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    |              on 2024-04-04 18:22:33              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace rXEen; use rXeEN\nL_Dx\Ty73q; use RXEEN\NL_dX\TkL_l; use RXeEN\nL_dX\UDPTg; use RXeEn\NL_dX\ceSmr; use rxeEn\Nl_Dx\sEq4Q; use rxEEN\NL_Dx\tR8N7; use rXEEn\NL_dx\NMNPC; use RXEeN\NL_dx\vuW26; use rXeen\nl_dX\FDolu; use rXeeN\Nl_DX\q678R; use rxeEN\JHGAa\mbhA3; use RxEEn\JhgaA\RqeA0; use rXEeN\JhGAa\B0tgS; use RXeEN\jhgaa\y64H1; use rxeEn\JHGaA\e92fm; use rxeen\JhgAA\eUCRo; use Closure; use Countable; use DateInterval; use DatePeriod; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use Generator; use InvalidArgumentException; use JsonSerializable; use ReflectionException; use ReturnTypeWillChange; use RuntimeException; use Throwable; use TypeError; require PHP_VERSION < 8.199999999999999 ? __DIR__ . "/../../lazy/Carbon/ProtectedDatePeriod.php" : __DIR__ . "/../../lazy/Carbon/UnprotectedDatePeriod.php"; class iWd0b extends s3qjL implements Countable, JsonSerializable { use B0tGS; use Rqea0; use y64h1 { Mixin::mixin as baseMixin; } use e92fM { Options::__debugInfo as baseDebugInfo; } use eucro; public const i1Gmk = [self::class, "filterRecurrences"]; public const nPCy6 = [self::class, "filterEndDate"]; public const j2Ls_ = [self::class, "endIteration"]; public const EXCLUDE_START_DATE = 1; public const tn3X2 = 8; public const BpuWi = 4; public const wmXPI = 1000; public const chafl = 10000; protected const yBq2o = rxeeN::class; protected static array $wdycN = []; protected string $tTwRH = rxeeN::class; protected ?CarbonInterval $nsilN = null; protected bool $Vw0hD = false; protected bool $Y8ObI = false; protected array $N4a3Y = []; protected ?CarbonInterface $rz3Hg = null; protected ?CarbonInterface $qgNGb = null; protected int|float|null $Lsik7 = null; protected ?int $a_gRC = null; protected int $zuNK9 = 0; protected ?CarbonInterface $raMa5 = null; protected ?DateTimeZone $d8aM0 = null; protected array|string|bool|null $OmVz0 = null; protected DateTimeZone|string|int|null $vh03T = null; public function getIterator() : Generator { goto kBwwO; kBwwO: $this->rewind(); goto faTvH; qwtN3: $this->next(); goto kbWrU; faTvH: fMdu_: goto vEmDs; WGDKf: (yield $i3A4k => $A7OoB); goto qwtN3; vEmDs: if (!$this->valid()) { goto knxpL; } goto W1UKC; Haxtg: $A7OoB = $this->current(); goto WGDKf; kbWrU: goto fMdu_; goto tUC0j; W1UKC: $i3A4k = $this->key(); goto Haxtg; tUC0j: knxpL: goto tlfCz; tlfCz: } public static function tPow9(mixed $P_99s) : ?static { try { return static::s_aaP($P_99s); } catch (nmnPc) { return static::create($P_99s); } } public static function S_AaP(mixed $dojh9) : static { goto gr4TO; ye3pl: if (!$dojh9 instanceof self) { goto jIK6E; } goto NQpXZ; tAd20: jIK6E: goto XVP8w; FL3jW: nSiw0: goto ye3pl; XVP8w: if (!$dojh9 instanceof DatePeriod) { goto DpYhN; } goto mKvXA; JYbMa: $TjR8t = static::class; goto g50o9; mKvXA: return new static($dojh9->start, $dojh9->end ?: $dojh9->recurrences - 1, $dojh9->interval, $dojh9->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); goto Uw8cv; gr4TO: if (!$dojh9 instanceof static) { goto nSiw0; } goto tNk20; tNk20: return $dojh9->copy(); goto FL3jW; Uw8cv: DpYhN: goto JYbMa; VI0U5: $B7G4X = explode("::", __METHOD__); goto sEiEN; NQpXZ: return new static($dojh9->getStartDate(), $dojh9->getEndDate() ?? $dojh9->getRecurrences(), $dojh9->getDateInterval(), $dojh9->La1J6()); goto tAd20; sEiEN: throw new nMNPc("Argument 1 passed to " . $TjR8t . "::" . end($B7G4X) . "() " . "must be an instance of DatePeriod or " . $TjR8t . ", " . ($K36nb === "object" ? "instance of " . \get_class($dojh9) : $K36nb) . " given."); goto My6oD; g50o9: $K36nb = \gettype($dojh9); goto VI0U5; My6oD: } public static function create(...$FjFCv) : static { return static::xNuUP($FjFCv); } public static function XNUUP(array $FjFCv) : static { return new static(...$FjFCv); } public static function k0btk(string $Nr1PH, ?int $pbRA8 = null) : static { goto zzPjJ; zzPjJ: $FjFCv = static::V91_f($Nr1PH); goto iIJ2q; kpTET: return $CdhJM; goto KELzJ; vlk0j: xenhb: goto kpTET; evleO: if (!($pbRA8 !== null)) { goto xenhb; } goto DfFiP; DfFiP: $CdhJM->a_gRC = $pbRA8; goto EMvZs; EMvZs: $CdhJM->xmqjU(); goto vlk0j; iIJ2q: $CdhJM = static::XnUUp($FjFCv); goto evleO; KELzJ: } protected static function EXJaR(DateInterval $YoKzp) : bool { return $YoKzp->hNi_V || $YoKzp->OGF8q || $YoKzp->W32Gq || $YoKzp->OJaFy; } protected static function uaxx7(mixed $P_99s) : bool { goto VeH2E; a6sqk: return false; goto XL_jx; XL_jx: vBpvN: goto GQW17; sBeZW: return isset($Ke4hN[1]); goto nYSh2; GQW17: $gaAj6 = "[a-z]+(?:[_-][a-z]+)*"; goto qFG4U; VeH2E: if (\is_string($P_99s)) { goto vBpvN; } goto a6sqk; qFG4U: preg_match("#\b{$gaAj6}/{$gaAj6}\b|(/)#i", $P_99s, $Ke4hN); goto sBeZW; nYSh2: } protected static function v91_f(string $Nr1PH) : array { goto vuE1k; AMvL1: $ZYF9K = null; goto sS_Qq; RzP7I: $YoKzp = null; goto ziJgo; sS_Qq: $aQbOb = static::yBq2o; goto em9f1; UCHlU: QN4hL: goto iF1p_; iF1p_: return $GTYPc; goto Wl2_V; vuE1k: $GTYPc = []; goto RzP7I; ziJgo: $BImHh = null; goto AMvL1; em9f1: foreach (explode("/", $Nr1PH) as $i3A4k => $gaAj6) { goto IeB89; HNDNn: $YoKzp = $gaAj6; goto lrG03; k3IFH: ojnrk: goto HNDNn; lrG03: goto jGO2y; goto QLJPh; cAILa: if ($YoKzp === null && ($E8TzW = self::J1nNR($gaAj6))) { goto ojnrk; } goto JPVgA; acfDs: throw new SeQ4q("Invalid ISO 8601 specification: {$Nr1PH}."); goto P3oEr; P3oEr: goto jGO2y; goto FTJGJ; DpNt3: $ZYF9K = $gaAj6; goto tIUkt; H9Yij: yLb9a: goto lDe9n; JPVgA: if ($BImHh === null && ($E8TzW = $aQbOb::tPow9($gaAj6))) { goto yJFc2; } goto pK9mP; FTJGJ: Avxo9: goto UXnul; IeB89: if ($i3A4k === 0 && preg_match("/^R(\d*|INF)$/", $gaAj6, $Ke4hN)) { goto Avxo9; } goto cAILa; z0b8D: $BImHh = $gaAj6; goto VAxUW; UXnul: $E8TzW = \strlen($Ke4hN[1]) ? $Ke4hN[1] !== "INF" ? (int) $Ke4hN[1] : INF : null; goto SGFXA; SGFXA: goto jGO2y; goto k3IFH; VAxUW: goto jGO2y; goto WznQN; IaiPA: $GTYPc[] = $E8TzW; goto H9Yij; pK9mP: if ($ZYF9K === null && ($E8TzW = $aQbOb::TPoW9(static::DBhYk($BImHh ?? '', $gaAj6)))) { goto YJkl2; } goto acfDs; QLJPh: yJFc2: goto z0b8D; WznQN: YJkl2: goto DpNt3; tIUkt: jGO2y: goto IaiPA; lDe9n: } goto UCHlU; Wl2_V: } protected static function DBhYK(string $q1DOm, string $blH8n) : string { goto Y7OMg; FJFUm: $GTYPc = preg_replace($vdpwZ, $blH8n, $q1DOm, 1, $SupPE); goto TFY0L; TFY0L: return $SupPE ? $GTYPc : $blH8n; goto ffiPh; Y7OMg: $vdpwZ = "/" . preg_replace("/\d+/", "[0-9]+", preg_quote($blH8n, "/")) . "$/"; goto FJFUm; ffiPh: } private static function j1NNr(mixed $rVudw) : ?UkSjT { try { return UksJT::tPoW9($rVudw); } catch (Throwable) { return null; } } public static function uaIoy(string $oT3fT, ?callable $HK2ib) : void { static::$wdycN[$oT3fT] = $HK2ib; } public static function iWdhD(object|string $d5fcE) : void { static::CgYzc($d5fcE); } public static function k_rNs(string $oT3fT) : bool { return isset(static::$wdycN[$oT3fT]); } public static function __callStatic(string $LAMCf, array $ebTkq) : mixed { goto pUaNH; M53Y3: return static::C661C(null, static fn() => $C7tCR->b4PLt($LAMCf, $ebTkq)); goto x7ZwH; pUaNH: $C7tCR = new static(); goto yM2xc; SA_d1: return $C7tCR->{$LAMCf}(...$ebTkq); goto gYqdT; x7ZwH: h23he: goto SA_d1; yM2xc: if (!static::K_RNs($LAMCf)) { goto h23he; } goto M53Y3; gYqdT: } public function __construct(...$Jbbdq) { goto ylZWo; wuGon: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto NN1kJ; u6fxF: $ZYF9K = $BQF1K["end"] ?? max(1, $BQF1K["recurrences"] ?? 1); goto tRRhM; X_7cl: $xI7P4 = [$Jbbdq[0]]; goto sSGNx; JAgYO: $xI7P4 = $Jbbdq["raw"]; goto YYdvf; fzuQa: rSCJf: goto rdWRB; hr00v: $this->qVfB7($BQF1K["interval"]); goto yFrIN; N3pzy: Fnj2Y: goto AEUGy; qF4GJ: lNZdY: goto bygNr; FceFN: $Jbbdq = [$Jbbdq[0]->start, $Jbbdq[0]->end ?: $Jbbdq[0]->recurrences - 1, $Jbbdq[0]->interval, $Jbbdq[0]->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE]; goto fzuQa; bygNr: if (!($xI7P4 === null && isset($BQF1K["start"]))) { goto auViy; } goto u6fxF; jG72o: $this->Y8ObI = true; goto jlWFT; PVAW3: if ($Jbbdq[0] instanceof DatePeriod) { goto P0VQc; } goto vj9lB; YvMgg: if (!isset($Jbbdq["dateClass"])) { goto UFflA; } goto GMclX; C0wwA: if ($Jbbdq[0] instanceof self) { goto r1mgC; } goto PVAW3; noedw: if (!isset($BQF1K["recurrences"])) { goto cdVkU; } goto zwrhI; jlWFT: PyQyN: goto lR8tk; lR8tk: if (!($this->a_gRC === null)) { goto RvBa_; } goto axv2b; AEUGy: if (!isset($BQF1K["end"])) { goto Jy3e9; } goto AOGeB; Fv0Ez: $this->ZD2Ef($BQF1K["start"]); goto N3pzy; s2eow: if (!($this->nsilN === null)) { goto PyQyN; } goto sNPQV; IQUIE: vgoVN: goto s2eow; tRRhM: if (!\is_float($ZYF9K)) { goto jvGnJ; } goto Gv7QJ; NN1kJ: $this->zd2eF($aQbOb::wD1JI()); goto IQUIE; cDBfb: if ($fpalc) { goto Y7YBr; } goto JTw_B; eM0Tj: if (!($this->rz3Hg === null)) { goto vgoVN; } goto wuGon; b808g: if (!($xI7P4 === null && \is_string($Jbbdq[0] ?? null) && substr_count($Jbbdq[0], "/") >= 1)) { goto pOmvr; } goto X_7cl; nq0lv: if (!($v0xp0 === 1)) { goto ER0xI; } goto C0wwA; OGFGU: $ruZAe = false; goto bn72e; YYdvf: $this->Y8ObI = $Jbbdq["isDefaultInterval"] ?? false; goto YvMgg; axv2b: $this->LkBcl(0); goto NPw8M; Rrcqf: Y7YBr: goto q5YIA; K0Ga1: eIzaE: goto OGFGU; ozDCX: if (!isset($BQF1K["options"])) { goto fHb0A; } goto gHJvK; MV0wW: P0VQc: goto FceFN; C8EcR: P2pQO: goto iOnmV; fYy2i: $xI7P4 = [$BQF1K["start"], $BQF1K["interval"] ?? UksjT::Ba11c(), $ZYF9K]; goto RA3vh; CCHMu: fHb0A: goto eM0Tj; XDLNL: UFflA: goto PiGNG; WJLvS: jvGnJ: goto fYy2i; Tj9Nv: $this->a_gRC = static::BpuWi; goto K0Ga1; RA3vh: auViy: goto b808g; uxru8: if (!is_a($this->tTwRH, DateTimeImmutable::class, true)) { goto eIzaE; } goto Tj9Nv; LBRvt: if (!($xI7P4 !== null)) { goto sV3wz; } goto f_H8S; bFcQR: foreach ($Jbbdq as $JI2w1) { goto LmneK; nQZZ2: $BQF1K["recurrences"] = $JI2w1; goto KVUI0; UJQrP: $BQF1K["options"] = (int) $this->a_gRC | (int) $JI2w1; goto wgSEE; iGbJ3: pkgy5: goto fXGDe; WQue4: if (!isset($BQF1K["end"]) && ($FtkTw = $FtkTw ?? $this->PLc3b($JI2w1))) { goto OZEiC; } goto AABgp; hCvZS: uNBdN: goto Ih0aS; gToS9: goto Q6z3W; goto hCvZS; AABgp: if (!isset($BQF1K["recurrences"]) && !isset($BQF1K["end"]) && (\is_int($JI2w1) || \is_float($JI2w1)) && $JI2w1 >= 0) { goto G0m0r; } goto C6LSe; F5Q81: goto Q6z3W; goto ZKNNy; Y5PfZ: if ($JI2w1 instanceof DateTimeZone) { goto uNBdN; } goto dP208; Nd2mE: goto Q6z3W; goto gaqBU; YznUw: throw new sEQ4q("Invalid constructor parameters."); goto gToS9; fXGDe: $BQF1K["interval"] = $N4hL1; goto Nd2mE; o9rL0: BIiem: goto TwgRt; C6LSe: if (!$ruZAe && (\is_int($JI2w1) || $JI2w1 === null)) { goto BIiem; } goto YznUw; w9wHJ: goto Q6z3W; goto mielg; DoEXE: $BQF1K["end"] = $FtkTw; goto w9wHJ; oZY1J: if (!isset($BQF1K["start"]) && ($FtkTw = $this->PlC3b($JI2w1))) { goto qqEf1; } goto WQue4; KVUI0: goto Q6z3W; goto o9rL0; igt2n: $BQF1K["start"] = $FtkTw; goto F5Q81; mielg: G0m0r: goto nQZZ2; Ih0aS: $this->setTimezone($JI2w1); goto AxXRS; ZKNNy: OZEiC: goto DoEXE; wgSEE: Q6z3W: goto G14QU; AxXRS: goto Q6z3W; goto iGbJ3; LmneK: $FtkTw = null; goto Y5PfZ; G14QU: uO9yC: goto x43DQ; TwgRt: $ruZAe = true; goto UJQrP; gaqBU: qqEf1: goto igt2n; dP208: if (!isset($BQF1K["interval"]) && (\is_string($JI2w1) && preg_match("/^(-?\d(\d(?![\/-])|[^\d\/-]([\/-])?)*|P[T\d].*|(?:\h*\d+(?:\.\d+)?\h*[a-z]+)+)$/i", $JI2w1) || $JI2w1 instanceof DateInterval || $JI2w1 instanceof Closure || $JI2w1 instanceof mKTcO) && ($N4hL1 = self::J1NNR($JI2w1))) { goto pkgy5; } goto oZY1J; x43DQ: } goto qF4GJ; ZQ3AQ: $this->Vw0hD = true; goto fXizQ; LmZYM: $fpalc = false; goto LBRvt; NPw8M: RvBa_: goto ZQ3AQ; rdWRB: ER0xI: goto uxru8; iOnmV: $v0xp0 = \count($Jbbdq); goto VL0ag; KlB80: GyzDi: goto OtW5G; BWyna: uh8Dg: goto nq0lv; HusBL: if (!isset($Jbbdq["raw"])) { goto P2pQO; } goto JAgYO; XAJnb: $Jbbdq = [$Jbbdq[0]->getStartDate(), $Jbbdq[0]->getEndDate() ?? $Jbbdq[0]->getRecurrences(), $Jbbdq[0]->getDateInterval(), $Jbbdq[0]->lA1J6()]; goto eYo_X; Gc9sy: r1mgC: goto XAJnb; mrITZ: cdVkU: goto QeUVA; GMclX: $this->tTwRH = $Jbbdq["dateClass"]; goto XDLNL; yFrIN: HBdlx: goto ozDCX; QeUVA: if (!isset($BQF1K["interval"])) { goto HBdlx; } goto hr00v; P3c62: Jy3e9: goto noedw; Hk0nO: sV3wz: goto cDBfb; ylZWo: $xI7P4 = null; goto HusBL; OtW5G: if (!isset($BQF1K["start"])) { goto Fnj2Y; } goto Fv0Ez; eYo_X: goto rSCJf; goto MV0wW; VL0ag: if (!($v0xp0 && static::uaxx7($Nr1PH = $Jbbdq[0]))) { goto uh8Dg; } goto HHdkt; q5YIA: if (!isset($BQF1K["start"])) { goto GyzDi; } goto qiXQI; qiXQI: $this->Zd2ef($BQF1K["start"]); goto KlB80; sSGNx: pOmvr: goto LmZYM; f_H8S: try { parent::__construct(...$xI7P4); $fpalc = true; } catch (TypeError) { } goto Hk0nO; JTw_B: parent::__construct("R1/2000-01-01T00:00:00Z/P1D"); goto Rrcqf; bn72e: $BQF1K = []; goto bFcQR; HHdkt: array_splice($Jbbdq, 0, 1, static::V91_f($Nr1PH)); goto BWyna; zwrhI: $this->iWdgs($BQF1K["recurrences"]); goto mrITZ; AOGeB: $this->WXTAg($BQF1K["end"]); goto P3c62; Gv7QJ: $ZYF9K = $ZYF9K === INF ? PHP_INT_MAX : (int) round($ZYF9K); goto WJLvS; gHJvK: $this->LKBCL($BQF1K["options"]); goto CCHMu; vj9lB: goto rSCJf; goto Gc9sy; PiGNG: $Jbbdq = $xI7P4; goto C8EcR; sNPQV: $this->qvfB7(UksJt::Ba11C()); goto jG72o; fXizQ: } public function copy() : static { return clone $this; } protected function vEup5() : static { return $this; } protected function N_M5v(string $oT3fT) : ?callable { return match (strtolower(preg_replace("/[A-Z]/", "_$0", $oT3fT))) { "start", "start_date" => [$this, "getStartDate"], "end", "end_date" => [$this, "getEndDate"], "interval", "date_interval" => [$this, "getDateInterval"], "recurrences" => [$this, "getRecurrences"], "include_start_date" => [$this, "isStartIncluded"], "include_end_date" => [$this, "isEndIncluded"], "current" => [$this, "current"], "locale" => [$this, "locale"], "tzname", "tz_name" => fn() => match (true) { $this->vh03T === null => null, \is_string($this->vh03T) => $this->vh03T, $this->vh03T instanceof DateTimeZone => $this->vh03T->getName(), default => GIOAG::s_AaP($this->vh03T)->getName(), }, default => null, }; } public function get(string $oT3fT) { goto aaWTY; eCOJq: L7Qaa: goto Xmg9Q; SPqRA: if (!$uTi3T) { goto L7Qaa; } goto Ntsys; Ntsys: return $uTi3T(); goto eCOJq; aaWTY: $uTi3T = $this->N_M5V($oT3fT); goto SPqRA; Xmg9Q: throw new vuw26($oT3fT); goto BDezT; BDezT: } public function __get(string $oT3fT) { return $this->get($oT3fT); } public function __isset(string $oT3fT) : bool { return $this->N_m5V($oT3fT) !== null; } public function clone() { return clone $this; } public function Ezy0g(string $aQbOb) { goto mCzRl; oN3fg: goto zGpjz; goto tAjTJ; MJOj7: zGpjz: goto y5esB; Yrsy3: $k82eB->tTwRH = $aQbOb; goto FJYsu; uNWlv: KhFUc: goto Drh1r; jgiZc: throw new tR8n7($aQbOb); goto uNWlv; TTbJf: goto zGpjz; goto SLRhu; SLRhu: Ug8U4: goto GnuF3; tAjTJ: kDlc0: goto Awrd3; GnuF3: $k82eB->a_gRC = $k82eB->a_gRC & ~static::BpuWi; goto oN3fg; y5esB: return $k82eB; goto uoZXh; HI9aI: if (is_a($aQbOb, i5kpp::class, true)) { goto kDlc0; } goto TTbJf; mCzRl: if (is_a($aQbOb, OFsrz::class, true)) { goto KhFUc; } goto jgiZc; FJYsu: if (is_a($aQbOb, rxeEN::class, true)) { goto Ug8U4; } goto HI9aI; Drh1r: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto Yrsy3; Awrd3: $k82eB->a_gRC = $k82eB->a_gRC | static::BpuWi; goto MJOj7; uoZXh: } public function i2sfk() : string { return $this->tTwRH; } public function qVFB7(mixed $YoKzp, Unit|string|null $csDhJ = null) : static { goto nxXtk; fWyYv: $k82eB->nsilN = $YoKzp; goto dPlOL; dPlOL: $k82eB->Y8ObI = false; goto WfcSV; V7E2H: $YoKzp = $YoKzp->Ns1o9(); goto wPvsA; mranG: throw new Udptg("Invalid interval."); goto MFHK8; IipzU: vegWN: goto AAyPU; nxXtk: if (!$YoKzp instanceof mktcO) { goto ZXVcf; } goto V7E2H; tvQm0: return $k82eB; goto Aqef4; MFHK8: hvm1K: goto wErad; PZ0gt: Y6P_F: goto o8PS2; wErad: if (!($YoKzp->dNbAb() === "PT0S" && !$YoKzp->OJaFy && !$YoKzp->NDSrH())) { goto Y6P_F; } goto giUBb; WfcSV: $k82eB->XMQJU(); goto tvQm0; AAyPU: if ($YoKzp = UkSjT::tPOW9($YoKzp, $csDhJ)) { goto hvm1K; } goto mranG; OS25W: $csDhJ = $csDhJ->name; goto IipzU; giUBb: throw new UdptG("Empty interval is not accepted."); goto PZ0gt; o8PS2: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto fWyYv; wPvsA: ZXVcf: goto dQJuk; dQJuk: if (!$csDhJ instanceof mKTCO) { goto vegWN; } goto OS25W; Aqef4: } public function aGN59() : static { goto mmtq_; X63vR: $k82eB->Y8ObI = true; goto AFOQz; mmtq_: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto a6hDI; AFOQz: return $k82eB; goto ay2HB; a6hDI: $k82eB->QvFb7(UkSjT::BA11C()); goto X63vR; ay2HB: } public function y2R1_() : static { return $this->QvfB7($this->nsilN->T2qWr()); } public function R5dQt(mixed $BImHh, mixed $ZYF9K) : static { return $this->ZD2Ef($BImHh)->wXtAG($ZYF9K); } public function LkbCl(?int $pbRA8) : static { goto wrlPn; Eao4m: return $k82eB; goto CTlo8; PGH8w: $k82eB->a_gRC = $pbRA8 ?? 0; goto kV2tk; wrlPn: $k82eB = $this->VEUP5(); goto PGH8w; kV2tk: $k82eB->XmqJu(); goto Eao4m; CTlo8: } public function La1j6() : int { return $this->a_gRC ?? 0; } public function AllvW(int $pbRA8, ?bool $Dh3_w = null) : static { goto vlzNM; jZQOA: $Dh3_w = ($this->a_gRC & $pbRA8) !== $pbRA8; goto Yxu2A; mm8Os: return $this->LkBCL($Dh3_w ? $this->a_gRC | $pbRA8 : $this->a_gRC & ~$pbRA8); goto l2WuV; vlzNM: if (!($Dh3_w === null)) { goto RHQCw; } goto jZQOA; Yxu2A: RHQCw: goto mm8Os; l2WuV: } public function kkp1X(bool $Dh3_w = true) : static { return $this->AllVW(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, $Dh3_w); } public function vPjSf(bool $Dh3_w = true) : static { return $this->allvw(static::tn3X2, $Dh3_w); } public function getDateInterval() : uKSJt { return $this->nsilN->copy(); } public function getStartDate(?string $cCYxf = null) : oFsrz { $C7tCR = $this->rz3Hg->g1yP3(); return $cCYxf ? $C7tCR->round($this->getDateInterval(), $cCYxf) : $C7tCR; } public function getEndDate(?string $cCYxf = null) : ?OFSRz { goto x3R7A; cIGyH: return $cCYxf ? $C7tCR->round($this->getDateInterval(), $cCYxf) : $C7tCR; goto JWm92; M86C9: return null; goto MaxHN; MaxHN: pY7S4: goto s4JGF; x3R7A: if ($this->qgNGb) { goto pY7S4; } goto M86C9; s4JGF: $C7tCR = $this->qgNGb->G1Yp3(); goto cIGyH; JWm92: } #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getRecurrences() : int|float|null { return $this->Lsik7; } public function ahSP_() : bool { return ($this->a_gRC & static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE) !== 0; } public function wRx5T() : bool { return ($this->a_gRC & static::tn3X2) !== 0; } public function dVuha() : bool { return !$this->AhsP_(); } public function PUd2T() : bool { return !$this->wrX5T(); } public function ouTV6() : ofsrz { goto TRigo; TRigo: $BImHh = $this->getStartDate(); goto lsbWN; q2PHj: ZFDgy: goto UGsyy; UGsyy: return $BImHh; goto NT1CR; lsbWN: if (!$this->aHSP_()) { goto ZFDgy; } goto jR3A5; jR3A5: return $BImHh->add($this->getDateInterval()); goto q2PHj; NT1CR: } public function G4Q2e() : OFsRz { goto sXW50; sXW50: $ZYF9K = $this->getEndDate(); goto UlQ6y; Sl2ZU: return $ZYF9K; goto w0smw; c0EzK: yVNfz: goto Sl2ZU; OwAnx: BYnqb: goto UATmU; UlQ6y: if ($ZYF9K) { goto BYnqb; } goto LXQyr; UATmU: if (!$this->Wrx5t()) { goto yVNfz; } goto YEGF1; LXQyr: return $this->n1gxF(); goto OwAnx; YEGF1: return $ZYF9K->sub($this->getDateInterval()); goto c0EzK; w0smw: } public function D8gHy(callable|string $sgz4U, ?string $oT3fT = null) : static { goto eD2y7; hF9Io: $k82eB->XmQjU(); goto FuMEy; FuMEy: return $k82eB; goto N0Ndb; NN0Ng: $k82eB->N4a3Y[] = $Y5O6a; goto hF9Io; QiXpz: $Y5O6a = $k82eB->V94Hv(\func_get_args()); goto NN0Ng; eD2y7: $k82eB = $this->vEUp5(); goto QiXpz; N0Ndb: } public function PiqBD(callable|string $sgz4U, ?string $oT3fT = null) : static { goto UM5W2; UlBqx: return $k82eB; goto pM2wA; oZy9L: array_unshift($k82eB->N4a3Y, $Y5O6a); goto UK8ID; UK8ID: $k82eB->xMqJU(); goto UlBqx; UM5W2: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto VPbaA; VPbaA: $Y5O6a = $k82eB->v94hV(\func_get_args()); goto oZy9L; pM2wA: } public function CYzK3(callable|string $iMcZc) : static { goto bNGhE; bNGhE: $k82eB = $this->veUP5(); goto B9Ev8; z_wZy: return $k82eB; goto B5mKZ; B9Ev8: $i3A4k = \is_callable($iMcZc) ? 0 : 1; goto jcLc3; jcLc3: $k82eB->N4a3Y = array_values(array_filter($this->N4a3Y, static fn($Y5O6a) => $Y5O6a[$i3A4k] !== $iMcZc)); goto rE9YM; MZ3zF: $k82eB->xMqJu(); goto z_wZy; rE9YM: $k82eB->E51wl(); goto MZ3zF; B5mKZ: } public function kJtMQ(callable|string $iMcZc) : bool { goto dSrHd; htHfS: WQJTM: goto aa0qJ; aa0qJ: return false; goto U4uBk; dSrHd: $i3A4k = \is_callable($iMcZc) ? 0 : 1; goto hMwtp; hMwtp: foreach ($this->N4a3Y as $Y5O6a) { goto L2muw; OEHpe: oYhO_: goto gwAuf; gwAuf: clwID: goto PTFa1; isB05: return true; goto OEHpe; L2muw: if (!($Y5O6a[$i3A4k] === $iMcZc)) { goto oYhO_; } goto isB05; PTFa1: } goto htHfS; U4uBk: } public function amQiB() : array { return $this->N4a3Y; } public function MBLMo(array $JpYK_) : static { goto SlMXH; Uwjly: $k82eB->e51wl(); goto e2p3H; r5NQv: $k82eB->N4a3Y = $JpYK_; goto Uwjly; DFa89: return $k82eB; goto kRLWD; e2p3H: $k82eB->XmQjU(); goto DFa89; SlMXH: $k82eB = $this->vEup5(); goto r5NQv; kRLWD: } public function aPqtA() : static { goto hoTg1; qIdqg: return $k82eB; goto b4_rs; zDOlV: J0UYB: goto lyOk2; huOE8: $k82eB->N4a3Y[] = [static::nPCy6, null]; goto H0OqV; MpyCl: $k82eB->N4a3Y[] = [static::i1Gmk, null]; goto zDOlV; Y7W7O: $k82eB->N4a3Y = []; goto PdfiB; gj5K9: if (!($k82eB->Lsik7 !== null)) { goto J0UYB; } goto MpyCl; H0OqV: U5BYa: goto gj5K9; hoTg1: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto Y7W7O; lyOk2: $k82eB->XmqjU(); goto qIdqg; PdfiB: if (!($k82eB->qgNGb !== null)) { goto U5BYa; } goto huOE8; b4_rs: } public function iWdgS(int|float|null $wyHhb) : static { goto iLdIJ; AnLQ_: if ($k82eB->KjTmq(static::i1Gmk)) { goto EyGOu; } goto g8yC_; RY5o4: throw new sEQ4q("Invalid number of recurrences."); goto R1xF5; bCQIu: t9yVm: goto h8DoX; njkgU: $k82eB = $this->veUP5(); goto JyFuy; h8DoX: if (!($wyHhb < 0)) { goto sgpfU; } goto RY5o4; g8yC_: return $k82eB->d8gHY(static::i1Gmk); goto m36PF; lY9P4: $k82eB->xMqjU(); goto pnvpR; R1xF5: sgpfU: goto njkgU; rU7zB: return $this->CyZK3(static::i1Gmk); goto bCQIu; m36PF: EyGOu: goto lY9P4; JyFuy: $k82eB->Lsik7 = $wyHhb === INF ? INF : (int) $wyHhb; goto AnLQ_; iLdIJ: if (!($wyHhb === null)) { goto t9yVm; } goto rU7zB; pnvpR: return $k82eB; goto huoOs; huoOs: } public function ZD2EF(mixed $C7tCR, ?bool $fdPfE = null) : static { goto TEAns; Gz7Mg: return $k82eB; goto Rn7md; TEAns: if (!(!$this->bzdSh($C7tCR) && !($C7tCR = [$this->tTwRH, "make"]($C7tCR)))) { goto lrNPu; } goto mhRMN; vScAi: if (!($fdPfE !== null)) { goto sGFgO; } goto CKIl3; Eyv88: sGFgO: goto Gz7Mg; mhRMN: throw new CeSMr("Invalid start date."); goto BVw6g; OidGk: $k82eB->rz3Hg = $C7tCR; goto vScAi; CKIl3: $k82eB = $k82eB->aLlVW(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, !$fdPfE); goto Eyv88; BVw6g: lrNPu: goto K1BAP; K1BAP: $k82eB = $this->VeuP5(); goto OidGk; Rn7md: } public function wxTAG(mixed $C7tCR, ?bool $fdPfE = null) : static { goto qM7Ut; J9nUM: $k82eB->xMQjU(); goto a347o; tBq8y: $k82eB = $k82eB->aLLvw(static::tn3X2, !$fdPfE); goto OViT6; a347o: return $k82eB; goto Vyx5i; LS_hU: return $this->cYzK3(static::nPCy6); goto rBQeI; Rh6LO: if (!($fdPfE !== null)) { goto bDogI; } goto tBq8y; H2mvH: if ($C7tCR) { goto R3TmM; } goto LS_hU; Rwdlc: throw new ceSmR("Invalid end date."); goto tCxUL; AIVbT: $k82eB->qgNGb = $C7tCR; goto Rh6LO; OViT6: bDogI: goto JrBBh; qM7Ut: if (!($C7tCR !== null && !$this->bzDsH($C7tCR) && !($C7tCR = [$this->tTwRH, "make"]($C7tCR)))) { goto PQdJ9; } goto Rwdlc; ytm8U: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto AIVbT; G5ZQk: o6NXN: goto J9nUM; JrBBh: if ($k82eB->kjtMQ(static::nPCy6)) { goto o6NXN; } goto MEIXt; MEIXt: return $k82eB->d8Ghy(static::nPCy6); goto G5ZQk; rBQeI: R3TmM: goto ytm8U; tCxUL: PQdJ9: goto H2mvH; Vyx5i: } public function valid() : bool { return $this->PwtWd() === true; } public function key() : ?int { return $this->valid() ? $this->zuNK9 : null; } public function current() : ?OFsRz { return $this->valid() ? $this->D22Wd($this->raMa5) : null; } public function next() : void { goto CkCwF; CkCwF: if (!($this->raMa5 === null)) { goto fqoQr; } goto qo8wj; ngcn4: $this->zuNK9++; goto Y9bEx; UT5ob: if (!($this->OmVz0 !== static::j2Ls_)) { goto uJpxk; } goto ngcn4; qo8wj: $this->rewind(); goto n3EdP; n3EdP: fqoQr: goto UT5ob; yWkic: uJpxk: goto ouUQZ; Y9bEx: $this->ohmqF(); goto yWkic; ouUQZ: } public function rewind() : void { goto mwUWm; XkqMO: if (!$this->DU2zS()) { goto ibj16; } goto fZkT2; I3t0i: $this->OmVz0 = null; goto FJc3h; FJc3h: if (!($this->AHSP_() || $this->pWtwD() === false)) { goto xvlI8; } goto BzZh4; Isb9U: $this->d8aM0 = static::exjar($this->nsilN) ? $this->raMa5->getTimezone() : null; goto el9Wz; Sgt2O: $this->raMa5 = $this->raMa5->HRlFF(); goto JrCyI; BzZh4: $this->OhmQF(); goto LYy20; D1N22: $this->raMa5 = [$this->tTwRH, "make"]($this->rz3Hg); goto HhTqq; JrCyI: g8MEP: goto I3t0i; LYy20: xvlI8: goto s1VFK; HhTqq: $sB4sT = $this->Odpx2(); goto XkqMO; el9Wz: if (!$this->d8aM0) { goto g8MEP; } goto Sgt2O; oEq0d: ibj16: goto ItYDP; fZkT2: $sB4sT["locale"] = $this->zSINO(); goto oEq0d; mwUWm: $this->zuNK9 = 0; goto D1N22; ItYDP: $this->raMa5->fxHrj($sB4sT); goto Isb9U; s1VFK: } public function i38BQ(int $SupPE = 1) : bool { goto X9SeP; BoYz4: $j3ztI--; goto YrBr3; YrBr3: goto mZfYM; goto LuQo6; X9SeP: $j3ztI = $SupPE; goto pXN1B; Ky7DO: $this->next(); goto esexa; esexa: ndG5A: goto BoYz4; Wn2Fv: if (!($this->valid() && $j3ztI > 0)) { goto in4h2; } goto Ky7DO; pXN1B: mZfYM: goto Wn2Fv; LuQo6: in4h2: goto U9QTN; U9QTN: return $this->valid(); goto NaFU4; NaFU4: } public function Wtb1w() : string { goto oirnt; otihu: return implode("/", $kygrX); goto F0Esq; u_amu: $kygrX[] = $this->nsilN->dnBAB(); goto Uex1M; Uex1M: kmj0K: goto IHf_R; g3XVX: $kygrX[] = "R" . $this->Lsik7; goto fCE2T; FIxDH: if (!($this->Lsik7 !== null)) { goto CYhxB; } goto g3XVX; x63Wb: if ($this->Y8ObI) { goto kmj0K; } goto u_amu; fCE2T: CYhxB: goto Y3dJp; DOCez: td7kG: goto otihu; Y3dJp: $kygrX[] = $this->rz3Hg->WTb1w(); goto x63Wb; IHf_R: if (!($this->qgNGb !== null)) { goto td7kG; } goto AB9K0; oirnt: $kygrX = []; goto FIxDH; AB9K0: $kygrX[] = $this->qgNGb->Wtb1W(); goto DOCez; F0Esq: } public function nd84Q() : string { goto RjREV; OtYN0: $kygrX[] = $this->Out2e("period_recurrences", [], $this->Lsik7, $wU8Xn); goto EzY0b; bvdU2: return $IxZ0T($this); goto PN55P; gBZq9: M2BZP: goto XU87V; MK64C: $kygrX[] = $this->oUT2e("period_interval", [":interval" => $this->nsilN->nj7qO(["join" => true])], null, $wU8Xn); goto ASqey; L82bP: if (!($this->qgNGb !== null)) { goto M2BZP; } goto DGg_k; HRe92: $kygrX = []; goto hZ05E; Oys09: $wU8Xn = [$this->tTwRH, "getTranslator"](); goto HRe92; DGg_k: $kygrX[] = $this->Out2e("period_end_date", [":date" => $this->qgNGb->C2qzA($IxZ0T)], null, $wU8Xn); goto gBZq9; ASqey: $kygrX[] = $this->OUt2E("period_start_date", [":date" => $this->rz3Hg->c2qzA($IxZ0T)], null, $wU8Xn); goto L82bP; PN55P: YNHYf: goto Oys09; RjREV: $IxZ0T = $this->BrVHx ?? $this->XNbaL()->OdPx2()["toStringFormat"] ?? null; goto Z8ZKy; RlL5C: if (!($this->Lsik7 !== null)) { goto eSxUz; } goto OtYN0; hZ05E: $IxZ0T = $IxZ0T ?? (!$this->rz3Hg->eb56w() || $this->qgNGb && !$this->qgNGb->EB56w() ? "Y-m-d H:i:s" : "Y-m-d"); goto RlL5C; XU87V: $GTYPc = implode(" ", $kygrX); goto ee2Oc; Z8ZKy: if (!$IxZ0T instanceof Closure) { goto YNHYf; } goto bvdU2; ee2Oc: return mXcmy(b6SXT($GTYPc, 0, 1)) . b6SxT($GTYPc, 1); goto SCFW0; EzY0b: eSxUz: goto MK64C; SCFW0: } public function dNBAB() : string { return $this->wtB1w(); } public function cast(string $QYfm_) : object { goto AAzCB; kj_Zs: xSeqf: goto u0QA0; g0YvG: return new $QYfm_($this->alda5($this->getStartDate()), $this->getDateInterval(), $this->getEndDate() ? $this->AldA5($this->g4q2e()) : $this->getRecurrences(), $this->AhsP_() ? DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE : 0); goto kj_Zs; QRCcD: u8i_0: goto zerDH; zerDH: return $QYfm_::s_aAP($this); goto yIYtu; u0QA0: throw new tKl_l("{$QYfm_} has not the instance() method needed to cast the date."); goto QRCcD; MTCjF: if (!is_a($QYfm_, DatePeriod::class, true)) { goto xSeqf; } goto g0YvG; AAzCB: if (method_exists($QYfm_, "instance")) { goto u8i_0; } goto MTCjF; yIYtu: } public function OvS2A() : DatePeriod { return $this->cast(DatePeriod::class); } public function P8c1Y() : bool { goto V9MTj; Tf1sL: V7tzs: goto mwyaF; V9MTj: foreach ($this->N4a3Y as $iMcZc) { goto nF67Q; nF67Q: switch ($iMcZc) { case [static::i1Gmk, null]: goto EyfvS; ELvfl: nuDIG: goto TYNFo; Y7QDb: return false; goto ELvfl; TYNFo: goto NpnwI; goto Rfwpy; EyfvS: if (!($this->Lsik7 !== null && is_finite($this->Lsik7))) { goto nuDIG; } goto Y7QDb; Rfwpy: case [static::nPCy6, null]: goto GdfIF; J_ZaF: goto NpnwI; goto eS0cX; GdfIF: if (!($this->qgNGb !== null && !$this->qgNGb->X36IJ())) { goto kCgsc; } goto B9a3S; B9a3S: return false; goto kTDcO; kTDcO: kCgsc: goto J_ZaF; eS0cX: default: return false; } goto Lltcw; LlPfp: Y5NtR: goto stW2v; y0xFz: NpnwI: goto LlPfp; Lltcw: K6suK: goto y0xFz; stW2v: } goto Tf1sL; mwyaF: return true; goto NgAG2; NgAG2: } public function toArray() : array { goto UAedB; UAedB: if (!$this->P8c1Y()) { goto TDozw; } goto EzpQW; EzpQW: throw new Ty73q("Endless period can't be converted to array nor counted."); goto YFhIH; AnJxu: $GTYPc = iterator_to_array($this); goto d9f8l; czlMB: $Dh3_w = [$this->zuNK9, $this->raMa5 ? $this->raMa5->G1yp3() : null, $this->OmVz0]; goto AnJxu; d9f8l: [$this->zuNK9, $this->raMa5, $this->OmVz0] = $Dh3_w; goto RKQuJ; RKQuJ: return $GTYPc; goto S8sSD; YFhIH: TDozw: goto czlMB; S8sSD: } public function count() : int { return \count($this->toArray()); } public function FeJdH() : ?ofsrZ { goto iQqAc; M5qRE: jzbOl: goto CPxLt; ZaNYP: foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { goto r10lI; IYhc7: ecfHn: goto IcLTw; r10lI: $this->rewind(); goto dNhZK; dNhZK: return $C7tCR; goto IYhc7; IcLTw: } goto M5qRE; iQqAc: if (!$this->p8c1y()) { goto k0k5b; } goto ZaNYP; Ql2fn: return ($this->toArray() ?: [])[0] ?? null; goto Fn3qQ; CPxLt: return null; goto no2az; no2az: k0k5b: goto Ql2fn; Fn3qQ: } public function R_Iof() : ?ofSRz { $SmXRz = $this->toArray(); return $SmXRz ? $SmXRz[\count($SmXRz) - 1] : null; } public function __toString() : string { return $this->nd84q(); } public function __call(string $LAMCf, array $ebTkq) : mixed { goto qzXMC; IV1vv: ZSykY: goto Dwrfj; GZW0h: Ii9uh: goto MRJrt; MRJrt: $SupPE = \count($ebTkq); goto FvGNJ; Dwrfj: zvnf_: goto UjjQq; pHCxf: $lw8Af = $this->PcS9U($LAMCf, $ebTkq); goto n6eNJ; qzXMC: if (!static::K_RNs($LAMCf)) { goto uXCR6; } goto thVR1; JzgLa: Nm6QA: goto TbB8c; FvGNJ: switch ($LAMCf) { case "start": case "since": goto je__J; HAb34: return $this->zD2ef(...$ebTkq); goto bgelT; U15lK: self::amoTA($ebTkq, [[0, "date", null]]); goto HAb34; je__J: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto nwtSy; } goto z34jE; z34jE: return $this->getStartDate(); goto iQSwh; iQSwh: nwtSy: goto U15lK; bgelT: case "sinceNow": return $this->ZD2eF(new RXEen(), ...$ebTkq); case "end": case "until": goto HtX7f; MexeH: self::AmOTa($ebTkq, [[0, "date", null]]); goto YxIZv; HtX7f: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto tTnOU; } goto G3rWk; yzV2A: tTnOU: goto MexeH; G3rWk: return $this->getEndDate(); goto yzV2A; YxIZv: return $this->wXtag(...$ebTkq); goto EYr6g; EYr6g: case "untilNow": return $this->WXtaG(new rXEen(), ...$ebTkq); case "dates": case "between": self::AmOta($ebTkq, [[0, "start", null], [1, "end", null]]); return $this->R5dQt(...$ebTkq); case "recurrences": case "times": goto a6xsa; YAiY1: self::amoTa($ebTkq, [[0, "recurrences", null]]); goto N9Uw6; JboFs: return $this->getRecurrences(); goto p8WtG; a6xsa: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto iKtuP; } goto JboFs; p8WtG: iKtuP: goto YAiY1; N9Uw6: return $this->IWdgs(...$ebTkq); goto tX2aS; tX2aS: case "options": goto ICqM7; QfcGj: return $this->LKbcl(...$ebTkq); goto zh6LE; ICqM7: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto MqclD; } goto ZPQcL; qA0nW: MqclD: goto hbMD6; ZPQcL: return $this->la1J6(); goto qA0nW; hbMD6: self::AMOTA($ebTkq, [[0, "options", null]]); goto QfcGj; zh6LE: case "toggle": self::amotA($ebTkq, [[0, "options", null]]); return $this->AlLvW(...$ebTkq); case "filter": case "push": return $this->D8GHY(...$ebTkq); case "prepend": return $this->piqbd(...$ebTkq); case "filters": goto Tdvxm; B1kNc: return $this->aMQIB(); goto ZJa3F; ITq9U: return $this->mbLMo(...$ebTkq); goto ti3Mt; ZJa3F: H7Nmg: goto bdxKn; bdxKn: self::AMOta($ebTkq, [[0, "filters", []]]); goto ITq9U; Tdvxm: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto H7Nmg; } goto B1kNc; ti3Mt: case "interval": case "each": case "every": case "step": case "stepBy": goto lR7s8; L_RBP: VsWZU: goto iJ9wx; lR7s8: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto VsWZU; } goto BJ1Na; iJ9wx: return $this->QvFB7(...$ebTkq); goto qQDPL; BJ1Na: return $this->getDateInterval(); goto L_RBP; qQDPL: case "invert": return $this->y2R1_(); case "years": case "year": case "months": case "month": case "weeks": case "week": case "days": case "dayz": case "day": case "hours": case "hour": case "minutes": case "minute": case "seconds": case "second": case "milliseconds": case "millisecond": case "microseconds": case "microsecond": return $this->qVfB7([$this->Y8ObI ? new UksJt("PT0S") : $this->nsilN, $LAMCf](...$ebTkq)); } goto IV1vv; VXBdO: return $lw8Af; goto GZW0h; thVR1: return static::C661C($this, fn() => $this->b4plt($LAMCf, $ebTkq)); goto Sr406; Sr406: uXCR6: goto pHCxf; n6eNJ: if (!($lw8Af !== null)) { goto Ii9uh; } goto VXBdO; UjjQq: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto geuaJ; TbB8c: return $this; goto VbS29; geuaJ: if (!($this->acPFG ?? $aQbOb::oGvA7())) { goto Nm6QA; } goto Bx_Of; Bx_Of: throw new Fdolu($LAMCf); goto JzgLa; VbS29: } public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone|string|int $Ewh2z) : static { goto B5BNR; kmBPr: if (!$k82eB->rz3Hg) { goto OIqyd; } goto lpSwg; Q0BUS: $k82eB->d8aM0 = GioAG::s_aAp($Ewh2z); goto kmBPr; hBBpQ: aBvJO: goto Si68x; B5BNR: $k82eB = $this->vEup5(); goto PU0T5; PcX_9: $k82eB = $k82eB->wxtaG($k82eB->qgNGb->setTimezone($Ewh2z)); goto hBBpQ; lpSwg: $k82eB = $k82eB->zd2EF($k82eB->rz3Hg->setTimezone($Ewh2z)); goto aTgHy; Si68x: return $k82eB; goto rfavQ; PU0T5: $k82eB->vh03T = $Ewh2z; goto Q0BUS; aTgHy: OIqyd: goto rLvcv; rLvcv: if (!$k82eB->qgNGb) { goto aBvJO; } goto PcX_9; rfavQ: } public function p7BL9(DateTimeZone|string|int $Ewh2z) : static { goto J8PJP; mwZkA: if (!$k82eB->qgNGb) { goto WbFU1; } goto u_HuM; Esiye: $k82eB = $k82eB->zd2EF($k82eB->rz3Hg->P7Bl9($Ewh2z)); goto qhk_T; Z6mN4: $k82eB->vh03T = $Ewh2z; goto c2RMJ; jae0U: return $k82eB; goto J4691; qhk_T: wS9lP: goto mwZkA; J8PJP: $k82eB = $this->VeUP5(); goto Z6mN4; IUZQu: WbFU1: goto jae0U; QL__r: if (!$k82eB->rz3Hg) { goto wS9lP; } goto Esiye; u_HuM: $k82eB = $k82eB->wXTaG($k82eB->qgNGb->P7bL9($Ewh2z)); goto IUZQu; c2RMJ: $k82eB->d8aM0 = giOaG::S_Aap($Ewh2z); goto QL__r; J4691: } public function n1gxF(?string $cCYxf = null) : ofsrZ { goto dCD8y; RhQf8: EuuQL: goto sz_N5; sz_N5: if (!$this->nsilN->isEmpty()) { goto UB48E; } goto lh2WR; HORIN: f8rqz: goto hzeXo; aL24k: return $ZYF9K; goto RhQf8; MdSZg: $C7tCR = $C7tCR->G1YP3()->round($this->getDateInterval(), $cCYxf); goto HORIN; nscRw: if (!($C7tCR && $cCYxf)) { goto f8rqz; } goto MdSZg; lh2WR: return $this->getStartDate($cCYxf); goto Zl65b; hzeXo: return $C7tCR; goto Q_mtE; Zl65b: UB48E: goto V6sBY; dCD8y: if (!($ZYF9K = $this->getEndDate($cCYxf))) { goto EuuQL; } goto aL24k; V6sBY: $C7tCR = $this->JzGk0() ?? $this->bU_WD(); goto nscRw; Q_mtE: } private function jZGk0() : ?OFsrZ { goto gXjxZ; dinXX: if (!($this->Lsik7 === INF)) { goto d5r91; } goto lMvVP; gXjxZ: if (!($this->Lsik7 === null)) { goto RowNa; } goto Eu3XQ; QSJTh: return null; goto RPtkU; Eu3XQ: throw new Q678r("Could not calculate period end without either explicit end or recurrences.\xa" . "If you're looking for a forever-period, use ->setRecurrences(INF)."); goto WOlek; JaqW3: FRtKX: goto QSJTh; RbFYa: return $this->getStartDate()->G1yp3()->add($this->getDateInterval()->mkSnD($this->Lsik7 - ($this->ahsp_() ? 0 : 1))); goto JaqW3; lMvVP: $BImHh = $this->getStartDate(); goto m42M7; d2T5c: d5r91: goto Bo2tT; m42M7: return $BImHh < $BImHh->G1YP3()->add($this->getDateInterval()) ? I5kPp::V3vrz() : I5kPP::L8WtM(); goto d2T5c; Bo2tT: if (!($this->N4a3Y === [[static::i1Gmk, null]])) { goto FRtKX; } goto RbFYa; WOlek: RowNa: goto dinXX; RPtkU: } private function Bu_wD() : ?OFSRz { goto fBmSe; fBmSe: $Bs90H = 0; goto I451W; BoouE: return $C7tCR; goto mWSRV; moOlC: l1rKg: goto BoouE; I451W: $C7tCR = null; goto RZS_V; RZS_V: foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { goto VFJ44; Gaxzn: throw new q678R("Could not calculate period end after iterating " . static::chafl . " times."); goto C_rEA; C_rEA: i9zLI: goto R7fc2; R7fc2: RCCBL: goto JeZv3; VFJ44: if (!(++$Bs90H > static::chafl)) { goto i9zLI; } goto Gaxzn; JeZv3: } goto moOlC; mWSRV: } public function CbRLM(mixed $WmVH3, mixed $YUVr3 = null) : bool { goto YWvNa; g6oy4: [$BImHh, $ZYF9K] = $this->YyTD5($this->getStartDate(), $this->N1GXf()); goto QloOb; YWvNa: $kycgu = $YUVr3 ? static::create($WmVH3, $YUVr3) : $WmVH3; goto WBJrB; xFaBu: return $ZYF9K > $GNCBO && $YUVr3 > $BImHh; goto T_SiZ; WBJrB: if ($kycgu instanceof self) { goto lqrtS; } goto oxo_k; oxo_k: $kycgu = static::create($kycgu); goto PlMrq; QloOb: [$GNCBO, $YUVr3] = $this->YyTd5($kycgu->getStartDate(), $kycgu->n1gxf()); goto xFaBu; PlMrq: lqrtS: goto g6oy4; T_SiZ: } public function forEach(callable $sgz4U) : void { foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { $sgz4U($C7tCR); WUVNi: } vgaDQ: } public function XiMOd(callable $sgz4U) : Generator { foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { (yield $sgz4U($C7tCR)); no6tQ: } Kah4l: } public function Kp3yl(mixed $dojh9) : bool { return $this->ECgHZ($dojh9); } public function eCgHZ(mixed $dojh9) : bool { goto J9tQi; RHf1I: return $dojh9 !== null && $this->getDateInterval()->KP3YL($dojh9->getDateInterval()) && $this->getStartDate()->Kp3YL($dojh9->getStartDate()) && ($ZYF9K ? $ZYF9K->KP3Yl($dojh9->getEndDate()) : $this->getRecurrences() === $dojh9->getRecurrences()) && ($this->la1j6() & ~static::BpuWi) === ($dojh9->LA1j6() & ~static::BpuWi); goto HJQba; J9tQi: if ($dojh9 instanceof self) { goto D_7yB; } goto fU871; WbrL1: $ZYF9K = $this->getEndDate(); goto RHf1I; pzIkj: D_7yB: goto WbrL1; fU871: $dojh9 = self::TPoW9($dojh9); goto pzIkj; HJQba: } public function xeXzj(mixed $dojh9) : bool { return $this->O_yBX($dojh9); } public function O_Ybx(mixed $dojh9) : bool { return !$this->kP3Yl($dojh9); } public function xig7n(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->aYwNv($this->vmfDe($C7tCR)); } public function xyyzP(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->i78wD($this->vMfdE($C7tCR)); } public function b4AnN(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->OcEz6($this->VmfDe($C7tCR)); } public function Oqs8N(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->SrO2e($this->vMfde($C7tCR)); } public function e5344(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->ECghz($this->vMfdE($C7tCR)); } public function RUPQH(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->n1gxf()->aYwnV($this->VMFde($C7tCR)); } public function ygopa(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->N1GxF()->I78wd($this->vMfdE($C7tCR)); } public function ebjlp(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->n1GXf()->OCEZ6($this->VmFDE($C7tCR)); } public function nDAvr(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->n1gxf()->sRO2e($this->vMfDE($C7tCR)); } public function v0oIa(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->N1GxF()->eCghZ($this->vMFDE($C7tCR)); } public function isStarted() : bool { return $this->xYyZP(); } public function QyHZ3() : bool { return $this->YgOpA(); } public function M6Jk3() : bool { return $this->isStarted() && !$this->qyhz3(); } public function votyi(string $csDhJ, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = 1, callable|string $htrKY = "round") : static { goto OSIYd; vQFLd: wNZQx: goto DXpWq; Q8eMU: if (!$k82eB->qgNGb) { goto wNZQx; } goto BPh9V; OSIYd: $k82eB = $this->VeUP5(); goto ypNwv; BPh9V: $k82eB = $k82eB->wxtAG($k82eB->getEndDate()->VOtYi($csDhJ, $UxXCc, $htrKY)); goto vQFLd; DXpWq: return $k82eB->qVFB7($k82eB->getDateInterval()->vOTyI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, $htrKY)); goto jEoj3; ypNwv: $k82eB = $k82eB->zD2eF($k82eB->getStartDate()->VOTYI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, $htrKY)); goto Q8eMU; jEoj3: } public function JTz7I(string $csDhJ, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = 1) : static { return $this->vOTYI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, "floor"); } public function gVoNQ(string $csDhJ, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = 1) : static { return $this->VOTYI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, "ceil"); } public function round(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = null, callable|string $htrKY = "round") : static { return $this->p4PHQ($UxXCc ?? $this->getDateInterval()->r7a0A(wwNU5::get("en"))->Nj7Qo(), $htrKY); } public function floor(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = null) : static { return $this->round($UxXCc, "floor"); } public function ceil(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = null) : static { return $this->round($UxXCc, "ceil"); } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return $this->toArray(); } public function contains(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { goto kiNrM; i64Cn: $BYF0b = "endsAfter" . ($this->PUD2T() ? "OrAt" : ''); goto bjm9Z; kiNrM: $rkfLs = "startsBefore" . ($this->DvUhA() ? "OrAt" : ''); goto i64Cn; bjm9Z: return $this->{$rkfLs}($C7tCR) && $this->{$BYF0b}($C7tCR); goto sWOWZ; sWOWZ: } public function Cgw5u(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : bool { $dojh9 = $this->G39fn($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); return $this->OUTV6()->ECGhZ($dojh9->g4Q2e()->add($dojh9->getDateInterval())); } public function J8_oq(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : bool { $dojh9 = $this->G39FN($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); return $dojh9->CgW5U($this); } public function VSbAH(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : bool { return $this->CgW5U($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq) || $this->j8_Oq($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); } public function __debugInfo() : array { goto JkMyh; Ps2EC: return $YTiup; goto d4oBg; LUSCT: unset($YTiup["start"], $YTiup["end"], $YTiup["interval"], $YTiup["include_start_date"], $YTiup["include_end_date"]); goto Ps2EC; JkMyh: $YTiup = $this->WmK_M(); goto LUSCT; d4oBg: } protected function e51Wl() : void { goto MGQDC; fcgm1: DnG9V: goto fsIdz; fsIdz: if ($this->kjtmQ(static::i1Gmk)) { goto KeFeQ; } goto zpISY; zpISY: $this->Lsik7 = null; goto yiG3B; MGQDC: if ($this->kJtMq(static::nPCy6)) { goto DnG9V; } goto sJSxZ; sJSxZ: $this->qgNGb = null; goto fcgm1; yiG3B: KeFeQ: goto CQdO4; CQdO4: } protected function V94hV(array $ebTkq) : array { goto AsQ7l; AsQ7l: $LAMCf = array_shift($ebTkq); goto bQxu4; bQxu4: if ($this->SM21E($LAMCf)) { goto Jimaq; } goto jsG8k; uY_vV: return [static fn($C7tCR) => [$C7tCR, $LAMCf](...$ebTkq), $LAMCf]; goto aYfwm; Z4TgO: Jimaq: goto uY_vV; jsG8k: return [$LAMCf, array_shift($ebTkq)]; goto Z4TgO; aYfwm: } protected function Sm21e(callable|string $vT0jR) : bool { return \is_string($vT0jR) && str_starts_with($vT0jR, "is") && (method_exists($this->tTwRH, $vT0jR) || [$this->tTwRH, "hasMacro"]($vT0jR)); } protected function c7Z_1(OFsrz $ks4jv, int $i3A4k) : bool|callable { goto dPFhZ; dPFhZ: if (!($i3A4k < $this->Lsik7)) { goto LQ7PF; } goto uSS_g; YHVzI: LQ7PF: goto NAxC8; uSS_g: return true; goto YHVzI; NAxC8: return static::j2Ls_; goto DnWWH; DnWWH: } protected function AUsgK(OFsrz $ks4jv) : bool|callable { goto tqQjk; tqQjk: if (!(!$this->WRX5T() && $ks4jv == $this->qgNGb)) { goto dYDhm; } goto OyK8r; BHgo3: if (!($this->nsilN->LXJHL ? $ks4jv > $this->qgNGb : $ks4jv < $this->qgNGb)) { goto ygia9; } goto RvBvl; qnVSh: dYDhm: goto BHgo3; OyK8r: return true; goto qnVSh; TlS_L: ygia9: goto RT4j8; RvBvl: return true; goto TlS_L; RT4j8: return static::j2Ls_; goto jOzRj; jOzRj: } protected function endIteration() : callable { return static::j2Ls_; } protected function xMQJu() : void { goto grvkl; W_XZb: $this->OmVz0 = null; goto L36SL; yDaCR: goto xMP1h; goto B0rFd; C3TGL: if (!($this->lA1J6() & static::BpuWi) && $this->tTwRH === I5KpP::class) { goto wDDWr; } goto yDaCR; BqWw_: $this->tTwRH = i5Kpp::class; goto c_7YD; LwgLV: $this->tTwRH = rXEeN::class; goto lYowS; IbnbO: wDDWr: goto LwgLV; lYowS: xMP1h: goto W_XZb; grvkl: if ($this->la1J6() & static::BpuWi && $this->tTwRH === rxeen::class) { goto BcIpG; } goto C3TGL; B0rFd: BcIpG: goto BqWw_; c_7YD: goto xMP1h; goto IbnbO; L36SL: } protected function pWTWd() : bool|callable { goto H7_Zj; EoVVb: $this->rewind(); goto xk5LD; xk5LD: alBDc: goto YF1X_; H7_Zj: if (!($this->raMa5 === null)) { goto alBDc; } goto EoVVb; YF1X_: return $this->OmVz0 ?? ($this->OmVz0 = $this->PG3X9()); goto ItCER; ItCER: } protected function PG3x9() : bool|callable { goto W7h9w; W7h9w: $ks4jv = $this->D22wD($this->raMa5); goto r0oCz; r0oCz: foreach ($this->N4a3Y as $Y5O6a) { goto L9kZC; L9kZC: $GTYPc = \call_user_func($Y5O6a[0], $ks4jv->g1yp3(), $this->zuNK9, $this); goto adoyR; dxIZt: return static::j2Ls_; goto uyg49; f2n6Q: o1Al8: goto uzO0_; uyg49: frW5m: goto m1b7G; m1b7G: if ($GTYPc) { goto o1Al8; } goto IgsMs; IgsMs: return false; goto f2n6Q; adoyR: if (!($GTYPc === static::j2Ls_)) { goto frW5m; } goto dxIZt; uzO0_: vRPFs: goto mClBZ; mClBZ: } goto yAM0p; G3wNo: return true; goto fyuBq; yAM0p: crj7i: goto G3wNo; fyuBq: } protected function D22wD(oFsrZ $C7tCR) { goto a8cHI; a8cHI: $C7tCR = [$this->tTwRH, "make"]($C7tCR); goto Ke0Sq; Ke0Sq: if (!$this->d8aM0) { goto d0bRU; } goto DqM9g; hkrCI: d0bRU: goto NUEPE; DqM9g: $C7tCR = $C7tCR->setTimezone($this->d8aM0); goto hkrCI; NUEPE: return $C7tCR; goto y1UjL; y1UjL: } protected function OhMQf() : void { goto K53Jm; K53Jm: $Bs90H = 0; goto vifQ9; E9sx0: if (!(++$Bs90H > static::wmXPI)) { goto DlCn9; } goto j9Kd4; gWV8y: $this->OmVz0 = null; goto E9sx0; pDJ7j: $this->raMa5 = $this->raMa5->add($this->nsilN); goto gWV8y; j9Kd4: throw new Q678r("Could not find next valid date."); goto FlveU; vifQ9: kCD6J: goto pDJ7j; Ajacz: NC0Sy: goto lN1Dy; FlveU: DlCn9: goto qd8DQ; qd8DQ: if ($this->PwtWd() === false) { goto kCD6J; } goto Ajacz; lN1Dy: } protected function B4PLT(string $oT3fT, array $ebTkq) : mixed { goto oNEG3; Rpmkg: egheO: goto oV8Ol; oNEG3: $HK2ib = static::$wdycN[$oT3fT]; goto bUW9J; vrLNj: $rt_4j = @$HK2ib->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$HK2ib->bindTo(null, static::class); goto h7ZGy; oV8Ol: return $HK2ib(...$ebTkq); goto EYn9b; h7ZGy: return ($rt_4j ?: $HK2ib)(...$ebTkq); goto Rpmkg; bUW9J: if (!$HK2ib instanceof Closure) { goto egheO; } goto vrLNj; EYn9b: } protected function vmFde($C7tCR = null) { return $this->getStartDate()->QgGYh()->Lr7qp($C7tCR); } protected function G39fn(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : self { goto vldVB; oXo6M: return $dojh9 instanceof DatePeriod ? static::S_AAP($dojh9) : static::create($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); goto jNLf7; FmSdY: Gu5M_: goto oXo6M; vldVB: if (!$dojh9 instanceof self) { goto Gu5M_; } goto cT_bU; cT_bU: return $dojh9; goto FmSdY; jNLf7: } private function YYtd5($ZRN3Y, $mCvB3) : array { return $ZRN3Y > $mCvB3 ? [$mCvB3, $ZRN3Y] : [$ZRN3Y, $mCvB3]; } private function plC3B($A7OoB) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto VDxeT; NgSct: BPKWM: goto wnm0C; t_2PK: if (!($A7OoB instanceof na1Ru || $A7OoB instanceof OWF6g)) { goto esPvU; } goto PIdod; f04YD: return $aQbOb::cV2GA($A7OoB, $this->vh03T); goto NgSct; t86Pa: $A7OoB = trim($A7OoB); goto LhvBZ; Bdd7I: return null; goto jSigG; Ch8Wi: return new $aQbOb($A7OoB, $this->vh03T); goto a6wZE; wnm0C: VZZvv: goto Bdd7I; LhvBZ: if (!(!preg_match("/^P[\dT]/", $A7OoB) && !preg_match("/^R\d/", $A7OoB) && preg_match("/[a-z\d]/i", $A7OoB))) { goto BPKWM; } goto nLZqH; ipwNr: if (!\is_string($A7OoB)) { goto VZZvv; } goto t86Pa; nLZqH: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto f04YD; VDxeT: if (!$A7OoB instanceof DateTimeInterface) { goto phufc; } goto IcmYU; IcmYU: return $A7OoB; goto bXX1l; PIdod: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto Ch8Wi; a6wZE: esPvU: goto ipwNr; bXX1l: phufc: goto t_2PK; jSigG: } private function bZdsH($C7tCR) : bool { return $C7tCR instanceof ofsRZ && ($C7tCR->x36Ij() || $C7tCR->fY6Qo()); } private function aLDa5($C7tCR) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto bGGK2; mBZpw: return null; goto gBY2b; GZ3UW: if (!$C7tCR instanceof OFSrZ) { goto bkWj7; } goto T5T10; rA6um: bkWj7: goto hZoqA; T5T10: return $C7tCR->MFk9y() ? $C7tCR->CwEaC() : $C7tCR->Ca5Cq(); goto rA6um; bGGK2: if (!($C7tCR === false || $C7tCR === null)) { goto nBo_U; } goto mBZpw; DdUmL: return new $TjR8t($C7tCR->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u"), $C7tCR->getTimezone()); goto DrUQc; uvg1v: $TjR8t = $C7tCR instanceof DateTime ? DateTime::class : DateTimeImmutable::class; goto DdUmL; gBY2b: nBo_U: goto GZ3UW; uwC9t: w9a94: goto uvg1v; hZoqA: if (!\in_array(\get_class($C7tCR), [DateTime::class, DateTimeImmutable::class], true)) { goto w9a94; } goto c44kr; c44kr: return $C7tCR; goto uwC9t; DrUQc: } private static function AmOta(array &$ebTkq, array $Z6h4Q) : void { foreach ($Z6h4Q as [$YbP5J, $oT3fT, $A7OoB]) { goto Im6a0; aE9og: BiS3E: goto Kmwcf; zcQ_T: $ebTkq[$YbP5J] = $A7OoB; goto aE9og; Im6a0: if (!(!\array_key_exists($YbP5J, $ebTkq) && !\array_key_exists($oT3fT, $ebTkq))) { goto BiS3E; } goto zcQ_T; Kmwcf: bka5o: goto h95zs; h95zs: } YmmNo: } } ?>

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:22:33              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace rXEen; use rXeEN\nL_Dx\Ty73q; use RXEEN\NL_dX\TkL_l; use RXeEN\nL_dX\UDPTg; use RXeEn\NL_dX\ceSmr; use rxeEn\Nl_Dx\sEq4Q; use rxEEN\NL_Dx\tR8N7; use rXEEn\NL_dx\NMNPC; use RXEeN\NL_dx\vuW26; use rXeen\nl_dX\FDolu; use rXeeN\Nl_DX\q678R; use rxeEN\JHGAa\mbhA3; use RxEEn\JhgaA\RqeA0; use rXEeN\JhGAa\B0tgS; use RXeEN\jhgaa\y64H1; use rxeEn\JHGaA\e92fm; use rxeen\JhgAA\eUCRo; use Closure; use Countable; use DateInterval; use DatePeriod; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use Generator; use InvalidArgumentException; use JsonSerializable; use ReflectionException; use ReturnTypeWillChange; use RuntimeException; use Throwable; use TypeError; require PHP_VERSION < 8.199999999999999 ? __DIR__ . "\57\56\x2e\57\56\56\x2f\154\x61\172\171\57\103\x61\162\142\157\156\x2f\x50\x72\x6f\164\x65\x63\x74\145\x64\104\141\164\x65\120\145\162\151\x6f\144\56\160\150\160" : __DIR__ . "\x2f\x2e\56\x2f\x2e\56\57\154\x61\172\171\x2f\x43\141\x72\142\157\156\x2f\x55\156\160\162\x6f\x74\145\143\164\145\144\x44\x61\x74\145\120\x65\162\x69\x6f\x64\56\160\150\x70"; class iWd0b extends s3qjL implements Countable, JsonSerializable { use B0tGS; use Rqea0; use y64h1 { Mixin::mixin as baseMixin; } use e92fM { Options::__debugInfo as baseDebugInfo; } use eucro; public const i1Gmk = [self::class, "\x66\x69\x6c\164\x65\x72\x52\145\143\x75\162\162\x65\156\x63\145\163"]; public const nPCy6 = [self::class, "\x66\151\154\x74\x65\x72\x45\156\144\104\x61\x74\x65"]; public const j2Ls_ = [self::class, "\145\x6e\144\x49\x74\x65\x72\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e"]; public const EXCLUDE_START_DATE = 1; public const tn3X2 = 8; public const BpuWi = 4; public const wmXPI = 1000; public const chafl = 10000; protected const yBq2o = rxeeN::class; protected static array $wdycN = []; protected string $tTwRH = rxeeN::class; protected ?CarbonInterval $nsilN = null; protected bool $Vw0hD = false; protected bool $Y8ObI = false; protected array $N4a3Y = []; protected ?CarbonInterface $rz3Hg = null; protected ?CarbonInterface $qgNGb = null; protected int|float|null $Lsik7 = null; protected ?int $a_gRC = null; protected int $zuNK9 = 0; protected ?CarbonInterface $raMa5 = null; protected ?DateTimeZone $d8aM0 = null; protected array|string|bool|null $OmVz0 = null; protected DateTimeZone|string|int|null $vh03T = null; public function getIterator() : Generator { goto kBwwO; kBwwO: $this->rewind(); goto faTvH; qwtN3: $this->next(); goto kbWrU; faTvH: fMdu_: goto vEmDs; WGDKf: (yield $i3A4k => $A7OoB); goto qwtN3; vEmDs: if (!$this->valid()) { goto knxpL; } goto W1UKC; Haxtg: $A7OoB = $this->current(); goto WGDKf; kbWrU: goto fMdu_; goto tUC0j; W1UKC: $i3A4k = $this->key(); goto Haxtg; tUC0j: knxpL: goto tlfCz; tlfCz: } public static function tPow9(mixed $P_99s) : ?static { try { return static::s_aaP($P_99s); } catch (nmnPc) { return static::create($P_99s); } } public static function S_AaP(mixed $dojh9) : static { goto gr4TO; ye3pl: if (!$dojh9 instanceof self) { goto jIK6E; } goto NQpXZ; tAd20: jIK6E: goto XVP8w; FL3jW: nSiw0: goto ye3pl; XVP8w: if (!$dojh9 instanceof DatePeriod) { goto DpYhN; } goto mKvXA; JYbMa: $TjR8t = static::class; goto g50o9; mKvXA: return new static($dojh9->start, $dojh9->end ?: $dojh9->recurrences - 1, $dojh9->interval, $dojh9->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); goto Uw8cv; gr4TO: if (!$dojh9 instanceof static) { goto nSiw0; } goto tNk20; tNk20: return $dojh9->copy(); goto FL3jW; Uw8cv: DpYhN: goto JYbMa; VI0U5: $B7G4X = explode("\72\72", __METHOD__); goto sEiEN; NQpXZ: return new static($dojh9->getStartDate(), $dojh9->getEndDate() ?? $dojh9->getRecurrences(), $dojh9->getDateInterval(), $dojh9->La1J6()); goto tAd20; sEiEN: throw new nMNPc("\x41\162\147\x75\x6d\x65\x6e\164\x20\x31\x20\160\141\163\163\x65\x64\40\164\x6f\40" . $TjR8t . "\72\72" . end($B7G4X) . "\50\x29\x20" . "\155\x75\163\164\40\x62\x65\40\141\156\x20\151\156\163\164\141\156\x63\x65\40\x6f\146\40\x44\141\x74\x65\120\x65\x72\x69\x6f\144\x20\x6f\x72\x20" . $TjR8t . "\x2c\40" . ($K36nb === "\x6f\142\x6a\145\x63\x74" ? "\151\156\x73\x74\x61\156\x63\x65\40\x6f\x66\x20" . \get_class($dojh9) : $K36nb) . "\40\x67\x69\x76\x65\x6e\x2e"); goto My6oD; g50o9: $K36nb = \gettype($dojh9); goto VI0U5; My6oD: } public static function create(...$FjFCv) : static { return static::xNuUP($FjFCv); } public static function XNUUP(array $FjFCv) : static { return new static(...$FjFCv); } public static function k0btk(string $Nr1PH, ?int $pbRA8 = null) : static { goto zzPjJ; zzPjJ: $FjFCv = static::V91_f($Nr1PH); goto iIJ2q; kpTET: return $CdhJM; goto KELzJ; vlk0j: xenhb: goto kpTET; evleO: if (!($pbRA8 !== null)) { goto xenhb; } goto DfFiP; DfFiP: $CdhJM->a_gRC = $pbRA8; goto EMvZs; EMvZs: $CdhJM->xmqjU(); goto vlk0j; iIJ2q: $CdhJM = static::XnUUp($FjFCv); goto evleO; KELzJ: } protected static function EXJaR(DateInterval $YoKzp) : bool { return $YoKzp->hNi_V || $YoKzp->OGF8q || $YoKzp->W32Gq || $YoKzp->OJaFy; } protected static function uaxx7(mixed $P_99s) : bool { goto VeH2E; a6sqk: return false; goto XL_jx; XL_jx: vBpvN: goto GQW17; sBeZW: return isset($Ke4hN[1]); goto nYSh2; GQW17: $gaAj6 = "\x5b\141\55\172\x5d\53\50\77\x3a\x5b\137\x2d\x5d\133\141\x2d\x7a\x5d\53\x29\52"; goto qFG4U; VeH2E: if (\is_string($P_99s)) { goto vBpvN; } goto a6sqk; qFG4U: preg_match("\x23\134\x62{$gaAj6}\57{$gaAj6}\x5c\142\x7c\x28\x2f\x29\43\x69", $P_99s, $Ke4hN); goto sBeZW; nYSh2: } protected static function v91_f(string $Nr1PH) : array { goto vuE1k; AMvL1: $ZYF9K = null; goto sS_Qq; RzP7I: $YoKzp = null; goto ziJgo; sS_Qq: $aQbOb = static::yBq2o; goto em9f1; UCHlU: QN4hL: goto iF1p_; iF1p_: return $GTYPc; goto Wl2_V; vuE1k: $GTYPc = []; goto RzP7I; ziJgo: $BImHh = null; goto AMvL1; em9f1: foreach (explode("\x2f", $Nr1PH) as $i3A4k => $gaAj6) { goto IeB89; HNDNn: $YoKzp = $gaAj6; goto lrG03; k3IFH: ojnrk: goto HNDNn; lrG03: goto jGO2y; goto QLJPh; cAILa: if ($YoKzp === null && ($E8TzW = self::J1nNR($gaAj6))) { goto ojnrk; } goto JPVgA; acfDs: throw new SeQ4q("\x49\156\x76\141\x6c\x69\x64\x20\x49\x53\x4f\x20\x38\66\x30\61\40\163\x70\145\x63\x69\146\x69\143\141\x74\151\157\156\x3a\40{$Nr1PH}\56"); goto P3oEr; P3oEr: goto jGO2y; goto FTJGJ; DpNt3: $ZYF9K = $gaAj6; goto tIUkt; H9Yij: yLb9a: goto lDe9n; JPVgA: if ($BImHh === null && ($E8TzW = $aQbOb::tPow9($gaAj6))) { goto yJFc2; } goto pK9mP; FTJGJ: Avxo9: goto UXnul; IeB89: if ($i3A4k === 0 && preg_match("\57\136\x52\50\x5c\x64\52\x7c\x49\x4e\106\51\44\57", $gaAj6, $Ke4hN)) { goto Avxo9; } goto cAILa; z0b8D: $BImHh = $gaAj6; goto VAxUW; UXnul: $E8TzW = \strlen($Ke4hN[1]) ? $Ke4hN[1] !== "\x49\x4e\106" ? (int) $Ke4hN[1] : INF : null; goto SGFXA; SGFXA: goto jGO2y; goto k3IFH; VAxUW: goto jGO2y; goto WznQN; IaiPA: $GTYPc[] = $E8TzW; goto H9Yij; pK9mP: if ($ZYF9K === null && ($E8TzW = $aQbOb::TPoW9(static::DBhYk($BImHh ?? '', $gaAj6)))) { goto YJkl2; } goto acfDs; QLJPh: yJFc2: goto z0b8D; WznQN: YJkl2: goto DpNt3; tIUkt: jGO2y: goto IaiPA; lDe9n: } goto UCHlU; Wl2_V: } protected static function DBhYK(string $q1DOm, string $blH8n) : string { goto Y7OMg; FJFUm: $GTYPc = preg_replace($vdpwZ, $blH8n, $q1DOm, 1, $SupPE); goto TFY0L; TFY0L: return $SupPE ? $GTYPc : $blH8n; goto ffiPh; Y7OMg: $vdpwZ = "\x2f" . preg_replace("\x2f\x5c\x64\53\x2f", "\x5b\60\55\71\135\53", preg_quote($blH8n, "\x2f")) . "\44\x2f"; goto FJFUm; ffiPh: } private static function j1NNr(mixed $rVudw) : ?UkSjT { try { return UksJT::tPoW9($rVudw); } catch (Throwable) { return null; } } public static function uaIoy(string $oT3fT, ?callable $HK2ib) : void { static::$wdycN[$oT3fT] = $HK2ib; } public static function iWdhD(object|string $d5fcE) : void { static::CgYzc($d5fcE); } public static function k_rNs(string $oT3fT) : bool { return isset(static::$wdycN[$oT3fT]); } public static function __callStatic(string $LAMCf, array $ebTkq) : mixed { goto pUaNH; M53Y3: return static::C661C(null, static fn() => $C7tCR->b4PLt($LAMCf, $ebTkq)); goto x7ZwH; pUaNH: $C7tCR = new static(); goto yM2xc; SA_d1: return $C7tCR->{$LAMCf}(...$ebTkq); goto gYqdT; x7ZwH: h23he: goto SA_d1; yM2xc: if (!static::K_RNs($LAMCf)) { goto h23he; } goto M53Y3; gYqdT: } public function __construct(...$Jbbdq) { goto ylZWo; wuGon: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto NN1kJ; u6fxF: $ZYF9K = $BQF1K["\145\x6e\x64"] ?? max(1, $BQF1K["\x72\145\x63\165\x72\x72\145\156\x63\145\163"] ?? 1); goto tRRhM; X_7cl: $xI7P4 = [$Jbbdq[0]]; goto sSGNx; JAgYO: $xI7P4 = $Jbbdq["\x72\141\167"]; goto YYdvf; fzuQa: rSCJf: goto rdWRB; hr00v: $this->qVfB7($BQF1K["\x69\x6e\164\145\x72\x76\141\x6c"]); goto yFrIN; N3pzy: Fnj2Y: goto AEUGy; qF4GJ: lNZdY: goto bygNr; FceFN: $Jbbdq = [$Jbbdq[0]->start, $Jbbdq[0]->end ?: $Jbbdq[0]->recurrences - 1, $Jbbdq[0]->interval, $Jbbdq[0]->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE]; goto fzuQa; bygNr: if (!($xI7P4 === null && isset($BQF1K["\x73\x74\x61\162\164"]))) { goto auViy; } goto u6fxF; jG72o: $this->Y8ObI = true; goto jlWFT; PVAW3: if ($Jbbdq[0] instanceof DatePeriod) { goto P0VQc; } goto vj9lB; YvMgg: if (!isset($Jbbdq["\x64\x61\x74\145\103\x6c\141\163\163"])) { goto UFflA; } goto GMclX; C0wwA: if ($Jbbdq[0] instanceof self) { goto r1mgC; } goto PVAW3; noedw: if (!isset($BQF1K["\162\x65\x63\x75\162\162\145\156\x63\145\163"])) { goto cdVkU; } goto zwrhI; jlWFT: PyQyN: goto lR8tk; lR8tk: if (!($this->a_gRC === null)) { goto RvBa_; } goto axv2b; AEUGy: if (!isset($BQF1K["\x65\156\x64"])) { goto Jy3e9; } goto AOGeB; Fv0Ez: $this->ZD2Ef($BQF1K["\x73\164\x61\162\164"]); goto N3pzy; s2eow: if (!($this->nsilN === null)) { goto PyQyN; } goto sNPQV; IQUIE: vgoVN: goto s2eow; tRRhM: if (!\is_float($ZYF9K)) { goto jvGnJ; } goto Gv7QJ; NN1kJ: $this->zd2eF($aQbOb::wD1JI()); goto IQUIE; cDBfb: if ($fpalc) { goto Y7YBr; } goto JTw_B; eM0Tj: if (!($this->rz3Hg === null)) { goto vgoVN; } goto wuGon; b808g: if (!($xI7P4 === null && \is_string($Jbbdq[0] ?? null) && substr_count($Jbbdq[0], "\x2f") >= 1)) { goto pOmvr; } goto X_7cl; nq0lv: if (!($v0xp0 === 1)) { goto ER0xI; } goto C0wwA; OGFGU: $ruZAe = false; goto bn72e; YYdvf: $this->Y8ObI = $Jbbdq["\151\x73\104\145\146\141\x75\154\164\x49\x6e\164\x65\162\166\141\154"] ?? false; goto YvMgg; axv2b: $this->LkBcl(0); goto NPw8M; Rrcqf: Y7YBr: goto q5YIA; K0Ga1: eIzaE: goto OGFGU; ozDCX: if (!isset($BQF1K["\157\x70\164\151\x6f\x6e\163"])) { goto fHb0A; } goto gHJvK; MV0wW: P0VQc: goto FceFN; C8EcR: P2pQO: goto iOnmV; fYy2i: $xI7P4 = [$BQF1K["\163\x74\x61\x72\x74"], $BQF1K["\x69\156\164\x65\162\166\x61\x6c"] ?? UksjT::Ba11c(), $ZYF9K]; goto RA3vh; CCHMu: fHb0A: goto eM0Tj; XDLNL: UFflA: goto PiGNG; WJLvS: jvGnJ: goto fYy2i; Tj9Nv: $this->a_gRC = static::BpuWi; goto K0Ga1; RA3vh: auViy: goto b808g; uxru8: if (!is_a($this->tTwRH, DateTimeImmutable::class, true)) { goto eIzaE; } goto Tj9Nv; LBRvt: if (!($xI7P4 !== null)) { goto sV3wz; } goto f_H8S; bFcQR: foreach ($Jbbdq as $JI2w1) { goto LmneK; nQZZ2: $BQF1K["\162\145\x63\x75\x72\x72\145\x6e\143\x65\163"] = $JI2w1; goto KVUI0; UJQrP: $BQF1K["\157\160\x74\x69\157\x6e\x73"] = (int) $this->a_gRC | (int) $JI2w1; goto wgSEE; iGbJ3: pkgy5: goto fXGDe; WQue4: if (!isset($BQF1K["\145\156\144"]) && ($FtkTw = $FtkTw ?? $this->PLc3b($JI2w1))) { goto OZEiC; } goto AABgp; hCvZS: uNBdN: goto Ih0aS; gToS9: goto Q6z3W; goto hCvZS; AABgp: if (!isset($BQF1K["\x72\145\x63\165\162\x72\x65\156\143\145\163"]) && !isset($BQF1K["\x65\x6e\x64"]) && (\is_int($JI2w1) || \is_float($JI2w1)) && $JI2w1 >= 0) { goto G0m0r; } goto C6LSe; F5Q81: goto Q6z3W; goto ZKNNy; Y5PfZ: if ($JI2w1 instanceof DateTimeZone) { goto uNBdN; } goto dP208; Nd2mE: goto Q6z3W; goto gaqBU; YznUw: throw new sEQ4q("\111\x6e\166\141\154\x69\144\x20\x63\157\156\163\x74\x72\165\143\x74\x6f\x72\x20\160\141\x72\141\x6d\145\x74\145\x72\163\56"); goto gToS9; fXGDe: $BQF1K["\151\x6e\164\x65\162\166\x61\154"] = $N4hL1; goto Nd2mE; o9rL0: BIiem: goto TwgRt; C6LSe: if (!$ruZAe && (\is_int($JI2w1) || $JI2w1 === null)) { goto BIiem; } goto YznUw; w9wHJ: goto Q6z3W; goto mielg; DoEXE: $BQF1K["\145\x6e\144"] = $FtkTw; goto w9wHJ; oZY1J: if (!isset($BQF1K["\x73\x74\x61\162\164"]) && ($FtkTw = $this->PlC3b($JI2w1))) { goto qqEf1; } goto WQue4; KVUI0: goto Q6z3W; goto o9rL0; igt2n: $BQF1K["\163\x74\x61\x72\164"] = $FtkTw; goto F5Q81; mielg: G0m0r: goto nQZZ2; Ih0aS: $this->setTimezone($JI2w1); goto AxXRS; ZKNNy: OZEiC: goto DoEXE; wgSEE: Q6z3W: goto G14QU; AxXRS: goto Q6z3W; goto iGbJ3; LmneK: $FtkTw = null; goto Y5PfZ; G14QU: uO9yC: goto x43DQ; TwgRt: $ruZAe = true; goto UJQrP; gaqBU: qqEf1: goto igt2n; dP208: if (!isset($BQF1K["\x69\x6e\x74\x65\x72\166\141\x6c"]) && (\is_string($JI2w1) && preg_match("\x2f\x5e\x28\55\x3f\x5c\144\50\134\144\50\77\x21\133\134\57\x2d\135\51\x7c\x5b\136\134\144\x5c\57\x2d\135\50\x5b\x5c\57\55\135\x29\x3f\51\x2a\x7c\x50\133\124\x5c\x64\135\x2e\x2a\x7c\x28\x3f\72\134\150\x2a\x5c\x64\x2b\x28\77\x3a\x5c\56\x5c\144\53\x29\77\134\150\52\133\141\55\x7a\x5d\53\x29\x2b\x29\x24\x2f\151", $JI2w1) || $JI2w1 instanceof DateInterval || $JI2w1 instanceof Closure || $JI2w1 instanceof mKTcO) && ($N4hL1 = self::J1NNR($JI2w1))) { goto pkgy5; } goto oZY1J; x43DQ: } goto qF4GJ; ZQ3AQ: $this->Vw0hD = true; goto fXizQ; LmZYM: $fpalc = false; goto LBRvt; NPw8M: RvBa_: goto ZQ3AQ; rdWRB: ER0xI: goto uxru8; iOnmV: $v0xp0 = \count($Jbbdq); goto VL0ag; KlB80: GyzDi: goto OtW5G; BWyna: uh8Dg: goto nq0lv; HusBL: if (!isset($Jbbdq["\162\141\167"])) { goto P2pQO; } goto JAgYO; XAJnb: $Jbbdq = [$Jbbdq[0]->getStartDate(), $Jbbdq[0]->getEndDate() ?? $Jbbdq[0]->getRecurrences(), $Jbbdq[0]->getDateInterval(), $Jbbdq[0]->lA1J6()]; goto eYo_X; Gc9sy: r1mgC: goto XAJnb; mrITZ: cdVkU: goto QeUVA; GMclX: $this->tTwRH = $Jbbdq["\x64\x61\164\x65\x43\154\141\x73\x73"]; goto XDLNL; yFrIN: HBdlx: goto ozDCX; QeUVA: if (!isset($BQF1K["\151\156\164\145\162\166\x61\x6c"])) { goto HBdlx; } goto hr00v; P3c62: Jy3e9: goto noedw; Hk0nO: sV3wz: goto cDBfb; ylZWo: $xI7P4 = null; goto HusBL; OtW5G: if (!isset($BQF1K["\163\x74\x61\x72\x74"])) { goto Fnj2Y; } goto Fv0Ez; eYo_X: goto rSCJf; goto MV0wW; VL0ag: if (!($v0xp0 && static::uaxx7($Nr1PH = $Jbbdq[0]))) { goto uh8Dg; } goto HHdkt; q5YIA: if (!isset($BQF1K["\x73\164\x61\162\x74"])) { goto GyzDi; } goto qiXQI; qiXQI: $this->Zd2ef($BQF1K["\x73\x74\141\x72\x74"]); goto KlB80; sSGNx: pOmvr: goto LmZYM; f_H8S: try { parent::__construct(...$xI7P4); $fpalc = true; } catch (TypeError) { } goto Hk0nO; JTw_B: parent::__construct("\x52\61\57\x32\60\60\60\55\60\61\55\60\61\x54\60\x30\x3a\x30\x30\72\x30\60\132\x2f\x50\61\x44"); goto Rrcqf; bn72e: $BQF1K = []; goto bFcQR; HHdkt: array_splice($Jbbdq, 0, 1, static::V91_f($Nr1PH)); goto BWyna; zwrhI: $this->iWdgs($BQF1K["\x72\145\143\165\162\162\x65\x6e\143\145\x73"]); goto mrITZ; AOGeB: $this->WXTAg($BQF1K["\x65\x6e\x64"]); goto P3c62; Gv7QJ: $ZYF9K = $ZYF9K === INF ? PHP_INT_MAX : (int) round($ZYF9K); goto WJLvS; gHJvK: $this->LKBCL($BQF1K["\157\160\x74\151\157\x6e\x73"]); goto CCHMu; vj9lB: goto rSCJf; goto Gc9sy; PiGNG: $Jbbdq = $xI7P4; goto C8EcR; sNPQV: $this->qvfB7(UksJt::Ba11C()); goto jG72o; fXizQ: } public function copy() : static { return clone $this; } protected function vEup5() : static { return $this; } protected function N_M5v(string $oT3fT) : ?callable { return match (strtolower(preg_replace("\57\133\x41\x2d\x5a\x5d\57", "\137\44\x30", $oT3fT))) { "\x73\x74\x61\162\164", "\163\x74\141\x72\164\137\x64\141\x74\x65" => [$this, "\x67\x65\164\x53\164\x61\162\x74\104\141\164\x65"], "\x65\156\x64", "\x65\x6e\144\137\144\141\x74\x65" => [$this, "\x67\145\164\x45\156\144\104\x61\164\x65"], "\151\156\x74\x65\162\x76\x61\154", "\144\141\x74\145\x5f\x69\156\164\x65\x72\166\141\154" => [$this, "\147\145\164\104\x61\x74\145\111\x6e\x74\x65\162\166\x61\x6c"], "\x72\145\x63\x75\162\x72\145\156\x63\x65\x73" => [$this, "\147\145\x74\x52\145\x63\x75\162\162\x65\156\143\x65\163"], "\x69\156\143\x6c\x75\x64\x65\x5f\163\164\x61\x72\164\137\x64\141\x74\x65" => [$this, "\151\163\x53\x74\x61\x72\x74\x49\156\143\154\165\x64\145\144"], "\x69\156\x63\154\165\144\145\x5f\x65\x6e\x64\137\144\141\x74\145" => [$this, "\x69\x73\x45\x6e\x64\111\156\x63\x6c\x75\144\145\x64"], "\143\x75\x72\x72\145\156\164" => [$this, "\143\165\x72\x72\x65\x6e\164"], "\154\x6f\143\x61\154\x65" => [$this, "\x6c\157\143\141\x6c\145"], "\164\172\x6e\141\x6d\145", "\x74\172\137\156\141\155\145" => fn() => match (true) { $this->vh03T === null => null, \is_string($this->vh03T) => $this->vh03T, $this->vh03T instanceof DateTimeZone => $this->vh03T->getName(), default => GIOAG::s_AaP($this->vh03T)->getName(), }, default => null, }; } public function get(string $oT3fT) { goto aaWTY; eCOJq: L7Qaa: goto Xmg9Q; SPqRA: if (!$uTi3T) { goto L7Qaa; } goto Ntsys; Ntsys: return $uTi3T(); goto eCOJq; aaWTY: $uTi3T = $this->N_M5V($oT3fT); goto SPqRA; Xmg9Q: throw new vuw26($oT3fT); goto BDezT; BDezT: } public function __get(string $oT3fT) { return $this->get($oT3fT); } public function __isset(string $oT3fT) : bool { return $this->N_m5V($oT3fT) !== null; } public function clone() { return clone $this; } public function Ezy0g(string $aQbOb) { goto mCzRl; oN3fg: goto zGpjz; goto tAjTJ; MJOj7: zGpjz: goto y5esB; Yrsy3: $k82eB->tTwRH = $aQbOb; goto FJYsu; uNWlv: KhFUc: goto Drh1r; jgiZc: throw new tR8n7($aQbOb); goto uNWlv; TTbJf: goto zGpjz; goto SLRhu; SLRhu: Ug8U4: goto GnuF3; tAjTJ: kDlc0: goto Awrd3; GnuF3: $k82eB->a_gRC = $k82eB->a_gRC & ~static::BpuWi; goto oN3fg; y5esB: return $k82eB; goto uoZXh; HI9aI: if (is_a($aQbOb, i5kpp::class, true)) { goto kDlc0; } goto TTbJf; mCzRl: if (is_a($aQbOb, OFsrz::class, true)) { goto KhFUc; } goto jgiZc; FJYsu: if (is_a($aQbOb, rxeEN::class, true)) { goto Ug8U4; } goto HI9aI; Drh1r: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto Yrsy3; Awrd3: $k82eB->a_gRC = $k82eB->a_gRC | static::BpuWi; goto MJOj7; uoZXh: } public function i2sfk() : string { return $this->tTwRH; } public function qVFB7(mixed $YoKzp, Unit|string|null $csDhJ = null) : static { goto nxXtk; fWyYv: $k82eB->nsilN = $YoKzp; goto dPlOL; dPlOL: $k82eB->Y8ObI = false; goto WfcSV; V7E2H: $YoKzp = $YoKzp->Ns1o9(); goto wPvsA; mranG: throw new Udptg("\111\x6e\166\x61\x6c\151\144\x20\151\156\164\145\162\x76\141\x6c\56"); goto MFHK8; IipzU: vegWN: goto AAyPU; nxXtk: if (!$YoKzp instanceof mktcO) { goto ZXVcf; } goto V7E2H; tvQm0: return $k82eB; goto Aqef4; MFHK8: hvm1K: goto wErad; PZ0gt: Y6P_F: goto o8PS2; wErad: if (!($YoKzp->dNbAb() === "\120\124\x30\123" && !$YoKzp->OJaFy && !$YoKzp->NDSrH())) { goto Y6P_F; } goto giUBb; WfcSV: $k82eB->XMQJU(); goto tvQm0; AAyPU: if ($YoKzp = UkSjT::tPOW9($YoKzp, $csDhJ)) { goto hvm1K; } goto mranG; OS25W: $csDhJ = $csDhJ->name; goto IipzU; giUBb: throw new UdptG("\x45\x6d\x70\164\x79\x20\151\156\x74\145\x72\x76\x61\x6c\x20\151\163\x20\x6e\157\164\40\x61\143\143\x65\160\x74\x65\x64\56"); goto PZ0gt; o8PS2: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto fWyYv; wPvsA: ZXVcf: goto dQJuk; dQJuk: if (!$csDhJ instanceof mKTCO) { goto vegWN; } goto OS25W; Aqef4: } public function aGN59() : static { goto mmtq_; X63vR: $k82eB->Y8ObI = true; goto AFOQz; mmtq_: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto a6hDI; AFOQz: return $k82eB; goto ay2HB; a6hDI: $k82eB->QvFb7(UkSjT::BA11C()); goto X63vR; ay2HB: } public function y2R1_() : static { return $this->QvfB7($this->nsilN->T2qWr()); } public function R5dQt(mixed $BImHh, mixed $ZYF9K) : static { return $this->ZD2Ef($BImHh)->wXtAG($ZYF9K); } public function LkbCl(?int $pbRA8) : static { goto wrlPn; Eao4m: return $k82eB; goto CTlo8; PGH8w: $k82eB->a_gRC = $pbRA8 ?? 0; goto kV2tk; wrlPn: $k82eB = $this->VEUP5(); goto PGH8w; kV2tk: $k82eB->XmqJu(); goto Eao4m; CTlo8: } public function La1j6() : int { return $this->a_gRC ?? 0; } public function AllvW(int $pbRA8, ?bool $Dh3_w = null) : static { goto vlzNM; jZQOA: $Dh3_w = ($this->a_gRC & $pbRA8) !== $pbRA8; goto Yxu2A; mm8Os: return $this->LkBCL($Dh3_w ? $this->a_gRC | $pbRA8 : $this->a_gRC & ~$pbRA8); goto l2WuV; vlzNM: if (!($Dh3_w === null)) { goto RHQCw; } goto jZQOA; Yxu2A: RHQCw: goto mm8Os; l2WuV: } public function kkp1X(bool $Dh3_w = true) : static { return $this->AllVW(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, $Dh3_w); } public function vPjSf(bool $Dh3_w = true) : static { return $this->allvw(static::tn3X2, $Dh3_w); } public function getDateInterval() : uKSJt { return $this->nsilN->copy(); } public function getStartDate(?string $cCYxf = null) : oFsrz { $C7tCR = $this->rz3Hg->g1yP3(); return $cCYxf ? $C7tCR->round($this->getDateInterval(), $cCYxf) : $C7tCR; } public function getEndDate(?string $cCYxf = null) : ?OFSRz { goto x3R7A; cIGyH: return $cCYxf ? $C7tCR->round($this->getDateInterval(), $cCYxf) : $C7tCR; goto JWm92; M86C9: return null; goto MaxHN; MaxHN: pY7S4: goto s4JGF; x3R7A: if ($this->qgNGb) { goto pY7S4; } goto M86C9; s4JGF: $C7tCR = $this->qgNGb->G1Yp3(); goto cIGyH; JWm92: } #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getRecurrences() : int|float|null { return $this->Lsik7; } public function ahSP_() : bool { return ($this->a_gRC & static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE) !== 0; } public function wRx5T() : bool { return ($this->a_gRC & static::tn3X2) !== 0; } public function dVuha() : bool { return !$this->AhsP_(); } public function PUd2T() : bool { return !$this->wrX5T(); } public function ouTV6() : ofsrz { goto TRigo; TRigo: $BImHh = $this->getStartDate(); goto lsbWN; q2PHj: ZFDgy: goto UGsyy; UGsyy: return $BImHh; goto NT1CR; lsbWN: if (!$this->aHSP_()) { goto ZFDgy; } goto jR3A5; jR3A5: return $BImHh->add($this->getDateInterval()); goto q2PHj; NT1CR: } public function G4Q2e() : OFsRz { goto sXW50; sXW50: $ZYF9K = $this->getEndDate(); goto UlQ6y; Sl2ZU: return $ZYF9K; goto w0smw; c0EzK: yVNfz: goto Sl2ZU; OwAnx: BYnqb: goto UATmU; UlQ6y: if ($ZYF9K) { goto BYnqb; } goto LXQyr; UATmU: if (!$this->Wrx5t()) { goto yVNfz; } goto YEGF1; LXQyr: return $this->n1gxF(); goto OwAnx; YEGF1: return $ZYF9K->sub($this->getDateInterval()); goto c0EzK; w0smw: } public function D8gHy(callable|string $sgz4U, ?string $oT3fT = null) : static { goto eD2y7; hF9Io: $k82eB->XmQjU(); goto FuMEy; FuMEy: return $k82eB; goto N0Ndb; NN0Ng: $k82eB->N4a3Y[] = $Y5O6a; goto hF9Io; QiXpz: $Y5O6a = $k82eB->V94Hv(\func_get_args()); goto NN0Ng; eD2y7: $k82eB = $this->vEUp5(); goto QiXpz; N0Ndb: } public function PiqBD(callable|string $sgz4U, ?string $oT3fT = null) : static { goto UM5W2; UlBqx: return $k82eB; goto pM2wA; oZy9L: array_unshift($k82eB->N4a3Y, $Y5O6a); goto UK8ID; UK8ID: $k82eB->xMqJU(); goto UlBqx; UM5W2: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto VPbaA; VPbaA: $Y5O6a = $k82eB->v94hV(\func_get_args()); goto oZy9L; pM2wA: } public function CYzK3(callable|string $iMcZc) : static { goto bNGhE; bNGhE: $k82eB = $this->veUP5(); goto B9Ev8; z_wZy: return $k82eB; goto B5mKZ; B9Ev8: $i3A4k = \is_callable($iMcZc) ? 0 : 1; goto jcLc3; jcLc3: $k82eB->N4a3Y = array_values(array_filter($this->N4a3Y, static fn($Y5O6a) => $Y5O6a[$i3A4k] !== $iMcZc)); goto rE9YM; MZ3zF: $k82eB->xMqJu(); goto z_wZy; rE9YM: $k82eB->E51wl(); goto MZ3zF; B5mKZ: } public function kJtMQ(callable|string $iMcZc) : bool { goto dSrHd; htHfS: WQJTM: goto aa0qJ; aa0qJ: return false; goto U4uBk; dSrHd: $i3A4k = \is_callable($iMcZc) ? 0 : 1; goto hMwtp; hMwtp: foreach ($this->N4a3Y as $Y5O6a) { goto L2muw; OEHpe: oYhO_: goto gwAuf; gwAuf: clwID: goto PTFa1; isB05: return true; goto OEHpe; L2muw: if (!($Y5O6a[$i3A4k] === $iMcZc)) { goto oYhO_; } goto isB05; PTFa1: } goto htHfS; U4uBk: } public function amQiB() : array { return $this->N4a3Y; } public function MBLMo(array $JpYK_) : static { goto SlMXH; Uwjly: $k82eB->e51wl(); goto e2p3H; r5NQv: $k82eB->N4a3Y = $JpYK_; goto Uwjly; DFa89: return $k82eB; goto kRLWD; e2p3H: $k82eB->XmQjU(); goto DFa89; SlMXH: $k82eB = $this->vEup5(); goto r5NQv; kRLWD: } public function aPqtA() : static { goto hoTg1; qIdqg: return $k82eB; goto b4_rs; zDOlV: J0UYB: goto lyOk2; huOE8: $k82eB->N4a3Y[] = [static::nPCy6, null]; goto H0OqV; MpyCl: $k82eB->N4a3Y[] = [static::i1Gmk, null]; goto zDOlV; Y7W7O: $k82eB->N4a3Y = []; goto PdfiB; gj5K9: if (!($k82eB->Lsik7 !== null)) { goto J0UYB; } goto MpyCl; H0OqV: U5BYa: goto gj5K9; hoTg1: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto Y7W7O; lyOk2: $k82eB->XmqjU(); goto qIdqg; PdfiB: if (!($k82eB->qgNGb !== null)) { goto U5BYa; } goto huOE8; b4_rs: } public function iWdgS(int|float|null $wyHhb) : static { goto iLdIJ; AnLQ_: if ($k82eB->KjTmq(static::i1Gmk)) { goto EyGOu; } goto g8yC_; RY5o4: throw new sEQ4q("\x49\156\x76\x61\154\151\x64\x20\156\x75\155\x62\145\162\40\157\146\40\162\145\x63\x75\162\x72\x65\x6e\x63\145\163\x2e"); goto R1xF5; bCQIu: t9yVm: goto h8DoX; njkgU: $k82eB = $this->veUP5(); goto JyFuy; h8DoX: if (!($wyHhb < 0)) { goto sgpfU; } goto RY5o4; g8yC_: return $k82eB->d8gHY(static::i1Gmk); goto m36PF; lY9P4: $k82eB->xMqjU(); goto pnvpR; R1xF5: sgpfU: goto njkgU; rU7zB: return $this->CyZK3(static::i1Gmk); goto bCQIu; m36PF: EyGOu: goto lY9P4; JyFuy: $k82eB->Lsik7 = $wyHhb === INF ? INF : (int) $wyHhb; goto AnLQ_; iLdIJ: if (!($wyHhb === null)) { goto t9yVm; } goto rU7zB; pnvpR: return $k82eB; goto huoOs; huoOs: } public function ZD2EF(mixed $C7tCR, ?bool $fdPfE = null) : static { goto TEAns; Gz7Mg: return $k82eB; goto Rn7md; TEAns: if (!(!$this->bzdSh($C7tCR) && !($C7tCR = [$this->tTwRH, "\x6d\141\x6b\145"]($C7tCR)))) { goto lrNPu; } goto mhRMN; vScAi: if (!($fdPfE !== null)) { goto sGFgO; } goto CKIl3; Eyv88: sGFgO: goto Gz7Mg; mhRMN: throw new CeSMr("\111\156\166\141\154\151\144\x20\x73\164\x61\162\x74\40\x64\141\164\145\x2e"); goto BVw6g; OidGk: $k82eB->rz3Hg = $C7tCR; goto vScAi; CKIl3: $k82eB = $k82eB->aLlVW(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, !$fdPfE); goto Eyv88; BVw6g: lrNPu: goto K1BAP; K1BAP: $k82eB = $this->VeuP5(); goto OidGk; Rn7md: } public function wxTAG(mixed $C7tCR, ?bool $fdPfE = null) : static { goto qM7Ut; J9nUM: $k82eB->xMQjU(); goto a347o; tBq8y: $k82eB = $k82eB->aLLvw(static::tn3X2, !$fdPfE); goto OViT6; a347o: return $k82eB; goto Vyx5i; LS_hU: return $this->cYzK3(static::nPCy6); goto rBQeI; Rh6LO: if (!($fdPfE !== null)) { goto bDogI; } goto tBq8y; H2mvH: if ($C7tCR) { goto R3TmM; } goto LS_hU; Rwdlc: throw new ceSmR("\111\x6e\166\x61\x6c\151\x64\x20\145\x6e\x64\x20\144\x61\164\145\56"); goto tCxUL; AIVbT: $k82eB->qgNGb = $C7tCR; goto Rh6LO; OViT6: bDogI: goto JrBBh; qM7Ut: if (!($C7tCR !== null && !$this->bzDsH($C7tCR) && !($C7tCR = [$this->tTwRH, "\155\141\153\x65"]($C7tCR)))) { goto PQdJ9; } goto Rwdlc; ytm8U: $k82eB = $this->vEuP5(); goto AIVbT; G5ZQk: o6NXN: goto J9nUM; JrBBh: if ($k82eB->kjtMQ(static::nPCy6)) { goto o6NXN; } goto MEIXt; MEIXt: return $k82eB->d8Ghy(static::nPCy6); goto G5ZQk; rBQeI: R3TmM: goto ytm8U; tCxUL: PQdJ9: goto H2mvH; Vyx5i: } public function valid() : bool { return $this->PwtWd() === true; } public function key() : ?int { return $this->valid() ? $this->zuNK9 : null; } public function current() : ?OFsRz { return $this->valid() ? $this->D22Wd($this->raMa5) : null; } public function next() : void { goto CkCwF; CkCwF: if (!($this->raMa5 === null)) { goto fqoQr; } goto qo8wj; ngcn4: $this->zuNK9++; goto Y9bEx; UT5ob: if (!($this->OmVz0 !== static::j2Ls_)) { goto uJpxk; } goto ngcn4; qo8wj: $this->rewind(); goto n3EdP; n3EdP: fqoQr: goto UT5ob; yWkic: uJpxk: goto ouUQZ; Y9bEx: $this->ohmqF(); goto yWkic; ouUQZ: } public function rewind() : void { goto mwUWm; XkqMO: if (!$this->DU2zS()) { goto ibj16; } goto fZkT2; I3t0i: $this->OmVz0 = null; goto FJc3h; FJc3h: if (!($this->AHSP_() || $this->pWtwD() === false)) { goto xvlI8; } goto BzZh4; Isb9U: $this->d8aM0 = static::exjar($this->nsilN) ? $this->raMa5->getTimezone() : null; goto el9Wz; Sgt2O: $this->raMa5 = $this->raMa5->HRlFF(); goto JrCyI; BzZh4: $this->OhmQF(); goto LYy20; D1N22: $this->raMa5 = [$this->tTwRH, "\155\x61\x6b\x65"]($this->rz3Hg); goto HhTqq; JrCyI: g8MEP: goto I3t0i; LYy20: xvlI8: goto s1VFK; HhTqq: $sB4sT = $this->Odpx2(); goto XkqMO; el9Wz: if (!$this->d8aM0) { goto g8MEP; } goto Sgt2O; oEq0d: ibj16: goto ItYDP; fZkT2: $sB4sT["\154\x6f\143\141\x6c\145"] = $this->zSINO(); goto oEq0d; mwUWm: $this->zuNK9 = 0; goto D1N22; ItYDP: $this->raMa5->fxHrj($sB4sT); goto Isb9U; s1VFK: } public function i38BQ(int $SupPE = 1) : bool { goto X9SeP; BoYz4: $j3ztI--; goto YrBr3; YrBr3: goto mZfYM; goto LuQo6; X9SeP: $j3ztI = $SupPE; goto pXN1B; Ky7DO: $this->next(); goto esexa; esexa: ndG5A: goto BoYz4; Wn2Fv: if (!($this->valid() && $j3ztI > 0)) { goto in4h2; } goto Ky7DO; pXN1B: mZfYM: goto Wn2Fv; LuQo6: in4h2: goto U9QTN; U9QTN: return $this->valid(); goto NaFU4; NaFU4: } public function Wtb1w() : string { goto oirnt; otihu: return implode("\57", $kygrX); goto F0Esq; u_amu: $kygrX[] = $this->nsilN->dnBAB(); goto Uex1M; Uex1M: kmj0K: goto IHf_R; g3XVX: $kygrX[] = "\122" . $this->Lsik7; goto fCE2T; FIxDH: if (!($this->Lsik7 !== null)) { goto CYhxB; } goto g3XVX; x63Wb: if ($this->Y8ObI) { goto kmj0K; } goto u_amu; fCE2T: CYhxB: goto Y3dJp; DOCez: td7kG: goto otihu; Y3dJp: $kygrX[] = $this->rz3Hg->WTb1w(); goto x63Wb; IHf_R: if (!($this->qgNGb !== null)) { goto td7kG; } goto AB9K0; oirnt: $kygrX = []; goto FIxDH; AB9K0: $kygrX[] = $this->qgNGb->Wtb1W(); goto DOCez; F0Esq: } public function nd84Q() : string { goto RjREV; OtYN0: $kygrX[] = $this->Out2e("\160\145\x72\151\x6f\x64\x5f\162\145\x63\x75\x72\162\x65\156\143\145\163", [], $this->Lsik7, $wU8Xn); goto EzY0b; bvdU2: return $IxZ0T($this); goto PN55P; gBZq9: M2BZP: goto XU87V; MK64C: $kygrX[] = $this->oUT2e("\160\x65\x72\x69\x6f\144\137\151\156\164\145\162\166\141\154", ["\72\151\x6e\x74\145\x72\166\x61\154" => $this->nsilN->nj7qO(["\x6a\157\x69\x6e" => true])], null, $wU8Xn); goto ASqey; L82bP: if (!($this->qgNGb !== null)) { goto M2BZP; } goto DGg_k; HRe92: $kygrX = []; goto hZ05E; Oys09: $wU8Xn = [$this->tTwRH, "\147\145\164\124\x72\141\156\x73\154\x61\x74\x6f\162"](); goto HRe92; DGg_k: $kygrX[] = $this->Out2e("\160\x65\x72\151\x6f\144\137\x65\156\144\x5f\144\x61\164\145", ["\72\x64\141\164\x65" => $this->qgNGb->C2qzA($IxZ0T)], null, $wU8Xn); goto gBZq9; ASqey: $kygrX[] = $this->OUt2E("\x70\145\162\151\x6f\144\x5f\x73\164\141\162\164\x5f\144\x61\164\145", ["\72\x64\x61\164\x65" => $this->rz3Hg->c2qzA($IxZ0T)], null, $wU8Xn); goto L82bP; PN55P: YNHYf: goto Oys09; RjREV: $IxZ0T = $this->BrVHx ?? $this->XNbaL()->OdPx2()["\164\157\123\164\162\x69\156\x67\106\157\x72\155\x61\x74"] ?? null; goto Z8ZKy; RlL5C: if (!($this->Lsik7 !== null)) { goto eSxUz; } goto OtYN0; hZ05E: $IxZ0T = $IxZ0T ?? (!$this->rz3Hg->eb56w() || $this->qgNGb && !$this->qgNGb->EB56w() ? "\131\55\x6d\x2d\144\x20\x48\72\151\72\163" : "\x59\x2d\x6d\x2d\x64"); goto RlL5C; XU87V: $GTYPc = implode("\x20", $kygrX); goto ee2Oc; Z8ZKy: if (!$IxZ0T instanceof Closure) { goto YNHYf; } goto bvdU2; ee2Oc: return mXcmy(b6SXT($GTYPc, 0, 1)) . b6SxT($GTYPc, 1); goto SCFW0; EzY0b: eSxUz: goto MK64C; SCFW0: } public function dNBAB() : string { return $this->wtB1w(); } public function cast(string $QYfm_) : object { goto AAzCB; kj_Zs: xSeqf: goto u0QA0; g0YvG: return new $QYfm_($this->alda5($this->getStartDate()), $this->getDateInterval(), $this->getEndDate() ? $this->AldA5($this->g4q2e()) : $this->getRecurrences(), $this->AhsP_() ? DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE : 0); goto kj_Zs; QRCcD: u8i_0: goto zerDH; zerDH: return $QYfm_::s_aAP($this); goto yIYtu; u0QA0: throw new tKl_l("{$QYfm_}\x20\x68\x61\163\x20\156\x6f\164\x20\x74\x68\x65\40\151\156\163\x74\x61\156\143\x65\50\51\40\155\x65\x74\x68\x6f\144\40\156\x65\145\144\x65\144\40\x74\x6f\x20\x63\141\x73\x74\x20\x74\x68\x65\40\x64\x61\x74\x65\x2e"); goto QRCcD; MTCjF: if (!is_a($QYfm_, DatePeriod::class, true)) { goto xSeqf; } goto g0YvG; AAzCB: if (method_exists($QYfm_, "\x69\156\x73\x74\x61\x6e\143\x65")) { goto u8i_0; } goto MTCjF; yIYtu: } public function OvS2A() : DatePeriod { return $this->cast(DatePeriod::class); } public function P8c1Y() : bool { goto V9MTj; Tf1sL: V7tzs: goto mwyaF; V9MTj: foreach ($this->N4a3Y as $iMcZc) { goto nF67Q; nF67Q: switch ($iMcZc) { case [static::i1Gmk, null]: goto EyfvS; ELvfl: nuDIG: goto TYNFo; Y7QDb: return false; goto ELvfl; TYNFo: goto NpnwI; goto Rfwpy; EyfvS: if (!($this->Lsik7 !== null && is_finite($this->Lsik7))) { goto nuDIG; } goto Y7QDb; Rfwpy: case [static::nPCy6, null]: goto GdfIF; J_ZaF: goto NpnwI; goto eS0cX; GdfIF: if (!($this->qgNGb !== null && !$this->qgNGb->X36IJ())) { goto kCgsc; } goto B9a3S; B9a3S: return false; goto kTDcO; kTDcO: kCgsc: goto J_ZaF; eS0cX: default: return false; } goto Lltcw; LlPfp: Y5NtR: goto stW2v; y0xFz: NpnwI: goto LlPfp; Lltcw: K6suK: goto y0xFz; stW2v: } goto Tf1sL; mwyaF: return true; goto NgAG2; NgAG2: } public function toArray() : array { goto UAedB; UAedB: if (!$this->P8c1Y()) { goto TDozw; } goto EzpQW; EzpQW: throw new Ty73q("\x45\x6e\x64\x6c\x65\163\163\40\x70\145\x72\151\x6f\x64\x20\x63\141\x6e\x27\164\x20\x62\x65\x20\x63\x6f\156\x76\x65\162\x74\x65\144\x20\x74\157\40\x61\162\162\x61\x79\40\x6e\x6f\162\40\x63\x6f\165\156\164\x65\x64\x2e"); goto YFhIH; AnJxu: $GTYPc = iterator_to_array($this); goto d9f8l; czlMB: $Dh3_w = [$this->zuNK9, $this->raMa5 ? $this->raMa5->G1yp3() : null, $this->OmVz0]; goto AnJxu; d9f8l: [$this->zuNK9, $this->raMa5, $this->OmVz0] = $Dh3_w; goto RKQuJ; RKQuJ: return $GTYPc; goto S8sSD; YFhIH: TDozw: goto czlMB; S8sSD: } public function count() : int { return \count($this->toArray()); } public function FeJdH() : ?ofsrZ { goto iQqAc; M5qRE: jzbOl: goto CPxLt; ZaNYP: foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { goto r10lI; IYhc7: ecfHn: goto IcLTw; r10lI: $this->rewind(); goto dNhZK; dNhZK: return $C7tCR; goto IYhc7; IcLTw: } goto M5qRE; iQqAc: if (!$this->p8c1y()) { goto k0k5b; } goto ZaNYP; Ql2fn: return ($this->toArray() ?: [])[0] ?? null; goto Fn3qQ; CPxLt: return null; goto no2az; no2az: k0k5b: goto Ql2fn; Fn3qQ: } public function R_Iof() : ?ofSRz { $SmXRz = $this->toArray(); return $SmXRz ? $SmXRz[\count($SmXRz) - 1] : null; } public function __toString() : string { return $this->nd84q(); } public function __call(string $LAMCf, array $ebTkq) : mixed { goto qzXMC; IV1vv: ZSykY: goto Dwrfj; GZW0h: Ii9uh: goto MRJrt; MRJrt: $SupPE = \count($ebTkq); goto FvGNJ; Dwrfj: zvnf_: goto UjjQq; pHCxf: $lw8Af = $this->PcS9U($LAMCf, $ebTkq); goto n6eNJ; qzXMC: if (!static::K_RNs($LAMCf)) { goto uXCR6; } goto thVR1; JzgLa: Nm6QA: goto TbB8c; FvGNJ: switch ($LAMCf) { case "\x73\164\x61\x72\x74": case "\163\151\156\143\x65": goto je__J; HAb34: return $this->zD2ef(...$ebTkq); goto bgelT; U15lK: self::amoTA($ebTkq, [[0, "\144\x61\164\x65", null]]); goto HAb34; je__J: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto nwtSy; } goto z34jE; z34jE: return $this->getStartDate(); goto iQSwh; iQSwh: nwtSy: goto U15lK; bgelT: case "\163\151\156\143\x65\116\x6f\167": return $this->ZD2eF(new RXEen(), ...$ebTkq); case "\145\x6e\x64": case "\165\x6e\x74\x69\154": goto HtX7f; MexeH: self::AmOTa($ebTkq, [[0, "\144\141\x74\145", null]]); goto YxIZv; HtX7f: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto tTnOU; } goto G3rWk; yzV2A: tTnOU: goto MexeH; G3rWk: return $this->getEndDate(); goto yzV2A; YxIZv: return $this->wXtag(...$ebTkq); goto EYr6g; EYr6g: case "\x75\x6e\x74\x69\x6c\116\x6f\x77": return $this->WXtaG(new rXEen(), ...$ebTkq); case "\144\x61\x74\x65\x73": case "\142\145\164\x77\x65\x65\156": self::AmOta($ebTkq, [[0, "\163\164\141\x72\164", null], [1, "\x65\x6e\144", null]]); return $this->R5dQt(...$ebTkq); case "\x72\145\x63\x75\x72\162\145\x6e\143\145\x73": case "\x74\151\155\145\163": goto a6xsa; YAiY1: self::amoTa($ebTkq, [[0, "\162\145\x63\x75\x72\x72\145\x6e\143\145\163", null]]); goto N9Uw6; JboFs: return $this->getRecurrences(); goto p8WtG; a6xsa: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto iKtuP; } goto JboFs; p8WtG: iKtuP: goto YAiY1; N9Uw6: return $this->IWdgs(...$ebTkq); goto tX2aS; tX2aS: case "\x6f\160\164\151\157\x6e\163": goto ICqM7; QfcGj: return $this->LKbcl(...$ebTkq); goto zh6LE; ICqM7: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto MqclD; } goto ZPQcL; qA0nW: MqclD: goto hbMD6; ZPQcL: return $this->la1J6(); goto qA0nW; hbMD6: self::AMOTA($ebTkq, [[0, "\157\160\164\x69\157\156\163", null]]); goto QfcGj; zh6LE: case "\x74\x6f\x67\x67\154\145": self::amotA($ebTkq, [[0, "\157\x70\x74\151\157\x6e\163", null]]); return $this->AlLvW(...$ebTkq); case "\146\151\x6c\164\x65\162": case "\x70\165\x73\150": return $this->D8GHY(...$ebTkq); case "\x70\162\x65\160\145\156\144": return $this->piqbd(...$ebTkq); case "\146\x69\x6c\x74\x65\162\163": goto Tdvxm; B1kNc: return $this->aMQIB(); goto ZJa3F; ITq9U: return $this->mbLMo(...$ebTkq); goto ti3Mt; ZJa3F: H7Nmg: goto bdxKn; bdxKn: self::AMOta($ebTkq, [[0, "\x66\151\x6c\164\x65\x72\163", []]]); goto ITq9U; Tdvxm: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto H7Nmg; } goto B1kNc; ti3Mt: case "\x69\156\164\145\162\166\141\x6c": case "\145\x61\143\150": case "\145\x76\x65\x72\x79": case "\163\x74\x65\160": case "\x73\x74\145\x70\102\x79": goto lR7s8; L_RBP: VsWZU: goto iJ9wx; lR7s8: if (!($SupPE === 0)) { goto VsWZU; } goto BJ1Na; iJ9wx: return $this->QvFB7(...$ebTkq); goto qQDPL; BJ1Na: return $this->getDateInterval(); goto L_RBP; qQDPL: case "\151\x6e\x76\145\162\164": return $this->y2R1_(); case "\171\145\x61\162\163": case "\171\x65\x61\162": case "\x6d\157\156\164\x68\163": case "\x6d\x6f\x6e\164\x68": case "\x77\x65\145\153\163": case "\167\x65\145\153": case "\x64\141\x79\163": case "\144\x61\171\172": case "\x64\x61\x79": case "\150\157\165\162\163": case "\x68\157\x75\x72": case "\x6d\x69\156\165\x74\145\163": case "\x6d\x69\156\165\164\145": case "\163\x65\x63\x6f\156\x64\163": case "\x73\145\x63\157\156\x64": case "\x6d\151\154\x6c\x69\x73\x65\143\157\x6e\144\163": case "\155\x69\154\x6c\x69\x73\145\x63\x6f\156\144": case "\155\151\143\x72\157\x73\145\x63\x6f\x6e\x64\x73": case "\155\x69\x63\x72\157\x73\x65\x63\157\x6e\x64": return $this->qVfB7([$this->Y8ObI ? new UksJt("\120\x54\x30\123") : $this->nsilN, $LAMCf](...$ebTkq)); } goto IV1vv; VXBdO: return $lw8Af; goto GZW0h; thVR1: return static::C661C($this, fn() => $this->b4plt($LAMCf, $ebTkq)); goto Sr406; Sr406: uXCR6: goto pHCxf; n6eNJ: if (!($lw8Af !== null)) { goto Ii9uh; } goto VXBdO; UjjQq: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto geuaJ; TbB8c: return $this; goto VbS29; geuaJ: if (!($this->acPFG ?? $aQbOb::oGvA7())) { goto Nm6QA; } goto Bx_Of; Bx_Of: throw new Fdolu($LAMCf); goto JzgLa; VbS29: } public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone|string|int $Ewh2z) : static { goto B5BNR; kmBPr: if (!$k82eB->rz3Hg) { goto OIqyd; } goto lpSwg; Q0BUS: $k82eB->d8aM0 = GioAG::s_aAp($Ewh2z); goto kmBPr; hBBpQ: aBvJO: goto Si68x; B5BNR: $k82eB = $this->vEup5(); goto PU0T5; PcX_9: $k82eB = $k82eB->wxtaG($k82eB->qgNGb->setTimezone($Ewh2z)); goto hBBpQ; lpSwg: $k82eB = $k82eB->zd2EF($k82eB->rz3Hg->setTimezone($Ewh2z)); goto aTgHy; Si68x: return $k82eB; goto rfavQ; PU0T5: $k82eB->vh03T = $Ewh2z; goto Q0BUS; aTgHy: OIqyd: goto rLvcv; rLvcv: if (!$k82eB->qgNGb) { goto aBvJO; } goto PcX_9; rfavQ: } public function p7BL9(DateTimeZone|string|int $Ewh2z) : static { goto J8PJP; mwZkA: if (!$k82eB->qgNGb) { goto WbFU1; } goto u_HuM; Esiye: $k82eB = $k82eB->zd2EF($k82eB->rz3Hg->P7Bl9($Ewh2z)); goto qhk_T; Z6mN4: $k82eB->vh03T = $Ewh2z; goto c2RMJ; jae0U: return $k82eB; goto J4691; qhk_T: wS9lP: goto mwZkA; J8PJP: $k82eB = $this->VeUP5(); goto Z6mN4; IUZQu: WbFU1: goto jae0U; QL__r: if (!$k82eB->rz3Hg) { goto wS9lP; } goto Esiye; u_HuM: $k82eB = $k82eB->wXTaG($k82eB->qgNGb->P7bL9($Ewh2z)); goto IUZQu; c2RMJ: $k82eB->d8aM0 = giOaG::S_Aap($Ewh2z); goto QL__r; J4691: } public function n1gxF(?string $cCYxf = null) : ofsrZ { goto dCD8y; RhQf8: EuuQL: goto sz_N5; sz_N5: if (!$this->nsilN->isEmpty()) { goto UB48E; } goto lh2WR; HORIN: f8rqz: goto hzeXo; aL24k: return $ZYF9K; goto RhQf8; MdSZg: $C7tCR = $C7tCR->G1YP3()->round($this->getDateInterval(), $cCYxf); goto HORIN; nscRw: if (!($C7tCR && $cCYxf)) { goto f8rqz; } goto MdSZg; lh2WR: return $this->getStartDate($cCYxf); goto Zl65b; hzeXo: return $C7tCR; goto Q_mtE; Zl65b: UB48E: goto V6sBY; dCD8y: if (!($ZYF9K = $this->getEndDate($cCYxf))) { goto EuuQL; } goto aL24k; V6sBY: $C7tCR = $this->JzGk0() ?? $this->bU_WD(); goto nscRw; Q_mtE: } private function jZGk0() : ?OFsrZ { goto gXjxZ; dinXX: if (!($this->Lsik7 === INF)) { goto d5r91; } goto lMvVP; gXjxZ: if (!($this->Lsik7 === null)) { goto RowNa; } goto Eu3XQ; QSJTh: return null; goto RPtkU; Eu3XQ: throw new Q678r("\x43\x6f\165\x6c\x64\x20\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x63\x61\x6c\x63\x75\x6c\141\x74\145\40\x70\x65\x72\x69\157\x64\40\x65\x6e\x64\x20\x77\x69\164\150\x6f\165\x74\x20\145\151\164\x68\x65\162\40\145\170\160\154\x69\143\151\x74\x20\145\156\144\40\x6f\x72\x20\162\145\143\x75\x72\x72\x65\x6e\x63\x65\x73\x2e\xa" . "\111\146\40\x79\x6f\165\47\x72\x65\40\154\x6f\x6f\153\x69\x6e\x67\x20\146\157\x72\40\141\x20\146\157\162\x65\166\x65\x72\x2d\x70\145\162\x69\x6f\x64\x2c\x20\165\x73\145\x20\x2d\76\163\x65\x74\122\x65\x63\x75\162\162\145\x6e\143\145\x73\x28\x49\116\x46\51\56"); goto WOlek; JaqW3: FRtKX: goto QSJTh; RbFYa: return $this->getStartDate()->G1yp3()->add($this->getDateInterval()->mkSnD($this->Lsik7 - ($this->ahsp_() ? 0 : 1))); goto JaqW3; lMvVP: $BImHh = $this->getStartDate(); goto m42M7; d2T5c: d5r91: goto Bo2tT; m42M7: return $BImHh < $BImHh->G1YP3()->add($this->getDateInterval()) ? I5kPp::V3vrz() : I5kPP::L8WtM(); goto d2T5c; Bo2tT: if (!($this->N4a3Y === [[static::i1Gmk, null]])) { goto FRtKX; } goto RbFYa; WOlek: RowNa: goto dinXX; RPtkU: } private function Bu_wD() : ?OFSRz { goto fBmSe; fBmSe: $Bs90H = 0; goto I451W; BoouE: return $C7tCR; goto mWSRV; moOlC: l1rKg: goto BoouE; I451W: $C7tCR = null; goto RZS_V; RZS_V: foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { goto VFJ44; Gaxzn: throw new q678R("\x43\157\165\154\144\x20\156\157\x74\40\143\x61\154\143\x75\x6c\141\x74\x65\40\160\x65\162\151\x6f\x64\40\x65\156\x64\x20\x61\146\x74\145\162\x20\151\164\145\x72\x61\x74\151\156\x67\40" . static::chafl . "\x20\x74\x69\155\x65\x73\x2e"); goto C_rEA; C_rEA: i9zLI: goto R7fc2; R7fc2: RCCBL: goto JeZv3; VFJ44: if (!(++$Bs90H > static::chafl)) { goto i9zLI; } goto Gaxzn; JeZv3: } goto moOlC; mWSRV: } public function CbRLM(mixed $WmVH3, mixed $YUVr3 = null) : bool { goto YWvNa; g6oy4: [$BImHh, $ZYF9K] = $this->YyTD5($this->getStartDate(), $this->N1GXf()); goto QloOb; YWvNa: $kycgu = $YUVr3 ? static::create($WmVH3, $YUVr3) : $WmVH3; goto WBJrB; xFaBu: return $ZYF9K > $GNCBO && $YUVr3 > $BImHh; goto T_SiZ; WBJrB: if ($kycgu instanceof self) { goto lqrtS; } goto oxo_k; oxo_k: $kycgu = static::create($kycgu); goto PlMrq; QloOb: [$GNCBO, $YUVr3] = $this->YyTd5($kycgu->getStartDate(), $kycgu->n1gxf()); goto xFaBu; PlMrq: lqrtS: goto g6oy4; T_SiZ: } public function forEach(callable $sgz4U) : void { foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { $sgz4U($C7tCR); WUVNi: } vgaDQ: } public function XiMOd(callable $sgz4U) : Generator { foreach ($this as $C7tCR) { (yield $sgz4U($C7tCR)); no6tQ: } Kah4l: } public function Kp3yl(mixed $dojh9) : bool { return $this->ECgHZ($dojh9); } public function eCgHZ(mixed $dojh9) : bool { goto J9tQi; RHf1I: return $dojh9 !== null && $this->getDateInterval()->KP3YL($dojh9->getDateInterval()) && $this->getStartDate()->Kp3YL($dojh9->getStartDate()) && ($ZYF9K ? $ZYF9K->KP3Yl($dojh9->getEndDate()) : $this->getRecurrences() === $dojh9->getRecurrences()) && ($this->la1j6() & ~static::BpuWi) === ($dojh9->LA1j6() & ~static::BpuWi); goto HJQba; J9tQi: if ($dojh9 instanceof self) { goto D_7yB; } goto fU871; WbrL1: $ZYF9K = $this->getEndDate(); goto RHf1I; pzIkj: D_7yB: goto WbrL1; fU871: $dojh9 = self::TPoW9($dojh9); goto pzIkj; HJQba: } public function xeXzj(mixed $dojh9) : bool { return $this->O_yBX($dojh9); } public function O_Ybx(mixed $dojh9) : bool { return !$this->kP3Yl($dojh9); } public function xig7n(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->aYwNv($this->vmfDe($C7tCR)); } public function xyyzP(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->i78wD($this->vMfdE($C7tCR)); } public function b4AnN(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->OcEz6($this->VmfDe($C7tCR)); } public function Oqs8N(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->SrO2e($this->vMfde($C7tCR)); } public function e5344(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->getStartDate()->ECghz($this->vMfdE($C7tCR)); } public function RUPQH(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->n1gxf()->aYwnV($this->VMFde($C7tCR)); } public function ygopa(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->N1GxF()->I78wd($this->vMfdE($C7tCR)); } public function ebjlp(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->n1GXf()->OCEZ6($this->VmFDE($C7tCR)); } public function nDAvr(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->n1gxf()->sRO2e($this->vMfDE($C7tCR)); } public function v0oIa(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { return $this->N1GxF()->eCghZ($this->vMFDE($C7tCR)); } public function isStarted() : bool { return $this->xYyZP(); } public function QyHZ3() : bool { return $this->YgOpA(); } public function M6Jk3() : bool { return $this->isStarted() && !$this->qyhz3(); } public function votyi(string $csDhJ, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = 1, callable|string $htrKY = "\162\157\165\x6e\144") : static { goto OSIYd; vQFLd: wNZQx: goto DXpWq; Q8eMU: if (!$k82eB->qgNGb) { goto wNZQx; } goto BPh9V; OSIYd: $k82eB = $this->VeUP5(); goto ypNwv; BPh9V: $k82eB = $k82eB->wxtAG($k82eB->getEndDate()->VOtYi($csDhJ, $UxXCc, $htrKY)); goto vQFLd; DXpWq: return $k82eB->qVFB7($k82eB->getDateInterval()->vOTyI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, $htrKY)); goto jEoj3; ypNwv: $k82eB = $k82eB->zD2eF($k82eB->getStartDate()->VOTYI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, $htrKY)); goto Q8eMU; jEoj3: } public function JTz7I(string $csDhJ, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = 1) : static { return $this->vOTYI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, "\x66\x6c\157\x6f\x72"); } public function gVoNQ(string $csDhJ, DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = 1) : static { return $this->VOTYI($csDhJ, $UxXCc, "\x63\x65\151\x6c"); } public function round(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = null, callable|string $htrKY = "\162\157\x75\x6e\x64") : static { return $this->p4PHQ($UxXCc ?? $this->getDateInterval()->r7a0A(wwNU5::get("\145\x6e"))->Nj7Qo(), $htrKY); } public function floor(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = null) : static { return $this->round($UxXCc, "\x66\154\157\x6f\x72"); } public function ceil(DateInterval|float|int|string|null $UxXCc = null) : static { return $this->round($UxXCc, "\x63\x65\151\154"); } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return $this->toArray(); } public function contains(mixed $C7tCR = null) : bool { goto kiNrM; i64Cn: $BYF0b = "\x65\156\x64\163\x41\146\x74\x65\x72" . ($this->PUD2T() ? "\117\x72\101\x74" : ''); goto bjm9Z; kiNrM: $rkfLs = "\x73\164\141\x72\164\x73\x42\145\146\157\162\145" . ($this->DvUhA() ? "\x4f\x72\101\x74" : ''); goto i64Cn; bjm9Z: return $this->{$rkfLs}($C7tCR) && $this->{$BYF0b}($C7tCR); goto sWOWZ; sWOWZ: } public function Cgw5u(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : bool { $dojh9 = $this->G39fn($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); return $this->OUTV6()->ECGhZ($dojh9->g4Q2e()->add($dojh9->getDateInterval())); } public function J8_oq(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : bool { $dojh9 = $this->G39FN($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); return $dojh9->CgW5U($this); } public function VSbAH(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : bool { return $this->CgW5U($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq) || $this->j8_Oq($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); } public function __debugInfo() : array { goto JkMyh; Ps2EC: return $YTiup; goto d4oBg; LUSCT: unset($YTiup["\163\x74\x61\162\x74"], $YTiup["\145\x6e\144"], $YTiup["\x69\156\x74\145\x72\x76\141\154"], $YTiup["\x69\156\x63\x6c\x75\144\x65\137\163\164\x61\x72\164\137\x64\141\164\x65"], $YTiup["\x69\x6e\143\154\165\x64\145\137\x65\x6e\144\137\144\x61\x74\145"]); goto Ps2EC; JkMyh: $YTiup = $this->WmK_M(); goto LUSCT; d4oBg: } protected function e51Wl() : void { goto MGQDC; fcgm1: DnG9V: goto fsIdz; fsIdz: if ($this->kjtmQ(static::i1Gmk)) { goto KeFeQ; } goto zpISY; zpISY: $this->Lsik7 = null; goto yiG3B; MGQDC: if ($this->kJtMq(static::nPCy6)) { goto DnG9V; } goto sJSxZ; sJSxZ: $this->qgNGb = null; goto fcgm1; yiG3B: KeFeQ: goto CQdO4; CQdO4: } protected function V94hV(array $ebTkq) : array { goto AsQ7l; AsQ7l: $LAMCf = array_shift($ebTkq); goto bQxu4; bQxu4: if ($this->SM21E($LAMCf)) { goto Jimaq; } goto jsG8k; uY_vV: return [static fn($C7tCR) => [$C7tCR, $LAMCf](...$ebTkq), $LAMCf]; goto aYfwm; Z4TgO: Jimaq: goto uY_vV; jsG8k: return [$LAMCf, array_shift($ebTkq)]; goto Z4TgO; aYfwm: } protected function Sm21e(callable|string $vT0jR) : bool { return \is_string($vT0jR) && str_starts_with($vT0jR, "\151\163") && (method_exists($this->tTwRH, $vT0jR) || [$this->tTwRH, "\x68\x61\x73\x4d\141\x63\x72\157"]($vT0jR)); } protected function c7Z_1(OFsrz $ks4jv, int $i3A4k) : bool|callable { goto dPFhZ; dPFhZ: if (!($i3A4k < $this->Lsik7)) { goto LQ7PF; } goto uSS_g; YHVzI: LQ7PF: goto NAxC8; uSS_g: return true; goto YHVzI; NAxC8: return static::j2Ls_; goto DnWWH; DnWWH: } protected function AUsgK(OFsrz $ks4jv) : bool|callable { goto tqQjk; tqQjk: if (!(!$this->WRX5T() && $ks4jv == $this->qgNGb)) { goto dYDhm; } goto OyK8r; BHgo3: if (!($this->nsilN->LXJHL ? $ks4jv > $this->qgNGb : $ks4jv < $this->qgNGb)) { goto ygia9; } goto RvBvl; qnVSh: dYDhm: goto BHgo3; OyK8r: return true; goto qnVSh; TlS_L: ygia9: goto RT4j8; RvBvl: return true; goto TlS_L; RT4j8: return static::j2Ls_; goto jOzRj; jOzRj: } protected function endIteration() : callable { return static::j2Ls_; } protected function xMQJu() : void { goto grvkl; W_XZb: $this->OmVz0 = null; goto L36SL; yDaCR: goto xMP1h; goto B0rFd; C3TGL: if (!($this->lA1J6() & static::BpuWi) && $this->tTwRH === I5KpP::class) { goto wDDWr; } goto yDaCR; BqWw_: $this->tTwRH = i5Kpp::class; goto c_7YD; LwgLV: $this->tTwRH = rXEeN::class; goto lYowS; IbnbO: wDDWr: goto LwgLV; lYowS: xMP1h: goto W_XZb; grvkl: if ($this->la1J6() & static::BpuWi && $this->tTwRH === rxeen::class) { goto BcIpG; } goto C3TGL; B0rFd: BcIpG: goto BqWw_; c_7YD: goto xMP1h; goto IbnbO; L36SL: } protected function pWTWd() : bool|callable { goto H7_Zj; EoVVb: $this->rewind(); goto xk5LD; xk5LD: alBDc: goto YF1X_; H7_Zj: if (!($this->raMa5 === null)) { goto alBDc; } goto EoVVb; YF1X_: return $this->OmVz0 ?? ($this->OmVz0 = $this->PG3X9()); goto ItCER; ItCER: } protected function PG3x9() : bool|callable { goto W7h9w; W7h9w: $ks4jv = $this->D22wD($this->raMa5); goto r0oCz; r0oCz: foreach ($this->N4a3Y as $Y5O6a) { goto L9kZC; L9kZC: $GTYPc = \call_user_func($Y5O6a[0], $ks4jv->g1yp3(), $this->zuNK9, $this); goto adoyR; dxIZt: return static::j2Ls_; goto uyg49; f2n6Q: o1Al8: goto uzO0_; uyg49: frW5m: goto m1b7G; m1b7G: if ($GTYPc) { goto o1Al8; } goto IgsMs; IgsMs: return false; goto f2n6Q; adoyR: if (!($GTYPc === static::j2Ls_)) { goto frW5m; } goto dxIZt; uzO0_: vRPFs: goto mClBZ; mClBZ: } goto yAM0p; G3wNo: return true; goto fyuBq; yAM0p: crj7i: goto G3wNo; fyuBq: } protected function D22wD(oFsrZ $C7tCR) { goto a8cHI; a8cHI: $C7tCR = [$this->tTwRH, "\x6d\x61\x6b\145"]($C7tCR); goto Ke0Sq; Ke0Sq: if (!$this->d8aM0) { goto d0bRU; } goto DqM9g; hkrCI: d0bRU: goto NUEPE; DqM9g: $C7tCR = $C7tCR->setTimezone($this->d8aM0); goto hkrCI; NUEPE: return $C7tCR; goto y1UjL; y1UjL: } protected function OhMQf() : void { goto K53Jm; K53Jm: $Bs90H = 0; goto vifQ9; E9sx0: if (!(++$Bs90H > static::wmXPI)) { goto DlCn9; } goto j9Kd4; gWV8y: $this->OmVz0 = null; goto E9sx0; pDJ7j: $this->raMa5 = $this->raMa5->add($this->nsilN); goto gWV8y; j9Kd4: throw new Q678r("\x43\157\165\154\x64\40\x6e\157\x74\40\x66\x69\x6e\x64\40\x6e\x65\170\164\40\x76\141\x6c\x69\x64\40\144\x61\x74\x65\56"); goto FlveU; vifQ9: kCD6J: goto pDJ7j; Ajacz: NC0Sy: goto lN1Dy; FlveU: DlCn9: goto qd8DQ; qd8DQ: if ($this->PwtWd() === false) { goto kCD6J; } goto Ajacz; lN1Dy: } protected function B4PLT(string $oT3fT, array $ebTkq) : mixed { goto oNEG3; Rpmkg: egheO: goto oV8Ol; oNEG3: $HK2ib = static::$wdycN[$oT3fT]; goto bUW9J; vrLNj: $rt_4j = @$HK2ib->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$HK2ib->bindTo(null, static::class); goto h7ZGy; oV8Ol: return $HK2ib(...$ebTkq); goto EYn9b; h7ZGy: return ($rt_4j ?: $HK2ib)(...$ebTkq); goto Rpmkg; bUW9J: if (!$HK2ib instanceof Closure) { goto egheO; } goto vrLNj; EYn9b: } protected function vmFde($C7tCR = null) { return $this->getStartDate()->QgGYh()->Lr7qp($C7tCR); } protected function G39fn(mixed $dojh9, mixed ...$Jbbdq) : self { goto vldVB; oXo6M: return $dojh9 instanceof DatePeriod ? static::S_AAP($dojh9) : static::create($dojh9, ...$Jbbdq); goto jNLf7; FmSdY: Gu5M_: goto oXo6M; vldVB: if (!$dojh9 instanceof self) { goto Gu5M_; } goto cT_bU; cT_bU: return $dojh9; goto FmSdY; jNLf7: } private function YYtd5($ZRN3Y, $mCvB3) : array { return $ZRN3Y > $mCvB3 ? [$mCvB3, $ZRN3Y] : [$ZRN3Y, $mCvB3]; } private function plC3B($A7OoB) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto VDxeT; NgSct: BPKWM: goto wnm0C; t_2PK: if (!($A7OoB instanceof na1Ru || $A7OoB instanceof OWF6g)) { goto esPvU; } goto PIdod; f04YD: return $aQbOb::cV2GA($A7OoB, $this->vh03T); goto NgSct; t86Pa: $A7OoB = trim($A7OoB); goto LhvBZ; Bdd7I: return null; goto jSigG; Ch8Wi: return new $aQbOb($A7OoB, $this->vh03T); goto a6wZE; wnm0C: VZZvv: goto Bdd7I; LhvBZ: if (!(!preg_match("\57\136\x50\x5b\134\x64\x54\x5d\57", $A7OoB) && !preg_match("\x2f\136\x52\x5c\144\x2f", $A7OoB) && preg_match("\x2f\133\x61\x2d\x7a\x5c\x64\135\x2f\151", $A7OoB))) { goto BPKWM; } goto nLZqH; ipwNr: if (!\is_string($A7OoB)) { goto VZZvv; } goto t86Pa; nLZqH: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto f04YD; VDxeT: if (!$A7OoB instanceof DateTimeInterface) { goto phufc; } goto IcmYU; IcmYU: return $A7OoB; goto bXX1l; PIdod: $aQbOb = $this->tTwRH; goto Ch8Wi; a6wZE: esPvU: goto ipwNr; bXX1l: phufc: goto t_2PK; jSigG: } private function bZdsH($C7tCR) : bool { return $C7tCR instanceof ofsRZ && ($C7tCR->x36Ij() || $C7tCR->fY6Qo()); } private function aLDa5($C7tCR) : ?DateTimeInterface { goto bGGK2; mBZpw: return null; goto gBY2b; GZ3UW: if (!$C7tCR instanceof OFSrZ) { goto bkWj7; } goto T5T10; rA6um: bkWj7: goto hZoqA; T5T10: return $C7tCR->MFk9y() ? $C7tCR->CwEaC() : $C7tCR->Ca5Cq(); goto rA6um; bGGK2: if (!($C7tCR === false || $C7tCR === null)) { goto nBo_U; } goto mBZpw; DdUmL: return new $TjR8t($C7tCR->format("\x59\x2d\155\55\144\40\x48\72\x69\72\x73\56\165"), $C7tCR->getTimezone()); goto DrUQc; uvg1v: $TjR8t = $C7tCR instanceof DateTime ? DateTime::class : DateTimeImmutable::class; goto DdUmL; gBY2b: nBo_U: goto GZ3UW; uwC9t: w9a94: goto uvg1v; hZoqA: if (!\in_array(\get_class($C7tCR), [DateTime::class, DateTimeImmutable::class], true)) { goto w9a94; } goto c44kr; c44kr: return $C7tCR; goto uwC9t; DrUQc: } private static function AmOta(array &$ebTkq, array $Z6h4Q) : void { foreach ($Z6h4Q as [$YbP5J, $oT3fT, $A7OoB]) { goto Im6a0; aE9og: BiS3E: goto Kmwcf; zcQ_T: $ebTkq[$YbP5J] = $A7OoB; goto aE9og; Im6a0: if (!(!\array_key_exists($YbP5J, $ebTkq) && !\array_key_exists($oT3fT, $ebTkq))) { goto BiS3E; } goto zcQ_T; Kmwcf: bka5o: goto h95zs; h95zs: } YmmNo: } }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 146 ms