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PHP Decode
goto mfFtG; W8Ilv: $dt5 = date("\x59\x2d\x6d\55\144", strtotime($dt4)); goto at7hK; RkAJn..
Decoded Output download
<? goto mfFtG; W8Ilv: $dt5 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dt4)); goto at7hK; RkAJn: $rkl = mysqli_query($con, $qlk) or die(mysqli_error($con)); goto KsEHm; j5y10: $x2 = sprintf("select permi,rurl from menu_hr where url1 = '%s' OR url2 = '%s' OR url3 = '%s' OR url4 = '%s'", basename(__FILE__), basename(__FILE__), basename(__FILE__), basename(__FILE__)); goto iysCV; Fv7Ih: include "db.php"; goto paYrw; yiEXp: $l = date("t", strtotime($dt2)); goto ciwPI; xtXWZ: $qlk = sprintf("select * from hr_attendance_lock where month = '%s' and year = %d", date("M", strtotime($_POST["month2"])), intval($_POST["year2"])); goto RkAJn; Yd39F: ?>
<!doctypehtml><html xmlns=""><head><meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"http-equiv="Content-Type"><link href="assets/css/printcss.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"><link href="assets/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"><title><?php goto KAQV4; zFrYa: $y = mysqli_query($con, $x) or die("Permission Denied 2 : " . basename(__FILE__)); goto zIaXI; SiKFK: set_time_limit(0); goto Fv7Ih; GfdTe: $dt2 = intval($_POST["year1"]) . "-" . $_POST["month1"] . "-" . $_POST["dy1"]; goto X0u3j; c6gEX: $wkhr = $dyy + 1; goto VNiaX; y5VF0: $user = mysqli_fetch_array($y1); goto j5y10; VJp6U: $m42 = "0.42"; goto M7F9n; at7hK: $time111 = new DateTime($dt3); goto Xybuy; lvJiK: $y1 = mysqli_query($con, $x1) or die("Permission Denied 1 : " . basename(__FILE__)); goto y5VF0; Xybuy: $time222 = new DateTime($dt5); goto xlS7_; dV0F5: if (mysqli_num_rows($rsl) <= 0) { if ($id == "Administrator") { echo "<p align='center' class='fsx11'><b>Salary Not Locked By H.R Executive</b></p>"; die(" "); } ?>
<body><center><div class="tablecontainer"><table align="center"border="0"cellpadding="3"cellspacing="3"width="100%"><tr><td><table align="center"border="0"cellpadding="0"cellspacing="0"width="100%"><tr><td width="23%"><img src="images/gangasheel.png"></td><td width="77%"><table align="right"border="0"cellpadding="0"cellspacing="0"width="100%"><tr><td class="fsx04"align="right"><b>Calculate Salary For Housekeeping</b></td></tr><tr><td class="fsx04"align="right"colspan="10"><b>Date From :<?php echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($dt3)) . " To " . date("d-M-Y", strtotime($dt5)); ?>
</b></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td><form action="savesalary_housekeeping.php"method="post"name="form1"><input value="<?php echo date("M", strtotime($_POST["month2"])); ?>
"name="month"type="hidden"> <input value="<?php echo intval($_POST["year2"]); ?>
"name="year"type="hidden"> <input value="<?php echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dt3)); ?>
"name="dt1"type="hidden"> <input value="<?php echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dt5)); ?>
"name="dt2"type="hidden"><table align="center"border="0"cellpadding="3"cellspacing="0"width="100%"class="maintable window"><thead class="mainthead"><tr align="center"><th class="col fsx03"style="padding-left:5px"><b>S.N.</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Emp. Name</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Emp. Code</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Dept & Desig</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Emp. Category</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Basic</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Allowances</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Working Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Working Days of this Month</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Off Paid</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Net Working Days of the Month</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Basic Payble</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Allow Payble</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Total Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Off Working Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Overtime Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Festive Pay</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Total Overtime Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Payble Overtime</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Gross Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>PF Contribution</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>ESI Contribution</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Total Adv</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Paid Adv</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>C.F. Adv</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>House Rent</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Electricity</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Security</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Nidal Medical</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Penalty</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Other Dect.</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Net Payable Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Hold Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Left</b></th></tr></thead><?php $i = 0; $totbasic = 0; $totallow = 0; $netsalry = 0; $tototpaid = 0; $totgress = 0; $totpf = 0; $totesi = 0; $totadv = 0; $totnetpay = 0; $tothose = 0; $totsecurity = 0; $totmedi = 0; $totelect = 0; $totnetadv = 0; $totcfadv = 0; while ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) { $i = $i + 1; $k = 0; $j = 0; $medical = 0; $netmedi = 0; $fev = 0; $catg = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("select * from hr_normssalary where catg = '%s'", $res["catg"]))); $penalty = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("select sum(amount) as amount from hr_penalty where month = '%s' and year = %d and empid = %d and cancel = 0", date("M", strtotime($_POST["month2"])), intval($_POST["year2"]), intval($res["id"])))); $nn = -1; while ($nn < $wh2) { $nn = $nn + 1; $sdt2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dt3)) . "+" . $nn . "day"; $sdt = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($sdt2)); $hq = sprintf("select * from holidays where date = '%s'", $sdt); $rhr = mysqli_query($con, $hq) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($holid = mysqli_fetch_array($rhr)) { if ($holid["offpaid"] == "All" && $holid["date"] == $sdt && $res["doj"] < $holid["date"]) { $fev = 1; } elseif ($holid["offpaid"] == $res["religion"] && $holid["date"] == $sdt && $res["doj"] < $holid["date"]) { $fev = 1; } else { $fev = 0; } } } $tothose = $tothose + $res["house_rent"]; $totsecurity = $totsecurity + $res["security"]; $qt = sprintf("select distinct date from hr_attendance_final where empid = %d and date >= '%s' and date <= '%s' and absent = 0 and halfd = 0", intval($res["empid"]), $dt3, $dt5); $rt = mysqli_query($con, $qt) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($attend = mysqli_fetch_array($rt)) { $k = $k + 1; } $qtH = sprintf("select distinct date from hr_attendance_final where empid = %d and date >= '%s' and date <= '%s' and absent = '0' and halfd = '1'", intval($res["empid"]), $dt3, $dt5); $rtH = mysqli_query($con, $qtH) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($attendH = mysqli_fetch_array($rtH)) { $j = $j + 0.5; } $qlve = sprintf("select * from hr_empleave where empid = %d and date >= '%s' and date <= '%s' and hrapp = 1 and cancel = 0", intval($res["empid"]), $dt3, $dt5); $rlev = mysqli_query($con, $qlve) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($leave = mysqli_fetch_array($rlev)) { $lv = $lv + 1; } $totmedi = 0; $qdu2 = sprintf("select sum(qty) as dduty from hr_doubleduty where date >= '%s' and date <= '%s' and empid = %d", $dt3, $dt5, intval($res["empid"])); $rdu2 = mysqli_query($con, $qdu2) or die(mysqli_error($con)); $dduty2 = mysqli_fetch_array($rdu2); if ($dduty2["dduty"] > 0) { $dduty23 = $dduty2["dduty"]; } else { $dduty23 = 0; } $group = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("select * from hr_group where id = %d", intval($res["groupid"])))); if ($k > 0) { if ($k >= 6 && $k <= 11) { $holiday = 1; } elseif ($k >= 12 && $k <= 17) { $holiday = 2; } elseif ($k >= 18 && $k <= 23) { $holiday = 3; } elseif ($k >= 24 && $k <= 31) { $holiday = 4; } else { $holiday = 0; } if ($k >= 6 && $k <= 11) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } elseif ($k >= 12 && $k <= 17) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } elseif ($k >= 18 && $k <= 23) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } elseif ($k >= 24 && $k <= 31) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } else { $day2 = 0; } if ($day2 > $wkhr) { $day3 = $wkhr - $day2; $offday = $day2 - $wkhr; } else { $day3 = $day2; $offday = 0; } $mywrkdays = intval($k) + $j - $offday; $networkdy = $mywrkdays + $holiday; if ($l == 31) { $calday = $networkdy + $m42 - 1; } elseif ($l == 30) { $calday = $networkdy + $m42; } elseif ($l == 29) { $calday = $networkdy + $m42 + 1; } else { $calday = $networkdy + $m42 + 2; } if ($group["otapplied"] == "No") { $mytotal_OT = 0; } else { $mytotal_OT = $offday + $dduty23 + $fev; } $allowances = $res["salary"] - $res["real_basic"]; $daily_salary = $res["salary"] / $perDay; if ($group["otapplied"] == "Yes" && $k >= 16) { $daily_basic = $res["real_basic"] / $perDay; $pay_basic = $daily_basic * $calday; $daily_allow = $allowances / $perDay; $pay_allow = $daily_allow * $calday; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } elseif ($group["otapplied"] == "Yes" && $k < 16) { $daily_basic = $res["real_basic"] / $perDay; $pay_basic = $daily_basic * $networkdy; $daily_allow = $allowances / $perDay; $pay_allow = $daily_allow * $networkdy; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } elseif ($group["otapplied"] == "No" && $k >= 24) { $pay_basic = $res["real_basic"]; $pay_allow = $allowances; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } elseif ($group["otapplied"] == "No" && $k < 24) { $daily_basic = $res["real_basic"] / $perDay; $pay_basic = $daily_basic * $calday; $daily_allow = $allowances / $perDay; $pay_allow = $daily_allow * $calday; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } else { $pay_basic = 0; $pay_allow = 0; $totsalry = 0; } $paid_OT = $mytotal_OT * $daily_salary; $gross_salary = $paid_OT + $totsalry; $pf = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("select * from hr_esiper"))); if ($pf["apply3"] == "Gross" && $res["pfapply"] == "Yes" && floatval($res["real_basic"]) <= 15000) { $empf = floatval($pay_basic) * floatval($pf["pf2"]) / 100; } elseif ($pf["apply3"] == "Basic" && $res["pfapply"] == "Yes" && $res["real_basic"] <= 15000) { $empf = floatval($pay_basic) * floatval($pf["pf2"]) / 100; } elseif ($pf["apply3"] == "Net" && $res["pfapply"] == "Yes" && $res["real_basic"] <= 15000) { $empf = floatval($pay_basic) * floatval($pf["pf2"]) / 100; } else { $empf = "0"; } $esi = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("select * from hr_esiper"))); if ($esi["apply2"] == "Gross" && $res["esiapply"] == "Yes" && floatval($res["salary"]) <= 23000) { $emesi = floatval($gross_salary) * floatval($esi["esi2"]) / 100; } elseif ($esi["apply2"] == "Basic" && $res["esiapply"] == "Yes" && $res["salary"] <= 23000) { $emesi = floatval($gross_salary) * floatval($esi["esi2"]) / 100; } elseif ($esi["apply2"] == "Net" && $res["esiapply"] == "Yes" && $res["salary"] <= 23000) { $emesi = floatval($gross_salary) * floatval($esi["esi2"]) / 100; } else { $emesi = "0"; } $netpay = $gross_salary - ($empf + $emesi + $res["house_rent"] + $res["security"] + $netmedi + $penalty["amount"]); $totbasic = $totbasic + $pay_basic; $totallow = $totallow + $pay_allow; $netsalry = $netsalry + $totsalry; $tototpaid = $tototpaid + $paid_OT; $totgress = $totgress + $gross_salary; $totpf = $totpf + $empf; $totesi = $totesi + $emesi; $totadv = 0; $totnetpay = $totnetpay + $netpay; $house_rent = $res["house_rent"]; $security = $res["security"]; $penalty2 = $penalty["amount"]; $disabled = ''; } else { $mywrkdays = 0; $offday = 0; $holiday = 0; $networkdy = 0; $pay_basic = 0; $pay_allow = 0; $totsalry = 0; $netpay = 0; $gross_salary = 0; $empf = 0; $emesi = 0; $adv = 0; $mytotal_OT = 0; $paid_OT = 0; $house_rent = 0; $security = 0; $penalty2 = 0; $disabled = "readonly"; } ?>
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Original Code
goto mfFtG; W8Ilv: $dt5 = date("\x59\x2d\x6d\55\144", strtotime($dt4)); goto at7hK; RkAJn: $rkl = mysqli_query($con, $qlk) or die(mysqli_error($con)); goto KsEHm; j5y10: $x2 = sprintf("\163\x65\154\x65\x63\164\x20\x70\x65\162\155\x69\54\162\x75\162\154\40\146\162\x6f\x6d\x20\x6d\145\156\165\137\150\162\40\167\150\145\x72\145\40\x75\x72\x6c\61\x20\75\40\x27\45\163\x27\40\117\x52\40\x75\x72\x6c\x32\x20\x3d\x20\47\x25\x73\x27\40\x4f\x52\x20\x75\x72\x6c\x33\40\75\40\x27\45\x73\47\x20\x4f\122\x20\165\x72\154\64\40\x3d\40\47\45\163\x27", basename(__FILE__), basename(__FILE__), basename(__FILE__), basename(__FILE__)); goto iysCV; Fv7Ih: include "\144\x62\x2e\160\x68\x70"; goto paYrw; yiEXp: $l = date("\164", strtotime($dt2)); goto ciwPI; xtXWZ: $qlk = sprintf("\163\x65\x6c\x65\143\x74\x20\52\x20\x66\162\x6f\x6d\x20\x68\x72\137\141\x74\x74\145\x6e\x64\x61\x6e\x63\x65\137\x6c\157\143\153\40\x77\150\x65\162\145\x20\155\x6f\x6e\164\150\40\75\40\47\45\x73\47\x20\141\156\x64\x20\171\145\x61\x72\40\x3d\x20\x25\144", date("\x4d", strtotime($_POST["\x6d\157\156\x74\150\62"])), intval($_POST["\171\145\x61\162\x32"])); goto RkAJn; Yd39F: ?>
<!doctypehtml><html xmlns=""><head><meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"http-equiv="Content-Type"><link href="assets/css/printcss.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"><link href="assets/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"><title><?php goto KAQV4; zFrYa: $y = mysqli_query($con, $x) or die("\x50\145\x72\155\x69\163\x73\x69\x6f\156\x20\104\x65\x6e\151\145\144\40\x32\40\x20\x3a\40" . basename(__FILE__)); goto zIaXI; SiKFK: set_time_limit(0); goto Fv7Ih; GfdTe: $dt2 = intval($_POST["\171\x65\141\162\x31"]) . "\55" . $_POST["\x6d\157\156\164\150\61"] . "\x2d" . $_POST["\x64\x79\61"]; goto X0u3j; c6gEX: $wkhr = $dyy + 1; goto VNiaX; y5VF0: $user = mysqli_fetch_array($y1); goto j5y10; VJp6U: $m42 = "\60\x2e\64\x32"; goto M7F9n; at7hK: $time111 = new DateTime($dt3); goto Xybuy; lvJiK: $y1 = mysqli_query($con, $x1) or die("\x50\145\162\155\x69\x73\163\151\157\156\40\x44\x65\156\151\x65\x64\40\61\40\40\72\x20" . basename(__FILE__)); goto y5VF0; Xybuy: $time222 = new DateTime($dt5); goto xlS7_; dV0F5: if (mysqli_num_rows($rsl) <= 0) { if ($id == "\x41\x64\x6d\151\x6e\151\163\164\162\x61\164\157\162") { echo "\74\x70\40\x61\154\151\x67\156\x3d\x27\x63\145\156\164\145\x72\x27\40\143\x6c\141\x73\x73\75\47\146\163\170\61\61\47\x3e\x3c\142\76\x53\x61\x6c\x61\162\x79\x20\x4e\x6f\x74\x20\x4c\157\x63\153\x65\144\40\102\171\40\110\56\122\40\105\x78\145\143\165\164\151\x76\x65\74\57\x62\76\x3c\x2f\x70\76"; die("\40"); } ?>
<body><center><div class="tablecontainer"><table align="center"border="0"cellpadding="3"cellspacing="3"width="100%"><tr><td><table align="center"border="0"cellpadding="0"cellspacing="0"width="100%"><tr><td width="23%"><img src="images/gangasheel.png"></td><td width="77%"><table align="right"border="0"cellpadding="0"cellspacing="0"width="100%"><tr><td class="fsx04"align="right"><b>Calculate Salary For Housekeeping</b></td></tr><tr><td class="fsx04"align="right"colspan="10"><b>Date From :<?php echo date("\x64\x2d\x4d\x2d\131", strtotime($dt3)) . "\40\x54\x6f\x20" . date("\144\55\115\x2d\131", strtotime($dt5)); ?>
</b></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td><form action="savesalary_housekeeping.php"method="post"name="form1"><input value="<?php echo date("\x4d", strtotime($_POST["\155\157\x6e\164\150\62"])); ?>
"name="month"type="hidden"> <input value="<?php echo intval($_POST["\171\145\x61\x72\x32"]); ?>
"name="year"type="hidden"> <input value="<?php echo date("\131\x2d\155\55\x64", strtotime($dt3)); ?>
"name="dt1"type="hidden"> <input value="<?php echo date("\131\x2d\155\55\144", strtotime($dt5)); ?>
"name="dt2"type="hidden"><table align="center"border="0"cellpadding="3"cellspacing="0"width="100%"class="maintable window"><thead class="mainthead"><tr align="center"><th class="col fsx03"style="padding-left:5px"><b>S.N.</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Emp. Name</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Emp. Code</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Dept & Desig</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Emp. Category</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Basic</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Allowances</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Defined Working Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Working Days of this Month</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Off Paid</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Net Working Days of the Month</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Basic Payble</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Allow Payble</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Total Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Off Working Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Overtime Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Festive Pay</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Total Overtime Days</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Payble Overtime</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Gross Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>PF Contribution</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>ESI Contribution</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Total Adv</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Paid Adv</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>C.F. Adv</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>House Rent</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Electricity</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Security</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Nidal Medical</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Penalty</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Other Dect.</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Net Payable Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Hold Salary</b></th><th class="col fsx03 lastcol"style="padding-left:5px"><b>Left</b></th></tr></thead><?php $i = 0; $totbasic = 0; $totallow = 0; $netsalry = 0; $tototpaid = 0; $totgress = 0; $totpf = 0; $totesi = 0; $totadv = 0; $totnetpay = 0; $tothose = 0; $totsecurity = 0; $totmedi = 0; $totelect = 0; $totnetadv = 0; $totcfadv = 0; while ($res = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) { $i = $i + 1; $k = 0; $j = 0; $medical = 0; $netmedi = 0; $fev = 0; $catg = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("\163\x65\154\145\143\164\40\x2a\40\x66\162\157\x6d\40\150\162\x5f\156\x6f\162\155\163\163\141\x6c\141\x72\171\x20\167\150\x65\x72\x65\40\143\141\x74\x67\x20\75\40\47\45\x73\x27", $res["\143\141\x74\x67"]))); $penalty = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("\x73\x65\x6c\145\143\164\x20\163\x75\155\x28\x61\x6d\x6f\165\156\164\x29\x20\141\163\x20\x61\155\x6f\165\156\164\x20\x66\x72\x6f\155\x20\x68\x72\137\160\x65\x6e\x61\154\164\171\40\167\150\x65\162\x65\x20\155\x6f\156\x74\150\x20\75\x20\47\45\163\47\40\141\156\144\40\x79\x65\141\162\x20\x3d\x20\x25\x64\x20\141\156\144\40\x65\x6d\x70\x69\144\x20\75\40\x25\144\x20\x61\156\x64\x20\x63\141\x6e\x63\x65\154\x20\x3d\x20\60", date("\x4d", strtotime($_POST["\x6d\x6f\156\x74\150\x32"])), intval($_POST["\171\x65\141\162\62"]), intval($res["\x69\x64"])))); $nn = -1; while ($nn < $wh2) { $nn = $nn + 1; $sdt2 = date("\131\55\155\55\144", strtotime($dt3)) . "\x2b" . $nn . "\144\x61\x79"; $sdt = date("\131\x2d\x6d\x2d\144", strtotime($sdt2)); $hq = sprintf("\163\145\154\x65\x63\x74\x20\x2a\40\x66\162\157\155\40\150\x6f\x6c\x69\144\x61\171\x73\x20\167\150\x65\162\145\40\144\141\x74\145\40\75\x20\47\45\163\x27", $sdt); $rhr = mysqli_query($con, $hq) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($holid = mysqli_fetch_array($rhr)) { if ($holid["\x6f\x66\146\x70\141\151\x64"] == "\x41\x6c\154" && $holid["\x64\141\164\x65"] == $sdt && $res["\144\157\152"] < $holid["\144\x61\x74\145"]) { $fev = 1; } elseif ($holid["\157\x66\x66\x70\x61\x69\144"] == $res["\x72\145\x6c\151\147\151\157\156"] && $holid["\x64\x61\164\x65"] == $sdt && $res["\x64\157\152"] < $holid["\x64\141\x74\145"]) { $fev = 1; } else { $fev = 0; } } } $tothose = $tothose + $res["\x68\157\x75\163\x65\137\162\x65\156\x74"]; $totsecurity = $totsecurity + $res["\163\x65\143\x75\x72\151\x74\171"]; $qt = sprintf("\163\x65\154\x65\x63\164\40\x64\151\163\x74\151\156\143\x74\x20\x64\x61\x74\145\40\x66\x72\157\155\x20\x68\162\137\x61\164\164\145\x6e\144\141\x6e\143\x65\x5f\x66\x69\156\x61\x6c\x20\167\x68\145\x72\145\40\x65\x6d\x70\x69\144\40\75\40\45\x64\40\141\156\x64\x20\144\141\x74\x65\x20\76\75\x20\47\45\163\x27\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\x64\141\164\145\x20\74\x3d\x20\47\45\x73\x27\40\141\156\x64\x20\141\x62\163\145\156\x74\x20\x3d\x20\60\x20\x61\156\144\x20\x68\x61\154\x66\144\40\75\40\60", intval($res["\145\x6d\160\151\x64"]), $dt3, $dt5); $rt = mysqli_query($con, $qt) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($attend = mysqli_fetch_array($rt)) { $k = $k + 1; } $qtH = sprintf("\163\x65\154\145\x63\x74\x20\x64\x69\163\x74\x69\x6e\x63\x74\x20\x64\x61\x74\145\x20\x66\162\157\x6d\40\150\162\137\141\164\164\145\x6e\144\x61\x6e\143\145\x5f\146\x69\x6e\141\154\x20\x77\150\x65\162\x65\40\145\155\x70\x69\x64\x20\75\40\x25\x64\x20\141\156\x64\x20\x64\141\164\145\40\x3e\75\x20\x27\x25\x73\47\40\141\156\144\x20\144\141\164\x65\x20\74\75\x20\47\45\163\47\40\x61\x6e\144\40\x61\142\163\145\156\x74\40\75\x20\x27\60\x27\40\141\x6e\x64\x20\x68\141\x6c\x66\x64\40\x3d\x20\x27\61\47", intval($res["\145\x6d\160\x69\144"]), $dt3, $dt5); $rtH = mysqli_query($con, $qtH) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($attendH = mysqli_fetch_array($rtH)) { $j = $j + 0.5; } $qlve = sprintf("\x73\x65\x6c\145\143\x74\x20\52\x20\x66\162\157\155\x20\150\x72\x5f\x65\155\x70\154\x65\x61\166\x65\40\167\x68\x65\x72\x65\x20\x65\x6d\160\151\144\40\75\40\x25\x64\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\x64\x61\x74\145\x20\76\75\40\x27\45\163\47\40\x61\156\144\40\144\x61\x74\145\40\x3c\75\40\47\x25\x73\47\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\x68\162\x61\160\160\40\75\40\x31\40\141\x6e\144\40\143\141\x6e\143\145\154\x20\75\40\60", intval($res["\x65\155\160\151\144"]), $dt3, $dt5); $rlev = mysqli_query($con, $qlve) or die(mysqli_error($con)); while ($leave = mysqli_fetch_array($rlev)) { $lv = $lv + 1; } $totmedi = 0; $qdu2 = sprintf("\x73\x65\x6c\x65\x63\164\x20\163\165\155\50\161\164\171\x29\40\141\163\x20\144\144\x75\x74\x79\40\146\162\x6f\x6d\40\x68\x72\137\x64\x6f\x75\142\154\145\x64\x75\164\171\x20\x77\x68\145\x72\145\40\x64\141\x74\145\x20\76\75\x20\x27\x25\x73\47\x20\x61\x6e\144\40\144\141\x74\145\x20\x3c\x3d\x20\47\x25\x73\x27\40\x61\156\144\40\x65\x6d\160\x69\144\40\x3d\x20\45\144", $dt3, $dt5, intval($res["\145\x6d\x70\x69\144"])); $rdu2 = mysqli_query($con, $qdu2) or die(mysqli_error($con)); $dduty2 = mysqli_fetch_array($rdu2); if ($dduty2["\144\144\x75\x74\x79"] > 0) { $dduty23 = $dduty2["\x64\144\165\164\171"]; } else { $dduty23 = 0; } $group = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("\163\x65\154\145\x63\164\x20\52\40\146\x72\x6f\155\40\x68\x72\x5f\x67\x72\x6f\165\x70\40\x77\x68\x65\162\145\40\x69\x64\40\75\x20\x25\x64", intval($res["\x67\162\x6f\165\160\x69\x64"])))); if ($k > 0) { if ($k >= 6 && $k <= 11) { $holiday = 1; } elseif ($k >= 12 && $k <= 17) { $holiday = 2; } elseif ($k >= 18 && $k <= 23) { $holiday = 3; } elseif ($k >= 24 && $k <= 31) { $holiday = 4; } else { $holiday = 0; } if ($k >= 6 && $k <= 11) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } elseif ($k >= 12 && $k <= 17) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } elseif ($k >= 18 && $k <= 23) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } elseif ($k >= 24 && $k <= 31) { $day2 = $k + $holiday; } else { $day2 = 0; } if ($day2 > $wkhr) { $day3 = $wkhr - $day2; $offday = $day2 - $wkhr; } else { $day3 = $day2; $offday = 0; } $mywrkdays = intval($k) + $j - $offday; $networkdy = $mywrkdays + $holiday; if ($l == 31) { $calday = $networkdy + $m42 - 1; } elseif ($l == 30) { $calday = $networkdy + $m42; } elseif ($l == 29) { $calday = $networkdy + $m42 + 1; } else { $calday = $networkdy + $m42 + 2; } if ($group["\x6f\164\141\160\160\x6c\151\145\x64"] == "\116\x6f") { $mytotal_OT = 0; } else { $mytotal_OT = $offday + $dduty23 + $fev; } $allowances = $res["\x73\x61\x6c\x61\162\x79"] - $res["\x72\x65\141\154\x5f\142\141\x73\x69\143"]; $daily_salary = $res["\163\x61\154\141\162\171"] / $perDay; if ($group["\x6f\164\141\x70\x70\154\151\x65\x64"] == "\131\145\163" && $k >= 16) { $daily_basic = $res["\x72\x65\x61\x6c\137\142\141\163\151\x63"] / $perDay; $pay_basic = $daily_basic * $calday; $daily_allow = $allowances / $perDay; $pay_allow = $daily_allow * $calday; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } elseif ($group["\157\x74\x61\160\160\154\x69\145\x64"] == "\x59\x65\163" && $k < 16) { $daily_basic = $res["\162\145\141\154\x5f\142\x61\163\x69\x63"] / $perDay; $pay_basic = $daily_basic * $networkdy; $daily_allow = $allowances / $perDay; $pay_allow = $daily_allow * $networkdy; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } elseif ($group["\157\x74\x61\160\160\x6c\x69\x65\x64"] == "\x4e\x6f" && $k >= 24) { $pay_basic = $res["\x72\x65\141\154\x5f\142\x61\163\151\x63"]; $pay_allow = $allowances; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } elseif ($group["\157\x74\x61\x70\x70\x6c\x69\145\x64"] == "\x4e\157" && $k < 24) { $daily_basic = $res["\x72\x65\x61\x6c\x5f\142\x61\163\x69\x63"] / $perDay; $pay_basic = $daily_basic * $calday; $daily_allow = $allowances / $perDay; $pay_allow = $daily_allow * $calday; $totsalry = $pay_basic + $pay_allow; } else { $pay_basic = 0; $pay_allow = 0; $totsalry = 0; } $paid_OT = $mytotal_OT * $daily_salary; $gross_salary = $paid_OT + $totsalry; $pf = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("\x73\x65\x6c\145\143\x74\x20\52\x20\146\162\x6f\155\x20\x68\162\x5f\x65\163\151\160\x65\x72"))); if ($pf["\x61\x70\x70\154\x79\x33"] == "\107\162\x6f\x73\x73" && $res["\x70\x66\x61\x70\160\x6c\x79"] == "\x59\145\163" && floatval($res["\x72\145\x61\x6c\137\142\x61\163\x69\x63"]) <= 15000) { $empf = floatval($pay_basic) * floatval($pf["\160\x66\x32"]) / 100; } elseif ($pf["\x61\x70\160\154\171\x33"] == "\x42\141\163\x69\x63" && $res["\x70\x66\x61\160\160\154\171"] == "\x59\x65\163" && $res["\x72\145\141\x6c\x5f\x62\x61\163\151\143"] <= 15000) { $empf = floatval($pay_basic) * floatval($pf["\x70\x66\x32"]) / 100; } elseif ($pf["\141\160\x70\x6c\x79\63"] == "\116\145\164" && $res["\160\146\x61\160\x70\154\x79"] == "\x59\x65\x73" && $res["\x72\145\x61\154\x5f\x62\141\163\151\143"] <= 15000) { $empf = floatval($pay_basic) * floatval($pf["\x70\146\x32"]) / 100; } else { $empf = "\x30"; } $esi = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, sprintf("\x73\x65\154\145\143\164\x20\x2a\40\x66\162\157\155\x20\x68\x72\x5f\x65\x73\x69\160\x65\x72"))); if ($esi["\141\x70\160\154\x79\62"] == "\x47\x72\x6f\163\163" && $res["\145\163\151\141\x70\x70\154\x79"] == "\x59\145\163" && floatval($res["\x73\x61\154\141\x72\x79"]) <= 23000) { $emesi = floatval($gross_salary) * floatval($esi["\145\x73\151\x32"]) / 100; } elseif ($esi["\x61\160\160\154\171\62"] == "\102\x61\x73\x69\143" && $res["\x65\163\x69\x61\160\x70\154\171"] == "\131\145\x73" && $res["\x73\141\x6c\x61\x72\x79"] <= 23000) { $emesi = floatval($gross_salary) * floatval($esi["\x65\163\x69\x32"]) / 100; } elseif ($esi["\141\x70\160\x6c\x79\62"] == "\x4e\x65\164" && $res["\x65\x73\x69\x61\160\x70\154\171"] == "\131\x65\163" && $res["\x73\x61\x6c\141\x72\171"] <= 23000) { $emesi = floatval($gross_salary) * floatval($esi["\145\x73\151\62"]) / 100; } else { $emesi = "\60"; } $netpay = $gross_salary - ($empf + $emesi + $res["\x68\157\x75\x73\x65\x5f\162\x65\156\x74"] + $res["\163\145\x63\x75\162\x69\164\171"] + $netmedi + $penalty["\141\x6d\x6f\x75\156\x74"]); $totbasic = $totbasic + $pay_basic; $totallow = $totallow + $pay_allow; $netsalry = $netsalry + $totsalry; $tototpaid = $tototpaid + $paid_OT; $totgress = $totgress + $gross_salary; $totpf = $totpf + $empf; $totesi = $totesi + $emesi; $totadv = 0; $totnetpay = $totnetpay + $netpay; $house_rent = $res["\x68\x6f\x75\x73\x65\137\x72\x65\x6e\164"]; $security = $res["\x73\x65\x63\165\162\x69\x74\x79"]; $penalty2 = $penalty["\x61\155\x6f\x75\x6e\x74"]; $disabled = ''; } else { $mywrkdays = 0; $offday = 0; $holiday = 0; $networkdy = 0; $pay_basic = 0; $pay_allow = 0; $totsalry = 0; $netpay = 0; $gross_salary = 0; $empf = 0; $emesi = 0; $adv = 0; $mytotal_OT = 0; $paid_OT = 0; $house_rent = 0; $security = 0; $penalty2 = 0; $disabled = "\x72\x65\141\x64\157\156\x6c\171"; }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | b11caa0f721efa701da6ce173fe713e4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 69 ms |