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<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ControlStructure;
use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidFixerConfigurationException;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinitionInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @author Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ControlStructure\YodaStyleFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ControlStructure\YodaStyleFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ControlStructure\YodaStyleFixer
final class YodaStyleFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @param array<string, mixed> $extraConfig
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $extraConfig = []): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => true, 'identical' => true] + $extraConfig);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* Test with the inverse config.
* @param array<string, mixed> $extraConfig
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFixInverse(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $extraConfig = []): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => false, 'identical' => false] + $extraConfig);
if (null === $input) {
} else {
$this->doTest($input, $expected);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 + ($b + $c) === true ? 1 : 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = true === ($b + $c) ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a = ($b + $c) === true ? 1 : 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
if ((1 === $a) === 1) {
if (($a === 1) === 1) {
['always_move_variable' => false],
yield [
if (true === (1 !== $foo[0])) {
if (($foo[0] !== 1) === true) {
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return 1 !== $a [$b];',
'<?php return $a [$b] !== 1;',
yield [
'<?= 1 === $a ? 5 : 7;',
'<?= $a === 1 ? 5 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php print 1 === 1343;',
yield [
echo 3 === $a ? 2 : 4;
echo $a === 3 ? 2 : 4;
yield [
'<?php 1 === foo($a) ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php foo($a) === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === $a::$a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a::$a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === (bool) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php (bool) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === new $a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php new $a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === "a".$a ? 5 : 6;',
'<?php "a".$a === 1 ? 5 : 6;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === __DIR__.$a ? 5 : 6;',
'<?php __DIR__.$a === 1 ? 5 : 6;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === $a.$b ? 5 : 6;',
'<?php $a.$b === 1 ? 5 : 6;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (object) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (object) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (int) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (int) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (float) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (float) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (string) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (string) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (array) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (array) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (bool) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (bool) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
if ($a = true === $obj instanceof A) {
echo \'A\';
if ($a = $obj instanceof A === true) {
echo \'A\';
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === !!$a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo !!$a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === new $a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php new $a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === new b ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a = new b === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === empty($a) ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a = empty($a) === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php $b = 1 === clone $a ? 5 : 9;',
'<?php $b = clone $a === 1 ? 5 : 9;',
yield [
'<?php while(1 === $a ? 1 : 2){};',
'<?php while($a === 1 ? 1 : 2){};',
yield [
'<?php switch(1 === $a){
case true: echo 1;
'<?php switch($a === 1){
case true: echo 1;
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === $a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php echo $a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
// Don't fix cases.
yield ['<?php $a = 1 === 1;'];
yield ['<?php $b = $b === $c;'];
yield ['<?php $c = $$b === $$c;'];
yield ['<?php $d = count($this->array[$var]) === $a;'];
yield ['<?php $e = $a === count($this->array[$var]);'];
yield ['<?php $f = ($a123 & self::MY_BITMASK) === $a;'];
yield ['<?php $g = $a === ($a456 & self::MY_BITMASK);'];
yield ['<?php $h = $this->getStuff() === $myVariable;'];
yield ['<?php $i = $myVariable === $this->getStuff();'];
yield ['<?php $j = 2 * $myVar % 3 === $a;'];
yield ['<?php return $k === 2 * $myVar % 3;'];
yield ['<?php $l = $c > 2;'];
yield ['<?php return $this->myObject1->{$index}+$b === "";'];
yield ['<?php return $m[2]+1 == 2;'];
yield ['<?php return $foo === $bar[$baz][1];'];
yield ['<?php $a = $b[$key]["1"] === $c["2"];'];
yield ['<?php return $foo->$a === $foo->$b->$c;'];
yield ['<?php return $x === 2 - 1;'];
yield ['<?php return $x === 2-1;'];
yield ['<?php return array(2) == $o;'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array(2);'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array("2");'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array(TWO);'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array(array());'];
yield ['<?php return $p == [[]];'];
yield ['<?php return array($q) == $a;'];
yield ['<?php return $r == array($a);'];
yield ['<?php $s = ((array(2))) == $a;'];
yield ['<?php $t = $a == ((array(2)));'];
yield ['<?php list($a) = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === list($a) = [7];'];
yield ['<?php $a = function(){} === array(0);'];
yield ['<?php $z = $n == list($a) = $b;'];
yield ['<?php return $n == list($a) = $b;'];
// Fix cases.
yield 'Array destruct by ternary.' => [
'<?php list($a) = 11 === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php list($a) = $c === 11 ? $b : $d;',
yield 'Less spacing.' => [
'<?php $z=2==$a;$b=$c>1&&$c<=10;',
'<?php $z=$a==2;$b=$c>1&&$c<=10;',
yield 'Comments.' => [
'<?php $z = /**/ /**/2/**/ /**/
# aa
'<?php $z = /**/ /**/$a/**/ /**/
# aa
yield [
'<?php return 2 == ($a)?>',
yield [
'<?php return ($a) == 2?>',
yield [
'<?php return 2 == ($a)?>',
'<?php return ($a) == 2?>',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = ($c === ((null === $b)));',
'<?php $a = ($c === (($b === null)));',
yield [
'<?php return null == $a[2];',
'<?php return $a[2] == null;',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myArray[$index];',
'<?php return $this->myArray[$index] === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myArray[$index]->/*1*//*2*//*3*/a;',
'<?php return $this->myArray[$index]->/*1*//*2*//*3*/a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myArray[$index]->a;',
'<?php return $this->myArray[$index]->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject2-> {$index};',
'<?php return $this->myObject2-> {$index} === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject3->{$index}->a;',
'<?php return $this->myObject3->{$index}->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject4->{$index}->{$index}->a;',
'<?php return $this->myObject4->{$index}->{$index}->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject4->$index->a;',
'<?php return $this->myObject4->$index->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return self::MY_CONST === self::$myVariable;',
'<?php return self::$myVariable === self::MY_CONST;',
yield [
'<?php return \A\B\C::MY_CONST === \A\B\C::$myVariable;',
'<?php return \A\B\C::$myVariable === \A\B\C::MY_CONST;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 == $$a?>',
'<?php $a = $$a == 1?>',
yield 'Nested case' => [
'<?php return null === $a[0 === $b ? $c : $d];',
'<?php return $a[$b === 0 ? $c : $d] === null;',
yield [
'<?php return null === $this->{null === $a ? "a" : "b"};',
'<?php return $this->{$a === null ? "a" : "b"} === null;',
yield 'Complex code sample.' => [
if ($a == $b) {
return null === $b ? (null === $a ? 0 : 0 === $a->b) : 0 === $b->a;
} else {
if ($c === (null === $b)) {
return false === $d;
if ($a == $b) {
return $b === null ? ($a === null ? 0 : $a->b === 0) : $b->a === 0;
} else {
if ($c === ($b === null)) {
return $d === false;
yield [
'<?php $b = list($a) = 7 === [7];', // makes no sense, but valid PHP syntax
'<?php $b = list($a) = [7] === 7;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === function(){};',
'<?php $a = function(){} === 1;',
yield [
yield [
'<?php $i = 2 === $this/*a*//*b*//*c*//*d*//*e*//*f*/->getStuff();',
'<?php $i = $this/*a*//*b*//*c*//*d*//*e*//*f*/->getStuff() === 2;',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject5->{$index}->/*1*//*2*/b;',
'<?php return $this->myObject5->{$index}->/*1*//*2*/b === "";',
yield [
function hello() {}
1 === $a ? b() : c();
function hello() {}
$a === 1 ? b() : c();
yield [
class A{}
1 === $a ? b() : c();
class A{}
$a === 1 ? b() : c();
yield [
function foo() {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
false !== uniqid() ? 1 : 2;
false !== uniqid() ? 1 : 2;
function foo() {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
uniqid() !== false ? 1 : 2;
uniqid() !== false ? 1 : 2;
yield [
'<?php false === $a = array();',
yield [
'<?php $e = count($this->array[$var]) === $a;',
'<?php $e = $a === count($this->array[$var]);',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $i = $this->getStuff() === $myVariable;',
'<?php $i = $myVariable === $this->getStuff();',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $e = count($this->array[$var]) === $a;',
'<?php $e = $a === count($this->array[$var]);',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $g = ($a789 & self::MY_BITMASK) === $a;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar + 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar + 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar . $b === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar . $b;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar - 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar - 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar * 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar * 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar / 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar / 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar % 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar % 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar ** 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar ** 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar < 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar < 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar > 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar > 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar <= 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar <= 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar >= 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar >= 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar . 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar . 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar << 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar << 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar >> 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar >> 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return !$myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === !$myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar instanceof Foo === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar instanceof Foo;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (bool) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (bool) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (int) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (int) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (float) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (float) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (string) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (string) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (array) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (array) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (object) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (object) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = null === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === null;',
yield [
'<?php $a = \'foo\' === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === \'foo\';',
yield [
'<?php $a = "foo" === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === "foo";',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === 1;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1.2 === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === 1.2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = true === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === true;',
yield [
'<?php $a = false === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === false;',
yield [
'<?php $a = -1 === reset($foo);',
'<?php $a = reset($foo) === -1;',
yield [
'<?php $a = - 1 === reset($foo);',
'<?php $a = reset($foo) === - 1;',
yield [
'<?php $a = -/* bar */1 === reset($foo);',
'<?php $a = reset($foo) === -/* bar */1;',
yield [
'<?php $a %= 4 === $b ? 2 : 3;',
'<?php $a %= $b === 4 ? 2 : 3;',
yield [
'<?php return array() === $array;',
'<?php return $array === array();',
yield [
'<?php return [] === $array;',
'<?php return $array === [];',
yield [
'<?php return array(/* foo */) === $array;',
'<?php return $array === array(/* foo */);',
yield [
'<?php return [
// 1
] === $array;',
'<?php return $array === [
// 1
yield [
'<?php $a = $b = null === $c;',
'<?php $a = $b = $c === null;',
$template = '<?php $a = ($b + $c) %s 1 === true ? 1 : 2;';
$operators = ['||', '&&'];
foreach ($operators as $operator) {
yield [
sprintf($template, $operator),
['always_move_variable' => true],
$assignmentOperators = ['=', '**=', '*=', '|=', '+=', '-=', '^=', '<<=', '>>=', '&=', '.=', '/=', '%=', '??='];
$logicalOperators = ['xor', 'or', 'and', '||', '&&', '??'];
foreach ([...$assignmentOperators, ...$logicalOperators] as $operator) {
yield [
sprintf('<?php $a %s 4 === $b ? 2 : 3;', $operator),
sprintf('<?php $a %s $b === 4 ? 2 : 3;', $operator),
foreach ($assignmentOperators as $operator) {
yield [
sprintf('<?php 1 === $x %s 2;', $operator),
yield ['<?php $a = $b + 1 <=> $d;'];
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {} === $a;/**/',
yield [
'<?php $a = $b ?? 1 ?? 2 == $d;',
'<?php $a = $b ?? 1 ?? $d == 2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {};/**/',
'<?php $a = new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {} === 1;/**/',
yield [
function a() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
echo yield 1 === $i ? 1 : 2;
function a() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
echo yield $i === 1 ? 1 : 2;
yield [
'<?php function test() {return yield 1 !== $a [$b];};',
'<?php function test() {return yield $a [$b] !== 1;};',
yield [
'<?php function test() {return yield 1 === $a;};',
'<?php function test() {return yield $a === 1;};',
yield [
$a = 1;
switch ($a) {
case 1 === $a:
echo 123;
$a = 1;
switch ($a) {
case $a === 1:
echo 123;
yield 'require' => [
'<?php require 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php require $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'require_once' => [
'<?php require_once 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php require_once $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'include' => [
'<?php include 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php include $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'include_once' => [
'<?php include_once 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php include_once $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'yield from' => [
'<?php function test() {return yield from 1 === $a ? $c : $d;};',
'<?php function test() {return yield from $a === 1 ? $c : $d;};',
* @dataProvider provideLessGreaterCases
public function testFixLessGreater(string $expected, string $input): void
$this->fixer->configure(['less_and_greater' => true]);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* Test with the inverse config.
* @dataProvider provideLessGreaterCases
public function testFixLessGreaterInverse(string $expected, string $input): void
$this->fixer->configure(['less_and_greater' => false]);
$this->doTest($input, $expected);
public static function provideLessGreaterCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php $a = 3 <= $b;',
'<?php $a = $b >= 3;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 3 > $b;',
'<?php $a = $b < 3;',
yield [
'<?php $a = (3 > $b) || $d;',
'<?php $a = ($b < 3) || $d;',
public function testComplexConfiguration(): void
'equal' => null,
'identical' => true,
'less_and_greater' => false,
$a = 1 === $b;
$b = $c != 1;
$c = $c > 3;
$a = $b === 1;
$b = $c != 1;
$c = $c > 3;
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideInvalidConfigCases
public function testInvalidConfig(array $config, string $expectedMessage): void
$this->expectExceptionMessageMatches("#^\[{$this->fixer->getName()}\] {$expectedMessage}$#");
public static function provideInvalidConfigCases(): iterable
yield [['equal' => 2], 'Invalid configuration: The option "equal" with value 2 is expected to be of type "bool" or "null", but is of type "(int|integer)"\.'];
yield [['_invalid_' => true], 'Invalid configuration: The option "_invalid_" does not exist\. Defined options are: "always_move_variable", "equal", "identical", "less_and_greater"\.'];
public function testDefinition(): void
self::assertInstanceOf(FixerDefinitionInterface::class, $this->fixer->getDefinition());
* @dataProvider providePHP71Cases
public function testPHP71(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => true, 'identical' => true]);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* Test with the inverse config.
* @dataProvider providePHP71Cases
public function testPHP71Inverse(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => false, 'identical' => false]);
if (null === $input) {
} else {
$this->doTest($input, $expected);
public static function providePHP71Cases(): iterable
// no fix cases
yield ['<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php list(list("x" => $x1, "y" => $y1), list("x" => $x2, "y" => $y2)) = $points;'];
yield ['<?php list("first" => list($x1, $y1), "second" => list($x2, $y2)) = $points;'];
yield ['<?php [$a, $b, $c] = [1, 2, 3];'];
yield ['<?php ["a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c] = $a[0];'];
yield ['<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === [$a] = [7];']; // makes no sense, but valid PHP syntax
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === [$a] = [7];'];
yield ['<?php [$a] = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === [$a] = [7];'];
yield ['<?php $z = $n == [$a] = $b;'];
yield ['<?php return $n == [$a] = $b;'];
// fix cases
yield [
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = 1 === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === 1 ? $b : $d;',
yield [
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = A::B === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === A::B ? $b : $d;',
yield [
'<?php list( (2 === $c ? "a" : "b") => $b) = ["a" => 7 === $c ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
'<?php list( ($c === 2 ? "a" : "b") => $b) = ["a" => $c === 7 ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
yield [
'<?php [ (ABC::A === $c ? "a" : "b") => $b] = ["a" => 7 === $c ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
'<?php [ ($c === ABC::A ? "a" : "b") => $b] = ["a" => $c === 7 ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
yield 'Array destruct by ternary.' => [
'<?php [$a] = 11 === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php [$a] = $c === 11 ? $b : $d;',
yield [
'<?php $b = [$a] = 7 === [7];', // makes no sense, but valid PHP syntax
'<?php $b = [$a] = [7] === 7;',
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideWithConfigCases
public function testWithConfig(array $config, string $expected): void
public static function provideWithConfigCases(): iterable
yield [
'identical' => false,
$a = [1, 2, 3];
while (2 !== $b = array_pop($c));
yield [
'equal' => false,
'identical' => false,
if ($revision->event == \'created\') {
foreach ($revision->getModified() as $col => $data) {
$model->$col = $data[\'new\'];
} else {
foreach ($revision->getModified() as $col => $data) {
$model->$col = $data[\'old\'];
* @dataProvider provideFixPhp74Cases
public function testFixPhp74(string $expected, ?string $input): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixPhp74Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php if (1_000 === $b);',
'<?php if ($b === 1_000);',
* Test with the inverse config.
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $configuration
* @dataProvider providePHP74CasesInverseCases
public function testPHP74CasesInverse(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function providePHP74CasesInverseCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php fn() => $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;',
'less_and_greater' => false,
yield [
'<?php $a ??= 4 === $b ? 2 : 3;',
'<?php $a ??= $b === 4 ? 2 : 3;',
* @dataProvider provideFixPrePHP80Cases
* @requires PHP <8.0
public function testFixPrePHP80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixPrePHP80Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php return \A/*5*/\/*6*/B\/*7*/C::MY_CONST === \A/*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*/\/*2*/B/*3*/\C/*4*/::$myVariable;',
'<?php return \A/*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*/\/*2*/B/*3*/\C/*4*/::$myVariable === \A/*5*/\/*6*/B\/*7*/C::MY_CONST;',
yield [
'<?php return A\/**//**//**/B/*a*//*a*//*a*//*a*/::MY_CONST === B\C::$myVariable;',
'<?php return B\C::$myVariable === A\/**//**//**/B/*a*//*a*//*a*//*a*/::MY_CONST;',
yield ['<?php return $foo === $bar[$baz]{1};'];
yield ['<?php return $foo->$a[1] === $bar[$baz]{1}->$a[1][2][3]->$d[$z]{1};'];
yield ['<?php return $m->a{2}+1 == 2;'];
yield ['<?php return $m{2}+1 == 2;'];
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (unset) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (unset) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
* @requires PHP 8.0
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield [
if ($a = true === $obj instanceof (foo())) {
echo 1;
if ($a = $obj instanceof (foo()) === true) {
echo 1;
yield [
'<?php $i = $this?->getStuff() === $myVariable;',
'<?php $i = $myVariable === $this?->getStuff();',
['equal' => true, 'identical' => true, 'always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php 42 === $a->b[5]?->c;',
'<?php $a->b[5]?->c === 42;',
yield [
'<?php return $this->myObject1?->{$index}+$b === "";',
['equal' => true, 'identical' => true],
yield [
'<?php new Foo(bar: 1 === $var);',
'<?php new Foo(bar: $var === 1);',
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
* @requires PHP 8.1
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield 'does not make a lot of sense but is valid syntax, do not break 1' => [
'<?php $b = strlen( ... ) === $a;',
yield 'does not make a lot of sense but is valid syntax, do not break 2' => [
'<?php $b = $a === strlen( ... );',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ControlStructure;
use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidFixerConfigurationException;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinitionInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @author Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ControlStructure\YodaStyleFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ControlStructure\YodaStyleFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ControlStructure\YodaStyleFixer
final class YodaStyleFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @param array<string, mixed> $extraConfig
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $extraConfig = []): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => true, 'identical' => true] + $extraConfig);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* Test with the inverse config.
* @param array<string, mixed> $extraConfig
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFixInverse(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $extraConfig = []): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => false, 'identical' => false] + $extraConfig);
if (null === $input) {
} else {
$this->doTest($input, $expected);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 + ($b + $c) === true ? 1 : 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = true === ($b + $c) ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a = ($b + $c) === true ? 1 : 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
if ((1 === $a) === 1) {
if (($a === 1) === 1) {
['always_move_variable' => false],
yield [
if (true === (1 !== $foo[0])) {
if (($foo[0] !== 1) === true) {
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return 1 !== $a [$b];',
'<?php return $a [$b] !== 1;',
yield [
'<?= 1 === $a ? 5 : 7;',
'<?= $a === 1 ? 5 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php print 1 === 1343;',
yield [
echo 3 === $a ? 2 : 4;
echo $a === 3 ? 2 : 4;
yield [
'<?php 1 === foo($a) ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php foo($a) === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === $a::$a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a::$a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === (bool) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php (bool) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === new $a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php new $a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === "a".$a ? 5 : 6;',
'<?php "a".$a === 1 ? 5 : 6;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === __DIR__.$a ? 5 : 6;',
'<?php __DIR__.$a === 1 ? 5 : 6;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === $a.$b ? 5 : 6;',
'<?php $a.$b === 1 ? 5 : 6;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (object) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (object) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (int) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (int) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (float) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (float) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (string) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (string) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (array) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (array) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (bool) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (bool) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
if ($a = true === $obj instanceof A) {
echo \'A\';
if ($a = $obj instanceof A === true) {
echo \'A\';
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === !!$a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo !!$a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
yield [
'<?php 1 === new $a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php new $a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === new b ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a = new b === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === empty($a) ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php $a = empty($a) === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
yield [
'<?php $b = 1 === clone $a ? 5 : 9;',
'<?php $b = clone $a === 1 ? 5 : 9;',
yield [
'<?php while(1 === $a ? 1 : 2){};',
'<?php while($a === 1 ? 1 : 2){};',
yield [
'<?php switch(1 === $a){
case true: echo 1;
'<?php switch($a === 1){
case true: echo 1;
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === $a ? 1 : 2;',
'<?php echo $a === 1 ? 1 : 2;',
// Don't fix cases.
yield ['<?php $a = 1 === 1;'];
yield ['<?php $b = $b === $c;'];
yield ['<?php $c = $$b === $$c;'];
yield ['<?php $d = count($this->array[$var]) === $a;'];
yield ['<?php $e = $a === count($this->array[$var]);'];
yield ['<?php $f = ($a123 & self::MY_BITMASK) === $a;'];
yield ['<?php $g = $a === ($a456 & self::MY_BITMASK);'];
yield ['<?php $h = $this->getStuff() === $myVariable;'];
yield ['<?php $i = $myVariable === $this->getStuff();'];
yield ['<?php $j = 2 * $myVar % 3 === $a;'];
yield ['<?php return $k === 2 * $myVar % 3;'];
yield ['<?php $l = $c > 2;'];
yield ['<?php return $this->myObject1->{$index}+$b === "";'];
yield ['<?php return $m[2]+1 == 2;'];
yield ['<?php return $foo === $bar[$baz][1];'];
yield ['<?php $a = $b[$key]["1"] === $c["2"];'];
yield ['<?php return $foo->$a === $foo->$b->$c;'];
yield ['<?php return $x === 2 - 1;'];
yield ['<?php return $x === 2-1;'];
yield ['<?php return array(2) == $o;'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array(2);'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array("2");'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array(TWO);'];
yield ['<?php return $p == array(array());'];
yield ['<?php return $p == [[]];'];
yield ['<?php return array($q) == $a;'];
yield ['<?php return $r == array($a);'];
yield ['<?php $s = ((array(2))) == $a;'];
yield ['<?php $t = $a == ((array(2)));'];
yield ['<?php list($a) = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === list($a) = [7];'];
yield ['<?php $a = function(){} === array(0);'];
yield ['<?php $z = $n == list($a) = $b;'];
yield ['<?php return $n == list($a) = $b;'];
// Fix cases.
yield 'Array destruct by ternary.' => [
'<?php list($a) = 11 === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php list($a) = $c === 11 ? $b : $d;',
yield 'Less spacing.' => [
'<?php $z=2==$a;$b=$c>1&&$c<=10;',
'<?php $z=$a==2;$b=$c>1&&$c<=10;',
yield 'Comments.' => [
'<?php $z = /**/ /**/2/**/ /**/
# aa
'<?php $z = /**/ /**/$a/**/ /**/
# aa
yield [
'<?php return 2 == ($a)?>',
yield [
'<?php return ($a) == 2?>',
yield [
'<?php return 2 == ($a)?>',
'<?php return ($a) == 2?>',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = ($c === ((null === $b)));',
'<?php $a = ($c === (($b === null)));',
yield [
'<?php return null == $a[2];',
'<?php return $a[2] == null;',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myArray[$index];',
'<?php return $this->myArray[$index] === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myArray[$index]->/*1*//*2*//*3*/a;',
'<?php return $this->myArray[$index]->/*1*//*2*//*3*/a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myArray[$index]->a;',
'<?php return $this->myArray[$index]->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject2-> {$index};',
'<?php return $this->myObject2-> {$index} === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject3->{$index}->a;',
'<?php return $this->myObject3->{$index}->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject4->{$index}->{$index}->a;',
'<?php return $this->myObject4->{$index}->{$index}->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject4->$index->a;',
'<?php return $this->myObject4->$index->a === "";',
yield [
'<?php return self::MY_CONST === self::$myVariable;',
'<?php return self::$myVariable === self::MY_CONST;',
yield [
'<?php return \A\B\C::MY_CONST === \A\B\C::$myVariable;',
'<?php return \A\B\C::$myVariable === \A\B\C::MY_CONST;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 == $$a?>',
'<?php $a = $$a == 1?>',
yield 'Nested case' => [
'<?php return null === $a[0 === $b ? $c : $d];',
'<?php return $a[$b === 0 ? $c : $d] === null;',
yield [
'<?php return null === $this->{null === $a ? "a" : "b"};',
'<?php return $this->{$a === null ? "a" : "b"} === null;',
yield 'Complex code sample.' => [
if ($a == $b) {
return null === $b ? (null === $a ? 0 : 0 === $a->b) : 0 === $b->a;
} else {
if ($c === (null === $b)) {
return false === $d;
if ($a == $b) {
return $b === null ? ($a === null ? 0 : $a->b === 0) : $b->a === 0;
} else {
if ($c === ($b === null)) {
return $d === false;
yield [
'<?php $b = list($a) = 7 === [7];', // makes no sense, but valid PHP syntax
'<?php $b = list($a) = [7] === 7;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === function(){};',
'<?php $a = function(){} === 1;',
yield [
yield [
'<?php $i = 2 === $this/*a*//*b*//*c*//*d*//*e*//*f*/->getStuff();',
'<?php $i = $this/*a*//*b*//*c*//*d*//*e*//*f*/->getStuff() === 2;',
yield [
'<?php return "" === $this->myObject5->{$index}->/*1*//*2*/b;',
'<?php return $this->myObject5->{$index}->/*1*//*2*/b === "";',
yield [
function hello() {}
1 === $a ? b() : c();
function hello() {}
$a === 1 ? b() : c();
yield [
class A{}
1 === $a ? b() : c();
class A{}
$a === 1 ? b() : c();
yield [
function foo() {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
false !== uniqid() ? 1 : 2;
false !== uniqid() ? 1 : 2;
function foo() {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
uniqid() !== false ? 1 : 2;
uniqid() !== false ? 1 : 2;
yield [
'<?php false === $a = array();',
yield [
'<?php $e = count($this->array[$var]) === $a;',
'<?php $e = $a === count($this->array[$var]);',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $i = $this->getStuff() === $myVariable;',
'<?php $i = $myVariable === $this->getStuff();',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $e = count($this->array[$var]) === $a;',
'<?php $e = $a === count($this->array[$var]);',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $g = ($a789 & self::MY_BITMASK) === $a;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar + 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar + 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar . $b === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar . $b;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar - 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar - 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar * 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar * 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar / 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar / 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar % 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar % 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar ** 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar ** 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar < 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar < 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar > 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar > 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar <= 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar <= 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar >= 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar >= 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar . 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar . 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar << 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar << 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar >> 2 === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar >> 2;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return !$myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === !$myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return $myVar instanceof Foo === $k;',
'<?php return $k === $myVar instanceof Foo;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (bool) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (bool) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (int) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (int) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (float) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (float) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (string) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (string) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (array) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (array) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php return (object) $myVar === $k;',
'<?php return $k === (object) $myVar;',
['always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = null === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === null;',
yield [
'<?php $a = \'foo\' === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === \'foo\';',
yield [
'<?php $a = "foo" === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === "foo";',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === 1;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1.2 === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === 1.2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = true === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === true;',
yield [
'<?php $a = false === foo();',
'<?php $a = foo() === false;',
yield [
'<?php $a = -1 === reset($foo);',
'<?php $a = reset($foo) === -1;',
yield [
'<?php $a = - 1 === reset($foo);',
'<?php $a = reset($foo) === - 1;',
yield [
'<?php $a = -/* bar */1 === reset($foo);',
'<?php $a = reset($foo) === -/* bar */1;',
yield [
'<?php $a %= 4 === $b ? 2 : 3;',
'<?php $a %= $b === 4 ? 2 : 3;',
yield [
'<?php return array() === $array;',
'<?php return $array === array();',
yield [
'<?php return [] === $array;',
'<?php return $array === [];',
yield [
'<?php return array(/* foo */) === $array;',
'<?php return $array === array(/* foo */);',
yield [
'<?php return [
// 1
] === $array;',
'<?php return $array === [
// 1
yield [
'<?php $a = $b = null === $c;',
'<?php $a = $b = $c === null;',
$template = '<?php $a = ($b + $c) %s 1 === true ? 1 : 2;';
$operators = ['||', '&&'];
foreach ($operators as $operator) {
yield [
sprintf($template, $operator),
['always_move_variable' => true],
$assignmentOperators = ['=', '**=', '*=', '|=', '+=', '-=', '^=', '<<=', '>>=', '&=', '.=', '/=', '%=', '??='];
$logicalOperators = ['xor', 'or', 'and', '||', '&&', '??'];
foreach ([...$assignmentOperators, ...$logicalOperators] as $operator) {
yield [
sprintf('<?php $a %s 4 === $b ? 2 : 3;', $operator),
sprintf('<?php $a %s $b === 4 ? 2 : 3;', $operator),
foreach ($assignmentOperators as $operator) {
yield [
sprintf('<?php 1 === $x %s 2;', $operator),
yield ['<?php $a = $b + 1 <=> $d;'];
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {} === $a;/**/',
yield [
'<?php $a = $b ?? 1 ?? 2 == $d;',
'<?php $a = $b ?? 1 ?? $d == 2;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 1 === new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {};/**/',
'<?php $a = new class(10) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface {} === 1;/**/',
yield [
function a() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
echo yield 1 === $i ? 1 : 2;
function a() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
echo yield $i === 1 ? 1 : 2;
yield [
'<?php function test() {return yield 1 !== $a [$b];};',
'<?php function test() {return yield $a [$b] !== 1;};',
yield [
'<?php function test() {return yield 1 === $a;};',
'<?php function test() {return yield $a === 1;};',
yield [
$a = 1;
switch ($a) {
case 1 === $a:
echo 123;
$a = 1;
switch ($a) {
case $a === 1:
echo 123;
yield 'require' => [
'<?php require 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php require $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'require_once' => [
'<?php require_once 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php require_once $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'include' => [
'<?php include 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php include $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'include_once' => [
'<?php include_once 1 === $var ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
'<?php include_once $var === 1 ? "A.php" : "B.php";',
yield 'yield from' => [
'<?php function test() {return yield from 1 === $a ? $c : $d;};',
'<?php function test() {return yield from $a === 1 ? $c : $d;};',
* @dataProvider provideLessGreaterCases
public function testFixLessGreater(string $expected, string $input): void
$this->fixer->configure(['less_and_greater' => true]);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* Test with the inverse config.
* @dataProvider provideLessGreaterCases
public function testFixLessGreaterInverse(string $expected, string $input): void
$this->fixer->configure(['less_and_greater' => false]);
$this->doTest($input, $expected);
public static function provideLessGreaterCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php $a = 3 <= $b;',
'<?php $a = $b >= 3;',
yield [
'<?php $a = 3 > $b;',
'<?php $a = $b < 3;',
yield [
'<?php $a = (3 > $b) || $d;',
'<?php $a = ($b < 3) || $d;',
public function testComplexConfiguration(): void
'equal' => null,
'identical' => true,
'less_and_greater' => false,
$a = 1 === $b;
$b = $c != 1;
$c = $c > 3;
$a = $b === 1;
$b = $c != 1;
$c = $c > 3;
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideInvalidConfigCases
public function testInvalidConfig(array $config, string $expectedMessage): void
$this->expectExceptionMessageMatches("#^\\[{$this->fixer->getName()}\\] {$expectedMessage}$#");
public static function provideInvalidConfigCases(): iterable
yield [['equal' => 2], 'Invalid configuration: The option "equal" with value 2 is expected to be of type "bool" or "null", but is of type "(int|integer)"\.'];
yield [['_invalid_' => true], 'Invalid configuration: The option "_invalid_" does not exist\. Defined options are: "always_move_variable", "equal", "identical", "less_and_greater"\.'];
public function testDefinition(): void
self::assertInstanceOf(FixerDefinitionInterface::class, $this->fixer->getDefinition());
* @dataProvider providePHP71Cases
public function testPHP71(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => true, 'identical' => true]);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
* Test with the inverse config.
* @dataProvider providePHP71Cases
public function testPHP71Inverse(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->fixer->configure(['equal' => false, 'identical' => false]);
if (null === $input) {
} else {
$this->doTest($input, $expected);
public static function providePHP71Cases(): iterable
// no fix cases
yield ['<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php list(list("x" => $x1, "y" => $y1), list("x" => $x2, "y" => $y2)) = $points;'];
yield ['<?php list("first" => list($x1, $y1), "second" => list($x2, $y2)) = $points;'];
yield ['<?php [$a, $b, $c] = [1, 2, 3];'];
yield ['<?php ["a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c] = $a[0];'];
yield ['<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === [$a] = [7];']; // makes no sense, but valid PHP syntax
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === [$a] = [7];'];
yield ['<?php [$a] = $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;'];
yield ['<?php $b = 7 === [$a] = [7];'];
yield ['<?php $z = $n == [$a] = $b;'];
yield ['<?php return $n == [$a] = $b;'];
// fix cases
yield [
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = 1 === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === 1 ? $b : $d;',
yield [
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = A::B === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php list("a" => $a, "b" => $b, "c" => $c) = $c === A::B ? $b : $d;',
yield [
'<?php list( (2 === $c ? "a" : "b") => $b) = ["a" => 7 === $c ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
'<?php list( ($c === 2 ? "a" : "b") => $b) = ["a" => $c === 7 ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
yield [
'<?php [ (ABC::A === $c ? "a" : "b") => $b] = ["a" => 7 === $c ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
'<?php [ ($c === ABC::A ? "a" : "b") => $b] = ["a" => $c === 7 ? 5 : 1, "b" => 7];',
yield 'Array destruct by ternary.' => [
'<?php [$a] = 11 === $c ? $b : $d;',
'<?php [$a] = $c === 11 ? $b : $d;',
yield [
'<?php $b = [$a] = 7 === [7];', // makes no sense, but valid PHP syntax
'<?php $b = [$a] = [7] === 7;',
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideWithConfigCases
public function testWithConfig(array $config, string $expected): void
public static function provideWithConfigCases(): iterable
yield [
'identical' => false,
$a = [1, 2, 3];
while (2 !== $b = array_pop($c));
yield [
'equal' => false,
'identical' => false,
if ($revision->event == \'created\') {
foreach ($revision->getModified() as $col => $data) {
$model->$col = $data[\'new\'];
} else {
foreach ($revision->getModified() as $col => $data) {
$model->$col = $data[\'old\'];
* @dataProvider provideFixPhp74Cases
public function testFixPhp74(string $expected, ?string $input): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixPhp74Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php if (1_000 === $b);',
'<?php if ($b === 1_000);',
* Test with the inverse config.
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $configuration
* @dataProvider providePHP74CasesInverseCases
public function testPHP74CasesInverse(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function providePHP74CasesInverseCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php fn() => $c === array(1) ? $b : $d;',
'less_and_greater' => false,
yield [
'<?php $a ??= 4 === $b ? 2 : 3;',
'<?php $a ??= $b === 4 ? 2 : 3;',
* @dataProvider provideFixPrePHP80Cases
* @requires PHP <8.0
public function testFixPrePHP80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixPrePHP80Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php return \A/*5*/\/*6*/B\/*7*/C::MY_CONST === \A/*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*/\/*2*/B/*3*/\C/*4*/::$myVariable;',
'<?php return \A/*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*//*1*/\/*2*/B/*3*/\C/*4*/::$myVariable === \A/*5*/\/*6*/B\/*7*/C::MY_CONST;',
yield [
'<?php return A\/**//**//**/B/*a*//*a*//*a*//*a*/::MY_CONST === B\C::$myVariable;',
'<?php return B\C::$myVariable === A\/**//**//**/B/*a*//*a*//*a*//*a*/::MY_CONST;',
yield ['<?php return $foo === $bar[$baz]{1};'];
yield ['<?php return $foo->$a[1] === $bar[$baz]{1}->$a[1][2][3]->$d[$z]{1};'];
yield ['<?php return $m->a{2}+1 == 2;'];
yield ['<?php return $m{2}+1 == 2;'];
yield [
'<?php echo 1 === (unset) $a ? 8 : 7;',
'<?php echo (unset) $a === 1 ? 8 : 7;',
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
* @requires PHP 8.0
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield [
if ($a = true === $obj instanceof (foo())) {
echo 1;
if ($a = $obj instanceof (foo()) === true) {
echo 1;
yield [
'<?php $i = $this?->getStuff() === $myVariable;',
'<?php $i = $myVariable === $this?->getStuff();',
['equal' => true, 'identical' => true, 'always_move_variable' => true],
yield [
'<?php 42 === $a->b[5]?->c;',
'<?php $a->b[5]?->c === 42;',
yield [
'<?php return $this->myObject1?->{$index}+$b === "";',
['equal' => true, 'identical' => true],
yield [
'<?php new Foo(bar: 1 === $var);',
'<?php new Foo(bar: $var === 1);',
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
* @requires PHP 8.1
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield 'does not make a lot of sense but is valid syntax, do not break 1' => [
'<?php $b = strlen( ... ) === $a;',
yield 'does not make a lot of sense but is valid syntax, do not break 2' => [
'<?php $b = $a === strlen( ... );',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 965ebcb0c5dc586fac59e7c0999e318b |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 120 ms |