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<?php /** * Widget API: WP_Widget base class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Widg..

Decoded Output download

<?php /**
 * Widget API: WP_Widget base class
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Widgets
 * @since 4.4.0
 */ /**
 * Core base class extended to register widgets.
 * This class must be extended for each widget and WP_Widget::widget(), WP_Widget::update()
 * and WP_Widget::form() need to be overridden.
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @since 4.4.0 Moved to its own file from wp-includes/widgets.php
 */ class cmup4{/**
	 * Root ID for all widgets of this type.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var mixed|string
	 */ public $jkry13;/**
	 * Name for this widget type.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var string
	 */ public $udai14;/**
	 * Option array passed to {@see wp_register_sidebar_widget()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	 */ public $jcoa15;/**
	 * Option array passed to {@see wp_register_widget_control()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	 */ public $crsv16;/**
	 * Unique ID number of the current instance.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var bool|int
	 */ public $nerp17=false;/**
	 * Unique ID string of the current instance (id_base-number).
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var bool|string
	 */ public $xahe18=false;/**
	 * Whether the widget data has been updated.
	 * Set to true when the data is updated after a POST submit - ensures it does
	 * not happen twice.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var bool
	 */ public $lnhc19=false;/**
	 * Echoes the widget content.
	 * Sub-classes should over-ride this function to generate their widget code.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $args     Display arguments including 'before_title', 'after_title',
	 *                        'before_widget', and 'after_widget'.
	 * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget.
	 */ public function rbgn0($ovvb1a,$mour1b){die(base64_decode('ZnVuY3Rpb24gV1BfV2lkZ2V0Ojp3aWRnZXQoKSBtdXN0IGJlIG92ZXItcmlkZGVuIGluIGEgc3ViLWNsYXNzLg=='));}/**
	 * Updates a particular instance of a widget.
	 * This function should check that `$new_instance` is set correctly. The newly-calculated
	 * value of `$instance` should be returned. If false is returned, the instance won't be
	 * saved/updated.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $new_instance New settings for this instance as input by the user via
	 *                            WP_Widget::form().
	 * @param array $old_instance Old settings for this instance.
	 * @return array Settings to save or bool false to cancel saving.
	 */ public function wnqw1($akgv1c,$pxeu1d){return $akgv1c;}/**
	 * Outputs the settings update form.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $instance Current settings.
	 * @return string Default return is 'noform'.
	 */ public function lpdp2($mour1b){echo base64_decode('PHAgY2xhc3M9Im5vLW9wdGlvbnMtd2lkZ2V0Ij4=').ttcq1e(base64_decode('VGhlcmUgYXJlIG5vIG9wdGlvbnMgZm9yIHRoaXMgd2lkZ2V0Lg==')).base64_decode('PC9wPg==');return base64_decode('bm9mb3Jt');}/**
	 * PHP5 constructor.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $id_base         Optional Base ID for the widget, lowercase and unique. If left empty,
	 *                                a portion of the widget's class name will be used Has to be unique.
	 * @param string $name            Name for the widget displayed on the configuration page.
	 * @param array  $widget_options  Optional. Widget options. See wp_register_sidebar_widget() for information
	 *                                on accepted arguments. Default empty array.
	 * @param array  $control_options Optional. Widget control options. See wp_register_widget_control() for
	 *                                information on accepted arguments. Default empty array.
	 */ public function rktg3($jkry13,$udai14,$jcoa15=array(),$crsv16=array()){$this->$dqzg1f=empty($jkry13)?preg_replace(base64_decode('Lyh3cF8pP3dpZGdldF8v'),'',strtolower(get_class($this))):strtolower($jkry13);$this->$ixsr20=$udai14;$this->$nord21=base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0Xw==').$this->$dqzg1f;$this->$pywp22=gpva23($jcoa15,array(base64_decode('Y2xhc3NuYW1l')=>$this->$nord21));$this->$ddyb24=gpva23($crsv16,array(base64_decode('aWRfYmFzZQ==')=>$this->$dqzg1f));}/**
	 * PHP4 constructor.
	 * @param string $id_base
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param array  $widget_options
	 * @param array  $control_options
	 */ public function cmup4($jkry13,$udai14,$jcoa15=array(),$crsv16=array()){looo25(base64_decode('V1BfV2lkZ2V0'),base64_decode('NC4zLjA='));WP_Widget::rktg3($jkry13,$udai14,$jcoa15,$crsv16);}/**
	 * Constructs name attributes for use in form() fields
	 * This function should be used in form() methods to create name attributes for fields to be saved by update()
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 Array format field names are now accepted.
	 * @param string $field_name Field name
	 * @return string Name attribute for $field_name
	 */ public function urcx5($wyne26){if(false===$powo27=strpos($wyne26,base64_decode('Ww=='))){return base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('Ww==').$this->$wyyc28.base64_decode('XVs=').$wyne26.base64_decode('XQ==');}else{return base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('Ww==').$this->$wyyc28.base64_decode('XVs=').substr_replace($wyne26,base64_decode('XVs='),$powo27,strlen(base64_decode('Ww==')));}}/**
	 * Constructs id attributes for use in {@see WP_Widget::form()} fields.
	 * This function should be used in form() methods to create id attributes
	 * for fields to be saved by {@see WP_Widget::update()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 Array format field IDs are now accepted.
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $field_name Field name.
	 * @return string ID attribute for `$field_name`.
	 */ public function lnes6($wyne26){return base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('LQ==').$this->$wyyc28.base64_decode('LQ==').trim(str_replace(array(base64_decode('W10='),base64_decode('Ww=='),base64_decode('XQ==')),array('',base64_decode('LQ=='),''),$wyne26),base64_decode('LQ=='));}/**
	 * Register all widget instances of this widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access private
	 */ public function qsmz7(){$bptc29=$this->ohdm12();$odqs2a=true;if($bptc29 instanceof ArrayObject||$bptc29 instanceof ArrayIterator){$bptc29=$bptc29->reou2b();}if(is_array($bptc29)){foreach(array_keys($bptc29)as $nerp17){if(is_numeric($nerp17)){$this->djoe8($nerp17);$this->gfmr10($nerp17);$odqs2a=false;}}}if($odqs2a){$this->djoe8(1);$this->gfmr10();}}/**
	 * Set the internal order number for the widget instance.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param int $number The unique order number of this widget instance compared to other
	 *                    instances of the same class.
	 */ public function djoe8($nerp17){$this->$wyyc28=$nerp17;$this->$szco2c=$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('LQ==').$nerp17;}/**
	 * @return callback
	 */ public function unoz9(){returnarray($this,base64_decode('ZGlzcGxheV9jYWxsYmFjaw=='));}/**
	 * @return callback
	 */ public function albja(){returnarray($this,base64_decode('dXBkYXRlX2NhbGxiYWNr'));}/**
	 * @return callback
	 */ public function aiwqb(){returnarray($this,base64_decode('Zm9ybV9jYWxsYmFjaw=='));}/**
	 * Determine whether the current request is inside the Customizer preview.
	 * If true -- the current request is inside the Customizer preview, then
	 * the object cache gets suspended and widgets should check this to decide
	 * whether they should store anything persistently to the object cache,
	 * to transients, or anywhere else.
	 * @since 3.9.0
	 * @access public
	 * @global WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
	 * @return bool True if within the Customizer preview, false if not.
	 */ public function pdwmc(){global $iheg2d;return(isset($iheg2d)&&$iheg2d->pdwmc());}/**
	 * Generate the actual widget content (Do NOT override).
	 * Finds the instance and calls {@see WP_Widget::widget()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array     $args        Display arguments. See {@see WP_Widget::widget()} for information
	 *                               on accepted arguments.
	 * @param int|array $widget_args {
	 *     Optional. Internal order number of the widget instance, or array of multi-widget arguments.
	 *     Default 1.
	 *     @type int $number Number increment used for multiples of the same widget.
	 * }
	 */ public function lbxld($ovvb1a,$omju2e=1){if(is_numeric($omju2e)){$omju2e=array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$omju2e);}$omju2e=gpva23($omju2e,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>-1));$this->djoe8($omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]);$zxgp2f=$this->ohdm12();if(array_key_exists($this->$wyyc28,$zxgp2f)){$mour1b=$zxgp2f[$this->$wyyc28];/**
			 * Filter the settings for a particular widget instance.
			 * Returning false will effectively short-circuit display of the widget.
			 * @since 2.8.0
			 * @param array     $instance The current widget instance's settings.
			 * @param WP_Widget $this     The current widget instance.
			 * @param array     $args     An array of default widget arguments.
			 */ $mour1b=mxps30(base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X2Rpc3BsYXlfY2FsbGJhY2s='),$mour1b,$this,$ovvb1a);if(false===$mour1b){return;}$iryp31=buqh32();if($this->pdwmc()&&!$iryp31){buqh32(true);}$this->rbgn0($ovvb1a,$mour1b);if($this->pdwmc()){buqh32($iryp31);}}}/**
	 * Deal with changed settings (Do NOT override).
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @global array $wp_registered_widgets
	 * @param int $deprecated Not used.
	 */ public function bsdle($zjsm33=1){global $tsqt34;$eidw35=$this->ohdm12();if($this->$yzcc36)return;if(isset($_POST[base64_decode('ZGVsZXRlX3dpZGdldA==')])&&$_POST[base64_decode('ZGVsZXRlX3dpZGdldA==')]){if(isset($_POST[base64_decode('dGhlLXdpZGdldC1pZA==')]))$cdbf37=$_POST[base64_decode('dGhlLXdpZGdldC1pZA==')];else return;if(isset($tsqt34[$cdbf37][base64_decode('cGFyYW1z')][0][base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')])){$nerp17=$tsqt34[$cdbf37][base64_decode('cGFyYW1z')][0][base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')];if($this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('LQ==').$nerp17==$cdbf37)unset($eidw35[$nerp17]);}}else{if(isset($_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f])&&is_array($_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f])){$bptc29=$_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f];}elseif(isset($_POST[base64_decode('aWRfYmFzZQ==')])&&$_POST[base64_decode('aWRfYmFzZQ==')]==$this->$dqzg1f){$mefi38=$_POST[base64_decode('bXVsdGlfbnVtYmVy')]?(int)$_POST[base64_decode('bXVsdGlfbnVtYmVy')]:(int)$_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X251bWJlcg==')];$bptc29=array($mefi38=>array());}else{return;}foreach($bptc29 as $nerp17=>$akgv1c){$akgv1c=pida39($akgv1c);$this->djoe8($nerp17);$pxeu1d=isset($eidw35[$nerp17])?$eidw35[$nerp17]:array();$iryp31=buqh32();if($this->pdwmc()&&!$iryp31){buqh32(true);}$mour1b=$this->wnqw1($akgv1c,$pxeu1d);if($this->pdwmc()){buqh32($iryp31);}/**
				 * Filter a widget's settings before saving.
				 * Returning false will effectively short-circuit the widget's ability
				 * to update settings.
				 * @since 2.8.0
				 * @param array     $instance     The current widget instance's settings.
				 * @param array     $new_instance Array of new widget settings.
				 * @param array     $old_instance Array of old widget settings.
				 * @param WP_Widget $this         The current widget instance.
				 */ $mour1b=mxps30(base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X3VwZGF0ZV9jYWxsYmFjaw=='),$mour1b,$akgv1c,$pxeu1d,$this);if(false!==$mour1b){$eidw35[$nerp17]=$mour1b;}break;}}$this->dgzu11($eidw35);$this->$yzcc36=true;}/**
	 * Generate the widget control form (Do NOT override).
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param int|array $widget_args Widget instance number or array of widget arguments.
	 * @return string|null
	 */ public function uwxaf($omju2e=1){if(is_numeric($omju2e))$omju2e=array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$omju2e);$omju2e=gpva23($omju2e,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>-1));$eidw35=$this->ohdm12();if(-1==$omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]){$this->djoe8(base64_decode('X19pX18='));$mour1b=array();}else{$this->djoe8($omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]);$mour1b=$eidw35[$omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]];}/**
		 * Filter the widget instance's settings before displaying the control form.
		 * Returning false effectively short-circuits display of the control form.
		 * @since 2.8.0
		 * @param array     $instance The current widget instance's settings.
		 * @param WP_Widget $this     The current widget instance.
		 */ $mour1b=mxps30(base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X2Zvcm1fY2FsbGJhY2s='),$mour1b,$this);$qaun3a=null;if(false!==$mour1b){$qaun3a=$this->lpdp2($mour1b);/**
			 * Fires at the end of the widget control form.
			 * Use this hook to add extra fields to the widget form. The hook
			 * is only fired if the value passed to the 'widget_form_callback'
			 * hook is not false.
			 * Note: If the widget has no form, the text echoed from the default
			 * form method can be hidden using CSS.
			 * @since 2.8.0
			 * @param WP_Widget $this     The widget instance, passed by reference.
			 * @param null      $return   Return null if new fields are added.
			 * @param array     $instance An array of the widget's settings.
			 */ cnpl3b(base64_decode('aW5fd2lkZ2V0X2Zvcm0='),array(&$this,&$qaun3a,$mour1b));}return $qaun3a;}/**
	 * Register an instance of the widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param integer $number Optional. The unique order number of this widget instance
	 *                        compared to other instances of the same class. Default -1.
	 */ public function gfmr10($nerp17=-1){zwve3c($this->$szco2c,$this->$ixsr20,$this->unoz9(),$this->$pywp22,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$nerp17));gzbu3d($this->$dqzg1f,$this->albja(),$this->$ddyb24,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>-1));zoxm3e($this->$szco2c,$this->$ixsr20,$this->aiwqb(),$this->$ddyb24,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$nerp17));}/**
	 * Save the settings for all instances of the widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $settings Multi-dimensional array of widget instance settings.
	 */ public function dgzu11($bptc29){$bptc29[base64_decode('X211bHRpd2lkZ2V0')]=1;xahq3f($this->$nord21,$bptc29);}/**
	 * Get the settings for all instances of the widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @return array Multi-dimensional array of widget instance settings.
	 */ public function ohdm12(){$bptc29=rxat40($this->$nord21);if(false===$bptc29){if(isset($this->$fkfe41)){$bptc29=rxat40($this->$fkfe41);}else{$this->dgzu11(array());}}if(!is_array($bptc29)&&!($bptc29 instanceof ArrayObject||$bptc29 instanceof ArrayIterator)){$bptc29=array();}if(!empty($bptc29)&&!isset($bptc29[base64_decode('X211bHRpd2lkZ2V0')])){$bptc29=ezdc42($this->$dqzg1f,$this->$nord21,$bptc29);}unset($bptc29[base64_decode('X211bHRpd2lkZ2V0')],$bptc29[base64_decode('X19pX18=')]);return $bptc29;}}?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

<?php /**
 * Widget API: WP_Widget base class
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Widgets
 * @since 4.4.0
 */ /**
 * Core base class extended to register widgets.
 * This class must be extended for each widget and WP_Widget::widget(), WP_Widget::update()
 * and WP_Widget::form() need to be overridden.
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @since 4.4.0 Moved to its own file from wp-includes/widgets.php
 */ class cmup4{/**
	 * Root ID for all widgets of this type.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var mixed|string
	 */ public $jkry13;/**
	 * Name for this widget type.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var string
	 */ public $udai14;/**
	 * Option array passed to {@see wp_register_sidebar_widget()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	 */ public $jcoa15;/**
	 * Option array passed to {@see wp_register_widget_control()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	 */ public $crsv16;/**
	 * Unique ID number of the current instance.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var bool|int
	 */ public $nerp17=false;/**
	 * Unique ID string of the current instance (id_base-number).
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var bool|string
	 */ public $xahe18=false;/**
	 * Whether the widget data has been updated.
	 * Set to true when the data is updated after a POST submit - ensures it does
	 * not happen twice.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @var bool
	 */ public $lnhc19=false;/**
	 * Echoes the widget content.
	 * Sub-classes should over-ride this function to generate their widget code.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $args     Display arguments including 'before_title', 'after_title',
	 *                        'before_widget', and 'after_widget'.
	 * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget.
	 */ public function rbgn0($ovvb1a,$mour1b){die(base64_decode('ZnVuY3Rpb24gV1BfV2lkZ2V0Ojp3aWRnZXQoKSBtdXN0IGJlIG92ZXItcmlkZGVuIGluIGEgc3ViLWNsYXNzLg=='));}/**
	 * Updates a particular instance of a widget.
	 * This function should check that `$new_instance` is set correctly. The newly-calculated
	 * value of `$instance` should be returned. If false is returned, the instance won't be
	 * saved/updated.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $new_instance New settings for this instance as input by the user via
	 *                            WP_Widget::form().
	 * @param array $old_instance Old settings for this instance.
	 * @return array Settings to save or bool false to cancel saving.
	 */ public function wnqw1($akgv1c,$pxeu1d){return $akgv1c;}/**
	 * Outputs the settings update form.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $instance Current settings.
	 * @return string Default return is 'noform'.
	 */ public function lpdp2($mour1b){echo base64_decode('PHAgY2xhc3M9Im5vLW9wdGlvbnMtd2lkZ2V0Ij4=').ttcq1e(base64_decode('VGhlcmUgYXJlIG5vIG9wdGlvbnMgZm9yIHRoaXMgd2lkZ2V0Lg==')).base64_decode('PC9wPg==');return base64_decode('bm9mb3Jt');}/**
	 * PHP5 constructor.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $id_base         Optional Base ID for the widget, lowercase and unique. If left empty,
	 *                                a portion of the widget's class name will be used Has to be unique.
	 * @param string $name            Name for the widget displayed on the configuration page.
	 * @param array  $widget_options  Optional. Widget options. See wp_register_sidebar_widget() for information
	 *                                on accepted arguments. Default empty array.
	 * @param array  $control_options Optional. Widget control options. See wp_register_widget_control() for
	 *                                information on accepted arguments. Default empty array.
	 */ public function rktg3($jkry13,$udai14,$jcoa15=array(),$crsv16=array()){$this->$dqzg1f=empty($jkry13)?preg_replace(base64_decode('Lyh3cF8pP3dpZGdldF8v'),'',strtolower(get_class($this))):strtolower($jkry13);$this->$ixsr20=$udai14;$this->$nord21=base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0Xw==').$this->$dqzg1f;$this->$pywp22=gpva23($jcoa15,array(base64_decode('Y2xhc3NuYW1l')=>$this->$nord21));$this->$ddyb24=gpva23($crsv16,array(base64_decode('aWRfYmFzZQ==')=>$this->$dqzg1f));}/**
	 * PHP4 constructor.
	 * @param string $id_base
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param array  $widget_options
	 * @param array  $control_options
	 */ public function cmup4($jkry13,$udai14,$jcoa15=array(),$crsv16=array()){looo25(base64_decode('V1BfV2lkZ2V0'),base64_decode('NC4zLjA='));WP_Widget::rktg3($jkry13,$udai14,$jcoa15,$crsv16);}/**
	 * Constructs name attributes for use in form() fields
	 * This function should be used in form() methods to create name attributes for fields to be saved by update()
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 Array format field names are now accepted.
	 * @param string $field_name Field name
	 * @return string Name attribute for $field_name
	 */ public function urcx5($wyne26){if(false===$powo27=strpos($wyne26,base64_decode('Ww=='))){return base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('Ww==').$this->$wyyc28.base64_decode('XVs=').$wyne26.base64_decode('XQ==');}else{return base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('Ww==').$this->$wyyc28.base64_decode('XVs=').substr_replace($wyne26,base64_decode('XVs='),$powo27,strlen(base64_decode('Ww==')));}}/**
	 * Constructs id attributes for use in {@see WP_Widget::form()} fields.
	 * This function should be used in form() methods to create id attributes
	 * for fields to be saved by {@see WP_Widget::update()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 Array format field IDs are now accepted.
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $field_name Field name.
	 * @return string ID attribute for `$field_name`.
	 */ public function lnes6($wyne26){return base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('LQ==').$this->$wyyc28.base64_decode('LQ==').trim(str_replace(array(base64_decode('W10='),base64_decode('Ww=='),base64_decode('XQ==')),array('',base64_decode('LQ=='),''),$wyne26),base64_decode('LQ=='));}/**
	 * Register all widget instances of this widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access private
	 */ public function qsmz7(){$bptc29=$this->ohdm12();$odqs2a=true;if($bptc29 instanceof ArrayObject||$bptc29 instanceof ArrayIterator){$bptc29=$bptc29->reou2b();}if(is_array($bptc29)){foreach(array_keys($bptc29)as $nerp17){if(is_numeric($nerp17)){$this->djoe8($nerp17);$this->gfmr10($nerp17);$odqs2a=false;}}}if($odqs2a){$this->djoe8(1);$this->gfmr10();}}/**
	 * Set the internal order number for the widget instance.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param int $number The unique order number of this widget instance compared to other
	 *                    instances of the same class.
	 */ public function djoe8($nerp17){$this->$wyyc28=$nerp17;$this->$szco2c=$this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('LQ==').$nerp17;}/**
	 * @return callback
	 */ public function unoz9(){returnarray($this,base64_decode('ZGlzcGxheV9jYWxsYmFjaw=='));}/**
	 * @return callback
	 */ public function albja(){returnarray($this,base64_decode('dXBkYXRlX2NhbGxiYWNr'));}/**
	 * @return callback
	 */ public function aiwqb(){returnarray($this,base64_decode('Zm9ybV9jYWxsYmFjaw=='));}/**
	 * Determine whether the current request is inside the Customizer preview.
	 * If true -- the current request is inside the Customizer preview, then
	 * the object cache gets suspended and widgets should check this to decide
	 * whether they should store anything persistently to the object cache,
	 * to transients, or anywhere else.
	 * @since 3.9.0
	 * @access public
	 * @global WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
	 * @return bool True if within the Customizer preview, false if not.
	 */ public function pdwmc(){global $iheg2d;return(isset($iheg2d)&&$iheg2d->pdwmc());}/**
	 * Generate the actual widget content (Do NOT override).
	 * Finds the instance and calls {@see WP_Widget::widget()}.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array     $args        Display arguments. See {@see WP_Widget::widget()} for information
	 *                               on accepted arguments.
	 * @param int|array $widget_args {
	 *     Optional. Internal order number of the widget instance, or array of multi-widget arguments.
	 *     Default 1.
	 *     @type int $number Number increment used for multiples of the same widget.
	 * }
	 */ public function lbxld($ovvb1a,$omju2e=1){if(is_numeric($omju2e)){$omju2e=array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$omju2e);}$omju2e=gpva23($omju2e,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>-1));$this->djoe8($omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]);$zxgp2f=$this->ohdm12();if(array_key_exists($this->$wyyc28,$zxgp2f)){$mour1b=$zxgp2f[$this->$wyyc28];/**
			 * Filter the settings for a particular widget instance.
			 * Returning false will effectively short-circuit display of the widget.
			 * @since 2.8.0
			 * @param array     $instance The current widget instance's settings.
			 * @param WP_Widget $this     The current widget instance.
			 * @param array     $args     An array of default widget arguments.
			 */ $mour1b=mxps30(base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X2Rpc3BsYXlfY2FsbGJhY2s='),$mour1b,$this,$ovvb1a);if(false===$mour1b){return;}$iryp31=buqh32();if($this->pdwmc()&&!$iryp31){buqh32(true);}$this->rbgn0($ovvb1a,$mour1b);if($this->pdwmc()){buqh32($iryp31);}}}/**
	 * Deal with changed settings (Do NOT override).
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @global array $wp_registered_widgets
	 * @param int $deprecated Not used.
	 */ public function bsdle($zjsm33=1){global $tsqt34;$eidw35=$this->ohdm12();if($this->$yzcc36)return;if(isset($_POST[base64_decode('ZGVsZXRlX3dpZGdldA==')])&&$_POST[base64_decode('ZGVsZXRlX3dpZGdldA==')]){if(isset($_POST[base64_decode('dGhlLXdpZGdldC1pZA==')]))$cdbf37=$_POST[base64_decode('dGhlLXdpZGdldC1pZA==')];else return;if(isset($tsqt34[$cdbf37][base64_decode('cGFyYW1z')][0][base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')])){$nerp17=$tsqt34[$cdbf37][base64_decode('cGFyYW1z')][0][base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')];if($this->$dqzg1f.base64_decode('LQ==').$nerp17==$cdbf37)unset($eidw35[$nerp17]);}}else{if(isset($_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f])&&is_array($_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f])){$bptc29=$_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0LQ==').$this->$dqzg1f];}elseif(isset($_POST[base64_decode('aWRfYmFzZQ==')])&&$_POST[base64_decode('aWRfYmFzZQ==')]==$this->$dqzg1f){$mefi38=$_POST[base64_decode('bXVsdGlfbnVtYmVy')]?(int)$_POST[base64_decode('bXVsdGlfbnVtYmVy')]:(int)$_POST[base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X251bWJlcg==')];$bptc29=array($mefi38=>array());}else{return;}foreach($bptc29 as $nerp17=>$akgv1c){$akgv1c=pida39($akgv1c);$this->djoe8($nerp17);$pxeu1d=isset($eidw35[$nerp17])?$eidw35[$nerp17]:array();$iryp31=buqh32();if($this->pdwmc()&&!$iryp31){buqh32(true);}$mour1b=$this->wnqw1($akgv1c,$pxeu1d);if($this->pdwmc()){buqh32($iryp31);}/**
				 * Filter a widget's settings before saving.
				 * Returning false will effectively short-circuit the widget's ability
				 * to update settings.
				 * @since 2.8.0
				 * @param array     $instance     The current widget instance's settings.
				 * @param array     $new_instance Array of new widget settings.
				 * @param array     $old_instance Array of old widget settings.
				 * @param WP_Widget $this         The current widget instance.
				 */ $mour1b=mxps30(base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X3VwZGF0ZV9jYWxsYmFjaw=='),$mour1b,$akgv1c,$pxeu1d,$this);if(false!==$mour1b){$eidw35[$nerp17]=$mour1b;}break;}}$this->dgzu11($eidw35);$this->$yzcc36=true;}/**
	 * Generate the widget control form (Do NOT override).
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param int|array $widget_args Widget instance number or array of widget arguments.
	 * @return string|null
	 */ public function uwxaf($omju2e=1){if(is_numeric($omju2e))$omju2e=array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$omju2e);$omju2e=gpva23($omju2e,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>-1));$eidw35=$this->ohdm12();if(-1==$omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]){$this->djoe8(base64_decode('X19pX18='));$mour1b=array();}else{$this->djoe8($omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]);$mour1b=$eidw35[$omju2e[base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')]];}/**
		 * Filter the widget instance's settings before displaying the control form.
		 * Returning false effectively short-circuits display of the control form.
		 * @since 2.8.0
		 * @param array     $instance The current widget instance's settings.
		 * @param WP_Widget $this     The current widget instance.
		 */ $mour1b=mxps30(base64_decode('d2lkZ2V0X2Zvcm1fY2FsbGJhY2s='),$mour1b,$this);$qaun3a=null;if(false!==$mour1b){$qaun3a=$this->lpdp2($mour1b);/**
			 * Fires at the end of the widget control form.
			 * Use this hook to add extra fields to the widget form. The hook
			 * is only fired if the value passed to the 'widget_form_callback'
			 * hook is not false.
			 * Note: If the widget has no form, the text echoed from the default
			 * form method can be hidden using CSS.
			 * @since 2.8.0
			 * @param WP_Widget $this     The widget instance, passed by reference.
			 * @param null      $return   Return null if new fields are added.
			 * @param array     $instance An array of the widget's settings.
			 */ cnpl3b(base64_decode('aW5fd2lkZ2V0X2Zvcm0='),array(&$this,&$qaun3a,$mour1b));}return $qaun3a;}/**
	 * Register an instance of the widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param integer $number Optional. The unique order number of this widget instance
	 *                        compared to other instances of the same class. Default -1.
	 */ public function gfmr10($nerp17=-1){zwve3c($this->$szco2c,$this->$ixsr20,$this->unoz9(),$this->$pywp22,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$nerp17));gzbu3d($this->$dqzg1f,$this->albja(),$this->$ddyb24,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>-1));zoxm3e($this->$szco2c,$this->$ixsr20,$this->aiwqb(),$this->$ddyb24,array(base64_decode('bnVtYmVy')=>$nerp17));}/**
	 * Save the settings for all instances of the widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param array $settings Multi-dimensional array of widget instance settings.
	 */ public function dgzu11($bptc29){$bptc29[base64_decode('X211bHRpd2lkZ2V0')]=1;xahq3f($this->$nord21,$bptc29);}/**
	 * Get the settings for all instances of the widget class.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @access public
	 * @return array Multi-dimensional array of widget instance settings.
	 */ public function ohdm12(){$bptc29=rxat40($this->$nord21);if(false===$bptc29){if(isset($this->$fkfe41)){$bptc29=rxat40($this->$fkfe41);}else{$this->dgzu11(array());}}if(!is_array($bptc29)&&!($bptc29 instanceof ArrayObject||$bptc29 instanceof ArrayIterator)){$bptc29=array();}if(!empty($bptc29)&&!isset($bptc29[base64_decode('X211bHRpd2lkZ2V0')])){$bptc29=ezdc42($this->$dqzg1f,$this->$nord21,$bptc29);}unset($bptc29[base64_decode('X211bHRpd2lkZ2V0')],$bptc29[base64_decode('X19pX18=')]);return $bptc29;}}?>

Function Calls





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