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PHP Decode

$message = $logging_row['MESSAGE']; preg_match('/"M3UCount": (\d+),/', $me..

Decoded Output download

<?   $message = $logging_row['MESSAGE']; 
            preg_match('/"M3UCount": (\d+),/', $message, $m3u_count_match); 
            preg_match('/"MP3Count": (\d+),/', $message, $mp3_count_match); 
            $m3u_count = isset($m3u_count_match[1]) ? (int)$m3u_count_match[1] : 0; 
            $mp3_count = isset($mp3_count_match[1]) ? (int)$mp3_count_match[1] : 0; 
            // Decode the message to extract M3UFiles and MP3Files 
            preg_match_all('/"(M3UFiles|MP3Files)":\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/', $message, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); 
            $file_arrays = []; 
            foreach ($matches as $match) { 
                $file_type = $match[1]; 
                $files = explode(',', $match[2]); 
                // Trim whitespace from each file 
                $files = array_map('trim', $files); 
                // Remove double quotes from each file 
                $files = array_map(function ($file) { 
                    return trim($file, '"'); 
                }, $files); 
                if (!isset($file_arrays[$file_type])) { 
                    $file_arrays[$file_type] = []; 
                $file_arrays[$file_type] = array_merge($file_arrays[$file_type], $files); 
            } ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 $message = $logging_row['MESSAGE'];

            preg_match('/"M3UCount": (\d+),/', $message, $m3u_count_match);
            preg_match('/"MP3Count": (\d+),/', $message, $mp3_count_match);

            $m3u_count = isset($m3u_count_match[1]) ? (int)$m3u_count_match[1] : 0;
            $mp3_count = isset($mp3_count_match[1]) ? (int)$mp3_count_match[1] : 0;

            // Decode the message to extract M3UFiles and MP3Files
            preg_match_all('/"(M3UFiles|MP3Files)":\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/', $message, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            $file_arrays = [];

            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                $file_type = $match[1];
                $files = explode(',', $match[2]);

                // Trim whitespace from each file
                $files = array_map('trim', $files);

                // Remove double quotes from each file
                $files = array_map(function ($file) {
                    return trim($file, '"');
                }, $files);

                if (!isset($file_arrays[$file_type])) {
                    $file_arrays[$file_type] = [];
                $file_arrays[$file_type] = array_merge($file_arrays[$file_type], $files);

Function Calls





MD5 ae1d2a6461ae2882dfab343de76acda4
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 43 ms