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PHP Decode
<?php /** * This file is part of the reliforp/reli-prof package. * * (c) sji <sji@sj-i..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of the reliforp/reli-prof package.
* (c) sji <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Reli\Lib\Libc\Unistd;
use FFI\CInteger;
class Execvp
/** @var \FFI\Libc\execvp_ffi */
private \FFI $ffi;
public function __construct()
/** @var \FFI\Libc\execvp_ffi */
$this->ffi = \FFI::cdef('
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
', '');
/** @param list<string> $argv */
public function execvp(string $file, array $argv): int
/** @var CInteger $zero */
$zero = \FFI::new('long', false, true);
$zero->cdata = 0;
$null = \FFI::cast('void *', $zero);
$args = [$file, ...$argv];
$size = \count($args) + 1;
/** @var \FFI\CArray $argv_real */
$argv_real = \FFI::new('char *[' . $size . ']', false, true);
foreach ($args as $key => $item) {
$item_len = strlen($item);
$item_len_nul = $item_len + 1;
/** @var \FFI\CArray $argv_item */
$argv_item = \FFI::new("char[{$item_len_nul}]", false, true);
\FFI::memcpy($argv_item, $item, $item_len);
$argv_item[$item_len] = "\0";
$argv_real[$key] = $argv_item;
$argv_real[$key + 1] = $null;
return $this->ffi->execvp($file, $argv_real);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of the reliforp/reli-prof package.
* (c) sji <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Reli\Lib\Libc\Unistd;
use FFI\CInteger;
class Execvp
/** @var \FFI\Libc\execvp_ffi */
private \FFI $ffi;
public function __construct()
/** @var \FFI\Libc\execvp_ffi */
$this->ffi = \FFI::cdef('
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
', '');
/** @param list<string> $argv */
public function execvp(string $file, array $argv): int
/** @var CInteger $zero */
$zero = \FFI::new('long', false, true);
$zero->cdata = 0;
$null = \FFI::cast('void *', $zero);
$args = [$file, ...$argv];
$size = \count($args) + 1;
/** @var \FFI\CArray $argv_real */
$argv_real = \FFI::new('char *[' . $size . ']', false, true);
foreach ($args as $key => $item) {
$item_len = strlen($item);
$item_len_nul = $item_len + 1;
/** @var \FFI\CArray $argv_item */
$argv_item = \FFI::new("char[{$item_len_nul}]", false, true);
\FFI::memcpy($argv_item, $item, $item_len);
$argv_item[$item_len] = "\0";
$argv_real[$key] = $argv_item;
$argv_real[$key + 1] = $null;
return $this->ffi->execvp($file, $argv_real);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | a273622b2915b6be9db171f3afa3978c |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 96 ms |