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PHP Decode

<?php // BUILD: Remove line class SG_iCal_Freq { protected $we..

Decoded Output download

<?php // BUILD: Remove line 

class SG_iCal_Freq { 
	protected $weekdays = array('MO'=>'monday', 'TU'=>'tuesday', 'WE'=>'wednesday', 'TH'=>'thursday', 'FR'=>'friday', 'SA'=>'saturday', 'SU'=>'sunday'); 
	protected $knownRules = array('month', 'weekno', 'day', 'monthday', 'yearday', 'hour', 'minute'); //others : 'setpos', 'second' 
	protected $ruleModifiers = array('wkst'); 
	protected $simpleMode = true; 
	protected $rules = array('freq'=>'yearly', 'interval'=>1); 
	protected $start = 0; 
	protected $freq = ''; 
	protected $excluded; //EXDATE 
	protected $added;    //RDATE 
	protected $cache; // getAllOccurrences() 

	public function __construct( $rule, $start, $excluded=array(), $added=array()) { 
		$this->start = $start; 
		$this->excluded = array(); 
		$rules = array(); 
		foreach( explode(';', $rule) AS $v) { 
		  if( strpos( $v, '=' ) === false ) 
			list($k, $v) = explode('=', $v); 
			$this->rules[ strtolower($k) ] = $v; 
		if( isset($this->rules['until']) && is_string($this->rules['until']) ) { 
			$this->rules['until'] = strtotime($this->rules['until']); 
		$this->freq = strtolower($this->rules['freq']); 
		foreach( $this->knownRules AS $rule ) { 
			if( isset($this->rules['by' . $rule]) ) { 
				if( $this->isPrerule($rule, $this->freq) ) { 
					$this->simpleMode = false; 
		if(!$this->simpleMode) { 
			if(! (isset($this->rules['byday']) || isset($this->rules['bymonthday']) || isset($this->rules['byyearday']))) { 
				$this->rules['bymonthday'] = date('d', $this->start); 
		//set until, and cache 
		if( isset($this->rules['count']) ) { 
			$cache[$ts] = $ts = $this->start; 
			for($n=1; $n < $this->rules['count']; $n++) { 
				$ts = $this->findNext($ts); 
				$cache[$ts] = $ts; 
			$this->rules['until'] = $ts; 
			if (!empty($excluded)) { 
				foreach($excluded as $ts) { 
			if (!empty($added)) { 
				$cache = $cache + $added; 
			$this->cache = array_values($cache); 
		$this->excluded = $excluded; 
		$this->added = $added; 

	public function getAllOccurrences() { 
		if (empty($this->cache)) { 
			//build cache 
			$next = $this->firstOccurrence(); 
			while ($next) { 
				$cache[] = $next; 
				$next = $this->findNext($next); 
			if (!empty($this->added)) { 
				$cache = $cache + $this->added; 
			$this->cache = $cache; 
		return $this->cache; 

	public function previousOccurrence( $offset ) { 
		if (!empty($this->cache)) { 
			foreach($this->cache as $ts) { 
				if ($ts >= $offset) 
					return $t2; 
				$t2 = $ts; 
		} else { 
			$ts = $this->start; 
			while( ($t2 = $this->findNext($ts)) < $offset) { 
				if( $t2 == false ){ 
				$ts = $t2; 
		return $ts; 

	public function nextOccurrence( $offset ) { 
		if ($offset < $this->start) 
			return $this->firstOccurrence(); 
		return $this->findNext($offset); 

	public function firstOccurrence() { 
		$t = $this->start; 
		if ( is_array( $this->excluded ) && in_array($t, $this->excluded)) 
			$t = $this->findNext($t); 
		return $t; 

	public function lastOccurrence() { 
		//build cache if not done 
		//return last timestamp in cache 
		return end($this->cache); 

	public function findNext($offset) { 
		if (!empty($this->cache)) { 
			foreach($this->cache as $ts) { 
				if ($ts > $offset) 
					return $ts; 
		$debug = false; 
		//make sure the offset is valid 
		if( $offset === false || (isset($this->rules['until']) && $offset > $this->rules['until']) ) { 
			if($debug) echo 'STOP: ' . date('r', $offset) . "
			return false; 
		$found = true; 
		//set the timestamp of the offset (ignoring hours and minutes unless we want them to be 
		//part of the calculations. 
		if($debug) echo 'O: ' . date('r', $offset) . "
		$hour = (in_array($this->freq, array('hourly','minutely')) && $offset > $this->start) ? date('H', $offset) : date('H', $this->start); 
		$minute = (($this->freq == 'minutely' || isset($this->rules['byminute'])) && $offset > $this->start) ? date('i', $offset) : date('i', $this->start); 
		$t = mktime($hour, $minute, date('s', $this->start), date('m', $offset), date('d', $offset), date('Y',$offset)); 
		if($debug) echo 'START: ' . date('r', $t) . "
		if( $this->simpleMode ) { 
			if( $offset < $t ) { 
				$ts = $t; 
				if ($ts && in_array($ts, $this->excluded)) 
					$ts = $this->findNext($ts); 
			} else { 
				$ts = $this->findStartingPoint( $t, $this->rules['interval'], false ); 
				if( !$this->validDate( $ts ) ) { 
					$ts = $this->findNext($ts); 
			return $ts; 
		$eop = $this->findEndOfPeriod($offset); 
		if($debug) echo 'EOP: ' . date('r', $eop) . "
		foreach( $this->knownRules AS $rule ) { 
			if( $found && isset($this->rules['by' . $rule]) ) { 
				if( $this->isPrerule($rule, $this->freq) ) { 
					$subrules = explode(',', $this->rules['by' . $rule]); 
					$_t = null; 
					foreach( $subrules AS $subrule ) { 
						$imm = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'ruleBy' . $rule), array($subrule, $t)); 
						if( $imm === false ) { 
						if($debug) echo strtoupper($rule) . ': ' . date('r', $imm) . ' A: ' . ((int) ($imm > $offset && $imm < $eop)) . "
						if( $imm > $offset && $imm < $eop && ($_t == null || $imm < $_t) ) { 
							$_t = $imm; 
					if( $_t !== null ) { 
						$t = $_t; 
					} else { 
						$found = $this->validDate($t); 
		if( $offset < $this->start && $this->start < $t ) { 
			$ts = $this->start; 
		} else if( $found && ($t != $offset)) { 
			if( $this->validDate( $t ) ) { 
				if($debug) echo 'OK' . "
				$ts = $t; 
			} else { 
				if($debug) echo 'Invalid' . "
				$ts = $this->findNext($t); 
		} else { 
			if($debug) echo 'Not found' . "
			$ts = $this->findNext( $this->findStartingPoint( $offset, $this->rules['interval'] ) ); 
		if ( is_array( $this->excluded ) && $ts && in_array($ts, $this->excluded)) 
			return $this->findNext($ts); 
		return $ts; 

	private function findStartingPoint( $offset, $interval, $truncate = true ) { 
		$_freq = ($this->freq == 'daily') ? 'day__' : $this->freq; 
		$t = '+' . $interval . ' ' . substr($_freq,0,-2) . 's'; 
		if( $_freq == 'monthly' && $truncate ) { 
			if( $interval > 1) { 
				$offset = strtotime('+' . ($interval - 1) . ' months ', $offset); 
			$t = '+' . (date('t', $offset) - date('d', $offset) + 1) . ' days'; 
		$sp = strtotime($t, $offset); 
		if( $truncate ) { 
			$sp = $this->truncateToPeriod($sp, $this->freq); 
		return $sp; 

	public function findEndOfPeriod($offset) { 
		return $this->findStartingPoint($offset, 1); 

	private function truncateToPeriod( $time, $freq ) { 
		$date = getdate($time); 
		switch( $freq ) { 
			case "yearly": 
				$date['mon'] = 1; 
			case "monthly": 
				$date['mday'] = 1; 
			case "daily": 
				$date['hours'] = 0; 
			case 'hourly': 
				$date['minutes'] = 0; 
			case "minutely": 
				$date['seconds'] = 0; 
			case "weekly": 
				if( date('N', $time) == 1) { 
					$date['hours'] = 0; 
					$date['minutes'] = 0; 
					$date['seconds'] = 0; 
				} else { 
					$date = getdate(strtotime("last monday 0:00", $time)); 
		$d = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']); 
		return $d; 

	private function ruleByday($rule, $t) { 
		$dir = ($rule{0} == '-') ? -1 : 1; 
		$dir_t = ($dir == 1) ? 'next' : 'last'; 
		$d = $this->weekdays[substr($rule,-2)]; 
		$s = $dir_t . ' ' . $d . ' ' . date('H:i:s',$t); 
		if( $rule == substr($rule, -2) ) { 
			if( date('l', $t) == ucfirst($d) ) { 
				$s = 'today ' . date('H:i:s',$t); 
			$_t = strtotime($s, $t); 
			if( $_t == $t && in_array($this->freq, array('monthly', 'yearly')) ) { 
				// Yes. This is not a great idea.. but hey, it works.. for now 
				$s = 'next ' . $d . ' ' . date('H:i:s',$t); 
				$_t = strtotime($s, $_t); 
			return $_t; 
		} else { 
			$_f = $this->freq; 
			if( isset($this->rules['bymonth']) && $this->freq == 'yearly' ) { 
				$this->freq = 'monthly'; 
			if( $dir == -1 ) { 
				$_t = $this->findEndOfPeriod($t); 
			} else { 
				$_t = $this->truncateToPeriod($t, $this->freq); 
			$this->freq = $_f; 
			$c = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$rule); 
			$c = ($c == '') ? 1 : $c; 
			$n = $_t; 
			while($c > 0 ) { 
				if( $dir == 1 && $c == 1 && date('l', $t) == ucfirst($d) ) { 
					$s = 'today ' . date('H:i:s',$t); 
				$n = strtotime($s, $n); 
			return $n; 
	private function ruleBymonth($rule, $t) { 
		$_t = mktime(date('H',$t), date('i',$t), date('s',$t), $rule, date('d', $t), date('Y', $t)); 
		if( $t == $_t && isset($this->rules['byday']) ) { 
			// TODO: this should check if one of the by*day's exists, and have a multi-day value 
			return false; 
		} else { 
			return $_t; 
	private function ruleBymonthday($rule, $t) { 
		if( $rule < 0 ) { 
			$rule = date('t', $t) + $rule + 1; 
		return mktime(date('H',$t), date('i',$t), date('s',$t), date('m', $t), $rule, date('Y', $t)); 
	private function ruleByyearday($rule, $t) { 
		if( $rule < 0 ) { 
			$_t = $this->findEndOfPeriod(); 
			$d = '-'; 
		} else { 
			$_t = $this->truncateToPeriod($t, $this->freq); 
			$d = '+'; 
		$s = $d . abs($rule -1) . ' days ' . date('H:i:s',$t); 
		return strtotime($s, $_t); 
	private function ruleByweekno($rule, $t) { 
		if( $rule < 0 ) { 
			$_t = $this->findEndOfPeriod(); 
			$d = '-'; 
		} else { 
			$_t = $this->truncateToPeriod($t, $this->freq); 
			$d = '+'; 
		$sub = (date('W', $_t) == 1) ? 2 : 1; 
		$s = $d . abs($rule - $sub) . ' weeks ' . date('H:i:s',$t); 
		$_t  = strtotime($s, $_t); 
		return $_t; 
	private function ruleByhour($rule, $t) { 
		$_t = mktime($rule, date('i',$t), date('s',$t), date('m',$t), date('d', $t), date('Y', $t)); 
		return $_t; 
	private function ruleByminute($rule, $t) { 
		$_t = mktime(date('h',$t), $rule, date('s',$t), date('m',$t), date('d', $t), date('Y', $t)); 
		return $_t; 
	private function validDate( $t ) { 
		if( isset($this->rules['until']) && $t > $this->rules['until'] ) { 
			return false; 
		if ( is_array( $this->excluded ) && in_array($t, $this->excluded)) { 
			return false; 
		if( isset($this->rules['bymonth']) ) { 
			$months = explode(',', $this->rules['bymonth']); 
			if( !in_array(date('m', $t), $months)) { 
				return false; 
		if( isset($this->rules['byday']) ) { 
			$days = explode(',', $this->rules['byday']); 
			foreach( $days As $i => $k ) { 
				$days[$i] = $this->weekdays[ preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '', $k)]; 
			if( !in_array(strtolower(date('l', $t)), $days)) { 
				return false; 
		if( isset($this->rules['byweekno']) ) { 
			$weeks = explode(',', $this->rules['byweekno']); 
			if( !in_array(date('W', $t), $weeks)) { 
				return false; 
		if( isset($this->rules['bymonthday'])) { 
			$weekdays = explode(',', $this->rules['bymonthday']); 
			foreach( $weekdays As $i => $k ) { 
				if( $k < 0 ) { 
					$weekdays[$i] = date('t', $t) + $k + 1; 
			if( !in_array(date('d', $t), $weekdays)) { 
				return false; 
		if( isset($this->rules['byhour']) ) { 
			$hours = explode(',', $this->rules['byhour']); 
			if( !in_array(date('H', $t), $hours)) { 
				return false; 
		return true; 
	private function isPrerule($rule, $freq) { 
		if( $rule == 'year') 
			return false; 
		if( $rule == 'month' && $freq == 'yearly') 
			return true; 
		if( $rule == 'monthday' && in_array($freq, array('yearly', 'monthly')) && !isset($this->rules['byday'])) 
			return true; 
		// TODO: is it faster to do monthday first, and ignore day if monthday exists? - prolly by a factor of 4.. 
		if( $rule == 'yearday' && $freq == 'yearly' ) 
			return true; 
		if( $rule == 'weekno' && $freq == 'yearly' ) 
			return true; 
		if( $rule == 'day' && in_array($freq, array('yearly', 'monthly', 'weekly'))) 
			return true; 
		if( $rule == 'hour' && in_array($freq, array('yearly', 'monthly', 'weekly', 'daily'))) 
			return true; 
		if( $rule == 'minute' ) 
			return true; 
		return false; 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

<?php // BUILD: Remove line

class SG_iCal_Freq {
	protected $weekdays = array('MO'=>'monday', 'TU'=>'tuesday', 'WE'=>'wednesday', 'TH'=>'thursday', 'FR'=>'friday', 'SA'=>'saturday', 'SU'=>'sunday');
	protected $knownRules = array('month', 'weekno', 'day', 'monthday', 'yearday', 'hour', 'minute'); //others : 'setpos', 'second'
	protected $ruleModifiers = array('wkst');
	protected $simpleMode = true;

	protected $rules = array('freq'=>'yearly', 'interval'=>1);
	protected $start = 0;
	protected $freq = '';

	protected $excluded; //EXDATE
	protected $added;    //RDATE

	protected $cache; // getAllOccurrences()


	public function __construct( $rule, $start, $excluded=array(), $added=array()) {
		$this->start = $start;
		$this->excluded = array();

		$rules = array();
		foreach( explode(';', $rule) AS $v) {
		  if( strpos( $v, '=' ) === false )
			list($k, $v) = explode('=', $v);
			$this->rules[ strtolower($k) ] = $v;

		if( isset($this->rules['until']) && is_string($this->rules['until']) ) {
			$this->rules['until'] = strtotime($this->rules['until']);
		$this->freq = strtolower($this->rules['freq']);

		foreach( $this->knownRules AS $rule ) {
			if( isset($this->rules['by' . $rule]) ) {
				if( $this->isPrerule($rule, $this->freq) ) {
					$this->simpleMode = false;

		if(!$this->simpleMode) {
			if(! (isset($this->rules['byday']) || isset($this->rules['bymonthday']) || isset($this->rules['byyearday']))) {
				$this->rules['bymonthday'] = date('d', $this->start);

		//set until, and cache
		if( isset($this->rules['count']) ) {

			$cache[$ts] = $ts = $this->start;
			for($n=1; $n < $this->rules['count']; $n++) {
				$ts = $this->findNext($ts);
				$cache[$ts] = $ts;
			$this->rules['until'] = $ts;

			if (!empty($excluded)) {
				foreach($excluded as $ts) {
			if (!empty($added)) {
				$cache = $cache + $added;

			$this->cache = array_values($cache);

		$this->excluded = $excluded;
		$this->added = $added;


	public function getAllOccurrences() {
		if (empty($this->cache)) {
			//build cache
			$next = $this->firstOccurrence();
			while ($next) {
				$cache[] = $next;
				$next = $this->findNext($next);
			if (!empty($this->added)) {
				$cache = $cache + $this->added;
			$this->cache = $cache;
		return $this->cache;


	public function previousOccurrence( $offset ) {
		if (!empty($this->cache)) {
			foreach($this->cache as $ts) {
				if ($ts >= $offset)
					return $t2;
				$t2 = $ts;
		} else {
			$ts = $this->start;
			while( ($t2 = $this->findNext($ts)) < $offset) {
				if( $t2 == false ){
				$ts = $t2;
		return $ts;


	public function nextOccurrence( $offset ) {
		if ($offset < $this->start)
			return $this->firstOccurrence();
		return $this->findNext($offset);


	public function firstOccurrence() {
		$t = $this->start;
		if ( is_array( $this->excluded ) && in_array($t, $this->excluded))
			$t = $this->findNext($t);
		return $t;


	public function lastOccurrence() {
		//build cache if not done
		//return last timestamp in cache
		return end($this->cache);


	public function findNext($offset) {
		if (!empty($this->cache)) {
			foreach($this->cache as $ts) {
				if ($ts > $offset)
					return $ts;

		$debug = false;

		//make sure the offset is valid
		if( $offset === false || (isset($this->rules['until']) && $offset > $this->rules['until']) ) {
			if($debug) echo 'STOP: ' . date('r', $offset) . "\n";
			return false;

		$found = true;

		//set the timestamp of the offset (ignoring hours and minutes unless we want them to be
		//part of the calculations.
		if($debug) echo 'O: ' . date('r', $offset) . "\n";
		$hour = (in_array($this->freq, array('hourly','minutely')) && $offset > $this->start) ? date('H', $offset) : date('H', $this->start);
		$minute = (($this->freq == 'minutely' || isset($this->rules['byminute'])) && $offset > $this->start) ? date('i', $offset) : date('i', $this->start);
		$t = mktime($hour, $minute, date('s', $this->start), date('m', $offset), date('d', $offset), date('Y',$offset));
		if($debug) echo 'START: ' . date('r', $t) . "\n";

		if( $this->simpleMode ) {
			if( $offset < $t ) {
				$ts = $t;
				if ($ts && in_array($ts, $this->excluded))
					$ts = $this->findNext($ts);
			} else {
				$ts = $this->findStartingPoint( $t, $this->rules['interval'], false );
				if( !$this->validDate( $ts ) ) {
					$ts = $this->findNext($ts);
			return $ts;

		$eop = $this->findEndOfPeriod($offset);
		if($debug) echo 'EOP: ' . date('r', $eop) . "\n";

		foreach( $this->knownRules AS $rule ) {
			if( $found && isset($this->rules['by' . $rule]) ) {
				if( $this->isPrerule($rule, $this->freq) ) {
					$subrules = explode(',', $this->rules['by' . $rule]);
					$_t = null;
					foreach( $subrules AS $subrule ) {
						$imm = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'ruleBy' . $rule), array($subrule, $t));
						if( $imm === false ) {
						if($debug) echo strtoupper($rule) . ': ' . date('r', $imm) . ' A: ' . ((int) ($imm > $offset && $imm < $eop)) . "\n";
						if( $imm > $offset && $imm < $eop && ($_t == null || $imm < $_t) ) {
							$_t = $imm;
					if( $_t !== null ) {
						$t = $_t;
					} else {
						$found = $this->validDate($t);

		if( $offset < $this->start && $this->start < $t ) {
			$ts = $this->start;
		} else if( $found && ($t != $offset)) {
			if( $this->validDate( $t ) ) {
				if($debug) echo 'OK' . "\n";
				$ts = $t;
			} else {
				if($debug) echo 'Invalid' . "\n";
				$ts = $this->findNext($t);
		} else {
			if($debug) echo 'Not found' . "\n";
			$ts = $this->findNext( $this->findStartingPoint( $offset, $this->rules['interval'] ) );
		if ( is_array( $this->excluded ) && $ts && in_array($ts, $this->excluded))
			return $this->findNext($ts);

		return $ts;


	private function findStartingPoint( $offset, $interval, $truncate = true ) {
		$_freq = ($this->freq == 'daily') ? 'day__' : $this->freq;
		$t = '+' . $interval . ' ' . substr($_freq,0,-2) . 's';
		if( $_freq == 'monthly' && $truncate ) {
			if( $interval > 1) {
				$offset = strtotime('+' . ($interval - 1) . ' months ', $offset);
			$t = '+' . (date('t', $offset) - date('d', $offset) + 1) . ' days';

		$sp = strtotime($t, $offset);

		if( $truncate ) {
			$sp = $this->truncateToPeriod($sp, $this->freq);

		return $sp;


	public function findEndOfPeriod($offset) {
		return $this->findStartingPoint($offset, 1);


	private function truncateToPeriod( $time, $freq ) {
		$date = getdate($time);
		switch( $freq ) {
			case "yearly":
				$date['mon'] = 1;
			case "monthly":
				$date['mday'] = 1;
			case "daily":
				$date['hours'] = 0;
			case 'hourly':
				$date['minutes'] = 0;
			case "minutely":
				$date['seconds'] = 0;
			case "weekly":
				if( date('N', $time) == 1) {
					$date['hours'] = 0;
					$date['minutes'] = 0;
					$date['seconds'] = 0;
				} else {
					$date = getdate(strtotime("last monday 0:00", $time));
		$d = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
		return $d;


	private function ruleByday($rule, $t) {
		$dir = ($rule{0} == '-') ? -1 : 1;
		$dir_t = ($dir == 1) ? 'next' : 'last';

		$d = $this->weekdays[substr($rule,-2)];
		$s = $dir_t . ' ' . $d . ' ' . date('H:i:s',$t);

		if( $rule == substr($rule, -2) ) {
			if( date('l', $t) == ucfirst($d) ) {
				$s = 'today ' . date('H:i:s',$t);

			$_t = strtotime($s, $t);

			if( $_t == $t && in_array($this->freq, array('monthly', 'yearly')) ) {
				// Yes. This is not a great idea.. but hey, it works.. for now
				$s = 'next ' . $d . ' ' . date('H:i:s',$t);
				$_t = strtotime($s, $_t);

			return $_t;
		} else {
			$_f = $this->freq;
			if( isset($this->rules['bymonth']) && $this->freq == 'yearly' ) {
				$this->freq = 'monthly';
			if( $dir == -1 ) {
				$_t = $this->findEndOfPeriod($t);
			} else {
				$_t = $this->truncateToPeriod($t, $this->freq);
			$this->freq = $_f;

			$c = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',$rule);
			$c = ($c == '') ? 1 : $c;

			$n = $_t;
			while($c > 0 ) {
				if( $dir == 1 && $c == 1 && date('l', $t) == ucfirst($d) ) {
					$s = 'today ' . date('H:i:s',$t);
				$n = strtotime($s, $n);

			return $n;

	private function ruleBymonth($rule, $t) {
		$_t = mktime(date('H',$t), date('i',$t), date('s',$t), $rule, date('d', $t), date('Y', $t));
		if( $t == $_t && isset($this->rules['byday']) ) {
			// TODO: this should check if one of the by*day's exists, and have a multi-day value
			return false;
		} else {
			return $_t;

	private function ruleBymonthday($rule, $t) {
		if( $rule < 0 ) {
			$rule = date('t', $t) + $rule + 1;
		return mktime(date('H',$t), date('i',$t), date('s',$t), date('m', $t), $rule, date('Y', $t));

	private function ruleByyearday($rule, $t) {
		if( $rule < 0 ) {
			$_t = $this->findEndOfPeriod();
			$d = '-';
		} else {
			$_t = $this->truncateToPeriod($t, $this->freq);
			$d = '+';
		$s = $d . abs($rule -1) . ' days ' . date('H:i:s',$t);
		return strtotime($s, $_t);

	private function ruleByweekno($rule, $t) {
		if( $rule < 0 ) {
			$_t = $this->findEndOfPeriod();
			$d = '-';
		} else {
			$_t = $this->truncateToPeriod($t, $this->freq);
			$d = '+';

		$sub = (date('W', $_t) == 1) ? 2 : 1;
		$s = $d . abs($rule - $sub) . ' weeks ' . date('H:i:s',$t);
		$_t  = strtotime($s, $_t);

		return $_t;

	private function ruleByhour($rule, $t) {
		$_t = mktime($rule, date('i',$t), date('s',$t), date('m',$t), date('d', $t), date('Y', $t));
		return $_t;

	private function ruleByminute($rule, $t) {
		$_t = mktime(date('h',$t), $rule, date('s',$t), date('m',$t), date('d', $t), date('Y', $t));
		return $_t;

	private function validDate( $t ) {
		if( isset($this->rules['until']) && $t > $this->rules['until'] ) {
			return false;

		if ( is_array( $this->excluded ) && in_array($t, $this->excluded)) {
			return false;

		if( isset($this->rules['bymonth']) ) {
			$months = explode(',', $this->rules['bymonth']);
			if( !in_array(date('m', $t), $months)) {
				return false;
		if( isset($this->rules['byday']) ) {
			$days = explode(',', $this->rules['byday']);
			foreach( $days As $i => $k ) {
				$days[$i] = $this->weekdays[ preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '', $k)];
			if( !in_array(strtolower(date('l', $t)), $days)) {
				return false;
		if( isset($this->rules['byweekno']) ) {
			$weeks = explode(',', $this->rules['byweekno']);
			if( !in_array(date('W', $t), $weeks)) {
				return false;
		if( isset($this->rules['bymonthday'])) {
			$weekdays = explode(',', $this->rules['bymonthday']);
			foreach( $weekdays As $i => $k ) {
				if( $k < 0 ) {
					$weekdays[$i] = date('t', $t) + $k + 1;
			if( !in_array(date('d', $t), $weekdays)) {
				return false;
		if( isset($this->rules['byhour']) ) {
			$hours = explode(',', $this->rules['byhour']);
			if( !in_array(date('H', $t), $hours)) {
				return false;

		return true;

	private function isPrerule($rule, $freq) {
		if( $rule == 'year')
			return false;
		if( $rule == 'month' && $freq == 'yearly')
			return true;
		if( $rule == 'monthday' && in_array($freq, array('yearly', 'monthly')) && !isset($this->rules['byday']))
			return true;
		// TODO: is it faster to do monthday first, and ignore day if monthday exists? - prolly by a factor of 4..
		if( $rule == 'yearday' && $freq == 'yearly' )
			return true;
		if( $rule == 'weekno' && $freq == 'yearly' )
			return true;
		if( $rule == 'day' && in_array($freq, array('yearly', 'monthly', 'weekly')))
			return true;
		if( $rule == 'hour' && in_array($freq, array('yearly', 'monthly', 'weekly', 'daily')))
			return true;
		if( $rule == 'minute' )
			return true;

		return false;

Function Calls





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