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PHP Decode
<?php // Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner // This file is part of esoTalk. Please ..
Decoded Output download
// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* Default configuration: This file will get overwritten with every esoTalk update, so do not edit it.
* If you wish the change a config setting, copy it into config/config.php and change it there.
* @package esoTalk
// The version of the code.
define("ESOTALK_VERSION", "1.0.0g5");
// Define response type constants.
if (!defined("RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT")) define("RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT", "default");
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_VIEW", "view"); // Renders only the controller's view (without the master view)
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_AJAX", "ajax"); // Renders the controller's json contents and includes the view contents
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON", "json"); // Renders only the contorller's json contents
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_ATOM", "atom"); // Renders the controller's json contents in Atom format
// IDs for storing account permission info in the database.
define("GROUP_ID_GUEST", -1);
define("GROUP_ID_MEMBER", -2);
// What accounts are listed as in the members table ENUM field.
define("ACCOUNT_MEMBER", "member");
define("ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATOR", "administrator");
define("ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED", "suspended");
define("ACCOUNT_GUEST", "guest");
define("ACCOUNT_PENDING", "pending");
// Installed version of esoTalk.
$config["esoTalk.installed"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.version"] = "";
// MySQL database details.
$config[""] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.port"] = null;
$config["esoTalk.database.user"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.password"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.dbName"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.prefix"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.characterEncoding"] = "utf8";
$config["esoTalk.database.connectionOptions"] = array(
1000 => true, // PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY is missing in some PHP installations
1002 => "SET NAMES 'utf8'" // PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND is missing in some PHP installations
// Basic forum details.
$config["esoTalk.forumTitle"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.forumLogo"] = false; // Path to an image file to replace the title (don't make it too big or it'll stretch the header!)
$config["esoTalk.language"] = "English";
$config["esoTalk.baseURL"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.resourceURL"] = ""; // URL used for all resources (CSS+JS+images, including those from plugins and skins.) If blank, the base URL will be used.
$config["esoTalk.rootAdmin"] = 1; // The member ID of the root administrator.
$config["esoTalk.emailFrom"] = ""; // The email address to send forum emails (notifications etc.) from.
$config["esoTalk.debug"] = false; // Debug mode will show advanced information in errors. Turn this off in production.
$config["esoTalk.aggregateCSS"] = true;
$config["esoTalk.aggregateJS"] = true;
$config["esoTalk.gzipOutput"] = true; // Whether or not to compress the page output with gzip.
$config["esoTalk.https"] = false; // Whether or not to force HTTPS.
$config["esoTalk.cache"] = false; // What type of cache to use.
$config["esoTalk.visibleToGuests"] = true;
// Meta information.
$config["esoTalk.meta.keywords"] = null;
$config["esoTalk.meta.description"] = null;
// Skins and Plugins.
$config[""] = "Default"; // The active skin.
$config["esoTalk.mobileSkin"] = "Default"; // The active skin for mobile devices.
$config["esoTalk.adminSkin"] = "Default"; // The active skin for the administrator section.
$config["esoTalk.enabledPlugins"] = array("BBCode", "Emoticons"); // A list of enabled plugins.
// Login and registration settings.
$config["esoTalk.badLoginsPerMinute"] = 10;
$config["esoTalk.enablePersistenceCookies"] = false;
$config[""] = true;
$config["esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation"] = "email"; // false | "email" = require email confirmation | "approval" = require admin approval
// Cookie settings.
$config[""] = "";
$config["esoTalk.cookie.domain"] = ""; // Set a custom cookie domain. Set it to to have the cookie set across all subdomains.
$config["esoTalk.cookie.path"] = null; // Set a custom cookie path.
$config["esoTalk.cookie.expire"] = 2592000; // 30 days
// URL settings.
$config["esoTalk.urls.friendly"] = false; // ex.
$config["esoTalk.urls.rewrite"] = false; // ex. (requires mod_rewrite and a .htaccess file!)
// Some features that can be disabled.
$config["esoTalk.enableEmailNotifications"] = true;
$config["esoTalk.notificationCheckInterval"] = 30;
// Search view settings.
$config[""] = 50; // Number of conversations to list for a normal search.
$config[""] = 200; // Number of additional results to load when "more results" is clicked.
$config[""] = 9999; // Maximum number of results that can be viewed using the #limit gambit.
$config[""] = 60; // Number of seconds at which to automatically update the unread status, post count, and last post information for currently listed conversations in a search.
$config[""] = 10; // Users are limited to this many normal searches every minute.
$config[""] = false; // The "random" gambit can be very slow/intensive on large forums.
// Conversation view settings.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"] = 20; // The maximum number of posts to display on each page of a conversation.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.searchesPerMinute"] = 15; // Users are limited to this many "within conversation" searches every minute.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts"] = 10; // Posting flood control, in seconds.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.maxCharsPerPost"] = 10000;
$config["esoTalk.conversation.editPostTimeLimit"] = -1; // For how long can a user edit their own posts? -1 = forever | "reply" = until someone replies | x seconds
// Conversation ajax-updating intervals. Set all of these to 0 to disable ajax-updating.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalStart"] = 10; // The initial number of seconds before checking for new posts on the conversation view.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalMultiplier"] = 1.5; // Each time we check for new posts and there are none, multiply the number of seconds by this.
// ex. after 10 seconds, check for new posts. If there are none: after 10*1.5 = 15 seconds check for new posts. If there are none: after 15*1.5 = 22.5 seconds check for new posts...
$config["esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalLimit"] = 512; // The maximum number of seconds between checking for new posts.
// Member list settings.
$config["esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.members.membersPerPage"] = 30;
// Post formatting settings.
$config[""] = true; // Automatically convert YouTube links to embeds?
$config["esoTalk.format.vimeo"] = true; // Automatically convert Vimeo links to embeds?
$config["esoTalk.format.mentions"] = true; // Allow @mentioning of members?
// Misc. settings.
$config["esoTalk.defaultRoute"] = "conversations";
$config["esoTalk.minPasswordLength"] = 6;
$config["esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"] = 300; // Number of seconds a user's 'last seen time' is before the user 'goes offline'.
$config["esoTalk.sitemapCacheTime"] = 3600; // Keep sitemaps for at least 1 hour.
$config["esoTalk.updateCheckInterval"] = 86400; // How often esoTalk should ping to check for a new version. Default = 1 day. Set to 0 to disable update checking.
// Default user preferences.
$config[""] = true;
$config[""] = true;
$config[""] = true;
$config["esoTalk.preferences.starOnReply"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.preferences.starPrivate"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.preferences.hideOnline"] = false;
// Avatar dimensions (in pixels)
$config["esoTalk.avatars.width"] = 64;
$config["esoTalk.avatars.height"] = 64;
$config["esoTalk.avatars.thumbWidth"] = 20;
$config["esoTalk.avatars.thumbHeight"] = 20;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* Default configuration: This file will get overwritten with every esoTalk update, so do not edit it.
* If you wish the change a config setting, copy it into config/config.php and change it there.
* @package esoTalk
// The version of the code.
define("ESOTALK_VERSION", "1.0.0g5");
// Define response type constants.
if (!defined("RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT")) define("RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT", "default");
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_VIEW", "view"); // Renders only the controller's view (without the master view)
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_AJAX", "ajax"); // Renders the controller's json contents and includes the view contents
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON", "json"); // Renders only the contorller's json contents
define("RESPONSE_TYPE_ATOM", "atom"); // Renders the controller's json contents in Atom format
// IDs for storing account permission info in the database.
define("GROUP_ID_GUEST", -1);
define("GROUP_ID_MEMBER", -2);
// What accounts are listed as in the members table ENUM field.
define("ACCOUNT_MEMBER", "member");
define("ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATOR", "administrator");
define("ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED", "suspended");
define("ACCOUNT_GUEST", "guest");
define("ACCOUNT_PENDING", "pending");
// Installed version of esoTalk.
$config["esoTalk.installed"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.version"] = "";
// MySQL database details.
$config[""] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.port"] = null;
$config["esoTalk.database.user"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.password"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.dbName"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.prefix"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.database.characterEncoding"] = "utf8";
$config["esoTalk.database.connectionOptions"] = array(
1000 => true, // PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY is missing in some PHP installations
1002 => "SET NAMES 'utf8'" // PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND is missing in some PHP installations
// Basic forum details.
$config["esoTalk.forumTitle"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.forumLogo"] = false; // Path to an image file to replace the title (don't make it too big or it'll stretch the header!)
$config["esoTalk.language"] = "English";
$config["esoTalk.baseURL"] = "";
$config["esoTalk.resourceURL"] = ""; // URL used for all resources (CSS+JS+images, including those from plugins and skins.) If blank, the base URL will be used.
$config["esoTalk.rootAdmin"] = 1; // The member ID of the root administrator.
$config["esoTalk.emailFrom"] = ""; // The email address to send forum emails (notifications etc.) from.
$config["esoTalk.debug"] = false; // Debug mode will show advanced information in errors. Turn this off in production.
$config["esoTalk.aggregateCSS"] = true;
$config["esoTalk.aggregateJS"] = true;
$config["esoTalk.gzipOutput"] = true; // Whether or not to compress the page output with gzip.
$config["esoTalk.https"] = false; // Whether or not to force HTTPS.
$config["esoTalk.cache"] = false; // What type of cache to use.
$config["esoTalk.visibleToGuests"] = true;
// Meta information.
$config["esoTalk.meta.keywords"] = null;
$config["esoTalk.meta.description"] = null;
// Skins and Plugins.
$config[""] = "Default"; // The active skin.
$config["esoTalk.mobileSkin"] = "Default"; // The active skin for mobile devices.
$config["esoTalk.adminSkin"] = "Default"; // The active skin for the administrator section.
$config["esoTalk.enabledPlugins"] = array("BBCode", "Emoticons"); // A list of enabled plugins.
// Login and registration settings.
$config["esoTalk.badLoginsPerMinute"] = 10;
$config["esoTalk.enablePersistenceCookies"] = false;
$config[""] = true;
$config["esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation"] = "email"; // false | "email" = require email confirmation | "approval" = require admin approval
// Cookie settings.
$config[""] = "";
$config["esoTalk.cookie.domain"] = ""; // Set a custom cookie domain. Set it to to have the cookie set across all subdomains.
$config["esoTalk.cookie.path"] = null; // Set a custom cookie path.
$config["esoTalk.cookie.expire"] = 2592000; // 30 days
// URL settings.
$config["esoTalk.urls.friendly"] = false; // ex.
$config["esoTalk.urls.rewrite"] = false; // ex. (requires mod_rewrite and a .htaccess file!)
// Some features that can be disabled.
$config["esoTalk.enableEmailNotifications"] = true;
$config["esoTalk.notificationCheckInterval"] = 30;
// Search view settings.
$config[""] = 50; // Number of conversations to list for a normal search.
$config[""] = 200; // Number of additional results to load when "more results" is clicked.
$config[""] = 9999; // Maximum number of results that can be viewed using the #limit gambit.
$config[""] = 60; // Number of seconds at which to automatically update the unread status, post count, and last post information for currently listed conversations in a search.
$config[""] = 10; // Users are limited to this many normal searches every minute.
$config[""] = false; // The "random" gambit can be very slow/intensive on large forums.
// Conversation view settings.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"] = 20; // The maximum number of posts to display on each page of a conversation.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.searchesPerMinute"] = 15; // Users are limited to this many "within conversation" searches every minute.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts"] = 10; // Posting flood control, in seconds.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.maxCharsPerPost"] = 10000;
$config["esoTalk.conversation.editPostTimeLimit"] = -1; // For how long can a user edit their own posts? -1 = forever | "reply" = until someone replies | x seconds
// Conversation ajax-updating intervals. Set all of these to 0 to disable ajax-updating.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalStart"] = 10; // The initial number of seconds before checking for new posts on the conversation view.
$config["esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalMultiplier"] = 1.5; // Each time we check for new posts and there are none, multiply the number of seconds by this.
// ex. after 10 seconds, check for new posts. If there are none: after 10*1.5 = 15 seconds check for new posts. If there are none: after 15*1.5 = 22.5 seconds check for new posts...
$config["esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalLimit"] = 512; // The maximum number of seconds between checking for new posts.
// Member list settings.
$config["esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.members.membersPerPage"] = 30;
// Post formatting settings.
$config[""] = true; // Automatically convert YouTube links to embeds?
$config["esoTalk.format.vimeo"] = true; // Automatically convert Vimeo links to embeds?
$config["esoTalk.format.mentions"] = true; // Allow @mentioning of members?
// Misc. settings.
$config["esoTalk.defaultRoute"] = "conversations";
$config["esoTalk.minPasswordLength"] = 6;
$config["esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"] = 300; // Number of seconds a user's 'last seen time' is before the user 'goes offline'.
$config["esoTalk.sitemapCacheTime"] = 3600; // Keep sitemaps for at least 1 hour.
$config["esoTalk.updateCheckInterval"] = 86400; // How often esoTalk should ping to check for a new version. Default = 1 day. Set to 0 to disable update checking.
// Default user preferences.
$config[""] = true;
$config[""] = true;
$config[""] = true;
$config["esoTalk.preferences.starOnReply"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.preferences.starPrivate"] = false;
$config["esoTalk.preferences.hideOnline"] = false;
// Avatar dimensions (in pixels)
$config["esoTalk.avatars.width"] = 64;
$config["esoTalk.avatars.height"] = 64;
$config["esoTalk.avatars.thumbWidth"] = 20;
$config["esoTalk.avatars.thumbHeight"] = 20;
Function Calls
defined | 1 |
MD5 | 98c933aca3908b78a28096e948e05da2 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 115 ms |