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PHP Decode

<?php return [ 'users' => [ 'sessions' => [ 'email' ..

Decoded Output download


return [
    'users' => [
        'sessions' => [
            'email'                => '  ',
            'forget-password-link' => '  ',
            'password'             => ' ',
            'submit-btn'           => ' ',
            'title'                => ' ',

        'forget-password' => [
            'create' => [
                'email'           => '  ',
                'email-not-exist' => '   ',
                'page-title'      => '  ',
                'reset-link-sent' => '      ',
                'sign-in-link'    => '   ',
                'submit-btn'      => ' ',
                'title'           => '  ',

        'reset-password' => [
            'back-link-title'  => '   ',
            'confirm-password' => '  ',
            'email'            => '  ',
            'password'         => ' ',
            'submit-btn'       => '   ',
            'title'            => '   ',

    'notifications' => [
        'description-text' => '  ',
        'marked-success'   => '     ',
        'no-record'        => '    ',
        'of'               => '',
        'per-page'         => ' ',
        'read-all'         => '  ',
        'title'            => '',
        'view-all'         => ' ',

        'order-status-messages' => [
            'canceled'        => '  ',
            'closed'          => '  ',
            'completed'       => '   ',
            'pending'         => ' ',
            'pending-payment' => ' ',
            'processing'      => '  ',

    'account' => [
        'edit' => [
            'back-btn'          => '',
            'change-password'   => '  ',
            'confirm-password'  => '  ',
            'current-password'  => '  ',
            'email'             => ' ',
            'general'           => '',
            'invalid-password'  => '      .',
            'name'              => '',
            'password'          => ' ',
            'profile-image'     => '  ',
            'save-btn'          => ' ',
            'title'             => '',
            'update-success'    => '   ',
            'upload-image-info' => '     (110   110 )  PNG  JPG',

    'dashboard' => [
        'index' => [
            'add-customer'                => ' ',
            'add-product'                 => ' ',
            'all-channels'                => ' ',
            'attribute-code'              => ' ',
            'average-sale'                => '  ',
            'color'                       => '',
            'customer-info'               => '      ',
            'customer-with-most-sales'    => '      ',
            'date-duration'               => ':start - :end',
            'decreased'                   => ':progress%',
            'empty-threshold'             => '  ',
            'empty-threshold-description' => '  ',
            'end-date'                    => ' ',
            'from'                        => '',
            'increased'                   => ':progress%',
            'more-products'               => ':product_count+  ',
            'order'                       => ':total_orders ',
            'order-count'                 => ':count ',
            'order-id'                    => '#:id',
            'overall-details'             => ' ',
            'pay-by'                      => '   - :method',
            'product-count'               => ':count ',
            'product-image'               => ' ',
            'product-info'                => '     .',
            'product-number'              => ' - :product_number',
            'revenue'                     => ' :total',
            'sale-count'                  => ':count ',
            'sales'                       => '',
            'sku'                         => '  - :sku',
            'start-date'                  => ' ',
            'stock-threshold'             => ' ',
            'store-stats'                 => ' ',
            'title'                       => ' ',
            'to'                          => '',
            'today-customers'             => ' ',
            'today-details'               => ' ',
            'today-orders'                => ' ',
            'today-sales'                 => ' ',
            'top-performing-categories'   => '  ',
            'top-selling-products'        => '  ',
            'total-customers'             => ' ',
            'total-orders'                => ' ',
            'total-sales'                 => ' ',
            'total-stock'                 => ':total_stock ',
            'total-unpaid-invoices'       => '   ',
            'unique-visitors'             => ':count ',
            'user-info'                   => '     ',
            'user-name'                   => '! :user_name',
            'visitors'                    => '',

    'sales' => [
        'orders' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'search-customer' => [
                    'create-btn'  => ' ',
                    'empty-info'  => '     .',
                    'empty-title' => '    ',
                    'search-by'   => '     ',
                    'title'       => ' ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'canceled'        => ' ',
                    'channel-name'    => '',
                    'closed'          => '',
                    'completed'       => ' ',
                    'customer'        => '',
                    'date'            => '',
                    'email'           => ' ',
                    'fraud'           => '',
                    'grand-total'     => ' ',
                    'id'              => '#:id',
                    'items'           => '',
                    'location'        => '',
                    'order-id'        => ' ',
                    'pay-by'          => '  - :method',
                    'pay-via'         => ' ',
                    'pending-payment' => ' ',
                    'pending'         => ' ',
                    'processing'      => ' ',
                    'product-count'   => ':count +   ',
                    'status'          => '',
                    'success'         => '',
                    'view'            => '',

            'create' => [
                'add-to-cart'             => '  ',
                'back-btn'                => '',
                'check-billing-address'   => '  .',
                'check-shipping-address'  => '  .',
                'configuration'           => '',
                'coupon-already-applied'  => '    .',
                'coupon-applied'          => '    .',
                'coupon-error'            => '    .',
                'coupon-not-found'        => '  ',
                'coupon-remove'           => '    .',
                'error'                   => '  ',
                'minimum-order-error'     => '      .',
                'order-placed-success'    => '   .',
                'payment-not-supported'   => '    ',
                'save-btn'                => ' ',
                'specify-payment-method'  => '  .',
                'specify-shipping-method' => '  .',
                'title'                   => '   :name',

                'types' => [
                    'configurable' => [
                        'select-options' => '  ',

                    'bundle' => [
                        'none'         => ' ',
                        'total-amount' => ' ',

                    'grouped' => [
                        'name' => '',

                    'downloadable' => [
                        'title' => '',

                'cart' => [
                    'success-add-to-cart' => '     ',
                    'success-remove'      => '     ',
                    'success-update'      => '    ',

                    'items' => [
                        'add-product'       => ' ',
                        'amount-per-unit'   => ':amount   :qty ',
                        'delete'            => '',
                        'empty-description' => '       .',
                        'empty-title'       => '  ',
                        'excl-tax'          => ' ',
                        'move-to-wishlist'  => '   ',
                        'see-details'       => ' ',
                        'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                        'sub-total'         => '  - :sub_total',
                        'title'             => ' ',

                        'search' => [
                            'add-to-cart'   => '  ',
                            'available-qty' => ':qty ',
                            'empty-info'    => '     .',
                            'empty-title'   => '    ',
                            'product-image' => ' ',
                            'qty'           => '',
                            'sku'           => 'SKU - :sku',
                            'title'         => '  ',

                    'address' => [
                        'add-btn'          => ' ',
                        'add-new'          => '  ',
                        'add-new-address'  => '  ',
                        'addresses'        => '',
                        'back'             => '',
                        'billing-address'  => ' ',
                        'city'             => '',
                        'company-name'     => ' ',
                        'confirm'          => '',
                        'country'          => '',
                        'edit-btn'         => ' ',
                        'email'            => ' ',
                        'first-name'       => ' ',
                        'last-name'        => ' ',
                        'postcode'         => ' ',
                        'proceed'          => '',
                        'same-as-billing'  => '   ',
                        'save'             => '',
                        'save-address'     => '    ',
                        'select-country'   => ' ',
                        'select-state'     => ' ',
                        'shipping-address' => ' ',
                        'state'            => '',
                        'street-address'   => ' ',
                        'telephone'        => ' ',
                        'title'            => '',
                        'vat-id'           => ' ',

                    'payment' => [
                        'title' => '',

                    'shipping' => [
                        'title' => '',

                    'summary' => [
                        'apply-coupon'             => ' ',
                        'discount-amount'          => ' ',
                        'enter-your-code'          => ' ',
                        'grand-total'              => ' ',
                        'place-order'              => ' ',
                        'processing'               => ' ',
                        'shipping-amount-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
                        'shipping-amount-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
                        'shipping-amount'          => ' ',
                        'sub-total-excl-tax'       => '  ( )',
                        'sub-total-incl-tax'       => '  ( )',
                        'sub-total'                => ' ',
                        'tax'                      => '',
                        'title'                    => ' ',

                'cart-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-description' => '       .',
                    'empty-title'       => ' ',
                    'excl-tax'          => ' : ',
                    'see-details'       => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => ' ',

                'recent-order-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'empty-description' => '     .',
                    'empty-title'       => ' ',
                    'see-details'       => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => '  ',
                    'view'              => '',

                'wishlist-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-description' => '       .',
                    'empty-title'       => '   ',
                    'see-details'       => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => '  ',

                'compare-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-description' => '       .',
                    'empty-title'       => '   ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => '  ',

            'view' => [
                'amount-per-unit'                => ':amount   x :qty ',
                'billing-address'                => ' ',
                'cancel'                         => '',
                'cancel-msg'                     => '       ',
                'cancel-success'                 => '   ',
                'canceled'                       => ' ',
                'channel'                        => '',
                'closed'                         => '',
                'comment-success'                => '   .',
                'comments'                       => '',
                'completed'                      => '',
                'contact'                        => '',
                'create-success'                 => '   ',
                'currency'                       => '',
                'customer'                       => '',
                'customer-group'                 => ' ',
                'customer-not-notified'          => ':date | <b>   </b>',
                'customer-notified'              => ':date | <b>  </b>',
                'discount'                       => ' - :discount',
                'download-pdf'                   => ' PDF',
                'fraud'                          => '',
                'grand-total'                    => '  - :grand_total',
                'invoice-id'                     => ' #:invoice',
                'invoices'                       => '',
                'item-canceled'                  => '  (:qty_canceled)',
                'item-invoice'                   => '  (:qty_invoiced)',
                'item-ordered'                   => '  (:qty_ordered)',
                'item-refunded'                  => '  (:qty_refunded)',
                'item-shipped'                   => '  (:qty_shipped)',
                'name'                           => '',
                'no-invoice-found'               => '    ',
                'no-refund-found'                => '    ',
                'no-shipment-found'              => '    ',
                'notify-customer'                => ' ',
                'order-date'                     => ' ',
                'order-information'              => ' ',
                'order-status'                   => ' ',
                'payment-and-shipping'           => ' ',
                'payment-method'                 => ' ',
                'pending'                        => '',
                'pending_payment'                => ' ',
                'per-unit'                       => ' ',
                'price'                          => ' - :price',
                'price-excl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price-incl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'processing'                     => ' ',
                'quantity'                       => '',
                'refund'                         => '',
                'refund-id'                      => ' #:refund',
                'refunded'                       => ' ',
                'reorder'                        => ' ',
                'ship'                           => '',
                'shipment'                       => ' #:shipment',
                'shipments'                      => '',
                'shipping-address'               => ' ',
                'shipping-and-handling'          => ' ',
                'shipping-and-handling-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-and-handling-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-method'                => ' ',
                'shipping-price'                 => ' ',
                'sku'                            => 'SKU - :sku',
                'status'                         => '',
                'sub-total'                      => '  - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-excl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-incl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'submit-comment'                 => ' ',
                'summary-discount'               => '',
                'summary-grand-total'            => ' ',
                'summary-sub-total'              => ' ',
                'summary-sub-total-excl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'summary-sub-total-incl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'summary-tax'                    => '',
                'tax'                            => ' (:percent) - :tax',
                'title'                          => ' #:order_id',
                'total-due'                      => ' ',
                'total-paid'                     => ' ',
                'total-refund'                   => '  ',
                'view'                           => '',
                'write-your-comment'             => ' ',

        'shipments' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'id'               => '',
                    'inventory-source' => ' ',
                    'order-date'       => ' ',
                    'order-id'         => ' ',
                    'shipment-date'    => ' ',
                    'shipment-to'      => ' ',
                    'total-qty'        => ' ',
                    'view'             => '',

            'create' => [
                'amount-per-unit'  => ':amount   x :qty ',
                'cancel-error'     => '   ',
                'carrier-name'     => ' ',
                'create-btn'       => ' ',
                'creation-error'   => '   ',
                'item-canceled'    => '  (:qty_canceled)',
                'item-invoice'     => '  (:qty_invoiced)',
                'item-ordered'     => '  (:qty_ordered)',
                'item-refunded'    => '   (:qty_refunded)',
                'item-shipped'     => '  (:qty_shipped)',
                'order-error'      => '  ',
                'per-unit'         => ' ',
                'qty-available'    => ' ',
                'qty-to-ship'      => '  ',
                'quantity-invalid' => '  ',
                'sku'              => ' SKU - :sku',
                'source'           => '',
                'success'          => '   ',
                'title'            => '  ',
                'tracking-number'  => ' ',

            'view' => [
                'billing-address'      => ' ',
                'carrier-title'        => ' ',
                'channel'              => '',
                'currency'             => '',
                'customer'             => '',
                'email'                => '  - :email',
                'inventory-source'     => ' ',
                'order-date'           => ' ',
                'order-id'             => ' ',
                'order-information'    => ' ',
                'order-status'         => ' ',
                'ordered-items'        => ' ',
                'payment-and-shipping' => ' ',
                'payment-method'       => ' ',
                'product-image'        => ' ',
                'qty'                  => ' - :qty',
                'shipping-address'     => ' ',
                'shipping-method'      => ' ',
                'shipping-price'       => ' ',
                'sku'                  => ' SKU - :sku ',
                'title'                => ' #:shipment_id',
                'tracking-number'      => ' ',

        'refunds' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'billed-to'       => ' ',
                    'id'              => '',
                    'order-id'        => ' ',
                    'refund-date'     => ' ',
                    'refunded-amount' => ' ',
                    'view'            => '',

            'view' => [
                'account-information'        => ' ',
                'adjustment-fee'             => ' ',
                'adjustment-refund'          => ' ',
                'base-discounted-amount'     => '  - :base_discounted_amount',
                'billing-address'            => ' ',
                'currency'                   => '',
                'sub-total-amount-excl-tax'  => '  ( ) - :discounted_amount',
                'sub-total-amount-incl-tax'  => '  ( ) - :discounted_amount',
                'sub-total-amount'           => '  - :discounted_amount',
                'grand-total'                => ' ',
                'order-channel'              => ' ',
                'order-date'                 => ' ',
                'order-id'                   => ' ',
                'order-information'          => ' ',
                'order-status'               => ' ',
                'payment-information'        => ' ',
                'payment-method'             => ' ',
                'price-excl-tax'             => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price-incl-tax'             => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price'                      => ' - :price',
                'product-image'              => ' ',
                'product-ordered'            => ' ',
                'qty'                        => ' - :qty',
                'refund'                     => '',
                'shipping-address'           => ' ',
                'shipping-handling-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-handling-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-handling'          => ' ',
                'shipping-method'            => ' ',
                'shipping-price'             => ' ',
                'sku'                        => '  - :sku',
                'sub-total-excl-tax'         => '  ( )',
                'sub-total-incl-tax'         => '  ( )',
                'sub-total'                  => ' ',
                'tax'                        => '',
                'tax-amount'                 => '  - :tax_amount',
                'title'                      => ' #:refund_id',

            'create' => [
                'adjustment-fee'              => ' ',
                'adjustment-refund'           => ' ',
                'amount-per-unit'             => ':amount   x :qty ',
                'create-success'              => '   ',
                'creation-error'              => '     .',
                'discount-amount'             => ' ',
                'grand-total'                 => ' ',
                'invalid-qty'                 => '       .',
                'invalid-refund-amount-error' => '      .',
                'item-canceled'               => '  (:qty_canceled)',
                'item-invoice'                => ' (:qty_invoiced)',
                'item-ordered'                => ' (:qty_ordered)',
                'item-refunded'               => '  (:qty_refunded)',
                'item-shipped'                => '  (:qty_shipped)',
                'per-unit'                    => ' ',
                'price'                       => '',
                'qty-to-refund'               => '  ',
                'refund-btn'                  => '',
                'refund-limit-error'          => '     :amount.',
                'refund-shipping'             => '  ',
                'sku'                         => '  - :sku',
                'subtotal'                    => ' ',
                'tax-amount'                  => ' ',
                'title'                       => ' ',
                'update-totals-btn'           => ' ',

        'invoices' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'action'       => '',
                    'grand-total'  => ' ',
                    'id'           => '',
                    'invoice-date' => ' ',
                    'order-id'     => ' ',
                    'overdue'      => '',
                    'paid'         => '',
                    'pending'      => '',
                    'status'       => '',

            'view' => [
                'amount-per-unit'                => ':amount    :qty ',
                'channel'                        => '',
                'customer-email'                 => '  - :email',
                'customer'                       => '',
                'discount'                       => '  - :discount',
                'email'                          => ' ',
                'grand-total'                    => ' ',
                'invoice-items'                  => ' ',
                'invoice-sent'                   => '   ',
                'invoice-status'                 => ' ',
                'order-date'                     => ' ',
                'order-id'                       => ' ',
                'order-information'              => ' ',
                'order-status'                   => ' ',
                'price-excl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price-incl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price'                          => ' - :price',
                'print'                          => '',
                'product-image'                  => ' ',
                'qty'                            => ' - :qty',
                'send-btn'                       => '',
                'send-duplicate-invoice'         => '  ',
                'send'                           => '',
                'shipping-and-handling-excl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-and-handling-incl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-and-handling'          => '  ',
                'sku'                            => '  - :sku',
                'sub-total-excl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-incl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-summary-excl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'sub-total-summary-incl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'sub-total-summary'              => ' ',
                'sub-total'                      => '  - :sub_total',
                'summary-discount'               => ' ',
                'summary-tax'                    => ' ',
                'tax'                            => '  - :tax',
                'title'                          => ' #:invoice_id',

            'create' => [
                'amount-per-unit'    => ':amount    :qty ',
                'create-invoice'     => ' ',
                'create-success'     => '   ',
                'create-transaction' => ' ',
                'creation-error'     => '      .',
                'invalid-qty'        => '     .',
                'invoice'            => '',
                'new-invoice'        => ' ',
                'product-error'      => '     .',
                'product-image'      => ' ',
                'qty-to-invoiced'    => ' ',
                'sku'                => 'SKU - :sku',

            'invoice-pdf' => [
                'bank-details'               => ' ',
                'bill-to'                    => ' ',
                'contact-number'             => ' ',
                'contact'                    => ' ',
                'date'                       => ' ',
                'discount'                   => '',
                'excl-tax'                   => ' :',
                'grand-total'                => ' ',
                'invoice-id'                 => ' ',
                'invoice'                    => '',
                'order-date'                 => ' ',
                'order-id'                   => ' ',
                'payment-method'             => ' ',
                'payment-terms'              => ' ',
                'price'                      => '',
                'product-name'               => ' ',
                'qty'                        => '',
                'ship-to'                    => ' ',
                'shipping-handling-excl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-handling-incl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-handling'          => '  ',
                'shipping-method'            => ' ',
                'sku'                        => ' ',
                'subtotal-excl-tax'          => '  ( )',
                'subtotal-incl-tax'          => '  ( )',
                'subtotal'                   => ' ',
                'tax-amount'                 => ' ',
                'tax'                        => '',
                'vat-number'                 => ' ',

        'invoice-transaction' => [
            'id'               => '',
            'transaction-date' => ' ',
            'transaction-id'   => ' ',
            'view'             => '',

        'transactions' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'completed'          => '',
                    'id'                 => '',
                    'invoice-id'         => ' ',
                    'order-id'           => ' ',
                    'paid'               => '',
                    'pending'            => ' ',
                    'status'             => '',
                    'transaction-amount' => '',
                    'transaction-date'   => '',
                    'transaction-id'     => ' ',
                    'view'               => '',

                'create' => [
                    'already-paid'               => '  ',
                    'amount'                     => '',
                    'create-transaction'         => ' ',
                    'invoice-id'                 => ' ',
                    'invoice-missing'            => '  ',
                    'payment-method'             => ' ',
                    'save-transaction'           => ' ',
                    'transaction-amount-exceeds' => '   ',
                    'transaction-amount-zero'    => '   ',
                    'transaction-saved'          => '   .',

                'view' => [
                    'amount'           => '',
                    'created-at'       => ' ',
                    'invoice-id'       => ' ',
                    'order-id'         => ' ',
                    'payment-details'  => ' ',
                    'payment-method'   => ' ',
                    'status'           => '',
                    'title'            => ' ',
                    'transaction-data' => ' ',
                    'transaction-id'   => ' ',

    'catalog' => [
        'products' => [
            'index' => [
                'already-taken' => '  :name .',
                'create-btn'    => ' ',
                'title'         => '',

                'create' => [
                    'back-btn'                => '',
                    'configurable-attributes' => '  ',
                    'create-btn'              => ' ',
                    'family'                  => '',
                    'save-btn'                => ' ',
                    'sku'                     => 'SKU',
                    'title'                   => '  ',
                    'type'                    => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'                 => '',
                    'attribute-family'       => ' ',
                    'attribute-family-value' => '  - :attribute_family',
                    'category'               => '',
                    'channel'                => '',
                    'copy-of'                => '  :value',
                    'copy-of-slug'           => '--:value',
                    'delete'                 => '',
                    'disable'                => '',
                    'id'                     => '',
                    'id-value'               => ' - :id',
                    'image'                  => '',
                    'mass-delete-success'    => '    ',
                    'mass-update-success'    => '    ',
                    'name'                   => '',
                    'out-of-stock'           => ' ',
                    'price'                  => '',
                    'product-image'          => ' ',
                    'qty'                    => '',
                    'qty-value'              => ':qty ',
                    'sku'                    => 'SKU',
                    'sku-value'              => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'status'                 => '',
                    'type'                   => '',
                    'update-status'          => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'preview'  => '',
                'remove'   => '',
                'save-btn' => ' ',
                'title'    => ' ',

                'price' => [
                    'group' => [
                        'add-group-price'           => '  ',
                        'all-groups'                => ' ',
                        'create-btn'                => ' ',
                        'discount-group-price-info' => ' :qty    :price',
                        'edit-btn'                  => '',
                        'empty-info'                => '       .',
                        'fixed-group-price-info'    => ' :qty     :price',
                        'title'                     => '  ',

                        'create' => [
                            'all-groups'     => ' ',
                            'create-title'   => '   ',
                            'customer-group' => ' ',
                            'delete-btn'     => '',
                            'discount'       => '',
                            'fixed'          => '',
                            'price'          => '',
                            'price-type'     => ' ',
                            'qty'            => '  ',
                            'save-btn'       => '',
                            'update-title'   => '   ',

                'inventories' => [
                    'pending-ordered-qty'      => '  : :qty',
                    'pending-ordered-qty-info' => '          .       .',
                    'title'                    => '',

                'categories' => [
                    'title' => '',

                'images' => [
                    'info'  => '      560   609 ',
                    'title' => '',

                'videos' => [
                    'error' => '     :attribute   :max .    .',
                    'info'  => '       :size',
                    'title' => ' ',

                'links' => [
                    'related-products' => [
                        'empty-info' => '     .',
                        'info'       => '           .',
                        'title'      => '  ',

                    'up-sells' => [
                        'empty-info' => '     .',
                        'info'       => '            .',
                        'title'      => '  ',

                    'cross-sells' => [
                        'empty-info' => '     .',
                        'info'       => '      " "               .',
                        'title'      => '  ',

                    'add-btn'           => ' ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-info'        => '  :type  .',
                    'empty-title'       => ' ',
                    'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',

                'types' => [
                    'configurable' => [
                        'add-btn'           => ' ',
                        'delete-btn'        => '',
                        'edit-btn'          => '',
                        'empty-info'        => '     .',
                        'empty-title'       => ' ',
                        'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                        'info'              => '       .',
                        'qty'               => ':qty ',
                        'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                        'title'             => '',

                        'create' => [
                            'description'            => '',
                            'name'                   => '',
                            'save-btn'               => '',
                            'title'                  => ' ',
                            'variant-already-exists' => '   ',

                        'edit' => [
                            'disabled'        => '',
                            'edit-info'       => '         ',
                            'edit-link-title' => '  ',
                            'enabled'         => '',
                            'images'          => '',
                            'name'            => '',
                            'price'           => '',
                            'quantities'      => '',
                            'save-btn'        => '',
                            'sku'             => 'SKU',
                            'status'          => '',
                            'title'           => '',
                            'weight'          => '',

                        'mass-edit' => [
                            'add-images'          => ' ',
                            'apply-to-all-btn'    => '  ',
                            'apply-to-all-name'   => '    .',
                            'apply-to-all-sku'    => '      .',
                            'apply-to-all-status' => '    .',
                            'apply-to-all-weight' => '    .',
                            'edit-inventories'    => ' ',
                            'edit-names'          => ' ',
                            'edit-prices'         => ' ',
                            'edit-sku'            => '  ',
                            'edit-status'         => ' ',
                            'edit-weight'         => ' ',
                            'name'                => '',
                            'price'               => '',
                            'remove-images'       => ' ',
                            'remove-variants'     => ' ',
                            'select-action'       => ' ',
                            'select-variants'     => ' ',
                            'status'              => '',
                            'variant-name'        => ' ',
                            'variant-sku'         => '  ',
                            'weight'              => '',

                    'grouped' => [
                        'add-btn'           => ' ',
                        'default-qty'       => ' ',
                        'delete'            => '',
                        'empty-info'        => '     .',
                        'empty-title'       => ' ',
                        'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                        'info'              => '                .          .',
                        'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                        'title'             => ' ',

                    'bundle' => [
                        'add-btn'           => ' ',
                        'empty-info'        => '   .',
                        'empty-title'       => ' ',
                        'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                        'info'              => '                  .',
                        'title'             => ' ',

                        'update-create' => [
                            'checkbox'    => ' ',
                            'is-required' => '',
                            'multiselect' => ' ',
                            'name'        => '',
                            'no'          => '',
                            'radio'       => ' ',
                            'save-btn'    => '',
                            'select'      => '',
                            'title'       => '',
                            'type'        => '',
                            'yes'         => '',

                        'option' => [
                            'add-btn'     => ' ',
                            'default-qty' => ' ',
                            'delete'      => '',
                            'delete-btn'  => '',
                            'edit-btn'    => '',
                            'empty-info'  => '     .',
                            'empty-title' => ' ',
                            'sku'         => 'SKU - :sku',

                            'types' => [
                                'checkbox' => [
                                    'info'  => '     ',
                                    'title' => ' ',

                                'multiselect' => [
                                    'info'  => '       ',
                                    'title' => ' ',

                                'radio' => [
                                    'info'  => '     ',
                                    'title' => ' ',

                                'select' => [
                                    'info'  => '     ',
                                    'title' => '',

                    'downloadable' => [
                        'links' => [
                            'add-btn'     => ' ',
                            'delete-btn'  => '',
                            'edit-btn'    => '',
                            'empty-info'  => '  .',
                            'empty-title' => ' ',
                            'file'        => ' : ',
                            'info'        => '               .',
                            'sample-file' => '  : ',
                            'sample-url'  => '  : ',
                            'title'       => '  ',
                            'url'         => ' URL : ',

                            'update-create' => [
                                'downloads'   => '  ',
                                'file'        => '',
                                'file-type'   => ' ',
                                'name'        => '',
                                'price'       => '',
                                'sample'      => '',
                                'sample-type' => ' ',
                                'save-btn'    => '',
                                'title'       => '',
                                'url'         => ' URL',

                        'samples' => [
                            'add-btn'     => ' ',
                            'delete-btn'  => '',
                            'edit-btn'    => '',
                            'empty-info'  => '  .',
                            'empty-title' => ' ',
                            'file'        => ' : ',
                            'info'        => '               .',
                            'title'       => '  ',
                            'url'         => ' URL : ',

                            'update-create' => [
                                'file'      => '',
                                'file-type' => ' ',
                                'name'      => '',
                                'save-btn'  => '',
                                'title'     => '',
                                'url'       => ' URL',

            'create-success'          => '   ',
            'delete-failed'           => '  ',
            'delete-success'          => '   ',
            'product-copied'          => '   ',
            'saved-inventory-message' => '   ',
            'update-success'          => '   ',

        'attributes' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'boolean'             => '',
                    'channel-based'       => '  ',
                    'checkbox'            => ' ',
                    'code'                => '',
                    'created-at'          => ' ',
                    'date'                => '',
                    'date-time'           => ' ',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'edit'                => '',
                    'file'                => '',
                    'id'                  => '',
                    'image'               => '',
                    'locale-based'        => '  ',
                    'mass-delete-success' => '    ',
                    'multiselect'         => ' ',
                    'name'                => '',
                    'price'               => '',
                    'required'            => '',
                    'select'              => '',
                    'text'                => '',
                    'textarea'            => ' ',
                    'type'                => '',
                    'unique'              => '',

            'create' => [
                'add-attribute-options' => '  ',
                'add-option'            => ' ',
                'add-options-info'      => '      .',
                'add-row'               => ' ',
                'admin'                 => '',
                'admin-name'            => ' ',
                'back-btn'              => '',
                'boolean'               => ' ',
                'checkbox'              => ' ',
                'code'                  => ' ',
                'color'                 => '',
                'configuration'         => '',
                'create-empty-option'   => '   ',
                'date'                  => '',
                'datetime'              => ' ',
                'decimal'               => '',
                'default-value'         => ' ',
                'email'                 => ' ',
                'enable-wysiwyg'        => '  WYSIWYG',
                'file'                  => '',
                'general'               => '',
                'image'                 => '',
                'input-options'         => ' ',
                'input-validation'      => '  ',
                'is-comparable'         => '  ',
                'is-configurable'       => '    ',
                'is-filterable'         => '    ',
                'is-required'           => '',
                'is-unique'             => '',
                'is-visible-on-front'   => '       ',
                'label'                 => '',
                'multiselect'           => ' ',
                'no'                    => '',
                'number'                => '',
                'option-deleted'        => '   ',
                'options'               => '',
                'position'              => '',
                'price'                 => '',
                'regex'                 => ' ',
                'regex-info'            => '       .',
                'save-btn'              => ' ',
                'select'                => '',
                'select-type'           => '  ',
                'swatch'                => 'Swatch',
                'text'                  => '',
                'textarea'              => ' ',
                'title'                 => ' ',
                'type'                  => ' ',
                'url'                   => ' URL',
                'use-in-flat'           => '    ',
                'validations'           => '',
                'value-per-channel'     => '  ',
                'value-per-locale'      => '  ',
                'yes'                   => '',

                'option' => [
                    'color'    => ' ',
                    'dropdown' => ' ',
                    'image'    => ' ',
                    'save-btn' => ' ',
                    'text'     => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'add-attribute-options' => '  ',
                'add-option'            => ' ',
                'add-options-info'      => '      .',
                'add-row'               => ' ',
                'admin'                 => '',
                'admin-name'            => ' ',
                'back-btn'              => '',
                'boolean'               => ' ',
                'checkbox'              => ' ',
                'code'                  => ' ',
                'color'                 => '',
                'configuration'         => '',
                'create-empty-option'   => '   ',
                'date'                  => '',
                'datetime'              => ' ',
                'decimal'               => '',
                'default-value'         => ' ',
                'email'                 => ' ',
                'enable-wysiwyg'        => '  WYSIWYG',
                'file'                  => '',
                'general'               => '',
                'image'                 => '',
                'input-options'         => ' ',
                'input-validation'      => '  ',
                'is-comparable'         => '  ',
                'is-configurable'       => '    ',
                'is-filterable'         => '    ',
                'is-required'           => '',
                'is-unique'             => '',
                'is-visible-on-front'   => '       ',
                'label'                 => '',
                'multiselect'           => ' ',
                'no'                    => '',
                'number'                => '',
                'option-deleted'        => '   ',
                'options'               => '',
                'position'              => '',
                'price'                 => '',
                'regex'                 => ' ',
                'regex-info'            => '       .',
                'save-btn'              => ' ',
                'select'                => '',
                'select-type'           => '  ',
                'swatch'                => 'Swatch',
                'text'                  => '',
                'textarea'              => ' ',
                'title'                 => ' ',
                'type'                  => ' ',
                'url'                   => ' URL',
                'use-in-flat'           => '    ',
                'validations'           => '',
                'value-per-channel'     => '  ',
                'value-per-locale'      => '  ',
                'yes'                   => '',

                'option' => [
                    'color'    => ' ',
                    'dropdown' => ' ',
                    'image'    => ' ',
                    'save-btn' => ' ',
                    'text'     => ' ',

            'create-success'    => '   ',
            'delete-failed'     => '  ',
            'delete-success'    => '   ',
            'update-success'    => '   ',
            'user-define-error' => '    ',

        'categories' => [
            'index' => [
                'add-btn' => ' ',
                'title'   => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'delete-success' => '   :resource ',
                    'edit'           => '',
                    'id'             => ' ',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'no-of-products' => ' ',
                    'position'       => '',
                    'status'         => '  ',
                    'update-status'  => ' ',

            'create' => [
                'add-banner'               => ' ',
                'add-logo'                 => ' ',
                'back-btn'                 => '',
                'banner'                   => '',
                'banner-size'              => '  (1320px X 300px)',
                'description'              => '',
                'description-and-images'   => ' ',
                'description-only'         => ' ',
                'display-mode'             => ' ',
                'enter-position'           => ' ',
                'filterable-attributes'    => '   ',
                'general'                  => '',
                'logo'                     => '',
                'logo-size'                => '     (110px X 110px)',
                'meta-description'         => ' ',
                'meta-keywords'            => '  ',
                'meta-title'               => '  ',
                'name'                     => '',
                'parent-category'          => ' ',
                'position'                 => '',
                'products-and-description' => ' ',
                'products-only'            => ' ',
                'save-btn'                 => ' ',
                'select-display-mode'      => '  ',
                'seo-details'              => ' SEO',
                'settings'                 => '',
                'slug'                     => 'Slug',
                'title'                    => '  ',
                'visible-in-menu'          => '  ',

            'edit' => [
                'add-banner'               => ' ',
                'add-logo'                 => ' ',
                'back-btn'                 => '',
                'banner'                   => '',
                'banner-size'              => '  (1320px X 300px)',
                'description'              => '',
                'description-and-images'   => ' ',
                'description-only'         => ' ',
                'display-mode'             => ' ',
                'enter-position'           => ' ',
                'filterable-attributes'    => '   ',
                'general'                  => '',
                'logo'                     => '',
                'logo-size'                => '     (110px X 110px)',
                'meta-description'         => ' ',
                'meta-keywords'            => '  ',
                'meta-title'               => '  ',
                'name'                     => '',
                'position'                 => '*',
                'products-and-description' => ' ',
                'products-only'            => ' ',
                'save-btn'                 => ' ',
                'select-display-mode'      => '  ',
                'select-parent-category'   => '  *',
                'seo-details'              => ' SEO',
                'settings'                 => '',
                'slug'                     => 'Slug',
                'title'                    => ' ',
                'visible-in-menu'          => '  ',

            'category'             => '',
            'create-success'       => '   .',
            'delete-category-root' => '    .',
            'delete-failed'        => '    .',
            'delete-success'       => '   .',
            'update-success'       => '   .',

        'families'   => [
            'index' => [
                'add'   => '  ',
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'code'           => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'delete-success' => '   :resource  ',
                    'edit'           => '',
                    'id'             => '',
                    'method-error'   => '!          ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'no-resource'    => '    ',
                    'partial-action' => '        :resource',
                    'update-success' => '   :resource  ',

            'create' => [
                'add-group-btn'                    => ' ',
                'add-group-title'                  => '  ',
                'back-btn'                         => '',
                'code'                             => '',
                'column'                           => '',
                'delete-group-btn'                 => ' ',
                'edit-group-info'                  => '   ',
                'enter-code'                       => ' ',
                'enter-name'                       => ' ',
                'general'                          => '',
                'group-code-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'group-contains-system-attributes' => '     .           .',
                'group-name-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'groups'                           => '',
                'groups-info'                      => '   ',
                'main-column'                      => ' ',
                'name'                             => '',
                'removal-not-possible'             => '       .',
                'right-column'                     => '  ',
                'save-btn'                         => '  ',
                'select-group'                     => '   .',
                'title'                            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes'            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes-info'       => '       .',

            'edit' => [
                'add-group-btn'                    => ' ',
                'add-group-title'                  => '  ',
                'back-btn'                         => '',
                'code'                             => '',
                'column'                           => '',
                'delete-group-btn'                 => ' ',
                'edit-group-info'                  => '   ',
                'enter-code'                       => ' ',
                'enter-name'                       => ' ',
                'general'                          => '',
                'group-code-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'group-contains-system-attributes' => '     .           .',
                'group-name-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'groups'                           => '',
                'groups-info'                      => '   ',
                'main-column'                      => ' ',
                'name'                             => '',
                'removal-not-possible'             => '       .',
                'right-column'                     => '  ',
                'save-btn'                         => '  ',
                'select-group'                     => '   .',
                'title'                            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes'            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes-info'       => '       .',

            'attribute-family'        => ' ',
            'attribute-product-error' => '   .',
            'create-success'          => '   .',
            'delete-failed'           => '    .',
            'delete-success'          => '   .',
            'family'                  => '',
            'last-delete-error'       => '     .',
            'update-success'          => '   .',
            'user-define-error'       => '     ',

    'customers' => [
        'customers' => [
            'index' => [
                'title'         => '',
                'login-message' => '   : :customer_name',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'address'        => ':address ()',
                    'address-count'  => ' ',
                    'channel'        => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'delete-success' => '    ',
                    'email'          => ' ',
                    'gender'         => '',
                    'group'          => '',
                    'id'             => ' ',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'method-error'   => '!          ',
                    'name'           => ' ',
                    'no-resource'    => '     ',
                    'order'          => ':order ()',
                    'order-count'    => ' ',
                    'order-pending'  => '    ',
                    'partial-action' => '         :resource',
                    'phone'          => ' ',
                    'revenue'        => '',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'suspended'      => '',
                    'update-status'  => ' ',
                    'update-success' => '    ',

                'create' => [
                    'contact-number'        => ' ',
                    'create-btn'            => ' ',
                    'create-success'        => '   ',
                    'customer-group'        => ' ',
                    'date-of-birth'         => ' ',
                    'email'                 => ' ',
                    'female'                => '',
                    'first-name'            => ' ',
                    'gender'                => '',
                    'last-name'             => ' ',
                    'male'                  => '',
                    'other'                 => '',
                    'save-btn'              => ' ',
                    'select-customer-group' => '  ',
                    'select-gender'         => ' ',
                    'title'                 => '  ',

            'view' => [
                'account-delete-confirmation' => '       ',
                'active'                      => '',
                'address-delete-confirmation' => '       ',
                'back-btn'                    => '',
                'create-order'                => ' ',
                'customer'                    => '',
                'date-of-birth'               => '  - :dob',
                'default-address'             => ' ',
                'delete-account'              => ' ',
                'delete'                      => '',
                'email'                       => '  - :email',
                'empty-description'           => '   ',
                'empty-title'                 => '  ',
                'gender'                      => ' - :gender',
                'group'                       => ' - :group_code',
                'inactive'                    => ' ',
                'login-as-customer'           => '  ',
                'note-created-success'        => '   ',
                'order-create-confirmation'   => '        ',
                'phone'                       => ' - :phone',
                'set-as-default'              => ' ',
                'suspended'                   => '',
                'title'                       => ' ',

                'address' => [
                    'count'  => ' (:count)',

                    'create' => [
                        'city'               => '',
                        'company-name'       => ' ',
                        'country'            => '',
                        'create-address-btn' => '  ',
                        'create-btn'         => '',
                        'default-address'    => ' ',
                        'email'              => ' ',
                        'first-name'         => ' ',
                        'last-name'          => ' ',
                        'phone'              => '',
                        'post-code'          => ' ',
                        'save-btn-title'     => ' ',
                        'select-country'     => ' ',
                        'state'              => '',
                        'street-address'     => ' ',
                        'title'              => ' ',
                        'vat-id'             => '   ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'city'            => '',
                        'company-name'    => ' ',
                        'country'         => '',
                        'default-address' => ' ',
                        'edit-btn'        => '',
                        'email'           => ' ',
                        'first-name'      => ' ',
                        'last-name'       => ' ',
                        'phone'           => '',
                        'post-code'       => ' ',
                        'save-btn-title'  => ' ',
                        'select-country'  => ' ',
                        'state'           => '',
                        'street-address'  => ' ',
                        'title'           => ' ',
                        'vat-id'          => '   ',

                    'address-delete-success' => '   ',
                    'create-success'         => '   ',
                    'set-default-success'    => '    ',
                    'success-mass-delete'    => '    ',
                    'update-success'         => '   ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'invoices' => [
                        'empty-invoice'  => '  ',
                        'increment-id'   => ' ',
                        'invoice-amount' => ' ',
                        'invoice-date'   => ' ',
                        'order-id'       => ' ',
                        'view'           => '',

                    'orders' => [
                        'canceled'        => ' ',
                        'channel-name'    => ' ',
                        'closed'          => '',
                        'completed'       => '',
                        'customer-name'   => ' ',
                        'date'            => '',
                        'empty-order'     => '  ',
                        'email'           => ' ',
                        'fraud'           => '',
                        'grand-total'     => ' ',
                        'location'        => '',
                        'order-id'        => ' ',
                        'pay-via'         => ' ',
                        'pending'         => ' ',
                        'pending-payment' => ' ',
                        'processing'      => ' ',
                        'status'          => '',
                        'view'            => '',

                    'reviews' => [
                        'approved'      => '  ',
                        'comment'       => '',
                        'created-at'    => ' ',
                        'disapproved'   => ' ',
                        'empty-reviews' => '   ',
                        'id'            => '',
                        'invoice-date'  => ' ',
                        'pending'       => ' ',
                        'product-id'    => ' ',
                        'product-name'  => ' ',
                        'rating'        => '',
                        'status'        => '',
                        'title'         => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'contact-number'        => ' ',
                    'customer-group'        => ' ',
                    'date-of-birth'         => ' ',
                    'edit-btn'              => '',
                    'email'                 => ' ',
                    'female'                => '',
                    'first-name'            => ' ',
                    'gender'                => '',
                    'last-name'             => ' ',
                    'male'                  => '',
                    'other'                 => '',
                    'save-btn'              => ' ',
                    'select-customer-group' => '  ',
                    'select-gender'         => ' ',
                    'status'                => '',
                    'suspended'             => '',
                    'title'                 => ' ',

                'invoices' => [
                    'count'        => ' (:count)',
                    'increment-id' => '# :increment_id',

                'notes' => [
                    'add-note'              => ' ',
                    'customer-not-notified' => ':date | <b>   </b>',
                    'customer-notified'     => ':date | <b>  </b>',
                    'note'                  => '',
                    'note-placeholder'      => '  ',
                    'notify-customer'       => ' ',
                    'submit-btn-title'      => ' ',

                'orders' => [
                    'count'         => ' (:count)',
                    'increment-id'  => '# :increment_id',
                    'total-revenue' => '  - :revenue',

                'reviews' => [
                    'id'    => ' - :id',
                    'count' => ' (:count)',

                'cart' => [
                    'delete-success' => '    .',

                'wishlist' => [
                    'delete-success' => '     .',

                'compare' => [
                    'delete-success' => '    .',

            'delete-failed'  => '  ',
            'delete-success' => '   ',
            'order-pending'  => '  ',
            'update-success' => '   ',

        'groups' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'create' => [
                    'code'       => '',
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'name'       => '',
                    'save-btn'   => ' ',
                    'success'    => '   ',
                    'title'      => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'delete-failed'  => '  ',
                    'delete-success' => '   ',
                    'group-default'  => '    ',
                    'success'        => '   ',
                    'title'          => ' ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'code'   => '',
                    'delete' => '',
                    'edit'   => '',
                    'id'     => '',
                    'name'   => '',

        'reviews' => [
            'index' => [
                'date'        => '',
                'description' => '',
                'id'          => ' ',
                'name'        => '',
                'product'     => '',
                'rating'      => '',
                'status'      => '',
                'title'       => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'approved'       => ' ',
                    'customer'       => '',
                    'date'           => '',
                    'disapproved'    => '  ',
                    'id'             => ' ',
                    'images'         => '',
                    'pending'        => '',
                    'product'        => '',
                    'rating'         => '',
                    'review-comment' => '',
                    'review-title'   => '',
                    'save-btn'       => '',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'title'          => ' ',
                    'update-success' => '  ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'approved'            => ' ',
                    'comment'             => '',
                    'customer-names'      => '',
                    'date'                => '',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'delete-success'      => '   ',
                    'disapproved'         => '  ',
                    'edit'                => '',
                    'id'                  => ' ',
                    'mass-delete-error'   => '  ',
                    'mass-delete-success' => '    ',
                    'mass-update-success' => '    ',
                    'pending'             => '',
                    'product'             => '',
                    'rating'              => '',
                    'review-id'           => '  - :review_id',
                    'status'              => '',
                    'title'               => '',
                    'update-status'       => ' ',

    'marketing' => [
        'communications' => [
            'templates' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'title'      => '  ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'   => '',
                        'draft'    => '',
                        'id'       => '',
                        'inactive' => ' ',
                        'name'     => '',
                        'status'   => '',

                'create' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'content'        => '',
                    'create-success' => '     .',
                    'draft'          => '',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'save-btn'       => ' ',
                    'select-status'  => ' ',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'title'          => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'content'        => '*',
                    'draft'          => '',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'save-btn'       => ' ',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'title'          => ' ',
                    'update-success' => '  ',

                'delete-failed'  => '  :name',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'email-template' => '  ',

            'campaigns' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'title'      => '',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'   => '',
                        'delete'   => '',
                        'edit'     => '',
                        'id'       => '',
                        'inactive' => ' ',
                        'name'     => '',
                        'status'   => '',
                        'subject'  => '',

                'create' => [
                    'active'          => '',
                    'back-btn'        => '',
                    'channel'         => '',
                    'customer-group'  => ' ',
                    'email-template'  => '  ',
                    'event'           => '',
                    'general'         => '',
                    'inactive'        => ' ',
                    'name'            => '',
                    'save-btn'        => ' ',
                    'select-channel'  => ' ',
                    'select-event'    => ' ',
                    'select-group'    => ' ',
                    'select-status'   => ' ',
                    'select-template' => ' ',
                    'setting'         => '',
                    'status'          => '',
                    'subject'         => '',
                    'title'           => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'active'          => '',
                    'audience'        => '',
                    'back-btn'        => '',
                    'channel'         => '',
                    'customer-group'  => ' ',
                    'email-template'  => '  ',
                    'event'           => '',
                    'general'         => '',
                    'inactive'        => ' ',
                    'name'            => '',
                    'save-btn'        => ' ',
                    'select-event'    => ' ',
                    'select-status'   => ' ',
                    'select-template' => ' ',
                    'status'          => '',
                    'subject'         => '',
                    'title'           => ' ',

                'create-success' => '   .',
                'delete-failed'  => '  :name',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'email-campaign' => '  ',
                'update-success' => '   .',

            'events' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'event'      => '',
                    'title'      => '',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions' => '',
                        'date'    => '',
                        'delete'  => '',
                        'edit'    => '',
                        'id'      => '',
                        'name'    => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'date'           => '',
                        'delete-warning' => '        ',
                        'description'    => '',
                        'general'        => '',
                        'name'           => '',
                        'save-btn'       => ' ',
                        'success'        => '   ',
                        'title'          => ' ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'success' => '   ',
                        'title'   => ' ',

                'delete-failed'  => '  :name',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'edit-error'     => '   ',

            'subscribers' => [
                'index' => [
                    'title' => '  ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'    => '',
                        'delete'     => '',
                        'edit'       => '',
                        'email'      => ' ',
                        'false'      => '',
                        'id'         => '',
                        'subscribed' => '',
                        'true'       => '',

                    'edit' => [
                        'back-btn'      => '',
                        'email'         => ' ',
                        'false'         => '',
                        'save-btn'      => ' ',
                        'subscribed'    => '',
                        'success'       => '     ',
                        'title'         => '   ',
                        'true'          => '',
                        'update-failed' => '     ',

                'delete-failed'  => '  ',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'delete-warning' => '        ',

        'promotions' => [
            'index' => [
                'cart-rule-title'    => ' ',
                'catalog-rule-title' => ' ',

            'cart-rules' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'      => '',
                        'copy'        => '',
                        'copy-of'     => ':value',
                        'coupon-code' => ' ',
                        'delete'      => '',
                        'draft'       => '',
                        'edit'        => '',
                        'end'         => '',
                        'id'          => '',
                        'inactive'    => ' ',
                        'name'        => '',
                        'priority'    => '',
                        'start'       => '',
                        'status'      => '',

                'create' => [
                    'action-type'                               => ' ',
                    'actions'                                   => '',
                    'add-condition'                             => ' ',
                    'additional'                                => '',
                    'all-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'any-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'apply-to-shipping'                         => '  ',
                    'attribute-family'                          => ' ',
                    'attribute-name-children-only'              => '  ( )',
                    'attribute-name-parent-only'                => '  ( )',
                    'auto-generate-coupon'                      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'                                  => '',
                    'buy-x-get-y-free'                          => ' X   Y ',
                    'buy-x-quantity'                            => ' X ',
                    'cart-attribute'                            => ' ',
                    'cart-item-attribute'                       => '  ',
                    'categories'                                => '',
                    'channels'                                  => '',
                    'children-categories'                       => ' ( )',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'                   => '  ',
                    'condition-type'                            => ' ',
                    'conditions'                                => '',
                    'contain'                                   => ' ',
                    'contains'                                  => ' ',
                    'coupon-code'                               => ' ',
                    'coupon-type'                               => ' ',
                    'create-success'                            => '    ',
                    'customer-groups'                           => ' ',
                    'description'                               => '',
                    'discount-amount'                           => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'                          => '  ',
                    'end-of-other-rules'                        => '  ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'                    => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'                       => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'                              => ' ',
                    'fixed-amount-whole-cart'                   => '   ',
                    'free-shipping'                             => ' ',
                    'from'                                      => '',
                    'general'                                   => '',
                    'greater-than'                              => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'                               => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'                           => ' ',
                    'less-than'                                 => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'                            => ' ',
                    'maximum-quantity-allowed-to-be-discounted' => '     ',
                    'name'                                      => '',
                    'no'                                        => '',
                    'no-coupon'                                 => ' ',
                    'parent-categories'                         => ' ( )',
                    'payment-method'                            => ' ',
                    'percentage-product-price'                  => '   ',
                    'price-in-cart'                             => '  ',
                    'priority'                                  => '',
                    'product-attribute'                         => ' ',
                    'qty-in-cart'                               => '  ',
                    'save-btn'                                  => '  ',
                    'settings'                                  => '',
                    'shipping-country'                          => ' ',
                    'shipping-method'                           => ' ',
                    'shipping-postcode'                         => '  ',
                    'shipping-state'                            => ' ',
                    'specific-coupon'                           => ' ',
                    'status'                                    => '',
                    'subtotal'                                  => ' ',
                    'title'                                     => '  ',
                    'to'                                        => '',
                    'total-items-qty'                           => '  ',
                    'total-weight'                              => ' ',
                    'uses-per-coupon'                           => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer'                         => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer-control-info'            => '    .',
                    'yes'                                       => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'action-type'                               => ' ',
                    'actions'                                   => '',
                    'add-condition'                             => ' ',
                    'additional'                                => '',
                    'all-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'alphabetical'                              => '',
                    'alphanumeric'                              => ' ',
                    'any-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'apply-to-shipping'                         => '  ',
                    'attribute-family'                          => ' ',
                    'attribute-name-children-only'              => '  ( )',
                    'attribute-name-parent-only'                => '  ( )',
                    'auto-generate-coupon'                      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'                                  => '',
                    'buy-x-get-y-free'                          => ' X   Y ',
                    'buy-x-quantity'                            => ' X ',
                    'cart-attribute'                            => ' ',
                    'cart-item-attribute'                       => '  ',
                    'categories'                                => '',
                    'channels'                                  => '',
                    'children-categories'                       => ' ( )',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'                   => '  ',
                    'code-format'                               => ' ',
                    'code-prefix'                               => ' ',
                    'code-suffix'                               => ' ',
                    'condition-type'                            => ' ',
                    'conditions'                                => '',
                    'contain'                                   => ' ',
                    'contains'                                  => ' ',
                    'coupon-code'                               => ' ',
                    'coupon-length'                             => ' ',
                    'coupon-qty'                                => ' ',
                    'coupon-type'                               => ' ',
                    'customer-group'                            => ' ',
                    'customer-groups'                           => ' ',
                    'description'                               => '',
                    'discount-amount'                           => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'                          => '  ',
                    'end-of-other-rules'                        => '  ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'                    => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'                       => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'                              => ' ',
                    'fixed-amount-whole-cart'                   => '   ',
                    'free-shipping'                             => ' ',
                    'from'                                      => '',
                    'general'                                   => '',
                    'generate'                                  => '',
                    'greater-than'                              => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'                               => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'                           => ' ',
                    'less-than'                                 => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'                            => ' ',
                    'maximum-quantity-allowed-to-be-discounted' => '     ',
                    'name'                                      => '',
                    'no'                                        => '',
                    'no-coupon'                                 => ' ',
                    'numeric'                                   => '',
                    'parent-categories'                         => ' ( )',
                    'payment-method'                            => ' ',
                    'percentage-product-price'                  => '   ',
                    'price-in-cart'                             => '  ',
                    'priority'                                  => '',
                    'product-attribute'                         => ' ',
                    'qty-in-cart'                               => '  ',
                    'save-btn'                                  => '  ',
                    'settings'                                  => '',
                    'shipping-country'                          => ' ',
                    'shipping-method'                           => ' ',
                    'shipping-postcode'                         => '  ',
                    'shipping-state'                            => ' ',
                    'specific-coupon'                           => ' ',
                    'status'                                    => '',
                    'subtotal'                                  => ' ',
                    'title'                                     => '  ',
                    'to'                                        => '',
                    'total-items-qty'                           => '  ',
                    'total-weight'                              => ' ',
                    'update-success'                            => '    ',
                    'uses-per-coupon'                           => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer'                         => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer-control-info'            => '    .',
                    'yes'                                       => '',

                'delete-failed'  => '   ',
                'delete-success' => '    ',

            'catalog-rules' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'   => '',
                        'delete'   => '',
                        'edit'     => '',
                        'end'      => '',
                        'id'       => '',
                        'inactive' => ' ',
                        'name'     => '',
                        'priority' => '',
                        'start'    => '',
                        'status'   => '',

                'create' => [
                    'action-type'              => ' ',
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                    'all-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'any-conditions-true'      => '  ',
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                    'channels'                 => '',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'  => '  ',
                    'condition-type'           => ' ',
                    'conditions'               => '',
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                    'contains'                 => ' ',
                    'customer-groups'          => ' ',
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                    'end-other-rules'          => '   ',
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                    'equals-or-less-than'      => '   ',
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                    'from'                     => '',
                    'general'                  => '',
                    'greater-than'             => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'              => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'          => ' ',
                    'less-than'                => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'           => ' ',
                    'name'                     => '',
                    'no'                       => '',
                    'percentage-product-price' => '   ',
                    'priority'                 => '',
                    'product-attribute'        => ' ',
                    'save-btn'                 => '  ',
                    'settings'                 => '',
                    'status'                   => '',
                    'title'                    => '  ',
                    'to'                       => '',
                    'yes'                      => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'action-type'              => ' ',
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                    'all-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'any-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'                 => '',
                    'categories'               => '',
                    'channels'                 => '',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'  => '  ',
                    'condition-type'           => ' ',
                    'conditions'               => '',
                    'contain'                  => ' ',
                    'contains'                 => ' ',
                    'customer-groups'          => ' ',
                    'description'              => '',
                    'discount-amount'          => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'         => '  ',
                    'end-other-rules'          => '   ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'   => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'      => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'             => ' ',
                    'from'                     => '',
                    'general'                  => '',
                    'greater-than'             => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'              => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'          => ' ',
                    'less-than'                => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'           => ' ',
                    'name'                     => '',
                    'no'                       => '',
                    'percentage-product-price' => '   ',
                    'priority'                 => '',
                    'product-attribute'        => ' ',
                    'save-btn'                 => '  ',
                    'settings'                 => '',
                    'status'                   => '',
                    'title'                    => '  ',
                    'to'                       => '',
                    'yes'                      => '',

                'create-success' => '    ',
                'delete-success' => '    ',
                'update-success' => '    ',

            'cart-rules-coupons' => [
                'cart-rule-not-defined-error' => '    ',
                'delete-success'              => '    ',
                'mass-delete-success'         => '    ',
                'success'                     => '  :name ',

                'datagrid' => [
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                    'created-date'    => ' ',
                    'delete'          => '',
                    'expiration-date' => ' ',
                    'id'              => ' ',
                    'times-used'      => '  ',

        'search-seo' => [
            'search-terms' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'uses'                => '',
                        'search-query'        => ' ',
                        'results'             => '',
                        'redirect-url'        => ' URL  ',
                        'mass-delete-success' => '     ',
                        'locale'              => ' ',
                        'id'                  => '',
                        'edit'                => '',
                        'delete'              => '',
                        'channel'             => '',
                        'actions'             => '',
                        'channel'             => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'channel'        => '',
                        'delete-warning' => '       ',
                        'locale'         => ' ',
                        'redirect-url'   => ' URL  ',
                        'results'        => '',
                        'save-btn'       => '  ',
                        'search-query'   => ' ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',
                        'uses'           => '',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '    ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

            'search-synonyms' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'             => '',
                        'delete'              => '',
                        'edit'                => '',
                        'id'                  => '',
                        'mass-delete-success' => '     ',
                        'name'                => '',
                        'terms'               => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'delete-warning' => '       ',
                        'name'           => '',
                        'save-btn'       => '  ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'terms'          => '',
                        'terms-info'     => '      " ."      .',
                        'title'          => '  ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '    ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

            'sitemaps' => [
                'index' => [
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                    'sitemap'    => ' ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'         => '',
                        'delete'          => '',
                        'edit'            => '',
                        'file-name'       => ' ',
                        'id'              => '',
                        'link-for-google' => ' ',
                        'path'            => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'delete-warning' => '       ',
                        'file-name'      => ' ',
                        'file-name-info' => ': sitemap.xml',
                        'path'           => '',
                        'path-info'      => ': "/sitemap/"  "/"  ',
                        'save-btn'       => '  ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '    ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

                'edit' => [
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                    'file-name'      => ' ',
                    'file-name-info' => ': sitemap.xml',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'path'           => '',
                    'path-info'      => ': "/sitemap/"  "/"  ',
                    'save-btn'       => '  ',

                'delete-failed' => ':name   ',

            'url-rewrites' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '    URL',
                    'title'      => '   URL',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'             => '',
                        'category'            => '',
                        'cms-page'            => ' CMS',
                        'delete'              => '',
                        'edit'                => '',
                        'for'                 => '',
                        'id'                  => '',
                        'locale'              => '',
                        'mass-delete-success' => '     URL  ',
                        'permanent-redirect'  => ' (301)',
                        'product'             => '',
                        'redirect-type'       => '  ',
                        'request-path'        => ' ',
                        'target-path'         => ' ',
                        'temporary-redirect'  => ' (302)',

                    'create' => [
                        'category'           => '',
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                        'for'                => '',
                        'locale'             => '',
                        'permanent-redirect' => ' (301)',
                        'product'            => '',
                        'redirect-type'      => '  ',
                        'request-path'       => ' ',
                        'save-btn'           => '    URL',
                        'success'            => '     URL ',
                        'target-path'        => ' ',
                        'temporary-redirect' => ' (302)',
                        'title'              => '    URL',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '     URL ',
                        'success'        => '     URL ',
                        'title'          => '    URL',

    'cms' => [
        'index' => [
            'already-taken' => '  :name .',
            'create-btn'    => ' ',
            'channel'       => '',
            'language'      => '',
            'title'         => '',

            'datagrid' => [
                'channel'             => '',
                'delete'              => '',
                'edit'                => '',
                'id'                  => '',
                'mass-delete-success' => '    ',
                'page-title'          => ' ',
                'url-key'             => ' ',
                'view'                => '',

        'create' => [
            'channels'         => '',
            'content'          => '',
            'description'      => '',
            'general'          => '',
            'meta-description' => ' ',
            'meta-keywords'    => '  ',
            'meta-title'       => ' ',
            'page-title'       => '',
            'save-btn'         => ' ',
            'seo'              => '  ',
            'title'            => ' ',
            'url-key'          => ' ',

        'edit' => [
            'back-btn'         => '',
            'channels'         => '',
            'content'          => '',
            'description'      => '',
            'general'          => '',
            'meta-description' => ' ',
            'meta-keywords'    => '  ',
            'meta-title'       => ' ',
            'page-title'       => ' ',
            'preview-btn'      => ' ',
            'save-btn'         => ' ',
            'seo'              => '  ',
            'title'            => ' ',
            'url-key'          => ' ',

        'create-success' => '   .',
        'delete-success' => '   .',
        'no-resource'    => '  .',
        'update-success' => '   .',

    'settings' => [
        'locales' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn'    => ' ',
                'locale'        => '',
                'logo-size'     => '     24   16 ',
                'title'         => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'   => '',
                    'code'      => '',
                    'delete'    => '',
                    'direction' => '',
                    'edit'      => '',
                    'id'        => '',
                    'ltr'       => 'LTR',
                    'name'      => '',
                    'rtl'       => 'RTL',

                'create' => [
                    'code'             => '',
                    'direction'        => '',
                    'locale-logo'      => ' ',
                    'name'             => '',
                    'save-btn'         => ' ',
                    'select-direction' => ' ',
                    'title'            => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => ' ',

                'create-success'    => '   .',
                'delete-failed'     => '  .',
                'delete-success'    => '   .',
                'delete-warning'    => '       ',
                'last-delete-error' => '       .',
                'update-success'    => '   .',

        'currencies' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'currency'   => '',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'        => '',
                    'code'           => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'edit'           => '',
                    'id'             => '',
                    'method-error'   => '!          ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'no-resource'    => '    ',
                    'partial-action' => '             :resource',
                    'update-success' => '  :resource  ',

                'create' => [
                    'code'              => '',
                    'create-btn'        => ' ',
                    'currency-position' => ' ',
                    'decimal'           => '',
                    'decimal-separator' => ' ',
                    'delete-warning'    => '       ',
                    'general'           => '',
                    'group-separator'   => ' ',
                    'name'              => '',
                    'save-btn'          => ' ',
                    'symbol'            => '',
                    'title'             => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => ' ',

                'create-success'    => '   .',
                'delete-failed'     => '  .',
                'delete-success'    => '   .',
                'last-delete-error' => '       .',
                'update-success'    => '   .',

        'data-transfer' => [
            'imports' => [
                'create' => [
                    'action'              => '',
                    'allowed-errors'      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'            => '',
                    'create-update'       => '/',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'download-sample'     => ' ',
                    'field-separator'     => ' ',
                    'file'                => '',
                    'file-info'           => '    /project-root/storage/app/import    product-images import-images.',
                    'file-info-example'   => '            /project-root/storage/app/import/product-images',
                    'general'             => '',
                    'images-directory'    => '  ',
                    'process-in-queue'    => '  ',
                    'results'             => '',
                    'save-btn'            => ' ',
                    'settings'            => '',
                    'skip-errors'         => ' ',
                    'stop-on-errors'      => '  ',
                    'title'               => ' ',
                    'type'                => '',
                    'validation-strategy' => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'action'              => '',
                    'allowed-errors'      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'            => '',
                    'create-update'       => '/',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'download-sample'     => ' ',
                    'field-separator'     => ' ',
                    'file'                => '',
                    'file-info'           => '    /project-root/storage/app/import    product-images import-images.',
                    'file-info-example'   => '            /project-root/storage/app/import/product-images',
                    'general'             => '',
                    'images-directory'    => '  ',
                    'process-in-queue'    => '  ',
                    'results'             => '',
                    'save-btn'            => ' ',
                    'settings'            => '',
                    'skip-errors'         => ' ',
                    'stop-on-errors'      => '  ',
                    'title'               => ' ',
                    'type'                => '',
                    'validation-strategy' => ' ',

                'index' => [
                    'button-title' => ' ',
                    'title'        => '',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'       => '',
                        'completed-at'  => ' ',
                        'created'       => ' ',
                        'delete'        => '',
                        'deleted'       => ' ',
                        'edit'          => '',
                        'error-file'    => ' ',
                        'id'            => '',
                        'started-at'    => ' ',
                        'state'         => '',
                        'summary'       => '',
                        'updated'       => ' ',
                        'uploaded-file' => ' ',

                'import' => [
                    'back-btn'                => '',
                    'completed-batches'       => '  :',
                    'download-error-report'   => '  ',
                    'edit-btn'                => '',
                    'imported-info'           => '!    .',
                    'importing-info'          => ' ',
                    'indexing-info'           => '   (   )',
                    'linking-info'            => '  ',
                    'progress'                => ':',
                    'title'                   => '',
                    'total-batches'           => ' :',
                    'total-created'           => '    :',
                    'total-deleted'           => '    :',
                    'total-errors'            => ' :',
                    'total-invalid-rows'      => '   :',
                    'total-rows-processed'    => '  :',
                    'total-updated'           => '    :',
                    'validate'                => '',
                    'validate-info'           => '         .',
                    'validating-info'         => '    ',
                    'validation-failed-info'  => '    .       .',
                    'validation-success-info' => '   .      .',

                'create-success'    => 'Import created successfully.',
                'delete-failed'     => 'Import deletion failed unexpectedly.',
                'delete-success'    => 'Import deleted successfully.',
                'not-valid'         => 'Import is invalid',
                'nothing-to-import' => 'There are no resources to import.',
                'setup-queue-error' => 'Please change your queue driver to "database" or "redis" to start the import process.',
                'update-success'    => 'Import updated successfully.',

        'exchange-rates' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn'    => '  ',
                'exchange-rate' => ' ',
                'title'         => ' ',
                'update-rates'  => '  ',

                'create' => [
                    'delete-warning'         => '       ',
                    'rate'                   => '',
                    'save-btn'               => '  ',
                    'select-target-currency' => '  ',
                    'source-currency'        => ' ',
                    'target-currency'        => ' ',
                    'title'                  => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => '  ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'       => '',
                    'currency-name' => ' ',
                    'delete'        => '',
                    'edit'          => '',
                    'exchange-rate' => ' ',
                    'id'            => '',

                'create-success' => '    .',
                'delete-error'   => '   .',
                'delete-success' => '    .',
                'update-success' => '    .',

        'inventory-sources' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => '  ',
                'title'      => ' ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'   => '',
                    'code'     => '',
                    'delete'   => '',
                    'edit'     => '',
                    'id'       => '',
                    'inactive' => ' ',
                    'name'     => '',
                    'priority' => '',
                    'status'   => '',

            'create' => [
                'add-title'      => '  ',
                'address'        => ' ',
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'city'           => '',
                'code'           => '',
                'contact-email'  => ' ',
                'contact-fax'    => '',
                'contact-info'   => ' ',
                'contact-name'   => '',
                'contact-number' => ' ',
                'country'        => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'latitude'       => ' ',
                'longitude'      => ' ',
                'name'           => '',
                'postcode'       => ' ',
                'priority'       => '',
                'save-btn'       => '  ',
                'select-country' => ' ',
                'select-state'   => ' ',
                'settings'       => '',
                'state'          => '',
                'status'         => '',
                'street'         => '',
                'title'          => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'city'           => '',
                'code'           => '',
                'contact-email'  => ' ',
                'contact-fax'    => '',
                'contact-info'   => ' ',
                'contact-name'   => '',
                'contact-number' => ' ',
                'country'        => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'latitude'       => ' ',
                'longitude'      => ' ',
                'name'           => '',
                'postcode'       => ' ',
                'priority'       => '',
                'save-btn'       => '  ',
                'select-country' => ' ',
                'select-state'   => ' ',
                'settings'       => '',
                'source-address' => ' ',
                'state'          => '',
                'status'         => '',
                'street'         => '',
                'title'          => '  ',

            'create-success'    => '    .',
            'delete-failed'     => '   .',
            'delete-success'    => '    .',
            'last-delete-error' => '     .',
            'update-success'    => '    .',

        'taxes' => [
            'categories' => [
                'index' => [
                    'delete-warning' => '     ',
                    'tax-category'   => ' ',
                    'title'          => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions' => '',
                        'code'    => '',
                        'delete'  => '',
                        'edit'    => '',
                        'id'      => '',
                        'name'    => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'add-tax-rates' => '  ',
                        'code'          => '',
                        'description'   => '',
                        'empty-text'    => '         .',
                        'general'       => ' ',
                        'name'          => '',
                        'save-btn'      => '  ',
                        'select'        => '',
                        'tax-rates'     => ' ',
                        'title'         => '  ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'title' => '  ',

                    'create-success' => '    ',
                    'delete-failed'  => '   ',
                    'delete-success' => '    ',
                    'update-success' => '    ',

            'rates' => [
                'index' => [
                    'button-title' => '  ',
                    'tax-rate'     => ' ',
                    'title'        => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'country'    => '',
                        'delete'     => '',
                        'edit'       => '',
                        'id'         => '',
                        'identifier' => '',
                        'state'      => '',
                        'tax-rate'   => ' ',
                        'zip-code'   => ' ',
                        'zip-from'   => '  ',
                        'zip-to'     => '  ',

                'create' => [
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'country'        => '',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'identifier'     => '',
                    'is-zip'         => '   ',
                    'save-btn'       => '  ',
                    'select-country' => ' ',
                    'select-state'   => ' ',
                    'settings'       => '',
                    'state'          => '',
                    'tax-rate'       => '',
                    'title'          => '  ',
                    'zip-code'       => ' ',
                    'zip-from'       => '  ',
                    'zip-to'         => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'country'        => '',
                    'identifier'     => '',
                    'save-btn'       => '  ',
                    'select-country' => ' ',
                    'select-state'   => ' ',
                    'settings'       => '',
                    'state'          => '',
                    'tax-rate'       => '',
                    'title'          => '  ',
                    'zip-code'       => ' ',
                    'zip-from'       => '  ',
                    'zip-to'         => '  ',

                'create-success' => '    .',
                'delete-failed'  => '   .',
                'delete-success' => '    .',
                'update-success' => '    .',

        'channels' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn'        => ' ',
                'delete-failed'     => '  ',
                'delete-success'    => '   .',
                'last-delete-error' => '   .',
                'title'             => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'code'      => '',
                    'delete'    => '',
                    'edit'      => '',
                    'host-name' => ' ',
                    'id'        => '',
                    'name'      => '',

            'create' => [
                'allowed-ips'             => ' IP  ',
                'cancel'                  => '',
                'code'                    => '',
                'create-success'          => '   .',
                'currencies'              => '',
                'currencies-and-locales'  => ' ',
                'default-currency'        => ' ',
                'default-locale'          => ' ',
                'description'             => '',
                'design'                  => '',
                'favicon'                 => '  (Favicon)',
                'favicon-size'            => '      16   16 ',
                'general'                 => '',
                'hostname'                => ' ',
                'hostname-placeholder'    => ' (     .)',
                'inventory-sources'       => ' ',
                'last-delete-error'       => '       .',
                'locales'                 => '',
                'logo'                    => '',
                'logo-size'               => '      192   50 ',
                'maintenance-mode-text'   => '',
                'name'                    => '',
                'root-category'           => ' ',
                'save-btn'                => ' ',
                'select-default-currency' => '  ',
                'select-default-locale'   => '  ',
                'select-root-category'    => '  ',
                'select-theme'            => ' ',
                'seo'                     => '    ',
                'seo-description'         => '  (Meta description)',
                'seo-keywords'            => '  (Meta keywords)',
                'seo-title'               => '  (Meta title)',
                'settings'                => '',
                'status'                  => '',
                'theme'                   => '',
                'title'                   => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'allowed-ips'            => ' IP  ',
                'back-btn'               => '',
                'code'                   => '',
                'currencies'             => '',
                'currencies-and-locales' => ' ',
                'default-currency'       => ' ',
                'default-locale'         => ' ',
                'description'            => '',
                'design'                 => '',
                'favicon'                => '  (Favicon)',
                'favicon-size'           => '      16   16 ',
                'general'                => '',
                'hostname'               => ' ',
                'hostname-placeholder'   => ' (     .)',
                'inventory-sources'      => ' ',
                'last-delete-error'      => '       .',
                'locales'                => '',
                'logo'                   => '',
                'logo-size'              => '      192   50 ',
                'maintenance-mode'       => ' ',
                'maintenance-mode-text'  => '',
                'name'                   => '',
                'root-category'          => ' ',
                'save-btn'               => ' ',
                'seo'                    => '    ',
                'seo-description'        => '  (Meta description)',
                'seo-keywords'           => '  (Meta keywords)',
                'seo-title'              => '  (Meta title)',
                'status'                 => '',
                'theme'                  => '',
                'title'                  => ' ',
                'update-success'         => '   .',

        'users' => [
            'index' => [
                'admin' => '',
                'title' => '',
                'user'  => '',

                'create' => [
                    'confirm-password'  => '  ',
                    'email'             => ' ',
                    'name'              => '',
                    'password'          => ' ',
                    'role'              => '',
                    'save-btn'          => ' ',
                    'status'            => '',
                    'title'             => ' ',
                    'upload-image-info' => '     (110   110 )  PNG  JPG',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'  => '',
                    'active'   => '',
                    'delete'   => '',
                    'edit'     => '',
                    'email'    => ' ',
                    'id'       => '',
                    'inactive' => ' ',
                    'name'     => '',
                    'role'     => '',
                    'status'   => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'back-btn'         => '',
                'confirm-password' => '  ',
                'email'            => ' ',
                'general'          => '',
                'name'             => '',
                'password'         => ' ',
                'role'             => '',
                'save-btn'         => ' ',
                'status'           => '',
                'title'            => ' ',

            'activate-warning'   => '        .',
            'cannot-change'      => '   .',
            'create-success'     => '   .',
            'delete-failed'      => '  .',
            'delete-success'     => '   .',
            'delete-warning'     => '       ',
            'incorrect-password' => '   .',
            'last-delete-error'  => '   .',
            'login-error'        => '         .',
            'update-success'     => '   .',

        'roles' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'custom'          => '',
                    'all'             => '',
                    'permission-type' => ' ',
                    'name'            => '',
                    'id'              => '',
                    'edit'            => '',
                    'delete'          => '',

            'create' => [
                'access-control' => '  ',
                'all'            => '',
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'custom'         => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'name'           => '',
                'permissions'    => '',
                'save-btn'       => ' ',
                'title'          => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'access-control' => '  ',
                'all'            => '',
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'custom'         => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'name'           => '',
                'permissions'    => '',
                'save-btn'       => ' ',
                'title'          => ' ',

            'being-used'        => '     ',
            'create-success'    => '   ',
            'delete-failed'     => '  ',
            'delete-success'    => '   ',
            'last-delete-error' => '    ',
            'update-success'    => '   ',

        'themes' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'       => '',
                    'channel_name' => ' ',
                    'delete'       => '',
                    'id'           => '',
                    'inactive'     => ' ',
                    'name'         => '',
                    'sort-order'   => ' ',
                    'status'       => '',
                    'theme'        => '',
                    'type'         => '',
                    'view'         => '',

            'create' => [
                'name'       => '',
                'save-btn'   => ' ',
                'sort-order' => ' ',
                'themes'     => '',
                'title'      => ' ',

                'type' => [
                    'category-carousel' => ' ',
                    'footer-links'      => ' ',
                    'image-carousel'    => ' ',
                    'product-carousel'  => ' ',
                    'services-content'  => ' ',
                    'static-content'    => ' ',
                    'title'             => '',

            'edit' => [
                'active'                        => '',
                'add-filter-btn'                => ' ',
                'add-footer-link-btn'           => '  ',
                'add-image-btn'                 => ' ',
                'add-link'                      => ' ',
                'asc'                           => '',
                'back'                          => '',
                'category-carousel'             => ' ',
                'category-carousel-description' => '        .',
                'channels'                      => '',
                'column'                        => '',
                'create-filter'                 => ' ',
                'css'                           => ' ',
                'delete'                        => '',
                'desc'                          => '',
                'edit'                          => '',
                'featured'                      => '',
                'filter-title'                  => '',
                'filters'                       => '',
                'footer-link'                   => ' ',
                'footer-link-description'       => '         .',
                'footer-link-form-title'        => ' ',
                'footer-title'                  => '',
                'general'                       => '',
                'html'                          => ' HTML',
                'image'                         => '',
                'image-size'                    => '     (1920   700 )',
                'image-title'                   => ' ',
                'image-upload-message'          => '   (.jpeg .jpg .png .webp ..)',
                'inactive'                      => ' ',
                'key'                           => ': :key',
                'key-input'                     => '',
                'limit'                         => '',
                'link'                          => '',
                'name'                          => '',
                'new'                           => '',
                'no'                            => '',
                'parent-id'                     => ' ',
                'preview'                       => '',
                'product-carousel'              => ' ',
                'product-carousel-description'  => '       .',
                'save-btn'                      => '',
                'select'                        => '',
                'slider'                        => '',
                'slider-add-btn'                => ' ',
                'slider-description'            => '    .',
                'slider-image'                  => ' ',
                'slider-required'               => '  .',
                'sort'                          => '',
                'sort-order'                    => ' ',
                'static-content'                => ' ',
                'static-content-description'    => '       .',
                'status'                        => '',
                'themes'                        => '',
                'title'                         => ' ',
                'update-slider'                 => ' ',
                'url'                           => ' ',
                'value'                         => ': :value',
                'value-input'                   => '',

                'services-content' => [
                    'add-btn'            => ' ',
                    'channels'           => '',
                    'delete'             => '',
                    'description'        => '',
                    'general'            => '',
                    'name'               => '',
                    'save-btn'           => '',
                    'service-icon'       => ' ',
                    'service-icon-class' => '  ',
                    'service-info'       => '   .',
                    'services'           => '',
                    'sort-order'         => ' ',
                    'status'             => '',
                    'title'              => '',
                    'update-service'     => ' ',
                'yes'                           => '',

            'create-success' => '   ',
            'delete-success' => '   ',
            'update-success' => '   ',

    'reporting' => [
        'sales' => [
            'index' => [
                'abandoned-carts'               => ' ',
                'abandoned-products'            => ' ',
                'abandoned-rate'                => ' ',
                'abandoned-revenue'             => ' ',
                'added-to-cart'                 => '   ',
                'added-to-cart-info'            => ' :progress      ',
                'all-channels'                  => ' ',
                'average-order-value-over-time' => '     ',
                'average-sales'                 => '  ',
                'count'                         => '',
                'end-date'                      => ' ',
                'id'                            => '',
                'interval'                      => ' ',
                'name'                          => '',
                'orders'                        => '',
                'orders-over-time'              => '   ',
                'payment-method'                => ' ',
                'product-views'                 => ' ',
                'product-views-info'            => ' :progress    ',
                'purchase-funnel'               => ' ',
                'purchased'                     => ' ',
                'purchased-info'                => ' :progress   ',
                'refunds'                       => '',
                'refunds-over-time'             => '   ',
                'sales-over-time'               => '   ',
                'shipping-collected'            => ' ',
                'shipping-collected-over-time'  => '    ',
                'start-date'                    => ' ',
                'tax-collected'                 => ' ',
                'tax-collected-over-time'       => '    ',
                'title'                         => '',
                'top-payment-methods'           => '  ',
                'top-shipping-methods'          => '  ',
                'top-tax-categories'            => '  ',
                'total'                         => '',
                'total-orders'                  => ' ',
                'total-sales'                   => ' ',
                'total-visits'                  => ' ',
                'total-visits-info'             => '   ',
                'view-details'                  => ' ',

        'customers' => [
            'index' => [
                'all-channels'                => ' ',
                'count'                       => '',
                'customers'                   => '',
                'customers-over-time'         => '   ',
                'customers-traffic'           => ' ',
                'customers-with-most-orders'  => '    ',
                'customers-with-most-reviews' => '    ',
                'customers-with-most-sales'   => '    ',
                'email'                       => ' ',
                'end-date'                    => ' ',
                'id'                          => '',
                'interval'                    => ' ',
                'name'                        => '',
                'orders'                      => '',
                'reviews'                     => '',
                'start-date'                  => ' ',
                'title'                       => '',
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    'configuration' => [
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            'title'                        => '',

            'general' => [
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                'title' => '',

                'general' => [
                    'info'  => '  .',
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                        'title'       => ' ',
                        'title-info'  => '        .',
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                        'title-info'        => '     Magic AI     API        .       OpenAI        .',

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                        'title'                            => ' ',
                        'title-info'                       => '   Magic AI   WYSIWYG         . <br/> <br/>         .',

                    'image-generation' => [
                        'enabled'    => '',
                        'title'      => ' ',
                        'title-info' => '   Magic AI           DALL-E. <br/> <br/>          .',

                    'review-translation' => [
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                        'llama2:13b'        => ' 2 13B',
                        'llama2:70b'        => ' 2 70B',
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                        'mistral'           => '',
                        'model'             => '',
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                        'phi'               => ' 2',
                        'starling-lm'       => '',
                        'title'             => ' ',
                        'title-info'        => '         .<br/><br/>       "  "     .',
                        'vicuna'            => '',

                    'checkout-message' => [
                        'dolphin-phi'       => ' ',
                        'enabled'           => '',
                        'gpt-3-5-turbo'     => 'OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo',
                        'llama2'            => ' 2',
                        'llama2-uncensored' => ' 2  ',
                        'llama2:13b'        => ' 2 13B',
                        'llama2:70b'        => ' 2 70B',
                        'llava'             => '',
                        'mistral'           => '',
                        'model'             => '',
                        'orca-mini'         => ' ',
                        'phi'               => ' 2',
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                        'starling-lm'       => '',
                        'title'             => '  ',
                        'title-info'        => '                     .',
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                        'storefront-mode-info' => '                     .',
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                        'title-info'           => '            Elasticsearch   .         Elasticsearch  .',
                        'title'                => '',

                    'guest-checkout' => [
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                        'title'           => '',
                        'title-info'      => '          .',

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                        'show-search-input-field' => '   ',
                        'title'                   => '',
                        'title-info'              => '                 .',

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                'title' => '',

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                    'title' => '',

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                    'info'  => '     .',
                    'title' => '',

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                        'title-info' => ' :     .  :              (API).',

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                        'captcha'  => '  !    .',
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                    'info'                                             => '""                 .',
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                    'title'                                            => '',
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                'title' => '',

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                        'title-info'     => '               .',
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                        'status'      => '',
                        'title'       => '',
                        'title-info'  => '                    .            .',
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                    'client-secret-info'          => '   ',
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                    'info'                        => '   ',
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                    'paypal-standard-info'        => '                  PayPal     /.',
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                    'set-order-status'            => '      ',
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                    'status'                      => '',
                    'title'                       => '',

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                    'info'  => '       .',
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                        'suffix'     => '  ',
                        'title'      => '  ',
                        'title-info' => '                .',

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                        'title'                => '   ',
                        'title-info'           => '              .',

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                        'title'             => ' ',
                        'title-info'        => '                    .',

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                    'title' => ' ',

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                        'title-info'        => '                  .',

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                        'title-info' => '                  .',

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                        'title-info'                 => '            .',

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                    'title'      => '',
                    'title-info' => '                .',

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                        'title'      => ' ',
                        'title-info' => '                         .',
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                        'title-info'       => '              .',
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                        'including-tax'    => '   ',

                    'default-destination-calculation' => [
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                        'title'             => '  ',
                        'title-info'        => '            .',

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                        'including-tax'           => '   ',
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    'components' => [
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                    'explore-all-matching-customers'  => '     \":query\" (:count)',
                    'explore-all-matching-orders'     => '     \":query\" (:count)',
                    'explore-all-matching-products'   => '     \":query\" (:count)',
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                    'explore-all-products'            => '  ',
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                    'title' => '',

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                'title'  => '',

                'dropdown' => [
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                        'atleast-two-chars' => '     ...',
                        'no-results'        => '    ...',

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                    'title'     => ' ',

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                    'today'             => '',
                    'yesterday'         => '',

            'table' => [
                'actions'              => '',
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                    '1792x1024'        => '1792x1024',
                    'apply'            => '',
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                    'dall-e-3'         => '. 3',
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                    'generating'       => ' ...',
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                    'regenerating'     => '  ...',
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            'ai-btn-tile' => '  ',

            'ai-generation' => [
                'apply'                  => '',
                'generate'               => '',
                'generated-content'      => ' ',
                'generated-content-info' => '      .      .',
                'generating'             => ' ...',
                'prompt'                 => '',
                'title'                  => '  ',
                'model'                  => '',
                'gpt-3-5-turbo'          => 'OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo',
                'llama2'                 => ' 2',
                'mistral'                => '',
                'dolphin-phi'            => ' ',
                'phi'                    => '-2',
                'starling-lm'            => '',
                'llama2-uncensored'      => ' 2  ',
                'llama2:13b'             => ' 2 13B',
                'llama2:70b'             => ' 2 70B',
                'orca-mini'              => ' ',
                'vicuna'                 => '',
                'llava'                  => 'LLaVA',

    'acl' => [
        'addresses'                => '',
        'attribute-families'       => ' ',
        'attributes'               => '',
        'campaigns'                => '',
        'cancel'                   => '',
        'cart-rules'               => ' ',
        'catalog-rules'            => ' ',
        'catalog'                  => '',
        'categories'               => '',
        'channels'                 => '',
        'cms'                      => ' ',
        'communications'           => '',
        'configure'                => '',
        'copy'                     => '',
        'create'                   => '',
        'currencies'               => '',
        'customers'                => '',
        'dashboard'                => ' ',
        'data-transfer'            => ' ',
        'delete'                   => '',
        'edit'                     => '',
        'email-templates'          => '  ',
        'events'                   => '',
        'exchange-rates'           => ' ',
        'groups'                   => '',
        'import'                   => '',
        'imports'                  => '',
        'inventory-sources'        => ' ',
        'invoices'                 => '',
        'locales'                  => '',
        'marketing'                => '',
        'newsletter-subscriptions' => '  ',
        'note'                     => '',
        'orders'                   => '',
        'products'                 => '',
        'promotions'               => '',
        'refunds'                  => '',
        'reporting'                => '',
        'reviews'                  => '',
        'roles'                    => '',
        'sales'                    => '',
        'search-seo'               => '   ',
        'search-synonyms'          => ' ',
        'search-terms'             => ' ',
        'settings'                 => '',
        'shipments'                => '',
        'sitemaps'                 => ' ',
        'subscribers'              => '  ',
        'tax-categories'           => ' ',
        'tax-rates'                => ' ',
        'taxes'                    => '',
        'themes'                   => '',
        'transactions'             => '',
        'url-rewrites'             => '   URL',
        'users'                    => '',
        'view'                     => '',

    'errors' => [
        'dashboard' => ' ',
        'go-back'   => '',
        'support'   => '      <a href=":link" class=":class">:email</a>   .',

        '404' => [
            'description' => '!      .           .',
            'title'       => '404   ',

        '401' => [
            'description' => '!         .      .',
            'title'       => '401   ',

        '403' => [
            'description' => '!   .         .',
            'title'       => '403  ',

        '500' => [
            'description' => '!   .          .',
            'title'       => '500    ',

        '503' => [
            'description' => '!     .       .',
            'title'       => '503   ',

    'export' => [
        'csv'              => 'CSV',
        'download'         => '',
        'export'           => '',
        'no-records'       => '   ',
        'xls'              => 'XLS',
        'xlsx'             => '   ',

    'validations' => [
        'slug-being-used' => '  (slug)       .',
        'slug-reserved'   => '  (slug) .',

    'footer' => [
        'copy-right' => '  <a href="" target="_blank">Bagisto</a>    <a href="" target="_blank">Webkul</a>',

    'emails' => [
        'dear'   => ' :admin_name',
        'thanks' => '            <a href=":link" style=":style">:email</a>.<br/> !',

        'admin' => [
            'forgot-password' => [
                'description'    => '            .',
                'greeting'       => '  !',
                'reset-password' => '   ',
                'subject'        => '    ',

        'customers' => [
            'registration' => [
                'description' => '     .              .                        .',
                'greeting'    => '     :customer_name     !',
                'subject'     => '  ',

        'orders' => [
            'created' => [
                'greeting' => '    :order_id    :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => ' !',

            'invoiced' => [
                'greeting' => '    #:invoice_id    :order_id  :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => ' !',

            'shipped' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'inventory-source' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'refunded' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'canceled' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'billing-address'            => ' ',
            'carrier'                    => '',
            'contact'                    => '',
            'discount'                   => '',
            'excl-tax'                   => ' : ',
            'grand-total'                => ' ',
            'name'                       => '',
            'payment'                    => '',
            'price'                      => '',
            'qty'                        => '',
            'shipping-address'           => ' ',
            'shipping-handling-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
            'shipping-handling-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
            'shipping-handling'          => ' ',
            'shipping'                   => '',
            'sku'                        => ' ',
            'subtotal-excl-tax'          => '  ( )',
            'subtotal-incl-tax'          => '  ( )',
            'subtotal'                   => ' ',
            'tax'                        => '',
            'tracking-number'            => '  : :tracking_number',

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


return [
    'users' => [
        'sessions' => [
            'email'                => '  ',
            'forget-password-link' => '  ',
            'password'             => ' ',
            'submit-btn'           => ' ',
            'title'                => ' ',

        'forget-password' => [
            'create' => [
                'email'           => '  ',
                'email-not-exist' => '   ',
                'page-title'      => '  ',
                'reset-link-sent' => '      ',
                'sign-in-link'    => '   ',
                'submit-btn'      => ' ',
                'title'           => '  ',

        'reset-password' => [
            'back-link-title'  => '   ',
            'confirm-password' => '  ',
            'email'            => '  ',
            'password'         => ' ',
            'submit-btn'       => '   ',
            'title'            => '   ',

    'notifications' => [
        'description-text' => '  ',
        'marked-success'   => '     ',
        'no-record'        => '    ',
        'of'               => '',
        'per-page'         => ' ',
        'read-all'         => '  ',
        'title'            => '',
        'view-all'         => ' ',

        'order-status-messages' => [
            'canceled'        => '  ',
            'closed'          => '  ',
            'completed'       => '   ',
            'pending'         => ' ',
            'pending-payment' => ' ',
            'processing'      => '  ',

    'account' => [
        'edit' => [
            'back-btn'          => '',
            'change-password'   => '  ',
            'confirm-password'  => '  ',
            'current-password'  => '  ',
            'email'             => ' ',
            'general'           => '',
            'invalid-password'  => '      .',
            'name'              => '',
            'password'          => ' ',
            'profile-image'     => '  ',
            'save-btn'          => ' ',
            'title'             => '',
            'update-success'    => '   ',
            'upload-image-info' => '     (110   110 )  PNG  JPG',

    'dashboard' => [
        'index' => [
            'add-customer'                => ' ',
            'add-product'                 => ' ',
            'all-channels'                => ' ',
            'attribute-code'              => ' ',
            'average-sale'                => '  ',
            'color'                       => '',
            'customer-info'               => '      ',
            'customer-with-most-sales'    => '      ',
            'date-duration'               => ':start - :end',
            'decreased'                   => ':progress%',
            'empty-threshold'             => '  ',
            'empty-threshold-description' => '  ',
            'end-date'                    => ' ',
            'from'                        => '',
            'increased'                   => ':progress%',
            'more-products'               => ':product_count+  ',
            'order'                       => ':total_orders ',
            'order-count'                 => ':count ',
            'order-id'                    => '#:id',
            'overall-details'             => ' ',
            'pay-by'                      => '   - :method',
            'product-count'               => ':count ',
            'product-image'               => ' ',
            'product-info'                => '     .',
            'product-number'              => ' - :product_number',
            'revenue'                     => ' :total',
            'sale-count'                  => ':count ',
            'sales'                       => '',
            'sku'                         => '  - :sku',
            'start-date'                  => ' ',
            'stock-threshold'             => ' ',
            'store-stats'                 => ' ',
            'title'                       => ' ',
            'to'                          => '',
            'today-customers'             => ' ',
            'today-details'               => ' ',
            'today-orders'                => ' ',
            'today-sales'                 => ' ',
            'top-performing-categories'   => '  ',
            'top-selling-products'        => '  ',
            'total-customers'             => ' ',
            'total-orders'                => ' ',
            'total-sales'                 => ' ',
            'total-stock'                 => ':total_stock ',
            'total-unpaid-invoices'       => '   ',
            'unique-visitors'             => ':count ',
            'user-info'                   => '     ',
            'user-name'                   => '! :user_name',
            'visitors'                    => '',

    'sales' => [
        'orders' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'search-customer' => [
                    'create-btn'  => ' ',
                    'empty-info'  => '     .',
                    'empty-title' => '    ',
                    'search-by'   => '     ',
                    'title'       => ' ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'canceled'        => ' ',
                    'channel-name'    => '',
                    'closed'          => '',
                    'completed'       => ' ',
                    'customer'        => '',
                    'date'            => '',
                    'email'           => ' ',
                    'fraud'           => '',
                    'grand-total'     => ' ',
                    'id'              => '#:id',
                    'items'           => '',
                    'location'        => '',
                    'order-id'        => ' ',
                    'pay-by'          => '  - :method',
                    'pay-via'         => ' ',
                    'pending-payment' => ' ',
                    'pending'         => ' ',
                    'processing'      => ' ',
                    'product-count'   => ':count +   ',
                    'status'          => '',
                    'success'         => '',
                    'view'            => '',

            'create' => [
                'add-to-cart'             => '  ',
                'back-btn'                => '',
                'check-billing-address'   => '  .',
                'check-shipping-address'  => '  .',
                'configuration'           => '',
                'coupon-already-applied'  => '    .',
                'coupon-applied'          => '    .',
                'coupon-error'            => '    .',
                'coupon-not-found'        => '  ',
                'coupon-remove'           => '    .',
                'error'                   => '  ',
                'minimum-order-error'     => '      .',
                'order-placed-success'    => '   .',
                'payment-not-supported'   => '    ',
                'save-btn'                => ' ',
                'specify-payment-method'  => '  .',
                'specify-shipping-method' => '  .',
                'title'                   => '   :name',

                'types' => [
                    'configurable' => [
                        'select-options' => '  ',

                    'bundle' => [
                        'none'         => ' ',
                        'total-amount' => ' ',

                    'grouped' => [
                        'name' => '',

                    'downloadable' => [
                        'title' => '',

                'cart' => [
                    'success-add-to-cart' => '     ',
                    'success-remove'      => '     ',
                    'success-update'      => '    ',

                    'items' => [
                        'add-product'       => ' ',
                        'amount-per-unit'   => ':amount   :qty ',
                        'delete'            => '',
                        'empty-description' => '       .',
                        'empty-title'       => '  ',
                        'excl-tax'          => ' ',
                        'move-to-wishlist'  => '   ',
                        'see-details'       => ' ',
                        'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                        'sub-total'         => '  - :sub_total',
                        'title'             => ' ',

                        'search' => [
                            'add-to-cart'   => '  ',
                            'available-qty' => ':qty ',
                            'empty-info'    => '     .',
                            'empty-title'   => '    ',
                            'product-image' => ' ',
                            'qty'           => '',
                            'sku'           => 'SKU - :sku',
                            'title'         => '  ',

                    'address' => [
                        'add-btn'          => ' ',
                        'add-new'          => '  ',
                        'add-new-address'  => '  ',
                        'addresses'        => '',
                        'back'             => '',
                        'billing-address'  => ' ',
                        'city'             => '',
                        'company-name'     => ' ',
                        'confirm'          => '',
                        'country'          => '',
                        'edit-btn'         => ' ',
                        'email'            => ' ',
                        'first-name'       => ' ',
                        'last-name'        => ' ',
                        'postcode'         => ' ',
                        'proceed'          => '',
                        'same-as-billing'  => '   ',
                        'save'             => '',
                        'save-address'     => '    ',
                        'select-country'   => ' ',
                        'select-state'     => ' ',
                        'shipping-address' => ' ',
                        'state'            => '',
                        'street-address'   => ' ',
                        'telephone'        => ' ',
                        'title'            => '',
                        'vat-id'           => ' ',

                    'payment' => [
                        'title' => '',

                    'shipping' => [
                        'title' => '',

                    'summary' => [
                        'apply-coupon'             => ' ',
                        'discount-amount'          => ' ',
                        'enter-your-code'          => ' ',
                        'grand-total'              => ' ',
                        'place-order'              => ' ',
                        'processing'               => ' ',
                        'shipping-amount-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
                        'shipping-amount-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
                        'shipping-amount'          => ' ',
                        'sub-total-excl-tax'       => '  ( )',
                        'sub-total-incl-tax'       => '  ( )',
                        'sub-total'                => ' ',
                        'tax'                      => '',
                        'title'                    => ' ',

                'cart-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-description' => '       .',
                    'empty-title'       => ' ',
                    'excl-tax'          => ' : ',
                    'see-details'       => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => ' ',

                'recent-order-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'empty-description' => '     .',
                    'empty-title'       => ' ',
                    'see-details'       => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => '  ',
                    'view'              => '',

                'wishlist-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-description' => '       .',
                    'empty-title'       => '   ',
                    'see-details'       => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => '  ',

                'compare-items' => [
                    'add-to-cart'       => '  ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-description' => '       .',
                    'empty-title'       => '   ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'title'             => '  ',

            'view' => [
                'amount-per-unit'                => ':amount   x :qty ',
                'billing-address'                => ' ',
                'cancel'                         => '',
                'cancel-msg'                     => '       ',
                'cancel-success'                 => '   ',
                'canceled'                       => ' ',
                'channel'                        => '',
                'closed'                         => '',
                'comment-success'                => '   .',
                'comments'                       => '',
                'completed'                      => '',
                'contact'                        => '',
                'create-success'                 => '   ',
                'currency'                       => '',
                'customer'                       => '',
                'customer-group'                 => ' ',
                'customer-not-notified'          => ':date | <b>   </b>',
                'customer-notified'              => ':date | <b>  </b>',
                'discount'                       => ' - :discount',
                'download-pdf'                   => ' PDF',
                'fraud'                          => '',
                'grand-total'                    => '  - :grand_total',
                'invoice-id'                     => ' #:invoice',
                'invoices'                       => '',
                'item-canceled'                  => '  (:qty_canceled)',
                'item-invoice'                   => '  (:qty_invoiced)',
                'item-ordered'                   => '  (:qty_ordered)',
                'item-refunded'                  => '  (:qty_refunded)',
                'item-shipped'                   => '  (:qty_shipped)',
                'name'                           => '',
                'no-invoice-found'               => '    ',
                'no-refund-found'                => '    ',
                'no-shipment-found'              => '    ',
                'notify-customer'                => ' ',
                'order-date'                     => ' ',
                'order-information'              => ' ',
                'order-status'                   => ' ',
                'payment-and-shipping'           => ' ',
                'payment-method'                 => ' ',
                'pending'                        => '',
                'pending_payment'                => ' ',
                'per-unit'                       => ' ',
                'price'                          => ' - :price',
                'price-excl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price-incl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'processing'                     => ' ',
                'quantity'                       => '',
                'refund'                         => '',
                'refund-id'                      => ' #:refund',
                'refunded'                       => ' ',
                'reorder'                        => ' ',
                'ship'                           => '',
                'shipment'                       => ' #:shipment',
                'shipments'                      => '',
                'shipping-address'               => ' ',
                'shipping-and-handling'          => ' ',
                'shipping-and-handling-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-and-handling-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-method'                => ' ',
                'shipping-price'                 => ' ',
                'sku'                            => 'SKU - :sku',
                'status'                         => '',
                'sub-total'                      => '  - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-excl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-incl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'submit-comment'                 => ' ',
                'summary-discount'               => '',
                'summary-grand-total'            => ' ',
                'summary-sub-total'              => ' ',
                'summary-sub-total-excl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'summary-sub-total-incl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'summary-tax'                    => '',
                'tax'                            => ' (:percent) - :tax',
                'title'                          => ' #:order_id',
                'total-due'                      => ' ',
                'total-paid'                     => ' ',
                'total-refund'                   => '  ',
                'view'                           => '',
                'write-your-comment'             => ' ',

        'shipments' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'id'               => '',
                    'inventory-source' => ' ',
                    'order-date'       => ' ',
                    'order-id'         => ' ',
                    'shipment-date'    => ' ',
                    'shipment-to'      => ' ',
                    'total-qty'        => ' ',
                    'view'             => '',

            'create' => [
                'amount-per-unit'  => ':amount   x :qty ',
                'cancel-error'     => '   ',
                'carrier-name'     => ' ',
                'create-btn'       => ' ',
                'creation-error'   => '   ',
                'item-canceled'    => '  (:qty_canceled)',
                'item-invoice'     => '  (:qty_invoiced)',
                'item-ordered'     => '  (:qty_ordered)',
                'item-refunded'    => '   (:qty_refunded)',
                'item-shipped'     => '  (:qty_shipped)',
                'order-error'      => '  ',
                'per-unit'         => ' ',
                'qty-available'    => ' ',
                'qty-to-ship'      => '  ',
                'quantity-invalid' => '  ',
                'sku'              => ' SKU - :sku',
                'source'           => '',
                'success'          => '   ',
                'title'            => '  ',
                'tracking-number'  => ' ',

            'view' => [
                'billing-address'      => ' ',
                'carrier-title'        => ' ',
                'channel'              => '',
                'currency'             => '',
                'customer'             => '',
                'email'                => '  - :email',
                'inventory-source'     => ' ',
                'order-date'           => ' ',
                'order-id'             => ' ',
                'order-information'    => ' ',
                'order-status'         => ' ',
                'ordered-items'        => ' ',
                'payment-and-shipping' => ' ',
                'payment-method'       => ' ',
                'product-image'        => ' ',
                'qty'                  => ' - :qty',
                'shipping-address'     => ' ',
                'shipping-method'      => ' ',
                'shipping-price'       => ' ',
                'sku'                  => ' SKU - :sku ',
                'title'                => ' #:shipment_id',
                'tracking-number'      => ' ',

        'refunds' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'billed-to'       => ' ',
                    'id'              => '',
                    'order-id'        => ' ',
                    'refund-date'     => ' ',
                    'refunded-amount' => ' ',
                    'view'            => '',

            'view' => [
                'account-information'        => ' ',
                'adjustment-fee'             => ' ',
                'adjustment-refund'          => ' ',
                'base-discounted-amount'     => '  - :base_discounted_amount',
                'billing-address'            => ' ',
                'currency'                   => '',
                'sub-total-amount-excl-tax'  => '  ( ) - :discounted_amount',
                'sub-total-amount-incl-tax'  => '  ( ) - :discounted_amount',
                'sub-total-amount'           => '  - :discounted_amount',
                'grand-total'                => ' ',
                'order-channel'              => ' ',
                'order-date'                 => ' ',
                'order-id'                   => ' ',
                'order-information'          => ' ',
                'order-status'               => ' ',
                'payment-information'        => ' ',
                'payment-method'             => ' ',
                'price-excl-tax'             => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price-incl-tax'             => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price'                      => ' - :price',
                'product-image'              => ' ',
                'product-ordered'            => ' ',
                'qty'                        => ' - :qty',
                'refund'                     => '',
                'shipping-address'           => ' ',
                'shipping-handling-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-handling-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
                'shipping-handling'          => ' ',
                'shipping-method'            => ' ',
                'shipping-price'             => ' ',
                'sku'                        => '  - :sku',
                'sub-total-excl-tax'         => '  ( )',
                'sub-total-incl-tax'         => '  ( )',
                'sub-total'                  => ' ',
                'tax'                        => '',
                'tax-amount'                 => '  - :tax_amount',
                'title'                      => ' #:refund_id',

            'create' => [
                'adjustment-fee'              => ' ',
                'adjustment-refund'           => ' ',
                'amount-per-unit'             => ':amount   x :qty ',
                'create-success'              => '   ',
                'creation-error'              => '     .',
                'discount-amount'             => ' ',
                'grand-total'                 => ' ',
                'invalid-qty'                 => '       .',
                'invalid-refund-amount-error' => '      .',
                'item-canceled'               => '  (:qty_canceled)',
                'item-invoice'                => ' (:qty_invoiced)',
                'item-ordered'                => ' (:qty_ordered)',
                'item-refunded'               => '  (:qty_refunded)',
                'item-shipped'                => '  (:qty_shipped)',
                'per-unit'                    => ' ',
                'price'                       => '',
                'qty-to-refund'               => '  ',
                'refund-btn'                  => '',
                'refund-limit-error'          => '     :amount.',
                'refund-shipping'             => '  ',
                'sku'                         => '  - :sku',
                'subtotal'                    => ' ',
                'tax-amount'                  => ' ',
                'title'                       => ' ',
                'update-totals-btn'           => ' ',

        'invoices' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'action'       => '',
                    'grand-total'  => ' ',
                    'id'           => '',
                    'invoice-date' => ' ',
                    'order-id'     => ' ',
                    'overdue'      => '',
                    'paid'         => '',
                    'pending'      => '',
                    'status'       => '',

            'view' => [
                'amount-per-unit'                => ':amount    :qty ',
                'channel'                        => '',
                'customer-email'                 => '  - :email',
                'customer'                       => '',
                'discount'                       => '  - :discount',
                'email'                          => ' ',
                'grand-total'                    => ' ',
                'invoice-items'                  => ' ',
                'invoice-sent'                   => '   ',
                'invoice-status'                 => ' ',
                'order-date'                     => ' ',
                'order-id'                       => ' ',
                'order-information'              => ' ',
                'order-status'                   => ' ',
                'price-excl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price-incl-tax'                 => ' ( ) - :price',
                'price'                          => ' - :price',
                'print'                          => '',
                'product-image'                  => ' ',
                'qty'                            => ' - :qty',
                'send-btn'                       => '',
                'send-duplicate-invoice'         => '  ',
                'send'                           => '',
                'shipping-and-handling-excl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-and-handling-incl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-and-handling'          => '  ',
                'sku'                            => '  - :sku',
                'sub-total-excl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-incl-tax'             => '  ( ) - :sub_total',
                'sub-total-summary-excl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'sub-total-summary-incl-tax'     => '  ( )',
                'sub-total-summary'              => ' ',
                'sub-total'                      => '  - :sub_total',
                'summary-discount'               => ' ',
                'summary-tax'                    => ' ',
                'tax'                            => '  - :tax',
                'title'                          => ' #:invoice_id',

            'create' => [
                'amount-per-unit'    => ':amount    :qty ',
                'create-invoice'     => ' ',
                'create-success'     => '   ',
                'create-transaction' => ' ',
                'creation-error'     => '      .',
                'invalid-qty'        => '     .',
                'invoice'            => '',
                'new-invoice'        => ' ',
                'product-error'      => '     .',
                'product-image'      => ' ',
                'qty-to-invoiced'    => ' ',
                'sku'                => 'SKU - :sku',

            'invoice-pdf' => [
                'bank-details'               => ' ',
                'bill-to'                    => ' ',
                'contact-number'             => ' ',
                'contact'                    => ' ',
                'date'                       => ' ',
                'discount'                   => '',
                'excl-tax'                   => ' :',
                'grand-total'                => ' ',
                'invoice-id'                 => ' ',
                'invoice'                    => '',
                'order-date'                 => ' ',
                'order-id'                   => ' ',
                'payment-method'             => ' ',
                'payment-terms'              => ' ',
                'price'                      => '',
                'product-name'               => ' ',
                'qty'                        => '',
                'ship-to'                    => ' ',
                'shipping-handling-excl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-handling-incl-tax' => '   ( )',
                'shipping-handling'          => '  ',
                'shipping-method'            => ' ',
                'sku'                        => ' ',
                'subtotal-excl-tax'          => '  ( )',
                'subtotal-incl-tax'          => '  ( )',
                'subtotal'                   => ' ',
                'tax-amount'                 => ' ',
                'tax'                        => '',
                'vat-number'                 => ' ',

        'invoice-transaction' => [
            'id'               => '',
            'transaction-date' => ' ',
            'transaction-id'   => ' ',
            'view'             => '',

        'transactions' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'completed'          => '',
                    'id'                 => '',
                    'invoice-id'         => ' ',
                    'order-id'           => ' ',
                    'paid'               => '',
                    'pending'            => ' ',
                    'status'             => '',
                    'transaction-amount' => '',
                    'transaction-date'   => '',
                    'transaction-id'     => ' ',
                    'view'               => '',

                'create' => [
                    'already-paid'               => '  ',
                    'amount'                     => '',
                    'create-transaction'         => ' ',
                    'invoice-id'                 => ' ',
                    'invoice-missing'            => '  ',
                    'payment-method'             => ' ',
                    'save-transaction'           => ' ',
                    'transaction-amount-exceeds' => '   ',
                    'transaction-amount-zero'    => '   ',
                    'transaction-saved'          => '   .',

                'view' => [
                    'amount'           => '',
                    'created-at'       => ' ',
                    'invoice-id'       => ' ',
                    'order-id'         => ' ',
                    'payment-details'  => ' ',
                    'payment-method'   => ' ',
                    'status'           => '',
                    'title'            => ' ',
                    'transaction-data' => ' ',
                    'transaction-id'   => ' ',

    'catalog' => [
        'products' => [
            'index' => [
                'already-taken' => '  :name .',
                'create-btn'    => ' ',
                'title'         => '',

                'create' => [
                    'back-btn'                => '',
                    'configurable-attributes' => '  ',
                    'create-btn'              => ' ',
                    'family'                  => '',
                    'save-btn'                => ' ',
                    'sku'                     => 'SKU',
                    'title'                   => '  ',
                    'type'                    => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'                 => '',
                    'attribute-family'       => ' ',
                    'attribute-family-value' => '  - :attribute_family',
                    'category'               => '',
                    'channel'                => '',
                    'copy-of'                => '  :value',
                    'copy-of-slug'           => '--:value',
                    'delete'                 => '',
                    'disable'                => '',
                    'id'                     => '',
                    'id-value'               => ' - :id',
                    'image'                  => '',
                    'mass-delete-success'    => '    ',
                    'mass-update-success'    => '    ',
                    'name'                   => '',
                    'out-of-stock'           => ' ',
                    'price'                  => '',
                    'product-image'          => ' ',
                    'qty'                    => '',
                    'qty-value'              => ':qty ',
                    'sku'                    => 'SKU',
                    'sku-value'              => 'SKU - :sku',
                    'status'                 => '',
                    'type'                   => '',
                    'update-status'          => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'preview'  => '',
                'remove'   => '',
                'save-btn' => ' ',
                'title'    => ' ',

                'price' => [
                    'group' => [
                        'add-group-price'           => '  ',
                        'all-groups'                => ' ',
                        'create-btn'                => ' ',
                        'discount-group-price-info' => ' :qty    :price',
                        'edit-btn'                  => '',
                        'empty-info'                => '       .',
                        'fixed-group-price-info'    => ' :qty     :price',
                        'title'                     => '  ',

                        'create' => [
                            'all-groups'     => ' ',
                            'create-title'   => '   ',
                            'customer-group' => ' ',
                            'delete-btn'     => '',
                            'discount'       => '',
                            'fixed'          => '',
                            'price'          => '',
                            'price-type'     => ' ',
                            'qty'            => '  ',
                            'save-btn'       => '',
                            'update-title'   => '   ',

                'inventories' => [
                    'pending-ordered-qty'      => '  : :qty',
                    'pending-ordered-qty-info' => '          .       .',
                    'title'                    => '',

                'categories' => [
                    'title' => '',

                'images' => [
                    'info'  => '      560   609 ',
                    'title' => '',

                'videos' => [
                    'error' => '     :attribute   :max .    .',
                    'info'  => '       :size',
                    'title' => ' ',

                'links' => [
                    'related-products' => [
                        'empty-info' => '     .',
                        'info'       => '           .',
                        'title'      => '  ',

                    'up-sells' => [
                        'empty-info' => '     .',
                        'info'       => '            .',
                        'title'      => '  ',

                    'cross-sells' => [
                        'empty-info' => '     .',
                        'info'       => '      " "               .',
                        'title'      => '  ',

                    'add-btn'           => ' ',
                    'delete'            => '',
                    'empty-info'        => '  :type  .',
                    'empty-title'       => ' ',
                    'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                    'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',

                'types' => [
                    'configurable' => [
                        'add-btn'           => ' ',
                        'delete-btn'        => '',
                        'edit-btn'          => '',
                        'empty-info'        => '     .',
                        'empty-title'       => ' ',
                        'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                        'info'              => '       .',
                        'qty'               => ':qty ',
                        'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                        'title'             => '',

                        'create' => [
                            'description'            => '',
                            'name'                   => '',
                            'save-btn'               => '',
                            'title'                  => ' ',
                            'variant-already-exists' => '   ',

                        'edit' => [
                            'disabled'        => '',
                            'edit-info'       => '         ',
                            'edit-link-title' => '  ',
                            'enabled'         => '',
                            'images'          => '',
                            'name'            => '',
                            'price'           => '',
                            'quantities'      => '',
                            'save-btn'        => '',
                            'sku'             => 'SKU',
                            'status'          => '',
                            'title'           => '',
                            'weight'          => '',

                        'mass-edit' => [
                            'add-images'          => ' ',
                            'apply-to-all-btn'    => '  ',
                            'apply-to-all-name'   => '    .',
                            'apply-to-all-sku'    => '      .',
                            'apply-to-all-status' => '    .',
                            'apply-to-all-weight' => '    .',
                            'edit-inventories'    => ' ',
                            'edit-names'          => ' ',
                            'edit-prices'         => ' ',
                            'edit-sku'            => '  ',
                            'edit-status'         => ' ',
                            'edit-weight'         => ' ',
                            'name'                => '',
                            'price'               => '',
                            'remove-images'       => ' ',
                            'remove-variants'     => ' ',
                            'select-action'       => ' ',
                            'select-variants'     => ' ',
                            'status'              => '',
                            'variant-name'        => ' ',
                            'variant-sku'         => '  ',
                            'weight'              => '',

                    'grouped' => [
                        'add-btn'           => ' ',
                        'default-qty'       => ' ',
                        'delete'            => '',
                        'empty-info'        => '     .',
                        'empty-title'       => ' ',
                        'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                        'info'              => '                .          .',
                        'sku'               => 'SKU - :sku',
                        'title'             => ' ',

                    'bundle' => [
                        'add-btn'           => ' ',
                        'empty-info'        => '   .',
                        'empty-title'       => ' ',
                        'image-placeholder' => ' ',
                        'info'              => '                  .',
                        'title'             => ' ',

                        'update-create' => [
                            'checkbox'    => ' ',
                            'is-required' => '',
                            'multiselect' => ' ',
                            'name'        => '',
                            'no'          => '',
                            'radio'       => ' ',
                            'save-btn'    => '',
                            'select'      => '',
                            'title'       => '',
                            'type'        => '',
                            'yes'         => '',

                        'option' => [
                            'add-btn'     => ' ',
                            'default-qty' => ' ',
                            'delete'      => '',
                            'delete-btn'  => '',
                            'edit-btn'    => '',
                            'empty-info'  => '     .',
                            'empty-title' => ' ',
                            'sku'         => 'SKU - :sku',

                            'types' => [
                                'checkbox' => [
                                    'info'  => '     ',
                                    'title' => ' ',

                                'multiselect' => [
                                    'info'  => '       ',
                                    'title' => ' ',

                                'radio' => [
                                    'info'  => '     ',
                                    'title' => ' ',

                                'select' => [
                                    'info'  => '     ',
                                    'title' => '',

                    'downloadable' => [
                        'links' => [
                            'add-btn'     => ' ',
                            'delete-btn'  => '',
                            'edit-btn'    => '',
                            'empty-info'  => '  .',
                            'empty-title' => ' ',
                            'file'        => ' : ',
                            'info'        => '               .',
                            'sample-file' => '  : ',
                            'sample-url'  => '  : ',
                            'title'       => '  ',
                            'url'         => ' URL : ',

                            'update-create' => [
                                'downloads'   => '  ',
                                'file'        => '',
                                'file-type'   => ' ',
                                'name'        => '',
                                'price'       => '',
                                'sample'      => '',
                                'sample-type' => ' ',
                                'save-btn'    => '',
                                'title'       => '',
                                'url'         => ' URL',

                        'samples' => [
                            'add-btn'     => ' ',
                            'delete-btn'  => '',
                            'edit-btn'    => '',
                            'empty-info'  => '  .',
                            'empty-title' => ' ',
                            'file'        => ' : ',
                            'info'        => '               .',
                            'title'       => '  ',
                            'url'         => ' URL : ',

                            'update-create' => [
                                'file'      => '',
                                'file-type' => ' ',
                                'name'      => '',
                                'save-btn'  => '',
                                'title'     => '',
                                'url'       => ' URL',

            'create-success'          => '   ',
            'delete-failed'           => '  ',
            'delete-success'          => '   ',
            'product-copied'          => '   ',
            'saved-inventory-message' => '   ',
            'update-success'          => '   ',

        'attributes' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'boolean'             => '',
                    'channel-based'       => '  ',
                    'checkbox'            => ' ',
                    'code'                => '',
                    'created-at'          => ' ',
                    'date'                => '',
                    'date-time'           => ' ',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'edit'                => '',
                    'file'                => '',
                    'id'                  => '',
                    'image'               => '',
                    'locale-based'        => '  ',
                    'mass-delete-success' => '    ',
                    'multiselect'         => ' ',
                    'name'                => '',
                    'price'               => '',
                    'required'            => '',
                    'select'              => '',
                    'text'                => '',
                    'textarea'            => ' ',
                    'type'                => '',
                    'unique'              => '',

            'create' => [
                'add-attribute-options' => '  ',
                'add-option'            => ' ',
                'add-options-info'      => '      .',
                'add-row'               => ' ',
                'admin'                 => '',
                'admin-name'            => ' ',
                'back-btn'              => '',
                'boolean'               => ' ',
                'checkbox'              => ' ',
                'code'                  => ' ',
                'color'                 => '',
                'configuration'         => '',
                'create-empty-option'   => '   ',
                'date'                  => '',
                'datetime'              => ' ',
                'decimal'               => '',
                'default-value'         => ' ',
                'email'                 => ' ',
                'enable-wysiwyg'        => '  WYSIWYG',
                'file'                  => '',
                'general'               => '',
                'image'                 => '',
                'input-options'         => ' ',
                'input-validation'      => '  ',
                'is-comparable'         => '  ',
                'is-configurable'       => '    ',
                'is-filterable'         => '    ',
                'is-required'           => '',
                'is-unique'             => '',
                'is-visible-on-front'   => '       ',
                'label'                 => '',
                'multiselect'           => ' ',
                'no'                    => '',
                'number'                => '',
                'option-deleted'        => '   ',
                'options'               => '',
                'position'              => '',
                'price'                 => '',
                'regex'                 => ' ',
                'regex-info'            => '       .',
                'save-btn'              => ' ',
                'select'                => '',
                'select-type'           => '  ',
                'swatch'                => 'Swatch',
                'text'                  => '',
                'textarea'              => ' ',
                'title'                 => ' ',
                'type'                  => ' ',
                'url'                   => ' URL',
                'use-in-flat'           => '    ',
                'validations'           => '',
                'value-per-channel'     => '  ',
                'value-per-locale'      => '  ',
                'yes'                   => '',

                'option' => [
                    'color'    => ' ',
                    'dropdown' => ' ',
                    'image'    => ' ',
                    'save-btn' => ' ',
                    'text'     => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'add-attribute-options' => '  ',
                'add-option'            => ' ',
                'add-options-info'      => '      .',
                'add-row'               => ' ',
                'admin'                 => '',
                'admin-name'            => ' ',
                'back-btn'              => '',
                'boolean'               => ' ',
                'checkbox'              => ' ',
                'code'                  => ' ',
                'color'                 => '',
                'configuration'         => '',
                'create-empty-option'   => '   ',
                'date'                  => '',
                'datetime'              => ' ',
                'decimal'               => '',
                'default-value'         => ' ',
                'email'                 => ' ',
                'enable-wysiwyg'        => '  WYSIWYG',
                'file'                  => '',
                'general'               => '',
                'image'                 => '',
                'input-options'         => ' ',
                'input-validation'      => '  ',
                'is-comparable'         => '  ',
                'is-configurable'       => '    ',
                'is-filterable'         => '    ',
                'is-required'           => '',
                'is-unique'             => '',
                'is-visible-on-front'   => '       ',
                'label'                 => '',
                'multiselect'           => ' ',
                'no'                    => '',
                'number'                => '',
                'option-deleted'        => '   ',
                'options'               => '',
                'position'              => '',
                'price'                 => '',
                'regex'                 => ' ',
                'regex-info'            => '       .',
                'save-btn'              => ' ',
                'select'                => '',
                'select-type'           => '  ',
                'swatch'                => 'Swatch',
                'text'                  => '',
                'textarea'              => ' ',
                'title'                 => ' ',
                'type'                  => ' ',
                'url'                   => ' URL',
                'use-in-flat'           => '    ',
                'validations'           => '',
                'value-per-channel'     => '  ',
                'value-per-locale'      => '  ',
                'yes'                   => '',

                'option' => [
                    'color'    => ' ',
                    'dropdown' => ' ',
                    'image'    => ' ',
                    'save-btn' => ' ',
                    'text'     => ' ',

            'create-success'    => '   ',
            'delete-failed'     => '  ',
            'delete-success'    => '   ',
            'update-success'    => '   ',
            'user-define-error' => '    ',

        'categories' => [
            'index' => [
                'add-btn' => ' ',
                'title'   => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'delete-success' => '   :resource ',
                    'edit'           => '',
                    'id'             => ' ',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'no-of-products' => ' ',
                    'position'       => '',
                    'status'         => '  ',
                    'update-status'  => ' ',

            'create' => [
                'add-banner'               => ' ',
                'add-logo'                 => ' ',
                'back-btn'                 => '',
                'banner'                   => '',
                'banner-size'              => '  (1320px X 300px)',
                'description'              => '',
                'description-and-images'   => ' ',
                'description-only'         => ' ',
                'display-mode'             => ' ',
                'enter-position'           => ' ',
                'filterable-attributes'    => '   ',
                'general'                  => '',
                'logo'                     => '',
                'logo-size'                => '     (110px X 110px)',
                'meta-description'         => ' ',
                'meta-keywords'            => '  ',
                'meta-title'               => '  ',
                'name'                     => '',
                'parent-category'          => ' ',
                'position'                 => '',
                'products-and-description' => ' ',
                'products-only'            => ' ',
                'save-btn'                 => ' ',
                'select-display-mode'      => '  ',
                'seo-details'              => ' SEO',
                'settings'                 => '',
                'slug'                     => 'Slug',
                'title'                    => '  ',
                'visible-in-menu'          => '  ',

            'edit' => [
                'add-banner'               => ' ',
                'add-logo'                 => ' ',
                'back-btn'                 => '',
                'banner'                   => '',
                'banner-size'              => '  (1320px X 300px)',
                'description'              => '',
                'description-and-images'   => ' ',
                'description-only'         => ' ',
                'display-mode'             => ' ',
                'enter-position'           => ' ',
                'filterable-attributes'    => '   ',
                'general'                  => '',
                'logo'                     => '',
                'logo-size'                => '     (110px X 110px)',
                'meta-description'         => ' ',
                'meta-keywords'            => '  ',
                'meta-title'               => '  ',
                'name'                     => '',
                'position'                 => '*',
                'products-and-description' => ' ',
                'products-only'            => ' ',
                'save-btn'                 => ' ',
                'select-display-mode'      => '  ',
                'select-parent-category'   => '  *',
                'seo-details'              => ' SEO',
                'settings'                 => '',
                'slug'                     => 'Slug',
                'title'                    => ' ',
                'visible-in-menu'          => '  ',

            'category'             => '',
            'create-success'       => '   .',
            'delete-category-root' => '    .',
            'delete-failed'        => '    .',
            'delete-success'       => '   .',
            'update-success'       => '   .',

        'families'   => [
            'index' => [
                'add'   => '  ',
                'title' => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'code'           => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'delete-success' => '   :resource  ',
                    'edit'           => '',
                    'id'             => '',
                    'method-error'   => '!          ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'no-resource'    => '    ',
                    'partial-action' => '        :resource',
                    'update-success' => '   :resource  ',

            'create' => [
                'add-group-btn'                    => ' ',
                'add-group-title'                  => '  ',
                'back-btn'                         => '',
                'code'                             => '',
                'column'                           => '',
                'delete-group-btn'                 => ' ',
                'edit-group-info'                  => '   ',
                'enter-code'                       => ' ',
                'enter-name'                       => ' ',
                'general'                          => '',
                'group-code-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'group-contains-system-attributes' => '     .           .',
                'group-name-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'groups'                           => '',
                'groups-info'                      => '   ',
                'main-column'                      => ' ',
                'name'                             => '',
                'removal-not-possible'             => '       .',
                'right-column'                     => '  ',
                'save-btn'                         => '  ',
                'select-group'                     => '   .',
                'title'                            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes'            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes-info'       => '       .',

            'edit' => [
                'add-group-btn'                    => ' ',
                'add-group-title'                  => '  ',
                'back-btn'                         => '',
                'code'                             => '',
                'column'                           => '',
                'delete-group-btn'                 => ' ',
                'edit-group-info'                  => '   ',
                'enter-code'                       => ' ',
                'enter-name'                       => ' ',
                'general'                          => '',
                'group-code-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'group-contains-system-attributes' => '     .           .',
                'group-name-already-exists'        => '    .',
                'groups'                           => '',
                'groups-info'                      => '   ',
                'main-column'                      => ' ',
                'name'                             => '',
                'removal-not-possible'             => '       .',
                'right-column'                     => '  ',
                'save-btn'                         => '  ',
                'select-group'                     => '   .',
                'title'                            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes'            => '  ',
                'unassigned-attributes-info'       => '       .',

            'attribute-family'        => ' ',
            'attribute-product-error' => '   .',
            'create-success'          => '   .',
            'delete-failed'           => '    .',
            'delete-success'          => '   .',
            'family'                  => '',
            'last-delete-error'       => '     .',
            'update-success'          => '   .',
            'user-define-error'       => '     ',

    'customers' => [
        'customers' => [
            'index' => [
                'title'         => '',
                'login-message' => '   : :customer_name',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'address'        => ':address ()',
                    'address-count'  => ' ',
                    'channel'        => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'delete-success' => '    ',
                    'email'          => ' ',
                    'gender'         => '',
                    'group'          => '',
                    'id'             => ' ',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'method-error'   => '!          ',
                    'name'           => ' ',
                    'no-resource'    => '     ',
                    'order'          => ':order ()',
                    'order-count'    => ' ',
                    'order-pending'  => '    ',
                    'partial-action' => '         :resource',
                    'phone'          => ' ',
                    'revenue'        => '',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'suspended'      => '',
                    'update-status'  => ' ',
                    'update-success' => '    ',

                'create' => [
                    'contact-number'        => ' ',
                    'create-btn'            => ' ',
                    'create-success'        => '   ',
                    'customer-group'        => ' ',
                    'date-of-birth'         => ' ',
                    'email'                 => ' ',
                    'female'                => '',
                    'first-name'            => ' ',
                    'gender'                => '',
                    'last-name'             => ' ',
                    'male'                  => '',
                    'other'                 => '',
                    'save-btn'              => ' ',
                    'select-customer-group' => '  ',
                    'select-gender'         => ' ',
                    'title'                 => '  ',

            'view' => [
                'account-delete-confirmation' => '       ',
                'active'                      => '',
                'address-delete-confirmation' => '       ',
                'back-btn'                    => '',
                'create-order'                => ' ',
                'customer'                    => '',
                'date-of-birth'               => '  - :dob',
                'default-address'             => ' ',
                'delete-account'              => ' ',
                'delete'                      => '',
                'email'                       => '  - :email',
                'empty-description'           => '   ',
                'empty-title'                 => '  ',
                'gender'                      => ' - :gender',
                'group'                       => ' - :group_code',
                'inactive'                    => ' ',
                'login-as-customer'           => '  ',
                'note-created-success'        => '   ',
                'order-create-confirmation'   => '        ',
                'phone'                       => ' - :phone',
                'set-as-default'              => ' ',
                'suspended'                   => '',
                'title'                       => ' ',

                'address' => [
                    'count'  => ' (:count)',

                    'create' => [
                        'city'               => '',
                        'company-name'       => ' ',
                        'country'            => '',
                        'create-address-btn' => '  ',
                        'create-btn'         => '',
                        'default-address'    => ' ',
                        'email'              => ' ',
                        'first-name'         => ' ',
                        'last-name'          => ' ',
                        'phone'              => '',
                        'post-code'          => ' ',
                        'save-btn-title'     => ' ',
                        'select-country'     => ' ',
                        'state'              => '',
                        'street-address'     => ' ',
                        'title'              => ' ',
                        'vat-id'             => '   ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'city'            => '',
                        'company-name'    => ' ',
                        'country'         => '',
                        'default-address' => ' ',
                        'edit-btn'        => '',
                        'email'           => ' ',
                        'first-name'      => ' ',
                        'last-name'       => ' ',
                        'phone'           => '',
                        'post-code'       => ' ',
                        'save-btn-title'  => ' ',
                        'select-country'  => ' ',
                        'state'           => '',
                        'street-address'  => ' ',
                        'title'           => ' ',
                        'vat-id'          => '   ',

                    'address-delete-success' => '   ',
                    'create-success'         => '   ',
                    'set-default-success'    => '    ',
                    'success-mass-delete'    => '    ',
                    'update-success'         => '   ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'invoices' => [
                        'empty-invoice'  => '  ',
                        'increment-id'   => ' ',
                        'invoice-amount' => ' ',
                        'invoice-date'   => ' ',
                        'order-id'       => ' ',
                        'view'           => '',

                    'orders' => [
                        'canceled'        => ' ',
                        'channel-name'    => ' ',
                        'closed'          => '',
                        'completed'       => '',
                        'customer-name'   => ' ',
                        'date'            => '',
                        'empty-order'     => '  ',
                        'email'           => ' ',
                        'fraud'           => '',
                        'grand-total'     => ' ',
                        'location'        => '',
                        'order-id'        => ' ',
                        'pay-via'         => ' ',
                        'pending'         => ' ',
                        'pending-payment' => ' ',
                        'processing'      => ' ',
                        'status'          => '',
                        'view'            => '',

                    'reviews' => [
                        'approved'      => '  ',
                        'comment'       => '',
                        'created-at'    => ' ',
                        'disapproved'   => ' ',
                        'empty-reviews' => '   ',
                        'id'            => '',
                        'invoice-date'  => ' ',
                        'pending'       => ' ',
                        'product-id'    => ' ',
                        'product-name'  => ' ',
                        'rating'        => '',
                        'status'        => '',
                        'title'         => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'contact-number'        => ' ',
                    'customer-group'        => ' ',
                    'date-of-birth'         => ' ',
                    'edit-btn'              => '',
                    'email'                 => ' ',
                    'female'                => '',
                    'first-name'            => ' ',
                    'gender'                => '',
                    'last-name'             => ' ',
                    'male'                  => '',
                    'other'                 => '',
                    'save-btn'              => ' ',
                    'select-customer-group' => '  ',
                    'select-gender'         => ' ',
                    'status'                => '',
                    'suspended'             => '',
                    'title'                 => ' ',

                'invoices' => [
                    'count'        => ' (:count)',
                    'increment-id' => '# :increment_id',

                'notes' => [
                    'add-note'              => ' ',
                    'customer-not-notified' => ':date | <b>   </b>',
                    'customer-notified'     => ':date | <b>  </b>',
                    'note'                  => '',
                    'note-placeholder'      => '  ',
                    'notify-customer'       => ' ',
                    'submit-btn-title'      => ' ',

                'orders' => [
                    'count'         => ' (:count)',
                    'increment-id'  => '# :increment_id',
                    'total-revenue' => '  - :revenue',

                'reviews' => [
                    'id'    => ' - :id',
                    'count' => ' (:count)',

                'cart' => [
                    'delete-success' => '    .',

                'wishlist' => [
                    'delete-success' => '     .',

                'compare' => [
                    'delete-success' => '    .',

            'delete-failed'  => '  ',
            'delete-success' => '   ',
            'order-pending'  => '  ',
            'update-success' => '   ',

        'groups' => [
            'index' => [
                'title' => '',

                'create' => [
                    'code'       => '',
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'name'       => '',
                    'save-btn'   => ' ',
                    'success'    => '   ',
                    'title'      => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'delete-failed'  => '  ',
                    'delete-success' => '   ',
                    'group-default'  => '    ',
                    'success'        => '   ',
                    'title'          => ' ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'code'   => '',
                    'delete' => '',
                    'edit'   => '',
                    'id'     => '',
                    'name'   => '',

        'reviews' => [
            'index' => [
                'date'        => '',
                'description' => '',
                'id'          => ' ',
                'name'        => '',
                'product'     => '',
                'rating'      => '',
                'status'      => '',
                'title'       => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'approved'       => ' ',
                    'customer'       => '',
                    'date'           => '',
                    'disapproved'    => '  ',
                    'id'             => ' ',
                    'images'         => '',
                    'pending'        => '',
                    'product'        => '',
                    'rating'         => '',
                    'review-comment' => '',
                    'review-title'   => '',
                    'save-btn'       => '',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'title'          => ' ',
                    'update-success' => '  ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'approved'            => ' ',
                    'comment'             => '',
                    'customer-names'      => '',
                    'date'                => '',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'delete-success'      => '   ',
                    'disapproved'         => '  ',
                    'edit'                => '',
                    'id'                  => ' ',
                    'mass-delete-error'   => '  ',
                    'mass-delete-success' => '    ',
                    'mass-update-success' => '    ',
                    'pending'             => '',
                    'product'             => '',
                    'rating'              => '',
                    'review-id'           => '  - :review_id',
                    'status'              => '',
                    'title'               => '',
                    'update-status'       => ' ',

    'marketing' => [
        'communications' => [
            'templates' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'title'      => '  ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'   => '',
                        'draft'    => '',
                        'id'       => '',
                        'inactive' => ' ',
                        'name'     => '',
                        'status'   => '',

                'create' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'content'        => '',
                    'create-success' => '     .',
                    'draft'          => '',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'save-btn'       => ' ',
                    'select-status'  => ' ',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'title'          => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'active'         => '',
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'content'        => '*',
                    'draft'          => '',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'inactive'       => ' ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'save-btn'       => ' ',
                    'status'         => '',
                    'title'          => ' ',
                    'update-success' => '  ',

                'delete-failed'  => '  :name',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'email-template' => '  ',

            'campaigns' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'title'      => '',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'   => '',
                        'delete'   => '',
                        'edit'     => '',
                        'id'       => '',
                        'inactive' => ' ',
                        'name'     => '',
                        'status'   => '',
                        'subject'  => '',

                'create' => [
                    'active'          => '',
                    'back-btn'        => '',
                    'channel'         => '',
                    'customer-group'  => ' ',
                    'email-template'  => '  ',
                    'event'           => '',
                    'general'         => '',
                    'inactive'        => ' ',
                    'name'            => '',
                    'save-btn'        => ' ',
                    'select-channel'  => ' ',
                    'select-event'    => ' ',
                    'select-group'    => ' ',
                    'select-status'   => ' ',
                    'select-template' => ' ',
                    'setting'         => '',
                    'status'          => '',
                    'subject'         => '',
                    'title'           => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'active'          => '',
                    'audience'        => '',
                    'back-btn'        => '',
                    'channel'         => '',
                    'customer-group'  => ' ',
                    'email-template'  => '  ',
                    'event'           => '',
                    'general'         => '',
                    'inactive'        => ' ',
                    'name'            => '',
                    'save-btn'        => ' ',
                    'select-event'    => ' ',
                    'select-status'   => ' ',
                    'select-template' => ' ',
                    'status'          => '',
                    'subject'         => '',
                    'title'           => ' ',

                'create-success' => '   .',
                'delete-failed'  => '  :name',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'email-campaign' => '  ',
                'update-success' => '   .',

            'events' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => ' ',
                    'event'      => '',
                    'title'      => '',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions' => '',
                        'date'    => '',
                        'delete'  => '',
                        'edit'    => '',
                        'id'      => '',
                        'name'    => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'date'           => '',
                        'delete-warning' => '        ',
                        'description'    => '',
                        'general'        => '',
                        'name'           => '',
                        'save-btn'       => ' ',
                        'success'        => '   ',
                        'title'          => ' ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'success' => '   ',
                        'title'   => ' ',

                'delete-failed'  => '  :name',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'edit-error'     => '   ',

            'subscribers' => [
                'index' => [
                    'title' => '  ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'    => '',
                        'delete'     => '',
                        'edit'       => '',
                        'email'      => ' ',
                        'false'      => '',
                        'id'         => '',
                        'subscribed' => '',
                        'true'       => '',

                    'edit' => [
                        'back-btn'      => '',
                        'email'         => ' ',
                        'false'         => '',
                        'save-btn'      => ' ',
                        'subscribed'    => '',
                        'success'       => '     ',
                        'title'         => '   ',
                        'true'          => '',
                        'update-failed' => '     ',

                'delete-failed'  => '  ',
                'delete-success' => '   ',
                'delete-warning' => '        ',

        'promotions' => [
            'index' => [
                'cart-rule-title'    => ' ',
                'catalog-rule-title' => ' ',

            'cart-rules' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'      => '',
                        'copy'        => '',
                        'copy-of'     => ':value',
                        'coupon-code' => ' ',
                        'delete'      => '',
                        'draft'       => '',
                        'edit'        => '',
                        'end'         => '',
                        'id'          => '',
                        'inactive'    => ' ',
                        'name'        => '',
                        'priority'    => '',
                        'start'       => '',
                        'status'      => '',

                'create' => [
                    'action-type'                               => ' ',
                    'actions'                                   => '',
                    'add-condition'                             => ' ',
                    'additional'                                => '',
                    'all-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'any-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'apply-to-shipping'                         => '  ',
                    'attribute-family'                          => ' ',
                    'attribute-name-children-only'              => '  ( )',
                    'attribute-name-parent-only'                => '  ( )',
                    'auto-generate-coupon'                      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'                                  => '',
                    'buy-x-get-y-free'                          => ' X   Y ',
                    'buy-x-quantity'                            => ' X ',
                    'cart-attribute'                            => ' ',
                    'cart-item-attribute'                       => '  ',
                    'categories'                                => '',
                    'channels'                                  => '',
                    'children-categories'                       => ' ( )',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'                   => '  ',
                    'condition-type'                            => ' ',
                    'conditions'                                => '',
                    'contain'                                   => ' ',
                    'contains'                                  => ' ',
                    'coupon-code'                               => ' ',
                    'coupon-type'                               => ' ',
                    'create-success'                            => '    ',
                    'customer-groups'                           => ' ',
                    'description'                               => '',
                    'discount-amount'                           => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'                          => '  ',
                    'end-of-other-rules'                        => '  ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'                    => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'                       => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'                              => ' ',
                    'fixed-amount-whole-cart'                   => '   ',
                    'free-shipping'                             => ' ',
                    'from'                                      => '',
                    'general'                                   => '',
                    'greater-than'                              => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'                               => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'                           => ' ',
                    'less-than'                                 => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'                            => ' ',
                    'maximum-quantity-allowed-to-be-discounted' => '     ',
                    'name'                                      => '',
                    'no'                                        => '',
                    'no-coupon'                                 => ' ',
                    'parent-categories'                         => ' ( )',
                    'payment-method'                            => ' ',
                    'percentage-product-price'                  => '   ',
                    'price-in-cart'                             => '  ',
                    'priority'                                  => '',
                    'product-attribute'                         => ' ',
                    'qty-in-cart'                               => '  ',
                    'save-btn'                                  => '  ',
                    'settings'                                  => '',
                    'shipping-country'                          => ' ',
                    'shipping-method'                           => ' ',
                    'shipping-postcode'                         => '  ',
                    'shipping-state'                            => ' ',
                    'specific-coupon'                           => ' ',
                    'status'                                    => '',
                    'subtotal'                                  => ' ',
                    'title'                                     => '  ',
                    'to'                                        => '',
                    'total-items-qty'                           => '  ',
                    'total-weight'                              => ' ',
                    'uses-per-coupon'                           => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer'                         => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer-control-info'            => '    .',
                    'yes'                                       => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'action-type'                               => ' ',
                    'actions'                                   => '',
                    'add-condition'                             => ' ',
                    'additional'                                => '',
                    'all-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'alphabetical'                              => '',
                    'alphanumeric'                              => ' ',
                    'any-conditions-true'                       => '  ',
                    'apply-to-shipping'                         => '  ',
                    'attribute-family'                          => ' ',
                    'attribute-name-children-only'              => '  ( )',
                    'attribute-name-parent-only'                => '  ( )',
                    'auto-generate-coupon'                      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'                                  => '',
                    'buy-x-get-y-free'                          => ' X   Y ',
                    'buy-x-quantity'                            => ' X ',
                    'cart-attribute'                            => ' ',
                    'cart-item-attribute'                       => '  ',
                    'categories'                                => '',
                    'channels'                                  => '',
                    'children-categories'                       => ' ( )',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'                   => '  ',
                    'code-format'                               => ' ',
                    'code-prefix'                               => ' ',
                    'code-suffix'                               => ' ',
                    'condition-type'                            => ' ',
                    'conditions'                                => '',
                    'contain'                                   => ' ',
                    'contains'                                  => ' ',
                    'coupon-code'                               => ' ',
                    'coupon-length'                             => ' ',
                    'coupon-qty'                                => ' ',
                    'coupon-type'                               => ' ',
                    'customer-group'                            => ' ',
                    'customer-groups'                           => ' ',
                    'description'                               => '',
                    'discount-amount'                           => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'                          => '  ',
                    'end-of-other-rules'                        => '  ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'                    => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'                       => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'                              => ' ',
                    'fixed-amount-whole-cart'                   => '   ',
                    'free-shipping'                             => ' ',
                    'from'                                      => '',
                    'general'                                   => '',
                    'generate'                                  => '',
                    'greater-than'                              => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'                               => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'                           => ' ',
                    'less-than'                                 => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'                            => ' ',
                    'maximum-quantity-allowed-to-be-discounted' => '     ',
                    'name'                                      => '',
                    'no'                                        => '',
                    'no-coupon'                                 => ' ',
                    'numeric'                                   => '',
                    'parent-categories'                         => ' ( )',
                    'payment-method'                            => ' ',
                    'percentage-product-price'                  => '   ',
                    'price-in-cart'                             => '  ',
                    'priority'                                  => '',
                    'product-attribute'                         => ' ',
                    'qty-in-cart'                               => '  ',
                    'save-btn'                                  => '  ',
                    'settings'                                  => '',
                    'shipping-country'                          => ' ',
                    'shipping-method'                           => ' ',
                    'shipping-postcode'                         => '  ',
                    'shipping-state'                            => ' ',
                    'specific-coupon'                           => ' ',
                    'status'                                    => '',
                    'subtotal'                                  => ' ',
                    'title'                                     => '  ',
                    'to'                                        => '',
                    'total-items-qty'                           => '  ',
                    'total-weight'                              => ' ',
                    'update-success'                            => '    ',
                    'uses-per-coupon'                           => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer'                         => '  ',
                    'uses-per-customer-control-info'            => '    .',
                    'yes'                                       => '',

                'delete-failed'  => '   ',
                'delete-success' => '    ',

            'catalog-rules' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'active'   => '',
                        'delete'   => '',
                        'edit'     => '',
                        'end'      => '',
                        'id'       => '',
                        'inactive' => ' ',
                        'name'     => '',
                        'priority' => '',
                        'start'    => '',
                        'status'   => '',

                'create' => [
                    'action-type'              => ' ',
                    'actions'                  => '',
                    'add-condition'            => ' ',
                    'all-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'any-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'attribute-family'         => ' ',
                    'back-btn'                 => '',
                    'categories'               => '',
                    'channels'                 => '',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'  => '  ',
                    'condition-type'           => ' ',
                    'conditions'               => '',
                    'contain'                  => ' ',
                    'contains'                 => ' ',
                    'customer-groups'          => ' ',
                    'description'              => '',
                    'discount-amount'          => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'         => '  ',
                    'end-other-rules'          => '   ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'   => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'      => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'             => ' ',
                    'from'                     => '',
                    'general'                  => '',
                    'greater-than'             => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'              => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'          => ' ',
                    'less-than'                => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'           => ' ',
                    'name'                     => '',
                    'no'                       => '',
                    'percentage-product-price' => '   ',
                    'priority'                 => '',
                    'product-attribute'        => ' ',
                    'save-btn'                 => '  ',
                    'settings'                 => '',
                    'status'                   => '',
                    'title'                    => '  ',
                    'to'                       => '',
                    'yes'                      => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'action-type'              => ' ',
                    'actions'                  => '',
                    'add-condition'            => ' ',
                    'all-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'any-conditions-true'      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'                 => '',
                    'categories'               => '',
                    'channels'                 => '',
                    'choose-condition-to-add'  => '  ',
                    'condition-type'           => ' ',
                    'conditions'               => '',
                    'contain'                  => ' ',
                    'contains'                 => ' ',
                    'customer-groups'          => ' ',
                    'description'              => '',
                    'discount-amount'          => ' ',
                    'does-not-contain'         => '  ',
                    'end-other-rules'          => '   ',
                    'equals-or-greater-than'   => '   ',
                    'equals-or-less-than'      => '   ',
                    'fixed-amount'             => ' ',
                    'from'                     => '',
                    'general'                  => '',
                    'greater-than'             => ' ',
                    'is-equal-to'              => '',
                    'is-not-equal-to'          => ' ',
                    'less-than'                => ' ',
                    'marketing-time'           => ' ',
                    'name'                     => '',
                    'no'                       => '',
                    'percentage-product-price' => '   ',
                    'priority'                 => '',
                    'product-attribute'        => ' ',
                    'save-btn'                 => '  ',
                    'settings'                 => '',
                    'status'                   => '',
                    'title'                    => '  ',
                    'to'                       => '',
                    'yes'                      => '',

                'create-success' => '    ',
                'delete-success' => '    ',
                'update-success' => '    ',

            'cart-rules-coupons' => [
                'cart-rule-not-defined-error' => '    ',
                'delete-success'              => '    ',
                'mass-delete-success'         => '    ',
                'success'                     => '  :name ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'coupon-code'     => ' ',
                    'created-date'    => ' ',
                    'delete'          => '',
                    'expiration-date' => ' ',
                    'id'              => ' ',
                    'times-used'      => '  ',

        'search-seo' => [
            'search-terms' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'uses'                => '',
                        'search-query'        => ' ',
                        'results'             => '',
                        'redirect-url'        => ' URL  ',
                        'mass-delete-success' => '     ',
                        'locale'              => ' ',
                        'id'                  => '',
                        'edit'                => '',
                        'delete'              => '',
                        'channel'             => '',
                        'actions'             => '',
                        'channel'             => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'channel'        => '',
                        'delete-warning' => '       ',
                        'locale'         => ' ',
                        'redirect-url'   => ' URL  ',
                        'results'        => '',
                        'save-btn'       => '  ',
                        'search-query'   => ' ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',
                        'uses'           => '',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '    ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

            'search-synonyms' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'             => '',
                        'delete'              => '',
                        'edit'                => '',
                        'id'                  => '',
                        'mass-delete-success' => '     ',
                        'name'                => '',
                        'terms'               => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'delete-warning' => '       ',
                        'name'           => '',
                        'save-btn'       => '  ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'terms'          => '',
                        'terms-info'     => '      " ."      .',
                        'title'          => '  ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '    ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

            'sitemaps' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '  ',
                    'sitemap'    => ' ',
                    'title'      => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'         => '',
                        'delete'          => '',
                        'edit'            => '',
                        'file-name'       => ' ',
                        'id'              => '',
                        'link-for-google' => ' ',
                        'path'            => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'delete-warning' => '       ',
                        'file-name'      => ' ',
                        'file-name-info' => ': sitemap.xml',
                        'path'           => '',
                        'path-info'      => ': "/sitemap/"  "/"  ',
                        'save-btn'       => '  ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '    ',
                        'success'        => '    ',
                        'title'          => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'file-name'      => ' ',
                    'file-name-info' => ': sitemap.xml',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'path'           => '',
                    'path-info'      => ': "/sitemap/"  "/"  ',
                    'save-btn'       => '  ',

                'delete-failed' => ':name   ',

            'url-rewrites' => [
                'index' => [
                    'create-btn' => '    URL',
                    'title'      => '   URL',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'             => '',
                        'category'            => '',
                        'cms-page'            => ' CMS',
                        'delete'              => '',
                        'edit'                => '',
                        'for'                 => '',
                        'id'                  => '',
                        'locale'              => '',
                        'mass-delete-success' => '     URL  ',
                        'permanent-redirect'  => ' (301)',
                        'product'             => '',
                        'redirect-type'       => '  ',
                        'request-path'        => ' ',
                        'target-path'         => ' ',
                        'temporary-redirect'  => ' (302)',

                    'create' => [
                        'category'           => '',
                        'cms-page'           => ' CMS',
                        'delete-warning'     => '       ',
                        'for'                => '',
                        'locale'             => '',
                        'permanent-redirect' => ' (301)',
                        'product'            => '',
                        'redirect-type'      => '  ',
                        'request-path'       => ' ',
                        'save-btn'           => '    URL',
                        'success'            => '     URL ',
                        'target-path'        => ' ',
                        'temporary-redirect' => ' (302)',
                        'title'              => '    URL',

                    'edit' => [
                        'delete-success' => '     URL ',
                        'success'        => '     URL ',
                        'title'          => '    URL',

    'cms' => [
        'index' => [
            'already-taken' => '  :name .',
            'create-btn'    => ' ',
            'channel'       => '',
            'language'      => '',
            'title'         => '',

            'datagrid' => [
                'channel'             => '',
                'delete'              => '',
                'edit'                => '',
                'id'                  => '',
                'mass-delete-success' => '    ',
                'page-title'          => ' ',
                'url-key'             => ' ',
                'view'                => '',

        'create' => [
            'channels'         => '',
            'content'          => '',
            'description'      => '',
            'general'          => '',
            'meta-description' => ' ',
            'meta-keywords'    => '  ',
            'meta-title'       => ' ',
            'page-title'       => '',
            'save-btn'         => ' ',
            'seo'              => '  ',
            'title'            => ' ',
            'url-key'          => ' ',

        'edit' => [
            'back-btn'         => '',
            'channels'         => '',
            'content'          => '',
            'description'      => '',
            'general'          => '',
            'meta-description' => ' ',
            'meta-keywords'    => '  ',
            'meta-title'       => ' ',
            'page-title'       => ' ',
            'preview-btn'      => ' ',
            'save-btn'         => ' ',
            'seo'              => '  ',
            'title'            => ' ',
            'url-key'          => ' ',

        'create-success' => '   .',
        'delete-success' => '   .',
        'no-resource'    => '  .',
        'update-success' => '   .',

    'settings' => [
        'locales' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn'    => ' ',
                'locale'        => '',
                'logo-size'     => '     24   16 ',
                'title'         => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'   => '',
                    'code'      => '',
                    'delete'    => '',
                    'direction' => '',
                    'edit'      => '',
                    'id'        => '',
                    'ltr'       => 'LTR',
                    'name'      => '',
                    'rtl'       => 'RTL',

                'create' => [
                    'code'             => '',
                    'direction'        => '',
                    'locale-logo'      => ' ',
                    'name'             => '',
                    'save-btn'         => ' ',
                    'select-direction' => ' ',
                    'title'            => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => ' ',

                'create-success'    => '   .',
                'delete-failed'     => '  .',
                'delete-success'    => '   .',
                'delete-warning'    => '       ',
                'last-delete-error' => '       .',
                'update-success'    => '   .',

        'currencies' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'currency'   => '',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'        => '',
                    'code'           => '',
                    'delete'         => '',
                    'edit'           => '',
                    'id'             => '',
                    'method-error'   => '!          ',
                    'name'           => '',
                    'no-resource'    => '    ',
                    'partial-action' => '             :resource',
                    'update-success' => '  :resource  ',

                'create' => [
                    'code'              => '',
                    'create-btn'        => ' ',
                    'currency-position' => ' ',
                    'decimal'           => '',
                    'decimal-separator' => ' ',
                    'delete-warning'    => '       ',
                    'general'           => '',
                    'group-separator'   => ' ',
                    'name'              => '',
                    'save-btn'          => ' ',
                    'symbol'            => '',
                    'title'             => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => ' ',

                'create-success'    => '   .',
                'delete-failed'     => '  .',
                'delete-success'    => '   .',
                'last-delete-error' => '       .',
                'update-success'    => '   .',

        'data-transfer' => [
            'imports' => [
                'create' => [
                    'action'              => '',
                    'allowed-errors'      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'            => '',
                    'create-update'       => '/',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'download-sample'     => ' ',
                    'field-separator'     => ' ',
                    'file'                => '',
                    'file-info'           => '    /project-root/storage/app/import    product-images import-images.',
                    'file-info-example'   => '            /project-root/storage/app/import/product-images',
                    'general'             => '',
                    'images-directory'    => '  ',
                    'process-in-queue'    => '  ',
                    'results'             => '',
                    'save-btn'            => ' ',
                    'settings'            => '',
                    'skip-errors'         => ' ',
                    'stop-on-errors'      => '  ',
                    'title'               => ' ',
                    'type'                => '',
                    'validation-strategy' => ' ',

                'edit' => [
                    'action'              => '',
                    'allowed-errors'      => '  ',
                    'back-btn'            => '',
                    'create-update'       => '/',
                    'delete'              => '',
                    'download-sample'     => ' ',
                    'field-separator'     => ' ',
                    'file'                => '',
                    'file-info'           => '    /project-root/storage/app/import    product-images import-images.',
                    'file-info-example'   => '            /project-root/storage/app/import/product-images',
                    'general'             => '',
                    'images-directory'    => '  ',
                    'process-in-queue'    => '  ',
                    'results'             => '',
                    'save-btn'            => ' ',
                    'settings'            => '',
                    'skip-errors'         => ' ',
                    'stop-on-errors'      => '  ',
                    'title'               => ' ',
                    'type'                => '',
                    'validation-strategy' => ' ',

                'index' => [
                    'button-title' => ' ',
                    'title'        => '',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions'       => '',
                        'completed-at'  => ' ',
                        'created'       => ' ',
                        'delete'        => '',
                        'deleted'       => ' ',
                        'edit'          => '',
                        'error-file'    => ' ',
                        'id'            => '',
                        'started-at'    => ' ',
                        'state'         => '',
                        'summary'       => '',
                        'updated'       => ' ',
                        'uploaded-file' => ' ',

                'import' => [
                    'back-btn'                => '',
                    'completed-batches'       => '  :',
                    'download-error-report'   => '  ',
                    'edit-btn'                => '',
                    'imported-info'           => '!    .',
                    'importing-info'          => ' ',
                    'indexing-info'           => '   (   )',
                    'linking-info'            => '  ',
                    'progress'                => ':',
                    'title'                   => '',
                    'total-batches'           => ' :',
                    'total-created'           => '    :',
                    'total-deleted'           => '    :',
                    'total-errors'            => ' :',
                    'total-invalid-rows'      => '   :',
                    'total-rows-processed'    => '  :',
                    'total-updated'           => '    :',
                    'validate'                => '',
                    'validate-info'           => '         .',
                    'validating-info'         => '    ',
                    'validation-failed-info'  => '    .       .',
                    'validation-success-info' => '   .      .',

                'create-success'    => 'Import created successfully.',
                'delete-failed'     => 'Import deletion failed unexpectedly.',
                'delete-success'    => 'Import deleted successfully.',
                'not-valid'         => 'Import is invalid',
                'nothing-to-import' => 'There are no resources to import.',
                'setup-queue-error' => 'Please change your queue driver to "database" or "redis" to start the import process.',
                'update-success'    => 'Import updated successfully.',

        'exchange-rates' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn'    => '  ',
                'exchange-rate' => ' ',
                'title'         => ' ',
                'update-rates'  => '  ',

                'create' => [
                    'delete-warning'         => '       ',
                    'rate'                   => '',
                    'save-btn'               => '  ',
                    'select-target-currency' => '  ',
                    'source-currency'        => ' ',
                    'target-currency'        => ' ',
                    'title'                  => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => '  ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'       => '',
                    'currency-name' => ' ',
                    'delete'        => '',
                    'edit'          => '',
                    'exchange-rate' => ' ',
                    'id'            => '',

                'create-success' => '    .',
                'delete-error'   => '   .',
                'delete-success' => '    .',
                'update-success' => '    .',

        'inventory-sources' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => '  ',
                'title'      => ' ',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'active'   => '',
                    'code'     => '',
                    'delete'   => '',
                    'edit'     => '',
                    'id'       => '',
                    'inactive' => ' ',
                    'name'     => '',
                    'priority' => '',
                    'status'   => '',

            'create' => [
                'add-title'      => '  ',
                'address'        => ' ',
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'city'           => '',
                'code'           => '',
                'contact-email'  => ' ',
                'contact-fax'    => '',
                'contact-info'   => ' ',
                'contact-name'   => '',
                'contact-number' => ' ',
                'country'        => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'latitude'       => ' ',
                'longitude'      => ' ',
                'name'           => '',
                'postcode'       => ' ',
                'priority'       => '',
                'save-btn'       => '  ',
                'select-country' => ' ',
                'select-state'   => ' ',
                'settings'       => '',
                'state'          => '',
                'status'         => '',
                'street'         => '',
                'title'          => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'city'           => '',
                'code'           => '',
                'contact-email'  => ' ',
                'contact-fax'    => '',
                'contact-info'   => ' ',
                'contact-name'   => '',
                'contact-number' => ' ',
                'country'        => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'latitude'       => ' ',
                'longitude'      => ' ',
                'name'           => '',
                'postcode'       => ' ',
                'priority'       => '',
                'save-btn'       => '  ',
                'select-country' => ' ',
                'select-state'   => ' ',
                'settings'       => '',
                'source-address' => ' ',
                'state'          => '',
                'status'         => '',
                'street'         => '',
                'title'          => '  ',

            'create-success'    => '    .',
            'delete-failed'     => '   .',
            'delete-success'    => '    .',
            'last-delete-error' => '     .',
            'update-success'    => '    .',

        'taxes' => [
            'categories' => [
                'index' => [
                    'delete-warning' => '     ',
                    'tax-category'   => ' ',
                    'title'          => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'actions' => '',
                        'code'    => '',
                        'delete'  => '',
                        'edit'    => '',
                        'id'      => '',
                        'name'    => '',

                    'create' => [
                        'add-tax-rates' => '  ',
                        'code'          => '',
                        'description'   => '',
                        'empty-text'    => '         .',
                        'general'       => ' ',
                        'name'          => '',
                        'save-btn'      => '  ',
                        'select'        => '',
                        'tax-rates'     => ' ',
                        'title'         => '  ',

                    'edit' => [
                        'title' => '  ',

                    'create-success' => '    ',
                    'delete-failed'  => '   ',
                    'delete-success' => '    ',
                    'update-success' => '    ',

            'rates' => [
                'index' => [
                    'button-title' => '  ',
                    'tax-rate'     => ' ',
                    'title'        => ' ',

                    'datagrid' => [
                        'country'    => '',
                        'delete'     => '',
                        'edit'       => '',
                        'id'         => '',
                        'identifier' => '',
                        'state'      => '',
                        'tax-rate'   => ' ',
                        'zip-code'   => ' ',
                        'zip-from'   => '  ',
                        'zip-to'     => '  ',

                'create' => [
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'country'        => '',
                    'general'        => '',
                    'identifier'     => '',
                    'is-zip'         => '   ',
                    'save-btn'       => '  ',
                    'select-country' => ' ',
                    'select-state'   => ' ',
                    'settings'       => '',
                    'state'          => '',
                    'tax-rate'       => '',
                    'title'          => '  ',
                    'zip-code'       => ' ',
                    'zip-from'       => '  ',
                    'zip-to'         => '  ',

                'edit' => [
                    'back-btn'       => '',
                    'country'        => '',
                    'identifier'     => '',
                    'save-btn'       => '  ',
                    'select-country' => ' ',
                    'select-state'   => ' ',
                    'settings'       => '',
                    'state'          => '',
                    'tax-rate'       => '',
                    'title'          => '  ',
                    'zip-code'       => ' ',
                    'zip-from'       => '  ',
                    'zip-to'         => '  ',

                'create-success' => '    .',
                'delete-failed'  => '   .',
                'delete-success' => '    .',
                'update-success' => '    .',

        'channels' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn'        => ' ',
                'delete-failed'     => '  ',
                'delete-success'    => '   .',
                'last-delete-error' => '   .',
                'title'             => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'code'      => '',
                    'delete'    => '',
                    'edit'      => '',
                    'host-name' => ' ',
                    'id'        => '',
                    'name'      => '',

            'create' => [
                'allowed-ips'             => ' IP  ',
                'cancel'                  => '',
                'code'                    => '',
                'create-success'          => '   .',
                'currencies'              => '',
                'currencies-and-locales'  => ' ',
                'default-currency'        => ' ',
                'default-locale'          => ' ',
                'description'             => '',
                'design'                  => '',
                'favicon'                 => '  (Favicon)',
                'favicon-size'            => '      16   16 ',
                'general'                 => '',
                'hostname'                => ' ',
                'hostname-placeholder'    => ' (     .)',
                'inventory-sources'       => ' ',
                'last-delete-error'       => '       .',
                'locales'                 => '',
                'logo'                    => '',
                'logo-size'               => '      192   50 ',
                'maintenance-mode-text'   => '',
                'name'                    => '',
                'root-category'           => ' ',
                'save-btn'                => ' ',
                'select-default-currency' => '  ',
                'select-default-locale'   => '  ',
                'select-root-category'    => '  ',
                'select-theme'            => ' ',
                'seo'                     => '    ',
                'seo-description'         => '  (Meta description)',
                'seo-keywords'            => '  (Meta keywords)',
                'seo-title'               => '  (Meta title)',
                'settings'                => '',
                'status'                  => '',
                'theme'                   => '',
                'title'                   => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'allowed-ips'            => ' IP  ',
                'back-btn'               => '',
                'code'                   => '',
                'currencies'             => '',
                'currencies-and-locales' => ' ',
                'default-currency'       => ' ',
                'default-locale'         => ' ',
                'description'            => '',
                'design'                 => '',
                'favicon'                => '  (Favicon)',
                'favicon-size'           => '      16   16 ',
                'general'                => '',
                'hostname'               => ' ',
                'hostname-placeholder'   => ' (     .)',
                'inventory-sources'      => ' ',
                'last-delete-error'      => '       .',
                'locales'                => '',
                'logo'                   => '',
                'logo-size'              => '      192   50 ',
                'maintenance-mode'       => ' ',
                'maintenance-mode-text'  => '',
                'name'                   => '',
                'root-category'          => ' ',
                'save-btn'               => ' ',
                'seo'                    => '    ',
                'seo-description'        => '  (Meta description)',
                'seo-keywords'           => '  (Meta keywords)',
                'seo-title'              => '  (Meta title)',
                'status'                 => '',
                'theme'                  => '',
                'title'                  => ' ',
                'update-success'         => '   .',

        'users' => [
            'index' => [
                'admin' => '',
                'title' => '',
                'user'  => '',

                'create' => [
                    'confirm-password'  => '  ',
                    'email'             => ' ',
                    'name'              => '',
                    'password'          => ' ',
                    'role'              => '',
                    'save-btn'          => ' ',
                    'status'            => '',
                    'title'             => ' ',
                    'upload-image-info' => '     (110   110 )  PNG  JPG',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'actions'  => '',
                    'active'   => '',
                    'delete'   => '',
                    'edit'     => '',
                    'email'    => ' ',
                    'id'       => '',
                    'inactive' => ' ',
                    'name'     => '',
                    'role'     => '',
                    'status'   => '',

                'edit' => [
                    'title' => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'back-btn'         => '',
                'confirm-password' => '  ',
                'email'            => ' ',
                'general'          => '',
                'name'             => '',
                'password'         => ' ',
                'role'             => '',
                'save-btn'         => ' ',
                'status'           => '',
                'title'            => ' ',

            'activate-warning'   => '        .',
            'cannot-change'      => '   .',
            'create-success'     => '   .',
            'delete-failed'      => '  .',
            'delete-success'     => '   .',
            'delete-warning'     => '       ',
            'incorrect-password' => '   .',
            'last-delete-error'  => '   .',
            'login-error'        => '         .',
            'update-success'     => '   .',

        'roles' => [
            'index' => [
                'create-btn' => ' ',
                'title'      => '',

                'datagrid' => [
                    'custom'          => '',
                    'all'             => '',
                    'permission-type' => ' ',
                    'name'            => '',
                    'id'              => '',
                    'edit'            => '',
                    'delete'          => '',

            'create' => [
                'access-control' => '  ',
                'all'            => '',
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'custom'         => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'name'           => '',
                'permissions'    => '',
                'save-btn'       => ' ',
                'title'          => ' ',

            'edit' => [
                'access-control' => '  ',
                'all'            => '',
                'back-btn'       => '',
                'custom'         => '',
                'description'    => '',
                'general'        => '',
                'name'           => '',
                'permissions'    => '',
                'save-btn'       => ' ',
                'title'          => ' ',

            'being-used'        => '     ',
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                    'sort-order'         => ' ',
                    'status'             => '',
                    'title'              => '',
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                'yes'                           => '',

            'create-success' => '   ',
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            'update-success' => '   ',

    'reporting' => [
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                'sales-over-time'               => '   ',
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                'tax-collected-over-time'       => '    ',
                'title'                         => '',
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                'top-shipping-methods'          => '  ',
                'top-tax-categories'            => '  ',
                'total'                         => '',
                'total-orders'                  => ' ',
                'total-sales'                   => ' ',
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                'total-visits-info'             => '   ',
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                'customers-traffic'           => ' ',
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                'customers-with-most-reviews' => '    ',
                'customers-with-most-sales'   => '    ',
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                'total'                       => '',
                'total-customers'             => ' ',
                'total-visitors'              => ' ',
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                'products-with-most-visits'        => '    ',
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                'top-search-terms'                 => '  ',
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                'top-selling-products-by-revenue'  => '    ',
                'total'                            => '',
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            'export-xls'    => '  XLS',
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        'empty' => [
            'info'  => '     ',
            'title' => '   ',

    'configuration' => [
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            'select-state'                 => ' ',
            'title'                        => '',

            'general' => [
                'info'  => '  .',
                'title' => '',

                'general' => [
                    'info'  => '  .',
                    'title' => '',

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                        'title'       => ' ',
                        'title-info'  => '        .',
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                    'info'  => '    .',
                    'title' => '  ',

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                        'enabled'           => '',
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                        'organization'      => '',
                        'title'             => ' ',
                        'title-info'        => '     Magic AI     API        .       OpenAI        .',

                    'content-generation' => [
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                        'cms-page-content-prompt'          => '   CMS',
                        'enabled'                          => '',
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                        'product-short-description-prompt' => '   ',
                        'title'                            => ' ',
                        'title-info'                       => '   Magic AI   WYSIWYG         . <br/> <br/>         .',

                    'image-generation' => [
                        'enabled'    => '',
                        'title'      => ' ',
                        'title-info' => '   Magic AI           DALL-E. <br/> <br/>          .',

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                        'llama2:13b'        => ' 2 13B',
                        'llama2:70b'        => ' 2 70B',
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                        'mistral'           => '',
                        'model'             => '',
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                        'phi'               => ' 2',
                        'starling-lm'       => '',
                        'title'             => ' ',
                        'title-info'        => '         .<br/><br/>       "  "     .',
                        'vicuna'            => '',

                    'checkout-message' => [
                        'dolphin-phi'       => ' ',
                        'enabled'           => '',
                        'gpt-3-5-turbo'     => 'OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo',
                        'llama2'            => ' 2',
                        'llama2-uncensored' => ' 2  ',
                        'llama2:13b'        => ' 2 13B',
                        'llama2:70b'        => ' 2 70B',
                        'llava'             => '',
                        'mistral'           => '',
                        'model'             => '',
                        'orca-mini'         => ' ',
                        'phi'               => ' 2',
                        'prompt'            => '',
                        'starling-lm'       => '',
                        'title'             => '  ',
                        'title-info'        => '                     .',
                        'vicuna'            => '',

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                'info'  => '',
                'title' => '',

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                    'info'  => '               .',
                    'title' => '',

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                        'search-engine'        => ' ',
                        'storefront-mode-info' => '                     .',
                        'storefront-mode'      => '   ',
                        'title-info'           => '            Elasticsearch   .         Elasticsearch  .',
                        'title'                => '',

                    'guest-checkout' => [
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                        'title-info'                => '             .',

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                        'product-view-page-info'        => '                 .',

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                        'title-info'                       => '                  .',

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                        'from-z-a'               => ' Z  A',
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                        'title'                  => ' ',
                        'title-info'             => '                   .',

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                        'title'      => ' ',
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                        'image-upload-size' => '     ()',
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                        'show-ratings'    => ' ',
                        'show-reviews'    => ' ',
                        'show-sku'        => ' SKU',
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                        'title'           => '',
                        'title-info'      => '          .',

                    'categories' => [
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                        'show-search-input-field' => '   ',
                        'title'                   => '',
                        'title-info'              => '                 .',

            'customer' => [
                'info'  => '',
                'title' => '',

                'address' => [
                    'info'  => '        .',
                    'title' => '',

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                        'country'    => '',
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                        'title'      => '',
                        'title-info' => '           .',
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                        'title-info'   => '"   "                     .',
                        'title'        => '',
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                    'info'  => '     .',
                    'title' => '',

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                        'title'      => ' ',
                        'title-info' => ' :     .  :              (API).',

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                        'captcha'  => '  !    .',
                        'required' => '  ',

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                    'settings-info' => '          .',
                    'title'         => '',

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                        'title-info'         => '"   "                  .',

                    'social-login' => [
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                        'enable-github'     => ' Github',
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                        'enable-linkedin'   => ' LinkedIn',
                        'enable-twitter'    => ' ',
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                        'social-login-info' => ' "     "                   .',

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                'info'  => ' ',
                'title' => ' ',

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                    'contact-email-tip'     => '          ',
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                    'info'                  => '              .',
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                    'customer'                                         => '     ',
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                    'info'                                             => '""                 .',
                    'new-admin'                                        => '        ',
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                    'new-invoice'                                      => '        ',
                    'new-order'                                        => '        ',
                    'new-refund'                                       => '        ',
                    'new-shipment'                                     => '        ',
                    'registration'                                     => '      ',
                    'title'                                            => '',
                    'verification'                                     => '      ',

            'sales' => [
                'info'  => '',
                'title' => '',

                'shipping' => [
                    'info'  => '  .',
                    'title' => '',

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                        'contact-number' => ' ',
                        'country'        => '',
                        'state'          => '',
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                        'title'          => '',
                        'title-info'     => '               .',
                        'vat-number'     => '  ',
                        'zip'            => ' ',

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                    'title' => ' ',

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                        'description' => '',
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                        'title'       => '',
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                        'title'       => '',
                        'title-info'  => '                    .            .',
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                    'cash-on-delivery-info'       => '              .',
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                    'client-id-info'              => ' "sb" .',
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                    'client-secret-info'          => '   ',
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                    'generate-invoice-applicable' => '      ',
                    'info'                        => '   ',
                    'instructions'                => '',
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                    'paypal-standard-info'        => '                  PayPal     /.',
                    'pending'                     => ' ',
                    'pending-payment'             => ' ',
                    'processing'                  => ' ',
                    'sandbox'                     => ' ',
                    'set-invoice-status'          => '      ',
                    'set-order-status'            => '      ',
                    'sort-order'                  => ' ',
                    'status'                      => '',
                    'title'                       => '',

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                    'info'  => '       .',
                    'title' => ' ',

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                        'length'     => '  ',
                        'prefix'     => '  ',
                        'suffix'     => '  ',
                        'title'      => '  ',
                        'title-info' => '                .',

                    'minimum-order' => [
                        'minimum-order-amount' => '   ',
                        'title'                => '   ',
                        'title-info'           => '              .',

                    'stock-options' => [
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                        'title'             => ' ',
                        'title-info'        => '                    .',

                'invoice-settings' => [
                    'info'  => '         .',
                    'title' => ' ',

                    'invoice-number' => [
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                        'length'     => '  ',
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                        'suffix'     => '  ',
                        'title'      => '  ',
                        'title-info' => '            .',

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                        'due-duration-day'  => ':due_duration ',
                        'due-duration-days' => ':due_duration ',
                        'title'             => ' ',
                        'title-info'        => '                  .',

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                        'title'      => '  ',
                        'title-info' => '                  .',

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                        'title'                      => ' ',
                        'title-info'                 => '            .',

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                    'title'      => '',
                    'title-info' => '                .',

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                        'title'      => ' ',
                        'title-info' => '                         .',
                        'product'    => '   ',
                        'shipping'   => '   ',
                        'none'       => ' ',

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                        'title-info'       => '              .',
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                        'shipping-prices'  => ' ',
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                        'including-tax'    => '   ',

                    'default-destination-calculation' => [
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                        'default-post-code' => '  ',
                        'default-state'     => ' ',
                        'title'             => '  ',
                        'title-info'        => '            .',

                    'shopping-cart' => [
                        'title'                   => '   ',
                        'title-info'              => '     ',
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                        'display-subtotal'        => '  ',
                        'display-shipping-amount' => '  ',
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                        'including-tax'           => '   ',
                        'both'                    => '    ',

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                        'title-info'              => '      ',
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                        'display-subtotal'        => '  ',
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                        'including-tax'           => '   ',
                        'both'                    => '    ',

    'components' => [
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                'account-title' => '',
                'app-version'   => ' : :version',
                'logout'        => ' ',
                'my-account'    => '',
                'notifications' => '',
                'visit-shop'    => ' ',

                'mega-search' => [
                    'categories'                      => '',
                    'customers'                       => '',
                    'explore-all-categories'          => '  ',
                    'explore-all-customers'           => '  ',
                    'explore-all-matching-categories' => '     \":query\" (:count)',
                    'explore-all-matching-customers'  => '     \":query\" (:count)',
                    'explore-all-matching-orders'     => '     \":query\" (:count)',
                    'explore-all-matching-products'   => '     \":query\" (:count)',
                    'explore-all-orders'              => '  ',
                    'explore-all-products'            => '  ',
                    'orders'                          => '',
                    'products'                        => '',
                    'sku'                             => 'SKU: :sku',
                    'title'                           => ' ',

            'sidebar' => [
                'attribute-families'       => ' ',
                'attributes'               => '',
                'campaigns'                => '',
                'catalog'                  => '',
                'categories'               => '',
                'channels'                 => '',
                'cms'                      => '  ',
                'collapse'                 => '',
                'communications'           => '',
                'configure'                => '',
                'currencies'               => '',
                'customers'                => '',
                'dashboard'                => ' ',
                'data-transfer'            => ' ',
                'discount'                 => '',
                'email-templates'          => '  ',
                'events'                   => '',
                'exchange-rates'           => ' ',
                'groups'                   => '',
                'imports'                  => '',
                'inventory-sources'        => ' ',
                'invoices'                 => '',
                'locales'                  => ' ',
                'marketing'                => '',
                'mode'                     => ' ',
                'newsletter-subscriptions' => '  ',
                'orders'                   => '',
                'products'                 => '',
                'promotions'               => '',
                'refunds'                  => '',
                'reporting'                => '',
                'reviews'                  => '',
                'roles'                    => '',
                'sales'                    => '',
                'search-seo'               => '   ',
                'search-synonyms'          => ' ',
                'search-terms'             => ' ',
                'settings'                 => '',
                'shipments'                => '',
                'sitemaps'                 => ' ',
                'tax-categories'           => ' ',
                'tax-rates'                => ' ',
                'taxes'                    => '',
                'themes'                   => '',
                'transactions'             => '',
                'url-rewrites'             => '   URL',
                'users'                    => '',

        'datagrid' => [
            'index' => [
                'must-select-a-mass-action'        => '    .',
                'must-select-a-mass-action-option' => '     .',
                'no-records-selected'              => '    .',

            'toolbar' => [
                'length-of' => ':length ',
                'of'        => '',
                'per-page'  => ' ',
                'results'   => ':total ',
                'selected'  => ':total ',

                'mass-actions' => [
                    'select-action' => ' ',
                    'select-option' => ' ',
                    'submit'        => '',

                'filter' => [
                    'apply-filters-btn' => ' ',
                    'back-btn'          => '',
                    'create-new-filter' => '  ',
                    'custom-filters'    => ' ',
                    'delete-error'      => '         .',
                    'delete-success'    => '   .',
                    'empty-description' => '     .    .',
                    'empty-title'       => '  ',
                    'name'              => '',
                    'quick-filters'     => ' ',
                    'save-btn'          => '',
                    'save-filter'       => ' ',
                    'saved-success'     => '   .',
                    'selected-filters'  => ' ',
                    'title'             => '',
                    'update'            => '',
                    'update-filter'     => ' ',
                    'updated-success'   => '   .',

                'search' => [
                    'title' => '',

            'filters' => [
                'select' => '',
                'title'  => '',

                'dropdown' => [
                    'searchable' => [
                        'atleast-two-chars' => '     ...',
                        'no-results'        => '    ...',

                'custom-filters' => [
                    'clear-all' => ' ',
                    'title'     => ' ',

                'boolean-options' => [
                    'false' => '',
                    'true'  => '',

                'date-options' => [
                    'last-month'        => ' ',
                    'last-six-months'   => ' 6 ',
                    'last-three-months' => ' 3 ',
                    'this-month'        => ' ',
                    'this-week'         => ' ',
                    'this-year'         => ' ',
                    'today'             => '',
                    'yesterday'         => '',

            'table' => [
                'actions'              => '',
                'no-records-available' => '   .',

        'modal' => [
            'confirm' => [
                'agree-btn'    => '',
                'disagree-btn' => ' ',
                'message'      => '        ',
                'title'        => '  ',

        'products' => [
            'search' => [
                'add-btn'       => '  ',
                'empty-info'    => '     .',
                'empty-title'   => '    ',
                'product-image' => ' ',
                'qty'           => ':qty ',
                'sku'           => ' - :sku',
                'title'         => ' ',

        'media' => [
            'images' => [
                'add-image-btn'     => ' ',
                'ai-add-image-btn'  => ' ',
                'ai-btn-info'       => ' ',
                'allowed-types'     => 'png jpeg jpg',
                'not-allowed-error' => '    (.jpeg .jpg .png ...).',

                'ai-generation' => [
                    '1024x1024'        => '1024x1024',
                    '1024x1792'        => '1024x1792',
                    '1792x1024'        => '1792x1024',
                    'apply'            => '',
                    'dall-e-2'         => '. 2',
                    'dall-e-3'         => '. 3',
                    'generate'         => '',
                    'generating'       => ' ...',
                    'hd'               => ' ',
                    'model'            => '',
                    'number-of-images' => ' ',
                    'prompt'           => '',
                    'quality'          => '',
                    'regenerate'       => ' ',
                    'regenerating'     => '  ...',
                    'size'             => '',
                    'standard'         => '',
                    'title'            => '   ',

                'placeholders' => [
                    'front'     => ' ',
                    'next'      => '',
                    'size'      => '',
                    'use-cases' => ' ',
                    'zoom'      => '',

            'videos' => [
                'add-video-btn'     => ' ',
                'allowed-types'     => 'mp4 webm mkv',
                'not-allowed-error' => '    (.mp4 .mov .ogg ..).',

        'tinymce' => [
            'ai-btn-tile' => '  ',

            'ai-generation' => [
                'apply'                  => '',
                'generate'               => '',
                'generated-content'      => ' ',
                'generated-content-info' => '      .      .',
                'generating'             => ' ...',
                'prompt'                 => '',
                'title'                  => '  ',
                'model'                  => '',
                'gpt-3-5-turbo'          => 'OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo',
                'llama2'                 => ' 2',
                'mistral'                => '',
                'dolphin-phi'            => ' ',
                'phi'                    => '-2',
                'starling-lm'            => '',
                'llama2-uncensored'      => ' 2  ',
                'llama2:13b'             => ' 2 13B',
                'llama2:70b'             => ' 2 70B',
                'orca-mini'              => ' ',
                'vicuna'                 => '',
                'llava'                  => 'LLaVA',

    'acl' => [
        'addresses'                => '',
        'attribute-families'       => ' ',
        'attributes'               => '',
        'campaigns'                => '',
        'cancel'                   => '',
        'cart-rules'               => ' ',
        'catalog-rules'            => ' ',
        'catalog'                  => '',
        'categories'               => '',
        'channels'                 => '',
        'cms'                      => ' ',
        'communications'           => '',
        'configure'                => '',
        'copy'                     => '',
        'create'                   => '',
        'currencies'               => '',
        'customers'                => '',
        'dashboard'                => ' ',
        'data-transfer'            => ' ',
        'delete'                   => '',
        'edit'                     => '',
        'email-templates'          => '  ',
        'events'                   => '',
        'exchange-rates'           => ' ',
        'groups'                   => '',
        'import'                   => '',
        'imports'                  => '',
        'inventory-sources'        => ' ',
        'invoices'                 => '',
        'locales'                  => '',
        'marketing'                => '',
        'newsletter-subscriptions' => '  ',
        'note'                     => '',
        'orders'                   => '',
        'products'                 => '',
        'promotions'               => '',
        'refunds'                  => '',
        'reporting'                => '',
        'reviews'                  => '',
        'roles'                    => '',
        'sales'                    => '',
        'search-seo'               => '   ',
        'search-synonyms'          => ' ',
        'search-terms'             => ' ',
        'settings'                 => '',
        'shipments'                => '',
        'sitemaps'                 => ' ',
        'subscribers'              => '  ',
        'tax-categories'           => ' ',
        'tax-rates'                => ' ',
        'taxes'                    => '',
        'themes'                   => '',
        'transactions'             => '',
        'url-rewrites'             => '   URL',
        'users'                    => '',
        'view'                     => '',

    'errors' => [
        'dashboard' => ' ',
        'go-back'   => '',
        'support'   => '      <a href=":link" class=":class">:email</a>   .',

        '404' => [
            'description' => '!      .           .',
            'title'       => '404   ',

        '401' => [
            'description' => '!         .      .',
            'title'       => '401   ',

        '403' => [
            'description' => '!   .         .',
            'title'       => '403  ',

        '500' => [
            'description' => '!   .          .',
            'title'       => '500    ',

        '503' => [
            'description' => '!     .       .',
            'title'       => '503   ',

    'export' => [
        'csv'              => 'CSV',
        'download'         => '',
        'export'           => '',
        'no-records'       => '   ',
        'xls'              => 'XLS',
        'xlsx'             => '   ',

    'validations' => [
        'slug-being-used' => '  (slug)       .',
        'slug-reserved'   => '  (slug) .',

    'footer' => [
        'copy-right' => '  <a href="" target="_blank">Bagisto</a>    <a href="" target="_blank">Webkul</a>',

    'emails' => [
        'dear'   => ' :admin_name',
        'thanks' => '            <a href=":link" style=":style">:email</a>.<br/> !',

        'admin' => [
            'forgot-password' => [
                'description'    => '            .',
                'greeting'       => '  !',
                'reset-password' => '   ',
                'subject'        => '    ',

        'customers' => [
            'registration' => [
                'description' => '     .              .                        .',
                'greeting'    => '     :customer_name     !',
                'subject'     => '  ',

        'orders' => [
            'created' => [
                'greeting' => '    :order_id    :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => ' !',

            'invoiced' => [
                'greeting' => '    #:invoice_id    :order_id  :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => ' !',

            'shipped' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'inventory-source' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'refunded' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'canceled' => [
                'greeting' => '     :order_id     :created_at',
                'subject'  => '  ',
                'summary'  => ' ',
                'title'    => '  !',

            'billing-address'            => ' ',
            'carrier'                    => '',
            'contact'                    => '',
            'discount'                   => '',
            'excl-tax'                   => ' : ',
            'grand-total'                => ' ',
            'name'                       => '',
            'payment'                    => '',
            'price'                      => '',
            'qty'                        => '',
            'shipping-address'           => ' ',
            'shipping-handling-excl-tax' => '  ( )',
            'shipping-handling-incl-tax' => '  ( )',
            'shipping-handling'          => ' ',
            'shipping'                   => '',
            'sku'                        => ' ',
            'subtotal-excl-tax'          => '  ( )',
            'subtotal-incl-tax'          => '  ( )',
            'subtotal'                   => ' ',
            'tax'                        => '',
            'tracking-number'            => '  : :tracking_number',

Function Calls





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