0x5e3083['General']['addBlobURL']('data:' + _0x4de761['video_type'] + ';base64,' + _0x4de761['video_data'], function (_0x1ff694) {
var _0x30f603;
(_0x30f603 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ' > video')) === null || _0x30f603 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x30f603['setAttribute']('src', _0x27ab84(_0x4de761['video_type'], _0x4de761['video_data'], _0x1ff694));
}), _0x5e3083['General']['addBlobURL']('data:' + _0x500069['ad']['img_type'] + ';base64,' + _0x500069['ad']['img_data'], function (_0x2879e5) {
var _0xd26006, _0x49ceaa, _0x270f98 = document['createElement']('img');
_0x270f98['style']['cssText'] = '
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
', _0x270f98['src'] = '' + _0x27ab84(_0x4de761['img_type'], _0x4de761['img_data'], _0x2879e5), (_0xd26006 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'])) === null || _0xd26006 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0xd26006['appendChild'](_0x270f98);
var _0x4e42ae = document['createElement']('style');
_0x4e42ae['append']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ':before { background: url(' + _0x270f98['src'] + ') no-repeat; }'), (_0x49ceaa = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'])) === null || _0x49ceaa === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x49ceaa['appendChild'](_0x4e42ae);
}, _0x500069;
return _0x4ef030['prototype']['setVideoAttributes'] = function () {
var _0x3e6c1b = this;
setTimeout(function () {
var _0x2987e6 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x3e6c1b['innerDivId'] + ' video');
_0x2987e6 && (_0x2987e6['playsInline'] = !![], _0x2987e6['play']());
}, 0);
}, _0x4ef030;
_0x162358['VideoCreative'] = _0x5ba985;
808: function (_0xca1c9b, _0x421455) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x421455, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x421455['Media'] = void 0;
var _0x2d844e;
(function (_0x4fc324) {
_0x4fc324['video'] = 'video', _0x4fc324['image'] = 'image';
}(_0x2d844e || (_0x2d844e = {})), _0x421455['Media'] = _0x2d844e);
901: function (_0x223949, _0x298077, _0x28cb6f) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x298077, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x298077['General'] = void 0;
var _0x43ecb7 = _0x28cb6f(610), _0x38f9d0 = function () {
function _0x19e351() {
return _0x19e351['createSpecialElement'] = function (_0x1a8eaf) {
var _0x5b559c = '', _0x59770f = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
for (var _0x3becad = 0; _0x3becad < _0x1a8eaf; _0x3becad++) {
var _0x5b5561 = _0x19e351['middleSquare']() * Math['floor'](Math['random']() * _0x59770f['length'] - 1) + 1;
_0x5b559c += _0x59770f['charAt'](~~_0x5b5561);
return _0x5b559c;
}, _0x19e351['init'] = function (_0x275fe8, _0x22c6be) {
_0x19e351['configuration'] = _0x22c6be, window['setTimeout'](function () {
if (_0x19e351['loaded'])
}, 500), window['runInsContainers'] = function () {
}, document['readyState'] === 'complete' || document['readyState'] === 'interactive' ? _0x19e351['initClassWithTryCatch'](_0x275fe8) : document['addEventListener']('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
}, _0x19e351['initClassWithTryCatch'] = function (_0x2d55e8) {
try {
_0x19e351['loaded'] = !![], new _0x2d55e8();
} catch (_0x1c6a1b) {
}, _0x19e351['isPage'] = function (_0x63f03a) {
return Boolean(document['querySelectorAll'](_0x63f03a)['length']);
}, _0x19e351['proxifyURL'] = function (_0x4d53ed) {
if (_0x4d53ed['length'] === 0)
return '';
return '' + _0x43ecb7['configuration']['linkProxyUrl'] + btoa(_0x4d53ed);
}, _0x19e351['btoaAlt'] = function (_0x1a80f4) {
var _0x4f239a;
_0x1a80f4 instanceof Buffer ? _0x4f239a = _0x1a80f4 : _0x4f239a = Buffer['from'](_0x1a80f4['toString'](), 'binary');
var _0x468d49 = _0x4f239a['toString']('base64');
return _0x468d49;
}, _0x19e351['getZonePrefix'] = function () {
if (document['location']['origin']['indexOf']('youporn') === -1)
return '';
var _0x589c31 = new Date(), _0x547b5e = '_f';
return _0x547b5e += (_0x589c31['getUTCMonth']() + 1 + _0x589c31['getUTCDate']()) * _0x589c31['getUTCFullYear']() + 6278, _0x547b5e + '_';
}, _0x19e351['loaded'] = ![], _0x19e351['seed'] = 1337, _0x19e351['shouldProcess'] = function () {
if (typeof window['tjEmbeddedAdsLoaded'] === 'undefined' || typeof window['tjDebug'] !== 'function')
return !![];
try {
var _0x97bef = window['tjDebug'](), _0x57bbc9 = Number(_0x97bef['events']['embeddedAdsSpotDefaultLoaded']['length']), _0x1414b7 = Number(_0x97bef['spots'][0]['length']);
return _0x1414b7 === _0x57bbc9;
} catch (_0x5916ae) {
return !![];
}, _0x19e351['log'] = function (_0x4dfacf) {
_0x19e351['configuration']['debug'] && console['log'](_0x4dfacf);
}, _0x19e351['find'] = function (_0x332687) {
var _0x318f8b = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x332687);
if (!_0x318f8b) {
_0x318f8b = document['querySelector']('#' + _0x332687);
if (!_0x318f8b)
return _0x19e351['log']('invalid selector: ' + _0x332687), null;
return _0x318f8b;
}, _0x19e351['shadow'] = function (_0x41a522) {
if ('attachShadow' in _0x41a522)
return _0x41a522['attachShadow']({ 'mode': 'closed' });
else {
if ('createShadowRoot' in _0x41a522)
return _0x41a522['createShadowRoot']();
return _0x41a522;
}, _0x19e351['getSize'] = function (_0x51eaf0) {
if (isNaN(Number(_0x51eaf0)))
return _0x51eaf0['toString']()['indexOf']('%') > -1 ? _0x51eaf0['toString']() : 'inherit';
return _0x51eaf0 + 'px';
}, _0x19e351['middleSquare'] = function () {
var _0x52d4cf = _0x19e351['seed'], _0x3a6c85 = '' + _0x52d4cf * _0x52d4cf + '';
return _0x19e351['seed'] = parseInt(_0x3a6c85['substring'](0, 4)), parseFloat('0.' + _0x52d4cf);
}, _0x19e351['open'] = function (_0x3168e0, _0x5acd7e) {
if (!_0x3168e0 || !_0x5acd7e)
_0x3168e0['addEventListener']('click', function (_0x4bc27e) {
window['open']('' + _0x19e351['configuration']['linkProxyUrl'] + btoa(_0x5acd7e)), _0x4bc27e['stopPropagation'](), _0x4bc27e['preventDefault']();
}, ![]);
}, _0x19e351['addBlobURL'] = function (_0x30d15c, _0x491def) {
fetch(_0x30d15c)['then'](function (_0x373f9d) {
return _0x373f9d['blob']();
})['then'](function (_0x4a481a) {
}, _0x19e351['setElementStyle'] = function (_0x142b2a, _0x54cfd6) {
_0x54cfd6 === void 0 && (_0x54cfd6 = {});
if (!_0x142b2a)
for (var _0x2b4f21 in _0x54cfd6) {
_0x142b2a['style'][_0x2b4f21] = _0x54cfd6[_0x2b4f21];
}, _0x19e351['bustBlobCssSelector'] = function (_0x473f0e) {
return _0x473f0e['replace']('blob', ' Blob');
}, _0x19e351;
_0x298077['General'] = _0x38f9d0;
498: function (_0x2872a3, _0x2e736d, _0x1ab73a) {
var _0xe2a55f = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x576850 = function (_0x2f29b4, _0x13a7eb) {
return _0x576850 = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x5cbc79, _0x1f2e1f) {
_0x5cbc79['__proto__'] = _0x1f2e1f;
} || function (_0x2edc57, _0x399f67) {
for (var _0x4f8c37 in _0x399f67)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x399f67, _0x4f8c37))
_0x2edc57[_0x4f8c37] = _0x399f67[_0x4f8c37];
}, _0x576850(_0x2f29b4, _0x13a7eb);
return function (_0x20dbe1, _0x286064) {
if (typeof _0x286064 !== 'function' && _0x286064 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x286064) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x576850(_0x20dbe1, _0x286064);
function _0x1e2001() {
this['constructor'] = _0x20dbe1;
_0x20dbe1['prototype'] = _0x286064 === null ? Object['create'](_0x286064) : (_0x1e2001['prototype'] = _0x286064['prototype'], new _0x1e2001());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x2e736d, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x2e736d['ImageCreative'] = void 0;
var _0x3c022c = _0x1ab73a(47), _0x56cae8 = function (_0x51b279) {
_0xe2a55f(_0x119131, _0x51b279);
function _0x119131() {
return _0x51b279 !== null && _0x51b279['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x119131;
_0x2e736d['ImageCreative'] = _0x56cae8;
246: function (_0x42a6d5, _0x121b88, _0x472b69) {
var _0x23db66 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x1c6add = function (_0x6028aa, _0x16d9b3) {
return _0x1c6add = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x2996fd, _0x48085a) {
_0x2996fd['__proto__'] = _0x48085a;
} || function (_0x49fa45, _0x2f2fb0) {
for (var _0x234254 in _0x2f2fb0)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x2f2fb0, _0x234254))
_0x49fa45[_0x234254] = _0x2f2fb0[_0x234254];
}, _0x1c6add(_0x6028aa, _0x16d9b3);
return function (_0x3285a3, _0x43a531) {
if (typeof _0x43a531 !== 'function' && _0x43a531 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x43a531) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x1c6add(_0x3285a3, _0x43a531);
function _0x6c4eab() {
this['constructor'] = _0x3285a3;
_0x3285a3['prototype'] = _0x43a531 === null ? Object['create'](_0x43a531) : (_0x6c4eab['prototype'] = _0x43a531['prototype'], new _0x6c4eab());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x121b88, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] });
var _0x7055 = _0x472b69(498), _0x4b22f0 = _0x472b69(237), _0x4bf1c5 = _0x472b69(610), _0x16e1cb = _0x472b69(450), _0x15ea32 = _0x472b69(901), _0x3d459a = _0x472b69(808), _0x5a2624 = function (_0x3d088a) {
_0x23db66(_0x3b9a89, _0x3d088a);
function _0x3b9a89() {
return _0x3d088a !== null && _0x3d088a['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x3b9a89['prototype']['proxifyBlankLinks'] = function () {
document['querySelectorAll']('a[target="_blank"]')['forEach'](function (_0x131743) {
var _0x314a93 = _0x131743['getAttribute']('href');
_0x314a93 !== '/' && !_0x131743['matches']('#bottomVideos a') && (_0x15ea32['General']['open'](_0x131743, _0x314a93), _0x314a93['startsWith']('') && _0x131743['setAttribute']('href', '#'));
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['create'] = function (_0x2a02f6, _0x5b7df2) {
switch (_0x5b7df2['media_type']) {
case _0x3d459a['Media']['video']: {
return new _0x4b22f0['VideoCreative'](_0x2a02f6, _0x5b7df2);
case _0x3d459a['Media']['image']: {
return new _0x7055['ImageCreative'](_0x2a02f6, _0x5b7df2);
default: {
return null;
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['handlePromoBanner'] = function () {
try {
var _0x5a73fb = document['querySelector']('.premiumPromoBanner a'), _0x3c0221 = _0x5a73fb === null || _0x5a73fb === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x5a73fb['getAttribute']('href');
if (!_0x5a73fb || !_0x3c0221)
_0x5a73fb['onclick'] = function () {
return window['open'](_0x15ea32['General']['proxifyURL'](_0x3c0221), '_blank');
}, _0x5a73fb['href'] = '#';
} catch (_0x411190) {
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['handleSkinsAB'] = function () {
try {
var _0x5678dc = document['querySelectorAll']('#customSkinCTA a')[0]['getAttribute']('href');
if (!_0x5678dc)
var _0x2c025d = _0x4bf1c5['configuration']['linkProxyUrl'] + '/' + btoa(_0x5678dc);
_0x5678dc && document['querySelectorAll']('#customSkinCTA a')[0]['setAttribute']('href', _0x2c025d);
} catch (_0x437249) {
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['after'] = function () {
var _0x4a12e8;
try {
} catch (_0x173a4f) {
var _0x4585fa = document['querySelector'](_0x4bf1c5['configuration']['pornhub']['underplayer']), _0x39acb3 = (_0x4a12e8 = _0x4585fa === null || _0x4585fa === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x4585fa['nextElementSibling']) === null || _0x4a12e8 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x4a12e8['firstElementChild'];
_0x39acb3 && (_0x39acb3['style']['height'] = '100%');
if (_0x4585fa && _0x4585fa['parentNode']) {
var _0xc42c2d = document['createElement']('div');
_0x4585fa['parentNode']['insertBefore'](_0xc42c2d, _0x4585fa['nextSibling']);
var _0x15902c = document['querySelector'](_0x4bf1c5['configuration']['pornhub']['footer']);
_0x15902c && (_0x15902c['className'] = '');
this['handleSkinsAB'](), this['handlePromoBanner']();
var _0x5f0326 = document['querySelector']('li#menuItem6 a');
if (_0x5f0326) {
var _0x141189 = _0x5f0326['getAttribute']('data-href');
_0x5f0326['onclick'] = function () {
return window['open'](_0x15ea32['General']['proxifyURL'](_0x141189), '_blank');
}, _0x5f0326['href'] = '#';
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['fixHDR'] = function () {
var _0x33fc6c = document['querySelector'](_0x4bf1c5['configuration']['pornhub']['hdR']);
if (!_0x33fc6c)
var _0x249ca5 = document['querySelectorAll']('#recommendedVideosVPage .pcVideoListItem .wrap, #paidItems .pcVideoListItem .wrap');
for (var _0x89facd in _0x249ca5) {
var _0x4e65dd = _0x249ca5[_0x89facd];
if (typeof _0x4e65dd !== 'object' || !_0x4e65dd['style'])
_0x4e65dd['style']['width'] = '100%', _0x4e65dd['style']['height'] = 'auto', _0x4e65dd['style']['gridRowGap'] = '15px', _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.phimage'), {
'display': 'inline-block',
'width': '50%'
}), _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.add-to-playlist-icon'), {
'-moz-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'-ms-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'-o-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'-webkit-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'left': '50%',
'transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'width': '20px'
}), _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.videoUploaderBlock'), { 'margin-bottom': '5px' }), _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.thumbnail-info-wrapper'), {
'float': 'right',
'margin': '0',
'width': '48%'
_0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](document['querySelector']('#p2vVideosVPage .section_bar_sidebar'), { 'background-color': '#000' }), _0x33fc6c['setAttribute']('id', '' + new Date()['getTime']());
}, _0x3b9a89;
_0x15ea32['General']['init'](_0x5a2624, _0x4bf1c5['configuration']);
237: function (_0x3e26b3, _0x55162a, _0x365dd1) {
var _0x37ec38 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x9ffb77 = function (_0xfbc18c, _0x28424d) {
return _0x9ffb77 = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x52d316, _0x36fb3e) {
_0x52d316['__proto__'] = _0x36fb3e;
} || function (_0x517794, _0x4a9548) {
for (var _0x3e4820 in _0x4a9548)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x4a9548, _0x3e4820))
_0x517794[_0x3e4820] = _0x4a9548[_0x3e4820];
}, _0x9ffb77(_0xfbc18c, _0x28424d);
return function (_0x2b9f02, _0x5588f7) {
if (typeof _0x5588f7 !== 'function' && _0x5588f7 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x5588f7) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x9ffb77(_0x2b9f02, _0x5588f7);
function _0x31a7e0() {
this['constructor'] = _0x2b9f02;
_0x2b9f02['prototype'] = _0x5588f7 === null ? Object['create'](_0x5588f7) : (_0x31a7e0['prototype'] = _0x5588f7['prototype'], new _0x31a7e0());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x55162a, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x55162a['VideoCreative'] = void 0;
var _0x4055b5 = _0x365dd1(279), _0x31b205 = _0x365dd1(610), _0x41af8a = _0x365dd1(901), _0x47c7bc = function (_0xc5f676) {
_0x37ec38(_0x473c50, _0xc5f676);
function _0x473c50() {
var _0x215d1a = _0xc5f676 !== null && _0xc5f676['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x215d1a['addContainer'] = function (_0x4504f3, _0x25161a) {
var _0x3e9bab, _0x4234a9 = _0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['sniper']['replace']('.', '');
if (((_0x3e9bab = _0x4504f3['parentElement']) === null || _0x3e9bab === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x3e9bab['parentElement']) && _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']['className']['indexOf'](_0x4234a9) !== -1)
_0x215d1a['applyGridStyles'](), _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']['parentElement'] && _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']['parentElement']['replaceChild'](_0x25161a, _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']);
_0x4504f3['parentNode'] && (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['pornstar']) && _0x215d1a['applyGridStyles'](), _0x4504f3['parentNode']['replaceChild'](_0x25161a, _0x4504f3));
}, _0x215d1a['applyGridStyles'] = function () {
var _0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getDefaultStyle']();
if (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['pornstar']))
_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getPornStarStyles']();
else {
if (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['albums']))
_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getAlbumsStyles']();
else {
if (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['pornstarCategory']))
_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getPornstarCategoryStyles']();
_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['search']) && (_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getSearchStyles']());
var _0xd3db59 = '
' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
align-self: center;
}', _0x394989 = document['createElement']('style');
document['head']['appendChild'](_0x394989), _0x394989['appendChild'](document['createTextNode'](_0x4a7a0d + _0xd3db59));
}, _0x215d1a['getDefaultStyle'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-row: 1/span 2;
grid-column: 3/span 2;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1350px) {
' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-column-start: 4;
.col-4 ' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-row: 1;
grid-column: 3;
.col-4 ' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' + .emptyBlockSpace {
display: none !important;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1350px) {
.col-4 ' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-column-end: auto;
grid-row: 1/span 1;
grid-column: 4;
}, _0x215d1a['getAlbumsStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-row: 1/span 2;
grid-column: 5/span 3;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1350px) {
' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-column-start: 3;
}, _0x215d1a['getSearchStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-row: 1/span 2;
grid-column: 3/span 2;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1350px) {
' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-column-start: 2;
}, _0x215d1a['getPornstarCategoryStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-row: 1/span 2;
grid-column: 7/span 3;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1350px) {
' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-column-start: 4;
}, _0x215d1a['getPornStarStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-row: 2/span 2;
grid-column: 4/span 2;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1350px) {
' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {
grid-column-start: 5;
}, _0x215d1a;
return _0x473c50;
_0x55162a['VideoCreative'] = _0x47c7bc;
450: function (_0x46f002, _0x225e71, _0x3fa9c4) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x225e71, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x225e71['Website'] = void 0;
var _0x4b0755 = _0x3fa9c4(901), _0x3a28b8 = _0x3fa9c4(808), _0x3ae467 = function () {
function _0x4f5779() {
this['getAd'] = function (_0x11be8e, _0xa16bbb) {
if (!_0x11be8e[_0xa16bbb]['tj_adb_spot_id'])
return _0x4b0755['General']['log']('Failed ad ' + _0xa16bbb + '. The spot ID is undefined.'), null;
var _0x2c4324 = 'zone_' + _0x11be8e[_0xa16bbb]['tj_adb_spot_id'], _0x4a86f3 = _0x4b0755['General']['getZonePrefix']();
if (!window['' + _0x4a86f3 + _0x2c4324])
return _0x4b0755['General']['log']('Failed ad ' + _0xa16bbb + '. Zone ' + _0x2c4324 + ' does not exist.'), null;
return window['' + _0x4a86f3 + _0x2c4324];
}, this['getAdsInfoByTag'] = function () {
var _0x568ccb = document['querySelectorAll']('ins.adsbytrafficjunky');
return _0x568ccb['length'] === 0 && (_0x568ccb = document['querySelectorAll']('a[data-embeddedadsfallback]')), _0x568ccb;
if (!_0x4b0755['General']['shouldProcess']())
var _0x379d22 = this['getNewAds']();
_0x379d22 && (this['requestTrafficJunkyAds'](_0x379d22), this['proxifyBlankLinks'](), this['after'] && this['after']());
return _0x4f5779['prototype']['requestTrafficJunkyAds'] = function (_0x7e3f2d) {
var _0x398cad;
for (var _0x155a25 = 0, _0x2ab96b = Object['keys'](_0x7e3f2d); _0x155a25 < _0x2ab96b['length']; _0x155a25++) {
var _0x5426b2 = _0x2ab96b[_0x155a25];
try {
} catch (_0x36973e) {
var _0x6e541b = this['getAd'](_0x7e3f2d, _0x5426b2);
if (!_0x6e541b)
var _0xaf0d9 = this['create'](_0x7e3f2d[_0x5426b2], _0x6e541b);
_0xaf0d9 && ((_0x398cad = _0x7e3f2d[_0x5426b2]['tj_ad_container']) === null || _0x398cad === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x398cad['remove'](), this['runAd'](_0xaf0d9));
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['runAd'] = function (_0x4b1b1c) {
if (!_0x4b1b1c)
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['overrideUnderPlayers'] = function (_0x4f5a7d) {
if (typeof window[_0x4b0755['General']['getZonePrefix']() + 'zone_underplayer'] === 'undefined')
isNaN(Number(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width'])) && isNaN(Number(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height'])) && (_0x4f5a7d['tj_adb_spot_id'] = 'underplayer', _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height'] = '100%', _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width'] = '100%'), _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height'] === '76' && _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width'] === '770' && (_0x4f5a7d['tj_adb_spot_id'] = 'underplayer'), String(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height']) === '91' && String(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width']) === '970' && (_0x4f5a7d['tj_adb_spot_id'] = 'underplayer');
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['getNewAds'] = function () {
var _0x36ce12, _0x10bcef, _0x280ea0 = this['getAdsInfoByTag'](), _0x128e2a = [];
for (var _0x18ee57 = 0; _0x18ee57 < _0x280ea0['length']; _0x18ee57++) {
var _0x3cbf7a = Number(_0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['getAttribute']('data-spot-id')), _0x29c572 = (_0x36ce12 = _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['getAttribute']('data-width')) === null || _0x36ce12 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x36ce12['replace']('px', ''), _0x3675e2 = (_0x10bcef = _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['getAttribute']('data-height')) === null || _0x10bcef === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x10bcef['replace']('px', '');
if (!_0x3cbf7a || !_0x29c572 || !_0x3675e2)
var _0x2ea257 = _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['parentNode'];
!_0x2ea257['id'] && (_0x2ea257['id'] = _0x4b0755['General']['createSpecialElement'](10)), _0x128e2a['push']({
'tj_ad_container': _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57],
'tj_ad_container_id': _0x2ea257['id'],
'tj_ad_height': _0x3675e2,
'tj_ad_width': _0x29c572,
'tj_adb_spot_id': _0x3cbf7a
return _0x128e2a;
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['fixAbsentMediaType'] = function (_0xafd4bb) {
if (_0xafd4bb['media_type'])
_0xafd4bb['video_data'] ? _0xafd4bb['media_type'] = _0x3a28b8['Media']['video'] : _0xafd4bb['media_type'] = _0x3a28b8['Media']['image'];
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['proxifyBlankLinks'] = function () {
document['querySelectorAll']('a[target="_blank"]')['forEach'](function (_0x33c8df) {
var _0x2ff563 = _0x33c8df['getAttribute']('href');
_0x2ff563 !== '/' && _0x4b0755['General']['open'](_0x33c8df, _0x2ff563);
}, _0x4f5779;
_0x225e71['Website'] = _0x3ae467;
}, _0x55ca8c = {};
function _0x28850f(_0x48ee53) {
var _0xc11c54 = _0x55ca8c[_0x48ee53];
if (_0xc11c54 !== undefined)
return _0xc11c54['exports'];
var _0x529827 = _0x55ca8c[_0x48ee53] = { 'exports': {} };
return _0x1e356e[_0x48ee53]['call'](_0x529827['exports'], _0x529827, _0x529827['exports'], _0x28850f), _0x529827['exports'];
var _0xf34968 = _0x28850f(246);
return _0xf34968;
})); ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
(function a0_0x3d93ef(_0x5d2edf, _0x7c8b32) {
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module['exports'] = _0x7c8b32();
else {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd'])
define('Adblock for pornhub', [], _0x7c8b32);
else {
if (typeof exports === 'object')
exports['Adblock for pornhub'] = _0x7c8b32();
_0x5d2edf['Adblock for pornhub'] = _0x7c8b32();
}(self, function () {
return function () {
'use strict';
var _0x1e356e = {
610: function (_0x515676, _0x225aa8, _0x4aaab8) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x225aa8, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x225aa8['configuration'] = void 0;
var _0x3065dd = _0x4aaab8(901), _0x18bb8a = {
'containerName': _0x3065dd['General']['createSpecialElement'](5),
'containerNameFooter': _0x3065dd['General']['createSpecialElement'](5),
'debug': !![],
'linkProxyUrl': '',
'pornhub': {
'footer': '.pre-footer',
'hdR': '#hd-rightColVideoPage',
'pages': {
'albums': '#photosAlbumsSection.withAd',
'pornstar': '.pornstar_container .topTrendingPornstars',
'pornstarCategory': '.pornstar_container :not(.topTrendingPornstars)',
'search': '.showingCounter'
'sniper': '.sniperModeEngaged',
'underplayer': '#hd-leftColVideoPage #player'
'redtube': {
'videoLeftSection': '#video_left_section',
'videoRightCol': '#video_right_col'
'tube8': {
'footer': '.footerBanner',
'underplayer': 'div[data-esp-node="under_player_ad"] div div div'
_0x225aa8['configuration'] = _0x18bb8a;
733: function (_0x208cd8, _0x99e5bb, _0x551b50) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x99e5bb, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x99e5bb['Creative'] = void 0;
var _0xed2a46 = _0x551b50(610), _0x7b0c9d = _0x551b50(901), _0x17c6b1 = function () {
function _0x49c3ec(_0x40f8e7, _0x2d5993) {
var _0x546cb7 = this;
this['useBlobs'] = !![], this['run'] = function () {
var _0x44c6f0 = _0x7b0c9d['General']['find'](_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_container_id']);
if (!_0x44c6f0)
var _0x186552 = _0x546cb7['getContainer'](_0x44c6f0);
if (!_0x186552)
}, this['getDimension'] = function () {
return {
'height': _0x7b0c9d['General']['getSize'](_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_height']),
'width': _0x7b0c9d['General']['getSize'](_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_width'])
}, this['hideBlockedAd'] = function (_0x3a5a76) {
if (!_0x3a5a76)
var _0x4c4ee6 = _0x3a5a76['getElementsByTagName']('IFRAME')[0];
if (!_0x4c4ee6)
_0x4c4ee6['setAttribute']('style', 'display: none !important;');
}, this['isFooter'] = function () {
return Number(_0x546cb7['zone']['tj_ad_width']) > 400;
}, this['getContainerChild'] = function (_0x310bb1) {
var _0x2817ef = _0x546cb7['getDimension'](), _0x280cde = document['createElement']('div'), _0x1a4e2d = _0x7b0c9d['General']['createSpecialElement'](10);
_0x280cde['className'] = _0x1a4e2d;
var _0x1067e3 = '\n\t\t\t.' + _0x1a4e2d + ' {\n\t\t\t\twidth: ' + _0x2817ef['width'] + ';\n\t\t\t\theight: ' + _0x2817ef['height'] + ';\n\t\t\t\tborder: none;\n\t\t\t\tdisplay: block;\n\t\t\t\tmargin-left: auto;\n\t\t\t\tmargin-right: auto;\n\t\t\t}', _0x49e4f7 = document['createElement']('style');
return document['head']['appendChild'](_0x49e4f7), _0x49e4f7['appendChild'](document['createTextNode'](_0x1067e3)), _0x310bb1['appendChild'](_0x280cde), _0x280cde;
}, this['render'] = function (_0x27d072) {
var _0x3b37f9 = _0x546cb7['getContainerChild'](_0x27d072);
_0x3b37f9['innerHTML'] = _0x546cb7['getPayload'](), _0x546cb7['didMount'](_0x3b37f9);
}, this['getContainer'] = function (_0x3ee763) {
var _0x32c22a = _0xed2a46['configuration']['containerName'];
_0x546cb7['isFooter']() && (_0x32c22a = _0xed2a46['configuration']['containerNameFooter']);
var _0x183f30 = document['createElement'](_0x32c22a);
return _0x546cb7['addContainer'](_0x3ee763, _0x183f30), _0x546cb7['hideBlockedAd'](_0x3ee763), _0x183f30;
}, this['addContainer'] = function (_0xb10f5a, _0x38e58c) {
}, this['zone'] = _0x40f8e7, this['ad'] = _0x2d5993, this['innerDivId'] = this['zone']['tj_ad_container_id'] + new Date()['getTime']();
return _0x49c3ec['prototype']['didMount'] = function (_0x170d5a) {
var _0x4b1020 = this, _0x16f13d = _0x170d5a['querySelector']('.' + this['innerDivId']);
_0x16f13d['addEventListener']('click', function () {
}, _0x49c3ec;
_0x99e5bb['Creative'] = _0x17c6b1;
47: function (_0x4da6a9, _0x1e4be9, _0x400095) {
var _0x544050 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x129afa = function (_0x922376, _0x25a6f8) {
return _0x129afa = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x44fc04, _0x3f890b) {
_0x44fc04['__proto__'] = _0x3f890b;
} || function (_0x126cd7, _0x5ab347) {
for (var _0x1c13a2 in _0x5ab347)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x5ab347, _0x1c13a2))
_0x126cd7[_0x1c13a2] = _0x5ab347[_0x1c13a2];
}, _0x129afa(_0x922376, _0x25a6f8);
return function (_0x1c4015, _0xb803b) {
if (typeof _0xb803b !== 'function' && _0xb803b !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0xb803b) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x129afa(_0x1c4015, _0xb803b);
function _0x2511c7() {
this['constructor'] = _0x1c4015;
_0x1c4015['prototype'] = _0xb803b === null ? Object['create'](_0xb803b) : (_0x2511c7['prototype'] = _0xb803b['prototype'], new _0x2511c7());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x1e4be9, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x1e4be9['ImageCreative'] = void 0;
var _0x4a2ac1 = _0x400095(733), _0x348322 = _0x400095(901), _0x1940e1 = function (_0x5c4274) {
_0x544050(_0xcb2149, _0x5c4274);
function _0xcb2149() {
var _0x51b9b8 = _0x5c4274 !== null && _0x5c4274['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x51b9b8['getPayload'] = function () {
var _0x1de764 = _0x51b9b8['getDimension'](), _0x3f66a3 = function (_0x87d0cb, _0x400812, _0x3fe30c) {
var _0x1720ff = _0x3fe30c;
return navigator['userAgent']['toLowerCase']()['indexOf']('firefox') > -1 && (_0x1720ff = ' \n\t\t\t\tdata:' + _0x87d0cb + ';base64,' + _0x400812), _0x1720ff;
return _0x348322['General']['addBlobURL']('data:' + _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_type'] + ';base64,' + _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_data'], function (_0x3b486b) {
var _0x59dfbb, _0x5b53c5;
(_0x59dfbb = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ' img')) === null || _0x59dfbb === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x59dfbb['setAttribute']('srcset', _0x3f66a3(_0x51b9b8['ad']['img_type'], _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_data'], _0x3b486b));
var _0x4bac84 = document['createElement']('style');
_0x4bac84['append']('.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ':before { background: url(' + _0x3f66a3(_0x51b9b8['ad']['img_type'], _0x51b9b8['ad']['img_data'], _0x3b486b) + ') no-repeat;width:' + _0x1de764['width'] + ';height:' + _0x1de764['height'] + ';content:"";display:inline-block;}'), (_0x5b53c5 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'])) === null || _0x5b53c5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x5b53c5['appendChild'](_0x4bac84);
}), '<style>\n\t\t\t\t.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tmargin:0 auto;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;\n\t\t\t\t\twidth:' + _0x1de764['width'] + ';height:' + _0x1de764['height'] + ';\n\t\t\t\t\tdisplay:block!important; cursor:pointer; margin-bottom:15px;clear:both;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t.' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + ' img {\n\t\t\t\t\tcontent:\'\';position:absolute; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t</style>\n\t\t\t<div class="' + _0x51b9b8['innerDivId'] + '">\n\t\t\t\t<img>\n\t\t\t</div>';
}, _0x51b9b8;
return _0xcb2149;
_0x1e4be9['ImageCreative'] = _0x1940e1;
279: function (_0x39c9e6, _0x162358, _0x1baa35) {
var _0x497bb2 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x136e3a = function (_0x2c1b05, _0x5e87d6) {
return _0x136e3a = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0xdeff48, _0x59a18f) {
_0xdeff48['__proto__'] = _0x59a18f;
} || function (_0x2ede79, _0xde2201) {
for (var _0x9d367a in _0xde2201)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0xde2201, _0x9d367a))
_0x2ede79[_0x9d367a] = _0xde2201[_0x9d367a];
}, _0x136e3a(_0x2c1b05, _0x5e87d6);
return function (_0x3f92e3, _0x3b8c39) {
if (typeof _0x3b8c39 !== 'function' && _0x3b8c39 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x3b8c39) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x136e3a(_0x3f92e3, _0x3b8c39);
function _0x5dc873() {
this['constructor'] = _0x3f92e3;
_0x3f92e3['prototype'] = _0x3b8c39 === null ? Object['create'](_0x3b8c39) : (_0x5dc873['prototype'] = _0x3b8c39['prototype'], new _0x5dc873());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x162358, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x162358['VideoCreative'] = void 0;
var _0xf3d580 = _0x1baa35(733), _0x5e3083 = _0x1baa35(901), _0x5ba985 = function (_0x3010d1) {
_0x497bb2(_0x4ef030, _0x3010d1);
function _0x4ef030() {
var _0x500069 = _0x3010d1 !== null && _0x3010d1['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x500069['getPayload'] = function () {
var _0x5eeaf1 = _0x500069['getDimension']();
return _0x500069['addBlobs'](), _0x500069['setVideoAttributes'](), '<style>\n\t\t\t\t.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ' > video {\n\t\t\t\t\twidth:100%;\n\t\t\t\t\tdisplay:block;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tmargin:0 auto;\n\t\t\t\t\tcursor:pointer;\n\t\t\t\t\tposition:absolute;\n\t\t\t\t\twidth:' + _0x5eeaf1['width'] + ';\n\t\t\t\t\theight:' + _0x5eeaf1['height'] + ';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ':before {\n\t\t\t\t\tcontent:\'\';\n\t\t\t\t\tposition:absolute;\n\t\t\t\t\ttop:0;\n\t\t\t\t\tright:0;\n\t\t\t\t\tbottom:0;\n\t\t\t\t\tleft:0;\n\t\t\t\t\tbackground-repeat:no-repeat;\n\t\t\t\t\tbackground-position:center;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t</style>\n\t\t\t<div class="' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + '">\n\t\t\t\t<video loop muted />\n\t\t\t</div>';
}, _0x500069['addBlobs'] = function () {
var _0x4de761 = _0x500069['ad'], _0x27ab84 = function (_0x22c443, _0x123e9a, _0x538dc4) {
var _0x1995a7 = _0x538dc4;
return navigator['userAgent']['toLowerCase']()['indexOf']('firefox') > -1 && (_0x1995a7 = ' \n\t\t\t\tdata:' + _0x22c443 + ';base64,' + _0x123e9a), _0x1995a7;
_0x5e3083['General']['addBlobURL']('data:' + _0x4de761['video_type'] + ';base64,' + _0x4de761['video_data'], function (_0x1ff694) {
var _0x30f603;
(_0x30f603 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ' > video')) === null || _0x30f603 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x30f603['setAttribute']('src', _0x27ab84(_0x4de761['video_type'], _0x4de761['video_data'], _0x1ff694));
}), _0x5e3083['General']['addBlobURL']('data:' + _0x500069['ad']['img_type'] + ';base64,' + _0x500069['ad']['img_data'], function (_0x2879e5) {
var _0xd26006, _0x49ceaa, _0x270f98 = document['createElement']('img');
_0x270f98['style']['cssText'] = '\n\t\t\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\t\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\t\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\t\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\t\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\t\t', _0x270f98['src'] = '' + _0x27ab84(_0x4de761['img_type'], _0x4de761['img_data'], _0x2879e5), (_0xd26006 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'])) === null || _0xd26006 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0xd26006['appendChild'](_0x270f98);
var _0x4e42ae = document['createElement']('style');
_0x4e42ae['append']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'] + ':before { background: url(' + _0x270f98['src'] + ') no-repeat; }'), (_0x49ceaa = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x500069['innerDivId'])) === null || _0x49ceaa === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x49ceaa['appendChild'](_0x4e42ae);
}, _0x500069;
return _0x4ef030['prototype']['setVideoAttributes'] = function () {
var _0x3e6c1b = this;
setTimeout(function () {
var _0x2987e6 = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x3e6c1b['innerDivId'] + ' video');
_0x2987e6 && (_0x2987e6['playsInline'] = !![], _0x2987e6['play']());
}, 0);
}, _0x4ef030;
_0x162358['VideoCreative'] = _0x5ba985;
808: function (_0xca1c9b, _0x421455) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x421455, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x421455['Media'] = void 0;
var _0x2d844e;
(function (_0x4fc324) {
_0x4fc324['video'] = 'video', _0x4fc324['image'] = 'image';
}(_0x2d844e || (_0x2d844e = {})), _0x421455['Media'] = _0x2d844e);
901: function (_0x223949, _0x298077, _0x28cb6f) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x298077, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x298077['General'] = void 0;
var _0x43ecb7 = _0x28cb6f(610), _0x38f9d0 = function () {
function _0x19e351() {
return _0x19e351['createSpecialElement'] = function (_0x1a8eaf) {
var _0x5b559c = '', _0x59770f = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
for (var _0x3becad = 0; _0x3becad < _0x1a8eaf; _0x3becad++) {
var _0x5b5561 = _0x19e351['middleSquare']() * Math['floor'](Math['random']() * _0x59770f['length'] - 1) + 1;
_0x5b559c += _0x59770f['charAt'](~~_0x5b5561);
return _0x5b559c;
}, _0x19e351['init'] = function (_0x275fe8, _0x22c6be) {
_0x19e351['configuration'] = _0x22c6be, window['setTimeout'](function () {
if (_0x19e351['loaded'])
}, 500), window['runInsContainers'] = function () {
}, document['readyState'] === 'complete' || document['readyState'] === 'interactive' ? _0x19e351['initClassWithTryCatch'](_0x275fe8) : document['addEventListener']('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
}, _0x19e351['initClassWithTryCatch'] = function (_0x2d55e8) {
try {
_0x19e351['loaded'] = !![], new _0x2d55e8();
} catch (_0x1c6a1b) {
}, _0x19e351['isPage'] = function (_0x63f03a) {
return Boolean(document['querySelectorAll'](_0x63f03a)['length']);
}, _0x19e351['proxifyURL'] = function (_0x4d53ed) {
if (_0x4d53ed['length'] === 0)
return '';
return '' + _0x43ecb7['configuration']['linkProxyUrl'] + btoa(_0x4d53ed);
}, _0x19e351['btoaAlt'] = function (_0x1a80f4) {
var _0x4f239a;
_0x1a80f4 instanceof Buffer ? _0x4f239a = _0x1a80f4 : _0x4f239a = Buffer['from'](_0x1a80f4['toString'](), 'binary');
var _0x468d49 = _0x4f239a['toString']('base64');
return _0x468d49;
}, _0x19e351['getZonePrefix'] = function () {
if (document['location']['origin']['indexOf']('youporn') === -1)
return '';
var _0x589c31 = new Date(), _0x547b5e = '_f';
return _0x547b5e += (_0x589c31['getUTCMonth']() + 1 + _0x589c31['getUTCDate']()) * _0x589c31['getUTCFullYear']() + 6278, _0x547b5e + '_';
}, _0x19e351['loaded'] = ![], _0x19e351['seed'] = 1337, _0x19e351['shouldProcess'] = function () {
if (typeof window['tjEmbeddedAdsLoaded'] === 'undefined' || typeof window['tjDebug'] !== 'function')
return !![];
try {
var _0x97bef = window['tjDebug'](), _0x57bbc9 = Number(_0x97bef['events']['embeddedAdsSpotDefaultLoaded']['length']), _0x1414b7 = Number(_0x97bef['spots'][0]['length']);
return _0x1414b7 === _0x57bbc9;
} catch (_0x5916ae) {
return !![];
}, _0x19e351['log'] = function (_0x4dfacf) {
_0x19e351['configuration']['debug'] && console['log'](_0x4dfacf);
}, _0x19e351['find'] = function (_0x332687) {
var _0x318f8b = document['querySelector']('.' + _0x332687);
if (!_0x318f8b) {
_0x318f8b = document['querySelector']('#' + _0x332687);
if (!_0x318f8b)
return _0x19e351['log']('invalid selector: ' + _0x332687), null;
return _0x318f8b;
}, _0x19e351['shadow'] = function (_0x41a522) {
if ('attachShadow' in _0x41a522)
return _0x41a522['attachShadow']({ 'mode': 'closed' });
else {
if ('createShadowRoot' in _0x41a522)
return _0x41a522['createShadowRoot']();
return _0x41a522;
}, _0x19e351['getSize'] = function (_0x51eaf0) {
if (isNaN(Number(_0x51eaf0)))
return _0x51eaf0['toString']()['indexOf']('%') > -1 ? _0x51eaf0['toString']() : 'inherit';
return _0x51eaf0 + 'px';
}, _0x19e351['middleSquare'] = function () {
var _0x52d4cf = _0x19e351['seed'], _0x3a6c85 = '' + _0x52d4cf * _0x52d4cf + '';
return _0x19e351['seed'] = parseInt(_0x3a6c85['substring'](0, 4)), parseFloat('0.' + _0x52d4cf);
}, _0x19e351['open'] = function (_0x3168e0, _0x5acd7e) {
if (!_0x3168e0 || !_0x5acd7e)
_0x3168e0['addEventListener']('click', function (_0x4bc27e) {
window['open']('' + _0x19e351['configuration']['linkProxyUrl'] + btoa(_0x5acd7e)), _0x4bc27e['stopPropagation'](), _0x4bc27e['preventDefault']();
}, ![]);
}, _0x19e351['addBlobURL'] = function (_0x30d15c, _0x491def) {
fetch(_0x30d15c)['then'](function (_0x373f9d) {
return _0x373f9d['blob']();
})['then'](function (_0x4a481a) {
}, _0x19e351['setElementStyle'] = function (_0x142b2a, _0x54cfd6) {
_0x54cfd6 === void 0 && (_0x54cfd6 = {});
if (!_0x142b2a)
for (var _0x2b4f21 in _0x54cfd6) {
_0x142b2a['style'][_0x2b4f21] = _0x54cfd6[_0x2b4f21];
}, _0x19e351['bustBlobCssSelector'] = function (_0x473f0e) {
return _0x473f0e['replace']('blob', ' Blob');
}, _0x19e351;
_0x298077['General'] = _0x38f9d0;
498: function (_0x2872a3, _0x2e736d, _0x1ab73a) {
var _0xe2a55f = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x576850 = function (_0x2f29b4, _0x13a7eb) {
return _0x576850 = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x5cbc79, _0x1f2e1f) {
_0x5cbc79['__proto__'] = _0x1f2e1f;
} || function (_0x2edc57, _0x399f67) {
for (var _0x4f8c37 in _0x399f67)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x399f67, _0x4f8c37))
_0x2edc57[_0x4f8c37] = _0x399f67[_0x4f8c37];
}, _0x576850(_0x2f29b4, _0x13a7eb);
return function (_0x20dbe1, _0x286064) {
if (typeof _0x286064 !== 'function' && _0x286064 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x286064) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x576850(_0x20dbe1, _0x286064);
function _0x1e2001() {
this['constructor'] = _0x20dbe1;
_0x20dbe1['prototype'] = _0x286064 === null ? Object['create'](_0x286064) : (_0x1e2001['prototype'] = _0x286064['prototype'], new _0x1e2001());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x2e736d, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x2e736d['ImageCreative'] = void 0;
var _0x3c022c = _0x1ab73a(47), _0x56cae8 = function (_0x51b279) {
_0xe2a55f(_0x119131, _0x51b279);
function _0x119131() {
return _0x51b279 !== null && _0x51b279['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x119131;
_0x2e736d['ImageCreative'] = _0x56cae8;
246: function (_0x42a6d5, _0x121b88, _0x472b69) {
var _0x23db66 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x1c6add = function (_0x6028aa, _0x16d9b3) {
return _0x1c6add = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x2996fd, _0x48085a) {
_0x2996fd['__proto__'] = _0x48085a;
} || function (_0x49fa45, _0x2f2fb0) {
for (var _0x234254 in _0x2f2fb0)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x2f2fb0, _0x234254))
_0x49fa45[_0x234254] = _0x2f2fb0[_0x234254];
}, _0x1c6add(_0x6028aa, _0x16d9b3);
return function (_0x3285a3, _0x43a531) {
if (typeof _0x43a531 !== 'function' && _0x43a531 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x43a531) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x1c6add(_0x3285a3, _0x43a531);
function _0x6c4eab() {
this['constructor'] = _0x3285a3;
_0x3285a3['prototype'] = _0x43a531 === null ? Object['create'](_0x43a531) : (_0x6c4eab['prototype'] = _0x43a531['prototype'], new _0x6c4eab());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x121b88, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] });
var _0x7055 = _0x472b69(498), _0x4b22f0 = _0x472b69(237), _0x4bf1c5 = _0x472b69(610), _0x16e1cb = _0x472b69(450), _0x15ea32 = _0x472b69(901), _0x3d459a = _0x472b69(808), _0x5a2624 = function (_0x3d088a) {
_0x23db66(_0x3b9a89, _0x3d088a);
function _0x3b9a89() {
return _0x3d088a !== null && _0x3d088a['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x3b9a89['prototype']['proxifyBlankLinks'] = function () {
document['querySelectorAll']('a[target="_blank"]')['forEach'](function (_0x131743) {
var _0x314a93 = _0x131743['getAttribute']('href');
_0x314a93 !== '/' && !_0x131743['matches']('#bottomVideos a') && (_0x15ea32['General']['open'](_0x131743, _0x314a93), _0x314a93['startsWith']('') && _0x131743['setAttribute']('href', '#'));
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['create'] = function (_0x2a02f6, _0x5b7df2) {
switch (_0x5b7df2['media_type']) {
case _0x3d459a['Media']['video']: {
return new _0x4b22f0['VideoCreative'](_0x2a02f6, _0x5b7df2);
case _0x3d459a['Media']['image']: {
return new _0x7055['ImageCreative'](_0x2a02f6, _0x5b7df2);
default: {
return null;
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['handlePromoBanner'] = function () {
try {
var _0x5a73fb = document['querySelector']('.premiumPromoBanner a'), _0x3c0221 = _0x5a73fb === null || _0x5a73fb === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x5a73fb['getAttribute']('href');
if (!_0x5a73fb || !_0x3c0221)
_0x5a73fb['onclick'] = function () {
return window['open'](_0x15ea32['General']['proxifyURL'](_0x3c0221), '_blank');
}, _0x5a73fb['href'] = '#';
} catch (_0x411190) {
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['handleSkinsAB'] = function () {
try {
var _0x5678dc = document['querySelectorAll']('#customSkinCTA a')[0]['getAttribute']('href');
if (!_0x5678dc)
var _0x2c025d = _0x4bf1c5['configuration']['linkProxyUrl'] + '/' + btoa(_0x5678dc);
_0x5678dc && document['querySelectorAll']('#customSkinCTA a')[0]['setAttribute']('href', _0x2c025d);
} catch (_0x437249) {
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['after'] = function () {
var _0x4a12e8;
try {
} catch (_0x173a4f) {
var _0x4585fa = document['querySelector'](_0x4bf1c5['configuration']['pornhub']['underplayer']), _0x39acb3 = (_0x4a12e8 = _0x4585fa === null || _0x4585fa === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x4585fa['nextElementSibling']) === null || _0x4a12e8 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x4a12e8['firstElementChild'];
_0x39acb3 && (_0x39acb3['style']['height'] = '100%');
if (_0x4585fa && _0x4585fa['parentNode']) {
var _0xc42c2d = document['createElement']('div');
_0x4585fa['parentNode']['insertBefore'](_0xc42c2d, _0x4585fa['nextSibling']);
var _0x15902c = document['querySelector'](_0x4bf1c5['configuration']['pornhub']['footer']);
_0x15902c && (_0x15902c['className'] = '');
this['handleSkinsAB'](), this['handlePromoBanner']();
var _0x5f0326 = document['querySelector']('li#menuItem6 a');
if (_0x5f0326) {
var _0x141189 = _0x5f0326['getAttribute']('data-href');
_0x5f0326['onclick'] = function () {
return window['open'](_0x15ea32['General']['proxifyURL'](_0x141189), '_blank');
}, _0x5f0326['href'] = '#';
}, _0x3b9a89['prototype']['fixHDR'] = function () {
var _0x33fc6c = document['querySelector'](_0x4bf1c5['configuration']['pornhub']['hdR']);
if (!_0x33fc6c)
var _0x249ca5 = document['querySelectorAll']('#recommendedVideosVPage .pcVideoListItem .wrap, #paidItems .pcVideoListItem .wrap');
for (var _0x89facd in _0x249ca5) {
var _0x4e65dd = _0x249ca5[_0x89facd];
if (typeof _0x4e65dd !== 'object' || !_0x4e65dd['style'])
_0x4e65dd['style']['width'] = '100%', _0x4e65dd['style']['height'] = 'auto', _0x4e65dd['style']['gridRowGap'] = '15px', _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.phimage'), {
'display': 'inline-block',
'width': '50%'
}), _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.add-to-playlist-icon'), {
'-moz-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'-ms-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'-o-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'-webkit-transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'left': '50%',
'transform': 'translateX(-25px)',
'width': '20px'
}), _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.videoUploaderBlock'), { 'margin-bottom': '5px' }), _0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](_0x4e65dd['querySelector']('.thumbnail-info-wrapper'), {
'float': 'right',
'margin': '0',
'width': '48%'
_0x15ea32['General']['setElementStyle'](document['querySelector']('#p2vVideosVPage .section_bar_sidebar'), { 'background-color': '#000' }), _0x33fc6c['setAttribute']('id', '' + new Date()['getTime']());
}, _0x3b9a89;
_0x15ea32['General']['init'](_0x5a2624, _0x4bf1c5['configuration']);
237: function (_0x3e26b3, _0x55162a, _0x365dd1) {
var _0x37ec38 = this && this['__extends'] || function () {
var _0x9ffb77 = function (_0xfbc18c, _0x28424d) {
return _0x9ffb77 = Object['setPrototypeOf'] || { '__proto__': [] } instanceof Array && function (_0x52d316, _0x36fb3e) {
_0x52d316['__proto__'] = _0x36fb3e;
} || function (_0x517794, _0x4a9548) {
for (var _0x3e4820 in _0x4a9548)
if (Object['prototype']['hasOwnProperty']['call'](_0x4a9548, _0x3e4820))
_0x517794[_0x3e4820] = _0x4a9548[_0x3e4820];
}, _0x9ffb77(_0xfbc18c, _0x28424d);
return function (_0x2b9f02, _0x5588f7) {
if (typeof _0x5588f7 !== 'function' && _0x5588f7 !== null)
throw new TypeError('Class extends value ' + String(_0x5588f7) + ' is not a constructor or null');
_0x9ffb77(_0x2b9f02, _0x5588f7);
function _0x31a7e0() {
this['constructor'] = _0x2b9f02;
_0x2b9f02['prototype'] = _0x5588f7 === null ? Object['create'](_0x5588f7) : (_0x31a7e0['prototype'] = _0x5588f7['prototype'], new _0x31a7e0());
Object['defineProperty'](_0x55162a, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x55162a['VideoCreative'] = void 0;
var _0x4055b5 = _0x365dd1(279), _0x31b205 = _0x365dd1(610), _0x41af8a = _0x365dd1(901), _0x47c7bc = function (_0xc5f676) {
_0x37ec38(_0x473c50, _0xc5f676);
function _0x473c50() {
var _0x215d1a = _0xc5f676 !== null && _0xc5f676['apply'](this, arguments) || this;
return _0x215d1a['addContainer'] = function (_0x4504f3, _0x25161a) {
var _0x3e9bab, _0x4234a9 = _0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['sniper']['replace']('.', '');
if (((_0x3e9bab = _0x4504f3['parentElement']) === null || _0x3e9bab === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x3e9bab['parentElement']) && _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']['className']['indexOf'](_0x4234a9) !== -1)
_0x215d1a['applyGridStyles'](), _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']['parentElement'] && _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']['parentElement']['replaceChild'](_0x25161a, _0x4504f3['parentElement']['parentElement']);
_0x4504f3['parentNode'] && (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['pornstar']) && _0x215d1a['applyGridStyles'](), _0x4504f3['parentNode']['replaceChild'](_0x25161a, _0x4504f3));
}, _0x215d1a['applyGridStyles'] = function () {
var _0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getDefaultStyle']();
if (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['pornstar']))
_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getPornStarStyles']();
else {
if (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['albums']))
_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getAlbumsStyles']();
else {
if (_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['pornstarCategory']))
_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getPornstarCategoryStyles']();
_0x41af8a['General']['isPage'](_0x31b205['configuration']['pornhub']['pages']['search']) && (_0x4a7a0d = _0x215d1a['getSearchStyles']());
var _0xd3db59 = '\n\t\t\t' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\talign-self: center;\n\t\t\t}', _0x394989 = document['createElement']('style');
document['head']['appendChild'](_0x394989), _0x394989['appendChild'](document['createTextNode'](_0x4a7a0d + _0xd3db59));
}, _0x215d1a['getDefaultStyle'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 1/span 2;\n\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 3/span 2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t@media only screen and (min-width: 1350px) {\n\t\t\t\t' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column-start: 4;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t.col-4 ' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 1;\n\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 3;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t.col-4 ' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' + .emptyBlockSpace {\n\t\t\t\tdisplay: none !important;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t@media only screen and (min-width: 1350px) {\n\t\t\t\t.col-4 ' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column-end: auto;\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 1/span 1;\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 4;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}';
}, _0x215d1a['getAlbumsStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 1/span 2;\n\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 5/span 3;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t@media only screen and (max-width: 1350px) {\n\t\t\t\t' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column-start: 3;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}';
}, _0x215d1a['getSearchStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 1/span 2;\n\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 3/span 2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t@media only screen and (max-width: 1350px) {\n\t\t\t\t' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column-start: 2;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}';
}, _0x215d1a['getPornstarCategoryStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 1/span 2;\n\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 7/span 3;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t@media only screen and (max-width: 1350px) {\n\t\t\t\t' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column-start: 4;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}';
}, _0x215d1a['getPornStarStyles'] = function () {
return _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\tgrid-row: 2/span 2;\n\t\t\t\tgrid-column: 4/span 2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t@media only screen and (min-width: 1350px) {\n\t\t\t\t' + _0x31b205['configuration']['containerName'] + ' {\n\t\t\t\t\tgrid-column-start: 5;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}';
}, _0x215d1a;
return _0x473c50;
_0x55162a['VideoCreative'] = _0x47c7bc;
450: function (_0x46f002, _0x225e71, _0x3fa9c4) {
Object['defineProperty'](_0x225e71, '__esModule', { 'value': !![] }), _0x225e71['Website'] = void 0;
var _0x4b0755 = _0x3fa9c4(901), _0x3a28b8 = _0x3fa9c4(808), _0x3ae467 = function () {
function _0x4f5779() {
this['getAd'] = function (_0x11be8e, _0xa16bbb) {
if (!_0x11be8e[_0xa16bbb]['tj_adb_spot_id'])
return _0x4b0755['General']['log']('Failed ad ' + _0xa16bbb + '. The spot ID is undefined.'), null;
var _0x2c4324 = 'zone_' + _0x11be8e[_0xa16bbb]['tj_adb_spot_id'], _0x4a86f3 = _0x4b0755['General']['getZonePrefix']();
if (!window['' + _0x4a86f3 + _0x2c4324])
return _0x4b0755['General']['log']('Failed ad ' + _0xa16bbb + '. Zone ' + _0x2c4324 + ' does not exist.'), null;
return window['' + _0x4a86f3 + _0x2c4324];
}, this['getAdsInfoByTag'] = function () {
var _0x568ccb = document['querySelectorAll']('ins.adsbytrafficjunky');
return _0x568ccb['length'] === 0 && (_0x568ccb = document['querySelectorAll']('a[data-embeddedadsfallback]')), _0x568ccb;
if (!_0x4b0755['General']['shouldProcess']())
var _0x379d22 = this['getNewAds']();
_0x379d22 && (this['requestTrafficJunkyAds'](_0x379d22), this['proxifyBlankLinks'](), this['after'] && this['after']());
return _0x4f5779['prototype']['requestTrafficJunkyAds'] = function (_0x7e3f2d) {
var _0x398cad;
for (var _0x155a25 = 0, _0x2ab96b = Object['keys'](_0x7e3f2d); _0x155a25 < _0x2ab96b['length']; _0x155a25++) {
var _0x5426b2 = _0x2ab96b[_0x155a25];
try {
} catch (_0x36973e) {
var _0x6e541b = this['getAd'](_0x7e3f2d, _0x5426b2);
if (!_0x6e541b)
var _0xaf0d9 = this['create'](_0x7e3f2d[_0x5426b2], _0x6e541b);
_0xaf0d9 && ((_0x398cad = _0x7e3f2d[_0x5426b2]['tj_ad_container']) === null || _0x398cad === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x398cad['remove'](), this['runAd'](_0xaf0d9));
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['runAd'] = function (_0x4b1b1c) {
if (!_0x4b1b1c)
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['overrideUnderPlayers'] = function (_0x4f5a7d) {
if (typeof window[_0x4b0755['General']['getZonePrefix']() + 'zone_underplayer'] === 'undefined')
isNaN(Number(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width'])) && isNaN(Number(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height'])) && (_0x4f5a7d['tj_adb_spot_id'] = 'underplayer', _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height'] = '100%', _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width'] = '100%'), _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height'] === '76' && _0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width'] === '770' && (_0x4f5a7d['tj_adb_spot_id'] = 'underplayer'), String(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_height']) === '91' && String(_0x4f5a7d['tj_ad_width']) === '970' && (_0x4f5a7d['tj_adb_spot_id'] = 'underplayer');
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['getNewAds'] = function () {
var _0x36ce12, _0x10bcef, _0x280ea0 = this['getAdsInfoByTag'](), _0x128e2a = [];
for (var _0x18ee57 = 0; _0x18ee57 < _0x280ea0['length']; _0x18ee57++) {
var _0x3cbf7a = Number(_0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['getAttribute']('data-spot-id')), _0x29c572 = (_0x36ce12 = _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['getAttribute']('data-width')) === null || _0x36ce12 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x36ce12['replace']('px', ''), _0x3675e2 = (_0x10bcef = _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['getAttribute']('data-height')) === null || _0x10bcef === void 0 ? void 0 : _0x10bcef['replace']('px', '');
if (!_0x3cbf7a || !_0x29c572 || !_0x3675e2)
var _0x2ea257 = _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57]['parentNode'];
!_0x2ea257['id'] && (_0x2ea257['id'] = _0x4b0755['General']['createSpecialElement'](10)), _0x128e2a['push']({
'tj_ad_container': _0x280ea0[_0x18ee57],
'tj_ad_container_id': _0x2ea257['id'],
'tj_ad_height': _0x3675e2,
'tj_ad_width': _0x29c572,
'tj_adb_spot_id': _0x3cbf7a
return _0x128e2a;
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['fixAbsentMediaType'] = function (_0xafd4bb) {
if (_0xafd4bb['media_type'])
_0xafd4bb['video_data'] ? _0xafd4bb['media_type'] = _0x3a28b8['Media']['video'] : _0xafd4bb['media_type'] = _0x3a28b8['Media']['image'];
}, _0x4f5779['prototype']['proxifyBlankLinks'] = function () {
document['querySelectorAll']('a[target="_blank"]')['forEach'](function (_0x33c8df) {
var _0x2ff563 = _0x33c8df['getAttribute']('href');
_0x2ff563 !== '/' && _0x4b0755['General']['open'](_0x33c8df, _0x2ff563);
}, _0x4f5779;
_0x225e71['Website'] = _0x3ae467;
}, _0x55ca8c = {};
function _0x28850f(_0x48ee53) {
var _0xc11c54 = _0x55ca8c[_0x48ee53];
if (_0xc11c54 !== undefined)
return _0xc11c54['exports'];
var _0x529827 = _0x55ca8c[_0x48ee53] = { 'exports': {} };
return _0x1e356e[_0x48ee53]['call'](_0x529827['exports'], _0x529827, _0x529827['exports'], _0x28850f), _0x529827['exports'];
var _0xf34968 = _0x28850f(246);
return _0xf34968;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 96380b0e8f201f7a14c70441afaad4dd |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 71 ms |