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<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ClassNotation;
use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidFixerConfigurationException;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens;
use PhpCsFixer\WhitespacesFixerConfig;
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer
final class ClassDefinitionFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
public function testConfigure(): void
$defaultConfig = [
'inline_constructor_arguments' => true,
'multi_line_extends_each_single_line' => false,
'single_item_single_line' => false,
'single_line' => false,
'space_before_parenthesis' => false,
$fixer = new ClassDefinitionFixer();
self::assertConfigurationSame($defaultConfig, $fixer);
self::assertConfigurationSame($defaultConfig, $fixer);
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideInvalidConfigurationCases
public function testInvalidConfiguration(array $config, string $exceptionExpression): void
* @return iterable<array{array<string, mixed>, string}>
public static function provideInvalidConfigurationCases(): iterable
yield 'invalid configuration key' => [
['a' => false],
'/^\[class_definition\] Invalid configuration: The option "a" does not exist\. Defined options are: "inline_constructor_arguments", "multi_line_extends_each_single_line", "single_item_single_line", "single_line", "space_before_parenthesis"\.$/',
yield 'invalid configuration value' => [
['single_line' => 'z'],
'/^\[class_definition\] Invalid configuration: The option "single_line" with value "z" is expected to be of type "bool", but is of type "string"\.$/',
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $configuration
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(0) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface, D {};',
"<?php \$a = new class(0) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(1) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface, D {};',
"<?php \$a = new class(1) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements\nA\n{};",
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements\nA{};",
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements A {};",
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements\nA{};",
['single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class {};',
'<?php $a = new class{};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class {};',
"<?php \$a = new class\n{};",
yield [
'<?php $a = new class() {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class ( ){};",
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( ) {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class ( ){};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class implements Foo {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class implements Foo {};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( $this->foo() , bar ( $a) ) {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class ( \$this->foo() , bar ( \$a) ){};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(10, 1, /**/ 2) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( 10, 1,/**/2 ){};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( 10, 1,/**/2 ) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( 10, 1,/**/2 ){};',
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(2) {};',
'<?php $a = new class(2){};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class($this->prop) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop ){};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop ) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop ){};',
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, B {};",
"<?php \$a = new class(\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, \t B{};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, B {};",
"<?php \$a = new class (\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, \t B{};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class($this->prop, $v[3], 4) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop,$v[3], 4) {};',
yield 'PSR-12 Extends/Implements Parenthesis on the next line.' => [
$instance = new class extends \Foo implements
$instance = new class extends \Foo implements
yield 'PSR-12 Implements Parenthesis on the next line.' => [
$instance = new class implements
$instance = new class implements
yield 'PSR-12 Extends Parenthesis on the next line.' => [
$instance = new class extends
$instance = new class
yield [
"<?php \$a = new #
class #
( #
'1a', #
1 #
) #
A, #
C #
"<?php \$a = new#
1 #
A, #
yield [
"<?php \$a = new #
class #
( #
'1a', #
1 #
) #
implements #
A #
"<?php \$a = new#
1 #
['single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class() #
'<?php $a = new class()#
yield 'space_before_parenthesis 1' => [
'<?php $z = new class () {};',
'<?php $z = new class() {};',
['space_before_parenthesis' => true],
yield 'space_before_parenthesis 2' => [
'<?php $z = new class () {};',
'<?php $z = new class () {};',
['space_before_parenthesis' => true],
yield 'space_before_parenthesis and inline_constructor_arguments' => [
'<?php $z = new class ( static::foo($this->bar()) ,baz() ) {};',
'<?php $z = new class ( static::foo($this->bar()) ,baz() ) {};',
['space_before_parenthesis' => true, 'inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield 'single attribute on separate line' => [
$a = new
class() {};
yield 'multiple attributes on separate line' => [
$a = new
class() {};
yield 'single line phpdoc on separate line' => [
$a = new
/** @property string $x */
class() {};
yield 'multi line phpdoc on separate line' => [
$a = new
@property string $x
class() {};
yield 'phpdoc and single attribute on separate line' => [
$a = new
@property string $x
class() {};
yield 'phpdoc and multiple attributes on separate line' => [
$a = new
/** @property string $x */
#[FOO] #[\Ns\Bar]
class() {};
yield from self::provideClassyCases('class');
yield from self::provideClassyExtendingCases('class');
yield from self::provideClassyImplementsCases();
yield [
"<?php class configA implements B, C\n{}",
"<?php class configA implements\nB, C{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA1 extends B\n{}",
"<?php class configA1\n extends\nB{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA1a extends B\n{}",
"<?php class configA1a\n extends\nB{}",
['single_line' => false, 'single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA2 extends D implements B, C\n{}",
"<?php class configA2 extends D implements\nB,\nC{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA3 extends D implements B, C\n{}",
"<?php class configA3\n extends\nD\n\t implements\nB,\nC{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA4 extends D implements B, #\nC\n{}",
"<?php class configA4\n extends\nD\n\t implements\nB,#\nC{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA5 implements A\n{}",
"<?php class configA5 implements\nA{}",
['single_line' => false, 'single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php interface TestWithMultiExtendsMultiLine extends\n A,\nAb,\n C,\n D\n{}",
"<?php interface TestWithMultiExtendsMultiLine extends A,\nAb,C,D\n{}",
'single_line' => false,
'single_item_single_line' => false,
'multi_line_extends_each_single_line' => true,
yield from self::provideClassyCases('interface');
yield from self::provideClassyExtendingCases('interface');
yield [
interface Test extends
/*a*/ /*b*/TestInterface1 , \A\B\C , /* test */
TestInterface2 , // test
// Note: PSR does not have a rule for multiple extends
TestInterface3, /**/ TestInterface4 ,
TestInterface5 , '.'
interface Test
/*a*/ /*b*/TestInterface1 , \A\B\C , /* test */
TestInterface2 , // test
// Note: PSR does not have a rule for multiple extends
TestInterface3, /**/ TestInterface4 ,
TestInterface5 , '.'
/**/TestInterface65 {}
yield from self::provideClassyCases('trait');
yield [
$a = new class implements
$a = new class implements
\Fcc, \GFddZz
yield [
$a = new class implements
$a = new class implements
\Fcc, \GFddZz
yield [
'<?php new class(1, 2, 3, ) {};',
'<?php new class(1, 2, 3,) {};',
yield [
'<?php new class(1, 2, 3, ) {};',
'<?php new class(
) {};',
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
* @dataProvider provideClassyDefinitionInfoCases
public function testClassyDefinitionInfo(string $source, array $expected): void
$tokens = Tokens::fromCode($source);
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->fixer, 'getClassyDefinitionInfo');
$result = $method->invoke($this->fixer, $tokens, $expected['classy']);
self::assertSame($expected, $result);
public static function provideClassyDefinitionInfoCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php class A{}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 1,
'open' => 4,
'extends' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php final class A{}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 3,
'open' => 6,
'extends' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => 1,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php abstract /**/ class A{}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 5,
'open' => 8,
'extends' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => 1,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php class A extends B {}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 1,
'open' => 9,
'extends' => [
'start' => 5,
'numberOfExtends' => 1,
'multiLine' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php interface A extends B,C,D {}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 1,
'open' => 13,
'extends' => [
'start' => 5,
'numberOfExtends' => 3,
'multiLine' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
* @dataProvider provideClassyInheritanceInfoCases
public function testClassyInheritanceInfo(string $source, string $label, array $expected): void
$this->doTestClassyInheritanceInfo($source, $label, $expected);
public static function provideClassyInheritanceInfoCases(): iterable
yield '1' => [
class X11 implements Z , T,R
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 3, 'multiLine' => false],
yield '2' => [
class X10 implements Z , T,R //
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 3, 'multiLine' => false],
yield '3' => [
'<?php class A implements B {}',
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 1, 'multiLine' => false],
yield '4' => [
"<?php class A implements B,\n I{}",
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => true],
yield '5' => [
"<?php class A implements Z\\C\\B,C,D {\n\n\n}",
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 3, 'multiLine' => false],
yield [
namespace A {
interface X {}
namespace {
class B{}
class A extends //
B implements /* */ \A\C, Z{
public function test()
echo 1;
$a = new A();
['start' => 36, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(3) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
['start' => 12, 'numberOfExtends' => 1, 'multiLine' => true],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(4) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D\n\n{};",
['start' => 16, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(5) extends SomeClass\nimplements SomeInterface, D {};",
['start' => 12, 'numberOfExtends' => 1, 'multiLine' => true],
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
* @dataProvider provideClassyInheritanceInfoPre80Cases
* @requires PHP <8.0
public function testClassyInheritanceInfoPre80(string $source, string $label, array $expected): void
$this->doTestClassyInheritanceInfo($source, $label, $expected);
public static function provideClassyInheritanceInfoPre80Cases(): iterable
yield [
namespace A {
interface X {}
namespace {
class B{}
class A extends //
B implements /* */ \A
\C, Z{
public function test()
echo 1;
$a = new A();
['start' => 36, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => true],
* @dataProvider provideWithWhitespacesConfigCases
public function testWithWhitespacesConfig(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->fixer->setWhitespacesConfig(new WhitespacesFixerConfig("\t", "\r\n"));
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideWithWhitespacesConfigCases(): iterable
yield [
"<?php\r\nclass Aaa implements\r\n\tBbb,\r\n\tCcc,\r\n\tDdd\r\n\t{\r\n\t}",
"<?php\r\nclass Aaa implements\r\n\tBbb, Ccc,\r\n\tDdd\r\n\t{\r\n\t}",
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
* @requires PHP 8.0
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield 'anonymous class, single attribute' => [
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] class(2) {};',
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] class(2){};',
yield 'anonymous class, multiple attributes' => [
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] class {};',
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] class {};',
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
* @requires PHP 8.1
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield [
"<?php enum SomeEnum implements SomeInterface, D\n{};",
"<?php enum SomeEnum \timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
yield [
"<?php enum SomeEnum : int\n{}",
'<?php enum SomeEnum : int {}',
yield [
"<?php enum SomeEnum\n{}",
"<?php enum\tSomeEnum{}",
* @dataProvider provideFix82Cases
* @requires PHP 8.2
public function testFix82(string $expected, string $input): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable
yield 'final readonly works' => [
'<?php final readonly class a
'<?php final readonly class a
yield 'final - readonly modifiers get sorted' => [
'<?php final readonly class a
'<?php readonly final class a
yield 'abstract - readonly modifiers get sorted' => [
'<?php abstract readonly class a
'<?php readonly abstract class a
* @dataProvider provideFix83Cases
* @requires PHP 8.3
public function testFix83(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix83Cases(): iterable
yield 'anonymous class, readonly, missing spacing' => [
'<?php $a = new readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new readonly class{};',
yield 'anonymous class, readonly, to much spacing' => [
'<?php $a = new readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new readonly class {};',
yield 'anonymous class, single attribute' => [
'<?php $a = new #[BAR] readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new #[BAR] readonly class{};',
yield 'anonymous class, multiple attributes' => [
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] readonly class {};',
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
private function doTestClassyInheritanceInfo(string $source, string $label, array $expected): void
$tokens = Tokens::fromCode($source);
self::assertTrue($tokens[$expected['start']]->isGivenKind([T_IMPLEMENTS, T_EXTENDS]), sprintf('Token must be "implements" or "extends", got "%s".', $tokens[$expected['start']]->getContent()));
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->fixer, 'getClassyInheritanceInfo');
$result = $method->invoke($this->fixer, $tokens, $expected['start'], $label);
self::assertSame($expected, $result);
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
private static function assertConfigurationSame(array $expected, ClassDefinitionFixer $fixer): void
$reflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($fixer, 'configuration');
self::assertSame($expected, $reflectionProperty->getValue($fixer));
private static function provideClassyCases(string $classy): iterable
return [
sprintf("<?php %s A\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s A {}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s B\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s B{}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s C\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s\n\tC{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s D //\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s D//\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /**/ E //\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s/**/E//\n{}", $classy),
%s A
%s /**/ B //
%s/**/B //
/**/ {}',
namespace {
%s IndentedNameSpacedClass
namespace {
%s IndentedNameSpacedClass {
private static function provideClassyExtendingCases(string $classy): iterable
return [
sprintf("<?php %s AE0 extends B\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s AE0 extends B {}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /**/ AE1 /**/ extends /**/ B /**/\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s/**/AE1/**/extends/**/B/**/{}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /*%s*/ AE2 extends\nB\n{}", $classy, $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /*%s*/ AE2 extends\nB{}", $classy, $classy),
%s Test124 extends
{}', $classy),
\Exception {}', $classy),
private static function provideClassyImplementsCases(): iterable
return [
'<?php class LotOfImplements implements A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q
'<?php class LotOfImplements implements A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q{}',
"<?php class E implements B\n{}",
"<?php class E \nimplements B \t{}",
"<?php abstract class F extends B implements C\n{}",
'<?php abstract class F extends B implements C {}',
'multiline abstract extends implements with comments' => [
"<?php abstract class G extends //
B /* */ implements C\n{}",
'<?php abstract class G extends //
B/* */implements C{}',
'final extends implement' => [
"<?php final class G extends //
B /* */ implements C\n{}",
'<?php final class G extends //
B/* */implements C{}',
'final' => [
'<?php final class G //
/* */
'<?php final class G //
/* */{}',
\Fcc, \GFddZz
class //
X //
extends //
Y //
implements //
Z, //
U //
{} //',
class //
X //
extends //
Y //
implements //
Z , //
U //
{} //',
class Aaa implements
class Aaa implements
\Fcc1, \GFdd
class /**/ Test123 EXtends /**/ \RuntimeException implements
EXtends /**/ \RuntimeException implements
class Aaa implements Ebb, \Ccc
class Aaa implements Ebb, \Ccc
Z, //
Z , //
U, D
class VeryLongClassNameWithLotsOfLetters extends AnotherVeryLongClassName implements
class VeryLongClassNameWithLotsOfLetters extends AnotherVeryLongClassName implements
class /**/ Test125 //aaa
extends /*
\Exception //
class/**/Test125 //aaa
extends /*
\Exception //
class Test extends TestInterface8 implements /*a*/ /*b*/
TestInterface1, /* test */
TestInterface2, // test
// test
TestInterface3, /**/
TestInterface5, '.'
class Test
implements /*a*/ /*b*/TestInterface1 , /* test */
TestInterface2 , // test
// test
TestInterface3, /**/ TestInterface4 ,
TestInterface5 , '.'
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ClassNotation;
use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidFixerConfigurationException;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens;
use PhpCsFixer\WhitespacesFixerConfig;
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\ClassDefinitionFixer
final class ClassDefinitionFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
public function testConfigure(): void
$defaultConfig = [
'inline_constructor_arguments' => true,
'multi_line_extends_each_single_line' => false,
'single_item_single_line' => false,
'single_line' => false,
'space_before_parenthesis' => false,
$fixer = new ClassDefinitionFixer();
self::assertConfigurationSame($defaultConfig, $fixer);
self::assertConfigurationSame($defaultConfig, $fixer);
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideInvalidConfigurationCases
public function testInvalidConfiguration(array $config, string $exceptionExpression): void
* @return iterable<array{array<string, mixed>, string}>
public static function provideInvalidConfigurationCases(): iterable
yield 'invalid configuration key' => [
['a' => false],
'/^\[class_definition\] Invalid configuration: The option "a" does not exist\. Defined options are: "inline_constructor_arguments", "multi_line_extends_each_single_line", "single_item_single_line", "single_line", "space_before_parenthesis"\.$/',
yield 'invalid configuration value' => [
['single_line' => 'z'],
'/^\[class_definition\] Invalid configuration: The option "single_line" with value "z" is expected to be of type "bool", but is of type "string"\.$/',
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $configuration
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(0) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface, D {};',
"<?php \$a = new class(0) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(1) extends SomeClass implements SomeInterface, D {};',
"<?php \$a = new class(1) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements\nA\n{};",
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements\nA{};",
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements A {};",
"<?php \$a = new class('1a') implements\nA{};",
['single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class {};',
'<?php $a = new class{};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class {};',
"<?php \$a = new class\n{};",
yield [
'<?php $a = new class() {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class ( ){};",
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( ) {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class ( ){};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class implements Foo {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class implements Foo {};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( $this->foo() , bar ( $a) ) {};',
"<?php \$a = new\n class ( \$this->foo() , bar ( \$a) ){};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(10, 1, /**/ 2) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( 10, 1,/**/2 ){};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( 10, 1,/**/2 ) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( 10, 1,/**/2 ){};',
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class(2) {};',
'<?php $a = new class(2){};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class($this->prop) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop ){};',
yield [
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop ) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop ){};',
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, B {};",
"<?php \$a = new class(\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, \t B{};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, B {};",
"<?php \$a = new class (\n\t\$a,\n\t\$b,\n\t\$c,\n\t\$d) implements A, \t B{};",
['inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class($this->prop, $v[3], 4) {};',
'<?php $a = new class( $this->prop,$v[3], 4) {};',
yield 'PSR-12 Extends/Implements Parenthesis on the next line.' => [
$instance = new class extends \Foo implements
$instance = new class extends \Foo implements
yield 'PSR-12 Implements Parenthesis on the next line.' => [
$instance = new class implements
$instance = new class implements
yield 'PSR-12 Extends Parenthesis on the next line.' => [
$instance = new class extends
$instance = new class
yield [
"<?php \$a = new #
class #
( #
'1a', #
1 #
) #
A, #
C #
"<?php \$a = new#
1 #
A, #
yield [
"<?php \$a = new #
class #
( #
'1a', #
1 #
) #
implements #
A #
"<?php \$a = new#
1 #
['single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
'<?php $a = new class() #
'<?php $a = new class()#
yield 'space_before_parenthesis 1' => [
'<?php $z = new class () {};',
'<?php $z = new class() {};',
['space_before_parenthesis' => true],
yield 'space_before_parenthesis 2' => [
'<?php $z = new class () {};',
'<?php $z = new class () {};',
['space_before_parenthesis' => true],
yield 'space_before_parenthesis and inline_constructor_arguments' => [
'<?php $z = new class ( static::foo($this->bar()) ,baz() ) {};',
'<?php $z = new class ( static::foo($this->bar()) ,baz() ) {};',
['space_before_parenthesis' => true, 'inline_constructor_arguments' => false],
yield 'single attribute on separate line' => [
$a = new
class() {};
yield 'multiple attributes on separate line' => [
$a = new
class() {};
yield 'single line phpdoc on separate line' => [
$a = new
/** @property string $x */
class() {};
yield 'multi line phpdoc on separate line' => [
$a = new
@property string $x
class() {};
yield 'phpdoc and single attribute on separate line' => [
$a = new
@property string $x
class() {};
yield 'phpdoc and multiple attributes on separate line' => [
$a = new
/** @property string $x */
#[FOO] #[\Ns\Bar]
class() {};
yield from self::provideClassyCases('class');
yield from self::provideClassyExtendingCases('class');
yield from self::provideClassyImplementsCases();
yield [
"<?php class configA implements B, C\n{}",
"<?php class configA implements\nB, C{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA1 extends B\n{}",
"<?php class configA1\n extends\nB{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA1a extends B\n{}",
"<?php class configA1a\n extends\nB{}",
['single_line' => false, 'single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA2 extends D implements B, C\n{}",
"<?php class configA2 extends D implements\nB,\nC{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA3 extends D implements B, C\n{}",
"<?php class configA3\n extends\nD\n\t implements\nB,\nC{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA4 extends D implements B, #\nC\n{}",
"<?php class configA4\n extends\nD\n\t implements\nB,#\nC{}",
['single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php class configA5 implements A\n{}",
"<?php class configA5 implements\nA{}",
['single_line' => false, 'single_item_single_line' => true],
yield [
"<?php interface TestWithMultiExtendsMultiLine extends\n A,\nAb,\n C,\n D\n{}",
"<?php interface TestWithMultiExtendsMultiLine extends A,\nAb,C,D\n{}",
'single_line' => false,
'single_item_single_line' => false,
'multi_line_extends_each_single_line' => true,
yield from self::provideClassyCases('interface');
yield from self::provideClassyExtendingCases('interface');
yield [
interface Test extends
/*a*/ /*b*/TestInterface1 , \A\B\C , /* test */
TestInterface2 , // test
// Note: PSR does not have a rule for multiple extends
TestInterface3, /**/ TestInterface4 ,
TestInterface5 , '.'
interface Test
/*a*/ /*b*/TestInterface1 , \A\B\C , /* test */
TestInterface2 , // test
// Note: PSR does not have a rule for multiple extends
TestInterface3, /**/ TestInterface4 ,
TestInterface5 , '.'
/**/TestInterface65 {}
yield from self::provideClassyCases('trait');
yield [
$a = new class implements
$a = new class implements
\Fcc, \GFddZz
yield [
$a = new class implements
$a = new class implements
\Fcc, \GFddZz
yield [
'<?php new class(1, 2, 3, ) {};',
'<?php new class(1, 2, 3,) {};',
yield [
'<?php new class(1, 2, 3, ) {};',
'<?php new class(
) {};',
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
* @dataProvider provideClassyDefinitionInfoCases
public function testClassyDefinitionInfo(string $source, array $expected): void
$tokens = Tokens::fromCode($source);
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->fixer, 'getClassyDefinitionInfo');
$result = $method->invoke($this->fixer, $tokens, $expected['classy']);
self::assertSame($expected, $result);
public static function provideClassyDefinitionInfoCases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php class A{}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 1,
'open' => 4,
'extends' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php final class A{}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 3,
'open' => 6,
'extends' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => 1,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php abstract /**/ class A{}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 5,
'open' => 8,
'extends' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => 1,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php class A extends B {}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 1,
'open' => 9,
'extends' => [
'start' => 5,
'numberOfExtends' => 1,
'multiLine' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
yield [
'<?php interface A extends B,C,D {}',
'start' => 1,
'classy' => 1,
'open' => 13,
'extends' => [
'start' => 5,
'numberOfExtends' => 3,
'multiLine' => false,
'implements' => false,
'anonymousClass' => false,
'final' => false,
'abstract' => false,
'readonly' => false,
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
* @dataProvider provideClassyInheritanceInfoCases
public function testClassyInheritanceInfo(string $source, string $label, array $expected): void
$this->doTestClassyInheritanceInfo($source, $label, $expected);
public static function provideClassyInheritanceInfoCases(): iterable
yield '1' => [
class X11 implements Z , T,R
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 3, 'multiLine' => false],
yield '2' => [
class X10 implements Z , T,R //
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 3, 'multiLine' => false],
yield '3' => [
'<?php class A implements B {}',
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 1, 'multiLine' => false],
yield '4' => [
"<?php class A implements B,\n I{}",
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => true],
yield '5' => [
"<?php class A implements Z\\C\\B,C,D {\n\n\n}",
['start' => 5, 'numberOfImplements' => 3, 'multiLine' => false],
yield [
namespace A {
interface X {}
namespace {
class B{}
class A extends //
B implements /* */ \A\C, Z{
public function test()
echo 1;
$a = new A();
['start' => 36, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(3) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
['start' => 12, 'numberOfExtends' => 1, 'multiLine' => true],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(4) extends\nSomeClass\timplements SomeInterface, D\n\n{};",
['start' => 16, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => false],
yield [
"<?php \$a = new class(5) extends SomeClass\nimplements SomeInterface, D {};",
['start' => 12, 'numberOfExtends' => 1, 'multiLine' => true],
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
* @dataProvider provideClassyInheritanceInfoPre80Cases
* @requires PHP <8.0
public function testClassyInheritanceInfoPre80(string $source, string $label, array $expected): void
$this->doTestClassyInheritanceInfo($source, $label, $expected);
public static function provideClassyInheritanceInfoPre80Cases(): iterable
yield [
namespace A {
interface X {}
namespace {
class B{}
class A extends //
B implements /* */ \A
\C, Z{
public function test()
echo 1;
$a = new A();
['start' => 36, 'numberOfImplements' => 2, 'multiLine' => true],
* @dataProvider provideWithWhitespacesConfigCases
public function testWithWhitespacesConfig(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->fixer->setWhitespacesConfig(new WhitespacesFixerConfig("\t", "\r\n"));
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideWithWhitespacesConfigCases(): iterable
yield [
"<?php\r\nclass Aaa implements\r\n\tBbb,\r\n\tCcc,\r\n\tDdd\r\n\t{\r\n\t}",
"<?php\r\nclass Aaa implements\r\n\tBbb, Ccc,\r\n\tDdd\r\n\t{\r\n\t}",
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
* @requires PHP 8.0
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield 'anonymous class, single attribute' => [
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] class(2) {};',
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] class(2){};',
yield 'anonymous class, multiple attributes' => [
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] class {};',
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] class {};',
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
* @requires PHP 8.1
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield [
"<?php enum SomeEnum implements SomeInterface, D\n{};",
"<?php enum SomeEnum \timplements SomeInterface, D {};",
yield [
"<?php enum SomeEnum : int\n{}",
'<?php enum SomeEnum : int {}',
yield [
"<?php enum SomeEnum\n{}",
"<?php enum\tSomeEnum{}",
* @dataProvider provideFix82Cases
* @requires PHP 8.2
public function testFix82(string $expected, string $input): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable
yield 'final readonly works' => [
'<?php final readonly class a
'<?php final readonly class a
yield 'final - readonly modifiers get sorted' => [
'<?php final readonly class a
'<?php readonly final class a
yield 'abstract - readonly modifiers get sorted' => [
'<?php abstract readonly class a
'<?php readonly abstract class a
* @dataProvider provideFix83Cases
* @requires PHP 8.3
public function testFix83(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix83Cases(): iterable
yield 'anonymous class, readonly, missing spacing' => [
'<?php $a = new readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new readonly class{};',
yield 'anonymous class, readonly, to much spacing' => [
'<?php $a = new readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new readonly class {};',
yield 'anonymous class, single attribute' => [
'<?php $a = new #[BAR] readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new #[BAR] readonly class{};',
yield 'anonymous class, multiple attributes' => [
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] readonly class {};',
'<?php $a = new #[FOO] #[BAR] readonly class {};',
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
private function doTestClassyInheritanceInfo(string $source, string $label, array $expected): void
$tokens = Tokens::fromCode($source);
self::assertTrue($tokens[$expected['start']]->isGivenKind([T_IMPLEMENTS, T_EXTENDS]), sprintf('Token must be "implements" or "extends", got "%s".', $tokens[$expected['start']]->getContent()));
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->fixer, 'getClassyInheritanceInfo');
$result = $method->invoke($this->fixer, $tokens, $expected['start'], $label);
self::assertSame($expected, $result);
* @param array<string, mixed> $expected
private static function assertConfigurationSame(array $expected, ClassDefinitionFixer $fixer): void
$reflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($fixer, 'configuration');
self::assertSame($expected, $reflectionProperty->getValue($fixer));
private static function provideClassyCases(string $classy): iterable
return [
sprintf("<?php %s A\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s A {}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s B\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s B{}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s C\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s\n\tC{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s D //\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s D//\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /**/ E //\n{}", $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s/**/E//\n{}", $classy),
%s A
%s /**/ B //
%s/**/B //
/**/ {}',
namespace {
%s IndentedNameSpacedClass
namespace {
%s IndentedNameSpacedClass {
private static function provideClassyExtendingCases(string $classy): iterable
return [
sprintf("<?php %s AE0 extends B\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s AE0 extends B {}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /**/ AE1 /**/ extends /**/ B /**/\n{}", $classy),
sprintf('<?php %s/**/AE1/**/extends/**/B/**/{}', $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /*%s*/ AE2 extends\nB\n{}", $classy, $classy),
sprintf("<?php %s /*%s*/ AE2 extends\nB{}", $classy, $classy),
%s Test124 extends
{}', $classy),
\Exception {}', $classy),
private static function provideClassyImplementsCases(): iterable
return [
'<?php class LotOfImplements implements A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q
'<?php class LotOfImplements implements A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q{}',
"<?php class E implements B\n{}",
"<?php class E \nimplements B \t{}",
"<?php abstract class F extends B implements C\n{}",
'<?php abstract class F extends B implements C {}',
'multiline abstract extends implements with comments' => [
"<?php abstract class G extends //
B /* */ implements C\n{}",
'<?php abstract class G extends //
B/* */implements C{}',
'final extends implement' => [
"<?php final class G extends //
B /* */ implements C\n{}",
'<?php final class G extends //
B/* */implements C{}',
'final' => [
'<?php final class G //
/* */
'<?php final class G //
/* */{}',
\Fcc, \GFddZz
class //
X //
extends //
Y //
implements //
Z, //
U //
{} //',
class //
X //
extends //
Y //
implements //
Z , //
U //
{} //',
class Aaa implements
class Aaa implements
\Fcc1, \GFdd
class /**/ Test123 EXtends /**/ \RuntimeException implements
EXtends /**/ \RuntimeException implements
class Aaa implements Ebb, \Ccc
class Aaa implements Ebb, \Ccc
Z, //
Z , //
U, D
class VeryLongClassNameWithLotsOfLetters extends AnotherVeryLongClassName implements
class VeryLongClassNameWithLotsOfLetters extends AnotherVeryLongClassName implements
class /**/ Test125 //aaa
extends /*
\Exception //
class/**/Test125 //aaa
extends /*
\Exception //
class Test extends TestInterface8 implements /*a*/ /*b*/
TestInterface1, /* test */
TestInterface2, // test
// test
TestInterface3, /**/
TestInterface5, '.'
class Test
implements /*a*/ /*b*/TestInterface1 , /* test */
TestInterface2 , // test
// test
TestInterface3, /**/ TestInterface4 ,
TestInterface5 , '.'
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | a687c6a0312bc4f4c0b24256a4c622c1 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 114 ms |