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PHP Decode
--TEST-- XHPRrof: Test Include File (load/run_init operations) Author: Kannan --FILE-- <?p..
Decoded Output download
XHPRrof: Test Include File (load/run_init operations)
Author: Kannan
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/common.php';
// Include File:
// Note: the 2nd and 3rd attempts should be no-ops and
// will not show up in the profiler data. Only the first
// one should.
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php';
// require_once:
// Note: the 2nd and 3rd attempts should be no-ops and
// will not show up in the profiler data. Only the first
// one should.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_require.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_require.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_require.php';
$output = qafooprofiler_disable();
echo "Test for 'include_once' & 'require_once' operation
echo "
I am in foo()...
I am in bar()...
Test for 'include_once' & 'require_once' operation
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>dirname : ct= 6; wt=*;
main()==>load::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>load::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>qafooprofiler_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php==>explode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php==>foo: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php==>implode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>bar: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>explode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>implode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>strlen: ct= 1; wt=*;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
XHPRrof: Test Include File (load/run_init operations)
Author: Kannan
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/common.php';
// Include File:
// Note: the 2nd and 3rd attempts should be no-ops and
// will not show up in the profiler data. Only the first
// one should.
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php';
// require_once:
// Note: the 2nd and 3rd attempts should be no-ops and
// will not show up in the profiler data. Only the first
// one should.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_require.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_require.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qafooprofiler_004_require.php';
$output = qafooprofiler_disable();
echo "Test for 'include_once' & 'require_once' operation\n";
echo "\n";
I am in foo()...
I am in bar()...
Test for 'include_once' & 'require_once' operation
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>dirname : ct= 6; wt=*;
main()==>load::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>load::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>qafooprofiler_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php==>explode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php==>foo: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_inc.php==>implode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>bar: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>explode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>implode: ct= 1; wt=*;
run_init::tests/qafooprofiler_004_require.php==>strlen: ct= 1; wt=*;
Function Calls
dirname | 1 |
MD5 | 9bfd97a1cb80ea62a85b40188618abfb |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 120 ms |