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PHP Decode

goto UqsZs; NrhRO: echo "\133\53\135\76\40" . rdm() . "\x56\165\151" . rdm() . "\x20\x6c\x..

Decoded Output download

<?  goto UqsZs; NrhRO: echo "[+]> " . rdm() . "Vui" . rdm() . " l\xc3\262ng" . rdm() . " nh\341\xba\255p:" . rdm() . " "; goto tX8qR; k1_5i: $chek = nen("TDS YOUTUBE", "V++"); goto mdMmi; voctz: function get_job($array, $hedg) { $tongjob = 0; $mang_job = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { if ($array[$i] == 1) { $loai = "comment"; } if ($array[$i] == 2) { $loai = "follow"; } text_vaiii("_\304\x90ang Thu Th\341\272\255p Job " . strtoupper($loai)); $url = job_ctc($array[$i]); $dl = gjs($url, $hedg); if (isset($dl["countdown"])) { timer(explode(".", $dl["countdown"])[0], 0); $i--; } else { if ($dl["data"][0]["id"]) { $tongjob = $tongjob + count($dl["data"]); $dawte = array("type-job" => $loai, "data" => $dl["data"]); array_push($mang_job, $dawte); } } } return array($tongjob, $mang_job); } goto Ih8of; mdMmi: $chek = 1; goto nO3T0; jLHf0: $cktds = getcktds($tk, $mk); goto h43yX; tX8qR: $nyc = trim(fgets(STDIN)); goto F6AWT; h43yX: $hedg = gtds($cktds); goto Ebbhg; atmek: if (file_exists($file_tkmk)) { bb(rdm() . "B\xe1\272\241n " . rdm() . "C\303\xb3 " . rdm() . "Mu\xe1\xbb\221n " . rdm() . "Thay " . rdm() . "\304\220\341\273\225i " . rdm() . "T\xc3\240i Kho\xe1\xba\243n " . rdm() . "Kh\303\264ng" . rdm() . " (" . rdm() . "y" . rdm() . "/" . rdm() . "n" . rdm() . "): " . rdm() . ''); $cah = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($cah == "y" || $cah == "Y") { unlink($file_tkmk); } } goto OaOQA; Lu3YD: bb(mau("xdns") . "B\341\xba\xa1n c\xc3\263 " . mau("ds") . count($adn) . mau("xdns") . " cookie youtube \304\221\303\243 l\306\xb0u
"); goto j6MX6; IBk1G: function unsetkpb($ar, $tk) { $i = 0; $are = array(); while ($i < count($ar)) { if ($ar[$i] != $tk) { array_push($are, $ar[$i]); } $i++; } return $are; } goto sOA1e; j6MX6: $g = 0; goto WUq6S; vO8eP: while ($sh < count($list_job)) { array_push($array_cookie, $adn[$list_job[$sh]]["cookie"]); array_push($array_authorization, $adn[$list_job[$sh]]["authorization"]); $sh++; } goto atmek; vZ1Bk: bb(mau("v") . "Ch\341\273\x8dn t\xe1\xba\xa5t c\341\272\xa3 nh\xe1\272\xadp " . mau("ds") . "all\xa"); goto NrhRO; ztqUq: $file_ck = "ck-youtube-tds.json"; goto cIILd; lmvnh: $mk = $kgh["password"]; goto jLHf0; MNAob: function df() { return "file_cache.txt"; } goto G757F; sOA1e: function prkpb($type, $id, $xu) { $xu = number_format($xu); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"); bb(mau("tr") . "[" . mau("xdns") . date("H") . ":" . date("i") . ":" . date("s") . mau("tr") . "]>" . mau("xds") . " {$id} " . mau("xdns") . "~> " . rdm() . "{$type}" . mau("xdns") . " ~>" . mau("xls") . " {$xu}\xa"); } goto HYyki; rWVYp: function ptds($ck) { return array("", "save-data:on", "x-requested-with:XMLHttpRequest", "accept:*/*", "user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; CPH1727) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4093.2 Mobile Safari/537.36", "content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "origin:", "cookie:" . $ck); } goto IBk1G; gqNtk: $sh = 0; goto vO8eP; OaOQA: if (!file_exists($file_tkmk)) { while (true) { $tk = readline(mau("xls") . "T\303\xa0i Kho\341\xba\243n tds: " . mau("v")); bb(mau("xdns") . "M\341\xba\xadt kh\341\xba\xa9u tds: " . mau("de")); $mk = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $cktds = getcktds($tk, $mk); if ($cktds != "Tk mk sai") { break; } else { echo mau("ds") . "T\xc3\240i kho\xe1\xba\xa3n ho\xe1\272\267c m\xe1\272\255t kh\xe1\xba\xa9u sai!!!\xa"; } } $data = array("username" => $tk, "password" => $mk); fwrite(fopen($file_tkmk, "w"), json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } goto ZLop4; PGwXy: function get_xu($types, $dt, $hedp, $hedg) { $url = "{$types}/nhantien.php"; $dl = pt($url, $dt, $hedp); if (json_decode($dl, true)["code"] == "success") { $id = str_replace("Nh\341\272\255n th\303\240nh c\xc3\264ng", "+", json_decode($dl, true)["msg"]); } if ($types == "youtube_comment") { $type = "comment"; $id = plo("id=", "&", $dt); $ids = explode("__", $id)[1]; if ($ids) { $id = $ids; } } else { $type = "follow"; } if ($dl == 2 || json_decode($dl, true)["code"] == "success") { $dl2 = gjs("", $hedg); if ($dl2) { if ($id != "+ 0 xu") { prkpb(strtoupper($type), $id, $dl2["xu"]); } } else { bb(mau("ds") . "Cookie tds die, is automatically retrieved\xa"); return "die"; } } } goto wiHXB; F6AWT: if ($nyc == "all") { $list_job = array(); $g = 0; while ($g < count($adn)) { array_push($list_job, $g); $g++; } } else { $list_job = explode("+", $nyc); } goto R1uma; mZdJP: function job_comment($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp) { $dl["data"] = $_SESSION["list-job"]; if ($dl["data"][0]["id"]) { $rds = 0; echo rdm() . "_The system found " . count($dl["data"]) . " job comments \xd"; $id = $dl["data"][$rds]["id"]; $type = $dl["data"][$rds]["type"]; $msg = $dl["data"][$rds]["msg"]; $url = $dl["data"][$rds]["link"]; $abc = comment_yt($url, $msg, $ck, $author); $dt = "id=" . $id . "&type=" . $type; $dks = get_xu("youtube_comment", $dt, $hedp, $hedg); if ($dks == "die") { return "die"; } } else { bb(rdm() . "_T\341\xba\241m th\341\xbb\x9di h\xe1\xba\xbft job Comment           
"); return "block"; sleep(2); } } goto IHnUI; R1uma: $array_cookie = array(); goto gqNtk; nO3T0: $chill = true; goto Hd5OC; RkVck: if (!file_exists($file_ck)) { $array_cookie = array(); $count_ck = readline("Nh\xe1\xba\xadp s\341\273\221 l\306\260\341\273\243ng cookie: "); $gh = 1; while ($gh <= $count_ck) { bb(mau("v") . "Cookie YouTube {$gh}: " . mau("ds")); $ck = trim(fgets(STDIN)); bb(mau("v") . "Authorization YouTube {$gh}: " . mau("ds")); $authorization = trim(fgets(STDIN)); text_vaiii("_\304\x90ang Ki\341\xbb\x83m Tra Cookie"); $check = info_yt($ck); if ($check["id"]) { $checks = array("cookie" => $ck, "authorization" => $authorization, "id" => $check["id"], "name" => $check["name"]); array_push($array_cookie, $checks); $gh++; } else { bb(mau("ds") . "_Cookie kh\xc3\xb4ng h\341\273\243p l\xe1\273\x87!!!\xa"); } } fwrite(fopen($file_ck, "w"), json_encode($array_cookie, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } goto RJRUc; PMjZ6: bb(mau("v") . "Ch\341\xbb\215n 2 tr\341\273\237 l\303\252n vui l\303\xb2ng th\xc3\252m d\xe1\xba\xa5u " . mau("ds") . "+
"); goto ES4ww; IHnUI: function datnick($id, $hedp) { $url = ""; $k = pt($url, "iddat=" . $id, $hedp); return $k; } goto PGwXy; PIur0: if (file_exists($file_ck)) { bb(rdm() . "B\341\xba\xa1n " . rdm() . "C\xc3\263 " . rdm() . "Mu\341\273\221n " . rdm() . "Thay " . rdm() . "\304\x90\xe1\273\x95i " . rdm() . "Cookie " . rdm() . "Kh\xc3\264ng" . rdm() . " (" . rdm() . "y" . rdm() . "/" . rdm() . "n" . rdm() . "): " . rdm() . ''); $cah = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($cah == "y" || $cah == "Y") { $adn = json_decode(fgct($file_ck), true); $g = 0; bb(rdm() . "-----------------------------------------------------
"); bb(mau("tr") . "[" . mau("ds") . "1" . mau("tr") . "] " . mau("v") . "=> " . mau("xdns") . "Th\303\xaam Cookie\xa"); bb(mau("tr") . "[" . mau("ds") . "2" . mau("tr") . "] " . mau("v") . "=> " . mau("xdns") . "Xo\303\xa1 Cookie
"); bb(mau("tr") . "[" . mau("ds") . "3" . mau("tr") . "] " . mau("v") . "=> " . mau("xdns") . "Xo\xc3\xa1 H\341\xba\277t Cookie
"); bb(rdm() . "~Vui " . rdm() . "L\xc3\262ng " . rdm() . "Nh\341\272\255p: " . rdm() . ''); $chondoi = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($chondoi == 1) { $array_cookie = array(); $count_ck = readline("Nh\341\272\255p s\xe1\273\x91 l\306\260\xe1\273\xa3ng cookie: "); $gh = 1; while ($gh <= $count_ck) { bb(mau("v") . "Cookie YouTube {$gh}: " . mau("ds")); $ck = trim(fgets(STDIN)); bb(mau("v") . "Authorization YouTube {$gh}: " . mau("ds")); $authorization = trim(fgets(STDIN)); text_vaiii("_\xc4\x90ang Ki\xe1\273\x83m Tra Cookie"); $check = info_yt($ck); if ($check["id"]) { $checks = array("cookie" => $ck, "authorization" => $authorization, "id" => $check["id"], "name" => $check["name"]); array_push($adn, $checks); $gh++; } else { bb(mau("ds") . "_Cookie kh\303\xb4ng h\341\273\243p l\341\xbb\207!!!\xa"); } } fwrite(fopen($file_ck, "w"), json_encode($adn, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } if ($chondoi == 2) { bb(mau("xdns") . "B\xe1\xba\241n c\303\xb3 " . mau("ds") . count($adn) . mau("xdns") . " cookie youtube \304\221\xc3\243 l\xc6\260u\xa"); while ($g < count($adn)) { echo mau("tr") . "[" . mau("ds") . "{$g}" . mau("tr") . "] " . mau("v") . "=> " . mau("xls") . "id: " . mau("xdns") . $adn[$g]["id"] . " " . mau("tr") . "| " . mau("ds") . "T\xc3\252n: " . mau("xdns") . $adn[$g]["name"] . "
"; $g++; } bb(rdm() . "-----------------------------------------------------
"); bb(mau("v") . "Ch\xe1\273\215n 2 tr\xe1\xbb\237 l\xc3\xaan vui l\xc3\262ng th\303\252m d\341\272\245u " . mau("ds") . "+\xa"); $sd = 1; while (true) { bb(rdm() . "~Nh\341\272\255p " . rdm() . "S\341\273\x91 " . rdm() . "Cookie " . rdm() . "C\xe1\272\247n " . rdm() . "Xo\xc3\241: "); $stt = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (strlen(tach_cls2($stt)) <= 0) { bb(mau("ds") . "~B\341\xba\241n Nh\xe1\xba\xadp Sai R\xe1\xbb\x93i Nha!!!\xa"); bb(rdm() . "-----------------------------------------------------
"); } elseif (tach_cls2($stt) > count($adn) - 1) { bb(mau("ds") . "~B\xe1\xba\xa1n Vui L\xc3\262ng Nh\xe1\272\255p T\xe1\xbb\xab 0 \304\x90\341\xba\277n " . (count($adn) - 1) . "\xa"); bb(rdm() . "-----------------------------------------------------\xa"); } else { break; } } $list = explode("+", $stt); $dk = 0; $add = array(); while ($dk < count($list)) { if ($list[$dk] != $dk) { array_push($add, $adn[$dk]); } $dk++; } $adn = $add; $adn = json_decode(json_encode($adn)); fwrite(fopen($file_ck, "w"), json_encode($adn, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } if ($chondoi == 3) { unlink($file_ck); } } } goto RkVck; DbkGb: $array_authorization = array(); goto PIur0; ES4ww: bb(mau("xls") . "V\303\255 d\341\xbb\245: " . mau("v") . "0" . mau("ds") . "+" . mau("v") . "1" . mau("ds") . "+" . mau("v") . "2\xa"); goto vZ1Bk; Ebbhg: $hedp = ptds($cktds); goto CitfJ; cIILd: $array_cookie = array(); goto DbkGb; c8mh5: bb(rdm() . "-----------------------------------------------------
"); goto PMjZ6; ZLop4: $kgh = json_decode(fgct($file_tkmk), true); goto FyoZz; Hd5OC: $cks = true; goto Vefd4; qK9Q6: while (true) { bb(mau("xdns") . "<" . mau("v") . "[" . mau("ds") . "1" . mau("v") . "]" . mau("xdns") . ">" . mau("xls") . " Job Comment 
"); bb(mau("xdns") . "<" . mau("v") . "[" . mau("ds") . "2" . mau("v") . "]" . mau("xdns") . ">" . mau("xls") . " Job Follow 
"); bb(mau("ts") . "<" . mau("ds") . "=" . mau("ts") . ">" . mau("v") . " Choose: "); $pjobs = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $pjob = str_split($pjobs); $jobs = $pjob; if (count($pjob) != 0 && $pjobs != false) { break; } else { bb(mau("ds") . "Please choose again!!!\xa"); } } goto k1_5i; G757F: function job_follow($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp) { $dl["data"] = $_SESSION["list-job"]; if ($dl["data"][0]["id"]) { echo rdm() . "_The system found " . count($dl["data"]) . " job follow 
"; $id = $dl["data"][0]["id"]; $type = $dl["data"][0]["type"]; $url = $dl["data"][0]["link"]; $abc = subscribe($url, $ck, $author); $dtc = "id=" . $id . "&type=follow"; timer(20, null); $kgh = pjs("", $dtc, $hedp); bb(rdm() . "_Nh\xe1\272\xadn xu sau ({$kgh["cache"]}/3)                            
"); sleep(2); if ($kgh["cache"] >= 3) { $dt = "key=" . explode("__", $id)[0]; $dks = get_xu("youtube_follow", $dt, $hedp, $hedg); if ($dks == "die") { return "die"; } } } else { bb(rdm() . "_T\341\xba\241m th\xe1\xbb\x9di h\xe1\272\277t job follow            \xd"); return "block"; sleep(2); } } goto mZdJP; UqsZs: $file_tkmk = "tk&mk-tds.txt"; goto ztqUq; CitfJ: system("clear"); goto qK9Q6; WUq6S: while ($g < count($adn)) { echo mau("tr") . "[" . mau("ds") . "{$g}" . mau("tr") . "] " . mau("v") . "=> " . mau("xls") . "id: " . mau("xdns") . $adn[$g]["id"] . " " . mau("tr") . "| " . mau("ds") . "T\303\252n: " . mau("xdns") . $adn[$g]["name"] . "\xa"; $g++; } goto c8mh5; FyoZz: $tk = $kgh["username"]; goto lmvnh; RJRUc: $adn = json_decode(fgct($file_ck), true); goto Lu3YD; Vefd4: while (true) { checkinernet(); $cktds = trim(getcktds($tk, $mk)); $hedg = gtds($cktds); $hedp = ptds($cktds); while (true) { $rand = rand(0, count($array_cookie) - 1); $ck = $array_cookie[$rand]; $author = $array_authorization[$rand]; $infoyt = info_yt($ck); if ($infoyt == "die") { bb(mau("ds") . "Cookie YouTube die!!!\xa"); } else { if (datnick($infoyt["id"], $hedp) == true) { can_le(mau("tr") . "[" . mau("ts") . "id: " . mau("v") . format_idtds($infoyt["id"]) . mau("tr") . " \xe2\232\xa1 " . mau("xds") . "Nick:" . mau("xdns") . " {$infoyt["name"]}" . mau("tr") . "]"); mang_ngan_mo(); $chill = true; break; } else { bb(mau("ds") . "\xc4\x90\xe1\272\267t C\xe1\xba\245u H\303\254nh " . mau("tr") . "id[ " . mau("v") . "{$infofb["id"]}" . mau("tr") . " ] " . mau("ds") . "Th\xe1\xba\245t B\xe1\272\241i\xa"); $array_cookie = unsetkpb($array_cookie, $ck); $array_authorization = unsetkpb($array_authorization, $author); } } if (!count($array_cookie)) { die(mau("ds") . "You Don't Have 1 Eligible YouTube Account!!!
"); } } if (!count($array_cookie)) { die(mau("ds") . "All YouTube accounts are dead!!!
"); } $all_job = get_job($pjob, $hedg); $all_job = $all_job[1]; $jobko = $pjob; $_SESSION["list-job"] = array(); while (true) { checkinernet(); if (isset($jobko) && is_array($jobko) && count($jobko) > 0) { $jh = $jobko[array_rand($jobko, 1)]; } else { mang_ngan_dong(); break; } switch ($jh) { case 1: $loai = "comment"; break; case 2: $loai = "follow"; break; default: break; } $checkjobo = false; foreach ($all_job as $index => $item) { if ($item["type-job"] == $loai) { $_SESSION["list-job"] = $item["data"]; $checkjobo = true; break; } } if (isset($_SESSION["list-job"]) && is_array($_SESSION["list-job"]) && count($_SESSION["list-job"]) == 0) { $checkjobo = false; } if (!$checkjobo) { $key = array_search($jh, $jobko); if ($key !== false) { unset($jobko[$key]); sort($jobko); } } if ($jh == 1) { $pga = job_comment($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp); if ($pga == "block") { $pjob = unsetkpb($pjob, 1); } if ($pga == "die") { mang_ngan_dong(); $cks = false; break; } } if ($jh == 2) { $pga2 = job_follow($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp); if ($pga2 == "block") { $pjob = unsetkpb($pjob, 2); } if ($pga2 == "die") { mang_ngan_dong(); $cks = false; break; } } foreach ($all_job as &$job) { if (isset($job["data"]) && $job["type-job"] === $loai) { array_shift($job["data"]); sort($job["data"]); } } if (count($array_cookie) == 1) { $total = 0; foreach ($all_job as $item) { $total += count($item["data"]); } if (!$total) { mang_ngan_dong(); break; } } } } goto MNAob; wiHXB: function gtds($ck) { return array("", "save-data:on", "user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; CPH1727) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4093.2 Mobile Safari/537.36", "accept:*/*", "cookie:" . $ck); } goto rWVYp; HYyki: function job_ctc($i) { $i--; $array = array("", ""); return $array[$i]; } goto voctz; Ih8of: ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

goto UqsZs; NrhRO: echo "\133\53\135\76\40" . rdm() . "\x56\165\151" . rdm() . "\x20\x6c\xc3\262\x6e\x67" . rdm() . "\x20\x6e\150\341\xba\255\160\x3a" . rdm() . "\x20"; goto tX8qR; k1_5i: $chek = nen("\x54\104\x53\x20\131\117\x55\x54\x55\x42\x45", "\126\x2b\53"); goto mdMmi; voctz: function get_job($array, $hedg) { $tongjob = 0; $mang_job = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { if ($array[$i] == 1) { $loai = "\x63\x6f\155\x6d\x65\x6e\164"; } if ($array[$i] == 2) { $loai = "\x66\157\x6c\154\157\x77"; } text_vaiii("\137\304\x90\x61\156\x67\40\x54\x68\165\40\124\150\341\272\255\160\x20\x4a\x6f\142\x20" . strtoupper($loai)); $url = job_ctc($array[$i]); $dl = gjs($url, $hedg); if (isset($dl["\x63\157\165\156\164\144\x6f\x77\156"])) { timer(explode("\x2e", $dl["\143\157\165\156\x74\x64\x6f\167\156"])[0], 0); $i--; } else { if ($dl["\x64\141\164\x61"][0]["\151\144"]) { $tongjob = $tongjob + count($dl["\144\x61\x74\x61"]); $dawte = array("\164\x79\x70\x65\x2d\152\x6f\142" => $loai, "\x64\x61\164\141" => $dl["\144\x61\x74\x61"]); array_push($mang_job, $dawte); } } } return array($tongjob, $mang_job); } goto Ih8of; mdMmi: $chek = 1; goto nO3T0; jLHf0: $cktds = getcktds($tk, $mk); goto h43yX; tX8qR: $nyc = trim(fgets(STDIN)); goto F6AWT; h43yX: $hedg = gtds($cktds); goto Ebbhg; atmek: if (file_exists($file_tkmk)) { bb(rdm() . "\x42\xe1\272\241\156\x20" . rdm() . "\103\303\xb3\40" . rdm() . "\115\x75\xe1\xbb\221\x6e\40" . rdm() . "\124\150\141\x79\x20" . rdm() . "\304\220\341\273\225\151\40" . rdm() . "\124\xc3\240\x69\40\x4b\150\157\xe1\xba\243\x6e\40" . rdm() . "\113\150\303\264\156\x67" . rdm() . "\x20\50" . rdm() . "\x79" . rdm() . "\x2f" . rdm() . "\156" . rdm() . "\51\72\40" . rdm() . ''); $cah = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($cah == "\x79" || $cah == "\x59") { unlink($file_tkmk); } } goto OaOQA; Lu3YD: bb(mau("\x78\x64\x6e\163") . "\x42\341\xba\xa1\156\40\x63\xc3\263\x20" . mau("\x64\x73") . count($adn) . mau("\x78\x64\x6e\x73") . "\40\143\x6f\x6f\153\151\x65\x20\x79\157\165\x74\165\142\145\40\304\221\303\243\40\154\306\xb0\165\12"); goto j6MX6; IBk1G: function unsetkpb($ar, $tk) { $i = 0; $are = array(); while ($i < count($ar)) { if ($ar[$i] != $tk) { array_push($are, $ar[$i]); } $i++; } return $are; } goto sOA1e; j6MX6: $g = 0; goto WUq6S; vO8eP: while ($sh < count($list_job)) { array_push($array_cookie, $adn[$list_job[$sh]]["\x63\157\x6f\153\151\x65"]); array_push($array_authorization, $adn[$list_job[$sh]]["\x61\x75\164\x68\157\x72\x69\172\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e"]); $sh++; } goto atmek; vZ1Bk: bb(mau("\x76") . "\103\x68\341\273\x8d\156\x20\x74\xe1\xba\xa5\x74\x20\x63\341\272\xa3\x20\x6e\150\xe1\272\xad\x70\x20" . mau("\144\x73") . "\141\154\154\xa"); goto NrhRO; ztqUq: $file_ck = "\x63\x6b\55\171\157\165\x74\x75\x62\145\x2d\164\x64\x73\56\x6a\x73\x6f\x6e"; goto cIILd; lmvnh: $mk = $kgh["\160\141\x73\163\x77\157\x72\144"]; goto jLHf0; MNAob: function df() { return "\x66\x69\x6c\x65\137\x63\141\x63\x68\x65\56\164\170\164"; } goto G757F; sOA1e: function prkpb($type, $id, $xu) { $xu = number_format($xu); date_default_timezone_set("\101\x73\x69\x61\57\x48\x6f\137\103\150\151\137\115\151\x6e\150"); bb(mau("\164\x72") . "\133" . mau("\170\144\156\x73") . date("\x48") . "\x3a" . date("\x69") . "\x3a" . date("\163") . mau("\x74\x72") . "\135\76" . mau("\170\x64\x73") . "\x20{$id}\x20" . mau("\x78\144\156\163") . "\176\x3e\40" . rdm() . "{$type}" . mau("\170\x64\156\163") . "\x20\176\76" . mau("\x78\x6c\x73") . "\40{$xu}\xa"); } goto HYyki; rWVYp: function ptds($ck) { return array("\x48\157\163\x74\72\164\162\141\157\x64\x6f\151\163\x75\142\x2e\143\x6f\155", "\163\x61\x76\145\55\x64\141\x74\x61\x3a\x6f\x6e", "\170\55\162\x65\x71\165\x65\x73\x74\145\x64\55\167\151\164\x68\72\130\x4d\114\110\164\x74\160\122\145\161\165\x65\x73\164", "\x61\143\x63\145\160\x74\72\52\x2f\x2a", "\x75\x73\145\x72\55\141\x67\x65\156\164\72\x4d\x6f\x7a\151\x6c\x6c\141\x2f\65\x2e\x30\40\x28\114\x69\x6e\x75\x78\x3b\x20\x41\x6e\x64\x72\x6f\151\144\x20\67\x2e\61\56\61\x3b\40\x43\x50\110\61\67\62\x37\x29\40\x41\160\x70\x6c\x65\x57\x65\x62\x4b\151\164\x2f\65\63\67\56\63\66\40\x28\x4b\110\x54\x4d\x4c\54\x20\x6c\151\153\x65\x20\107\145\143\153\x6f\51\x20\x43\150\162\x6f\155\x65\x2f\70\63\56\60\x2e\x34\60\x39\63\56\x32\x20\115\157\142\151\154\145\40\123\141\x66\x61\x72\x69\57\x35\x33\67\x2e\63\66", "\x63\157\156\x74\145\x6e\164\55\164\x79\160\145\72\x61\160\x70\x6c\x69\143\141\x74\151\x6f\156\57\x78\x2d\x77\x77\x77\55\x66\157\162\x6d\55\165\162\x6c\x65\156\143\157\x64\145\144\x3b\x20\143\150\141\162\x73\145\164\x3d\x55\124\x46\x2d\70", "\x6f\x72\x69\x67\151\156\x3a\x68\164\164\x70\x73\x3a\x2f\57\x74\162\x61\x6f\x64\x6f\x69\x73\x75\x62\x2e\143\x6f\155", "\143\157\x6f\153\x69\x65\72" . $ck); } goto IBk1G; gqNtk: $sh = 0; goto vO8eP; OaOQA: if (!file_exists($file_tkmk)) { while (true) { $tk = readline(mau("\x78\x6c\x73") . "\x54\303\xa0\151\40\113\150\x6f\341\xba\243\x6e\x20\x74\144\163\72\x20" . mau("\x76")); bb(mau("\x78\x64\156\x73") . "\115\341\xba\xad\x74\40\153\x68\341\xba\xa9\165\x20\164\144\163\72\40" . mau("\x64\x65")); $mk = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $cktds = getcktds($tk, $mk); if ($cktds != "\x54\x6b\x20\x6d\153\x20\x73\141\x69") { break; } else { echo mau("\144\x73") . "\124\xc3\240\x69\40\153\x68\x6f\xe1\xba\xa3\x6e\x20\150\x6f\xe1\272\267\143\40\155\xe1\272\255\164\x20\153\150\xe1\xba\xa9\165\40\163\x61\x69\x21\x21\41\xa"; } } $data = array("\165\x73\x65\x72\156\x61\155\x65" => $tk, "\160\x61\x73\x73\x77\157\162\x64" => $mk); fwrite(fopen($file_tkmk, "\167"), json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } goto ZLop4; PGwXy: function get_xu($types, $dt, $hedp, $hedg) { $url = "\150\x74\x74\x70\x73\x3a\x2f\57\x74\x72\x61\157\x64\x6f\x69\x73\x75\x62\56\143\157\155\57\x65\170\57{$types}\57\156\x68\141\x6e\164\151\x65\x6e\x2e\160\150\160"; $dl = pt($url, $dt, $hedp); if (json_decode($dl, true)["\143\x6f\x64\x65"] == "\163\165\x63\143\145\x73\x73") { $id = str_replace("\116\x68\341\272\255\156\x20\x74\150\303\240\156\x68\40\x63\xc3\264\156\147", "\x2b", json_decode($dl, true)["\155\x73\147"]); } if ($types == "\171\x6f\165\164\x75\142\x65\137\143\157\155\155\x65\x6e\164") { $type = "\143\x6f\155\x6d\x65\x6e\164"; $id = plo("\x69\x64\x3d", "\x26", $dt); $ids = explode("\137\137", $id)[1]; if ($ids) { $id = $ids; } } else { $type = "\146\157\x6c\154\157\167"; } if ($dl == 2 || json_decode($dl, true)["\143\157\144\145"] == "\x73\x75\x63\x63\x65\163\163") { $dl2 = gjs("\150\164\164\x70\x73\72\57\x2f\x74\162\141\x6f\144\157\x69\x73\x75\142\x2e\x63\x6f\155\x2f\163\143\x72\x2f\165\163\x65\x72\56\160\x68\160", $hedg); if ($dl2) { if ($id != "\53\x20\60\40\170\x75") { prkpb(strtoupper($type), $id, $dl2["\x78\x75"]); } } else { bb(mau("\144\163") . "\x43\157\157\153\151\x65\x20\x74\x64\163\x20\144\x69\x65\54\40\151\163\x20\141\165\x74\157\155\141\x74\151\x63\x61\154\x6c\x79\40\162\x65\164\162\x69\145\x76\145\144\xa"); return "\x64\x69\145"; } } } goto wiHXB; F6AWT: if ($nyc == "\x61\154\x6c") { $list_job = array(); $g = 0; while ($g < count($adn)) { array_push($list_job, $g); $g++; } } else { $list_job = explode("\53", $nyc); } goto R1uma; mZdJP: function job_comment($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp) { $dl["\x64\141\164\x61"] = $_SESSION["\x6c\x69\x73\x74\55\x6a\x6f\x62"]; if ($dl["\144\141\x74\141"][0]["\151\144"]) { $rds = 0; echo rdm() . "\x5f\x54\150\x65\x20\x73\x79\x73\x74\145\x6d\40\146\x6f\165\x6e\144\40" . count($dl["\x64\141\x74\x61"]) . "\x20\x6a\x6f\142\40\143\157\155\155\145\x6e\x74\x73\x20\xd"; $id = $dl["\144\x61\164\141"][$rds]["\151\x64"]; $type = $dl["\x64\x61\x74\141"][$rds]["\x74\x79\160\145"]; $msg = $dl["\144\141\164\x61"][$rds]["\x6d\163\x67"]; $url = $dl["\x64\141\x74\141"][$rds]["\x6c\x69\156\153"]; $abc = comment_yt($url, $msg, $ck, $author); $dt = "\x69\x64\75" . $id . "\46\x74\x79\x70\x65\75" . $type; $dks = get_xu("\x79\x6f\x75\164\x75\x62\x65\137\x63\157\x6d\155\145\x6e\x74", $dt, $hedp, $hedg); if ($dks == "\144\x69\x65") { return "\144\x69\x65"; } } else { bb(rdm() . "\x5f\x54\341\xba\241\155\x20\164\150\341\xbb\x9d\151\40\150\xe1\xba\xbf\x74\x20\152\x6f\x62\x20\103\x6f\x6d\x6d\145\156\x74\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\15"); return "\142\x6c\x6f\143\x6b"; sleep(2); } } goto IHnUI; R1uma: $array_cookie = array(); goto gqNtk; nO3T0: $chill = true; goto Hd5OC; RkVck: if (!file_exists($file_ck)) { $array_cookie = array(); $count_ck = readline("\x4e\x68\xe1\xba\xad\x70\x20\x73\341\273\221\x20\x6c\306\260\341\273\243\156\x67\40\143\x6f\x6f\153\151\x65\72\x20"); $gh = 1; while ($gh <= $count_ck) { bb(mau("\x76") . "\x43\157\x6f\153\x69\x65\x20\x59\x6f\x75\x54\165\x62\x65\x20{$gh}\72\40" . mau("\x64\x73")); $ck = trim(fgets(STDIN)); bb(mau("\166") . "\101\165\164\150\x6f\x72\151\172\141\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\40\x59\157\165\124\165\142\x65\x20{$gh}\x3a\x20" . mau("\x64\x73")); $authorization = trim(fgets(STDIN)); text_vaiii("\x5f\304\x90\x61\x6e\147\x20\x4b\151\341\xbb\x83\x6d\x20\x54\162\x61\40\x43\x6f\157\153\x69\145"); $check = info_yt($ck); if ($check["\151\x64"]) { $checks = array("\x63\157\157\x6b\151\x65" => $ck, "\141\x75\164\x68\x6f\162\x69\172\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e" => $authorization, "\x69\144" => $check["\151\144"], "\x6e\141\155\145" => $check["\156\141\155\145"]); array_push($array_cookie, $checks); $gh++; } else { bb(mau("\144\x73") . "\137\103\x6f\x6f\153\x69\145\x20\153\150\xc3\xb4\156\147\x20\150\341\273\243\160\x20\x6c\xe1\273\x87\41\x21\x21\xa"); } } fwrite(fopen($file_ck, "\167"), json_encode($array_cookie, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } goto RJRUc; PMjZ6: bb(mau("\166") . "\x43\x68\341\xbb\215\x6e\x20\62\40\x74\x72\341\273\237\40\154\303\252\x6e\x20\166\x75\151\x20\x6c\303\xb2\x6e\147\40\164\150\xc3\252\x6d\40\x64\xe1\xba\xa5\x75\40" . mau("\144\x73") . "\53\12"); goto ES4ww; IHnUI: function datnick($id, $hedp) { $url = "\x68\164\164\160\x73\x3a\57\57\164\x72\x61\x6f\144\x6f\x69\163\165\142\56\x63\x6f\x6d\x2f\163\x63\x72\x2f\x79\157\165\164\165\142\145\x5f\x64\141\164\156\x69\x63\x6b\56\x70\150\x70"; $k = pt($url, "\x69\144\x64\141\164\75" . $id, $hedp); return $k; } goto PGwXy; PIur0: if (file_exists($file_ck)) { bb(rdm() . "\x42\341\xba\xa1\156\x20" . rdm() . "\x43\xc3\263\40" . rdm() . "\x4d\x75\341\273\221\x6e\x20" . rdm() . "\124\x68\x61\171\40" . rdm() . "\304\x90\xe1\273\x95\x69\x20" . rdm() . "\103\157\157\x6b\x69\x65\x20" . rdm() . "\x4b\150\xc3\264\156\x67" . rdm() . "\x20\50" . rdm() . "\171" . rdm() . "\57" . rdm() . "\156" . rdm() . "\51\x3a\40" . rdm() . ''); $cah = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($cah == "\x79" || $cah == "\x59") { $adn = json_decode(fgct($file_ck), true); $g = 0; bb(rdm() . "\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\x2d\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\12"); bb(mau("\164\x72") . "\133" . mau("\144\x73") . "\61" . mau("\164\162") . "\x5d\40" . mau("\x76") . "\x3d\x3e\x20" . mau("\x78\x64\x6e\x73") . "\124\150\303\xaa\x6d\40\x43\x6f\157\x6b\151\x65\xa"); bb(mau("\x74\162") . "\x5b" . mau("\x64\x73") . "\62" . mau("\164\162") . "\x5d\40" . mau("\166") . "\75\x3e\40" . mau("\x78\144\156\163") . "\130\157\303\xa1\x20\103\157\x6f\x6b\x69\x65\12"); bb(mau("\x74\x72") . "\133" . mau("\x64\163") . "\63" . mau("\x74\162") . "\x5d\x20" . mau("\166") . "\x3d\76\40" . mau("\170\144\x6e\163") . "\x58\x6f\xc3\xa1\x20\x48\341\xba\277\x74\40\x43\157\157\153\x69\x65\12"); bb(rdm() . "\x7e\x56\x75\x69\40" . rdm() . "\114\xc3\262\x6e\147\40" . rdm() . "\x4e\150\341\272\255\x70\x3a\40" . rdm() . ''); $chondoi = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($chondoi == 1) { $array_cookie = array(); $count_ck = readline("\116\x68\341\272\255\x70\40\163\xe1\273\x91\40\x6c\306\260\xe1\273\xa3\x6e\147\40\x63\157\x6f\153\x69\145\72\x20"); $gh = 1; while ($gh <= $count_ck) { bb(mau("\x76") . "\103\157\157\153\151\x65\x20\x59\157\x75\x54\x75\x62\145\40{$gh}\72\x20" . mau("\x64\163")); $ck = trim(fgets(STDIN)); bb(mau("\166") . "\101\165\x74\150\x6f\x72\151\x7a\x61\164\151\157\156\40\x59\x6f\165\x54\x75\x62\145\40{$gh}\x3a\x20" . mau("\x64\x73")); $authorization = trim(fgets(STDIN)); text_vaiii("\137\xc4\x90\141\x6e\x67\x20\113\151\xe1\273\x83\x6d\x20\x54\162\141\40\103\x6f\x6f\153\151\145"); $check = info_yt($ck); if ($check["\151\x64"]) { $checks = array("\x63\157\157\x6b\151\x65" => $ck, "\x61\x75\164\150\157\x72\151\x7a\141\164\151\x6f\156" => $authorization, "\151\144" => $check["\151\x64"], "\x6e\x61\155\145" => $check["\x6e\x61\x6d\145"]); array_push($adn, $checks); $gh++; } else { bb(mau("\x64\163") . "\137\x43\157\157\x6b\x69\145\40\x6b\150\303\xb4\x6e\147\x20\x68\341\273\243\160\x20\x6c\341\xbb\207\x21\41\41\xa"); } } fwrite(fopen($file_ck, "\167"), json_encode($adn, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } if ($chondoi == 2) { bb(mau("\170\x64\x6e\163") . "\x42\xe1\xba\241\156\40\143\303\xb3\40" . mau("\x64\163") . count($adn) . mau("\170\144\x6e\x73") . "\40\x63\157\x6f\153\x69\x65\x20\171\x6f\x75\x74\x75\142\145\x20\304\221\xc3\243\x20\x6c\xc6\260\165\xa"); while ($g < count($adn)) { echo mau("\164\x72") . "\133" . mau("\144\x73") . "{$g}" . mau("\x74\162") . "\x5d\x20" . mau("\166") . "\x3d\76\x20" . mau("\170\154\163") . "\x69\x64\x3a\40" . mau("\170\x64\156\x73") . $adn[$g]["\x69\144"] . "\40" . mau("\164\x72") . "\x7c\x20" . mau("\x64\x73") . "\124\xc3\252\156\x3a\x20" . mau("\x78\x64\156\x73") . $adn[$g]["\156\141\x6d\x65"] . "\12"; $g++; } bb(rdm() . "\55\55\x2d\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\55\55\55\55\x2d\55\55\55\55\55\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\55\x2d\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\12"); bb(mau("\166") . "\x43\150\xe1\273\215\x6e\40\62\x20\x74\162\xe1\xbb\237\40\x6c\xc3\xaa\156\40\166\x75\x69\40\x6c\xc3\262\x6e\147\x20\164\x68\303\252\155\x20\144\341\272\245\x75\x20" . mau("\144\x73") . "\53\xa"); $sd = 1; while (true) { bb(rdm() . "\176\x4e\x68\341\272\255\160\x20" . rdm() . "\x53\341\273\x91\40" . rdm() . "\103\157\x6f\x6b\x69\145\40" . rdm() . "\103\xe1\272\247\156\x20" . rdm() . "\x58\157\xc3\241\72\40"); $stt = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (strlen(tach_cls2($stt)) <= 0) { bb(mau("\144\163") . "\176\x42\341\xba\241\x6e\x20\116\x68\xe1\xba\xad\160\x20\x53\141\x69\40\x52\xe1\xbb\x93\151\40\116\x68\x61\x21\x21\x21\xa"); bb(rdm() . "\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\55\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\x2d\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\12"); } elseif (tach_cls2($stt) > count($adn) - 1) { bb(mau("\x64\x73") . "\176\x42\xe1\xba\xa1\156\x20\126\x75\x69\40\114\xc3\262\156\147\40\x4e\x68\xe1\272\255\x70\40\124\xe1\xbb\xab\x20\x30\40\304\x90\341\xba\277\x6e\40" . (count($adn) - 1) . "\xa"); bb(rdm() . "\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\55\55\x2d\55\xa"); } else { break; } } $list = explode("\x2b", $stt); $dk = 0; $add = array(); while ($dk < count($list)) { if ($list[$dk] != $dk) { array_push($add, $adn[$dk]); } $dk++; } $adn = $add; $adn = json_decode(json_encode($adn)); fwrite(fopen($file_ck, "\x77"), json_encode($adn, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } if ($chondoi == 3) { unlink($file_ck); } } } goto RkVck; DbkGb: $array_authorization = array(); goto PIur0; ES4ww: bb(mau("\170\154\x73") . "\126\303\255\x20\x64\341\xbb\245\x3a\40" . mau("\166") . "\60" . mau("\144\x73") . "\x2b" . mau("\166") . "\x31" . mau("\x64\x73") . "\x2b" . mau("\x76") . "\62\xa"); goto vZ1Bk; Ebbhg: $hedp = ptds($cktds); goto CitfJ; cIILd: $array_cookie = array(); goto DbkGb; c8mh5: bb(rdm() . "\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\55\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\x2d\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\55\x2d\55\55\x2d\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\55\55\55\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\x2d\55\12"); goto PMjZ6; ZLop4: $kgh = json_decode(fgct($file_tkmk), true); goto FyoZz; Hd5OC: $cks = true; goto Vefd4; qK9Q6: while (true) { bb(mau("\x78\144\x6e\x73") . "\74" . mau("\x76") . "\133" . mau("\x64\x73") . "\61" . mau("\x76") . "\135" . mau("\170\144\x6e\x73") . "\x3e" . mau("\170\154\163") . "\40\112\157\x62\40\103\157\155\155\x65\x6e\164\40\12"); bb(mau("\170\144\156\x73") . "\x3c" . mau("\x76") . "\x5b" . mau("\x64\x73") . "\62" . mau("\x76") . "\x5d" . mau("\x78\x64\x6e\x73") . "\x3e" . mau("\x78\x6c\163") . "\40\112\157\x62\40\x46\x6f\154\x6c\x6f\167\40\12"); bb(mau("\x74\x73") . "\x3c" . mau("\x64\163") . "\x3d" . mau("\164\163") . "\x3e" . mau("\166") . "\40\103\150\x6f\157\163\x65\72\x20"); $pjobs = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $pjob = str_split($pjobs); $jobs = $pjob; if (count($pjob) != 0 && $pjobs != false) { break; } else { bb(mau("\144\163") . "\120\154\x65\x61\x73\x65\40\x63\150\x6f\x6f\163\145\x20\141\147\141\x69\x6e\x21\x21\x21\xa"); } } goto k1_5i; G757F: function job_follow($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp) { $dl["\x64\x61\164\141"] = $_SESSION["\154\x69\x73\164\x2d\x6a\157\x62"]; if ($dl["\x64\141\164\x61"][0]["\151\144"]) { echo rdm() . "\x5f\x54\x68\x65\x20\x73\x79\x73\x74\x65\x6d\40\146\157\165\x6e\144\40" . count($dl["\144\141\164\x61"]) . "\40\x6a\157\x62\x20\146\x6f\154\x6c\x6f\x77\40\15"; $id = $dl["\144\x61\x74\141"][0]["\x69\x64"]; $type = $dl["\x64\141\x74\141"][0]["\164\171\160\x65"]; $url = $dl["\x64\x61\164\141"][0]["\x6c\151\x6e\153"]; $abc = subscribe($url, $ck, $author); $dtc = "\x69\x64\75" . $id . "\x26\164\171\x70\145\75\146\157\154\154\x6f\x77"; timer(20, null); $kgh = pjs("\x68\164\x74\x70\x73\x3a\57\x2f\x74\162\x61\157\x64\157\x69\163\165\142\x2e\143\x6f\155\57\145\170\57\171\x6f\x75\x74\165\x62\x65\137\x66\157\x6c\154\x6f\x77\x2f\143\x61\143\x68\x65\x2e\160\150\x70", $dtc, $hedp); bb(rdm() . "\137\116\150\xe1\272\xad\x6e\40\x78\165\40\x73\141\165\x20\50{$kgh["\x63\141\x63\150\x65"]}\57\63\x29\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\15"); sleep(2); if ($kgh["\143\141\143\x68\x65"] >= 3) { $dt = "\x6b\145\171\x3d" . explode("\137\137", $id)[0]; $dks = get_xu("\x79\x6f\x75\x74\x75\142\145\x5f\x66\x6f\154\154\157\x77", $dt, $hedp, $hedg); if ($dks == "\x64\151\145") { return "\x64\151\145"; } } } else { bb(rdm() . "\x5f\124\341\xba\241\x6d\x20\164\150\xe1\xbb\x9d\x69\x20\150\xe1\272\277\x74\40\x6a\x6f\x62\40\146\x6f\154\154\x6f\167\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\xd"); return "\x62\154\157\x63\153"; sleep(2); } } goto mZdJP; UqsZs: $file_tkmk = "\x74\x6b\46\x6d\153\55\x74\x64\163\x2e\164\170\164"; goto ztqUq; CitfJ: system("\x63\x6c\x65\x61\162"); goto qK9Q6; WUq6S: while ($g < count($adn)) { echo mau("\x74\x72") . "\133" . mau("\x64\163") . "{$g}" . mau("\164\162") . "\x5d\x20" . mau("\166") . "\75\76\x20" . mau("\170\154\163") . "\151\144\72\40" . mau("\170\x64\156\x73") . $adn[$g]["\151\144"] . "\x20" . mau("\164\x72") . "\174\40" . mau("\144\x73") . "\124\303\252\156\x3a\x20" . mau("\x78\144\156\x73") . $adn[$g]["\156\141\155\x65"] . "\xa"; $g++; } goto c8mh5; FyoZz: $tk = $kgh["\x75\163\145\x72\x6e\141\155\x65"]; goto lmvnh; RJRUc: $adn = json_decode(fgct($file_ck), true); goto Lu3YD; Vefd4: while (true) { checkinernet(); $cktds = trim(getcktds($tk, $mk)); $hedg = gtds($cktds); $hedp = ptds($cktds); while (true) { $rand = rand(0, count($array_cookie) - 1); $ck = $array_cookie[$rand]; $author = $array_authorization[$rand]; $infoyt = info_yt($ck); if ($infoyt == "\x64\x69\x65") { bb(mau("\x64\163") . "\103\157\157\153\151\x65\x20\131\x6f\x75\124\x75\142\145\x20\144\x69\145\41\x21\41\xa"); } else { if (datnick($infoyt["\151\x64"], $hedp) == true) { can_le(mau("\x74\162") . "\133" . mau("\164\163") . "\151\144\72\x20" . mau("\x76") . format_idtds($infoyt["\151\144"]) . mau("\164\162") . "\40\xe2\232\xa1\x20" . mau("\x78\144\x73") . "\x4e\x69\x63\153\x3a" . mau("\170\x64\156\163") . "\x20{$infoyt["\156\x61\155\x65"]}" . mau("\164\x72") . "\x5d"); mang_ngan_mo(); $chill = true; break; } else { bb(mau("\144\163") . "\xc4\x90\xe1\272\267\x74\40\103\xe1\xba\245\165\x20\110\303\254\x6e\150\40" . mau("\164\x72") . "\x69\144\133\40" . mau("\166") . "{$infofb["\x69\x64"]}" . mau("\164\x72") . "\x20\135\40" . mau("\x64\163") . "\x54\150\xe1\xba\245\x74\40\102\xe1\272\241\151\xa"); $array_cookie = unsetkpb($array_cookie, $ck); $array_authorization = unsetkpb($array_authorization, $author); } } if (!count($array_cookie)) { die(mau("\x64\163") . "\131\157\x75\40\x44\157\156\x27\164\x20\x48\141\166\145\40\x31\40\x45\x6c\x69\147\151\142\x6c\x65\40\131\157\165\124\165\x62\145\x20\101\x63\143\x6f\165\x6e\x74\x21\41\41\12"); } } if (!count($array_cookie)) { die(mau("\144\163") . "\x41\154\154\40\x59\x6f\165\124\x75\142\145\x20\x61\143\x63\157\x75\x6e\164\x73\x20\x61\162\x65\40\144\x65\x61\x64\x21\41\x21\12"); } $all_job = get_job($pjob, $hedg); $all_job = $all_job[1]; $jobko = $pjob; $_SESSION["\x6c\x69\163\x74\55\152\x6f\x62"] = array(); while (true) { checkinernet(); if (isset($jobko) && is_array($jobko) && count($jobko) > 0) { $jh = $jobko[array_rand($jobko, 1)]; } else { mang_ngan_dong(); break; } switch ($jh) { case 1: $loai = "\x63\x6f\x6d\x6d\x65\156\x74"; break; case 2: $loai = "\146\157\154\154\157\167"; break; default: break; } $checkjobo = false; foreach ($all_job as $index => $item) { if ($item["\164\171\160\x65\x2d\152\157\x62"] == $loai) { $_SESSION["\x6c\151\163\x74\55\x6a\157\x62"] = $item["\x64\141\164\x61"]; $checkjobo = true; break; } } if (isset($_SESSION["\x6c\151\163\164\x2d\152\157\142"]) && is_array($_SESSION["\154\151\x73\164\x2d\152\157\x62"]) && count($_SESSION["\x6c\x69\163\x74\55\x6a\157\x62"]) == 0) { $checkjobo = false; } if (!$checkjobo) { $key = array_search($jh, $jobko); if ($key !== false) { unset($jobko[$key]); sort($jobko); } } if ($jh == 1) { $pga = job_comment($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp); if ($pga == "\142\154\157\x63\153") { $pjob = unsetkpb($pjob, 1); } if ($pga == "\144\151\145") { mang_ngan_dong(); $cks = false; break; } } if ($jh == 2) { $pga2 = job_follow($ck, $author, $hedg, $hedp); if ($pga2 == "\142\x6c\157\x63\153") { $pjob = unsetkpb($pjob, 2); } if ($pga2 == "\x64\151\145") { mang_ngan_dong(); $cks = false; break; } } foreach ($all_job as &$job) { if (isset($job["\x64\141\x74\141"]) && $job["\x74\171\160\x65\55\x6a\157\x62"] === $loai) { array_shift($job["\x64\141\x74\141"]); sort($job["\144\x61\164\x61"]); } } if (count($array_cookie) == 1) { $total = 0; foreach ($all_job as $item) { $total += count($item["\144\141\164\x61"]); } if (!$total) { mang_ngan_dong(); break; } } } } goto MNAob; wiHXB: function gtds($ck) { return array("\x48\157\x73\x74\72\164\x72\141\x6f\x64\157\151\163\x75\142\x2e\143\x6f\x6d", "\x73\x61\166\x65\x2d\144\141\164\x61\x3a\157\156", "\x75\x73\x65\162\x2d\141\147\x65\156\x74\x3a\115\x6f\x7a\x69\154\154\x61\57\x35\56\x30\40\50\x4c\x69\x6e\165\x78\73\x20\101\156\144\x72\x6f\x69\x64\x20\x37\56\x31\56\x31\x3b\x20\103\x50\x48\61\67\62\67\51\x20\101\x70\160\x6c\x65\x57\145\142\113\x69\x74\57\x35\x33\67\x2e\x33\66\x20\x28\x4b\x48\x54\x4d\x4c\x2c\x20\154\x69\153\x65\40\x47\x65\x63\153\157\x29\40\103\150\x72\x6f\155\145\x2f\70\x33\x2e\60\56\x34\x30\71\63\56\x32\x20\x4d\157\142\x69\154\x65\x20\123\141\146\x61\162\151\x2f\x35\x33\x37\x2e\x33\x36", "\x61\x63\143\x65\x70\164\72\x2a\57\52", "\x63\157\x6f\x6b\151\x65\x3a" . $ck); } goto rWVYp; HYyki: function job_ctc($i) { $i--; $array = array("\x68\164\164\160\x73\x3a\57\57\164\162\141\x6f\144\x6f\151\x73\165\142\x2e\143\x6f\155\x2f\145\x78\57\171\x6f\x75\x74\x75\x62\x65\x5f\x63\x6f\x6d\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x2f\x6c\157\x61\144\x2e\x70\150\160", "\x68\x74\164\x70\163\72\57\x2f\x74\x72\141\x6f\144\x6f\151\163\x75\142\x2e\143\x6f\155\x2f\x65\170\57\x79\x6f\x75\x74\x75\x62\145\137\x66\x6f\x6c\154\x6f\x77\x2f\154\x6f\141\144\56\x70\x68\x70"); return $array[$i]; } goto voctz; Ih8of:

Function Calls





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Decode Time 47 ms