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PHP Decode
<?php /** * This file is part of the Carbon package. * * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesb..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Authors:
* - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. [email protected]
return array_replace_recursive(require __DIR__.'/en.php', [
'formats' => [
'L' => 'DD/MM/YYYY',
'months' => ['Janueri', 'Februeri', 'Mas', 'Epril', 'Me', 'Jun', 'Julai', 'Ogas', 'Septemba', 'Oktoba', 'Novemba', 'Desemba'],
'months_short' => ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mas', 'Epr', 'Me', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Oga', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Des'],
'weekdays' => ['Sande', 'Mande', 'Tunde', 'Trinde', 'Fonde', 'Fraide', 'Sarere'],
'weekdays_short' => ['San', 'Man', 'Tun', 'Tri', 'Fon', 'Fra', 'Sar'],
'weekdays_min' => ['San', 'Man', 'Tun', 'Tri', 'Fon', 'Fra', 'Sar'],
'first_day_of_week' => 0,
'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 1,
'meridiem' => ['biknait', 'apinun'],
'year' => 'yia :count',
'y' => 'yia :count',
'a_year' => 'yia :count',
'month' => ':count mun',
'm' => ':count mun',
'a_month' => ':count mun',
'week' => ':count wik',
'w' => ':count wik',
'a_week' => ':count wik',
'day' => ':count de',
'd' => ':count de',
'a_day' => ':count de',
'hour' => ':count aua',
'h' => ':count aua',
'a_hour' => ':count aua',
'minute' => ':count minit',
'min' => ':count minit',
'a_minute' => ':count minit',
'second' => ':count namba tu',
's' => ':count namba tu',
'a_second' => ':count namba tu',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Authors:
* - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. [email protected]
return array_replace_recursive(require __DIR__.'/en.php', [
'formats' => [
'L' => 'DD/MM/YYYY',
'months' => ['Janueri', 'Februeri', 'Mas', 'Epril', 'Me', 'Jun', 'Julai', 'Ogas', 'Septemba', 'Oktoba', 'Novemba', 'Desemba'],
'months_short' => ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mas', 'Epr', 'Me', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Oga', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Des'],
'weekdays' => ['Sande', 'Mande', 'Tunde', 'Trinde', 'Fonde', 'Fraide', 'Sarere'],
'weekdays_short' => ['San', 'Man', 'Tun', 'Tri', 'Fon', 'Fra', 'Sar'],
'weekdays_min' => ['San', 'Man', 'Tun', 'Tri', 'Fon', 'Fra', 'Sar'],
'first_day_of_week' => 0,
'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 1,
'meridiem' => ['biknait', 'apinun'],
'year' => 'yia :count',
'y' => 'yia :count',
'a_year' => 'yia :count',
'month' => ':count mun',
'm' => ':count mun',
'a_month' => ':count mun',
'week' => ':count wik',
'w' => ':count wik',
'a_week' => ':count wik',
'day' => ':count de',
'd' => ':count de',
'a_day' => ':count de',
'hour' => ':count aua',
'h' => ':count aua',
'a_hour' => ':count aua',
'minute' => ':count minit',
'min' => ':count minit',
'a_minute' => ':count minit',
'second' => ':count namba tu',
's' => ':count namba tu',
'a_second' => ':count namba tu',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | b73e1208080010f146893de67d7e0bb5 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 111 ms |