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<?php /** * Validation Lines * The following language lines contain the default error me..

Decoded Output download

 * Validation Lines
 * The following language lines contain the default error messages used by
 * the validator class. Some of these rules have multiple versions such
 * as the size rules. Feel free to tweak each of these messages here.
return [

    // Standard laravel validation lines
    'accepted'             => ':attribute phi c chp nhn.',
    'active_url'           => ':attribute khng phi l mt ng dn hp l.',
    'after'                => ':attribute phi l mt ngy sau :date.',
    'alpha'                => ':attribute ch c cha ch ci.',
    'alpha_dash'           => ':attribute ch c cha ch ci, ch s, gch ni v gch di.',
    'alpha_num'            => ':attribute ch c cha ch ci hoc ch s.',
    'array'                => ':attribute phi l mt mng.',
    'backup_codes'         => 'M cung cp khng hp l hoc  c s dng.',
    'before'               => ':attribute phi l mt ngy trc :date.',
    'between'              => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi nm trong khong :min n :max.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi nm trong khong :min n :max KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi trong khong :min n :max k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi nm trong khong :min n :max mc.',
    'boolean'              => 'Trng :attribute phi c gi tr ng hoc sai.',
    'confirmed'            => 'Xc nhn :attribute khng khp.',
    'date'                 => ':attribute khng phi l ngy hp l.',
    'date_format'          => ':attribute khng khp vi nh dng :format.',
    'different'            => ':attribute v :other phi khc nhau.',
    'digits'               => ':attribute phi c :digits ch s.',
    'digits_between'       => ':attribute phi c t :min n :max ch s.',
    'email'                => ':attribute phi l a ch email hp l.',
    'ends_with' => ':attribute phi kt thc bng mt trong cc k t: :values',
    'file'                 => ':attribute phi c cung cp di dng tp hp l.',
    'filled'               => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc.',
    'gt'                   => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi ln hn :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi ln hn :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c nhiu hn :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c nhiu hn :value mc.',
    'gte'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi ln hn hoc bng :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi ln hn hoc bng :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c nhiu hn hoc bng :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c :value mc tr ln.',
    'exists'               => ':attribute  chn khng hp l.',
    'image'                => ':attribute phi l nh.',
    'image_extension'      => ':attribute phi c nh dng nh hp l v c h tr.',
    'in'                   => ':attribute  chn khng hp l.',
    'integer'              => ':attribute phi l mt s nguyn.',
    'ip'                   => ':attribute phi l mt a ch IP hp l.',
    'ipv4'                 => ':attribute phi l a ch IPv4 hp l.',
    'ipv6'                 => ':attribute phi l a ch IPv6 hp l.',
    'json'                 => ':attribute phi l mt chui JSON hp l.',
    'lt'                   => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi nh hn :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi nh hn :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c it hn :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c t hn :value mc.',
    'lte'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi nh hn hoc bng :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi nh hn hoc bng :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c t hn hoc bng :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute khng c c nhiu hn :value mc.',
    'max'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute khng c ln hn :max.',
        'file'    => ':attribute khng c ln hn :max KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute khng c nhiu hn :max k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute khng th c nhiu hn :max mc.',
    'mimes'                => ':attribute phi l tp tin c kiu: :values.',
    'min'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi ti thiu l :min.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi ti thiu l :min KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c ti thiu :min k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c ti thiu :min mc.',
    'not_in'               => ':attribute  chn khng hp l.',
    'not_regex'            => 'nh dng ca :attribute khng hp l.',
    'numeric'              => ':attribute phi l mt s.',
    'regex'                => 'nh dng ca :attribute khng hp l.',
    'required'             => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc.',
    'required_if'          => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :other l :value.',
    'required_with'        => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :values tn ti.',
    'required_with_all'    => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :values tn ti.',
    'required_without'     => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :values khng tn ti.',
    'required_without_all' => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi khng c bt c :values no tn ti.',
    'same'                 => ':attribute v :other phi trng khp vi nhau.',
    'safe_url'             => 'ng dn cung cp c th khng an ton.',
    'size'                 => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi c c :size.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi c c :size KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c :size k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi cha :size mc.',
    'string'               => ':attribute phi l mt chui.',
    'timezone'             => ':attribute phi l mt khu vc hp l.',
    'totp'                 => 'M cung cp khng hp l hoc  ht hn.',
    'unique'               => ':attribute  c ngi s dng.',
    'url'                  => 'nh dng ca :attribute khng hp l.',
    'uploaded'             => 'Tp tin  khng c ti ln. My ch khng chp nhn cc tp tin vi dung lng ln nh tp tin trn.',

    // Custom validation lines
    'custom' => [
        'password-confirm' => [
            'required_with' => 'Bt buc xc nhn mt khu',

    // Custom validation attributes
    'attributes' => [],

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 * Validation Lines
 * The following language lines contain the default error messages used by
 * the validator class. Some of these rules have multiple versions such
 * as the size rules. Feel free to tweak each of these messages here.
return [

    // Standard laravel validation lines
    'accepted'             => ':attribute phi c chp nhn.',
    'active_url'           => ':attribute khng phi l mt ng dn hp l.',
    'after'                => ':attribute phi l mt ngy sau :date.',
    'alpha'                => ':attribute ch c cha ch ci.',
    'alpha_dash'           => ':attribute ch c cha ch ci, ch s, gch ni v gch di.',
    'alpha_num'            => ':attribute ch c cha ch ci hoc ch s.',
    'array'                => ':attribute phi l mt mng.',
    'backup_codes'         => 'M cung cp khng hp l hoc  c s dng.',
    'before'               => ':attribute phi l mt ngy trc :date.',
    'between'              => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi nm trong khong :min n :max.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi nm trong khong :min n :max KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi trong khong :min n :max k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi nm trong khong :min n :max mc.',
    'boolean'              => 'Trng :attribute phi c gi tr ng hoc sai.',
    'confirmed'            => 'Xc nhn :attribute khng khp.',
    'date'                 => ':attribute khng phi l ngy hp l.',
    'date_format'          => ':attribute khng khp vi nh dng :format.',
    'different'            => ':attribute v :other phi khc nhau.',
    'digits'               => ':attribute phi c :digits ch s.',
    'digits_between'       => ':attribute phi c t :min n :max ch s.',
    'email'                => ':attribute phi l a ch email hp l.',
    'ends_with' => ':attribute phi kt thc bng mt trong cc k t: :values',
    'file'                 => ':attribute phi c cung cp di dng tp hp l.',
    'filled'               => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc.',
    'gt'                   => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi ln hn :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi ln hn :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c nhiu hn :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c nhiu hn :value mc.',
    'gte'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi ln hn hoc bng :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi ln hn hoc bng :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c nhiu hn hoc bng :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c :value mc tr ln.',
    'exists'               => ':attribute  chn khng hp l.',
    'image'                => ':attribute phi l nh.',
    'image_extension'      => ':attribute phi c nh dng nh hp l v c h tr.',
    'in'                   => ':attribute  chn khng hp l.',
    'integer'              => ':attribute phi l mt s nguyn.',
    'ip'                   => ':attribute phi l mt a ch IP hp l.',
    'ipv4'                 => ':attribute phi l a ch IPv4 hp l.',
    'ipv6'                 => ':attribute phi l a ch IPv6 hp l.',
    'json'                 => ':attribute phi l mt chui JSON hp l.',
    'lt'                   => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi nh hn :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi nh hn :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c it hn :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c t hn :value mc.',
    'lte'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi nh hn hoc bng :value.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi nh hn hoc bng :value KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c t hn hoc bng :value k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute khng c c nhiu hn :value mc.',
    'max'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute khng c ln hn :max.',
        'file'    => ':attribute khng c ln hn :max KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute khng c nhiu hn :max k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute khng th c nhiu hn :max mc.',
    'mimes'                => ':attribute phi l tp tin c kiu: :values.',
    'min'                  => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi ti thiu l :min.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi ti thiu l :min KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c ti thiu :min k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi c ti thiu :min mc.',
    'not_in'               => ':attribute  chn khng hp l.',
    'not_regex'            => 'nh dng ca :attribute khng hp l.',
    'numeric'              => ':attribute phi l mt s.',
    'regex'                => 'nh dng ca :attribute khng hp l.',
    'required'             => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc.',
    'required_if'          => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :other l :value.',
    'required_with'        => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :values tn ti.',
    'required_with_all'    => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :values tn ti.',
    'required_without'     => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi :values khng tn ti.',
    'required_without_all' => 'Trng :attribute l bt buc khi khng c bt c :values no tn ti.',
    'same'                 => ':attribute v :other phi trng khp vi nhau.',
    'safe_url'             => 'ng dn cung cp c th khng an ton.',
    'size'                 => [
        'numeric' => ':attribute phi c c :size.',
        'file'    => ':attribute phi c c :size KB.',
        'string'  => ':attribute phi c :size k t.',
        'array'   => ':attribute phi cha :size mc.',
    'string'               => ':attribute phi l mt chui.',
    'timezone'             => ':attribute phi l mt khu vc hp l.',
    'totp'                 => 'M cung cp khng hp l hoc  ht hn.',
    'unique'               => ':attribute  c ngi s dng.',
    'url'                  => 'nh dng ca :attribute khng hp l.',
    'uploaded'             => 'Tp tin  khng c ti ln. My ch khng chp nhn cc tp tin vi dung lng ln nh tp tin trn.',

    // Custom validation lines
    'custom' => [
        'password-confirm' => [
            'required_with' => 'Bt buc xc nhn mt khu',

    // Custom validation attributes
    'attributes' => [],

Function Calls





MD5 a495b8f9ee42b214f91385e265115f30
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 112 ms